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My View of Leadership
William Sander
Mount Olive College


My View of Leadership
What exactly is leadership? The encyclopedia states that leadership is a term that has
many different meanings. According to the Microsoft Student Encarta Dictionary (2009),
leadership is defined as the ability to lead people by guiding or influencing them. There are
many definitions of leadership found all over the internet and in books, but to me, leadership
means to be the figure that others look up to and respect. Throughout this course, I have learned
about different types of leaders, leadership styles, and how the term leadership has many
different meanings.
I knew what kind of leader I wanted to be when I started this course, and have not really
changed my views. I did learn what a good leader must follow and what types of leadership
styles there are. I learned about theories, styles, and motivational techniques that shape great
leaders. I now have a better grasp on what will work for me.
I learned about the different theories of leadership from Wolinski (2010). Some of the
theories discussed were trait, skills, situational, contingency, path-goal, transformational,
transactional and servant/leadership. The two theories I can see myself using in the future are
path-goal and transformational (Wolinski, 2010). I am a very goal oriented person. I believe
setting goals and preparing a road map to reach these goals are key in preparing for the future.
Teaching these skills will prepare the youth for real life as goal setting is used everywhere in
society. Transformational also is a way to shape the students into the leaders of the future. The
children start at point A, and they change and mold into something stronger. This will set them
up for success in the future.
Next, I learned about three main styles of leadership that are described in Business Mate
(2010). First, I studied autocratic style. Here the leader has all control. The next style is
democratic. This style states that the leader lets the subordinates have input and voting rights.


Finally, I read about the laissez-faire style, where the workers have all the say and the leader is a
figurehead. I would most classify myself as a democratic leader. I like to let others have their
say in what is going on. I do like to be able to maintain control if necessary. I think that laissezfaire gives too much freedom where it could get too out of control. I do believe that everyone
should have a say, but there still needs to be a leader to head the group in the right direction.
In the past, I have experienced all types of leaders. I have had dictators, democratic
leaders, and even non-existent ones as well. All have worked at one point or another and all have
failed as well. I had one teacher in the past, try to let the students make most of the decisions. In
high school, this can be bad. In his case the students walked all over him and he lost his temper
on several occasions and locked himself in his office. The lacking leadership in this class taught
the students to do whatever they want whenever they want.
When you apply this lesson in the real world, you will end up being in a bad place, as the
private sector demands results. You do not always get what you want. I have had teachers that
told you what to do and made you do it their way whether it was right or wrong. This too will
not work. In the real world, businesses are looking for people that can learn on the job and
people that need minimal instruction. If a person is used to being told what to do all the time,
they will not succeed. There has to be a balance to be successful in society today. An effective
leader in the classroom will meet the needs of students. This will help mold the students into
leaders in the 21st century and beyond. There are programs out there to help shape educators to
be strong, successful leaders. In an article by Brown & Schainker (2006), they state:
Carats Organizational and Administrative Leadership (COAL) program is a diamond in
the roughexperiencing strong political pressure from multiple sides. As the states
premiere educational leadership preparation program, expectations are high. While


striving to live up to its national ranking and flagship university status, COAL is feeling
the heatto improve and to be unique, cutting-edge, and innovative (Brown &
Schainker, 2006).
This is an example of a program striving to teach educators to be great and innovative leaders. It
is refreshing to know that this nation wants strong leaders in the classroom.
One of my favorite historical leaders was Charles B. Aycock. He is the main reason that
education has become important in the state of North Carolina. Aycock was known as the
educational governor. While trying to raise money for education, Aycock states, "On a hundred
platforms, to half the voters of the State, in the late campaign, I pledged the State, its strength, its
heart, its wealth, to universal education (Connor & Poe, 2012). I like to write about leaders that
strive to improve the field I will be in, education. I will be like him as an educational leader,
always wanting better education.
I want to be an innovative, strong, and influential leader. I want to inspire people to be
better at everything they do. I want to be fair. I realize as a leader I will not always be agreed
with but I want to do the best I can to make future leaders whom will make me proud.



Brown, K. M. & Schainker, S. A. (2006). A diamond in the rough: Carats Organizational and
Administrative Leadership (COAL) Program. Journal of Cases in Educational
Leadership.9,3. 74-83. doi: 10.1177/1555458906289779
Business Mate. (2010). Kurt Lewins Leadership Styles. Retrieved from
Connor, R. D. W. & Poe, C. H. (2012). The Life and Speeches of Charles Brantley Aycock.
Electronic Edition. Retrieved from
Microsoft Student Encarta Dictionaries. (2009). Leadership. DVD edition. Microsoft
Wolinski, Steve. (2010). Leadership Theories. Retrieved from

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