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Verbals: Gerunds, Participles, and Infinitives Worksheet #1 Name Period Exercise Directions: Highlight in red the ing word in each sentence. Afer it, tell how itis being used inthe sentence: gerund (subject, direct object, predicate noun, ot object of the preposition), participle (adjective), infinitive, ori just part ofthe regular verb phrase. Remember that any part of speech can be compound, meaning that there can be two or more. 1. Helen enjoys sketching children. Gerund 2. Swimming is good exercise 3. Blaine and Rita are singing in the chorus tonight. 4 Of all my interests, I care most about swimming 5. Traveling gives one a chance fo see many wonderful sighs, {6.4 good hobby for boys ean be fishing or painting. +7. Few things are beter for relaxing than a satisiying hobby. (CAREFUL -threis nly on grnd in thi senencel) 8, Many people find that they can beat tess by walking, 9. A good hobby and exercise can be skating. 10. Visiting our relatives isa pleasant activity Gerunds and Infiattives Exerelses ut the bracketed verb into the appropriate gerund or infinitive form and identity which type. Ex. (el) They hesitated to well he because they were afraid (smoke) She quit smoking, 1. (kick) Stop “the ball ito the iver 2, (fall) The rin kept ___ ast night 3. (piek) I must goto the pharmacy _ up your prescription 4. (have) Tam ny birthday party this Saturday. a 5. (atch) Do you like wrestling on T.V? 6. (date) Are you shat boy? 7. (@tand) No one i allowed ___ upon this rie. 8. (call She is ut your name, —_ 9. (make) Would you like cake with me? 10. un) She enjoys to school Identifying Gerunds, Participles and Infinitives Directions: Read each ofthe following sentences to determine whether the sentence contains & ‘gerund, participle, or infinitive, At the left ofthe number, write G,P, orl 1) Eacing college standards, the students realized that they hadn't worked hard enough in high school 2) Swimming in your poo! is always fun 3) The college recommends sending spplicaions early, 44) Mrs, Sears, showing more bravery than wisdom, invited thirty boys and girls o a pat. 5) Tae great isto be true to yourself and (othe highest prineipes of honor. 6) He won the game by searing during the overtime period 7) im is expected to program computers at is new job. _ 8) Fer most important achievement was winning the national championship, 9).Going to work today took all my energy. 10) The student left in charge ofthe class was unable to keep order, (For the following 5 questions, you must underline and define the possible gerund, participle, or infinitive) 11) The president wants to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes 12) Fighting for losing use made them depressed. _ 13) Getting up a Sve, we got an early star. 14) Telling your father was a mistake, 15) The erying boy angered by the bully bepan to fight

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