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1. A paste made out of ash and water, can remove stains from furniture.

1. Make lye water out of ash. You can boil 2-3 spoons of ash (clean white/grey fluffy ash) with water and then
filter it with a coffee filter. Lye water is a great cleaning agent and sanitizer for clothes, floors, windows,
silverware, plates, and even rust in marble.
You can also make lye by adding the fluffy white ash in a cheesecloth. In a bucket with holes on its base, you
add the cheesecloth and ash, and hang it somewhere high. Add the water. Underneath, place another clean
bucket to collect the lye. The lye has a brownish colour, so you remove the bucket when clean water starts to sip
through. Test the lye by adding a fresh egg in the liquid. If the egg floats, the lye is good to go, if not, repeat the

process. -For use in soap making. Caution Lye is caustic and needs to be handled correctly; see Lye Storage
And Handling.

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3. If we want to remove a stain from clothes the moment they happen, we add a bit of ash and after about five
minutes, we rub it with the crumb of a bread (not the crust, the soft white bit).
4. Ash is a great odour repellent, just add a bit over the area that smells. eg, kitty litter.
5. You can remove odours from a fridge, by adding a plate of charcoal ash inside. Change the charcoal over,
until the smell is gone.
6. You can use it to brush your teeth. (recipe here)
7. You can wash your hair with lye soap and rinse with vinegar. This is especially good for oily hair.

8. Lye is used in many foods and sweets. Like grape must pudding (moustalevria), honey cookies
(melomakarona), and in bread. It makes bread fluffy and prevents it from crumbling. Lye is also good for the
cleansing of the intestines.
9. Ash was used for many years in farming. It recycles the natural nutrients back into the earth. It can be used as
compost but does not include Nitrogen. It aids in the increase of the earths PH level which in return, aids in the
growth of the plants. (But because of the ongoing increase of the PH level, not all veg and fruit thrive from it.
e.g. potatoes).
10. It strengthens plants that love calcium, such as tomatoes, vineyards, beans, spinach, peas, avocados, garlic
etc. Even rose bushes. You can add 1/4 cup ash before planting.
11. One spoon ash per 1000l of water, strengthens underwater plants.
12.It prevents plants from frost in winter, if you add a layer of ash over them.
13. Animals hate ash. You can rid your garden of insects and various parasites, such as slugs and snails.
14. You can rid yourself of ants. If you throw some ash in their colony, they will be forced to relocate, as they
cant move the ash.
15. Spread some ash in the corners of the house, or dark spots of your cellar etc. For as long as there is ash, no
mice/rats, cockroaches or insects approach.
16. It repels lice, ticks and fleas off animals. You make a thick paste of ash and vinegar and spread over the fur.
Its messy, but it works.
17. It repels clothes moths. You can add some ash on your stored clothes, and simply shake it off when you
need to use them. You can leave them for years this way, and nothing will happen to them.
18. Lye is used to make soap (potassium hydroxide). Its a bit of a lengthy process, but its worth it.
19. Ash is used for immortal eggs. In a recipe used in the Middle East, they preserve eggs in a mix of clay,
ash, salt, lime and rice rind for many months.
20. Sodium Carbonate, can be made out of ash. It is known to be an excellent product, used as household
cleaner. Boil water and ash, until it evaporates. The remaining substance is your Sodium Carbonate (Soda).
21. Ash contains salt, and can therefore melt ice.
22. The charcoal collected within the ash, can be used as a filter.
23. You can use charcoal to filter blurry wine.
24. You can use charcoal to filter water before drinking.
25. Charcoal in metal containers can be used to remove humidity in cellars, cupboards and under sinks.
26. You can put a fire out quickly by throwing ash over it.
27. In the older days, they used to preserve seeds in large clay containers, by adding a thick layer of ash over
them. This prevented insects from destroying their produce.
28. It can be used in wounds, to kill bacteria and aid in faster healing. Melting hand made soap in lye water and
rinsing a wound with it without rinsing over it with clean water.

29. No fridge? No worries! You can preserve your fruits and vegetables for many days, even years, by digging a
hole in the ground and filling it with ash. Add your veg and fruit, ensuring enough space between them, so that
they do not touch each other, or the muddy ground. Seal the hole with a piece of wood, and you let it be.
30. In the olden days, to preserve the fresh rennet, they added it in a bone animal horn, filled it with ash, sealed
it with mud and hanged it from a tree. This ensured the rennet lasted for many many years.
By Tina
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Blackout USA - How To Survive An EMP / Long Term Grid Down Situation
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