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Task 1

Topic 5 : The diagrams below present the

estimates and projections of the world
The two diagrams provide an overview for the
population numbers across the world from 1950
onwards till 2050 and their growth rate over the 100
.years period from the US Census Bureau

According to the first diagram,the numbers have risen

progressively with few fluctuations between 1960 and
1980. This increase is expected to continue gradually
.till 2050
The world population has shown a general growing
pattern that started with three billions in 1950 ,then
varied slightly over the next three decades till have
reached seven and half billions in 2016. This rise is
anticipated to go on over the upcoming years to
.approach ten billions value in 2050
As shown in the second diagram ,the population
growth rate has varied markedly between 1950 and
2010. In 1950,it began as 1.5 percent then achieved a

peak of 2 percent in 1970.The curve variably declined

till regained 1.5 percent in 2010.From 2020
onwards,the growth rate is expected to fall steadily to
.get the maximum lowest percent that is 0.5 in 2050
To summarize,there is an overall increase in the world
population throughout a period of 100 years ,however
the growth rate is expected to fall markedly at the end
.of the mentioned period

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