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| don't know sometimes if being an architecture student is a blessing or a curse. It's depressing me sometimes because | have to meet deadlines while missing out the fun with my friends outside the architecture school. | also have to sleep rarely because sleep is gold | don't want to spend too much of it. And time is a diamond | don't want to waste none of it for useless matters but | must admit | do it most of the times. | procastinate a lot and ends up cramming before my project is due and there's no one to blame but myself because it was my choice not to start my project earlier and watch tv or surf the internet instead. It's a torn everyday, between architecture and the life outside it. But architecture has become my life. | met friends inside the school, face each plates in the studio and rejoices together after every submission day. It's stressful doing everything but knowing | have friends who struggles the same, it lessens my fears that | might not be able to survive here. Architecture either breaks or makes you or do it at the same time. It's a cruel world but very interesting. Everyday you learn something, not just through our professors but from people | get to talk to inside the school. Everyday | crave for knowledge, experience and exciting things. Trust me, there's nothing more fun than studying how a building works and being built. Choosing architecture is life- chanaina. This is the biagest plot ever happened to me. | never loved school so much until | entered an architecture school. Each day is something to feel hopeful about even though the deadline's so near and your project is not even done a half yet but you get through it anyway. And | think that's what bonds us with architecture. You got to work hard for it, hate it at the middle, blame yourself for choosing this path but in the end, you know architecture is your true love and this is your destiny. Maybe we wonder sometimes why we're in an architecture school instead of wandering around and studying stuff that are less stressful than this, but you know deep inside that this is your dream and you don't give up with your dream. It's a big salute to those people who stayed. | know it's getting harder each day that you feel like dying minute by minute but trust yourself that you can make it. There's still a long way to go and this world needs more people like us. People but for the people who will benefit the design they will make. We are trained in school not just to have aesthetically beautiful designs but to build such structures that will help people each day in their lives. And that's what fulfilling about being an architecture student because you know it's not just yourself or your family who will benefit from your success but people around you as well. Some of you may not notice how architecture has changed your life, whether you're in architecture field or not, but this world won't be as amazing as it is right now without it. Our great God is an architect Himself and that inspires me to be like Him too. The world needs good architects, let's be one of those. Let's not give up with our dreams.

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