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Name: Sebastian Delgado Guzman Code: 084800962016

The attitude virus

What is the relationship between the video and your
personal life?
In the video we disclose that is very common in a business and
anywhere there is this "Virus attitude" by which suggest that in the
areas mentioned above, there are people who have a negative attitude
such as the pessimist, the tattletale, the perfectionist, who is not
committed, the rugged, looking for excuses not to do something,
among many others. Such attitudes all they do is harm any process
that is making that person and also affects what others are doing and
removing productivity, efficiency and makes them feel uncomfortable
even others with this attitude.
What exposes us is that we must leave aside these bad energies or
bad attitudes as these to all that lead us are hindering what we do and
lead us down a path where we will have no way out and not generate
any good or ourselves or those around us, because if we have a
negative attitude we are able to say things that may offend or hurt
others, besides not solved any problems, but we even bring many
more drawbacks of that we had before. Instead with a good attitude
and good energy a positive and productive environment is promoted as
correcting our attitude improvements in our life will be clearly reflected
in the work we are doing, making us much more efficient and
rewarding, clearly we will notice us same as people who are around us
and feeling much more comfortable with us and the way we act and
behave before adversity and situations.
In my personal life I have often had negative attitudes and pessimism
in situations like in my studies when for example I present some
examination, work or any task I think I will not go the way I want and
then I'm creating this bad energy and making me believe I myself will
go wrong. Another negative thing said on video and I recognize that
sometimes happens to me is when I stood in the same routine and be
in the same situation and this is not always positive as it is always
good to change routine and explore new things. Another negative

attitude've had has been when my family or friends ask me to do

something, often tend to deny this either out of laziness or why I say I
could not get it done. I always try to first identify or recognize these bad
attitudes and proceed to solve them adopting a better attitude that is, a
different attitude to the things I've mentioned above.

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