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King Vikram lifted Betaal over his

shoulders and started walking
towards the cremation ground, where
the sage was waiting for him. As
usual, Betaal started off with an
interesting story about a young girl
and three suitors.
The story went like this: Long ago
there lived a Brahmin, Agniswamy in
the town Brahmasthala situated on
the bank of the river Kalindi. He had
only one daughter named
Mandaravati. She was very well
groomed and extremely good to look
at. When she reached a
marriageable age, Agniswamy

started looking for a suitable match

for her.
One day, three young Brahmins
arrived at Brahmasthala. They were
learned and had a pleasing
personality. When they happened to
see Mandaravati, they were all
smitten by her beauty. Each one of
them wanted to marry her.
So, all of them approached
Agniswamy and requested him for
Mandaravatis hand. Now,
Agniswamys entire family, including
Mandaravati were in a fix as to which
one of the Brahmins to choose. All
the three Brahmins were equal in all
respects. None of them was able to
take a decision. And then one day,

when Mandarvati was absorbed in

thinking about the three Brahmins, it
so happened that a poisonous snake
came inside the house and bit her.
Agniswamy and his family, along with
the three suitors were deeply
shocked and saddened by this
When Mandaravati was cremated,
one of the three Brahmins collected
her bones and went to the river
Ganga to purify them by dipping them
in the holy river. The second one built
a house at the place of cremation
and started living in it. The last one
remembered Mandaravati very much
and went on pilgrimage.

During his travel, once he stayed in a

couples house in a village. The
couple lived in a rented
accommodation that belonged to a
learned Brahmin. The husband was
nice and kindhearted, but his wife
was a wicked woman. One day, when
her step child did mischief, she threw
him into the fire. The child was burnt
to ashes. The childs father was
devastated and wanted to end his
life. Just then, the Brahmin who
owned the house came there and
consoled him. He took the holy water
from Ganga and put it on the ashes
reciting the Mrita Sanjeevini hymn
from his book of mantras. The child
came to life again.

The young Brahmin was watching all

this. That very night, he stole the
book of mantras and rushed towards
Brahmasthala. By the time he
reached the cremation ground, the
Brahmin who had been to the river
Ganga had also returned.The other
young Brahmin was also there in the
hut. Destiny had brought all three of
them together at one point once
The young Brahmin who had brought
the book containing the hymn, asked
the one who was guarding the ashes
to put them on the ground. He then
asked the other Brahmin to sprinkle
the holy water of the Ganges on the
ashes and put her bones on the
ashes. He then, religiously started

chanting mantras. On the completion

of the mantras, Mandaravati sprung
back to life. All three of them were
overjoyed to see her, but then they
started quarrelling.
I recited the hymn and gave her life,
that is why she is mine! one of them
But I kept her bones safe. Without
the bones, it was not possible for
Mandaravati to get back her life,
another Brahmin said.
You could not have done anything
had I not protected the ashes. So, I
rightfully deserve her, the third youth
And then, Betaal addressed king
Vikram, King Vikram! Now answer
my question. How was the quarrel

resolved? Who truly deserved the

hand of Mandaravati? Knowing the
answer if you remain silent, your
head will split into a thousand
The Brahmin who gave life to
Mandaravati is equivalent to her
father. The person who took her
bones to the river Ganges for
dipping, did the duty of her son. The
youth who made her ash as bed and
slept on it, is her true lover and he is
the one whom Mandarvati should
marry, Vikram replied.
Vikram broke his silence by replying
to Betaal and thus, he flew back to
the tree.

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