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Power Profile: Mental Powers

The unleashed powers of the mind have fascinated humanity since storytelling began. Heroes and villains read
the thoughts and memories of others, alter their perceptions, and bring their battles to a whole other level, fighting mind-to-mind, pitting will against will.

Mental Descriptors
Mentalthe primary descriptor for mental powershas
a number of implications in the context of the Mutants &
Masterminds system.

Minds: Mental powers generally involve mental

sensory effects or Will-resisted effects which target
minds: beings with Intellect and Awareness ranks of
5 or more. Other effects often have the Limited to
Minds modifier (following). A being lacking a mind
is immune to mental powers at no cost. Some other
beings have minds but are sufficiently different
or alien to qualify for having Immunity to Mental
Powers (at half or full effect) or greater degrees of
Impervious Will.

Subtlety: Note that instant, concentration, and

sustained effects of mental powers are noticeable
by default, like all other such effects (Heros Handbook, page 92). The sole exception is mental sensory
effects which are noticeable only to mental senses:
thus Mental Communication can be heard by a
subject with a mind, and overheard using mental
senses, but is not otherwise noticeable. Likewise,
the subject of a Mind Reading effect is normally only
detectable by the subject and others with a mental
sense like Mental Awareness. Things like offensive

Power Profile: Mental Powers

mental powers are generally noticeable by default

unless the Subtle modifier is applied (Heros Handbook, page 144).

Of a Different Mind
The mental powers described in this Profile may not arise
solely from the users mind, having other descriptors associated with them.

Magical: Psychic or mental powers are quite

common for magical or mystical characters. Indeed,
the difference between a psionic telepath an a mystic
mind-reader is often quite blurred, and many mystic
types rely heavily on an arsenal of mental powers.
Magical mental powers function largely the same
way, except for being subject to other effects targeting magic. So an amulet of protection providing Immunity to Magic, for example, shields against
magical mind-reading or mental influence, but does
nothing against mutant psionic powers (or other
mental powers lacking the magical descriptor).

Technology: Oftentimes technological devices

produce the effects of mental powers, such as advanced brain-scanners able to read thoughts and
memories (or influence them) and brainwave- or
exotic energy-based weapons able to attack the
mind or brain directly rather than just the body.

There may also be cyberpathic or technopathic powers,

mental powers that work on digital machine minds rather
than biological ones. This means the powers affect beings
with Immunity to Mental Powers or Immunity to Will effects

based on having a digital or computer mind, but have no

effect on ordinary biological minds, see the Machine Powers
profile for additional information on these types of powers.

Mental Features
Feature effects (Heros Handbook, page 108) associated
with having Mental Powers may include the following:

The ability to use or operate special equipment

keyed to those with mental powers.

Radiating a subtle emotion or mental broadcast

(such as the impression of a scent or music) good for,
at best, an interaction check circumstance modifier.

A psychic rapport with another person, able to

share thoughts and emotions over any distance (the
equivalent of a Mental Communication Link).

Mental access to the Akashic Records or the Collective Unconscious or some other repository of knowledge, sufficient to answer some questions as Inspiration (Heros Handbook, page 21).

The following new or expanded modifiers apply to some
of the power effects in this profile.
Limited Degree: The Limited Degree modifier of Affliction (Heros Handbook, page 99) may also limit the effect
to the third degree only; the first two degrees of effect
are simply placeholders for determining when the third
degree is achieved but impose no conditions, such as an
affliction that transforms the target at the third degree
but has no effect before that point. For non-cumulative
Afflictions, this means if three degrees of effect are not
generated on the initial resistance check, the effect fails.
1 point per rank.
Limited to Minds: A particular type of Limited flaw, this
limits the effect to subjects defined as having a mind (see
Mental Descriptors, previously) when it would normally
affect any subject. 1 point per rank.

Lasting Mental Effects

The longest-lasting offensive effect in Mutants & Masterminds allows victims a chance to recover each minute.
This is predicated on events happening in action time,
when a minute (10 rounds) can be a very long time, but
does not necessarily work with the demands of scenebased events. What if a villain mind controls a hero and
then escapes with him at the end of the scene? Is the
hero still mind controlled in the next scene, a half-hour
later, or does the heros player get 30 attempts to overcome the mind control between scenes?
When dealing with scene-based time, the Gamemaster should feel free to suspend the normal checks to
overcome ongoing power effects, having them last into
the next scene, and only restarting the clock on overcoming them once things shift into action time again.
In some cases, the GM may wish to award players hero
points for this as a complication.

Limited to Resistance: Ranks of an effect with this flaw

are limited to increasing the effects resistance check difficulty class only and do not increase any other aspect of
the effect. This flaw does not apply to effectssuch as Affliction or Damagewhere the degree of failure on the
resistance check determines the outcome. It is intended
primarily for non-offensive effects with the Attack modifier, such as Teleport Attack, where ranks Limited to Resistance increase the check DC but do not affect the teleports range, for example. 1 point per rank.

Offensive Powers
Offensive mental powers range from brutal as blasts of
mental force to manipulation of a targets thoughts or
emotions, turning their own mind against them.

Emotion Control
You can manipulate the emotions of others, distracting or
incapacitating them with anger, sadness, or even peace
or joy. The specific emotions are largely descriptors, but
the GM might allow slightly different effects, particularly
in the application of the impaired and disabled modifiers and at the third degree where, instead of being incapacitated, the target might behave as controlled, acting
strongly on that emotion (such as anger or love).
Emotion Control: Perception Ranged Cumulative Affliction
(Impaired, Disabled, Incapacitated), Resisted and Overcome
by Will, Subtle, Variable Descriptor (Emotions) 2 points + 4
points per rank.

You seize control of your targets perceptions, creating
incredibly realistic hallucinations. Since the illusions exist
solely in your targets mind, you can choose who can and
cannot perceive them. This power affects all of a subjects
senses by default, but may be limited to just some senses,
lowering the cost per rank.
Hallucination: Illusion (All Senses), Selective, Limited to One
Subject, Resistible by Will 4 points per rank.

Mental Blast
You can strike a targets mind with a blast of mental force,
causing pain or unconsciousness. Like other mental
powers, your Mental Blast only affects targets with minds.
Mental Blast: Perception Ranged Damage, Alternate Resistance
(Will), Subtle 1 point + 4 points per rank.

Mind Control
You can impose your will on other minds, forcing them
to think and act as you wish. The initial dazed condition
suits brute force forms of mind control; more subtle approaches may substitute the entranced condition and are
also often Insidious (Heros Handbook, page 142) leaving
the victim no awareness their mind is gradually falling

Power Profile: Mental Powers

victim to outside control. For implanted commands or

post-hypnotic suggestions apply the Triggered modifier
(possibly as an Alternate Effect or power stunt).
Mind Control: Perception Ranged Cumulative Affliction (Dazed,
Compelled, Controlled), Resisted and Overcome by Will, Subtle
1 point + 4 points per rank.

Mind Switch
You swap minds with the target, placing your mind (and
mental traits) in the targets body and the targets mind in
your own.
Mind Switch: Perception Ranged Cumulative Affliction
(Transformed), Resisted and Overcome by Will, Insidious,
Subtle, Limited Degree (Third Only), Side Effect (Targets mind
controls your body) 2 points + 2 points per rank.

Similar to Mind Control, except your physical body disappears, merging with the subject, while your mind controls
their body. Physical harm to the subject has no effect on
youalthough you can no longer control an incapacitated
subject. Mental attacks affect your mind rather than the subjects. Possession limited to having to touch the subject has
a 2 modifier, while requiring eye contact is a 1 modifier.
Possession: Perception Ranged Cumulative Affliction
(Dazed,Compelled, Controlled), Resisted and Overcome by
Will,Extra: merge with subject, Subtle 1 point + 5 points
per rank.

Psychic Vampirism
You mentally drain the targets vitality to replenish your
own. Some Psychic Vampirism is also Insidious; the target
does not feel or notice its effects until incapacitated by it.
If the series features lethal damage, then draining targets
past incapacitated leaves them dying. Psychic Vampirism
able to heal Damage conditions as well as fatigue has a +1
modifier (removing the Limit on Healing). Psychic Vampirism requiring you touch the target has a 2 modifier.
Psychic Vampirism: Perception Ranged Cumulative
Affliction (Fatigued, Exhausted, Incapacitated), Resisted
and Overcome by Will, Subtle, Linked to Healing,
Energizing, Subtle, Limited (Energizing Only), Limited (Self
Only) 2 points + 5 points per rank.

Psychic Weapon
You form a close combat weapon out of visible psychic
energy. It attacks the targets mind or spirit rather than
body, ignoring physical protection, but also having no
effect on physical objects. Use your close combat modifier to attack with your Psychic Weapon against a difficulty
based on your targets Parry defense.
Psychic Weapon: Damage, Alternate Resistance (Will) 2
points per rank.

Power Profile: Mental Powers

Defensive Powers
Defensive mental powers shield the characters mind
or use the minds powers to help conceal or otherwise
protect the character by affecting opponents.

Mental Invisibility
You cloud the minds of others, rendering them unable
to perceive you, although the particularly strong-willed
can overcome the effect. Some forms of Mental Invisibility provide less than complete concealment; reduce the
effect rank to reflect the senses not affected.
Mental Invisibility: Concealment 10 (All Senses), Limited to
Minds, Resistible by Will (DC 20) 5 points +1 point per +1 to
Will DC.

Mind Shield
You possess a mental shield protecting your mind
from outside influences. Because it is sustained, you can
perform power stunts with your mind shield, including
setting a Mind Trap (following) or extending your shield,
an Alternate Effect applying Area and Affects Others,
granting a lesser Will bonus to others over an area.
Mind Shield: Enhanced Defense (Will), Impervious, Limited to
Mental Powers, Sustained 1 point per rank.

Mind Trap
Anyone intruding in your mind is in for a nasty shock! You
instinctively lash out with a Mental Blast against anyone
contacting your mind against your will. Because the
powers reaction is making a Will check, mental powers
used on you willingly (where you choose to forego your
resistance check) do not trigger the Mind Trap. Some
Mind Traps react with attacks other than Mental Blast,
substitute the appropriate offensive mental power for the
Damage effect in the Mind Trap power.
Mind Trap: Perception Ranged Damage, Alternate Resistance
(Will), Reaction (When you make a Will resistance check
against a mental power), Subtle, Limited to the source of
the mental power 1 point + 6 points per rank.

Predictive Defense
You can telepathically read opponents sufficiently to
anticipate and avoid their attacks, giving you a bonus to
your active defenses. The value of the Quirk is based on
opponents immune to mental powers being relatively
rare. If theyre particularly common, the Quirk may qualify
as a Limit. If theyre less common, treat it as an occasional
Power Loss complication.
Predictive Defense: Enhanced Defenses (Dodge and Parry),
Quirk (not against opponents Immune to Mental Powers,
2 points) 2 points for the first 2 ranks, +2 points per
additional rank.

Movement Powers
There are relatively few mental movement powers, save
for the power to move your mind itself outside of your

Astral Projection
You can separate your astral bodya vessel of your mind
and spiritfrom your physical body. Your astral form is
largely undetectable: subjects you observe may sense
a presence with an Insight check (DC 10 + your effect
rank). It is unimpeded by physical barriers and can move
anywhere within your range in an instant as a move
action. Rank 21 is sufficient for your astral form to go anywhere on Earth.
If your astral form can also visit other dimensions, apply
the Dimensional modifier to it (Heros Handbook, page
140) based on the number of dimensions.
You can use perception ranged effects while in your astral
form and be affected by visual, aural, and mental sensory
Astral Projection: Remote Sensing (Visual, Aural, and
Mental), Side-Effect (physical body is defenseless and
immobile, 2) 2 points per rank.

Utility Powers
Mental powers have a number of useful applications,
ranging from sensing things beyond the ordinary five
senses to communicating across great distances and barriers like language, or even species.

Aura Reading
You can perceive the psychic auras of other minds, visible
as faint haloes of colored light around their physical
forms. A subjects aura gives you a general idea as to their
emotional state and physical health. More capable aura
readers may have Acute or Analytical effects to gain much
more detail. At the GMs discretion, successfully reading a
subjects aura grants a circumstance modifier for interaction skills checks, particularly Insight.
Aura Reading: Senses 3 (Detect Emotional and Physical State,
Ranged), visual and mental 4 points

You can shift your senses away from your physical body,
perceiving distant locations as if you were there. Clairvoyance is the displacement of visual senses, clairaudience
the displacement of auditory senses, and clairsentience
the general displacement of all your senses.
Clairvoyance: Remote Sensing (Visual) 2 points per rank.
Clairaudience: Remote Sensing (Auditory) 1 point per rank.
Clairsentience: Remote Sensing (All Senses) 5 points per rank.

You can sense the emotions (but not thoughts) of other
minds. Use the Insight skill in place of Perception with this
sensory effect. As with Aura Reading, a successful use of
Empathy may grant you a circumstance bonus on other
interaction skill checks, including other uses of Insight.
More capable empaths may have the Analytical effect as
well, giving them even more information. In situations
where subject attempt to conceal their true feelings,
the GM may call for an opposed Insight check, giving
the empath a circumstance bonus for a successful initial
Insight check.
Empathy: Senses 3 (Detect Emotion, Acute, Ranged) 3 points
per rank.

Knowledge Transplant
You can borrow a skill from someone elses mind, temporarily using it as your own or granting it to someone
else. The borrowed skill lasts as long as you maintain the
mental connection. Two ranks is sufficient to grant up to
20 ranks in any one skill, or temporarily teach a whole
team a new language, for example. This power makes a
useful power stunt for telepath as well.
Knowledge Transplant: Variable (Enhanced Skills and
Languages), Affects Others, Free Action, Limited to Intellect
skills, Limited to subjects skill rank, Perception Range, SenseDependent (mental contact with subjects) 9 points per rank.

Mental Communication
You can communicate directly, mind-to-mind, with
anyone in your range. The receiver for your communication is having a mind (see Mental Descriptors). Mindless subjects and those Immune to Mental Powers cannot
receive your communication. Unlike Mind Reading (following) Mental Communication is language-dependent;
you must share a language in common with your subject
in order to communicate unless you also have a power like
Telepathic Translation.
Since Communication is a free action to use and maintain,
you can set up a Mental Communication network with
multiple minds in a single round, so long as they are all
within your range, functioning as a mental switchboard
for group telepathic communication.
Mental Communication: Communication (Mental) 5 points
per rank.

Mental Awareness
You are aware of mental sensory effects used in your presence, so long as they are not Subtle. Those lacking mental
awareness do not notice mental sensory effects unless
they are the subject. Apply other Senses effects to extend
the capabilities of your Mental Awareness.
Mental Awareness: Senses 1 (Awareness, Mental) 1 point

Power Profile: Mental Powers

Mental Detection
You can detect the presence of other minds, whether you
can perceive them with your physical senses or not. With
the Acute modifier you can distinguish and identify individuals and, with the Accurate modifier, you can target
perception ranged effects at minds you detect. Your Perception checks for Mental Detection still have the normal
1 per 10 feet between you and the subject, unless the
sense is also Extended.
Mental Detection: Senses 5 (Detect Minds, Ranged, Acute,
Accurate) 5 points.

Mind Reading
You can read a targets thoughts and probe memories
or even plumb their subconscious for information. Note
that reading a subjects mind at the surface thoughts level
allows them to mentally communicate to you (regardless
of language) simply by thinking messages at you.
Mind Reading: Mind Reading 2 points per rank.

Sensory Link
You perceive whatever a subject you are in mental contact
with perceives, at the same time they do. The Sense Dependent flaw in this instance means the effect is dependent on your subjects senses; anything affecting them
limits your ability to sense through them.
Sensory Link: Remote Sensing (All Senses), Limited to
Subjects of Mental Communication or Mind Reading, Sense
Dependent 3 points per rank.

Telepathic Translation
You create a telepathic field around you, allowing everyone in the area able to hear you to perceive any linguistic
communication in their own language.
Telepathic Translation: Comprehend 3 (Languages), Affects
Others, Perception Area (Hearing) 12 points.

Mental Complications
Mental powers lead to a variety of complications involving their use (and abuse) and how others feel about them
and their users. Complicationsparticularly Honor and
Power Losscan curb some of the potential excesses of
mental powers in an M&M game while awarding players
hero points for the difficulties when they arise.

Psychics may become addicted to exercising their powers
in various ways: a telepath can become dependent on
sensing or contacting other minds, a mind controller may
become addicted to controlling or manipulating others,
and a psychic vampire might be addicted to the rush of

Power Profile: Mental Powers

draining energy. The addict has difficulty resisting an opportunity to get a hit regardless of how inappropriate or
dangerous it might be.
A mentalist may also be addicted to drugs or medications
that regulate difficult-to-manage powers: something to
quiet the voices in a telepaths head, for example.

Physical disabilities are often common for comic book
mentalists, with their focus on the mind over the body.
Indeed, some are little more than a giant head or disembodied brain, either immobile or moved about via their
powers or some technological support system.
Mental powers may also compensate for other disabilities,
such as mute characters able to speak telepathically and
blind ones who can see via clairvoyance or precognition.
As with all complications, hero points are awarded when
the complication actually hinders or challenges the character. Otherwise, its just background detail.

A scrupulous code of honor is common for heroic and
law-abiding mentalists. Generally, they respect the mental
privacy of others and are reluctant at best to use their
powers to intrude on others thoughts, much less influence or control them, without their consent. A mentalist
who takes the moral high road when it is inconvenient
earns a hero point.

Power Loss
Mentalists may encounter power loss complications in a
number of ways.
First, drugs or devices like psionic dampeners may disable
mental powers or block them in a particular area. Perhaps
certain special materials are psi-proof and make effective
shielding, allowing for literal tin-foil hats that thwart mindreading and mind-control.
Head trauma or conditions of the brain or nervous system
may interfere with mental powers. A psychic might suffer
power loss as a lasting injury from a blow to the head (Heros
Handbook, page 199).
Lastly, a users psychological state may interfere with the
use of mental powers. A crisis of confidence, overwhelming sense of guilt, or a general lack of mental centeredness
could lead to a reduction or loss in mental powers until the
character overcomes the problem.

Few things are scarier than the possibility of losing control
of your own thoughts. Mind-readers and especially mindcontrollers may be viewed with suspicion and mistrust.
If the general public is aware of the existence of mental
powers, their those wielding them may have to deal with
these fears at some point.

Credits & License

Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Mental Powers
Design and Writing: Steve Kenson
Editing and Development: Jon Leitheusser
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Hal Mangold
Interior Art: Anthony Castrillo
Playtesters: Darren Bulmer, Leon Chang, Jack Norris,
Aaron Sullivan
Publisher: Chris Pramas
Green Ronin Staff: Bill Bodden, Joe Carriker, Will
Hindmarch, Steve Kenson, Jon Leitheusser, Nicole
Lindroos, Hal Mangold, Chris Pramas, Rich Redman,
Evan Sass, Marc Schmalz
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Mental Powers is
2012 Green Ronin Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved.
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Open Game License v 1.0 Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document, Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, Inc., Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Modern System Reference Document, Copyright 20022004, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Bill Slavicsek,
Jeff Grubb, Rich Red-man, Charles Ryan, Eric Cagle,
David Noonan, Stan!, Christopher Perkins, Rodney
Thompson, and JD Wiker, based on material by Jonathan
Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, Peter
Adkison, Bruce R. Cordell, John Tynes, Andy Collins, and
JD Wiker.
Mutants & Masterminds, Copyright 2002, Green Ronin
Publishing; Author Steve Kenson.
Advanced Players Manual, Copyright 2005, Green Ronin
Publishing, LLC; Author Skip Williams.
Silver Age Sentinels d20, Copyright 2002, Guardians
of Order, Inc.; Authors Stephen Kenson, Mark C.
Mackinnon, Jeff Mackintosh, Jesse Scoble.
Mutants & Masterminds, Second Edition, Copyright 2005,
Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
DC Adventures Heros Handbook, Copyright 2010, Green
Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
Mutants & Masterminds Heros Handbook, Copyright
2011, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author Steve Kenson.
Mutants & Masterminds Power Profile: Mental Powers,
Copyright 2012, Green Ronin Publishing, LLC; Author
Steve Kenson.

Power Profile: Mental Powers

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