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A compilation of scriptures
from the Holy Bible under
seventy main headings to
enable the searcher for truth
to ascertain the fundamental
doctrines and be
assured thereof.

"Make sure of all things ;

hold fast to what is right ."
-1 Thessalonians 5 :21 .

All scriptures, except otherwise in-

dicated, quoted in this book from
the Hebrew Scriptures, Genesis to
Malachi, are from the American
Standard Version (AS) . The Greek
Scriptures, Matthew to Revelation,
are quoted from the New World
Translation of the Christian Greek
Scriptures (NW) . Quotations from
any other versions are identified
by symbols below .
AT - An American Translation
AV -Authorized Version
CB - Catholic Biblical Assn . ver .
Da - J . N . Darby's version
Dy - Catholic Douay version
Le - Isaac Leeser's version
LXX - The Septuagint Version
Mo - James Moffatt's version
Ro - J . B . Rotherham's version

International Bible Students Association
Brooklyn, New York, U. S . A.

Made in the United States of America

Ancestor Worship 9
Animal Worship 10
Antichrist . . . . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . 14
Apostolic Succession 16
Armageddon 24
Baptism . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . .. . 27
Blood Transfusion 47
Born Again 48
Caesar's Things to Caesar 50
Caste System 54
Charitable Works 57
Communism 61
Confession 67
Congregation of God 70
Creation 78
Cross 83
Death 86
Dedication 91
Devil and Demons 97
Earth and Its Destiny 108
Evolution 112
Faith 119
Freedom ---°-- 122
Friendship with the World 126
Gifts from God 135
Healing 144
Heavens 150
Hell 154
Holidays . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 165
Honorary Titles 171
Idolatry 172
Incarnation 179
Interfaith 181
Jehovah 188
Jehovah's Witnesses 193
Jesus Christ . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 207
Jews' Return to Palestine 210
Judgment Days 219
Kingdom 226
Law 237
Life 242
Love 250
Marriage 253
Mass 257
Minister of God 263
New-World Living 272
Prayer 280
Purgatory 286
Races of Mankind 290
Ransom 293
Religion 296
Repentance 307
Resurrection 311
Return of Christ 319
Sabbath 324
Salvation 330
Sign of Last Days 337
Sin 344
Soul 349
Spirit 357
Spiritism ____ 366
Superior Authorities 369
Ten "Lost Tribes" -- 373
Tithing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 376
Tongues, Speaking in 380
Transmigration 383
Trinity 386
World Distress 390
Worship of Mary 398
EN want to know the reason why things are as
M they are . Why is the world so full of confused
ideas and shifting patterns? There are so many differ-
ent beliefs, so many different religions, and all of them
have their followers who advocate their particular
faith with greater or less zeal . What should one be-
lieve in these days? Who is right?
Sound advice is, "Make sure of all things ." That
means, Go to the highest authority you can find . The
highest authority is the Holy Bible, Jehovah's Word .
God's only-begotten Son said to him : "Your word is
truth ." (John 17 :17) But Jehovah's advice goes even
farther . This book of highest authority does not ask
us to accept just one statement of truth, and that
blindly ; but rather God's prophet says : "Come now,
and let us reason together, saith Jehovah ." (Isaiah
1 : 18) That is it! Think the answer out, search for it in
the Scriptures, as the early Christians did . "They re-
ceived the word with the greatest readiness of mind,
carefully examining the Scriptures daily as to whether
these things were so ." (Acts 17 :11) If these early
Christians were eager to check the Scriptures to find
out why things were as they were, then certainly we
should be just as diligent in our search for the truth .
Do not just take someone's word for it, but "make
sure of all things ; hold fast to what is right" . (1 Thes-
salonians 5 :21) The apostle Paul said that . But now lis-
ten to what John says : "Do not believe every inspired
expression, but test the inspired expressions to see
whether they originate with God, because many false
prophets have gone forth into the world ." (1 John 4 :1)
This book will help you to run to and fro through the
Holy Scriptures, to do what these apostles say . The


purpose of this publication is to urge you to check

everything with Jehovah's Word of truth . You will
notice that all the authority given in this book for the
various teachings is Scriptural, and the texts from the
Bible are arranged according to different themes for
your study . You can check the doctrines yourself from
your own Bible, regardless of the version you use, to
see `whether these things are so' .
Furthermore, when you teach others a great respon-
sibility rests upon you . You certainly want to be sure
you are right and be "always ready to make a defense
before everyone that demands of you a reason for the
hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper
and deep respect" . (1 Peter 3 :15) The apostle Peter
here had the right idea : Give a reason ; give proof ;
make sure of your belief, and do not be mixed up with
the philosophies of men. Always have the highest
authority, Jehovah's Word, backing you up . Always
remember, Jesus said to his Father : "Your word is
truth ." He believed it ; he preached it, and he lived it .
In your proclamation of the good news you should
always use the Scriptures . Therefore you should study
them and understand how reasonable they are "to
those who through use have their perceptive powers
trained to distinguish both right and wrong", by means
of the Word .-Hebrews 5 :14 .
Knowledge is too precious to keep to one's self ; so
we must tell it out . Paul felt this urge ; hence he said :
"Woe is me if I did not declare the good news!" (1 Co-
rinthians 9 :16) Jehovah's Word is so full of good news ;
if only we knew all of it! It is not enough for those who
know the good news merely to wish others knew it ;
it is for them to see to it that others know it. That
is why Jesus said, `Go therefore, and teach .' (Matthew
28 :19, 20) Wishing never gives knowledge ; but your

talking, preaching and proclaiming the good news to
others will certainly spread knowledge, and it must
be the right kind of knowledge .
Paul told the young man Timothy : "Pay constant
attention to yourself and to your teaching ." Timothy
was interested in gaining everlasting life, and he knew
the need of reading the Scriptures, following their
teachings and preaching them in order to become ma-
ture . In this way his perceptive powers would be
trained so as to distinguish between right and wrong
teaching, as everything must be in agreement with
God's Word. Paul, as a wise counselor, advised Timothy
to pay constant attention to his teaching, that is, what
he was telling others . Today you should be sure what
you say is in line with Jehovah's Word of truth . Never
get lax in taking in knowledge ; and as you take it in,
also give it out in the same unadulterated way that you
receive it, because it will save both you and those who
listen to you.-1 Timothy 4 :16.
We must give the knowledge we have to others . We
cannot selfishly store it up within ourselves forever .
There is great pleasure in taking in knowledge and
learning new things, making them our own, as we re-
ceive them from the Giver of all good and perfect gifts .
But is it not true that "counsel in the heart of man is
like deep water ; but a man of understanding will draw
it out"? (Proverbs 20 :5) The witnesses of Jehovah
and all lovers of righteousness want to draw out from
their understanding of God's Word and give it to oth-
ers . "Make Sure of All Things" will be a great aid to
every user of it to draw out the truth so others can
have it freely .
"Make Sure of All Things" sets forth seventy prin-
cipal themes and gives you a balanced picture or

rounded-out coverage by answering the outstanding
questions and objections on each of these themes just
by using scriptures from the Bible . This publication
is not a commentary on the Bible, but it brings togeth-
er the many scriptures having to do with the theme
under discussion. It will prove to be a convenient Bible
aid to you .
This book does not take the place of the Bible nor
does it try to limit the application of the texts cited
to the various themes under which they appear . But
the purpose of the book is to put pure Bible truth into
the mind of the teacher and to let the Bible speak for
itself. It should help the user to be more effective in
his use of the Bible in every feature of his preaching
Door-to-Door Witnessing : The apostles preached "public-
ly and from house to house" . (Acts 20 :20) As you do that,
carry this handy book with you . It will not take you long to
get acquainted with the seventy themes . Hundreds of differ-
ent questions can very easily be answered by you as you
go about preaching the good news of the Kingdom just by
being acquainted with these themes . You always want to
give a Scriptural answer. With the aid of this small hand-
book your presentation of the truth from house to house
will always be fresh, versatile and adaptable . If an argument
arises on any Bible question, you can always turn to "Sub-
jects for Study" on page 406 and you will be able to find just
the scriptures you need . You will find "Make Sure of All
Things" a ready aid in "announcing Jehovah's kingdom" .
Back-Calls : When you meet an interested person at his
home, make another visit soon . Call back, because your log-
ical, coherent conversation is needed to arouse interest in
the truth and to lead the interested person into a deeper
consideration of the Bible truths with the help of Watch
Tower publications based on these truths . On these revisits
when presenting the publications of the Watch Tower So-
ciety to the people and showing the need of reading them,
it is necessary for you first to clear out objections that exist
in the mind of the person before it is possible to start a Bible
study . Do not push such questions aside, but answer them
(Continued on page 404)
Ancestor Worship
The practice (ceremonially or otherwise) of honor, veneration and
worship of dead ancestors, either individually or collectively, in the
belief that they are conscious in an invisible realm and can assist
or hinder and are therefore to be kept appeased . A false practice.
Of non-Biblical origin. A pagan, heathenish practice .
Due Respect for Living Parents Acts 5 :29 "We must obey God
Proper as ruler rather than men ."
Deut . 5 :16 "Honor thy father Matt . 10 :35 "I came to cause
and thy mother, as Jehovah thy division, with a man against his
God commanded thee ; that thy father, and a daughter against
days may be long, and that it her mother, and a young wife
may go well with thee, in the against her mother-in-law ."
land which Jehovah thy God Matt. 19 :29 "Everyone that has
giveth thee." left . . . father or mother . . . for
Luke 18:18-20 "A certain ruler the sake of my name will receive
questioned him, saying : `Good many times more and will in-
Teacher, by doing what shall I herit everlasting life."
inherit everlasting life?' Jesus Ancestors Not Conscious, Unable
said to him : ` . . . You know the to Help
commandments : " . . . Honor your Ps. 49 :10, 17-19 "Wise men die ;
father and mother ." ' " the fool and the brutish alike
Prov . 23 :22 "Hearken unto thy perish, and leave their wealth
father that begat thee, and de- to others. For when he dieth he
spise not thy mother when she shall carry nothing away ; his
is old ." glory shall not descend after him .
Ex . 21 :17 "And he that curseth Though while he lived he blessed
his father or his mother, shall his soul (and men praise thee,
surely be put to death ." when thou doest well to thyself) .
Also : Lev . 20 :9 ; Deut . 27 :16 ; He shall go to the generation of
Prov. 1 :8, 9 ; 19 :26 ; 20 :20 ; Jer . his fathers ; they shall never see
35 :6-8, 18 ; 1 Tim . 5 :8 . the light."
Obedience to God Before That John 3:13 "No man has as-
to Parents cended into heaven but he that
Eph . 6:1-4 "Children, be obe- descended from heaven, the Son
dient to your parents in union of man ."
with the Lord, for this is right- Acts 2 :29, 34 "It is allowable to
eous : `Honor your father and speak with freeness of speech to
mother' ; which is the first com- you concerning the family head
mand with a promise : `That it David, that he both deceased and
may go well with you and you was buried and his tomb is
may endure a long time on the among us to this day . Actually
earth .' And you, fathers, do not David did not ascend to the
be irritating your children, but heavens ."
go on bringing them up in the Eccl . 9 :5, 10 "For the living
discipline and authoritative ad- know that they shall die : but the
vice of Jehovah." dead know not anything, . . . for
Animal Worship 10
there is no work, nor device, nor Matt. 10 :37 "He that has
knowledge, nor wisdom, in Sheol greater affection for father or
["the grave" AV], whither thou mother than for me is not worthy
goest." of me."
Job 14:1, 2, 21 "Man, that is Worship Due Jehovah
born of a woman, is of few days,
and full of trouble . He cometh Matt . 4 :10 "For it is written, `It
forth like a flower, and is cut is Jehovah your God you must
down : he fleeth also as a shad- worship, and it is to him alone
ow, and continueth not . His sons you must render sacred service .' "
come to honor, and he knoweth
it not ; and they are brought low, John 4 :23, 24 "The hour is
but he perceiveth it not of them ." coming, and it is now, when the
Condemned as Creature Worship genuine worshipers will worship
the Father with spirit and truth,
Rom . 1:25 "Who exchanged the for, indeed, the Father is looking
truth of God for the lie and for such kind to worship him.
venerated and rendered sacred
service to the creation rather God is a Spirit, and those wor-
than the One who created, who is shiping him must worship with
blessed forever." spirit and truth ."

Animal Worship
The form or practice of rendering, ceremonially or otherwise,
honor or reverence to various forms of animal life or to man-made
representations, or thereby attributing to them human or super-
human powers, abilities or inclinations . A false practice .
From when Eve acted on the lie spoken through a serpent and
onward, organized false religions before and after the Flood have
held animals as symbolically representing certain heroes or gods.
In the first world empire, Egypt, "animal gods" were worshiped in
great numbers. Modern Hinduism holds a sacred regard for certain
Man's Superiority to Animals bird of the heavens ; and brought
Clearly Established in Scriptures them unto the man to see what
Job 35 :11 "Who teacheth us he would call them : and whatso-
more than the beasts of the ever the man called every living
earth, and maketh us wiser than creature, that was the name
the birds of the heavens?" thereof. And the man gave names
Job 18:3 "Wherefore are we to all cattle, and to the birds of
counted as beasts, and are become the heavens, and to every beast
unclean in your sight?" of the field ; but for man there
was not found a help meet for
Man Given Dominion over the him ."
Animals Gen . 1 :27, 28 "And God cre-
Gen . 2 :19, 20 "And out of the ated man in his own image, in
ground Jehovah God formed the image of God created he him ;
every beast of the field, and every male and female created he
11 Animal Worship
them . And God blessed them : with a leather girdle around his
and God said unto them . . . . loins, and was living on insect
have dominion over the fish of locusts and wild honey ."
the sea, and over the birds of Acts 10 :10-13 "[Peter] beheld
the heavens, and over every heaven opened and some sort
living thing that moveth upon of vessel descending like a great
the earth ." linen sheet being let down by
Jer . 27 :6 "And now have I given its four extremities upon the
all these lands into the hand of earth, and in it there were all
Nebuchadnezzar the king of kinds of four-footed creatures
Babylon, my servant ; and the and creeping things of the earth
beasts of the field also have I and birds of heaven . And a
given him to serve him ." voice came to him : `Rise, Peter,
Animals Made Subject to Man slaughter and eat!'"
to Provide Him with Food and Under Mosaic Law Vicious Ani-
Clothing mals Were to Be Killed, Showing
Gen. 9 :2-4 "And the fear of you Their Subjection
and the dread of you shall be Ex. 21 :28, 35 "And if an ox
upon every beast of the earth, gore a man or a woman to death,
and upon every bird of the heav- the ox shall be surely stoned, and
ens ; with all wherewith the its flesh shall not be eaten ; but
ground teemeth, and all the the owner of the ox shall be quit .
fishes of the sea, into your hand And if one man's ox hurt
are they delivered . Every moving another's, so that it dieth, then
thing that liveth shall be food they shall sell the live ox, and
for you ; as the green herb have divide the price of it ; and the
I given you all. But flesh with dead also they shall divide ."
the life thereof, which is the Animals Were Created "After
blood thereof, shall ye not eat ." Their Kind" and Are Considered
Lev. 11:2, 9 "Speak unto the Souls ; Hence, Not Inhabited by
children of Israel, saying, These "Soul" as a Transmigration
are the living things which ye Gen . 1 :20-25 "And God said,
may eat among all the beasts Let the waters swarm with
that are on the earth . These may swarms of living creatures
ye eat of all that are in the ["soul," Ro], and let birds fly
waters : whatsoever hath fins and above the earth in the open fir-
scales in the waters, in the seas, mament of heaven . And God
and in the rivers, that may ye created the great sea-monsters .
eat." and every living creature ["soul,"
Gen . 3 :21 "And Jehovah God Ro] that moveth, wherewith the
made for Adam and for his wife waters swarmed, after their kind,
coats of skins, and clothed them ." and every winged bird after its
Prov. 27 :26, 27 "The lambs are kind : and God saw that it was
for thy clothing, and the goats good. And God blessed them,
are the price of the field ; and saying, Be fruitful, and multiply
there will be goats' milk enough . . on the earth . And there was
for thy food, for the food of thy evening and there was morning,
household, and maintenance for a fifth day . And God said, Let
thy maidens." the earth bring forth living crea-
Num. 14 :8 "If Jehovah delight tures ["soul," Ro] after their
in us, then he will bring us into
this land, and give it unto us - kind, cattle, and creeping things,
a land which floweth with milk and beasts of the earth after
and honey ." their kind : . . . and the cattle aft-
Mark 1 :6 "Now John was er their kind, and everything
clothed with camel's hair and that creepeth upon the ground
Animal Worship 12
after its kind : and God saw that grievous murrain . . . . and all the
it was good ." cattle of Egypt died ."
Num . 31 :28 "And levy a tribute Against Amon-Ra (symbolized by
unto Jehovah of the men of war a male sheep)
that went out to battle : one soul Ex . 11:4, 5; 12 :29 "And Moses
of five hundred, both of the per- said, Thus saith Jehovah, About
sons, and of the oxen, and of midnight will I go out into the
the asses, and of the flocks ." midst of Egypt : and all the first-
1 Cor . 15 :39 "Not all flesh is born in the land of Egypt shall
the same flesh, but there is one of die, from the first-born of Phar-
mankind, and there is another aoh that sitteth upon his throne,
flesh of cattle, and another flesh even unto the first-born of the
of birds, and another of fish ." maid-servant that is behind the
Jehovah Established His Superi- mill ; and all the first-born of
ority in Contest with "Animal cattle." "And it came to pass at
Gods" of Egypt by Sending midnight, that Jehovah smote all
Plagues in Moses' Day the first-born in the land of
Against the frog-goddess, Heqt Egypt, from the first-born of
Pharaoh that sat on his throne
Ex. 8 :1-7 "And Jehovah spake unto the first-born of the captive
unto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh, that was in the dungeon ; and
and say unto him, Thus saith Je- all the first-born of cattle ."
hovah, Let my people go, that they
may serve me . And if thou re- Making Images of Animals Was
fuse to let them go, behold, I Forbidden Under Mosaic Law
will smite all thy borders with Deut . 4 :15-18 "Take ye there-
frogs : and the river shall swarm fore good heed unto yourselves ;
with frogs, which shall go up and for ye saw no manner of form
come into thy house, and into on the day that Jehovah spake
thy bedchamber, and upon thy unto you in Horeb out of the
bed, and into the house of thy midst of the fire ; lest ye corrupt
servants, and upon thy people, yourselves, and make you a
and into thine ovens, and into graven image in the form of any
thy kneading-troughs : . And figure, the likeness of male or fe-
Aaron stretched out his hand male, the likeness of any beast
over the waters of Egypt ; and that is on the earth, the likeness
the frogs came up, and covered of any winged bird that flieth in
the land of Egypt ." the heavens, the likeness of any-
Against the ichneumon fly- thing that creepeth on the
goddess, Wad jet ground, the likeness of any fish
Ex. 8 :20-24 "And Jehovah said that is in the water under the
behold, I will send swarms earth ."
of flies upon thee, and upon thy When Degraded, Man Described
servants, and upon thy people, as on Level with Beast
and into thy houses : and the Ps . 73 :22 "So brutish was 1,
houses of the Egyptians shall be and ignorant ; I was as a beast
full of swarms of flies, and also before thee ."
the ground whereon they are ."
Dan. 5 :20, 21 "But when his
Against the cow-goddess, Hathor, heart was lifted up, and his spirit
and Apis the bull was hardened so that he dealt
Ex. 9 :1-7 "Behold, the hand proudly, he was deposed from
of Jehovah is upon thy cattle his kingly throne, and they took
which are in the field, upon the his glory from him : and he was
horses, upon the asses, upon the driven from the sons of men, and
camels, upon the herds, and upon his heart was made like the
the flocks : there shall be a very beasts', and his dwelling was
13 Animal Worship
with the wild asses ; he was fed in honor, and understandeth not,
with grass like oxen, and his is like the beasts that perish ."
body was wet with the dew of 2 Pet. 2:12 "But these men,
heaven ; until he knew that the like unreasoning animals born
Most High God ruleth in the naturally to be caught and de-
kingdom of men ." stroyed ."
Titus 1 :12 "A certain one of Man Forbidden to Have Unclean
them, their own prophet, said : Relations with Any Animal
`Cretans are always liars, in-
jurious wild-beasts, unemployed Ex . 22 :19 "Whosoever lieth
gluttons.'" with a beast shall surely be put
to death ."
2 Pet. 2 :12 "But these men, like Lev. 11 :43 "Ye shall not make
unreasoning animals born nat- yourselves abominable with any
urally to be caught and de- creeping thing that creepeth,
stroyed, will, in the things of neither shall ye make yourselves
which they are ignorant and
speak abusively, even suffer de- unclean with them, that ye
struction in their own course of should be defiled thereby ."
destruction ." Lev . 20 :15, 16 "And if a man
Jude 10 "Yet these men are lie with a beast, he shall surely
speaking abusively of all the be put to death : and ye shall
things they really do not know, slay the beast . And if a woman
but all the things they do un- approach unto any beast, and
derstand naturally like the un- lie down thereto, thou shalt kill
reasoning animals, in these the woman, and the beast : they
things they go on corrupting shall surely be put to death :
themselves." their blood shall be upon them ."
Death Equalizes Men and Beasts Animal Worship Turns Atten-
(Except Man Is Promised a tion Away from the Creator
Resurrection) Rom . 1 :21-25 "Because, al-
Eccl. 3 :18-20 "I said in my though they knew God, they did
heart, It is because of the sons not glorify him as God nor did
of men, that God may prove they thank him, but they be-
them, and that they may see came empty-headed in their rea-
that they themselves are but as sonings and their unintelligent
beasts . For that which befalleth heart became darkened . Although
the sons of men befalleth beasts ; asserting they were wise, they
even one thing befalleth them : became foolish and turned the
as the one dieth, so dieth the glory of the incorruptible God
other ; yea, they have all one into something like the image of
breath ; and man hath no pre- corruptible man and of birds and
eminence above the beasts : for four-footed creatures and creep-
all is vanity . All go unto one ing things . Therefore God in
place ; all are of the dust, and all keeping with the desires of their
turn to dust again ." hearts gave them up to un-
Animals Perish at Death ; No cleanness, that their bodies might
Afterlife be dishonored among them, even
Ps. 49:12, 17, 20 "But man those who exchanged the truth of
being in honor abideth not : he God for the lie and venerated
is like the beasts that perish. For and rendered sacred service to
when he dieth he shall carry the creation rather than the One
nothing away ; his glory shall not who created, who is blessed for-
descend after him . Man that is ever."

Any organization or individual that is against Christ or Christianity .
Specifically, an organization or arrangement claiming to serve God
but actually being against Christ and his kingdom .
Satan's Organization Babylon sion, but test the inspired expres-
Brings Forth Antichrists sions to see whether they origi-
Matt. 13 :27, 28, 38, 39 " `Master, nate with God, because many
did you not sow seed of a right false prophets have gone forth
kind in your field? How, then, into the world. You gain the
does it come to have weeds?' . . , knowledge of the inspired expres-
,The field is the world ; as for sion from God by this : Every in-
spired expression that confesses
the right kind of seed, these are Jesus Christ as having come in
the sons of the kingdom ; but the the flesh originates with God, but
weeds are the sons of the wicked every inspired expression that
one, and the enemy that sowed does not confess Jesus does not
them is the Devil .'" originate with God . Furthermore,
Antichrists Are False Prophets this is the antichrist's inspired
Matt. 24 :11, 24 "And many false expression which you have heard
prophets will arise and mislead was coming, and now it is already
many . For false Christs and in the world."
false prophets will arise and will 2 John 7 "The reason why is
give great signs and wonders so that many deceivers have gone
as to mislead, if possible, even forth into the world, persons not
the chosen ones." confessing Jesus Christ as com-
Do Not Fulfill Requirements of ing in the flesh. This is the de-
True Prophets ceiver and the antichrist ."
1 John 2:22 "Who is the liar if
Deut . 18 :20-22 "But the proph- it is not the one that denies that
et, that shall speak a word pre- Jesus is the Christ? This is the
sumptuously in my name, which
I have not commanded him to antichrist, the one that denies
speak, or that shall speak in the the Father and the Son ."
name of other gods, that same "
prophet shall die . And if thou Collective Clergy
gy of Christendom
say in thy heart, How shall we
know the word which Jehovah 2 Thess. 2 :3, 4, 9 "Let no one
hath not spoken? when the seduce you in any manner, be-
prophet speaketh in the name of cause it will not come unless the
Jehovah, if the thing follow not, falling away comes first and the
nor come to pass, that is the man of lawlessness gets revealed,
thing which Jehovah hath not
spoken : the prophet hath spoken the son of destruction . He is set
it presumptuously, thou shalt not in opposition and lifts himself up
be afraid of him ." over everyone who is called `god'
Antichrists Say Christ Was God or an object of reverence, so that
incarnate ; Deny Christ Actually he sits down in the temple of
Came to Earth as a Perfect Man The God, publicly showing him-
of Flesh self to be a god. But the lawless
1 John 4 :1-3 "Beloved ones, do one's presence is according to the
not believe every inspired expres- operation of Satan with every
15 Antichrist
powerful work and lying signs for if they had been of our kind,
and wonders." they would have remained with
Jer. 23 :11, 21, 22 "For both us . But they went out that it
prophet and priest are profane ; might be shown up that not ah
yea, in my house have I found are of our kind ."
their wickedness, saith Jehovah . Pagan Religions
I sent not these prophets, yet Eph . 2 :12 "That you were at
they ran : I spake not unto them, that particular time without
yet they prophesied . But if they Christ, alienated from the state
had stood in my council, then of Israel and strangers to the
had they caused my people to covenants of the promise, and
hear my words, and had turned you had no hope and were with-
them from their evil way, and out God in the world."
from the evil of their doings ." 1 Cor. 10 :20, 21 "The things
Clergy Seek Power, and Honor which the nations sacrifice they
of This World sacrifice to demons, and not to
1 Cor . 4:8 "You men already God, and I do not want you to
have your fill, do you? You are become sharers with the demons .
rich already, are you? You have You cannot be drinking the cup
begun ruling as kings without of Jehovah and the cup of de-
us, have you? And I wish indeed mons ; you cannot be partaking
that you had begun ruling as of 'the table of Jehovah' and the
kings, that we also might rule table of demons."
with you as kings." Communist Red Religion
Jas . 4 :4 "Adulteresses, do you Included Among Many
not know that the friendship with Antichrists
the world is enmity with God? Rev . 19 :18, 19 "'That you may
Whoever, therefore, wants to be eat the fleshy parts of kings and
a friend of the world is con- the fleshy parts of military com-
stituting himself an enemy of manders and the fleshy parts of
God ." strong men and the fleshy parts
"Evil Slave" of horses and of those mounted
Matt. 24 :48-51 "But if th evil upon them, and the fleshy parts
slave should say in his heart, of all, of freemen as well as of
'My master is delaying,' and slaves and of small ones and
should start to beat his fellow great.' And I saw the wild beast
slaves and should eat and drink and the kings of the earth and
with the confirmed drunkards, their armies gathered together to
the master of that slave will come wage the war with the one seated
on a day that he does not expect on the horse and with his army."
and in an hour that he does not Ps . 14 :1 "The fool hath said in
know, and will punish him with his heart, There is no God . They
the greatest severity and will as- are corrupt, they have done
sign him his part with the hypo- abominable works ; there is none
crites. There is where his weeping that doeth good ."
and the gnashing of his teeth Culmination of Antichrist Effort
v,111 be ." in Supporting U .N .
I John 2 :18, 19 "Young chil- Rev . 17 :3-8, 18 "And I caught
dren, it is the last hour, and, just sight of a woman sitting upon
a ., you have heard that antichrist a scarlet-colored wild beast that
is coming, even now there have was full of blasphemous names
come to be many antichrists ; and that had seven heads and
from which fact we gain the ten horns . And the woman was
knowledge that it is the last arrayed in purple and scarlet,
hour . They went out from us, and was adorned with gold and
but they were not of our kind ; precious stone and pearls and had
Apostolic Succession 16
in her hand a golden cup that Antichrists to Be Forever
was full of disgusting things and Destroyed at Armageddon
the unclean things of her forni- Rev. 17 :16 "And the ten horns
cation . And upon her forehead that you saw, and the wild beast,
was written a name, a mystery, these will hate the harlot and
'Babylon the Great, the mother will make her devastated and
of the harlots and of the dis- naked, and will eat up her fleshy
gusting things of the earth .' . . . parts and will completely burn
her with fire."
The wild beast that you saw 2 Thess . 2 :8 "Then, indeed, the
was, but is not, and yet is des- lawless one will be revealed,
tined to ascend out of the abyss, whom the Lord Jesus will anni-
and it is to go off into destruc- hilate by the spirit of his mouth
tion . And when they see how the and bring to nothing by the
wild beast was, but is not, and manifestation of his presence ."
yet will be present, those who Matt . 7 :22, 23 "Many will say
dwell on the earth will wonder to me in that day : 'Master, Mas-
ter, did we not prophesy in your
admiringly, but their names have name, and expel demons in your
not been written upon the scroll name, and perform many power-
of life from the world's founda- ful works in your name?' And
tion . And the woman that you yet then I will confess to them :
saw means the great city that I never knew you at all. Get away
has a kingdom over the kings from me, you workers of law-
of the earth ." See "Religion".

Apostolic Succession
The doctrine that the twelve apostles have successors to whom
authority is passed by divine appointment . In the Roman Catholic
Church, the pope is said to be one of an unbroken line of successors
of Peter, and bearer of the keys of heaven passed on from Peter
(who the church claims was chief of the apostles and the first pope) .
A false doctrine.
Established in the Roman Catholic Church in the Nicene Creed,
A .D . 325 and 381, in the words, "I believe one holy catholic and
apostolic Church ." Reaffirmed by the Council of Trent in the sixteenth
century .
Matthew 16 :18 Misapplied ; Christ pronoun (this) In both lan-
Is the "Rock", Not Peter guages] I will build my congre-
Matt . 16 :18 "Also I say to you, gation, and the gates of Hades
You are Peter [Gr ., Petros ; Syri- will not overpower it."
ac, ke'pha, "a stone," in the mas- 1 Cor. 10 :4 "They used to drink
culine gender in both languages], from the spiritual rock-mass
and on this rock-mass [Gr ., pe- which followed them, and that
tra ; Syriac, ke'pha, "a rock- rock-mass meant the Christ ."
mass," in feminine gender and Eph . 2 :20, 21 "You have been
with a feminine demonstrative built up upon the foundation of
17 Apostolic Succession
the apostles and prophets, while Peter Is Merely One of the Stones
Christ Jesus himself is the foun- in the Spiritual Temple
dation cornerstone. In union 1 Pet . 2 :4-8 "Coming to him
with him the whole building, as to a living stone, rejected, it is
being harmoniously joined togeth- true, by men, but chosen, pre-
er, is growing into a holy temple cious, with God, you yourselves
for Jehovah ." also as living stones are being
Matt . 21 :42 "Jesus said to built up a spiritual house for the
them : 'Did you never read in the purpose of a holy priesthood, to
Scriptures, "The stone that the offer up spiritual sacrifices ac-
builders rejected is the one that ceptable to God through Jesus
has become the chief cornerstone . Christ. . . It is to you, there-
From Jehovah this has come to fore, that he is precious, because
pass and it is marvelous in you are believers ; but to those
our eyes"?'" (See Isaiah 28 :16 : not believing, 'the identical stone
Psalm 118 :22, 23 .) that the builders rejected has
Acts 4 :8-12 "Then Peter, filled become the chief cornerstone,'
with holy spirit, said to them : and 'a stone of stumbling and a
. in the name of Jesus Christ rock-mass of offense' ."
the Nazarene, whom you impaled Only the Twelve Apostles of
but whom God raised up from Jesus Christ in the Foundation
the dead, by this one does this of the Christian Congregation :
man stand here sound in front They Have No Successors
of you . This is "the stone which
was treated by you builders as Names of the twelve:
of no account that has become Matt. 10 :1-4 ; Gal . 1 :1 ; 1 Cor .
chief cornerstone" . Furthermore, 9:1 ; 2 Cor . 12 :12 "First, Simon,
there is no salvation in anyone the one called 'Peter', and An-
else .' " drew his brother ; and James the
Rom . 9 :33 "Look! I am laying son of Zebedee and John his
in Zion a stone of stumbling and brother ; Philip and Bartholo-
a rock-mass of offense, but he mew ; Thomas and Matthew the
that rests his faith on it will not tax collector ; James the son of
come to disappointment ." Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus ; Si-
John 21 :15-17 Misapplied; Not mon the Cananaean, and Judas
Only Peter, but All Disciples Iscariot, who later betrayed him ."
Must Feed Christ's Sheep "Paul, an apostle, neither from
men nor through a man, but
Acts 20 :28 "Pay attention to through Jesus Christ and God
yourselves and to all the flock, the father ."
among which the holy spirit has "Am I not free? Am I not an
appointed you overseers, to shep- apostle? Have I not seen Jesus
herd the congregation of God, our Lord?"
which he purchased with the
blood of his own [Son] ." "Indeed, the signs of an apostle
1 Pet. 5 :1-4 "To the older men were produced among you by all
among you I give this exhorta- endurance, and by signs and
tion, for I, too, am an older man wonders and powerful works ."
like them . . . Shepherd the flock Rev . 21 :14 "The wall of the
of God in your care, not under city also had twelve foundation
compulsion, but willingly, neither stones, and on them the twelve
for love of dishonest gain, . . .but names of the twelve apostles of
becoming examples to the flock . the Lamb."
And when the chief shepherd has Matt . 19 :28 "Jesus said to
been made manifest, you will re-
ceive the unfadable crown of them : 'Truly I say to you, In
glory." the re-creation, when the Son of
Apostolic Succession 18
man sits down upon his glorious them everlasting life, and they
throne, you who have followed will by no means ever be de-
me will also yourselves sit upon stroyed, and no one will snatch
twelve thrones, judging the twelve them out of my hand . What my
tribes of Israel .' " Father has given me is something
Christ the Ever-living Head of greater than all other things, and
the Christian Congregation ; No no one can snatch them out of
Earthly Head Needed the hand of the Father ."
John 17 :12 "I have kept them,
Col. 1 :18 "He is the head of and not one of them is destroyed
the body, the congregation ." except the son of destruction ."
Eph . 1:22, 23 "He also subjected John 11:26 "He that exercises
all things under his feet, and faith in me, even though he dies,
made him head over all things will come to life ."
to the congregation, which is his 1 Cor . 15 :42-44 "So also is the
body, the fullness of him who resurrection of the dead. It is
fills up all things in all ." sown in corruption, it is raised
Eph . 4 :15 ; 5 :23, 24 "Speaking up in incorruption . It is sown in
the truth, let us by love grow up dishonor, it is raised up in glory .
in all things into him who is the It is sown in weakness, it is
head, Christ." "A husband is raised up in power . It is sown
head of his wife as the Christ a physical body, it is raised up a
also is head of the congregation, spiritual body."
he being a savior of this body . . . . 2 Cor . 4 :14 "Knowing that he
the congregation is in subjection
to the Christ ." who raised Jesus up will raise us
Zech. 4 :7 "He shall bring forth up also together with Jesus and
the top stone with shoutings of will present us together with
Grace, grace, unto it ." you ."
Rev. 2 :10 "Prove yourself
How Gates of Hell (Hades) Do faithful even with the danger of
Not Prevail Against the death, and I will give you the
Christian Congregation crown of life ."
1 Cor. 15 :54-57 "When this 1 Thess . 4 :16 "The Lord him-
which is corruptible puts on in- self will descend from heaven
corruption and this which is mor- with a commanding call, with an
tal puts on immortality, then the archangel's voice and with God's
saying will take place that is trumpet, and those who are dead
written : 'Death is swallowed up in union with Christ will rise
forever .' 'Death, where is your first ."
victory? Death, where is your Keys of Heaven
sting?' . . But thanks to God. Given to Peter to use, but their
for he gives us the victory use directed by heaven
through our Lord Jesus Christ!"
Hos . 13 :14 "I will ransom them Matt . 16 :19 "I will give you
from the power of Sheol ; I will the keys of the kingdom of the
redeem them from death : 0 heavens, and whatever you may
death, where are thy plagues? bind on earth will have been
0 Sheol, where is thy destruc- bound [margin, "be the thing al-
tion?" ready bound"] in the heavens, and
John 6:39 "This is the will of whatever you may loose on earth
him that sent me, that I should will have been loosed [margin,
lose nothing out of all that he "be the thing already loosed"] in
has given me but that I should the heavens ."
resurrect it at the last day ." Matt . 18 :18 "Truly I say to you
John 10 :27-29 "My sheep listen men, Whatever things you may
to my voice, and I know them, bind on earth will have been
and they follow me . And I give bound in heaven and whatever
19 Apostolic Succession
things you may loose on earth tecost was in progress they were
will have been loosed in heaven ." all together at the same place,
Keys represent unlocking of and . . . Peter said to them : 'Re-
knowledge of opportunity of pent, and let each one of you be
entering kingdom of heaven baptized in the name of Jesus
Christ for forgiveness of your sins,
Luke 11 :52 "Woe to you who and you will receive the free gift
are versed in the Law, because of the holy spirit . For the promise
you took away the key of knowl- is to you and to your children and
edge ; you yourselves did not go to all those afar off, just as many
in, and those going in you hin- as Jehovah our God may call to
dered!" him .' Therefore those who em-
2 Tim. 1:10 "Our Savior, Christ braced his word heartily were
Jesus, who has abolished death baptized, and on that day about
but has shed light upon life and three thousand souls were
incorruption through the good added ."
news ." Time: (Dan. 9 :24-27) 6921
1 Pet . 1 :3, 4 "Blessed be the weeks of years (4861, years) from
God and Father of our Lord Je- rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls
sus Christ, for according to his under Nehemiah, in the fall of
great mercy he gave us a new 455 B.C . (September 17-18), to
birth to a living hope through the spring, A .D . 33 .
resurrection of Jesus Christ from Heaven directs use of second
the dead, to an incorruptible and key toward Gentiles,
undefiled and unfading inherit- fall, A.D. 36
ance . It is being reserved in the
heavens for you ." Acts 10 :9-35, 44-48 "Peter . . .
Col . 1 :26, 27 "The sacred secret fell into a trance . . . Peter said :
which was concealed from the `Not at all, Lord, because I have
past systems of things and from never eaten anything at all de-
the past generations . But now filed and unclean .' And the voice
it has been made manifest to his spoke again to him, the second
holy ones, to whom God has been time : `You stop calling defiled
pleased to make known what are the things God has cleansed .' . . .
the glorious riches of this sacred the spirit said : `Look! three men
secret among the nations . It is are seeking you .' . . . They said :
Christ in union with you, the `Cornelius, an army officer, . . .
hope of his glory ." was given divine instructions by
1 Tim. 3 :16 "Indeed, the sacred a holy angel to send for you to
secret of this godly devotion is come to his house and to hear the
admittedly great : 'He was made things you have to say.' . . .Cor-
manifest in flesh, was declared nelius said : ' . . . a man in bright
righteous in spirit, appeared to raiment stood before me and
angels, was preached about said : "Cornelius, your prayer has
among nations, was believed up- been favorably heard and your
on in the world, was received up gifts of mercy have been remem-
in glory .'" bered before God. Send, there-
Rom . 1 :16 "I am not ashamed fore, to Joppa and call for Simon
of the good news ; it is, in fact, who is surnamed Peter."' . . . At
God's power for salvation to this Peter opened his mouth and
everyone having faith, to the said : `For a certainty I perceive
Jew first as well as to the Greek ." that God is not partial, but in
Heaven directs use of first key every nation the man that fears
toward Jews, Pentecost, him and works righteousness is
A .D . 33 acceptable to him.' While Peter
was yet speaking about these
Acts 2 :1, 2, 38, 39, 41 "Now matters the holy spirit fell upon
while the day of the feast of Pen- all those hearing the word . And
Apostolic Succession 20
the faithful ones that had come and shuts so that no one opens."
with Peter who were of those Acts 14 :27 "When they had ar-
circumcised were amazed, be- rived and had gathered the con-
cause the free gift of the holy gregation together, they pro-
spirit was being poured out also ceeded to recount the many
upon people of the nations . . . . things God had done by means
Then Peter responded : 'Can any- of them and that he had opened
one forbid water so that these to the nations the door to faith."
might not be baptized who have Keys had no further use by
received the holy spirit even as Peter; not Peter, but God and
we have?' With that he com- Christ judge who is worthy to
manded them to be baptized in enter Kingdom
the name of Jesus Christ ."
Acts 11 :15-18 "But when I Matt . 20 :23 "He said to them :
started to speak the holy spirit 'You will indeed drink my cup,
fell upon them just as it did but this sitting down at my right
also upon us originally . At this I hand and at my left is not mine
called to mind the saying of the to give, but it belongs to those
Lord, how he used to say : 'John, for whom it has been prepared
on the one hand, baptized with by my Father .'"
water, but you will be baptized 2 Tim . 4:1 "I earnestly beg you
in holy spirit .' If, therefore, God before God and Christ Jesus,
gave the same free gift to them who is destined to judge the
as he also did to us who have living and the dead, and by his
believed upon the Lord Jesus manifestation and his kingdom ."
Christ, who was I that I should Heb . 12 :23 "The congregation
be able to hinder God?" of the firstborn who have been
Acts 15 :7 "Peter rose and said enrolled in the heavens, and
to them : 'Brothers, you well know God the Judge of all."
that from early days God made 1 Pet. 4 :5 "These people will
the choice among you that render an account to the one
through my mouth people of the ready to judge those living and
nations should hear the word of those dead ."
the good news and believe .' " 1 Cor. 12 :18 "But now God
Eph . 3 :5, 6 "In other genera- has set the members in the body,
tions this secret was not made each one of them, just as he
known to the sons of men as it pleased."
has now been revealed to his None of the apostles (including
holy apostles and prophets by Peter, the supposed "gate-
spirit, namely, that people of the keeper") were in heaven
nations should be joint heirs and prior to Christ's second
fellow members of the body and coming in Kingdom
partakers with us of the promise power
in union with Christ Jesus 2 Tim . 4 :8 "There is reserved
through the good news." for me the crown of righteous-
Time: End of 70th week of ness, which the Lord, the right-
special favor to the Jews, which eous judge, will give me as a re-
extended from fall of A.D . 29, ward in that day, yet not only
at Jesus' baptism, to fall of A .D . to me, but also to all those who
36 (490 years from fall of 455 have loved his manifestation ."
B.C .) .-See Daniel 9 :24-27 .
Keys not passed on; door still 1 Cor . 15 :51, 52 "Look! I tell
open to Jews and Gentiles you a sacred secret : We shall
not all fall asleep in death, but
Rev. 3 :7 "These are the things we shall all be changed, in a mo-
he says who is holy, who is true, ment, in the twinkling of an
who has the key of David, who eye, during the last trumpet . For
opens so that no one will shut, the trumpet will sound, and the
21 Apostolic Succession
dead will be raised up incorrupt- thoroughly how God for the first
ible, and we shall be changed." time turned his attention to the
1 Thess. 4 :15, 16 "We the living nations . . . Hence my decision
who survive to the presence of is not to trouble those from the
the Lord shall in no way precede nations who are turning to God,
those who have fallen asleep in ' Then the apostles and the
death, because the Lord himself older men together with the
will descend from heaven with a whole congregation favored send-
commanding call, with an arch- ing chosen men from among
angel's voice and with God's them . . they wrote : ' . . . the
trumpet, and those who are dead holy spirit and we ourselves have
in union with Christ will rise favored adding no further burden
first." to you, except these necessary
2 Thess. 2 :1-3 "However, broth- things .' "
ers, respecting the presence of Infallibility Not Granted to Any
our Lord Jesus Christ and our Imperfect Man ; Peter
being gathered together to him, No Exception
we request of you not to be
quickly shaken from your reason Matt. 14:29-31 "Peter, getting
nor to be excited either through down off the boat, walked over
an inspired expression or through the waters and went toward Je-
a verbal message or through a sus. But looking at the wind-
letter as though from us, to the storm, he got afraid and, after
effect that the day of Jehovah starting to sink, he cried out :
is here . Let no one seduce you in 'Master, save me!' Immediately
any manner, because it will not stretching out his hand Jesus
come unless the falling away caught hold of him and said to
comes first and the man of law- him : 'You with little faith, why
lessness gets revealed, the son did you give way to doubt?'"
of destruction ." Matt. 16 :22, 23 "Peter took him
Acts 17 :31 "He has set a day aside and commenced raising
in which he purposes to judge strong objections to him, saying :
the inhabited earth in righteous- 'Be kind to yourself, Master ; you
ness by a man whom he has will not have this destiny at all.'
appointed, and he has furnished But, turning his back, he said to
a guarantee to all men in that Peter : 'Get behind me, Satan!
he has resurrected him from the You are a stumblingblock to me,
dead." because you think, not God's
Peter Did Not Rule over the thoughts, but those of men .' "
Christian Congregation John 18 :10, 11 "Then Simon
Peter, as he had a sword, drew
Gal. 2 :9 "James and Cephas it and struck the slave of the
and John, the ones who seemed high priest and cut his right ear
to be pillars, gave me and Barna- off. The name of the slave was
bas the right hand of joint par- Malchus . Jesus, however, said to
ticipation ." Peter : 'Put the sword into its
Matt . 23 :8-10 "But you, do not sheath. The cup that the Father
you be called 'Rabbi', for one is has given me, should I not by all
your teacher, whereas all you are means drink it?'"
brothers. Moreover, do not call Luke 22 :31-34 "'Simon, Simon,
anyone your father on earth, for look! Satan has demanded to
One is your Father, the heavenly have you men to sift you as
One . Neither be called 'leaders', wheat . But I have made suppli-
for your Leader is one, the cation for you that your faith
Christ ." may not give out ; and you, when
Acts 15 :13-23, 28 "After they once you have returned, give sup-
quit speaking James answered, port to your brothers .' Then he
saying : '. . . Symeon has related said to him : 'Master, I am ready
Apostolic Succession 22
to march with you both into the life. No one comes to the
prison and into death.' But he Father except through me.' "
said : `I tell you, Peter, A cock John 17 :2 "You have given him
will not crow today until you authority over all flesh, that, as
have three times denied knowing regards the whole number which
me .' " you have given him, he may give
Luke 22 :60-62 "But Peter said : them everlasting life ."
'Man, I do not know what you 1 John 5 :11 "And this is the
are saying .' And instantly, while witness given, that God gave us
he was yet speaking, a cock everlasting life, and this life is
crowed . And the Master turned in his Son."
and looked upon Peter, and Peter Key of Hades (Gravedom) Com-
recalled the utterance of the Mas- pletes Use When All Deserving
ter when he said to him : `Before Ones Resurrected During 1,000-
a cock crows today you will dis- Year Reign
own me three times.' And he
went outside and wept bitterly ." John 5 :28, 29 "The hour is
Gal. 2 :11-14 "However, when coming in which all those in the
Cephas came to Antioch, I re- memorial tombs will hear his
sisted him face to face, because voice and come out, those who
he stood condemned . For before did good things to a resurrection
the arrival of certain men from of life, those who practiced vile
James he used to eat with people things to a resurrection of judg-
of the nations ; but when they ment."
arrived, he went to withdrawing Rev. 20 :13, 14 "And the sea
and separating himself, in fear gave up those dead in it, and
of those of the circumcised class . death and Hades gave up those
But when I saw they were dead in them, and they were
not walking straight according to judged individually according to
the truth of the good news, I their deeds . And death and Hades
said to Cephas before them all : were hurled into the lake of fire.
'If you, though you are a Jew, This means the second death, the
live as the nations do, and not as lake of fire."
Jews do, how is it that you are Key of Death Completes Use
compelling people of the nations When Every Trace and Effect of
to live according to Jewish prac- Adamic Death Is Removed from
tice?'" Deserving Ones (Toward End of
John 20 :6-9 "Simon Peter . 1,000-Year Reign)
entered into the memorial tomb .
. For they did not yet discern See Revelation 20 :13, 14, above.
the scripture that he must rise Rev. 21 :4 "And he will wipe out
from the dead ." every tear from their eyes, and
Christ Holds Keys of Death and death will be no more, neither
Hell (Hades) will mourning nor outcry nor
pain be any more . The former
Rev . 1 :18 "1 became dead, but, thing's have passed away. -
look! I am living for ever and I Cor . 15 :25, 26 "He must rule
ever, and I have the keys of as king until God has put all
death and of Hades ." enemies under his feet . As the
John 11 :25, 26 "Jesus said to last enemy, death is to be de-
her : `I am the resurrection and stroyed ."
the life . He that exercises faith No Record Peter Was Ever in
in me, even though he dies, will
come to life, and everyone that Rome ; He Preached Mainly to
is living and exercises faith in Jews and Did Travel to Babylon,
me will never die at all."' a Seat of Jewish Culture
John 14 :6 "Jesus said to him : Gal . 2:7-9 "On the contrary,
'I am the way and the truth and when they saw that I had en-
23 Apostolic Succession
trusted to me the good news for Peter Had Gift of Discerning
those who are uncircumcised, just Spirits, Healing, Forgiving Sins,
as Peter had it for those who Expelling Demons, Raising the
are circumcised-for He who gave Dead ; Not All Popes Claim All
Peter powers necessary for an These Powers
apostleship to those who are cir- Acts 5 :1-11 "However, a certain
cumcised gave powers also to me man, Ananias by name, together
for those who are of the nations ; with Sapphira his wife, sold a
yes, when they came to know possession and secretly held back
the undeserved kindness which some of the price, his wife also
was given me, James and Cephas knowing about it, . But Peter
and John, the ones who seemed said : `Ananias, to what end has
to be pillars, gave me and Barna- Satan emboldened you to play
bas the right hand of joint par- false to the holy spirit and to
ticipation, that we should go to hold back secretly some of the
the nations, but they to those price of the field? . . . You have
who are circumcised ." played false, not to men, but to
1 Pet. 5 :13 "She who is in God .' . Peter said to her [An-
Babylon, a chosen one like you, anias' wife] : `Why was it agreed
sends you her greetings ." upon between you two to make a
Peter Was Married test of the spirit of Jehovah?
Mark 1 :30 "Now Simon's moth- Look! the feet of those who
er-in-law was lying down sick buried your husband are at the
with a fever ." door, and they will carry you
Luke 4:38 "Now Simon's moth- out .' Instantly she fell down at
er-in-law was afflicted with a high his feet and expired ."
fever ." John 20 :22, 23 "And after he
1 Cor. 9:5 "We have authority said this he [Jesus] blew upon
to lead about a sister as a wife, them and said to them : `Receive
even as the rest of the apostles holy spirit . If you forgive the
and the Lord's brothers and Ce- sins of any persons, they stand
phas, do we not?" forgiven to them ; if you retain
those of any persons, they stand
Apostles Had Power to Transmit retained .'"
Gifts of Holy Spirit; Not All Matt . 10:1 "So he summoned
Popes Claim This his twelve disciples and gave
Acts 8 :14-17 "When the apos- them authority over unclean
tles in Jerusalem heard that Sa- spirits, in order to expel these
maria had accepted the word of and to cure every kind of disease
God, they dispatched Peter and and every kind of ailment ."
John to them. . . . Then they went Mark 3 :14-16 "And he formed
to laying their hands upon them, a group of twelve, whom he also
and they began to receive holy named `apostles', that they might
spirit ." continue with him and that he
Acts 10 :44-46 "While Peter was might send them out to preach
yet speaking about these matters and to have authority to expel
the demons . And the group of
the holy spirit fell upon all those twelve that he formed were Si-
hearing the word. . . . For they mon, to whom he also gave the
heard them speaking with tongues surname `Peter'."
and glorifying God." Acts 9 :36-41 "But in Joppa
Acts 19 :6 "And when Paul laid there was a certain disciple
his hands upon them, the holy named Tabitha, which, when
spirit came upon them, and they translated, means Dorcas . . . . she
happened to fall sick and die.
began speaking with tongues and . But Peter put everybody out-
prophesying ." side and, bending his knees, he
Armageddon 24
prayed, and, turning to the body, Rev. 1 :1 ; 5 :9, 10 "The revela-
he said : `Tabitha, rise!' She tion by Jesus Christ, which God
opened her eyes and, as she gave him, to show his slaves the
caught sight of Peter, she sat things that must shortly take
up place."
Acts 3 :6-8 "Peter said : `Silver "And they sing a new song,
and gold I do not possess, but saying : `. . . with your blood you
what I do have is what I give bought persons for God out of
you : In the name of Jesus Christ every tribe and tongue and people
the Nazarene, walk!' With that and nation, and you made them
he took hold of him by the to be a kingdom and priests to
right hand and raised him up . our God, and they will rule as
Instantly the soles of his feet and kings over the earth .'"
his ankle bones were made firm, Rev . 20 :4-6 "And I saw thrones,
and, leaping up, he stood up and and there were those who sat
began walking, and he entered down on them, and power of
with them into the temple, walk- judging was given them . . . . And
ing and leaping and praising they came to life and ruled as
God." kings with the Christ for a thou-
144,000 as Kings and Priests sand years. . . . and will rule as
Rule from Heaven During the kings with him for the thousand
1,000 Years ; Not on Earth from years ."
Time of Pentecost 2 Tim . 2 :12 "If we go on en-
1 Cor. 4 :8 "You men already during, we_ shall also rule to-
have your fill, do you? You are gether as kings ; if we deny, he
rich already, are you? You have also will deny us ."
begun ruling as kings without us, Rom. 5 :17 "For if by the tres-
have you? And I wish indeed pass of the one man death ruled
that you had begun ruling as as king through that one, much
kings, that we also might rule more will those who receive the
with you as kings ." abundance of the undeserved
2 Tim. 4 :1 "I earnestly beg you
before God and Christ Jesus, who kindness and of the free gift of
is destined to judge the living righteousness rule as kings in
and the dead, and by his mani- life through the one person, Je-
festation and his kingdom ." sus Christ ."

(Literally : "The mountain of the assembly of [God's] troops .")
The battle of Jehovah God Almighty in which his executive officer
Christ Jesus leads invisible forces of righteousness to destroy Satan
and his demonic and human organization, eliminating wickedness
from the universe and vindicating Jehovah's universal sovereignty .
Line-up of Sides of the great day of God the Al-
Rev. 16:14, 16 "They are, in mighty . And they gathered them
fact, expressions inspired by de- together to the place that is
mons and perform signs, and called in Hebrew Har-Magedon ."
Rev. 19:19 "And I saw the wild
they go forth to the kings of beast and the kings of the earth
the entire inhabited earth, to and their armies gathered to-
gather them together to the war gether to wage the war with the
25 Armageddon
one seated on the horse and with out as dust, and their flesh as
his army ." dung . Neither their silver nor
Christians Have No Part in their gold shall be able to deliver
Slaying Work them in the day of Jehovah's
wrath ; but the whole land shall
Eph. 6 :12 "Because we have a be devoured by the fire of his
fight, not against blood and flesh, jealousy : for he will make an
but against the governments, end, yea, a terrible end, of all
against the authorities, against them that dwell in the land ."
the world-rulers of this darkness, War of Supernatural Forces
against the wicked spirit forces
in the heavenly places ." Zeph. 3 :8 "Wait ye for me,
2 Cor. 10:3, 4 "For though we saith Jehovah, until the day that
walk in the flesh, we do not wage I rise up to the prey ; for my
warfare according to what we are determination is to gather the
in the flesh . For the weapons of nations, that I may assemble the
our warfare are not fleshly, but kingdoms, to pour upon them
powerful by God for overturning mine indignation, even all my
strongly entrenched things ." fierce anger ; for all the earth
2 Chron . 20 :15, 17 "The battle shall be devoured with the fire
is not yours, but God's . Ye shall of my jealousy."
not need to fight in this battle : Jude 14, 15 "Look! Jehovah
set yourselves, stand ye still, and came with his holy myriads, to
see the salvation of Jehovah with execute judgment against all and
you." to convict all the ungodly con-
Rom. 12 :19 "Do not avenge cerning all their ungodly deeds
yourselves, beloved, but yield that they did in an ungodly way
place to the wrath ; for it is and concerning all the shocking
written : 'Vengeance is mine, I things that ungodly sinners spoke
will repay, says Jehovah.'" against him."
Also : Rev. 2 :26, 27 ; 19 :13-15 ; Isa . 66:15, 16 "Behold, Jehovah
Ezek . 9 :2, 4, 5 . will come with fire, and his
Description of Old World's chariots shall be like the whirl-
Accomplished End wind ; to render his anger with
fierceness, and his rebuke with
Jer. 25 :29-33 "I will call for a flames of fire. For by fire will
sword upon all the inhabitants Jehovah execute judgment, and
of the earth, saith Jehovah of by his sword, upon all flesh ; and
hosts . . . . for Jehovah hath a the slain of Jehovah shall be
controversy with the nations ; . . . many ."
And the slain of Jehovah shall be Zech. 14 :3, 12 "Then shall Je-
at that day from one end of the hovah go forth, and fight against
earth even unto the other end of those nations, as when he fought
the earth : they shall not be la- in the day of battle . And this
mented, neither gathered, nor shall be the plague wherewith
buried ; they shall be dung upon Jehovah will smite all the peoples
the face of the ground ." that have warred against Jeru-
Isa . 34 :1-9 "Jehovah hath in- salem : their flesh shall consume
dignation against all the nations, away while they stand upon their
and wrath against all their host : feet, and their eyes shall con-
he hath utterly destroyed them, sume away in their sockets, and
he hath delivered them to the their tongue shall consume away
slaughter " in their mouth."
Zeph. 1:14, 17, 18 "The great Ps . 46 :1-3, 8-10 "Come, behold
day of Jehovah is near, . the the works of Jehovah, what deso-
mighty man crieth there bitterly . lations he hath made in the earth .
. . . their blood shall be poured He maketh wars to cease unto

Armageddon 26
the end of the earth ; he breaketh 1 Thess. 5:3 "Whenever it is
the bow, and cutteth the spear that they are saying, `Peace and
in sunder ; he burneth the char- security!' then sudden destruc-
iots in the fire ." tion is to be instantly upon them
Hab . 3:2, 11, 12 "O Jehovah, just as the pang of distress upon
revive thy work in the midst of a pregnant woman, and they will
the years ; in the midst of the by no means escape ."
years make it known ; in wrath Comes After Earth-wide
remember mercy . The sun and Warning Campaign
moon stood still in their habita-
tion, at the light of thine arrows Matt . 24:14 "This good news of
as they went, at the shining of the kingdom will be preached in
thy glittering spear . Thou didst all the inhabited earth for the
march through the land in in- purpose of a witness to all the
dignation ; thou didst thresh the nations, and then the accom-
nations in anger ." plished end will come ."
Also : Ps . 110 :5, 6 ; Matt . 24 :20, Ezek . 9 :2, 4-6 "And behold, six
21, 35 . 36 ; Joel 3 :9-14 . men came from the way of the
upper gate, which lieth toward
Order of Fall the north, every man with his
Rev. 17 :12, 16 ; 19 :19-20 :3 "And slaughter weapon in his hand ;
the ten horns . . . and the wild and one man in the midst of
beast, these will hate the harlot them clothed in linen, with a
and will make her devastated and writer's inkhorn by his side . And
naked . . . . And the wild beast Jehovah said unto him, Go
was caught, and . . . the false through the midst of the city,
prophet . . . both were hurled into and set a mark upon the
the fiery lake . . . But the rest foreheads of the men that sigh
were killed off with the long and that cry over all the abomi-
sword of the one seated on the nations that are done in the
horse . And I saw an angel midst thereof . And to the others
and he seized . Satan, he said . . . Go ye through the
And he hurled him into the city after him, and smite : let
abyss." not your eye spare, neither have
Comes Suddenly, Unexpectedly ye pity ; slay utterly the old man,
the young man and the virgin,
2 Pet. 3 :10 "Yet Jehovah's day and little children and women ;
will come as a thief, in which but come not near any man upon
the heavens will pass away with whom is the mark ."
a hissing noise, but the elements Isa . 6 :9, 11 "And he said, Go,
being intensely hot will be dis- and tell this people, . Then
solved, and earth and the works said I, Lord, how long? And he
in it will be discovered ." answered, Until cities be waste
Isa . 28 :21 "For Jehovah will without inhabitant, and houses
rise up as in mount Perazim, he without man, and the land be-
will be wroth as in the valley of come utterly waste."
Gibeon ; that he may do his work, Survivors
his strange work, and bring to
pass his act, his strange act ." 1 Thess . 5 :4 "But you, brothers,
Luke 21 :34, 35 "Pay attention you are not in darkness, so that
to yourselves that your hearts that day should overtake you as
never become weighed down with it would thieves ."
overeating and heavy drinking Zeph . 2:2, 3 "Before the decree
and anxieties of life, and sudden- bring forth, before the day pass
ly that day be instantly upon as the chaff, before the fierce
you as a snare . For it will come anger of Jehovah come upon you,
in upon all those dwelling upon before the day of Jehovah's anger
the face of all the earth ." come upon you . Seek ye Jehovah,

27 Baptism
all ye meek of the earth, that Will Come in This Generation
have kept his ordinances ; seek but Day and Hour Unknown
righteousness, seek meekness : it to Man
may be ye will be hid in the day Matt. 24 :34, 36 "This generation
of Jehovah's anger ." will by no means pass away un-
Also: Matt. 24 :20-22 ; Rev. 7 :9, til all these things occur . Con-
cerning that day and hour no-
10, 14-17 . body knows."

Complete submergence, immersion, dipping (1) in water [or (2) into
death with Christ, (3) into his body, (4) with holy spirit, (5) into the
Greater Noah in a new system of things, (6) into destruction as by
fire] . Christian water baptism is an outward symbol, as a testimony
before witnesses, of the baptized one's complete, unreserved and
unconditional dedication and agreement to do the will of Jehovah
God, the Universal Sovereign, through Christ Jesus his King . It means
his own will is buried (as by the immersion in water) and he comes
up from the water to do only God's will and walk in newness of
life thereafter.
Complete Immersion, Being Ex . 14:19, 22 "The waters were
Dipped, Not a Sprinkling a wall unto them on their right
From Greek, baptisma, "to dip, hand, and on their left . . . . and
submerge, immerse." the pillar of cloud removed from
Rom . 6 :3, 4 "Do you not know before them, and stood behind
that all of us who were baptized them .'
into Christ Jesus were baptized 1 Cor. 10 :1, 2 "Our forefathers
into his death? Therefore we were all under the cloud and all
were buried with him through passed through the sea and all
our baptism into his death ." got baptized into Moses by means
Col . 2 :12 "You were buried of the cloud and of the sea ."
with him in his baptism ." Gen . 7 :16 "They that went in
Matt . 3 :16 "After being bap- [to the ark], went in male and
tized Jesus immediately came up female of all flesh, as God com-
from the water ." manded him : and Jehovah shut
Mark 1 :10 "Immediately on him in ."
coming up out of the water he Instituted, First Performed by
[Jesus] saw the heavens being Jehovah God in Noah's Day
parted ." 1 Pet . 3 :20, 21 "The patience
John 3 :23 "John also was bap- of God was waiting in Noah's
tizing in Aenon near Salim, be- days, while the ark was being
cause there was a great quantity constructed, in which a few peo-
of water there ." ple, that is, eight souls, were car-
Acts 8 :36, 38, 39 "'Look! a ried safely through the water .
body of water ; what prevents me That which corresponds to this is
from getting baptized?' . . . they also now saving you, namely, bap-
both went down into the water, tism .
and he baptized him . When Gen. 6 :17 "I [Jehovah], behold,
they had come up out of the I do bring the flood of waters
water . . . he went traveling." upon the earth ."
Baptism 28
2 Pet. 2 :5 "He brought a deluge that Jehovah hath spoken we will
upon a world of ungodly people ." do ."
Men Authorized to Perform Dent . 5 :29 "Oh . . . that they
would fear me, and keep all my
Three witnesses corroborate: commandments always, that it
JOHN : might be well with them, and
with their children for ever!"
John 1 :32, 33 "John [the Bap-
tizer] also bore witness, saying : John the Baptist Baptized Only
. the very One who sent me Jews and Proselytes
to baptize in water said to me, Mal . 4:5, 6 "I will send you Eli-
"Whoever it is upon whom you jah the prophet before the great
see the spirit coming down and and terrible day of Jehovah come .
remaining, this is the one that And he shall turn the heart of
baptizes in holy spirit,' - ' the fathers to the children, and
JESUS and JEHOVAH GOD : the heart of the children to their
Matt. 3 :15-17 "Jesus said to fathers ."
him : 'Let it be, this time, for Luke 1 :16, 17, 76, 77 "Many of
in that way it is suitable for us the sons of Israel will he turn
to carry out all that is righteous .' back to Jehovah their God . Also
the heavens were opened up, he will go before him with Eli-
and he saw descending like a jah's spirit and power, to turn
dove God's spirit coming upon back the hearts of fathers to
him . Look! also, there was a voice children and the disobedient ones
from the heavens that said : 'This to the practical wisdom of right-
is my Son, the beloved, whom I eous ones, to get ready for Jeho-
have approved .'" vah a prepared people."
Matt. 11 :14 "This [John the
An Elementary Christian Baptist] is Elijah who is destined
Doctrine to come ."
Heb . 6:1, 2 "For this reason, Also : Matt. 17 :12, 13 .
now that we have left the Acts 13 :24 "John, in advance
elementary doctrine about the of the entry of that One, had
Christ, let us press on to maturi- preached publicly to all the peo-
ty, not laying a foundation again, ple of Israel the baptism of those
namely, repentance from dead repenting."
works, and faith toward God, the John's Baptism an Admission of,
teaching on baptisms."
Repentance for, Sins by Natural
Entire Nation of Israel Dedicated Jews Against the Law Covenant
to Jehovah by Baptism into and a Preparing of Them for
Moses at Red Sea Jesus as Greater Moses
1 Cor . 10 :1, 2 "Our forefathers and Leader
all got baptized into Moses Matt . 3 :8 "So then produce
by means of the cloud and of fruit that befits repentance ."
the sea ."
1 Chron . 17 :21, 22 "What one Acts 19 :4 "John baptized with
nation in the earth is like thy the baptism of those repenting,
people Israel, whom God went telling the people to believe in
to redeem unto himself for a the one coming after him, that
people, . . out of Egypt? For is, in Jesus."
thy people Israel didst thou make Rom . 10 :4 "Christ is the ac-
thine own people for ever ; and complished end of the Law, so
thou, Jehovah, becamest their that everyone exercising faith
God ." may have righteousness ."
Ex. 19 :8 "All the people an- Gal. 3 :24 "The Law has become
swered together, and said, All our tutor leading to Christ."
29 Baptism
Acts 3:22, 23 "In fact, Moses ple and the tax collectors, when
said : `Jehovah God will produce they heard this, declared God to
for you from among your broth- be righteous, and were baptized
ers a prophet like me. You must with the baptism of John . But
listen to him according to all the the Pharisees and those versed
things he speaks to you .'" in the law disregarded the coun-
Jesus' Own Baptism New, sel of God to them and were not
Different baptized by him .) ."
John 3 :27, 30 "John said,' . . .
Heb . 7 :26 "Such a high priest That one must go on increasing,
as this was suitable for us, one but I must go on decreasing .'"
of loving-kindness, guileless, un-
defiled, separated from the sin- Jesus Directed Baptism and
ners, and become higher than the Commanded Continuance of It
heavens ." John 3 :26; 4:1 "They came to
1 Pet. 2 :22 "He committed no John and said to him : `Rabbi,
sin, nor was deceit found in his the man that was with you across
mouth." the Jordan, to whom you have
Luke 3:21 "Jesus also was bap- borne witness, see, this one is
tized and, as he was praying, the baptizing and all are going to
heaven was opened up." him.' Now, the Master became
Jesus' Baptism His Full Dedica- aware that the Pharisees had
tion to Do Newly Revealed Will heard that Jesus was making and
of God, Fulfill Types and baptizing more disciples than
Shadows of Law John ."
Matt . 28 :19, 20 "Go therefore
Heb . 10 :5-9 "When he comes and make disciples of people of
into the world he says : `You did all the nations, baptizing them
not desire sacrifice and offering, in the name of the Father and of
but you prepared a body for me . the Son and of the holy spirit ."
. Look! I am come (in the Baptism by Jesus' Disciples Until
roll of the book it is written about A.D. 36-for Jews, Related Sa-
me) to do your will, 0 God .' maritans and Proselytes Only
He does away with what is
first that he may establish what Acts 2 :37, 38, 41 "Peter said to
is second ." them : 'Repent, and let each one
Matt . 5:17 "Do not think I of you be baptized in the name
came to destroy the Law or the of Jesus Christ for forgiveness
Prophets. I came, not to destroy, of your sins, . . .' Therefore those
but to fulfill ." who embraced his word heartily
Col. 2:17 "Those things are a were baptized."
shadow of the things to come, Acts 9 :18 "He [Saul] recovered
but the reality belongs to the sight, and he rose and was bap-
Christ ." tized ."
John's Baptizing Continued in Acts 22 :16 "Rise, get baptized
Harmony with That of Jesus' and wash your sins away by your
Disciples Until John's Death calling upon his name ."
Acts 8 :27, 35, 36, 38 "Philip
Matt. 11 :12 "From the days of opened his mouth and, starting
John the Baptist until now the with this Scripture, he declared
kingdom of the heavens is the to him the good news about
goal toward which men press, Jesus . Now as they were traveling
and those pressing forward are over the road, they came to a
seizing it." certain body of water, and the
Luke 7 :26-30 "'What did you eunuch said : 'Look! a body of
go out to see? A prophet? Yes, water ; what prevents me from
I tell you, and far more than a getting baptized?'
. and he bap-
prophet.' . . . (And all the peo- tized him ."
Baptism 30
After A .D . 36 Jews and Uncir- Repentance Must Precede, but
cumcised Gentiles on Same Basis Sins Not Washed Away
Dan. 9:24-27 "Seventy weeks by Baptism
[455 B .C .-A.D. 36] are decreed Acts 17 :30 "God . . . now . . .
upon thy people and upon thy is telling mankind that they
holy city . . . . And he shall make should all everywhere repent ."
a firm covenant with many for Acts 20:21 "I thoroughly bore
one week [A .D . 29-36] ." witness both to Jews and to
Acts 10:45, 47, 48 "The faith- Greeks about repentance toward
ful ones that had come with God and faith in our Lord Jesus ."
Peter who were of those cir- Acts 26 :20 "I went bringing the
cumcised were amazed, because message that they should repent
the free gift of the holy spirit and turn to God by doing works
was being poured out also upon that befit repentance."
people of the nations . Then Peter 1 Pet. 3 :21 "That which corre-
responded : 'Can anyone forbid sponds to this is also now saving
water so that these might not you, namely, baptism, (not the
be baptized who have received putting away of the filth of the
the holy spirit even as we have?' flesh, but the request made to
With that he commanded them God for a good conscience,)
to be baptized in the name of through the resurrection of Je-
Jesus Christ." sus Christ."
Acts 18 :25, 26 "This man [Apol- Heb . 6 :1, 2 "Let us press on to
los] . went to speaking and maturity, not laying a foundation
teaching with some correctness again, namely, repentance from
the things about Jesus, but being dead works, and faith toward
acquainted with only the baptism God, the teaching on baptisms ."
of John . . . Priscilla and Aquila Immersion Symbolizes Complete
. . expounded the way of God Dedication, as Did
more correctly to him ." Jesus' Baptism
Acts 19 :2-6 "They said to him : 1 Pet . 2 :21 "In fact, to this
`Why, we have never heard course you were called, because
whether there is a holy spirit .' even Christ suffered for you,
And he said : 'In what, then, leaving you a model for you to
were you baptized?' They said : follow his steps closely ."
'In John's baptism.' Paul said : Matt. 16:24 "Then Jesus said to
'John baptized with the baptism his disciples : `If anyone wants to
of those repenting, telling the come after me, let him disown
people to believe in the one himself and pick up his torture
coming after him, that is, in stake and follow me continually.' "
Jesus .' On hearing this, they got Luke 9 :23 "If anyone wants to
baptized in the name of the Lord come after me, let him disown
Jesus. And when Paul laid his himself and pick up his torture
hands upon them, the holy spirit stake day after day and follow
came upon them ." me continually."
Acts 15 :7-9 "Peter . . . said to A Necessary Step of Obedience
them : `Brothers, you well know for All Christians, Including the
that from early days God made Other Sheep
the choice among you that
through my mouth people of the Matt . 3 :15 "Jesus said to him :
'Let it be, this time, for in that
nations should hear the word of way it is suitable for us to carry
the good news and believe ; . . . out all that is righteous .'"
And he made no distinction at Mic . 4 :1-5 "Many nations shall
l1 between us and them, but go and say, Come ye, and let
purified their hearts by faith .' " us go up to the mountain of
31 Baptism
Jehovah, and to the house of the In the Name (Recognizing the
God of Jacob ; and he will teach Office, Authority) of the Son
us of his ways, and we will walk Isa . 55:4 "Behold, I have given
in his paths." him for a witness to the peoples,
1 Pet. 3 :20 "In Noah's days, a leader and commander to the
. a few people, that is, eight peoples ."
souls, were carried safely through Phil. 2 :9-11 "God exalted him
the water." to a superior position and kindly
Gen . 6 :18 ; 7 :7, 13 "I will estab- gave him the name that is above
lish my covenant with thee : and every other name, so that in the
thou shalt come into the ark, name of Jesus every knee should
thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, bend of those in heaven and
and thy sons' wives with thee. . . . those on earth and those under
In the selfsame day entered the ground, and every tongue
Noah, and Shem, and Ham, and should openly confess that Jesus
Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Christ is Lord to the glory of
Noah's wife, and the three wives God the Father."
of his sons with them, into the Rev. 19 :16 "He has a name
ark." written, King of kings and Lord
1 Cor. 10 :1, 2 "All passed of lords ."
through the sea and all got Heb . 5 :9, 10 "He became re-
baptized into Moses by means of sponsible for everlasting salvation
the cloud and of the sea ." to all those obeying him, because
Ex . 12 :37, 38 "The children of he has been specifically called by
Israel journeyed . . . And a mixed God a high priest after the like-
multitude went up also with ness of Melchizedek ."
them ." Isa . 9:6 "His name shall be
In the Name (Recognizing the called Wonderful, Counsellor,
Office, Authority) of the Father Mighty God, Everlasting Father,
Ps. 83 :18 "Thou alone, whose Prince of Peace ."
name is Jehovah, art the Most John 4 :42 "This man is for a
High over all the earth." certainty the savior of the world."
Ps . 36:9 "With thee is the foun- 1 John 2 :2 "He is a propitia-
tain of life." tory sacrifice for our sins, yet not
Heb . 10:7 "I am come . . . to for ours only but also for the
do your will, 0 God ." whole world's."
1 Pet . 3 :21 "That which cor- In the Name (Recognizing the
responds to this is also now sav- Function and Purpose) of the
ing you, namely, baptism, (not Holy Spirit
the putting away of the filth of Eph. 5:18 "Keep getting filled
the flesh, but the request made to with spirit ."
God for a good conscience,) Gal . 5 :16, 18 "Keep walking by
through the resurrection of Jesus spirit and you will carry out no
Christ." fleshly desire at all . Furthermore,
Heb . 11 :6 "He that approaches if you are being led by spirit, you
God must believe that he is and are not under law ."
that he becomes the rewarder of
those earnestly seeking him ." Gal . 6 :8 "He who is sowing with
John 5 :43 "I have come in the a view to the spirit will reap
name of my Father." everlasting life from the spirit ."
John 10:25 "Jesus answered 2 Pet . 1 :21 "Prophecy was at
them : . The works which I no time brought by man's will,
am doing in the name of my but men spoke from God as they
Father, these bear witness about were borne along by holy spirit ."
me.' " John 6 :63 "It is the spirit that
Luke 11:2 "Father, let your is life-giving ; the flesh is of no
name be sanctified." use at all . The sayings that I
Baptism 32
have spoken to you are spirit and they call upon him in whom they
are life." have not put faith? How, in
1 John 5:6 "The spirit is the turn, will they put faith in him
truth." of whom they have not heard?"
Eph. 6 :17 "Accept . . . the sword Heb. 11 :1, 6 "Faith is the as-
of the spirit, that is, God's Word ." sured expectation of things hoped
Not in the Name of the One for, the evident demonstration of
Baptizing nor of Any Man realities though not beheld. . . .
or Organization Moreover, without faith it is im-
possible to win his good pleasure,
John 4 :2 "Jesus himself did no for he that approaches God must
baptizing but his disciples did ." believe that he is and that he
1 Cor . 1 :13-15 "Does the Christ becomes the rewarder of those
exist divided? Paul was not im- earnestly seeking him ."
paled for you, was he? Or were Matt. 13 :15 "They have shut
you baptized in the name of their eyes ; that they might never
Paul? I am thankful I baptized see with their eyes and hear with
none of you except Crispus and their ears and get the sense of it
Gaius, so that no one may say with their hearts and turn back .
that you were baptized in my and I heal them ."
name ." Acts 3 :19 "Repent, therefore,
Acts 10 :47, 48 "Then Peter re- and turn around so as to get your
sponded : 'Can anyone forbid wa- sins blotted out ."
ter so that these might not be Ps. 51 :5 "Behold, I was brought
baptized who have received the forth in iniquity ; and in sin
holy spirit even as we have?' With did my mother conceive me ."
that he commanded them to be 1 Cor. 14:20 "Brothers, do not
baptized in the name of Jesus become young children in powers
Christ ." of understanding, but be babes as
Not to Be Urged on Anyone to evil ; yet become full-grown in
-Must Be a Freewill Decision powers of understanding ."
1 Cor . 1 :17 "For Christ dis- Baptism Must Be Followed by
patched me, not to go baptizing, Works of Faith
but to go declaring the good news, Matt. 4 :17 "From that time on,
not with wisdom of speech, that Jesus commenced preaching and
the torture stake of the Christ saying : 'Repent, for the kingdom
should not be made useless ." of the heavens has drawn near.'"
Acts 8 :36-38 "Now as they were Isa . 61 :1, 2 "The spirit of the
traveling over the road, they Lord Jehovah is upon me ; be-
came to a certain body of water, cause Jehovah hath anointed me
and the eunuch said : 'Look! a to preach good tidings unto the
body of water ; what prevents me meek ; he hath sent me to bind
from getting baptized?' With that up the broken-hearted, to pro-
he commanded the chariot to claim liberty to the captives, and
halt, and they both went down the opening of the prison to them
into the water, both Philip and that are bound ; to proclaim the
the eunuch, and he baptized him ." year of Jehovah's favor, and the
John 17 :3 "This means ever- day of vengeance of our God ; to
lasting life, their taking in knowl- comfort all that mourn ."
edge of you, the only true God,
and of the one whom you sent Eccl . 5 :4, 5 "When thou vowest
forth, Jesus Christ." a vow unto God, defer not to
pay it ; for he hath no pleasure
Infant Baptism Unscriptural in fools : pay that which thou
Rom . 10 :13, 14 "'Anyone that vowest . Better is it that thou
calls upon the name of Jehovah shouldest not vow, than that thou
will be saved .' However, how will shouldest vow and not pay ."
33 Baptism
Heb . 6 :1, 2 "Now that we have ried safely through the water .
left the elementary doctrine That which corresponds to this
about the Christ, let us press on is also now saving you, namely,
to maturity, not laying a founda- baptism ."
tion again ." Heb . 3 :4-6 "Of course, every
Luke 9 :62 "Jesus said to him : house is constructed by someone,
"No man that has put his hand but he that constructed all things
to a plow and looks at the things is God . And Moses as an attend-
behind is well fitted for the king- ant was faithful in all the house
dom of God.' " of that one as a testimony of the
Heb . 10 :38 "'But my righteous things that were to be spoken
one will live by reason of faith,' afterwards, but Christ was faith-
and, 'if he shrinks back, my soul ful as a Son over the house of
has no pleasure in him .' " that one ."
2 Cer. 6 :1 "Working together Baptism with Holy Spirit-God
with him, we also entreat you not First Baptizes His High Priest
to accept the undeserved kindness Matt . 3:13-17 "After being bap-
of God and miss its purpose ." tized Jesus immediately came up
Ps . 116 :13, 14 "I will take the from the water ; and, look! the
cup of salvation, and call upon heavens were opened up, and he
the name of Jehovah. I will pay saw descending like a dove God's
my vows unto Jehovah, yea, in spirit coming upon him ."
the presence of all his people ." Luke 4:18 "Jehovah's spirit is
Dedicated Ones Baptized for Pro- upon me, because he anointed
tection into the (Within the New me ."
System of Things) Greater Noah Acts 10 :38 "Jesus who was from
(Christ) and Who Is Also the Nazareth, how God anointed him
Greater Moses with holy spirit and power, and
he went through the land doing
Heb. 11 :7 "By faith Noah, after good and healing all those op-
being given divine warning of pressed by the Devil ."
things not yet beheld, showed Isa . 42 :1 "Behold, my servant,
godly fear and constructed an ark whom I uphold ; my chosen, in
for the saving of his household,
and through this faith he con- whom my soul delighteth : I have
demned the world, and he be- put my spirit upon him ; he will
bring forth justice to the Gen-
came an heir of the righteousness tiles ."
which is according to faith ." Ps. 133 :2 "It is like the precious
Zeph . 2 :2, 3 "Before the decree oil upon the head, that ran down
bring forth, before the day pass
as the chaff, before the fierce upon the beard, even Aaron's
anger of Jehovah come upon you . beard ; that came down upon the
before the day of Jehovah's anger skirt of his garments ."
come upon you . Seek ye Jehovah, Spirit Baptism for Body Mem
all ye meek of the earth, that NboetrsDi(Uncdp )
have kept his ordinances ; seek from God, but Through Christ
righteousness . seek meekness : it Acts 1 :5 "John, indeed, bap-
may be ye will be hid in the day tized with water, but you will be
of Jehovah's anger." baptized in holy spirit not many
Isa . 26 :20 "Come, my people, days after this ."
enter thou into thy chambers, Acts 2 :1-4, 32, 33 "Now while
and shut thy doors about thee : the day of the feast of Pentecost
hide thyself for a little moment, was in progress they were all
until the indignation be over- together at the same place, and
past ." suddenly there occurred from
1 Pet . 3 :20, 21 "The ark . . . in heaven a noise just like that of a
which . . .eight souls, were car- rushing stiff breeze, and it filled
Baptism 34
the whole house in which they taught you, remain in union with
were sitting . . . and they all him."
became filled with holy spirit. . . . Baptized into Christ's Death
'This Jesus - . because he was Destiny of the 144,000
exalted to the right hand of God
and received the promised holy Rom . 6 :3, 4 "Do you not know
spirit from the Father, he has that all of us who were baptized
poured out this which you see into Christ Jesus were baptized
and hear.' " into his death? Therefore we
John 14 :16, 17 "I will request were buried with him through
the Father and he will give you our baptism into his death, in
another helper to be with you order that, just as Christ was
forever, the spirit of the truth ." raised up from the dead through
John 15 :26 "When the helper the glory of the Father, we also
arrives that I will send you from should likewise walk in a new-
the Father, the spirit of the truth ness of life ."
which proceeds from the Father, Col . 2 :12 "You were buried with
that one will bear witness about him in his baptism, and by rela-
tionship with him you were also
me ." raised up together through your
John 16 :7, 13 "If I do not go faith in the operation of God .
away, the helper will by no means who raised him up from the
come to you ; but if I do go my dead ."
way, I will send him to you ." Luke 12 :50 "Indeed, I have a
2 Cor . 1 :21 "But he who guar- baptism with which to be bap-
antees that you and we belong to tized, and how I am being dis-
Christ and he who has anointed tressed until it is finished!"
us is God ." Mark 10 :38, 39 "'Are you able
Baptism into Body of Christ for to drink the cup which I am
144,000 Only, Done by Baptizing drinking, or to be baptized with
Them with Holy Spirit the baptism with which I am
being baptized?' They said to him :
Gal . 3 :27, 28 "All of you who `We are able .' At that Jesus said
were baptized into Christ have to them : `The cup I am drinking
put on Christ. . for you are you will drink, and with the bap-
all one in union with Christ Je- tism with which I am being
sus ." baptized you will be baptized .' "
Eph. 4 :4, 5 "One body there is, Phil . 3 :10 "So as to know him
and one spirit, even as you were and the power of his resurrection
called in the one hope to which and a sharing in his sufferings,
you were called ; one Lord, one submitting myself to his kind of
faith, one baptism ." death ."
I Cor . 12 :13 "For truly by one 1 Cor. 15:29 "Otherwise, what
spirit we were all baptized into will they do who are being bap-
one body, whether Jews or tized for the purpose of being
Greeks, whether slaves or free, dead ones? If the dead are not
and we were all made to drink to be raised up at all, why are
one spirit ." they also being baptized for the
1 John 2 :20, 27 "You have an purpose of being such?"
anointing from the holy one ; all 2 Tim. 2 :11 "Certainly if we
of you have knowledge. And as died together, we shall also live
for you, the anointing that you re- together ."
ceived from him remains in you,
and you do not need anyone to Baptism with Fire (to Destruc-
be teaching you ; but, as the tion) Not the Baptism with
Holy Spirit
anointing from him is teaching
you about all things, and is true Joel 2:28-31 "And it shall come
and is no lie, and just as it has to pass afterward, that I will pour
35 Baptism
out my spirit upon all flesh ; and Mal . 4 :1 "For, behold, the day
your sons and your daughters shall cometh, it burneth as a furnace ;
prophesy, your old men shall and all the proud, and all that
dream dreams, your young men work wickedness, shall be stubble ;
shall see visions : and also upon and the day that cometh shall
the servants and upon the hand- burn them up, saith Jehovah of
maids in those days will I pour hosts, that it shall leave them
out my spirit . And I will show neither root nor branch ."
wonders in the heavens and in Zeph . 3 :8 "All the earth shall
the earth : blood, and fire, and be devoured with the fire of my
pillars of smoke . The sun shall be jealousy ."
turned into darkness, and the Jude 7 "Sodom and Gomorrah
moon into blood, before the great and the cities about them, after
and terrible day of Jehovah they in the same manner as the
cometh ." foregoing ones had committed
2 Thess. 1 :6-9 "It is righteous fornication excessively and gone
on God's part to repay tribula- out after flesh for unnatural use,
tion to those who make tribula- are placed before us as a warning
tion for you, but, to you who suf- example by undergoing the judi-
fer tribulation, relief along with cial punishment of everlasting
us at the revelation of the Lord fire ."
Jesus from heaven with his Rev . 19 :20 "The wild beast was
powerful angels in a flaming fire, caught, and along with it the
as he brings due punishment up- false prophet that performed in
on those who do not know God front of it the signs with which
and those who do not obey the he misled those who received the
good news about our Lord Jesus ." mark of the wild beast and those
Luke 3 :16, 17 "He will baptize who render worship to its image .
you people with holy spirit and While still alive, they both were
fire . . the chaff he will burn hurled into the fiery lake that
up with fire that cannot be put burns with sulphur ."
out ." Rev. 20 :7-10, 14, 15 "As soon
Dan. 9 :26, 27 "And the people as the thousand years have been
of the prince that shall come ended, Satan will . go out to
shall destroy the city and the mislead . . . And they advanced
sanctuary ; and the end thereof and encircled the camp of
shall be with a flood, and even the holy ones and the beloved
unto the end shall be war ; deso- city. But fire came down out of
lations are determined . . and heaven and devoured them . And
even unto the full end, and that the Devil who was misleading
determined, shall wrath be poured them was hurled into the lake of
out upon the desolate ." fire and sulphur, where both the
Isa . 1 :9 "Except Jehovah of wild beast and the false prophet
hosts had left unto us a very already were ; and they will be
small remnant, we should have tormented day and night for ever
been as Sodom, we should have and ever . And death and Hades
been like unto Gomorrah ." were hurled into the lake of fire .
Baptism into Destruction for This means the second death, the
God's Enemies at Armageddon lake of fire . Furthermore, who-
and at End of 1,000-Year ever was not found written in the
Rule of Christ book of life was hurled into the
lake of fire ."
Matt . 13 :30 "In the harvest
season I will tell the reapers, Heb. 12 :29 "For our God is also
First collect the weeds and bind a consuming fire."
them in bundles to burn them 2 Pet . 3 :6, 7 "The world of that
up, then go to gathering the time suffered destruction when it
wheat into my storehouse ." was deluged with water . But by
Bible 36
the same word the heavens and Ex. 14 :26-28 "Jehovah over-
the earth that are now are stored threw the Egyptians in the midst
up for fire and are being reserved of the sea . And the waters re-
to the day of judgment and of turned, and covered the chariots,
destruction of the ungodly men ." and the horsemen, even all the
Luke 17 :26-30 "Just as it oc- host of Pharaoh that went in
curred in the days of Noah, so after them into the sea ; there
it will be also in the days of the remained not so much as one
Son of man : . . and the flood of them ."
arrived and destroyed them all . Rev . 11 :8 "The great city which
Likewise, just as it occurred in is in a spiritual sense called
the days of Lot : . it rained
fire and sulphur from heaven and Sodom and Egypt, where their
destroyed them all ." Lord was also impaled ."

The Bible is Jehovah God's written word to mankind, revealing
himself and expressing his purpose . Jehovah, as the Author, inspired
at least thirty-five different faithful men to write . Although the com-
plete Bible is itself one book it is actually a library of sixty-six books,
thirty-nine having been originally written in Hebrew and Aramaic
and properly designated collectively the Hebrew-Aramaic Scriptures,
and the other twenty-seven having been originally written in Greek
and properly designated collectively the Christian Greek Scriptures .
The writing of the entire Bible covered the period from 1513 B .C. to
A.D. 98 or 99. The English word Bible is from the Greek word,
bibli'a, meaning "papyrus scrolls, rolls, volumes, books" or, literally,
"small papyri or booklets."
Jehovah God's So-called "Book Roan. 1 :20 "For his invisible
of Nature" Declares His Majesty qualities are clearly seen from
and Creative Power the world's creation onward, be-
cause they are understood by the
Ps . 19 :1, 2 "The heavens de- things made, even his eternal
clare the glory of God ; and the power and Godship, so that they
firmament showeth his handi- are inexcusable."
work . Day unto day uttereth
speech, and night unto night God's Works Not Completely
showeth knowledge ." Revealed by So-called "Book
Ps . 111 :2-6 "The works of Je- of Nature"
hovah are great, sought out of all Eccl . 3 :11 "Man cannot find out
them that have pleasure there- the work that God hath done
in . His work is honor and majes- from the beginning even to the
ty ; and his righteousness en- end . "
dureth for ever . He hath made EccL 11 :5 "As thou knowest
his wonderful works to be re- not what is the way of the wind,
membered : . . . He hath showed his nor how the bones do grow in the
people the power of his works, womb of her that is with child ;
in giving them the heritage of even so thou knowest not the
the nations." work of God who doeth all ."
37 Bible
Jehovah Reveals Himself and at no time brought by man's will,
His Purpose Through His but men spoke from God as they
Written Word were borne along by holy spirit ."
2 Tim . 3 :16, 17 "All Scripture Acts 3 :21 "The times of resto-
is inspired of God and beneficial ration of all things of which God
for teaching, for reproving, for spoke through the mouth of his
setting things straight, for dis- holy prophets of old time ."
ciplining in righteousness, that God Used Faithful Men from All
the man of God may be fully Walks of Life to Write
competent, completely equipped Prince
for every good work ."
Rom . 15 :4 "For all the things Ex. 2 :10 "And the child grey=
that were written aforetime were and she brought him unto Phar-
written for our instruction, that aoh's daughter, and he became
through our endurance and her son . And she called his name
through the comfort from the Moses ."
Scriptures we might have hope ." Ex . 17 :14 "And Jehovah said
1 Cor, 10 :11 "Now these things unto Moses, Write this for a me-
,vent on befalling them as ex- morial in a book ."
amples and they were written for Deut . 31 :24 "And it came to
a warning to us upon whom the pass, when Moses had made an
accomplished ends of the systems end of writing the words of this
of things have arrived ." law in a book, until they were
Rom . 16 :25, 26 "Now to him finished ."
who can make you firm in accord General
with the good news I declare and Josh . 1 :10, 11, 16 "Then Joshua
the preaching of Jesus Christ, ac- commanded the officers of the
cording to the revelation of the people, saying, . . , within three
sacred secret which has been con- days ye are to pass over this
cealed for long-lasting times but Jordan, to go in to possess the
has now been made manifest and land, . . . And they answered Josh-
has been made known through ua, saying, All that thou hast
the prophetic scriptures among commanded us we will do, and
all the nations in accord with the whithersoever thou sendest us we
command of the everlasting God will go."
to promote obedience by faith ." Josh . 24 :26 "And Joshua wrote
As Author of Bible . God Con- these words in the book of the
tributed to Its Writing Himself law of God."
Ex. 24 :12 "And Jehovah said Judge
unto Moses, Come up to me into 1 Sam . 3 :20 ; 7 :15 "And all Israel
the mount, and be there : and I from Dan even to Beer-sheba
will give thee the tables of stone, knew that Samuel was estab-
and the law and the command- lished to be a prophet of Je-
ment, which I have written, that hovah . And Samuel judged Israel
thou mayest teach them ." all the days of his life ."
Ex . 31 :18 "And he gave unto 1 Sam. 10 :25 "Then Samuel
Moses . when he had made an told the people the manner of the
end of communing with him up- kingdom, and wrote it in a boon,
on mount Sinai, the two tables and laid it up before Jehovah ."
of the testimony, tables of stone,
written with the finger of God ." King
Not of Human Origination 2 Sam. 5:3, 4 "And they
anointed David king over Israel,
2 Pet . 1:20, 21 "No prophecy David was thirty years old when
of Scripture springs from any he began to reign, and he reigned
private release . For prophecy was forty years ."
Bible 38
2 Sam . 23 :1, 2 "Now these are bed : then he wrote the dream
the last words of David . . . . The and told the sum of the matters ."
spirit of Jehovah spake by me,
and his word was upon my Scribe
tongue ." Ezra 7 :1-6, 11 "Ezra the son of
Seraiah, . this Ezra went up
Nobility, a king's descendant from Babylon . And he was a
Zeph . 1 :1 "The word of Jeho- ready scribe in the law of Moses,
vah which came unto Zephaniah which Jehovah, the God of Is-
the son of Cushi, the son of rael, had given ; . Now this is
Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the copy of the letter that the
the son of Hezekiah, in the days king Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra
of Josiah the son of Amon, king the priest, the scribe, even the
of Judah ." scribe of the words of the com-
mandments of Jehovah, and of
Prophets his statutes to Israel ."
Jer . 1 :1-5 "The words of Jere-
miah the son of Hilkiah, of the Court official
priests that were in Anathoth in Neh . 1 :1; 2 :1 "The words of
the land of Benjamin : to whom Nehemiah the son of Hacaliah .
the word of Jehovah came . Now I was cupbearer to the king .
saying . . . . I have appointed thee And it came to pass . when
a prophet unto the nations ." wine was before him, that I took
Acts 28 :25 "Paul made this one up the wine, and gave it unto
comment : 'The holy spirit aptly the king."
spoke through Isaiah the prophet
to your forefathers .'" Herdsman
Priest Amos 1 :1 "The words of Amos,
who was among the herdsmen of
Ezek . 1 :3 "The word of Jeho- Tekoa, which he saw concerning
vah came expressly unto Ezekiel Israel in the days of Uzziah king
the priest . . . . and the hand of Je- of Judah ."
hovah was there upon him ."
Tax collector
Prime minister
Dan. 2 :48 ; 6 :1-3 "Then the king Matt. 9 :9 "Next, while passing
L Nebuchadnezzar I made Daniel along from there, Jesus caught
great, and gave him many great sight of a man named Matthew
gifts, and made him to rule over seated at the tax office, and he
the whole province of Babylon, said to him : 'Be my follower .'"
and to be chief governor over all Fishermen
the wise men of Babylon ." "It
pleased Darius to set over the Matt . 4 :18-21 "Walking along-
kingdom a hundred and twenty side the sea of Galilee he saw
satraps, who should he through- two brothers, Simon who is called
out the whole kingdom ; and over 'Peter' and Andrew his brother .
them three presidents, of whom letting down a fishing-net into the
Daniel was one ; that these sa- sea, for they were fishers . And he
traps might give account unto said to them : 'Come after me .
them, and that the king should and I will make you fishers of
have no damage . Then this Dan- men .' At once abandoning the
iel was distinguished above the nets, they followed him . Going on
presidents and the satraps, be- also from there he saw two others
cause an excellent spirit was in who were brothers, James the
him ; and the king thought to set son of Zebedee and John his
him over the whole realm ." brother, in the boat with Zebedee
Dan. 7 :1 "Daniel had a dream their father, repairing their nets,
and visions of his head upon his and he called them ."
39 Bible
Lawyer therefore write ye this song for
Acts 21 :40 ; 22 :1-4 "Paul . . . ad- you, and teach thou it the chil-
dressed them in the Hebrew dren of Israel : . . . So Moses wrote
language, saying : ' . . . I am a Jew, this song the same day, and
born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but taught it the children of Israel ."
educated in this city at the feet I For text of song see Deuteron-
of Gamaliel ["a Law teacher," omy 31 :30 ; 32 :1-43 .]
Acts 5 :34], instructed according Many received visions or pic-
to the strictness of the ancestral torial revelations while awake
Law .'"
2 Sam . 7 :17 "According to all
Physician these words, and according to all
Col . 4:14 "Luke the beloved this vision, so did Nathan speak
physician sends you his greetings ." unto David ."
Luke 1 :3 "I resolved also, be- 2 Chron . 32 :32 "Now the rest
cause I have traced all things of the acts of Hezekiah, and his
from the start with accuracy, to good deeds, behold, they are
write them in logical order to written in the vision of Isaiah
you ." the prophet ."
Inspiration Hab . 2 :2 "And Jehovah an-
All writers were inspired or swered me, and said, Write the
moved by God's active vision, and make it plain upon
force to write tablets ."
2 Tim . 3 :16 "All Scripture is Also : Isa. 1 :1 ; Ezek . 1 :1 ; Dan .
inspired of God and beneficial 8 :1, 2 ; Obad . 1 ; Nah . 1 :1 .
for teaching, for reproving, for Others received dreams or pic-
setting things straight, for dis- torial revelations while asleep
ciplining in righteousness ."
2 Pet. 1 :21 "For prophecy was Dan . 7 :1, 2, 7 "Daniel had a
at no time brought by man's will, dream and visions of his head
but men spoke from God as they upon his bed : then he wrote the
were borne along by holy spirit ." dream and told the sum of the
Acts 28 :25 "Paul made this one matters . Daniel spake and said .
comment : `The holy spirit aptly I saw in my vision by night . . . .
spoke through Isaiah the prophet After this I saw in the night-
to your forefathers .' " visions ."
Inspired means "God-breathed" Meaning not always understood
by writers
John 20 :22 "And after he said
this he blew upon them and said Dan . 12 :8 "And I heard, but I
to them : 'Receive holy spirit .'" understood not ."
Moses wrote many words as I Pet. 1 :10-12 "Concerning this
dictated directly by angels very salvation a diligent inquiry
and a careful search were made
Num . 12 :6-8 "If there be a by the prophets who prophesied
prophet among you, I Jehovah about the undeserved kindness
will make myself known unto meant for you . They kept on in-
him in a vision, I will speak with vestigating what particular sea-
him in a dream . My servant son or what kind of season the
Moses is not so ; he is faithful spirit in them was indicating . . .
in all my house : with him will It was revealed to them that, not
I speak mouth to mouth, even to themselves, but to you, they
manifestly, and not in dark were ministering the things which
speeches ." have now been announced to you
Deut. 31 :14, 19, 22 "And Jeho- . . .Into these very things angels
vah said unto Moses, . . . Now are desiring to peer."
Bible 40
Moses, Under Inspiration, Com- Genesis 5 :1, footnote] of Esau,
piled Genesis Largely from 11 that is Edom ."
Previously Written Documents of Document No. 10, Gen . 36 :2-9 .
Clay or Stone . Each Has a "Colo-
phon" at End of Document Iden- Gen . 36 :9, Da "And these are
tifying Writer. The Writer Gave the generations ["history" ; see
Contemporaneous Accounts . Genesis 5 :1, footnote] of Esau, the
Document No. 1, Gen . 1 :1 to 2:4 ; father of Edom, in mount Seir ."
written by Adam . Document No . 11, Gen. 36:10
Gen . 2 :4, Da "These are the his- to 37 :2.
tories of the heavens and the Gen . 37 :2, Da "These are the
earth, when they were created, generations ["history" ; see Gene-
in the day that Jehovah Elohim sis 5 :1, footnote] of Jacob."
made earth and heavens ."
Interpretation Must Come from
Document No. 2, Gen . 2:5 to 5 :2. God
Gen . 5 :1, 2, Da "This is the Gen . 40 :8 "And Joseph said
book of Adam's generations ["his- unto them, Do not interpretations
tory" ; see footnote in Da] . In the belong to God?"
day that God created man, in the Dan. 2 :27, 28 "Daniel answered
likeness of God made he him." before the king, and said, The se-
Document No. 3, Gen . 5:3 to 6 :9. cret which the king hath de-
Gen . 6 :9, Da "This is the his- manded can neither wise men,
tory of Noah ." enchanters, magicians, nor sooth-
Document No . 4, Gen . 6:9 to 10 :1 . sayers, show unto the king ; but
Gen. 10:1, Da "And these are there is a God in heaven that
the generations ["history" ; see revealeth secrets, and he hath
Genesis 5 :1, footnote] of the sons made known to the king Nebu-
of Noah : Shem, Ham, and Ja- chadnezzar what shall be in the
pheth." latter days ."
Document No . 5, Gen . 10 :2 Understood Only in God's
to 11 :10 . Due Time
Gen. 11 :10, Da "These are the Hab . 2 :2, 3 "And Jehovah an-
generations ["history" ; see Gene- swered me, and said, Write the
sis 5 :1, footnote] of Shem." vision, and make it plain upon
Document No. 6, Gen . 11 :10-27 . tablets, that he may run that
readeth it . For the vision is yet
Gen. 11 :27, Da "And these are for the appointed time, and it
the generations ["history" ; see hasteth toward the end, and
Genesis 5 :1, footnote] of Terah ." shall not lie : though it tarry,
Document No . 7, Gen . 11 :27 wait for it ; because it will surely
to 25 :12 . come, it will not delay ."
Gen . 25:12, Da "And these are Dan. 12 :9, 10 "And he said,
the generations ["history" ; see Go thy way, Daniel ; for the
Genesis 5 :1, footnote] of Ishmael, words are shut up and sealed
Abraham's son ." till the time of the end . . . . and
Document No. 8, Gen . 25 :13-19 . none of the wicked shall under-
Gen . 25 :19, Da "And these are stand ; but they that are wise
the generations ["history" ; see shall understand ."
Genesis 5 :1, footnote] of Isaac, Transmission and Preservation
Abraham's son ." Jehovah God has preserved his
Document No . 9, Gen. 25 :19 own Word accurately
to 36 :1. isa . 40 :8 "The grass withereth,
Gen . 36 :1, Da "And these are the flower fadeth ; but the word
the generations ["history" ; see of our God shall stand forever ."
41 Bible
1 Pet . 1 :25 "'The word spoken Used by Jesus and disciples
by Jehovah endures forever .' Well, Luke 4 :17-21 "So the scroll of
this is the `word spoken', this the prophet Isaiah was handed
which has been declared to you him, and he opened the scroll
as good news ." and found the place where it was
Kept by side of ark of covenant written . . . . With that he rolled
from time of writing up the scroll, handed it back to
Dent . 31 :26 "Take this book of the attendant and sat down ; . . .
the law, and put it by the side Then he started to say to them :
of the ark of the covenant of 'Today this scripture that you
Jehovah your God, that it may be just heard is fulfilled .'"
there for a witness against thee ." 2 Pet. 3 :15, 16 "Paul according
1 Sam . 10:25 "Then Samuel to the wisdom given him also
told the people the manner of wrote you, speaking about these
the kingdom, and wrote it in a things as he does also in all his
book, and laid it up before other letters. In them, however,
Jehovah ." are some things hard to under-
stand, the meaning of which the
Used by priests to teach during untaught and unsteady are twist-
reign of Jehoshaphat ing, as they do also the rest of
2 Chron. 17 :9 "And they taught the Scriptures, to their own de-
in Judah, having the book of the struction."
law of Jehovah with them ; and Preserved also through trans-
they went about throughout all lations to carry out earth-wide
the cities of Judah, and taught preaching commission
among the people."
Book "found" in temple during Matt. 28 :19, 20 "Go therefore
King Josiah's reign, 642 B .C. and make disciples of people of
all the nations, baptizing them in
2 Ki . 22 :3, 8, 10 "In the eight- the name of the Father and of
eenth year of king Josiah, . the Son and of the holy spirit,
Hilkiah the high priest said unto teaching them to observe all the
Shaphan the scribe, I have found things I have commanded you ."
the book of the law in the house Acts 1 :8 "But you will receive
of Jehovah . . . . And Shaphan the power when the holy spirit ar-
scribe told the king, saying, Hil- rives upon you, and you will be
kiah the priest hath delivered witnesses of me both in Jerusa-
me a book. And Shaphan read lem and in all Judea and Sa-
it before the king ." maria and to the most distant
Preserved during exile, begin- part of the earth."
ning 607 B .C. Versus Tradition
Dan . 9 :2 "In the first year of God's Word not to be set aside
his [Darius'] reign, I. Daniel, un- for man's tradition
derstood by the books the num-
ber of the years whereof the word Matt. 15 :1-9 "Then there came
of Jehovah came to jeremiah the to Jesus from Jerusalem Phari-
prophet, for the accomplishing of sees and scribes, saying : `Why is
the desolations of Jerusalem, even it your disciples overstep the tra-
seventy years." dition of the men of former
times?' . . . In reply he said to
Ezra read law to returned them : `Why is it you also over-
exiles after 537 B.C . step the commandment of God
Neh. 8 :8 "And they read in the because of your tradition? . . . you
book, in the law of God, distinct- have made the word of God in-
ly ; and they gave the sense, so valid because of your tradition .
that they understood the read- You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly
ing . ° prophesied about you, when he
Bible 42
said : "This people honors me Jesus advised religious leaders
with their lips, yet their hearts to believe God's written word
are far removed from me . It is John 5 :39, 46, 47 "You are
in vain that they keep paying searching the Scriptures, because
respect to me, because they teach you think that by means of them
commands of men as doc- you will have everlasting life ;
trines ." ' " [See Isaiah 29 :13 .] and these are the very ones that
No truth in teachings of men bear witness about me . In fact, if
you believed Moses you would
when opposed to Bible believe me, for that one wrote
Isa . 8 :19, 20 "And when they about me . But if you do not be-
shall say unto you, Seek unto lieve the writings of that one,
them that have familiar spirits how will you believe my sayings?"
and unto the wizards, that chirp See : Gen. 3 :15 ; 12 :7 ; 49 :10 ;
and that mutter : should not a Deut . 18 :15 .
people seek unto their God? on
behalf of the living should they Jesus gave life to uphold truth
seek unto the dead? To the law of Scriptures
and to the testimony! if they Luke 22 :37 "For I tell you
speak not according to this word, that this which is written must
surely there is no morning for be accomplished in me, namely,
them ." `And he was reckoned with law-
Adding to God's Word forbidden less ones .' For that which con-
cerns me is having an accom-
Deut. 4 :2 "Ye shall not add plishment ."
unto the word which I command See : Isa . 53 :12 .
you, neither shall ye diminish
from it, that ye may keep the Jesus magnified God's written
commandments of Jehovah your word above rabbinic schools
God which I command you ."
Prov . 30:5, 6 "Every word of Luke 24:27, 44, 45 "And com-
God is tried : he is a shield unto mencing at Moses and all the
Prophets he interpreted to them
them that take refuge in him .
Add thou not unto his words, lest things pertaining to himself in all
the Scriptures . He now said to
he reprove thee, and thou be them : `These are my words
found a liar ." which I spoke to you while I was
Jesus used written word to yet with you, that all the things
refute false interpretation written in the law of Moses and
by Satan. in the Prophets and Psalms about
me must be fulfilled .' Then he
Matt . 4 :4, 7, 10 "In reply he opened up their minds fully to
said : 'It is written, "Man must grasp the meaning of the Scrip-
live, not on bread alone, but on tures ."
every utterance coming forth Matt. 16 :6, 12 "Jesus said to
through Jehovah's mouth ." ' Je- them : 'Be on the alert and watch
out for the yeast of the Phari-
sus said to him : 'Again it is sees and Sadducees .' Then they
written, "You must not put Je- grasped that he said to watch out
hovah your God to the test ."' . . . for the teaching of the Phari-
Then Jesus said to him : 'Go sees and Sadducees."
away, Satan! For it is written, Followers of tradition become
"It is Jehovah your God you must persecutors of Jesus'
worship, and it is to him alone true followers
you must render sacred serv- Gal . 1 :13, 14 "You, of course,
ice ." 7 " heard about my conduct former-
See : Deut . 8 :3 ; 6 :16 ; 6 :13 . ly in Judaism, that to the point
43 Bible
of excess I kept on persecuting word made more firm, and you
the congregation of God and are doing well in paying attention
devastating it, and I was making to it as to a lamp shining in a
greater progress in Judaism than dark place, until day dawns and
many of my own age in my a daystar rises, in your hearts ."
race, as I was far more zealous "However, there also came to be
for the traditions of my fathers ." false prophets among the people,
as there will also be false teachers
Paul warned against religious among you . These very ones will
tradition quietly bring in destructive sects
Col . 2 :8 "Look out : perhaps and will disown even the owner
there may be some man that will that bought them, bringing speedy
carry you off as his prey through destruction upon themselves ." "I
the philosophy and empty decep- am arousing your clear thinking
tion according to the tradition of faculties by way of a reminder,
men, according to the elementary that you should remember the
things of the world and not ac- words previously spoken by the
cording to Christ ." holy prophets and the command-
Gal. 1 :7-9 "There are certain ment of the Lord and Savior
ones who are disturbing you and through your apostles ."
wanting to pervert the good news
about the Christ . However, even True Science :
if we or an angel out of heaven Bible in harmony with true
were to declare to you as good science
news something beyond what we
declared to you as good news, 1 Tim . 6 :20, 21 "0 Timothy .
let him be accursed. As we have guard what is laid up in trust
said above, I also now say again, with you, turning away from the
Whoever it is that is declaring empty speeches that violate what
to you as good news something is holy and from the contradic-
beyond what you accepted, let tions of the falsely called 'knowl-
him be accursed ." edge' . For making a show of
such knowledge some have de-
Christians commended for veri- viated from the faith. May the
fying through Scriptures Paul's undeserved kindness be with you
teaching people ."
Acts 17 :10, 11 "Immediately by Titus 1 :9 "Holding firmly to
night the brothers sent both Paul the faithful word as respects his
and Silas out to Beroea, and art of teaching, that he may be
these, following their arrival, able both to exhort by the teach-
went into the synagogue of the ing that is healthful and to re-
Jews . Now the latter were more prove those who contradict ."
noble-minded than those in
Thessalonica, for they received Mentioned earth suspended
the word with the greatest readi- in spare
ness of mind, carefully examining
the Scriptures daily as to whether Job 26 :7 "He stretcheth out
these things were so." the north over empty space, and
hangeth the earth upon nothing ."
Peter always turned hearers
and readers to God's Showed the earth is round
written word Prov . 8 :27-29 "When he estab-
1 Pet . 1 :25 "'The word spoken lished the heavens, I was there :
by Jehovah endures forever.' Well, when he set a circle upon the
this is the `word spoken', this face of the deep, when he made
which has been declared to you firm the skies above, when the
as good news ." fountains of the deep became
2 Pet. 1 :19 ; 2 :1 ; 3 :1, 2 "Conse- strong, when he gave to the sea
quently, we have the prophetic its bound, that the waters should
Bible 44
not transgress his commandment, shall it be exchanged for jewels
when he marked out the founda- of fine gold."
tions of the earth ." Acid-Base Reactions : Prov .
Isa . 40 :22 "It is he that sitteth 25 :20 "As one that taketh off a
above the circle of the earth." garment in cold weather, and as
Spoke of man's circulatory vinegar upon soda, so is he that
system singeth songs to a heavy heart ."
Source of Iron and Copper :
Eccl. 12 :5-7 "Man goeth to his Job 28:2 "Iron is taken out of the
everlasting home, and the mourn- earth, and copper is molten out
ers go about the streets : before of the stone ."
the silver cord is loosed, or the Metallurgy: Ezek . 22 :18 "The
golden bowl is broken, or the house of Israel is become dross
pitcher is broken at the fountain, unto me : all of them are brass
or the wheel broken at the cis- and tin and iron and lead, in
tern, and the dust returneth to the midst of the furnace ; they
the earth as it was, and the spirit are the dross of silver ."
returneth unto God who gave
it." Authenticity
See also "Creation" and "Evo- God's Word is true and exposes
lution" .
contradictors as liars
Identifying of diseases
-quarantining John 17 :1, 17 "Jesus spoke these
things, . Sanctify them by
Lev . 15 :3 "And this shall be means of the truth ; your word
his uncleanness in his issue : is truth."
whether his flesh run with his Ps . 119 :142 "Thy righteousness
issue, or his flesh be stopped is an everlasting righteousness,
from his issue, it is his unclean- and thy law is truth ."
ness ." Rom. 3:4 "Let God be found
Lev. 13 :9-11 "When the plague true, though every man be found
of leprosy is in a man, then he a liar, even as it is written : `That
shall be brought unto the priest ; you might be vindicated in your
and the priest shall look ; and, words and might win when you
behold, if there be a white rising are being judged."'
in the skin, and it have turned Prov . 30:5, 6 "Every word of
the hair white, and there be God is tried : he is a shield unto
quick raw flesh in the rising, . . . them that take refuge in him .
the priest shall pronounce him Add thou not unto his words,
unclean." lest he reprove thee, and thou
Lev. 13:21, AT "But if the be found a liar ."
priest, upon looking at it, finds
no white hair on it, and it is Writers spoke with complete
not deeper than the skin, but has candor exposing own faults
become dim, the priest shall Nebu. 20 :12 "And Jehovah said
quarantine him for seven days." unto Moses and Aaron, Because
M att . 4 :24 "And the report ye believed not in me, to sancti-
bout him went out into all of fy me in the eyes of the children
Syria ; and they brought him all of Israel, therefore ye shall not
the ailing ones afflicted with vari- bring this assembly into the land
ous diseases and severe com- which I have given them ."
plaints, demon-possessed and lu- Deut . 31 :25-27 "Moses com-
natic and paralyzed persons, and manded . . . saying . . . . For I know
lie cured them ." thy rebellion, and thy stiff neck :
True chemical knowledge behold, while I am yet alive with
you this day, ye have been re-
Glass : Job 28 :17 "Gold and bellious against Jehovah ; and
:'lass cannot equal it, neither how much more after my death?"
45 Bible
Jonah 1 :1-3 "Now the word of self to behold the things that are
Jehovah came unto Jonah . . in heaven and in the earth?"
Arise, go to Nineveh, that great Contemporaries accepted ac-
city, and cry against it ; . . . But count of miracles recorded
Jonah rose up to flee unto Tar- as truthful
shish from the presence of Je- Ex . 15 :1-18 "Then sang Moses
hovah ." and the children of Israel this
Matt . 26 :73-75 "After a little song unto Jehovah, and spake,
while those standing around came saying, I will sing unto Jehovah,
up and said to Peter : `Certainly for he hath triumphed glorious-
you also are one of them, for, in ly : . . . Pharaoh's chariots and his
fact, your dialect gives you away.' host hath he cast into the sea ;
Then he started to curse and and his chosen captains are sunk
swear : `I do not know the man!' in the Red Sea . . The floods
And immediately a cock crowed . stood upright as a heap : the deeps
And Peter called to mind the were congealed in the heart of
saying Jesus spoke, namely : 'Be- the sea . The enemy said, I will
fore a cock crows, you will dis- pursue, I will overtake, I will di-
own me three times .' And he vide the spoil ; . . . Thou didst blow
went outside and wept bitterly ." with thy wind, the sea covered
No attempt made to deceive them : they sank as lead in the
or coerce mighty waters ."
Josh . 24 :15 "And if it seem evil Bible's revelation of God impos-
unto you to serve Jehovah, choose sible for imperfect man (espe-
you this day whom ye will serve ; cially an impostor) to invent
whether the gods which your Rom . 11 :33, 34 "Oh the depth
fathers served that were beyond of God's riches and wisdom and
the River, or the gods of the knowledge! How unsearchable his
Amorites, in whose land ye dwell : judgments are and past tracing
but as for me and my house, we out his ways are! For `who has
will serve Jehovah ." come to know Jehovah's mind,
No effort made to force or who has become his counse-
acceptance lor?' "
Ezek. 3 :11 "And go, get thee to Deut. 32:4 "The Rock, his work
them of the captivity, unto the is perfect ; for all his ways are
children of thy people, and speak justice : a God of faithfulness
unto them, and tell them, Thus and without iniquity, just and
saith the Lord Jehovah ; whether right is he ."
they will hear, or whether they Isa. 55 :8, 9 "For my thoughts
will forbear ." are not your thoughts, neither
No effort made to glorify men are your ways my ways, saith
Jehovah . For as the heavens are
Isa . 40 :22, 23 "It is he that higher than the earth, so ale
sitteth above the circle of the my ways higher than your ways .,
earth, and the inhabitants there- and my thoughts than your
of are as grasshoppers ; . . . that thoughts ."
bringeth princes to nothing ; that
maketh the judges of the earth Answers problems of life in all
as vanity ." generations with perfect
Ps . 113 :3-6 "From the rising of
the sun unto the going down of John 4 :14 "Whoever drinks
the same Jehovah's name is to be from the water that I will give
praised . Jehovah is high above him will never get thirsty at all,
all nations, and his glory above but the water that I will give
the heavens . Who is like unto him will become in him a foun-
Jehovah our God, that hath his tain of water bubbling up to im-
seat on high, that humbleth him- part everlasting life ."
Bible 46
John 6:35 "Jesus said to them : how it has been written through
'I am the bread of life . He that the prophet .' "
comes to me will not get hungry Prophecy : Isa . 7:14 "Therefore
at all, and he that exercises faith the Lord himself will give you a
in me will never get thirsty at sign : behold, a virgin shall con-
all .' " ceive, and bear a son, and shall
2 Tim. 3 :15-17 "From infancy call his name Immanuel."
you have known the holy writings
which are able to make you wise Fulfillment : Matt. 1 :20-23 "'Jo-
for salvation through the faith in seph, son of David, do not be
connection with Christ Jesus . All afraid to take Mary your wife
Scripture is inspired of God and home, for that which has been
beneficial for teaching, for re- begotten in her is by holy spirit .
proving, for setting things She will give birth to a son, and
straight, for disciplining in right- you must call his name "Jesus",'
eousness, that the man of God . All this actually came about
may be fully competent, complete- for that to be fulfilled which was
ly equipped for every good work ." spoken by Jehovah through his
prophet, saying, `Look! the virgin
Writers not fanatics-gave will become pregnant and will
logical reasons for faith give birth to a son, and they will
Isa . 1 :18-20 "Come now, and call his name "Immanuel",' which
let us reason together, saith Je- means, when translated, `With us
hovah : though your sins be as is God .'
scarlet, they shall be as white Prophecy : Ps . 69:4 "They that
as snow ; though they be red hate me without a cause are more
like crimson, they shall be as than the hairs of my head : they
wool . If ye be willing and obe- that would cut me off, being mine
dient, ye shall eat the good of enemies wrongfully, are mighty :
the land : but if ye refuse and that which I took not away I
rebel, ye shall be devoured with have to restore ."
the sword ; for the mouth of Je- Fulfillment : John 15 :24, 25
hovah hath spoken it ." "Now they have both seen and
Men cannot foretell events but hated me as well as my Father .
God can But the result is that the word
written in their Law is fulfilled ."
Prov . 27 :1 "Boast not thyself of
tomorrow ; for thou knowest not Prophecy : Ps . 22 :16 "For dogs
what .a day may bring forth ." have compassed me : a company
Isa . 46 :9, 10 "I am God, . . . de- of evil-doers have inclosed me ;
claring the end from the begin- they pierced my hands and my
ning, and from ancient times feet ."
things that are not yet done ." Fulfillment: Luke 23 :33 "And
John 14 :29 "So now I have when they got to the place called
told you before it occurs, in or- 'The Skull', there they impaled
der that, when it does occur, you him and the evildoers, one on
may believe ." his right and one on his left ."
Prophecies of Bible proved true Prophecy : Ps . 16 :10 "For thou
-hence from God wilt not leave my soul to Sheol ;
neither wilt thou suffer thy holy
Prophecy : Mic. 5 :2 "But thou, one to see corruption ."
Bethlehem . . . . out of thee shall Fulfillment : Acts 2 :29-31 "Da-
one come forth unto me that is
to be ruler in Israel ." vid . . . saw beforehand and spoke
Fulfillment: Matt. 2 :1-6 "After concerning the resurrection of the
Jesus had been born in Bethle- Christ, that neither was he for-
hem . . . They said to him : 'In saken in Hades nor did his flesh
Bethlehem of Judea ; for this is see corruption ."

Blood Transfusion
Transferring blood from the veins or arteries of one person to
another . As in intravenous feeding, it is a feeding upon blood .
An unscriptural practice .
2369 B .C., Prohibition upon All shall any stranger that so-
Nations journeth among you eat blood .'
Gen . 9 :3-5 "Every moving thing Blood Not to Be Stored
that liveth shall be food for you ; Dent . 12 :16 "Ye shall not eat
as the green herb have I given the blood ; thou shalt pour it
you all . But flesh with the life out upon the earth as water ."
thereof, which is the blood there- Lev . 17 :13 "Whatsoever man
of, shall ye not eat . And surely there be of the children of Is-
your blood, the blood of your rael, or of the strangers that so-
lives, will I require ; at the hand journ among them, who taketh in
of every beast will I require it : hunting any beast or bird that
and at the hand of man, even may be eaten ; he shall pour out
at the hand of every man's broth- the blood thereof . and cover it
er, will I require the life of with dust ."
man ." Also : Deut . 12 :24 .
1513 B .C., Prohibition Enjoined Blood Sacred, Only for Altar Use
upon Jews Lev . 17 :11 "The life of the
Lev . 17 :14 "For as to the life flesh is in the blood ; and I have
of all flesh, the blood thereof is given it to you upon the altar
all one with the life thereof : to make atonement for your souls :
therefore I said unto the chil- for it is the blood that maketh
dren of Israel, Ye shall eat the atonement by reason of the life ."
blood of no manner of flesh ; for Deut. 12 :27 "Thou shalt offer
the life of all flesh is the blood thy burnt-offerings, the flesh and
: whosoever
thereof eateth it shall the blood, upon the altar of Je-
be cut off ." hovah thy God ; and the blood
of thy sacrifices shall be poured
A .D . 49, Prohibition Enjoined out upon the altar of Jehovah
upon Christians thy God ; and thou shalt eat the
Acts 15 :28, 29 "For the holy flesh ."
spirit and we ourselves have Pictured Christ's Atoning Blood
favored adding no further bur-
den to you, except these neces- Heb. 9 :22, 14 "Yes, nearly all
sary things, to keep yourselves things are cleansed with blood
according to the Law, and unless
free from things sacrificed to idols blood is poured out no forgive-
and from blood and from things ness takes place . How much more
killed without draining their will the blood of the Christ, who
blood and from fornication . If
you carefully keep yourselves from through an everlasting spirit of-
these things, you will prosper ." fered himself without blemish to
God, cleanse our consciences from
Also : Acts 21 :25 . dead works that we may render
Principle of Life sacred service to the living God?"
Lev . 17 :11, 12 "The life of the Eph . 1 :7 "By means of him we
flesh is in the blood ; . . . No soul have the release by ransom
of you shall eat blood, neither through the blood of that one .

Born Again 48
yes, the forgiveness of our tres- that I should do this : shall I
passes, according to the riches of drink the blood of these men
his undeserved kindness ." that have put their lives in
John 6 :53, 54 "Accordingly Je- jeopardy? for with the jeopardy
sus said to them : `Most truly I of their lives they brought it .
say to you, Unless you eat the Therefore he would not drink
flesh of the Son of man and it .'
drink his blood, you have no life
in you. He that feeds on my flesh Involves Any Form of Blood
and drinks my blood has ever- Lev. 7 :26, 27 "Ye shall eat no
lasting life, and I shall resurrect manner of blood, whether it be
him at the last day .'" of bird or of beast, . . . Whosoever
it be that eateth any blood, that
Esteeming Christ's Blood Lightly soul shall be cut off from his
Heb . 10 :29 "Of how much more people ."
severe a punishment, do you Lev . 17 :10 "Whatsoever nIan
think_, will the man be counted there be of the house of Israel,
worthy who has trampled upon or of the strangers that sojourn
the Son of God and who has among them, that eateth any
esteemed as of ordinary value manner of blood, I will set my
the blood of the covenant by face against that soul that eateth
which he was sanctified, and who blood, and will cut him off from
has outraged the spirit of unde- among his people ."
served kindness with contempt?" Ps. 16 :4 "Their drink-offerings
1 John 1 :7 "However, if we are of blood will I not offer ."
walking in the light as he him-
self is in the light, we do have Vaccination or Inoculation Not
partnership with one another and Feeding on Blood ; Not Connected
the blood of Jesus his Son with Sex Relations
cleanses us from all sin." Lev. 18 :22, 23 "Thou shalt not
lie with mankind, as with woman-
Attempt at Lifesaving with Blood kind : it is abomination . And thou
Wrong shalt not lie with any beast to
I Chron . 11 :17-19 "David would defile thyself therewith ; neither
not drink [the water] thereof, shall any woman stand before a
but poured it out unto Jehovah, beast, to lie down thereto : it is
and said, My God forbid it me, confusion ."

Born Again
"Born again" means a birthlike realization of prospects and hopes
for spirit life by resurrection to heaven . Such a realization is brought
about through the water of God's truth in the Bible and God's
holy spirit, his active force .
Began, as a begetting for the Kingdom, with Christ Jesus after his
baptism of dedication A .D . 29 . (Matt . 3 :16, 17) Later he received
his spirit organism when resurrected as the first ripe fruits of the
Kingdom A .D . 33 .-i Pet. 3 :18, 19 .
Produced by Water and Spirit cannot enter into the kingdom of
John 3 :5, 6 "Unless anyone is God ."
born from water and spirit, he Jas. 1 :18 "He brought us forth
49 Born Again
by the word of truth, for us to be of his Father written on their
.t"ures a certain flrstfruits of his crea- foreheads ."
1 John 3 :2 "Beloved ones, now
1 Pet. 1 :23 "For you have been we are children of God, but as
given a new birth, not by cor- yet it has not been made mani-
ruptible, but by incorruptible re- fest what we shall be . We do
productive seed ." know that whenever he is made
Their Father Jehovah God manifest we shall be like him,
because we shall see him just aS
John 1 :12, 13 "As many as did , .g is ."
receive him, to them he gave
authority to become God's chil- Spiritual Sonship Fruitage
dren, because they were exer- Gal . 5 :22, 23 "The fruitage of
cising faith in his name ; and the spirit is love, joy, peace,
they were born not from blood longsuffering, kindness, goodness,
or from a fleshly will or from faith, mildness, self-control ."
man's will, but from God ." 1 John 3 :9 "Everyone who has
Rom . 8 :16, 17 "The spirit it- been born from God does not
self bears witness with our spirit practice sin, because His repro-
that we are God's children . If, ductive seed remains in such one,
then, we are children, we are also and he cannot keep sinning, be-
heirs : heirs indeed of God, but cause he has been born from
joint heirs with Christ, provided God."
we suffer together that we may 1 John 2 :29 "If you know that
also be glorified together ." he is righteous, you gain the
knowledge that everyone who
Their Mother God's Organization practices righteousness has been
in Heaven born from him ."
G al. 4 :22-26 "Abraham ac- Their New Course
quired two sons, one by the serv- Titus 3:5-7 "He saved us
ant girl and one by the free through the bath that brought
woman ; but the one by the serv- us to life and through the making
ant girl was actually born in the of us new by holy spirit. This
manner of flesh, the other by the spirit he poured out richly upon
free woman through a promise . us through Jesus Christ our Sa-
These things stand as a symbolic vior, that, after being declared
drama ; for these women mean
two covenants . . . . Hagar . . , cor- righteous by virtue of the unde-
responds with Jerusalem today, served kindness of that one, we
or she is in slavery with her might become heirs according to
a hope of everlasting life."
children . But the Jerusalem 1 Pet . 3 :18, 21 "Even Christ
above is free, and she is our died once for all time concerning
mother ." sins . a righteous person for un-
Also : Isa . 54 :5 ; Heb . 12 :22 ; righteous ones, that he might lead
Phil. 3 :20 . you to God, he being put to death
Christ and 144,000 Spiritual in the flesh, but being made alive
Brothers in the spirit. . . this is also now
saving you, namely, baptism, (not
John 3 :6 "What has been born the putting away of the filth of
from the flesh is flesh, and what the flesh, but the request made to
has been born from the spirit is God for a good conscience,)
spirit ." through the resurrection of Jesus
Rev . 14 :1 "And I saw, and look! Christ ."
the Lamb standing upon the Col . 3 :9, 10 "Strip off the old
mount Zion, and with him a hun- personality with its practices, and
dred and forty-four thousand clothe yourselves with the neh,
having his name and the name personality which through ac-

Caesar's Things to Caesar 50

curate knowledge is being re- These Make Up the Kingdom of
newed according to the image of Heaven
the one who created it ." John 3 :3 "Unless anyone is
Also : Gal . 6 :8-10 . born again, he cannot see the
Their Heavenly Hopes kingdom of God ."
1 Pet. 1 :3 "Blessed be the God 1 Cor . 15 :50, 53 "However, this
and Father of our Lord Jesus I say, brothers, that flesh and
Christ, for according to his great blood cannot inherit God's king-
mercy he gave us a new birth dom, neither does corruption in-
to a living hope through the res- herit incorruption. For this which
urrection of Jesus Christ from is corruptible must put on incor-
the dead." ruption, and this which is mortal
2 Pet . 1 :4 "He has freely given must put on immortality ."
us the precious and very grand 2 Cor. 5 :17 "Consequently, if
promises, that through these you anyone is in union with Christ,
may become sharers in divine he is a new creation ; the old
nature ." things passed away, look! new
Eph . 2 :4-6 "God . made us things have come into existence ."
alive together with the Christ, Rom . 6 :4, 5 "Therefore we were
even when we were dead in tres- buried with him through our
passes-by undeserved kindness baptism into his death, in order
you have been saved-and he that, just as Christ was raised
raised us up together and seated up from the dead through the
us together in the heavenly places glory of the Father, we also
in union with Christ Jesus." should likewise walk in a new-
1 Cor. 15 :46-49 "Nevertheless, ness of life . For if we have be-
the first is, not that which is come united with him in the like-
spiritual, but that which is physi- ness of his death, we shall cer-
cal, afterward that which is tainly also be united with him in
spiritual . The first man is out of the likeness of his resurrection ."
the earth and made of dust ; the
second man is out of heaven . . . . Matt . 19 :28 "In the re-creation
And just as we have borne the [mar., "rebirth"] when the Son
image of the one made of dust, of man sits down upon his glo-
we shall bear also the image of rious throne, you who have fol-
the heavenly one ." lowed me will also yourselves sit
Also : Eph. 1 :13, 14 ; Phil . 3 :21, upon twelve thrones, judging the
22 ; Rom . 8 :29 . twelve tribes of Israel ."

Caesar's Things to Caesar

In the Bible "Caesar" refers to the secular ruler or worldly
government . "Pay back Caesar's things to Caesar ." (Mark 12 :17)
This sound legal doctrine, pronounced by Jesus, grants that the
"Caesar' government ., may set upon their Christian inferiors or
subjects certain duties, but draws a clear line at which these duties
to the state end . Beyond that line commence the Christian's duties
exclusively toward his God, for Jesus completed the legal pronounce-
ment by saying, "Pay back . . . God's things to God ."
Due Respect for Worldly Rulers first of all that supplications .
Proper prayers, intercessions, offerings of
1 Tim . 2 :1-4 "I therefore exhort thanks, be made concerning all
51 Caesar's Things to Caesar
kinds of men, concerning kings Matt . 11 :19 "The Son of man
and all those who are in high did come eating and drinking,
station, in order that we may go still people say : `Look! a man
on leading a calm and quiet life gluttonous and given to drinking
with full godly devotion and se- wine, a friend of tax collectors
riousness ." and sinners .' All the same, wis-
Acts 26 :25 "Paul said : 'I am dom is vindicated by its works ."
not going mad, Your Excellency Rom . 13 :7 "Render to all their
Festus, but I am uttering sayings dues, to him who calls for tribute,
of truth and of soundness of the tribute ; to him who calls for
mind.'" tax, the tax ; to him who calls
Ezra 6 :6-10 "That they may of- for fear, such fear ; to him who
fer sacrifices of sweet savor unto calls for honor, such honor ."
the God of heaven, and pray for Marriage Requirements of the
the life of the king, and of his Law Conformed To
sons ."
Dan . 6 :21, 22 "Then said Daniel Heb. 13 :4 "Let marriage be hon-
unto the king, 0 king, live for orable among all, and the mar-
ever. . . . innocency was found in riage bed be without defilement,
me ; and also before thee, 0 king, for God will judge fornicators
have I done no hurt." and adulterers ."
Gen. 24 :51, 53, 64, 65 . 67 "Be-
Gen. 47 :7 "And Joseph brought hold, Rebekah is before thee, take
in Jacob his father, and set her, and go, and let her be thy
him before Pharaoh : and Jacob master's son's wife, as Jehovah
blessed Pharaoh ." hath spoken . And the servant
Acts 23 :5 "Paul said : `Brothers, brought forth jewels of silver, and
I did not know he was high priest. jewels of gold, and raiment, and
For it is written, "You must not gave them to Rebekah : he gave
speak injuriously of a ruler of also to her brother and to her
your people." ' " mother precious things . And Re-
bekah lifted up her eyes, and
Tribute Tax for Services Ren- when she saw Isaac, she alighted
dered Should Be Paid from the camel . . . . and she took
Matt . 22 :15-21 "Then the Phar- her veil, and covered herself . And
isees went their way and took Isaac brought her into his mother
counsel together in order to trap Sarah's tent, and took Rebekah,
him in his speech. So they dis- and she became his wife."
patched to him their disciples to- 1 Pet. 3 :1, 2 "In like manner .
gether with party followers of you wives, be in subjection to
Herod, saying : `Teacher, we know your own husbands, in order that .
you are truthful and teach the if any are not obedient to the
way of God in truth, and you do word, they may be won without
not care for anybody, for you a word through the conduct of
do not look upon men's outward their wives, because of having
appearance . Tell us, therefore, been eyewitnesses of your chaste
What do you think? Is it lawful conduct together with deep re-
to pay tribute to Caesar or not?' spect."
But Jesus, knowing their wicked- Col . 3 :18-21 "You wives, be in
ness, said : `Why do you put me subjection to your h usbands . a s
to the test, hypocrites? Show me it is becoming in the Lord . You
the tribute coin .' They brought husbands, keep on loving your
him a denarius . And he said to wives and do not be bitterly an-
them : `Whose image and inscrip- gry with them . You children, be
tion is this?' They said : `Caesar's .' obedient to your parents in every-
Then he said to them : `Pay back, thing, for this is well-pleasing in
therefore, Caesar's things to Cae- the Lord . You fathers, do not be
sar, but God's things to God .' " exasperating your children, so
Caesar's Things to Caesar 52
that they do not become down- Required Registrations
hearted ." Complied With
2 Pet . 2:2, 3 "Furthermore, Luke 2:1-5 "Now in those days
many will turn out of the way a decree went forth from Caesar
and follow their acts of loose con- Augustus for all the inhabited
duct, and on account of these earth to be registered ; (this first
the way of the truth will be registration took place when Qui-
spoken of abusively . Also with rinius was governor of Syria ;)
covetousness they will exploit you and all people went traveling to be
with counterfeit words . But as for registered, each one to his own
them, the judgment of ancient city. Of course, Joseph also went
times is not moving slowly, and up from Galilee, out of the city
the destruction of them is not of Nazareth, into Judea, to Da-
slumbering." vid's city which is called Bethle-
1 Tim . 3 :2, 4 "The overseer hem, because of his being a mem-
should therefore be irreprehensi- ber of the house and family of
ble . a husband of one wife, mod- David, to get registered with
erate in habits, sound in mind, Mary."
orderly, a lover of strangers, qual-
ified to teach, a man presiding Working in Government's Em-
over his own household in a right ploy Not Prohibited
manner, having children in sub- Neh . 2 :1, 2 "Now I was cup-
section with all seriousness ." bearer to the king . And it came
Legal Social Distinctions to pass in the month Nisan, in
Accepted the twentieth year of Artaxerxes
the king, when wine was before
Eph . 6 :5 "You slaves, be obe- him, that I took up the wine, and
dient to those who are your mas- gave it unto the king . Now I had
ters in a fleshly sense, with fear not been beforetime sad in his
and trembling in the sincerity of presence . And the king said unto
your hearts, as to the Christ ." me, Why is thy countenance sad,
1 Tim . 6 :1, 2 "Let as many as seeing thou art not sick? this is
are slaves under a yoke keep on nothing else but sorrow of heart .
considering their owners worthy Then I was very sore afraid ."
of full honor, that the name of Dan . 3 :12 "There are certain
God and the teaching may never Jews whom thou hast appointed
be spoken of injuriously . More- over the affairs of the province
over, let those having believing
owners not look down on them, of Babylon : Shadrach, Meshach,
because they are brothers . On and Abed-nego ; these men, 0
the contrary, let them the more king, have not regarded thee :
readily be slaves, because those they serve not thy gods, nor wor-
receiving the benefit of their good ship the golden image which thou
service are believers and beloved." hast set up ."
Titus 2 :9, 10 "Let slaves be in Dan . 6 :28, 2 "So this Daniel
subjection to their owners in all prospered in the reign of Darius .
things, and please them well, not and in the reign of Cyrus the
talking back, not committing Persian . . . . over them three presi-
;,heft, but exhibiting good fideli- dents, of whom Daniel was one ."
ty to the full, so that they may Gen . 41:39-43 "And Pharaoh
adorn the teaching of our Savior, said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as
God, in all things . - God hath showed thee all this,
I Pet . 2 :18 "Let house servants there is none so discreet and
be in subjection to their owners wise as thou : thou shalt be over
with the full measure of fear, not my house, and according unto thy
only to the good and reasonable, word shall all my people be ruled :
but also to those difficult to only in the throne will I be
please ." greater than thou . And Pharaoh
53 Caesar's Things to Caesar
said unto Joseph, See, I have set be condemned, so that the man
thee over all the land of Egypt . on the opposing side may get
And Pharaoh took off his signet ashamed, having nothing vile to
ring from his hand, and put it say about us ."
upon Joseph's hand, and arrayed 1 Pet . 3:16, 17 "Hold a good
him in vestures of fine linen, and conscience, so that in the partic-
put a gold chain about his neck ; ular in which you are spoken
and he made him to ride in the against they may get ashamed
second chariot which he had ; and who are speaking slightingly of
they cried before him, Bow the your good conduct in connection
knee : and he set him over all with Christ . For it is better to
the land of Egypt ." suffer because you are doing good,
Esther 8 :1-15 ; 10:2, 3 "And Mor- if the will of God wishes it, than
decai came before the king ; . because you are doing evil ."
And the king took off his ring, 1 Pet . 4 :15 "However. let none
which he had taken from Haman, of you suffer as a murderer or a
and gave it unto Mordecai . . thief or an evildoer or as a busy-
And Mordecai went forth from body in other people's matters ."
the presence of the king in royal 1 Tim . 3 :2, 7 "The overseer
apparel of blue and white, and should therefore be irreprehen-
with a great crown of gold, and sible, . . . Moreover . he should also
with a robe of fine linen and have a favorable testimony from
purple ." "And all the acts of his
power and of his might, and the people on the outside, in order
full account of the greatness of that he might not fall into re-
Mordecai, whereunto the king ad- proach and a snare of the Devil ."
vanced him, are they not written Man's Life, Worship and Alle-
in the book of the chronicles of giance Not for Caesar to Re-
the kings of Media and Persia? quire ; These Belong to God
For Mordecai the Jew was next Matt . 22 :21 "Then he said to
unto king Ahasuerus, and great
among the Jews ." them : 'Pay back, therefore, Cae-
sar's things to Caesar, but God's
Christians Keep Laws of Caesar things to God .'"
for Conscience' Sake Ps . 66 :8, 9 "Oh bless our God,
Rom. 13 :5, 6, 8 "There is there- ye peoples, and make the voice
fore compelling reason for you to of his praise to be heard ; who
be in subjection, not only on ac- holdeth our soul in life, and suf-
count of that wrath but also on fereth not our feet to be moved ."
account of your conscience. For Luke 4 :8 "In reply Jesus said
that is why you are also paying to him : 'It is written, "It is
tribute ; . . . Do not be owing any- Jehovah your God you must
body a single thing, except to love worship, and it is to him alone
one another ; for he that loves his you must render sacred service ."'"
fellow man has fulfilled the law ." isa . 8 :13 "Jehovah of hosts, him
Acts 24 :16 "In this respect, in- shall ye sanctify : and let him be
deed, I am exercising myself con- your fear, and let him be you
tinually to have a consciousness dread ."
of committing no offense against Luke 12 :4, 5 "Moreover I say
God and men ." to you, my friends, Do not fear
Titus 2:6-8 "Likewise keep on those who kill the body and after
exhorting the younger men to be this are not able to do anything
sound in mind, in all things more. But I will indicate to you
showing yourself an example of whom to fear : Fear him who aft-
right works, showing uncorrupt- er killing has authority to throw
ness in your teaching, seriousness, into Gehenna . Yes, I tell you,
wholesome speech which cannot fear this One."

Caste System
The principle or system of social divisions or classes of society
in any community . Also the dividing of society into selfishly exclusive
groups of persons (cliques), or according to supposed social rank as
of persons having the same status or as possessing common character-
istics (classes) . A false, hypocritical practice .

Ruling and priestly classes were organized at Babel following the
Flood and dynasties developed soon thereafter as a subversion of
the patriarchal family divisions authorized by Jehovah .
God Made Man to Live Together Egypt's "Master Race" Program
as Families Without Distinctions Resulted in Their Ruin
Acts 17 :26, 27 "And he made Ex . 1 :8-22 "Now there arose a
out of one man every nation of new king over Egypt, who knew
men, to dwell upon the entire not Joseph . And he said unto his
surface of the earth, and he people, Behold, the people of the
decreed the appointed seasons and children of Israel are more and
the set limits of the dwelling of mightier than we : come, let us
men, for them to seek God, if deal wisely with them, lest they
they might grope for him and multiply, and it come to pass,
really find him ." that, when there falleth out any
1 Cor . 15 :39 "Not all flesh is war, they also join themselves un-
the same flesh, but there is one to our enemies, and fight against
of mankind, and there is another us, and get them up out of
flesh of cattle, and another flesh the land . Therefore they did set
of birds, and another of fish ." over them taskmasters to afflict
Gen . 10 :1, 5 "Now these are them . . . But the more they af-
the generations of the sons of flicted them, the more they multi-
Noah, namely, of Shem, Ham and plied . . . And Pharaoh charged all
Japheth : and unto them were his people, saying, Every son that
sons born after the flood . Of is born ye shall cast into the
these were the isles of the na- river, and every daughter ye shall
tions divided in their lands, every save alive ."
one after his tongue, after their Ex . 9 :13, 15, 16 "And Jehovah
families, in their nations ." said unto Moses, Rise up early
Num. 1 :18 "And they assem- in the morning, and stand before
bled all the congregation together Pharaoh, and say unto him, Thus
on the first day of the second saith Jehovah, the God of the
month ; and they declared their Hebrews, Let my people go, that
pedigrees after their families, by they may serve me . For now I
their fathers' houses." had put forth my hand, and
Ps . 107 :41 "Yet setteth he the smitten thee and thy people with
needy on high from affliction, and pestilence, and thou hadst been
maketh him families like a flock ." cut off from the earth : but in
Acts 10 :34, 35 "For a certainty very deed for this cause have I
I perceive that God is not partial, made thee to stand, to show thee
but in every nation the man that my power, and that my name
fears him and works righteous- may be declared throughout all
ness is acceptable to him ." the earth ."
55 Caste System
Ex. 15 :1, 4 "Then sang Moses and upward, and take the num-
and the children of Israel this ber of their names. And thou
song unto Jehovah, and spake, shalt take the Levites for me (I
saying, I will sing unto Jehovah, am Jehovah) instead of all the
for he hath triumphed gloriously : first-born among the children of
the horse and his rider hath he Israel ; . . . Take the Levites in-
thrown into the sea. Pharaoh's stead of all the first-born among
chariots and his host hath he the children of Israel, and the
cast into the sea ; and his chosen cattle of the Levites instead of
captains are sunk in the Red their cattle ; and the Levites shall
Sea." be mine : I am Jehovah ."
Ex . 19 :5, 6 "Then ye shall be
Israel's Favor with God Not for mine own possession from among
Race Superiority but Obedience all peoples : for all the earth is
Deut . 7 :7, 8 "Jehovah did not mine : and ye shall be unto me a
set his love upon you, nor choose kingdom of priests, and a holy
you, because ye were more in nation . These are the words
number than any people ; for ye which thou shalt speak unto the
were the fewest of all peoples : children of Israel ."
but because Jehovah loveth you, Job 34:19 "That respecteth not
and because he would keep the the persons of princes, nor re-
oath which he sware unto your gardeth the rich more than the
fathers, hath Jehovah brought poor ; for they all are the work
you out with a mighty hand, and of his hands."
redeemed you out of the house of
bondage, from the hand of Phar- Complete Separations in Israel
aoh king of Egypt ." Allowed Only from Opposers
Num . 14 :11, 12, 20, 23 "And Deut. 7:1-3 "When Jehovah thy
Jehovah said unto Moses, How God shall bring thee into the
long will this people despise me? land whither thou goest to pos-
and how long will they not be- sess it, and shall cast out many
lieve in me, for all the signs nations before thee, . . . and when
which I have wrought among Jehovah thy God shall deliver
them? I will smite them with them up before thee, and thou
the pestilence, and disinherit shalt smite them ; then thou shalt
them, and will make of thee a utterly destroy them : thou shalt
nation greater and mightier than make no covenant with them .
they . And Jehovah said, I have nor show mercy unto them :
pardoned according to thy word : neither shalt thou make mar-
surely they shall not see the riages with them ."
land which I sware unto their Lev . 19 :33, 34 "And if a stran-
fathers, neither shall any of them ger sojourn with thee in your
that despised me see it ." land, ye shall not do him wrong .
Ps . 106 :8 "Nevertheless he saved The stranger that sojourneth
them for his name's sake, that with you shall be unto you as the
he might make his mighty power home-born among you, and thou
to be known ." shalt love him as thyself ; for
ye were sojourners in the land
Priesthood and Tribal Divisions of Egypt : I am Jehovah your
of Israel Not Class Distinction God ."
Jer . 31 :1 "At that time, saith Num. 15 :15, 16 "For the assem-
Jehovah, will I be the God of all bly, there shall be one statute
the families of Israel, and they for you, and for the stranger that
shall be my people." sojourneth with you, a statute
Num . 3:40, 41, 45 "And Jeho- for ever throughout your genera-
vah said unto Moses, Number all tions : as ye are, so shall the so-
the first-born males of the chil- journer be before Jehovah . One
dren of Israel from a month old law and one ordinance shall be
Caste System 56
for you, and for the stranger that the rulers of the nations
that sojourneth with you ." lord it over them and the great
Deut. 10:17 "For Jehovah your men wield authority over them .
God, he is God of gods, and This is not the arrangement
Lord of lords, the great God, the among you ; but whoever wants
mighty, and the terrible, who re- to become great among you must
gardeth not persons, nor taketh be your minister, and whoever
reward." wants to be first among you must
Particular Family Connections be your slave. Just as the Son of
Do Not Bring Salvation man came, not to be ministered
to, but to minister .'' ,
John 8 :33 "[The Jews] replied
to him : 'We are Abraham's off- Cliques and Classes in Chris-
spring and never have we been tian Congregation Forbidden
slaves to anybody . How is it you 1 Cor. 1 :10-13 "Now I exhort
say, "You will become free"?'" you, brothers, through the name
1 Tim . 1 :4 "Nor to pay atten- of our Lord Jesus Christ that
tion to false stories and to gene- you should all speak in agree-
alogies which end up in nothing, ment, and that there should riot
but which furnish questions for be divisions among you, but that
research rather than a dispens- you may be fitly united in the
ing of anything by God in con- same mind and in the same line
nection with faith." of thought. For the disclosure
Titus 3:9 "But shun foolish was made to me about you, my
questionings and genealogies . . . brothers, by those of the house
for they are unprofitable and fu- of Chloe, that dissensions exist
tile ." among you . What I mean is this,
Clergy as an Elevated Class Not that each one of you says : 'I be-
Authorized for Christians long to Paul,' 'But I to Apollos,'
'But I to Cephas,' 'But I to
John 13 :34, 35 "I am giving Christ .' Does the Christ exist di-
you a new commandment, that vided? Paul was not impaled for
you love one another ; just as I you, was he? Or were you bap-
have loved you, that you also tized in the name of Paul?"
love one another. By this all will 1 Tim . 6 :17, 18 "Give orders
know that you are my disciples, to those who are rich in the pres-
if you have love among your- ent system of things not to be
selves." arrogant, and to rest their hope,
Matt. 23 :8, 10-12 "But you, do not on uncertain riches, but on
not you be called 'Rabbi', for one God, who furnishes us all things
is your teacher, whereas all you richly for our enjoyment ; to work
are brothers . Neither be called at good, to be rich in right works,
'leaders', for your Leader is one, to be liberal, ready to share."
the Christ . But the greatest one
among you must be your minister . Jas . 3 :16, 17 "For where jeal-
Whoever exalts himself will be ousy and contentiousness are,
humbled, and whoever humbles there disorder and every vile thing
himself will be exalted ." are . But the wisdom from above
1 Pet. 5 :2, 3 "Shepherd the is first of all chat then peace-
flock of God in your care, not able, reasonable, ready to obey .
under compulsion, but willingly, full of mercy and good fruits, not
neither for love of dishonest gain,, making partial distinctions, not
but eagerly, neither as lording it hypocritical ."
over those who are God's in- I Pet. 5 :5 "In like manner, you
heritance, but becoming examples younger men, be in subjection to
to the flock ." the older men. But all of you gird
Matt. 20:25-28 "But Jesus, call- yourselves with humility of mind
ing them to him, said : 'You know toward one another, because God
a4 Charitable Works
opposes the haughty ones, but he inclinations, as to Jehovah, and
gives undeserved kindness to the not to men, for you know that
humble ones." each one, whatever good he may
Gal . 3 :28 "There is neither Jew do, will receive this back from
nor Greek, there is neither slave Jehovah, whether he be slave or
nor freeman, there is neither male freeman . You masters, too, keep
nor female ; for you are all one doing the same things to them,
in union with Christ Jesus ." letting up on the threatening, for
Jas. 2 :1-9 "My brothers, you you know that the Master of both
are not holding the faith of our them and you is in the heavens,
Lord Jesus Christ, our glory, with and there is no partiality with
acts of favoritism, are you? For, him ."
if a man with gold rings on his Rom . 16 :17, 18, 20 "Now I ex-
fingers and in splendid clothing hort you, brothers, to keep your
enters into your assembly, but a eye on those who create divisions
poor man in filthy clothing also and causes for stumbling con-
enters, yet you look with favor trary to the teaching which you
upon the one wearing the splen- have learned, and avoid them .
did clothing and say : `You take For men of that kind are slaves .
this seat here in an honorable not of our Lord Christ, but of
place,' and you say to the poor their own bellies, and by smooth
one : `You keep standing,' or, talk and complimentary speech ,
`Take that seat there beside my they seduce the hearts of guile-
footstool,' you have class distinc- less ones . For his part, the God
tions among yourselves and you who gives peace will crush Satan
have become judges rendering under your feet shortly."
corrupt decisions, is that not so? 1 Tim . 6:1, 2, 6 "Let as many
. But if you continue showing as are slaves under a yoke keep
favoritism, you are working a on considering their owners
sin, for you are reproved by the worthy of full honor, that the
law as transgressors ." name of God and the teaching
Christians Not Social Reformers, may never be spoken of injuri-
but Are Godly Examples ously . Moreover, let those having
Eph. 6 :5-9 "You slaves, be believing owners not look down
obedient to those who are your on them, because they are broth-
masters in a fleshly sense, with ers. On the contrary, let them the
fear and trembling in the sin- more readily be slaves, because
cerity of your hearts, as to the those receiving the benefit of their
Christ, not by way of eyeservice good service are believers and be-
as men-pleasers, but as Christ's loved. To be sure, it is a means
slaves, doing the will of God of great gain, this godly devotion
whole-souled . Be slaves with good along with self-sufficiency ."

Charitable Works
Gifts of mercy, or help and assistance for the welfare of others
toward Jehovah God, publicly or privately, either individually or in
an organized way . Will gain God's favor.
Jehovah the Greatest Giver is thine ; . . . for all things come
1 Chron. 29:11-14 "All that is of thee, and of thine own have
in the heavens and in the earth we given thee ."
Charitable Works 58
John 3 :16, 17 "God loved the Acts 5 :1-5 "A certain man,
world so much that he gave his Ananias by name, together with
only-begotten Son ." Sapphira his wife, sold a posses-
Rom . 11 :35 "Who has first sion and secretly held back some
given to him, so that it must of the price, his wife also knowing
be repaid to him?" about it, and he brought just a
2 Cor . 9 :15 "Thanks be to God part and deposited it at the feet
for his indescribable free gift ." of the apostles . But Peter said :
Rom . 6 :23 "The gift God gives `Ananias, to what end has Satan
is everlasting life by Christ Jesus emboldened you to play false
our Lord ." to the holy spirit and to hold
Acts 17 :25 "Neither is he at- back secretly some of the price
tended to by human hands as if of the field? . . . You have played
he needed anything, because he false, not to men, but to God .'
himself gives to all persons life On hearing these words Ananias
and breath and all things ." fell down and expired ."
Also : Eph . 2 :4, 8 ; 4 :7, 8 ; Ps. John 12 :4-6 "Judas Iscariot,
136 :25 . one of his disciples, who was
about to betray him, said : 'Why
Give Freely, Without Show, was it this perfumed oil was not
to Honor God sold for three hundred denarii
Matt . 6 :1-4 "Take good care not and given to poor people?' He
to practice your righteousness in said this, though, not because he
front of men in order to be ob- was concerned about the poor,
served by them ; otherwise you but because he was a thief and
will have no reward with your had the money-box and used to
Father who is in the heavens . carry off the monies put in it ."
Hence when you start making Organized Giving Voluntary, but
gifts of mercy, do not blow a Directed by Congregation's
trumpet ahead of you, just as the
hypocrites do . But you, when Governing Body
making gifts of mercy, do not let 1 Cor . 16 :1-4 "Concerning the
your left hand know what your collection which is for the holy
right is doing, that your gifts of ones, just as I gave orders to
mercy may be in secret ; then the congregations of Galatia, do
your Father who is looking on in that way also yourselves. Every
secret will repay you ." first day of the week let each
Matt . 5 :46 "If you love those of you at his own house set
loving you, what reward do you something aside in store as he
have? are not also the tax col- may be prospering, so that when
lectors doing the same thing?" I arrive collections will not take
Also: Mark 12 :38-40 ; Luke place then . But when I get there,
5 :12-14 ; 8 :49-56 : 20 :46, 47 . whatever men you approve of by
letters, these I shall send to carry
Gifts Selfishly Given Bring No your kind gift to Jerusalem."
Favor from God 2 Cor. 9 :5, 7 "I thought it nec-
Mark 7 :11 "But you men say, essary to encourage the brothers
'If a man says to his father or to come to you in advance and
his mother, "Whatever I have by to get ready in advance your
which you may get help from bountiful gift previously prom-
me is corban, (that is, a gift ised, that thus this might be
dedicated to God,) " you men no ready as a bountiful gift and not
longer let him do a single thing as something extorted. Let each
for his father or his mother .' and one do just as he has resolved in
thus you shove the word of God his heart, not grudgingly or un-
aside for your tradition which der compulsion, for God loves a
you handed down ." cheerful giver ."
59 Charitable Works
Acts 24 :17 "So after quite a and you gave me something to
number of years I arrived to eat, I got thirsty and you gave
bring gifts of mercy to my na- me something to drink . I was a
tion, and offerings ." stranger and you received me
Rom. 15 :25-28 "Those in Mace- hospitably ; naked, and you
donia and Achaia have been clothed me . I fell sick and you
pleased to share up their things looked after me . I was in prison
by a contribution to the poor of and you came to me To the
the holy ones in Jerusalem. True, extent that you did it to one
they have been pleased to do of the least of these my brothers,
so, and yet they were debtors to you did it to me.'"
them ; for if the nations have Acts 2 :44, 45 "All those who
shared in their spiritual things, became believers were together in
they also owe it to minister pub- having all things in common, and
licly to these with things for the they went to selling their posses-
physical body ." sions and properties and to dis-
Acts 4 :34, 35 "In fact, there tributing the proceeds to all just
was not one in need among them, as anyone would have the need ."
for all those who were possessors 1 Tim . 5 :8 "Certainly if any-
of fields or houses would sell one does not provide for those . . .
them and bring the values of the who are members of his house-
things sold and they would de- hold, he has disowned the faith
posit them at the feet of the and is worse than a person with-
apostles . In turn, distribution out faith ."
would be made to each one just Also : 1 Cor . 9 :1, 2, 11 .
as he would have the need ."
Also : Acts 6 :1-6 ; Gal . 2 :10 . Giving Spiritual Things More
Important than Material
Christians' Special Responsibili- Luke 10 :38-42 "Mary . sat
ty to Their Brothers down at the feet of the Master
and Families and kept listening to his word .
2 Cor . 8 :1-15 "This led us to Martha, on the other hand, was
encourage Titus that, just as he distracted with attending to many
had been the one to initiate it duties . . . . In answer the Master
among you, so too he should said to her : `Martha, Martha .
complete this same kind giving you are anxious and disturbed
on your part . . . . that by means about many things . A few things,
of an equalizing your surplus though, are needed, or just one .
just now might offset their de- For her part, Mary chose the
ficiency, in order that their sur- good portion, and it will not be
plus might also come to offset taken away from her .'"
your deficiency, that an equal- John 6 :26, 27 "Jesus . . . said :
izing might take place." `Most truly I say to you, You are
.Jas . 2 :15 "If a brother or a looking for me, not because you
sister is in a naked state and saw signs, but because you ate
lacking the food sufficient for the from the loaves and were satis-
day, yet a certain one of you says fied . Work, not for the food that
to them, 'Go in peace, keep warm perishes, but for the food that
and well fed,' but you do not give remains for life everlasting .' "
them the necessities for their Eccl . 7 :12 "For wisdom is a
body, of what benefit is it?" defence, even as money is a de-
Matt. 25 :34-40 "Then the king fence ; but the excellency of
will say to those on his right : knowledge is, that wisdom pre-
`Come, you who have my Father's serveth the life of him that hath
blessing, inherit the kingdom pre- it."
pared for you from the world's Amos 8 :11 "Behold, the days
foundation . For I became hungry come, saith the Lord Jehovah,
Charitable Works 60
that I will send a famine in the as gifts of mercy . Make purses
land, not a famine of bread, nor for yourselves that do not wear
a thirst for water, but of hearing out, a never-failing treasure in
the words of Jehovah ." the heavens, where a thief does
Acts 3 :2-8 "When he caught not get near nor moth consumes ."
sight of Peter and John . . . he Matt . 9 :13 "Go, then, and learn
began requesting to get gifts of what this means, 'I want mercy,
mercy . . However, Peter said : and not sacrifice."'
`Silver and gold I do not possess, 1 Sam . 15:22 "Behold, to obey
but what I do have is what I give is better than sacrifice ."
you : In the name of Jesus Christ
the Nazarene, walk!'" Prov . 23 :26 "My son, give me
thy heart."
Matt . 5 :3, 6 "Happy are those
who arc conscious of their spirit- Prov . 21 :3 "To do righteous-
ual need, since the kingdom of ness and justice is more accept-
the heavens belongs to them . able to Jehovah than sacrifice ."
Happy are those hungering and Heb . 13 :15, 16 "Through him
thirsting for righteousness, since let us always offer to God a sac-
they will be filled ." rifice of praise, that is, the fruit
of lips which make public decla-
To Get Life, Everything Must Be ration to his name. Moreover, do
Given in Wholehearted Devotion not forget the doing of good and
to Jehovah the sharing of things with others,
for with such sacrifices God is
1 Cor . 13 :3 "If I give all my well pleased."
belongings to feed others, and if Also : Acts 10 :2, 4, 31 ; 1 Pet .
I hand over my body, that I 2 :5 ; Matt . 19 :21 .
may boast, but do not have love,
I am not profited at all ." The World's Sacrifices
Luke 18 :18-24 "A certain ruler Condemned
. . .said : 'All these [command-
ments] I have kept from youth 1 Cor . 10 :20 "The things which
on .' . . . Jesus said to him : `There the nations sacrifice they sacri-
fice to demons, and not to God ."
is yet one thing wanting about Prov . 15 :8 "The sacrifice of the
you : Sell all the things you have wicked is an abomination to Je-
and distribute to poor people and hovah ."
you will have treasure in the Also : Jer. 5 :26, 28 ; Isa . 1 :4,
heavens ; and come be my fol- 16, 17 ; Zech . 7 :9-11 .
lower.' "
Luke 21 :1-4 "Now as he looked True Religion Shows Concern
up he saw the rich dropping their for the Poor
gifts into the treasury chests . Jas . 1 :26, 27 "If any man
Then he saw a certain needy seems to himself to be a formal
widow drop two small coins of worshiper and yet does not bridle
very little value there, and he his tongue, but goes on deceiving
said : 'I tell you truthfully, This his own heart, this man's form
widow, although poor, dropped in of worship is futile . The form of
more than them all . For all these worship that is clean and unde-
dropped in gifts out of their filed from the standpoint of our
surplus, but this woman out of God and Father is this : to care
her want dropped in all the for orphans and widows in their
means of living she had.' " tribulation, and to keep oneself
Luke 12 :33 "Sell the things be- without spot from the world ."
longing to you and give them Also : Jas. 2 :1-9 . 14-17 .
A theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all
property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the com-
munity as a whole or to the state . In practice today, it is a system
in which all economic, educational, religious and political activity is
conducted or directed by a totalitarian state dominated by a single
and self-perpetuating political party . The state as the superior tends
to make its subjects as inferiors totally dependent upon the state .
Although claiming to be godless, in some instances screened reli-
gions are permitted to operate subservient to the state . Communism
itself has become and constitutes a false religion preached around
the world, for the reason that it arrogates to itself authorities be-
longing to God and causes the people to look to the state for salvation
and to worship it, instead of God .
The Earth Is Jehovah's and hand, or say unto him, What
Rightful Ruling Authority doest thou?"
Comes Only from Him Isa . 33:22 "For Jehovah is our
Rom. 13 :1 "Let every soul be in judge, Jehovah is our lawgiver.
subjection to the superior author- Jehovah is our king ; he will save
ities, for there is no authority ex- us ."
cept by God ; the existing author- Ezek. 21 :27 "I will overturn,
ities stand placed in their rela- overturn, overturn it : this also
tive positions by God ." shall be no more, until he come
1 Cor . 10 :26 "The earth belongs whose right it is ; and I will give
to Jehovah, and so does its full- it him."
ness ." Ps . 75 :7 "God is the judge : he
Ps . 24 :1-4 "The earth is Je- putteth down one, and lifteth up
hovah's, and the fulness thereof ; another ."
the world, and they that dwell He Is Possessor of All Things :
therein . . .Who shall ascend in- Those Living Under His Govern-
to the hill of Jehovah? and who ment Hold Possessions in Trust
shall stand in his holy place? He
that bath clean hands, and a Gen . 14:19, 22 "And he [Mel-
pure heart ; who hath not lifted chizedek] blessed him, and said .
up his soul unto falsehood, and Blessed be Abram of God Most .
hath not sworn deceitfully ." High, possessor of heaven and
Dan . 4 :25, 26, 32, 34, 35 "The earth . And Abram said to the
Most High ruleth in the kingdom king of Sodom, I have lifted up
of men, and giveth it to whom- my hand unto Jehovah, God Most
soever he will . . . . His dominion is High, possessor of heaven and
an everlasting dominion, and his earth ."
kingdom from generation to gen- Ps . 2 :7, 8 "Jehovah said unto
eration ; and all the inhabitants me, Thou art my son ; this day
of the earth are reputed as noth- have I begotten thee . Ask of me,
ing ; and he doeth according to and I will give thee the nations
his will in the army of heaven, for thine inheritance, and the
and among the inhabitants of the uttermost parts of the earth for
earth ; and none can stay his thy possession ."
Communism 62
1 Cor . 15 :28 "But when all He will not require it . All his
things will have been subjected to thoughts are, There is no God ."
him, then the Son himself will Ps. 53 :1 "The fool hath said
also subject himself to the one in his heart, There is no God .
who subjected all things to him, Corrupt are they, and have done
that God may be all things to abominable iniquity ; there is
everyone ." none that doeth good."
Only the Meek, Mild-tempered Visible Creation Gives Plentiful
Will Inherit or Live on the Earth Evidence of God
Matt . 5 :5 "Happy are the mild- Rom . 1 :18-28 "For God's wrath
tempered ones, since they will is being revealed from heaven
inherit the earth." against all ungodliness and un-
Ps . 37 :11 "The meek shall in- righteousness of men who are
herit the land, and shall delight suppressing the truth in an un-
themselves in the abundance of righteous way, because what may
peace ." be known about God is manifest
among them, for God made it
Political Governments Receive manifest to them . For his invisi-
Their Power and Authority ble qualities are clearly seen from
from Satan the Devil, the world's creation onward, be-
the Dragon cause they are understood by the
Matt. 4 :8-10 "Again the Devil things made, even his eternal
took him along to an unusually power and Godship, so that they
high mountain, and showed him are inexcusable ; because, al-
all the kingdoms of the world though they knew God, they did
and their glory, and he said to not glorify him as God nor did
him : `All these things I will give they thank him, but they became
you if you fall down and do an empty-headed in their reasonings
act of worship to me.' Then Je- and their unintelligent heart be-
sus said to him : 'Go away, Sa- came darkened . Although as-
tan! for it is written . "It is Je- serting they were wise, they be-
hovah your God you must wor- came foolish and turned the glory
ship, and it is to him alone you of the incorruptible God into
must render sacred service." ' " something like the image of cor-
2 Cor . 4 :4 "The god of this ruptible man and of birds and
system of things has blinded the four-footed creatures and creep-
minds of the unbelievers ." ing things. . . . even those who ex-
I John 5 :19 "The whole world changed the truth of God for the
is lying in the power of the lie and venerated and rendered
wicked one ." sacred service to the creation
rather than the One who created
Rev . 13 :2 "Now the wild beast . . . God gave them up to a dis-
that I saw was like a leopard, approved mental state."
but its feet were as those of a Ps . 19 :1-6 "The heavens declare
bear, and its mouth was as a the glory of God ; and the firma-
lion's mouth . And the dragon ment showeth his handiwork .
gave the beast its power and its Day unto day uttereth speech,
throne and great authority ." and night unto night showeth
Godless Persons Are Fools knowledge . There is no speech nor
language ; their voice is not
Ps . 14 :1 "The fool hath said heard."
in his heart, There is no God .
They are corrupt, they have done Man Cannot Even Understand
abominable works ; there is none or Control What He Sees
that doeth good." Ps . 139 :14 "I will give thanks
Ps. 10 :4 "The wicked, in the unto thee ; for 1 am fearfully
pride of his countenance, saith, and wonderfully made : wonder-
63 Communism
ful are thy works ; and that my himself ; it is not in man that
soul knoweth right well ." walketh to direct his steps ."
Eccl . 3 :11 "He hath made every- Jer . 17 :9 "The heart is deceit-
thing beautiful in its time : also ful above all things, and it is ex-
he hath set eternity in their ceedingly corrupt : who can know
heart, yet so that man cannot it?"
find out the work that God hath Eccl . 8 :9 "There is a time
done from the beginning even to wherein one man hath power
the end ." over another to his hurt ."
Eccl . 8 :17 "Then I beheld all Prov. 14 :12 "There is a way
the work of God, that man can- that seemeth right unto a man ;
not find out the work that is but the end thereof are the ways
done under the sun : because how- of death."
ever much a man labor to seek Ps . 37 :23, 31 "A man's goings
it out, yet he shall not find it ; are established of Jehovah ; and
yea moreover, though a wise man he delighteth in his way . The law
think to know it, yet shall he of his God is in his heart ; none
not be able to find it ." of his steps shall slide."
1 Cor . 8 :2 "If anyone thinks he Prov. 16:9 "A man's heart de-
has acquired knowledge of some- viseth his way ; but Jehovah di-
thing, he does not yet know it recteth his steps."
just as he ought to know it ." Prov. 21 :29 "A wicked man
Manifestly the Creator Is Above hardeneth his face ; but as for
the upright, he establisheth his
Finding Out by His Creation ways ."
Rom . 11 :33-36 "Oh the depth
of God's riches and wisdom and Communism Cannot Bring Peace
knowledge! How unsearchable his Isa . 9 :6, 7 "The government
judgments are and past tracing shall be upon his [Christ's]
out his ways are! For `who has shoulder : and his name shall be
come to know Jehovah's mind, or called Wonderful, Counsellor,
who has become his counselor?' Mighty God . Everlasting Father .
Or, `Who has first given to him, Prince of Peace . Of the increase
so that it must be repaid to him?' of his government and of peace
Because from him and by him there shall be no end, . . . for
and for him are all things ." ever ."
Isa . 55 :9 "For as the heavens Isa . 48 :22 "There is no peace .
are higher than the earth, so are saith Jehovah, to the wicked ."
my ways higher than your ways, Isa . 33 :7 "The ambassadors of
and my thoughts than your peace weep bitterly."
thoughts." Worship of State or Ruler as God
Ps . 8 :3, 4 "When I consider and Owner Brings Destruction
thy heavens, the work of thy
fingers, the moon and the stars, John 10 :34-36 "Jesus answered
which thou hast ordained ; what is them : 'Is it not written in your
man, that thou art mindful of Law, "I said : You are gods"? If
him? and the son of man, that he called "gods" those against
thou visitest him?" whom the word of God came, . . .
Job 9 :10 "[God] that doeth do you say to me . . . "You blas-
great things past finding out, yea, pheme," because I said, I am
marvellous things without num- God's Son?'"
ber ." Ps. 82 :1-7 "God standeth in the
See also : Job, chapters 38-41 . congregation of God ; he judgeth
Man Cannot Govern Himself or among the gods . How long will
His Fellow Man ye judge unjustly, and respect the
persons of the wicked? . . .I said .
Jer. 10 :23 "0 Jehovah, I know Ye are gods, and all of you sons
that the way of man is not in of the Most High . Nevertheless ye
Communism 64
shall die like men, and fall like called by my name ; and should
one of the princes ." ye be utterly unpunished? Ye
Zeph. 2 :11 "Jehovah will be shall not be unpunished ; for I
terrible unto them ; for he will will call for a sword upon all the
famish all the gods of the earth ; inhabitants of the earth, saith
and men shall worship him ." Jehovah of hosts . A noise shall
Zeph . 1 :4, 5 "I will cut off . . . come even to the end of the
them that worship the host of earth ; for Jehovah hath a con-
heaven upon the housetops ; and troversy with the nations ; he will
them that worship, that swear enter into judgment with all
to Jehovah and swear by Malcam flesh : as for the wicked, he will
["their king," mar.] ." give them to the sword, saith'
Gen. 11 :4, 8 "And they said, Jehovah ."
Come, let us build us a city, and Matt . 25 :45, 46 "Then he will
a tower, whoFe top may reach answer them with the words :
unto heaven, and let us make us 'Truly I say to you, To the extent
name ; . . . So Jehovah scattered that you did not do it to one
hem," of these least ones, you did not
Communism Will Suffer De- do it to me .' And these will de-
struction for Fighting part into everlasting cutting-off."
Jehovah's Witnesses Rev. 12 :5 "And she gave birth
Ruin . 13 :2, 3 "He who ranges to a son, a male, who is destined
himself up against the authority to shepherd all the nations with
has taken a stand against the an iron rod."
arrangement of God ; those who Acts 3 :23 "Indeed, any soul
have taken a stand against it will that does not listen to that Proph-
receive judgment to themselves ." et will be completely destroyed
Ps . 83:2-5, 17 "Lo, thine ene- from among the people."
mies make a tumult ; and they Ps . 110 :5, 6 "The Lord at thy
that hate thee have lifted up the right hand will strike through
head . They take crafty counsel kings in the day of his wrath .
against thy people, and consult He will judge among the nations,
together against thy hidden ones . he will fill the places with dead
They have said, Come, and let bodies ; he will strike through the
us cut them off from being a head in many countries ."
nation ; . . . Let them be put to Clergy Are Mainly Responsible
shame and dismayed for ever ; for the Hold Communism Has on
yea, let them be confounded and
perish." Peoples of Christendom by
Ps. 2 :1-12 "The kings of the Failure to Teach Truth
earth set themselves, and the Jer. 23 :21, 22 "I sent not these
rulers take counsel together prophets, yet they ran : I spake
against Jehovah, and against his not unto them, yet they prophe-
anointed, . . . He that sitteth in sied. But if they had stood in my
,.he heavens will laugh : the Lord council, then had they caused
:Till have them in derision . . . . my people to hear my words, and
"Thou shalt break them with a rod had turned them from their evil
of iron : thou shalt dash them in way, and from the evil of their
pieces like a potter's vessel ." doings ."
Zech . 2 :8 "For thus saith Jeho- Jer. 5 :31 "The prophets proph- ,
vah of hosts : After glory hath he esy falsely, and the priests bear
sent me unto the nations which" rule by their means ; and my peo-
plundered you ; tor he that touch- ple love to have it so : and what
eth you toucheth the apple of his will ye do in the end thereof?"
eye ." Jer. 6 :13 "For from the least
Jer. 25:29 . 31 "For, lo, I begin of them even unto the greatest
o work evil at the city which is of them every one is given to
65 Communism
covetousness ; and from the proph- torted. . . . Let each one do just
et even unto the priest every one as he has resolved in his heart,
dealeth falsely ." not grudgingly or under compul-
Amos 8 :11 "Behold, the days sion, for God loves a cheerful
come, saith the Lord Jehovah, giver . God, moreover, is able to
that I will send a famine in the make all his undeserved kindness
land, not a famine of bread, nor abound toward you, that, while
a thirst for water, but of hearing you always have full self-suffi-
the words of Jehovah." ciency in everything, you may
Claim Based on Acts 2 :44, That have plenty for every good work .
Early Christian Congregation .you are generous in your con-
Was Communistic, tribution to them and to all ."
Is False Each responsible to provide for
Each had full control over his his own household
private possessions 1 Tim. 5 :8 "Certainly if anyone
Acts 2 :44, 45 "All those who does not provide for those who
became believers were together in are his own, and especially for
having all things in common, and those who are members of his
they went to selling their pos- household, he has disowned the
sessions and properties and to faith and is worse than a person
distributing the proceeds to all without faith ."
just as anyone would have the Some had a trade that they
need." practiced to meet their own
Acts 5 :3, 4 "Peter said, 'An- obligations
anias, to what end has Satan em- Acts 18 :2-4 "He found a certain
boldened you to play false to the Jew named Aquila, a native of
holy spirit and to hold back se- Pontus who had recently come
cretly some of the price of the from Italy, and Priscilla his wile,
field? As long as it remained with because of the fact that Claudius
you did it not remain yours, and had ordered all the Jews to de-
after it was sold did it not con- part from Rome . So he went to
tinue in your control?' " them and on account of being
Voluntary gifts of love and mer- of the same trade he stayed at
cy were made, and governing their home, and they worked, for
body helped administer they were tentmakers by trade .
However, he would give a talk in
Acts 24 :17 "So after quite a the synagogue every sabbath and
number of years I arrived to would win over Jews and Greeks ."
bring gifts of mercy to my na-
tion, and offerings." Christians recognize ownership
Acts 11 :29, 30 "So those of the rights of others, do not covet or
disciples determined, each of demand a share of another's
them according as anyone could property
afford it, to send a relief min- Ex . 20 :17 "Thou shalt not covet
istration to the brothers dwelling thy neighbor's house, thou shalt
in Judea ; and this they did, dis- not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor
patching it to the older men by his man-servant, nor his maid-
the hand of Barnabas and Saul ." servant, nor his ox, nor his ass,
2 Cor . 9 :5-13 "Therefore I nor anything that is thy neigh-
thought it necessary to encourage bor's."
the brothers to come to you in Rom . 7 :7 "I would not have
advance and to get ready in ad- known covetousness if the Law
vance your bountiful gift previ- had not said, 'You must not
ously promised, that thus this covet .' "
might be ready as a bountiful Acts 20 :33, 34 "1 [the apostle
gift and not as something ex- Paul] have coveted no man's sil-
Communism 66
ver or gold or apparel. You your- your hearts, as to the Christ, not
selves know that these hands by way of eyeservice as men-
have attended to the needs of me pleasers, but as Christ's slaves,
and of those with me ." doing the will of God whole-
Col. 3 :5 "Deaden, therefore, souled . Be slaves with good in-
your body members which are clinations, as to Jehovah, and
upon the earth as respects for- not to men, for you know that
nication, uncleanness, sexual ap- each one, whatever good he may
petite, hurtful desire, and covet- do, will receive this back from
ousness, which is idolatry ." Jehovah, whether he be slave or
1 Cor . 13:4, 5 "Love is not freeman. You masters, too, keep
jealous . . . . does not look for its doing the same things to them,
own interests ." letting up on the threatening, for
Luke 3 :12-14 "But even tax col- you know that the Master of both
lectors came to be baptized and them and you is in the heavens,
they said to him [John] : 'Teach- and there is no partiality with
er, what shall we do?' He said to him ."
them : 'Do not demand anything 1 Cor. 7 :20, 21 "In whatever
more than the tax-rate.' Also state each one was called, let him
those in military service would remain in it . Were you called a
ask him : `What shall we also slave? Do not let it worry you ;
do?' And he said to them : 'Do but if you can also become free,
not harass anybody or accuse rather seize the opportunity ."
anybody falsely, but be satisfied 1 Pet. 2 :18 "Let house servants
with your provisions .'" be in subjection to their owners
1 Pet . 4 :15 "However, let none with the full measure of fear,
of you suffer as a murderer or not only to the good and reason-
a thief or an evildoer or as a able, but also to those difficult
busybody in other people's mat- to please."
Philem . 15, 16 "Perhaps really
ters ." on this account he [Onesimus the
Christians Recognize, Do Not Try slave] broke away for an hour,
to overthrow Duly Constituted that you may have him back
Governments and Laws, but forever, no longer as a slave but
Recognize God as Supreme as more than a slave, as a broth-
Matt . 22 :21 "Pay back, there- er beloved."
fore, Caesar's things to Caesar, Christians Exercise God-given
but God's things to God ." Parental Rights; Do Not Turn
Rom. 13 :5-8 "There is there- Children Over to the State or
fore compelling reason for you to Put It First
be in subjection, not only on ac- Eph. 6 :1-4 "Children, be obe-
count of that wrath but also dient to your parents in union
on account of your conscience . with the Lord, for this is right-
For that is why you are also eous : `Honor your father and
paying tribute ; . . . Render to all mother' ; which is the first com-
their dues, to him who calls for mand with a promise : `That it
tribute, the tribute ; to him who may go well with you and you
calls for tax, the tax ; to him may endure a long time on the
who calls for fear, such fear ; to earth .' And you, fathers, do not
him who calls for honor, such be irritating your children, but go
honor. Do not be owing anybody on bringing them up in the dis-
a single thing, except to love one cipline and authoritative advice
another ." of Jehovah,"
Eph . 6 :5-9 "You slaves, be obe- Prov . 22 :6 "Train up a child
dient to those who are your mas- in the way he should go, and even
ters in a fleshly sense, with fear when he is old he will not de-
and trembling in the sincerity of part from it ."
67 Confession
2 Tim . 1 :5 ; 3 :15 "For I recollect and his household after him, that
the faith which is in you without they may keep the way of Jeho-
any hypocrisy, and which dwelt vah, to do righteousness and
first in your grandmother Lois justice."
and your mother Eunice, but Deut. 6 :6, 7 "And these words,
which I am confident is also in which I command thee this day,
you . And that from infancy you shall be upon thy heart ; and
have known the holy writings thou shalt teach them diligently
which are able to make you wise unto thy children, and shalt talk
for salvation through the faith in of them when thou sittest in thy
connection with Christ Jesus ."
Gen . 18 :19 "For I have known house, and when thou walkest by
him [Abraham], to the end that the way, and when thou liest
he may command his children down, and when thou risest up ."

(1) A personal admission of sins before God, with true repentance,
asking for forgiveness from God through his Mediator and High
Priest, Jesus Christ.
(2) A public proclamation of God's purposes as revealed in the
Bible, confessing or admitting one's dedication to do God's will,
and telling of God's provisions for vindication of His name and
salvation of men through Jesus Christ .
(3) A personal admission to other Christians of our sins, in order
that we may have their Christian, Scriptural counsel, help and
prayers, that we may remain spiritually healthy and in harmony
with the Christian congregation .
(4) A false understanding-"The Sacrament of Penance- . . . This
whole procedure is usually called, from one of its parts, 'confession' ;
. . it is a judicial process in which the penitent is at once the accuser,
the person accused, and the witness, while the priest pronounces
judgment and sentence . . . . the confession is made not in the secrecy
of the penitent's heart nor to a layman as friend and advocate,
nor to a representative of human authority, but to a duly ordained
priest with requisite jurisdiction and with the 'power of the keys', i .e .,
the power to forgive sins which Christ granted to his church ."
-The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1911, Vol . XI, pages 618, 619 .

True confession originated with righteous Abel, who admitted his
sins and made a sacrificial offering to God, properly foreshadowing
the ransom-providing sacrifice of Christ .-Heb. 11 :4.
The false practice of confessing to priests began in ancient pagan
Babylon . (See Hislop's The Two Babylons, pages 9, 10_) The false
doctrine of penance was reconfirmed in the Roman Catholic Church
by the Council of Trent (1551)
Confession 68
God the One to Whom to Con- Eph. 3 :11, 12 "According to the
fess for Forgiveness of Sins eternal purpose which he formed
Through Christ in connection with the Christ,
1 John 1 :9 "If we confess our Jesus our Lord, by means of
sins, he is faithful and righteous whom we have this freeness of
so as to forgive us our sins and speech and an approach with
to cleanse us from all unright- confidence through our faith in
eousness ." him ."
Matt . 6 :9-14 "Our Father in the Rom. 5 :1, 2 "Therefore, now
that we have been declared right-
heavens, . . forgive us our debts, eous as a result of faith, let us
as we also have forgiven our enjoy peace with God through
debtors . And do not bring us our Lord Jesus Christ, through
into temptation, but deliver us whom also we have gained our
from the wicked one . For if you approach by faith into this unde-
forgive men their trespasses, your served kindness in which we now
heavenly Father will also forgive stand, and let us exult, based on
you." hope of the glory of God ."
Ps. 32 :5 "I acknowledge my sin
unto thee, and mine iniquity did On Accepting Christ, Former
I not hide : I said, I will confess Sins Are Confessed
my transgressions unto Jehovah ; Acts 19 :18 "And many of those
and thou forgavest the iniquity of who had become believers would
my sin ." come and confess and report their
Eph . 1 :7 "By means of him we practices openly."
have the release by ransom
through the blood of that one, If Spiritually Sick, It Is Proper
yes, the forgiveness of our tres- for Christians to Confess Sins
passes, according to the riches of to Fellow Christians So They
his undeserved kindness ." Can Counsel, Help Us, Pray for
Mark 11 :25, 26 "And when you Us-This Command Given Spe-
stand praying, forgive whatever cifically to God's Anointed
you have against anyone, in order Servants
that your Father who is in the Jas . 5 :13-16 "Is there anyone
heavens may also forgive you suffering evil among you? Let him
your trespasses . But if you do not carry on prayer . Is there anyone
forgive, neither will your Father in good spirits? Let him sing
who is in the heavens forgive psalms. Is there anyone sick
your trespasses." among you? Let him call the
Eph . 4 :32 "But become kind to older men of the congregation to
one another, tenderly compas- him, and let them pray over
sionate, freely forgiving one him, rubbing him with oil in the
another just as God also by name of Jehovah . And the prayer
Christ freely forgave you ." of faith will make the indisposed
Dan . 9:9 "To the Lord our God one well, and Jehovah will raise
belong mercies and forgiveness ; him up . Also if he has com-
for we have rebelled against him ." mitted sins, it will be forgiven
Christ the Only Mediator him . Therefore openly confess
Between God and Men your sins to one another and pray
for one another, that you may
1 Tim . 2 :5 "For there is one get healed. A righteous man's
God, and one mediator between supplication when it is at work
God and men, a man Christ has much force ."
Jesus ." No Man Can Forgive Sins
Eph . 2 :18 "Because through -Healing Equally as Easy
him we, both peoples, have the
approach to the Father by one Luke 5 :23 . 24 "'Which is easier,
spirit ." to say, "Your sins are forgiven
69 Confession
you," or to say, "Get up and Jehovah, ' to me every knee will
walk"? But in order for you to bow, and every tongue will make
know that the Son of man has open acknowledgment to God.'
authority on the earth to forgive So, then, each of us will render
sins-' he said to the paralyzed an account for himself to God .
man : 'I say to you, Get up and Therefore, let us not be judging
pick up your little bed and be on one another any longer, but
your way home .'" rather make this your decision,
Improper for Priest to Interro- not to put before a brother a
gate Person About Every Phase stumblingblock or a cause for
of His Life falling."
Matt . 7 :1 "Stop judging, that
1 Pet . 4 :15 "However, let none you may not be judged ."
of you suffer as a murderer or Israelites Confessed Sins to God
a thief or an evildoer or as a Before Priests and Public so that
busybody in other people's mat- Proper Offering and Restitution
ters ." Might Be Made-No Secret
2 Thess . 3 :11 "For we hear cer- Confessional
tain ones are walking disorderly
among you, not working at all Num . 5 :7 "Then he shall con-
but meddling with what does not fess his sin which he hath done :
concern them ." and he shall make restitution for
his guilt in full, and add unto
God Through Christ Judges it the fifth part thereof, and give
Heb . 10 :30 "For we know him it unto him in respect of whom
that said, 'Vengeance is mine ; I he hath been guilty ."
will recompense' ; and again, 'Je- Lev. 5 :5, 6 "And it shall be,
hovah will judge his people .'" when he shall be guilty in one
John 5 :22 "For the Father of these things, that he shall con-
judges no one at all, but he has fess that wherein he hath sinned :
committed all the judging to the and he shall bring his trespass-
Son ." offering unto Jehovah for his sin
Rom . 2 :16 "This will be in the which he hath sinned, a female
day when God through Christ from the flock, a lamb or a goat,
Jesus judges the secret things of for a sin-offering ; and the priest
mankind, according to the good shall make atonement for him
news I declare ." as concerning his sin."
Acts 10 :42 "Also he ordered us Israelite Priests Had to Admit
to preach to the people and to Their Own Sins Before God and
give a thorough witness that this Make Atonement Offering
is the One decreed by God to be Lev . 16 :6, 17 "And Aaron shall
judge of the living and the dead ." present the bullock of the sin-
Acts 17 :31 "He has set a day offering, which is for himself, and
in which he purposes to judge make atonement for himself, and
the inhabited earth in righteous- for his house . And there shall be
ness by a man whom he has no man in the tent of meeting
appointed." when he goeth in to make atone-
Heb. 12 :23 "God the Judge of ment in the holy place, until he
all ." come out, and have made atone-
No Christian Has the Right to ment for himself, and for his
Judge His Brother household, and for all the assem-
bly of Israel ."
Rom . 14:10-13 "But why do
you judge your brother? Or why Entire Congregation or Organi-
do you also look down on your zation May Publicly Confess Sin,
brother? For we shall all stand or a Wrong Course Taken
before the judgment seat of God ; Neh . 9 :2 "And the seed of Is-
for it is written : 'As I live,' says rael separated themselves from

Congregation of God 70
all foreigners, and stood and con- thou wast angry with me, thine
fessed their sins, and the iniq- anger is turned away, and thou
uities of their fathers ." comfortest me."
Isa . 12 :1 "And in that day See "Apostolic Succession", "Je-
thou shalt say, I will give thanks
unto thee, 0 Jehovah ; for though hovah ." "Sin ."

Congregation of God
(Gr ., ek'a-"assembly," " congregation") An assembly of per-
sons called out from this world to the service of Almighty God . The
Christian congregation, the "holy nation", is comprised of Jesus
Christ, the Head, and 144,000 members of his body . The term also
applies collectively to all those of the anointed spiritual class on
earth at any particular time, or to the local assembly in any place .
(Ek'a is often translated "church".)
Nation of Israel the First that is in the basin ; and none
Congregation of God of you shall go out of the door of
Acts 7 :38 "This is he that came his house until the morning . For
to be among the congregation in Jehovah will pass through to
the wilderness with the angel smite the Egyptians ; and when
that spoke to him on Mount Si- he seeth the blood upon the lin-
nai and with our forefathers, and tel, and on the two side-posts,
he received living sacred pro- Jehovah will pass over the door,
nouncements to give you." and will not suffer the destroyer
to come in unto your houses to
Called Out from Egypt smite you . And ye shall observe
at Passover Time this thing for an ordinance to
Ex. 12 :2, 5, 6, 41 "This month thee and to thy sons for ever ."
[Abib or Nisan] shall be unto Officially Organized at Mount Si-
you the beginning of months : it nai, 1513 B .C .-Jewish "Systems
shall be the first month of the of Things"
year to you . Your lamb shall be Ex. 19 :1 "In the third month
without blemish, a male a year after the children of Israel were
old : ye shall take it from the gone forth out of the land of
sheep, or from the goats : and ye Egypt, the same day came they
shall keep it until the fourteenth into the wilderness of Sinai."
day of the same month ; and the
whole assembly of the congrega- Heb. 9 :18-20 "Consequently nei-
tion of Israel shall kill it at ther was the former covenant
even ." inaugurated without blood . For
Ex . 12 :7, 22-24 "And they shall when every commandment ac-
take of the blood, and put it on cording to the Law had been
spoken by Moses to all the people,
the two side-posts and on the he took the blood of the young
lintel, upon the houses wherein bulls and of the goats with water
they shall eat it. And ye shall and scarlet wool and hyssop and
take a bunch of hyssop, and dip sprinkled the book itself and all
it in the blood that is in the the people, saying : `This is the
basin, and strike the lintel and blood of the covenant which God
the two side-posts with the blood has laid as a charge upon you .' "
71 Congregation of God
Glory of Its Law Covenant Covenant Did Not Accomplish
Ex . 19:16 "And it came to pass Stated Purpose Because of Flesh-
on the third day, when it was ly Imperfection and Sin
morning, that there were thun- Rom . 8 :3 "For, there being an
ders and lightnings, and a thick incapability on the part of the
cloud upon the mount, and the Law, while it was weak through
voice of a trumpet exceeding the flesh, God, by sending his own
loud ; and all the people that Son in the likeness of sinful flesh
were in the camp trembled ." and concerning sin, condemned
Heb . 12 :18-21 "For you have sin in the flesh ."
not approached that which can Rom . 9 :31, 32 "But Israel, al-
be felt and which has been set though pursuing a law of right-
aflame with fire, and a dark eousness, did not attain to the
cloud and thick darkness and a law . For what reason? Because he
tempest, and the blare of a trum- pursued it, not by faith, but as
pet and the voice of words, on by works."
hearing which voice the people Heb . 4:2 "For we have had the
implored that no word should good news declared to us also,
be added to them . For the com-
mand was not bearable to them : even as they also had ; but the
'And if a beast touches the moun- word which was heard did not
tain, it must be stoned .' Also the benefit them, because they were
display was so fearful that Moses not united by faith with those
said : 'I am terrified and trem- who did hear ."
bling.'" Heb . 10 :3, 6 "To the contrary,
Jewish Congregation Pictured by these sacrifices there is a re-
by Ishmael minding of sins from year to
year . 'You did not approve of
Gal. 4:22-30 "For example, it whole burnt-offerings and sin of-
is written that Abraham acquired fering.' "
two sons, one by the servant girl Covenant Did Serve Purpose of
and one by the free woman ; but Leading Faithful Remnant
the one by the servant girl was to Christ
actually born in the manner of
flesh, the other by the free wom- Gal . 3 :24 "Consequently, the
an through a promise . These Law has become our tutor leading
things stand as a symbolic to Christ, that we might be de-
drama ; for these women mean clared righteous due to faith ."
two covenants, the one from The Typical House Cast Off,
mount Sinai, which brings forth A.D . 33; "Jewish Systems of
children for slavery, and which Things" No Longer Valid
is Hagar . Now this Hagar means
Sinai, a mountain in Arabia, and Matt. 23 :38 "Look! your house
she corresponds with the Jeru- is abandoned to you."
salem today, for she is in slavery Dan . 9 :27 "And he shall make
with her children . . . . Neverthe- a firm covenant with many for
less, what does the Scripture say? one week : and in the midst of
'Cast out the servant girl and her the week he shall cause the sac-
son .'' , rifice and the oblation to cease ."
Organizational Structure of Col. 2:13, 14 "He kindly forgave
Jewish Congregation us all our trespasses and blotted
out the handwritten document
Mediator and leader, Moses against us which consisted of
(Gal. 3 :19) ; founded on twelve decrees and which was in opposi-
sons of Jacob ; twelve tribes of tion to us, and he has taken it
Israel ; law covenant ; Levitical out of the way by nailing it to the
priesthood ; animal sacrifices . torture stake ."
Congregation of God 72
The Christian Congregation Heb . 8 :10-13 "' "For this is the
-Some Scriptural Names covenant which I shall covenant
Applied to It with the house of Israel after
Anointed ones (2 Cor . 1 :21) ; those days," says Jehovah : "I
body of Christ (Eph . 1 :22, 23) ; shall put my laws in their mind,
congregation of God (Gal . 1 :13) ; and upon their hearts I shall
heirs (Rom . 8 :17) ; holy nation write them, and I shall be a God
(1 Pet. 2 :9) ; holy ones (1 Cor . to them and they will be a people
1 :2 ; Eph. 1 :1) ; holy priesthood to me . And they will by no means
(1 Pet . 2 :5) ; Israel of God (Gal . teach every man his fellow citi-
6 :16) ; new creation (2 Cor . 5 :17) ; zen and every man his brother,
royal palace of David (Acts saying : `Know Jehovah,' because
15 :16) ; sons of the Kingdom they will all know me, from the
(Matt. 13 :38) ; spiritual Israel least to the greatest of them .
(Rev. 7 :4 ; 21 :12) ; temple (1 Cor . For I shall be merciful to their
6 :19 ; 1 Pet. 2 :5) . unrighteous deeds and I will by
no means call their sins to mind
Its Purpose any more ."' In his saying 'a new
Acts 15 :14 "Symeon has related covenant' he has made the for-
thoroughly how God for the first mer one obsolete . Now that which
time turned his attention to the is made obsolete and growing old
nations to take out of them a is near to vanishing away ."
people for his name." Heb . 12 :24 "Jesus the mediator
1 Pet . 2 :9 "On the other hand, of a new covenant ."
you are 'a chosen race, a royal Blood of Christ validated
priesthood, a holy nation, a peo- new covenant
ple for special possession, that 1 Cor . 5 :7 "For, indeed, Christ
you should declare abroad the our passover has been sacrificed ."
excellencies' of the one that Luke 22 :20 "Also the cup in
called you out of darkness into
his wonderful light." the same way after they had the
evening meal, he saying : 'This
Called Out from This World cup means the new covenant by
(Egypt) Beginning A .D . 29 virtue of my blood, which is to
John 15 :19 ; 17 :6 "If you were be poured out in your behalf .'"
part of the world, the world 1 Cor . 11 :25 "He did likewise
would be fond of what is its own . respecting the cup also, after he
Now because you are no part of had the evening meal, saying :
the world, but I have chosen you 'This cup means the new cove-
out of the world, on this ac- nant by virtue of my blood. Keep
count the world hates you ." "I doing this, as often as you drink
have made your name manifest it, in remembrance of me .'"
to the men you gave me out of Heb. 9 :13-17 (mar.) "For if
the world ." the blood of goats and of bulls
Established on New Covenant and the ashes of a heifer sprin-
kled on those who have been pol-
Jer. 31 :31, 32 "Behold, the days luted sanctifies to the extent of
come, saith Jehovah, that I will cleanness of the flesh, how much
make a new covenant with the more will the blood of the Christ,
house of Israel, and with the who through an everlasting spirit
house of Judah : not according to offered himself without blemish
the covenant that I made with to God, cleanse our consciences
their fathers in the day that I from dead works that we may
took them by the hand to bring render sacred service to the living
them out of the land of Egypt ; God? . . . For where there is a cov-
which my covenant they brake, enant, the death of the human
although I was a husband unto mediating sacrifice (or, victim)
them, saith Jehovah." needs to be furnished . For a cov-
73 Congregation of God
enant is valid over dead victims, administering of righteousness
since it is not in force at any abound with glory. In fact, even
time while the human mediating that which has once been made
sacrifice (or, victim) is living." glorious has been stripped of
Covenant inaugurated at Pente- glory in this respect, because of
cost, A .D . 33-"new systems the glory that excels it . For if
of things"
that which was to be done away
with was brought in with glory,
Acts 2 :14,14-17, 38 "Now while much more would that which re-
the day of the feast of Pentecost mains be with glory ."
was in progress they were all to- Heb . 12 :22-26 "But you have
gether at the same place, and approached a mount Zion and a
suddenly there occurred from city of the living God, heavenly
heaven a noise just like that of Jerusalem, and myriads of angers,
a rushing stiff breeze, and it in general assembly, and the con-
filled the whole house in which gregation of the firstborn who
they were sitting . And tongues as have been enrolled in the heav-
if of fire became visible and were ens, and God the Judge of all,
distributed to them, and one sat and the spiritual lives of right-
upon each one of them, and they eous ones who have been made
all became filled with holy spirit perfect, and Jesus the mediator
and started to speak with differ- of a new covenant, and the blood
ent tongues, just as the spirit of sprinkling which speaks in a
was granting them to make ut- better way than Abel's blood . See
terance . . Peter . raised his that you do not implore him
voice . . . 'These people are, in fact, not to speak . For if they did not
not drunk, as you suppose, for it escape who implored him not to
is the third hour of the day . On give divine warning upon earth,
the contrary, this is what was much more shall we not if we
said through the prophet Joel, turn away from him who speaks
"'And in the last days,' God says, from the heavens . At that time
'I shall pour some of my spirit his voice shook the earth, but
out upon every kind of flesh, and now he has promised, saying :
your sons and your daughters 'Yet once more I will set not
will prophesy and your young only the earth but also the heav-
men will see visions and your old en in commotion .'"
men will dream dreams .'"' Peter New covenant achieves success
said to them : 'Repent, and let
each one of you be baptized in Rom . 8 :3, 4 "For, there being
the name of Jesus Christ for for- an incapability on the part of
giveness of your sins, and you the Law, while it was weak
will receive the free gift of the through the flesh, God, by send-
holy spirit .'" ing his own Son in the like-
Glory of the new covenant ness of sinful flesh and con-
cerning sin, condemned sin in the
2 Cor . 3 :7-11 "Moreover, if the flesh, that the righteous require-
code which administers death and ment of the Law might be ful-
which was engraved in letters in filled in us who walk, not in ac-
stones came about in a glory, so cord with the flesh, but in accord
that the sons of Israel could not with the spirit ."
gaze intently at the face of Moses Rom . 11 :27 "And this is the
because of the glory of his face, covenant on my part with them,
a glory which was to be done when I completely take their
away with, why should not the sins away ."
administering of the spirit be Heb . 10:16, 17 "' "This is the
much more with glory? For if the covenant which I shall covenant
code administering condemnation toward them after those days,"
was glorious, much more does the says Jehovah : "I shall put my
Congregation of God 74
laws upon their hearts, and upon those also I must bring, and they
their minds I shall write them,"' will listen to my voice, and they
it says afterwards, 'And I will will become one flock, one shep-
by no means call their sins and herd ."
their lawless deeds to mind any Christian Congregation Pictured
more .' " by Isaac (the Seed) and Rebekah
First benefits of covenant (the "Bride", the Adopted Seed)
received by anointed Gen . 24:67 "And Isaac brought
Jas . 1 :18 "Because he willed it, her into his mother Sarah's tent,
he brought us forth by the word and took Rebekah, and she be-
of truth, for us to be a certain came his wife ; and he loved her :
firstfruits of his creatures ." and Isaac was comforted after
Rev . 14:4 "These are the ones his mother's death ."
that keep following the Lamb no Gal . 4 :26-28, 31 "But the Jeru-
matter where he goes . These were salem above is free, and she is
purchased from among mankind our mother. For it is written :
as a firstfruits to God and to the 'Be glad, you barren woman who
Lamb ." does not bear children ; break out
Luke 12 :32 "Have no fear, little and cry aloud, you woman who
flock, because your Father has does not have childbirth pains ;
approved of giving you the king- because the children of the deso-
dom ." late woman number more than
Secondary benefits of covenant those of her who has the hus-
for other sheep band.' Now we, brothers, are chil-
Isa . 56 :4, 5 "For thus saith dren belonging to the promise the
Jehovah of the eunuchs that keep same as Isaac was . Wherefore,
my sabbaths, and choose the brothers, we are children, not of
things that please me, and hold a servant girl, but of the free
fast my covenant : Unto them will woman ."
I give in my house and within my Gal . 3 :16, 29 ; 4:4-7 "Now the
walls a memorial and a name promises were spoken to Abra-
better than of sons and of daugh- ham and to his seed . It says, not,
ters ; I will give them an ever- 'And to seeds,' as in the case of
lasting name, that shall not be many such, but as in the case of
cut off ." one, 'And to your seed,' who is
Isa . 56 :6-8 "Also the foreigners Christ . Moreover, if you belong
that join themselves to Jehovah,
to minister unto him, and to love to Christ, you are really Abra-
the name of Jehovah, to be his ham's seed, heirs with reference
servants, every one that keepeth to a promise ." "But when the full
the sabbath from profaning it, limit of the time arrived, God
and holdeth fast my covenant ; sent forth his Son, who was pro-
even them will I bring to my duced out of a woman and who
holy mountain, and make them came to be under law, that he
joyful in my house of prayer :
their burnt-offerings and their might release by purchase those
sacrifices shall be accepted upon under law, that we in turn might
mine altar ; for my house shall receive the adoption as sons. Now
be called a house of prayer for all because you are sons, God has
peoples . The Lord Jehovah, who sent forth the spirit of his Son
gathereth the outcasts of Israel, into our hearts and it cries out,
saith, Yet will I gather others 'Abba, Father!' So, then, you are
to him, besides his own that are
gathered." no longer a slave but a son ; and
John 10 :16 'And I have other if a son, also an heir through
sheep, which are not of this fold ; God ."
75 Congregation of God
God's Heavenly Organization, heart of the rash shall under-
Not the Church, Produces the stand knowledge, and the tongue
Kingdom Head and Other of the stammerers shall be ready
Members to speak plainly ."
Rev . 12 :5 "And she gave birth Ex . 18 :21 "Moreover thou shalt
to a son, a male, who is destined provide out of all the people able
to shepherd all the nations with men, such as fear God, men of
an iron rod ."-See also verse 17 . truth, hating unjust gain ; and
Organizational Structure of place such over them, to be rulers
Christian Congregation of thousands, rulers of hundreds,
rulers of fifties, and rulers of
Mediator and Leader, Christ tens ."
(Heb . 9 :15 ; 12 :24 ; 1 Tim . 2 :5) ; Num . 31 :14, 48, 52, 54 "And
12 apostolic foundations (Eph . Moses was wroth with the officers
2 :20) ; twelve spiritual tribes of the host, the captains of thou-
(Rev . 7 :4-8) ; new covenant ; sands and the captains of hun-
priesthood after likeness of Mel- dreds, who came from the serv-
chizedek (Heb. 7 :17) ; perfect hu- ice of the war. And the officers
man sacrifice of Christ. that were over the thousands of
Accomplishes Stated Purpose the host, . . . the captains of hun-
Through God's Spirit dreds, came near unto Moses ; . . .
2 Cor. 3 :5, 6 "Not that we of And all the gold of the heave-
ourselves are adequately qualified offering that they offered up to
to reckon anything as issuing Jehovah, of the captains of thou-
from ourselves, but our being ade- sands, and of the captains of
quately qualified issues from God, hundreds. . . . And Moses and Ele-
who has indeed adequately quali- azar the priest took the gold
fied us to be ministers of a new of the captains of thousands and
covenant, not of a written code, of hundreds, and brought it into
but of spirit ; for the written the tent of meeting, for a me-
code condemns to death, but the morial for the children of Israel
spirit makes alive." before Jehovah."
Heb . 7 :18, 19 "Certainly, then, Principle of Community Respon-
there occurs a setting aside of sibility-Whole Congregation Re-
the preceding commandment on sponsible, Suffers for Wrong-
account of its weakness and inef- doing Within Its Ranks
fectiveness. For the Law made Josh . 7 :1-26 "But the children
nothing perfect, but the bringing of Israel committed a trespass in
in besides of a better hope did, the devoted thing ; for Achan, the
through which we are drawing son of Carmi, the son of Zabdi,
near to God ." the son of Zerah, of the tribe of
"Princes"-Those in Responsible Judah, took of the devoted thing :
Positions in Organization and the anger of Jehovah was
(Heb ., sa.rim'-"captains," "stew- kindled against the children of
ards," "rulers") Israel . . . . And the men of Ai . . .
chased them from before the gate
Isa . 32:1-4 "Behold, a king shall even unto Shebarim, and smote
reign in righteousness, and princ- them at the descent : and the
es shall rule in justice. And a hearts of the people melted, and
man shall be as a hiding-place became as water . . . . And Jehovah
from the wind, and a covert from said . . . Israel hath sinned ; yea,
the tempest, as streams of water they have even transgressed my
in a dry place, as the shade of a covenant which I commanded
great rock in a weary land . And them : yea, they have even taken
the eyes of them that see shall of the devoted thing, and have
not be dim, and the ears of them also stolen, and dissembled also ;
that hear shall hearken . And the and they have even put it among
Congregation of God 76
their own stuff . Therefore the 1 Cor. 5 :6-8 "Your cause for
children of Israel cannot stand boasting is not right . Do you not
before their enemies ; they turn know that a little yeast ferments
their backs before their enemies, the whole lump? Clear away the
because they are become accursed : old yeast, that you may be a new
I will not be with you any more, lump, according as you are free
except ye destroy the devoted from ferment . For, indeed, Christ
thing from among you. . . . And our passover has been sacrificed.
Achan answered Joshua, and said, Consequently, let us keep the
Of a truth I have sinned against feast, not with old yeast . neither
Jehovah, the God of Israel, and with yeast of injuriousness and
thus and thus have I done : when wickedness, but with unfermented
I saw among the spoil a goodly cakes of purity and truth ."
Babylonish mantle, and two hun- Keeping the Organization Clean,
dred shekels of silver, and a Upright and at Unity
wedge of gold of fifty shekels
weight, then I coveted them, and Jude 3, 4 "I found it necessary
took them ; and, behold, they are to write you to exhort you to put
hid in the earth in the midst of up a hard fight for the faith
my tent, and the silver under it . that was once for all time deliv-
. And Joshua said, Why hast ered to the holy ones . My reason
thou troubled us? Jehovah shall is that certain men have slipped
trouble thee this day . And all in who have long ago been ap-
Israel stoned him with stones and pointed by the Scriptures to the
they burned them with fire, and judgment described below, un-
stoned them with stones ." godly men, turning the unde-
1 Cor . 12 :12-27 "For the body, served kindness of our God into
indeed, is not one member, but an excuse for loose conduct and
is many . . . . God compounded the proving false to our only Owner
body, giving honor more abundant and Lord, Jesus Christ ."
to the part which had a lack, so Titus 2 :6-8 "Likewise keep on
that there should be no division exhorting the younger men to
in the body, but that its mem- be sound in mind, in all things
bers should have the same care showing yourself an example of
for one another . And if one mem- right works, showing uncorrupt-
ber suffers, all the other members ness in your teaching, seriousness,
suffer with it ; or if a member wholesome speech which cannot
is glorified, all the other members be condemned, so that the man
rejoice with it . Now you are on the opposing side may get
Christ's body, and members in- ashamed, having nothing vile to
dividually .' say about us."
Gal. 5 :9 "A little yeast ferments Difficulties Between
the whole lump." Individuals
Heb . 12 :15 "Carefully watching Matt. 18 :15-17 "Moreover, if
that no one may be deprived of your brother commits a sin, go
the undeserved kindness of God ; lay bare his fault between you
that no poisonous root may and him alone . If he listens to
spring up and cause trouble and you, you have gained your broth-
many be defiled by it ." er. But if he does not listen,
1 Cor . 3 :16, 17 "Do you not take along with you one or two
know that you people are God's more, in order that at the mouth
temple and that the spirit of God of two or three witnesses every
dwells in you? If anyone destroys matter may be established . If he
the temple of God, God will does not listen to them, speak to
destroy him ; for the temple of the congregation . If he does not
God is holy, which temple you listen even to the congregation,
people are ." let him be to you just as a man
77 Congregation of God
of the nations and as a tax Disfellowshiping-for Doctrinal
collector ." or Moral Uncleanness,
Wrongdoing Affecting the Con- or Troublemaking
gregation and Its Service Rom . 16:17 "Now I exhort you,
1 Tim . 4 :1 "However, the in- brothers, to keep your eye on
those who create divisions and
spired utterance says definitely causes for stumbling contrary to
that in later periods of time some the teaching which you have
will fall away from the faith, learned, and avoid them ."
paying attention to misleading in- 3 John 9-11 "I wrote something
spired utterances and teachings to the congregation, but Diotre-
of demons ." phes, who likes to have the first
Gal. 5 :12 "I wish the men who place among them, does not re-
are trying to overturn you would ceive anything from us with re-
even get themselves emasculated ." spect . That is why, if I come, I
Jude 19 "These are the ones will call to remembrance his works
that make separations, animal- which he goes on doing, chattering
istic men, not having spirituali- about us with wicked words . Also,
ty . ,, not being content with these
See also : 1 Cor . 5 :1-5 . things, neither does he himself
Reproof Issued by Those in receive the brothers with respect,
Responsible Positions and those who are wanting to re-
ceive them he tries to hinder and
Private to throw out of the congregation ."
1 Tim . 5 :1, 2 "Do not severely 1 Cor . 5 :12, 13 "Do you not
criticize an older man . To the judge those inside, while God
contrary, entreat him as a father, judges those outside? `Remove
younger men as brothers, older the wicked man from among
women as mothers, younger wom- yourselves .'"
en as sisters with all chasteness ." Lev . 23 :28, 29 "And ye shall do
no manner of work in that same
Before all day ; for it is a day of atonement,
1 Tim . 5 :20 "Reprove before all to make atonement for you before
onlookers persons who practice Jehovah your God. For whatso-
sin, that the rest also may have ever soul it be that shall not be
afflicted in that same day ; he
fear." shall be cut off from his people ."
Titus 1 :10-13 "For there are Num . 9 :13 "But the man that
many unruly men, profitless is clean, and is not on a journey,
talkers, and deceivers of the mind, and forbeareth to keep the pass-
especially those men who adhere over, that soul shall be cut off
to the circumcision . It is neces- from his people ; because he
sary to shut the mouths of these, offered not the oblation of Jeho-
as these very men keep on sub- vah in its appointed season, that
man shall bear his sin."
verting entire households by 1 Tim . 1 :20 "Hymenaeus and
teaching things they ought not Alexander belong to these, and I
for the sake of dishonest gain . A have handed them over to Satan
certain one of them, their own that they may be taught by dis-
prophet, said : `Cretans are al- cipline not to blaspheme ."
ways liars, injurious wild-beasts, Restrictions on Disfellowshiped
unemployed gluttons.' The wit- Persons
ness here given is true . For this 2 John 10, 11 "If anyone comes
very cause keep on reproving to you and does not bring this
them with severity, that they may teaching, never receive him into
be healthy in the faith ." your homes or say farewell to
Creation 78
him . For he that says farewell ing with quietness they should
to him is a sharer in his wicked eat food they themselves earn."
works ." Receiving Back Repentant Ones
1 Cor . 5 :11 "But now I am
writing you to quit mixing in 2 Cor. 2 :5-11 "Now if anyone
company with anyone called a has caused sadness, he has sad-
brother that is a fornicator or a dened, not me, but all of you to
greedy person or an idolater or a an extent-not to be too harsh
reviler or a drunkard or an ex- in what I say . This rebuke given
tortioner, not even eating with by the majority is sufficient for
such a man ." such a man, so that, on the con-
2 Thess. 3 :6-14 "Now we are trary now, you should kindly for-
giving you orders, brothers, in the give and comfort him, that some-
name of the Lord Jesus Christ, how such a man may not be
to withdraw from every brother swallowed up by his being overly
walking disorderly and not ac- sad . Therefore I exhort you to
cording to the tradition you re- confirm your love for him . . . .
ceived from us . . . . In fact, also, Anything you kindly forgive any-
when we were with you, we used one, I do too. In fact, as for me,
to give you this order : 'If anyone whatever I have kindly forgiven,
does not want to work, neither if I have kindly forgiven any-
let him eat .' For we hear certain thing, it has been for your sakes
ones are walking disorderly among in Christ's sight, that we may not
you, not working at all but med- be overreached by Satan, for we
dling with what does not concern are not ignorant of his designs ."
them. To such persons we give See "Jehovah's Witnesses",
the order and exhortation in the "Apostolic Succession," "Minis-
Lord Jesus Christ that by work- ter of God ."

The original bringing into existence of all that is material and
spiritual that comprises the universe by a mastermind, a great
First Cause known as the Creator, Jehovah God . Scriptural de-
scription : Ephesians 3 :9, NW : "God, who created all things ."
Jehovah Alone Before Creation John 1 :1 "Originally the Word
Had a Beginning was, and the Word was with God,
Ps . 90 :2 "From everlasting to and the Word was a god ."
everlasting, thou art God." Rev . 4 :11 "Jehovah, . . . you
created all things, and because of
Ps . 93 :2 "Thy throne is estab- your will they existed and were
lished of old : thou art from created ."
everlasting ." Acts 17 :24, 25 "The God that
Isa . 40:13, 14 "Who hath di- made the world and all the things
rected the spirit of Jehovah, or in it, . . does not dwell in hand-
being his counsellor hath taught made temples, neither is he at-
him? With whom took he coun- tended to by human hands as if
sel, and who instructed him, and he needed anything, because he
taught him in the path of jus- himself gives to all persons life
tice, and taught him knowledge?" and breath and all things ."

79 Creation
Jehovah the Only Creator John 1 :1, 2 "Originally the
Heb . 3 :4 "He that constructed Word was, and the Word was with
all things is God ." God, and the Word was a god .
Ps. 36 :9 "With thee is the foun- This one was originally with
tain of life ." God."
Eccl . 3 :14 "Whatsoever God Son Used in Creating All
doeth, it shall be for ever : nothing Other Things
can be put to it, nor anything John 1 :3, 10 "All things came
taken from it." into existence through him, and
Ps . 148 :1-6 "Angels : . . . all his apart from him not even one
host . . . . sun and moon : . . . stars thing came into existence ."
of light. . . . heavens of heavens, Col . 1 :16, 17 "By means of him
. waters that are above the all other things were created in
heavens. . . for he commanded, the heavens and upon the earth .
and they were created ." the things visible and the things
Luke 12:25 "Who of you by invisible, no matter whether they
being anxious can add a cubit to are thrones or lordships or gov-
his life span?" ernments or authorities . All other
Orderly, Not Chaotic things have been created through
1 Cor . 14 :33 "God is a God, not him and for him . Also he is be-
of disorder, but of peace." fore all other things and by
Jas . 3 :16, 17 "Where jealousy means of him all other things
and contentiousness are, there dis- were made to exist."
order and every vile thing are . Gen . 1 :26 "And God said, Let
But the wisdom from above is us make man in our image, after
first of all chaste, then peaceable, our likeness."
reasonable, ready to obey, full of Angels Created Before Earth
mercy and good fruits, not mak-
ing partial distinctions, not hypo- Job 38 :4, 7 "Where wast thou
critical ." when I laid the foundations of
Matt . 12 :25 "Every kingdom di- the earth? . . . when the morning
vided against itself comes to des- stars sang together, and all the
olation, and every city or house sons of God shouted for joy?"
divided against itself will not Ezek. 28 :13, 14 "Thou wast in
stand ." Eden, the garden of God ; .
"Book of Nature" Shows God as Thou wast the anointed cherub
Supreme Scientist that covereth : and I set thee, so
that thou wast upon the holy
Rom . 1 :20 "His invisible quali- mountain of God ."
ties are clearly seen from the Ps. 104 :4, 5 "Who maketh
world's creation onward, because winds his messengers [his angels
they are understood by the things winds, footnote] ; . . . who laid the
made, even his eternal power and foundations of the earth ."
Godship, so that they are in- Heb . 1 :7 "Also with reference
excusable ." to the angels he says : `And he
Only-begotten Son the First makes his angels spirits, and his
Creation public servants a flame of fire.' "
Rev . 3 :14 "And to the angel of 2 Pet. 2 :11 "Angels . are
the congregation in Laodicea greater in strength and power."
write : These are the things the Many Angels, Different Ranks
Amen says, the faithful and true
witness, the beginning of the Rev . 9 :16 "And the number of
creation by God ." the armies of cavalry was two
Col . 1 :15 "He is the image of myriads of myriads L200,000,000,
the invisible God, the firstborn of footnote] : I heard the number of
all creation ." them ."
Creation 80
Dan. 7 :10 "A fiery stream is- Heavens and Earth and
sued and came forth from be- All Elements
fore him : thousands of thousands Gen . 1 :1 "In the beginning God
ministered unto him, and ten created the heavens and the
thousand times ten thousand earth ."
stood before him : the judgment Ps . 115 :15, 16 "Blessed are ye of
was set, and the books were Jehovah, who made heaven and
opened ." earth . The heavens are the heav-
Col. 1 :16 "By means of him all ens of Jehovah ; but the earth
other things were created in the hath he given to the children
heavens and upon the earth, the of men ."
things visible and the things in- Job 26 :7, 13 "He stretcheth out
visible, no matter whether they the north over empty space, and
are thrones or lordships or gov-
ernments or authorities ." hangeth the earth upon nothing .
Jude 9 "On the other hand, By his spirit the heavens are
when Michael the archangel had garnished."
a difference with the Devil and Ps . 121 :2 "My help cometh
was disputing about Moses' body, from Jehovah. who made heaven
he did not dare to bring a judg- and earth ."
ment against him in abusive Ps. 146:6 "Who made heaven
terms, but said : `May Jehovah and earth, the sea, and all that
rebuke you .'" in them is ."
Col . 2 :10 "And so you are pos- Isa. 40 :12, 22, 26, 28 "Who hath
sessed of a fullness by means of measured the waters in the hol-
him, who is the head of all gov- low of his hand, and meted out
ernment and authority ." heaven with the span, and com-
Eph. 1 :20, 21 "In the heavenly prehended the dust of the earth
places, far above every govern- in a measure, and weighed the
ment and authority and power mountains in scales, and the
and lordship and every name hills in a balance?"
named, not only in this system of Isa . 45 :7, 8 "I form the light,
things, but also in that to come ." and create darkness."
Eph. 3 :10 "This was to the end Amos 4 :13 "For, lo, he that
that now to the governments formeth the mountains, and
and the authorities in the heav- createth the wind, and declareth
enly places there might be made unto man what is his thought ;
known through the congregation that maketh the morning dark-
the greatly diversified wisdom of ness, and treadeth upon the high
God ." places of the earth-Jehovah, the
Also : Ezekiel, chapter 1 . God of hosts, is his name ."
Starry Heavens Created Zech. 12 :1 "Thus saith Jeho-
Ps. 33 :6, 9 "By the word of Je- vah, who stretcheth forth the
hovah were the heavens made, heavens, and layeth the founda-
and all the host of them by the tion of the earth, and formeth
breath of his mouth. For he the spirit of man within him ."
spake, and it was done ; he com- Acts 4 :24 "Sovereign Lord, you
manded, and it stood fast ." are the One who made the heav-
Ps . 136 :5, 7 "To him that by en and the earth and the sea
understanding made the heavens ; and all the things in them ."
. to him that made great lights ; Acts 7 :49, 50 "The heaven is
for his lovingkindness endureth my throne, and the earth is my
for ever ." footstool. What kind of house
Ps . 102 :25 "Of old didst thou will you build for me? Jehovah
lay the foundation of the earth ; says . Or what is the place for
and the heavens are the work of my resting? My hand made all
thy hands ." these things, did it not?"
81 Creation
Acts 14 :15 "Men, why are you thou hast fashioned me as clay ;
doing these things? We also are . Thou hast clothed me with
human creatures having the same skin and flesh, and knit me to-
infirmities as you do, and are de- gether with bones and sinews.
claring the good news to you, Thou hast granted me life and
for you to turn from these vain lovingkindness ; and thy visita-
things to the living God, who tion hath preserved my spirit . Yet
made the heaven and the earth these things thou didst hide in
and the sea and all the things thy heart ."
in them ." Ps . 104 :30 "Thou sendest forth
Rev . 10 :6 "The One who lives thy spirit, they are created ; and
for ever and ever, who created thou renewest the face of the
the heaven and the things in it ground."
and the earth and the things in Job 33 :4 "The spirit of God
it and the sea and the things hath made me, and the breath
in it ." of the Almighty giveth me life ."
Rev . 14 :7 "Worship the one Ps. 95 :6 "Let us kneel before
that made the heaven and the Jehovah our Maker."
earth and sea and fountains of Ps . 100 :3 "Know ye that Je-
waters ." hovah, he is God : it is he that
Ps . 89 :11, 12 "The heavens are hath made us, and we are his ."
thine, the earth also is thine : Mark 10:6 "He made them
the world and the fulness thereof, male and female ."
thou hast founded them. The Acts 17 :25 "He himself gives
north and the south, thou hast to all persons life and breath
created them ." and all things."
Also : Ps. 148 ; Job, chapters 38- Also : Genesis, chapter 1 .
41 ; Ps. 124 :8 ; 134 :3 . God's Works Perfect, a Credit
Earth to Him
Ps . 65 :6 "Who by his strength Ps . 111 :2, 3, 7, 8 "The works
setteth fast the mountains ." of Jehovah are great, sought out
Ps. 95 :5 "The sea is his, and of all them that have pleasure
he made it ; and his hands therein . His work is honor and
formed the dry land." majesty ; and his righteousness
Jonah 1 :9 "I fear Jehovah, the endureth for ever . The works of
God of heaven, who hath made his hands are truth and justice ;
the sea and the dry land ." all his precepts are sure . They
Acts 17 :24 "The God that made are established for ever and ever ;
the world and all the things they are done in truth and up-
in it, being, as this One is, Lord rightness."
of heaven and earth, does not Eccl . 3 :11 "He hath made every-
dwell in handmade temples ." thing beautiful in its time ."
Rom. 1 :20 "For his invisible
Living Creatures qualities are clearly seen from the
Gen. 6 :7 "And Jehovah said, I world's creation onward, because
will destroy man whom I have they are understood by the things
created from the face of the made, even his eternal power and
ground ; both man, and beast, Godship."
and creeping things, and birds of Deut . 32 :4, 5 "The Rock, his
the heavens ; for it repenteth me work is perfect ; for all his ways
that I have made them ." are justice : a God of faithfulness
Gen . 7 :4 "Every living thing and without iniquity, just and
that I have made will I destroy right is he . They have dealt cor-
from off the face of the ground ." ruptly with him, they are not his
Job 10 :8-13 "Thy hands have children, it is their blemish ."
framed me and fashioned me . . . Ezek. 28 :12-15 "Thou sealest up
Remember, I beseech thee, that the sum, full of wisdom, and
Creation 82
perfect in beauty. Thou wast in Heb . 2 :6, 7 "What is man
Eden, the garden of God ; every so that you are mindful of him,
precious stone was thy covering, or the son of man so that you
the sardius, the topaz, and the look after him? You made him
diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and a little lower than angels ."
the jasper, . . . Thou wast the Acts 17 :26 "And he made out
anointed cherub that covereth : of one man every nation of men,
and I set thee, so that thou to dwell upon the entire surface
wast upon the holy mountain of of the earth, and he decreed the
God ; . . . Thou wast perfect in thy appointed seasons and the set
ways from the day that thou limits of the dwelling of men ."
wast created, till unrighteousness Man Created with a Measure
was found in thee ." of God's Attributes
Isa . 45 :11 "Thus saith Jeho-
vah, the Holy One of Israel, and Gen . 1 :26 "And God said, Let
his Maker : Ask me of the things us make man in our image, after
that are to come ; concerning our likeness ."
my sons, and concerning the Gen. 9 :6 "Whoso sheddeth
work of my hands, command ye man's blood, by man shall his
me ." blood be shed : for in the image
Ps . 27:4 "One thing have I of God made he man ."
asked of Jehovah, that will I Man Did Not Exist Prior to His
seek after : that I may dwell in Creation on Earth
the house of Jehovah all the Job 15:7 "Art thou the first
days of my life, to behold the man that was born? Or wast
beauty of Jehovah, and to inquire thou brought forth before the
in his temple ." hills?"
Creation Beyond Understanding Deut . 4 :32 "For ask now of
Completely the days that are past, which
Eccl. 3 :11 "Man cannot find out were before thee, since the day
the work that God hath done that God created man upon the
from the beginning even to the earth, and from the one end of
end." heaven unto the other, whether
Eccl . 11 :5 "As thou knowest there hath been any such thing
not what is the way of the wind, as this great thing is, or hath
nor how the bones do grow in been heard like it?"
the womb of her that is with Job 38 :4 "Where wast thou
child ; even so thou knowest not when I laid the foundations of
the work of God who doeth all ." the earth? Declare, if thou hast
Man Made Perfect, to Remain understanding ."
on Earth Man's Inventions and Discoveries
Eccl . 7 :29 "Behold, this only Not Creations
have I found : that God made Eccl . 1 :9 "That which hath
man upright ; but they have been is that which shall be ; and
sought out many inventions ." that which hath been done is
1 Cor . 15 :47 "The first man is that which shall be done : and
out of the earth and made of there is no new thing under the
dust ; the second man is out of sun ."
heaven ." 144,000 Body Members of Christ
Ps . 115 :16 "The heavens are a New Creation (Immortal)
the heavens of Jehovah ; but the
earth hath he given to the chil- 2 Cor. 5 :1, 17 "For we know
dren of men ." that if our earthly house, this
Job 33:6 "Behold, I am toward tent, should be dissolved, we are
God even as thou art : I also am to have a building from God, a
formed out of the clay." house not made with hands, ever-
83 Cross
lasting in the heavens. . . . If any- much more worth is a man than
one is in union with Christ, he a sheep!'"
is a new creation ; the old things John 5:28, 29 "Do not marvel
passed away, look! new things at this, because the hour is com-
have come into existence." ing in which all those in the me-
Gal . 6:15 "For neither is cir- morial tombs will hear his voice
cumcision anything nor is uncir- and come out, those who did
cumcision, but a new creation is good things to a resurrection of
something ." life, those who practiced vile
Life Pattern Re-created in Res- things to a resurrection of judg-
urrection ; No New Human Souls ment ."
Job 14 :13-15 "Oh that thou Resurrection of Others Not of
wouldest hide me in Sheol, that Christ's Body
thou wouldest keep me secret, Rev. 20:5 "The rest of the dead
until thy wrath be past, that did not come to life until the
thou wouldest appoint me a set thousand years were ended ."
time, and remember me! If a 1 Cor. 15 :26 "As the last ene-
man die, shall he live again? All my, death is to be destroyed ."
the days of my warfare would Rev . 20 :13, 14 "And the sea
I wait, till my release should gave up those dead in it, and
come . Thou wouldest call, and I death and Hades gave up those
would answer thee : thou wouldest dead in them, and they were
have a desire to the work of thy judged individually according to
hands ." their deeds . And death and Hades
Matt. 12 :11,12 "He said to them : were hurled into the lake of fire .
'Who will be the man among you This means the second death,
that has one sheep and, if this the lake of fire ."
falls into a pit on the sabbath, See "Jehovah", "Jesus Christ,"
will not get hold of it and lift "Devil and Demons," "Evolution,"
it out? All considered, of how "Resurrection ."

In Christendom, the symbol falsely used to represent Christianity .
From the erroneous idea that Jesus Christ was put to death on a
post with a crossarm.
Ancient Egyptians worshiped what has since been called the
crux ansata, a phallic emblem shaped like a "T" with an oval
handle on top, representing the male and female organs of repro-
duction combined. It was supposedly a symbol of life . Constantine
(a pagan at the time, also afterward a professed worshiper and yet
a murderer, falsely claiming conversion to Christianity) claimed to
have a vision A .D . 312 of a burning cross in the heavens, with the
words in Latin, In hoc signo vinces ("By this sign you will conquer") .
It was after this (by the edict of Milan in 312) that the cross was
incorporated into apostate Christianity . The cross was also used in
worship by ancient pagan Babylon, India, Syria, Persia and the Aztecs.
(See New World Appendix, under Matthew 10 :38-"torture stake" .)
Cross 84
Jesus Was Put to Death on a Execution Stake a Thing to Be
Simple Upright Stake Hated, Not Worshiped
"Cross" (AV, AS, Dy) from Isa . 14 :19 "Thou art cast forth
Greek, stau .ros', "an upright stake away from thy sepulchre like an
or pole" (Hebrew, tz"lab' ; Latin, abominable branch [stake upon
crux) . Greek, xy'lon, "tree or which a criminal is executed],
stake" ; also used in reference to clothed with the slain, that are
the instrument used to put Jesus thrust through with the sword,
to death . (Acts 5 :30 ; 10 :39 ; that go down to the stones of
13 :29) At Ezra 6 :11 we find the pit ; as a dead body trodden
xy'lon in the Greek Septuagint under foot ."
(1 Esdras 6 :31) as a beam on (See New World App ., under
which the violator of the law was Matthew 10 :38.)
to be hanged, as at Luke 23 :39 . Display of Execution Stake
Crux (Latin) originally meant a Wrong ; Would Commemo-
tree, frame, or wooden instrument rate Satan's Supposed Vic-
of execution. "Cross" was a later tory in Causing
meaning of crux . The term crux Christ's Death
simplex (Latin) was used to de-
note a plain upright execution Matt . 27 :39-42 "So the passers-
stake . The Greek verb stau .ro'o by began speaking abusively of
("crucify," AV) meant "to fence him, wagging their heads and
with pales" as a stockade, or "to saying : '0 you would-be thrower-
fasten or fix on a pole or stake", down of the temple and builder of
"to impale ." (John 19 :15) A .na- it in three days, save yourself!
stau .ro'o (Heb . 6 :6) is a synonym If you are a son of God, come
for'o . down off the torture stake!' In
like manner also the chief priests
Jesus' Death on a Stake or Tree, with the scribes and older men
Not a Cross, Was Necessary to of influence began making fun
Fulfill Scriptures, Free Jews of him and saying : 'Others he
from Law saved, himself he cannot save! He
Deut . 21 :22, 23, Mo, AT "If any is King of Israel ; let him now
man has committed a sin de- come down off the torture stake
serving of death, and if he is put and we will believe on him .'"
to death by being impaled upon Heb . 6 :6 "They impale the
a stake, his corpse must not re- Son of God afresh for them-
main all night upon the stake ; selves and expose him to public
you must be sure to bury him shame."
the same day, for an impaled See also : Rev . 11 :8-10 .
man is under God's curse ."
Gal. 3 :13 "Christ by purchase Use of Cross in Worship
released us from the curse of Is Idolatry
the law by becoming a curse Ex . 20 :4, 5 "Thou shalt not
instead of us, because it is writ- make unto thee a graven image,
ten : 'Accursed is every man nor any likeness of any thing
hanged upon a stake.' " that is in heaven above, or that
Col . 2 :14 "[Christ] blotted out is in the earth beneath, or that is
the handwritten document against in the water under the earth :
us which consisted of decrees and thou shalt not bow down thy-
which was in opposition to us, self unto them, nor serve them ."
and He has taken it out of the Christ's Human Body Disposed
way by nailing it to the torture of by God, Not to Be Worshiped
stake ." as on Crucifix
See also : Eph . 2 :15, 16 ; John John 20 :7, 12, 13 "And he
19 :31 . viewed the bandages lying, also
85 Cross
the cloth which had been upon baptizing, but to go declaring the
his head not lying with the good news, not with wisdom of
bandages but separately rolled up speech, that the torture stake of
in one place . And she [Mary] the Christ should not be made
viewed two angels in white sitting useless . For the speech about the
one at the head and one at the torture stake is foolishness to those
feet where the body of Jesus had who are perishing, but to us who
been lying. . . . She said to them : are being saved it is God's power .
'They have taken my Master But we preach Christ impaled,
away, and I do not know where to the Jews a cause for falling
they have laid him .'" but to the nations foolishness ."
2 Cor . 5 :16 "Even if we have "For I decided not to know any-
known Christ according to the thing among you except Jesus
flesh, certainly we now know him Christ, and him impaled ."
so no more ." 1 Tim . 2 :5, 6 "Christ Jesus who
Christ to Be Worshiped as a gave himself a corresponding ran-
Glorious Spirit, Victorious over som for all-this is what is to be
Death on the Torture Stake witnessed to at its own particular
times ."
Rom . 6 :9 "For we know that Gal . 3 :1 "0 senseless Galatians,
Christ, now that he has been who is it that brought you under
raised up from the dead, dies no evil influence, you before whose
more ; death is master over him eyes Jesus Christ was openly por-
no more ." trayed impaled?"
2 Cor . 13 :4 "True, indeed, he
was impaled owing to weakness, "Enemies of Torture Stake" Are
but he is alive owing to God's Those Denying Christ's Death as
power ." Providing the Ransom
1 Pet . 3:18 "Why, even Christ Phil. 3 :18, 19 "For there are
died once for all time concerning many, I used to mention them
sins, a righteous person for un- often but now I mention them
righteous ones, that he might also with weeping, who are
lead you to God, he being put walking as the enemies of the
to death in the flesh, but being torture stake of the Christ, and
made alive in the spirit ." their finish is destruction ."
Christ the Reigning King Is Now 2 Pet. 2 :1 "However, there also
the Signal to Be Pointed to-Not came to be false prophets among
Crucifix or Banner with Cross the people, as there will also be
Isa . 62 :10, AT "Pass through, false teachers among you . These
pass through the gates, prepare very ones will quietly bring in
the way of the people ; grade up, destructive sects, and will disown
grade up the highway, clear it even the owner that bought
of stones ; raise a signal over the them ."
peoples ." Rom . 10 :6, 7 "Do not say . . .
Isa . 11 :10, AT "It shall come `Who will descend into the abyss?'
to pass on that day that the root that is, to bring Christ up from
of Jesse, who will be standing as the dead."
a signal to the peoples-to him See : 1 Cor . 1 :17-2 :2, above.
will the nations resort, and his Execution Stake a Symbol of
resting-place will be glorious ." Death Under Shame, and Re-
See : Isa. 18 :3 : Rev . 12 :1, 5 ; proach to Christians
14 :1 . from Enemies
Preaching of the Stake of Christ Heb . 12 :2 "We look intently at
Means the Preaching of His the leader and perfecter of our
Death as a Ransom faith, Jesus . For the joy that was
I Cor . 1 :17, 18, 23 ; 2 :2 "For set before him he endured a tor-
Christ dispatched me, not to go ture stake, despising shame, and
Death 86
has sat down at the right hand `Boasting in Torture Stake'
of the throne of God." Means Gladly Bearing Re-
Matt . 16 :24 "Then Jesus said proach for Name of Christ
to his disciples : 'If anyone wants Gal. 6 :14 "Never may it occur
to come after me, let him disown that I should boast, except in the
himself and pick up his torture torture stake of our Lord Jesus
stake and follow me continually.'" Christ, through whom the world
Gal . 6:12 "All those who want has been impaled to me and I to
the world."
to make a pleasing appearance in Col. 1 :24 "I am now rejoicing
the flesh are the ones that try to in my sufferings for you, and I in
compel you to get circumcised, my turn am filling up what is
only that they may not be per- lacking of the tribulations of the
secuted for the torture stake of Christ in my flesh on behalf of
the Christ." his body, which is the congrega-
Phil . 2 :8 "He humbled himself tion ."
1 Pet . 4 :16 "But if he suffers
and became obedient as far as as a Christian, let him not feel
death, yes, death on a torture shame, but let him keep on glori-
stake ." fying God in this name ."

Loss of life ; termination of existence ; utter cessation of conscious,
intellectual or physical activity, celestial, human or otherwise.
Man Created, Not to Die, but to in the day that thou eatest there-
Live Forever of thou shalt surely die."
Gen . 1 :27-31 "And God created Lower Animals Not Created to
man in his own image, in the Live Forever
image of God created he him ; 2 Pet. 2 :12 "But these men,
male and female created he them. like unreasoning animals born
And God blessed them : and God naturally to be caught and de-
said unto them, Be fruitful, and stroyed, will, in the things of
multiply, and replenish the earth, which they are ignorant and
and subdue it ; and have domin- speak abusively, even suffer de-
ion over the fish of the sea, and struction in their own course of
over the birds of the heavens, destruction ."
and over every living thing that
moveth upon the earth . . . . And Human Death the Result of First
God saw everything that he had Man's Sin
made, and, behold, it was very Rom. 5 :12, 14, 19 "Through one
good." man sin entered into the world
Prov. 10 :22 "The blessing of Je- and death through sin, and thus
hovah, it maketh rich ; and he death spread to all men because
addeth no sorrow therewith ." they had all sinned-. Neverthe-
Gen . 2 :16, 17 "And Jehovah less, death ruled as king from
God commanded the man, saying, Adam down to Moses, even over
Of every tree of the garden thou
mayest freely eat : but of the tree those who had not sinned after
of the knowledge of good and the likeness of the transgression
evil, thou shalt not eat of it : for by Adam. . . . through the disobe-
87 Death
dience of the one man many were A Dead Person Is Unconscious,
constituted sinners ." Inactive
Rom . 6 :23 "For the wages sin John 11 :11-14 "He said these
pays is death, but the gift God things, and after this he said to
gives is everlasting life by Christ them : 'Lazarus our friend has
Jesus our Lord ." gone to rest, but I am traveling
1 Cor . 15 :22 "For just as in there to awaken him from sleep .'
Adam all are dying, so also in Therefore the disciples said to
the Christ all will be made alive ." him : 'Master, if he has gone to
Satan Introduced Sin, rest, he will get well .' Jesus had
Caused Death spoken, however, about his death .
Heb. 2 :14 "Therefore, since the But they imagined he was speak-
'young children' are sharers of ing about taking rest in sleep .
blood and flesh, he also similarly At that time, therefore, Jesus said
partook of the same things, that to them outspokenly : 'Lazarus has
through his death he might de- died .' "
stroy the one having the means Ps . 6:5 "For in death there is
to cause death, that is, the Devil ." no remembrance of thee : in Sheol
Gen . 3 :4, 5, 14 "And the ser- who shall give thee thanks?"
pent said unto the woman, Ye Eccl. 9 :5, 10 "For the living
shall not surely die : for God doth know that they shall die : but the
know that in the day ye eat dead know not anything, neither
thereof, then your eyes shall be have they any more a reward ;
opened, and ye shall be as God, for the memory of them is for-
knowing good and evil. And Je- gotten . Whatsoever thy hand
hovah God said unto the ser- findeth to do, do it with thy
pent, Because thou hast done might ; for there is no work, nor
this, cursed art thou above all device, nor knowledge, nor wis-
cattle, and above every beast of dom, in Sheol, whither thou
the field ; upon thy belly shalt goest ."
thou go, and dust shalt thou eat Isa. 38 :18 "For Sheol cannot
all the days of thy life ." praise thee, death cannot cele-
brate thee : they that go down
Death Due to Adam Is into the pit cannot hope for thy
an Enemy truth ."
1 Cor. 15:26 "As the last ene- Acts 7:60 "After saying this he
my, death is to be destroyed ." fell asleep in death ."
Heb. 2 :15 "And might emanci- Acts 13 :36 "For David, on the
pate all those who for fear of one hand, served the express will
death were subject to slavery all of God in his own generation and
through their lives ." fell asleep in death and was laid
Ps . 18 :4, 5 "The cords of death with his forefathers and did see
compassed me, and the floods of corruption."
ungodliness made me afraid . The Eccl. 3 :19-21 "For that which
cords of Sheol were round about befalleth the sons of men be-
me ; the snares of death came falleth beasts ; even one thing
upon me ." befalleth them : as the one dieth,
Ps . 55 :4, 5 "My heart is sore so dieth the other ; yea, they
pained within me : and the terrors have all one breath ; and man
of death are fallen upon me. hath no pre-eminence above the
Fearfulness and trembling are beasts : for all is vanity. All go
come upon me, and horror hath unto one place ; all are of the
overwhelmed me ." dust, and all turn to dust again .
Ps . 116 :3 "The cords of death Who knoweth the spirit of man,
compassed me, and the pains of whether it goeth upward, and
Sheol gat hold upon me : I found the spirit of the beast, whether
trouble and sorrow ." it goeth downward to the earth?"
Death 88
Dead Persons Are Beyond Any All Men Prior to Christ Died
Human Aid and Are Awaiting Resurrection
2 Sam . 12 :21-23 "Then said his Rom. 5 :14 "Nevertheless, death
servants unto him, What thing ruled as king from Adam down
is this that thou hast done? thou to Moses, even over those who
didst fast and weep for the child, had not sinned after the likeness
while it was alive ; but when the of the transgression by Adam ."
child was dead, thou didst rise Heb . 11 :4-40 "By faith Enoch
and eat bread . And he said, was transferred so as not to see
While the child was yet alive, death, and he was nowhere to be
I fasted and wept : for I said, found because God had trans-
Who knoweth whether Jehovah ferred him . . . . In faith all these
will not be gracious to me, that died . . . . as God foresaw some-
the child may live? But now he thing better for us, in order that
is dead, wherefore should I fast? they might not be made perfect
can I bring him back again? I apart from us ."
shall go to him, but he will not Gen . 5 :24 "And Enoch walked
return to me ." with God : and he was not ; for
Redemption and Resurrection God took him ."
from Adamic Death Possible Acts 2 :29 "Brothers, it is al-
Through Ransom lowable to speak with freeness of
speech to you concerning the
2 Tim . 1 :10 "Christ Jesus, who family head David, that he both
has abolished death but has shed deceased and was buried and
light upon life and incorruption his tomb is among us to this
through the good news ." day."
Heb . 2 :9 "But we behold Jesus, Those Having Faith in Christ's
who has been made a little lower
than angels, crowned with glory Ransom Considered Alive
and honor for having suffered by God
death, that he by God's unde- 1 John 3 :14 "We know we have
served kindness might taste death passed over from death to life,
for every man ." because we love the brothers . He
Heb. 9 :27, 28 "And as it is re- who does not love remains in
served for men to die once for death ."
all time, but after this a judg- Mark 12 :27 "He is a God, not of
ment, so also the Christ was the dead, but of the living ."
offered once for all time to bear All Body Members of Christ
the sins of many, and the second Must Die a Sacrificial Death
time that he appears it will be with Him
apart from sin and to those
earnestly looking for him for 2 Tim. 2 :11 "Trustworthy is
their salvation ." the saying : Certainly if we died
together, we shall also live to-
Those in Sin Considered Dead gether ."
by God 1 Cor . 15:29 "Otherwise, what
Luke 9 :60 "But he said to him : will they do who are being bap-
'Let the dead bury their dead, tized for the purpose of being
but you go away and declare dead ones? If the dead are not
abroad the kingdom of God .' " to be raised up at all, why are
1 Tim. 5 :6 "But the one that they also being baptized for the
purpose of being such?"
goes in for sensual gratification
is dead though she is living ." Death Triumphed Over by
Eph. 2 :1 "Furthermore, it is Resurrection of Christ's
you God made alive though you Body Members
were dead in your trespasses and 1 Cor . 15:54-57 "But when this
sins ." which is corruptible puts on in-
89 Death
corruption and this which is mented day and night for ever
mortal puts on immortality, then and ever. And death and Hades
the saying will take place that were hurled into the lake of fire.
is written : 'Death is swallowed This means the second death, the
up forever' 'Death, where is your lake of fire."
victory? Death, where is your Rev. 21 :8 "But as for the cow-
sting?' The sting producing death ards and those without faith and
is sin, and the Law gives to sin those who are disgusting in their
its power . But thanks to God, filth and murderers and forni-
for he gives us the victory cators and those practicing spirit-
through our Lord Jesus Christ!" ism and idolaters and all the
Hos . 13 :14 "I will ransom them liars, their portion will be in the
from the power of Sheol ; I will lake that burns with fire and
redeem them from death : 0 sulphur . This means the second
death, where are thy plagues? 0 death."
Sheol, where is thy destruction?" No Resurrection from the
Rom . 8 :38, 39 "For I am con- Second Death
vinced that neither death nor
life nor angels nor governments Jude 12 "These are the rocks
nor things here nor things to hidden below water in your love
come nor powers nor height nor feasts while they feast with you,
depth nor any other creation will shepherds that feed themselves
be able to separate us from God's without concern for others ; wa-
love that is in Christ Jesus our terless clouds carried this way
Lord." and that by winds ; trees in au-
Death Due to Adam Will Be tumn time, but fruitless, having
Completely Done Away with in died twice, having been up-
Christ's 1,000-Year Reign rooted."
Jer. 51 :57 "And I will make
1 Cor . 15 :26 "As the last enemy, drunk her princes and her wise
death is to be destroyed ." men, her governors and her dep-
Rev. 21 :4 "And he will wipe uties, and her mighty men ; and
out every tear from their eyes, they shall sleep a perpetual sleep,
and death will be no more, nei- and not wake, saith the King,
ther will mourning nor outcry whose name is Jehovah of hosts ."
nor pain be any more . The for- Prov . 10 :7 "The name of the
mer things have passed away ." wicked shall rot ."
Rev. 1 :18 "Look! I am living Obad. 16 "For as ye have drunk
for ever and ever, and I have upon my holy mountain, so shall
the keys of death and of Hades ." all the nations drink continually ;
Rev. 20 :13, 14 "And the sea yea, they shall drink, and swallow
gave up those dead in it, and down, and shall be as though
death and Hades gave up those they had not been ."
dead in them, and they were The Sin That Incurs
judged individually according to Second Death
their deeds. And death and Hades
were hurled into the lake of fire . 1 John 5 :16 "There is a sin
This means the second death, the that does incur death ."
lake of fire ." Luke 12 :10 "And everyone that
"Second Death" Not Destroyed ; says a word against the Son of
Always Within God's Power man, it will be forgiven him ; but
to Exercise he that commits blasphemy
against the holy spirit will not be
Rev . 20 :10, 14 "The Devil . . . forgiven it ."
was hurled into the lake of fire Heb . 6 :4-6 "For it is impossible
and sulphur, where both the wild as regards those who have once
beast and the false prophet al- for all been enlightened and who
ready were ; and they will be tor- have tasted the heavenly free
Death 90
gift and who have become par- me, thou that liftest me up from
takers of holy spirit and who the gates of death ."
have tasted the right word of Rev. 20 :13 "And the sea gave
God and powers of the coming up those dead in it, and death
system of things, but who have and Hades gave up those dead
fallen away, to revive them again in them, and they were judged
to repentance, because they im- individually according to their
pale the Son of God afresh for deeds ."
themselves and expose him to
public shame ." "Death" Sometimes Used to De-
Heb . 10:26, 27 "For if we prac- note a Change of Condition
tice sin willfully after having re- Luke 16 :22 "Now in course of
ceived the accurate knowledge of time the beggar died and he was
the truth, there is no longer carried off by the angels to the
any sacrifice for sins left, but bosom position of Abraham . Also
there is a certain fearful ex- the rich man died and was
pectation of judgment and there buried."
is a fiery jealousy that is going
to consume those in opposition ." Rev. 9 :6 "And in those days
the men will seek death but will
Moment When One Expires Bible by no means find it, and they
Describes as Entering the will desire to die but death keeps
"Gates of Death" fleeing from them ."
Job 38:17 "Have the gates of No Fear of Second Death for the
death been revealed unto thee? 144,000 Members of the Kingdom
or hast thou seen the gates of After Their Resurrection
the shadow of death?" to Heaven
Ps . 107 :18 "Their soul abhorreth Rev . 2 :11 "He that conquers
all manner of food ; and they will by no means be harmed by
draw near unto the gates of the second death ."
death ."
Rev. 20 :6 "Happy and holy is
When the Dead Body Is Buried anyone having part in the first
in the Common Grave of Mankind
the Bible Describes This as En- resurrection ; over these the sec-
tering the "Gates of Sheol-Hades" ond death has no authority."
or Gravedom No Fear of Death for the "Other
Isa . 38 :10 "I said, In the noon- Sheep" Who Receive Justification
tide of my days I shall go into to Everlasting Life After Passing
the gates of Sheol : I am de- Test by Satan at the End of
prived of the residue of my years." Christ's 1,000-Year Reign
The Glorified Jesus Christ Has Rev. 20:5 "The rest of the
Been Given the Keys to the dead did not come to life until
Figurative Gates of
"Death" and "Hades" the thousand years were ended ."
Luke 20 :35, 36 "But those who
Rev . 1 :18 "I became dead, but, have been counted worthy of
look! I am living for ever and
ever, and I have the keys of gaining that system of things
death and of Hades ." and the resurrection from the
dead neither marry nor are given
Resurrection Is Described as Re-
turning from the "Gates of in marriage . In fact, neither can
Death" and "Sheol-Hades" they die any more, for they are
or Gravedom like the angels, and they are
Ps . 9 :13 "Have mercy upon me, God's children by being children
0 Jehovah ; behold my affliction of the resurrection ."
which I suffer of them that hate See "Soul" . "Ransom ."
DEDICATION . An act by which a person or thing is initiated
into some way, course or use . Christian dedication is the act of a
person in setting himself apart by solemn agreement, unreservedly
and unconditionally, to do the will of Jehovah God through Christ
Jesus, as that will is set forth in the Bible, being made plain by
God's holy spirit . It means one must live a holy life, separate from
this world, and serve God henceforth to eternity.
CONSECRATION . As used in the Hebrew Scriptures, literally, to
"fill the hand", to put full power into the hand of those who are
to serve in a priestly office . Installation into the priesthood . To Chris-
tians it is God's act of installing them as priests of God under the
great consecrated High Priest, Christ, and empowering them to act
as such. It applies only to Christ and the anointed, spirit-begotten
members of his body.
SANCTIFICATION . A setting apart for God's holy purpose or use .
God sanctifies his spirit-begotten ones by means of his holy spirit
and word of truth . They become God's "holy nation", a people for
God's name . The ones sanctified co-operate in maintaining sanctifica-
tion by their action in study and following God's will.
DEDICATION the life. No one comes to the
Required of All Who Will Serve Father except through me .'"
God, Receive Everlasting Life John 6 :44 "No man can come
Luke 14:27 "Whoever is not to me unless the Father, who
carrying his torture stake and sent me, draws him, and I will
coming after me cannot be my resurrect him in the last day ."
disciple ." Heb . 11 :6 "Moreover, without
Gen . 47:19, 20, 25 "Buy us and faith it is impossible to win his
our land for bread, and we and good pleasure, for he that ap-
our land will be servants unto proaches God must believe that
Pharaoh : and give us seed, that he is and that he becomes the
we may live, and not die, and rewarder of those earnestly seek-
that the land be not desolate . So ing him ."
Joseph bought all the land of Repentance Must Precede
Egypt for Pharaoh ; . . . And they Dedication
said, Thou hast saved our lives : Acts 2 :37, 41 "Now when they
let us find favor in the sight of heard this they were stabbed to
my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's the heart, and they said to Peter
servants." and the rest of the apostles :
One Must Be Drawn to God by `Brothers, what shall we do?'
Faith Based on Knowledge Therefore those who embraced
of His Word his word heartily were baptized,
John 14 :6 "Jesus said to him : and on that day about three
`I am the way and the truth and thousand souls were added ."
Dedication 92
Acts 3 :19, 20 "Repent, there- Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory
fore, and turn around so as to get of God the Father ."
your sins blotted out, that seasons Gal . 6 :8 "Because he who is
of refreshing may come from the sowing with a view to his flesh
person of Jehovah and that he will reap corruption from his
may send forth the Christ ap- flesh, but he who is sowing with
pointed for you, Jesus ." a view to the spirit will reap
Cost of Dedication Must First everlasting life from the spirit ."
Be Calculated Eph . 5 :18 "Keep getting filled
with spirit ."
Luke 14 :28-33 "For example,
who of you that wants to build Dedication Is Followed
a tower does not first sit down by Water Baptism
and figure out the expense, to see Acts 10 :47, 48 "Then Peter re-
if he has enough to complete it? sponded : 'Can anyone forbid wa-
Otherwise, he might lay its ter so that these might not be
foundation but not have the baptized who have received the
funds to finish it, and all the holy spirit even as we have?'
onlookers might start to ridicule With that he commanded them to
him, saying : 'This man started be baptized in the name of Jesus
to build but had not the funds Christ ."
to finish .' Or what king, march- Acts 16 :30-33 "And he brought
ing to meet another king in war them outside and said : 'Sirs,
does not first sit down and take what must I do to get saved?'
counsel whether he is able with They said : 'Believe on the Lord
ten thousand troops to cope with Jesus and you will get saved,
the one that comes against him you and your household .' And
with twenty thousand? If, in fact, they spoke the word of Jehovah
lie cannot do so, then while that to him together with all those
one is yet far away he sends out in his house . And he took them
a body of ambassadors and sues along in that hour of the night
for peace . Thus, you may be and bathed their stripes, and,
sure, none of you that does not one and all, he and his were
say good-bye to all his belongings baptized without delay."
can be my disciple." Prayerful, Sincere Dedication Is
One Dedicating Self Must Recog- Accepted by Jehovah
nize Jehovah as Supreme Sover- Acts 10:3-5, 30, 31, 44 "Just
eign, Life-Giver, Christ as Sa- about the ninth hour of the day
vior, King, Holy Spirit as God's he saw plainly in a vision an
Active Force angel of God come in to him and
Matt . 28 :19 "Go therefore and say to him : 'Cornelius!' The man
make disciples of people of all gazed at him and, becoming
the nations, baptizing them in frightened, said : 'What is it,
the name of the Father and of Lord?' He said to him : 'Your
the Son and of the holy spirit." prayers and gifts of mercy have
Ps. 83 :18 "That they may know ascended as a remembrance be-
that thou alone, whose name is fore God. So now send men to
Jehovah, art the Most High over Joppa and summon a certain Si-
all the earth." mon who is surnamed Peter .' Ac-
Ps . 36:9 "For with thee is the cordingly Cornelius said : 'Four
fountain of life ." days ago counting from this hour
Phil . 2 :9, 11 "For this very rea- I was praying in my house at
son also God exalted him to a the ninth hour, when, look! a
superior position and kindly gave man in bright raiment stood be-
him the name that is above fore me and said : "Cornelius,
every other name, and every your prayer has been favorably
tongue should openly confess that heard and your gifts of mercy
93 Dedication
have been remembered before whole burnt-offerings and sin
God ."' While Peter was yet offering.' Then I said, 'Look! I
speaking about these matters the am come (in the roll of the book
holy spirit fell upon all those it is written about me) to do
hearing the word ." your will, 0 God .'"
1 Sam . 1 :9-28 "So Hannah rose Heb. 11 :24, 25 "By faith Moses,
up . . . And she was in bitterness when grown up, refused to be
of soul, and prayed unto Jeho- called the son of the daughter
vah, and wept sore . And she of Pharaoh, choosing to be ill-
vowed a vow, and said, 0 Jeho- treated with the people of God
vah of hosts, if thou wilt indeed rather than to have the tem-
look on the affliction of thy porary enjoyment of sin ."
handmaid, and remember me, See : Acts, chapters 2, 10 ; and
and not forget thy handmaid, Hebrews, chapter 11
but wilt give unto thy hand-
maid a man-child, then I will Dedication Must Be Faithfully
give him unto Jehovah all the Carried Out
days of his life, and there shall Rom . 1 :31, 32 "Without under-
no razor come upon his head . . . . standing, false to agreements,
And Elkanah knew Hannah his having no natural affection, mer-
wife ; and Jehovah remembered ciless . Although these know full
her ; and it came to pass, when well the righteous decree of God,
the time was come about, that that those practicing such things
Hannah conceived, and bare a are deserving of death, they not
son ; and she called his name only keep on doing them but
Samuel, saying, Because I have also approve those practicing
asked him of Jehovah . . . . For this them ."
child I prayed ; and Jehovah hath Eccl . 5 :2, 4-6 "Be not rash with
given me my petition which I thy mouth and let not thy heart
asked of him : therefore also I be hasty to utter anything be-
have granted him to Jehovah ; as fore God ; for God is in heaven,
long as lie liveth he is granted to and thou upon earth : therefore
Jehovah ." let thy words be few . When thou
1 Ki . 8 :41-43 "Moreover con- vowest a vow unto God, defer
cerning the foreigner, that is not not to pay it ; for he hath no
of thy people Israel, when he shall pleasure in fools : pay that which
come out of a far country for thou vowest. Better is it that thou
thy name's sake (for they shall shouldest not vow than that thou
hear of thy great name, and of shouldest vow and not pay . Suf-
thy mighty hand, and of thine fer not thy mouth to cause thy
outstretched arm) ; when he shall flesh to sin ; neither say thou
come and pray toward this house ; before the angel, that it was an
hear thou in heaven thy dwelling- error : wherefore should God be
place, and do according to all angry at thy voice, and destroy
that the foreigner calleth to thee the work of thy hands?"
for ; that all the peoples of the Jas . 1 :27 ; 2 :17, 24 "The form of
earth may know thy name, to
fear thee, as doth thy people Is- worship that is clean and unde-
rael, and that they may know filed from the standpoint of our
that this house which I have God and Father is this : to care
built is called by thy name." for orphans and widows in their
tribulation, and to keep oneself
Examples of Dedication without spot from the world."
Heb. 10 :5-7 "Hence when he "Thus, too, faith, if it does not
comes into the world he says : have works, is dead in itself . You
'You did not desire sacrifice and see that a man is to be declared
offering, but you prepared a body righteous by works, and not by
for me . You did not approve of faith alone ."
Dedication 94
Dedicated One Must Work with by the princes of Israel : twelve
God's Organization silver platters, twelve silver bowls,
Matt . 12 :30 "He that is not on twelve golden spoons ; and all the
my side is against me, and he oxen for the sacrifice of peace-
that does not gather with me offerings twenty and four bull-
scatters ." ocks, the rams sixty, the he-goats
Matt . 24:45-47 "Who really is sixty, the he-lambs a year old
the faithful and discreet slave sixty . This was the dedication of
whom his master appointed over the altar, after that it was
his domestics to give them their anointed ."
food at the proper time? Happy 2 Chron. 7 :9 "And on the
is that slave if his master on ar- eighth day . . . they kept the dedi-
riving finds him doing so . Truly cation of the altar seven days,
I say to you, He will appoint and the feast seven days ."
him over all his belongings ." Ezra 6 :16 "And the children of
John 10 :16 "And I have other Israel, the priests and the Levites,
sheep, which are not of this fold ; and the rest of the children of
those also I must bring, and they the captivity, kept the dedication
will listen to my voice, and they of this house of God with joy ."
will become one flock, one shep- Neh. 12 :27 "And at the dedica-
herd ." tion of the wall of Jerusalem
Eccl. 4 :9-12 "Two are better they sought the Levites out of all
than one, because they have a their places, to bring them to
good reward for their labor . For Jerusalem, to keep the dedication
if they fall, the one will lift up with gladness, both with thanks-
his fellow ; but woe to him that givings, and with singing, with
is alone when he falleth, and cymbals, psalteries, and with
hath not another to lift him up . harps ."
Again, if two lie together, then
they have warmth ; but how can CONSECRATION
one be warm alone? And if a man It Is God Who Consecrates
prevail against him that is alone,
two shall withstand him ; and a Matt . 3 :13-17 "Then Jesus came
threefold cord is not quickly from Galilee to the Jordan to
broken ." John in order to be baptized by
Things, Possessions May Be him . But the latter tried to pre-
vent him, saying : 'I am the one
Dedicated to God's Service needing to be baptized by you,
Deut . 20 :5 "And the officers and are you coming to me?' In
shall speak unto the people, reply Jesus said to him : 'Let it be,
saying, What man is there that this time, for in that way it is
hath built a new house, and hath suitable for us to carry out all
not dedicated it? let him go and that is righteous.' Then he quit
return to his house, lest he die preventing him . After being bap-
in the battle, and another man tized Jesus immediately came up
dedicate it ." from the water ; and, look! the
Num . 7 :10, 11, 84, 88 "And the heavens were opened up, and he
princes offered for the dedication saw descending like a dove God's
of the altar in the day that it spirit coming upon him . Look!
was anointed, even the princes also, there was a voice from the
offered their oblation before the heavens that said : 'This is my
altar . And Jehovah said unto Son, the beloved, whom I have
Moses, They shall offer their ob- approved.' "
lation, each prince on his day, for Heb . 5 :4-6 "Also a man takes
the dedication of the altar . This this honor, not of his own accord,
was the dedication of the altar, but only when he is called by
in the day when it was anointed, God, just as Aaron also was . So,
95 Dedication
too, the Christ did not glorify having his name and the name
himself by becoming a high of his Father written on their
priest, but was glorified by him foreheads. And they are singing
who spoke with reference to him : as if a new song before the
'You are my Son ; today I have throne and before the four living
become your Father.' Just as he creatures and the persons of ad-
says also in another place : 'You vanced age ; and no one was able
are a priest forever after the to master that song but the hun-
likeness of Melchizedek."' dred and forty-four thousand,
Heb . 7 :28 "For the Law ap- who have been purchased from
points men high priests having the earth ."
weakness, but the word of the Rev. 5 :9, 10 "And they sing a
sworn oath that came after the new song, saying : 'You are
Law appoints a Son, who is per- worthy to take the scroll and
fected forever." open its seals, because you were
Consecration Applies Only to slaughtered and with your blood
Those Who Are Anointed as you bought persons for God out
Priests of God-the 144,001 of every tribe and tongue and
people and nation, and you made
Ex . 29 :9, 29 "And thou shalt them to be a kingdom and priests
gird them with girdles, Aaron to our God, and they will rule
and his sons, and bind head-tires as kings over the earth.' "
on them : and they shall have the
priesthood by a perpetual statute : Consecrated Anointed Under-
and thou shalt consecrate Aaron priests Are Brought into New
and his sons. And the holy gar- Covenant over Christ's
ments of Aaron shall be for his Sacrifice
sons after him, to be anointed in Ps . 50 :5 "Gather my saints to-
them, and to be consecrated in gether unto me, those that have
them ." made a covenant with me by
Lev . 8 :22-24 "And he presented sacrifice ."
the other ram, the ram of con- Consecrated Ones Are Spirit
secration : and Aaron and his Begotten to a Heavenly Hope
sons laid their hands upon the 1 Pet . 1 :3, 4 "Blessed be the
head of the ram. And he slew it ; God and Father of our Lord
and Moses took of the blood Jesus Christ, for according to his
thereof, and put it upon the tip great mercy he gave us a new
of Aaron's right ear, and upon birth to a living hope through
the thumb of his right hand, the resurrection of Jesus Christ
and upon the great toe of his from the dead, to an incorruptible
right foot . And he brought and undefiled and unfading in-
Aaron's sons ; and Moses put of heritance . It is reserved in the
the blood upon the tip of their heavens for you ."
right ear, and upon the thumb
of their right hand, and upon the SANCTIFICATION
great toe of their right foot : and
Moses sprinkled the blood upon Spirit-begotten Ones Are
the altar round about ." Sanctified
Heb . 3 :1 "Consequently, holy 1 Thess. 4 :3 "For this is what
brothers, partakers of the heav- God wills, the sanctifying of you,
enly calling, consider the apostle that you abstain from fornica-
and high priest whom we con- tion ."
fess-Jesus." Heb . 2 :10, 11 "For it was fitting
Rev . 14 :1, 3 "And I saw, and for the one for whose sake all
look! the Lamb standing upon things are and through whom
the mount Zion, and with him a all things are, in bringing many
hundred and forty-four thousand sons to glory, to make the Chief
Dedication 96
Agent of their salvation perfect have been washed clean, but you
through sufferings . For both he have been sanctified, but you
who is sanctifying and those who have been declared righteous in
are being sanctified all stem from the name of our Lord Jesus
one, and for this cause he is not Christ and with the spirit of our
ashamed to call them `brothers' ." God ."
Both God and Dedicated Ones Acts 20:32 "And now I commit
Have a Part in Sanctifying you to God and to the word of
his undeserved kindness, which
Lev. 20 :7, 8 "Sanctify your- word can build you up and give
selves therefore, and be ye holy ;
for I am Jehovah your God . And you the inheritance among all
ye shall keep my statutes, and do the sanctified ones ."
them : I am Jehovah who sancti- 1 Thess. 5 :23 "May the very
fieth you ." God of peace sanctify you com-
John 17 :19 "And I am sancti- pletely."
fying myself in their behalf, that Heb . 13 :12 "Hence Jesus also,
they also may be sanctified by that he might sanctify the people
means of truth ." with his own blood, suffered out-
1 Thess . 4 :4 "Each one of you side the gate ."
should know how to get posses- Such Are "Saints" or Holy Ones
sion of his own vessel in sancti- -God's Holy Nation
fication and honor ."
1 Pet. 1 :15, 16 "But, in accord
Faith in Christ Necessary with the holy one who called
Acts 26 :18 "To open their eyes, you, do you also become holy
to turn them from darkness to yourselves in all your conduct,
light and from the authority of because it is written : 'You must
Satan to God, in order for them be holy, because I am holy .'"
to receive forgiveness of sins and Col . 1 :12 "Thanking the Father
an inheritance among those sanc- who rendered you suitable for
tified by their faith in me ." your participation in the inherit-
God, Through Christ, Sanctifies ance of the holy ones in the
by Means of the Truth and light ."
Holy Spirit Eph . 1 :1 "Paul, an apostle of
Eph. 5 :25-27 "Christ also loved Christ Jesus through God's will,
the congregation and delivered up to the holy ones who are also
himself for it, that he might faithful ones in union with Christ
sanctify it, cleansing it with the Jesus ."
bath of water by means of the These Must Maintain Sanctifica-
word, that he might present the tion to Be Used by God and
congregation to himself in its Receive Inheritance with
splendor, not having a spot or Christ
a wrinkle or any of such things, Acts 20:32 "And now I commit
but that it should be holy and you to God and to the word
without blemish ." of his undeserved kindness, which
John 17 :17 "Sanctify them by word can build you up and give
means of the truth ; your word you the inheritance among all
is truth ." the sanctified ones."
Heb . 10 :22 "Let us approach
with sincere hearts in the full 2 Tim . 2 :20, 21 "Now in a large
assurance of faith, having had house there are vessels not only
our hearts sprinkled from a of gold and silver but also of
wicked conscience and our bodies wood and earthenware, and some
washed with clean water ." for an honorable purpose but
1 Cor . 6 :11 "And yet that is others for a purpose lacking hon-
what some of you were. But you or. If, therefore, anyone keeps

97 Devil and Demons

clear of the latter ones, he will owner, prepared for every good
be a vessel for an honorable pur- work."
pose, sanctified, useful to his See "Baptism".

Devil and Demons

The Devil-a mighty spirit person, an angel . Originally a righteous
cherub of God's creation by means of the Word, the First-begotten
Son of God. He was not created a devil or Satan, but made himself
such by his rebellion against Almighty God . He was the beginner
and introducer of sin in the universe, and is extremely wicked, the
great enemy of God and all his righteous creatures . Sentenced to death
at the time of his rebellion, but permitted to remain in order that
God's supremacy might be proved . He will be abyssed at Armageddon
by Christ Jesus, and finally annihilated at the end of Christ's
millennial reign . Also known as Satan . A false, mimic god .
Originally a Righteous Creature in the branches thereof, and all
of God-Placed as Protectorate flesh was fed from it ."
over Adam and Eve in Eden How Sin, Disobedience, Lies and
Ezek . 28:12-15 "Take up a lam- Murder Were Brought In by
entation over the king of Tyre, `Covering Cherub'
and say unto him . . . . Thou sealest Jas. 1 :13-15 "Let no one say :
up the sum, full of wisdom, and 'I am being tried by God .' No ;
perfect in beauty . Thou wast in for with evil things God cannot
Eden, the garden of God ; . . . the be tried nor does he himself try
workmanship of thy tabrets and anyone. But each one is tried
of thy pipes was in thee ; in the by being drawn out and enticed
day that thou wast created they by his own desire . Then the de-
were prepared. Thou wast the sire, when it has become fertile,
anointed cherub that covereth : gives birth to sin ; in turn, sin,
and I set thee, so that thou wast when it has been accomplished,
upon the holy mountain of God ; brings forth death."
thou hast walked up and down in Ezek . 28 :15, 16 "Thou wast per-
the midst of the stones of fire . fect in thy ways from the day
Thou wast perfect in thy ways
from the day that thou wast that thou wast created, till un-
created, till unrighteousness was righteousness was found in thee .
found in thee." By the abundance of thy traffic
Dan . 4 :10-12 "Behold, a tree in they filled the midst of thee with
the midst of the earth ; and the violence, and thou hast sinned ."
height thereof was great. The John 8 :44 "You are from your
tree grew, and was strong, and father the Devil and you wish to
the height thereof reached unto do the desires of your father .
heaven, and the sight thereof to That one was a manslayer when
the end of all the earth . The he began, and he did not stand
leaves thereof were fair, and the fast in the truth, because truth
fruit thereof much, and in it was is not in him. When he speaks the
food for all : the beasts of the lie, he speaks according to his
field had shadow under it, and own disposition, because he is a
the birds of the heavens dwelt liar and the father of the lie ."
Devil and Demons 98
1 John 3 :8 "He who practices thou not made a hedge about
sin originates with the Devil, be- him, and about his house, and
cause the Devil has been sinning about all that he hath, on every
from when he began ." side? thou hast blessed the work
Instituted Rebellion Against of his hands, and his substance
Jehovah is increased in the land . But put
forth thy hand now, and touch
Isa . 14 :13, 14 "Thou saidst in all that he hath, and he will
thy heart, I will ascend into renounce thee to thy face ."
heaven, I will exalt my throne "And Jehovah said unto Satan,
above the stars of God ; and I Hast thou considered my servant
will sit upon the mount of con- Job? for there is none like him
gregation, in the uttermost parts in the earth, a perfect and an
of the north ; I will ascend above upright man, one that feareth
the heights of the clouds ; I will God, and turneth away from evil :
make myself like the Most High ." and he still holdeth fast his in-
1 Tim . 3 :6 "Not a newly con- tegrity, although thou movedst
verted man, for fear that he me against him, to destroy him
might get puffed up with pride without cause . And Satan an-
and fall into the judgment passed swered Jehovah, and said, Skin
upon the Devil ." for skin, yea, all that a man
Eph . 2 :2 "You at one time hath will he give for his life .
walked according to the system But put forth thy hand now, and
of things of this world, according touch his bone and his flesh, and
to the ruler of the authority of he will renounce thee to thy
the air, the spirit that now face ."
operates in the sons of disobe- Rev . 12:10 "The accuser of our
dience." brothers has been hurled down,
Ezek . 28 :17, 18 "Thy heart was who accuses them day and night
lifted up because of thy beauty ; before our God."
thou hast corrupted thy wisdom
by reason of thy brightness : . . . Names Given to Him After His
By the multitude of thine iniqui- Rebellion
ties, in the unrighteousness of Rev. 12 :9 "So down the great
thy traffic, thou hast profaned dragon was hurled, the original
thy sanctuaries." serpent, the one called Devil and
Brought Challenge Against God's Satan, who is misleading the en-
Supremacy, Truthfulness, tire inhabited earth."
Justice Rev. 20:2 "He seized the drag-
Gen . 3:4, 5 "The serpent said on, the original serpent, who is
unto the woman, Ye shall not the Devil and Satan ."
surely die : for God doth know Introduced False Religion,
that in the day ye eat thereof, Creature Worship
then your eyes shall be opened, Rom. 1 :22 "Although asserting
and ye shall be as God, knowing they were wise, they became fool-
good and evil ." ish and turned the glory of the
See: Job, chapters 1, 2, below ; incorruptible God into something
Isa . 14 :13, 14, above . like the image of corruptible man
Raised Question of Man's Integ- and of birds and four-footed crea-
rity Toward God and Challenged tures and creeping things ."
God's Way of Ruling Universe Jude 9 "Michael the archangel
by Love had a difference with the Devil
Job 1 :9-11 ; 2 :3-5 "Then Satan and was disputing about Moses'
answered Jehovah, and said, Doth body."
Job fear God for nought? Hast See: Gen . 3 :4, 5, above .
99 Devil and Demons
The Cause of Sin and Death these things I will give you if
and Earth's Woes you fall down and do an act of
Isa . 14 :12, 16, 17, 20 "How art worship to me .' Then Jesus said
thou cut down to the ground, to him : 'Go away, Satan!' . . .
that didst lay low the nations! Then the Devil left him ."
.Is this the man that made See also : Luke, chapter 4 .
the earth to tremble, that did Jude 9 "When Michael the
shake kingdoms ; that made the archangel had a difference with
world as a wilderness, and over- the Devil and was disputing about
threw the cities thereof ; that let Moses' body, he did not dare to
not loose his prisoners to their bring a judgment against him
home? . . . Thou hast slain thy in abusive terms, but said : 'May
people ." Jehovah rebuke you .'"
Acts 10 :38 "Jesus . . . went Zech. 3 :1, 2 "And he showed
through the land doing good and me Joshua the high priest stand-
healing all those oppressed by ing before the angel of Jehovah,
the Devil ." and Satan standing at his right
Rom . 5 :12, 19 "Through one hand to be his adversary . And
man sin entered into the world Jehovah said unto Satan, Jeho-
and death through sin, and thus vah rebuke thee, 0 Satan ."
death spread to all men because Mark 3 :22 "Also the scribes
they had all sinned ." . were saying : 'He has Beelze-
bub, and he expels the demons
Important to Know About Satan by means of the ruler of the
and His Activities so as to demons.'"
Avoid His Snares See also : Job, chapters 1, 2 ;
2 Cor . 2 :11 "That we may not Rev . 12 :3-17, regarding the con-
be overreached by Satan, for we versation between God and Satan
are not ignorant of his designs ." and the war in heaven between
2 Tim . 2 :25, 26 "Instructing Michael and Satan .
with mildness . . . . as . . . they may He Appears as Benefactor,
come back to their proper senses Light-Bearer, to Deceive
out from the snare of the Devil, 2 Cor. 11 :3, 14 "But I am afraid
seeing that they have been that somehow, as the serpent se-
caught alive by him for the will duced Eve by its craftiness, your
of that one ." minds might be corrupted away
2 Thess . 2 :9, 10 "The lawless from the sincerity and the chas-
one's presence is according to the tity that are due the Christ . And
operation of Satan with every no wonder, for Satan himself
powerful work and lying signs keeps transforming himself into
and wonders and with every un- an angel of light ."
righteous deception ." Rev . 3 :9 "Look! I will give
Satan Is a Person, Not the those from the synagogue of Sa-
Abstract Quality of Evil tan who say they are Jews . and
yet they are not but are lying
Matt. 4 :1-11 "The Tempter -look! I will make them come
came and said to him : . . . In re- and do obeisance before your
ply he said : . . . Then the Devil feet ."
took him along into the holy See : Gen . 3 :1-5 .
city, and he stationed him upon Cast Out from God's Organiza-
the battlement of the temple and tion, Sentenced to Death at Time
said to him : . . . Jesus said to him : of Rebellion in Eden-No Light,
. Again the Devil took him Appointment or Assignment
along to an unusually high moun- from God Thereafter
tain, and showed him all the
kingdoms of the world and their Gen . 3 :14, 15 "And Jehovah
glory, and he said to him : `All God said unto the serpent, Be-
Devil and Demons 100
cause thou hast done this, cursed may demonstrate my power and
art thou above all cattle, and that my name may be published
above every beast of the field ; throughout all the earth.' "
upon thy belly shalt thou go, and Eccl. 3 :1, 7, 8, 16, 17 "For every-
dust shalt thou eat all the days thing there is a season, and a
of thy life : and I will put enmity time for every purpose under
between thee and the woman, and heaven : . . . a time to keep si-
between thy seed and her seed : lence, and a time to speak ; . . . a
he shall bruise thy head, and time for war, and a time for
thou shalt bruise his heel ." peace . . . . In the place of justice,
Dan . 4:13, 14 "A watcher and .wickedness was there ; and in
a holy one came down from heav- the place of righteousness, .
en . He cried aloud, and said thus, wickedness was there . . . . God will
Hew down the tree, and cut off judge the righteous and the
its branches, shake off its leaves, wicked ; for there is a time there
and scatter its fruit : let the for every purpose and for every
beasts get away from under it, work ."
and the fowls from its branches ."
Ezek . 28 :16, 18, 19 "Therefore Nah . 1 :9 "What do ye devise
have I cast thee as profane out against Jehovah? he will make a
of the mountain of God ; . full end ; affliction shall not rise
therefore have I brought forth a up the second time ."
fire from the midst of thee ; it Prov . 27:11 "My son, be wise,
hath devoured thee, and I have and make my heart glad, that
turned thee to ashes upon the I may answer him that reproach-
earth in the sight of all them eth me ."
that behold thee. All they that Ps. 74 :10, 22, 23 "How long, 0
know thee among the peoples God, shall the adversary re-
shall be astonished at thee : thou proach? Shall the enemy blas-
art become a terror, and thou pheme thy name for ever? Arise,
shalt nevermore have any being ." 0 God, plead thine own cause :
Ps . 94 :20 "Shall the throne of remember how the foolish man
wickedness have fellowship with reproacheth thee all the day .
thee?" Forget not the voice of thine ad-
2 Cor . 6 :15 "What harmony is versaries : the tumult of those
there between Christ and Belial?" that rise up against thee as-
Nah . 1 :3 "Jehovah . . . will by no cendeth continually ."
means clear the guilty ." Ps. 83 :17, 18 "Let them be put
Hab . 1 :13 "Thou that art of to shame and dismayed for ever ;
purer eyes than to behold evil, yea, let them be confounded and
and that canst not look on per- perish ; that they may know that
verseness." thou alone, whose name is Je-
Permitted to Exist for a Time, hovah, art the Most High over
that the Issue of Jehovah's Su- all the earth ."
premacy and Faithful Men's In- Rev . 6 :10 "And they cried with
tegrity Be Settled Forever a loud voice, saying : `Until when,
Sovereign Lord holy and true, are
Ex . 9 :16 "In very deed for this you refraining from judging and
cause have I made thee to stand avenging our blood upon those
[spared you, AT], to show thee who dwell on the earth?'"
my power, and that my name
may be declared throughout all Still Retains Personal Power and
the earth." Acts as Outlaw Against God,
Rom . 9 :17 "For the Scripture Assaults God's Servants
says to Pharaoh : `For this very 1 Pet . 5 :8 "Your adversary, the
purpose I have let you remain, Devil, walks about like a roaring
that in connection with you I lion, seeking to devour."
101 Devil and Demons
Luke 22 :31 "Simon, Simon, boldened you to play false to the
look! Satan has demanded to holy spirit and to hold back
have you men to sift you as secretly some of the price of the
wheat ." field?' "
2 Cor. 12 :7 "That I might not Nah. 3 :1 "Woe to the bloody
be overly exalted, there was given city! it is all full of lies and
ine a thorn in the flesh, an angel rapine ; the prey departeth not."
of Satan, to keep striking me ." Rev . 18 :2, 3 "Babylon the great
1 Thess . 2 :18 "We wanted to has fallen, and she has become a
come to you, yes, I Paul, both dwelling-place of demons . . . and
once and a second time, but Sa- a lurking-place of every unclean
tan cut across our path ." and hated bird! For because of
Rev . 2 :10 "Look! the Devil will the passion-arousing wine of her
keep on throwing some of you fornication all the nations have
into prison that you may be fully fallen victim, and the kings of
put to the test, and that you may the earth committed fornication
have tribulation ten days ." with her, and the merchants of
Gen . 3 :15 "He shall bruise thy the earth became rich due to the
head, and thou shalt bruise his power of her shameless luxury ."
heel ." Matt. 24 :9 "Then people will
John 13 :2 "So, while the eve- deliver you up to tribulation and
ning meal was going on, the Devil will kill you, and you will be
having already put it into the hated by all the nations on ac-
heart of Judas Iscariot, the son count of my name ."
of Simon, to betray him."
See also: Matthew, chapter 4, Has Built Up a Great "Seed"
and Luke, chapter 4. Organization Composed of In-
visible "Heavens" (Demons), and
Through Sin and His Organiza- Visible "Earth" (Humans)
tion, Satan Brings Temptation
and Distress Gen . 3 :15 "I will put enmity
Heb . 2 :14, 15 "Therefore, since between thee and the woman,
the `young children' are sharers and between thy seed and her
seed ."
of blood and flesh, he also simi-
larly partook of the same things, Dan . 2:31-33 "Thou, 0 king,
that through his death he might sawest, and, behold, a great
destroy the one having the means image . This image, which was
to cause death, that is, the Devil, mighty, and whose brightness
and might emancipate all those was excellent, stood before thee ;
who for fear of death were sub- and the aspect thereof was ter-
ject to slavery all through their rible . As for this image, its head
lives ." was of fine gold, its breast and
Jas . 3 :14-16 "If you have bitter its arms of silver, its belly and
jealousy and contentiousness in its thighs of brass, its legs of
your hearts . . . . This is not the iron, its feet part of iron, and
wisdom that comes down from part of clay ."
above, but is the earthly, animal, 2 Pet . 3 :7-13 "The heavens and
demonic . For where jealousy and the earth that are now are stored
contentiousness are, there disor- up for fire and are being reserved
der and every vile thing are ." to the day of judgment and of
1 Chron . 21 :1, 8 "And Satan destruction . . . the heavens will
stood up against Israel, and pass away . . . and earth and the
moved David to number Israel . works in it will be discovered . . . .
And David said unto God, I have the heavens being on fire will be
sinned greatly, in that I have dissolved and the elements being
done this thing ." intensely hot will melt!"
Acts 5 :3 "Peter said : `Ananias, Isa . 47 :1, 5 "Come down, and
to what end has Satan em- sit in the dust, 0 virgin daughter
Devil and Demons 102
of Babylon ; sit on the ground Satan's First World Destroyed
without a throne, . . . thou shalt by the Flood
no more be called The mistress 2 Pet . 3 :6 "The world of that
of kingdoms ." time suffered destruction when it
His organization of demons was deluged with water."
Rev . 12 :3, 4 "And another sign Satan Is the God of This Present
was seen in heaven, and look! a Evil System of Things
great fiery-colored dragon, with 2 Cor . 4 :4 "The god of this
seven heads and ten horns and system of things has blinded the
upon its heads seven diadems ; minds of the unbelievers, that
and its tail draws a third of the the illumination of the glorious
stars of heaven, and it hurled good news about the Christ, who
them down to the earth ." is the image of God, might not
Matt . 12 :24 "The Pharisees shine through."
said : 'This fellow does not expel
the demons except by means of 1 John 5 :19 "The whole world
Beelzebub, the ruler of the de- is lying in the power of the
mons .'" wicked one ."
Eph . 6 :11, 12 "Stand firm Became "God of World" in the
against the machinations of the Broadest Sense in 607 B .C . at
Devil ; because we have a fight, Time of Fall of Jehovah's Typical
not against blood and flesh, but Theocratic Government at
against the governments, against Jerusalem
the authorities, against the world- Ezek . 21 :25-27 "And thou, 0
rulers of this darkness, against deadly wounded wicked one, the
the wicked spirit forces in the
heavenly places ." prince of Israel, whose day is
Dan . 10 :13 "The prince of the come . . . . thus saith the Lord Je-
kingdom of Persia withstood me hovah : Remove the mitre, and
one and twenty days ; but, lo, take off the crown ; this shall be
Michael, one of the chief princes, no more the same ; exalt that
came to help me ." which is low, and abase that
which is high. I will overturn,
His organization of humans overturn, overturn it : this also
Matt. 13 :38, 39 "The field is the shall be no more, until he come
world ; . . . the weeds are the sons whose right it is ; and I will
of the wicked one, and the enemy give it him."
that sowed them is the Devil ." Isa . 14 :13 "I will exalt my
1 John 3 :10 "The children of throne above the stars of God ;
God and the children of the and I will sit upon the mount of
Devil are evident by this fact : congregation, in the uttermost
Everyone who does not practice parts of the north."
righteousness does not originate See : Ps. 48 :1, 2 .
with God, neither does he who
does not love his brother ." Satan's Uninterrupted Rule of
Rev. 13 :1, 2 "And I saw a wild Nations Extended "7 Times"
beast ascending out of the sea, (2,520 Years) till His Failure
with ten horns and seven heads, to Overthrow the Newborn
and upon its horns ten diadems, Kingdom in Heaven,
but upon its heads blasphemous A.D. 1914
names . Now the wild beast that Dan . 4 :16, 25 "Let his heart be
I saw was like a leopard, but changed from man's and let a
its feet were as those of a bear, beast's heart be given unto him ;
and its mouth was as a lion's
mouth . And the dragon gave the and let seven times pass over
beast its power and its throne and him. . . . till thou know that the
great authority ." Most High ruleth in the kingdom
1 03 Devil and Demons
of men, and giveth it to whom- war with the remaining ones of
soever he will ." her seed, who observe the com-
Rev . 12 :4, 5, 7, 9 "And the mandments of God and have the
dragon kept standing before the work of bearing witness to Jesus ."
woman who was about to give Rev . 18:2 "She has fallen!
birth, that, when she did give Babylon the great has fallen, and
birth, it might devour her child . she has become a dwelling-place
And she gave birth to a son, a of demons and a lurking-place of
male, who is destined to shepherd every unclean exhalation and a
all the nations with an iron rod . lurking-place of every unclean
And her child was caught away and hated bird!"
to God and to his throne . And Satan Causes Earth's Present
war broke out in heaven : Michael Distress ; He Gathers Nations
and his angels battled with the to Final Battle Against
dragon . . . . So down the great God
dragon was hurled ."
Rev. 12 :12 "On this account be
Jesus' Earthly Course Fully glad, you heavens and you who
Proved Satan a Liar and reside in them! Woe for the earth
Brought a Judgment of and for the sea, because the Devil
Condemnation on has come down to you, having
Satan's World great anger, knowing he has a
John 12 :31 "Now there is a short period of time ."
judging of this world ; now the Rev. 16 :13-16 "I saw three un-
ruler of this world will be cast clean inspired expressions that
out ." looked like frogs come out of the
John 14 :30 "The ruler of the mouth of the dragon and out of
world is coming. And yet he has the mouth of the wild beast and
no hold on me." out of the mouth of the false
John 16 :33 "Cheer up! I have prophet. They are, in fact, ex-
conquered the world." pressions inspired by demons and
Luke 10 :18 "He said to them : perform signs, and they go forth
'I began to behold Satan already to the kings of the entire inhab-
fallen like lightning from heav- ited earth, to gather them to-
en .'' , gether to the war of the great
Cast Down from Heaven to Earth day of God the Almighty . . . . And
by the King Christ Jesus, they gathered them together to
A .D . 1914-1918, Satan's Ac- the place that is called in He-
tivities Are Now Con- brew Har-Magedon ."
fined to Earth Taunt Song Against Satan Now
Rev . 12 :9-17 "So down the great Applies in Fullest Sense, Reaches
dragon was hurled, the original Crescendo at Armageddon
serpent, the one called Devil and Isa . 14:4-20 "Sheol from be-
Satan, who is misleading the en- neath is moved for thee to meet
tire inhabited earth ; he was thee at thy coming ; . . . Thy pomp
hurled down to the earth, and is brought down to Sheol, . , . How
his angels were hurled down with art thou fallen from heaven, 0
him . And I heard a loud voice in day-star, son of the morning!
heaven say : 'Now have come to how art thou cut down to the
pass the salvation and the power ground, . . . thou shalt be brought
and the kingdom of our God and down to Sheol, to the uttermost
the authority of his Christ,' . . . parts of the pit . . . . Thou art cast
Now when the dragon saw it forth away from thy sepulchre
was hurled down to the earth, it like an abominable branch,
persecuted the woman that gave clothed with the slain, that are
birth to the male child . . . . And thrust through with the sword,
the dragon . . . went off to wage that go down to the stones of the
Devil and Demons 104
pit ; as a dead body trodden under partook of the same things, that
foot. Thou shalt not be joined through his death he might de-
with them in burial ." stroy the one having the means
Will Be Cast into Abyss of to cause death, that is, the Devil ."
Deathlike Inactivity After His 1 John 3 :8 "For this purpose
Organization Is Destroyed the Son of God was made mani-
at Armageddon fest, namely, to break up the
works of the Devil ."
Rev . 19 :19-20 :3 "The wild beast 1 Cor. 15 :24-27 "Next, the ac-
. . . and . . . the false prophet . . . complished end, when he hands
both were hurled into the fiery over the kingdom to his God and
lake that burns with sulphur . But Father, when he has destroyed all
the rest were killed off with the government and all authority and
long sword of the one seated on power . For lie must rule as king
the horse . . . And I saw an angel until God has put all enemies
coming down out of heaven with under his feet . As the last ene-
the key of the abyss and a great my, death is to be destroyed .
chain in his hand . And he seized For God `subjected all things un-
the dragon, the original serpent, der his feet' ."
who is the Devil and Satan, and Satan Resuscitated at the End of
bound him for a thousand years . 1,000 Years of Christ's Peaceful
And he hurled him into the abyss Reign, Then Eternally Destroyed
and shut it and sealed it over in Final Vindication of God's
him, that he might not mislead Sovereign Supremacy
the nations any more until the
thousand years were ended." Rev . 20 :3, 7-10 "Now as soon as
Rom . 16 :20 "The God who gives the thousand years have been
peace will crush Satan under ended, Satan will be let loose
your feet shortly ." out of his prison, and he will
Jer . 25 :15-26 "Take this cup of go out to mislead those nations
the wine of wrath at my hand, in the four quarters of the earth,
and cause all the nations, to Gog and Magog, to gather them
whom I send thee, to drink it . together for the war . . . . But fire
and the king of Sheshach came down out of heaven and de-
shall drink after them ." voured them . And the Devil who
was misleading them was hurled
Dan . 2 :34, 35 "Thou sawest into the lake of fire and sulphur,
till that a stone was cut out with- where both the wild beast and
out hands, which smote the image the false prophet already were ;
upon its feet that were of iron and they will be tormented day
and clay, and brake them in and night for ever and ever ."
pieces . Then was the iron, the Truth and Spirit of God with
clay, the brass, the silver, and Service and Prayer the Pro-
the gold, broken in pieces to- tection Against Satan
gether, and became like the chaff
of the summer threshing-floors ; Ps. 91 :4 "His truth is a shield
and the wind carried them away, and a buckler ."
so that no place was found for Jas . 4 :7 "Subject yourselves,
them : and the stone that smote therefore, to God ; but oppose the
the image became a great moun- Devil, and he will flee from you ."
tain, and filled the whole earth ." John 8 :32 "The truth will set
All Traces of Satan's Works you free ."
Erased Forever from Universe Acts 26 :18 "To open their eyes,
to turn them from darkness to
by Christ Jesus light and from the authority of
Heb. 2 :14 "Therefore, since the Satan to God ."
`young children' are sharers of Matt. 4 :10, 11 "Then Jesus said
blood and flesh, he also similarly to him : 'Go away, Satan! For
10 5 Devil and Demons
it is written, "It is Jehovah your horses and chariots of fire round
God you must worship, and it is about Elisha ."
to him alone you must render
sacred service ." ' Then the Devil Satan Has Never Been God over
Those Serving Jehovah
left him, and, look! angels came
and began to minister to him ." Luke 20 :36-38 "He calls Jeho-
Eph . 6 :14-18 "Stand firm, there- vah `the God of Abraham and
fore, with your loins girded about God of Isaac and God of Jacob' .
with truth, and having on the He is a God, not of the dead, but
breastplate of righteousness, and of the living, for they are all
with your feet shod with the living from his standpoint."
equipment of the good news of Heb . 11 :32, 16 "The time will
peace . Above all things, take up fail me if I go on to relate about
the large shield of faith, with Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jeph-
which you will be able to quench thah, David as well as Samuel
all the wicked one's burning mis- and the other prophets . Hence
siles . Also accept the helmet of God is not ashamed of them, to
salvation, and the sword of the be called upon as their God, for
spirit, that is, God's word, while he has made a city ready for
with every form of prayer and them."
supplication you carry on prayer Those Maintaining Integrity and
on every occasion in spirit ." Who Prove Satan a Liar Re-
Satan Is Restrained by God's warded with Everlasting Life
Angels from Destroying 2 Tim . 4 :7, 8 "I have fought
God's Servants the right fight, I have run the
Ps. 34 :7 "The angel of Jeho- course to the finish, I have ob-
vah encampeth round about them served the faith. From this time
that fear him, and delivereth on there is reserved for me the
them ." crown of righteousness, which the
Ps . 91 :11, 12 "He will give his Lord, the righteous judge, will
angels charge over thee, to keep give me as a reward in that day,
thee in all thy ways. They shall yet not only to me, but also to all
bear thee up in their hands, lest those who have loved his mani-
thou dash thy foot against a festation ."
stone ."
Rev . 2 :10 "Prove yourself faith-
Matt. 18 :10 "Keep watching
that you men do not despise one ful even with the danger of
of these little ones, for I tell you death, and I will give you the
that their angels in heaven al- crown of life ."
ways have access to my Father 1 Pet . 4 :14, 19 "If you are being
who is in heaven ." reproached for the name of
Heb. 1 :14 "Are they [angels] Christ, you are happy, because
not all spirits for public service, the spirit of glory, even the
sent forth to minister for those spirit of God, is resting upon
who are going to inherit salva-
tion?" you. So, then, also let those who
are suffering in harmony with the
2 Ki. 6 :16, 17 "He answered,
Fear not ; for they that are with will of God keep on commending
us are more than they that are their souls to a faithful Creator
with them . And Elisha prayed, while they are doing good ."
and said, Jehovah, I pray thee, Matt. 25 :46 "And these [the
open his eyes, that he may see . goats] will depart into ever-
And Jehovah opened the eyes of lasting cutting-off, but the right-
the young man ; and he saw : and, eous ones [the sheep] into ever-
behold, the mountain was full of lasting life ."
Devil and Demons 106
DEMONS Christ to come out of her.' And
Originally Angels of God ; These it came out that very hour ."
Rebelled, Joined Satan Before May Possess Humans, Con-
Flood, Becoming Devils, De- trolling Their Minds and
mons-Materialized Actions
as Humans Luke 4 :41 "Demons also would
Gen . 6 :4 "The Nephilim were come out of many, shouting and
in the earth in those days, and saying : `You are the Son of God .'
also after that, when the sons of But, rebuking them, he would not
God came in unto the daughters permit them to speak, because
of men, and they bare children to they knew him to be the Christ ."
them : the same were the mighty Luke 8 :27-29 "A certain man
men that were of old, the men from the city who had demons
of renown," met him. And for a considerable
I Pet. 3 :19, 20 "In this state time he had not worn clothing,
also he went his way and preached and he was staying, not at home,
to the spirits in prison, which but among the tombs . At the
had once been disobedient when sight of Jesus he cried aloud and
the patience of God was waiting fell down before him, and with a
in Noah's days, while the ark loud voice he said : `What have
was being constructed ." I to do with you, Jesus Son of
Such Demons Were Cast Out the Most High God? I beg you,
from God's Organization, do not torment me.' (For he had
Sentenced to Death been ordering the unclean spirit
to come out of the man . For
Jude 6 "And the angels that over a long time it had held him
did not keep their original position fast, and he was repeatedly bound
but forsook their own proper with chains and fetters under
dwelling-place he has reserved guard, but he would burst the
with eternal bonds under dense bonds and be driven by the de-
darkness for the judgment of mon into the lonely places .)"
the great day ." May Impersonate Dead Humans,
2 Pet. 2 :4 "God did not hold Deceive Men
back from punishing the angels 1 Sam . 28 :11-14 "Then said the
that sinned, but, by throwing woman, Whom shall I bring up
them into Tartarus, delivered unto thee? And he said, Bring
them to pits of dense darkness me up Samuel . . . . And the king
to be reserved for judgment ." said unto her, Be not afraid : for
Restrained from Materializing what seest thou? And the woman
Since the Flood, They Use said unto Saul, I see a god
Human Mediums to Com- coming up out of the earth . And
municate with Men he said unto her, What form is
Lev . 19 :31 "Turn ye not unto he of? And she said, An old man
them that have familiar spirits, cometh up ; and he is covered
nor unto the wizards ." with a robe . And Saul perceived
that it was Samuel."
Rev. 18 :23 "By your spiritistic
practice all the nations were mis- To Consult Such Means Disfavor
led ." of God and Death
Acts 16 :16-19 "A certain serv- 1 Tim . 4:1 "Some will fall away
ant girl with a spirit, a demon from the faith, paying attention
of divination . . . . used to furnish to misleading inspired utterances
her masters with much gain by and teachings of demons ."
practicing the art of prediction . Rev. 21 :8 "As for . . . those prac-
. . . Paul . . . said to the spirit : 'I ticing spiritism . . . their portion
order you in the name of Jesus will be in the lake that burns
10 7 Devil and Demons
with fire and sulphur . This means Demons Reproach God by Blas-
the second death ." pheming Him, Degrading His
See "Spiritism" . Creatures
Demons Know God and Christ 1 Tim . 4 :1 "However, the in-
Are Superior, Know About Sen- spired utterance says definitely
tence of Destruction, but Do Not that in later periods of time some
Exercise Faith or Serve God will fall away from the faith,
Jas . 2 :19 "You believe there is paying attention to misleading in-
one God, do you? You are doing spired utterances and teachings
quite well . And yet the demons of demons."
believe and shudder ." Ps . 74 :10 "How long, 0 God,
Acts 19 :15, 16 "The wicked shall the adversary reproach?
spirit said to them : 'I know Je- Shall the enemy blaspheme thy
sus and I am acquainted with name for ever?"
Paul ; but who are you?' With Luke 4:33-35 "Now in the syna-
that the man in whom the wicked gogue there was a man with a
spirit was leaped upon them, got spirit, an unclean demon, and he
the mastery of the two of them, shouted with a loud voice : 'Ah!
and prevailed against them, so what have we to do with you,
that they fled naked and wounded Jesus you Nazarene? Did you
out of that house ." come to destroy us? I know exact-
ly who you are, the Holy One
Demons Receive Worship of of God.' But Jesus rebuked it,
Those Not Serving God saying : 'Be silent, and come out
Deut . 32 :16, 17 "They moved of him .' So, after throwing the
him to jealousy with strange man down in their midst, the
gods ; with abominations provoked demon came out of him without
they him to anger . They sacri- hurting him."
ficed unto demons, which were no Satan and Demons Foment Wars,
God." Enjoy Seeing Creatures Kill
Ps . 106 :37 "Yea, they sacrificed One Another
their sons and their daughters Jas . 3:15, 16; 4 :1 "This is not
unto demons ." the wisdom that comes down
1 Cor . 10 :20 "The things which from above, but is the earthly,
the nations sacrifice they sacri- animal, demonic . For where jeal-
fice to demons, and not to God, ousy and contentiousness are,
and I do not want you to become there disorder and every vile
sharers with the demons ." thing are." "From what source
Rev . 9 :20 "But the rest of the are there wars and from what
men . . . did not repent of the source are there fights among
works of their hands, so that they you? Are they not from this
should not worship the demons source, namely, from your crav-
and the idols of gold and silver ings for sensual pleasure which
and copper and stone and wood, carry on a conflict in your mem-
which can neither see nor hear bers?"
nor walk ." Isa . 14 :16, 17, 20 "They that see
Demons Control This Evil World, thee shall gaze at thee, they shall
Permeate the World Religions consider thee, saying, Is this the
man that made the earth to
Rev . 18 :2 "And he cried out tremble, that did shake king-
with a strong voice, saying : 'She doms ; that made the world as a
has fallen! Babylon the great wilderness, and overthrew the
has fallen, and she has become cities thereof ; that let not loose
a dwelling-place of demons . . . his prisoners to their home? . . .
and a lurking-place of every un- Thou hast destroyed thy land,
clean and hated bird!'" thou hast slain thy people ; the
Earth and Its Destiny 108
seed of evil-doers shall not be into the abyss and shut it and
named forever ." sealed it over him ."
Demons Will Be Abyssed with Brought Back with Satan at End
Satan at Armageddon of 1,000 Years, Then Eternally
Luke 8 :31 "They [demons] kept Destroyed
entreating him not to order them Matt . 25 :41 "Be on your way
to go away into the abyss ." from me, you who have been
Matt. 8:29 "And, look! they cursed, into the everlasting fire
screamed, saying : `What have we prepared for the Devil and his
to do with you, Son of God? Did angels."
you come here to torment us be- Rev . 20 :10 "The Devil who was
fore the right time?'" misleading them was hurled into
Rev . 20 :2, 3 "And he [Christ] the lake of fire and sulphur
seized the dragon, the original where both the wild beast and
serpent ; who is the Devil and Sa- the false prophet already were ."
tan, and bound him for a thou- See also "Spiritism", "King-
sand years . And he hurled him dom," "Heavens," "Sin."

Earth and Its Destiny

Earth applies literally to this inanimate globe as well as sym-
bolically to human society of mankind and its organization on earth .
The earth to be destroyed at the world's end is Satan's system of
human society composed of his visible government with all human
supporters. The earthly globe will remain forever, will never be
burned up or desolated, but will be restored to paradisaic conditions .
God will restore right conditions by a "new earth" of righteously
governed human society under the "new heavens" of Christ Jesus'
invisible rule .
Purpose of God Toward Earth Isa . 46 :9-11 "I am God and
Stated in Eden Certain to Be there is none else ; I am God, and
Accomplished ; that Is, Populated, there is none like me ; declaring
Subdued, Under Man's the end from the beginning, and
Dominion from ancient times things that
Gen . 1 :28 "And God blessed are not yet done ; saying, My
them : and God said unto them, counsel shall stand, and I will
Be fruitful, and multiply, and do all my pleasure ; . . . yea, I have
replenish the earth, and subdue spoken, I will also bring it to
it ; and have dominion over the pass ; I have purposed, I will
fish of the sea, and over the also do it ."
birds of the heavens, and over Mal . 3 :6 "For I, Jehovah,
every living thing that moveth change not ."
upon the earth ." Literal Earth as Permanent as
Isa. 45 :18 "For thus saith Je- God's Throne, Hence Never
hovah that created the heavens, Destroyed
the God that formed the earth Isa . 66:1 "Thus saith Jehovah,
and made it, that established it Heaven is my throne, and the
and created it not a waste [or,
in vain, footnote], that formed earth is my footstool."
it to be inhabited : I am Jehovah ; Ps . 78:69 "And he built his
and there is none else ." sanctuary like the heights, like
109 Earth and Its Destiny
the earth which he hath estab- they both were hurled into the
lished for ever ." fiery lake that burns with sul-
Eccl. 1 :4 "One generation goeth, phur. But the rest were killed
and another generation cometh ; off with the long sword of the
but the earth abideth for ever ." one seated on the horse and
Permanence of Sun, Moon and which proceeded out of his mouth .
Stars Also Assured And all the birds were filled from
the fleshy parts of them ."
Ps . 89 :35-37 "Once have I sworn
by my holiness : I will not lie un- Supporters of Satan's System and
to David : his seed shall endure Those Ruining Earth to Be
for ever, and his throne as the Destroyed
sun before me. It shall be estab- Rev . 11 :18 "But the nations
lished for ever as the moon, and became wrathful, and your own
as the faithful witness in the wrath came, and the appointed
sky. Selah ." time . . . to bring to ruin those
Ps. 72 :5, 7 "They shall fear thee ruining the earth ."
while the sun endureth, and so Jer . 25 :31, 33 "Jehovah hath a
long as the moon, throughout all controversy with the nations ; he
generations. In his days shall the will enter into judgment with all
righteous flourish, and abundance flesh : as for the wicked, he will
of peace, till the moon be no give them to the sword, saith Je-
more." hovah . And the slain of Jehovah
Earth to Be Destroyed Is Satan's shall be at that day from one
Visible Organization of Human end of the earth even unto the
Society other end of the earth : they shall
2 Pet . 3 :10 "Yet Jehovah's day not be lamented, neither gath-
will come as a thief, in which ered, nor buried ; they shall be
the heavens will pass away with dung upon the face of the
a hissing noise, but the elements ground."
being intensely hot will be dis- Prophecy of Desolation of Jeru-
solved, and earth and the works salem Also to Be Fulfilled on
in it will be discovered [be Modern-Day Christendom
burned up ; not be found, foot- Isa . 24:1-6 "Behold, Jehovah
note] ." maketh the earth empty, and
Isa. 13 :9 "Behold, the day of maketh it waste, and turneth it
Jehovah cometh, cruel, with upside down, and scattereth
wrath and fierce anger ; to make abroad the inhabitants thereof .
the land a desolation, and to . . . The earth shall be utterly
destroy the sinners thereof out emptied, and utterly laid waste ;
of it ." for Jehovah hath spoken this
Rev. 20 :11 "And I saw a great word . The earth mourneth and
white throne and the one seated fadeth away, the world lan-
on it. From before him the earth guisheth and fadeth away, the
and the heaven fled away, and lofty people of the earth do lan-
no place was found for them ." guish. The earth also is polluted
Human Governments Pictured under the inhabitants thereof ;
by "Beast" and "False Prophet" because they have transgressed
Rev . 19:20, 21 "And the wild the laws, violated the statutes,
beast was caught, and along with broken the everlasting covenant .
it the false prophet that per- Therefore hath the curse de-
formed in front of it the signs voured the earth, and they that
with which he misled those who dwell therein are found guilty :
received the mark of the wild therefore the inhabitants of the
beast and those who render wor- earth are burned, and few men
ship to its image . While still alive, left ."
Earth and Its Destiny 110
Not a complete end was made; promise, and in these righteous-
a remnant was spared ness is to dwell ."
Jer . 4 :23-28 "I beheld the earth, Isa . 66 :22 "For as the new
and, lo, it was waste and void ; heavens and the new earth,
and the heavens, and they had which I will make, shall remain
no light . . . . I beheld, and, lo, there before me, saith Jehovah, so shall
was no man, and all the birds of your seed and your name re-
the heavens were fled . I beheld, main."
and, 10, the fruitful field was Some, with Faithful Men of Old,
a wilderness, and all the cities to Represent on Earth Christ's
thereof were broken down at the Reign from Heaven
presence of Jehovah, and before Isa . 32 :1 "Behold, a king shall
his fierce anger . For thus saith reign in righteousness, and
Jehovah, The whole land shall princes shall rule in justice ."
be a desolation ; yet will I not Ps. 45 :16 "Instead of thy fa-
make a full end . For this shall thers shall be thy children, whom
the earth mourn ." thou shalt make princes in all
Ezek . 6 :8 "Yet will I leave a the earth."
remnant, in that ye shall have Only Footstep Followers of Christ
some that escape the sword Will Reign 1,000 Years with Him
among the nations." as "New Heavens"
Never a depopulated earth, as 1 Cor. 6 :2, 3 "Or do you not
some other sheep of the Lord
will be spared through know that the holy ones will
Armageddon judge the world? And if the world
is to be judged by you, are you
John 10 :16 "And I have other unfit to try very trivial matters?
sheep, which are not of this fold ; Do you not know that we shall
those also I must bring, and they judge angels? Why, then, not
will listen to my voice, and they things of this life?"
will become one flock, one shep- Rev. 20 :4 "And I saw thrones,
herd ." and there were those who sat
Matt . 24:37-39 "For just as the down on them, and power of
days of Noah were, so the pres- judging was given them . Yes, I
ence of the Son of man will be . saw the souls of those executed
For as people were in those days with the ax for the witness they
before the flood, eating and bore to Jesus and for speaking
drinking, marrying and giving about God, and those who had
in marriage, until the day that worshiped neither the wild beast
Noah entered into the ark ; and nor its image and who had not
they took no note until the flood received the mark upon their
came and swept them all away, forehead and upon their hand .
so the presence of the Son of man And they came to life and ruled
will be ." as kings with the Christ for a
1 Pet. 3 :20 "In Noah's days, . . . thousand years."
a few people, that is, eight souls, Isa . 65 :17 "For, behold, I create
were carried safely through the new heavens and a new earth ;
water ." and the former things shall not
be remembered, nor come into
Survivors of This World's End mind ."
to Form Nucleus of "New Earth" Procreation Mandate to Be Re-
of a New-World Society as stated to Armageddon Survivors
Subjects of Kingdom
Gen. 9 :1 "And God blessed
2 Pet . 3:13 "But there are new Noah and his sons, and said
heavens and a new earth that we unto them, Be fruitful, and mul-
are awaiting according to his tiply, and replenish the earth ."
111 Earth and Its Destiny
Matt . 24 :37 "For just as the die a hundred years old, and the
days of Noah were, so the pres- sinner being a hundred years old
ence of the Son of man will be." shall be accursed ."
Literal Earth to Be Brought Un- Rev . 20 :12-15 "And I saw the
der Subjection as a Paradise dead, the great and the small,
Before Resurrection Begins standing before the throne, and
scrolls were opened . But another
Ps . 67 :6, 7 "The earth hath scroll was opened ; it is the scroll
yielded its increase : God, even of life . And the dead were judged
our own God, will bless us. . . . out of those things written in the
and all the ends of the earth scrolls according to their deeds .
shall fear him ." And the sea gave up those dead
Isa . 35 :1, 2, 7 "The wilderness in it, and death and Hades gave
and the dry land shall be glad ; up those dead in them, and they
and the desert shall rejoice, and were judged individually accord-
blossom as the rose . It shall blos- ing to their deeds . And death and
som abundantly, and rejoice even Hades were hurled into the lake
with joy and singing ; the glory of fire . This means the second
of Lebanon shall be given unto it, death, the lake of fire . Further-
the excellency of Carmel and more, whoever was not found
Sharon : they shall see the glory written in the book of life was
of Jehovah, the excellency of our hurled into the lake of fire ."
God. And the glowing sand shall See "Resurrection", "Judgment
become a pool, and the thirsty Days ."
ground springs of water : in the
habitation of jackals, where they Man's Dominion over Animals
lay, shall be grass with reeds and to Be Restored
rushes ." Isa. 11 :6-9 "And the wolf shall
Isa . 55 :13 "Instead of the thorn dwell with the lamb, and the
shall come up the fir-tree ; and leopard shall lie down with the
instead of the brier shall come up kid ; and the calf and the young
the myrtle-tree : and it shall be lion and the fatling together ;
to Jehovah for a name, for an and a little child shall lead them .
everlasting sign that shall not be And the cow and the bear shall
cut off ." feed ; their young ones shall lie
Luke 23 :42, 43 "And he went down together ; and the lion shall
on to say : `Jesus, remember me eat straw like the ox . And the
when you get into your kingdom .' sucking child shall play on the
And he said to him : `Truly I tell hole of the asp, and the weaned
you today, You will be with me child shall put his hand on the
in Paradise .'" adder's den . They shall not hurt
God Will Resurrect Many Who nor destroy in all my holy moun-
Will Be Trained and Tested as tain ; for the earth shall be full
to His Will of the knowledge of Jehovah, as
John 5 :28, 29 "Do not marvel at the waters cover the sea ."
this, because the hour is coming Perfect Health Will Be
in which all those in the me- Mankind's
morial tombs will hear his voice Isa . 33 :24 "And the inhabitant
and come out, those who did shall not say, I am sick : the peo-
good things to a resurrection of ple that dwell therein shall be
life, those who practiced vile forgiven their iniquity ."
things to a resurrection of judg-
ment ." Peace and Prosperity
Isa . 65 :20 "There shall be no Will Prevail
more thence an infant of days, Mic . 4 :3, 4 "And he will judge
nor an old man that hath not between many peoples, and will
filled his days ; for the child shall decide concerning strong nations
Evolution 112
afar off : and they shall beat their will be tormented day and night
swords into plowshares, and their for ever and ever."
spears into pruning-hooks ; na- God's Original Purpose with
tion shall not lift up sword against Earth Fulfilled
nation, neither shall they learn
war any more . But they shall sit Rev . 21 :1-4 "And I saw a new
every man under his vine and heaven and a new earth, for the
under his fig-tree ; and none shall former heaven and the former
make them afraid : for the mouth earth had passed away, and the
of Jehovah of hosts hath spoken sea is no more . I saw also the
it ." holy city, New Jerusalem, coming
down out of heaven from God
Final Testing and God's De- and prepared as a bride adorned
claring Righteous of Faithful for her husband . With that I
Come at End of 1,000-Year heard a loud voice from the
Reign throne say : 'Look! the tent of
Rev. 20 :5, 7-10 "(The rest of God is with humankind, and he
the dead did not come to life will reside with them, and they
until the thousand years were will be his peoples . And God him-
ended .) This is the first resur- self will be with them. And he
rection . Now as soon as the thou- will wipe out every tear from
sand years have been ended, Sa- their eyes, and death will be no
tan will be let loose out of his more, neither will mourning nor
prison, and he will go out to mis- outcry nor pain be any more . The
lead those nations in the four former things have passed away .'"
quarters of the earth, Gog and 1 Cor . 15 :25, 26, 28 "For he
Magog, to gather them together must rule as king until God has
for the war . The number of these put all enemies under his feet.
is as the sand of the sea . And As the last enemy, death is to
they advanced over the breadth be destroyed . But when all things
of the earth and encircled the will have been subjected to him,
camp of the holy ones and the then the Son himself will also
beloved city . But fire came down subject himself to the one who
out of heaven and devoured them . subjected all things to him, that
And the Devil who was mislead- God may be all things to every-
ing them was hurled into the
lake of fire and sulphur, where one."
both the wild beast and the false See "Creation", "Kingdom,"
prophet already were ; and they "Judgment Days ."

The teaching that life spontaneously sprang from inanimate matter
and that the higher life forms came about by gradual (or sudden)
changes in lower organism ; that this accounts for not only the
varieties, but also for the different "kinds" . No Creator exists, ac-
cording to this theory . Some evolutionists believe God created some
primitive forms, but evolution, as above described, brought about
changes that led to the present-day higher forms ; this denies special
creation of the various "kinds" .
"Kind" : A family or group of living creatures or things that are
interfertile among themselves, but not fertile with others outside

113 Evolution
their family . (That is, whose sex cells will unite to form, or begin
to form, an offspring ; but with those of another "kind" or family
are absolutely incompatible and unable to unite.)
An Evolutionist's Description of the moon and the stars, which
the Theory thou hast ordained ; what is
"The theory of evolution asserts man, that thou art mindful of
that (1) the beings now living him? And the son of man, that
have descended from different thou visitest him?"
beings which have lived in the Life-in Jehovah God-Existed
past ; (2) the discontinuous varia- Before Inanimate Matter
tion observed at our time level 1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the King
-the gaps now existing between of eternity, incorruptible, invisi-
clusters of forms-have arisen ble, the only God, be honor and
gradually, so that if we could glory for ever and ever. Amen ."
assemble all the individuals which
have ever inhabited the earth, a Ps . 90 :2 "Before the mountains
fairly continuous array of forms were brought forth, or ever thou
would emerge ; (3) all these hadst formed the earth and the
changes have arisen from causes world, even from everlasting to
which now continue to be in everlasting, thou art God ."
operation and which therefore Jer . 10 :10 "But Jehovah is the
can be studied experimentally ." true God ; he is the living God,
-Theodosius Dobzhansky, Ge- and an everlasting King : at his
netics and the Origin of Species, wrath the earth trembleth, and
pp . 7, 8 . the nations are not able to abide
his indignation ."
Denies Great Central Principle
of Bible-the Existence of God's First Creative Work Pos-
Almighty God sessed Life-No Experimental
Model, but Superior to Other
Ps. 14 :1 "The fool hath said Creatures
in his heart, There is no God ."
Ps . 10 :4 "The wicked, in the Rev. 3:14 "These are the things
pride of his countenance, saith, the Amen says, the faithful and
He will not require it . All his true witness, the beginning of the
thoughts are, There is no God ." creation by God."
Rom . 1 :19-21 "What may be Prov. 8:22, 23 "Jehovah pos-
known about God is manifest sessed me in the beginning of
among them, for God made it his way, before his works of old .
manifest to them . For his in- I was set up from everlasting,
visible qualities are clearly seen from the beginning, before the
from the world's creation onward, earth was."
because they are understood by Inanimate Matter and Living
the things made, even his eternal Things All the Result of Je-
power and Godship, so that they hovah's Creative Power
are inexcusable ; because, al- Through His Only-
though they knew God, they did begotten Son
not glorify him as God nor did
they thank him, but they became Gen . 1 :1 "In the beginning God
empty-headed in their reasonings created the heavens and the
and their unintelligent heart be- earth ."
came darkened." Heb . 11 :3 "By faith we under-
Ps . 19 :1 "The heavens declare stand that the systems of things
the glory of God ; and the firma- were put in order by God's word,
ment showeth his handiwork ." so that what is beheld came to
Ps . 8 :3, 4 "When I consider thy be out of things that do not
heavens, the work of thy fingers, appear ."
Evolution 114
Rev . 4 :11 "You are worthy, Je- breath and all things. He made
hovah, even our God, to receive out of one man every nation of
the glory and the honor and the men, to dwell upon the entire
power, because you created all surface of the earth, . . . For by
things, and because of your will him we have life and move and
they existed and were created ." exist, even as certain ones of the
John 1 :1-3, 10 "Originally the poets among you have said, `For
Word was, and the Word was we are also his progeny .' . . . we
with God, and the Word was a are the progeny of God ."
god . This one was originally with Mark 13 :19 "The creation
God . All things came into exist- which God created ."
ence through him, and apart Rev . 10 :6 "By the One who
from him not even one thing lives for ever and ever, who
came into existence . He was in created the heaven and the
the world, and the world came things in it and the earth and
into existence through him, but the things in it and the sea and
the world did not take note of the things in it, he swore ."
him ." No Evolution from One Created
Col . 1 :16 "By means of him Kind to Another
all other things were created in
the heavens and upon the earth, Gen . 1 :11, 12, 21, 24, 25 "God
the things visible and the things said, Let the earth put forth
invisible, no matter whether they grass, herbs yielding seed, and
are thrones or lordships or gov- fruit-trees bearing fruit after
ernments or authorities . All other their kind, wherein is the seed
things have been created through thereof, upon the earth : and it
him and for him ." was so . And the earth brought
Isa . 40 :26 "Lift up your eyes on forth grass, herbs yielding seed
high, and see who hath created after their kind, and trees bear-
these, that bringeth out their ing fruit, wherein is the seed
host by number ; he calleth them thereof, after their kind : and God
all by name ; by the greatness saw that it was good . And God
of his might, and for that he is created the great sea-monsters,
strong in power, not one is lack- and every living creature that
ing." moveth, wherewith the waters
Isa. 42 :5 "Thus saith God Je- swarmed, after their kind, and
hovah, he that created the heav- every winged bird after its kind .
ens, and stretched them forth ; . . . And God said, Let the earth
he that spread abroad the earth bring forth living creatures after
and that which cometh out of it ; their kind, cattle, and creeping
he that giveth breath unto the things, and beasts of the earth
people upon it, and spirit to them after their kind . . . . and the cattle
that walk therein ." after their kind, and everything
Isa. 45 :12, 18 "I have made the that creepeth upon the ground
earth, and created man upon it : after its kind ."
I, even my hands, have stretched Jas. 3 :12 "My brothers, a fig
out the heavens ; and all their tree cannot produce olives or a
host have I commanded . For thus vine figs, can it? Neither can salt
saith Jehovah that created the water produce sweet water ."
heavens, the God that formed the Matt . 7 :16 "Never do people
earth and made it, that estab- gather grapes from thorns or
lished it and created it not a figs from thistles, do they?"
waste, that formed it to be in- 1 Cor. 15 :39 "Not all flesh is
habited : I am jehovah ; and there the same flesh, but there is one
is none else ." of mankind, and there is another
Acts 17:25, 26, 28, 29 "He him- flesh of cattle, and another flesh
self gives to all persons life and of birds, and another of fish ."
115 Evolution
Lev . 11 :13-22, 29 "The eagle, the same order as that of the
and the gier-eagle, and the os- electrons and protons in the uni-
pray, and the kite, and the falcon verse as estimated by some phys-
after its kind, every raven after icists . . . . How many genes there
its kind, and the ostrich, and the are in man is unknown, but it
night-hawk, and the sea-mew, would seem reasonable to believe
and the hawk after its kind, and that man has at least as many
the little owl, and the cormorant, as the vinegar-fly, Drosophila . To
and the great owl, and the horned be sure, the number of genes is
owl, and the pelican, and vulture, not precisely known even in that
and the stork, the heron after insect, which has been studied
its kind, and the hoopoe, and the more than any other animal ; but
bat . . . . even these of them ye may it is estimated that a Drosophila
eat : the locust after its kind, . . . has several thousands, perhaps
and the cricket after its kind, as many as ten thousand genes
and the grasshopper after its in each sex cell . . . . The variety
kind. And these are they which which is characteristic of all hu-
are unclean unto you among the man groups is due to gene muta-
creeping things that creep upon tion and to recombination ."-L . C .
the earth : the weasel, and the Dunn and Th . Dobzhansky, He-
mouse, and the great lizard after redity, Race and Society, pp . 52,
its kind ." 53, 61 .
Each Organ of Body Designed, Kinds of Plants and Trees Sprang
Created Directly in First Man, from Directly Created Seed
Passed On by Heredity Gen . 1 :11, 12 "God said, Let the
Ps. 139 :16 "Thine eyes did see earth put forth grass, herbs yield-
mine unformed substance ; and in ing seed, and fruit-trees bearing
thy book they were all written." fruit after their kind, wherein
Prov. 20 :12 "The hearing ear, is the seed thereof, upon the
and the seeing eye, Jehovah hath earth : and it was so . And the
made even both of them ." earth brought forth grass, herbs
Ps. 94 :9 "He that planted the yielding seed after their kind,
ear, shall he not hear? He that the trees bearing fruit, wherein
formed the eye, shall he not is the seed thereof, after their
see?" kind : and God saw that it was
Varieties the Result of Qualities good ."
Within Genetic Cells Each Living Thing Created to
of Created Kind Fit the Element in Which It
"The number of distinct types Lives, Not Evolved to Fit
(gene combinations) grows to Gen . 1 :20, 24 "God said, Let
more than a thousand when par- the waters swarm with swarms
ents differ in 10 genes, to more of living creatures, and let birds
than a million with 20, and to fly above the earth in the open
more than a billion with 30 gene firmament of heaven . And God
differences . With 31 gene differ- said, Let the earth bring forth
ences it becomes about equal to living creatures after their kind,
the total number of humans now cattle, and creeping things, and
living in the world, which is esti- beasts of the earth after their
mated as close to 2,200 millions . kind : and it was so ."
With still greater numbers of
gene differences the numbers of Harmony, Balance in Nature,
possible gene combinations be- Provisions for Life of All, the
come immense. With about 250 Work of Supreme Designer
genes the number of theoretically Matt . 6 :26-29 "Observe intently
possible gene combinations is of the birds of heaven, because they
Evolution 116
do not sow seed or reap or after our likeness : and let them
gather into storehouses ; still your have dominion over the fish of
heavenly Father feeds them . Are the sea, and over the birds of
you not worth more than they the heavens, and over the cattle,
are? Who of you by being anxious and over all the earth, and over
can add one cubit to his life every creeping thing that creepeth
span? Also on the matter of upon the earth. And God created
clothing, why are you anxious? man in his own image, in the
Take a lesson from the lilies of image of God created he him ;
the field, how they are growing ; male and female created he them .
they do not toil nor do they spin, And God blessed them : and God
but I say to you that not even said unto them, Be fruitful, and
Solomon in all his glory was ar- multiply, and replenish the earth,
rayed as one of these ." and subdue it ; and have domin-
Job 38 :39, 41 "Canst thou hunt ion over the fish of the sea, and
the prey for the lioness, or sat- over the birds of the heavens,
isfy the appetite of the young and over every living thing that
lions? Who provideth for the moveth upon the earth ."
raven his prey?" Man Far Superior to Beasts Not
Gen . 2 :9 "Out of the ground Related to Them ; Anyone Low-
made Jehovah God to grow every ering Self to Equality with Them
tree that is pleasant to the sight, or Mixing Seeds Abominable
and good for food ."
Ps. 65 :9 "Thou visitest the Lev . 18 :23, 24 "And thou shalt
earth, and waterest it, thou great- not lie with any beast to defile
ly enrichest it ; the river of God thyself therewith ; neither shall
is full of water : thou providest any woman stand before a beast,
them grain, when thou hast so to lie down thereto : it is con-
prepared the earth ." fusion . Defile not ye yourselves in
any of these things : for in all
Limited Life Span Intended for these the nations are defiled
Lower Animals-No Dread of which I cast out from before
Death for Them you ."
Job 39 :13-17, 19, 22 (mar .) "The Lev. 20 :15, 16 "And if a man
wings of the ostrich wave proud- lie with a beast, he shall surely
ly ; but are they the pinions and be put to death : and ye shall
plumage of a stork? For she slay the beast . And if a woman
leaveth her eggs on the earth, approach unto any beast, and lie
and warmeth them in the dust, down thereto, thou shalt kill the
and forgetteth that the foot may woman, and the beast : they shall
crush them, or that the wild surely be put to death ; their
beast may trample them . She blood shall be upon them ."
dealeth hardly with her young Man Created Perfect, to Live
ones, as if they were not hers : Forever
though her labor be in vain, she
is without fear ; because God hath Gen . 1 :27, 28, 31 "And God
deprived her of wisdom, neither created man in his own image, in
hath he imparted to her under- the image of God created he
standing . Hast thou given the him ; male and female created he
horse his might? . . . He mocketh them . And God blessed them :
at fear, and is not dismayed ; and God said unto them, Be
neither turneth he back from the fruitful, and multiply, and re-
plenish the earth . . . . And God
sword ." saw everything that he had made,
Man the Highest Earthly Creation and, behold, it was very good ."
of God Deut . 32 :4 "The Rock, his work
Gen . 1 :26-28 "And God said, is perfect ; for all his ways are
Let us make man in our image, justice ."
117 Evolution
Gen . 5 :5, 20, 27 ; 9 :29 "All the they are a perverse and crooked
days that Adam lived were nine generation ."
hundred and thirty years : . . . and Eccl . 7 :29 "Behold, this only
all the days of Jared were nine have I found : that God made
hundred sixty and two years : . . . man upright ; but they have
and all the days of Methuselah sought out many inventions ."
were nine hundred sixty and nine Ps . 90 :10 "The days of our
years : . . . And all the days of years are threescore years and
Noah were nine hundred and fifty ten, or even by reason of strength
years ." fourscore years ; yet is their pride
Only One Human Pair Created but labor and sorrow ; for it is
soon gone, and we fly away ."
Acts 17 :26 "He made out of
one man every nation of men, to Because of Forsaking Jehovah
dwell upon the entire surface of Man's Mind Went Wrong,
the earth ." Brought Death to Organism
Gen . 3 :20 "The man called his John 17 :3 "This means ever-
wife's name Eve ; because she was lasting life, their taking in knowl-
the mother of all living ." edge of you, the only true God,
Gen . 5 :4 "The days of Adam and of the one whom you sent
after he begat Seth were eight forth, Jesus Christ."
hundred years : and he begat sons Jas . 1 :14, 15 "But each one is
and daughters ." tried by being drawn out and
No Evolution in Mankind enticed by his own desire . Then
the desire, when it has become
Gen . 5 :3 "Adam lived a hun- fertile, gives birth to sin ; in turn,
dred and thirty years, and begat sin, when it has been accom-
a son in his own likeness, after plished, brings forth death."
his image ; and called his name Hos. 4 :6 "My people are de-
Seth ." stroyed for lack of knowledge ."
Gift of Perfect Language Given Earth's Production Degraded by
to Man by God-Not Evolved Man's Abuses
Gen . 2 :19, 20 "Out of the Gen. 13 :10 "And Lot lifted up
ground Jehovah God formed every his eyes, and beheld all the Plain
beast of the field, and every bird of the Jordan, that it was well
of the heavens ; and brought watered every where, before Je-
them unto the man to see what hovah destroyed Sodom and Go-
he would call them : and whatso- morrah, like the garden of Je-
ever the man called every living hovah, like the land of Egypt,
creature, that was the name as thou goest unto Zoar ."
thereof . And the man gave names Num . 13 :23 "And they came
to all cattle, and to the birds of unto the valley of Eshcol, and cut
the heavens, and to every beast down from thence a branch with
of the field." one cluster of grapes, and they
Jas. 1 :17 "Every good gift and bare it upon a staff between two ;
every perfect present is from they brought also of the pome-
above, for it comes down from granates, and of the figs,"
the Father of the celestial lights,
and with him there is not a varia- Rev. 11 :18 "Bring to ruin those
tion of the turning of the shad- ruining the earth ."
ow." Isa . 14 :17 "That made the
world as a wilderness, and over-
Man Degraded Rather than threw the cities thereof ; that let
Evolving Higher not loose his prisoners to their
Deut . 32 :5 "They have dealt home ."
corruptly with him, they are not Ps. 67:6 "The earth hath
his children, it is their blemish ; yielded its increase ."
Evolution 118
Children Affected by Corrupt- tuaries : . . . Either a bullock or a
ness of Adam Their Father lamb that hath anything super-
Matt. 7 :17, 18 "Likewise every fluous or lacking in his parts, that
good tree produces fine fruit, but mayest thou offer for a freewill-
every rotten tree produces bad offering ; but for a vow it shall
fruit ; a good tree cannot bear not be accepted ."
bad fruit, neither can a rotten Sickness, Infirmity, Not Natural
tree produce fine fruit ." Gen . 3 :16-19 "Unto the woman
Matt. 12 :33 "Either you people he said, I will greatly multiply
make the tree fine and its fruit thy pain and thy conception ; in
fine or make the tree rotten and pain thou shalt bring forth chil-
its fruit rotten ; for by its fruit dren ; . . . And unto Adam he said,
the tree is known ." . . .cursed is the ground for thy
Lam . 5 :7 "Our fathers sinned, sake ; in toil shalt thou eat of it
and are not ; and we have borne all the days of thy life ; thorns
their iniquities ." also and thistles shall it bring
Jer. 31 :29, 30 "In those days forth to thee ; and thou shalt
they shall say no more, The eat the herb of the field ; in the
fathers have eaten sour grapes, sweat of thy face shalt thou eat
and the children's teeth are set bread, till thou return unto the
on edge . But every one shall die ground ."
for his own iniquity : every man Matt . 8 :17 "He himself took our
that eateth the sour grapes, his sicknesses and carried our dis-
teeth shall be set on edge ." eases ."
Ps. 51 :5 "Behold, I was brought
forth in iniquity ; and in sin did Luke 5 :23 "Which is easier, to
my mother conceive me ." say, `Your sins are forgiven you,'
Deformities the Result of Man's or to say, `Get up and walk'?"
Imperfectly Functioning Body "Brute-Type" Men Found Are
Lev. 21 :17-23; 22 :23 "Whosoever Result of Degradation, False
he be of thy seed throughout Religion ; God's Servants
their generations that hath a Were Never Such
blemish, let him not approach Gen. 6 :12 "And God saw the
to offer the bread of his God. earth, and, behold, it was cor-
For whatsoever man he be that rupt ; for all flesh had corrupted
hath a blemish, he shall not ap- their way upon the earth ."
proach : a blind man, or a lame, Job 2 :3 "Jehovah said unto
or he that hath a flat nose, or Satan, Hast thou considered my
anything superfluous, or a man servant Job? for there is none
that is broken-footed, or broken- like him in the earth, a perfect
handed, or crook-backed, or a and an upright man, one that
dwarf, or that hath a blemish in feareth God, and turneth away
his eye, or is scurvy, or scabbed, from evil ."
or hath his stones broken ; no Jer. 2 :21 "Yet I had planted
man of the seed of Aaron the thee a noble vine, wholly a right
priest, that hath a blemish, shall seed : how then art thou turned
come nigh to offer the offerings into the degenerate branches of
of Jehovah made by fire : he hath a foreign vine unto me?"
a blemish ; he shall not come nigh Prov. 28 :18 "Whoso walketh up-
to offer the bread of his God . He rightly shall be delivered ; but he
shall eat the bread of his God . that is perverse in his ways shall
both of the most holy, and of the fall at once ."
holy : only he shall not go in unto
the veil, nor come nigh unto the Gen . 6 :9-12 "Noah was a right-
altar, because he hath a blemish ; eous man, and perfect in his
that he profane not my sanc- generations : Noah walked with

119 Faith
God . . . . all flesh had corrupted Heb. 11 :1 "Faith is the assured
their way upon the earth ." expectation of things hoped for,
Faith Without Proof or Founda- the evident demonstration of re-
tion Required for Evolution alities though not beheld ."
"The evolution doctrine is not Hostility of Evolutionists Toward
a creed to be accepted on faith, Bible Based on Misunderstand-
as are religious faiths or creeds . ing and Not on True Science
It appeals entirely to the logical 2 Pet. 3 :16 "Speaking about
faculties, not to the spiritual, these things as he does also in
and is not to be accepted until all his other letters. In them,
proved." (From H. H . Newman's however, are some things hard to
list of "What Organic Evolution understand, the meaning of which
Is Not") -Evolution, Creation, the untaught and unsteady are
and Science, by Frank Lewis twisting, as they do also the rest
Marsh. of the Scriptures, to their own
"Professor T. L . More, Univer- destruction ."
sity of Cincinnati : `The more one Col . 2 :8 "Look out : perhaps
studies palaeontology, the more there may be some man that will
certain one becomes that evolu- carry you off as his prey through
tion is based on faith alone ; ex- the philosophy and empty decep-
actly the same sort of faith which tion according to the tradition of
it is necessary to have when one men, according to the elementary
encounters the great mysteries things of the world and not ac-
of religion .' cording to Christ ."
"Professor Bateson stated : 1 Tim . 4 :7 "But turn down the
`Though we must hold to our
faith in the evolution of species false stories which violate what is
there is little evidence as to how holy and which old women tell .
it came about, and no clear proof On the other hand, be training
that the process is continuing in yourself with godly devotion as
any considerable degree at the your aim ."
present time .'"-"Let God Be See "Creation", "Races of Man-
True", p . 86 . kind," "Jehovah," "Soul ."

"Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident
demonstration of realities though not beheld ." (Heb. 11 :1) Faith is
an intellectual understanding and appreciation of God's Word and a
confident reliance upon that Word . The true "Christian faith" is
the sum of beliefs concerning Jehovah God and his kingdom as
delivered to us by his chosen Seed, Jesus Christ, and his inspired
disciples . It is based upon the ancient Hebrew Scriptures, to which
Jesus constantly made reference to support what he taught and to
which later the inspired Greek Scriptures were added as a source
of accurate knowledge for developing faith.
Jehovah, the Faithful God nant and lovingkindness with
Deut. 7 :9 "Know therefore that them that love him and keep his
Jehovah thy God, he is God, the commandments to a thousand
faithful God, who keepeth cove- generations ."
Faith 120
Faith Necessary for Relationship True Faith Founded upon
with God Christ Jesus
Heb. 11 :6 "Without faith it is Heb . 12 :2 "We look intently
impossible to win his [God's] at the leader and perfecter of
good pleasure, for he that ap- our faith, Jesus ."
proaches God must believe that Col . 1 :23 "Provided, of course,
he is and that he becomes the that you continue in the faith,
rewarder of those earnestly seek- established on the foundation and
ing him ." steadfast and not being shifted
Rom . 10 :13, 14 "For `anyone away from the hope of that good
that calls upon the name of Je- news which you heard, and which
hovah will be saved'. However, was preached in all creation that
how will they call upon him in is under heaven ."
whom they have not put faith? Acts 3 :13, 15, 16 "The God of
How, in turn, will they put faith Abraham and of Isaac and of
in him of whom they have not Jacob, the God of our forefathers,
heard? How, in turn, will they has glorified his Servant, Jesus,
hear without someone to preach?" whom you, for your part, de-
livered up and disowned before
God's Legal Recognition and Pilate's face, when he had de-
Hope of New World Based cided to release him . . . . you killed
on Faith the Chief Agent of life . But God
Gen . 15 :6 "And he [Abraham] raised him up from the dead, of
believed in Jehovah ; and he reck- which fact we are witnesses . Con-
oned it to him for righteousness ." sequently, his name, by our faith
Rom . 5 :1, 2 "Now that we have in his name, has made this man
been declared righteous as a re- strong whom you behold and
sult of faith, let us enjoy peace know, and the faith that is
with God through our Lord Jesus through him has given the man
Christ, through whom also we this complete soundness in the
have gained our approach by sight of all of you ."
faith into this undeserved kind- 1 Tim . 3:16 "Indeed, the sacred
ness in which we now stand ." secret of this godly devotion is
Rom . 4:13 "For it was not admittedly great : 'He was made
through law that Abraham or his manifest in flesh, was declared
seed had the promise that he righteous in spirit, appeared to
should be heir of a world, but it angels, was preached about among
was through the righteousness by nations, was believed upon in the
faith ." world, was received up in glory .'' ,
Faith Is a Gift from God That Faith in Christ's Ransom
Draws Men to Christ Leads to Salvation
Eph . 2 :8 "By this undeserved Rom . 3 :24, 25 "It is as a free
kindness, indeed, you have been gift that they are being declared
saved through faith ; and this righteous by his undeserved kind-
not owing to you, it is God's gift ." ness through the release by the
John 6 :44, 45, 47 "No man ransom paid by Christ Jesus . God
can come to me unless the Father, set him forth as an offering for
who sent me, draws him, and i propitiation through faith in his
will resurrect him in the last blood ."
day . It is written in the Proph- 1 Pet. 1 :8, 9 "Though you never
ets, `And they will all be taught saw him, you love him . Though
by Jehovah.' Everyone that has you are not looking upon him at
heard the Father's teaching and present, yet you exercise faith in
has learned comes to me. Most him and are greatly rejoicing
truly I say to you, He that be- with an unspeakable and glorified
lieves has everlasting life ." joy, as you receive the accom-
121 Faith
plished end of your faith, the sal- of a mustard grain, you will say
vation of your souls." to this mountain, `Transfer from
Gift of Faith Must Be Developed here to there,' and it will trans-
According to Accurate fer, and nothing will be impossi-
Knowledge ble for you ."
1 Cor. 13 :2 "If I have all the
2 Thess . 1 :3 "We are obligated faith so as to transplant moun-
to give God thanks . . . because tains, but do not have love, I am
your faith is growing exceedingly nothing ."
and the love of each and all of
you is increasing one toward the 1 Tim . 6:12 "Contend for vic-
other." tory in the right contest of the
Eph . 4:13 "Until we all attain faith, get a firm hold on the
everlasting life for which you
to the oneness in the faith and
in the accurate knowledge of the were called ."
Son of God ." Heb . 11 :33 "Who through faith
Heb . 6 :1 "For this reason, now defeated kingdoms in conflict ."
that we have left the elemen- Overcomes the Devil
tary doctrine about the Christ, and the World
let us press on to maturity, not 1 Pet . 5 :9 "But take your stand
laying a foundation again, name- against him [the Devil], solid in
ly, repentance from dead works, the faith, knowing that the same
and faith toward God ." things in the way of sufferings
By Trials One's Faith Is Tested are being accomplished in the en-
to Prove Its Quality tire association of your brothers
Jas. 1 :2, 3 "Consider it all joy, in the world."
my brothers, when you meet with 1 John 5 :4 "And this is the
various trials, knowing as you conquest that has conquered the
do that this tested quality of world, our faith."
your faith works out endurance ." Keep Healthy in the Faith
1 Pet. 1 :6, 7 "You have been
grieved by various trials, in order 2 Cor. 13 :5 "Keep testing
that the tested quality of your whether you are in the faith,
faith, of much greater value than keep proving what you yourselves
gold that perishes despite its are ."
being proved by fire, may be Titus 1 :13 "For this very cause
found a cause for praise and keep on reproving them with se-
glory and honor at the revelation verity, that they may be healthy
of Jesus Christ ." in the faith ."
1 Cor. 10 :13 "But God is faith- Faith Governs a Christian's
ful and he will not let you be Life-Course
tempted beyond what you can
bear ." 2 Cor . 5 :7 "We are walking by
faith, not by sight ."
Added to Your Faith Must Be Heb . 10 :38 ; Hab . 2 :4 "But my
Works and Virtue righteous one will live by reason
Jas. 2 :17, 26 "Faith, if it does of faith ."
not have works, is dead in itself . 2 Tim. 4 :7 "I have run the
Indeed, as the body without course to the finish, I have ob-
breath is dead, so also faith with- served the faith ."
out works is dead ." Lack of Faith the `Sin That
2 Pet . 1 :5 "Supply to your faith Easily Entangles'
virtue ."
Heb . 3 :12 "Beware, brothers,
Faith Removes Obstacles for fear there should ever develop
Hindering True Worship in any one of you a wicked heart
Matt . 17 :20 "For truly I say to lacking faith by drawing away
you, If you have faith the size from the living God ."

Freedom 1 22
Rom . 11 :20 "For their lack of there on account of their lack
faith they were broken off, but of faith ."
you are standing by faith . Quit Strong Faith Gives Protection
having lofty ideas, but be in Against Wicked Demons
fear ." Eph . 6 :16 "Above all things,
Heb. 12 :1 "Let us also put off take up the large shield of faith,
every weight and the sin that with which you will be able to
easily entangles us, and let us quench all the wicked one's burn-
run with endurance the race that ing missiles ."
is set before us ." 1 Thess . 5 :8 "Let us keep our
Matt . 13 :58 "And he [Jesus] senses and have on the breast-
did not do many powerful works plate of faith ."

In its broadest sense and as used in the Bible and in the field of
government it means merely "acting at will" . It is the acting and the
performance of acts freely according to one's will, with or without
restraints, for the general welfare . The subject of freedom involves
the faculty of "free will", which God as Creator Superior has given
to angels and men so that they can conduct themselves voluntarily
in a way pleasing to their Maker . It is this field of "free will" action
wherein governments, both theocratic and man-made, grant con-
trolled liberties and freedoms .
Jehovah as Sovereign Superior rael's Majestic One, I, I who
Solely Enjoys Absolute Freedom ; made the earth, I who created
Acts at Will Without Restraint . man on earth, I who stretched
He Alone Is Independent out the heavens with my own
Isa . 40 :13, 15 "Who hath di- hands, I who ordered all their
rected the spirit of Jehovah, or host ! "
being his counsellor hath taught Jehovah a God of Freedom ; His
him? Behold, the nations are as Organization Dwells in Climate
a drop of a bucket, and are ac- of Freedom
counted as the small dust of the 2 Cor . 3 :17 "Now Jehovah is
balance : behold, he taketh up the the spirit ; and where the spirit
isles as a very little thing ." of Jehovah is, there is freedom."
Rom . 9 :20, 21 "0 man, who, Gal. 4 :25, 26 "Now this Hagar
then, really are you to be an- means Sinai, a mountain in Ara-
swering back to God? Shall the bia, and she corresponds with
thing molded say to him that the Jerusalem today, for she is in
molded it, `Why did you make
me this way?' What? Does not slavery with her children . But
the potter have authority over the the Jerusalem above is free, and
clay to make from the same lump she is our mother ."
one vessel for an honorable use, Man Made in God's Image
another for a dishonorable use?" Granted Climate of Freedom,
Isa. 45 :11, 12, Mo "And would a Vast Field of Freewill
you question me about the fu- Action
ture? would you dictate to me
about my work? says the Eternal Gen . 1 :26, 28-30 "And God said,
[Jehovah, AS], Israel's Maker, Is- Let us make man in our image,
1 23 Freedom
after our likeness : and let them the days of thy life ; thorns also
have dominion over the fish of and thistles shall it bring forth
the sea, and over the birds of the to thee ; and thou shalt eat the
heavens, and over the cattle, and herb of the field ; in the sweat
over all the earth, and over of thy face shalt thou eat bread,
every creeping thing that creep- till thou return unto the ground ;
eth upon the earth . . . . and God for out of it wast thou taken :
said unto them, Be fruitful, and for dust thou art, and unto dust
multiply, and replenish the earth, shalt thou return ."
and subdue it ; and have domin- Rom. 5 :12 "Just as through one
ion over the fish of the sea, and man sin entered into the world
over the birds of the heavens, and and death through sin, and thus
over every living thing that death spread to all men because
moveth upon the earth. And God they had all sinned ."
said, Behold, I have given you Also : Rom . 6 :16 .
every herb yielding seed, which Faithful Mankind Promised Res-
is upon the face of all the earth, toration of Original Safe Free-
and every tree, in which is the dom in a Jubilee
fruit of a tree yielding seed ; to
you it shall be for food : and to Rom . 8 :21 "The creation itself
every beast of the earth, and to also will be set free from enslave-
every bird of the heavens, and ment to corruption and have the
to everything that creepeth upon glorious freedom of the children
the earth, wherein there is life, of God ."
I have given every green herb Lev . 25 :10 "And ye shall hallow
for food : and it was so ." the fiftieth year, and proclaim
Perfect Man's Original Freedom liberty throughout the land unto
Relative. Restricted by Law all the inhabitants thereof : it
for Man's Good shall be a jubilee unto you ; and
Gen . 2 :16, 17 "And Jehovah ye shall return every man unto
God commanded the man, saying, his possession, and ye shall return
Of every tree of the garden thou every man unto his family."
mayest freely eat : but of the tree Isa . 49:8, 9 "Thus saith Jeho-
of the knowledge of good and vah, In an acceptable time have
evil, thou shalt not eat of it : for I answered thee, and in a day
in the day that thou eatest of salvation have I helped thee ;
thereof thou shalt surely die ." and I will preserve thee, and give
Man Loses Original Freedom, thee for a covenant of the people,
to raise up the land, to make
Enters Slavery of Sin and Death. them inherit the desolate herit-
He Went Beyond the Bounds of ages ; saying to them that are
His Safe Freedom bound, Go forth ; to them that
Gen . 3:11, 12, 17-19 "Hast thou are in darkness, Show yourselves .
eaten of the tree, whereof I com- They shall feed in the ways, and
manded thee that thou shouldest on all bare heights shall be their
not eat? And the man said, The pasture ."
woman whom thou gayest to be Mosaic Law Foreshadows Re-
with me, she gave me of the demption from Slavery by
tree, and I did eat . And unto a Near Kinsman
Adam he said, Because thou hast Lev . 25 :47, 48 "And if a stranger
hearkened unto the voice of thy
wife, and hast eaten of the tree, or sojourner with thee be waxed
of which I commanded thee, sav- rich, and thy brother be waxed
poor beside him, and sell himself
ing, Thou shalt not eat of it : unto the stranger . . . after that he
cursed is the ground for thy sake ; is sold he may be redeemed ; one
in toil shalt thou eat of it all of his brethren may redeem him ."
Freedom 124
Christ Jesus, the "Son of Man", Christians Now Set Free from
Is Man's Kinsman, Redeemer, Bondage of False Religion and
Liberator Satan's Organization
John 1 :14 "So the Word became 2 Cor . 6 :17 "'Therefore get out
flesh and resided among us, and from among them, and separate
we had a view of his glory, a yourselves,' says Jehovah, 'and
glory such as belongs to an only- quit touching the unclean thing .'"
begotten son from a father ." Rev. 18 :4 "And I heard another
Matt. 20 :28 "Just as the Son voice out of heaven say : 'Get out
of man came, not to be minis- of her, my people, if you do not
tered to, but to minister and to want to share with her in her
give his soul a ransom in ex- sins, and if you do not want to
change for many ." receive part of her plagues .' "
1 Tim . 2 :5, 6 "For there is one Col . 1 :13, 14 "He delivered us
from the authority of the dark-
cod, and one mediator between ness and transplanted us into the
God and men, a man Christ
Jesus, who gave himself a cor- kingdom of the Son of his love,
responding ransom for all-this by means of whom we have our
is what is to be witnessed to at release by ransom, the forgive-
its own particular times ." ness of our sins ."
John 8 :36 "If the Son sets you Beware of Those Falsely Offering
free, you will be actually free ." Freedom and Endeavoring to
Roni . 5 :18, 19 "As through one Destroy Our Christian Rel-
trespass the result to men of all ative Freedom
kinds was condemnation, likewise 2 Pet. 2 :18-20 "For they utter
Also through one act of justifica- swelling expressions of no profit,
tion the result to men of all kinds and by the desires of the flesh
is a declaring of them righteous and by loose habits they entice
for life . For just as through the those who are just escaping from
disobedience of the one man people who conduct themselves
many were constituted sinners, in error . While they are promis-
likewise also through the obe- ing them freedom, they them-
dience of the one person many selves are existing as slaves of
will be constituted righteous ." corruption . For whoever is over-
Accepted Bible Truth as to Christ come by another is enslaved by
Leads to Freedom this one . Certainly if, after hav-
ing escaped from the defilements
John 8 :31, 32 "If you remain in of the world by an accurate knowl-
my word, you are really my disci- edge of the Lord and Savior Je-
ples, and you will know the truth, sus Christ, they get involved again
and the truth will set you free ." with these very things and are
Gal . 5 :1 "For such freedom overcome, the final conditions
Christ set us free . Therefore stand have become worse for them than
fast and do not let yourselves be the first ."
confined again in a yoke of slav- Gal. 2 :4 "But because of the
false brothers brought in quietly,
ery." who sneaked in to spy upon our
Rom . 6 :18 "Since you were set freedom which we have in union
free from sin, you became slaves with Christ Jesus ."
to righteousness ." Follow the Kingly "Law of
Luke 4 :18 "Jehovah's spirit is Freedom"
upon me, because he anointed me Jas . 1 :25 "He who peers into
to declare good news to the poor, the perfect law that belongs to
he sent me forth to preach a re- freedom and who persists in it,
lease to the captives ." this man, because he has become,
12 5 Freedom
not a forgetful hearer, but a doer Freedom of speech
of the work, will be happy in his Eph . 3 :11, 12 "According to the
doing it ." eternal purpose which he formed
Jas. 2 :12, 13 "Keep on speaking in connection with the Christ,
in such a way and keep on doing Jesus our Lord, by means of
in such a way as those do who whom we have this freeness of
are going to be judged by the law speech and an approach with
of a free people . For the one confidence through our faith in
that does not practice mercy will him ."
have his judgment without mercy .
Mercy exults triumphantly over Freedom from sickness
judgment." Rev. 21 :4 "And he will wipe
Jas . 2 :8, 9 "If, now, you prac- out every tear from their eyes,
tice carrying out the kingly law . . . neither will mourning nor out-
according to the Scriptures, `You cry nor pain be any more . The
must love your neighbor as your- former things have passed away ."
self,' you are doing quite well .
But if you continue showing Freedom from death
favoritism, you are working a sin, Rev. 21 :4 "And death will be
for you are reproved by the law no more ."
as transgressors ." Freedom from gravedom, Hades
Assured New World Freedoms Rev . 20 :12, 13 "And I saw the
Now Near dead, the great and the small,
Freedom from want standing before the throne . . . .
Isa . 65:21, 22 "And they shall And the sea gave up those dead
build houses, and inhabit them ; in it, and death and Hades gave
up those dead in them, and they
and they shall plant vineyards, were judged individually accord-
and eat the fruit of them . They ing to their deeds."
shall not build, and another in-
habit ; they shall not plant, and Freedom from animal hostility
another eat : for as the days of a Ezek . 34 :25, 28 "And I will
tree shall be the days of my make with them a covenant of
people, and my chosen shall long peace, and will cause evil beasts
enjoy the work of their hands ." to cease out of the land ; and
Freedom from fear they shall dwell securely in the
wilderness, and sleep in the
Mic. 4 :4 "But they shall sit woods . And they shall no more
every man under his vine and be a prey to the nations, neither
under his fig-tree ; and none shall shall the beasts of the earth de-
make them afraid : for the mouth vour them ; but they shall dwell
of Jehovah of hosts hath spoken securely, and none shall make
it ." them afraid ."
Freedom of worship Freedom from attack or injury
John 4 :23 "The hour is coming, Isa . 11 :9 "They shall not hurt
and it is now, when the genuine nor destroy in all my holy moun-
worshipers will worship the Fa- tain ; for the earth shall be full
ther with spirit and truth, for, in- of the knowledge of Jehovah, as
deed, the Father is looking for the waters cover the sea ."
such kind to worship him ."
Zech . 14 :16 "And it shall come Freedom from war
to pass, that every one that is left Mic . 4:3 "And they shall beat
of all the nations that came their swords into plowshares, and
against Jerusalem shall go up their spears into pruning-hooks ;
from year to year to worship the nation shall not lift up sword
King, Jehovah of hosts, and to against nation, neither shall they
keep the feast of tabernacles ." learn war any more."
Friendship with the World 126
Freedom from past record of sin Freedom of education for life
Jer . 31 :34 "For I will forgive Rev . 22 :17 "And let anyone
their iniquity, and their sin will thirsting come ; let anyone that
I remember no more ." wishes take life's water free ."
1 John 2 :2 "And he [Christ Isa . 55 :1 "Ho, everyone that
Jesus] is a propitiatory sacrifice thirsteth, come ye to the waters,
for our sins, yet not for ours only and he that hath no money ;
but also for the whole world's ." come ye, buy, and eat ."

Friendship with the World

Love of the present evil system of things ruled by Satan the Devil
the world, composed of a "heavens"-the demons ; an "earth"-the
visible organization of false religion, politics, commerce) . Taking part
in and supporting its political, commercial and false religious schemes
or participating in its debauchery, reveling and inordinate pleasures .
The person who takes a course parallel to the ways of this world,
though he may claim to be Christian, is showing love for and friend-
ship with this world .
This World Consists of Demon Eph . 6 :12 "Because we have a
"Heavens" and Wicked Visible fight, not against blood and flesh,
"Earth" but against the governments,
2 Pet. 3 :7 "The heavens and against the authorities, against
the earth that are now are stored the world-rulers of this darkness,
up for fire and are being reserved against the wicked spirit forces
to the day of judgment and of in the heavenly places ."
destruction of the ungodly men ." Things This World Loves
This World Is Controlled by Jer . 5 :30, 31 "A wonderful and
Satan horrible thing is come to pass in
Matt. 4 :8, 9 "Again the Devil the land : the prophets prophesy
took him along to an unusually falsely, and the priests bear rule
high mountain, and showed him by their means ; and my people
all the kingdoms of the world love to have it so : and what will
and their glory, and he said to ye do in the end thereof?"
him : `All these things I will give 1 John 2 :16 "Because every-
you if you fall down and do an thing in the world-the desire of
act of worship to me .' " the flesh and the desire of the
2 Cor . 4 :4 "The god of this eyes and the showy display of
system of things has blinded the one's means of life-does not
minds of the unbelievers, that the originate with the Father, but
illumination of the glorious good originates with the world."
news about the Christ, who is the Luke 12 :29, 30 "So quit seeking
image of God, might not shine what you might eat and what you
through ." might drink, and quit being in
1 John 5 :19 "The whole world anxious suspense, for all these are
is lying in the power of the the things the nations of the
wicked one ." world are eagerly pursuing ."
Ps. 96 :5 "For all the gods of Rev . 18 :3, 23 " `For because of
the peoples are idols ; but Jeho- the passion-arousing wine of her
vah made the heavens." fornication all the nations have
127 Friendship with the World
fallen victim, and the kings of this system of things nor that of
the earth committed fornication the rulers of this system of things
with her, and the merchants of who are to come to nothing . But
the earth became rich due to the we speak God's wisdom in a sa-
power of her shameless luxury .' cred secret, the hidden wisdom,
`And no light of a lamp will which God foreordained before
ever shine in you again, and no the systems of things for our
voice of a bridegroom and of a glory. This wisdom not one of
bride will ever be heard in you the rulers of this system of things
again ; because your merchants came to know, for if they had
were the top-ranking men of the known it they would not have
earth, for by your spiritistic impaled the glorious Lord . Now
practice all the nations were mis- we received, not the spirit of the
led .' " world, but the spirit which is
World Hates God's Servants from God, that we might know
the things that have been kindly
John 17 :14 "I have given your given us by God ."
word to them, but the world has 1 Cor. 3 :18, 19 "Let no one be
hated them, because they are no seducing himself : If anyone
part of the world just as I am among you thinks he is wise in
no part of the world ." this system of things, let him be-
1 Cor . 4 :13 "We have become come a fool, that he may be-
as the refuse of the world, the come wise . For the wisdom of this
offscouring of all things, and we world is foolishness with God ; for
are so now ." it is written : `He catches the wise
1 John 3 :13 "Do not marvel, in their own craftiness .'"
brothers, that the world hates Rom . 8 :6 "For the minding of
you ." the flesh means death, but the
Rev. 18 :24 "Yes, in her was minding of the spirit means life
found the blood of prophets and and peace ."
of holy ones and of all those who
have been slaughtered on the World's Course of Action
earth." 2 Tim. 3 :1-5 "But know this,
This World's Thinking Is Out that in the last days critical times
of Harmony with God hard to deal with will be here .
1 Cor . 1 :20-28 "Where is the For men will be lovers of them-
wise man? Where the scribe? selves, lovers of money, self-
Where the debater of this system assuming, haughty, blasphemers,
of things? Did not God make the disobedient to parents, without
wisdom of the world foolish? For gratitude, with no loving-
since, in the wisdom of God, the kindness, having no natural af-
world through its wisdom did not fection, not open to any agree-
get to know God, God saw good ment, slanderers, without self-
through the foolishness of what control, fierce, without love of
is preached to save those believ- goodness, betrayers, headstrong,
ing. . . . Because a foolish thing of puffed up with self-esteem, lovers
God is wiser than men, and a of pleasures rather than lovers of
weak thing of God is stronger God, having a form of godly de-
than men . . . . and God chose the votion but proving false to its
ignoble things of the world and power ; and from these turn
the things looked down upon, the away ."
things that are not, that he might Jas. 3:14-16 "But if you have
bring to nothing the things that bitter jealousy and contentious-
are." ness in your hearts, do not be
1 Cor . 2 :6-8, 12 "Now we speak bragging and lying against the
wisdom among those who are truth. This is not the wisdom
adults, but not the wisdom of that comes down from above . but
Friendship with the World 128
is the earthly, animal, demonic . arise and mislead many . For false
For where jealousy and conten- Christs and false prophets will
tiousness are, there disorder and arise and will give great signs
every vile thing are ." and wonders so as to mislead, if
1 Pet. 4 :3, 4 "For the time that possible, even the chosen ones.'"
has passed by is sufficient for you Rev . 16 :14 "They are, in fact,
to have worked out the will of expressions inspired by demons
the nations when you proceeded and perform signs, and they go
in deeds of loose conduct, lusts, forth to the kings of the entire
excesses with wine, revelries, inhabited earth, to gather them
drinking matches, and idolatries together to the war of the great
that are without legal restraint . day of God the Almighty ."
Because you do not continue run- 1 John 4 :1 "Beloved ones, do
ning with them in this course not believe every inspired expres-
to the same low sink of de- sion, but test the inspired expres-
bauchery, they are puzzled and sions to see whether they origi-
go on speaking abusively of you ." nate with God, because many
Gal. 5 :19-21 "Now the works false prophets have gone forth
of the flesh are manifest, and into the world ."
they are fornication, uncleanness, 2 John 7 "The reason why is
loose conduct, idolatry, practice that many deceivers have gone
of spiritism, hatreds, strife, jeal- forth into the world, persons not
ousy, fits of anger, contentions, confessing Jesus Christ as coming
divisions, sects, envies, drunken in the flesh ."
bouts, revelries, and things like
these ." Rev . 12 :9 "Down the great
Rom . 1 :29-31 "Filled as they dragon was hurled, the original
were with all unrighteousness, serpent, the one called Devil and
wickedness, covetousness, inju- Satan, who is misleading the en-
riousness, being full of envy, mur- tire inhabited earth ."
der, strife, deceit, malicious dis- Rev . 13:13, 14 "And it [the two-
position, being whisperers, back- horned beast] performs great
biters, haters of God, insolent, signs, so that it should even
haughty, self-assuming, inventors make fire come down out of
of injurious things, disobedient heaven to the earth in the sight
to parents, without understand- of mankind ."
ing, false to agreements, having Rev . 17 :8 "The wild beast that
no natural affection, merciless ." you saw was, but is not, and yet
2 Pet . 3 :3, 4 "For you know this is destined to ascend out of the
first, that in the last days there abyss, and it is to go off into
will come ridiculers with their destruction . And when they see
ridicule, proceeding according to how the wild beast was, but is
their own desires and saying : not, and yet will be present, those
`Where is this promised presence who dwell on the earth will won-
of his? Why, from the day our der admiringly, but their names
forefathers fell asleep in death, have not been written upon the
all things are continuing exactly scroll of life from the world's
as from creation's beginning .' " foundation ."
World's Deceptive Propaganda Col . 2 :8 "Look out : perhaps
Matt. 24 :4, 5, 11, 24 "And in there may be some man that will
answer Jesus said to them : `Look carry you off as his prey through
out that nobody misleads you ; the philosophy and empty decep-
for many will come on the basis tion according to the tradition of
of my name, saying : "I am the men, according to the elementary
Christ," and will mislead many . things of the world and not ac-
And many false prophets will cording to Christ."
129 Friendship with the World
Friendship with World Is Enmity Isa . 24 :5, 6 "The earth also is
Toward God polluted under the inhabitants
Jas . 4 :4 "Adulteresses, do you thereof ; because they have trans-
not know that the friendship with gressed the laws, violated the
the world is enmity with God? statutes, broken the everlasting
Whoever, therefore, wants to be covenant . Therefore hath the
a friend of the world is constitut- curse devoured the earth, and
ing himself an enemy of God ." they that dwell therein are found
1 John 2 :15 "Do not be loving guilty : therefore the inhabitants
either the world or the things of the earth are burned, and few
in the world. If anyone loves the men left."
world, the love of the Father is Matt. 16:26 "For what benefit
not in him ." will it be to a man if he gains
the whole world but forfeits his
Christian Must Not Even Take a soul? or what will a man give in
Course Parallel to This World exchange for his soul?"
Rom. 6 :13-16 "Neither go on 2 Pet. 2 :20 "Certainly if, after
presenting your members to sin having escaped from the defile-
as weapons of unrighteousness, ments of the world by an ac-
but present yourselves to God as curate knowledge of the Lord and
those alive from the dead, also Savior Jesus Christ, they get in-
your members to God as weapons volved again with these very
of righteousness. For sin must not things and are overcome, the final
be master over you, seeing that conditions have become worse for
you are not under law but under them than the first ."
undeserved kindness . What fol- 1 Cor. 11 :32 "However, when
lows? Shall we commit a sin we are judged, we are disciplined
because we are not under law by Jehovah, that we may not be-
but under undeserved kindness? come condemned with the world ."
Never may that happen! Do you World's Manner of Thinking,
not know that if you keep pre- Doing Things Will Pass Away
senting yourselves to anyone as 1 Cor . 7 :31 "The scene of this
slaves to obey him, you are slaves world is changing ."
of him because you obey him,
either of sin with death in view Isa . 65 :17 "For, behold, I create
or of obedience with righteousness new heavens and a new earth ;
in view?" and the former things shall not
Jas . 1 :27 "The form of worship be remembered, nor come into
that is clean and undefiled from mind ."
the standpoint of our God and 1 John 2 :17 "Furthermore, the
Father is this : to care for or- world is passing away and so is
phans and widows in their tribu- its desire, but he that does the
lation, and to keep oneself with- will of God remains forever ."
out spot from the world." Col. 2 :20 "If you died together
Rom. 13 :14 "But put on the with Christ toward the elemen-
Lord Jesus Christ, and do not be tary things of the world, why do
planning ahead for the desires of you, as if living in the world,
the flesh ." further subject yourselves to the
Friendship with This World Re- Eph . 2 :1-3 "Furthermore, it is
sults in Destruction with it you God made alive though you
Isa . 13 :11 "And I will punish were dead in your trespasses and
the world for their evil, and the sins, in which you at one time
wicked for their iniquity ; and I walked according to the system
will cause the arrogancy of the of things of this world, according
proud to cease, and will lay low to the ruler of the authority
the haughtiness of the terrible ." of the air, the spirit that now
Friendship with the World 130
operates in the sons of disobe- wicked system of things according
dience . Yes, among them we all to the will of our God and
at one time conducted ourselves Father."
in harmony with the desires of God's Spirit Causes Christians to
our flesh, doing the things the Maintain Integrity to God in
flesh and the thoughts willed, and This World
we were naturally children of
wrath even as the rest." John 14 :17 ; 16 :8 "The spirit of
the truth, which the world can-
Jesus' Course Brought Judgment not receive, because it neither be-
of Condemnation on This World holds it nor knows it . You know
John 12 :31 "Now there is a it, because it remains with you
judging of this world ; now the and is in you." "And when that
ruler of this world will be cast one arrives he will give the world
out ." convincing evidence concerning
John 16:11 "The ruler of this sin and concerning righteousness
world has been judged ." and concerning judgment ."
Christian Must Overcome This Christian Must Love, Be Kind
World by Maintaining Integrity and Friendly to All Living
to God in the World
John 16 :33 "In the world you Gal . 6 :10 "Really, then, as long
will have tribulation, but cheer as we have time favorable for it,
up! I have conquered the world ." let us work what is good toward
all, but especially toward those
Rev . 2 :7 "To him that conquers related to us in the faith ."
I will grant to eat of the tree of
life, which is in the paradise of Luke 6 :27-36 "But I say to you
God ." who are listening, Continue to
1 John 5 :4, 5 "Because every- love your enemies, to do good to
thing that has been born from those hating you, to bless those
God conquers the world . And this cursing you, to pray for those who
is the conquest that has con- do you injury . . . . Also just as you
quered the world, our faith . Who want men to do to you, do the
is the one that conquers the same way to them . And if you
world but he who has faith that love those loving you, of what
Jesus is the Son of God?" credit is it to you? For even the
sinners love those loving them .
Christian Must Be No Part of And if you do good to those doing
This World good to you, really of what credit
John 15:19 "If you were part is it to you? Even the sinners
of the world, the world would be do the same . . . . To the contrary,
fond of what is its own . Now continue to love your enemies and
because you are no part of the to do good and to lend without
world, but I have chosen you out interest, not hoping for anything
of the world, on this account the back, and your reward will be
world hates you ." great, and you will be sons of the
John 17 :16 "They are no part Most High, because he is kind
of the world just as I am no part toward the unthankful and
of the world ." wicked . Continue becoming com-
passionate, just as your Father is
Rev . 18 :4 "Get out of her, my
people, if you do not want to compassionate."
share with her in her sins, and 1 Cor . 9 :22, 23 "To the weak
if you do not want to receive I became weak, that I might gain
part of her plagues ." the weak . I have become all
Gal . 1 :4 "He gave himself for things to people of all kinds, that
our sins that he might take us I might by all means save some .
out for himself from the present But I do all things for the sake
131 Friendship with the World
of the good news, that I may be- Christians Do Not Pray for Con-
come a sharer of it with others ." tinuance of This World, but that
Heb . 12 :14 "Pursue peace with Rulers May Have Reasonable
all people, and the sanctification Attitude Toward Kingdom
without which no man will see Work
the Lord ." John 17 :9 "I make request con-
Rom . 12 :18-21 "If possible, as cerning them ; I make request,
far as it depends upon you, be not concerning the world, but
peaceable with all men . Do not concerning those you have given
avenge yourselves, beloved, but me ."
yield place to the wrath ; for it 1 Tim . 2 :1, 2 "I therefore exhort
is written : 'Vengeance is mine, I first of all that supplications,
will repay, says Jehovah .' But, 'if prayers, intercessions, offerings of
your enemy is hungry, feed him ; thanks, be made concerning all
if he is thirsty, give him some- kinds of men, concerning kings
thing to drink ; for by doing this and all those who are in high
you will heap fiery coals upon his station, in order that we may
head.' Do not let yourself be con- go on leading a calm and quiet
quered by the evil, but keep con- life with full godly devotion and
quering the evil with the good ." seriousness ."
No Enmity Toward Rulers, but Courts Respected as Proper
in Full Harmony with All Right- Places to Appeal
eous Laws Because of Conscience for Defense
Acts 25 :8, 11 "But Paul said in Acts 24:10 "And Paul, when
defense : 'Neither against the Law the governor nodded to him to
of the Jews nor against the tem- speak, answered : 'Knowing well
ple nor against Caesar have I that this nation has had you as
committed any sin .' 'If, on the judge for many years, I readily
one hand, I am really a wrong- speak in my defense the things
doer and have committed any- about myself.' "
thing deserving of death, I do Acts 26:2, 25 " 'Concerning all
not beg off from dying ; if, on the the things of which I am ac-
other hand, none of those things cused by Jews, King Agrippa, I
exists of which these men accuse count myself happy that it is be-
me, no man can hand me over fore you I am to make my de-
to them as a favor. I appeal to fense this day .' But Paul said :
Caesar!"' 'I am not going mad, Your Ex-
cellency Festus, but I am uttering
Acts 26 :28, 29 "But Agrippa sayings of truth and of soundness
said to Paul : 'In a short time
you would persuade me to become of mind .'"
a Christian .' At this Paul said : 'I Christian Must Have Some
could wish to God that whether Dealings with World (Wit-
in a short time or in a long time nessing, Secular Work)
not only you but also all those John 17 :15 "I request you, not
who hear me today would become to take them out of the world,
men such as I also am, with but to watch over them because
the exception of these bonds .' " of the wicked one ."
Gen. 47 :7 "And Joseph brought 1 Cor . 5 :9-11 "In my letter I
in Jacob his father, and set wrote you to quit mixing in com-
him before Pharaoh : and Jacob pany with fornicators, not mean-
blessed Pharaoh ." ing entirely with the fornicators
1 Pet. 4 :15 "However, let none of this world or the greedy per-
of you suffer as a murderer or a sons and extortioners or idolaters .
thief or an evildoer or as a busy- Otherwise, you would actually
body in other people's matters ." have to get out of the world . But
Friendship with the World 132
now I am writing you to quit put on?' For all these are the
mixing in company with anyone things the nations are eagerly
called a brother that is a forni- pursuing . For your heavenly
cator or a greedy person or an Father knows you need all these
idolater or a reviler or a drunkard things . Keep on, then, seeking
or an extortioner, not even eating first the kingdom and his right-
with such a man ." eousness, and all these other
Matt . 28 :19, 20 "Go therefore things will be added to you ."
and make disciples of people of Eccl . 7 :12 "For wisdom is a
all the nations, baptizing them defence, even as money is a de-
in the name of the Father and of fence ; but the excellency of
the Son and of the holy spirit, knowledge is, that wisdom pre-
teaching them to observe all the serveth the life of him that hath
things I have commanded you . it ."
And, look! I am with you all the Prov. 1 :19 "So are the ways of
days until the consummation of every one that is greedy of gain ;
the system of things ." it taketh away the life of the
owners thereof ."
Christians Do Not Let Money-
making Hinder Their Prov. 15 :27 "He that is greedy
Kingdom Work of gain troubleth his own house ;
but he that hateth bribes shall
Jas . 4 :13, 14 "Come, now, you live."
who say, `Today or tomorrow we
will travel to this city and will Christian's Conscience Not In-
spend a year there, and we will herent ; Must Be Trained
engage in business and make by God's Word
profits,' whereas you do not know Jer . 17 :9 "The heart is deceitful
what your life will be tomorrow . above all things, and it is exceed-
For you are a mist appearing for ingly corrupt : who can know it?"
a little while and then disap- Titus 1 :15 "All things are clean
pearing." to clean persons. But to persons
1 Tim. 6 :10 "For the love of defiled and faithless nothing is
money is a root of all sorts of clean, but both their minds and
injurious things, and by reaching their consciences are defiled ."
out for this love some have been 1 Tim . 1 :13 "Although formerly
led astray from the faith and I was a blasphemer and a per-
have stabbed themselves all over secutor and an insolent man .
with many pains ." Nevertheless, I was shown mercy,
Matt. 6 :19-21, 25-34 "Stop stor- because I was ignorant and acted
ing up for yourselves treasures with a lack of faith ."
upon the earth, where moth and Rom. 10 :2, 3 "For I bear them
rust consume, and where thieves witness that they have a zeal
break in and steal . Rather, store for God ; but not according to ac-
up for yourselves treasures in curate knowledge ; for, because of
heaven, where neither moth nor not knowing the righteousness of
rust consume, and where thieves God but seeking to establish their
do not break in and steal. For own, they did not subject them-
where your treasure is, there your selves to the righteousness of
heart will be also . On this ac- God."
count I say to you : Stop being John 8 :31, 32 "If you remain
anxious about your souls as to in my word, you are really my
what you will eat or what you disciples, and you will know the
will drink, or about your bodies truth, and the truth will set you
as to what you will wear . . . . So free."
never be anxious and say : `What 2 Tim . 3 :16, 17 "All Scripture
are we to eat?' or, `What are we is inspired of God and beneficial
to drink?' or, `What are we to for teaching, for reproving, for
133 Friendship with the World
setting things straight, for disci- Christians Stand Among Nations
plining in righteousness, that the as Ambassadors
man of God may be fully com- 2 Cor . 5:20 "We are therefore
petent, completely equipped for ambassadors
every good work ." substituting for
Christ, as though God were mak-
1 Tim . 4 :2 "By the hypocrisy of ing entreaty through us . As sub-
men who speak lies, marked in stitutes for Christ we beg : 'Be-
their conscience as with a brand- come reconciled to God .' "
ing iron ." Eph . 6 :19, 20 "The good news,
Violation of Conscience Means for which I am acting as an am-
God's Disfavor bassador in chains ."
Acts 24 :16 "In this respect, in- Phil. 3 :20 "As for us, our citi-
deed, I am exercising myself con- zenship exists in the heavens ."
tinually to have a consciousness Christians Neutral, Do Not Inter-
of committing no offense against fere with World's Conflicts,
God and men ." Schemes or Politics
1 Tim . 1 :19 "Holding faith and 2 Tim . 2 :3, 4 "As a right kind
a good conscience, which some of soldier of Christ Jesus take
have thrust aside and have ex- your part in suffering evil . No
perienced shipwreck concerning man serving as a soldier involves
their faith ." himself in the commercial busi-
Christians Respect Consciences nesses of life, in order that he
of Others may meet the approval of the
one who enrolled him as a
1 Cor . 8 :7-12 "But keep watch- soldier."
ing that this authority of yours John 6 :15 "Therefore Jesus,
does not somehow become a realizing they were about to come
stumblingblock to those who are and seize him to make him king,
weak. For if anyone should see withdrew again into the moun-
you with your knowledge reclining tain all alone ."
at a meal in an idol temple, will John 18 :36 "Jesus answered :
not the conscience of that one 'My kingdom is no part of this
who is weak be emboldened to world . If my kingdom were part
the point of eating foods offered of this world, my attendants
to idols? Really, by your knowl- would have fought that I should
edge, the man that is weak is not be delivered up to the Jews .
being ruined, your brother for But, as it is, my kingdom is not
whose sake Christ died . But when from this source .'"
you people thus sin against your 1 Tim . 5 :22 "Never lay your
brothers and wound their con- hands hastily upon any man ; nei-
science that is weak, you are sin- ther be a sharer in the sins of
ning against Christ ." others ; preserve yourself pure."
1 Cor . 10 :27-29 "If anyone of 1 Cor . 14 :8 "For, truly, if the
the unbelievers invites you and bugle sounds an indistinct call,
you wish to go, proceed to eat who will get ready for battle?"
everything that is set before you, God's Law to Israelite Nation
making no inquiry on account of Exempted Ministers
your conscience. But if anyone
should say to you : 'This is some- Num. 1 :47-54 "For Jehovah
thing offered to a god,' do not spake unto Moses, saying, Only
eat on account of the one that the tribe of Levi thou shalt not
disclosed it and on account of number, neither shalt thou take
conscience. 'Conscience,' I say, the sum of them among the
children of Israel ; but appoint
not yours, but that of the other thou the Levites over the taber-
person ." nacle of the testimony, and over
Friendship with the World 134
all the furniture thereof, and over basis of the name of Jesus . But
all that belongeth to it : they shall in reply Peter and John said to
bear the tabernacle, and all the them : ` . . . As for us, we cannot
furniture thereof and they shall stop speaking about the things
minister unto it, and shall encamp we have seen and heard.'"
round about the tabernacle ." Ex. 8 :25, 26 "And Pharaoh
Christians Required to Stick to called for Moses and for Aaron,
Work of Preaching and said, Go ye, sacrifice to your
God in the land. And Moses said,
Matt. 6 :33 "Keep on, then, seek- It is not meet so to do ."
ing first the kingdom and his Ex . 10 :8-26 "And Moses and
righteousness, and all these other Aaron were brought again unto
things will be added to you ." Pharaoh : and he said unto them,
Matt . 6:24 "No one can be a Go, serve Jehovah your God ; but
slave to two masters ; for either who are they that shall go? And
he will hate the one and love Moses said, We will go with our
the other, or he will stick to the young and with our old ; with our
one and despise the other . You sons and with our daughters,
cannot be slaves to God and to with our flocks and with our
Riches ." herds will we go ; for we must
Matt. 15 :24 "In answer he said : hold a feast unto Jehovah . And
`I was not sent forth to any but he said unto them, So be Jehovah
to the lost sheep of the house of with you, as I will let you go,
Israel .'" and your little ones : look to it ;
Luke 4 :43 "But he said to for evil is before you . Not so : go
them : `Also to other cities I must now ye that are men, and serve
declare the good news of the Jehovah ; for that is what ye
kingdom of God, because for this desire . And they were driven out
I was sent forth .' " from Pharaoh's presence . . . . And
Matt. 10 :5, 6 "These twelve Je- Pharaoh called unto Moses, and
sus sent forth, giving them these said, Go ye, serve Jehovah ; only
orders : `Do not go off into the let your flocks and your herds
road of the nations, and do not be stayed : let your little ones
enter into a Samaritan city ; but, also go with you. And Moses said,
instead, go continually to the lost Thou must also give into our
sheep of the house of Israel . - hand sacrifices and burnt-offer-
Matt ..Mat 28 :19 "Go therefore and ings, that we may sacrifice unto
make disciples of people of all the Jehovah our God . Our cattle also
nations, baptizing them in the shall go with us ; there shall not
name of the Father and of the a hoof be left behind ; for there-
Son and of the holy spirit ." of must we take to serve Jeho-
Christians Must Speak Truth in vah . . . until we come thither ."
God's Commanded Way,
Without Censorship Christians Must Work Together
as One Man
2 Cor . 4 :2 "But we have re-
nounced the underhanded things Phil. 1 :27, 28 "Only behave in
of which to be ashamed, not a manner worthy of the good news
walking in craftiness neither adul- about the Christ, in order that,
terating the word of God, but whether I come and see you or
by making the truth manifest be absent, I may hear about the
recommending ourselves to every things which concern you, that
human conscience in the sight of you are standing firm in one
spirit, with one soul fighting side
God ." by side for the faith of the good
Acts 4 :18-20 "With that they
called them and charged them news ."
in general not to make any ut- See "Jehovah's Witnesses",
terance nor to teach upon the "Caesar's Things to Caesar ."
Gifts from God
Qualities, abilities, attributes and other beneficial things granted
by the love, mercy and undeserved kindness of Jehovah God to his
creatures . Some are given as rewards . All are given to be used to his
praise and glory, to serve his purposes and for the good of his crea-
tures and his organization . Divine gifts bring rights to the ones re-
ceiving them, which all others are duty bound to recognize .
Jehovah God the Chief Giver. measured out the free gift . Where-
All His Gifts Good, Perfect, fore he says : `When he ascended
Beneficial on high he led captive a multi-
Jas. 1 :17 "Every good gift and tude ; he gave gifts in men.'"
every perfect present is from Col. 2 :9 "It is in him that all
above, for it comes down from the fullness of the divine quality
the Father of the celestial lights, dwells for the body ."
and with him there is not a var- 1 Cor. 12 :11 "But all these
iation of the turning of the operations the one and the same
shadow ." spirit performs, making a distribu-
Prov . 10:22 "The blessing of tion to each one respectively just
Jehovah, it maketh rich ; and he as it wills ."
addeth no sorrow therewith ." John 3 :34 "The one whom God
1 Tim . 4 :4 "Every creation of sent forth speaks the sayings of
God is right and nothing is to God, for he does not give the
be rejected if it is received with spirit sparingly ."
thanksgiving ."
Deut . 32 :4 "The Rock, his work Gifts of God Are Impartially
is perfect." Given, Not Earned, Not a Due
Belonging to Us
All His Gifts Serve in Carrying
Out His Purpose John 1 :16, 17 "For we all re-
Rom . 11 :29 "The gifts and the ceived from out of his fullness,
even undeserved kindness upon
calling of God are not things he undeserved kindness. Because the
will regret ." law was given through Moses, the
Eph . 4 :8, 12-14 "'He gave gifts undeserved kindness and the
in men.' . . . with a view to the truth came to be through Jesus
training of the holy ones for Christ ."
ministerial work, for the building
up of the body of the Christ ." Matt. 5 :45 "He makes his sun
rise upon wicked people and good
All Gifts Come Through Christ and makes it rain upon righteous
Jesus by His Direction of people and unrighteous ."
Jehovah's Active Force Eph. 2 :8, 9 "By this undeserved
Acts 2 :32, 33 "This Jesus . . . kindness, indeed, you have been
because he was exalted to the saved through faith ; and this not
right hand of God and received owing to you, it is God's gift .
the promised holy spirit from No, it is not owing to works, in
the Father, he has poured out this order that no man should have
which you see and hear." grounds for boasting ."
Eph. 4:7, 8 "Now to each one 1 Pet. 1 :17 "Furthermore, if
of us undeserved kindness was you are calling upon the Father
given according to how the Christ who judges impartially according
Gifts from God 136
to each one's work, conduct your- control in all things. Now they,
selves with fear ." of course, do it that they may
Deut . 10 :17 "Jehovah your God, get a corrup title crown, but we
he is God of gods, and Lord of an incorruptible one ."
lords, the great God, the mighty, Roni . 2 :6, 7 "He will render to
and the terrible, who regardeth each one according to his works :
not persons, nor taketh reward ." everlasting life to those who are
Life and God's Provisions for Us seeking glory and honor and in-
to Get Eternal Life Are Gifts corruptibleness by endurance in
work that is good ."
Rom . 6 :23 "For the wages sin 2 Pet. 1 :10 "Brothers, all the
pays is death, but the gift God more do your utmost to render
gives is everlasting life by Christ the calling and choosing of you
Jesus our Lord ." firm for yourselves ."
Job 33 :4 "The spirit of God Rev . 2 :10 "Prove yourself faith-
hath made me, and the breath of ful even with the danger of
the Almighty giveth me life ." death, and I will give you the
2 Cor . 9 :15 "Thanks be to God crown of life ."
for his indescribable free gift ." Human Sonship a Gift of God
Ps . 115 :16 "The heavens are the
heavens of Jehovah ; but the Rom. 8 :21 "The creation itself
earth hath he given to the chil- also will be set free from enslave-
dren of men ." ment to corruption and have the
Spiritual Sonship a Gift glorious freedom of the children
of God ."
1 John 3 :1, 2 "See what kind 1 Cor. 15 :28 "But when all
of love the Father has given us, things will have been subjected
so that we should be called chil- to hi-n, then the Son himself will
dren of God ; and such we are. also subject himself to the one
Beloved ones, now we are who subjected all things to him,
children of God, but as yet it has that God may be all things to
not been made manifest what we everyone ."
shall be . We do know that when- Also : Gen . 1 :26 ; Luke 3 :38 .
ever he is made manifest we shall
be like him, because we shall see To Be Valid, All Gifts Must Be
him just as he is ." Accepted and Cultivated (Except
John 1 :12 "However, as many Miraculous Gifts)
as did receive him, to them he 1 Cor. 12 :31 "Keep striving af-
gave authority to become God's ter the greater gifts ."
children, because they were exer- John 1 :12 "As many as did re-
cising faith in his name ." ceive him, to them he gave au-
thority to become God's children,
Immortality a Reward to Christ because they were exercising faith
and His 144,000 Body Members in his name ."
for Faithfulness 1 Tim. 3 :1 "If any man is
1 Tim. 6 :14-16 "Jesus Christ . . . reaching out for an office of over-
the one alone having immor- seer, he is desirous of a right
tality." kind of work ."
Phil. 2 :8, 9 "He humbled him- 2 Tim . 2 :1, 5, 6 "You, therefore,
self and became obedient as far my child, keep on acquiring power
as death, yes, death on a torture in the undeserved kindness that is
stake . For this very reason also in connection with Christ Jesus .
God exalted him to a superior Moreover, if anyone contends even
position and kindly gave him the in the games, he is not crowned
name that is above every other unless he has contended accord-
name ." ing to the rules . The hard-
1 Cor. 9 :25 "Every man taking working farmer must be the first
part in a contest exercises self- to partake of the fruits."
137 Gifts from God
Prov. 13 :4 "The soul of the Purpose of Miraculous Gifts to
sluggard desireth, and hath noth- Establish and Mature the Con-
ing ; but the soul of the diligent gregation and Show Change from
shall be made fat ." Dealing with the Old Systems of
Things to the New Christian
Gifts Bestowed on Christian System
Congregation Foreshadowed Acts 2 :22 "Men of Israel, hear
Gen. 24 :22, 53 "And it came to these words : Jesus the Nazarene,
pass, as the camels had done a man publicly shown by God to
drinking, that the man took a you through powerful works and
golden ring of half a shekel wonders and signs which God
weight, and two bracelets for her did through him in your midst,
hands of ten shekels weight of just as you yourselves know ."
Heb . 2 :4 "God joined in bearing
gold . And the servant brought witness with signs as well as won-
forth jewels of silver, and jewels ders and various powerful works
of gold, and raiment, and gave and with distributions of holy
them to Rebekah : he gave also spirit according to his will ."
to her brother and to her mother Eph . 4 :11-16 "And he gave some
precious things ." as apostles, some as prophets,
some as missionaries, some as
Miraculous Gifts to Early shepherds and teachers, with a
Christian Congregation view to the training of the holy
1 Cor . 12:4-10, 28-30 "Now there ones for ministerial work, for the
building up of the body of the
are varieties of gifts, but there is Christ, until we all attain to the
the same spirit ; . . . to one there oneness in the faith and in the
is given through the spirit speech accurate knowledge of the Son
of wisdom, to another speech of of God, to a full-grown man, to
knowledge according to the same the measure of growth that be-
spirit, to another faith by the longs to the fullness of the Christ ;
same spirit, to another gifts of in order that we should no longer
healings by that one spirit, to yet be babes, tossed about as by
waves and carried hither and
another operations of powerful thither by every wind of teaching
works, to another prophesying, to by means of the trickery of men,
another discernment of inspired by means of craftiness in contriv-
utterances, to another different ing error. But speaking the truth,
tongues, and to another interpre- let us by love grow up in all
tation of tongues . And God has things into him who is the head,
Christ . From him all the body,
set the respective ones in the by being harmoniously joined to-
congregation, first, apostles ; sec- gether and being made to co-
ond, prophets ; third, teachers ; operate through every joint which
then powerful works ; then gifts gives what is needed, according
of healings ; helpful services, abil- to the functioning of each re-
ities to direct, different tongues spective member in due measure,
. . . translators ." makes for the growth of the body
for the building up of itself in
Acts 21 :8, 9 "Philip the mis- love."
sionary . . . . This man had four 1 Cor . 14 :21-25 "In the law it is
daughters, virgins, that prophe- written : `With the tongues of
sied." foreigners and with the lips of
1 Cor . 14 :18 "I thank God, I strangers I will speak to this
people, and yet not even then
speak in more tongues than all will they give heed to me,' says
of you do ." Jehovah . Consequently, tongues
Gifts from God 138
are for a sign, not to the believers, began speaking with tongues and
but to the unbelievers, whereas prophesying ."
prophesying is, not for the unbe- Rom . 1 :11 "I am longing to see
lievers, but for the believers . you, that I may impart some
Therefore, if the whole congrega- spiritual gift to you in order for
tion comes together to one place you to be made firm ."
and they all speak in tongues, but Miraculous Gifts No Longer
ordinary people or unbelievers Present Since Shortly After
come in, will they not say that the Apostles' Day
you are mad? But if you are all
prophesying and any unbeliever 1 Cor . 13 :8-13 "Love never
or ordinary person comes in, he fails . But whether there are gifts
is put right by them all, he is of prophesying, they will be done
closely examined by all, the se- away with ; whether there are
crets of his heart become mani- tongues, they will cease ; whether
fest, so that he will prostrate there is knowledge, it will be done
himself and worship God, declar- away with . For we have partial
ing, 'God is really among you .'" knowledge and we prophesy par-
1 Cor . 1 :7, 8 "So that you do tially ; but when that which is
not fall short in any gift at all, complete arrives, that which is
while you are eagerly waiting partial will be done away with .
for the revelation of our Lord When I was a babe, I used to
Jesus Christ . He will also make speak as a babe, to think as a
you unshakable to the end, that babe, to reason as a babe ; but
you may be open to no accusation now that I have become a man,
in the day of our Lord Jesus I have done away with the traits
Christ ." of a babe . For at present we see
in hazy outline by means of a
Miraculous Gifts Always Trans- metal mirror, but then it will be
mitted Only When One or More face to face . At present I know
of the 12 Apostles Were Present partially, but then I shall know
Acts 2 :4, 14 "They all became accurately even as I am accurate-
filled with holy spirit and started ly known . Now, however, there
to speak with different tongues, remain faith, hope, love, these
. But Peter stood up with the three, but the greatest of these
eleven and raised his voice ." is love ."
Acts 8 :14-17 "When the apostles Gifts Make the Christian Con-
in Jerusalem heard that Samaria gregation on Earth Complete to
had accepted the word of God, Do the Work Assigned
they dispatched Peter and John 1 Cor. 12 :12-26 "For just as the
to them, and these went down body is one thing but has many
and prayed for them to get holy members, and all the members
spirit. For it had not yet fallen of that body, although being
upon any one of them, but they many, are one body, so also is
had only been baptized in the the Christ . . . . For the body, in-
name of the Lord Jesus . Then deed, is not one member, but is
they went to laying their hands many . If the foot should say :
upon them, and they began to 'Because I am not a hand, I am
receive holy spirit ." no part of the body,' it is not for
Acts 10 :44 "While Peter was this reason no part of the body.
yet speaking about these matters And if the ear should say : 'Be-
the holy spirit fell upon all those cause I am not an eye, I am no
hearing the word ." part of the body,' it is not for
Acts 19 :6 "And when Paul laid this reason no part of the body.
his hands upon them, the holy If the whole body were an eye,
spirit came upon them, and they where would the sense of hearing
13 9 Gifts from God
be? If it were all hearing, where lished the word of Jehovah to
would the smelling be? But now see how they are .'"
God has set the members in the 1 Cor . 3 :6-8 "I planted, Apollos
body, each one of them, just as watered, but God kept making it
he pleased . If they were all one grow . . . . Now he that plants and
member, where would the body he that waters are one, but each
be? But now they are many mem- person will receive his own re-
bers, yet one body . The eye can- ward according to his own labor."
not say to the hand : 'I have no Also : Matt . 13 :3-23 .
need of you' ; or, again, the head Prov. 11 :25 "The liberal soul
cannot say to the feet : `I have shall be made fat ; and he that
no need of you .' But much rather watereth shall be watered also
is it the case that the members himself ."
of the body which seem to be John 21 :15-17 "He said to him :
weaker are necessary, and the `Feed my young lambs Shep-
parts of the body which we think herd my little sheep Feed my
to be less honorable, these we sur- little sheep .'"
round with more abundant honor, Gal . 6 :6 "Moreover, let anyone
and so our unseemly parts have who is being orally taught the
the more abundant comeliness, word share in all good things with
whereas our comely parts do not the one who gives such oral
need anything. Nevertheless, God teaching ."
compounded the body, giving hon- Also : Acts 17 :11 ; Rev. 3 :20 .
or more abundant to the part
which had a lack, so that there By Street Work
should be no division in the body, Acts 17 :17 "Consequently he
but that its members should have began to reason in the synagogue
the same care for one another ." with the Jews and the other
Ministry of Prophesying by people who worshiped God and
House-to-House Work every day in the market-place
with those who happened to be
Acts 20 :20 "I did not hold back on hand."
from telling you any of the things Also : Jer. 17 :19 ; Ezekiel 4 .
that were profitable nor from
teaching you publicly and from In Your Own Home and Every
house to house." Other Place
Rev. 3:20 "Look! I am standing Acts 28 :30, 31 "So he remained
at the door and knocking ." for an entire two years in his
Matt. 10 :12-14 "When you are own hired house, and he would
entering into the house, greet the kindly receive all those who came
household ; and if the house is in to him, preaching the kingdom
deserving, let the peace you wish of God to them and teaching
it come upon it ; but if it is not the things concerning the Lord
deserving, let the peace from Jesus Christ with the greatest
you return upon you . Wherever freeness of speech, without hin-
anyone does not take you in or drance ."
listen to your words, on going Acts 16 :25, 32 "About the mid-
out of that house or that city dle of the night Paul and Silas
shake the dust off your feet ." were praying and praising God
with song ; yes, the prisoners were
By Return Calls and Home hearing them . And they spoke the
Bible Studies word of Jehovah to him together
Acts 15 :36 "Now after some with all those in his house ."
days Paul said to Barnabas : Phil . 1 :13, 14 "My prison bonds
`Above all things, let us return have become public knowledge in
and visit the brothers in every association with Christ among ail
one of the cities in which we pub- the praetorian guard and all the
Gifts from God 140
rest, and most of the brothers in thee, before I am taken from thee .
the Lord, feeling confidence by And Elisha said, I pray thee, let
reason of my prison bonds, are a double portion of thy spirit be
more than outdoing themselves upon me ."
in courage to speak the word of Rev. 11 :3, 7, 11 "I will cause
God fearlessly ." my two witnesses to prophesy . . .
Also : Matt . 5 :1, 2 ; Mark 4 :1 ; the wild beast . . . will . . . kill
Matt. 26 :6-13 ; Luke 10 :38-42 ; them . And after the three and
19 :2-8 ; Acts 8 :26-40 . a half days spirit of life from God
The Christian Congregation To- entered into them, and they stood
day Is Mature ; Accomplishes upon their feet, and great fear
Work Through More Excel- fell upon those beholding them ."
lent Way of Love Other Gifts Within Reach of All
1 Cor. 12 :31 ; 13 :13 "Keep striv- Today if Cultivated
ing after the greater gifts . And Ministry
yet I show you a surpassing way ." 2 Cor . 3 :5, 6 ; 4 :1 "Our being
"Now, however, there remain adequately qualified issues from
faith, hope, love, these three, but God, who has indeed adequately
the greatest of these is love." qualified us to be ministers of a
Heb. 6 :1-3 "For this reason, new covenant, not of a written
now that we have left the code, but of spirit ; . . . That is
elementary doctrine about the why, since we have this ministry
Christ, let us press on to maturi- according to the mercy that was
ty, not laying a foundation again, shown us, we do not behave im-
namely, repentance from dead properly."
works, and faith toward God, the Rom. 11 :13 "I glorify my min-
teaching on baptisms and the istry ."
laying on of the hands, the res-
urrection of the dead and ever- 2 Tim . 4 :11 "Take Mark and
lasting judgment . And this we bring him with you, for he is
will do, if God indeed permits." useful to me for ministering ."
Acts 1 :8 "You will receive pow- Prophecy
er when the holy spirit arrives 1 Cor . 14 :1-5 "Pursue love, yet
upon you, and you will be wit- keep striving after the spiritual
nesses of me both in Jerusalem gifts, but preferably that you may
and in all Judea and Samaria prophesy . . . . he that prophesies
and to the most distant part of upbuilds and encourages and con-
the earth ." soles men by his speech. . . . he
Matt. 24 :14 "This good news of that prophesies upbuilds a con-
the kingdom will be preached in gregation . . . . I prefer that you
all the inhabited earth for the prophesy . Indeed, he that proph-
purpose of a witness to all the esies is greater than he that
nations, and then the accom- speaks in tongues ."
plished end will come ."
Rev. 14:6, 7 "I saw another an- Public speaking
gel flying in midheaven, and he Acts 18 :4, 24 "He would give
had everlasting good news to de- a talk in the synagogue every
clare as glad tidings to those who sabbath and would win over Jews
dwell on the earth, and to every and Greeks . Now a certain Jew
nation and tribe and tongue and named Apollos, a native of Alex-
people, saying in a loud voice : andria, an eloquent man, arrived
`Fear God and give him glory, in Ephesus, and he was well
because the hour of the judgment versed in the Scriptures ."
by him has arrived .'" Acts 19 :9, 10 "He . . . separated
2 Ki 2 :9 "Elijah said unto the disciples from them, daily giv-
Elisha, Ask what I shall do for ing talks in the school auditorium
141 Gifts from God
of Tyrannus . This took place for habits, faithful in all things. Let
two years, so that all those in- ministerial servants be husbands
habiting the district of Asia of one wife, presiding in a right
heard the word of the Lord, both manner over children and their
Jews and Greeks ." own households ."
1 Tim . 4 :13 "While I am com- Organizing
ing, continue applying yourself to
public reading." Acts 6 :1-3 "So the twelve . . .
Conducting congregational said : 'It is not pleasing for us to
studies abandon the word of God to dis-
tribute food to tables . So, broth-
Rom . 12 :8 "He that presides, let ers, search out for yourselves sev-
him do it in real earnest ." en certified men . . . that we may
Overseeing appoint them over this necessary
business .' "
1 Tim. 3 :2-7 "The overseer Also: Ex . 18 :19-26 .
should therefore be irreprehensi- Teaching in the congregation
ble, a husband of one wife, mod- [limited to male members]
erate in habits, sound in mind,
orderly, a lover of strangers, qual- 1 Tim . 3 :2 "The overseer should
ified to teach, not a drunken therefore be . . . qualified to teach ."
brawler, not a smiter, but rea- 1 Tim. 4 :16 "Pay constant at-
sonable, not belligerent, not a lov- tention to yourself and to your
er of money, a man presiding teaching ."
over his own household in a right 1 Tim. 2 :12 "I do not permit a
manner, having children in sub- woman to teach, or to exercise
jection with all seriousness ; . . . authority over a man, but to be
not a newly converted man, . . . in silence ."
he should also have a favorable 1 Cor. 14 :33-35 "As in all the
testimony from people on the out- congregations of the holy ones,
side ." let the women keep silent in the
1 Pet . 5 :1-3 "To the older men congregations, for it is not per-
Shepherd the flock of God mitted for them to speak, . . . If,
in your care, not under compul- then, they want to learn some-
sion, but willingly, . . . neither as thing, let them question their
lording it over those who are husbands at home, for it is dis-
God's inheritance, but becoming graceful for a woman to speak
examples to the flock ." in a congregation ."
Matt . 25 :21 "Well done, good Jas . 3 :1 "Not many of you
and faithful slave! You were should become teachers, my
faithful over a few things . I will brothers, knowing that we shall
appoint you over many things ." receive heavier judgment ."
Also : Matt. 24 :45-47 ; Luke Defending and legally establish-
19 :12-27 . ing the good news
Assistant ministerial servants Phil . 1 :7 "All of you being
1 Tim . 3 :8-12 "Ministerial serv- sharers with me in the unde-
ants should likewise be serious, served kindness both in my pris-
not double-tongued, not giving on bonds and in the defending
themselves to a lot of wine, not and legally establishing of the
greedy of dishonest gain, holding good news ."
the sacred secret of the faith with Also : Acts 4 :19, 20 ; 5 :27-32 ;
a clean conscience . Also let these 25 :11, 21 ; Rom . 16 :1, 2.
be tested as to fitness first, then
let them serve as ministers, as Admonishing, exhorting, com-
they are free from accusation . forting, strengthening
Women should likewise be seri- 1 Thess . 5:14 "We exhort you,
ous, not slanderous, moderate in brothers, admonish the disorder-
Gifts froni God 142
ly, speak comfortingly to the de- own gift from God, one in this
pressed souls, support the weak, way, another in that way . . . . let
be longsuffering toward all ." each one so walk as God has called
Heb . 12 :12 "Lift up the hands him. . . . Are you bound to a wife?
that hang down and strengthen Stop seeking a release . . . . Hence-
the enfeebled knees ." forth let those who have wives
2 Cor . 1 :3, 4 "Blessed be the be as though they had none, . . .
God and Father of our Lord Je- he also that gives his virginity
sus Christ, the Father of tender in marriage does well, but he that
mercies and the God of all com- does not give it in marriage will
fort, who comforts us in all our do better."
tribulation, that we may be able Other Natural Abilities and Tal-
to comfort those in any kind of ents May Be Used in the
tribulation through the comfort Theocratic Organization
with which we ourselves are being Ex . 31 :2-6 ; 35:25 to 36 :3 "I
comforted by God ." have called by name Bezalel the
Also : Rom . 15 :14 ; 1 Thess . son of Uri . . . . of the tribe of Ju-
5 :12 ; 2 Thess . 3 :15 . dah : and I have filled him with
Reproving, correcting, counseling the spirit of God, in wisdom, and
in understanding, and in knowl-
1 Tim . 5 :20 "Reprove before edge, and in all manner of work-
all onlookers persons who prac- manship, to devise skilful works,
tice sin, that the rest also may to work in gold, and in silver,
have fear ." and in brass, and in cutting of
Titus 1 :9 "He [the overseer] stones for setting, and in carving
may be able both to exhort by of wood, to work in all manner of
the teaching that is healthful workmanship . . and in the
and to reprove those who con- hearts of all that are wise-
tradict." hearted I have put wisdom, that
Titus 1 :13 "Keep on reproving they may make all that I have
them with severity, that they may commanded thee ." "And all the
be healthy in the faith ." women that were wise-hearted
Understanding did spin with their hands, and
brought that which they had
2 Tim . 2 :7 "The Lord will real- spun . . . . The children of Israel
ly give you discernment in all brought a freewill offering unto
things ." Jehovah ; every man and woman,
Gift of singleness whose heart made them willing
to bring for all the work."
Matt. 19 :11, 12 "Not all men Heb. 11 :7 "By faith Noah, after
make room for the saying, but being given divine warning of
only those who have the gift . . . . things not yet beheld, showed
there are eunuchs that have
made themselves eunuchs because godly fear and constructed an ark
of the kingdom of the heavens ." for the saving of his household ."
Also : Gen. 6 :14, 15 ; 7 :5 .
1 Cor. 7 :27, 32 "Are you loosed
from a wife? Stop seeking a wife . Cultivating These Present Gifts
Indeed, I want you to be free of the Spirit
from anxiety . The single man is 1 Tim . 4 :14-16 "Do not be neg-
anxious for the things of the lecting the gift in you which was
Lord, how he may gain the Lord's given you through a prediction
approval ." and when the body of older men
Gift of Service with Marriage laid their hands upon you . Pon-
1 Cor . 7 :7, 17, 27, 29, 38 "I wish der over these things, be ab-
all men were as I myself am . sorbed in them, that your ad-
Nevertheless, each one has his vancement may be manifest to
143 Gifts from God
all persons. Pay constant atten- to be ashamed of, handling the
tion to yourself and to your teach- word of the truth aright ."
ing . Stay by these things, for by Zech . 4:6 "Not by might, nor
doing this you will save both by power, but by my spirit, saith
yourself and those who listen to Jehovah of hosts ."
you." Ex . 4:10-12 "And Moses said
2 Tim . 4:5 "You, though, keep unto Jehovah, Oh, Lord, I am not
your balance in all things, suffer eloquent, neither heretofore, nor
evil, do missionary work, thor- since thou hast spoken unto
oughly accomplish your minis- thy servant ; for I am slow of
try." speech, and of a slow tongue .
2 Tim . 1 :6, 7 "Stir up like a And Jehovah said unto him, Who
fire the gift of God which is in hath made man's mouth? or who
maketh a man dumb, or deaf,
you through the laying of my or seeing, or blind? is it not I,
hands upon you. For God gave us
not a spirit of cowardice, but that Jehovah? Now therefore go, and
of power and of love and of I will be with thy mouth, and
soundness of mind ." teach thee what thou shalt
speak ."
Matt. 19 :11, 12 "Not all men
make room for the saying, but All Gifts Are for the Purpose of
only those who have the gift . Being Used to Jehovah's Praise
. . .there are eunuchs that have Eph . 1:3-8, 14 "Blessed be the
made themselves eunuchs because God and Father of our Lord Je-
of the kingdom of the heavens . sus Christ . . . . For he foreordained
Let him that can make room us to the adoption through Jesus
for it make room for it ." Christ as sons to himself, . .An
1 Pet . 4 :7, 8, 10, 11 "The com- praise of his glorious undeserved
plete end of all things has drawn kindness which he kindly con-
close . Be sound in mind, there- ferred upon us by means of his
fore, and be vigilant with a view loved one . . . . This he caused to
to prayers . Above all things, have abound toward us in all wisdom
intense love for one another, be- and good sense, . . . to his glorious
cause love covers a multitude of praise ."
sins. In proportion as each one Eph. 5 :18-20 "Keep getting
has received a gift, use it in min- filled with spirit, speaking to
istering to one another as the yourselves with psalms and
right kind of stewards over God's praises to God and spiritual
undeserved kindness which is ex- songs, singing and accompanying
pressed in various ways . If any- yourselves with music in your
one speaks, let him speak as it hearts to Jehovah, in the name
were the sacred pronouncements of our Lord Jesus Christ giving
of God ; if anyone ministers, let thanks always for all things to
him minister as dependent on our God and Father ."
the strength which God supplies ; Ps. 107 :15, 21, 32 "Oh that men
so that in all things God may be would praise Jehovah for his
glorified through Jesus Christ ." lovingkindness, and for his won-
derful works to the children of
Anyone Can Cultivate Ability to men! Let them exalt him also
Do Any Theocratic Assignment in the assembly of the people,
Given and praise him in the seat of
Phil. 4 :13 "For all things I the elders ."
have the strength by virtue of We Should Not Envy Others
him who imparts power to me ." Having Gifts
2 Tim. 2 :15 "Do your utmost 1 Cor. 12 :11, 28-30 "All these
to present yourself approved to operations the one and the same
God, a workman with nothing spirit performs, making a distri-
Healing 144
bution to each one respectively all are apostles, are they? Not all
just as it wills . And God has set are prophets, are they? Not all
the respective ones in the congre- are teachers, are they? Not all
gation, first, apostles ; second, perform powerful works, do they?
prophets ; third, teachers ; then Not all have gifts of healings,
powerful works ; then gifts of do they? Not all speak in tongues,
healings ; helpful services, abilities do they? Not all are translators,
to direct, different tongues . Not are they?"

The restoration of the spiritually or physically sick ones to good
health . A special gift of the holy spirit given by Jehovah God to
certain ones before Christ and also in the early congregation that
enabled the gifted one to perform miraculous cures of physical sick-
ness and even raise the dead . It was used as a sign of God's power
usually performed on those outside the congregation . Like all special
gifts of the spirit from and after Pentecost, A .D . 33, it was adminis-
tered by Jesus Christ through the twelve apostles or in their presence .
At the apostles' death it was impossible to pass on this special
gift to others, and it therefore ceased .
Jehovah God Has Power to Make Power Given to Christ Jesus to
Sick and to Heal Heal During First Advent
Deut. 28 :27, 35 "Jehovah will Matt. 9 :35 "And yet Jesus set
smite thee with the boil of Egypt, out on a tour of all the cities
and with the emerods, and with and villages, teaching in their
the scurvy, and with the itch, synagogues and preaching the
whereof thou canst not be healed . good news of the kingdom and
Jehovah will smite thee in the curing every kind of disease and
knees, and in the legs, with a every kind of ailment ."
sore boil, whereof thou canst not Acts 10:38 "Jesus who was
be healed, from the sole of thy from Nazareth, how God anointed
foot unto the crown of thy head ." him with holy spirit and power,
Ex . 15 :23-26 "And when they and he went through the land
came to Marah, they could not doing good and healing all those
drink of the waters of Marah, oppressed by the Devil, because
for they were bitter : . . . And he God was with him ."
cried unto Jehovah ; and Jehovah Matt . 11 :5 "The blind are seeing
showed him a tree, and he cast again, and the lame are walking
it into the waters, and the waters about, the lepers are being
were made sweet. . . . and he said, cleansed and the deaf are hear-
If thou wilt diligently hearken to ing, and the dead are being
the voice of Jehovah thy God, raised up, and the poor are hav-
and wilt do that which is right ing the good news declared to
in his eyes, and wilt give ear to them."
his commandments, and keep all Jesus Gave Gift of Healing First
his statutes, I will put none of to Twelve Apostles, Later to
the diseases upon thee, which I Seventy Other Disciples
have put upon the Egyptians : for Matt . 10:1-8 "So he summoned
I am Jehovah that healeth thee ." his twelve disciples and gave
145 Healing
them authority over unclean Healing and Other Gifts Passed
spirits, in order to expel these On Only by Apostles or in
and to cure every kind of dis- Their Presence
ease and every kind of ailment . Acts 8 :18-20 "Now when Simon
The names of the twelve apostles saw that through the laying on
are these : . . . These twelve Jesus of the hands of the apostles the
sent forth, giving them these or- spirit was given, he offered them
ders : ' . . . Cure sick people, raise money, saying : 'Give me also this
up dead persons, make lepers authority, that anyone upon
clean, expel demons. You received whom I lay my hands may re-
free, give free.'" ceive holy spirit .' But Peter said
Luke 10 :1, 2, 8-10 "After these to him : 'May your silver perish
things the Master designated with you, because you thought
seventy others and sent them through money to get possession
forth by twos . . . Then he began of the free gift of God .'"
to say to them : ' . . . wherever you Acts 10 :44 "While Peter was
enter into a city . . . cure the sick yet speaking about these matters
ones in it, and go on telling them :
"The kingdom of God has come the holy spirit fell upon all those
near to you ." ' " hearing the word ."
Through Holy Spirit Which He Physical Healing by Jesus Was
Began to Pour Out at Pentecost, Also a Forgiveness of Sins
Jesus Gave Gift to Heal and Mark 2 :3-12 "And when Jesus
Raise Dead Only to
Certain Ones saw their faith he said to the
Acts 2 :1-4 "Now while the day paralytic : 'Child, your sins are
of the feast of Pentecost was in forgiven .' Now there were some
progress they were all together of the scribes there, sitting and
at the same place . . . . And tongues reasoning in their hearts : 'What
as if of fire became visible and is it this man is saying in this
were distributed to them, and one manner? He is blaspheming . Who
sat upon each one of them, and can forgive sins except one, God?'
they all became filled with holy But Jesus, having discerned im-
spirit ." mediately by his spirit that they
1 Cor . 12 :4, 8, 9 "Now there are were reasoning that way in them-
varieties of gifts, but there is the selves, said to them : 'Why are
same spirit . For example, to one you reasoning these things in
there is given through the spirit your hearts? Which is easier, to
speech of wisdom,
. to another say to the paralytic, "Your sins
gifts of healings by that one are forgiven," or to say, "Get up
spirit." and pick up your cot and walk"?
Acts 5:12, 16 "Moreover, But in order for you men to know
through the hands of the apostles that the Son of man has authori-
many signs and wonders con- ty to forgive sins upon the earth,'
tinued to occur among the peo- -he said to the paralytic : 'I say
ple ; and they were all with one to you, Get up, pick up your cot,
accord in Solomon's colonnade . and go to your home .' At that he
Also the multitude from the cities did get up and immediately
around Jerusalem kept coming picked up his cot and walked out
together, bearing sick people in front of them all, so that they
and those troubled with unclean were all simply carried away and
spirits, and they would one and they glorified God, saying : 'We
all be cured ." never saw the like of it ."'
Healing 146
Jesus' Disciples Also Had Special it will be forgiven him. There-
Gift to Forgive and Retain Sins, fore openly confess your sins to
Which Modern "Divine Healing" one another and pray for one
Impostors Lack another, that you may get
John 20 :21-23 "Jesus, therefore, healed ."
said to them again : 'May you Deut . 9 :16-20 "And I looked,
have peace . Just as the Father and, behold, ye had sinned against
has sent me forth, I also am Jehovah your God ; ye had made
sending you .' And after he said you a molten calf : ye had turned
this he blew upon them and said aside quickly out of the way
to them : 'Receive holy spirit . If which Jehovah had commanded
you forgive the sins of any per- you . . . . And I fell down before
sons, they stand forgiven to them ; Jehovah, as at the first, forty
if you retain those of any per- days and forty nights ; I did nei-
sons, they stand retained .' " ther eat bread nor drink water ;
Acts 9 :17, 18 "So Ananias went because of all your sin which ye
off and entered into the house, sinned, in doing that which was
and he laid his hands upon him evil in the sight of Jehovah, to
and said : 'Saul, brother, the Lord, provoke him to anger . . . . But Je-
the Jesus that appeared to you hovah hearkened unto me that
on the road over which you were time also."
coming, has sent me forth in Rubbing with oil shows applica-
order that you may recover sight tion of God's healing word
and be filled with holy spirit.' in correction
And immediately there fell from
his eyes what looked like scales, Ps . 133 :1, 2 "Behold, how good
and he recovered sight ." and how pleasant it is for breth-
Acts 13 :9-12 "Saul, who is also ren to dwell together in unity! It
Paul, becoming filled with holy is like the precious oil upon the
spirit, looked at him intently and head, that ran down upon the
said : ' . . .look! Jehovah's hand is beard, even Aaron's beard ; that
upon you, and you will be blind, came down upon the skirt of his
not seeing the sunlight for a garment ."
period of time .' Instantly a thick Ps . 141:5 "Let the righteous
mist and darkness fell upon him, smite me, it shall be a kindness ;
and he went around seeking men and let him reprove me, it shall
to lead him by the hand ." be as oil upon the head ; let not
Also : Acts 5 :1-11 ; "Sin." my head refuse it : for even in
their wickedness shall my prayer
James Speaks of Forgiveness of continue ."
Sins Leading to Spiritual, Not
Physical, Sickness-Otherwise Example of Elijah's prayer was
All Sinners Would Be occasion of spiritual sickness
Seriously Sick Bodily in Israel
Jas . 5 :13-16 "Is there anyone Jas . 5 :16-18 "A righteous man's
suffering evil among you? Let him supplication when it is at work
carry on prayer . Is there anyone has much force . Elijah was a man
in good spirits? Let him sing with feelings like ours, and yet in
psalms . Is there anyone sick prayer he prayed for it not to
among you? Let him call the rain, and it did not rain upon
older men of the congregation to the land for three years and six
him, and let them pray over him . months . And he prayed again,
rubbing him with oil in the name and the heaven gave rain and
of Jehovah . And the prayer of the land put forth its fruit ."
faith will make the indisposed one 1 Ki. 16 :29-33 ; 17 :1 ; 18 :1, 36,
well, and Jehovah will raise him 37, 45 "Ahab the son of Omri
up . Also if he has committed sins . [began] to reign over Israel : . . .
147 Healing
And Ahab the son of Omri did Healing Powers Were Given as
that which was evil in the sight a Sign to Outsiders
of Jehovah . . . And he reared up Luke 4 :25-27 "For instance, I
an altar for Baal in the house of tell you in truth, There were
Baal, which he had built in Sa- many widows in Israel in the
maria . And Ahab made the Ashe- days of Elijah, when the heaven
rah ; and Ahab did yet more to was shut up three years and six
provoke Jehovah, the God of Is- months, so that a great famine
rael, to anger than all the kings fell upon all the land, yet Elijah
of Israel that were before him ." was sent to none of those women,
"And Elijah the Tishbite, who but only to Zarephath in the land
was of the sojourners of Gilead, of Zidon to a widow . Also there
said unto Ahab, As Jehovah, the were many lepers in Israel in the
God of Israel, liveth, before whom time of Elisha the prophet .. yet
I stand, there shall not be dew none of them was cleansed, but
nor rain these years, but accord- only Naaman the man of Syria
ing to my word." "And it came to was ."
pass, after many days, that the
word of Jehovah came to Elijah, Purpose of Healing Was Not to
in the third year, saying, Go, Cure Those Close to Gifted One
show thyself unto Ahab ; and I Phil. 2 :25-30 "He fell sick near-
will send rain upon the earth . . . . ly to the point of death ; but God
Elijah the prophet came near, had mercy on him, in fact, not
and said . . . . Hear me, 0 Jehovah, only on him, but also on me,
hear me, that this people may that I should not get grief upon
know that thou, Jehovah, art grief . . . . On account of the Lord's
God, and that thou hast turned work he came quite near to death,
their heart back again . And it exposing his soul to danger, that
came to pass in a little while, he might fully make up for your
that the heavens grew black with not being here to render private
clouds and wind, and there was
a great rain ." service to me ."
Spiritual sickness is result of 2 Tim. 4 :20_ "I left Trophimus
being misled from truth . Turn- sick at Miletus."
ing back saves from death Paul's One Exception Was to
Jas. 5 :19, 20 "My brothers, if Free Himself from Blame Due
anyone among you is misled from to Accident
the truth and another turns him Acts 20 :7-12 "Paul began dis-
back, know that he who turns coursing to them, as he was going
a sinner back from the error of to depart the next day, and he
his way will save his soul from prolonged his speech until mid-
death and will cover a multitude night . . . . Seated at the window,
of sins." a certain young man named Eu-
Matt . 18:15 "Moreover, if your tychus fell into a deep sleep while
brother commits a sin, go lay bare Paul kept talking on, and, col-
his fault between you and him lapsing from sleep, he fell down
alone . If he listens to you, you from the third story and was
have gained your brother." picked up dead. But Paul went
I Tim . 4:16 "Pay constant at- downstairs, threw himself upon
tention to yourself and to your him and embraced him and said :
teaching . Stay by these things, 'Stop raising a clamor, for his
for by doing this you will save soul is in him.' . . . So they took
both yourself and those who listen the boy away alive and were com-
to you ." forted beyond measure ."
Healing 148
Healing Powers Were Not Used his chariots, and stood at the
by the Gifted One on Self door of the house of Elisha . And
Luke 4 :23, 24 "At this he said Elisha sent a messenger unto him,
to them : 'No doubt you will ap- saying, Go and wash in the Jor-
ply this illustration to me, "Phy- dan seven times, and thy flesh
sician, cure yourself" ; the things shall come again to thee, and
we heard as having happened in thou shalt be clean . Then went
Capernaum do also here in your he down, and dipped himself sev-
native territory .' But he said : en times in the Jordan, according
'Certainly I tell you that no to the saying of the man of God ;
prophet is accepted in his native and his flesh came again like
territory .' " unto the flesh of a little child,
and he was clean ."
Jesus used natural means to re- 2 Ki . 13 :14, 20, 21 "Now Elisha
cover from fatigue was fallen sick of his sickness
John 4 :6 "Now Jesus, tired out whereof he died. And Elisha died,
from the journey, was sitting at and they buried him. Now the
the fountain just as he was ." bands of the Moabites invaded
Mark 4 :38 "But he was in the the land at the coming in of the
stern sleeping upon a pillow ." year. And it came to pass, as they
Luke 8 :23 "But as they were were burying a man, that, behold,
sailing he fell asleep ." they spied a band ; and they cast
Mark 6 :30-33 "And the apostles the man into the sepulchre of
assembled before Jesus and re- Elisha : and as soon as the man
ported to him all the things they touched the bones of Elisha, he
had done and taught . And he revived, and stood up on his
said to them : 'Come, you your- feet ."
selves, privately into a lonely
place and rest up a bit .' For there Paul's gift of healing did not
were many coming and going, enable him to cure himself
and it was not convenient even 2 Cor. 12 :7-9 "Therefore, that
to eat a meal . So off they went I might not be overly exalted,
in the boat for a lonely place to there was given me a thorn in
themselves . But people saw them the flesh, an angel of Satan, to
going and many got to know it,
and from all the cities they ran keep striking me, that I might
there together on foot and got not be overly exalted. In this
ahead of them ." behalf I three times entreated
Elisha had great healing powers, the Lord that it might depart
but died of sickness from me ; and yet he really said
2 Ki . 4 :32-35 "And when Elisha to me : 'My undeserved kindness
was come into the house, behold, is sufficient for you ; for my pow-
the child was dead, and laid upon er is being made perfect in weak-
his bed . He went in therefore, ness .'"
and shut the door upon them Natural Means of Healing Were
twain, and prayed unto Jehovah . Used Even at Time Gift
And he went up, and lay upon
the child, and put his mouth up- Was Present
on his mouth, and his eyes upon 1 Tim . 5 :23 "Do not drink wa-
his eyes, and his hands upon his ter any longer, but use a little
hands : and he stretched himself wine for the sake of your stomach
upon him : and the flesh of the and your frequent cases of sick-
child waxed warm . . . . and the
child opened his eyes ." ness."
2 Ki. 5 :9, 10, 14 "So Naaman Col. 4 :14 "Luke the beloved
came with his horses and with physician sends you his greetings."
149 Healing
Receiving Pay or Taking a Money powerful works ; then gifts of
Collection Not Permitted Those healings ."
Who Practiced Divine Healing 1 Cor . 14 :1 "Pursue love, yet
keep striving after the spiritual
2 Ki . 5 :15-27 "And he returned gifts, but preferably that you may
to the man of God, he and all prophesy ."
his company, and came, and stood Acts 2 :17, 18 "'And in the last
before him ; and he said, Behold days,' God says, `I shall pour
now, I know that there is no God some of my spirit out upon every
in all the earth, but in Israel : kind of flesh, and your sons and
now therefore, I pray thee, take your daughters will prophesy and
a present of thy servant . But he your young men will see visions
said, As Jehovah liveth, before and your old men will dream
whom I stand, I will receive none. dreams ; and even upon my men
And he urged him to take it ; but slaves and upon my women slaves
he refused. . . . But Gehazi, the I will pour out some of my spirit
servant of Elisha the man of God, in those days, and they will
said, Behold my master hath prophesy .'"
spared this Naaman the Syrian, 1 Cor . 13 :2 "And if I have the
in not receiving at his hands that gift of prophesying and under-
which he brought : as Jehovah stand all the sacred secrets and
liveth, I will run after him, and all knowledge, and if I have all
take somewhat of him . So Gehazi the faith so as to transplant
followed after Naaman . . . . And mountains, but do not have love,
Naaman said, Be pleased to take I am nothing."
two talents . And he urged him,
and bound two talents of silver Not All in Early Congregation
in two bags, with two changes of Possessed Gift of Healing
raiment, and laid them upon two 1 Cor . 12 :19, 20, 30 "If they
of his servants ; and they bare were all one member, where
them before him. . . . But he [Ge- would the body be? But now they
hazi] went in, and stood before are many members, yet one body .
his master . And Elisha said unto Not all have gifts of healings, do
him. . . . Is it a time to receive they? Not all speak in tongues, do
money, and to receive garments, they?"
and oliveyards and vineyards, and Divine Physical Healing Not Ex-
sheep and oxen, and men-serv- perienced Today, Since Special
ants and maid-servants? The lep- Gifts Passed Away After
rosy therefore of Naaman shall Death of Apostles
cleave unto thee, and unto thy
seed for ever . And he went out 1 Cor. 13 :8-12 "Whether there
from his presence a leper as are gifts of prophesying, they will
white as snow ." be done away with ; whether there
Matt . 10 :8 "Cure sick people, are tongues, they will cease ;
whether there is knowledge, it
raise up dead persons, make lepers will be done away with . . . . When
clean, expel demons . You received I was a babe, I used to speak as
free, give free ." a babe, to think as a babe, to
Divine Healing as the Fifth- reason as a babe ; but now that
Rate Gift Not the Evidence of I have become a man, I have
God's True Organization To- done away with the traits of a
day, but Love and Gift babe . For at present we see in
of Preaching Are hazy outline by means of a metal
mirror, but then it will be face
1 Cor. 12 :28 "And God has set to face . At present I know par-
the respective ones in the congre- tially, but then I shall know ac-
gation, first, apostles ; second, curately even as I am accurately
prophets ; third, teachers ; then known."
Heavens 150
Last Recorded Miraculous Heal- Jer . 33 :6 "Behold, I will bring
ings Occurred About A .D . 59 it health and cure, and I will
cure them ; and I will reveal unto
Acts 28 :8, 9 "It happened that them abundance of peace and
the father of Publius was lying
down afflicted with fever and dys- truth."
entery, and Paul went in to him John 8:51 "Most truly I say
and prayed, laid his hands upon to you, If anyone observes my
him and healed him . After this word, he will never see death
occurred, the rest of the people at all."
on the island who had sicknesses Isa . 35 :6 "Then shall the lame
also began to come to him and man leap as a hart, and the
be cured." tongue of the dumb shall sing ."
Rev. 21 :4 . 5 " `And he will wipe
Divine Healing Through Christ out every tear from their eyes,
Jesus Will Be Accomplished and death will be no more, nei-
Completely During His ther will mourning nor outcry
1,000-Year Reign nor pain be any more. The former
Isa . 33 :24 "And the inhabitant things have passed away .' And
shall not say, I am sick : the peo- the one seated on the throne
ple that dwell therein shall be said : `Look! I am making all
forgiven their iniquity." things new .'"

(1) Jehovah God's own dwelling place ; the "highest heavens" ;
a spirit realm invisible to human eyes .
(2) The great invisible organization of Jehovah God, composed of
mighty spirit creatures : the only-begotten Son (the Word or Logos,
"Michael the Archangel"), who is now Christ Jesus, and the holy
angelic host, with ranks of cherub, seraph and other angel messengers
or deputies . This organization is often called God's "woman", "Zion,"
"Jerusalem ." The 144,000 (Revelation 14) at resurrection become part
of this heavens .
(3) The "New Heavens" (the Kingdom composed of Christ Jesus and
[when resurrected] his 144,000 anointed followers or New Jerusalem,
members of the royal family, immortal and incorruptible, a part [the
capital] of God's invisible organization) .
(4) The invisible `covering cherub' over the original righteous earth .
(5) The preflood arrangement of Satan and the angels who rebelled
and joined him .
(6) The present-day invisible organization of Satan and his wicked
demons, the fallen angels .
(7) The visible (physical) universe, the "starry heavens" .
(8) The atmosphere surrounding the earth .
(9) The position of glorified Kingdom ministry to which the anointed
remnant are now exalted .
(x0) The lofty position occupied in Satan's wicked visible organiza-
tion of politics . commerce and false religion by Satan's ministers
of false religion who claim to be ministers of God .
151 Heavens
(1) God's Dwelling Place and the heaven of heavens, the
1 Ki. 8 :27, 30 "But will God in earth, with all that is therein ."
very deed dwell on the earth? (2) God's Great Invisible
behold, heaven and the heaven Organization
of heavens cannot contain thee ; Rev . 12 :12 "On this account be
how much less this house that I glad, you heavens and you who
have builded! And hearken thou reside in them ."
to the supplication of thy serv- Eph . 1 :20, 21 "Christ . . . seated
ant, and of thy people Israel, . . . at his right hand in the heav-
when they shall pray toward this enly places, far above every gov-
place : yea, hear thou in heaven ernment and authority and pow-
thy dwelling-place ; and when er and lordship and every name
thou hearest, forgive ." named ."
Ps. 11 :4 "Jehovah, his throne is
in heaven ." Gal. 4 :26 "But the Jerusalem
Ps. 14:2 "Jehovah looked down above is free, and she is our
from heaven upon the children mother."
of men ." Rev. 12 :1 "And a great sign
Ps. 33 :13 "Jehovah looketh was seen in heaven, a woman ar-
from heaven ." rayed with the sun, and the moon
Isa. 66 :1 "Thus saith Jehovah, was beneath her feet, and on her
Heaven is my throne ." head was a crown of twelve stars,
Heb. 9 :24 "For Christ entered, and she was pregnant ."
not into a holy place made with Isa . 54 :1, 5, 6 "Sing, 0 barren,
hands which is a copy of the thou that didst not bear ; break
reality, but into heaven itself, now forth into singing, and cry aloud,
to appear before the person of thou that didst not travail with
God for us." child : for more are the children
2 Cor. 12 :2, 4 "I know a man in of the desolate than the children
union with Christ who, fourteen of the married wife, saith Jeho-
years ago-whether in the body vah . For thy Maker is thy hus-
I do not know, or out of the band ; Jehovah of hosts is his
body I do not know ; God knows name : . For Jehovah hath
-was caught away as such to the called thee as a wife forsaken
third heaven . . . . that he was and grieved in spirit, even a wife
caught away into paradise and of youth, when she is cast off,
heard unutterable words which it saith thy God ."
is not lawful for a man to speak." Rev . 9 :16 (mar .) "And the num-
Rev . 2 :7 "Let the one who has ber of the armies of cavalry was
an ear hear what the spirit says 200,000,000 : I heard the number
to the congregations : To him that of them ."
conquers I will grant to eat of the Dan . 7 :10 "A fiery stream is-
tree of life, which is in the para- sued and came forth from before
dise of God ." ["Paradise" here him : thousands of thousands
represents heaven .] ministered unto him, and ten
Job 1 :6 "Now it came to pass thousand times ten thousand
on the day when the sons of stood before him ."
God came to present themselves
before Jehovah, that Satan also Heb . 12 :22, 23 "But you have ap-
came among them ." proached a mount Zion and a
Heb . 8 :1 "We have such a high city of the living God, heavenly
priest as this, and he has sat Jerusalem, and myriads of angels,
down at the right hand of the in general assembly."
throne of the majesty in the 2 Pet . 2:11 "Whereas angels, al-
heavens ." though they are greater in
Deut . 10 :14 "Behold, unto Je- strength and power, do not bring
hovah thy God belongeth heaven against them an accusation in
Heavens 152
abusive terms, not doing so out notice, that there were heavens
of respect for Jehovah ." in ancient times and an earth
2 Ki . 19 :35 "And it came to standing compactly out of water
pass that night, that the angel and in the midst of water by the
of Jehovah went forth, and smote word of God ."
in the camp of the Assyrians a Ezek. 28 :14 "Thou wast the
hundred fourscore and five thou- anointed cherub that covereth :
sand : and when men arose early and I set thee, so that thou wast
in the morning, behold, these upon the holy mountain of God ;
were all dead bodies." thou hast walked up and down in
(3) Christ and His Joint King- the midst of the stones of fire ."
dom Heirs "New Heavens" (5) Preflood Arrangement of Sa-
Isa . 65 :17 "Behold, I create tan and Rebellious Angels
new heavens and a new earth ." Gen . 6 :4, 11 "The Nephilim
Rev . 21 :1 "And I saw a new were in the earth in those days,
heaven and a new earth ." and also after that, when the
2 Pet . 3 :13 "But there are new sons of God came in unto the
heavens and a new earth that we daughters of men, and they bare
are awaiting according to his children to them : the same were
promise, and in these righteous- the mighty men that were of old,
ness is to dwell ." the men of renown . And the earth
Rev . 21 :2 "I saw also the holy was corrupt before God, and the
city, New Jerusalem, coming earth was filled with violence."
down out of heaven from God Jude 6 "And the angels that
and prepared as a bride adorned did not keep their original posi-
for her husband." tion but forsook their own proper
Ps. 19 :1 "The heavens declare dwelling-place he has reserved
the glory of God." with eternal bonds under dense
Begins with Christ's enthrone- darkness for the judgment of the
ment, lasts forever great day ."
Rev . 12 :5 "And she gave birth 2 Pet. 2 :4 "Certainly if God
to a son, a male, who is destined did not hold back from punish-
to shepherd all the nations with ing the angels that sinned, but,
by throwing them into Tartarus,
an iron rod ." delivered them to pits of dense
Rev . 11 :15 "And the seventh darkness to be reserved for judg-
angel blew his trumpet. And loud
voices occurred in heaven saying : ment ."
`The kingdom of the world has 1 Pet. 3 :19, 20 "In this state
also he went his way and preached
become the kingdom of our Lord to the spirits in prison, which had
and of his Christ, and he will once been disobedient when the
rule as king for ever and ever .' " patience of God was waiting in
Isa . 66 :22 "For as the new Noah's days, while the ark was
heavens and the new earth, being constructed, in which a
which I will make, shall remain few people, that is, eight souls,
before me, saith Jehovah, so shall were carried safely through the
your seed and your name remain ." water ."
(4) The Invisible `Covering Cher- Disrupted at the Flood
ub' over the Original
Righteous Earth 2 Pet. 3 :6 "The world of that
time suffered destruction when it
Heb . 1 :10 "And : 'You, 0 Lord, was deluged with water ."
founded the earth at the begin-
ning, and the heavens are works (6) Satan's Present-Day Invisible
of your hands .' " Organization of Demons
2 Pet . 3 :5 "For, according to 2 Pet . 3 :7 "But by the same
their wish, this fact escapes their word the heavens and the earth
15 3 Heavens
that are now are stored up for Ps. 19 :1 "The heavens declare
fire and are being reserved to the the glory of God ; and the firma-
day of judgment and of de- ment showeth his handiwork ."
struction of the ungodly men ." (8) Earth's Atmosphere "the Sky"
Eph . 6 :12 "Because we have a
fight, not against blood and flesh, Gen. 1 :6-8 "And God said, Let
but against the governments, . there be a firmament in the midst
against the world-rulers of this .* of the waters, and let it divide
darkness, against the wicked spirit the waters from the waters . And
forces in the heavenly places." God made the firmament, and di-
Mark 13 :31 "Heaven and earth vided the waters which were un-
will pass away, but my words will der the firmament from the wa-
not pass away ." ters which were above the firma-
Isa . 50 :3 "I clothe the heavens ment : and it was so . And God
with blackness, and I make sack- called the firmament Heaven .
cloth their covering ." And there was evening and there
was morning, a second day ."
Began with reorganization after
Flood ; destroyed at Armageddon Gen . 7 :11 "In the six hundredth
year of Noah's life, in the second
Heb . 1 :10, 11 "And : `You, 0 month, on the seventeenth day of
Lord, founded the earth at the the month, on the same day
beginning, and the heavens are were all the fountains of the
works of your hands . They will great deep broken up, and the
perish, but you are to remain windows of heaven were opened ."
continually; and they will all 2 Ki . 2 :1, 11 "And it came to
grow old like an outer garment.'" pass, when Jehovah would take
Rev . 12 :3 "And another sign up Elijah by a whirlwind into
was seen in heaven, and look! a heaven, that Elijah went with
great fiery-colored dragon, with Elisha from Gilgal . And it came
seven heads and ten horns and to pass, as they still went on,
upon its heads seven diadems ." and talked, that, behold, there
Isa. 34 :4 "And all the host of appeared a chariot of fire, and
heaven shall be dissolved, and the horses of fire, which parted them
heavens shall be rolled together both asunder ; and Elijah went
as a scroll ; and all their host up by a whirlwind into heaven ."
shall fade away, as the leaf fad- Luke 17 :24 "For even as the
eth from off the vine, and as a lightning, by its flashing, shines
fading leaf from the fig-tree ." from one part under heaven to
2 Pet. 3 :10 "Yet Jehovah's day another part under heaven, so
will come as a thief, in which the son of man will be ."
the heavens will pass away with
a hissing noise." Deut . 1 :28 "Whither are we
Rev . 20 :11 "And I saw a great going up? our brethren have
white throne and the one seated made our heart to melt, saying,
on it . From before him the earth The people are greater and taller
and the heaven fled away, and than we ; the cities are great
no place was found for them ." and fortified up to heaven ; and
moreover we have seen the sons
(7) The Physical Universe of the Anakim there ."
Gen . 1 :1 "In the beginning God (9) The Remnant's Position of
created the heavens and the Glorified Kingdom Ministry
earth ."
Gen . 22 :17 "I will multiply thy Rev. 11 :12 "And they heard a
seed as the stars of the heavens ." loud voice out of heaven say to
Isa . 40 :12 "Who hath measured them : `Come on up here .' And
the waters in the hollow of his they went up into heaven in the
hand, and meted out heaven with cloud, and their enemies beheld
the span." them ."
Hell 1 54
Rev . 8:1 "And when he opened moon will not give its light, and
the seventh seal, a silence occurred the stars will fall from heaven,
in heaven for about a half hour ." and the powers of the heavens
Rev. 13 :6 "And it opened its will be shaken ."
mouth in blasphemies against 2 Cor. 11 :13-15 "For such men
God, to blaspheme his name and are false apostles . . . of Christ .
his residence, even those residing And no wonder, for Satan him-
in heaven ." self keeps transforming himself
1 Thess . 4:17 "Afterward we the into an angel of light . It is there-
living who are surviving will to- fore nothing great if his minis-
gether with them be caught away ters also keep transforming them-
in clouds to meet the Lord in the selves into ministers of righteous-
air ; and thus we shall always be ness . But their end shall be ac-
with the Lord ." cording to their works ."
Eph . 1 :3, 4 "Blessed be the God Jude 12, 13 "These are . . . stars
and Father of our Lord Jesus with no set course, for which the
Christ, for he has blessed us with blackness of darkness stands re-
every spiritual blessing in the served forever ."
heavenly places in union with
Christ, just as he chose us in "Heavens Opened" Means Dis-
union with him before the world's cernment of Spiritual Things
foundation, that we should be Rev . 4:1 "After these things
holy and without blemish before I saw, and, look! an opened door
him in love ." in heaven, and the first voice
Eph. 2:6 "And he raised us up that I heard was as of a trumpet,
together and seated us together in speaking with me, saying : 'Come
the heavenly places in union with on up here, and I shall show you
Christ Jesus." the things which must take
(10) Position of Satan's Minis- place .' "
ters of False Religion, False Mark 1 :10 "And immediately
"Stars" on coming up out of the water he
Rev. 12 :4 "Its tail draws a saw the heavens being parted,
third of the stars of heaven, and and, like a dove, the spirit com-
it hurled them down to the earth . ing down upon him ."
And the dragon kept standing Acts 7 :56 "And he said : 'Look!
before the woman ." I behold the heavens opened up
Rev . 6 :13 "And the stars of and the Son of man standing at
heaven fell to the earth, as when God's right hand.'"
a fig tree shaken by a high wind Rev . 11 :19 "And the temple
casts its early figs ." sanctuary of God that is in heav-
Matt. 24:29 "Immediately after en was opened, and the ark of
the tribulation of those days the his covenant was seen in his
sun will be darkened, and the temple sanctuary."

False religion teaches that hell is a place where the wicked suffer
a twofold punishment : the pain of loss, and the pain of sense . The
pain of loss consists in the eternal separation of the sinner from
God and the realization that the failure to reach heaven is due to
his own fault . The pain of sense consists in the torment of unquench-
able fire. It is claimed that the body by itself is incapable of pain ;
it is the soul that suffers . [See "Soul" .] This unreasonable doctrine

contradicts the Bible, the truth of which has been confused by mis-
representing in translation the original meaning of three distinct
Greek words and one Hebrew word . Sheol, Hebrew, and Hades,
Greek, were originally used by Bible writers to represent gravedom
or the common grave of mankind . Gehenna, Greek, was used as a
symbol of annihilation or everlasting death in unconsciousness from
which there was to be no awakening . Tartaros, Greek, meant a de-
graded or debased condition only for rebellious spirit creatures during
their conscious lifetime with the certainty of annihilation awaiting
them at the time of their execution . These original words have been
indiscriminately translated "hell", "hell-fire," "grave," "pit" and
"death" . The English word "hell" is taken from the Anglo-Saxon,
helan, literally meaning "to conceal" . Hence the English word "hell",
to conform with the original expression of the condition for the dead
and according to its own original meaning, Scripturally applies to
gravedom, the common grave of all mankind, good and bad alike,
in an unconscious state without suffering or pleasure . After Jesus
introduced the truth about life and immortality, only the willfully
wicked were spoken of as being in Gehenna, the expression Hades
[translated "hell" in English] being applied to the dead in God's
memory, those with opportunity or hope of a resurrection .

The false conception of eternal torment after death was introduced
early into apostate Christianity, and by the fourth century after
Christ was firmly entrenched in false religion . It is based on Satan's
original lie in Eden .
All Men Being Sinners Are Con- Luke 12 :5 "Fear him who after
demned by God and Liable killing has authority to throw
to Punishment into Gehenna ["hell," AV ; Dy] ."
Rom . 5 :12 "That is why, just 2 Pet. 2 :4 "God did not hold
as through one man sin entered back from punishing the angels
into the world and death through that sinned, but, by throwing
sin, and thus death spread to all them into Tartarus ["hell," AV ;
men because they had all sinned ." "lower hell," Dy], delivered them
Rom. 3 :23 "For all have sinned to pits of dense darkness to be
and fall short of the glory of reserved for judgment ."
God ." Ps . 30 :3 "0 Jehovah, thou hast
Rom . 6 :23 "For the wages sin brought up my [David's] soul
pays is death ." from Sheol ["the grave," AV':
True Meaning of "Hell" Con- "hell," Dy at Ps. 29 :4j ; thou
fused by Translation of Four
Original Words That Mean hast kept me alive, that I should
Three Different Conditions not go down to the pit ."
Ps . 16 :10 "For thou wilt not Num . 16 :33 "So they, and all
leave my soul to Sheol [`heil," that appertained to them, went
AV ; Dy at Ps . 15 :10] ." down alive into Sheol ["the pit ."
Acts 2 :27 "Because you will not AV ; "hell," Dy] : and the earth
forsake my soul in Hades ["hell," closed upon them, and 'hey
AV ; Dy] ." perished."
Hell 156
Sheol, Hades Translated "Hell", [also AV and Dy] : 0 death, where
"Grave," "Pit," "Death" ; Mean are thy plagues? 0 Sheol ["grave,"
Gravedom or Common Grave, AV ; "hell," Dy], where is thy
Without Pain or Pleasure destruction?"
Job 7 :9 "As the cloud is con- Num . 16 :30-33 "But if Jehovah
sumed and vanisheth away, so he make a new thing, and the ground
that goeth down to Sheol open its mouth, and swallow them
["grave," AV ; "hell," Dy] shall up, with all that appertain unto
come up no more ." them, and they go down alive
Job 17 :13-16 "If I look for into Sheol ["the pit," AV ; "hell,"
Sheol ["the grave," AV; "hell," Dy] ; . . . So they, and all that ap-
Dy] as my house ; if I have spread
my couch in the darkness ; if I pertained to them, went down
have said to corruption, Thou art alive into Sheol ["the pit," AV ;
my father ; to the worm, Thou "hell," Dy] : and the earth closed
art my mother, and my sister ; upon them, and they perished ."
where then is my hope? And as Rev. 1 :18 "I became dead, but,
for my hope, who shall see it? look! I am living for ever and
It shall go down to the bars of ever, and I have the keys of death
Sheol ["the pit," AV ; "the deep-
est pit," Dy], when once there is and of Hades ["hell," AV; Dy] ."
rest in the dust ." Rev. 6 :8 "And I saw, and, look!
Job 24 :19, 20 "Drought and a pale horse, and the one seated
heat consume the snow waters : so upon it had the name Death .
doth Sheol ["the grave," AV] And Hades ["hell," AV ; Dy] was
those that have sinned. The closely following him . And au-
womb shall forget him ; the worm thority was given them . . . to kill."
shall feed sweetly on him ; he Nonexistence in the Land of the
shall be no more remembered ; Dead or Gravedom (Sheol-
and unrighteousness shall be Hades) Contrasted to Full
broken as a tree." [Dy reads : Existence in "Land of
"Let him pass from the snow the Living"
waters to excessive heat : and his Isa. 38 :10, 11 "I said, in the
sin even to hell . Let mercy forget noontide of my days I shall go
him : may worms be his sweet- into the gates of Sheol : I am
ness. Let him be remembered no deprived of the residue of my
more, but be broken in pieces years . I said, I shall not see Je-
as an unfruitful tree."] hovah, even Jehovah in the land
Amos 9 :2 "Though they dig of the living : I shall behold man
into Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy], no more with the inhabitants of
thence shall my hand take them." the world ."
Job 14 :13 "Oh that thou Ps . 52 :5 "God will likewise de-
wouldest hide me in Sheol ["the stroy thee for ever ; he will take
grave," AV ; "hell," Dy], that thou thee up, and pluck thee out of
wouldest keep me secret, until thy tent, and root thee out of
thy wrath be past, that thou the land of the living ."
wouldest appoint me a set time, Ps. 116 :9 "I will walk before
and remember me!" Jehovah in the land of the
Hos . 13 :14 "I will ransom living ."
them from the power of Sheol See also : Job 28 :13 ; Ps . 27 :13 ;
["the grave," AV ; "death," Dy] ; Ps . 142 :5 ; Isa . 53 :8 ; Jer . 11 :19 ;
I will redeem them from death Ezek . 26 :20 ; 32 :23-26 .
1 57 Hell
Actual Individual Burial Places, steal him and say to the people,
Graves or Tombs, Referred to by 'He was raised up from the dead!'
Different Original Language and this last imposture will be
Words, Just as Individual Lo- worse than the first ."
cations in the "Land of Mnema (Greek), tomb (English)
the Living" Are Indicated
by Names of Places Mark 5 :3 "He had his haunt
or Cities among the tombs, and up to that
time absolutely nobody was able
Keber (Hebrew), burying place to bind him fast even with a
or grave (English) chain ."
Gen . 23 :4 "I am a stranger and Luke 23 :53 "And he took it
a sojourner with you : give me a down and wrapped it up in fine
possession of a burying-place linen, and he laid him in a tomb
with you, that I may bury my carved in the rock and in which
dead out of my sight ." no man had yet lain ."
Judg . 16 :31 "Then his brethren Acts 2 :29 "Brothers, it is al-
and all the house of his father lowable to speak with freeness of
came down, and took him, and speech to you concerning the
brought him up, and buried him family head David, that he both
between Zorah and Eshtaol in the deceased and was buried and his
burying-place of Manoah his tomb is among us to this day ."
father . And he judged Israel See also : Acts 7 :16 ; Rev . 11 :9 .
twenty years ."
See also : Ex. 14 :11 ; Num. 19 :16 . Mnemeion (Greek), memorial
tomb (English)
K'boorah (Hebrew), grave, bury-
ing place, sepulchre (English) Matt . 28 :8 "So, quickly leaving
the memorial tomb, with fear and
Gen . 35 :20 "And Jacob set up great joy, they ran to report to
a pillar upon her grave : the same his disciples ."
is the Pillar of Rachel's grave
unto this day." John 5 :28, 29 "Do not marvel
Deut . 34 :6 "And he buried him at this, because the hour is com-
in the valley in the land of Moab ing in which all those in the me-
over against Beth-peor : but no morial tombs will hear his voice
man knoweth of his sepulchre and come out ."
unto this day ." See also : Matt. 8 :28 ; Luke
See also : Gen . 47 :30 ; 1 Sam. 11 :44 ; John 19 :41 .
10 :2. Adam Was Not Sent to "Eternal
Ga-dish' (Hebrew), Torment" but to Unconscious
tomb (English) Annihilation in Dust of the
Ground . Thus, No "Pain of
Job 21 :32 "Yet shall he be Loss" Is Possible, and "Sep-
borne to the grave, and men shall aration from God" Is Not
keep watch over the tomb ." Realized
Taphos (Greek), grave (English) Gen . 3 :3-5, 17, 19 "Of the fruit
Matt. 23 :27 "Woe to you, scribes of the tree which is in the midst
and Pharisees, hypocrites! be- of the garden, God hath said, Ye
cause you resemble whitewashed shall not eat of it, neither shall
graves, which outwardly indeed ye touch it, lest ye die . And the
appear beautiful but inside are serpent said unto the woman, Ye
full of dead men's bones and shall not surely die : for God doth
of every kind of uncleanness." know that in the day ye eat
Matt . 27 :64 "Therefore com- thereof, then your eyes shall be
mand the grave to be made se- opened, and ye shall be as God,
cure until the third day, that his knowing good and evil . And unto
disciples may never come and Adam he [Jehovah] said, Because
Hell 158
thou hast hearkened unto the enlargeth his desire as Sheol
voice of thy wife, and hast eaten ["hell," AV ; Dy], and he is as
of the tree, of which I com- death, and cannot be satisfied."
manded thee, saying, Thou shalt Rev. 20 :13 "And the sea gave
not eat of it : cursed is the ground up those dead in it, and death
for thy sake ; . . . in the sweat of and Hades ["hell," AV ; Dy] gave
thy face shalt thou eat bread, till up those dead in them ."
thou return unto the ground ; for Before Jesus All Spoken of as
out of it wast thou taken : for Going to Same Place of
dust thou art, and unto dust shalt Unconsciousness
thou return ."
Gen. 5:5 "And all the days that Eccl . 3 :19-21 "For that which
Adam lived were nine hundred befalleth the sons of men be-
and thirty years : and he died ." falleth beasts ; even one thing
Rom . 6 :23 "For the wages sin befalleth them : as the one dieth,
pays is death ." so dieth the other ; yea, they have
Ps . 6 :5 "For in death there is all one breath ; and man hath no
no remembrance of thee : in pre-eminence above the beasts :
Sheol ["the grave," AV ; "hell," for all is vanity . All go unto one
Dy at Ps . 6 :6] who shall give place ; all are of the dust, and
thee thanks?" all turn to dust again . Who know-
Eccl . 9:5, 10 "For the living eth the spirit of man, whether
know that they shall die : but it goeth upward, and the spirit
the dead know not anything, nei- of the beast, whether it goeth
ther have they any more a re- downward to the earth?"
ward ; for the memory of them Ps . 31 :17 "Let me not be put
is forgotten . Whatsoever thy hand to shame, 0 Jehovah ; for I have
findeth to do, do it with thy called upon thee : let the wicked
might ; for there is no work, nor be put to shame, let them be
device, nor knowledge, nor wis- silent in Sheol ["the grave," AV ;
dom, in Sheol ["the grave," AV ; "hell," Dy at Ps . 30 :18] ."
"hell," Dy], whither thou goest ." Ps. 49 :14 "They are appointed
as a flock for Sheol ["the grave,"
Always Associated with Death AV ; "hell," Dy at Ps . 48 :15] ;
and the Dead, Not Life and death shall be their shepherd :
the Living and the upright shall have do-
2 Sam. 22 :5, 6 "For the waves minion over them in the morning ;
of death compassed me ; the and their beauty shall be for
floods of ungodliness made me Sheol ["the grave," AV ; "hell,"
afraid : the cords of Sheol ["hell," Dy] to consume, that there be no
AV ; Dy] were round about me ; habitation for it ."
the snares of death came upon Ps. 141 :7 "As when one ploweth
me . ,, and cleaveth the earth, our bones
Prov . 5 :5 "Her feet go down to are scattered at the mouth of
death ; her steps take hold on Sheol ["grave's," AV ; "hell,"
Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] ." ."
Prov . 7 :27 "Her house is the Good as Well as Bad People
way to Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy], Go to Hell
going down to the chambers of Jonah 2 :2 "1 called by reason
death ." of mine affliction unto Jehovah,
Prov . 9:18 "But he knoweth and he-answered me ; out of the
not that the dead are there ; that belly of Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy]
her guests are in the depths of cried I, and thou heardest my
Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] ." voice."
Hab. 2 :5 "Yea, moreover, wine Job 14 :13 "Oh that thou would-
is treacherous, a haughty man, est hide me in Sheol ["the grave,"
that keepeth not at home ; who AV ; "hell," Dy], that thou would-
159 Hell
est keep me secret, until thy thou hast delivered my soul from
wrath be past, that thou wouldest the lowest Sheol ["lowest hell,"
appoint me a set time, and re- AV ; "lower hell," Dy at Ps .
member me!" 85 :13] ."
Ps . 139 :8 "If I ascend up into Prov. 15 :24 "To the wise the
heaven, thou art there : if I make way of life goeth upward, that
my bed in Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy he may depart from Sheol ["hell,"
at Ps . 138 :8], behold, thou art AV ; "lowest hell," Dy] beneath ."
there .' Rev . 20 :13 "Death and Hades
Ps . 16 :10 "For thou wilt not ["hell," AV ; Dy] gave up those
leave my soul to Sheol ["hell," dead in them ."
AV ; Dy at Ps . 15 :10] ; neither Hell Spoken of as Powerless
wilt thou suffer thy holy one to Against God's Chosen
see corruption ."
Matt . 16 :18 "On this rock-mass
Soldiers That Die Go to Hell I will build my congregation, and
and Not to Heaven the gates of Hades ["hell," AV ;
Ezek . 32 :21, 27 "The strong Dy] will not overpower it ."
among the mighty shall speak to Isa . 38 :9, 10, 17 "The writing
him out of the midst of Sheol of Hezekiah king of Judah, when
["hell," AV ; Dy] with them that he had been sick, and was re-
help him : they are gone down, covered of his sickness. I said, in
they lie still, even the uncircum- the noontide of my days I shall
cised, slain by the sword . And go into the gates of Sheol ["the
they shall not lie with the mighty grave," AV ; "hell," Dy] : I am
that are fallen of the uncircum- deprived of the residue of my
cised [in battle], that are gone years . . . . But thou hast in love to
down to Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] my soul delivered it from the pit
with their weapons of war, and of corruption ."
have laid their swords under their Prov . 23 :13, 14 "Withhold not
heads, and their iniquities are correction from the child . . . .
upon their bones ; for they were Thou shalt beat him with the
the terror of the mighty in the rod, and shalt deliver his soul
land of the living ." from Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] ."
Ezek . 31 :17 "They also went Willfully Wicked Cannot Escape
down into Sheol ["hell," AV; Dy] Death ; Are Abased as Low as
with him unto them that are Sheol, Hades
slain by the sword ; yea, they
that were his arm, that dwelt un- Matt . 11:23, 24 "And you, Ca-
der his shadow in the midst of pernaum, will you perhaps be
the nations ." exalted to heaven? Down to
Hope Held Out for Those in Hell Hades ["hell," AV ; Dy] you will
come ; . . . It will be more endur-
Since Some Have Been Delivered able for the land of Sodom on
Acts 2 :31, 32 "He saw before- Judgment Day than for you ."
hand and spoke concerning the Ps. 9:17 "The wicked. shall be
resurrection of the Christ, that turned back unto Sheol ["hell,"
neither was he forsaken in Hades AV ; Dy], even all the nations
["hell," AV ; Dy] nor did his flesh that forget God."
see corruption . This Jesus God Isa . 26 :14 "They are dead, they
resurrected ." shall not live ; they are deceased,
1 Sam. 2 :6 "Jehovah killeth, and they shall not rise : therefore hast
maketh alive : he bringeth down thou visited and destroyed them .
to Sheol ["the grave," AV; "hell," and made all remembrance of
Dy], and bringeth up ." them to perish ."
Ps . 86 :13 "For great is thy Isa . 28 :15, 18 "Because ye have
lovingkindness toward me ; u said, We have made a covenant
Hell 160
with death, and with Sheol Gen . 42 :38 "And he said, My
["hell," AV; Dy] are we at agree- son shall not go down with you ;
ment ; when the overflowing for his brother is dead, and he
scourge shall pass through, it only is left : if harm befall him
shall not come unto us ; . . . And by the way in which ye go, then
your covenant with death shall will ye bring down my gray hairs
be annulled and your agreement with sorrow to Sheol ["the grave,"
with Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] shall AV ; "hell," Dy] ."
not stand ; when the overflowing Isa. 38 :18 "For Sheol ["the
scourge shall pass through, then grave," AV ; "hell," Dy] cannot
ye shall be trodden down by it." praise thee, death cannot cele-
Prov. 15:10, 11 (footnote) brate thee : they that go down
"There is grievous correction for into the pit cannot hope for thy
him that forsaketh the way ; and truth ."
he that hateth reproof shall die . Jews of Jesus' Day Realized
Sheol ["hell," AV ; Dy] and De- Abraham and Men of Old
struction are before Jehovah." Not in Heaven or "Limbo"
1 Ki. 2 :9 "Now therefore hold John 8 :52, 53 "The Jews said
him not guiltless, for thou art a to him : 'Now we do know you
wise man ; and thou wilt know have a demon . Abraham died,
what thou oughtest to do unto also the prophets, but you say,
him, and thou shalt bring his "If anyone observes my word, he
hoar head down to Sheol ["the will never taste death at all ." You
grave," AV ; "hell," Dy at 3 Kings are not greater than our father
2 :9] with blood ." Abraham, who died, are you?
Hell to Be Finally Destroyed by Also the prophets died. Who do
Casting into "Lake of Fire", you claim to be?'"
Meaning Destruction John 3 :10-13 "Jesus said to
Rev. 20:14 "And death and him : ' . . . Moreover, no man has
Hades ["hell," AV; Dy] were ascended into heaven but he that
hurled into the lake of fire . This descended from heaven, the Son
means the second death, the lake of man.'"
of fire ." Matt . 11 :11 "Truly I say to you
Hos . 13 :14 "I will ransom them people, Among those born of
from the power of Sheol ["the women there has not been raised
grave," AV ; "death," Dy] ; I will up a greater than John the Bap-
redeem them from death : 0 tist ; but a person that is a lesser
death, where are thy plagues? one in the kingdom of the heav-
O Sheol ["grave," AV; "hell," ens is greater than he is ."
Dy], where is thy destruction?" Jesus Did Not Take Anyone with
`Limbo" (Not Found in Bible) . Him Out of Hell or "Limbo"
Those Dying Before Jesus Not Acts 2 :14, 29, 34 "But Peter
in Some Such Separate Place stood up with the eleven and
Jesus' account of Lazarus in raised his voice and made this
Abraham's bosom and rich man utterance to them [ten days after
in hell shown to be a symbolic Jesus had ascended to heaven] :
illustration . 'Brothers, it is allowable to speak
Gen . 37 :35 "And all his sons with freeness of speech to you
and all his daughters rose up concerning the family head Da-
to comfort him ; but he refused vid, that he both deceased and
to be comforted ; and he said, For was buried and his tomb is among
us to this day. Actually David
I will go down to Sheol [ "the did not ascend to the heavens,
grave," AV ; "hell," Dy] to my but he himself says, "Jehovah
son mourning ." said to my Lord, 'Sit at my right
161 Hell
hand, until I make your enemies which is by the entry of the gate
a stool for your feet.' "' " Harsith, and proclaim there the
Even Faithful Christians Had to words that I shall tell thee ; . . .
Sleep Until Christ's Return therefore, behold, the days come,
saith Jehovah, that this place
1 Thess . 4 :15, 16 "We the liv- shall no more be called Topheth,
ing who survive to the presence nor The valley of the son of
of the Lord shall in no way pre- Hinnom, but The valley of
cede those who have fallen asleep Slaughter ."
in death, because the Lord him-
self will descend from heaven . . . Under Later Kings of Judah Ge-
and those who are dead in union henna or Valley of Hinnom Be-
with Christ will rise first ." came Used for Idolatrous
2 Tim . 4 :7, 8 "I have fought Worship
the right fight, I have run the 2 Chron . 28 :3 "Moreover he
course to the finish, I have ob- burnt incense in the valley of the
served the faith . From this time son of Hinnom, and burnt his
on there is reserved for me the children in the fire, according to
crown of righteousness, which the the abominations of the nations
Lord, the righteous judge, will whom Jehovah cast out before
give me as a reward in that day, the children of Israel ."
yet not only to me, but also to 2 Chron. 33 :6 "He also made
all those who have loved his his children to pass through the
manifestation." fire in the valley of the son of
Hinnom ."
Jesus Used Hades, Not Gehenna, Jer. 32:35 "And they built the
in Order to Show Deathlike high places of Baal, which are in
Condition of Rich Man the valley of the son of Hinnom,
Luke 16 :22, 23 "Now in course to cause their sons and their
of time the beggar died and he daughters to pass through the
was carried off by the angels to fire unto Molech ; which I com-
the bosom position of Abraham . manded them not, neither came
Also the rich man died and was it into my mind, that they should
buried . And in Hades ["hell," AV ; do this abomination, to cause
Dy] he lifted up his eyes, he Judah to sin ."
existing in torments ["and was 1 Ki . 11 :5-7 "Then did Solomon
buried in Hades he," Sinaitic MS. ; build a high place for Chemosh
"and he was buried in the infer- the abomination of Moab, in the
nus . But he," Vulgate MS.] ." mount that is before Jerusalem,
Gehenna Was the Literal Valley and for Molech the abomination
of Hinnom (Topheth) Outside the of the children of Ammon."
Walls of Jerusalem King Josiah Had the Valley Pol-
Josh . 15 :8 "And the border luted and Turned into
went up by the valley of the son Dumping Place
of Hinnom unto the side of the 2 Ki. 23 :10, 14 "And he defiled
Jebusite southward (the same is Topheth, which is in the valley of
Jerusalem) ." the children of Hinnom, that no
Josh . 18 :16 "And the border man might make his son or his
went down to the uttermost part daughter to pass through the fire
of the mountain that lieth before to Molech. And he brake in pieces
the valley of the son of Hinnom, the pillars, and cut down the
which is in the vale of Rephaim Asherim, and filled their places
northward ; and it went down to with the bones of men ."
the valley of Hinnom, to the side 2 Chron. 34 :4, 5 "And they
of the Jebusite southward ." brake down the altars of the
Jer . 19:2, 6 "And go forth unto Baalim in his presence ; and the
the valley of the son of Hinnom, sun-images that were on high
Hell 162
above them he hewed down ; and Symbol of "Lake of Fire" Taken
the Asherim, and the graven from Literal Place of
images, and the molten images, Gehenna (Topheth)
he brake in pieces, and made Rev. 1 :1 "The revelation by
dust of them, and strewed it up- Jesus Christ, which God gave
on the graves of them that had him, to show his slaves the things
sacrificed unto them . And he that must shortly take place . And
burnt the bones of the priests he sent forth his angel and pre-
upon their altars, and purged Ju- sented it in signs through him
dah and Jerusalem ." to his slave John."
Under Jewish Law No Creatures Rev. 20 :14, 15 "And death and
Were Cast Alive into the Valley Hades were hurled into the lake
Isa . 66 :24 "And they shall go of fire . This means the second
forth, and look upon the dead death, the lake of fire . Further-
bodies of the men that have more, whoever was not found
transgressed against me : for their written in the book of life was
worm shall not die, neither shall hurled into the lake of fire ."
their fire be quenched ; and they Rev. 21 :8 `But as for the
shall be an abhorring unto all cowards and those without faith
flesh ." and those who are disgusting in
their filth and murderers and for-
Deut. 21 :22, 23 "And if a man nicators and those practicing
have committed a sin worthy of spiritism and idolaters and all
death, and he be put to death, the liars, their portion will be in
and thou hang him on a tree ; the lake that burns with fire
his body shall not remain all and sulphur . This means the
night upon the tree, but thou second death ."
shalt surely bury him the same Conscious Eternal Torment Not
day ; for he that is hanged is in Scriptures but Eternal De-
accursed of God ; that thou de- struction Is, Symbolized by Ge-
file not thy land which Jehovah
thy God giveth thee for an in- henna and "Lake of Fire"
heritance ." Matt . 23 :33 "Serpents, offspring
Josh . 8 :29 "And the king of of vipers, how are you to flee
Ai he hanged on a tree until the from the judgment of Gehenna
eventide : and at the going down ["hell," AV ; Dy]?"
of the sun Joshua commanded, Matt . 10 :28 "And do not become
and they took his body down fearful of those who kill the body
from the tree, and cast it at the but can not kill the soul ; but
entrance of the gate of the city, rather be in fear of him that
and raised thereon a great heap can destroy both soul and body
of stones, unto this day ." in Gehenna ["hell," AV ; Dy] ."
Jer . 7 :31, 32 "And they have Jer . 19:12, 13 "Thus will I do
built the high places of Topheth, unto this place, saith Jehovah,
which is in the valley of the son and to the inhabitants thereof,
of Hinnom, to burn their sons even making this city as Topheth :
and their daughters in the fire ; and the houses . . . shall be as the
which I commanded not, neither place of Topheth ."
came it into my mind. There- Jer. 7 :32, 33 "Therefore, behold,
fore, behold, the days come, saith the days come, saith Jehovah,
Jehovah, that it shall no more that it shall no more be called
be called Topheth, nor The valley Topheth, nor The valley of the
of the son of Hinnom, but The son of Hinnom, but The valley
of Slaughter : for they shall bury
valley of Slaughter : for they shall in Topheth, till there be no place
bury in Topheth, till there be no to bury. And the dead bodies of
place to bury." this people shall be food for the
1 63 Hell
birds of the heavens, and for up as the smoke of a furnace,
the beasts of the earth ; and none And it came to pass, when God
shall frighten them away ." destroyed the cities of the Plain."
Obad . 16 "For as ye have drunk Jude 7 "So, too, Sodom and
upon my holy mountain, so shall Gomorrah and the cities about
all the nations drink continually ; them . . . are placed before us as
yea, they shall drink, and swallow a warning example by under-
down, and shall be as though they going the judicial punishment of
had not been ." everlasting fire ."
"Fire" a Symbol of Destruction, 2 Pet. 2 :6 "And by reducing the
and "Everlasting" Shows No Re- cities Sodom and Gomorrah to
covery Possible ashes he condemned them, setting
a pattern for ungodly persons of
Rev . 17 :11 "And the wild beast things to come ."
that was but is not, . . . goes off Luke 17 :29, 30 "But on the day
into destruction ." that Lot came out of Sodom it
Rev . 20 :10 "And the Devil who rained fire and sulphur from
was misleading them was hurled heaven and destroyed them all .
into the lake of fire and sulphur, The same way it will be on that
where both the wild beast and the day when the Son of man is to
false prophet already were ; and be revealed ."
they will be tormented day and
night for ever and ever ." Abyss Symbolizes Condition of
Ezek . 28 :13-15, 18, 19 "Thou Helpless Impotence, Deathlike
wast in Eden, the garden of God ; Inactivity
. Thou wast the anointed cher- Used in reference to spirit
ub that covereth : and I set thee, creatures or to those symbolic
so that thou wast upon the holy representations of organizations
mountain of God ; . . . Thou wast and of classes of people .
perfect in thy ways from the day Rev . 9 :1-3, 11 "And I saw a
that thou wast created, till un- star that had fallen from heaven
righteousness was found in thee . to the earth, and the key of the
. . .therefore have I brought forth pit of the abyss was given him .
a fire from the midst of thee ; it And he opened the pit of the
hath devoured thee, and I have abyss, and smoke ascended out
turned thee to ashes upon the of the pit as the smoke of a
earth . . . and thou shalt never- great furnace. . . . And out of the
more have any being." smoke locusts came forth upon
Matt. 3 :10-12 "Already the ax the earth, and authority wa, giv-
is lying at the root of the trees ; en them . . . . They have over them
every tree, then, that does not a king, the angel of the abyss ."
produce fine fruit is to be cut Rev . 11 :7 "And when they have
down and thrown into the fire. . . . finished their witnessing, the wild
the one coming . will baptize beast that ascends out of the
you people with holy spirit and abyss will make war with them
with fire . His winnowing shovel and conquer them and kill them ."
is in his hand, and he will com- Rev. 17 :8 "The wild beast that
pletely clean up his threshing- you saw was, but is not, and yet
floor, and will gather his wheat is destined to ascend out of the
into the storehouse, but the chaff abyss, and it is to go off into
he will burn up with fire that destruction ."
cannot be put out ."
Gen . 19 :24-29 "Then Jehovah Demons Dread Prospects of
rained upon Sodom and upon Go- Going into the Abyss
morrah brimstone and fire from Matt. 8 :28, 29 "When he got to
Jehovah out of heaven ; . . . and, the other side, into the country
lo, the smoke of the land went of the Gadarenes, there met him
Hell 164
two demon-possessed men coming thousand years have been ended,
out from among the memorial Satan will be let loose out of his
tombs, unusually fierce, so that prison, and he will go out to mis-
nobody had the courage to pass lead those nations in the four
by on that road . And, look! they quarters of the earth . . . . And the
screamed, saying : 'What have we Devil who was misleading them
to do with you, Son of God? Did was hurled into the lake of fire
you come- here to torment us be- and sulphur."
fore the right time?' " Tartarus (Unrelated to Hades) a
Luke 8 :30, 31 "Jesus asked Deep Place of Darkness
him : 'What is your name?' He
said : `Legion,' because many de- Job 40 :15, LXX "And when he
mons had entered into him . And has gone up to a steep mountain,
they kept entreating him not to he causes joy to the quadrupeds
order them to go away into the in the deep [tartaros] ."
abyss ." Job 41 :22, 23, LXX "He makes
Jesus in Abyss (Also in Sheol- the deep boil like a brazen cal-
Hades) Since Flesh Did Not dron ; and he regards the sea as
See Corruption a pot of ointment, and the lowest
part of the deep [the tartaros of
Acts 2 :24-27 "But God resur- the abyss] as a captive : he reck-
rected him by loosing the pangs ons the deep as his range."
of death, because it was not pos- Tartarus a Symbol of Debased
sible for him to continue to be
held fast by it . For David says Condition for Rebellious Angels
respecting him, . Moreover, 2 Pet . 2 :4 "Certainly if God
even my flesh will dwell in hope : did not hold back from punishing
because you will not forsake my the angels that sinned, but, by
soul in Hades ["hell," AV ; Dy], throwing them into Tartarus, de-
neither will you grant your man livered them to pits of dense
of loving-kindness to see corrup- darkness to be reserved for judg-
tion .' " ment ."
Rom. 10 :6, 7 "The righteousness Eternal Torment as Inducement
resulting from faith speaks in this to Obey God Repugnant to Him
manner : `Do not say in your
heart Who will descend into 1 John 4:8, 9 "He that does not
the abyss?" that is, to bring love has not come to know God,
Christ up from the dead .'" because God is love . By this the
Satan's Gravelike Place Is Abyss love of God was made manifest
of Inactivity Where He Will Be in our case, because God sent
Bound for 1,000 Years Before forth his only-begotten Son into
Final Destruction the world that we might gain life
Rev . 20 :1-3, 7-10 "And I saw an through him ."
angel coming down out of heaven Ezek. 33 :11 "Say unto them,
with the key of the abyss and a As I live, saith the Lord Jehovah,
great chain in his hand . And he I have no pleasure in the death of
seized the dragon, the original the wicked ; but that the wicked
serpent, who is the Devil and turn from his way and live : turn
Satan, and bound him for a ye, turn ye from your evil ways ;
thousand years . And he hurled for why will ye die?"
him into the abyss and shut it Jer . 7 :31 "And they have built
and sealed it over him, that he the high places of Topheth, which
might not mislead the nations is in the valley of the son of Hin-
any more until the thousand nom, to burn their sons and
years were ended . After these their daughters in the fire ; which
things he must be let loose for a I commanded not, neither came
little while . Now as soon as the it into my mind."
A day or days fixed by law, custom or religion [holydays] on which
ordinary business is suspended or certain things are done or abstained
from, in commemoration of some event or in honor of some person .
Christians Not Commanded to draining their blood and from
Observe Any Holiday fornication . If you carefully keep
Rom . 14 :4-6 "Who are you to yourselves from these things, you
judge the house servant of will prosper ."
another? To his own master he Rom . 1 :25 "Even those who ex-
stands or falls . Indeed, he will changed the truth of God for
be made to stand, for Jehovah the lie and venerated and ren-
can make him stand . One man dered sacred service to the crea-
judges one day as above another ; tion rather than the One who
another man judges one day as created ."
all others ; let each man be fully Christians Should Praise God,
convinced in his own mind . . . . Give Thanks Every Day
Also he who eats eats to Jehovah,
for he gives thanks to God ; and Heb . 13 :15 "Through him let us
he who does not eat does not eat always offer to God a sacrifice of
to Jehovah, and yet gives thanks praise, that is, the fruit of lips
to God ." which make public declaration to
Gal. 4 :9-11 "But now that you his name."
have come to know God, or rather Acts 2 :46, 47 "And day after
now that you have come to be day they were in constant attend-
known by God, how is it that you ance at the temple with one
are turning back again to the accord, and they took their meals
weak and inadequate elementary in private homes and partook of
things and want to be slaves to nourishment with great rejoicing
them over again? You are scrup- and sincerity of heart, praising
ulously observing days and God and finding acceptance with
months and seasons and years . I all the people."
fear for you, that somehow I have Rev . 7 :9, 10, 15 "After these
toiled to no purpose respecting things I saw, and, look! a great
you. ,, crowd, which no man was able
Col . 2 :16, 17 "Therefore let no to number, out of all nations and
man judge you in eating and tribes and peoples and tongues,
drinking or in respect of a feast standing before the throne and
day or of an observance of the before the Lamb, dressed in white
new moon or of a sabbath, for robes, and there were palm
those things are a shadow of the branches in their hands . And
things to come, but the reality they keep on crying with a loud
belongs to the Christ ." voice, saying : `Salvation we owe
Acts 15 :28, 29 "For the holy to our God, who is seated on the
spirit and we ourselves have fa- throne, and to the Lamb .' `That
vored adding no further burden to
you, except these necessary things, is why they are before the throne
to keep yourselves free from things of God, and they are rendering
sacrificed to idols and from blood him sacred service day and night
and from things killed without in his temple .'"
Holidays 166
Birthdays God not responsible for, does not
Scriptures mention observance bless each birth; counts all ex-
cept Christians as dead in sins.
only by pagans Fleshly births are due to will or
Gen . 40 :20 "And it came to pass passion of earthly parents
the third day, which was Phar- Ps . 51 :5 "Behold, I was brought
aoh's birthday, that he made a forth in iniquity ; and in sin did
feast unto all his servants ." my mother conceive me ."
Matt . 14:6-10 "But when John 1 :12, 13 "However, as
Herod's birthday was being cele- many as did receive him, to them
brated the daughter of Herodias he gave authority to become
danced at it and so delighted God's children, because they were
Herod that he promised with an exercising faith in his name ; and
oath to give her whatever she they were born not from blood
asked . Then she under her moth- or from a fleshly will or from
er's coaching said : `Give me here man's will, but from God ."
upon a plate the head of John Luke 9 :60 "But he said to him :
the Baptist.' Pained though he `Let the dead bury their dead,
was, the king out of regard for but you go away and declare
his oaths and for those reclining abroad the kingdom of God .' "
with him commanded it to be Eph . 2 :1, 5 "Furthermore, it is
given, and he sent and had John you God made alive though you
beheaded in the prison ." were dead in your trespasses and
Mark 6 :21 "But a convenient sins . . . . made us alive together
day came along when Herod with the Christ."
spread an evening meal on his 1 John 3 :14 "We know we have
birthday for his top-ranking men passed over from death to life,
and the military commanders and because we love the brothers."
the foremost ones of Galilee." Only exceptions are certain ones
Isa . 65 :11 (mar .) "But ye that God specially used
forsake Jehovah, that forget my Examples : Isaac (Gen . 18 :9-14 ;
holy mountain, that prepare a Rom . 4 :17-21 ; Gal . 4 :28, 29) ;
table for fortune, and that fill Samson (Judg. 13 :2-5) ; Samuel
up mingled wine unto Meni [cele- (1 Sam . 1 :11, 19, 20) ; Jeremiah
bration of birthday of "the Lord (Jer . 1 :4, 5) ; John the Baptist
Moon"] ." (Luke 1 :5-20) ; Jesus (Matt . 1 :18-
25 ; Luke 1 :26-37) .
One's birthday not the thing of
greatest importance in his life ; Christ's death to be observed by
not to be commemorated Memorial evening meal, but no
commandment to observe his
Eccl . 6 :3 ; 7 :1, 8 "If a man beget birthday as at a "Christmas"
a hundred children, and live Luke 22 :19 "Also he took a loaf,
many years, so that the days of gave thanks, broke it, and gave
his years are many, but his soul it to them, saying : `This means
be not filled with good, and more- my body which is to be given in
over he have no burial ; I say your behalf . Keep doing this in
that an untimely birth is better remembrance of me .'"
than he ." "A good name is better 1 Cor . 11 :24-26 "And, after giv-
than precious oil ; and the day ing thanks, he broke it and said :
of death, than the day of one's 'This means my body which is in
your behalf . Keep doing this in
birth . Better is the end of a thing remembrance of me.' He did like-
than the beginning thereof ; and wise respecting the cup also . . . .
the patient in spirit is better than `Keep doing this, as often as you
the proud in spirit." drink it, in remembrance of me .'
167 Holidays
For as often as you eat this loaf to Abijah ." [Of the 24 courses
and drink this cup, you keep pro- the second week of the eighth
claiming the death of the Lord, would fall in the latter part of
until he arrives ." the fourth Jewish month, or ear-
Jesus' birth not in cold ly part of July, our calendar.]
December Jesus was conceived in the early
Luke 2 :8, 12 "There were also part of January (hence born
in that same country shepherds early October)
living out of doors and keeping Luke 1:26-39 "In her [Eliza-
watches in the night over their beth's] sixth month the angel
flocks . 'And this is a sign for you : Gabriel was sent forth from God
you will find an infant bound in to a city of Galilee named Naz-
cloth bands and lying in a areth, to a virgin promised in
manger.'" marriage to a man named Joseph
Luke 2 :1-7 "Now in those days of David's house ; and the name
a decree went forth from Caesar of the virgin was Mary . . . . the
Augustus for all the inhabited angel said to her : 'Holy spirit
earth to be registered ; . . . and all will come upon you, and power
people went traveling to be reg- of the Most High will overshadow
istered, each one to his own you . For that reason also what is
city. Of course, Joseph also went born will be called holy, God's
Son . And, look! Elizabeth your
up from Galilee, out of the city
of Nazareth, into Judea, to Da- relative has also herself conceived
vid's city which is called Beth- a son, in her old age, and this
lehem, because of his being a is the sixth month for her .'"
member of the house and family John came baptizing in the
of David, to get registered with spring of A .D . 29
Mary, who had been given him Luke 3 :1-3 "In the fifteenth
in marriage as promised, at pres- year [A .D . 29] of the reign of
ent heavy with child ." Tiberius Caesar [who began to
Jesus' birth in the fall (about reign August 19, A .D . 14, after
Oct. 1, 2 B . C.); John the Baptist's Augustus' death], . . God's dec-
father serving as priest in early laration came to John the son of
part of July, 3 B . C., when John Zechariah in the wilderness . So
was conceived (hence born in he came into all the country
April, 2 B.C .) around the Jordan, preaching
Luke 1 :5, 8-24 "In the days of baptism of those repenting for
Herod, king of Judea, there hap- forgiveness of sins ." [John would
pened to be a certain priest start priestly preaching duties at
named Zechariah of the division the age of 30 . See Numbers, chap-
of Abijah, and he had a wife ter 4 .]
from the daughters of Aaron, Jesus was baptized at the age of
and her name was Elizabeth . Now 30, 6 months later
as he was acting as priest in the Luke 3:23 "Furthermore, Jesus
assignment of his division before himself, when he commenced his
God . . . . To him Jehovah's angel work was about thirty years old ."
appeared, . . . the angel said to [Hence his birth was 30 years
him : ' . . . your wife Elizabeth will earlier, about October 1, 2 B .C.]
be the mother of a son to you,
and you are to call his name The " star" was a light Satan used
John .' . . . after these days Eliza- to guide astrologers (demon wor-
beth his wife became pregnant ." shipers) in his scheme to locate
1 Chron. 24 :10, 18 [Regarding Jesus for destruction by Herod
the courses of the priests] : "The Matt . 2 :1-16 "After Jesus had
seventh to Hakkoz, the eighth been born in Bethlehem of Judea
Holidays 168
in the days of Herod the king, 2 Ki . 23 :13 "And the high
look! astrologers from eastern places that were before Jerusa-
parts came to Jerusalem, saying : lem, which were on the right
Where is the one born king of hand of the mount of corruption,
the Jews? For we saw his star which Solomon the king of Israel
when we were in the east and we had builded for Ashtoreth the
have come to do him obeisance .' abomination of the Sidonians ."
At hearing this King Herod was Jer . 7 :18 "The children gather
agitated and all Jerusalem along wood, and the fathers kindle the
with him . . . . Then Herod secret- fire, and the women knead the
ly summoned the astrologers and dough, to make cakes to the
carefully ascertained from them queen of heaven, and to pour
the time of the star's appearing, out drink-offerings unto other
and, when sending them to Beth- gods, that they may provoke me
lehem, he said : 'Go make a care- to anger."
ful search for the young child, Also : Jer . 44 :17-19 .
and when you have found it re- Easter egg, rabbit, "symbols of
port back to me .' . . . and, look! life" are phallic emblems, wor-
the star they had seen when they ship of a creation rather than
were in the east went ahead of the Creator
them, until it came to a stop
above where the young child was . Rom . 6 :23 "For the wages sin
. However, because they were pays is death, but the gift God
given divine warning in a dream gives is everlasting life by Christ
not to return to Herod, they with- Jesus our Lord."
drew to their country by another Ps. 36 :9 "For with thee [Je-
route. . . . Then Herod, seeing he hovah God] is the fountain of
had been outwitted by the' as- life ."
trologers, fell into a great rage, Rom . 1 :22-25 "Although assert-
and he sent out and had all ing they were wise, they became
the boys in Bethlehem and in foolish and turned the glory of
all its districts killed, from two the incorruptible God into some-
years of age and under, according thing like the image of corrupti-
to the time that he had care- ble man and of birds and four-
fully ascertained from the astrol- footed creatures and creeping
ogers ." things . Therefore God in keeping
with the desires of their hearts
Astrologers were the ones who gave them up to uncleanness,
brought gifts that their bodies might be dis-
Matt. 2:11 "And when they honored among them, even those
went into the house they saw the who exchanged the truth of God
young child with Mary its moth- for the lie and venerated and ren-
er, and, falling down, they did dered sacred service to the crea-
obeisance to it . They also opened tion rather than the One who
their treasures and presented it created, who is blessed forever .
with gifts, gold and frankincense Amen ."
and myrrh ." [As to astrologers' Such connected with phallic wor-
being condemned by God's law, ship of sex in Baal-peor, "lord of
see Deuteronomy 4 :19 ; 2 Kings the opening," and Ashtoreth,
17 :16 ; Isaiah 47 :13, 14 .] "a wife"
Easter Num . 25 :1-3 "And Israel abode
Ashtoreth, Astarte ("a wife") the in Shittim ; and the people began
"queen of heaven"-a Babylo- to play the harlot with the daugh-
nian pagan goddess ters of Moab : . . . And Israel joined
1 Ki . 11 :5 "For Solomon went himself unto Baal-peor : and the
after Ashtoreth the goddess of anger of Jehovah was kindled
the Sidonians." against Israel ."
169 Holidays
Deut. 4 :3 "Your eyes have seen 1 Cor . 11 :25, 26 "[Jesus said] :
what Jehovah did because of 'Keep doing this, as often as you
Baal-peor ; for all the men that drink it, in remembrance of me .'
followed Baal-peor, Jehovah thy For as often as you eat this loaf
God hath destroyed them from and drink this cup, you keep pro-
the midst of thee." claiming the death of the Lord,
Hos . 9 :10 "They came to Baal- until he arrives ."
peor, and consecrated themselves John 20 :1 "On the first day
unto the shameful thing, and of the week Mary Magdalene
became abominable like that came to the memorial tomb early
which they loved." in the day, while there was still
Jude 10, 11 "Yet these men darkness, and she beheld the
are speaking abusively of all the stone already taken away from
things they really do not know, the memorial tomb ." [This was
but all the things they do under- Sunday, Nisan 16, A .D. 33, while
stand naturally like the unrea- Jesus was put to death Friday,
soning animals, in these things Nisan 14 . ]
they go on corrupting themselves . Day of Memorial on Nisan 14
Too bad for them, because they (so-called "Good Friday") does
have gone in the path of Cain, not always fall on the same day
and have rushed into the erro- of the week
neous course of Balaam for re-
ward ." John 19:31 "Then the Jews,
since it was Preparation, in order
Christ's death on Nisan 14 to be that the bodies might not remain
observed by Memorial evening upon the torture stakes on the
meal, not his resurrection on sabbath, (for the day of that
Nisan 16, A .D . 33 sabbath was a great one, [a
Ex . 12 :2, 6, 14 "This month double sabbath, which did not
[Abib or Nisan] shall be unto you happen every Passover time]) re-
the beginning of months : it shall quested Pilate to have their legs
be the first month of the year to broken and the bodies taken
you . And ye shall keep it [the away ."
lamb] until the fourteenth day [Also, Nisan 14 is not always
of the same month ; and the on a Friday, but is the night of
whole assembly of the congrega- full moon .]
tion of Israel shall kill it at even .
And this day shall be unto you The meal on the first day of the
for a memorial, and ye shall keep week at Acts 20:7 not the Memo-
it a feast to Jehovah : throughout rial, but eating of an
your generations ye shall keep it ordinary meal
a feast by an ordinance for ever ." Acts 20 :7 "On the first day of
Matt. 26 :17-27 "On the first day the week, when we were gathered
of the unfermented cakes the together to have a meal, Paul
disciples came up to Jesus, say- began discoursing to them."
ing : 'Where do you want us to Acts 2 :42, 46 "And they con-
prepare for you to eat the pass- tinued devoting themselves to the
over?' . . . As they continued eat- teaching of the apostles and to
ing, Jesus took a loaf and, after association together, to taking of
saying a blessing, he broke it and, meals and to prayers . . . . and they
giving it to the disciples, he said : took their meals in private
'Take, eat . This means my body .' homes ."
Also he took a cup and, having Acts 6 :1-6 "Their widows were
given thanks, he gave it to them, being overlooked in the daily dis-
saying : 'Drink out of it, all of tribution . So the twelve . . . said :
you .' " 'It is not pleasing for us to aban-
Holidays 170
don the word of God to distrib- sat the women weeping for Tam-
ute food to tables .'" muz . Then said he unto me, Hast
Pascha, at Acts 12 :4, mistrans- thou seen this, 0 son of man?
lated "Easter" in "King James thou shalt again see yet greater
Version" abominations than these ."
Acts 12 :4 "And laying hold of Denying Oneself Meats, Food,
him, he [Herod] put him [Peter] Certain Proper Things on Cer-
in prison, turning him over to tain Days, Not Required of
four shifts of four soldiers each Christians
to guard him, as he intended to 1 Tim . 4 :1-6 "However, the in-
produce him for the people after spired utterance says definitely
the passover ." that in later periods of time some
The Day People Waved Palms will fall away from the faith,
for Jesus Was Not Sunday, but paying attention to misleading
Was Monday, Nisan 10, A .D . 33 inspired utterances and teachings
of demons, by the hypocrisy of
John 12 :1, 12, 13 "Accordingly, men who speak lies, marked in
Jesus, six days before the pass- their conscience as with a brand-
over, [the passover day itself be- ing iron, forbidding to marry,
ing counted as the sixth day] ar- commanding to abstain from
rived at Bethany, where Lazarus foods which God created to be
was whom Jesus had raised up partaken of with thanksgiving by
from the dead . The next day the those who have faith and accu-
great crowd that had come to rately know the truth. The reason
the feast, on hearing that Jesus for this is that every creation
was coming to Jerusalem, took of God is right and nothing is to
the branches of palm trees and be rejected if it is received with
went out to meet him . And they thanksgiving, for it is sanctified
began to shout : `Save, we pray through God's word and prayer
you! Blessed is he that comes in over it ."
Jehovah's name, even the king
of Israel!'" Rom . 14:1-17 "One man has
faith to eat everything, but the
Matt . 21:8, 12 "Others began man who is weak eats vegetables .
cutting down branches from the Let the one eating not look down
trees and spreading them on the on the one not eating, and let
road . And Jesus entered into the the one not eating not judge the
temple, and threw out all those one eating, for God has welcomed
selling and buying in the temple that one. Who are you to judge
and overturned the tables of the the house servant of another? . . .
money-changers and the benches One man judges one day as above
of those selling doves ." another, another man judges one
Ex . 12 :3-5 "In the tenth day day as all others ; . . . He who ob-
of this month [Abib or Nisan] serves the day observes it to Je-
they shall take to them every hovah. Also he who eats eats to
man a lamb, . . . Your lamb shall Jehovah . . . . For the kingdom of
be without blemish ." God does not mean eating and
Lent Corresponds to Preliminary drinking, but means righteous-
of Annual Festival of Death and ness and peace and joy with holy
Resurrection of Tammuz ("the spirit ."
Perfecting Fire", "Purifier")-a Col . 2 :20-22 "If you died to-
Pagan "Purgatory" God gether with Christ toward the
elementary things of the world,
Ezek . 8 :14, 15 "Then he brought why do you, as if living in the
me to the door of the gate of world, further subject yourselves
Jehovah's house which was to- to the decrees, `Do not handle,
ward the north ; and behold, there nor taste, nor touch,' respecting
171 Honorary Titles
things that are all destined to bow down his head as a rush,
destruction by being used up, in and to spread sackcloth and
accordance with the commands ashes under him? Wilt thou call
and teachings of men? Those very this a fast, and an acceptable
things are, indeed, possessed of an day to Jehovah? Is not this the
appearance of wisdom in a self- fast that I have chosen : to loose
imposed form of worship and the bonds of wickedness, to undo
mock humility, a severe treat- the bands of the yoke, and to let
ment of the body, but they are of the oppressed go free, and that
no value in combating the satis- ye break every yoke?"
fying of the flesh ." Christendom's Holydays Abom-
1 Cor . 8 :8 "But food will not inable to Jehovah
commend us to God ; if we do not
eat, we do not fall short, and, Isa . 1 :10, 13, 14, 17 "Hear the
if we eat, we have no credit to word of Jehovah, ye rulers of
ourselves ." Sodom ; give ear unto the law of
Heb . 13 :9 "Do not be carried our God, ye people of Gomorrah .
away with various and strange Bring no more vain oblations ; in-
teachings ; for it is right for the cense is an abomination unto me ;
heart to be given firmness by new moon and sabbath, the call-
undeserved kindness, not by eat- ing of assemblies,-I cannot away
ables, by which those who occupy with iniquity and the solemn
themselves with them have not meeting . Your new moons and
been benefited ." your appointed feasts my soul
hateth ; they are a trouble unto
1 Tim . 4 :8 "For bodily training me ; I am weary of bearing them .
is beneficial for a little, but god- Learn to do well ; seek justice, re-
ly devotion is beneficial for all lieve the oppressed, judge the
things, as it holds promise of the fatherless, plead for the widow ."
life now and that which is to Rev . 11 :8 "The great city which
come ." is in a spiritual sense called
Isa . 58 :5-7 "Is such the fast Sodom and Egypt, where their
that I have chosen? the day for Lord was also impaled ."
a man to afflict his soul? Is it to See also "Sabbath".

Honorary Titles
Titles that elevate one and cause him to be looked up to or wor-
shiped, or that distinguish him from others as being a higher
personage .
God's Word Forbids you are brothers . Moreover, do
Job 32 :21, 22 "Let me not, I not call anyone your father on
earth, for One is your Father, the
pray you, respect any man's per-
son ; neither will I give flattering heavenly One . Neither be called
titles unto any man . For I know `leaders', for your Leader is one,
not to give flattering titles ; else the Christ . But the greatest one
would my Maker soon take me among you must be your minister .
away ." Whoever exalts himself will be
Matt . 23 :6-12 "You, do not you humbled, and whoever humbles
be called `Rabbi' [My great one ; himself will be exalted."
My excellent one, footnote], for Luke 18 :18, 19 "And a certain
one is your teacher, whereas all ruler questioned him, saying :
Idolatry 172
'Good Teacher, by doing what Scriptural Designations
shall I inherit everlasting life?' Misapplied
Jesus said to him : 'Why do you "Elder," "deacon," "bishop,"
call me good? Nobody is good, "estate of the elders," or "pres-
except one, God .'" bytery", from Authorized Version
Luke 22 :24-26 "The kings of and Douay rendering of the fol-
the nations lord it over them, and lowing texts :
those having authority over them Acts 14 :23 "They appointed
are called 'Benefactors'. You, older men ["elders," AV] to office
though, are not to be that way ." for them in the congregation."
Jas . 2:4 "You have class dis- Titus 1 :5 "Make appointments
tinctions among yourselves and of older men ["elders," AV] in
you have become judges render- city after city ."
ing corrupt decisions, is that not Acts 22 :5 "Both the high priest
so?" and all the assembly of older
Only God "Reverend", men of influence ["estate of the
"Holy Father" elders," AV] can bear me wit-
ness ."
Ps . 111 :9 "Holy and reverend is 1 Tim. 3 :1, 2, 8 "If any man is
his [Jehovah's] name ." reaching out for an office of
John 17 :11 "Holy Father, watch overseer ["bishop," AV], he is de-
over them out of respect for your sirous of a right kind of work .
own name ." The overseer should therefore be
Jehovah and Christ Jesus Only irreprehensible, . Ministerial
Kings by Divine Right servants ["deacons," AV] should
likewise be serious ."
1 Tim. 1 :17 "Now to the King Phil . 1 :1 "To all the holy ones
of eternity, incorruptible, invisi- in union with Christ Jesus who
ble, the only God, be honor and are in Philippi, along with over-
glory for ever and ever . Amen ." seers ["bishops," AV] and minis-
Jer . 10 :10 "Jehovah is the true terial servants ["deacons," AV] ."
God ; he is the living God, and Paying Official Respect
an everlasting King ." Official titles of rulers, judges,
Rev. 19 :16 "[Christ Jesus] has etc ., used by Christians in ad-
a name written, King of kings dressing them as civil servants or
and Lord of lords ." rulers, not in worship nor as
Also : Rev . 17 :14 . spiritual leaders .
Isa . 42 :8 "I am Jehovah, . . . Acts 26 :2, 25 "'Concerning all
my glory will I not give to the things of which I am accused
another ." by Jews, King Agrippa .' . . . Paul
said : 'I am not going mad, Your
Also : Isa. 33 :22 . Excellency Festus .' "

Speaking generally, it is the veneration, excessive love, worship
or adoration of any made image, idol, representation or symbol of
anything, whether the idol is material or fancied in the mind . Ac-
cording to the Scriptures idolatry is a snare of the Devil and its
practice is demonism . It is considered an abomination in God's sight .
Idolatry is generally practiced toward a real or supposed higher

173 Idolatry
power, whether it is believed to have animate existence (as a human
or animal god or "saint") or whether it is inanimate (as a force or
object of nature or a government or any other organization) . It
usually involves some form, ceremony or ritual . It exacts devotion .
However, idolatry can be self-worship, worship of one's family or
ancestry, or any other human or even an animal without any made
representation . It is sometimes claimed that what is worshiped is not
the image itself, but what is represented by the image . This is relative
worship . All idolatry, whether relative or actual, is false worship .
Snare of Satan and Abomination Images Have No Life or Power
(Detestable) to God to Help in Themselves
Deut . 7 :16, 25 "And thou shalt Jer . 10 :3-5 "For the customs of
consume all the peoples that Je- the peoples are vanity ; for one
hovah thy God shall deliver unto cutteth a tree out of the forest,
thee ; thine eye shall not pity the work of the hands of the
them : neither shalt thou serve workman with the axe . They deck
their gods ; for that will be a it with silver and with gold ; they
snare unto thee . The graven fasten it with nails and with
images of their gods shall ye burn hammers, that it move not . They
with fire : thou shalt not covet are like a palm-tree, of turned
the silver or the gold that is on work, and speak not : they must
them, nor take it unto thee, lest needs be borne, because they can-
thou be snared therein ; for it is not go ."
an abomination to Jehovah thy Hab. 2 :18, 19 "What profiteth
God." the graven image, that the maker
Ps . 106 :36 "And served their thereof hath graven it ; the mol-
idols, which became a snare unto ten image, even the teacher of
them ." lies, that he that fashioneth its
Deut . 32 :17 "They sacrificed form trusteth therein, to make
unto demons, which were no God, dumb idols? Woe unto him that
to gods that they knew not ." saith to the wood, Awake ; to the
1 Cor . 10 :20, 21 "The things dumb stone, Arise! Shall this
which the nations sacrifice they teach? Behold, it is overlaid with
sacrifice to demons, and not to gold and silver, and there is no
God, and I do not want you to breath at all in the midst of it ."
become sharers with the demons . Jehovah God Forbade Nation of
You cannot be drinking the cup Israel to Practice Idolatry
of Jehovah and the cup of de-
mons ." Ex . 20:4, 5 "Thou shalt not
Ex . 32 :7, 8, 10 "And Jehovah make unto thee a graven image,
spake unto Moses, Go, get thee nor any likeness of any thing
down ; for thy people, that thou that is in heaven above, or that
broughtest up out of the land of is in the earth beneath, or that
Egypt, have corrupted them- is in the water under the earth :
selves : they have turned aside thou shalt not bow down thyself
quickly out of the way which I unto them, nor serve them ."
commanded them : they have
made them a molten calf, and 2 Ki . 17 :35 "With whom Je-
have worshipped it, and have hovah had made a covenant, and
sacrificed unto it . . . . now there- charged them, saying, Ye shall
fore let me alone, that my wrath not fear other gods, nor bow
may wax hot against them, and yourselves to them, nor serve
that I may consume them ." them, nor sacrifice to them."
Idolatry 174
No Image of God Possible idolatry and teraphim . . And
Deut. 4 :15-19 "Take ye there- Saul said unto Samuel, I have
fore good heed unto yourselves ; sinned ; . . . yet honor me now, I
pray thee, before the elders of
for ye saw no manner of form on my people, and before Israel, and
the day that Jehovah spake unto turn again with me, that I may
you in Horeb out of the midst worship Jehovah thy God ."
of the fire ; lest ye corrupt your-
selves, and make you a graven Practice of Idolatry Brought
image in the form of any figure, Punishment from God -
the likeness of male or female, Lev . 26 :1, 27, 28, 30 "Ye shall
the likeness of any beast that is make you no idols, neither shall
on the earth, the likeness of any ye rear you up a graven image,
winged bird that flieth in the or a pillar, neither shall ye place
heavens, the likeness of anything any figured stone in your land,
that creepeth on the ground, the to bow down unto it : for I am
likeness of any fish that is in Jehovah your God. And if ye will
the water under the earth ; and not for all this hearken unto me,
lest thou lift up thine eyes unto but walk contrary unto me ; then
heaven, and when thou seest the I will walk contrary unto you in
sun and the moon and the stars, wrath ; and 1 also will chastise
even all the host of heaven, thou you seven times for your sins .
be drawn away and worship them, And I will destroy your high
and serve them ." places, and cut down your sun-
Law Served as a Safeguard images, and cast your dead bodies
Against Idolatry of upon the bodies of your idols ; and
Surrounding Nations my soul shall abhor you ."
Deut . 29 :14-18 "Neither with Judg. 2 :11-15 "And the chil-
you only do I make this covenant dren of Israel did that which was
and this oath, but with him that evil in the sight of Jehovah, and
standeth here with us this day served the Baalim ; . . . and fol-
before Jehovah our God, and also lowed other gods, of the gods of
with him that is not here with the peoples that were round about
us this day (for ye know how we them, and bowed themselves
dwelt in the land of Egypt, and down unto them : . . . And the an-
how we came through the midst ger of Jehovah was kindled
of the nations through which ye against Israel, and he delivered
passed ; and ye have seen their them into the hands of spoilers
abominations, and their idols, that despoiled them ; and he sold
wood and stone, silver and gold, them into the hands of their
which were among them) ; lest enemies round about, so that they
there should be among you man, could not any longer stand before
or woman, or family, or tribe, their enemies . Whithersoever they
whose heart turneth away this went out, the hand of Jehovah
day from Jehovah our God, to go was against them for evil, as Je-
to serve the gods of those na- hovah had spoken, and as Je-
tions ." hovah had sworn unto them."
Stubbornness and Rebellion Finally Brought Complete Re-
Against God Is Self-Worship jection of Nation of Israel
and Idolatry Dent . 4 :25-27 "When thou shalt
1 Sam. 15 :22-24, 30 "Behold, to beget children, and children's
obey is better than sacrifice, and children, and ye shall have been
to hearken than the fat of long in the land, and shall cor-
rams . For rebellion is as the sin rupt yourselves, and make a grav-
of witchcraft [Heb ., "divination" ; en image in the form of any-
footnote], and stubbornness is as thing, and shall do that which is
175 Idolatry
evil in the sight of Jehovah thy ly .' Therefore, my beloved ones,
God, to provoke him to anger ; I flee from idolatry."
call heaven and earth to witness Acts 17 :29 "Seeing, therefore,
against you this day, that ye shall that we are the progeny of God,
soon utterly perish from off the we ought not to imagine that the
land . . . And Jehovah will scatter Divine Being is like gold or sil-
you among the peoples, and ye ver or stone, like something sculp-
shall be left few in number tured by the art and contrivance
among the nations ." of man ."
Jer. 22 :8, 9 "And many nations 1 John 5 :21 "Little children,
shall pass by this city, and they guard yourselves from idols ."
shall say every man to his neigh-
bor, Wherefore hath Jehovah Those Practicing Are a Reproach
done thus unto this great city? to God and Make Liars
Then they shall answer, Because of Themselves
they forsook the covenant of Je- Rom . 1 :22, 23, 25 "Although as-
hovah their God, and worshipped serting they were wise, they be-
other gods, and served them ." came foolish and turned the glory
Willful Rebellion and Stubborn- of the incorruptible God into
ness of Religious Leaders in Je- something like the image of cor-
sus' Day Was Idolatry That ruptible man and of birds and
Brought Such Desolation four-footed creatures and creep-
ing things . Even those who ex-
Matt . 15 :1-3, 7-9 "Then there changed the truth of God for the
came to Jesus from Jerusalem lie and venerated and rendered
Pharisees and scribes, saying : sacred service to the creation
`Why is it your disciples overstep rather than the One who created,
the tradition of the men of for- who is blessed forever ."
mer times?'
. . . In reply he said to
them : `Why is it you also over- Meat Sacrificed to Idols Could
step the commandment of God Be Eaten, After Its Dedicated
because of your tradition? You Purpose Had Been Fulfilled ; but
hypocrites, Isaiah aptly prophe- This Authority Must Not
sied about you, when he said : Be Abused
"This people honors me with their 1 Cor. 8:4, 7-10, 13 "Now con-
lips, yet their hearts are far re- cerning the eating of foods of-
moved from me . It is in vain fered to idols, we know that an
that they keep paying respect to idol is nothing in the world and
me, because they teach commands that there is no God but one .
of men as doctrines." ' " Nevertheless, there is not this
Matt. 23 :37, 38 "Jerusalem, Je- knowledge in all persons ; but
rusalem, the killer of the proph- some, being accustomed until now
ets and stoner of those sent forth to the idol, eat food as something
to her,-how often I wanted to sacrificed to an idol, and their
gather your children together, the conscience, as it is weak, be-
way a hen gathers her chicks to- comes vile . But food will not com-
gether under her wings! But you mend us to God ; if we do not
people did not want it . Look! eat, we do not fall short, and,
your house is abandoned to you ." if we eat, we have no credit to
ourselves . But keep watching that
Idolatry Specifically Forbidden this authority of yours does not
to Christians somehow become a stumbling-
1 Cor. 10 :7, 14 "Neither become block to those who are weak . For
idolaters, as some of them did ; if anyone should see you with
just as it is written : `The people your knowledge reclining at a
sat down to eat and drink, and meal in an idol temple, will not
they rose up to revel boisterous- the conscience of that one who
Idolatry 176
is weak be emboldened to the under my hand, but there is holy
point of eating foods offered to bread ; if only the young men
idols? Therefore, if food makes have kept themselves from women .
my brother stumble, I will never And David answered the priest,
again eat flesh at all, that I may and said unto him, Of a truth
not make my brother stumble ." women have been kept from us
1 Cor. 10 :25-29, 31, 32 "Every- about these three days ; when I
thing that is sold in a meat came out, the vessels of the young
market keep eating, making no men were holy, [and it may be
inquiry on account of your con- used as common bread ; and es-
science, for `the earth belongs to pecially since to-day it will be
Jehovah, and so does its fullness' . holy in respect of their vessels] .
If anyone of the unbelievers in- So the priest gave him holy bread ;
vites you and you wish to go, pro- for there was no bread there but
ceed to eat everything that is set the showbread, that was taken
before you, making no inquiry on from before Jehovah, to put hot
account of your conscience. But bread in the day when it was
if anyone should say to you : `This taken away."
is something offered to a god,' Worship of State Powers a
do not eat on account of the one Definite Form of Idolatry
that disclosed it and on account
of conscience . `Conscience,' I say, Rev . 13 :14, 15 "It tells those
not yours, but that of the other who dwell on the earth to make
person . . . . Therefore, whether you an image to the wild beast that
are eating or drinking or doing had the sword-stroke and yet re-
anything else, do all things for vived . And there was granted it
God's glory. Keep from becoming to give breath to the image of
causes for stumbling ." the wild beast, so that the image
of the wild beast should both
1 Tim . 4 :4, 5 "The reason for speak and cause to be killed all
this is that every creation of God
is right and nothing is to be re- those who would not in any way
jected if it is received with worship the image of the wild
thanksgiving, for it is sanctified beast ."
through God's word and prayer Rev. 14 :9, 10 "If anyone wor-
ships the wild beast and its image,
over it ." and receives a mark on his fore-
Example Taken from David's head or upon his hand, he will
Eating of Showbread on the also drink of the wine of the
Sabbath After Its Use in Sacri- anger of God that is poured out
fice to Jehovah Was Completed, undiluted into the cup of his
Considered Common wrath ."
Lev . 24 :5-8 "And thou shalt Rev. 17 :11 "And the wild beast
take fine flour, and bake twelve that was but is not, it is also
cakes thereof : . . . And thou shalt itself an eighth king, but owes its
set them in two rows, six on a existence to the seven, and it goes
row, upon the pure table before off into destruction."
Jehovah . . . . Every sabbath day he Saluting Flags (Which Often
shall set it in order before Jeho- Bear Likenesses) Also
vah continually ." Condemned
1 Sam . 21 :2-6 (footnote) "And Acts 7 :43 "But it was the tent
David said unto Ahimelech the of Moloch and the star of the
priest . . . . Now therefore what is god Rephan that you took up, the
under thy hand? give me five figures which you made to wor-
loaves of bread in my hand, or ship them . Consequently, I will
whatsoever there is present . And deport you beyond Babylon ."
the priest answered David, and Amos 5 :26 "Yea, ye have borne
said, There is no common bread the tabernacle of your king and
177 Idolatry
the shrine of your images, the commanded certain mighty men
star of your god, which ye made that were in his army to bind
to yourselves ." Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-
Job 31 :26-28 "If I have beheld nego, and to cast them into the
the sun when it shined, or the burning fiery furnace . Then Neb-
moon walking in brightness, and uchadnezzar came near to the
my heart hath been secretly en- mouth of the burning fiery fur-
ticed, and my mouth hath kissed nace : he spake and said, Sha-
my hand : this also were an in- drach, Meshach, and Abed-nego,
iquity to be punished by the ye servants of the Most High God,
judges ; for I should have denied come forth, and come hither.
the God that is above ." Then Shadrach, Meshach, and
1 Ki . 19 :18 "Yet will I leave Abed-nego came forth out of the
me seven thousand in Israel, all midst of the fire. . . . the fire had
the knees which have not bowed no power upon their bodies, nor
unto Baal, and every mouth was the hair of their head singed,
which hath not kissed him ." neither were their hosen changed,
Hos . 13 :2 "And now they sin nor had the smell of fire passed
more and more, and have made on them . Nebuchadnezzar spake
them molten images of their sil- and said, Blessed be the God of
ver, even idols according to their Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-
nego, who hath sent his angel,
own understanding, all of them and delivered his servants that
the work of the craftsmen : they trusted in him, and have changed
say of them, Let the men that the king's word."
sacrifice kiss the calves ."
Salvation Comes Only from Je-
Refusal of Faithful Jews to Wor- hovah Through Christ
ship State Symbol Was Approved
by God Acts 4 :12 "Furthermore, there
Dan . 3:1, 4-6, 8, 9, 12, 19, 20, is no salvation in anyone else,
26-28 "Nebuchadnezzar the king for there is not another name
made an image of gold . . . . Then under heaven that has been given
among men by which we must get
the herald cried aloud, To you saved ."
it is commanded, 0 peoples, na- See also "Caesar's Things to
tions, and languages, that at what Caesar" .
time ye hear the sound of . . . all
kinds of music, ye fall down and "Relative" Worship Not Allowed
worship the golden image that Isa . 42 :8 "I am Jehovah, that is
Nebuchadnezzar the king hath set my name ; and my glory will I
up ; and whoso falleth not down not give to another, neither my
and worshippeth shall the same praise unto graven images ."
hour be cast into the midst of a 2 Cor . 4 :18 "While we keep our
burning fiery furnace . Wherefore eyes, not on the things seen, but
at that time, certain Chaldeans on the things unseen . For the
came near, and brought accusa- things seen are temporary, but
tion against the Jews . They an- the things unseen are everlast-
swered and said to Nebuchadnez- ing."
zar the king. . . . There are certain
Jews whom thou hast appointed Is contrary to Christian principle
over the affairs of the province of worship
of Babylon : Shadrach, Meshach, 2 Cor . 5 :7 "For we are walking
and Abed-nego ; these men, 0 by faith, not by sight."
king, have not regarded thee : Rom. 8 :24, 25 "For we were
they serve not thy gods, nor wor- saved in this hope ; but hope that
ship the golden image which thou is seen is not hope, for when a
hast set up . Then was Nebuchad- man sees a thing, does he hope
nezzar full of fury . . . . And he for it? But if we hope for what
Idolatry 178
we do not see, we keep on wait- temple was before the city,
ing for it with endurance ." brought bulls and garlands to the
Prayers to "saints" (as to Mary) gates and was desiring to offer
not authorized sacrifices with the crowds . How-
ever, when the apostles Barna-
Jer . 7 :18 "The children gather bas and Paul heard of it, they
wood, and the fathers kindle the ripped their outer garments and
fire, and the women knead the leaped out into the crowd, crying
dough, to make cakes to the queen out and saying : `Men, why are
of heaven, and to pour out drink- you doing these things? We also
offerings unto other gods, that are human creatures .' "
they may provoke me to anger ." Rev. 19 :10 "At that I fell down
See "Worship of Mary" . before his feet to worship him .
Direct prayer only is allowed; But he tells me : `Be careful! Do
images not needed not do that! All I am is a fellow
John 14 :13 "Also, whatever it slave of you and of your brothers
is you ask in my name, I will do who have the work of witnessing
this, in order that the Father to Jesus . Worship God .' "
may be glorified in connection Images Unable to Help in Time
with the Son ." of Judgment
John 15 :16 "No matter what Deut . 32 :37, 38 "And he will
you ask the Father in my name say, Where are their gods, the
he might give it to you ." rock in which they took refuge ;
Matt . 6 :6, 9 "You, however, which did eat the fat of their
when you pray, go into your pri- sacrifices, and drank the wine of
vate room and, after shutting their drink-offering? Let them
your door, pray to your Father rise up and help you . Let them
who is in secret ; then your Father be your protection ."
who looks on in secret will repay Ps . 115 :4-8 "Their idols are
you . You must pray, then, this silver and gold, the work of men's
way : `Our Father in the heav- hands . They have mouths, but
ens.' " they speak not ; eyes have they,
but they see not ; they have ears,
See "Prayer" . but they hear not ; noses have
Bowing before men or even an- they, but they smell not ; they
gels as "relative" worship have hands, but they handle not ;
forbidden feet have they, but they walk
Acts 10 :25, 26 "As Peter en- not ; neither speak they through
tered, Cornelius met him, fell their throat . They that make
down at his feet and did obei- them shall be like unto them ;
sance to him . But Peter lifted yea, every one that trusteth in
him up, saying : `Rise ; I myself them ."
am also a man .' Jer. 10 :14, 15 "Every man is
Acts 14 :11-15 "And the crowds, become brutish and is without
seeing what Paul had done, knowledge ; every goldsmith is
raised their voices, saying in the put to shame by his graven
Lycaonian tongue : `The gods image ; for his molten image is
have become like men and have falsehood, and there is no breath
come down to us!' And they went in them . They are vanity, a work
to calling Barnabas `Zeus', but of delusion : in the time of their
Paul `Hermes', since he was the visitation they shall perish."
one taking the lead in speaking . See "Caesar's Things to Cae-
And the priest of Zeus, whose sar" .

Incarnation is a clothing, or state of being clothed, with flesh ;
taking on, or being manifested in . a body of flesh . Scripturally, it
describes the condition of angels appearing to mankind on earth .
False religion claims it is the "union of Christ's divinity with his
humanity" .
Angels in Noah's Day Took On of God was waiting in Noah's
Flesh and Bore Children days ."
Contrary to God's Will Holy Angels Appeared in Flesh
Gen . 6 :1-5 "And it came to to Man at God's Command
pass, when men began to multi- Gen . 19 :1-5, 15, 16 "And the
ply on the face of the ground, two angels came to Sodom at
and daughters were born unto
them, that the sons of God saw Sodom andeven ; Lot sat in the gate of
: and Lot saw them, and
the daughters of men that they rose up to meet them ; and he
were fair ; and they took them bowed himself with his face to
wives of all that they chose . . . . the earth ; and he said, Behold
The Nephilim were in the earth now, my lords, turn aside, I pray
in those days, and also after that, you, into your servant's house,
when the sons of God came in and tarry
unto the daughters of men, and they lay all night
down, the. . . men
. Butofbefore
they bare children to them : the city . . . called unto Lot, and said
same were the mighty men that
were of old, the men of renown . unto him, Where are the men
And Jehovah saw that the wick- that came in to thee this night?"
Luke 1 :26-28 "The angel Ga-
edness of man was great in the briel was sent forth from God to
earth, and that every imagination a city of Galilee named Nazareth,
of the thoughts of his heart was to a virgin promised in marriage
only evil continually ." to a man named Joseph of Da-
Were Sentenced by God and vid's house ; and the name of the
Power of Incarnation virgin was Mary . And when he
Taken Away went in before her he said : `Good
2 Pet . 2 :4 "God did not hold day, highly favored one, Jehovah
back from punishing the angels is with you .'"
that sinned, but, by throwing John the Baptist Not an Incarna-
them into Tartarus, delivered tion of Elijah
hem to pits of dense darkness Matt . 17 :10-13 "The disciples
t be reserved for judgment ."
to put the question to him : `Why,
Jude 6 "And the angels that then, do the scribes say that
did not keep their original posi- Elijah must come first?' In re-
tion but forsook their own proper ply he said : ` . . . I say to you that
dwelling-place he has reserved Elijah has already come and they
with eternal bonds under dense did not recognize him but did
darkness for the judgment of the with him the things they wanted .
great day ." . 'Then the disciples perceived
1 Pet . 3 :19, 20 "He went his that he spoke to them about
way and preached to the spirits John the Baptist."
in prison, which had once been Matt . 11 :11-14 "Truly I say to
disobedient when the patience you people, Among those born of
Incarnation 180
women there has not been raised John 1 :14 "So the Word be-
up a greater than John the Bap- came flesh and resided among us,
tist . . . . For all, the Prophets and and we had a view of his glory,
the Law, prophesied until John ; a glory such as belongs to an
and if you want to accept it, This only-begotten son from a father ."
is `Elijah who is destined to Had Jesus Been an Incarnation
come' ." He Would Not Have Needed Birth
John Merely Extended Work of as a Child, but Could Have As-
Elijah Under Influence of sumed Flesh as After
Holy Spirit Resurrection
Mal . 4 :5, 6 "Behold, I will send Luke 1 :30, 31 "So the angel
you Elijah the prophet before the said to her : `Have no fear, Mary,
great and terrible day of Jehovah for you have found favor with
come . And he shall turn the God ; and, look! you will con-
heart of the fathers to the chil- ceive in your womb and give birth
dren, and the heart of the chil- to a son, and you are to call his
dren to their fathers ." name Jesus .'"
Luke 1 :13-17 "Your wife Eliza- Luke 2 :6, 7 "The days came to
beth will be the mother of a son the full for her to give birth. And
to you, and you are to call his she gave birth to her son, the
name John. And you will have firstborn, and she bound him with
joy and great gladness, and many cloth bands and laid him in a
will rejoice over his birth ; . . . and manger ."
he will be filled with holy spirit John 20 :19 "Therefore, when it
right from his mother's womb, was late on that day, the first of
and many of the sons of Israel the week, and although out of
will he turn back to Jehovah their fear of the Jews the doors were
God . Also he will go before him locked where the disciples were,
with Elijah's spirit and power, Jesus came and stood in their
to turn back the hearts of fa- midst ."
thers to children and the disobe- Luke 24 :15, 16, 30, 31, 33-43
dient ones to the practical wis- "Now as they were conversing
dom of righteous ones, to get and discussing Jesus himself ap-
ready for Jehovah a prepared proached and began traveling
people ." with them ; but their eyes were
John Admitted He Was Not kept from recognizing him . And
Elijah as he was reclining with them
John 1 :19-21 "Now this is the at the meal he took the loaf,
witness of John when the Jews blessed it, broke it and began to
sent forth priests and Levites hand it to them . At that their
from Jerusalem to him to ask eyes were fully opened and they
recognized him ; and he disap-
him : `Who are you?' And he peared from them . And in that
confessed and did not deny, but
confessed : 'I am not the Christ .' very hour they rose and returned
And they asked him : `What, to Jerusalem . . . . Now they them-
then? Are you Elijah?' And he selves described the events on the
said : `I am not .'" road and how he became known
to them by the breaking of the
Jesus Was Not an Incarnation . loaf . While they were speaking
Was Born of Woman, Made Flesh of these things he himself stood
in their midst . . . . But while they
Gal . 4 :4 "But when the full were still not believing for sheer
limit of the time arrived, God joy and were wondering, he said
sent forth his Son, who was pro- to them : 'Do you have some-
duced out of a woman and who thing there to eat?' And they
came to be under law ." handed him a piece of broiled
181 Interfaith
fish ; and he took it and ate it If Jesus Had Combined Divinity
before their eyes ." with Humanity He Could Not
Peter Spoke of Himself as "in Have Died
This Tabernacle", Yet He Was Rom . 5 :6 "For, indeed, Christ,
No Incarnation while we were yet weak, died for
2 Pet. 1 :13, 14 "But I consider ungodly men at the appointed
it right, as long as I am in this time ."
tabernacle, to rouse you up by 1 Pet. 3:18 "Why even Christ
way of reminding you, knowing died once for all time concerning
as I do that the putting off of sins, a righteous person for un-
my tabernacle is soon to be ." righteous ones, that he might
lead you to God, he being put to
Jesus Left Behind Things of death in the flesh, but being
Spirit When Made a Man made alive in the spirit ."
Phil . 2 :7, 8 "[Jesus] emptied 1 Cor . 15 :3, 4 "Christ died for
himself and took a slave's form our sins according to the Scrip-
and came to be in the likeness tures, and that he was buried,
of men . More than that, when yes, that he has been raised up
he found himself in fashion as a the third day according to the
man, he humbled himself and Scriptures."
became obedient as far as death ."
Heb . 2 :9 "We behold Jesus, Appearance of Prophets at Trans-
who has been made a little lower figuration of Jesus Was a Vision,
than angels ." Not an Incarnation
Jesus Had to Become All Flesh Matt . 17 :1-3, 9 "Jesus took Pe-
in Order to Provide Correspond- ter and James and John his
ing Price for Mankind's Ransom brother along and brought them
Heb . 2 :14-17 "Therefore, since up into a lofty mountain by
the 'young children' are sharers themselves . And he was trans-
of blood and flesh, he also simi- figured before them, and his face
larly partook of the same things,
. For he is really not assisting shone as the sun, and his gar-
angels at all, but he is assisting ments became brilliant as the
Abraham's seed . Consequently he light. And, look! there appeared
was obliged to become like his to them Moses and Elijah, con-
'brothers' in all respects, . . . in or- versing with him . And as they
der to offer propitiatory sacrifice were descending from the moun-
for the sins of the people ." tain, Jesus commanded them,
Ex . 21 :23, 24 "Thou shalt give
life for life, eye for eye, tooth for saying, 'Tell the vision to no
tooth, hand for hand, foot for one .' "
foot ." See also "Jesus Christ", "Trini-
See also "Ransom" . ty," "Born Again ."

Belief in the "Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man",
that all men are God's children and therefore have a common bond
and union in Him however differently they may conceive Him . The
doctrine that any belief in God is acceptable to Him if practiced
sincerely ; and, therefore, organizations having differing creeds can

Interfaith 182
unite in order to accomplish a common purpose . A false, misleading
conception .
Effort was made to integrate false worship early in man's apostasy .
Nimrod tried to unite men in a common cause as opposed to Noah's
commission from God to establish seventy patriarchal family units
as a token fulfillment of the procreation mandate .
Jehovah God Would Not Sanc- Jehovah God's Opposition to In-
tion Interfaith by Accepting Both terfaith Demonstrated in Deliver-
Cain's and Abel's Worship ing True Worshipers from
Gen . 4 :3-7 "And in process of Demon-worshiping Egypt
time it came to pass, that Cain Ex . 8 :25, 26 "And Pharaoh
brought of the fruit of the ground called for Moses and for Aaron,
an offering unto Jehovah . And and said, Go ye, sacrifice to
Abel, he also brought of the your God in the land . And Moses
firstlings of his flock and of the said, It is not meet so to do ; for
fat thereof . And Jehovah had we shall sacrifice the abomina-
respect unto Abel and to his of- tion of the Egyptians to Jehovah
fering : but unto Cain and to his our God : lo, shall we sacrifice the
offering he had not respect . And abomination of the Egyptians be-
Cain was very wroth, and his fore their eyes, and will they not
countenance fell. And Jehovah stone us?"
said unto Cain, Why art thou Against the Nile god
wroth? and why is thy counte-
nance fallen? If thou doest well, Ex. 7:16-18 "And thou shalt say
shall it not be lifted up? and if unto him, Jehovah, the God of
thou doest not well, sin toucheth the Hebrews, hath sent me unto
at the door ; and unto thee shall thee, saying, Let my people go,
be its desire ; but do thou rule that they may serve me in the
over it ." wilderness : and, behold, hitherto
Heb . 9:22 "Yes, nearly all things thou hast not hearkened . Thus
are cleansed with blood according saith Jehovah, In this thou shalt
to the Law, and unless blood is know that I am Jehovah : behold,
poured out no forgiveness takes I will smite with the rod that is
place ." in my hand upon the waters
Cain Showed Religious Intoler- which are in the river, and they
ance by Murdering Abel shall be turned to blood . And the
fish that are in the river shall
Gen . 4 :8 "And Cain told Abel die, and the river shall become
his brother. And it came to pass, foul ; and the Egyptians shall
when they were in the field, that loathe to drink water from the
Cain rose up against Abel his river ."
brother, and slew him ." Against Imhotep, god of
1 John 3 :11, 12 "For this is the medicine
message which you have heard
from the beginning, that we Ex . 9 :1-3 "Then Jehovah said
should have love for one another ; unto Moses, Go in unto Pharaoh,
not like Cain, who originated and tell him, Thus saith Jehovah,
with the wicked one and slaugh- the God of the Hebrews, Let my
tered his brother. And for the people go, that they may serve
sake of what did he slaughter me . For if thou refuse to let them
him? Because his own works were go, and wilt hold them still, be-
wicked, but those of his brother hold, the hand of Jehovah is upon
were righteous ." thy cattle which are in the field,
1 83 Interfaith
upon the horses, upon the asses, the earth . And thou shalt con-
upon the camels, upon the herds, sume all the peoples that Jehovah
and upon the flocks : there shall thy God shall deliver unto thee :
be a very grievous murrain ." thine eye shall not pity them :
Against Reshpu and Qetesh, neither shalt thou serve their
gods of storm and battle gods ; for that will be a snare
unto thee . The graven images of
Ex . 9 :22, 23 °' And Jehovah said their gods shall ye burn with
unto Moses, Stretch forth thy fire : thou shalt not covet the
1- and toward heaven, that there silver or the gold that is on them,
may be hail in all the land of nor take it unto thee, lest thou
Egypt, upon man, and upon beast, be snared therein ; for it is an
and upon every herb of the field, abomination to Jehovah thy God .
throughout the land of Egypt . And And thou shalt not bring an
Moses stretched forth his rod to- abomination into thy house, and
ward heaven : and Jehovah sent become a devoted thing like unto
thunder and hail, and fire ran it : thou shalt utterly detest it,
down unto the earth ; and Jeho- and thou shalt utterly abhor it ;
vah rained hail upon the land of for it is a devoted thing ."
Egypt ."
Interfaith Led to Disaster
Against Thoth, god of the moon Among Israelites
Ex . 10:21-23 "And Jehovah said Judg. 2 :1-3 "I made you to go
, .into Moses, Stretch out thy up out of Egypt, and have brought
hand toward heaven, that there you unto the land which I sware
may be darkness over the land unto your fathers ; and I said, I
of Egypt, even darkness which will never break my covenant with
may be felt . And Moses stretched you : and ye shall make no cove-
forth his hand toward heaven ; nant with the inhabitants of this
and there was a thick darkness land ; ye shall break down their
in all the land of Egypt three altars . But ye have not hearkened
days ; they saw not one another, unto my voice : why have ye done
neither rose any one from his this? Wherefore I also said, I
pace for three days : but all the will not drive them out from be-
children of Israel had light in fore you ; but they shall be as
their dwellings." thorns in your sides, and their
See also "Animal Worship" . gods shall be a snare unto you ."
Brotherhood or Compromise with Israel's Wisest Human King
False Worshipers in Promised Brought Religious Peace to
Land Was Forbidden God's Own Own Household Through In-
Chosen People Israel terfaith, but Failed in Peace
Deut. 7 :1-6, 16, 25, 26 "When with God
Jehovah thy God shall bring thee 1 Ki . 11 :1-11 "Now king Solo-
into the land whither thou goest mon loved many foreign women,
to possess it, and shall cast out . . .And he had seven hundred
many nations before thee . . . . thus wives, princesses, and three hun-
shall ye deal with them : ye shall dred concubines ; and his wives
break down their altars, and dash turned away his heart. For it
in pieces their pillars, and hew came to pass, when Solomon was
down their Asherim, and burn old, that his wives turned away
their graven images with fire . For his heart after other gods ; and
thou art a holy people unto Je- his heart was not perfect with
hovah thy God : Jehovah thy God Jehovah his God, as was the
hath chosen thee to be a people heart of David his father . For
for his own possession, above all Solomon went after Ashtoreth the
peoples that are upon the face of goddess of the Sidonians, and af-
Interfaith 184
ter Milcom the abomination of Uniting for a Common Purpose
the Ammonites . And Solomon did Brought No Real Unity to Reli-
that which was evil in the sight gious Sects of Jews
of Jehovah, and went not fully Acts 23 :6-10 "Now when Paul
after Jehovah, as did David his took note that the one part was
father . Then did Solomon build a of Sadducees but the other of
high place for Chemosh the Pharisees, he proceeded to cry
abomination of Moab, in the out in the Sanhedrin : 'Brothers,
mount that is before Jerusalem, I am a Pharisee, a son of Phari-
and for Molech the abomination sees. Over the hope of resurrec-
of the children of Ammon . And tion of the dead I am being
so did he for all his foreign judged .' Because he said this a
wives, who burnt incense and sac- dissension arose between the
rificed unto their gods . And Je- Pharisees and Sadducees, and
hovah was angry with Solomon, the multitude was split. For Sad-
because his heart was turned ducees say there is neither resur-
away from Jehovah, the God of rection nor angel nor spirit, but
Israel, who had appeared unto the Pharisees publicly declare
him twice, and had commanded them all. So there broke out a
him concerning this thing, that loud screaming, and some of the
he would not go after other gods : scribes of the party of the Phari-
but he kept not that which Je- sees rose and began contending
hovah commanded . Wherefore Je- fiercely, saying : 'We find nothing
hovah said unto Solomon, Foras- wrong in this man ; but if a
much as this is done of thee, and spirit or an angel spoke to him,-.'
thou hast not kept my covenant Now when the dissension grew
and my statutes, which I have great, the military commander be-
commanded thee, I will surely came afraid that Paul would be
rend the kingdom from thee, and pulled to pieces by them, and com-
will give it to thy servant ." manded the force of soldiers to
go down and snatch him from
As a "Jealous God" He Exacts their midst and bring him into
Exclusive Devotion the soldiers' quarters."
Deut . 6 :5 "And thou shalt love Jesus' Permitting Separate Works
Jehovah thy God with all thy in His Name Before Pentecost
heart, and with all thy soul, and Not Advocating Separate Re-
with all thy might ." ligious Organizations
Ps. 119 :113 "I hate them that Mark 9:38-40 "John said to
are of a double mind ; but thy him : 'Teacher, we saw a certain
man expelling demons by the use
law do I love ." of your name and we tried to pre-
Ex . 20 :5 "Thou shalt not bow vent him, because he was not ac-
down thyself unto them, nor companying us.' But Jesus said :
serve them ; for I Jehovah thy 'Do not try to prevent him, for
God am a jealous God ." there is no one that will do a
powerful work on the basis of my
Indifferent Compromise Is name that will quickly be able
"Fence-straddling" to revile me ; for he that is not
Rev. 3 :15, 16 "I know your against us is for us.'"
deeds, that you are neither cold Not all believers in Jesus worked
nor hot . I wish you were cold or along with apostles
else hot . So, because you are luke- Mark 5:18-20 "Now as he was
warm and neither hot nor cold, boarding the boat the man that
I am going to vomit you out of had been demon-possessed began
my mouth." entreating him for permission to
1 85 Interfaith
continue with him . However, he but the workers are few. There-
did not let him, but said to him : fore beg the Master of the har-
`Go home to your relatives, and vest to send out workers into his
report to them all the things harvest . He that listens to you
Jehovah has done for you and listens to me too . And he that
the mercy he had on you .' And disregards you disregards me too .
he went away and started to pro- Moreover, he that disregards me
claim in the Decapolis all the disregards also him that sent me
things Jesus did for him, and all forth .' "
the people began to wonder." Jesus Did Not Accept and Over-
Jesus not at that time building look "Differences" as Petty, but
congregations; commissioned fol- Thoroughly Condemned Tem
lowers only to preach, going into Matt . 23 :1-3, 23, 24, 33 "Then
synagogues and private homes Jesus spoke to the crowds and
Luke 4 :15, 16 "Also he began to to his disciples, saying : `The
teach in their synagogues, being scribes and the Pharisees have
held in honor by all . However, seated themselves in the seat of
he came to Nazareth, where he Moses. Therefore all the things
had been reared, and according they tell you, do and observe, but
to his custom on the sabbath day do not do according to their
he entered into the synagogue, deeds, for they say but do not
and he stood up to read aloud ." perform . Woe to you, scribes and
Matt. 10 :1, 5-7, 12-14 "So he Pharisees, hypocrites! because you
summoned his twelve disciples give the tenth of the mint and
and gave them authority over un- the dill and the cummin, but you
clean spirits, in order to expel have disregarded the weightier
these and to cure every kind of matters of the Law, namely,
disease and every kind of ail- judgment and mercy and faith-
ment . These twelve Jesus sent fulness. These things it was bind-
forth, giving them these orders : ing to do, yet not to disregard
'Do not go off into the road of the other things. Blind guides,
the nations, and do not enter who strain out the gnat but gulp
into a Samaritan city ; but, in- down the camel! Serpents, off-
stead, go continually to the lost spring of vipers, how are you to
sheep of the house of Israel . As flee from the judgment of Ge-
you go, preach, saying, "The king- henna?'"
dom of the heavens has drawn Jesus Would Not Recognize Re-
near." When you are entering ligious Leaders as "Brothers"
into the house, greet the house-
hold ; and if the house is de- John 8 :42-44 "Jesus said to
serving, let the peace you wish them : 'If God were your Father,
it come upon it ; but if it is not you would love me, for from God
deserving, let the peace from you I came forth and am here . Nei-
return upon you. Wherever any- ther have I come of my own
one does not take you in or listen initiative at all, but that One
to your words, on going out of sent me forth. Why is it you
that house or that city shake the do not know what I am speaking?
dust off your feet .' " Because you cannot listen to my
Luke 10 :1, 2, 16 "After these word . You are from your father
things the Master designated sev- the Devil and you wish to do the
enty others and sent them forth desires of your father.'"
by twos in advance of him into Heb . 12 :4-11 "It is for discipline
every city and place to which you are enduring . God is dealing
he himself was going to come . with you as with sons . For what
Then he began to say to them : son is he that a father does not
`The harvest, indeed, is great, discipline? But if you are with-
Interfaith 186
out the discipline of which all but who are you?' With that the
have become partakers, you are man in whom the wicked spirit
really illegitimate children, and was leaped upon them, got the
not sons . Furthermore, we used to mastery of the two of them, and
have fathers who were of our prevailed against them, so that
flesh to discipline us and we used they fled naked and wounded
to give them respect. Shall we out of that house . This became
not much more subject ourselves known to all, both the Jews and
to the Father of our spiritual the Greeks that dwelt in Ephe-
life and live?" sus, and a fear fell upon them
Early Christians Resisted Efforts all, and the name of the Lord
Jesus went on being magnified .
of "Interfaith" by Emperor And many of those who had be-
2 Cor . 6 :14-18 "Do not become come believers would come and
unevenly yoked with unbelievers . confess and report their practices
For what partnership do right- openly . Indeed, quite a number of
eousness and lawlessness have? those who practiced magical arts
Or what fellowship does light brought their books together and
have with darkness? Further, burned them up before every-
what harmony is there between body. And they calculated to-
Christ and Belial? Or what por- gether the prices of them and
tion does a faithful person have found them worth fifty thousand
with an unbeliever? And what pieces of silver. Thus in a mighty
agreement does God's temple way the word of Jehovah kept
have with idols? For we are the growing and prevailing ."
temple of the living God ; just Merely taking name of God not
as God said : `I shall reside among sufficient for approval
them and walk among them, and
I shall be their God, and they Matt. 7 :20-23 "Really, then, by
will be my people .' `Therefore get their fruits you will recognize
out from among them, and sepa- those men . Not everyone saying
rate yourselves,' says Jehovah, to me, `Master, Master,' will en-
`and quit touching the unclean ter into the kingdom of the heav-
thing,' `and I will take you in .' ens, but the one doing the will of
'And I shall be a father to you, my Father who is in the heavens
and you will be sons and daugh- will . Many will say to me in that
ters to me,' says Jehovah the day, `Master, Master, did we not
Almighty ." prophesy in your name, and ex-
pel demons in your name, and
"Many Roads, One Destiny" a perform many powerful works in
False Religious Principle your name?' And yet then I will
Proved disastrous to those not confess to them : I never knew
true Christians, white sincere you at all . Get away from me,
converts took right course you workers of lawlessness ."
Matt . 25 :40, 45 "And in reply
Acts 19 :13-20 "But certain ones
of the traveling Jews who prac- the king will say to them : `Truly
ticed the casting out of demons I say to you, to the extent that
also undertook to name the name you did it to one of the least
of the Lord Jesus over those hav- of these my brothers, you did it
ing the wicked spirits, saying : `I to me .' Then he will answer them
solemnly charge you by Jesus with the words : `Truly I say to
whom Paul preaches .' Now there you, To the extent that you did
were seven sons of a certain
Sceva, a Jewish chief priest, doing not do it to one of these least
this . But in answer the wicked ones, you did not do it to me .'"
spirit said to them : 'I know Jesus Matt . 12 :30 "He that is not on
and I am acquainted with Paul ; my side is against me, and he
1 87 Interfaith
that does not gather with me the yeast of the loaves, but for
scatters." the teaching of the Pharisees and
Christ opposed to mingling of Sadducees ."
faiths; was building a new sys- Gal . 5 :9, 10 "A little yeast fer-
tem that was no part of reli- ments the whole lump . I am con-
gious system of Jews fident about you who are in union
with the Lord that you will not
Luke 5 :33-39 "They said to come to think otherwise ; but the
him : `The disciples of John fast one who is disturbing you will
frequently and offer supplications, bear his judgment, no matter who
and so do those of the Pharisees, he may be ."
but yours eat and drink .' Jesus
said to them : `You cannot make Paul showed unity of thinking
the friends of the bridegroom fast among Christians was essential
while the bridegroom is with 1 Cor . 1 :10-13 "Now I exhort
them, can you? Yet days will you, brothers, through the name
come when the bridegroom will of our Lord Jesus Christ that
indeed be taken away from them ; you should all speak in agree-
then they will fast in those days .' ment, and that there should not
Further he went on to give an be divisions among you, but that
illustration to them : 'No one cuts you may be fitly united in the
a patch from a new outer gar- same mind and in the same line
ment and sews it onto an old of thought . For the disclosure was
outer garment ; but if he does, made to me about you, my broth-
then both the new patch tears ers, by those of the house of
away and the patch from the new Chloe, that dissensions exist
garment does not match the old. among you . What I mean is this,
Moreover, no one puts new wine that each one of you says : `I
into old wineskins ; but if he does, belong to Paul,' `But I to Apollos,'
then the new wine will burst the `But I to Cephas,' `But I to
wineskins, and it will be spilled Christ .' Does the Christ exist di-
out and the wineskins will be vided? Paul was not impaled for
ruined . But new wine must be you, was he? Or were you bap-
put into new wineskins . No one tized in the name of Paul?"
that has drunk old wine wants
new ; for he says, "The old is Only two roads to follow-a
nice." ' " right and a wrong
Matt . 15 :14 "Let them be . Blind Matt. 7 :13, 14 "Go in through
guides is what they are . If, then, the narrow gate ; because broad
a blind man guides a blind man, and spacious is the road leading
both will fall into a pit ." off into destruction, and many
Matt . 16 :6-12 "Jesus said to are the ones going in through it ;
them : `Be on the alert and watch whereas narrow is the gate and
out for the yeast of the Pharisees
and Sadducees .' So they began to cramped the road leading off into
reason among themselves, say- life, and few are the ones finding
it . ,,
ing : 'We did not take any loaves
along.' Knowing this, Jesus said : Luke 13 :24 "Exert yourselves
`Why are you doing this reasoning vigorously to get in through the
among yourselves, because you narrow door, because many, I
have no loaves, you with little tell you, will seek to get in but
faith? . . . How is it you do not
discern that I did not talk to will not be strong enough ."
you about loaves? But watch out Prov . 16 :25 "There is a way
for the yeast of the Pharisees and which seemeth right unto a man,
Sadducees .' Then they grasped but the end thereof are the ways
that he said to watch out, not for of death,"

Greatest Personality in the universe, distinguished by that exclusive
name . The Great Theocrat, the Unfailing Purposer, the True and
Living God, Creator and Supreme Sovereign of the universe . Not
a triune god, which false doctrine would deny his almighty supremacy.
A translation of God's name in Hebrew, 7m7i,
His Name Ps. 93 :2 "Thy throne is estab-
Ex. 6 :3 "And I appeared unto lished of old : thou art from ever-
Abraham, unto Isaac . and unto lasting."
Jacob, as God Almighty ; but by 1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the King
my name Jehovah I was not of eternity, incorruptible, invisi-
known to them ." ble, the only God, be honor and
Ps. 83 :18 "That they may know glory for ever and ever ."
that thou alone, whose name is Jer . 10 :10 "But Jehovah is the
Jehovah, art the Most High over true God ; he is the living God,
all the earth ." and an everlasting King ."
Isa. 42 :8 "I am Jehovah, that Job 36 :26 "Behold, God is great,
is my name ; and my glory will I and we know him not ; the num-
not give to another, neither my ber of his years is unsearchable ."
praise unto graven images ." Is One Person
Principal Attributes John 8 :17, 18 "The witness of
two men is true . I am one that
Love bears witness about myself and
1 John 4 :8 "God is love ." the Father who sent me bears
witness about me ."
Wisdom Heb. 10 :38 "But my righteous
Job 12 :13 "With God is wisdom one will live by reason of faith . . . .
and might ." if he shrinks back, my soul has
Rom . 11 :33 "Oh the depth of no pleasure in him."
God's riches and wisdom and Deut . 6 :4 "Hear, 0 Israel : Je-
knowledge ! " hovah our God is one Jehovah ."
Justice Has an Incorruptible Body, with
Ps. 97 :2 "Righteousness and Qualities of Sight, Hearing, etc.
justice are the foundation of his Isa. 45 :9 "Shall the clay say
throne." to him that fashioneth it, What
Power makest thou? or thy work, He
Ps. 62 :11 "Power belongeth unto hath no hands?"
God ." Ps. 94 :9 "He that planted the
Job 37 :23 "The Almighty . . . . ear, shall he not hear? He that
he is excellent in power ." formed the eye, shall he not
The Happy God 1 Cor . 15 :44 "If there is a phys-
1 Tim . 1 :11 "According to the ical body, there is also a spiritual
glorious good news of the happy one ."
God." 2 Chron. 16 :9 "The eyes of Je-
hovah run to and fro throughout
Without Beginning or End of the whole earth, to show himself
Existence strong in the behalf of them
Ps . 90:2 "From everlasting to whose heart is perfect toward
everlasting, thou art God ." him ."
1 89 Jehovah
1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the King put thee in a cleft of the rock,
of eternity, incorruptible, invisi- and will cover thee with my hand
ble, the only God, be honor and until I have passed by : and I will
glory for ever and ever . Amen." take away my hand, and thou
Supreme Sovereign of the shalt see my back ; but my face
Universe shall not be seen."
Ex . 24 :10, 11 "They saw the
Acts 4 :24 "Sovereign Lord, you God of Israel ; and there was
are the One who made the heav- under his feet as it were a paved
en and the earth and the sea work of sapphire stone, and as
and all the things in them ." it were the very heaven for clear-
1 Pet . 5 :11 "To him be the ness . And upon the nobles of the
might forever . Amen ." children of Israel he laid not his
1 Cor. 15 :28 "When all things hand : and they beheld God, and
will have been subjected to him, did eat and drink ."
then the Son himself will also Isa . 63 :9 "In all their affliction
subject himself to the one who he was afflicted, and the angel of
subjected all things to him, that his presence saved them : in his
God may be all things to every- love and in his pity he redeemed
one ." them ."
Isa . 33 :22 "Jehovah is our judge, Gal. 3:19 "Why, then, the Law?
Jehovah is our lawgiver, Jehovah It was added to make transgres-
is our king ; he will save us ." sions manifest, until the seed
Impossible to Be Seen with should arrive to whom the prom-
Human Eyes ise had been made, and it was
1 John 4 :12 "At no time has transmitted through angels by the
anyone beheld God ." hand of a mediator ."
Ex . 33 :20 "He said, Thou canst Heb . 2 :2 "The word spoken
not see my face ; for man shall through angels became certain of
not see me and live ." execution, and every transgression
1 John 3 :2, 3 "Beloved ones, and disobedient act received a
now we are children of God, but retribution in harmony with jus-
as yet it has not been made mani- tice ."
fest what we shall be . We do Dan . 7 :7, 9, 13 "I saw in the
know that whenever he is made night-visions, . and one that
manifest we shall be like him, was ancient of days did sit : his
because we shall see him just as raiment was white as snow, and
he is ." the hair of his head like pure
1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the King wool ; his throne was fiery flames,
of eternity, incorruptible, invisible, and the wheels thereof burning
. . . be honor ." fire . I saw in the night-visions,
Has Made Manifestations of His and, behold, there came with the
Existence by Means of Angels clouds of heaven one like unto
a son of man, and he came even
or Visions to the ancient of days ."
Isa . 6 :5 "Then said I, Woe is Rev . 4 :2, 3 "A throne was in
me! for I am undone ; because its position in heaven, and there
I am a man of unclean lips, and is one seated upon the throne .
I dwell in the midst of a people And the one seated is, in ap-
of unclean lips : for mine eyes pearance, like a jasper stone."
have seen the King, Jehovah of
hosts ." Impossible to Make Likeness or
Ex . 33 :11, 22, 23 "Jehovah spake Comparison to Him
unto Moses face to face, as a Isa. 40 :18, 25 "To whom then
man speaketh unto his friend . will ye liken God? or what like-
And it shall come to pass, while ness will ye compare unto him?
my glory passeth by, that I will To whom then will ye liken me,
Jehovah 190
that I should be equal to him? Isa . 58 :6 "Is not this the fast
saith the Holy One." that I have chosen : to loose the
Deut . 4 :15, 16 "Take ye there- bonds of wickedness, to undo the
fore good heed unto yourselves ; bands of the yoke, and to let the
for ye saw no manner of form oppressed go free, and that ye
on the day that Jehovah spake break every yoke?"
unto you in Horeb out of the Isa. 61 :1-3 "The spirit of the
midst of the fire ; lest you cor- Lord Jehovah is upon me ; be-
rupt yourselves, and make you a cause Jehovah hath anointed me
graven image in the form of any . he hath sent me . . . to pro-
figure ." claim liberty to the captives, and
Num . 4 :5, 6 "When the camp the opening of the prison to them
setteth forward, Aaron shall go that are bound ."
in, and his sons, and they shall Also : Luke 4 :18 .
take down the veil of the screen, Isa . 49:9, AV "Say to the pris-
and cover the ark of the testi- oners, Go forth ."
mony with it, and shall put Isa. 42 :7 "To open the blind
thereon a covering of sealskin, eyes, to bring out the prisoners
and shall spread over it a cloth from the dungeon, and them that
all of blue ." sit in darkness out of the prison-
Knows Everything About His
Creation Obedience the Governing Princi-
ple of His Organization
Heb . 4:13 "There is not a crea-
tion that is not manifest to his Rom . 13 :1 "Let every soul be in
sight, but all things are naked subjection to the superior author-
and openly exposed to the eyes ities, for there is no authority ex-
of him with whom we have an cept by God ; the existing author-
accounting ." ities stand placed in their relative
Rom . 14 :12 "Each of us will positions by God ."
render an account for himself to Acts 3 :23 "Indeed, any soul
God." that does not listen to that
Prophet will be completely de-
God of the Free and the Only stroyed from among the people ."
Liberator 1 Sam . 15 :22, 23 "Hath Jehovah
2 Cor . 3 :17 "Now Jehovah is as great delight in burntoffer-
the spirit ; and where the spirit ings and sacrifices, as in obeying
of Jehovah is, there is freedom ." the voice of Jehovah? Behold, to
John 8 :31-38 "Jesus went on to obey is better than sacrifice, and
say to the Jews that had be- to hearken than the fat of rams .
lieved him : 'If you remain in my For rebellion is as the sin of
word, you are really my disciples, witchcraft, and stubbornness is
and you will know the truth, and as idolatry and teraphim ."
the truth will set you free . . . . Acts 5 :29 "Peter and the other
Therefore if the Son sets you apostles said : 'We must obey God
free, you will be actually free . . . . as ruler rather than men .' "
What things I have seen with 2 Thess . 1 :8 "He [Jesus] brings
nay Father I speak .'" due punishment upon those who
Rom. 8 :21 "The creation itself do not know God and those who
Tiso will be set free from enslave- do not obey the good news about
ment to corruption and have the our Lord Jesus ."
glorious freedom of the children 1 Pet. 4 :17, 18 "What will the
of God," complete end be of those who are
Jas. 1 :25 "He who peers into not obedient . . . if the righteous
the perfect law that belongs to man is being saved with difficulty,
freedom and who persists in it, where will the ungodly man and
this man . . . will be happy." the sinner make a showing?"
191 Jehovah
Does Not Gain from His Jas . 3 :17 "The wisdom from
Creatures above is first of all chaste, then
Acts 17 :24, 25 "The God that peaceable, reasonable, ready to
made the world and all the obey, full of mercy and good
things in it . . . does not dwell in fruits, not making partial distinc-
handmade temples, neither is he tions, not hypocritical ."
attended to by human hands as Heb . 6 :18 "It is impossible for
if he needed anything, because God to lie ."
he himself gives to all persons Titus 1 :2 "God, who cannot
life and breath and all things ." lie."
Job 41 :11 "Who hath first given
unto me, that I should repay Not Omnipresent, but Power Ex-
him? Whatsoever is under the tends Everywhere
whole heaven is mine ." Matt . 23 :9, 22 "One is your
Isa . 40 :15-17 "Behold, the na- Father, the heavenly one . And
tions are as a drop of a bucket, he that swears by heaven is
and are accounted as the small swearing by the throne of God
dust of the balance : . . . And Leb- and by him that is sitting on it ."
anon is not sufficient to burn, nor 1 Ki. 8:30 "When they shall
the beasts thereof sufficient for pray toward this place : yea, hear
a burnt-offering . All the nations thou in heaven thy dwelling-
are as nothing before him ; they place ."
are accounted by him as less than
nothing, and vanity ." Job 22 :12 "Is not God in the
Rom . 11 :35 "Who has first giv- height of heaven?"
en to him, so that it must be Ps. 102 :19 "He hath looked
repaid to him?" down from the height of his
Life Comes by Knowing, sanctuary ; from heaven did Je-
Praising Him hovah behold the earth ."
John 17 :3 "This means ever- Ps . 11 :4 "Jehovah is in his holy
lasting life, their taking in knowl- temple ; Jehovah, his throne is
edge of you, the only true God, in heaven."
and of the one whom you sent Ps . 14 :2 "Jehovah looked down
forth, Jesus Christ ." from heaven upon the children
Rom . 6 :23 "The wages sin pays of men ."
is death, but the gift God gives Amos 9 :2 "Though they dig in-
is everlasting life by Christ Jesus to Sheol, thence shall my hand
our Lord." take them ; and though they
John 6 :57, 63 "I live because of climb up to heaven, thence will
the Father . . . . The sayings that I I bring them down ."
have spoken to you are spirit and Isa . 43:13 "Yea, since the day
are life ." was I am he ; and there is none
Phil . 2 :10, 11 "So that in the that can deliver out of my hand :
name of Jesus every knee should I will work, and who can hinder
bend of those in heaven and those it?"
on earth and those under the Isa . 50 :2, 3 "Is my hand
ground, and every tongue should shortened at all, that it cannot
openly confess that Jesus Christ redeem? or have I no power to
is Lord to the glory of God the deliver? . . . I clothe the heavens
Father ." with blackness, and I make sack-
Also : Psalm 148 . cloth their covering ."
Always Reasonable, Cannot Lie Isa . 59 :1 "Behold, Jehovah's
Isa . 1 :18 "Come now, and let hand is not shortened, that it
us reason together, saith Jeho- cannot save ; neither his ear
vah ." heavy, that it cannot hear ."
Jehovah 192
Can Never Be Fully Searched Out and that canst not look on per-
verseness ."
Rom . 11 :33, 34 "Oh the depth Ezek . 28 :12-15 "Thou sealest
of God's riches and wisdom and up the sum, full of wisdom, and
knowledge! How unsearchable his perfect in beauty. Thou wast in
judgments are and past tracing Eden, the garden of God . . . . Thou
out his ways are! For 'who has wast the anointed cherub that
come to know Jehovah's mind, or covereth : and I set thee, so that
who has become his counselor?' " thou wast upon the holy moun-
Isa . 40 :28 "There is no search- tain of God . . . . Thou wast perfect
ing of his understanding." in thy ways from the day that
Job 36 :26 "Behold, God is great, thou wast created, till unright-
and we know him not ." eousness was found in thee."
Job 37 :23 "Touching the Al-
mighty, we cannot find him out ." His Vindication the Most
Important Thing
Christ His Intimate Rom . 3 :4 "As it is written :
Matt . 11 :27 "All things have 'That you [God] might be vin-
been delivered to me by my Fa- dicated in your words and might
ther, and no one fully knows the win when you are being judged .'"
Son but the Father, neither does See: Ps . 51 :4 .
anyone fully know the Father but Matt . 6 :9 "Our Father in the
the Son and anyone to whom the heavens, let your name be sanc-
Son is willing to reveal him ." tified ."
Cannot Be Blocked in His Rom . 9 :17 "For the Scripture
Purposes says to Pharaoh : 'For this very
purpose I have let you remain,
Matt. 19 :26 "With God all that in connection with you I
things are possible." may demonstrate my power and
Isa . 46 :11 "I have spoken, I that my name may be published
will also bring it to pass ; I have throughout all the earth .'"
purposed, I will also do it ." Also : Ex . 9 :16 .
Isa . 55 :11 "So shall my word be Prov. 27 :11 "My son, be wise,
that goeth forth out of my and make my heart glad, that
mouth : it shall not return unto I may answer him that reproach-
me void, but it shall accomplish eth me ."
that which I please, and it shall Job 32 :2 "Then was kindled the
prosper in the thing whereto I wrath of Elihu . . . against Job . . .
sent it." because he justified himself rather
Job 41 :10 "Who then is he that than God ."
can stand before me?" Isa. 63 :12-14 "That caused his
Does Not Tempt Anyone to Sin glorious arm to go at the right
or Create Wickedness hand of Moses? . . . to make him-
self an everlasting name? . . . so
Jas . 1 :13, 14 "When under trial, didst thou lead thy people, to
let no one say : 'I am being tried make thyself a glorious name ."
by God.' No ; for with evil things
God cannot be tried nor does he Ps. 111 :9 "Holy and reverend is
himself try anyone . But each his name ."
one is tried by being drawn out Now Rules as King Through
and enticed by his own desire ." Christ
Deut. 32 :4, 5 "All his ways are Rev . 19 :6 "Praise Jah, you peo-
justice : a God of faithfulness ple, because Jehovah our God,
and without iniquity, just and the Almighty, has begun to rule
right is he ." as king ."
Hab . 1 :13 "Thou that art of Rev . 11 :15 "Loud voices oc-
purer eyes than to behold evil, curred in heaven saying : 'The

193 Jehovah's Witnesses

kingdom of the world has become as king for ever and ever .'"
the kingdom of our Lord and See: Matthew 24 and Revela-
of his Christ, and he will rule tion 6 .

Jehovah's Witnesses
Servants of Jehovah, the Almighty God, and active witnesses to
his sovereign supremacy . Since the time of Christ Jesus they are
Christian ministers, doing the will of God by following the course
exemplified by Christ their Leader . The name Jehovah meaning "The
Purposer", his witnesses declare him as the only true God, who is
now working out his purpose of vindicating his name and sovereignty
and blessing all faithful mankind through his kingdom . Not a sect
or cult that follows or adulates human leaders or rites and ceremonies .
Jesus Christ the Chief Witness his gifts . . . . the time will fail me
of Jehovah if I go on to relate about Gideon,
Rev . 1 :5 "Jesus Christ, 'the Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David
Faithful Witness,' `The firstborn as well as Samuel and the other
from the dead,' and `The Ruler prophets. . . . we have so great a
of the kings of the earth' ." cloud of witnesses surrounding
Rev. 3 :14 "These are the things us . ,,
the Amen says, the faithful and God Has Raised Up Witnesses
true witness, the beginning of the with a Special Warning During
creation by God ." Each Judgment Period
John 18 :37 "Jesus answered : Jer. 44 :4 "I sent unto you all
. . For this purpose I have been
born and for this purpose I have my servants the prophets, rising
up early and sending them ."
come into the world, that I
should bear witness to the truth . Amos 3 :7 "Surely the Lord Je-
Everyone that is on the side of hovah will do nothing, except he
the truth listens to my voice.' " reveal his secret unto his serv-
John 17 :6, 26 "I have made ants the prophets ."
your name manifest to the men Preflood world
you gave me out of the world . . . . Heb . 11 :7 "By faith Noah, after
And I have made your name being given divine warning of
known to them and will make it things not yet beheld, showed
known." godly fear and constructed an
John 14 :9 "He that has seen me ark for the saving of his house-
has seen the Father also ." hold, and through this faith he
The name "Jesus" means "Je- condemned the world, and he
hovah is salvation". became an heir of the righteous-
Abel the First of an Unbroken ness which is according to faith ."
Line of Jehovah's Witnesses on 1 Pet. 3:20 "The patience of
Earth God was waiting in Noah's days,
Heb . 11 :1-40 ; 12 :1 "By faith while the ark was being con-
Abel offered God a sacrifice of structed, in which a few people,
g_ eater worth than Cain, through that is, eight souls, were carried
which faith he had witness borne safely through the water ."
to him that he was righteous, 2 Pet. 2 :5 "He did not hold
God bearing witness respecting back from punishing an ancient
Jehovah's Witnesses 194
world, but kept Noah, a preacher right hand, but the goats on his
of righteousness, safe with seven left ."
others when he brought a deluge Scriptural Names Such as "Chris-
upon a world of ungodly people." tian", "Church of Christ,"
See : Genesis, chapters 6, 7 . "Church of God" and Others
Egypt Applying to Christian Con-
Ex . 3 :15 "And God said more- gregation Are Proper Now
over unto Moses, Thus shalt thou Acts 11 :26 "It was first in An-
say unto the children of Israel, tioch that the disciples were by
Jehovah, the God of your fathers, divine providence called 'Chris-
the God of Abraham, the God of tians' ."
Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath 1 Pet. 4 :16 "But if he suffers
sent me unto you : this is my as a Christian, let him not feel
name for ever, and this is my shame, but let him keep on glori-
memorial unto all generations ." fying God in this name ."
Kingdom of Judah Acts 26 :28, 29 "But Agrippa
Jer . 1 :4-10 "To whomsoever I said to Paul : 'In a short time
shall send thee thou shalt go, you would persuade me to be-
and whatsoever I shall command come a Christian .' At this Paul
thee thou shalt speak. . . . Behold, said : 'I could wish to God that
I have put my words in thy whether in a short time or in a
mouth : see, I have this day set long time not only you but also
thee over the nations and over all those who hear me today
the kingdoms, to pluck up and to would become men such as I also
break down and to destroy and am, with the exception of these
to overthrow, to build and to bonds .' "
plant ." Acts 20 :28 "Shepherd the con-
Ezek. 3 :17 "Son of man, I have gregation of God, which he pur-
made thee a watchman unto the chased with the blood of his own
house of Israel : therefore hear [Son] ."
the word at my mouth, and give 1 Tim . 3 :15 "God's household,
them warning from me ." which is the congregation of the
Jewish systems of things living God."
John 12 :31 "Now there is a Matt. 16 :17, 18 "In response
judging of this world ; now the Jesus said to him : ' . . . on this
ruler of this world will be cast rock-mass I will build my congre-
out ." gation .'"
Present system of things Ancient Faithful Israel Was
an Entire Nation of
Matt. 24 :14 "And this good Jehovah's Witnesses
news of the kingdom will be
preached in all the inhabited Ex . 6 :7 "I will take you to me
earth for the purpose of a wit- for a people, and I will be to you
ness to all the nations, and then a God ; and ye shall know that I
the accomplished end will come ." am Jehovah your God, who bring-
Matt . 25 :31-33 "When the Son eth you out from under the bur-
of man arrives in his glory and dens of the Egyptians ."
all the angels with him, then he Ex . 19 :5, 6 "If ye will obey my
will sit down on his glorious voice indeed, and keep my cove-
throne . And all the nations will nant, then ye shall be mine own
be gathered before him, and he possession from among all peo-
will separate people one from ples : for all the earth is mine :
another, just as a shepherd sep- and ye shall be unto me a king-
arates the sheep from the goats . dom of priests, and a holy na-
And he will put the sheep on his tion ."
195 Jehovah's Witnesses
2 Sam . 7 :23 "And what one peoples be assembled : who among
nation in the earth is like thy them can declare this, and show
people, even like Israel, whom us former things? let them bring
God went to redeem unto himself their witnesses, that they may
for a people, and to make him a be justified ; or let them hear,
name, and to do great things for and say, It is truth . Ye are my
you, and terrible things for thy witnesses, saith Jehovah, and my
land, before thy people, whom servant whom I have chosen ; that
thou redeemedst to thee out of ye may know and believe me, and
Egypt, from the nations and their understand that I am he : before
gods?" me there was no God formed, nei-
Christian Congregation Under ther shall there be after me . I,
Christ Is the Present-Day even I, am Jehovah ; and besides
"Nation" of Jehovah's me there is no saviour . I have
Witnesses declared, and I have saved, and
I have showed ; and there was no
Rev. 14 :1-3 "And I saw, and strange god among you : therefore
look! the Lamb standing upon the ye are my witnesses, saith Jeho-
mount Zion, and with him a hun- vah, and I am God ."
dred and forty-four thousand Isa. 44 :8 "Fear ye not, neither
having his name and the name be afraid : have I not declared
of his Father written on their unto thee of old, and showed it?
foreheads . . . . And they are sing- and ye are my witnesses . Is there
ing as if a new song . . . and no a God besides me? yea, there is
one was able to master that no Rock ; I know not any ."
song but the hundred and forty- 1 Cor . 3 :7 "So that neither is
four thousand, who have been he that plants anything nor is
purchased from the earth ." he that waters, but God who
1 Pet. 2 :9 "On the other hand, makes it grow ."
you are 'a chosen race, a royal Christ, Not Any Man, Is the
priesthood, a holy nation, a peo- Leader and Ever-living Head of
ple for special possession, that Jehovah's Witnesses
you should declare abroad the
excellencies' of the one that Matt . 23 :10 "Neither be called
called you out of darkness into 'leaders', for your Leader is one,
his wonderful light ." the Christ ."
Ps . 33 :12 "Blessed is the nation Isa . 55 :4 "Behold, I have given
whose God is Jehovah." him for a witness to the peoples,
Acts 15 :14 "Symeon has related a leader and commander to the
thoroughly how God for the first peoples."
time turned his attention to the Acts 3:23 "Indeed, any soul
nations to take out of them a that does not listen to that
people for his name ." Prophet will be completely de-
Matt . 21 :43 "The kingdom of stroyed from among the people ."
God will be taken from you and Eph. 5 :23 "Christ also is head
be given to a nation producing of the congregation, he being a
its fruits ." savior of this body ."
Eph. 3 :14, 15 "I bend my knees Col . 1 :18 "He is the head of
to the Father, to whom every the body, the congregation ."
family in heaven and on earth Not a Sect or Cult, as Men
owes its name ." Call Them
Jehovah, Not Man, Is the Acts 24 :14 "According to the
Founder of His Witnesses way which they call a 'sect', in
and Giver of Name this manner I am rendering sa-
Isa . 43 :9-12 "Let all the nations cred service to the God of my
be gathered together, and let the forefathers."
Jehovah's Witnesses 196
John 4:24 "God is a Spirit, able to master that song but the
and those worshiping him must hundred and forty-four thousand
worship with spirit and truth." who have been purchased from
Not a Part of This World the earth ."
Other Witnesses Have Hopes of
John 17 :16, 17 "They are no Everlasting Life on Earth
part of the world just as I am
no part of the world . Sanctify John 10 :16 "I have other sheep,
them by means of the truth ; which are not of this fold ; those
your word is truth ." also I must bring, and they will
Jas . 4 :4 "Adulteresses, do you listen to my voice, and they will
not know that the friendship with become one flock, one shepherd ."
the world is enmity with God? Matt. 25 :31-46 "The king will
Whoever, therefore, wants to be a say to them [the sheep] : `Truly
friend of the world is constitut- I say to you, To the extent that
ing himself an enemy of God ." you did it to one of the least
Not Seeking to Establish a of these my brothers, you did it
Political Government to me.' . . . the righteous ones [will
depart] into everlasting life ."
2 Pet . 3 :13, 14 "But there are Members of "Other Sheep" Class
new heavens and a new earth
that we are awaiting according Are Also Properly Termed Je-
to his promise, and in these right- hovah's Witnesses Because of
Their Work, in Harmony with
eousness is to dwell . Hence, be- the Heavenly Class
loved ones, since you are awaiting
these things, do your utmost to be Rev . 7 :4, 9-15 "I heard the
found finally by him spotless and number of those who were sealed,
unblemished and in peace ." a hundred and forty-four thou-
1 Pet . 4 :15 "However, let none sand . . . . After these things I saw,
of you suffer as a murderer or a and, look! a great crowd, which
thief or an evildoer or as a busy- no man was able to number, out
body in other people's matters ." of all nations and tribes and peo-
I Tim . 2 :1, 2 "I therefore ex- ples and tongues, standing before
hort first of all that supplications, the throne and before the Lamb,
prayers, intercessions, offerings of . . .And they keep on crying with
thanks, be made concerning all a loud voice, saying : `Salvation
kinds of men, concerning kings we owe to our God, who is seated
and all those who are in high sta- on the throne, and to the Lamb.'
tion, in order that we may go on . . .`they are rendering him sacred
leading a calm and quiet life with service day and night .'"
full godly devotion and serious- Rev. 22 :17 "And the spirit and
ness ." the bride keep on saying, `Come!'
Only 144,000 Followers of Christ And let anyone hearing say,
Will Go to Heaven `Come!' And let anyone thirsting
Luke 12 :32 "Have no fear, little come ; let anyone that wishes
flock, because your Father has take life's water free ."
approved of giving you the king- Isa . 56 :6-8 "Also the foreigners
dom." that join themselves to Jeho-
Rev . 14 :1-3 "I saw, and look! vah, to minister unto him, and
the Lamb standing upon the to love the name of Jeho-
mount Zion, and with him a hun- vah, to be his servants, every
dred and forty-four thousand . . . one that keepeth the sabbath
And I heard a sound out of heav- from profaning it, and holdeth
en . . . and the sound that I heard fast my covenant ; even them will
was as of singers. . . . And they are I bring to my holy mountain, and
singing as if a new song before make them joyful in my house of
the throne . . . and no one was prayer : their burnt-offerings and
197 Jehovah's Witnesses
their sacrifices shall be accepted Each Witness Is a Minister ; One
upon mine altar ; for my house Not Preaching Is Not One of
shall be called a house of prayer Jehovah's Witnesses
for all peoples . The Lord Jeho- Acts 2 :46, 47 "Day after day
vah, who gathereth the outcasts they were in constant attendance
of Israel, saith, Yet will I gather at the temple with one accord,
others to him, besides his own . . . praising God and finding ac-
that are gathered." ceptance with all the people ."
Heb . 12 :1 "So, then, because we Acts 5 :42 "And every day in the
have so great a cloud of witnesses temple and from house to house
surrounding us, let us also put off
every weight ." they continued without letup
teaching and declaring the good
Active Service, Not Ritual, Com- news about the Christ, Jesus ."
prises Their Worship ; They 1 Pet . 2 :21 "In fact, to this
Must Preach course you were called, because
Luke 3 :8, 9 "Produce fruits that even Christ suffered for you, leav-
befit repentance. . every tree, ing you a model for you to follow
therefore, not producing fine fruit his steps closely."
is to be cut down and thrown Each Anointed Witness Is an
into the fire ." Ambassador of God's Kingdom
Luke 19 :40 "I tell you, If these
remained silent, the stones would 2 Cor . 5 :20 "We are there-
cry out ." fore ambassadors substituting for
Isa . 6 :9, 11 "And he said, Go, Christ, as though God were mak-
and tell this people, . . . Until ing entreaty through us . As sub-
cities be waste without inhabitant, stitutes for Christ we beg : 'Be-
and houses without man, and the come reconciled to God.' "
land become utterly waste ." Eph. 6 :19, 20 "The good news,
for which I am acting as an am-
Ezek . 3 :10, 11 "Moreover he bassador in chains, that I may
said unto me, Son of man, all speak in connection with it with
my words that I shall speak unto boldness as I ought to speak ."
thee receive in thy heart, and
hear with thine ears . And go, National, Racial, Social, Lingual
get thee to them of the captivity, Status No Divisive Barriers
unto the children of thy people, Rev . 7 :9 "I saw, and, look! a
and speak unto them, and tell great crowd, which no man was
them, Thus saith the Lord Je- able to number, out of all nations
hovah ; whether they will hear, or and tribes and peoples and
whether they will forbear ." tongues, standing before the
Matt. 28 :19, 20 "Go therefore throne and before the Lamb ."
and make disciples of people of Gal . 3 :28 "There is neither Jew
all the nations, . . . teaching them nor Greek, there is neither slave
to observe all the things I have nor freeman, there is neither male
commanded you ." nor female ; for you are all one in
Ezek . 33 :8, 9 "When I say unto union with Christ Jesus ."
the wicked, 0 wicked men, thou
shalt surely die, and thou dost Love for God and Preaching the
not speak to warn the wicked Kingdom Message the
from his way ; that wicked man Unifying Tie
shall die in his iniquity, but his Mark 12 :30, 31 "'You must love
blood will I require at thy hand. Jehovah your God with your
Nevertheless, if thou warn the whole heart and with your whole
wicked of his way to turn from soul and with your whole mind
it, and he turn not from his way ; and with your whole strength.'
he shall die in his iniquity, but . . .'You must love your neighbor
thou hast delivered thy soul ." as yourself.' "
Jehovah's Witnesses 198
Matt . 6:33 "Keep on, then, Isa. 2 :2-4 "And it shall come
seeking first the kingdom and his to pass in the latter days, that
righteousness, and all these other the mountain of Jehovah's house
things will be added to you ." shall be established on the top of
Luke 18 :29, 30 "Truly I say to the mountains, and shall be ex-
you, There is no one who has alted above the hills ; and all na-
left house or wife or brothers or tions shall flow unto it . And
parents or children for the sake many peoples shall go and say,
of the kingdom of God that is Come ye, and let us go up to the
not certain to get many times mountain of Jehovah, to the
more in this period of time and house of the God of Jacob ; and
in the coming system of things he will teach us of his ways,
everlasting life." and we will walk in his paths : for
John 13 :35 "By this all will out of Zion shall go forth the
know that you are my disciples, law, and the word of Jehovah
if you have love among your- from Jerusalem. And he will
selves ." judge between the nations, and
Their Preaching Results in Sal- will decide concerning many peo-
vation to Themselves and Others ples ; and they shall beat their
swords into plowshares, and their
1 Tim. 4 :16 "Pay constant at- spears into pruning-hooks ; nation
tention to yourself and to your shall not lift up sword against
teaching . Stay by these things, nation, neither shall they learn
for by doing this you will save war any more ."
both yourself and those who listen Zech . 8 :20-23 "Thus saith Je-
to you ." hovah of hosts : It shall yet come
Prov . 14 :25 "A true witness de- to pass, that there shall come
livereth souls ." peoples, and the inhabitants of
Dan . 12 :3 "And they that are many cities ; and the inhabitants
wise shall shine as the bright- of one city shall go to another,
ness of the firmament ; and they saying, Let us go speedily to en-
that turn many to righteousness treat the favor of Jehovah, and
as the stars for ever and ever." to seek Jehovah of hosts : I will
Many More to Join with Jeho- go also. Yea, many peoples and
vah's Witnesses in Kingdom strong nations shall come to seek
Proclamation Jehovah of hosts in Jerusalem,
Zeph . 2 :2, 3 "Before the de- and to entreat the favor of Je-
cree bring forth, before the day hovah. Thus saith Jehovah of
pass as the chaff, before the hosts : In those days it shall
fierce anger of Jehovah come up- come to pass, that ten men shall
on you . . . . Seek ye Jehovah, all take hold, out of all the languages
ye meek of the earth, that have of the nations, they shall take
kept his ordinances ; seek right- hold of the skirt of him that is
eousness, seek meekness : it may a Jew, saying, We will go with
be ye will be hid in the day of you, for we have heard that God
Jehovah's anger." is with you."
Isa . 60 :8, 22 "Who are these John 10 :16 "I have other sheep,
that fly as a cloud, and as the which are not of this fold ; those
doves to their windows? The little also I must bring, and they will
one shall become a thousand, and listen to my voice, and they will
the small one a strong nation : become one flock, one shepherd."
I. Jehovah, will hasten it in its Acts 2 :47 "At the same time
time ." Jehovah continued to join to
Zech. 2:4 "Jerusalem shall be them daily those being saved."
inhabited as villages without
walls, by reason of the multitude Also : Matthew 25, illustration
of men and cattle therein ." of sheep and goats.
19 9 Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses Will Defeat ity except by God ; the existing
Persecution and Be Delivered in- authorities stand placed in their
to the New World of relative positions by God ."
Righteousness Isa. 33 :22 "For Jehovah is our
Rom . 8 :31, 35-39 "If God is for judge, Jehovah is our lawgiver .
us, who will be against us? . . . Jehovah is our king : he will save
Who will separate us from the us ."
love of the Christ? Will tribula- Jude 25 "To the only God our
tion or distress or persecution or Savior through Jesus Christ our
hunger or nakedness or danger Lord, be glory, majesty, might and
or sword? . . . To the contrary, in authority for all past eternity
all these things we are coining and now and into all eternity .
off completely victorious through Amen ."
him that loved us . For I am con- Rom . 9 :5 "God who is over all
vinced that neither death nor be blest forever."
life nor angels nor governments 1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the King
nor things here nor things to of eternity, incorruptible, invisi-
come nor powers nor height nor ble, the only God, be honor and
depth nor any other creation will glory for ever and ever . Amen ."
be able to separate us from God's 1 Tim. 6:14-16 "Our Lord Jesus
love that is in Christ Jesus our Christ. . . . the King of those who
Lord." rule as kings and Lord of those
2 Tim . 4 :18 "The Lord will de- who rule as lords, the one alone
liver me from every wicked work having immortality."
and will save me for his heaven- 1 Pet. 2 :17 "Be in fear of God,
ly kingdom." have honor for the king ."
Isa . 54 :17 "No weapon that is Rev . 19 :16 "And upon his outer
formed against thee shall pros- garment, even upon his thigh, he
per ; and every tongue that shall [Christ] has a name written,
rise against thee in judgment King of kings and Lord of lords ."
thou shalt condemn . This is the John 5 :22 "For the Father
heritage of the servants of Jeho- judges no one at all, but he has
vah, and their righteousness committed all the judging to the
which is of me, saith Jehovah ." Son ."
Prov . 18:10 "The name of Je- Their Constitution Is the Bible
hovah is a strong tower ; the
righteous runneth into it, and is Ps . 119 :105 "Thy word is a
safe." lamp unto my feet, and light
Prov. 29:25 "The fear of man unto my path ."
bringeth a snare ; but whoso put- John 8 :31, 32 "If you remain
teth his trust in Jehovah shall be in my word, you are really my
safe ." disciples, and you will know the
Isa. 26 :20 "Come, my people, truth, and the truth will set you
enter thou into thy chambers, free ."
and shut thy doors about thee : Isa. 8 :20 "To the law and to
hide thyself for a little moment, the testimony! if they speak not
until the indignation be over- according to this word, surely
past." there is no morning for them."
ORGANIZATION OF John 17 :17 "Sanctify them by
JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES means of the truth ; your word
Jehovah and Christ Their Su- is truth ."
perior Authorities and Law- Theocratic Organization Now
makers, Judges Restored as in Days of the
Rom . 13 :1 "Let every soul be Apostles
in subjection to the superior Acts 3 :20, 21 "That he may
authorities, for there is no author- send forth the Christ appointed
Jehovah's Witnesses 200
for you, Jesus, whom heaven, in- gether with them be caught away
deed, must contain within itself in clouds to meet the Lord in the
until the times of restoration of air ; and thus we shall always be
all things of which God spoke with the Lord ."
through the mouth of his holy Receive Counsel on Organization
prophets ." Through Representative Mem-
Matt . 24:31 "And he will send bers of "Slave" Class, a "Visi-
forth his angels with a great
trumpet-sound and they will ble Governing Body"-Its
gather his chosen ones together Authority and Duties
from the four winds, from one Acts 2 :42 "And they continued
extremity of the heavens to their devoting themselves to the teach-
other extremity ." ing of the apostles."
Isa . 60 :17 "For brass I will Acts 16 :4, 5 "Now as they trav-
bring gold, and for iron I will eled on through the cities they
bring silver, and for wood brass, would deliver to those there for
and for stones iron . I will also observance the decrees that had
make thy officers peace, and thine been decided upon by the apostles
exactors righteousness ." and older men who were in Jeru-
Isa . 32 :1 "Behold, a king shall salem . Therefore, indeed, the con-
reign in righteousness, and princes gregations continued to be made
shall rule in justice." firm in the faith and to increase
Eph . 4 :11-13 "He gave some as in number from day to day ."
apostles, . . . prophets, . mis- 2 Cor. 11 :28 "Besides those
sionaries . . . . for the building up things of an external kind, there
of the body of the Christ, until is what rushes in on me from
we all attain to the oneness in day to day, the anxiety for all
the faith . . . to a full-grown the congregations ."
man." Heb . 13 :17 "Be obedient to
Anointed Remnant of Christ's those who are governing you and
Body Compose "Faithful and be submissive, for they are keep-
Discreet Slave" ing watch over your souls as
those who will render an account,
Matt . 24 :45-47 "Who really is that they may do this with joy
the faithful and discreet slave and not with sighing, for this
whom his master appointed over would be damaging to you ."
his domestics to give them their
food at the proper time? Happy 1 Tim . 6 :17 "Give orders to
is that slave if his master on ar- those who are rich in the present
riving finds him doing so . Truly system of things not to be arro-
I say to you that he will appoint gant, and to rest their hope, not
him over all his belongings ." on uncertain riches, but on God,
Acts 2 :17 "'And in the last who furnishes us all things rich-
days,' God says, 'I shall pour ly for our enjoyment ."
some of my spirit out upon every Taking the lead in actual
kind of flesh, and your sons and preaching work
your daughters will prophesy and Acts 6 :2, 4 "So the twelve called
your young men will see visions the multitude of the disciples to
and your old men will dream them and said : 'It is not pleasing
dreams .'" for us to abandon the word of
1 Thess . 4 :16, 17 "Those who God to distribute food to tables .
are dead in union with Christ . but we shall devote ourselves
will rise first. Afterward we the to prayer and to the ministry of
living who are surviving will to- the word.'"
201 Jehovah's Witnesses
Acts 8 :25 "Therefore, when they also may have fear. . . . Never lay
[Peter and John] had given the your hands hastily upon any man ;
witness thoroughly and had spo- neither be a sharer in the sins
ken the word of Jehovah they of others ; preserve yourself pure ."
turned back to Jerusalem, and 1 Pet. 2 :13, 15-17 "For the
they went declaring the good Lord's sake subject yourselves to
news to many villages of the Sa- every human creation : whether
maritans ." to a king as being superior or
Acts 10 :42 "Also he ordered us to governors as being sent by
to preach to the people and to him to inflict punishment on evil-
give a thorough witness that this doers but to praise doers of good.
is the One decreed by God to For so the will of God is, that
be judge of the living and the by doing good you may muzzle the
dead ." ignorant talk of the unreasonable
Acts 20 :20 "While I did not men . Be as free people, and yet
hold back from telling you any of holding your freedom, not as a
the things that were profitable blind for moral badness, but as
nor from teaching you publicly slaves of God . Honor men of all
and from house to house ." kinds, have love for the whole
1 Cor . 9 :16 "If, now, I am de- association of brothers, be in fear
claring the good news, it is no of God, have honor for the king ."
reason for me to boast, for ne- Jas. 2 :1-4 "My brothers, you
cessity is laid upon me . Really, are not holding the faith of our
woe is me if I did not declare Lord Jesus Christ, our glory, with
the good news!" acts of favoritism, are you? For,
Making decisions, issuing counsel if a man with gold rings on his
on doctrinal matters fingers and in splendid clothing
enters into your assembly, but a
Acts 15:6-31 "And the apostles poor man in filthy clothing also
and the older men gathered to- enters, yet you look with favor
gether to see about this affair . upon the one wearing the splen-
. . . 'For the holy spirit and we did clothing and say : 'You take
ourselves have favored adding no this seat here in an honorable
further burden to you, except place,' and you say to the poor
these necessary things, to keep one : 'You keep standing,' or 'Take
yourselves free from things sac- that seat there beside my foot-
rificed to idols and from blood stool,' you have class distinctions
and from things killed without among yourselves and you have
draining their blood and from become judges rendering corrupt
fornication . If you carefully keep decisions, is that not so?"
yourselves from these things, you Gal . 2 :11-14 "However, when
will prosper . Good health to Cephas came to Antioch, I re-
you!' " sisted him face to face, because
1 Corinthians, chapter 7, and he stood condemned . For before
other written admonition by the the arrival of certain men from
apostles and their associates . James he used to eat with people
of the nations ; but when they
Reproving, correcting, settling arrived, he went to withdrawing
disputes on organizational and separating himself, in fear
matters, directing conduct of those of the circumcised class.
of organization The rest of the Jews also joined
1 Tim . 5 :19-22 "Do not admit him in putting on this pretense,
an accusation against an older so that even Barnabas was led
man, except only on the evidence along with them in their pretense .
of two or three witnesses . Re- But when I saw they were not
prove before all onlookers persons walking straight according to the
who practice sin, that the rest truth of the good news, I said
Jehovah's Witnesses 202
to Cephas before them all : 'If nations, but they to those who
you, though you are a Jew, live are circumcised ."
as the nations do, and not as Acts 8 :14 "When the apostles
Jews do, how is it that you are in Jerusalem heard that Sama-
compelling people of the nations ria had accepted the word of God,
to live according to Jewish prac- they dispatched Peter and John
tice?' " to them ."
Heb . 13 :7, 24 "Remember those Directing defense of the good
who are governing you, who have news before courts and
spoken the word of God to you, legal bodies
and as you contemplate how their Acts 4:19, 20 "But in reply Pe-
conduct turns out imitate their ter and John said to them [the
faith . Give my greetings to all Sanhedrin] : `Whether it is right-
those who are governing you and eous in the sight of God to listen
to all the holy ones . Those in to you rather than to God, make
Italy send you their greetings ." your decision. But as for us, we
Making appointments to special cannot stop speaking about the
service positions in congregations things we have seen and heard .'"
Acts 6 :1-6 "So the twelve called Acts 5 :29-32 "In answer [to the
the multitude of the disciples to Sanhedrin] Peter and the other
them and said : ` . brothers, apostles said : 'We must obey
search out for yourselves seven God as ruler rather than men .' "
certified men from among you, Acts 25 :7-14 "But Paul said in
full of spirit and wisdom, that we defense : . . . `I am standing before
may appoint them over this nec- the judgment seat of Caesar,
essary business ; . . .'And the thing where I ought to be judged . . . . I
spoken was pleasing to the whole appeal to Caesar!"'
multitude, and they selected Acts 26 :32 "Agrippa said to
Stephen . . . . and Philip . . . and Festus : `This man could have
they placed them before the been released if he had not ap-
apostles, and after having prayed pealed to Caesar.'"
these laid their hands upon Acts 28 :19 "But when the Jews
them ." kept speaking against it, I was
Acts 14:23 "They [Paul and compelled to appeal to Caesar,
Barnabas] appointed older men but not as though I had any-
to office for them in the congre- thing of which to accuse my
gation ." nation ."
Acts 15 :22, 23 "Then the apos- Acts 16:35-39 "When it became
tles and the older men together day, the civil magistrates dis-
with the whole congregation fa- patched the constables to say :
vored sending chosen men from `Release those men.' . . . But Paul
among them to Antioch ." said to them [the constables] :
`They flogged us publicly uncon-
Dividing territory, making ter- demned, men who are Romans,
ritory and missionary and threw us into prison ; and
assignments are they now throwing us out
Gal . 2 :7-10 "When they saw secretly? No, indeed! but let them
that I had entrusted to me the come themselves and bring us
good news for those who are un- out .' "
circumcised, just as Peter had it Phil. 1 :7, 12-14 "All of you
for those who are circumcised being sharers with me in the un-
- . James and Cephas and deserved kindness both in my
John, the ones who seemed to be prison bonds and in the defend-
pillars, gave me and Barnabas ing and legally establishing of
the right hand of joint partici- the good news . Now I desire you
pation, that we should go to the to know, brothers, that my af-
20 3 Jehovah's Witnesses
fairs have turned out for the struction of the flesh, in order
advancement of the good news that the spirit may be saved in
rather than otherwise, . . and the day of the Lord ."
most of the brothers in the Lord, 2 Cor. 2 :5-11 "This rebuke giv-
feeling confidence by reason of en by the majority is sufficient
my prison bonds, are more than for such a man, so that, on the
outdoing themselves in courage to contrary now, you should kindly
speak the word of God fearlessly ." forgive and comfort him, that
Directing relief work to benefit somehow such a man may not be
the needy among the entire swallowed up by his being overly
Christian congregation sad."
Acts 11:29, 30 "So those of the 3 John 9, 10 "I wrote something
disciples determined, each of to the congregation, but Diotre-
them according as anyone could phes, who likes to have the first
afford it, to send a relief minis- place among them, does not re-
tration to the brothers dwelling ceive anything from us with re-
in Judea ; and this they did, dis- spect . That is why, if I come,
patching it to the older men by I will call to remembrance his
the hand of Barnabas and Saul ." works which he goes on doing,
1 Cor. 16 :1-4 "Concerning the chattering about us with wicked
collection which is for the holy words ."
ones, just as I gave orders to the 1 Tim . 1 :20 "Hymenaeus and
congregations of Galatia, do that Alexander belong to these, and I
way also yourselves . Every first have handed them over to Satan
day of the week let each of you that they may be taught by disci-
at his own house set something pline not to blaspheme ."
aside in store as he may be pros- Rom . 16 :17 "Now I exhort you,
pering, so that when I arrive col- brothers, to keep your eye on
lections will not take place then . those who create divisions and
But when I get there, whatever causes for stumbling contrary to
men you approve of by letters, the teaching which you have
these I shall send to carry your learned, and avoid them ."
kind gift to Jerusalem ." 2 Thess. 3 :6-15 "Now we are
2 Cor . 9 :5-7 "I thought it nec- giving you orders, brothers, in the
essary to encourage the brothers name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
to come to you in advance and to withdraw from every brother
to get ready in advance your walking disorderly and not ac-
bountiful gift previously promised, cording to the tradition you re-
that thus this might be ready ceived from us . . . . But if anyone
as a bountiful gift and not as is not obedient to our word
something extorted . . . . Let each through this letter, keep this one
one do just as he has resolved marked, stop associating with him,
in his heart, not grudgingly or that he may become ashamed .
under compulsion, for God loves And yet do not be considering
a cheerful giver ."
him as an enemy, but continue
Supervising cleanness of the admonishing him as a brother ."
organization 2 John 10, 11 "If anyone comes
1 Cor . 5 :1-5 "I for one, although to you and does not bring this
absent in body but present in teaching, never receive him into
spirit, have certainly judged al-
ready, as if I were present, the your homes or say farewell to
man who has worked in such a him . For he that says farewell to
way as this, . when you are him is a sharer in his wicked
gathered together. . . . hand such works ."
a man over to Satan for the de- Jude, entire letter.
Jehovah's Witnesses 204
Some powers, such as making We are journeying unto the place
service appointments, territory of which Jehovah said, I will
assignments, disfellowshiping give it you : come thou with us,
disobedient, may be dele- and we will do thee good . . . .
gated to special servants Leave us not, I pray thee ; foras-
Titus 1:5 "For this reason I left much as thou knowest how we
you in Crete, that you might cor- are to encamp in the wilderness,
rect the things that were defec- and thou shalt be to us instead
tive and might make appoint- of eyes ."
ments of older men in city after Each Congregation Has Mature
city, as I gave you orders ." Ministers as Overseers
1 Cor. 5 :13 "Remove the wicked Phil . 1 :1 "Paul and Timothy,
man from among yourselves." slaves of Christ Jesus, to all the
1 Tim . 3 :8-10 "Ministerial serv- holy ones in union with Christ
ants should . . . be tested as to fit- Jesus who are in Philippi, along
ness first, then let them serve as with overseers and ministerial
ministers ." servants."
1 Tim . 5 :19-22 "Do not admit Acts 20 :17, 28 "However, from
an accusation against an older Miletus he sent to Ephesus and
man, except only on the evidence called for the older men of the
of two or three witnesses . Reprove congregation . ` . . . Pay attention
before all onlookers persons who to yourselves and to all the flock,
practice sin, that the rest also among which the holy spirit has
may have fear . . . . Never lay your appointed you overseers, to shep-
hands hastily upon any man ; nei- herd the congregation of God,
ther be a sharer in the sins of which he purchased with the
others ; preserve yourself pure ." blood of his own [Son] .'"
Members of the Other Sheep 1 Pet. 5 :1-11 "To the older
May Hold Service Positions Un- men among you I give this ex-
der Governing Body hortation . . . . Shepherd the flock
Isa . 61 :5 "And strangers shall of God in your care, not under
stand and feed your flocks, and compulsion, but willingly, neither
foreigners shall be your plowmen for love of dishonest gain, but
and your vinedressers." eagerly, neither as lording it over
Ex. 18 :13-26 "Moses' father-in- those who are God's inheritance,
law [not a Jew] said unto him, but becoming examples to the
The thing that thou doest is not flock ."
good . Thou wilt surely wear away, Traveling Ministers, "Circuit
both thou, and this people that Servants," Aid Congregations
is with thee : for the thing is too Rom . 15 :19 "From Jerusalem
heavy for thee ; thou art not
able to perform it thyself alone . and in a circuit as far as Illyri-
Hearken now unto my voice, I cum I have thoroughly preached
will give thee counsel, and God the good news about the Christ ."
be with thee : . . . thou shalt pro- 3 John 10, 13 "That is why,
vide out of all the people able if I come, I will call to remem-
men . . . . and place such over them, brance his works which he goes
to be rulers of thousands, rulers on doing, chattering about us
of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and with wicked words . Also, not
rulers of tens : . . . So Moses heark- being content with these things,
ened to the voice of his father- neither does he himself receive
in-law, and did all that he had the brothers with respect, and
said ." those who are wanting to receive
Num . 10 :29-31 "Moses said unto them he tries to hinder and to
Hobab, the son of Reuel the throw out of the congregation .
Midianite, Moses' father-in-law, I had many things to write you,
20 5 Jehovah's Witnesses
yet I do not wish to go on writing set before you, and cure the sick
you with ink and pen ." ones in it, and go on telling
1 Sam. 7 :16 "And he [Samuel] them : "The kingdom of God has
went from year to year in cir- come near to you ." But wherever
cuit to Beth-el, and Gilgal, and you enter into a city and they do
Mizpah ; and he judged Israel in not receive you, go out into its
all those places." broad ways and say : "Even the
Gal . 2 :8 "For He who gave dust that got stuck to our feet
Peter powers necessary for an from your city we wipe off against
apostleship to those who are cir- y ou ." , "
cumcised gave powers also to me Acts 4 :23-31 "After being re-
for those who are of the nations ." leased they went to their own
Each Congregation Meets Regu- people and reported what things
larly for Study in Homes the chief priests and the older
or Halls men of influence had said to
them . Upon hearing this they
Heb . 10:25 "Not forsaking the with one accord raised their
gathering of ourselves together, voices to God . . . . And when they
as some have the custom, but had made supplication, the place
encouraging one another, and in which they were assembled
all the more so as you behold the was shaken, and they were one
day drawing near ." and all filled with the holy spirit
Matt. 18 :20 "For where there are and were speaking the word of
two or three met together in my God with boldness ."
name, there I am in their midst ." Acts 6 :1-7 "So the twelve called
Acts 28 :30, 31 "So he remained the multitude of the disciples to
for an entire two years in his own them . . . . And the thing spoken
hired house, and he would kind- was pleasing to the whole multi-
ly receive all those who came in tude, and they selected Stephen ."
to him, preaching the kingdom of Acts 11 :1-18 "So when Peter
God to them ." came up to Jerusalem, those in-
Rom . 16 :5 "And greet the con- sisting on circumcision began to
gregation that is in their house." contend with him If, there-
Acts 20 :8 "So there were quite fore, God gave the same free gift
a few lamps in the upper cham- to them as he also did to us
ber where we were gathered to- who have believed upon the Lord
gether ." Jesus Christ, who was I that I
Service Meetings to Consider should be able to hinder God?'
Preaching Methods Now when they heard these
Luke 10 :1-16 "Then he began things, they acquiesced, and they
to say to them : ` . . . Do not carry glorified God, saying : 'Well, then,
a purse, nor a food-pouch, nor God has granted repentance for
sandals, and do not embrace any- the purpose of life to people of
body in greeting along the road . the nations also .'"
Wherever you enter into a house Acts 15 :6-32 "And the apostles
say first : "May this house have and the older men gathered to-
peace." And if a friend of peace gether to see about this affair.
is there, your peace will rest up- . At that the entire multitude
on him . But if no such one is became silent, and they began
there, it will turn back to you. to listen to Barnabas and Paul
So stay in that house, eating and relate the many signs and won-
drinking the things they provide, ders that God did through them
for the worker is worthy of his among the nations. . . .'We have
wages . Do not be transferring come to a unanimous accord and
from house to house . Also, wher- have favored choosing men to
ever you enter into a city and send to you together with our be-
they receive you, eat the things loved Barnabas and Paul .'"
Jehovah's Witnesses 206
Service meeting programs to con- 1 Tim . 1 :18 "This mandate I
tain various presentations or commit to you, child, Timothy,
speaking features by mature in accord with the predictions
servants for upbuilding of which led directly on to you,
congregation that by these you may go on
1 Cor. 14 :26 "What is to be waging the right warfare ."
done, then, brothers? When you Ezek . 9 :11 "And, behold, the
come together, one has a psalm, man clothed in linen, who had
another has a teaching, another the inkhorn by his side, reported
has a revelation, another has a the matter, saying, I have done
tongue, another has an interpre- as thou hast commanded me ."
tation . Let all things take place Acts 2 :41 "Therefore those who
for upbuilding." embraced his word heartily were
Ministry Schools for Training in baptized, and on that day about
Public Preaching three thousand souls were added ."
1 Tim . 4:13-15 "While I am Acts 4 :4 "Many of those who
coming, continue applying your- had listened to the speech be-
self to public reading, to exhorta- lieved, and the number of the
tion, to teaching. Do not be neg- men became about five thousand ."
lecting the gift in you . . . . Ponder Acts 15 :36 "Now after sane
over these things, be absorbed in days Paul said to Barnabas :
them, that your advancement 'Above all things, let us return
may be manifest to all persons ." and visit the brothers in every
1 Sam. 19 :20 "They saw the one of the cities in which we
company of the prophets proph- published the word of Jehovah to
esying, and Samuel standing as see how they are,'"
head over them, the spirit of 1 Pet . 5 :2 "Shepherd the flock
God came upon the messengers of God in your care, not under
of Saul, and they also proph- compulsion, but willingly, neither
esied ." for love of dishonest gain, but
2 Tim . 2 :15, 24, 25 "Do your eagerly."
utmost to present yourself ap- District, National, International
proved to God, a workman with Assemblies Held
nothing to be ashamed of, han-
dling the word of the truth aright . 2 Chron . 30 :1, 10, 11, 13, 23,
. . . But a slave of the Lord does 26, 27 "And Hezekiah sent to all
not need to fight, but needs to be Israel and Judah, and wrote let-
tactful toward all, qualified to ters also to Ephraim and Manas-
teach, keeping himself restrained seh, that they should come to
under evil, instructing with mild- the house of Jehovah at Jerusa-
ness those not favorably dis- lem, to keep the passover unto
posed ." Jehovah, the God of Israel . . . .
So the posts passed from city
No Membership Roll Kept to city through the country of
2 Tim . 2:19 "Jehovah knows Ephraim and Manasseh, even unto
those who belong to him ." Zebulun : but they laughed them
Heb. 12 :23 "The congregation to scorn, and mocked them . Nev-
of the firstborn who have been ertheless certain men of Asher
enrolled in the heavens ." and Manasseh and of Zebulun
humbled themselves, and came to
Record of Work Done by Each Jerusalem. And there assembled
Minister Kept so Preaching May at Jerusalem much people to
Be Properly Directed and keep the feast of unleavened
Individuals Aided bread in the second month, a
1 Cor . 14 :33 "For God is a God, very great assembly. And the
not of disorder, but of peace ." whole assembly took counsel to
20 7 Jesus Christ
keep other seven days ; and they people : and their voice was heard,
kept other seven days with glad- and their prayer came up to his
ness . So there was great joy in holy habitation, even unto heav-
Jerusalem ; for since the time en ."
of Solomon the son of David king See "Jehovah", "Jesus Christ,"
of Israel there was not the like "Superior Authorities," . Congre-
in Jerusalem. Then the priests gation of God," "Minister of God,"
the Levites arose and blessed the "Friendship with the World ."

Jesus Christ
Jesus, the Christ, a created individual, is the second greatest Per-
sonage of the universe . Jehovah God and Jesus together constitute
the Superior Authorities (Rom . 13 :1, NW) toward all creation . He
was formed countless millenniums ago as the first and the only direct
creation by his Father, Jehovah, and, because of his proved, faultless
integrity, was appointed by Jehovah as his Vindicator and the Chief
Agent of life toward mankind . Christ, one of his titles, means "The
Messiah", "The Anointed ." Jesus or Jeshua is the shortened form of
the Hebrew Jehoshua, meaning "Jehovah is the Savior" .
First-born Son of God, a Spirit the heavens, I was there : when
Rev. 3 :14 "These are the things he set a circle upon the face of
the Amen says, the faithful and the deep, when he made firm the
true witness, the beginning of the skies above, when the fountains
creation by God ." of the deep became strong, when
Col. 1 :15-17 "He is the image he gave to the sea its bound,
of the invisible God, the firstborn that the waters should not trans-
of all creation, because by means gress his commandment, when he
of him all other things were marked out the foundations of
created in the heavens and upon the earth ; then I was by him, as
the earth, the things visible and a master workman ."
the things invisible, no matter Also : John 6 :62 ; 8 :23, 58 ;
whether they are thrones or lord- 17 :4, 5 .
ships or governments or authori- Lesser than Jehovah
ties . All other things have been Phil . 2 :5-8 "Christ Jesus, who,
created through him and for him . although he was existing in God's
Also he is before all other things form, gave no consideration to a
and by means of him all other seizure [scorned a thing to be
things were made to exist ." seized, mar.], namely, that he
John 1 :1-3 "Originally the Word should be equal to God . No, but
was, and the Word was with he emptied himself and took a
God, and the Word was a god .
This one was originally with God . slave's form and came to be in
All things came into existence the likeness of men . More than
through him, and apart from him that, when he found himself in
not even one thing came into fashion as a man, he humbled
existence." himself and became obedient as
Prov. 8 :22, 27-30 (mar .) "Jeho- far as death, yes, death on a
vah formed me as the begin- torture stake ."
ning of his way, the first of his 1 Cor . 11 :3 "But I want you to
works of old. When he established know that the head of every man
Jesus Christ 208
is the Christ ; in turn, the head bless thee. . . . and thy seed shall
of a woman is the man ; in turn, possess the gate of his enemies ;
the head of the Christ is God ." and in thy seed shall all the na-
John 14 :28 "I am going my way tions of the earth be blessed ."
to the Father, because the Father Gal. 3 :16 "Now the promises
is greater than I am ." were spoken to Abraham and to
Luke 22 :42 "Let, not my will, his seed. It says, not, 'And to
but yours take place ." seeds,' as in the case of many
Also "Trinity" . such, but as in the case of one,
'And to your seed,' who is Christ ."
Born as a Human Son of God Dan . 9 :24-27 "Seventy weeks
October, 2 B. C [of years, AT] are decreed upon
Gal. 4:4, 5 "But when the full thy people. . Know therefore
limit of the time arrived, God and discern, that from the going
sent forth his Son, who was pro- forth of the commandment to re-
duced out of a woman and who store and to build Jerusalem unto
came to be under law, that he the anointed one [Messiah, AV],
might release by purchase those the prince, shall be seven weeks,
under law ." and threescore and two weeks ."
John 1 :14 "So the Word be- Luke 3 :21-23 "Jesus also was
came flesh and resided among us, baptized and, as he was praying,
and we had a view of his glory, the heaven was opened up and
a glory such as belongs to an the holy spirit in bodily shape
only-begotten son from a father, like a dove came down upon him,
and he was full of undeserved and a voice came out of heaven :
kindness and truth ." 'You are my Son, the beloved ;
Luke 1 :30-35 "The angel said I have approved you.' Further-
to her : 'Have no fear, Mary, for more, Jesus himself, when he
commenced his work, was about
you have found favor with God ; thirty years old."
and, look! you will conceive in
your womb and give birth to a Acts 10 :38 "Jesus who was from
son, and you are to call his name Nazareth, how God anointed him
Jesus . . . . Holy spirit will come up- with holy spirit and power, and
on you, and power of the Most he went through the land doing
High will overshadow you. For good and healing all those op-
that reason also what is born pressed by the Devil, because God
will be called holy, God's Son .'" was with him."
Luke 2 :10-14 "The angel said Also : Gen . 3 :15 ; Deut . 18 :18,
to them : 'Have no fear, for, look! 19 ; 1 Chron . 17 :11-14 ; Acts 3 :20-
I am declaring to you good news 23 ; Luke 1 :32, 33 .
of a great joy that all the people Died on Stake as Ransomer
will have, because there was born in Spring, A.D. 33
to you today a Savior, who is Matt . 20 :28 "Just as the Son
Christ the Lord, in David's city .' of man came, not to be minis-
'Glory in the heights above to tered to, but to minister and to
God, and upon earth peace among give his soul [life, AV] a ransom
men of good-will .'" in exchange for many ."
Became the Messiah Seed John 1 :29 "The next day he
in Fall, A .D . 29 beheld Jesus coming toward him,
Gen. 22 :15-18 "And the angel and he said : 'See, the Lamb of
of Jehovah called unto Abraham God that takes away the sin of
. . . and said, By myself have I the world!'"
sworn, saith Jehovah, because Heb. 2 :9 "We behold Jesus,
thou hast done this thing, and who was made a little lower than
hast not withheld thy son, thine angels, crowned with glory and
only son, that in blessing I will honor for having suffered death,
20 9 Jesus Christ
that he by God's undeserved dies no more ; death is master
kindness might taste death for over him no more ."
every man ." Acts 13 :33 "God . . . resurrected
Also : Vss . 14-17. Jesus ; even as it is written in the
Col . 1 :19-23 "God saw good for second Psalm, 'You are my son,
all fullness to dwell in him and I have become your Father this
through him to reconcile again to day.' "
himself all other things by mak- Also : Vss . 34-37 .
ing peace through the blood Rev. 1 :5, 17, 18 "Jesus Christ,
he shed on the torture stake, 'the Faithful Witness,' 'The first-
no matter whether they are the born from the dead,' and 'The
things upon the earth or the Ruler of the kings of the earth .'
things in the heavens . Indeed, . . . 'I am the First and the Last,
you who were once alienated and the living one ; and I became
and enemies because your minds dead, but, look! I am living for
were on the works that were ever and ever.' "
wicked, he now has again rec- Alive Forever Over All Creation
onciled by means of that one's
fleshly body through his death, Heb . 4 :15 "For we have as high
in order to present you holy and priest, not one who cannot sympa-
unblemished and open to no ac- thize with our weaknesses, but
cusation before him, provided, of one who has been tested in all
course, that you continue in the respects like ourselves, but with-
faith ." out sin ."
Resurrected Immortal on Luke 1 :30, 32, 33 "The angel
Third Day said to her : ' . . . This one will be
great and will be called Son of
John 10 :17, 18 "I surrender my the Most High, and Jehovah God
soul, in order that I may receive will give him the throne of Da-
it again . No man has taken it vid his Father, and he will be king
away from me, but I surrender it over the house of Jacob forever,
of my own initiative. I have and there will be no end of his
authority to let go of it, and I kingdom .'"
have authority to receive it again . John 5 :22, 23 "For the Father
The commandment on this I re- judges no one at all, but he has
ceived from my Father ." committed all the judging to the
1 Pet . 3 :18, 21, 22 "Christ died Son, in order that all may honor
once for all time concerning sins, the Son just as they honor the
a righteous person for unright- Father ."
eous ones, that he might lead you Rev. 19 :11, 15 "And I saw the
to God, he being put to death heaven opened, and, look! a white
in the flesh, but being made alive horse . And one seated upon it is
in the spirit . . . . through the res- called Faithful and True, and he
urrection of Jesus Christ . He is at judges and carries on war in
God's right hand, for he went his righteousness . And out of his
way to heaven, and angels and mouth there protrudes a sharp
authorities and powers were made long sword, that he may smite
subject to him." the nations with it, and he will
Rom . 1 :4 "Who with power was shepherd them with a rod of
declared God's Son according to iron ."
the spirit of holiness by means Eph. 1 :20-23 "He has operated
of resurrection from the dead ." in the case of the Christ when he
Rom. 6 :4, 9 "Christ was raised raised him up from the dead and
up from the dead through the seated him at his right hand in
glory of the Father . . . . For we the heavenly places, far above
know that Christ, now that he every government and authority
has been raised up from the dead, and power and lordship and every
Jews' Return to Palestine 210
name named, not only in this not be delivered up to the Jews .
system of things, but also in that But, as it is, my kingdom is not
to come . He also subjected all from this source .' "
things under his feet, and made 1 Tim . 6 :14, 15 " . . . our Lord
him head over all things to the Jesus Christ . This manifestation
congregation, which is his body, the happy and only Potentate will
the fullness of him who fills up show in its own appointed times,
all things in all ." he the King of those who rule
Phil . 2 :9, 10 "For this very as kings and Lord of those who
reason also God exalted him to a rule as lords."
superior position and kindly gave Ps. 2 :6, 7, Mo "The Eternal's
him the name that is above every [Jehovah's, AS] edict let me tell :
other name, so that in the name 'I, I have installed my king on
of Jesus every knee should bend Sion, on my sacred hill .'"
of those in heaven and those on
earth and those under the ground, Dan. 7 :13, 14 "I saw in the
and every tongue should openly night-visions, and, behold, there
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord came with the clouds of heaven
to the glory of God the Father ." one like unto a son of man, and
Isa. 9 :6, 7 "The government he came even to the ancient of
shall be upon his shoulder : and days, and they brought him near
his name shall be called Wonder- before him . And there was given
ful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Ever- him dominion, and glory, and a
lasting Father, Prince of Peace. kingdom, that all the peoples, na-
Of the increase of his govern- tions, and languages should serve
ment and of peace there shall be him : his dominion is an everlast-
ing dominion, which shall not
no end ." pass away, and his kingdom that
Christ as King of New World which shall not be destroyed ."
John 18 :36 "Jesus answered : Rev. 11 :15 "The kingdom of
`My kingdom is no part of this the world has become the king-
world. If my kingdom were part dom of our Lord and of his
of this world, my attendants Christ, and he will rule as king
would have fought that I should for ever and ever ."

Jews' Return to Palestine

The Bible foretells a restoration of Israel . The false representation
of such restoration prophecies is to the effect "that Israel [meaning
natural Jews] will be restored to its own land in unbelief, and be
afterward converted by the appearance of Christ on its behalf" .
-See the magazine Current Opinion for February, 1918 .
The Bible itself shows the restoration prophecies had a literal
fulfillment in a miniature way upon natural Israel in the sixth
century B .C ., which was to serve as an exact pattern of a final fulfill-
ment of these same prophecies in the last days . The return of the
fleshly nation of Israel to God's favor is impossible, since Jesus
uttered the irrevocable divorce decree of Jehovah God against the
fleshly nation A.D . 33 . Hence prophecies of restoration apply in the
last days in a spiritual sense and refer to the "Israel of God" or the
new nation of both individual Jews and Gentiles born of the spirit

211 Jews' Return to Palestine

of God and therefore spiritual Israelites . The restoration of this
nation is part of the composite sign pointing to the beginning of
Christ's reign and the end of Satan's rule .
First Desolation of Jerusalem and Restoration Foretold to Come in
Judah in Israel Occurred in 537 B .C . After 70 Years'
Fulfillment of Prophecy in Desolation
607 B .C . Ezek . 34:12-15, 23, 24, 29-31 "As
Ezek . 21 :25-27, 30-32 "And thou, a shepherd seeketh out his flock
O deadly wounded wicked one, in the day that he is among his
the prince of Israel, whose day is sheep that are scattered abroad,
come, in the time of the iniquity so will I seek out my sheep ; and
of the end, thus saith the Lord I will deliver them out of all
Jehovah : Remove the mitre, and places whither they have been
take off the crown ; this shall be scattered in the cloudy and dark
no more the same ; exalt that day . And I will bring them out
which is low, and abase that from the peoples, and gather
which is high. I will overturn, them from the countries, and will
overturn, overturn it : this also bring them into their own land ;
shall be no more, until he come and I will feed them upon the
whose right it is ; and I will give mountains of Israel, by the water-
it him . . . . In the place where courses, and in all the inhabited
thou wast created, in the land of places of the country . I will feed
thy birth, will I judge thee. And them with good pasture ; and
I will pour out mine indignation upon the mountains of the height
upon thee ; I will blow upon thee of Israel shall their fold be : there
with the fire of my wrath ; and I shall they lie down in a good
will deliver thee into the hand of fold ; and on fat pasture shall
brutish men, skilful to destroy . they feed upon the mountains of
Thou shalt be for fuel to the fire ; Israel . I myself will be the shep-
thy blood shall be in the midst of herd of my sheep, and I will
the land ; thou shalt be no more cause them to lie down, saith the
remembered : for I, Jehovah, have Lord Jehovah . And I will set up
spoken it ." one shepherd over them, and he
Jer. 52 :4-14 "Nebuchadrezzar shall feed them, even my servant
king of Babylon came, he and all David ; he shall feed them, and
his army, against Jerusalem, and he shall be their shepherd. And I,
encamped against it ; and they Jehovah, will be their God, and
built forts against it round about. my servant David prince among
. . . Then they took the king, and them ; I, Jehovah, have spoken
carried him up unto the king of it . And I will raise up unto them
Babylon. . . . And he put out the a plantation for renown, and they
eyes of Zedekiah ; and the king shall be no more consumed with
of Babylon bound him in fetters, famine in the land, neither bear
and carried him to Babylon, and the shame of the nations any
put him in prison till the day more . And they shall know that
of his death. . . . And he burned I, Jehovah their God, am with
the house of Jehovah, and the them, and that they, the house
of Israel, are my people, saith
king's house ; and all the houses the Lord Jehovah. And ye my
of Jerusalem, even every great sheep, the sheep of my pasture,
house, burned he with fire . And are men, and I am your God,
all the army of the Chaldeans, saith the Lord Jehovah ."
that were with the captain of the Ezek . 36 :4, 7-10, 22-24, 37, 38
guard, brake down all the walls "Therefore, ye mountains of Is-
of Jerusalem round about ." rael, hear the word of the Lord
Jews' Return to Palestine 212
Jehovah : thus saith the Lord Je- word toward you, in causing you
hovah to the mountains and to to return to this place ."
the hills, to the watercourses and Second Desolation a Complete
to the valleys, to the desolate Dispossession of the Land
wastes and to the cities that are A.D . 70, as Foretold
forsaken, which are become a Deut . 28 :63-67 "And it shall
prey and derision to the residue come to pass, that, as Jehovah re-
of the nations that are round joiced over you to do you good,
about . Therefore thus saith the and to multiply you, so Jehovah
Lord Jehovah : I have sworn, say-
ing, Surely the nations that are will rejoice over you to cause you
round about you, they shall bear to perish, and to destroy you ;
their shame. But ye, 0 mountains and ye shall be plucked from off
of Israel, ye shall shoot forth the land whither thou goest in
your branches, and yield your to possess it . And Jehovah will
fruit to my people Israel ; for they scatter thee among all peoples,
are at hand to come . For, be- from the one end of the earth
hold, I am for you, and I will even unto the other end of the
turn unto you, and ye shall be earth ; and there thou shalt serve
tilled and sown ; and I will mul- other gods, which thou hast not
tiply men upon you, all the house known, thou nor thy fathers, even
of Israel, even all of it ; and the wood and stone . And among these
cities shall be inhabited, and the nations shalt thou find no ease,
waste places shall be builded . and there shall be no rest for
Therefore say unto the house of the sole of thy foot : but Jehovah
Israel, Thus saith the Lord Je- will give thee there a trembling
hovah : I do not this for your heart, and failing of eyes, and
sake, 0 house of Israel, but for pining of soul ; and thy life shall
my holy name, which ye have hang in doubt before thee ; and
profaned among the nations, thou shalt fear night and day,
whither ye went. And I will sanc- and shalt have no assurance of
tify my great name, which hath thy life . In the morning thou
been profaned among the nations, shalt say, Would it were even!
which ye have profaned in the and at even thou shalt say, Would
midst of them ; and the nations it were morning! for the fear of
shall know that I am Jehovah, thy heart which thou shalt fear,
saith the Lord Jehovah, when I and for the sight of thine eyes
shall be sanctified in you before which thou shalt see ."
their eyes . For I will take you Luke 19:43, 44 "Because the
from among the nations, and days will come upon you when
gather you out of all the coun- your enemies will build around
tries, and will bring you into your you a fortification with pointed
own land. Thus saith the Lord stakes and will encircle you and
Jehovah : For this, moreover, will distress you from every side, and
I be inquired of by the house of they will dash you and your chil-
Israel, to do it for them : I will dren within you to the ground,
increase them with men like a and they will not leave a stone
flock . As the flock for sacrifice, upon a stone in you, because you
as the flock of Jerusalem in her did not discern the time of your
appointed feasts, so shall the being inspected."
waste cities be filled with flocks of Luke 21 :20-24 "Furthermore,
men ; and they shall know that I when you see Jerusalem sur-
am Jehovah ." rounded by encamped armies,
Jer . 29 :10 "For thus saith Je- then understand that the deso-
hovah, after seventy years are ac- lating of her has drawn near. . . .
complished for Babylon, I will because these are days for met-
visit you, and perform my good ing out justice that all the things
213 Jews' Return to Palestine
written may be fulfilled . . . . and score cubits, and the breadth
they will fall by the edge of the thereof threescore cubits ; with
sword and be led captive into all three courses of great stones, and
the nations, and Jerusalem will a course of new timber : and let
be trampled on by the nations, the expenses be given out of the
until the appointed times of the king's house. And also let the
nations are fulfilled ." gold and silver vessels of the
Second Restoration, According to house of God, which Nebuchad-
Pattern of First, Not Fulfilled in nezzar took forth out of the tem-
Modern Israeli Government ple which is at Jerusalem, and
brought unto Babylon, be re-
1 Cor. 10 :11 "Now these things stored, and brought again unto
went on befalling them as exam- the temple which is at Jerusalem,
ples and they were written for a every one to its place ; and thou
warning to us upon whom the ac- shalt put them in the house of
complished ends of the systems God."
of things have arrived." Ezra 6 :8-12 "Moreover I make a
Rom . 15 :4 "For all the things decree what ye shall do to these
that were written aforetime were elders of the Jews for the build-
written for our instruction, that ing of this house of God : that
through our endurance and of the king's goods, even of the
through the comfort from the tribute beyond the River, ex-
Scriptures we might have hope ." penses be given with all diligence
Repossessed land not uninhabited unto these men, that they be not
as in 537 B. C . hindered. And that which they
Jer . 33 :10, 12 "Thus saith Jeho- have need of, both young bullocks,
vah : Yet again there shall be and rams, and lambs, for burnt-
heard in this place, whereof ye offerings to the God of heaven ;
say, It is waste, without man and also wheat, salt, wine, and oil,
without beast, even in the cities according to the word of the
of Judah, and in the streets of priests that are at Jerusalem, let
Jerusalem, that are desolate, with- it be given them day by day
out man and without inhabitant without fail ; that they may offer
and without beast . Thus saith sacrifices of sweet savor unto the
Jehovah of hosts : Yet again shall God of heaven, and pray for the
there be in this place, which is life of the king, and of his sons .
waste, without man and without . I Darius have made a decree ;
beast, and in all the cities there- let it be done with all diligence ."
of, a habitation of shepherds Ezra 7 :1-6, 10-15 "Now after
causing their flocks to lie down ." these things, in the reign of Ar-
Jer . 32 :43 "And fields shall be taxerxes king of Persia, Ezra the
bought in this land, whereof ye son of Seraiah . . . went up from
say, It is desolate, without man Babylon. And he was a ready
or beast ; it is given into the hand scribe in the law of Moses, which
of the Chaldeans ." Jehovah, the God of Israel, had
No modern government took the given ; and the king granted him
lead to decree or finance all his request, according to the
rehabilitation movement hand of Jehovah his God upon
him . For Ezra had set his heart
Ezra 6 :3-5 "In the first year of to seek the law of Jehovah, and
Cyrus the king, Cyrus the king to do it, and to teach in Israel
made a decree : Concerning the statutes and ordinances. Now this
house of God at Jerusalem, let is the copy of the letter that the
the house be builded, the place king Artaxerxes gave unto Ezra
where they offer sacrifices, and let the priest . . . . I make a decree,
the foundations thereof be strong- that all they of the people of Is-
ly laid ; the height thereof three- rael, and their priests and the
Jews' Return to Palestine 214
Levites, in my realm, that are rael (he is God), which is in
minded of their own free will to Jerusalem . . . . Then rose up the
go to Jerusalem, go with thee. . . . heads of fathers' houses of Judah
and to carry the silver and gold, and Benjamin, and the priests,
which the king and his counsel- and the Levites, even all whose
lors have freely offered unto the spirit God had stirred to go up
God of Israel, whose habitation to build the house of Jehovah
is in Jerusalem ." which is in Jerusalem."
Neh . 2 :5-8 "And I said unto the Ezra 6 :14, 15 "And the elders
king, If it please the king, and if of the Jews builded and pros-
thy servant have found favor in pered, through the prophesying of
thy sight, that thou wouldest Haggai the prophet and Zecha-
send me unto Judah, unto the riah the son of Iddo . And they
city of my father's sepulchres, builded and finished it, according
that I may build it . And the to the commandment of the God
king said unto me (the queen also of Israel, and according to the de-
sitting by him), For how long cree of Cyrus, and Darius, and
shall thy journey be? and when Artaxerxes king of Persia . And
wilt thou return? So it pleased this house was finished on the
the king to send me ; and I set third day of the month Adar,
him a time . Moreover I said un- which was in the sixth year of
to the king, If it please the king, the reign of Darius the king."
let letters be given me to the True worship not restored even
governors beyond the River, that
they may let me pass through according to Moses' law
till I come unto Judah ; and a Ezra 3 :1-3 "And when the sev-
letter unto Asaph the keeper of enth month was come, and the
the king's forest, that he may children of Israel were in the
give me timber to make beams cities, the people gathered them-
for the gates of the castle which selves together as one man to
appertaineth to the house, and Jerusalem. . . . and builded the al-
for the wall of the city, and for tar of the God of Israel, to offer
the house that I shall enter into . burnt-offerings thereon, as it is
And the king granted me, ac- written in the law of Moses the
cording to the good hand of my man of God. And they set the
God upon me ." altar upon its base ; for fear was
Modern repatriation not to re- upon them because of the peo-
build temple . (Old temple site ples of the countries : and they
now occupied by Moslem offered burnt-offerings thereon
unto Jehovah, even burnt-offer-
mosque) ings morning and evening ."
Ezra 1 :1-5 "Jehovah stirred up True priesthood could not be re-
the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, stored today since genealogies
so that he made a proclamation destroyed
throughout all his kingdom, and
put it also in writing, saying, Ezra 6 :18-20 "And they set the
Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, priests in their divisions, and the
All the kingdoms of the earth Levites in their courses, for the
hath Jehovah, the God of heaven, service of God, which is at Jeru-
given me ; and he hath charged salem ; as it is written in the book
me to build him a house in Jeru- of Moses . And the children of the
salem, which is in Judah. Who- captivity kept the passover upon
soever there is among you of all the fourteenth day of the first
his people, his God be with him month . For the priests and the
and let him go up to Jerusalem, Levites had purified themselves
which is in Judah, and build the together ; all of them were pure :
house of Jehovah, the God of Is- and they killed the passover for
215 Jews' Return to Palestine
all the children of the captivity, Jesus Entered God's Irrevocable
and for their brethren the priests, Divorce Decree Against Nation
and for themselves ." Matt . 23 :37-39 "Jerusalem, Je-
Also : Ezra 8 :15-30 . rusalem, the killer of the prophets
Rejection of Jesus by Nation of and stoner of those sent forth
Natural Jews Alienated Them to her,-how often I wanted to
from God . Only a Remnant gather your children together .
Accepted the way a hen gathers her chicks
Matt . 21 :5, 9, 15, 42 "Tell the together under her wings! But
daughter of Zion, 'Look! your you people did not want it . Look!
your house is abandoned to you .
King is coming to you, mild- For I say to you, You will by no
tempered, and mounted upon an means see me from henceforth
ass, yes, upon a colt, the off- until you say, 'Blessed is he that
spring of a beast of burden .' As comes in Jehovah's name!'"
for the crowds, those going ahead Deut . 24 :1-4 "When a man tak-
of him and those following kept eth a wife, and marrieth her .
crying out : 'Save, we pray, the then it shall be, if she find no
Son of David! Blessed is he that favor in his eyes, because he hath
comes in Jehovah's name! Save found some unseemly thing in
him, we pray, in the heights her, that he shall write her a
above!' When the chief priests bill of divorcement, and give it
and the scribes saw the marvel- in her hand, and send her out
ous things he did and the boys of his house . And when she is
that were crying out in the tem- departed out of his house, she
ple and saying, 'Save, we pray, may go and be another man's
the Son of David!' they became wife . And if the latter husband
indignant . . . . Jesus said to them : hate her, and write her a bill of
'Did you never read in the Scrip- divorcement, and give it in her
tures, "The stone that the builders hand, and send her out of his
rejected is the one that has be- house ; or if the latter husband
come the chief cornerstone. From die, who took her to be his wife ;
Jehovah this has come to pass her former husband, who sent
and it is marvelous in our her away, may not take her again
eyes"?'', to be his wife, after that she is
Matt. 27 :22, 24, 25 "Pilate said defiled ; for that is abomination
to them : 'What, then, shall I do before Jehovah : and thou shalt
with Jesus the so-called "Christ"?' not cause the land to sin, which
They all said : 'Let him be im- Jehovah thy God giveth thee for
paled!' Seeing that it did no good an inheritance ."
but, rather, an uproar was aris-
ing, Pilate took water and washed No Sign to Be Given Faithless
his hands before the crowd, say- Nation Except Resurrection of
ing : 'I am innocent of the blood Jesus . (Sign Already Rejected
of this man . You must see to it .' for Centuries)
At that all the people said in Matt . 16 :1-4 "Here the Phari-
answer : 'His blood come upon sees and Sadducees approached
us and upon our children .'" him and, to tempt him, they
Rom. 11 :7, 8 "The very thing asked him to display to them a
Israel is earnestly seeking he did sign from heaven . In reply he
not obtain, but the ones chosen said to them : ' . . . You know how
obtained it . The rest had their to interpret the appearance of the
sensibilities blunted ; just as it is sky, but the signs of the times
written : 'God has given them a you cannot interpret . A wicked
spirit of stupor, eyes so as not and adulterous generation keeps
to see and ears so as not to hear, on seeking for a sign, but no sign
down to this very day .'" will be given it except the sign
Jews' Return to Palestine 216
of Jonah .' With that he went Modern Israeli Government Has
away, leaving them behind ." Made League with World Gov-
Matt. 12 :38-42 "Then as an an- ernments Contrary to God's
swer to him some of the scribes Commandments
and Pharisees said : 'Teacher, we Deut . 7 :2 "And when Jehovah
want to see a sign from you .' thy God shall deliver them up be-
In reply he said to them : 'A fore thee, and thou shalt smite
wicked and adulterous generation them ; then thou shalt utterly
keeps on seeking for a sign, but destroy them : thou shalt make
no sign will be given it except the no covenant with them, nor show
sign of Jonah the prophet. For mercy unto them ."
just as Jonah was in the belly of Judg. 2 :1, 2 "And the angel of
the huge fish three days and Jehovah . . . said, I made you to
three nights, so the Son of man go up out of Egypt, and have
will be in the heart of the earth brought you unto the land which
three days and three nights . Men I sware unto your fathers ; and I
of Nineveh will rise up in the said, I will never break my cove-
judgment with this generation nant with you : and ye shall
and will condemn it ; because they make no covenant with the in-
repented at what Jonah preached, habitants of this land : ye shall
but, look! something more than break down their altars ."
Jonah is here . The queen of the Isa. 52 :11 "Depart ye, depart
south will be raised up in the ye, go ye out from thence, touch
judgment with this generation no unclean thing ; go ye out of
the midst of her ; cleanse your-
and will condemn it ; because she selves, ye that bear the vessels of
came from the ends of the earth Jehovah ."
to hear the wisdom of Solomon, Isa. 31 :1 "Woe to them that
but, look! something more than go down to Egypt for help, and
Solomon is here .' " rely on horses, and trust in char-
Only Sign Jesus Promised for iots because they are many, and
in horsemen because they are
Second Restoration Period Also very strong, but they look not un-
Rejected by Modern to the Holy One of Israel, neither
Natural Israel seek Jehovah!"
Matt. 24 :30 "And then the sign Isa. 30 :1 "Woe to the rebellious
of the Son of man will appear children, saith Jehovah, that take
counsel, but not of me ; and that
in heaven, and then all the tribes make a league, but not of my
of the earth will go to wailing and spirit, that they may add sin to
they will see the Son of man com- sin ."
ing on the clouds of heaven with Jas . 4:4 "Adulteresses, do you
power and great glory ." not know that the friendship with
Rev. 12 :1-5 "And a great sign the world is enmity with God?
was seen in heaven, a woman ar- Whoever, therefore, wants to be
a friend of the world is consti-
rayed with the sun, and the tuting himself an enemy of God ."
moon was beneath her feet, and
on her head was a crown of twelve True Nation of Restoration Is
stars, and she was pregnant . . . . "New Nation" Founded on
New Covenant
And she gave birth to a son, a
male, who is destined to shepherd Jer. 31 :31-34 "Behold, the days
all the nations with an iron rod . come, saith Jehovah, that I will
make a new covenant with the
And her child was caught away house of Israel, and with the
to God and to his throne ." house of Judah : not according to
See "Sign of Last Days" . the covenant that I made with
217 Jews' Return to Palestine
their fathers in the day that I with the eleven and raised his
took them by the hand to bring voice and made this utterance
them out of the land of Egypt ; to them : 'Men of Judea and all
which my covenant they brake, you inhabitants of Jerusalem, let
although I was a husband unto this be known to you and give
them, saith Jehovah . But this is ear to my sayings . . . . this is what
the covenant that I will make was said through the prophet
with the house of Israel after Joel, "And in the last days," God
those days, saith Jehovah : I will says, "I shall pour some of my
put my law in their inward parts, spirit out upon every kind of
and in their heart will I write it ; flesh, and your sons and your
and I will be their God, and daughters will prophesy and your
they shall be my people . And they young men will see visions
shall teach no more every man and your old men will dream
his neighbor, and every man his dreams ; and even upon my men
brother, saying, Know Jehovah ; slaves and upon my women slaves
for they shall all know me, from I will pour out some of my spirit
the least of them unto the great- in those days, and they will
est of them, saith Jehovah : for prophesy." . . . Men of Israel, hear
I will forgive their iniquity, and these words : Jesus the Nazarene,
their sin will I remember no a man publicly shown by God to
more ." you through powerful works and
See "Congregation of God" . wonders and signs which God
did through him in your midst,
New Priesthood to Be Founded This Jesus God resurrected, of
on Christ Jesus, the Greater which fact we are all witnesses .
Cyrus, Who Is the One to Therefore because he was exalted
Build God's Temple to the right hand of God and
Ps . 110 :4 "Jehovah hath sworn, received the promised holy spirit
and will not repent : Thou art a from the Father, he has poured
priest for ever after the order of out this which you see and hear .
Melchizedek." . Therefore let all the house of
Zech. 6 :12, 13 "Thus speaketh Israel know for a certainty that
God made him both Lord and
Jehovah of hosts, saying, Behold, Christ, this Jesus whom you im-
the man whose name is the
Branch : and he shall grow up paled . . . . Repent, and let each
out of his place ; and he shall one of you be baptized in the
build the temple of Jehovah ; even name of Jesus Christ for forgive-
he . . . shall bear the glory, and ness of your sins, and you will
shall sit and rule upon his throne ; receive the free gift of the holy
spirit . For the promise is to you
and he shall be a priest upon his and to your children and to all
throne ; and the counsel of peace
shall be between them both ." those afar off, just as many as
Jehovah our God may call to
New Nation Established Pente-
cost, A.D. 33, When God Poured him .' "
Out His Spirit upon Faithful True Jews of Promise Are Those
Jewish Remnant Whose Heart Is Right
Acts 2 :1-42 "Now while the day Toward God
of the feast of Pentecost was in Deut . 10 :16 "Circumcise there-
progress they were all together fore the foreskin of your heart,
at the same place. . . . And tongues and be no more stiffnecked."
as if of fire became visible and
were distributed to them, and Deut. 30 :6 "And Jehovah thy
one sat upon each one of them, God will circumcise thy heart,
and they all became filled with and the heart of thy seed, to
holy spirit . . . . But Peter stood up love Jehovah thy God with all thy
Jews' Return to Palestine 218
heart, and with all thy soul, that his seed . It says, not, `And to
thou mayest live." seeds,' as in the case of many
Jer . 4 :4 "Circumcise yourselves such, but as in the case of one,
to Jehovah, and take away the `And to your seed,' who is Christ .
foreskins of your heart, ye men of There is neither Jew nor Greek,
Judah and inhabitants of Jeru- there is neither slave nor free-
salem ; lest my wrath go forth man, there is neither male nor fe-
like fire, and burn so that none male ; for you are all one in union
can quench it, because of the with Christ Jesus . Moreover, if
evil of your doings ." you belong to Christ, you are
Rom . 2 :28, 29 "For he is not a really Abraham's seed, heirs with
Jew that is one on the outside, reference to a promise ."
nor is circumcision that which 1 Pet . 2 :5 "You yourselves also
is on the outside upon the flesh . as living stones are being built
But he is a Jew that is one on up a spiritual house for the pur-
the inside, and his circumcision pose of a holy priesthood, to offer
is that of the heart by spirit, and up spiritual sacrifices acceptable
not by a written code. The praise to God through Jesus Christ ."
of that one comes, not from men, See "Born Again" .
but from God ." New Spiritual Nation, Advanc-
Also : Rom . 4 :3-12 . ing True Worship, Restored to
New Nation Is "Israel of God" God's Favor in Fulfillment of
Composed of Individual Jews Restoration Prophecies
and Gentiles, Which Is Abra- Jer . 32 :37 "Behold, I will gather
ham's Seed of Promise and a them out of all the countries,
Spiritual Nation whither I have driven them in
Gal. 6 :13-16 "For not even do mine anger, and in my wrath,
those who are getting circumcised and in great indignation ; and I
keep the Law themselves, but will bring them again unto this
they want you to be circumcised place, and I will cause them to
that they may have cause for dwell safely ."
boasting in your flesh . Never may Zech. 8 :20-23 "Thus saith Je-
it occur that I should boast, ex- hovah of hosts : It shall yet come
cept in the torture stake of our to pass, that there shall come
Lord Jesus Christ, through whom peoples, and the inhabitants of
the world has been impaled to many cities . . . . Yea, many peo-
me and I to the world . For nei- ples and strong nations shall
ther is circumcision anything nor come to seek Jehovah of hosts
is uncircumcision, but a new in Jerusalem, and to entreat the
creation is something . And all favor of Jehovah . Thus saith Je-
those who will walk orderly by hovah of hosts : In those days it
this rule of conduct, upon them shall come to pass, that ten men
be peace and mercy, even upon shall take hold, out of all the
the Israel of God." languages of the nations, they
Gal . 3 :8, 9, 16, 28, 29 "Now the shall take hold of the skirt of him
Scripture, seeing in advance that that is a Jew, saying, We will
God would declare people of the go with you, for we have heard
nations righteous due to faith, that God is with you ."
declared the good news before- Heb . 12 :22-24 "But you have
hand to Abraham, namely : 'By approached a mount Zion and a
means of you all the nations city of the living God, heavenly
will be blessed.' Consequently . Jerusalem, and myriads of angels,
those who adhere to faith are in general assembly, and the con-
being blessed together with faith- gregation of the firstborn who
ful Abraham . Now the promises have been enrolled in the heav-
were spoken to Abraham and to ens, and God the Judge of all,

219 Judgment Days

and the spiritual lives of right- of a new covenant, and the blood
eous ones who have been made of sprinkling which speaks in a
perfect, and Jesus the mediator better way than Abel's blood ."

judgment Days
Judgment Days are periods of time during which the Supreme
Court in heaven sits to render judgment . The heavenly court is made
up of the Supreme Judge, Jehovah God, and his associate Judge,
Jesus Christ . (Isa . 33 :22) Judgment means the act of determining
what is conformable to law, or, Scripturally, God's expressed will .
Judgments with God are righteous and according to his own high
standards of justice . Once pronounced they are never subject to re-
versal . They can be either judgments of divine favor or judgments of
divine condemnation . The resulting favor or condemnation may extend
individually or to an entire family, community or nation, depending
on the nature of the offenses . In all judgment periods, past, present
and future, the death sentence always means everlasting destruction
with no hope of resurrection .
Jehovah's Judgments Are Right- which I commanded thee, saying,
eous and Occasions to Rejoice Thou shalt not eat of it : cursed
Ps. 96 :10-13 "Say among the is the ground for thy sake ; in
nations, Jehovah reigneth : the toil shalt thou eat of it all the
world also is established that it days of thy life ; thorns also and
cannot be moved : he will judge thistles shall it bring forth to
the peoples with equity . Let the thee ; and thou shalt eat the herb
heavens be glad, and let the earth of the field ; in the sweat of thy
rejoice . . . . He will judge the world face shalt thou eat bread, till
with righteousness, and the peo- thou return unto the ground ; . . .
ples with his truth ." for dust thou art, and unto dust
Isa . 26 :9 "With my soul have shalt thou return."
I desired thee in the night ; yea, 1 Tim . 2 :14 "Also Adam was not
with my spirit within me will I deceived, but the woman was
seek thee earnestly : for when thy thoroughly deceived and came to
judgments are in the earth, the be in transgression ."
inhabitants of the world learn Rom . 5 :12, 16 "That is why,
righteousness ." just as through one man sin en-
Rom. 11:33 "Oh the depth of tered into the world and death
God's riches and wisdom and through sin, and thus death
knowledge! How unsearchable his spread to all men because they
judgments are and past tracing had all sinned- . . . For the judg-
out his ways are!" ment resulted in condemnation
Edenic Judgment Day (c .4025 from one trespass."
B .C .) Brought Condemnation to Judgment of Noah's Day (End-
Adam and Eve and Disabilities ing 2370 B .C .) a Pattern of
to Their Offspring End of World
Gen . 3:8-21 "And unto Adam Luke 17 :26, 27 "Moreover, just
he said, Because thou hast heark- as it occurred in the days of
ened unto the voice of my wife, Noah, so it will be also in the
and hast eaten of the tree, of days of the Son of man : they
Judgment Days 220
were eating, they were drinking, of the cities, and that which
men were marrying, women were grew upon the ground. And it
being given in marriage, until came to pass, when God destroyed
that day when Noah entered into the cities of the Plain, that God
the ark, and the flood arrived and remembered Abraham, and sent
destroyed them all ." Lot out of the midst of the over-
Gen . 6 :5, 7, 9, 13, 18, AT "The throw, when he overthrew the
LORD saw that the wickedness of cities in which Lot dwelt ."
man on the earth was great, and 2 Pet . 2 :6-9 "And by reducing
that the whole bent of his think- the cities Sodom and Gomorrah
ing was never anything but evil . to ashes he condemned them,
[Jehovah determined :] 'I will blot setting a pattern for ungodly per-
the men that I have created off sons of things to come, and he
the face of the ground, both men delivered righteous Lot . . . . Jeho-
and animals, reptiles, and birds vah knows how to deliver people
of the air ; for I regret that I ever of godly devotion out of trial, but
made them .' . . . Noah alone among to reserve unrighteous people for
his contemporaries was a pious the day of judgment to be cut
and exceedingly good man ; Noah off ."
walked with God . . . . 'I have re- Rom . 9:29 "Also just as Isaiah
solved on the extermination of had said aforetime : `Unless Je-
all mortals ; for the earth is full hovah of hosts had left a seed
of wrong-doing through them ; I to us, we should have become as
am going to exterminate them Sodom and we should have been
from the earth . But with you I made just like Gomorrah.'"
will make a covenant ; you shall Also : Jude 7 .
enter the ark, accompanied by
your sons, your wife, and your Fleshly Israel's Day of Judgment
A . D . 29-70
sons' wives.' "
2 Pet. 2 :5 "And he did not hold Matt . 3 :10-12 "Already the ax
back from punishing an ancient is lying at the root of the trees ;
world, but kept Noah, a preacher every tree, then, that does not
of righteousness, safe with seven produce fine fruit is to be cut
ethers when he brought a deluge down and thrown into the fire .
upon a world of ungodly people ." I, on the one hand, baptize you
with water because of your re-
Judgment Day of Sodom and Go- pentance ; but the one coming af-
morrah (a .1919 B. C .) Also Fore- ter me is stronger than I am . . . .
tells Finality of Judgment and will gather his whe=t into
Luke 17 :28-30 "Likewise, just as the storehouse, but the chaff he
it occurred in the days of Lot : will burn up with fire that cannot
they were eating, they were drink- be put out."
ing, they were buying, they were John 4 :35-38 "You say, do you
selling, they were planting, they not, that there are yet four
were building . But on the day months before the harvest comes?
that Lot came out of Sodom it Look! I say to you : Lift up your
rained fire and sulphur from eyes and view the fields, that
heaven and destroyed them all . they are white for harvesting . Al-
The same way it will be on that ready the reaper is receiving a
day when the Son of man is to reward and gathering fruit for
be revealed." everlasting life."
Gen. 19 :24, 25, 29 "Then Jeho- John 9 :39-41 "And Jesus said :
vah rained upon Sodom and upon `For this judgment I came into
Gomorrah brimstone and fire from this world : that those not seeing
Jehovah out of heaven ; and he might see and those seeing might
overthrew those cities, and all become blind . . If you were
the Plain, and all the inhabitants blind, you would have no sin . But
221 Judgment Days
now you say, "We see ." Your sin eyes, neither decide after the
remains.'" hearing of his ears ; but with
Heb . 9 :26 "He has manifested righteousness shall he judge the
himself once for all time at the poor, and decide with equity for
consummation of the systems of the meek of the earth ; and he
things to put sin away through shall smite the earth with the
the sacrifice of himself ." rod of his mouth ; and with the
Matt . 23 :33 "Serpents, offspring breath of his lips shall he slay
of vipers, how are you to flee the wicked ."
from the judgment of Gehenna?" Also : Matt . 12 :18-21 ; John
Acts 13 :45-48 "Paul and Bar- 8 :16 .
nabas said : 'It was necessary for Jesus' Death of Integrity Brought
the word of God to be spoken Divine Condemnation to Satan
first to you . Since you are thrust-
ing it away from you and do not and His Old World
judge yourselves worthy of ever- John 14:30 "I shall not speak
lasting life, look! we turn to the much with you any more, for
nations . In fact, Jehovah has laid the ruler of the world is com-
commandment upon us in these ing . And yet he has no hold on
words, "I have appointed you as me."
a light of nations, for you to be John 16 :11 "Concerning judg-
a salvation to the most distant ment, because the ruler of this
part of the earth ." ' " world has been judged."
Christ Jesus Thoroughly Quali- John 12 :31-33 "Now there is
fied as Judge a judging of this world ; now the
John 5 :21, 22, 26-30 "For just ruler of this world will be cast
as the Father raises the dead up out . And yet I, if I am lifted up
and makes them alive, so the Son from the earth . . . . This he was
also makes those alive whom he really saying to signify what sort
wants to . For the Father judges of death he was about to die."
no one at all, but he has com- 1 Cor. 11 :32 "When we are
mitted all the judging to the Son. judged, we are disciplined by Je-
. And he has given him authori- hovah, that we may not become
ty to do judging, because Son of
man he is. . . . I cannot do a single condemned with the world ."
thing of my own initiative ; just 144,000 Associate Judges
as I hear, I judge, and the judg- After 1918
ment that I render is righteous, 1 Cor. 6 :2 "Do you not know
because I seek not my own will
but the will of him that sent that the holy ones will judge the
me ." world?"
Acts 10 :42 "Also he ordered us Rev. 20 :4 "And I saw thrones,
to preach to the people and to and there were those who sat
give a thorough witness that this down on them, and power of
is the One decreed by God to be judging was given them. . . . And
judge of the living and the dead ." they came to life and ruled as
Isa . 11 :1-4 "And there shall kings with the Christ for a thou-
come forth a shoot out of the
stock of Jesse, and a branch out sand years ."
of his roots shall bear fruit . And Judgment Day for God's House,
the spirit of Jehovah shall rest Spiritual Israel, Begins
upon him . . . . the spirit of knowl- A . D . 1918
edge and of the fear of Jeho-
vah . And his delight shall be in 1 Pet . 4:17, 18 "For it is the
the fear of Jehovah ; and he shall appointed time for the judgment
not judge after the sight of his to start with the house of God .
Judgment Days 222
Now if it starts first with us, to gather the nations, that I may
what will the complete end be of assemble the kingdoms, to pour
those who are not obedient to the upon them mine indignation,
good news of God? 'And if the even all my fierce anger ; for all
righteous man is being saved with the earth shall be devoured with
difficulty, where will the ungodly the fire of my jealousy ."
man and the sinner make a Matt . 25 :31, 32, 46 "When the
showing?'" Son of man arrives in his glory
2 Tim. 4:6-8 "I have fought the and all the angels with him,
right fight, I have run the course then he will sit down on his
to the finish, I have observed the glorious throne . And all the na-
faith . From this time on there is tions will be gathered before him,
reserved for me the crown of and he will separate people one
righteousness, which the Lord, from another, just as a shepherd
the righteous judge, will give me separates the sheep from the
as a reward in that day, yet not goats . And these will depart into
only to me, but also to all those everlasting cutting-off, but the
who have loved his manifesta- righteous ones into everlasting
tion ." life ."
1 John 4:17 "This is how love Also : Ezek. 9 :4-6 ; Joel 3 :9-13 ;
has been made perfect with us, Acts 24 :25 .
that we may have freeness of Judgment of Condemnation En-
speech in the day of judgment, forced at Armageddon, Resulting
because, just as that one is, so
are we ourselves in this world ." in Annihilation
Also: Ps . 50 :3-6 ; Mal . 3 :1-6 ; 1 Tim . 5 :24 "The sins of some
Rom. 2 :2-11 ; 1 Cor . 4 :2-5 ; Rev . men are publicly manifest, lead-
11 :15-19. ing immediately to judgment, but
Judgment Day for the Peoples as for other men their sins also
of the Nations Since 1918 become manifest later ."
Matt . 12 :31, 32 "On this account
Matt. 24 :14, 21, 22 "And this I say to you, Every kind of sin
good news of the kingdom will and blasphemy will be forgiven
be preached in all the inhabited men, but the blasphemy against
earth for the purpose of a wit- the spirit will not be forgiven . For
ness to all the nations, and then example, whoever speaks a word
the accomplished end will come." against the Son of man, it will be
John 3 :19 "Now this is the basis forgiven him ; but whoever speaks
for judgment, that the light has against the holy spirit, it will
come into the world ." not be forgiven him, no, not in
Luke 19 :40 "I tell you, If these the present system of things nor
remained silent, the stones would in that to come ."
cry out ." Num . 35 :31 "Moreover ye shall
take no ransom for the life of a
Isa. 55 :11 "So shall my word murderer, that is guilty of death ;
be that goeth forth out of my but he shall surely be put to
mouth : it shall not return unto death.'
me void, but it shall accomplish Ps . 145:20 "Jehovah preserveth
that which I please, and it shall all them that love him ; but all
prosper in the thing whereto I the wicked will he destroy ."
sent it." Prov. 10 :7 "The memory of the
Zeph . 3 :8, 9 "Therefore wait righteous is blessed ; but the name
ye for me, saith Jehovah, un- of the wicked shall rot ."
til the day that I rise up to Jer . 51 :57 "And they shall sleep
the prey ; for my determination is a perpetual sleep, and not wake,
223 Judgment Days
saith the King, whose name is and my mother, and my brethren,
Jehovah of hosts ." and my sisters, and all that they
Also: Rom. 2 :1-3 ; Heb. 10 :26, have, and will deliver our lives
27 ; Jas . 2 :13 . from death . And the men said
Family or Community Condem- unto her, Our life for yours, if ye
nation Includes Children with utter not this our business ; and
Wicked Parents it shall be, when Jehovah giveth
us the land, that we will deal
Ezek . 9 :5, 6 "Let not your eye kindly and truly with thee ."
spare, neither have ye pity ; slay 1 Cor. 7 :14 "For the unbeliev-
utterly the old man, the young ing husband is sanctified in rela-
man and the virgin, and little tion to his wife, and the unbeliev-
children and women ; but come ing wife is sanctified in relation
not near any man upon whom is to the brother ; otherwise, your
the mark ." children would really be unclean,
Num . 16 :23-33 "And Dathan but now they are holy ."
and Abiram came out, and stood
at the door of their tents, and Parents Not Responsible for
their wives, and their sons, and Course of Children Who Have
their little ones . . . . And it came Reached Age of Individual
to pass, as he made an end of Accountability
speaking all these words, that the Gen . 19 :12-14 "And the men
ground clave asunder . and said unto Lot, Hast thou here any
swallowed them up . . . and the besides? son-in-law, and thy
earth closed upon them, and they sons, and thy daughters, and
perished from among the as- whomsoever thou hast in the
sembly ." city, bring them out of the place :
Josh. 7 :24-26 "And Joshua, and for we will destroy this place . . . .
all Israel with him, took Achan And Lot went out, and spake unto
the son of Zerah, and the silver, his sons-in-law, who married his
and the mantle, and the wedge daughters, and said, Up, get you
of gold, and his sons, and his out of this place ; for Jehovah
daughters, and his oxen, and his will destroy the city . But he
asses, and his sheep, and his tent, seemed unto his sons-in-law as
and all that he had : and they one that mocked."
brought them up unto the valley Ezek . 18 :20 "The soul that sin-
of Achor . And Joshua said, Why neth, it shall die : the son shall
hast thou troubled us? Jehovah not bear the iniquity of the
shall trouble thee this day . And father, neither shall the father
all Israel . . . stoned them with bear the iniquity of the son ; the
stones ." righteousness of the righteous
Meritorious Favor of Righteous shall be upon him, and the wick-
Parents Extends to Dependent edness of the wicked shall be up-
Children on him ."
2 Sam. 21 :7 "But the king Num. 26 :9-11 "And the earth
spared Mephibosheth, the son of opened its mouth, and swallowed
Jonathan, the son of Saul, be- them up together with Korah,
cause of Jehovah's oath that was when that company died ; what
between them, between David and time the fire devoured two hun-
Jonathan the son of Saul ." dred and fifty men, and they be-
Josh . 2 :12-14 "Now therefore, I came a sign . Notwithstanding, the
pray you, swear unto me by Jeho- sons of Korah died not ."
vah, since I have dealt kindly Community, National, Ruler
with you, that ye also will deal Responsibility
kindly with my father's house,
and give me a true token ; and Ex . 17 :8, 14, 16 "Then came
that ye will save alive my father, Amalek, and fought with Israel
Judgment Days 224
in Rephidim . And Jehovah said Rom. 5 :18, 19 "So, then, as
unto Moses, Write this for a me- through one trespass the result to
morial in a book, and rehearse men of all kinds was condem-
it in the ears of Joshua : that I nation, likewise also through one
will utterly blot out the remem- act of justification the result to
brance of Amalek from under men of all kinds is a declaring
heaven . And he said, Jehovah of them righteous for life . For
hath sworn : Jehovah will have just as through the disobedience
war with Amalek from genera- of the one man many were con-
tion to generation ." stituted sinners, likewise also
2 Sam . 21:1 "And there was a through the obedience of the one
famine in the days of David person many will be constituted
three years, year after year ; and righteous ."
David sought the face of Jehovah . Also: Josh . 7 :5, 13-21 ; Ex . 5 :1,
And Jehovah said, It is for Saul, 2 ; 9 :13-16 ; 1 Sam . 8 :4-22 ; Gen .
and for his bloody house, be- 12 :17 ; 20 :9, 17 ; 26 :10 ; Deut .
cause he put to death the Gib- 13 :12-18 .
eonites ." Jehovah Sets Judgment Periods
2 Sam . 24 :10-17 "And David's
heart smote him after that he Heb . 9 :27 "And as it is reserved
had numbered the people. And for men to die once for all time,
David said unto Jehovah, I have but after this a judgment ."
sinned greatly in that which I Acts 17:30, 31 "True, God has
have done : but now, 0 Jehovah, overlooked the times of such ig-
put away, I beseech thee, the iniq- norance, yet now he is telling
uity of thy servant ; for I have mankind that they should all
done very foolishly . . . . So Jehovah everywhere repent . Because he
sent a pestilence upon Israel from has set a day in which he pur-
the morning even to the time ap- poses to judge the inhabited earth
pointed ; and there died of the in righteousness by a man whom
people from Dan even to Beer- he has appointed, and he has
sheba seventy thousand men ." furnished a guarantee to all
men in that he has resurrected
2 Chron . 21 :11-15 "Because him from the dead ."
thou hast not walked in the ways
of Jehoshaphat thy father, nor Ps . 72 :4, 7, 8 "He will judge
in the ways of Asa king of Judah, the poor of the people, he will
but hast walked in the ways of save the children of the needy,
the kings of Israel, and hast made and will break in pieces the op-
Judah and the inhabitants of pressor . In his days shall the
Jerusalem to play the harlot, like righteous flourish, and abundance
as the house of Ahab did, and of peace, till the moon be no
also hast slain thy brethren of more . He shall have dominion
thy father's house, who were bet- also from sea to sea, and from the
ter than thyself : behold, Jehovah river unto the ends of the earth ."
will smite with a great plague thy 1,000-Year Day of Test Comes
people, and thy children, and thy After Armageddon
wives, and all thy substance ." Rev . 20 :1-3, 11-13 "And I saw
Matt . 10 :14, 15 "Wherever any- an angel coming down out of
one does not take you in or listen heaven with the key of the abyss
to your words, on going out of and a great chain in his hand .
that house or that city shake the And he seized the dragon, the
dust off your feet. Truly I say original serpent, who is the Devil
to you, It will be more endurable and Satan, and bound him for a
for the land of Sodom and Go- thousand years. And he hurled
morrah on Judgment Day than him into the abyss and shut it
for that city." and sealed it over him, that he

225 Judgment Days

might not mislead the nations There will be two women grind-
any more until the thousand years ing at the same mill ; the one
were ended . After these things will be taken along, but the
he must be let loose for a little other will be abandoned ."
while . And I saw a great white Matt . 25 :34-40 "Then the king
throne and the one seated on it . will say to those on his right :
From before him the earth and `Come, you who have my Father's
the heaven fled away, and no blessing, inherit the kingdom pre-
place was found for them . And I pared for you from the world's
saw the dead, the great and the foundation . For I became hungry
small, standing before the throne, and you gave me something to
. . . and they were judged." eat, I got thirsty and you gave
2 Pet. 3 :8 "However, let this me something to drink. I was
one fact not be escaping your a stranger and you received
notice, beloved ones, that one me hospitably ; naked, and you
day is with Jehovah as a thou- clothed me . I fell sick and you
sand years and a thousand years looked after me . I was in prison
as one day ." and you came to me. . . . To the
Comes upon Those on Earth in extent that you did it to one of
New World After Armageddon the least of these my brothers,
you did it to me .'"
Heb . 2 :5 "For it is not to
angels that he has subjected the Individually Judged as to Those
inhabited earth to come, about Works They Perform According
which we are speaking ." to Requirements During That
2 Tim . 4:1 "I earnestly beg Test Day
you before God and Christ Jesus,
who is destined to judge the Ezek . 18 :20-23 "The soul that
living and the dead, and by his sinneth, it shall die : the son shall
manifestation and his kingdom ." not bear the iniquity of the fa-
Rev. 20 :12 "And I saw the dead, ther, neither shall the father bear
the great and the small, standing the iniquity of the son ; the right-
before the throne, and scrolls eousness of the righteous shall be
were opened ." upon him, and the wickedness of
the wicked shall be upon him .
John 5 :28, 29 "Do not marvel But if the wicked turn from all
at this, because the hour is com- his sins that he hath committed,
ing in which all those in the me- and keep all my statutes, and do
morial tombs will hear his voice that which is lawful and right,
and come out, those who did he shall surely live, he shall not
good things to a resurrection of die . None of his transgressions
life, those who practiced vile that he hath committed shall be
things to a resurrection of judg- remembered against him : in his
ment ." righteousness that he hath done
Favorable Judgment Based on he shall live. Have I any pleas-
Right Stand on Kingdom ure in the death of the wicked?
Issue Now saith the Lord Jehovah ; and not
Luke 17 :29-35 "But on the day rather that he should return
that Lot came out of Sodom it from his way, and live?"
rained fire and sulphur from Rev . 20 :12, 13 "And I saw the
heaven and destroyed them all . dead, the great and the small,
The same way it will be on the standing before the throne, and
day when the Son of man is to scrolls were opened . But another
be revealed . . Remember the scroll was opened ; it is the scroll
wife of Lot . . . . I tell you, In that of life . And the dead were judged
night two men will be in one bed ; out of those things written in the
the one will be taken along, but scrolls according to their deeds .
the other will be abandoned . And the sea gave up those dead
Kingdom 226
in it, and death and Hades gave gaining that system of things and
up those dead in them, and they the resurrection from the dead
were judged individually accord- neither marry nor are given in
ing to their deeds ." marriage. In fact, neither can
Final Test When Satan Released they die any more, for they are
at End of 1,000 Years like the angels, and they are
Rev . 20 :7-10 "Now as soon as God's children by being children
the thousand years have been of the resurrection ."
ended, Satan will be let loose out Isa. 65 :20, Le "There shall no
of his prison, and he will go out,
to mislead those nations in the more come thence an infant of
four quarters of the earth, Gog few days, nor an old man that
and Magog, to gather them to- shall not have the full length of
gether for the war . The number his days ; for as a lad shall not
of these is as the sand of the die a hundred years old ; and as
sea . And they advanced over the a sinner shall be accursed he who
breadth of the earth and encir- (dieth) at a hundred years old ."
cled the camp of the holy ones
and the beloved city . But fire Rev . 20 :5, 14, 15 "(The rest of
came down out of heaven and the dead did not come to life
devoured them. And the Devil until the thousand years were
who was misleading them was ended .) And death and Hades
hurled into the lake of fire and were hurled into the lake of fire .
sulphur, where both the wild This means the second death,
beast and the false prophet al-
ready were ; and they will be tor- the lake of fire . Furthermore,
mented day and night for ever whoever was not found written
and ever." in the book of life was hurled
Faithful Given Reward of Ever- into the lake of fire ."
lasting Life, but All Others Rom. 6 :23 "For the wages sin
Destroyed pays is death, but the gift God
Luke 20 :35, 36 "But those who gives is everlasting life by Christ
have been counted worthy of Jesus our Lord."

The Kingdom of God is a Sovereign-empowered theocratic gov-
ernment under an administration of divinely appointed Kings . Jeho-
vah himself is the great Everlasting King . (1 Tim . 1 :17 ; Rev. 15 :3 ;
Jer . 10 :10) He has taken into association as co-regent his Son Christ
Jesus. God has purposed the Kingdom as the capital or ruling part
of his universal organization . It is comprised of the King Christ Jesus
and 144,000 associate kings taken from among men . It is entirely
heavenly, having no earthly part . All becoming members must be
resurrected and given spirit bodies . At times the term "kingdom" is
applied to the one (in the Scriptures, Christ) who has the rank,
quality, attributes and authority of a king . The term also is used
to refer to the realm over which the Kingdom government exercises
control . This Kingdom began operation in full power with the en-
thronement of Christ in the heavens, A .D . 1914 .
227 Kingdom
The Kingdom Is the Greatest shall we not if we turn away
Truth Taught in the Bible from him who speaks from the
Jesus opened his preaching heavens . At that time his voice
campaign with the announcement shook the earth, but now he has
of the Kingdom and spoke of the promised, saying : `Yet once more
Kingdom over 110 times, in the I will set not only the earth but
four Gospels . also the heaven in commotion .'
Eph . 1 :8-10 "He made known to Now the expression `Yet once
us the sacred secret of his will . more' signifies the removal of
It is according to his good pleas- the things being shaken as things
ure which he purposed in himself that have been made, in order
for an administration at the full that the things not being shaken
limit of the appointed times, may remain . Wherefore, seeing
that we are to receive a kingdom
namely, to gather all things to- which cannot be shaken, let us
gether again in the Christ, the continue to have undeserved kind-
things in the heavens and the ness, through which we may ac-
things on the earth ."
Phil. 2 :9-11 "For this very rea- ceptably render God sacred serv-
son also God exalted him to a ice with godly fear and awe ."
superior position and kindly gave Rom . 8 :19 "For the eager ex-
him the name that is above pectation of the creation is wait-
every other name, so that in the ing for the revealing of the sons
name of Jesus every knee should of God."
bend of those in heaven and those Matt . 24:14 "And this good
on earth and those under the news of the kingdom will be
ground, and every tongue should preached in all the inhabited
openly confess that Jesus Christ earth for the purpose of a wit-
is Lord to the glory of God the ness to all the nations, and then
Father." the accomplished end will come ."
1 Cor. 15 :24, 25 "Next, the ac- Matt . 6 :10, 33 " `Let your king-
complished end, when he hands dom come . Let your will come to
over the kingdom to his God and pass, as in heaven, also upon
Father, when he has destroyed earth .' . . . Keep on, then, seeking
all government and all authority first the kingdom and his right-
and power . For he must rule as eousness, and all these other
king until God has put all ene- things will be added to you ."
mies under his feet ." Foretold, Foreordained Before
Isa . 9 :6, 7 "For unto us a child Foundation of New World
is born, unto us a son is given ;
and the government shall be upon Gen . 3 :15 "And I will put en-
his shoulder : and his name shall mity between thee and the wom-
be called Wonderful, Counsellor, an, and between thy seed and
Mighty God, Everlasting Father, her seed : he shall bruise thy
Prince of Peace. Of the increase head, and thou shalt bruise his
of his government and of peace heel ."
there shall be no end, upon the Eph . 1 :4 "Just as he chose
throne of David, and upon his us in union with him before
kingdom, to establish it, and to the world's foundation, that we
uphold it with justice and with should be holy and without
righteousness from henceforth blemish before him in love ."
even for ever . The zeal of Jeho- Luke 22 :29 "And I make a
vah of hosts will perform this ." covenant with you, just as my
Heb . 12 :25-28 "See that you do Father has made a covenant with
not implore him not to speak . For me, for a kingdom ."
if they did not escape who im- Rom. 9 :23, 24 "in order that be
plored him not to give divine might make known the riches of
warning upon earth, much more his glory upon vessels of mercy,
Kingdom 228
which he prepared beforehand Jesus the Natural Heir (Through
for glory, namely, us, whom he His Mother), and Legal Heir
called not only from among Jews, (Through His Foster Father)
but also from among nations ." Matt . 1 :2-16 "Abraham . . . Ju-
Foundation of New World Laid dah . . . David . . . Jacob was the
at Christ's Death, Resurrection father of Joseph the husband of
and Ascension Mary, who was the mother of
Jesus, who is called `Christ' ."
Rev . 13 :8 "The Lamb who was
slaughtered from the world's Luke 3:23-34 "Jesus himself,
foundation ." when he commenced his work,
was about thirty years old, being
1 Cor . 3 :11 "For no man can the son, as the opinion was, of Jo-
lay any other foundation than seph, the son of Hell. . . . the son
what is laid, which is Jesus of David, . . . the son of Judah, . . .
Christ." the son of Abraham."
Heb. 9 :26 "Otherwise, he would Comprised of Christ and 144,000
have to suffer often from the Associate Kings in Heaven-the
world's foundation . But now he "Seed" Organization
has manifested himself once for
all time at the consummation of Gen . 22 :17, 18 "In blessing I
the systems of things to put sin will bless thee, and in multiplying
away through the sacrifice of I will multiply thy seed as the
himself." stars of the heavens, and as the
sand which is upon the seashore ;
Foreshadowed in David and His and thy seed shall possess the
Son Solomon gate of his enemies ; and in thy
2 Sam. 7 :12-16 "I will set up seed shall all the nations of the
thy seed after thee, that shall earth be blessed."
proceed out of thy bowels, and I Gal . 3 :29 "Moreover, if you be-
will establish his kingdom . He long to Christ, you are really
shall build a house for my name, Abraham's seed, heirs with ref-
and I will establish the throne erence to a promise ."
of his kingdom for ever . . . . but Rev . 14 :1-3 "And I saw, and
my lovingkindness shall not de- look! the Lamb standing upon the
part from him, as I took it from mount Zion, and with him a hun-
Saul, whom I put away before dred and forty-four thousand
thee . And thy house and thy having his name and the name of
kingdom shall be made sure for his Father written on their fore-
ever before thee : thy throne shall heads . And I heard a sound out
be established for ever ." of heaven . . . . And they are sing-
1 Chron . 17 :11-14 "I will set ing as if a new song before the
up thy seed after thee, who shall throne and before the four liv-
be of thy sons ; and I will estab- ing creatures and the persons of
lish his kingdom . He shall build advanced age ; and no one was
me a house, and I will establish able to master that song but the
his throne for ever . . . . but I will hundred and forty-four thousand,
settle him in my house and in who have been purchased from
my kingdom for ever ; and his the earth ."
throne shall be established for Rev . 7 :4-9 "And I heard the
ever." number of those who were sealed,
1 Chron . 22 :10 "He shall build a hundred and forty-four thou-
a house for my name ; and he sand, sealed out of every tribe
shall be my son, and I will be of the sons of Israel : . . . After
his father ; and I will establish these things I saw, and, look! a
the throne of his kingdom over great crowd, which no man was
Israel for ever ." able to number."
229 Kingdom
Luke 12 :32 "Have no fear, little Rev . 20 :4, 6 "And I saw thrones,
flock, because your Father has and there were those who sat
approved of giving you the king- down on them, and power of
dom ." judging was given them. Yes, I
Isa . 66 :1 "Thus saith Jehovah, saw the souls of those executed
Heaven is my throne, and the with the ax for the witness they
earth is my footstool ." bore to Jesus and for speaking
Those Associate Kings Are the about God, and those who had
Footstep Followers of Christ, worshiped neither the wild beast
Taken from Among Men nor its image and who had not
received the mark upon their
Rev . 5 :9, 10 "And they sing a forehead and upon their hand .
new song, saying : 'You are wor- And they came to life and ruled
thy to take the scroll and open as kings with the Christ for a
its seals, because you were slaugh- thousand years . Happy and holy
tered and with your blood you is anyone having part in the first
bought persons for God out of resurrection ; over these the sec-
every tribe and tongue and peo- ond death has no authority, but
ple and nation, and you made they will . . . rule as kings with
them to be a kingdom and priests him for the thousand years ."
to our God, and they will rule as
kings over the earth.' " Is a Theocratic Government
Rev . 14:4, 5 "These are the ones Isa . 33 :22 "For Jehovah is our
that did not defile themselves judge, Jehovah is our lawgiver,
with women ; in fact, they are vir- Jehovah is our king ; he will
gins . These are the ones that save us ."
keep following the Lamb no mat-, Dan . 2 :44 "And in the days of
ter where he goes . These were those kings shall the God of
purchased from among mankind heaven set up a kingdom which
as a firstfruits to God and to the shall never be destroyed, nor shall
Lamb, and no falsehood was the sovereignty thereof be left
found in their mouths ; they are to another people ; but it shall
without blemish." break in pieces and consume all
1 Pet . 1 :4 "To an incorruptible these kingdoms, and it shall stand
and undefiled and unfading in- for ever ."
heritance . It is reserved in the Kingdom Is the Capital or Ruling
heavens for you ." Organization Over God's
1 Pet. 2 :4, 5 "Coming to him as
to a living stone, rejected, it is Entire Universe
true, by men, but chosen, pre- Heb . 1 :6 "But when he again
cious, with God, you yourselves brings his Firstborn into the in-
also as living stones are being habited earth, he says : `And let
built up a spiritual house for the all God's angels worship him .'"
purpose of a holy priesthood, to Heb . 12 :22-24 "But you have
offer up spiritual sacrifices ac- approached a mount Zion and a
ceptable to God through Jesus city of the living God, heavenly
Christ ." Jerusalem, and myriads of angels,
Jas . 2 :5 "Listen, my beloved in general assembly, and the con-
brothers . God chose the ones who gregation of the firstborn who
are poor respecting the world to have been enrolled in the heavens,
be rich in faith and heirs of the and God the Judge of all, and
kingdom which he promised to the spiritual lives of righteous
those who love him, did he not?" ones who have been made per-
2 Tim . 2 :12 "If we go on en- fect, and Jesus the mediator of
during, we shall also rule together a new covenant, and the blood
as kings ; if we deny, he also will of sprinkling which speaks in a
deny us." better way than Abel's blood ."
Kingdom 230
Phil . 2 :9, 10 "For this very rea- ceived the mark of the wild beast
son also God exalted him to a and those who render worship to
superior position and kindly gave its image . While still alive, they
him the name that is above every both were hurled into the fiery
other name, so that in the name lake that burns with sulphur . But
of Jesus every knee should bend the rest were killed oil with the
of those in heaven and those on long sword of the one seated on
earth and those under the the horse and which proceeded
ground ." out of his mouth . And all the
Eph . 1 :19-23 "It is according to birds were filled from the fleshy
the operation of the mightiness parts of them . And I saw an
of his strength, with which he angel coming down out of heaven
has operated in the case of the with the key of the abyss and a
Christ when he raised him up great chain in his hand . And he
from the dead and seated him at seized the dragon, the original
his right hand in the heavenly serpent, who is the Devil and
places, far above every govern- Satan, and bound him for a thou-
ment and authority and power sand years . And he hurled him
and lordship and every name into the abyss and shut it and
named, not only in this system of sealed it over him . . . . And I saw
things, but also in that to come . a great white throne and the one
He also subjected all things under seated on it . From before him the
his feet, and made him head over earth and the heaven fled away,
all things to the congregation, and no place was found for them ."
which is his body, the fullness Will Vindicate and Eternally
of him who fills up all things in Establish Jehovah God's Uni-
all ." versal Sovereign
Col . 2 :10 "And so you are pos- Supremacy
sessed of a fullness by means of
him, who is the head of all gov- Phil . 2 :10, 11 "So that in the
name of Jesus every knee should
ernment and authority ." bend of those in heaven and
1 Cor. 6 :2, 3 "Or do you not those on earth and those under
know that the holy ones will the ground, and every tongue
judge the world? And if the world should openly confess that Jesus
is to be judged by you, are you Christ is Lord to the glory of
unfit to try very trivial matters? God the Father ."
Do you not know that we shall 1 Chron . 29 :11 "Thine, 0 Je-
judge angels? Why, then, not hovah, is the greatness, and the
things of this life?" power, and the glory, and the
1 Pet. 3 :22 "He is at God's victory, and the majesty : for all
right hand, for he went his way that is in the heavens and in the
to heaven, and angels and author- earth is thine ; thine is the king-
ities and powers were made sub- dom, 0 Jehovah, and thou art
ject to him ." exalted as head above all ."
Will Destroy Satan and His Or- 1 Cor. 15 :24-28 "Next, the ac-
ganization, Delivering Righteous complished end, when he hands
Mankind over the kingdom to his God and
Rev . 19 :19-20 :3, 11 "And I saw Father, when he has destroyed
the wild beast and the kings of all government and all authority
the earth and their armies gath .. and power . For he must rule as
ered together to wage the war with king until God has put all ene-
the one seated on the horse and mies under his feet . As the last
with his army. And the wild beast enemy, death is to be destroyed .
was caught, and along with it the For God 'subjected all things
false prophet that performed under his feet' . But when he says
in front of it the signs with that 'all things have been sub-
which he misled those who re- jected', it is evident that it is
231 Kingdom
with the exception of the one tist ; but a person that is a lesser
who subjected all things to him . one in the kingdom of the heav-
But when all things will have ens is greater than he is ."
been subjected to him, then the Ps. 45 :16 "Instead of thy fa-
Son himself will also subject him- thers shall be thy children, whom
self to the one who subjected all thou shalt make princes in all
things to him, that God may be the earth."
all things to everyone." Rev . 7 :9, 10 `After these things
Matt. 6 :9, 10 "You must pray, I saw, and, look! a great crowd,
then, this way : `Our Father in which no man was able to num-
the heavens, let your name be ber, out of all nations and tribes
sanctified . Let your kingdom come . and peoples and tongues, stand-
Let your will come to pass, as in ing before the throne and before
heaven, also upon earth .' " the Lamb . dressed in white robes,
Kingdom a Real Authority, Hav- and there were palm branches
ing a Territory and Subjects, in their hands . And they keep on
Not Merely a Spiritual State of crying with a loud voice, saying :
Morality, "in One's Heart" `Salvation we owe to our God,
who is seated on the throne, and
Isa . 60 :12 "For that nation and to the Lamb .'"
kingdom that will not serve thee Realm of the Kingdom, with Its
shall perish ; yea, those nations Blessings, Is What All
shall be utterly wasted ." Other Sheep Enter
Ps. 72 :8 "He shall have do-
minion also from sea to sea." John 10 :16 "And I have other
Ps. 2 :8, 9 "Ask of me, and I sheep, which are not of this fold ;
will give thee the nations for those also I must bring, and they
thine inheritance, and the utter- will listen to my voice, and they
most parts of the earth for thy will become one flock, one shep-
possession . Thou shalt break them herd ."
with a rod of iron ; thou shalt Matt. 6 :10 "Let your kingdom
dash them in pieces like a potter's come . Let your will come to pass,
vessel ." as in heaven, also upon earth ."
1 Cor . 15 :50 "However, this I Matt . 25 :34 "Then the king will
say, brothers, that flesh and blood say to those on his right : `Come,
cannot inherit God's kingdom, you who have my Father's bless-
neither does corruption inherit ing, inherit the kingdom prepared
incorruption." for you from the world's founda-
Matt . 21 :43, 44 "This is why I tion.' "
say to you, The kingdom of God Luke 23 :42, 43 "And he went
will be taken from you and be on to say : `Jesus, remember me
given to a nation producing its when you get into your kingdom.'
fruits . Also, the person falling And he said to him : `Truly I tell
upon this stone will be shattered . you today, You will be with me
As for anyone upon whom it falls, in Paradise .'"
it will pulverize him ." 1 Ki . 4 :20, 21 "Judah and Israel
Rev. 5 :10 "And you made them were many as the sand which
to be a kingdom and priests to is by the sea in multitude, eating
our God, and they will rule as and drinking and making merry .
kings over the earth ." And Solomon ruled over all the
kingdoms from the River unto
Faithful Men of Old and "Great the land of the Philistines, and
Crowd" Will Be Earthly Subjects unto the border of Egypt : they
Under the Kingdom brought tribute, and served Solo-
Matt. 11 :11 "Truly I say to you mon all the days of his life ."
people, Among those born of Isa . 11 :6-9 "And the wolf shall
women there has not been raised dwell with the lamb, and the
up a greater than John the Bap- leopard shall lie down with the
Kingdom 232
kid ; and the calf and the young earth hath he given to the chil-
lion and the fatling together ; and dren of men ."
a little child shall lead them . And Rev . 21 :3, 4 "With that I heard
the cow and the bear shall feed ; a loud voice from the throne
their young ones shall lie down say : 'Look! the tent of God is
together ; and the lion shall eat with humankind, and he will
straw like the ox . And the suck- reside with them, and they will
ing child shall play on the hole be his peoples . And God himself
of the asp, and the weaned child will be with them. And he will
shall put his hand on the adder's wipe out every tear from their
den . They shall not hurt nor eyes, and death will be no more,
destroy in all my holy mountain ; neither will mourning nor outcry
for the earth shall be full of the nor pain be any more . The for-
knowledge of Jehovah, as the wa- mer things have passed away .' "
ters cover the sea ." Luke 2 :14 "Glory in the heights
Isa . 35 :1, 5, 6 "The wilderness above to God, and upon earth
and the dry land shall be glad ; peace among men of good-will ."
and the desert shall rejoice, and Will Administer Blessings of Life
blossom as the rose . Then the to All Obedient Mankind . Jesus
eyes of the blind shall be opened, and 144,060 as Priests Have
and the ears of the deaf shall "Gift of Life"
be unstopped. Then shall the
lame man leap as a hart, and John 5 :26 "For just as the Fa-
the tongue of the dumb shall ther has in himself the gift of
life, so he has granted to the Son
sing ; for in the wilderness shall to have also in himself the gift
waters break out, and streams in
the desert." of life."
Isa . 65 :17, 19-24 "For, behold, John 6 :53 "Accordingly Jesus
I create new heavens and a new said to them : 'Most truly I say
to you, Unless you eat the flesh
earth ; and the former things of the Son of man and drink his
shall not be remembered nor blood, you have no life in you .'"
come into mind. And I will re-
joice in Jerusalem, and joy in my Peaceful Rule of Kingdom, Up-
people ; and there shall be heard lifting Man to Perfection Lasts
in her no more the voice of weep- 1,000 Years
ing and the voice of crying . There Rev . 20 :2, 3, 6 "And he seized
shall be no more thence an in- the dragon, the original serpent,
fant of days . . . . And they shall who is the Devil and Satan, and
build houses, and inhabit them ; bound him for a thousand years .
and they shall plant vineyards, And he hurled him into the abyss
and eat the fruit of them . They and shut it and sealed it over
shall not build, and another in- him, that he might not mislead
habit ; they shall not plant, and the nations any more until the
another eat : for as the days of thousand years were ended . After
a tree shall be the days of my these things he must be let loose
people, and my chosen shall long for a little while . Happy and holy
enjoy the work of their hands . is anyone having part in the first
They shall not labor in vain, nor resurrection ; over these the sec-
bring forth for calamity ; for they ond death has no authority, but
are the seed of the blessed of they will be priests of God and
Jehovah, and their offspring with of the Christ, and will rule
them . And it shall come to pass as kings with him for the thou-
that, before they call, I will an- sand years ."
swer ; and while they are yet 1 Cor . 15 :24-26 "Next, the ac-
speaking, I will hear ." complished end, when he hands
Ps . 115 :16 "The heavens are over the kingdom to his God and
the heavens of Jehovah ; but the Father, when he has destroyed
233 Kingdom
all government and all authority Matt . 10:7 "As you go, preach,
and power . For he must rule as saying, 'The kingdom of the heav-
king until God has put all ene- ens has drawn near .' "
mies under his feet . As the last Luke 10 :8-11 "Also, wherever
enemy, death is to be destroyed ." you enter into a city and they
The Kingdom Is Not Static, but receive you, eat the things set be-
Brings Unheard-of Increases of fore you, and cure the sick ones
Blessings to All Eternity in it, and go on telling them :
Isa. 9 :7 "Of the increase of his 'The kingdom of God has come
government and of peace there near to you . . . . keep this in mind,
shall be no end, upon the throne that the kingdom of God has
of David, and upon his kingdom, come near .'"
to establish it, and to uphold it Message of Kingdom as Present
with justice and with righteous- Not Preached from Jesus' Death
ness from henceforth even for Until A.D. 1914
ever. The zeal of Jehovah of hosts Acts 3 :19-21 "Repent, therefore,
will perform this ." and turn around so as to get your
1 Cor . 2 :9 "Eye has not seen sins blotted out, that seasons of
and ear has not heard, neither refreshing may come from the
have there been conceived in the person of Jehovah and that he
heart of man the things which may send forth the Christ ap-
God has prepared for those who pointed for you, Jesus, whom
love him ." heaven, indeed, must contain
1 Ki . 10 :7 "Howbeit I believed within itself until the times of
not the words, until I came, and restoration of all things of which
mine eyes had seen it : and, be- God spoke through the mouth of
hold, the half was not told me ; his holy prophets of old time."
thy wisdom and prosperity exceed Rev. 12:10 "And I heard a loud
the fame which I heard ." voice in heaven say : 'Now have
Ps. 145 :16 "Thou openest thy come to pass the salvation and
hand, and satisfiest the desire of the power and the kingdom of our
every living thing ." God and the authority of his
Isa . 25 :6 "And in this mountain Christ, because the accuser of our
will Jehovah of hosts make unto brothers has been hurled down,
all peoples a feast of fat things, who accuses them day and night
a feast of wines on the lees, of before our God!'"
fat things full of marrow, of
wines on the lees well refined ." Matt . 24 :3-14 "While he was
Prov . 29 :2 (mar .) "When the sitting upon the mount of Olives,
righteous are in authority, the the disciples approached him pri-
people rejoice ." vately, saying : 'Tell us, When
Kingdom Preached as Present in will these things be, and what
the Person of Jesus Christ the will be the sign of your presence
King-designate While He Was and of the consummation of the
on Earth system of things?' And in an-
swer Jesus said to them : ' . . . And
Matt . 3 :1, 2 "In those days John this good news of the kingdom
the Baptist came preaching in will be preached in all the in-
the wilderness of Judea, saying : habited earth for the purpose of a
'Repent, for the kingdom of the witness to all the nations, and
heavens has drawn near .'" then the accomplished end will
Matt . 4 :17 "From that time on come .'"
Jesus commenced preaching and Christ King of Christian Congre-
saying : 'Repent, for the kingdom gation Since First Presence
of the heavens has drawn near.'"
Luke 17 :21 "Look! the kingdom Acts 15:14-18 "Symeon has re-
of God is in your midst ." lated thoroughly how God for
Kingdom 234
the first time turned his attention here . Let no one seduce you in
to the nations to take out of any manner, because it will not
them a people for his name . And come unless the falling away
with this the words of the Proph- comes first and the man of law-
ets agree, just as it is written, lessness gets revealed, the son
'After these things I shall return of destruction ."
and rebuild the royal palace of Christ Waited to Receive the
David that has fallen down, and Kingdom
I shall rebuild its ruins and erect
it again, in order that those who Heb . 10 :12, 13 "But this man
remain of the men may earnest- offered one sacrifice for sins per-
ly seek Jehovah, together with petually and sat down at the
people of all the nations, people right hand of God, from then on
who are called by my name, says awaiting until his enemies should
Jehovah, who is doing these things be made a stool for his feet ."
which he has known from of Ps. 110 :1 "Jehovah saith unto
old .' " my Lord, Sit thou at my right
Col . 1 :13 "He delivered us from hand, until I make thine enemies
the authority of the darkness and thy footstool ."
transplanted us into the kingdom Luke 19 :11, 12 "While they
of the Son of his love." were listening to these things he
1 Pet . 2 :17 "Honor men of all spoke in addition an illustration,
kinds, have love for the whole because he was near Jerusalem
association of brothers, be in and they were imagining that the
fear of God, have honor for the kingdom of God was going to
king ." display itself instantly . Therefore
he said : 'A certain man of noble
Kingdom in Sovereign Power birth traveled to a distant land
Not Established at Pentecost, to secure kingly power for him-
A.D . 33 self and to return .'"
Acts 2 :19, 20 "And I will pro- Became King of World at Time
duce wonders in heaven above of His Second Presence, A .D . 1914
and signs on earth below, blood
and fire and smoke mist ; the sun 2 Tim . 4 :1 "I earnestly beg
will be turned into darkness and you before God and Christ Jesus,
the moon into blood before the who is destined to judge the liv-
great and illustrious day of Je- ing and the dead, and by his
hovah arrives ." manifestation and his kingdom."
1 Cor. 4 :8 "You men already Rev . 11 :15 "And the seventh
have your fill, do you? You are angel blew his trumpet . And loud
rich already, are you? You have voices occurred in heaven saying :
begun ruling as kings without us, `The kingdom of the world has
have you? And I wish indeed become the kingdom of our Lord
that you had begun ruling as and of his Christ, and he will
kings, that we also might rule rule as king for ever and ever . , 11
with you as kings." Rev . 12 :5 "And she gave birth
2 Thess . 2 :1-3 "However, broth- to a son, a male, who is destined
ers, respecting the presence of to shepherd all the nations with
our Lord Jesus Christ and our an iron rod . And her child was
being gathered together to him, caught away to God and to his
we request of you not to be throne ."
quickly shaken from your reason Dan . 2 :44 "And in the days of
nor to be excited either through those kings shall the God of
an inspired expression or through heaven set up a kingdom which
a verbal message or through a shall never be destroyed, nor shall
letter as though from us, to the the sovereignty thereof be left to
effect that the day of Jehovah is another people ; but it shall break
235 Kingdom
in pieces and consume all these because the hour of the judg-
kingdoms, and it shall stand for ment by him has arrived .'"
ever ." Kingdom Soon to "Come" in De-
Dan . 7:14 "And there was given structive Fury Against Satan's
him dominion, and glory, and a Organization at Armageddon
kingdom, that all the peoples, na-
tions, and languages should serve Matt . 6 :10 "Let your kingdom
him : his dominion is an ever- come . Let your will come to pass,
lasting dominion, which shall not as in heaven, also upon earth."
pass away, and his kingdom that Dan . 2 :34, 35 "Thou sawest till
which shall not be destroyed ." that a stone was cut out without
hands, which smote the image
See "Return of Christ", "Sign upon its feet that were of iron
of Last Days." and clay, and brake them in
Now Established in Full Power, pieces . Then was the iron, the
but Permits Enemies to Exist for clay, the brass, the silver, and
a While During Day of Judgment the gold, broken in pieces to-
of Nations gether, and became like the chaff
Ps . 110 :2 "Jehovah will send of the summer threshing-floors ;
forth the rod of thy strength and the wind carried them away,
out of Zion : rule thou in the so that no place was found for
midst of thine enemies ." them : and the stone that smote
the image became a great moun-
Rev. 12 :10, 12 "And I heard a tain, and filled the whole earth."
loud voice in heaven say : `Now
have come to pass the salvation Battle of Armageddon to Be
and the power and the kingdom Fought over the Kingdom
of our God and the authority of Issue
his Christ, because the accuser Rev . 16 :14-16 "They are, in
of our brothers has been hurled fact, expressions inspired by de-
down, who accuses them day and mons and perform signs, and
night before our God! On this they go forth to the kings of the
account be glad, you heavens and entire inhabited earth, to gather
you who reside in them! Woe for them together to the war of the
the earth and for the sea, be- great day of God the Almighty .
cause the Devil has come down . . . And they gathered them to-
to you, having great anger, know- gether to the place that is called
ing he has a short period of in Hebrew Har-Magedon ."
time.'" Matt. 24:9 "Then people will
The Good News Now to Be deliver you up to tribulation and
Preached Is That of Jehovah's will kill you, and you will be
Established Kingdom hated by all the nations on ac-
count of my name ."
Matt . 24 :14 "And this good
news of the kingdom will be Ps . 83 :17, 18 "Let them be put
preached in all the inhabited to shame and dismayed for ever ;
earth for the purpose of a wit- yea, let them be confounded and
ness to all the nations, and then perish ; that they may know that
the accomplished end will come ." thou alone, whose name is Jeho-
vah, art the Most High over all
Rev. 14 :6, 7 "I saw another the earth ."
angel flying in midheaven, and he
had everlasting good news to de- All Selected for Kingdom Must
clare as glad tidings to those who Die in Order to Enter It
dwell on the earth, and to every 1 Cor . 15 :36-38, 50-53 "You un-
nation and tribe and tongue and reasonable person! What you sow
people, saying in a loud voice : is not made alive unless first it
`Fear God and give him glory, dies ; and as for what you sow,
Kingdom 236
you sow, not the body that will Phil . 3 :20 "As for us, our citi-
develop, but a bare grain, it zenship exists in the heavens,
may be, of wheat or any one of from which place also we are
the rest ; but God gives it a body eagerly waiting for a savior, the
just as it has pleased him, and Lord Jesus Christ ."
to each of the seeds its own body . Integrity of Those Entering the
However, this I say, brothers, Kingdom Must Be Tested
that flesh and blood cannot to the Limit
inherit God's kingdom, neither
does corruption inherit incorrup- Rev. 2 :10 "Prove yourself faith-
tion . Look! I tell you a sacred ful even with the danger of
secret : We shall not all fall death, and I will give you the
asleep in death, but we shall all crown of life."
be changed, in a moment, in the Matt . 24 :13 "But he that has
twinkling of an eye, during the endured to the finish is the one
last trumpet . For the trumpet that will be saved."
will sound, and the dead will be 2 Tim . 2 :12 "If we go on en-
raised up incorruptible, and we during, we shall also rule to-
shall be changed. For this which gether as kings ; if we deny, he
is corruptible must put on in- also will deny us ."
corruption, and this which is
mortal must put on immortality ." Christendom Is Not God's
Kingdom Through Christ
Kingdom Heirs Enter into Joint
Participation in Kingdom When Jer. 25 :29 "Lo, I begin to work
Resurrected to Heaven evil at the city which is called
by my name ."
1 Cor . 15 :40-44, 48, 49 "And
there are heavenly bodies, and Ps . 2:2-6 "The kings of the
earthly bodies ; but the glory of earth set themselves, and the
the heavenly bodies is one kind, rulers take counsel together,
and that of the earthly bodies against Jehovah, and against his
is a different kind . The glory anointed, saying, Let us break
of the sun is one kind, and the their bonds asunder, and cast
glory of the moon is another, away their cords from us . He
and the glory of the stars is that sitteth in the heavens will
another ; in fact, star differs from laugh : the Lord will have them
star in glory . . . . As the one made in derision . Then will he speak
of dust is, so those made of dust unto them in his wrath, and vex
are also ; and as the heavenly one them in his sore displeasure : yet
is, so those who are heavenly are I have set my king upon my holy
also . And just as we have borne hill of Zion ."
the image of the one made of Matt . 7 :21-23 "Not everyone say-
dust, we shall bear also the image ing to me, `Master, Master,' will
of the heavenly one ." enter into the kingdom of the
Rev. 20 :6 "Happy and holy is heavens, but the one doing the
anyone having part in the first will of my Father who is in the
resurrection ; over these the sec- heavens will. Many will say to
ond death has no authority, but me in that day : `Master, Master,
they will be priests of God and did we not prophesy in your
of the Christ, and will rule as name, and expel demons in your
kings with him for the thousand name, and perform many power-
years ."
Col. 1 :5 "Because of the hope ful works in your name?' And yet
that is being reserved for you in then I will confess to them : I
the heavens . This hope you heard never knew you at all . Get away
of before by the telling of the from me, you workers of law-
truth of that good news ." lessness ."
237 Law
Luke 6 :46 "Why, then, do you Ezek. 21 :26, 27 "Thus saith the
call me 'Master! Master!' but do Lord Jehovah : Remove the mi-
not do the things I say?" tre, and take off the crown ; this
Luke 19 :12-27 "Therefore he shall be no more the same ; exalt
said : 'A certain man of noble that which is low, and abase that
birth traveled to a distant land which is high . I will overturn,
to secure kingly power for him- overturn, overturn it : this also
self and to return . . . . But his shall be no more, until he come
citizens hated him and sent out whose right it is ; and I will give
a body of ambassadors after him, it him ."
to say : "We do not want this man Ps . 2 :2, 9 "The kings of the
to become king over us ." Even- earth set themselves, and the
tually when he arrived home after rulers take counsel together,
having secured the kingly power, against Jehovah, and against his
he commanded to be called to anointed . . . . Thou shalt break
him these slaves to whom he had them with a rod of iron ; thou
given the silver money, in order shalt dash them in pieces like a
to ascertain what they had gained potter's vessel ."
by business activity. ..More- Ps. 110 :5 "The Lord at thy
over, these enemies of mine that right hand will strike through
did not want me to become king kings in the day of his wrath ."
over them bring here and slaugh- Rev. 12 :5 "And she gave birth
ter them before me ." ' " to a son, a male, who is destined
Christ Has No Vicegerent on to shepherd all the nations with
Earth, Nor Divinely an iron rod . And her child was
Appointed Kings caught away to God and to his
throne ."
John 18 :36 "Jesus answered : Ps. 24 :3, 4 "Who shall ascend
'My kingdom is no part of this into the hill of Jehovah? And
world. If my kingdom were part who shall stand in his holy place?
of this world, my attendants He that hath clean hands, and a
would have fought that I should pure heart ; who hath not lifted
not be delivered up to the Jews . up his soul unto falsehood, and
But, as it is, my kingdom is not hath not sworn deceitfully ."
from this source .' " Isa . 34 :2 "For Jehovah hath
1 Cor. 4 :8 "You men already indignation against all the na-
have your fill, do you? You are tions, and wrath against all their
rich already, are you? You have host : he hath utterly destroyed
begun ruling as kings without us, them, he hath delivered them to
have you? And I wish indeed that the slaughter."
See "Return of Christ", "Je-
you had begun ruling as kings, hovah's Witnesses," "Sign of Last
that we also might rule with you Days," "Superior Authorities,"
as kings ." "Life ."

The Law as generally used in the Bible refers to the Law covenant
given by Jehovah God to the nation of Israel at the hands of Moses
as mediator . For this reason it is sometimes called the Mosaic Law,
although no part of the law was made or given by Moses himself .
False religion claims the law was divided into two parts : (1) God's

Law 238
law, a moral law, written by Him, and (2) Moses' law, a ceremonial
law, written by him . It is unscripturally claimed that the ceremonial
law was abolished, but not the moral law contained in the Ten
Commandments . According to the Scriptures, the entire Law covenant,
namely, the Ten Commandments as well as all sacrificial and cere-
monial features pertaining to the law, was fulfilled by Jesus Christ
and abolished by being nailed to Christ's torture stake A .D . 33 .
Christians are therefore not under any part of the law, including the
Ten Commandments.
Law Given Only to Nation of ly forgave us all our trespasses
Israel, Thereby Separating Them and blotted out the handwritten
Ps . 147 :19, 20 "He showeth his document against us which con-
word unto Jacob, his statutes and sisted of decrees andand
which was
his ordinances unto Israel . He in opposition to us, He has
hath not dealt so with any na- taken it out of the way by nail-
ing it to the torture stake."
tion ; and as for his ordinances,
they have not known them ." Paul Showed Law Jehovah Abol-
Deut. 4 :8 "And what great ished Was God's Law (Including
nation is there, that hath statutes "Sabbath Sign") Which Had
and ordinances so righteous as all Separated Jews from Gentiles
this law, which I set before you Eph. 2 :11-16 "Therefore keep
this day?" bearing in mind that formerly
Ex . 31 :16, 17 "Wherefore the you were people of the nations as
children of Israel shall keep the to flesh ; `uncircumcision' you were
sabbath, to observe the sabbath called by that which is called
throughout their generations, for 'circumcision' made in the flesh
a perpetual covenant . It is a sign with hands-that you were at
between me and the children of that particular time without
Israel for ever ." Christ, alienated from the state
Moses Served as Mediator of Israel and strangers to the
John 1 :17 "Because the law covenants of the promise, and
was given through Moses, the un- you had no hope and were with-
deserved kindness and the truth out God in the world . But now
came to be through Jesus Christ ." in union with Christ Jesus you
Law to Serve Only Until Messiah who were once far off have come
Should Come to be near by the blood of the
Gal. 3:19, 24 "Why, then, the Christ . For he is our peace, he
Law? It was added to make who made the two parties one
transgressions manifest, until the and destroyed the wall in between
seed should arrive to whom the that fenced them off . By means
promise had been made, and it of his flesh he abolished the
was transmitted through angels hatred, the Law of command-
by the hand theof a mediator . Con-
sequently,, Law has become ments consisting in decrees, that
our tutor leading to Christ, that he might create the two peoples
we might be declared righteous in union with himself into one
due to faith ." new man and make peace, and
Jehovah Nailed Law to Jesus' that he might fully reconcile both
Torture Stake, Putting It peoples in one body to God
Out of Way through the torture stake, be-
Col. 2 :13, 14 "God made you cause he had killed off the hatred
alive together with him . He kind- by means of himself ."
2 39 Law
In His Sermon- on the Mount Matt . 5 :17, 19, 20 "Do not think
Jesus Referred to Other Parts I came to destroy the Law or the
of Law as Well as Ten Com- Prophets . I came, not to destroy,
mandments, Thus Showing All but to fulfill . Whoever, therefore,
One Law breaks one of these least com-m andmets chmankid
Gifts for attar to that effect, he will be called
Matt. 5 :23, 24 "if, then, you east' in relation to the king-
are bringing your gift to the altar dom of the heavens . As for any-
and you there remember that one who does them and teaches
your brother has something them, this one will be called
against you, leave your gift there 'great' in relation to the king-
in front of the altar, and go dom of the heavens . For I say
away ; first make your peace with to you that if your righteousness
your brother, and then, when does not abound more than that
you have come back, offer up o the scribes and Pharisees, you
your gift ." will by no means enter into the
Compare Deut. 16 :16, 17 . kingdom of the heavens ."
Divorce Jesus Demonstrated Pharisees
Matt. 5 :31 "Moreover it was Were Lawbreakers Through
said, 'Whoever divorces his wife, Their Traditions, Hence
let him give her a certificate of Would Be Excluded
divorce .' " from Kingdom
Compare Deut. 24 :1 . Matt . 15 :1-3, 6 "Then there
False swearing came to Jesus from Jerusalem
Pharisees and scribes, saying :
Matt . 5 :33 "Again you heard 'Why is it your disciples overstep
that it was said to those of an- the tradition of the men of for-
cient times, 'You must not swear mer times?' . . . In reply he said
without performing, but you must to them : 'Why is it you also over-
pay your vows to Jehovah.' " step the commandment of God
Compare Num. 30 :2 . because of your tradition? . . . And
Law of retaliation so you have made the word of
God invalid because of your
Matt . 5 :38 "You heard that it tradition .'' ,
was said, 'Eye for eye and tooth
for tooth .' " Matt. 21 :43, 45 "'This is why
Compare Ex . 21 :23-25 . I say to you, The kingdom of
God will be taken from you and
Love of neighbor be given to a nation producing
Matt . 5 :43 "You heard that its fruits.' Now when the chief
it was said : 'You must love your priests and the Pharisees had
neighbor and hate your enemy .' " heard his illustrations they took
Compare Lev . 19 :18 . note that he was speaking about
them ."
Jesus Did Not Destroy the Law
but Kept It Perfectly, as Example Jesus Fulfilled Law by Bringing
to the Jews in the Realities, Those Things
Pictured by the Law
Gal . 4 :4 "But when the full
limit of the time arrived, God Matt . 5 :17, 18 "Do not think
sent forth his Son, who was pro- I came to destroy the Law or the
duced out of a woman and who Prophets . I came, not to destroy .
came to be under law ." but to fulfill ; for truly I say to
Lev . 18 :5 "Ye shall therefore you that sooner would heaven
keep my statutes, and mine or- and earth pass away than for
dinances ; which if a man do, he the smallest letter or one particle
shall live in them," of a letter to pass away from
Law 240
the Law by any means and not Rev . 5 :12 "The Lamb that was
all things take place ." slaughtered is worthy to receive
Col . 2 :16, 17 "Therefore let no the power and riches and wisdom
man judge you in eating and and strength and honor and glory
drinking or in respect of a feast and blessing ."
day or of an observance of the Other Features of Law Covenant
new moon or of a sabbath, for Ended to Permit Realities
those things are a shadow of the to Begin
things to come, but the reality
belongs to the Christ ." Heb . 9 :1-3, 9, 10, 24 "For its
part, then, the former covenant
Heb . 10:1, 2 "For since the Law used to have ordinances of sa-
has a shadow of the good things
to come, but not the very sub- cred service and its holy place
stance of the things, men can upon this earth. For there was
never with the same sacrifices constructed a first tent compart-
ment in which were the lamp-
from year to year which they stand and also the table and
offer continually make those the display of the loaves ; and it
who approach perfect . Otherwise, is called `the Holy Place' . But
would the sacrifices not have behind the second curtain was
stopped being offered?" the tent compartment called `the
Jesus Came as Perfect Sacrifice Most Holy' . This very tent is an
for Removal of Sin illustration for the appointed
Heb . 10:8-10 "After first say- time that is now here, and in
ing, `You did not desire nor did keeping with it both gifts and
you approve of sacrifices and sacrifices are offered . . . . They
offerings and whole burnt-offer- were legal requirements pertain-
ings and sin offering'-sacrifices ing to the flesh and were imposed
which are offered according to until the appointed time to set
the Law-then he actually says, things straight . For Christ en-
`Look! I am come to do your tered, not into a holy place made
will .' He does away with what is with hands which is a copy of
first that he may establish what the reality, but into heaven it-
is second . By the said `will' we self, now to appear before the
have been sanctified through the person of God for us ."
offering of the body of Jesus Command to Keep the Sabbath
Christ once for all time." Forever Did Not Mean Ten
Scriptures Show Jesus Himself Commandments Would Apply
Was the Reality of the for All Time to Come
Passover Lamb Ex . 31 :16, 17 "Wherefore the
Ex . 12 :5, 21 "Your lamb shall children of Israel shall keep the
be without blemish, a male a sabbath, to observe the sabbath
year old : ye shall take it from throughout their generations, for
the sheep, or from the goats . a perpetual [`o-lam'] covenant. It
Then Moses called for all the is a sign between me and the
elders of Israel, and said unto children of Israel for ever .["l'o-am]
them, Draw out, and take you
lambs according to your families,
and kill the passover ." Same Hebrew Expressions Used
1 Cor. 5 :7 "For, indeed, Christ in Connection with Law
our passover has been sacrificed ." on Sacrifices
1 Pet. 1 :19 "But it was with Ex . 40 :15 "Their anointing shall
precious blood, like that of an be to them for an everlasting
unblemished and spotless lamb, ['o-lam'] priesthood throughout
even Christ's." their generations ."
241 Law
Lev . 6 :18, 22 "Every male Heb . 8 :6, 13 "But now Jesus
among the children of Aaron has obtained a more excellent
shall eat of it, as his portion for public service, so that he is also
ever ['d-lam'] throughout your the mediator of a corresponding-
generations, from the offerings of ly better covenant, which has
Jehovah made by fire : . . . And been legally established upon
the anointed priest that shall be better promises . In his saying 'a
in his stead from among his new covenant' he has made the
sons shall offer it : by a statute former one obsolete . Now that
for ever ['o-lam'] it shall be whol- which is made obsolete and grow-
ly burnt unto Jehovah ." ing old is near to vanishing
Paul Shows Priesthood and Sac- away ."
rifices Definitely Ended, Hence Christians Still Live by Princi-
Ten Commandments Also ples Embodied in Law
Heb . 7 :11, 12, 18, 19 "If, then, Matt . 5 :21, 22 "You heard that
perfection were really through it was said to those of ancient
the Levitical priesthood, (for with times, 'You must not murder .'
it as a feature the people were . . . However, I say to you that
given the Law,) what further everyone who continues angry
need would there be for another with his brother will be account-
priest to arise . . . ?For since the able to the court of justice ; but
priesthood is being changed, there whoever addresses his brother
comes to be of necessity a change with an unspeakable word of con-
also of the law . Certainly, then, tempt will be accountable to the
there occurs a setting aside of the Supreme Court ; whereas who-
preceding commandment on ac- ever says, 'You despicable fool!'
count of its weakness and inef- will be liable to the fiery Ge-
fectiveness . For the Law made henna ."
nothing perfect, but the bringing Matt. 5 :27, 28 "You heard that
in besides of a better hope did, it was said, 'You must not com-
through which we are drawing mit adultery.' But I say to you
near to God." that everyone that keeps on look-
Law Covenant Replaced by New ing at a woman so as to have a
Covenant Mediated by Christ passion for her has already com-
Jesus Through His Sacrifice mitted adultery with her in his
heart ."
2 Cor . 3 :5, 6, 12-14 "Our being Matt . 5 :43-47 "You heard that
adequately qualified issues from it was said : 'You must love your
God, who has indeed adequately neighbor and hate your enemy .'
qualified us to be ministers of a However, I say to you : Continue
new covenant, not of a written to love your enemies and to pray
code, but of spirit ; for the writ-
ten code condemns to death, but for those persecuting you. . . . For
the spirit makes alive . Therefore, if you love those loving you, what
as we have such a hope, we are reward do you have? are not also
using great freeness of speech, the tax collectors doing the same
and not doing as when Moses thing? And if you greet your
brothers only, what extraordinary
would put a veil upon his face, thing are you doing? Are not also
that the sons of Israel might not the people of the nations doing
gaze intently at the end of that the same thing?"
which was to be done away with .
But their mental perceptions Force That Moves to Obedience
were dulled. For to this present Is Righteous Active Force of God ;
day the same veil remains un- More Powerful than Sanctions of
lifted at the reading of the old the Law
covenant, because it is done away 2 Cor . 3 :15-18 "In fact, down
with by means of Christ ." till today whenever Moses is read,
Life 242
a veil lies upon their hearts . But steal, You must not covet,' and
when there is a turning to Je- whatever other commandment
hovah, the veil is taken away . there is, is summed up in this
Now Jehovah is the spirit ; and word, namely, 'You must love
"here the spirit of Jehovah is, your neighbor as yourself .' Love
there is freedom . And all of us, does not work evil to one's neigh-
while w e with unveiled faces re- bor ; therefore love is the law's
flect like mir ors the glory of fullfillment."
Jehovah, are transformed into the Compare Ex . 20 :13-15, 17 ; Lev .
same image from glory to glory, 19 :18 .
spirt exa-ctly as done by Jehovah the Laws Against Idolatry Restated
to Christians as a Requirement
Gal . 5 :18, 22 "Furthermore, if for Them
you are being led by spirit, you
are not under law . . . . the fruitage 1 Cor . 10 :14 "Therefore, my
of the spirit is love, joy, peace, beloved ones, flee from idolatry ."
longsuffering, kindness, goodness, Gal . 5 :19, 20 "Now the works
faith, mildness, self-control . of the flesh are manifest, and
Against such things there is no they are fornicationi.i"donlatry
law ." Col . 3 :5 "Deaden, therefore,
your body members which are up-
Although Christians Not Under on the earth as respects . . . cov-
Ten Commandments, Proper to etousness, which is idolatry ."
Quote Them as Supporting 1 John 5 :21 "Little children,
Proof guard yourselves from idols ."
Eph. 6 :1-3 "Children, be obe- Christians Not Under Law of
dient to your parents in union
with the Lord, for this is right- Moses but Are Saved by Faith
eous : 'Honor your father and Through God's Undeserved
mother' ; which is the first com- Kindness
mand with a promise : 'That it Rom . 6 :14 "For sin must not
may go well with you and you be master over you, seeing that
may endure a long time on the you are not under law but under
earth undeserved kindness ."
Compare Deut . 5 :16 . Eph . 2 :8, 9 "By this undeserved
Rom . 13 :8-10 "Do not be owing kindness, indeed, you have been
anybody a single thing, except saved through faith ; and this not
to love one another ; for he that owing to you, it is God's gift. No,
loves his fellow man has fulfilled it is not owing to works, in order
the law . For the law code, 'You that no man should have grounds
must not commit adultery, You for boasting ."
must not murder, You must not See also "Sabbath" .

The condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic
objects and dead organisms . The distinguishing manifestations of
life are growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of
adaptation to environment through changes originating internally .
In the fullest Scriptural sense, as applied to intelligent persons,
life is existence with the right thereto . It may be in heaven or on
earth . Life is brought about by the "life principle" or "life force"

243 Life
(spirit) that originates with God, activating a physical or spiritual
Divine : Life of the highest order, like that of the Divine Being,
Jehovah God himself, Reserved only for Christ Jesus and his 144,000
Kingdom ruling associates .-Acts 17 :29 ; 1 John 3 :1-3 .
Immortality: Deathlessness, that is, the life principle of the person
possessing it cannot be taken away by anyone except the Almighty
himself . Dependent only upon Jehovah, but not on any created thing .
Incorruptibility : Referring to the organism that cannot deterio-
rate, or be hurt or injured by any except Jehovah God .
Incorruptibility and immortality are inseparably linked with the
Kingdom . No others besides the Kingdom members in heaven receive
these qualities of life .
Everlasting life : Life in a perfect organism, fleshly for humans
who gain life on earth, spiritual for faithful angels who continue to
live in heaven . No other creature can justly take such gift away. God
through his organization protects the life of such individual for all
eternity . Such a person, by his very creation, is dependent upon food,
subject to God's laws governing created things .
Jehovah Has Immortal Life, In- he himself gives to all persons
corruptibility ; Therefore Life life and breath and all things.
Has Always Existed And he made out of one man
1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the King every nation of men, to dwell up-
of eternity, incorruptible, invisi- on the entire surface of the earth,
ble, the only God, be honor and and he decreed the appointed
glory for ever and ever . Amen ." seasons and the set limits of the
Ps. 90 :2 "Before the mountains dwelling of men . Seeing, there-
were brought forth, or ever thou fore, that we are the progeny of
hadst formed the earth and the God, we ought not to imagine
world, even from everlasting to that the Divine Being is like
everlasting, thou art God ." gold or silver or stone, like some-
Jer. 10:10 "But Jehovah is the thing sculptured by the art and
true God ; he is the living God, the contrivance of man ."
and an everlasting King : at his Ps . 104:29, 30 "Thou takest
wrath the earth trembleth, and away their breath, they die, and
the nations are not able to abide return to their dust . Thou sendest
his indignation." forth thy spirit, they are created ."
Jehovah the Source and Giver Job 12 :9, 10 "Who knoweth not
of Life .that the hand of Jehovah . . .
in whose hand is the soul of every
Ps . 36 :9 "For with thee is the living thing, and the breath of
fountain of life : in thy light shall all mankind?"
we see light ." Life Comes to Obedient Mankind
Jas. 1 :17 "Every good gift and Through Christ Jesus
every perfect present is from
above, for it comes down from 1 John 2 :2 "And he is a pro-
the Father of the celestial lights, pitiatory sacrifice for our sins,
and with him there is not a yet not for ours only but also for
variation of the turning of the the whole world's ."
shadow ." John 3 :16 "For God loved the
Acts 17 :25, 26, 29 "Neither is he world so :much that he gave his
attended to by human hands as only-begotten Son, in order that
if he needed anything, because everyone exercising faith in him
Life 244
might not be destroyed but have This Right Forfeited Forever by
everlasting life ." Adam and Eve
John 5 :26 "For just as the Fa- Gen . 3 :17-19 "And unto Adam
ther has in himself the gift of he said, Because thou hast heark-
life, so he has granted to the Son ened unto the voice of thy wife,
to have also in himself the gift and hast eaten of the tree, of
of life ." which I commanded thee, say-
John 6 :51 "I am the living ing, Thou shalt not eat of it :
bread that came down from heav- cursed is the ground for thy sake ;
en ; if anyone eats of this bread in toil shalt thou eat of it all
he will live forever ; and, for a the days of thy life ; thorns also
fact, the bread that I shall give and thistles shall it bring forth
is my flesh in behalf of the life to thee ; and thou shalt eat the
of the world ." herb of the field ; in the sweat of
Roan . 6 :23 "For the wages sin thy face shalt thou eat bread,
pays is death, but the gift God till thou return unto the ground ;
gives is everlasting life by Christ for out of it wast thou taken :
Jesus our Lord." for dust thou art, and unto dust
John 14 :6 "Jesus said to him : shalt thou return ."
'I am the way and the truth and
the life. No one comes to the 1 Tim . 2 :14 "Also Adam was
Father except through me .' " not deceived, but the woman was
thoroughly deceived and came to
Adam and Eve Had Conditional be in transgression ."
Right by Virtue of Their
Perfection Heb. 6 :4-6 "For it is impossible
as regards those who have once
Gen . 1 :27-31 "And God created for all been enlightened and who
man in his own image, in the have tasted the heavenly free
image of God created he him ; gift and who have become par-
male and female created he them . takers of holy spirit and who
And God blessed them : and God have tasted the right word of God
said unto them, Be fruitful, and and powers of the coming system
multiply, and replenish the earth, of things, but who have fallen
and subdue it ; and have domin- away, to revive them again to
ion over the fish of the sea, and repentance, because they impale
over the birds of the heavens, the Son of God afresh for them-
and over every living thing that selves and expose him to public
moveth upon the earth . . . . And shame."
God saw everything that he had
made, and, behold, it was very Heb . 10 :26, 27 "For if we prac-
good." tice sin willfully after having re-
Deut . 32 :4 "The Rock, his work ceived the accurate knowledge of
is perfect ; for all his ways are the truth, there is no longer any
justice : a God of faithfulness sacrifice for sins left, but there
and without iniquity, just and is a certain fearful expectation
right is he." of judgment and there is a fiery
Gen . 2 :9, 17 "And out of the jealousy that is going to con-
ground made Jehovah God to sume those in opposition ."
grow every tree that is pleasant
to the sight, and good for food ; All Men Born Without the Right
the tree of life also in the midst to Life
of the garden, and the tree of Ps . 51 :5 "Behold, I was brought
the knowledge of good and evil . forth in iniquity ; and in sin did
.but of the tree of the knowl- my mother conceive me ."
edge of good and evil, thou shalt
not eat of it : for in the day Matt. 7 :18 "A good tree cannot
that thou eatest thereof thou bear bad fruit, neither can a
shalt surely die ." rotten tree produce fine fruit ."
2 45 Life
Heb. 9:27 "And as it is reserved destruction, in order that he
for men to die once for all time, might make known the riches of
but after this a judgment." his glory upon vessels of mercy,
Mankind Considered Dead which he prepared beforehand for
by God glory . . . . what of it?"
Luke 9 :60 "But he said to The Vast Majority of Men Now
Will Not Get Everlasting Life
him : `Let the dead bury their
dead, but you go away and de- Matt . 7 :13, 14 "Go in through
clare abroad the kingdom of the narrow gate ; because broad
God .' " and spacious is the road leading
Eph. 2 :1 "Furthermore, it is off into destruction, and many
you God made alive though you are the ones going in through it ;
were dead in your trespasses and whereas narrow is the gate and
sins ." cramped the road leading off in-
to life, and few are the ones
1 Tim . 5 :6 "But the one that finding it ."
goes in for sensual gratification
is dead though she is living ." Christ's Ransom Sacrifice Pro-
vides Opportunity for Life
God Does Not Owe Anyone Life
Matt. 20 :28 "The Son of man
Rom. 9 :14-24 "What shall we came, not to be ministered to,
say, then? Is there injustice with but to minister and to give his
God? Never may that become so! soul a ransom in exchange for
For he says to Moses : 'I will many ."
have mercy upon whomever I do 1 Tim . 2 :5, 6 "For there is one
have mercy, and I will show com- God, and one mediator between
passion to whomever I do show God and men, a man Christ Je-
compassion .' So, then, it depends, sus, who gave himself a cor-
not upon the one wishing nor
upon the one running, but upon responding ransom for all-this
is what is to be witnessed to at
God, who has mercy . For the its own particular times ."
Scripture says to Pharaoh : `For
this very purpose I have let you 1 John 2 :2 "And he is the pro-
remain, that in connection with pitiatory sacrifice for our sins,
you I may demonstrate my power yet not for ours only but also
and that my name may be pub- for the whole world's ."
lished throughout all the earth .' Heb . 9 :26 "Otherwise, he would
So, then, upon whom he wishes have to suffer often from the
he has mercy, but whom he world's foundation. But now he
wishes he hardens. You will there- has manifested himself once for
fore say to me : `Why does he yet all time at the consummation
find fault? For who has with- of the systems of things to put
stood his express will?' 0 man, sin away through the sacrifice of
who, then, really are you to be himself ."
answering back to God? Shall the Those Accepting Christ Con-
thing molded say to him that sidered as Living
molded it, `Why did you make me
this way?' What? Does not the John 5 :24 "Most truly I say to
potter have authority over the you, He that hears my word and
clay to make from the same lump believes him that sent me has
one vessel for an honorable use, everlasting life, and he does not
another for a dishonorable use? come into judgment but has
If, now, God, although having passed over from death to life ."
the will to demonstrate his wrath Rom . 8 :6 "For the minding of
and to make his power known, the flesh means death, but the
tolerated with much longsuffer- minding of the spirit means life
ing vessels of wrath made fit for and peace."
Life 246
Luke 20 :38 "He is a God, not yes, and even his own soul, he
of the dead, but of the living, for cannot be my disciple ."
they are all living from his Christ Granted Immortal Life
standpoint ." for His Faithful Course
Future Life or Life Right in 1 Tim . 6:16 "The one alone
God's Sight More Important than having immortality, who dwells
Present Life and Its Benefits in unapproachable light, whom
Matt. I0 :28. 39 "And do not not one of men has seen or can
become fearful of those who kill see . To him be honor and might
the body but can not kill the everlasting . Amen ."
soul ; but rather be in fear of Heb . 7 :15, 16 "And it is still
him that can destroy both soul more abundantly clear that with
and body in Gehenna . He that a similarity to Melchizedek there
ands his soul will lose it, and arises another priest, who has
lie that loses his soul for my sake become such, not according to
will find it ." the law of a commandment de-
Matt . 18 :8 "If, then, your hand pending upon the flesh, but ac-
or your foot is making you cording to the power of an in-
stumble, cut it off and throw it destructible life ."
away from you ; it is finer for Eph. 1 :19-21 "It is according to
you to enter into life maimed or the operation of the mightiness
lame than to be thrown with two of his strength, with which he
hands or two feet into the ever- has operated in the case of the
lasting fire ." Christ when he raised him up
Matt . 6 :25 "On this account I from the dead and seated him at
say to you : Stop being anxious his right hand in the heavenly
about your souls as to what you places, far above every govern-
will eat or what you will drink, ment and authority and power
or about your bodies as to what and lordship and every name
you will wear . Does not the soul named, not only in this system of
mean more than food and the things, but also in that to come ."
body than clothing?" Rom . 6 :9 "For we know that
1 Pet. 1 :24 "'All flesh' is as Christ, now that he has been
vegetation . . . . the vegetation be- raised up from the dead, dies
comes withered, and the flower no more ; death is master over
falls off ." him no more."
Ps . 144:4 "Man is like to van-
ity : his days are as a shadow Life and Incorruptibility Brought
that passeth away." to Light by Christ
Jas. 4 :14 "Whereas you do not 2 Tim . 1 :10 "Our Savior, Christ
know what your life will be to- Jesus, who has abolished death
morrow . For you are a mist ap- but has shed light upon life and
pearing for a little while and incorruption through the good
then disappearing." news ."
Ps . 102 :11 "My days are like Rom . 7 :18-25 "For I know that
5r. shadow that declineth ; and I in me, that is, in my flesh, there
am withered like grass ." resides nothing good ; for ability
Eccl . 8 :13 "But it shall not be to wish is present with me, but
-, -, ell with the wicked, neither ability to work out what is right
shall he prolong his days, which is not present . For the good that
.re as a shadow ; because he I wish I do not do, but the bad
feareth not before God ." that I do not wish is what I
Luke 14 :26 "if anyone comes practice . . . . I behold in my mem-
to me and does not hate his bers another law warring against
father and mother and wife and the law of my mind and leading
children and brothers and sisters, me captive to sin's law that is
24 7 Life
in my members . Miserable man out of heaven . . . . And they are
that I am! Who will rescue me singing as if a new song . . . and
from the body undergoing this no one was able to master that
death? Thanks to God through song but the hundred and forty-
Jesus Christ our Lord!" four thousand ."
Eph . 2 :12 "You were at that Angels Do Not Have Immortality
particular time without Christ, and Incorruptibility
alienated from the state of Israel
and strangers to the covenants of 2 Pet . 2 :4 "God did not hold
the promise, and you had no hope back from punishing the angels
and were without God in the that sinned, but, by throwing
world ." them into Tartarus, delivered
Immortal Life Given to Christ's them to pits of dense darkness
Body Members for Faithfulness to be reserved for judgment ."
Until Death Jude 6 "And the angels that
did not keep their original posi-
Rom . 2 :7 "Everlasting life to tion but forsook their own proper
those who are seeking glory and dwelling-place he has reserved
honor and incorruptibleness by
endurance in work that is good ." with eternal bonds under dense
Jas . 1 :12 "Happy is the man darkness for the judgment of
that keeps on enduring trial, be- the great day ."
cause on becoming approved he Heb . 2 :14 "Therefore, since the
will receive the crown of life, `young children' are sharers of
which Jehovah promised to those blood and flesh, he also similarly
who continue loving him ." partook of the same things, that
1 John 2 :25 "Furthermore, this through his death he might de-
is the promised thing which he stroy the one having the means
himself promised us, the life ever- to cause death, that is, the DeviL"
lasting." Isa . 14 :12, 15 "How art thou
Rev. 2 :7, 10 "To him that con- fallen from heaven, 0 day-star,
quers I will grant to eat of the son of the morning/' how art
tree of life, which is in the para- thou cut down to the ground .
dise of God . . Prove yourself that didst lay low the nations!
faithful even with the danger of Yet thou shalt be brought down
death, and I will give you the to Sheol, to the uttermost parts
crown of life ." of the pit ."
1 John 3 :2 "We do know that Ezek . 28 :17-19 "Thou hast cor-
whenever he is made manifest rupted thy wisdom by reason of
we shall be like him, because we thy brightness : . . . thou hast pro-
shall see him just as he is ." faned thy sanctuaries ; therefore
have I brought forth a fire from
Apart from God and Christ the midst of thee ; it hath de-
Immortal Life Limited to 144,060 voured thee, and I have turned
Persons ; Only for Heavenly, thee to ashes upon the earth in
Divine Persons the sight of all them that behold
Rev. 7 :4-8 "And I heard the thee . . . . thou shalt nevermore
number of those who were sealed, have any being ."
a hundred and forty-four thou- 1 Pet . 3 :19, 20 "He went his
sand, sealed out of every tribe way and preached to the spirits
of the sons of Israel." in prison, which had once been
Rev. 14 :1-3 "And I saw, and disobedient ."
look! the Lamb standing upon
the mount Zion, and with him a "Divine Nature" for Christ and
hundred and forty-four thousand 144,000 in Heaven
having his name and the name 2 Pet . 1 :4 "Through these things
of his Father written on their he has freely given us the precious
foreheads. And I heard a sound and very grand promises, that
Life 248
through these you may become Resurrection Change to Immortal
sharers in divine nature, escap- Life for 144,000
ing from the corruption that is 1 Cor. 15 :51, 52 "Look! I tell
in the world through lust ." you a sacred secret : We shall not
1 Cor . 15 :40-50 "And there all fall asleep in death, but we
are heavenly bodies, and earthly shall all be changed, in a mo-
bodies ; but the glory of the heav- ment, in the twinkling of an
enly bodies is one kind, and that eye, during the last trumpet . For
of the earthly bodies is a different the trumpet will sound, and the
kind . . . . So also is the resurrec- dead will be raised up incorrupt-
tion of the dead . It is sown in ible, and we shall be changed ."
corruption, it is raised up in in- 1 Thess . 4 :16 "Those who are
corruption . It is sown in dishonor, dead in union with Christ will
it is raised up in glory . It is rise first."
sown in weakness, it is raised up
in power . It is sown a physical Some Living May Never Die
body, it is raised up a spiritual John 11 :26 "He that exercises
body. . . . we shall bear also the faith in me, even though he dies,
image of the heavenly one . How- will come to life, and everyone
ever, this I say, brothers, that that is living and exercises faith
flesh and blood cannot inherit in me will never die at all ."
God's kingdom, neither does cor-
ruption inherit incorruption ." Resurrection Provides Oppor-
tunity for Life for Others
Life in Spirit Organism for John 5 :28, 29 "The hour is
Angels coming in which all those in
Heb. 2 :6, 14, 16 " `What is man the memorial tombs will hear his
so that you are mindful of him, voice and come out, those who
or the son of man so that you did good things to a resurrection
look after him?' Therefore, since of life, those who practiced vile
the `young children' are sharers things to a resurrection of judg-
of blood and flesh, he also simi- ment."
larly partook of the same things . Acts 24 :15 "There is going to
. For he is really not assisting be a resurrection of both the
angels at all, but he is assisting righteous and the unrighteous ."
Abraham's seed ."
Heb . 1 :4, 5 "He has become Everlasting Life Granted to
better than the angels to the ex- Tested Persons on Earth
tent that he has inherited a name After the End of Christ's
more excellent than theirs . For 1,000-Year Reign
example, to which one of the Rev. 20 :5, 7-12 "(The rest of
angels did he ever say : `You are the dead did not come to life
my Son ; today I have become until the thousand years were
your Father'?" ended .) . . . Now as soon as the
"Human Nature" for Those Liv- thousand years have been ended,
ing on Earth Satan will be let loose out of his
prison, and he will go out to
1 Cor . 15 :45-49 "'The first man mislead those nations in the four
Adam became a living soul .' . . . quarters of the earth, Gog and
the first is, not that which is Magog, to gather them together
spiritual, but that which is physi- for the war . The number of these
cal . . . . The first man is out of is as the sand of the sea . . . . And
the earth and made of dust . . . . I saw the dead, the great and the
As the one made of dust is, so small, standing before the throne,
those made of dust are also ; . . . and scrolls were opened. But
we have borne the image of the another scroll was opened ; it is
one made of dust ." the scroll of life . And the dead
2 49 Life
were judged out of those things spirit coming down upon him ;
written in the scrolls according and a voice came out of the heav-
to their deeds ." ens : 'You are my Son, the be-
Luke 20 :35, 36 "But those who loved ; I have approved you.'"
have been counted worthy of Matt . 28 :19 "Go therefore and
gaining that system of things and make disciples of people of all
the resurrection from the dead the nations, baptizing them in
neither marry nor are given in the name of the Father and of
marriage . In fact, neither can the Son and of the holy spirit ."
they die any more, for they are Progress to Maturity Must
like the angels, and they are Be Made
God's children by being children
of the resurrection ." Heb. 6 :1-3 "For this reason,
now that we have left the ele-
Life Not Possible by the Law, mentary doctrine about the
Nor Can It Be Legislated Christ, let us press on to maturi-
into People ty, not laying a foundation again,
2 Cor . 3 :6 "Who has indeed namely, repentance from dead
adequately qualified us to be works, and faith toward God,
ministers of a new covenant, not the teaching on baptisms and the
of a written code, but of spirit ; laying on of the hands, the res-
for the written code condemns urrection of the dead and ever-
to death, but the spirit makes lasting judgment . And this we
alive ." will do, if God indeed permits ."
Gal . 3 :21 "If a law had been 1 Cor . 14 :20 "Brothers, do not
given which was able to give life, become young children in powers
righteousness would actually have of understanding, but be babes as
been by means of law ." to evil ; yet become full-grown in
Life for All Persons Dependent powers of understanding."
on Jehovah Forever Heb . 5 :12-14 "For, indeed, al-
though you ought to be teachers
John 17:3 "This means ever- in view of the time, you again
lasting life, their taking in knowl- need someone to teach you from
edge of you, the only true God, the beginning the first principles
and of the one whom you sent of the sacred pronouncements of
forth, Jesus Christ ." God, and you have become such
Ps. 27 :4 "One thing have I as need milk, not solid food . For
asked of Jehovah, that will I everyone that partakes of milk
seek after : that I may dwell in is unacquainted with the word
the house of Jehovah all the of righteousness, for he is a babe .
days of my life, to behold the But solid food belongs to mature
beauty of Jehovah, and to in- people, to those who through use
quire in his temple ." have their perceptive powers
Dedication Essential to Start on trained to distinguish both right
Road to Life and wrong ."
Heb . 10 :7 "Then I said, 'Look! Heb . 10 :38, 39 "'But my right-
I am come (in the roll of the eous one will live by reason of
book it is written about me) to faith,' and, 'if he shrinks b ack .
do your will, 0 God .'" m y soul has no pleasure in him .'
Mark 1 :9-11 "In the course of Now we are not the kind that
those days Jesus came from Naz- shrink back to destruction, but
areth of Galilee and was baptized the kind that have faith to the
in the Jordan by John . And im- preserving alive of the soul ."
mediately on coming up out of
the water he saw the heavens See "Soul", "Ransom," "Death ."
being parted, and, like a dove, the "Kingdom ."
The quality God has implanted in us which expresses itself (1) in
our complete, unbreakable attachment to him and to his theocratic
organization and (2) in our unselfish deeds to other creatures and
our active concern for their eternal welfare . Love is a fruitage of
God's spirit .
Jehovah God the Personification Love Fulfills God's Perfect
and Source of Love Kingly Law
1 John 4 :8, 16, 19 "God is love . Matt . 22 :36-40 "'Teacher, which
. God is love, and he that re- is the greatest commandment in
mains in love remains in union the Law?' He said to him : 'You
with God and God remains in must love Jehovah your God with
union with him . As for us, we your whole heart and with your
love because he first loved us." whole soul and with your whole
2 Tim. 1 :7 "For God gave us mind .' This is the greatest and
not a spirit of cowardice, but that first commandment . The second,
of power and of love and of like it, is this : 'You must love
soundness of mind ." your neighbor as yourself .' On
Eph . 2 :4, 5 "But God, who is these two commandments the
rich in mercy, for his great love whole Law hangs, and the Proph-
with which he loved us, made ets ."
us alive together with the Christ ." Rom . 13 :8-10 "Do not be owing
See "Jehovah-Principal Attri- anybody a single thing, except
butes". to love one another ; for he that
loves his fellow man has fulfilled
Loving Obedience the Ruling the law . For the law code, 'You
Principle in God's must not commit adultery, You
Organization must not murder, You must not
Matt . 9 :13 "Go, then, and learn steal, You must not covet,' and
what this means, 'I want mercy, whatever other commandment
and not sacrifice .' " there is, is summed up in this
Hos . 6 :6 "For I desire good- word, namely, 'You must love
ness, and not sacrifice ; and the your neighbor as yourself .' Love
knowledge of God more than does not work evil to one's neigh-
burnt-offerings ." bor ; therefore love is the law's
fulfillment ."
Heb . 1 :9 "You loved righteous-
ness and hated lawlessness . That Jas . 2 :8 "If, now, you practice
is why God, your God, anointed carrying out the kingly law ac-
you with the oil of great joy cording to the Scriptures, 'You
more so than your partners ." must love your neighbor as your-
self,' you are doing quite well ."
1 Sam . 15 :22 "Hath Jehovah
as great delight in burnt-offerings Love Brings God's Protection
and sacrifices, as in obeying the and Blessing
voice of Jehovah? Behold, to obey Ps . 145 :20 "Jehovah preserveth
is better than sacrifice, and to all them that love him ; but all
hearken than the fat of rams ." the wicked will he destroy ."
Song of Solomon 2 :4 "His ban- Rom . 8 :28 "Now we know that
ner over me was love ." God makes all his works cooper-
251 Love
ate together for the good of those love, for it is a perfect bond of
who love God, those who are the union."
ones called according to his pur- 2 Tim . 2 :22 "So flee from the
pose ." desires incidental to youth, but
1 Cor . 2 :9 "But just as it is pursue righteousness, faith, love .
written : `Eye has not seen and peace, along with these who call
ear has not heard, neither have upon the Lord out of a clean
there been conceived in the heart heart ."
of man the things which God has 1 Pet . 4 :3 "Above all things,
prepared for those who love have intense love for one another .
him . because love covers a multitude of
Jas. 1 :12 "Happy is the man sins .'
that keeps on enduring, trial, be-
cause on becoming approved he Christ the Channel Through
will receive the crown of life, Which God's Love Is Ex-
which Jehovah promised to those pressed to Us
who continue loving him ." Rom . 8 :38, 39 "For I am con-
Jas. 2 :5 "Listen, my beloved vinced that neither death nor life
brothers . God chose the ones who nor angels nor governments nor
are poor respecting the world to things here nor things to come
be rich in faith and heirs of the nor powers nor height nor dept .
kingdom which he promised to nor any other creation will be
those who love him, did he not?" able to separate us from God's
love that is in Christ Jesus our
Implanted in the Original Lord ."
Human Pair Eph. 2 :7 "That in the coming
Gen . 1 :26, 27 "And God said, systems of things there might
Let us make man in our image, be demonstrated the surpassin °
after our likeness : . . . And God riches of his undeserved kindness
created man in his own image, in his graciousness toward us in
in the image of God created he union with Christ Jesus ."
him ; male and female created he John 14 :21 "in turn, he that
them ." loves me will be loved by my
Love Is a Fruitage of God's Spirit Father, and I will love him and
will plainly show myself to him."
Gal . 5:22, 23 "On the other
hand, the fruitage of the spirit Love Expresses Itself in Action
is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, John 3:16 "For God loved the
kindness, goodness, faith, mild- world so much that lie gave his
ness, self-control ." only-begotten Son, in order that
Love Has to Be Cultivated everyone exercising faith in hin
might not be destroyed but have
2 Pet. 1 :5-7 "Yes, for this very everlasting life ."
reason, by your contributing in
response all painstaking effort, John 14 :21 "He that has
supply to your faith virtue, to my commandments and observe
your virtue knowledge, to your them, that one is he who loves
knowledge self-control, to your me
self-control endurance, to your 1 John 5 :3 "For this is what
endurance godly devotion, to your the love of God means, that we
godly devotion brotherly affection, observe his commandments ; and
to your brotherly affection love ." yet his commandments are not
1 Tim. 6 :11 "Pursue righteous- burdensome ."
ness, godly devotion, faith, love, 2 John 6 "And this is what
endurance, mildness of temper ." love means, that we go on walk-
1 Cor. 14 :1 "Pursue love ." ing according to his command-
Col . 3 :14 "But, besides all these ments . This is the commandment
things, clothe yourselves with just as you people have heard
Love 252
from the beginning, that you ter, you know I have affection
should go on walking in it ." for you .' He said to him : 'Feed
Description of Love ; How It Acts my young lambs .' Again he said
to him, a second time : 'Simon
1 Cor . 13 :4-7 "Love is long- son of John, do you love me?'
suffering and obliging. Love is He said to him : 'Yes, Master, you
not jealous, it does not brag, know I have affection for you .'
does not get puffed up, does not He said to him : 'Shepherd my
behave indecently, does not look little sheep.' He said to him the
for its own interests, does not third time : 'Simon son of John,
become provoked. It does not keep do you have affection for me?'
account of the injury . It does not Peter became grieved that he said
rejoice over unrighteousness, but to him the third time : 'Do you
rejoices with the truth . It bears have affection for me?' So he said
all things, believes all things, to him : 'Master, you know all
hopes all things, endures all things ; you are aware that I
things ." have affection for you .' Jesus said
1 Cor. 8 :1 "Knowledge puffs up, to him : 'Feed my little sheep .' "
but love builds up ." Those Having Love Hate
Love Is Not Sentimentality ; In- Unrighteousness
cludes Discipline, Correction Ps . 97 :10 "0 ye that love Je-
Matt. 10:37 "He that has hovah, hate evil."
greater affection for father or Ps . 119 :163 "I hate and abhor
mother than for me is not worthy falsehood ; but thy law do I love ."
of me ; and he that has greater
affection for son or daughter To Know God Is to Love, Imitate,
than for me is not worthy of me." Obey Him
Prov . 3 :12 "For whom Jehovah John 17 :3 "This means ever-
loveth he reproveth ; even as a lasting life, their taking in knowl-
father the son in whom he de- edge of you, the only true God,
lighteth ." and of the one whom you sent
Prov. 13 :24 "He that spareth forth, Jesus Christ ."
his rod hateth his son ; but he 1 John 4 :7, 8, 16 "Beloved ones,
that loveth him chasteneth him let us continue loving one another,
betimes ." because love is from God, and
Heb. 12 :6 "For whom Jehovah everyone who loves has been born
loves he disciplines, in fact he from God and gains the knowl-
scourges everyone whom he re- edge of God . He that does not
ceives as a son ." love has not come to know God,
Ps. 141 :5 "Let the righteous because God is love . And we our-
smite me, it shall be a kindness ; selves have come to know and
and let him reprove me, it shall have believed the love God has
be as oil upon the head ; let not in our case . God is love, and he
my head refuse it ." that remains in love remains in
Love Seeks the Welfare of All union with God and God remains
Persons, Especially God's in union with him ."
People All-essential to Gaining
Luke 6 :27 "But I say to you Eternal Life
who are listening, Continue to 1 Cor . 13 :1-3 "If I speak in the
love your enemies, to do good to tongues of men and of angels
those hating you ." but do not have love, I have be-
John 21 :15-17 "When, now, come a sounding piece of brass
they had breakfasted, Jesus said or a clashing cymbal . And if I
to Simon Peter : 'Simon son of have the gift of prophesying and
John, do you love me more than understand all the sacred secrets
these?' He said to him : 'Yes, Mas- and all knowledge, and if I have
253 Marriage
all the faith so as to transplant is hating his brother, he is a liar .
mountains, but do not have love, For he who does not love his
I am nothing . And if I give all brother, whom he has seen, can-
my belongings to feed others, and not be loving God, whom he has
if I hand over my body, that I not seen ."
may boast, but do not have love, Eph. 4 :16 "From him all the
I am not profited at all ." body, by being harmoniously
Love Is the Way to Overcome joined together and being made
Fear to cooperate through every joint
which gives what is needed, ac-
1 John 4:18 "There is no fear cording to the functioning of
in love, but perfect love throws each respective member in due
fear outside, because fear exer- measure, makes for the growth
cises a restraint . Indeed, he that
is under fear has not been made of the body for the building up
of itself in love ."
perfect in love ."
Today, in Time of Maturity of
Love Is the "Surpassing Way" Christian Congregation, Love Is
Far Greater than Miraculous the Foremost Quality
1 Cor. 13 :8-12 "Love never
1 Cor . 12 :31 "But keep striving fails. But whether there are gifts
after the greater gifts . And yet of prophesying, they will be done
I show you a surpassing way ." away with ; whether there are
1 Cor . 13 :8, 13 "Love never tongues, they will cease ; whether
fails. But whether there are gifts there is knowledge, it will be
of prophesying, they will be done done away with . For we have
away with ; whether there are partial knowledge and we proph-
tongues, they will cease ; whether esy partially ; but when that which
there is knowledge, it will be is complete arrives, that which is
done away with . Now, however, partial will be done away with .
there remain faith, hope, love, When I was a babe I used to
these three, but the greatest of speak as a babe, to think as a
these is love." babe, to reason as a babe ; but
Love Is an Identification Mark now that I have become a man,
of the Christian Congregation I have done away with the traits
of a babe . For at present we see
John 13 :35 "By this all will in hazy outline by means of a
know that you are my disciples, metal mirror, but then it will
if you have love among your- be face to face . At present I know
selves ." partially, but then I shall know
1 John 4 :20 "If anyone makes accurately even as I am accurate-
the statement 'I love God' and yet ly known."

Marriage is a mutual agreement (contract) of a man and a woman
to live together in the relation and under the duties of husband and
wife, sharing each other's lot or portion for good or bad until
parted by death . Marriage imposes on the husband the general legal
duty of supporting his wife and children, maintaining a home, teach-
ing and training his children and protecting his wife and family
from injury or insult . The wife owes to the husband the duty of living

Marriage 254
with him where he decides and seeking to promote his interests and
happiness . She has the duty of performing domestic service in the
home and caring for her children .
Instituted by Jehovah upon Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden .
-Gen . 1 :27, 28 ; 2 :22-24.
Proper for Christians to Marry Deut . 7 :3, 4 "Neither shalt thou
I Cor . 7 :9, 28, 36 "If they do make marriages with them [hea-
not have .self-control, let you
then in Canaan] ; thy daughter
marry. . . if you did marry, shalt not give unto his son,
would commit no sin . . . . let him nor his daughter shalt thou take
do what he wants ; he does not unto thy son . For he will turn
away thy son from following me,
sin . Let them marry." that they may serve other gods :
Heb . 13 :4 "Let marriage ge be so will the anger of Jehovah be
honorable among all, and the kindled against you ."
marriage bed be without defile- Judg . 14 :3 "His father and his
ment. " mother said unto him, Is there
1 Cor . 9 :5 "We have authority never a woman among the daugh-
to lead about a sister as a wife, ters of thy brethren, or among
even as the rest of the apostles all my people, that thou goest to
and the Lord's brothers and take a wife of the uncircum-
Cephas, do we not?" cised Philistines?"
Matt . 8 :14 "On coming into Gen . 26 :34, 35 "Esau . . . took
Peter's house Jesus saw his to wife [heathen women] : and
mother-in-law lying down and they were a grief of mind unto
sick with fever ." Isaac and to Rebekah ."
Acts 21 :8, 9 "Philip the mis- 2 Cor . 6 :14 "Do not become un-
sionary . . . had four daughters, evenly yoked with unbelievers .
virgins, that prophesied ." For what partnership do right-
Lev . 21 :10, 13 "He that is the eousness and lawlessness have?"
high priest . . . shall take a wife Also : 1 Ki . 11 :1-9 .
in her virginity ."
Unmarried Christians Less Dis-
Polygamy Prohibited to tracted from Kingdom Interests
1 Cor. 7 :32-34 "The single man
1 Tim . 3 :2-4, 12 "The overseer the
should therefore be irreprehen- is anxious how for the gain
he may things
th Lord's
sible, a husband of one wife . . . . approval .
. But the
a man presiding over his house- appoval he the things of the
hold in a right manner, having isworld, anxioushowf s may gain the a s
children in subjection . . Let
proval of his wife, and he is
ministerial servants be husbands divided."
of one wife, presiding in a right
manner over children and their Matt. 19 :11, 12 "[Jesus] said
own households." to them : `Not all men make room
Christians Marry Only for the saying, but only those
Christians who have the gift. . . . there are
eunuchs that have made them-
1 Cor . 7 :39 "A wife . . . if her
husband should fall asleep in selves eunuchs because of the
death . . . is free to be married to kingdom of the heavens . Let him
whom she wants, only in the that can make room for it make
Lord ." room for it.'"
255 Marriage
Married Christians Should makes her a subject for adultery,
Remain Married seeing that whoever marries a
1 Cor. 7 :10-16 "To the married divorced woman commits adul-
people I give instructions, yet not tery."
I but the Lord, that a wife Matt. 19 : 88, 9 "Moses, out of re-
should not depart from her hus- gard for your hardheartedness,
band ; but if she should actually made the concession to you of
depart, let her remain single or divorcing your wives, but such
else make up again with her hus- has not been the case from the
band ; and a husband should not beginning . I say to you that
leave his wife. . . . If any brother whoever divorces his wife except
has an unbelieving wife, and yet on the grounds of fornication
she is agreeable to dwelling with and marries another commits
adultery ."
him, let him not leave her ; and
a woman who has an unbelieving Mark 10 :11, 12 "Whoever di-
husband, and yet he is agreeable vorces his wife and marries an-
to dwelling with her, let her not other commits adultery against
leave her husband." her, and if ever a woman, after
Matt. 19 :4-6 "Did you not read divorcing her husband, marries
that he who created them at the another, she commits adultery ."
beginning made them male and Also : Luke 16 :18 .
female and said : `For this reason Wrong to Forbid Marriage
a man will leave his father and 1 Tim . 4 :1-3 "In later periods
his mother and will stick to his of time some will fall away from
wife, and the two will be one the faith, paying attention to mis-
flesh'? So that they are no longer leading inspired utterances and
two, but one flesh . Therefore, teachings of demons, . . . forbid-
what God has yoked together let ding to marry ."
no man put apart ."
1 Cor. 7 :15 "But if the un- Christian Duties of the Husband
believing one proceeds to depart, 1 Cor. 11 :3 "I want you to
let him depart ; a brother or a know that the head of every man
sister is not in servitude under is the Christ ; in turn, the head
such circumstances, but God has of a woman is the man ; in turn,
called you to peace ." the head of Christ is God ."
Death Severs Marriage Contract Eph . 5 :22-33 "Let wives be in
subjection to their husbands as to
1 Cor. 7 :39 "A wife is bound the Lord, because a husband is
during all the time her husband head of his wife as the Christ
is alive." also is head of the congregation,
Rom . 7 :2, 3 "A married woman .so let wives also be to their
is bound by law to her husband husbands [subject] in everything .
while he is alive ; but if her hus- Husbands, continue loving your
band dies, she is discharged from wives, just as the Christ also
the law of her husband. So, then, loved the congregation . . . . In this
while her husband is living, she way husbands ought to be loving
would be styled an adulteress if their wives as their own bodies .
she became another man's . But He who loves his wife loves him-
if her husband dies, she is free self, . . . let each one of you indi-
from his law, so that she is not vidually so love his wife as he
an adulteress if she becomes does himself ; on the other hand,
another man's ." the wife should have deep respect
Christian Grounds for Divorce for her husband ."
Matt . 5:31, 32 "I say to you that Christian Duties of the Wife
everyone divorcing his wife ex- 1 Pet. 3 :1-7 "You wives, be in
cept on account of fornication subjection to your own husbands,
Marriage 256
in order that, if any are not obe- in subjection with all seriousness ;
dient to the word, they may be (if indeed any man does not know
won without a word through the how to preside over his own
conduct of their wives, because of household, how will he take care
having been eyewitnesses of your of God's congregation?) Let min-
chaste conduct together with deep isterial servants be husbands of
respect . . . . You husbands, con- one wife, presiding in a right
tinue dwelling in like manner manner over children and their
with them according to knowl- own households ."
edge, assigning them honor as to Col . 3 :20, 21 "You children, be
a weaker vessel, the feminine one, obedient to your parents in every-
since you are also heirs with thing, for this is well-pleasing in
them of the undeserved favor of the Lord . You fathers, do not
life, in order for your prayers be exasperating your children, so
not to be hindered ." that they do not become down-
Col . 3 :18 . 19 "You wives, be in hearted."
subjection to your husbands, as it Prov. 6:20-23 "My son, keep the
is becoming in the Lord . You hus- commandment of thy father, and
bands, keep on loving your wives forsake not the law of thy
and do not be bitterly angry with mother ."
them ." Also : Heb . 12 :9-11 .
Children of Christians Highly Parents' Duty to Train Children
Favored Prov . 22:6 "Train up a child
1 Cor . 7 :14 "The unbelieving in the way he should go, and
husband is sanctified in relation even when he is old he will not
to his wife, and the unbelieving depart from it ."
wife is sanctified in relation to Deut . 6 :6, 7 "These words,
the brother : otherwise, your chil- which I command thee this day,
dren would really be unclean, but shall be upon thy heart ; and thou
now they are holy ." shalt teach them diligently unto
Acts 2 :39 "For the promise is thy children, and shalt talk of
to you and to your children and them when thou sittest in thy
to all those afar off, just as many house, and when thou walkest
as Jehovah our God may call by the way, and when thou liest
to him ." down, and when thou risest up ."
Prov . 23 :13, 14 "Withhold not
Children Obedient to Christian correction from the child ; for if
Parents thou beat him with the rod, he
Eph . 6 :1-3 "Children, be obe- will not die . Thou shalt beat him
dient to your parents in union with the rod, and shalt deliver
with the Lord, for this is right- his soul from Sheol ."
eous : `Honor your father and 2 Tim. 1 :5 "I recollect the faith
mother .' . . .And you, fathers, do which is in you without any hy-
not be irritating your children, pocrisy, and which dwelt first in
but go on bringing them up in your grandmother Lois and your
the discipline and authoritative mother Eunice, but which I am
advice of Jehovah ." confident is also in you ."
Titus 1 :6 "If there is any man Acts 16 :1 "Timothy, the son of
free from accusation, a husband a believing Jewish woman but of
of one wife, having believing a Greek father."
children that were not under a Prov . 22 :15 "Foolishness is
charge of debauchery nor un- bound up in the heart of a child ;
ruly ." but the rod of correction shall
1 Tim . 3 :4, 5, 12 "A man pre- drive it far from him ."
siding over his own household in Luke 18 :16 "Jesus called the
a right manner, having children infants to him, saying, `Let the
257 Mass
young children come to me and unto the book of the law . . . . Also
do not try to stop them . For the . the Levites, caused the people
kingdom of God belongs to such to understand the law. . . . And
kind of persons .'" they read in the book, in the
Also : Prov. 29 :19, 21 . law of God, distinctly ; and they
Children to Attend Studies, gave the sense, so that they un-
Meetings derstood the reading ."
Matt . 14 :21 [At one of Jesus' Child Delinquency, Last Days'
sermons] "Those eating com- Sign, Results in Death
prised about five thousand men, 2 Tim . 3 :1-5 "Know this, that
besides women and young chil- in the last days critical times
dren." hard to deal with will be here .
Dent. 31 :12, 13 "Assemble the For men will be lovers of them-
people, the men and the women selves, lovers of money, self-
and the little ones . . . . that they assuming, haughty, blasphemers,
may hear, and that they may disobedient to parents, without
learn, and fear Jehovah your gratitude, with no loving-kind-
God, and observe to do all the ness, having no natural affection,
words of this law ; and that their . . . from these turn away."
children, who have not known, Ezek. 9 :5, 6, 10 "He said . . . . Go
may hear, and learn to fear ye through the city . . . and smite :
Jehovah your God ." let not your eye spare, neither
Neh . 8 :2, 3, 7, 8 "Ezra the priest have ye pity ; slay utterly the old
brought the law before the as- man, the young man and the
sembly, both men and women, virgin, and little children and
and all that could hear with un- women ; but come not near any
derstanding, . . . And he read man upon whom is the mark ."
therein before the broad place Rom. 1:28-32 "They did not
that was before the water gate approve of holding God in ac-
from early morning until mid- curate knowledge, . . . disobedient
day, in the presence of the men to parents, without understand-
and the women, and of those that ing, false to agreements . . . . mer-
could understand ; and the ears ciless . . . . those practicing such
of all the people were attentive things are deserving of death."

A doctrine of false religion . "The Mass is the unbloody renewal
of the Sacrifice of Our Lord upon the Cross . In it the priest, as the
representative of Christ, offers to God the bread and wine, which he
changes into the Body and Blood of Our Lord [transubstantiation] ."
(National Catholic Almanac of 1948, p . 244) It is further claimed,
"Our divine Saviour said the first Mass, at the Last Supper, the night
before He died ."-A Catechism of Christian Doctrine, 1949 edition,
Question 365 .
The Scriptures clearly reveal that Jesus offered his own sacrifice
once for all time and which never needs renewing . Jesus' words "body"
and "blood" symbolically represent that those eating and drinking
are sharing in his congregational body and his death under the new
covenant .

Mass 258
The "unbloody sacrifice" had its origin in ancient Babylonish wor-
ship with evidences of its practice in Assyria, Cyprus and Phoenicia,
and was adopted by apostate Christians during the fourth century .
The thin round wafer of the "Mass" originated in Egypt as a symbol
of the "sun" and "the Son" . (Hislop's The Two Babylons) Although
accepting money for masses began during the seventh or eighth cen-
tury, it did not become universal until the twelfth century .
Doctrine of the "Mass" Denies not daily (as the other priests)
Jesus Who Bought Them with to offer sacrifices, first for his
His Shed Blood own sins, and then for the peo-
2 Pet . 2 :1, Dy "But there were ple's : for this he did once, in
also false prophets among the offering himself ."
people, even as there shall be Offered Often Makes Sacrifice No
among you lying teachers who Better than Typical Sacrifices
shall bring in sects of perdition
and deny the Lord who bought Heb. 10 :1-4, Dy "For the law,
them : bringing upon themselves having a shadow of the good
swift destruction." things to come, not the very
1 Cor. 6 :20, Dy "For you are image of the things, by the self-
bought with a great price . Glori- same sacrifices which they offer
fy and bear God in your body ." continually every year, can never
make the comers thereunto per-
Impaling Christ Afresh Is Sin- fect, For then they would have
ning Against Light ceased to be offered : because the
Heb . 6 :4-6, Dy "For it is im- worshippers once cleansed should
possible for those who were once have no conscience of sin any
illuminated, have tasted also the longer. But in them there is
heavenly gift and were made made a commemoration of sins
partakers of the Holy Ghost, have every year : for it is impossible
moreover tasted the good word of that with the blood of oxen and
God and the powers of the world goats sin should be taken away ."
to come, and are fallen away : to Renewing Sacrifice Would Also
be renewed again to penance, Mean New Covenant Needed
crucifying again to themselves Renewing
the Son of God and making him
a mockery ." Luke 22 :20, Dy "In like man-
ner, the chalice also, after he had
Jesus Made One Sacrifice, supped, saying : This is the chal-
Which Never Needs a ice, the new testament in my
"Renewal" blood, which shall be shed for
Rom . 6 :9, 10, Dy "Knowing that you ."
Christ, rising again from the Heb . 9 :17-20, Dy "For a testa-
dead, dieth now no more . Death ment is of force after men are
shall no more have dominion dead : otherwise it is as yet of
over him . For in that he died to no strength, whilst the testator
sin, he died once : but in that he liveth . Whereupon neither was
liveth, he liveth unto God." the first indeed dedicated without
Heb. 7 :24, 25, 27, Dy "But this, blood . For when every command-
for that he continueth for ever, ment of the law had been read
hath an everlasting priesthood : by Moses to all the people, he
whereby he is able also to save took the blood of calves and goats,
for ever them that come to God with water and scarlet wool and
by him ; always living to make hyssop : and, sprinkled both the
intercession for us . Who needeth book itself and all the people .
2 59 Mass
Saying : This is the blood of the people's ignorance . Which is a
testament which God hath en- parable of the time present : . . .
joined unto you ." But, Christ, being come an high
Prophecy Shows Christ in Heav- priest of the good things to come,
en Until God's Due Time, Not by a greater and more perfect
Brought Down Daily in Sacrifice tabernacle, not made with hand,
of Mass that is . not of this creation : nei-
ther by the blood of goats or of
Ps . 109 :1-4, Dy [Ps . 110 :1-4, calves, but by his own blood, en-
AV] "The Lord said to my Lord : tered once into the Holies, having
Sit thou at my right hand : until obtained eternal redemption ."
I make thy enemies thy foot-
stool . The Lord will send forth Offering as an Unbloody Sacri-
the sceptre of thy power out of fice Could Not Remit Sins
Sion : rule thou in the midst of Heb . 9 :22, Dy "And almost all
thy enemies . With thee is the things, according to the law, are
principality in the day of thy cleansed with blood : and without
strength, in the brightness of shedding of blood there is no re-
the saints : from the womb before mission ."
the day star I begot thee . The
Lord hath sworn, and he will At Lord's Supper Jesus Said,
not repent : Thou art a priest for "This Is My Body," Not,
ever according to the order of "My Flesh"
Melchisedech ." Luke 22 :19, Dy "And taking
Christ Needs No Priestly Repre- bread, he gave thanks and brake
sentative as Mediator and gave to them, saying : This
1 Tim . 2 :5, 6, Dy "For there is my body, which is given for
is one God : and one mediator you ."
of God and men, the man Christ Jesus' "Flesh" Refers to His Hu-
Jesus who gave himself a re- manity, Not Church "Body"
demption for all, a testimony in John 1 :14, Dy "And the Word
due times ." was made flesh and dwelt among
Heb . 7 :17, 22-25, Dy "For he us (and we saw his glory, the
testifieth : Thou art a priest for glory as it were of the only be-
ever according to the order of gotten of the Father), full of
Melchisedech . By so much is Je- grace and truth ."
sus made a surety of a better
testament . And the others indeed 1 John 4 :2, Dy "By this is the
were made many priests, because spirit of God known . Every spirit
by reason of death they were not which confesseth that Jesus
suffered to continue : but this Christ is come in the flesh is of
for that he continueth for ever, God ."
hath an everlasting priesthood : 2 John 7, Dy "For many se-
whereby he is able also to save ducers are gone out into the
for ever them that come to God world who confess not that Jesus
by him ." Christ is come in the flesh . This
In Typical Nation Only High is a seducer and an antichrist ."
Priest Made Atonement in Manifest in flesh
Most Holy
1 Tim . 3 :16 . Dy "Great is the
Heb . 9 :3, 7, 9, 11, 12, Dy "And mystery of godliness, which was
after the second veil, the taber- manifested in the flesh,"
nacle which is called the Holy
of Holies : but into the second, Born of fleshly Israel
the high priest alone, once a Rom . 9 :4, 5, Dy "Who are Is-
year : not without blood, which raelites : to whom belongeth the
he offereth for leis own and the adoption as of children and the
Mass 260
glory and the testament and the Second coming, flesh not needed
giving of the law and the service Heb . 9 :28, Dy "So also Christ
of God and the promises : whose was offered once to exhaust the
are the fathers and of whom is sins of many . The second time
Christ, according to the flesh ." he shall appear without sin to
Son of David them that expect him unto sal-
Rom . 1 :3, Dy "Concerning his vation."
Son, who was made to him of the Followers reconciled by flesh
seed of David, according to the
flesh ." Col . 1 :22, Dy "Yet now he hath
Suffered reconciled in the body of his
flesh through death, to present
Heb . 5 :7, Dy "Who in the days you holy and unspotted and
of his flesh, with a strong cry and blameless before him."
tears, offering up prayers and
supplications to him that was Flesh opens way to God
able to save him from death, Heb . 10 :19, 20, Dy "Having
was heard for his reverence ." therefore, brethren, a confidence
1 Pet. 4 :1, Dy "Christ there- in the entering into the holies by
fore having suffered in the flesh, the blood of Christ : a new and
be you also armed with the same living way which he hath dedi-
thought ." cated for us through the veil,
Rested while alive in hope that is to say, his flesh ."
Acts 2 :26, Dy "For this my Expression "Flesh and Blood"
heart hath been glad, and my Often Used to Denote
tongue hath rejoiced : moreover Human Nature
my flesh also shall rest in hope ." Matt . 16 :15-17, Dy "Jesus saith
Put to death to them : But whom do you say
1 Pet. 3 :18, Dy "Because Christ that I am? Simon Peter an-
also died once for our sins, the swered and said : Thou art Christ,
just for the unjust : that he the Son of the Living God . And
might offer us to God, being put Jesus answering, said to him :
to death indeed in the flesh, but Blessed art thou, Simon Bar-
enlivened in the spirit ." Jona : because flesh and blood
hath not revealed it to thee, but
Flesh not corrupted my Father who is in heaven ."
Acts 2 :31, Dy "Forseeing this, "Flesh and Blood" Contrasted
he spoke of the resurrection of with God's Spirit
Christ . For neither was he left
in hell : neither did his flesh see John 1 :12, 13, Dy "But as many
corruption." as received him, he gave them
Not known as fleshly since death power to be made the sons of
God, to them that believe in his
2 Cor . 5 :16, Dy "Wherefore name . Who are born, not of
henceforth, we know no man ac- blood, nor of the will of the flesh,
cording to the flesh . And if we nor of the will of man, but of
have known Christ according to God ."
the flesh : but now we know him "Flesh and Blood" Contrasted
so no longer." with Wicked Spirits
First came as sin offering Eph . 6 :12, Dy "For our wres-
Roan . 8 :3, Dy "For what the tling is not against flesh and
law could not do, in that it was blood : but against principalities
weak through the flesh, God, and powers, against the rulers of
sending his own Son in the like- the world of this darkness, against
ness of sinful flesh and of sin, the spirits of wickedness in the
hath condemned sin in the flesh ." high places ."
261 Mass
Jesus on Earth as "Flesh and hath everlasting life : and I will
Blood" raise him up in the last day .
Heb . 2 :14, Dy "Therefore be- For my flesh is meat indeed : and
cause the children are partakers my blood is drink indeed . He that
of flesh and blood, he also him- eateth my flesh and drinketh my
self in like manner hath been blood abideth in me : and I in
partaker of the same : that, him ."
through death, he might destroy "Flesh" and "Body" Not Always
him who had the empire of Used Synonymously
death, that is to say, the devil ." Col. 1 :23, 24, Dy "I Paul am
Jesus Not in Heaven as "Flesh made a minister . Who now re-
and Blood" joice in my sufferings for you
and fill up those things that are
1 Cor . 15 :50, Dy "Now this I wanting of the sufferings of
say, brethren, that flesh and Christ, in my flesh, for his body,
blood cannot possess the kingdom which is the church ."
of God : neither shall corruption Col. 1 :18, 22, Dy "And he is
possess incorruption." the head of the body, the church :
Gal. 1 :15, 16, Dy "But when . yet now he hath reconciled
it pleased him who separated me in the body of his flesh through
from my mother's womb and death ."
called me by his grace, to reveal
his Son in me, that I might "Body of Christ" Is His Church
preach him among the Gentiles : Eph. 1 :22, 23, Dy "Hath made
immediately I condescended not him head over all the church,
to flesh and blood." which is his body ."
Jesus Spoke of Flesh as "Manna", Eph. 5 :23, Dy "Because the hus-
Not "Unleavened Bread" of band is the head of the wife, as
Christ is the head of the church .
Passover He is the saviour of his body ."
John 6 :49-52, 59, Dy "Your Eph. 4:12, Dy "For the per-
fathers did eat manna in the fecting of the saints, for the work
desert : and are dead . This is of the ministry, for the edifying
the bread which cometh down of the body of Christ ."
from heaven : that if any man Rom . 12 :5, Dy "So we, being
eat of it, he may not die. I am many, are one body in Christ ;
the living bread which came and every one members one of
down from heaven. If any man another."
eat of this bread, he shall live Jesus Referred to Church with
for ever : and the bread that I Words, "This Is My Body"
will give is my flesh, for the
life of the world. This is the Matt . 26 :26, Dy "And whilst
bread that came down from heav- they were at supper, Jesus took
en . Not as your fathers did eat bread and blessed and broke and
manna and are dead . He that gave to his disciples and said :
eateth this bread shall live for Take ye and eat . This is my
ever." body ."
1 Cor . 12 :12-14, 27, Dy "For as
His Humanity Given for Life of the body is one and hath many
Sinful Mankind members ; and all the members
John 6 :54-57, Dy "Then Jesus of the body, whereas they are
said to them : Amen, amen, I say many, yet are one body : so also
unto you : except you eat the is Christ . For in one spirit were
flesh of the Son of man and we all baptized into one body,
drink his blood, you shall not whether Jews or Gentiles, wheth-
have life in you . He that eateth er bond or free : and in one spirit
my flesh and drinketh my blood we have all been made to drink .
Mass 262
For the body also is not one of ; and with the baptism where-
member, but many . Now you are with I am baptized you shall be
the body of Christ and members baptized."
of member." Baptism into Christ Means Shar-
1 Cor. 11 :29, Dy "For he that ing His Death and Resurrection
eateth and drinketh unworthily
eateth and drinketh judgment to Rom . 6 :3-5, Dy "Know you not
himself, not discerning the body that all we who are baptized in
of the Lord ." Christ Jesus are baptized in his
Rom . 12 :5, Dy "So we, being death? For we are buried to-
many, are one body in Christ ; gether with him by baptism into
and every one members one of death : that, as Christ is risen
another ." from the dead by the glory of the
Father, so we also may walk in
Eph. 3 :6, Dy "That the Gen- newness of life . For if we have
tiles should be fellow heirs and been planted together in the like-
of the same body : and copartners ness of his death, we shall be
of his promise in Christ Jesus, also in the likeness of his res-
by the gospel ." urrection ."
Eph. 4:4, Dy "One body and Phil . 3 :8-11, Dy "I count all
one spirit : as you are called in things to be but loss . . . That I
one hope of your calling ." may know him and the power
Jesus Showed God's Will for of his resurrection and the fel-
Him Was Death, Symbolized by lowship of his sufferings : being
Drinking the Cup made conformable to his death,
if by any means I may attain
Mark 10 :38, Dy "And Jesus to the resurrection which is from
said to them : . . . Can you drink the dead."
of the chalice [cup] that I drink 2 Tim. 2 :11, 12, Dy "A faithful
of or be baptized with the bap-
tism wherewith I am baptized?" saying : for if we be dead with
him, we shall live also with him.
Matt. 26 :39, 42, Dy "And going If we suffer, we shall also reign
a little further, he fell upon his with him . If we deny him, he
face, praying and saying : My will also deny us."
Father, if it be possible, let this
chalice pass from me . Neverthe- Taking of Bread and Wine at
less, not as I will but as thou Last Supper Meant Sharing
wilt . Again the second time, he with Christ
went and prayed, saying : My Fa- I Cor. 10:16, 17, Dy "The chal-
ther, if this chalice may not pass ice of benediction which we bless,
away, but I must drink it, thy is it not the communion of the
will be done." blood of Christ? And the bread
John 18 :11, Dy "Jesus there- which we break, is it not the
fore said to Peter : Put up thy partaking of the body of the
sword into the scabbard . The Lord? For we, being many, are
chalice which my father hath one bread, one body : all that
given me, shall I not drink it?" partake of one bread ."
Jesus Showed God's Will for Jesus Did Not Change Bread and
His Followers Was to Share Wine into Literal Flesh and
His Death Blood as a "Saying of the
Matt . 26 :27, Dy "And taking First Mass"
the chalice, he gave thanks and Jesus spoke of commemoration,
gave to them, saying : Drink ye not sacrifice
all of this ." Luke 22 :19, Dy "And taking
Mark 10 :39, Dy "And Jesus bread, he gave thanks and brake
said: to them : You shall indeed and gave to them, saying : This
drink of the chalice that I drink is ["means," NW] my body,
2 63 Minister of God
which is given for you . Do this have said : Wherein have we de-
for a commemoration of me ." spised thy name? You offer pol-
Jesus showed liquid in chalice luted bread upon my altar and
(cup) was still wine you say : Wherein have we pol-
Matt . 26 :27-29, Dy "And taking luted thee? In that you say : The
the chalice, he gave thanks and table of the Lord is contemptible .
gave to them, saying : Drink ye And you have profaned it in that
all of this . For this is ["means," you say : The table of the Lord
NW] my blood of the new testa- is defiled ; and that which is laid
ment, which shall be shed for thereupon is contemptible, with
many unto remission of sins . And the fire that devoureth it ."
I say to you, I will not drink from Is a Sharing with Demons
henceforth of this fruit of the 1 Cor . 10 :20, 21, Dy "The things
vine until that day when I shall which the heathens sacrifice, they
drink it with you new in the sacrifice to devils and not to God .
kingdom of my Father ." And I would not that you should
Symbolic language be made partakers with devils .
1 Cor. 10 :4, Dy "And all drank You cannot drink the chalice of
the same spiritual drink : (and the Lord and the chalice of dev-
they drank of the spiritual rock ils : you cannot be partakers of
that followed them : and the rock the table of the Lord and of the
was Christ.)" table of devils ."
Since "Mass" Is a Fraud and An Abomination to God
Denies True Provision of God, Prov. 21 :27, Dy "The sacrifices
It Profanes God's Name of the wicked are abominable, be-
Mal . 1 :7, 12, Dy "To you, 0 cause they are offered of wicked-
priests, that despise my name and ness ."

Minister of God
Literally, a servant (Gr ., diakonos, "through the dust") . A public
servant of Jehovah, the Almighty God, and ordained by him ; one
who follows the footsteps of Jesus Christ and preaches the good
news of Jehovah's established kingdom by Christ ; one who carries
out divine commands and commissions originating with the Sovereign
God-Ruler of the universe .
Ordination : Appointment to service .
Jesus Christ God's Chief tent, which Jehovah set up, and
Minister not man."
Rom . 13 :4 "It is God's minister
Rom . 15 :8 "I say that Christ to you for your good ."
actually became a minister of
those who are circumcised in be- Other Servants of God, Begin-
half of God's truthfulness ." ning with Abel, Were Ministers
Heb . 8:2 "A public servant of Heb . 11 :4, 32 "By faith Abel
the holy place and of the true offered God a sacrifice of greater
Minister of God 264
worth than Cain, through which my little sheep .' He said to him
faith he had witness borne to him the third time : 'Simon son of
that he was righteous, God bear- John, do you have affection for
ing witness respecting his gifts, me?' Peter became grieved that
. . . the time will fail me if I go he said to him the third time :
on to relate about Gideon, Barak, 'Do you have affection for me?'
Samson, Jephthah, David as well So he said to him : 'Master, you
as Samuel and the other proph- know all things ; you are aware
ets ." that I have affection for you .'
2 Pet . 2 :5 "Noah, a preacher Jesus said to him : 'Feed my little
of righteousness ." sheep .' "
I Pet . 1 :12 "It was revealed to Ordination Comes from God
them [the prophets] that, not to Through Christ
themselves, but to you, they were Isa . 61 :1-3 "The spirit of the
ministering ." Lord Jehovah is upon me ; be-
Every Christian Must Be a cause Jehovah hath anointed me
Minister to preach good tidings unto the
meek ; he hath sent me to bind
Rom . 10:10-15 "For with the up the broken-hearted, to pro-
heart one exercises faith for claim liberty to the captives, and
righteousness, but with the the opening of the prison to them
mouth one makes public declara- that are bound ; to proclaim the
. .
tion for salvation . . For 'anyone year of Jehovah's favor, and the
that calls upon the name of Je- day of vengeance of our God ; to
hovah will be saved' . However, comfort all that mourn ; to ap-
how will they call upon him in point unto them that mourn in
whom they have not put faith? Zion, to give unto them a garland
How, in turn, will they put faith for ashes, the oil of joy for
in him of whom they have not mourning, the garment of praise
heard? How, in turn, will they for the spirit of heaviness ; that
hear without someone to preach? they may be called trees of right-
How, in turn, will they preach eousness, the planting of Jeho-
unless they have been sent forth? vah, that he may be glorified."
Just as it is written : 'How beau- 1 Cor . 12 :18 "But now God has
tiful are the feet of those who set the members in the body,
declare good news of good each one of them, just as he
things!'" pleased ."
John 21 :15-17 "When, now, John 15 :16 "You did not choose
they had breakfasted, Jesus said me, but I chose you, and I ap-
to Simon Peter : 'Simon son of pointed you to go on and keep
John, do you love me more than bearing fruit and that your fruit
these?' He said to him : 'Yes, should remain, in order that no
Master, you know I have affec- matter what you ask the Father
tion for you.' He said to him : in my name he might give it to
'Feed my young lambs.' Again he you ."
said to him, a second time : 'Si-
mon son of John, do you love No Man or Organization Can
me?' He said to him : 'Yes, Mas- Ordain God's Ministers
ter, you know I have affection for Gal . 1 :1, 12 "Paul, an apostle,
you .' He said to him : 'Shepherd neither from men nor through a
265 Minister of God
man, but through Jesus Christ the nations, baptizing them in
and God the Father. . . . for nei- the name of the Father and of
ther did I accept it from man, the Son and of the holy spirit ."
nor was I taught it, except Matt . 3 :13-17 "Then Jesus came
through revelation by Jesus from Galilee to the Jordan to
Christ." John in order to be baptized by
No Certificate of Ordination him . But the latter tried to pre-
Necessary vent him, saying : 'I am the one
needing to be baptized by you,
2 Cor . 3 :1-3 "Do we, perhaps, and are you coming to me?' In
like some men, need letters of reply Jesus said to him : 'Let it
recommendation to you or from be, this time, for in that way
you? You yourselves are our let- it is suitable for us to carry
ter, inscribed on our hearts and out all that is righteous .' Then
known and being read by all he quit preventing him . After
mankind . For you are shown to being baptized Jesus immediate-
be a letter of Christ written by
us as ministers, inscribed not ly came up from the water ; and,
with ink but with spirit of the look! the heavens were opened
living God, not on stone tablets, up, and he saw descending like
but on fleshly tablets, on hearts ." a dove God's spirit coming upon
Theological Seminary Training him. Look! also, there was a
Not Necessary voice from the heavens that said :
John 7 :15 "Therefore the Jews 'This is my Son, the beloved,
fell to wondering, saying : 'How whom I have approved .'"
does this man have a knowledge Women May Be Ministers
of letters, when he has not Acts 2 :17, 18 "'And in the
studied at the schools?' " last days,' God says, 'I shall pour
Acts 4 :13 "Now when they be- some of my spirit out upon every
held the outspokenness of Peter kind of flesh, and your sons and
and John, and perceived that your daughters will prophesy and
they were men unlettered and your young men will see visions
ordinary, they got to wondering . and your old men will dream
And they began to recognize dreams ; and even upon my men
about them that they used to be slaves and upon my women slaves
with Jesus ." I will pour out some of my spirit
Dedication Must Precede in those days, and they will
Ordination prophesy.'"
Matt. 16 :24 "Then Jesus said Acts 21 :9 "This man had four
to his disciples : 'If anyone wants daughters, virgins, that proph-
to come after me, let him disown esied ."
himself and pick up his torture Rom . 16 :1 "I recommend to you
stake and follow me continually .'" Phoebe our sister, who is a min-
Heb . 10 :7 "Then I said, 'Look! ister of the congregation which
I am come (in the roll of the is in Cenchreae ."
book it is written about me) to Titus 2 :3 "Likewise let the aged
do your will, 0 God .'" women be reverent in behavior,
Baptism a Symbol of Such not slanderous, neither enslaved
Dedication to Be God's to a lot of wine, teachers of what
Minister is good ."
Matt . 28 :19 "Go therefore and Gal . 3 :28 "There is neither Jew
make disciples of people of all nor Greek, there is neither slave
Minister of God 266
nor freeman, there is neither child . But Jehovah said unto me,
male nor female ; for you are all Say not, I am a child ; for to
one in union with Christ Jesus ." whomsoever I shall send thee
John 4 :28-30, 39-42 "The wom- thou shalt go, and whatsoever I
an, therefore, left her water-jar shall command thee thou shalt
and went off into the city and speak ."
told the men : 'Come here, see 1 Sam . 2 :18 "But Samuel min-
a man that told me all the istered before Jehovah, being a
things I did . This is not perhaps child, girded with a linen ephod ."
the Christ, is it?' They went out Ps . 148 :12, 13 "Both young men
of the city and began coming to and virgins ; old men and chil-
him . Now many of the Samari- dren : let them praise the name
tans out of that city put faith of Jehovah ."
in him on account of the word Eccl . 12 :1 "Remember also thy
of the woman who said in wit- Creator in the days of thy youth,
ness : 'He told me all the things before the evil days come, and
I did .' Therefore when the Sa- the years draw nigh, when thou
maritans came to him, they be- shalt say, I have no pleasure in
gan asking him to stay with them."
them : and he stayed there two Ps . 8 :2 "Out of the mouth of
days . Consequently many more babes and sucklings hast thou
believed on account of what he
said, and they began to say to established strength ."
the woman : 'We do not believe Acts 2 :17 "I shall pour some
any longer on account of your of my spirit out upon every kind
talk ; for we have heard for our- of flesh, and your sons and your
selves and we know that this daughters will prophesy and your
man is for a certainty the savior young men will see visions ."
of the world.' " Matt . 21 :16 "Jesus said to
Child Ministers them : 'Yes . Did you never read
this : "Out of the mouth of babes
Luke 2 :42, 46, 47, 49 "And and sucklings you have furnished
when he became twelve years praise"?' "
old, they went up according to Luke 10 :21 "I publicly praise
the custom of the feast . Well, you, Father, Lord of heaven and
after three days they found him earth, because you have care-
in the temple sitting in the midst
of the teachers and listening to fully hidden these things from
them and questioning them . But wise and intellectual ones, and
all those listening to him were in have revealed them to babes ."
constant amazement at his un- Matt. 19 :14 "Jesus, however,
derstanding and his answers . But said : 'Let the young children
he said to them : 'Why did you alone, and stop hindering them
have to go looking for me? Did from coming to me, for the king-
you not know that I must be in dom of the heavens belongs to
the house of my Father?' " such kind of persons .' "
2 Tim. 3 :15 "And that from Job 32 :4-9 "Now Elihu had
infancy you have known the holy waited to speak unto Job, be-
writings which are able to make cause they were elder than he .
you wise for salvation through the And when Elihu saw that there
faith in connection with Christ was no answer in the mouth of
Jesus ." these three men, his wrath was
1 Tim . 4 :12 "Let no man ever
look down on your youth ." kindled . And Elihu the son of
Jer. 1 :6, 7 "Then said I, Ah, Barachel the Buzite answered and
Lord Jehovah! behold, I know said, I am young, and ye are
not how to speak ; for I am a very old ; wherefore I held back,
2 67 Minister of God
and durst not show you mine on throwing some of you into
opinion. I said, Days should prison that you may be fully put
speak, and multitude of years to the test, and that you may
should teach wisdom . But there have tribulation ten days . Prove
is a spirit in man, and the breath yourself faithful even with the
of the Almighty giveth them un- danger of death, and I will give
derstanding . It is not the great you the crown of life ."
that are wise, nor the aged that Philem. 9 "I am exhorting you
understand justice ." rather on the basis of love, see-
Ordination Must Be Followed by ing that I am such as I am, Paul
Works of Preaching an aged man, yes, now also a
prisoner for the sake of Christ
1 Pet . 2 :21 "In fact, to this Jesus ."
course you were called, because 2 Tim . 4 :7 "I have fought the
even Christ suffered for you, leav- right fight, I have run the course
ing you a model for you to fol- to the finish, I have observed the
low his steps closely ." faith ."
2 Tim . 4 :2, 5 "Preach the word, Rev . 1 :9 "I John, your brother
be at it urgently in favorable and a sharer with you in the
season, in troublesome season, re- tribulation and kingdom and en-
prove, reprimand, exhort, with all durance in company with Jesus,
longsuffering and art of teach- came to be in the isle which is
ing . You, though, keep your bal- called Patmos for speaking about
ance in all things, suffer evil, God and bearing witness to Je-
do missionary work, thoroughly
accomplish your ministry ." sus ."
Luke 9 :62 "Jesus said to him :
1 Cor. 9 :16 "If, now, I am de- 'No man that has put his hand
claring the good news, it is no to a plow and looks at the things
reason for me to boast, for ne- behind is well fitted for the king-
cessity is laid upon me . Really, dom of God.'"
woe is me if I did not declare
the good news!" 1 Sam. 7 :15 "And Samuel
judged Israel all the days of his
Heb. 13 :15 "Through him let life ."
us always offer to God a sacrifice
of praise, that is, the fruit of lips The Flock Is God's, Not
which make public declaration the Minister's
to his name ." John 21 :15-17 "When, now, they
No Retirement for God's had breakfasted, Jesus said to
Ministers Simon Peter : 'Simon son of John,
do you love me more than these?'
2 Tim . 2 :3, 4 "As a right kind He said to him : 'Yes, Master, you
of soldier of Christ Jesus take know I have affection for you .'
your part in suffering evil . No He said to him : 'Feed my young
man serving as a soldier involves lambs .' Again he said to him, a
himself in the commercial busi- second time : 'Simon son of John,
nesses of life, in order that he do you love me?' He said to him :
may meet the approval of the 'Yes, Master, you know I have
one who enrolled him as a affection for you .' He said to him :
soldier ." 'Shepherd my little sheep .' He
Matt . 24 :13 "But he that has said to him the third time : 'Si-
endured to the finish is the one mon son of John, do you have
that will be saved ." affection for me?' Peter became
Eccl. 8 :8 "There is no discharge grieved that he said to him the
in war." third time : 'Do you have affec-
Rev. 2 :10 "Do not be afraid of tion for me?' So he said to him :
the things you are destined to 'Master, you know all things ; you
suffer. Look! the Devil will keep are aware that I have affection
Minister of God 268
for you .' Jesus said to him : 'Feed neither be a sharer in the sins
my little sheep.'" of others ; preserve yourself pure ."
1 Pet . 5 :2, 3 "Shepherd the Acts 6 :3, 6 "So, brothers, search
flock of God in your care, not out for yourselves seven certi-
under compulsion, but willingly, fied men from among you, full
neither for love of dishonest gain, of spirit and wisdom, that we
but eagerly, neither as lording it may appoint them over this nec-
over those who are God's inheri- essary business ; and they placed
tance, but becoming examples to them before the apostles, and
the flock ." after having prayed these laid
Acts 20 :28 "Pay attention to their hands upon them."
yourselves and to all the flock, Acts 13 :2, 3 "As they were
among which the holy spirit has publicly ministering to Jehovah
appointed you overseers, to shep- and fasting, the holy spirit said :
herd the congregation of God, 'Of all persons set Barnabas and
which he purchased with the Saul apart for me for the work
blood of his own [Son] ." to which I have called them .'
John 10 :16 "And I have other Then they fasted and prayed and
sheep, which are not of this fold ; laid their hands upon them and
those also I must bring, and they let them go ."
will listen to my voice, and they 2 Tim. 4:11 "Luke alone is with
will become one flock, one shep- me . Take Mark and bring him
herd ." with you, for he is useful to me
Further Appointment to Special for ministering ." [By letter]
Service Duties Made Through Acts 1 :26 "So they cast lots
Christian Organization over them, and the lot fell upon
Matthias, and he was reckoned
Acts 6 :2, 3 "So the twelve called along with the eleven apostles ."
the multitude of the disciples to Matt . 3 :17 "Look! also, there
them and said : 'It is not pleas- was a voice from the heavens
ing for us to abandon the word that said : 'This is my Son, the
of God to distribute food to beloved, whom I have approved .' "
tables . So, brothers, search out John 15 :16 "You did not choose
for yourselves seven certified men me, but I chose you, and I ap-
from among you, full of spirit and pointed you to go on and keep
wisdom, that we may appoint bearing fruit and that your fruit
them over this necessary busi- should remain, in order that no
ness .'" matter what you ask the Father
Acts 14 :23 "Moreover, they ap- in my name he might give it to
pointed older men to office for you ."
them in the congregation and, Acts 22 :10 "At that I said :
offering prayer with fastings, they 'What shall I do, Lord?' The
committed them to Jehovah in Lord said to me : 'Rise, go your
whom they had become believers ." way into Damascus, and there
Titus 1 :5 "For this reason I you will be told about everything
left you in Crete, that you might it is appointed for you to do .'"
correct the things that were de-
fective and might make appoint- Method of Preaching
ments of older men in city after House-to-house preaching
city, as I gave you orders ." Acts 20 :20 "I did not hold back
"Laying On of Hands" Desig- from telling you any of the
nates Appointment, Either by things that were profitable nor
Personal Word or Contact, by from teaching you publicly and
Letter, or Through from house to house ."
Representatives Acts 5 :42 "Every day in the
1 Tim . 5 :22 "Never lay your temple and from house to house
hands hastily upon any man ; they continued without letup
26 9 Minister of God
teaching and declaring the good which is by the entry of the
news about the Christ, Jesus ." gate Harsith, and proclaim there
Return visits and home Bible the words that I shall tell thee ."
studies Ezek . 4 :3, 4 "This shall be a
sign to the house of Israel . More-
Acts 15 :36 "Now after some over lie thou upon thy left side,
days Paul said to Barnabas : and lay the iniquity of the house
`Above all things, let us return of Israel upon it ; according to
and visit the brothers in every the number of the days that thou
one of the cities in which we shalt lie upon it, thou shalt bear
published the word of Jehovah their iniquity ."
to see how they are .' "
1 Cor . 3 :6 "1 planted, Apollos Delivering public sermons
watered, but God kept making Matt . 5 :1, 2 "When he saw the
it grow ." crowds he went up into the
Gal . 6 :6 "Let anyone who is mountain ; and after he sat down
being orally taught the word his disciples came to him ; and
share in all good things with the he opened his mouth and began
one who gives such oral teach- teaching them ."
ing ." Matt. 13 :1-3 "On that day Je-
Acts 17 :11, 12 "Now the latter sus, having left the house, was
were more noble-minded than sitting by the sea ; and great
those in Thessalonica, for they crowds gathered to him, so that
received the word with the great- he went aboard a boat and sat
est readiness of mind, carefully down, and all the crowd was
examining the Scriptures daily standing on the beach . Then he
as to whether these things were told them many things by illus-
so . Therefore many of them be- trations."
came believers ." Mark 6 :34, 44 "On getting out,
Matt. 18 :20 "Where there are he saw a great crowd . . . . And he
two or three met together in started to teach them many
my name, there I am in their things . . . . Those who ate of the
midst ." loaves were five thousand men ."
Isa. 28 :24-26 "Doth he that Mark 8 :9 "Yet there were
ploweth to sow plow continually? about four thousand men . Finally
doth he continually open and he sent them away ."
harrow his ground? When he Acts 17 :22 "Paul now stood in
hath levelled the face thereof, the midst of the Areopagus and
doth he not cast abroad the said : `Men of Athens, I behold
fitches, and scatter the cummin,
and put in the wheat in rows, that in all things you seem to
be more given to the fear of the
and the barley in the appointed deities than others are .' "
place, and the spelt in the border
thereof? For his God doth in- Acts 20 :7 "Paul began dis-
struct him aright, and doth teach coursing to them . . . . and he pro-
him." longed his speech until midnight ."
Preaching in streets and public Missionary work-
places 2 Tim . 4 :5 "You, though, keep
Acts 17 :17 "Consequently he your balance in all things, suffer
began to reason in the synagogue evil, do missionary work, thor-
with the Jews and the other oughly accomplish your ministry ."
people who worshiped God and Acts 21 :8 "We entered into the
every day in the market-place house of Philip the missionary ."
with those who happened to be Eph . 4 :11 "He gave some as
on hand." apostles, some as prophets, some
Jer . 19 :2 "Go forth unto the as missionaries, some as shep-
valley of the son of Hinnom, herds and teachers ."
Minister of God 270
The Minister's Congregation 1 Tim . 5 :17 "Let the older men
2 Cor . 5 :18, 19 "God, who rec- who preside in a right way be
onciled us to himself through reckoned worthy of double honor,
Christ and gave us the ministry especially those who work hard
of the reconciliation, namely, in speaking and teaching ."
that God was by means of Christ 1 Pet . 5 :1-3 "To the older
reconciling a world to himself ." men among you I give this ex-
hortation . . . . Shepherd the flock
Matt . 13 :38 "The field is the of God in your care, not . . . as
world ." lording it over those who are
His assigned territory God's inheritance, but becoming
2 Cor. 10 :13-16 "For our part, examples to the flock."
we will boast, not outside our Acts 20 :28 "Pay attention to
assigned boundaries, but accord- yourselves and to all the flock .
ing to the boundary of the ter- among which the holy spirit has
ritory which God apportioned to appointed you overseers, to shep-
us by measure, making it reach herd the congregation of God,
even as far as you . . . . No, we are which he purchased with the
not boasting outside our assigned blood of his own [Son] ."
boundaries in the labors of some- Publishing Can Include Use of
one else, but we entertain hope Literature
that, as your faith is being in-
creased, we may be made great 2 Tim. 4:13 "When you come,
among you with reference to our bring the cloak I left at Troas
territory . Then we will abound with Carpus, and the scrolls, es-
still more, to declare the good pecially the parchments."
news to the countries beyond you, Isa . 52 :7 "How beautiful upon
so as not to boast in someone the mountains are the feet of
else's territory where things are him that bringeth good tidings,
already prepared." that publisheth peace, that bring-
Matt . 15:24 "[Jesus] said : `I eth good tidings of good, that
was not sent forth to any but publisheth salvation, that saith
to the lost sheep of the house of unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!"
Israel .' " Ps. 68 :11 "The Lord giveth the
Matt. 10 :5, 6 "These twelve Je- word : the women that publish
sus sent forth, giving them these the tidings are a great host ."
orders : 'Do not go off into the Acts 17 :11 "They received the
road of the nations, and do not word with the greatest readiness
enter into a Samaritan city ; but . of mind, carefully examining the
instead, go continually to the lost Scriptures daily as to whether
sheep of the house of Israel .' these things were so ."
His Bible studies and good-will Scope of Ministerial Field and
persons Shortness of Time Make Modern
Methods Essential
2 Cor. 3 :1-3 "You yourselves
are our letter, inscribed on our Matt . 24 :14 "And this good
hearts and known and being news of the kingdom will be
read by all mankind . For you are preached in all the inhabited
shown to be a letter of Christ earth for the purpose of a wit-
written by us as ministers ." ness to all the nations, and then
the accomplished end will come ."
The local congregation, in which
he may be a specially appointed Matt. 28 :19, 20 "Go therefore
and snake disciples of people of
servant all the nations, . . . teaching them
Rom . 12 :8 "He that presides, to observe all the things I have
let him do it in real earnest ." commanded you."
271 Minister of God
Dan . 11 :33 "And they that are selves with the altar? In this way,
wise among the people shall in- too, the Lord ordained for those
struct many." proclaiming the good news to
Isa . 60 :22 "The little one shall live by means of the good news ."
become a thousand, and the small Rom . 15 :27 "If the nations have
one a strong nation : I, Jehovah, shared in their spiritual things,
will hasten it in its time ." they also owe it to minister pub-
Jer. 51 :6 "Flee out of the midst licly to these with things for the
of Babylon, and save every man physical body ."
his life ; be not cut off in her Phil . 4:16, 17 "Even in Thessa-
iniquity : for it is the time of lonica, you sent something to me
Jehovah's vengeance ; he will ren- both once and a second time for
der unto her a recompense ." my need . Not that I am earnest-
Matt . 24 :15-20, 34 "When you ly seeking the gift, but that I am
catch sight of the disgusting earnestly seeking the fruitage
thing that causes desolation, . . . that brings more credit to your
begin fleeing to the mountains . account ."
Let the man on the housetop Luke 10 :6, 7 "If a friend of
not come down to take the goods peace is there . . . . stay in that
out of his house ; and let the man house, eating and drinking the
in the field not return to the things they provide, for the
house to pick up his outer gar- worker is worthy of his wages .
ment. . . . Keep praying that your Do not be transferring from
flight may not occur in winter- house to house ."
time nor on the sabbath day . Matt. 19 :29 "Everyone that
Truly I say to you that this gen- has left houses or brothers or
eration will by no means pass sisters or father or mother or
away until all these things occur ." children or lands for the sake of
Eph . 5 :16 "Buying out the op- my name will receive many times
portune time for yourselves, be- more and will inherit everlasting
cause the days are wicked ." life."
Zeph . 2 :2, 3 "Before the decree The Minister Is Not Commercial,
bring forth, before the day pass nor a Peddler
as the chaff, before the fierce
anger of Jehovah come upon you, 2 Cor. 2 :17 "We are not ped-
Seek ye Jehovah, all ye meek dlers of the word of God as many
of the earth . . . . it may be ye will men are, but as out of sincerity,
be hid in the day of Jehovah's yes, as sent from God, under
anger ." God's view, in company with
Christ, we are speaking ."
Receipt of Contributions Proper
1 Cor. 9 :7-14 "Who is it that Some Ministers Have Secondary
ever serves as a soldier at his Occupations to Provide Needs
own expense? Who plants a vine- Acts 18 :2-4 "He found a cer-
yard and does not eat of its tain Jew named Aquila . . . . and
fruit? Or who shepherds a flock Priscilla his wife. . . . and on ac-
and does not eat some of the milk count of being of the same trade
of the flock? . . . `You must not he stayed at their home, and they
muzzle an ox when it is treading worked, for they were tentmakers
out the grain .' . . . If we have by trade . However, he would give
sown spiritual things to you, is a talk in the synagogue every
it something great if we shall sabbath and would win over
reap things for the flesh from Jews and Greeks ."
you? . . . Do you not know that the Col. 4 :14 "Luke the beloved
men performing sacred duties eat physician sends you his greet-
the things of the temple, and ings ."
those constantly attending at the See "Jehovah's Witnesses",
altar have a portion for them- "Baptism."
NeW-WOrld Living
The Scripturally outlined course of conduct for true Christians
especially in the time of the end . Not an effort at "character develop-
ment", it requires accurate knowledge of God's basic principles and
righteous requirements for those of his new world with an honest
desire and earnest effort to live by them, coupled with a sincere
love of God and neighbor . It recognizes the need for the operation of
God's active force in one's life, since many righteous qualities are
themselves actually fruits of the spirit . It means a completely changed
thinking process from that of the former course in Satan's system
of things, a development of a new life pattern by daily strengthening
of proper habits, leanings and mental attitude .
God Foretold a New World the earth is my footstool : . . . For
Fashioned According to His as the new heavens and the new
Righteous Principles earth, which I will make, shall
Isa . 65 :17 "For, behold, I create remain before me, saith Jehovah,
new heavens and a new earth ; so shall your seed and your
and the former things shall not name remain ."
be remembered, nor come into Eve's Mind Corrupted and Bent
mind ." Away from True Religion
2 Pet . 3 :13 "But there are new 2 Cor . 11 :3, 14 "But I am afraid
heavens and a new earth that we that somehow, as the serpent
are awaiting according to his seduced Eve by its craftiness, your
promise, and in these righteous- minds might be corrupted away
ness is to dwell ." from the sincerity and the chasti-
Isa . 11 :5 "And righteousness ty that are due the Christ . And
shall be the girdle of his waist, no wonder, for Satan himself
and faithfulness the girdle of his keeps transforming himself into
loins ." an angel of light."
Those of New World Society Are Continued Evil Bent of Thinking
Taught According to His Brought Flood
Revealed Will
Isa . 54 :13 "And all thy children Gen. 6 :5, 13 "And Jehovah saw
shall be taught of Jehovah ; and that the wickedness of man was
great in the earth, and that
great shall be the peace of thy every imagination of the thoughts
children ." of his heart was only evil con-
Isa . 55 :8, 9 "For my thoughts tinually . And God said unto
are not your thoughts, neither Noah, The end of all flesh is come
are your ways my ways, saith before me ; for the earth is filled
Jehovah . For as the heavens are with violence through them ; and,
higher than the earth, so are behold, I will destroy them with
my ways higher than your ways, the earth ."
and my thoughts than your
thoughts ." Fallen Man's Mind Bent Toward
Members of That Society Are Evil from Youth
Certain to Be Established Gen . 8 :21 "And Jehovah smelled
Isa . 66 :1, 22 "Thus saith Jeho- the sweet savor ; and Jehovah
vah, Heaven is my throne, and said in his heart, I will not again
273 New-World Living
curse the ground any more for believers, that the illumination of
man's sake, for that the imagina- the glorious good news about the
tion of man's heart is evil from Christ, who is the image of God,
his youth ; neither will I again might not shine through ."
smite any more everything liv- Satan Feeds Man's Mind on
ing, as I have done ." Wrong Things According to
Continued Wrong Thinking His System of Things
Foreseen Col . 1 :21 "Indeed, you who
Deut . 31 :21 "And it shall come were once alienated and enemies
to pass, when many evils and because your minds were on the
troubles are come upon them, works that were wicked, he now
that this song shall testify before has again reconciled ."
them as a witness ; for it shall Eph . 2 :2, 3 "You at one time
not be forgotten out of the walked according to the system
mouths of their seed : for I know of things of this world, accord-
their imagination which they ing to the ruler of the authority
frame this day, before I have of the air, the spirit that now
brought them into the land which operates in the sons of disobe-
I sware ." dience . Yes, among them we all
Further Evil Bent of Man's Mind at one time conducted ourselves
in Last Days Foretold in harmony with the desires of
our flesh, doing the things the
Matt . 24 :37 "For just as the flesh and the thoughts willed ."
days of Noah were, so the pres-
ence of the Son of man will be ." Harmony with God's New World
2 Tim. 3 :1, 8 "But know this, Arrangement Requires Complete-
that in the last days critical times ly Changed Course of Thinking
hard to deal with will be here. 2 Cor. 3 :16-18 "But when there
Now in the way that Jannes and is a turning to Jehovah, the veil
Jambres resisted Moses, so these is taken away. Now Jehovah is
also go on resisting the truth, the spirit ; and where the spirit
men completely corrupted in of Jehovah is, there is freedom .
mind, disapproved as regards the And all of us, while we with un-
faith." veiled faces reflect like mirrors
Rom . 1 :22, 28, 29 "Although the glory of Jehovah, are trans-
asserting they were wise, they formed into the same image from
became foolish . And just as they glory to glory, exactly as done by
did not approve of holding God Jehovah the spirit."
in accurate knowledge, God gave Rom . 12 :2 "And quit being
them up to a disapproved mental fashioned after this system of
state, to do the things not fitting, things, but be transformed by
filled as they were with all un- making your mind over, that you
righteousness." may prove to yourselves the good
Satan, God of This World, Is and acceptable and complete will
Responsible for Wrong Thinking of God."
Rev . 12 :9 "So down the great Active Force of God Needed to
Effect a Change in Thinking
dragon was hurled, the original and Conduct
serpent, the one called Devil and
Satan, who is misleading the en- Titus 3 :3-6 "For even we were
tire inhabited earth ; he was once senseless, disobedient, being
hurled down to the earth, and his misled, being slaves to various
angels were hurled down with desires and pleasures, carrying on
him ." in maliciousness and envy, hate-
2 Cor . 4 :4 "Among whom the ful, hating one another . However,
god of this system of things has when the kindness and the love
blinded the minds of the un- for man on the part of our
New-World Living 274
Savior, God, was manifested, ow- course of conduct and which is
ing to no activities in righteous- being corrupted according to his
ness that we had performed, but deceptive desires ; but that you
according to his mercy he saved should be made new in the force
us through the bath that brought actuating your mind, and should
us to life and through the mak- put on the new personality which
ing of us new by holy spirit . This was created according to God's
spirit lie poured out richly upon will in true righteousness and
us through Jesus Christ our loving-kindness ."
Savior ." Law of Sin Through Adam Wars
1 Cor . 2 :10, 12 "For it is to us Against Law of This New Mind
God has revealed them through
his spirit, for the spirit searches Gal . 5 :16, 17 "But I say, Keep
into all things, even the deep walking by spirit and you will
things of God . Now we received, carry out no fleshly desire at all .
not the spirit of the world, but For the flesh is against the spirit
the spirit which is from God, in its desire, and the spirit
that we might know the things against the flesh, for these are
that have been kindly given us opposed to each other, so that
by God ." the very things that you would
like to do you do not do ."
Must Be in Sincerity of Heart Rom . 7 :21-25 "I find, then, this
Ps . 51:10, 11 "Create in me a law in my case : that when I
clean heart, 0 God ; and renew wish to do what is right, what
a right spirit within me . Cast is bad is present with me . I really
me not away from thy presence ; delight in the law of God ac-
and take not thy holy spirit from cording to the man I am within,
me ." but I behold in my members
God's Written Word Able to another law warring against the
Search Out Man's Inmost law of my mind and leading me
Thoughts and Direct His captive to sin's law that is in
Course my members. . . . So, then, with
my mind I myself am a slave
Ps . 119 :9 "Wherewith shall a to God's law, but with my flesh
young man cleanse his way? By to sin's law ."
taking heed thereto according to
thy word ." Failure to Renew Mind Leads
Heb . 4 :12, 13 "For the word of into Corrupted Mental State
God is alive and exerts power 1 Tim . 6 :3-5 "If any man
and is sharper than any two- teaches other doctrine and does
edged sword and pierces even to not assent to healthful words,
the dividing of the soul and
spirit, and of the joints and their those of our Lord Jesus Christ,
marrow, and is able to discern nor to the teaching that ac-
the thoughts and intentions of cords with godly devotion, he is
the heart . And there is not a puffed up with pride, not under-
creation that is not manifest to standing anything, but being
his sight, but all things are naked mentally diseased over question-
and openly exposed to the eyes ings and debates about words .
of him with whom we have an From these things spring envy,
accounting ." strife, abusive speeches, wicked
New World Living Means Be- suspicions, violent disputes about
coming a New Personality trifles on the part of men cor-
Eph . 4 :22-24 "That you should rupted in mind and despoiled of
rut away the old personality the truth, thinking that godly
which conforms to your former devotion is a means of gain ."
275 New-World Living
The End of Wrong Thinking forward to the things ahead, I
Is Death am pursuing down toward the
Phil. 3 :18, 19 "For there are goal for the prize of the calling
many, I used to mention them above and which God extends in
often but now I mention them Christ Jesus . Let us, then, as
also with weeping, who are walk- many of us as are mature, be of
ing as the enemies of the torture this mental attitude ; and if you
stake of the Christ, and their are mentally inclined otherwise
finish is destruction, and their in any respect, God will reveal
god is their belly, and their glory the above attitude to you . At any
consists in their shame, and they rate, to what extent we have
have their minds upon things on made progress, let us go on walk-
the earth ." ing orderly in this same routine ."
Phil . 2 :5 "Keep this mental
Mind Must Be Trained in Right
Processes of Thinking attitude in you which was also
in Christ Jesus."
Prov . 23 :26 "My son, give me Must Get Truth into Mind and
thy heart ; and let thine eyes de- Heart, Making It One's Motivat-
light in For, "observe," footnote] ing Force, Not Being Overbur-
my ways ." dened with Cares of This World
Rom . 8 :5-8 "For those who
are in accord with the flesh set Luke 8 :5-8, 11, 13-15 "A sower
their minds on the things of the went out to sow his seed . Well,
flesh, but those in accord with as he was sowing, some of it . . .
the spirit on the things of the landed upon the rock-mass, and,
spirit . For the minding of the after sprouting, it dried up be-
flesh means death, but the mind- cause of not having moisture .
ing of the spirit means life and Some other fell among the thorns,
peace ; because the minding of and the thorns that grew up
the flesh means enmity with God, with it choked it off. Some other
for it is not under subjection to fell upon the good soil, and,
the law of God, nor, in fact, after sprouting, it produced fruit
can it be . So those who are in a hundredfold . . . . Now the illus-
harmony with the flesh cannot tration means this : The seed is
please God ." the word of God. Those upon
the rock-mass are the ones who,
Love of God Essential when they hear it, receive the
Matt. 22 :37 "He said to hire : word with joy, but these have no
`You must love Jehovah your God root ; they believe for a season,
with your whole heart and with but in a season of testing they
your whole soul and with your fall away . As for that which fell
whole mind .' " among the thorns, these are the
ones that have heard, but, i
Being of a Double Mind Is Fatal being carried away by anxieties
Ps . 119 :113 "I hate them that and wealth and pleasures of this
are of a double mind ; but thy life, they are completely choked
law do I love ." and bring nothing to perfection .
Rev . 3 :16 "So, because you are As for that on the right soil,
lukewarm and neither hot nor these are the ones that, after
cold, I am going to vomit you hearing the word with a right
out of my mouth ." and good heart, retain it and
Positive Thinking Required, bear fruit with endurance ."
Considering Forward- Accurate Knowledge of God's
looking Plans Requirements Necessary
Phil. 3 :13-16 "Forgetting the Col . 3 :2, 9, 10 "Keep your
things behind and stretching minds fixed on the things ahove,
New-World Living 276
not on the things upon the earth . Jas. 3 :6, 8-10 "The tongue is
. . . Strip off the old personality a fire . The tongue is constituted
with its practices, and clothe a world of unrighteousness among
yourselves with the new per- our members, for it spots up all
sonality which through accurate the body and sets the wheel of
knowledge is being renewed ac- natural life aflame and it is
cording to the image of the one set aflame by Gehenna . . An
who created it ." unruly injurious thing, it is full
Requirements of God Extend of death-dealing poison. With it
into Daily Living we bless Jehovah, even the Fa-
ther, and yet with it we curse
1 Tim. 6 :13, 14 "In the sight of men who have come into exis-
God who preserves all things tence 'in the likeness of God
alive and of Christ Jesus, who It is not proper, my brothers, for
as a witness made the right pub- these things to go on occurring
lic declaration in the audience of this way ."
Pontius Pilate, I give you orders Prov. 16 :28 "A whisperer sep-
that you observe the command- arateth chief friends."
ment in a spotless and irrepre- Uninvited Meddling in Others'
hensible way until the manifes- Personal Affairs Condemned
tation of our Lord Jesus Christ ."
Jas . 1 :27 "The form of wor- 1 Tim . 5 :13 "At the same time
ship that is clean and undefiled they also learn to be unoccupied,
from the standpoint of our God gadding about to the houses, yes,
and Father is this : to care for not only unoccupied, but also
orphans and widows in their gossipers and meddlers in other
tribulation, and to keep oneself people's affairs, talking of things
without spot from the world ." they ought not ."
1 Pet . 4 :15 "However, let none
Everyday Affairs of Life Should of you suffer as a murderer or
Be Governed by Mental Attitude a thief or an evildoer or as a
Toward Christ busybody in other people's mat-
1 Pet . 1 :13-16 "Hence brace up ters."
your minds for activity, keep Disagreements and Strife
completely balanced and set your Forgotten
hope upon the undeserved kind- 1 Cor . 3 :3 "For you are yet
ness that is to be brought to you fleshly . For whereas there are
at the revelation of Jesus Christ . jealousy and strife among you,
As obedient children, quit being are you not fleshly and are you
fashioned according to the de-
sires you formerly had in your not walking as men do?"
ignorance, but, in accord with the Maliciously Criticizing Others'
holy one who called you, do you Shortcomings Improper
also become holy yourselves in Gal . 6 :1 "Brothers, even though
all your conduct, because it is a man takes some false step be-
written : `You must be holy, be- fore he is aware of it, you who
cause I am holy .'" have spiritual qualifications try
Gossip and Backbiting, Thought- to restore such a man in a spirit
less, Tactless and Unkind of mildness, as you each keep
Remarks Avoided an eye on yourself, for fear you
also may be tempted ."
Jas . 1 :26 "If any man seems Closeness of Family Relationship
to himself to be a formal wor- in Congregation Requires Con-
shiper and yet does not bridle tinued United Effort Abounding
his tongue, but goes on deceiving in Love
his own heart, this man's form Col . 3 :12-14 "Accordingly, as
of worship is futile ." God's chosen ones, holy and loved,
277 New-World Living
clothe yourselves with the tender eaters of flesh : for the drunkard
affections of compassion, kind- and the glutton shall come to
ness, lowliness of mind, mildness poverty ; and drowsiness will
and longsuffering . Continue put- clothe a man with rags ."
ting up with one another and 1 Tim. 5 :23 "Do not drink
forgiving one another freely if water any longer, but use a little
anyone has a cause for complaint wine for the sake of your stomach
against another. Even as Jeho- and your frequent cases of sick-
vah freely forgave you, so do ness."
you also . But, besides all these 1 Tim . 3 :8 "Ministerial servants
things, clothe yourselves with should likewise be serious, not
love, for it is a perfect bond of double-tongued, not giving them-
union ." selves to a lot of wine ."
Phil. 1 :27, 28 "Only behave in Rom . 14 :21 "It is well not to
a manner worthy of the good eat flesh or to drink wine or do
news about the Christ . . . stand- anything over which your brother
ing firm in one spirit, with
. one stumbles ."
soul fighting side by side for the Individual Decision Necessary as
faith of the good news, and in to Choice of Entertainment, Re-
no respect being frightened by membering Christ Is Model
your opponents . This very thing Col . 3 :17 "And whatever it is
is a proof of destruction for them, that you do in word or in work,
but of salvation for you ; and do everything in the name of the
this indication is from God ." Lord Jesus, thanking God the
Gal. 6 :2 "Go on carrying the Father through him."
burdens of one another, and thus 1 Cor. 10 :31 "Therefore, wheth-
fulfill the law of the Christ ." er you are eating or drinking or
Personal Family Dissensions, doing anything else, do all things
Contentiousness Should Be for God's glory ."
Overcome 1 Pet . 2 :21 "In fact, to this
course you were called, because
Col. 3 :18-21 "You wives, be in even Christ suffered for you,
subjection to your husbands, as leaving you a model for you to
it is becoming in the Lord . You follow his steps closely ."
husbands, keep on loving your One's Own Conscience, Trained
wives and do not be bitterly
angry with them . You children, in God's Word, to Determine
Choice as to Work and Other
be obedient to your parents in Such Activities
everything, for this is well-pleas-
ing in the Lord. You fathers, Acts 24:16 "In this respect, in-
do not be exasperating your chil- deed, I am exercising myself con-
dren, so that they do not become tinually to have a consciousness
downhearted ." of committing no offense against
God and men ."
Balanced Viewpoint Maintained Rom. 14 :4 "Who are you to
Through Proper Moderation in judge the house servant of
Eating, Drinking another? To his own master he
Phil . 4 :5, 6 "Let your reason- stands or falls . Indeed, he will
ableness become known to all be made to stand, for Jehovah
men. . . . Do not be anxious over can make him stand ."
anything, but in everything by 1 Cor . 10 :29, 30 "Why should
prayer and supplication along it be that my freedom is judged
by another person's conscience?
with thanksgiving let your peti- If I am partaking with thanks,
tions be made known to God ." why am I to bespoken of abusive-
Prov . 23 :20, 21 "Be not among ly over that for which I give
winebibbers, among gluttonous thanks?"
New-World Living 278
1 Tim . 3 :9 "Holding the sacred the nations when you proceeded
secret of the faith with a clean in deeds of loose conduct, lusts,
conscience ." excesses with wine, revelries,
Not to Cheat Employer but Give drinking matches, and idolatries
Full Day's Work that are without legal restraint.
Because you do not continue run-
Col . 3 :22-25 "You slaves, be ning with them in this course
obedient in everything to those to the same low sink of de-
who are your masters in a flesh- bauchery, they are puzzled and
ly sense, not with acts of eye- go on speaking abusively of you .
service, as men-pleasers, but with But these people will render an
sincerity of heart, with fear of account to the one ready to judge
Jehovah . Whatever you are doing, those living and those dead ."
work at it whole-souled as to 1 Pet. 3 :16, 17 "Hold a good
Jehovah, and not to men, for you conscience, so that in the partic-
know that it is from Jehovah you ular in which you are spoken
will receive the due reward of the against they may get ashamed
inheritance . You are slaves to who are speaking slightingly of
the Master Christ . Certainly the your good conduct in connection
man that is doing unrighteous- with Christ . For it is better to
ness will receive back what he suffer because you are doing good,
unrighteously did, and there is if the will of God wishes it, than
no partiality ." because you are doing evil ."
Godly Conduct Outside the Or- Compromising Righteous Princi-
ganization Imperative ples Is Beginning of Apostasy
1 Tim . 6 :1 "Let as many as Col. 1 :23 "Continue in the
are slaves under a yoke keep on
considering their owners worthy faith, established on the founda-
of full honor, that the name of tion and steadfast and not being
God and the teaching may never shifted away from the hope of
be spoken of injuriously ." that good news which you heard,
and which was preached in all
1 Tim . 3 :7 "Moreover, he creation that is under heaven ."
should also have a favorable tes-
timony from people on the out- 1 Tim. 1 :18-20 "Go on waging
side, in order that he might not the right warfare, holding faith
fall into reproach and a snare and a good conscience, which
of the Devil ." some have thrust aside and have
experienced shipwreck concerning
Must Be Example of New-World their faith . Hymenaeus and Alex-
Living, Not Compromising with ander belong to these, and I have
Uncleanness Just to Appear handed them over to Satan that
"Good Fellow" they may be taught by discipline
Eph . 5 :1, 3, 4 "Therefore, be- not to blaspheme ."
come imitators of God, as beloved 2 Tim . 2 :18, 19 "These very
children . Let fornication and un- men have deviated from the
cleanness of every kind or greed- truth, saying that the resurrec-
iness not even be mentioned tion has already occurred, and
among you, just as it befits holy
people, neither shameful conduct they are subverting the faith of
nor foolish talking nor obscene some . For all that, the solid foun-
jesting, things which are not be- dation of God stays standing,
coming, but rather the giving of having this seal, `Jehovah knows
thanks." those who belong to him,' and,
1 Pet. 4 :3-5 "For the time that `Let everyone mentioning the
has passed by is sufficient for you name of Jehovah renounce un-
to have worked out the will of righteousness .'"
2'79 New-World Living
Mind Must Be Continually Filled Continued Personal Study
with Right Matters Necessary
Phil . 4 :8 "Finally, brothers, 1 Tim . 4 :6 "By giving these
whatever things are true, what- advices to the brothers you will
ever things are of serious concern, be a right kind of minister of
whatever things are righteous, Christ Jesus, one nourished with
whatever things are chaste, what- the words of the faith and of the
ever things are lovable, what- right teaching which you have
ever things are well spoken of, followed closely."
whatever virtue there is and 2 Tim. 2 :15 "Do your utmost
whatever praiseworthy thing to present yourself approved to
there is, continue considering God, a workman with nothing to
these things ." be ashamed of, handling the
Requires Constant Self-Disci- word of the truth aright ."
pline in Even the Smallest Regular Attendance at Congre-
Matters of Daily Living, as gational Meetings Essential to
Children Receive Cor- Receive Full Direction of
rection from a Father Holy Spirit
Heb . 12 :5, 6, 11-17 "'My son, 2 Pet. 1 :20, 21 "No prophecy of
do not belittle the discipline from Scripture springs from any pri-
Jehovah, neither give out when vate release [or, "comes out of
you are corrected by him ; for private disclosure," footnote] . For
whom Jehovah loves he disci- prophecy was at no time brought
plines, in fact he scourges every- by man's will, but men spoke
one whom he receives as a son .' from God as they were borne
True, no discipline seems for the along by holy spirit ."
present to be joyous, but grievous ; Acts 2:46, 47 "And day after
yet afterward to those who have day they were in constant attend-
been trained by it it yields peace- ance at the temple with one ac-
able fruit, namely, righteousness . cord, and they took their meals
Hence lift up the hands that in private homes and partook of
hang down and strengthen the nourishment with great rejoicing
enfeebled knees, and keep making and sincerity of heart, praising
straight paths for your feet, that God and finding acceptance with
what is lame may not be put all the people . At the same time
out of joint, but rather that it Jehovah continued to join to
may be healed . Pursue peace them daily those being saved ."
with all people, and the sancti- Heb. 10:25 "Not forsaking the
fication without which no man gathering of ourselves together,
will see the Lord, carefully watch- as some have the custom, but
ing that no one may be deprived encouraging one another, and all
of the undeserved kindness of the more so as you behold the
God ; that no poisonous root may day drawing near ."
spring up and cause trouble and Association in a Social Way with
many be defiled by it ; that there Those Outside the Truth
may be no fornicator nor anyone Is Dangerous
not appreciating sacred things,
like Esau, who in exchange for 1 Cor . 15 :33 "Do not be misled .
one meal gave away his rights Bad associations spoil useful hab-
as firstborn . For you know that its ."
afterward also when he wanted 2 Cor . 6 :14 . 15 "Do not become
to inherit the blessing he was unevenly yoked with unbelievers .
rejected, for, although he ear- For what partnership do right-
nestly sought a change of mind eousness and lawlessness have?
with tears, he found no place Or what fellowship does light
for it ." have with darkness? Further,
Prayer 280
what harmony is there between cause Jehovah descended upon
Christ and Belial? Or what por- it in fire ; and the smoke thereof
tion does a faithful person have ascended as the smoke of a fur-
with an unbeliever?" nace, and the whole mount
Associate with Christian Broth- quaked greatly. And when the
ers ; Help, Edify One Another voice of the trumpet waxed
louder and louder, Moses spake,
Acts 2 :42 "And they continued and God answered him by a
devoting themselves to the teach- voice ."
ing of the apostles and to asso- Heb . 12 :18, 19, 22-24 "For you
ciation together, to taking of have not approached that which
meals and to prayers ." can be felt and which has been
1 Thess . 5 :11 "Therefore keep set aflame with fire, and a dark
comforting one another and cloud and thick darkness and a
building one another up, just as tempest, and the blare of a
you are in fact doing ." trumpet and the voice of words,
Luke 24 :32 "And they said to on hearing which voice the peo-
each other : `Were not our hearts ple implored that no word should
burning as he was speaking to be added to them . But you have
us on the road, as he was fully approached a mount Zion and a
opening up the Scriptures to city of the living God, heavenly
us?' " Jerusalem, and myriads of angels,
Heb . 2 :17 "Consequently he was in general assembly, and the con-
obliged to become like his 'broth- gregation of the firstborn who
ers' in all respects, that he might have been enrolled in the heav-
become a merciful and faithful ens, and God the Judge of all,
high priest in things pertaining and the spiritual lives of right-
to God, in order to offer pro- eous ones who have been made
pitiatory sacrifice for the sins of perfect, and Jesus the mediator
the people." of a new covenant, and the blood
Heb . 3 :13 "Keep on exhorting of sprinkling which speaks in a
one another each day, as long as better way than Abel's blood."
it may be called `Today' ."
Full and Complete Giving of
Modern Assembly of New World Self Certain to Bring
Society of Far Greater Signif- God's Reward
icance and Awe-inspiring Splen-
dor than Assembly of Israel Mal. 3 :10 "Bring ye the whole
at Mt . Sinai tithe into the store-house, that
there may be food in my house,
Ps. 68 :8 "The earth trembled, and prove me now herewith, saith
the heavens also dropped rain at
the presence of God : yon Sinai Jehovah of hosts, if I will not
trembled at the presence of God, open you the windows of heaven,
the God of Israel ." and pour you out a blessing, that
Ex. 19 :18, 19 "And mount Si- there shall not be room enough
nai, the whole of it, smoked, be- to receive it."

True prayer is an earnest petition, offered to the right one, in the
right manner, and on right matters . Prayers of the Christian are
offered only to Jehovah God as the Right One, the Supreme One of
the universe . Prayer is therefore offered reverently, with proper

281 Prayer
recognition of the supremacy of the one being addressed and the
inferiority of the one praying. The right manner of approach is only
through and in the name of Jesus Christ . Prayers are recognized
only in request for those things that are right matters as authorized
by Jehovah himself . Failure in any one of the three essentials will
render the prayer unacceptable . Only prayers of the righteous are
answered .
Prayer Properly Directed Only 1 Tim. 2 :5 "For there is one
to Jehovah God God, and one mediator between
Ps . 5 :1, 2 "Give ear to my God and men, a man Christ
words, 0 Jehovah, consider my Jesus ."
meditation . Hearken unto the Prayer to God Directed Only
voice of my cry, my King, and Through and in Name of
my God ; for unto thee do I Jesus Christ
pray." John 14 :6, 14 "Jesus said to
Ps. 65 :1, 2 "Praise waiteth for him : 'I am the way and the
thee, 0 God, in Zion ; and unto truth and the life . No one comes
thee shall the vow be performed . to the Father except through me .
O thou that hearest prayer, unto If you ask anything in my name,
thee shall all flesh come ." I will do it .' "
Ps . 143 :1 "Hear my prayer,
O Jehovah ; give ear to my sup- John 16 :23-27 "In that day
plications : in thy faithfulness you will ask in my name, and I
answer me, and in thy righteous- do not say to you that I shall
ness." make request of the Father con-
cerning you . For the Father him-
Matt . 6 :9 "You must pray, then, self has affection for you, because
this way : 'Our Father in the you have had affection for me
heavens .' " and have believed that I came
Phil . 4 :6 "Do not be anxious out as the Father's representa-
over anything, but in everything tive ."
by prayer and supplication along Rom . 16 :27 "To God wise alone
with thanksgiving let your peti- be the glory through Jesus Christ
tions be made known to God." forever . Amen ."
Not to Idols, "Saints" or Properly Closed with "Amen"
Creatures 1 Cor. 14:16 "Otherwise, if you
Ps . 115 :4-6 "Their idols are offer praise with a gift of the
silver and gold, the work of men's spirit, how will the man occupy-
hands . . . . They have ears, but ing the seat of the ordinary per-
they hear not ." son say Amen to your giving of
1 Cor . 8 :4-6 "Now concerning thanks?"
. foods offered to idols, we know Rev. 5 :14 "And the four living
that an idol is nothing in the creatures went to saying, 'Amen!'
world and that there is no God and the persons of advanced age
but one . For even though there fell down and worshiped ."
are those who are called 'gods', 1 Chron . 16:36 "Blessed be Je-
whether in heaven or on earth, hovah, the God of Israel, from
just as there are many 'gods' and everlasting even to everlasting .
many 'lords', there is actually to And all the people said, Amen,
us one God the Father ." and praised Jehovah ."
Isa . 45 :20 "They have no knowl- Ps . 72 :19, 20 "And blessed be
edge that carry the wood of their his glorious name for ever ; and
graven image, and pray unto a let the whole earth be filled with
god that cannot save." his glory . Amen, and Amen. The
Prayer 282
prayers of David the son of Jesse shipers will worship the Father
are ended ." with spirit and truth ."
Also : Deut . 27 :14-26 ; Ps. 41 :13 ; Ps . 145 :18 "Jehovah is nigh un-
89 :52 ; Gal . 6 :18 ; Jude 25 . to all them that call upon him,
Jehovah's Power to Hear and to all that call upon him in
Answer Prayer Unlimited truth .'
Practice of Using Rosaries and
Isa . 65:24 "And it shall come Similar "Aids" in Repetition
to pass that, before they call, I Forbidden
will answer ; and while they are
yet speaking, I will hear." Matt . 6 :7, 8 "But when praying,
Eph . 3 :20, 21 "Now to the one do not say the same things over
who can, according to his power and over again, just as the peo-
which is operating in us, do more ple of the nations do, for they
than superabundantly beyond all imagine they will get a hearing
the things we ask or conceive, to for their use of many words . So,
him be the glory." do not make yourselves like them,
for God your Father knows what
Great Prayer Test Shows Jeho- things you are needing before
hovah's Superiority in Hearing ever you ask him ."
and Answering Prayer Acts 19 :34 "When they recog-
1 Ki . 18 :20-40 "And they took nized that he was a Jew, one
the bullock which was given them, cry arose from them all as they
and they dressed it, and called shouted for about two hours :
on the name of Baal from morn- 'Great is Artemis of the Ephe-
ing even until noon, saying, 0 sians!' "
Baal, hear us . But there was no Manner of Posture in Prayer Not
voice, nor any that answered . Prescribed or Limited
And they leaped about the altar
which was made. . . . And they 2 Chron . 6 :12, 14 "And he [Sol-
cried aloud, and cut themselves omon] stood before the altar of
after their manner with knives Jehovah in the presence of all
and lances, till the blood gushed the assembly of Israel, and spread
out upon them . . . . but there was forth his hands and he said, 0
neither voice, nor any to answer, Jehovah, the God of Israel, there
nor any that regarded . . . . And it is no God like thee, in heaven,
came to pass at the time of the or on earth."
offering of the evening oblation . 1 Sam . 1 :12, 13 "And it came
that Elijah the prophet came to pass, as she continued praying
near, and said . . . . Hear me, 0 Je- before Jehovah, that Eli marked
hovah, hear me, that this people her mouth . Now Hannah, she
may know that thou, Jehovah, spake in her heart ; only her
art God, and that thou hast lips moved, but her voice was not
turned their heart back again . heard ."
Then the fire of Jehovah fell, Neh. 8 :6 "And Ezra blessed
and consumed the burnt-offering, Jehovah, the great God ; and
and the wood, and the stones, and all the people answered, Amen,
the dust, and licked up the water Amen, with the lifting up of their
that was in the trench . And hands : and they bowed their
when all the people saw it, they heads, and worshipped Jehovah
fell on their faces : and they said, with their faces to the ground ."
Jehovah, he is God ." Dan . 6 :10 "Daniel . kneeled
upon his knees three times a day,
Prayer Should Be Reverent, in and prayed, and gave thanks be-
Spirit and Truth fore his God ."
John 4 :23 "On the contrary, Matt . 26 :39 "And going a little
the hour is coining, and it is way forward, he fell upon his
now, when the genuine wor- face, praying ."
283 Prayer
Mark 11 :25 "When you stand Rom. 12 :12 "Rejoice in the
praying, forgive ." hope ahead . Endure under tribu-
Luke 22:41 "And he himself lation . Persevere in prayer ."
drew away from them about a Hypocritical Public Prayers
stone's throw, and bent his knees Condemned
and began to pray."
John 11 :41 "Now Jesus raised Matt. 6 :5, 6 "Also when you
his eyes heavenward and said : pray, you must not be as the
'Father, I thank you that you hypocrites ; because they like to
have heard me .'" pray standing in the synagogues
Eph. 6 :18 "While with every and on the corners of the broad
form of prayer and supplication ways to be visible to men . Truly
you carry on prayer on every I say to you, They are having
occasion in spirit ." their reward in full . You, how-
ever, when you pray, go into your
1 Tim. 2 :8 "Therefore I desire private room and, after shutting
that in every place the men carry your door, pray to your Father
on prayer, lifting up hands of who is in secret ; then your Fa-
loving-kindness ." ther who looks on in secret will
When Leading in Prayer Women repay you."
Should Have Head Covered ; Luke 18 :9-14 "Two men went
Men, Head Uncovered up into the temple to pray, the
1 Cor. 11 :4, 5, 7, 10, 16 "Every one a Pharisee and the other a
man that prays or prophesies tax collector . The Pharisee stood
having something on his head and began to pray these things
shames the one who is his head ; to himself : '0 God, I thank you
but every woman that prays or I am not as the rest of men,
prophesies with her head unveiled extortioners, unrighteous, adul-
shames the one who is her head, terers, or even as this tax collec-
for it is one and the same as if tor . I fast twice a week, I give
she were a woman with a shaved the tenth of all things I acquire .'"
head . For a man ought not to Mark 12 :40 "They are the ones
have his head veiled, as he is devouring the houses of the wid-
God's image and glory ; but the ows and for a pretext making
woman is man's glory . That is long prayers ; these will receive
why the woman ought to have a heavier judgment."
a sign of authority upon her Congregational Prayers
head because of the angels . How- Acceptable
ever, if any man seems to dis-
pute for some other custom, we Acts 1 :14 "With one accord
have no other, neither do the all these were persisting in prayer .
congregations of God ." together with some women and
Mary the mother of Jesus and
Perseverance in Prayer with his brothers ."
Encouraged Acts 4 :23-31 "Upon hearing this
Col . 4 :2 "Be persevering in they with one accord raised their
prayer, remaining awake in it voices to God and said : 'Sov-
with thanksgiving ." ereign Lord, you are the One who
Luke 18 :1-8 "Then he went on made the heaven and the earth
to tell them an illustration with and the sea and all the things in
regard to the need for them al- them,' . . . And when they had
ways to pray and not to give up, made supplication, the place in
. . .'Certainly, then, shall not God which they were assembled was
cause justice to be done to his shaken, and they were one and
chosen ones who cry aloud to him all filled with the holy spirit and
day and night, even though he is were speaking the word of God
longsuffering toward them?'" with boldness ."
Prayer 284
Acts 20 :36 "And when he had For knowledge
said these things, he kneeled Ps . 119 :66 "Teach me good
down with all of them and judgment and knowledge ; for I
prayed." have believed in thy command-
1 Ki . 8 :22, 23 "And Solomon ments ."
stood before the altar of Jehovah For understanding
in the presence of all the assem-
bly of Israel, and spread forth 1 Ki . 3 :7, 9 "0 Jehovah my
his hands toward heaven ; and God. . . . Give thy servant there-
he said, 0 Jehovah, the God of fore an understanding heart to
Israel, there is no God like thee, judge thy people, that I may dis-
in heaven above, or on earth cern between good and evil ."
beneath ." In praise
Jesus Showed Order of Impor- Dan . 2 :23 "I thank thee, and
tance of Right Matters praise thee, 0 thou God of my
Matt. 6 :9-13 "Our Father in the fathers, who hast given me wis-
heavens, let your name be sanc- dom and might ."
tified. Let your kingdom come. In thanksgiving
Let your will come to pass, as 1 Thess . 5 :17, 18 "Pray Inces-
in heaven, also upon earth . Give
us today our bread for this day ; santly . In connection with every-
and forgive us our debts, as we thing give thanks."
also have forgiven our debtors . At meals
And do not bring us into temp-
tation, but deliver us from the Luke 24 :30 "As he was reclin-
wicked one ." ing with them at the meal he
Other Right Matters and Occa- took the loaf, blessed it, broke it
sions for Prayer and began to hand it to them ."
For food At Memorial
Prov . 30 :7-9 "Two things have 1 Cor . 11 :23, 24 "The Lord Je-
I asked of thee ; . . . give me nei- sus in the night in which he was
ther poverty nor riches ; feed me going to be handed over took a
with the food that is needful loaf and, after giving thanks, he
for me : lest I be full, and deny broke it and said : 'This means
thee, and say, Who is Jehovah? my body .'"
or lest I be poor, and steal ."
For forgiveness For congregation
Mark 11 :25 "And when you Num . 21 :7 "And the people
stand praying, forgive whatever came to Moses, and said, We
you have against anyone, in or- have sinned, because we have
der that your Father who is in spoken against Jehovah, and
the heavens may also forgive against thee ; pray unto Jehovah,
you your trespasses." that he take away the serpents
Against temptation from us. And Moses prayed for
Matt . 26 :41 "Keep on the watch the people ."
and praying, that you may not For family
enter into temptation ." Job 1 :5 "Job . . . rose up early
To know God's will in the morning, and offered burnt-
Ps . 25 :4, 5 "Show me thy ways, offerings according to the number
O Jehovah ; teach me thy paths . of them all : for Job said, It may
Guide me in thy truth, and teach be that my sons have sinned, and
me ." renounced God in their hearts ."
285 Prayer
For friends Prayers for World Affairs Un-
Job 42 :10 "And Jehovah turned answered Since Asked Amiss
the captivity of Job, when he John 17 :9 "I make request con-
prayed for his friends." cerning them ; I make request,
For theocratic ministers not concerning the world, but
concerning those you have given
Rom. 15 :30-32 "Now I exhort me ."
you, brothers, through our Lord Jas . 4 :3, 4 "You do ask, and
Jesus Christ and through the yet you do not receive, because
love of the spirit, that you exert you are asking for a wrong pur-
yourselves with me in prayers pose, that you may expend it
to God for me, that I may be upon your cravings for sensual
delivered from the unbelievers in pleasure. Adulteresses, do you not
Judea and that my ministry know that the friendship with
which is for Jerusalem may prove the world is enmity with God?"
to be acceptable to the holy Isa . 1 :15 "And when ye spread
ones." forth your hands, I will hide mine
For persecuted eyes from you ; yea, when ye
make many prayers, I will not
Acts 12 :5 "Consequently Peter hear : your hands are full of
was being kept in the prison ; but blood ."
prayer to God for him was being
carried on intensely by the con- Prayers for Rulers' Favorable
gregation ." Action Toward Ministry
For peace of organization
1 Tim . 2 :1-4 "I therefore ex-
Ps . 122 :6 "Pray for the peace hort first of all that supplications,
of Jerusalem : they shall prosper prayers, intercessions, offerings of
that love thee ." thanks, be made concerning all
For spiritually sick kinds of men, concerning kings
and all those who are in high
Jas . 5 :13-15 "Is there anyone station, in order that we may
suffering evil among you? Let go on leading a calm and quiet
him carry on prayer . . . . Is there life with full godly devotion and
anyone sick among you? Let him seriousness . This is right and ac-
call the older men of the congre- ceptable in the sight of our
gation to him, and let them Savior ."
pray over him ." Jer. 29 :7 "And seek the peace
For persecutors of the city whither I have caused
Matt . 5 :44 "However, I say to you to be carried away captive,
you : Continue to love your ene- and pray unto Jehovah for it ;
mies and to pray for those per- for in the peace thereof shall ye
secuting you ." have peace ."
Ezra 6 :1-10 "That they may
For deliverance offer sacrifices of sweet savor un-
Ps . 143 :9 "Deliver me, 0 Je- to the God of heaven, and pray
hovah, from mine enemies : I flee for the life of the king, and of
unto thee to hide me ." his sons ."
Neh . 1 :11-2 :8 "0 Lord, I be-
For destruction of wicked seech thee, let now thine ear
Ps . 59 :5, 13 "0 Jehovah God be attentive to the prayer of thy
of hosts, the God of Israel, arise servant . . . . and prosper, I pray
to visit all the nations : be not thee, thy servant this day, and
merciful to any wicked trans- grant him mercy in the sight of
gressors . Consume them in wrath, this man ." "Now I was cupbearer
consume them, so that they shall to the king . . . . Then the king
be no more ." said unto me, For what dost thou
Purgatory 286
make request? So I prayed to the and I will not hear, said Jehovah
God of heaven. And I said unto of hosts ."
the king . . . . And the king granted Only Righteous Ones Among
me, according to the good hand "Strangers" or "Dedicated"
of my God upon me ." Ones Are Heard in Prayer
Acts 26:28-32 "At this Paul said
[to King Agrippa] : 'I could wish Prov. 15:8 "The sacrifice of
to God that whether in a short the wicked is an abomination to
time or in a long time not only Jehovah ; but the prayer of the
you but also all those who hear upright is his delight ."
me today would become men such 1 Pet. 3 :12 "For Jehovah's eyes
as I also am, with the exception are upon the righteous and his
of these bonds .' And the king ears are toward their supplica-
rose . . . saying : `This man prac- tion, but Jehovah's face is against
tices nothing deserving death or those doing injurious things ."
bonds.'" Ps . 34 :15, 17 "The eyes of Je-
Col . 4:3 "At the same time hovah are toward the righteous,
praying also for us, that God and his ears are open unto their
may open a door of utterance to cry . The righteous cried, and Je-
us, to speak the sacred secret hovah heard, and delivered them
about the Christ ." out of all their troubles ."
Also : Esther 4 :16 : 5 :2 . Isa . 56 :6, 7 "Also the foreigners
that join themselves to Jehovah,
Prayers of Wicked Unanswered to minister unto him, and to love
Prov . 15 :29 "Jehovah is far the name of Jehovah, to be his
from the wicked ; but he heareth servants, . . . even them will I
the prayer of the righteous ." bring to my holy mountain, and
Prov . 28 :9 "He that turneth make them joyful in my house
away his ear from hearing the of prayer ."
law, even his prayer is an abom- Acts 10 :30, 31 "Accordingly
ination ." Cornelius said : `Four days ago
Mic . 3 :4 "Then shall they cry counting from this hour I was
unto Jehovah, but he will not an- praying in my house at the ninth
swer them ; yea, he will hide his hour, when, look! a man in bright
face from them at that time, ac- raiment stood before me and
cording as they have wrought evil said : "Cornelius, your prayer has
in their doings ." been favorably heard." ' "
Zech. 7 :12, 13 "Yea, they made 1 John 3 :22 "Whatever we ask
their hearts as an adamant stone, we receive from him, because we
lest they should hear the law, are observing his commandments
and the words which Jehovah of and are doing the things that
hosts had sent by his spirit by are pleasing in his eyes ."
the former prophets : therefore Prov . 15 :8 "The sacrifice of
there came great wrath from Je- the wicked is an abomination to
hovah of hosts. And it is come to Jehovah ; but the prayer of the
pass that, as he cried, and they upright is his delight ."
would not hear, so they shall cry, Also : Jer . 29 :12, 13 ; Matt. 7 :8 .

"Purgatory (Lat ., purgare, to make clean, to purify) in accordance
with Catholic teaching is a place or condition of temporal punish-
ment for those who, departing this life in God's grace, are not en-

287 Purgatory
tirely free from venial faults, or have not fully paid the satisfaction
due to their transgressions . . . . The souls therein detained are helped
by the suffrages of the faithful, but principally by the acceptable
sacrifice of the altar ." (The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume XII)
A false doctrine.
"Whatever the views of some Church fathers on the subject, as a
doctrine [purgatory] was unknown in the Christian Church for the
first 600 years, and it does not appear to have been made an article of
faith until the 10th century Purgatory as a burning-away of sins,'
said Doellinger at the Bonn Conference of Old Catholics in 1875, `was
an idea unknown in the East as well as the West till Gregory the
Great [pope 595-6041 introduced it . . . . Gregory the Great added the
idea of a tormenting fire .'" (McClintock and Strong's Cyclopcedia,
Volume VIII, 1879 edition) Nowhere in any Catholic Bible translation
is "purgatory" named . No Scripture text makes mention of a soul
in "purgatory".
Traditions of Men No Authority being more abundantly zealous
as to Truthfulness of a Doctrine ; for the traditions of my fathers ."
God's Word the Bible Is Col . 2 :8, Dy "Beware lest any
the True Guide man cheat you by philosophy and
Matt . 15 :1-9, Dy "Then came to vain deceit ; according to the tra-
him from Jerusalem scribes and dition of men, according to the
Pharisees, saying : Why do thy elements of the world and not
disciples transgress the tradition according to Christ ."
of the ancients? For they wash John 8 :31, 32, Dy "Then Jesus
not their hands when they eat said to those Jews who believed
bread . But he answering, said to him : If you continue in my word,
them : Why do you also trans- you shall be my disciples indeed,
gress the commandment of God And you shall know the truth,
for your tradition? . . . Hypocrites, and the truth shall make you
well hath Isaias prophesied of free ."
you, saying : This people honour- Isa . 8:20, Dy "To the law rath-
eth me with their lips : but their er, and to the testimony, And if
heart is far from me. And in vain they speak not according to this
do they worship me, teaching word, they shall not have the
doctrines and commandments of morning light ."
men ." No Soul Is Conscious After
Gal . 1 :10-16, Dy "I give you to Death to tory" Tormented in
understand, brethren, that the P the
. Hence
gospel which was preached by me Payers for
is not according to man . For nei- Dead
ther did I receive it of man, nor plish
h NNothing
did I learn it but by the revela-
tion of Jesus Christ. For you Ezek . 18 :4, Dy "Behold all
have heard of my conversation in souls are mine : as the soul of
time past in the Jews' religion : the father, so also the soul of
how that, beyond measure, I per- the son is mine : the soul that
secuted the church of God and sinneth, the same shall die ."
wasted it . And I made progress Eccl . 9 :10, Dy "Whatsoever thy
in the Jews' religion above many hand is able to do, do it earnest-
of my equals in my own nation, ly : for neither work, nor reason,
Purgatory 288
nor wisdom, nor knowledge, shall should no longer go on being
be in hell, whither thou art slaves to sin . For he who has died
hastening ." has been acquitted from his sin ."]
Isa . 38 :18, Dy "For hell shall Acts 13 :38, 39, Dy "Through
not confess to thee, neither shall [Jesus] forgiveness of sins is
death praise thee : nor shall they
that go down into the pit look preached to you : and from all the
for thy truth ." things from which you could
Also see "Soul" . not be justified by the law of
Moses . In him every one that
If Souls Were Already Alive and
Cleansed by "Purgatory", Res- believeth is justified ." [NW :
urrection (or Raising Up Again "Through this One a forgive-
to Life) Would Not Be ness of sins is being published
Necessary to you ; and that from all the
John 5 :28, 29, Dy "Wonder not things from which you could not
at this : for the hour cometh, be declared guiltless by means of
wherein all that are in the graves the law of Moses, everyone who
shall hear the voice of the Son believes is declared guiltless by
of God. And they that have done means of this One."]
good things shall come forth
unto the resurrection of life : but Sins of Mankind Cleansed Com-
they that have done evil, unto pletely Only by the Blood
the resurrection of judgment ." of Jesus
Matt. 22 :31, 32, Dy "And con- Isa . 1 :18, Dy "And then come
cerning the resurrection of the
dead, have you not read that and accuse me, saith the Lord. If
which was spoken by God, say- your sins be as scarlet, they shall
ing to you : I am the God of be made as white as snow : and if
Abraham and the God of Isaac they be red as crimson, they shall
and the God of Jacob? He is not be white as wool ."
the God of the dead but of the Apoc. 7 :9, 14, Dy "After this,
living." I saw a great multitude . . . . stand-
John 11 :25, 26, Dy "Jesus said ing before the throne and in
to her : I am the resurrection sight of the Lamb, clothed with
and the life : he that believeth
in me, although he be dead, shall white robes . . . . These are they
live : and every one that liveth who . . . have washed their robes,
and believeth in me shall not die and have made them white in the
for ever." blood of the Lamb."
Man's Sins Must Be Forgiven Heb. 9 :22, Dy "And almost all
When Alive, Because Whether things, according to the law, are
Dead in Christ or Asleep in cleansed with blood : and with-
Death, Sin Is Accounted out shedding of blood there is no
Inactive remission ."
Rom . 6 :6, 7, Dy "Knowing this, 1 John 1 :7, 9, Dy "But if we
that our old man is crucified with walk in the light, as he also is
him, that the body of sin may in the light, we have fellowship
be destroyed, to the end that we one with another : and the blood
may serve sin no longer . For he of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth
that is dead is justified from sin ."
[NW : "Because we know that us from all sin. If we confess our
our old personality was impaled sins, he is faithful and just, to
with him, that our sinful body forgive us our sins and to cleanse
might be made inactive, that we us from all iniquity."
289 Purgatory
"Cleansing Fire" Used Symboli- that which is laid : which is
cally to Show Testing of Faith Christ Jesus. Now, if any man
and Integrity in Perfecting God's build upon this foundation, gold,
Servants for Service, Not Just silver, precious stones, wood, hay,
for the Sake of Their Own stubble : every man's work shall
Forgiveness be manifest. For the day of the
Isa . 6 :5-9, Dy "And I said : Lord shall declare it, because it
Woe is me, because I have held shall be revealed in fire . And the
my peace ; because I am a man fire shall try every man's work,
of unclean lips, and I dwell in of what sort it is . If any man's
the midst of a people that hath work abide, which he hath built
unclean lips, and I have seen thereupon, he shall receive a re-
with my eyes the King the Lord ward . If any man's work burn,
of hosts . And one of the sera- he shall suffer loss : but he him-
phims flew to me : and in his self shall be saved, yet so as by
hand was a live coal, which he fire ."
had taken with the tongs off the 1 Pet . 1 :7, Dy "That the trial
altar. And he touched my mouth, of your faith (much more pre-
and said : Behold this hath cious than gold which is tried by
touched thy lips, and thy iniq- the fire) may be found unto
uities shall be taken away, and praise and glory and honour at
thy sin shall be cleansed . And the appearing of Jesus Christ ."
I heard the voice of the Lord, [NW : "In order that the tested
saying : Whom shall I send, and quality of your faith, of much
who shall go for us? And I said : greater value than gold that
Lo, here am I . Send me. And perishes despite its being proved
he said : Go." by fire, may be found a cause
Mal . 3 :1-3, Dy "The Lord whom for praise and glory and honor at
you seek, and the angel of the the revelation of Jesus Christ ."]
testament whom you desire shall Jude 22, 23, Dy "And some in-
come to his temple. Behold he deed reprove, being judged : but
cometh, saith the Lord of hosts . others save, putting them out of
And who shall be able to think the fire ." [NW : "Also continue
of the day of his coming? and showing mercy to some that have
who shall stand to see him? for doubts ; save them by snatching
he is like a refining fire and like them out of the fire ."]
the fuller's herb . And he shall sit Amos 4 :11, Dy "I destroyed
refining and cleansing the silver, some of you, as God destroyed
and he shall purify the sons of Sodom and Gomorrha, and you
Levi and shall refine them as gold were as a firebrand plucked out
and as silver : and they shall offer of the burning : yet you returned
sacrifices to the Lord in justice ." not to me, saith the Lord ."
Heb . 9:14, Dy "How much more "Fire of Persecution" Means
shall the blood of Christ, who by Sharing with Christ in
the Holy Ghost offered himself His Suffering
unspotted unto God, cleanse our
conscience from dead works, to 1 Pet . 4 :12, 13, Dy "Dearly be-
serve the living God?" loved, think not strange the burn-
ing heat which is to try you : as
"Cleansing Fire" Is Shown to if some new thing happened to
Test Man's Works and Faith you . But if you partake of the
and Purify Him When Liv- sufferings of Christ, rejoice that,
ing, Not After Death . Some when his glory shall be revealed,
Scarcely Saved from "Fire you may also be glad with ex-
of Destruction" ceeding joy ." [NW : `Beloved ones,
1 Cor. 3 :11-15, Dy "For other do not be puzzled at the burning
foundation no man can lay, but among you which is happening to

Faces of Mankind 290

you for a trial, as though a the sufferings of the Christ, that
strange thing were befalling you . you may rejoice and be over-
On the contrary, go on rejoicing joyed also during the revelation
forasmuch as you are sharers in of his glory ."]

Races of Mankind
All humankind, creatures of Jehovah God, with their distinctive
variations of skin color, shape of head, size of skeleton, facial features,
etc ., but all of one created family "kind", generated from the one
father, Adam, who was originally created by God . All may freely and
without difficulty intermarry and reproduce, thus proving they are of
one "kind", from one father .
Created by Jehovah God beginning made them male and
Gen . 1 :26, 28 "God said, Let us female [Gen . 1 :27] and said : `For
make man [Heb., adam] in our this reason a man will leave his
father and his mother and will
image, after our likeness : . . . and stick to his wife, and the two
God said unto them, Be fruitful, will be one flesh'?" [Gen . 2 :24]
and multiply, and replenish the Gen . 2 :2-4 "And on the seventh
earth, and subdue it ; and have day God finished his work which
dominion over the fish of the sea, he had made ; and he rested on
and over the birds of the heav- the seventh day from all his work
ens, and over every living thing which he had made."
that moveth upon the earth ."
Gen . 2 :7, 21, 22 "And Jehovah Heb . 4:3, 4 "His works were
God formed man of the dust of finished from the foundation of
the ground, and breathed into the world. For in one place he
his nostrils the breath of life ; has said of the seventh day as
and man became a living soul. follows : `And God rested on the
And Jehovah God caused a deep seventh day from all his works .' "
sleep to fall upon the man, and 1 Cor. 15:45-49 "It is even so
he slept ; and he took one of his written : `The first man Adam
ribs, and closed up the flesh in- became a living soul .' The last
stead thereof : and the rib which Adam became a life-giving spirit .
Jehovah God had taken from the Nevertheless, the first is, not that
man made he a woman, and which is spiritual, but that which
brought her unto the man ." is physical. . . . The first man is
Acts 17 :29 "We are the progeny out of the earth and made of
of God ." dust ; . . . As the one made of dust
is, so those made of dust are also ;
Gen . 5 :1, 2 "God created man, . And just as we have borne
in the likeness of God made he the image of the one made of
him : male and female created dust, we shall bear also the image
he them, and blessed them, and of the heavenly one ."
called their name Adam, in the
(lay when they were created ." All :Mankind Sprang from
Adam and Eve
Genesis, Chapters 1, 2, Are Rec- Gen. 3 :20 "And the man called
ords of One Creation, Not his wife's name Eve ; because she
Separate Creations was the mother of all living ."
Matt . 19 :4, 5 "Did you not read Acts 17 :26 "And he made out
that he who created them at the of one man every nation of men
291 Races of Mankind
to dwell upon the entire surface feet in some way the size of the
of the earth." human body, the shape of the
Cain Married One of His Sisters skull, the texture of skin, slant
of eye, color of hair and so on .
Gen . 5 :4 "And the days of The genes were placed in the
Adam after he begat Seth were species [kinds] by the Creator
eight hundred years : and he be- at creation, together with a defi-
gat sons and daughters ." nite mechanism or orderly proc-
Gen . 4 :16, 17 "And Cain went ess by which they could at dif-
out from the presence of Jeho- ferent times reveal their effects
vah, and dwelt in the land of . . . If there are, as is practically
Nod, on the east of Eden . And certain, multiple factors for color
Cain knew his wife ; and she con- of skin in man, and if Adam and
ceived, and bare Enoch." Eve were mulattos-a shade a
All Present Mankind Descended mixture of black, white, red, and
from Noah's Three Sons and yellow-it is easy for geneticists
Their Wives to see how their color genes could
become grouped and selected by
Gen . 9 :18, 19 "And the sons of climatic influences so as to form
Noah, that went forth from the the various colors of the races ."
ark, were Shem, and Ham, and -After Its Kind, by Byron C .
Japheth : and Ham is the father Nelson (1931) .
of Canaan. These three were the "In the human species [kind]
sons of Noah : and of these was there are variations in the skin,
the whole earth overspread ."
1 Pet . 3 :20 "The ark * in hair and eye colors, in the shape
which a few people, that is, eight and distribution of hair, in the
souls, were carried safely through form of the head, nose and lips,
in stature, in body proportions,
the water ." in the chemical composition of
All Came from 70 Original Fam- the blood, in psychological traits,
ilies or Patriarchal Societies and so on . Each of these traits is
Spread Abroad After the influenced by several or by many
Deluge genes . To be conservative, let us
Genesis, chapter 10, names 70 assume that the human species
family or tribal heads from [kind] has only 1,000 genes and
Noah's three sons (Nimrod, who that each gene has only two vari-
was childless, not counted) . ants. Even on this conservative
Gen . 10 :32 "These are the fam- basis, Mendelian segregation and
ilies of the sons of Noah after recombination would be capable
their generations, in their na- of producing 2` 1 different gene
tions : and of these were the na- combinations in human beings .
tions divided in the earth after "The number 2 10°° is easy to
the flood ." write but is utterly beyond com-
Gen . 10 :25 "And unto Eber prehension ."-Theodosius Dob-
were born two sons : the name of zhansky, professor of zoology, Co-
the one was Peleg ; for in his days lumbia University, in Scientific
was the earth divided ." American, January, 1950 .
Gen . 11 :8 "So Jehovah scattered Black "Race" Not from Curse on
them abroad from thence upon Canaan, Whose Descendants
the face of all the earth : and Were White . Black "Race"
they left off building the city ." from Cush, Canaan's
All "races" Due to Hereditary Brother
Factors in Original Pair Acts 17 :26 "And he made out
"Man, with a set of twenty-four of one man every nation of men,
chromosomes, has perhaps 100,- to dwell upon the entire surface
000 genes, each one able to af- of the earth ."
Races of Mankind 292
Gen . 10 :6 "And the sons of over all, who is rich to all those
Ham : Cush, and Mizraim, and calling upon him ."
Put, and Canaan ." Rom . 15 :10-12 (also Ps . 117 :1)
Gen . 9 :25 "And he [Noah] said, " `Be glad, you nations, with his
Cursed be Canaan ." people.' And again : `Praise Jeho-
Gen . 10 :7 "And the sons of vah, all you nations, and let all
Cush : Seba [Egypt and Ethiopia], the peoples praise him there
and Havilah, and Sabtah, and will be one arising to rule na-
Raamah, and Sabteca ." tions ; on him nations will rest
Gen . 10 :15-19 "And Canaan be- their hope .' "
gat Sidon his first-born, and Heth, Luke 3 :8 "Do not start saying
and the Jebusite, and the Amor- within yourselves, 'As a father
ite, and the Girgashite, and the we have Abraham .' For I say to
Hivite, and the Arkite, and the you that God has power to raise
Smite, and the Arvadite and the up children to Abraham from
Zemarite, and the Hamathite : . . . these stones ."
And the border of the Canaanite Rom . 3 :9-12 "Are we in a better
was from Sidon, as thou goest position? Not at all! For above
toward Gerar, unto Gaza ; as thou we have made the charge that
goest toward Sodom and Gomor- Jews as well as Greeks are all
rah and Admah and Zeboiim, under sin ; just as it is written :
unto Lasha ." `There is not a righteous man,
Fact that All Are Sinners and not even one ; there is not a one
Can Be Ransomed by One Man that understands, there is not a
Proves All Descended from One one that seeks for God . All men
Man, Through Whom Sin Came have deflected, all of them to-
Rom. 5 :12, 14, 17-19 "That is gether have become worthless ;
why, just as through one man sin there is not a one that does good,
entered into the world and death there is not so much as one .' "
through sin, and thus death Rom . 11 :20, 21, 23 "All right!
spread to all men because they For their lack of faith they
had all sinned- . Nevertheless, were broken off, but you are
death ruled as king from Adam standing by faith . Quit having
down to Moses, even over those lofty ideas, but be in fear . For
who had not sinned after the if God did not spare the natural
likeness of the transgression by
Adam. . . . For if by the trespass branches, neither will he spare
of the one man death ruled as you . They also, if they do not
king through that one. . . . So, remain in their lack of faith,
then, as through one trespass the will be grafted in ; for God is
result to men of all kinds was able to graft them in again ."
condemnation, . For just as
through the disobedience of the Gen . 6 :4, 13 "The Nephilim
one man many were constituted were in the earth in those days,
sinners, likewise also through the and also after that, when the
obedience of the one person many sons of God came in unto the
will be constituted righteous." daughters of men, and they bare
Ps . 51 :5 "Behold, I was brought children to them : the same were
forth in iniquity ; and in sin did the mighty men that were of old,
my mother conceive me ." the men of renown. And God
No Nation Is a "Super Race" said unto Noah, The end of all
or Superior Before God flesh is come before me ; for the
Rom . 10 :12 "For there is no earth is filled with violence
distinction between Jew and through them ; and, behold, I will
Greek, for there is the same Lord destroy them with the earth ."
2 93 Ransom
Nations Practicing Genocide Jehovah's Nation and Those
Condemned Blessed with It Are Composed
of Men of All Kinds and of
Ex . 1 :8-10, 16, 22 "Now there Peoples of All Nations
arose a new king over Egypt, who
knew not Joseph . And he said Ps . 33 :12 "Blessed is the nation
whose God is Jehovah ."
unto his people, Behold, the peo- Gal . 3 :28 "There is neither Jew
ple of the children of Israel are nor Greek, there is neither slave
more and mightier than we : nor freeman, there is neither
come, let us deal wisely with male nor female ; for you are all
them, lest they multiply, and it one in union with Christ Jesus ."
come to pass, that, when there Gen . 12 :3 "I will bless them
falleth out any war, they also that bless thee, and him that
curseth thee will I curse : and in
join themselves unto our enemies, thee shall all the families of the
and fight against us, and get earth be blessed ."
them up out of the land . And he Gen . 22 :18 "In thy seed shall
said, When ye do the office of a all the nations of the earth be
midwife to the Hebrew women, blessed ."
and see them upon the birth- Ps . 117 :1 "Oh praise Jehovah,
stool ; if it be a son, then ye all ye nations ; laud him, all ye
shall kill him ; but if it be a peoples ."
1 Tim. 2 :3, 4 "God, whose will
daughter, then she shall live . is that all kinds of men should
And Pharaoh charged all his peo- be saved and come to an accurate
ple, saying, Every son that is knowledge of truth ."
born ye shall cast into the river, Rev. 7 :9 "After these things I
and every daughter ye shall save saw, and, look! a great crowd,
alive.' which no man was able to num-
Ps . 83 :4, 6-8, 17 "They have ber, out of all nations and tribes
and peoples and tongues, stand-
said, Come, and let us cut them ing before the throne and before
off from being a nation ; that the the Lamb."
name of Israel may be no more Rev . 21 :3 "Look! the tent of
in remembrance. The tents of God is with humankind, and he
Edom and the Ishmaelites ; Moab, will reside with them and they
and the Hagarenes ; Gebal, and will be his peoples ."
Ammon, and Amalek ; Philistia John 4 :21, 23 "The hour is
with the inhabitants of Tyre : As- coming when neither in this
syria also is joined with them ; mountain nor in Jerusalem will
you people worship the Father.
they have helped the children of On the contrary, the hour is
Lot . Let them be put to shame coming, and it is now, when the
and dismayed for ever ; yea, let genuine worshipers will worship
them be confounded and perish ." the Father with spirit and truth ."

Ransom as an act means "to redeem from captivity, slavery, punish-
ment, or the like, by paying a price ; to buy out of bondage ; to deliver,
as from sin, its penalty, or the like ; to be the redeemer of" . (Webster's
New International Dictionary) In the Bible a ransom means that

Ransom 294
which buys back, loosens or releases, providing deliverance from
trouble, distress and calamity, or, more especially, releasing from
inherited sin and from prospects of eternal death as a result of sin .
A true Bible doctrine .
Ransom Releases from Trouble 1 John 4 :9, 14 "By this the
and Distress love of God was made manifest
in our case, because God sent
Ex . 6 :6 "Say unto the children forth his only-begotten Son into
of Israel, I am Jehovah, and I the world that we might gain
will bring you out from under life through him . In addition, we
the burdens of the Egyptians,
and I will rid you out of their ourselves have beheld and are
bearing witness that the Father
bondage, and I will redeem you has sent forth his Son as Savior
with an outstretched arm, and of the world ."
with great judgments ." John 17 :3 "This means ever-
Ps. 107 :2, 3 "Let the redeemed lasting life, their taking in knowl-
of Jehovah say so, whom he hath edge of you, the only true God,
redeemed from the hand of the and of the one whom you sent
adversary, and gathered out of forth, Jesus Christ."
the lands, from the east and
from the west, from the north Exact Price Needed for Human
and from the south ." Life Rights Lost
Jer . 31 :10-12 "He that scattered Ex . 21 :23, 24 "Then thou shalt
Israel will gather him, and keep give life for life, eye for eye,
him, as a shepherd doth his flock. tooth for tooth, hand for hand,
For Jehovah hath ransomed Ja- foot for foot."
cob, and redeemed him from the Ezek . 34 :16 "I will seek that
hand of him that was stronger which was lost and will bring
than he." that which was driven away ."
Man Needs a Ransom from In- Luke 19 :10 "For the Son of
herited Sin and Death man came to seek and to save
Ps . 51 :5 "Behold, I was brought what was lost ."
forth in iniquity ; and in sin did Rom . 5 :19 "For just as through
my mother conceive me." the disobedience of the one man
Rom. 5 :12 "That is why, just many were constituted sinners,
as through one man sin entered likewise also through the obe-
into the world and death through dience of the one person many
sin, and thus death spread to will be constituted righteous ."
all men because they had all 1 Tim . 2 :5, 6 "For there is one
sinned ." God, and one mediator between
Ps. 49 :6, 7 "They that trust in God and men, a man Christ Je-
their wealth, and boast them- sus, who gave himself a cor-
selves in the multitude of their responding ransom for all."
riches ; none of them can by Perfect Human Life of Jesus
any means redeem his brother, Christ Meets All Requirements
nor give to God a ransom for
him ." Matt . 1 :20, 21 "Mary . . . will
give birth to a son, and you must
God Makes Provision According call his name `Jesus', for he will
to His Expressed Purpose save his people from their sins ."
John 3 :16, 17 "God . . . gave his Acts 4 :12 "Furthermore, there
only-begotten Son, in order that is no salvation in anyone else,
everyone exercising faith in him for there is not another name
might not be destroyed but have under heaven that has been given
everlasting life . For God sent among men by which we must
forth his Son into the world ." get saved."

2 95 Ransom
Phil . 2 :7, 8 "No, but he emptied passes, according to the riches
himself and took a slave's form of his undeserved kindness."
and came to be in the likeness
of men . More than that, when Available to All Kinds of Men
he found himself in fashion as a of Faith
man, he humbled himself and be- Rom. 5 :18 "So, then, as through
came obedient as far as death, one trespass the result to men of
yes, death on a torture stake ." all kinds was condemnation, like-
1 Pet . 1 :18, 19 "For you know wise also through one act of
that it was not with corruptible justification the result to men of
things, with silver or gold, as a all kinds is a declaring of them
ransom that you were released righteous for life ."
from your fruitless form of con- John 3 :36 "He that exercises
duct received by tradition from faith in the Son has everlasting
your forefathers . But it was with life ; he that disobeys the Son
precious blood, like that of an will not see life, but the wrath
unblemished and spotless lamb, of God remains upon him ."
even Christ's ."
Isa . 53:12 "Therefore will I di- Restores Man to God's Favor and
Brings Life Everlasting
vide him a portion with the
great, and he shall divide the Rom . 3 :23-25 "For all have
spoil with the strong ; because he sinned and fall short of the glory
poured out his soul unto death, of God, and it is as a free gift
and was numbered with the that they are being declared
transgressors : yet he bare the righteous by his undeserved kind-
sin of many, and made inter- ness through the release by the
cession for the transgressors ." ransom paid by Christ Jesus . God
Rev . 5 :9 "You were slaughtered set him forth as an offering for
and with your blood you bought propitiation through faith in his
persons for God out of every blood . This was in order to ex-
tribe and tongue and people and hibit his own righteousness be-
nation ." cause he was forgiving the sins
Heb. 9 :22, 24-26 "Yes, nearly all that occurred in the past while
things are cleansed with blood God was exercising forbearance ."
according to the Law, and unless Rom . 5:8, 10 "But God recom-
blood is poured out no forgiveness mends his own love to us in
takes place . For Christ entered, that, while we were yet sinners,
not into a holy place made with Christ died for us . For if, when
hands which is a copy of the we were enemies, we became rec-
reality, but into heaven itself, onciled to God through the
now to appear before the person death of his Son, much more,
of God for us . Neither is it in now that we have become recon-
order that he should offer himself ciled, we shall be saved by his
often, as indeed the high priest life ."
enters into the holy place from Rom . 6 :23 "For the wages sin
year to year with blood not his pays is death, but the gift God
own. Otherwise, he would have gives is everlasting life by Christ
to suffer often from the world's Jesus our Lord ."
foundation . But now he has man- Col. 1 :19, 20 "God saw good for
ifested himself once for all time all fullness to dwell in him and
at the consummation of the sys- through him to reconcile again to
tems of things to put sin away himself all other things by mak-
through the sacrifice of himself ." ing peace through the blood h- ;
Eph. 1 :7 "By means of him we shed on the torture stake."
have the release by ransom Heb . 10 :19-22 "Therefore .
through the blood of that one, brothers, since we have boldness
yes, the forgiveness of our tres- for the way of entry into the
Religion 296
holy place by the blood of Jesus, not do it to one of these least
which he inaugurated for us as a ones, you did not do it to me .'
new and living way through the And these will depart into ever-
curtain, that is, his flesh . . . . let lasting cutting-off, but the right-
us approach with sincere hearts eous ones into everlasting life ."
in the full assurance of faith,
having had our hearts sprinkled Prov. 10 :7 "The memory of the
from a wicked conscience and our righteous is blessed ; but the name
bodies washed with clean water ." of the wicked shall rot ."
Those Not Ransomed Dead Eter- Jer. 51 :57 "They shall sleep a
nally, Annihilated perpetual sleep, and not wake,
Matt . 25 :45, 46 " `Truly I say to saith the King, whose name is
you, to the extent that you did Jehovah of hosts ."

A system of worship, a form of worship . It may be true or false
worship. Religion may be either (1) natural religion or (2) revealed
There Was Once Only One, the it and to keep it . And out of the
True Religion, c .4025 B .C. ground Jehovah God formed
every beast of the field, and every
Gen . 1 :27-31 "And God created bird of the heavens ; and brought
man in his own image, in the
image of God created he him ; them unto the man to see what
he would call them : and whatso-
male and female created he them . ever the man called every living
And God blessed them : and God creature, that was the name
said unto them, Be fruitful, and
multiply, and replenish the earth, thereof . And the man gave names
to all cattle, and to the birds of
and subdue it ; and have domin- the heavens, and to every beast
ion over the fish of the sea, and of the field ."
over the birds of the heavens,
and over every living thing that False Religion Originated, In-
moveth upon the earth . . . . And troduced by Traitorous Angel
God saw everything that he had 2 Cor . 11 :3 "The serpent se-
made, and, behold, it was very duced Eve."
good ." Rev. 12 :9 "The original serpent,
Job 38 :4, 7 "Where wast thou the one called Devil and Satan,
when I laid the foundations of who is misleading the entire in-
the earth? . . . When the morning habited earth ."
stars sang together, and all the John 8 :44 "You are from your
sons of God shouted for joy?" father the Devil and you wish to
do the desires of your father .
Adam Worshiped Without For- That one was a manslayer when
malism, with Simple Obedience he began and he did not stand
of a Son Doing a Father's Will, fast in the truth, because truth is
in Spirit and in Truth not in him. When he speaks the
Luke 3 :38 "Adam, the son of lie, he speaks according to his
God ." own disposition, because he is a
Gen . 2 :15, 19, 20 "And Jeho- liar and the father of the lie ."
vah took the man, and put him Ezek . 28 :14, 15 "Thou wast the
into the garden of Eden to dress anointed cherub that covereth :
297 Religion
and I set thee, so that thou wast False Religion Brought Death
upon the holy mountain of God ; to All Humankind
thou hast walked up and down in Rom . 5 :12-14 "Through one
the midst of the stones of fire . man sin entered into the world
Thou wast perfect in thy ways and death through sin, and thus
from the day that thou wast death spread to all men because
created, till unrighteousness was they had all sinned-. . . . death
found in thee ." ruled as king from Adam down
False Religion Entered a Sinless to Moses, even over those who
Universe by `Covering Cherub' had not sinned after the likeness
Entertaining Idea of Wrong of the transgression by Adam ."
Course, Becoming Covetous Deut. 32 :5 "They have dealt
Ezek. 28 :16-18 "By the abun- corruptly with him, they are not
dance of thy traffic they filled his children, it is their blemish ;
the midst of thee with violence, they are a perverse and crooked
and thou hast sinned . . . . Thy generation ."
heart was lifted up because of thy Ps. 51 :5 "Behold, I was brought
beauty ; thou hast corrupted thy forth in iniquity ; and in sin did
wisdom by reason of thy bright- my mother conceive me ."
ness . . . . By the multitude of thine Abel Recommenced True Re-
iniquities, in the unrighteousness ligion in the Earth
of thy traffic, thou hast profaned
thy sanctuaries ." Heb . 11 :4 "By faith Abel offered
Jas. 1 :14, 15 "But each one God a sacrifice of greater worth
is tried by being drawn out and than Cain, through which faith
enticed by his own desire . Then he had witness borne to him that
the desire, when it has become he was righteous, God bearing
witness respecting his gifts, and
fertile, gives birth to sin ; in turn, through it he, although he died,
sin, when it has been accom- yet speaks ."
plished, brings forth death ."
Threefold Lying Claim Induced False Religion Reached a Peak
Just Prior to Flood
First Woman to Practice
False Religion Gen . 4 :26 "And to Seth, to him
also there was born a son ; and
Gen . 3 :4-6 "And the serpent he called his name Enosh . Then
said unto the woman, Ye shall began men to call upon the name
not surely die : for God doth of Jehovah." (Hypocritically)
know that in the day ye eat Gen. 6 :12, 13 "And God saw
thereof, then your eyes shall be the earth, and, behold, it was
opened, and ye shall be as God, corrupt ; for all flesh had cor-
knowing good and evil . And when rupted their way upon the earth .
the woman saw that the tree was And God said unto Noah, The
good for food, and that it was end of all flesh is come before
a delight to the eyes, and that me ; for the earth is filled with
the tree was to be desired to violence through them ; and, be-
make one wise, she took of the hold, I will destroy them with
fruit thereof, and did eat ; and the earth ."
she gave also unto her husband
with her, and he did eat." False Religion Caused Destruc-
1 John 2 :16 "Because every- tion of Preflood World
thing in the world-the desire 2 Pet . 2 :5 "He did not hold
of the flesh and the desire of back from punishing an ancient
the eyes and the showy display of world, but kept Noah, a preacher
one's means of life-does not of righteousness, safe with seven
originate with the Father, but others when he brought a deluge
originates with the world ." upon a world of ungodly people ."
Religion 298
2 Pet. 3 :6 "The world of that Isa . 33 :22 "For Jehovah is our
time suffered destruction when it judge, Jehovah is our lawgiver,
was deluged with water ." Jehovah is our king ; he will save
Noah Instituted True Religion us."
in Flood-cleansed Earth, Heb . 8 :5 "Sacred service in a
2369 B .C . typical representation and a
shadow of the heavenly things ;
Gen. 8 :20 "And Noah builded just as Moses, when about to
an altar unto Jehovah, and took make the complete tent, was giv-
of every clean beast, and of every en the divine command : For says
clean bird, and offered burnt- he, `See that you make all things
offerings on the altar ." according to the pattern that was
Heb . 11 :7 "By faith Noah, after shown you in the mountain .'
being given divine warning of Heb . 10 :1 "The law has a shad-
things not yet beheld, showed ow of the good things to come ."
godly fear and constructed an Jesus Christ Came in the Flesh
ark for the saving of his house- to Reveal the True Religion,
hold, and through this faith he A . D . 29-33
condemned the world, and he
became an heir of the righteous- John 1 :14-18 "So the Word be-
ness which is according to faith ." came flesh and resided among
Nimrod Started False Religious us, and we had a view of his
System After Flood glory, a glory such as belongs to
an only-begotten son from a fa-
Gen . 10 :8-12 "Cush begat Nim- ther, and he was full of unde-
rod : he began to be a mighty one served kindness and truth . . . . Be-
in the earth . He was a mighty cause the law was given through
hunter before Jehovah . . And Moses, the undeserved kindness
the beginning of his kingdom was and the truth came to be through
Babel ." Jesus Christ . No man has seen
Gen . 11 :4, 9 "And they said, God at any time ; the only-
Come, let us build us a city, and begotten god who is in the bosom
a tower, whose top may reach position with the Father is the
unto heaven, and let us make us one that has explained him ."
a name ; lest we be scattered Heb . 1 :1, 2 "God, who long
abroad upon the face of the ago spoke on many occasions and
whole earth. Therefore was the in many ways to our forefathers
name of it called Babel ; because by means of the prophets, has
Jehovah did there confound the at the end of these days spoken
language of all the earth : and to us by means of a Son, whom
from thence did Jehovah scatter he appointed heir of all things,
them abroad upon the face of and through whom he made the
all the earth." systems of things ."
Jewish Nation Had National Isa . 42 :6 "1, Jehovah, have
Worship Under Theocracy ; called thee in righteousness, and
Provided Prophetic Pat- will hold thy hand, and will keep
terns of Christianity, thee, and give thee for a covenant
1513-607 B .C . of the people, for a light of the
Ex . 19 :5, 6 "If ye will obey my
voice indeed, and keep my cove- Christendom Began with Great
nant, then ye shall be mine own Falling Away from True
possession from among all peo- Religion
ples : for all the earth is mine : 2 Thess. 2 :6, 7 "And so now you
and ye shall be unto me a king- know the thing that acts as a
dom of priests, and a holy na- restraint with a view to his being
tion ." revealed in his own due time.
299 Religion
True, the mystery of this lawless- she has become a dwelling-place
ness is already at work ; but only of demons and a lurking-place
till he who is right now acting of every unclean exhalation and
as a restraint gets to be out of a lurking-place of every unclean
the way ." and hated bird!"
Acts 20 :29, 30 "I know that Followers of False Religion in
after my going away oppressive Great Danger Today
wolves will enter in among you
and will not treat the flock with Rev. 18 :4 "And I heard another
tenderness, and from among you voice out of heaven say : 'Get. out
yourselves men will rise and speak of her, my people, if you do not
twisted things to draw away the want to share with her in her
disciples after themselves ." sins, and if you do not want to
2 Pet . 2 :1 "However, there also receive part of her plagues .' "
came to be false prophets among Jer . 51 :6 "Flee out of the midst
the people, as there will also be of Babylon, and save every man
false teachers among you . These his life ; be not cut off in her
very ones will quietly bring in de- iniquity : for it is the time of
structive sects and will disown Jehovah's vengeance ; he will ren-
even the owner that bought them, der unto her a recompense."
bringing speedy destruction upon 1 Pet. 4 :17 . 18 "For it is the
themselves ." appointed time for the judgment
to start with the house of God .
Christendom Practices False Now if it starts first with us.
Religion what will the complete end be
Jer. 5 :30, 31 "A wonderful and of those who are not obedient to
horrible thing is come to pass in the good news of God? And if the
the land : the prophets prophesy righteous man is being saved with
falsely, and the priests bear rule difficulty, where will the ungodly
by their means ; and my people man and the sinner make a
love to have it so : and what will showing?"
ye do in the end thereof?" Only Safe Course Is to Forsake
Jer . 25 :29 "Lo, I begin to work False Religion, Learn, Practice
evil at the city which is called True Religion
by my name ."
Zeph. 2:3 "Seek ye Jehovah, all
False Religion Reaches Height of ye meek of the earth, that have
Corruption in Last Days kept his ordinances ; seek right-
2 Tim . 3 :1-5 "But know this, eousness, seek meekness : it may
that in the last days critical times be ye will be hid in the day of
hard to deal with will be here. Jehovah's anger."
For men will be lovers of them- Prov . 18:10 "The name of Je-
selves, lovers of money, self- hovah is a strong tower ; the
assuming, haughty, blasphemers, righteous runneth into it, and is
disobedient to parents, without safe ."
gratitude, with no loving-kind- Matt. 24 :15-21 "Therefore,
ness, having no natural affection, when you catch sight of the dis-
not open to any agreement, slan- gusting thing that causes deso-
derers, without self-control, fierce, lation, as spoken of through Dan-
without love of goodness, be- iel the prophet, standing in a
trayers, headstrong, puffed up holy place, (let the reader use
with self-esteem, lovers of pleas- discernment,) then let those in
ures rather than lovers of God, Judea begin fleeing to the moun-
having a form of godly devotion tains . Let the man on the house-
but proving false to its power ." top not come down to take the
Rev . 18 :2 "She has fallen! goods out of his house ; and let
Babylon the great has fallen, and the man in the field not return
Religion 300
to the house to pick up his outer 'But I to Christ.' Does the Christ
garment . Woe to the pregnant exist divided? Paul was not im-
women and those suckling a baby paled for you, was he? Or were
in those days! Keep praying that you baptized in the name of
your flight may not occur in Paul?"
wintertime nor on the sabbath 1 Cor. 3 :3 "You are yet fleshly .
day ; for then there will be great For whereas there are jealousy
tribulation such as has not oc- and strife among you, are you
curred since the world's begin- not fleshly and are you not walk-
ning until now, no, nor will oc- ing as men do?"
cur again ." False Religion to Be Destroyed ;
1 Pet . 4 :19 "So, then, also let True Religion Will Survive
those who are suffering in har-
mony with the will of God keep Luke 11 :17 "Every kingdom di-
on commending their souls to a vided against itself comes to des-
faithful Creator while they are olation, and a house divided
doing good." against itself falls ."
Rev. 17 :1, 16 "Come, I will
False Religion, "Babylon," Tries show you the judgment upon the
to Control World, Destroy great harlot that sits on many
True Religion waters . . . . the ten horns that you
Rev. 17 :3-6, 12-14 "And I saw, and the wild beast, these
caught sight of a woman sitting will hate the harlot and will
upon a scarlet-colored wild beast make her devastated and naked,
that was full of blasphemous and will eat up her fleshy parts
names and that had seven heads and will completely burn her
and ten horns. And the woman with fire."
was arrayed in purple and scar- Jer. 25 :34, 35 "Wail, ye shep-
let, and was adorned with gold herds, and cry ; and wallow in
and precious stone and pearls ashes, ye principal of the flock ;
and had in her hand a golden cup for the days of your slaughter
that was full of disgusting things and of your dispersions are fully
and the unclean things of her come, and ye shall fall like a
fornication. And upon her fore- goodly vessel . And the shepherds
head was written a name, a mys- shall have no way to flee, nor
tery, 'Babylon the Great, the the principal of the flock to es-
mother of the harlots and of the cape ."
disgusting things of the earth .' All Earth Will Again Have the
And I saw that the woman was One True Religion ; Will Continue
drunk with the blood of the holy
ones and with the blood of the Throughout Eternity
witnesses of Jesus. 'And the ten John 4 :23, 24 "The hour is
horns that you saw mean ten coming, and it is now, when
kings, who have not yet received the genuine worshipers will wor-
a kingdom, but they do receive ship the Father with spirit and
authority as kings one hour with truth, for, indeed, the Father is
the wild beast . . . . These will bat- looking for such kind to worship
tle with the Lamb, but, because him . God is a Spirit, and those
he is Lord of lords and King worshiping him must worship
of kings, the Lamb will conquer with spirit and truth ."
them .' " Rev. 21 :3, 4 "I heard a loud
False Religion's Multitudinous voice from the throne say : 'Look!
Sects a Divided House the tent of God is with human-
kind, and he will reside with
1 Cor . 1 :12, 13 "Each one of them, and they will be his peo-
you says : 'I belong to Paul,' 'But ples . And God himself will be
I to Apollos,' 'But I to Cephas,' with them . And he will wipe out
301 Religion
every tear from their eyes, and phetic scriptures among all the
death will be no more, neither nations ."
will mourning nor outcry nor pain Dan . 2 :22 "He revealeth the
be any more. The former things deep and secret things ; he know-
have passed away.'" eth what is in the darkness, and
Dan. 2 :44, 35 "In the days of the light dwelleth with him ."
those kings shall the God of Amos 3 :7 "Surely the Lord
heaven set up a kingdom which Jehovah will do nothing, except
shall never be destroyed, nor he reveal his secret unto his serv-
shall the sovereignty thereof be ants the prophets ."
left to another people ; but it Eph . 3 :4, 5 "You, when you read
shall break in pieces and consume this, can realize the comprehen-
all these kingdoms, and it shall sion I have in the sacred secret
stand for ever. . . . And the stone of the Christ . In other genera-
that smote the image became a tions this secret was not made
great mountain, and filled the known to the sons of men as it
whole earth." has now been revealed to his holy
True Revealed Religion Brings apostles and prophets by spirit ."
Mankind Back to Glorious Status Rom . 1 :17 "God's righteousness
of Free Sons of God is being revealed by reason of
Rom . 8 :21 "The creation itself faith and toward faith ."
also will be set free from enslave- True Religion Honors God
ment to corruption and have the and Christ
glorious freedom of the children 1 Pet . 2 :17 "Be in fear of God,
of God ." have honor for the king."
Gal . 5 :1 "For such freedom
Christ set us free . Therefore Rev . 5 :12, 13 "The Lamb that
stand fast, and do not let your- was slaughtered is worthy to re-
selves be confined again in a ceive the power and riches and
yoke of slavery." wisdom and strength and honor
and glory and blessing."
2 Cor. 3 :17 "Now Jehovah is
the spirit ; and where the spirit Rev . 7 :12 "Amen! The blessing
of Jehovah is, there is freedom ." and the glory and the wisdom
and the thanksgiving and the
True Religion Is Revealed Reli- honor and the power and the
gion from God Through His Son ; strength be to our God for ever
Natural Religion, a Study of and ever. Amen ."
Nature, Is Not Sufficient Rev. 19 :1, 6 "'Praise Jah, you
1 Cor. 2 :9, 10 "Just as it is people! The salvation and the
written : 'Eye has not seen and glory and the power belong to
ear has not heard, neither have our God .' 'Praise Jah, you people,
there been conceived in the heart because Jehovah our God, the
of man the things which God Almighty, has begun to rule as
has prepared for those who love king.'"
him.' For it is to us God has Ps. 150 :6 "Let everything that
revealed them through his spirit, hath breath praise Jehovah ."
for the spirit searches into all
things, even the deep things of True Religion Recognizes God's
God ." Word as Supreme Authority
Rom . 16 :25, 26 "The preaching John 17 :17 "Sanctify them by
of Jesus Christ, according to the means of the truth ; your word
revelation of the sacred secret is truth."
which has been concealed for Isa . 8 :20 "To the law and to
long-lasting times but has now the testimony! if they speak not
been made manifest and has been according to this word, surely
made known through the pro- there is no morning for them ."
Religion 302
Rom. 3 :4 "Let God be found True Religion Frees, Liberates
true, though every man be found John 8 :32 "The truth will set
a liar ." you free ."
True Religion Produces Fruits Isa . 61 :1 "The spirit of the
of the Spirit, Deepens Love Lord Jehovah is upon me ; be-
Col . 1 :5, 6, 9, 10 "This hope cause Jehovah hath anointed me
you heard of before by the telling to preach good tidings unto the
of the truth of that good news meek ; he hath sent me to bind up
which has presented itself to you, the broken-hearted, to proclaim
even as it is bearing fruit and liberty to the captives, and the
increasing in all the world just opening of the prison to them
as it is doing also among you, that are bound ."
from the day you heard and Jas . 1 :25 "He who peers into
learned to know the undeserved the perfect law that belongs to
kindness of God in truth . That freedom and who persists in it,
is also why we, from the day we this man, because he has become,
heard of it, have not ceased pray- not a forgetful hearer, but a doer
ing for you and asking that you of the work, will be happy in his
may be filled with the accurate doing it ."
knowledge of his will in all wis- True Religion Has No Part with
dom and spiritual discernment, This World
in order to walk worthily of Je-
hovah to the end of fully pleasing John 15 :19 "If you were part
him as you go on bearing fruit of the world, the world would be
in every good work and increas- fond of what is its own . Now be-
ing in the accurate knowledge of cause you are no part of the
God ." world, but I have chosen you out
of the world, on this account the
Gal . 5 :22, 23 "The fruitage of world hates you ."
the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-
suffering, kindness, goodness, No Compromise of True Religion
faith, mildness, self-control ." with False Possible
2 Pet. 1 :8 "If these things exist 2 Cor . 6 :14-17 "Do not become
in you and overflow, they will unevenly yoked with unbelievers .
prevent you from being either For what partnership do right-
inactive or unfruitful regarding eousness and lawlessness have?
the accurate knowledge of our Or what fellowship does light
Lord Jesus Christ ." have with darkness? Further,
True Religion Transforms Mind what harmony is there between
to God's Way Christ and Belial? Or what por-
tion does a faithful person have
Rom . 12 :2 "Quit being fash- with an unbeliever? And what
ioned after this system of things, agreement does God's temple
but be transformed by making have with idols? For we are the
your mind over, that you may temple of the living God ; just
prove to yourselves the good and as God said : `I shall reside among
acceptable and complete will of them and walk among them,
and I shall be their God, and
God ." they will be my people .' ` "There-
Eph . 4 :23, 24 "You should be fore get out from among them,
made new in the force actuating and separate yourselves," says
your mind, and should put on the Jehovah, "and quit touching the
new personality which was unclean thing ." ' "
created according to God's will in 1 Cor. 10 :21 "You cannot be
true righteousness and loving- drinking the cup of Jehovah and
kindness ." the cup of demons ; you cannot
303 Religion
be partaking of the table of Je- of the spirit in the uniting bond
hovah' and the table of demons," of peace . One body there is, and
Luke 16 :26 "A great chasm has one spirit, . . . until we all attain
been fixed between us and you to the oneness in the faith and
people, so that those wanting to in the accurate knowledge of the
go over from here to you people Son of God ."
cannot, neither may people cross Phil. 1 :27 "You are standing
over from there to us ." firm in one spirit, with one soul
Mark 2 :21, 22 "Nobody sews a fighting side by side for the faith
patch of unshrunk cloth upon an of the good news ."
old garment ; if he does, its full Col. 2 :19 "Holding fast to the
strength pulls from it, the new head, to the one from whom all
from the old, and the tear be- the body, being supplied and
comes worse . Also nobody puts harmoniously joined together by
new wine into old wineskins ; if means of its joints and ligaments .
he does, the wine bursts the skins, goes on growing with the growth
and the wine is lost as well as which God gives."
the skins ."
False Religion Honors Men,
Christ the Perfect Exemplar of Things
True Religious Worship John 5:43 "I have come in the
1 Pet. 2 :21 "In fact, to this name of my Father, but you do
course you were called, because not receive me ; if someone else
even Christ suffered for you, leav- arrived in his own name, you
ing you a model for you to fol- would receive that one ."
low his steps closely." 2 Cor. 11 :4, 19, 20 "For, as it
Heb . 7 :26 "For such a high is, if someone comes and preaches
priest as this was suitable for us, a Jesus other than the one we
one of loving-kindness, guileless, preached, or you receive a spirit
undefiled, separated from the sin- other than what you received, or
ners, and become higher than good news other than what you
the heavens ." accepted, you easily put up with
Phil. 2 :5 "Keep this mental at- him . For you gladly put up with
titude in you which was also in the unreasonable persons, seeing
Christ Jesus ." you are reasonable. In fact, you
Description of True Christian put up with whoever enslaves you,
Religion ; It Means Action whoever devours what you have,
whoever grabs what you have,
Jas . 1 :22, 26, 27 "Become doers whoever exalts himself over you,
of the word, and not hearers whoever strikes you in the face ."
only, deceiving yourselves with
false reasoning . If any man seems Worship Paid by False Religious
to himself to be a formal wor- Devotees Really Paid to Demons
shiper and yet does not bridle 1 Cor . 10 :20 "The things which
his tongue, but goes on deceiving the nations sacrifice they sacrifice
his own heart, this man's form to demons, and not to God ."
of worship is futile . The form of Deut . 32 :17 "They sacrificed
worship that is clean and unde- unto demons, which were no
filed from the standpoint of our God ."
God and Father is this : to care Ps. 96:5 "All the gods of the
for orphans and widows in their peoples are idols ."
tribulation, and to keep oneself False Religion Puts Traditions
without spot from the world ." of Men First
True Religion the Only Bond of Matt . 15 :3, 6-9 "He said to
Unity them : `Why is it you also overstep
Eph . 4 :3, 4, 13 "Earnestly en- the commandment of God be-
deavoring to observe the oneness cause of your tradition? . . . you
Religion 304
have made the word of God in- them up to a disapproved mental
valid because of your tradition . state, to do the things not fitting,
You hypocrites, Isaiah aptly filled as they were with all un-
prophesied about you, when he righteousness."
said : "This people honors me Prov. 14 :34 "Righteousness
with their lips, yet their hearts exalteth a nation ; but sin is a
are far removed from me . It is reproach to any people ."
in vain that they keep paying re- False Religion Enslaves
spect to me, because they teach
commands of men as doc- Matt . 6:24 "No one can be a
trines ." ' " slave to two masters ; for either
he will hate the one and love
False Religion Produces Fruits the other, or he will stick to the
of the Flesh, Deepens one and despise the other . You
Selfishness cannot be slaves to God and to
Gal . 5 :19, 20 "Now the works Riches ."
of the flesh are manifest, and Rom . 6 :16 "Do you not know
they are fornication, uncleanness, that if you keep presenting your-
loose conduct, idolatry, practice selves to anyone as slaves to obey
of spiritism, hatreds, strife, jeal- him, you are slaves of him be-
ousy, fits of anger, contentions, cause you obey him, either of
divisions, sects ." sin with death in view or of obe-
Gal. 6 :8 "He who is sowing dience with righteousness in
with a view to his flesh will reap view?"
corruption from his flesh, but he 2 Pet. 2 :19 "While they are
who is sowing with a view to the promising them freedom, they
spirit will reap everlasting life themselves are existing as slaves
from the spirit ." of corruption . For whoever is
overcome by another is enslaved
False Religion Degrades, Debases by this one."
Rom . 1 :21-32 "They did not Deut . 7 :16 "Neither shalt thou
glorify him as God nor did they serve their gods ; for that will
thank him, but they became be a snare unto thee ."
empty-headed in their reasonings Gal . 2 :4 "But because of the
and their unintelligent heart be- false brothers brought in quietly,
came darkened . Although assert- who sneaked in to spy upon our
ing they were wise, they became freedom which we have in union
foolish and turned the glory of with Christ Jesus, that they
the incorruptible God into some- might completely enslave us ."
thing like the image of corrupt- Stubbornness, Disobedience to
ible man and of birds and four- God Is False Religion
footed creatures and creeping 1 Sam . 15 :22, 23 "Behold, to
things . Therefore God in keep- obey is better than sacrifice, and
ing with the desires of their to hearken than the fat of rams .
hearts gave them up to unclean- For rebellion is as the sin of
ness, that their bodies might be witchcraft, and stubbornness is
dishonored among them, even as idolatry and teraphim ."
those who exchanged the truth
of God for the lie and venerated Matt. 9 :13 "Go, then, and learn
and rendered sacred service to what this means, 'I want mercy,
the creation rather than the One and not sacrifice .' "
who created, who is blessed for- Adoration of Men, Animals,
ever. Amen . That is why God Knowledge, Things, Is False
gave them up to disgraceful sex- Religion
ual appetites . . . . And just as they Job 32 :21, 22 "Let me not, I
did not approve of holding God in pray you, respect any man's per-
accurate knowledge, God gave son ; neither will I give flattering
305 Religion
titles unto any man . For I know synagogues and in the streets,
not to give flattering titles ; else that they may be glorified by
would my Maker soon take me men . Truly I say to you, They
away ." are having their reward in full .
Prov. 29 :25 "The fear of man Also when you pray, you must
bringeth a snare ." not be as the hypocrites ; because
Matt . 10 :37 "He that has they like to pray standing in the
greater affection for father or synagogues and on the corners of
mother than for me is not worthy the broad ways to be visible to
of me ; and he that has greater men . . . . When you are fasting,
affection for son or daughter than stop becoming sad-faced like the
for me is not worthy of me ." hypocrites, for they disfigure
1 Tim . 6 :10 "The love of money their faces that they may ap-
is a root of all sorts of injurious pear to men to be fasting . . . .
things, and by reaching out for Stop storing up for yourselves
this love some have been led treasures upon the earth, where
astray from the faith and have moth and rust consume, and
stabbed themselves all over with where thieves break in and
many pains ." steal ."
1 Tim . 6 :20, 21 "0 Timothy, Jas. 4 :4 "Adulteresses, do you
guard what is laid up in trust not know that the friendship
with you, turning away from the with the world is enmity with
empty speeches that violate what God? Whoever, therefore, wants
is holy and from the contradic- to be a friend of the world is
tions of the falsely called 'knowl- constituting himself an enemy of
edge' . For making a show of such God ."
knowledge some have deviated 1 John 2 :15 "Do not be loving
from the faith ." either the world or the things
Col . 2 :20-23 "Why do you . . . in the world. If anyone loves the
further subject yourselves to the world, the love of the Father is
decrees, 'Do not handle, nor taste, not in him."
nor touch,' respecting things that False Religion Always Persecutes
are all destined to destruction by the True
being used up, in accordance with
the commands and teachings of Gen. 3 :15 "I will put enmity
men? Those very things are, in- between thee and the woman,
deed, possessed of an appearance and between thy seed and her
of wisdom in a self-imposed form seed : he shall bruise thy head,
of worship and mock humility, a and thou shalt bruise his heel ."
severe treatment of the body, but 1 John 3 :12 "Cain, who origi-
they are of no value in combating nated with the wicked one and
the satisfying of the flesh ." slaughtered his brother . And for
See also : Acts 17 :29 ; 1 John the sake of what did he slaugh-
5 :21 ; Ex . 20 :3-5 . ter him? Because his own works
were wicked, but those of his
False Religion Loves This World brother were righteous ."
and Is Part of It John 15 :18, 20 "If the world
Matt. 6 :1, 2, 5, 16, 19 "Take hates you, you know that it has
good care not to practice your hated me before it hated you . . . .
righteousness in front of men in A slave is not greater than his
order to be observed by them ; master . If they have persecuted
otherwise you will have no re- me, they will persecute you also ."
ward with your Father who is Gal . 4 :29 "Just as then the
in the heavens . Hence when you one born in the manner of flesh
start making gifts of mercy, do began persecuting the one born
not blow a trumpet ahead of you, in the manner of spirit, so also
just as the hypocrites do in the now ."
Religion 306
Gal. 1 :13 "You, of course, heard another name under heaven that
about my conduct formerly in has been given among men by
Judaism, that to the point of which we must get saved ."
excess I kept on persecuting the So-called "Godless" Communist
congregation of God and devas- Red Religion, Worshiping the
tating it ."
State as God, Is False
False Religion's Collective Clergy Ps. 14:1 "The fool hath said
and Supporters Are "Seed of in his heart, There is no God.
the Serpent" They are corrupt, they have done
Matt. 23 :29, 33 "Woe to you, abominable works ; there is none
scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! that doeth good ."
. Serpents, offspring of vipers, Dan . 6 :7-24 "Whosoever shall
how are you to flee from the ask a petition of any god or
judgment of Gehenna?" man for thirty days, save of thee,
John 8 :44 "You are from your 0 king, he shall be cast into the
father the Devil and you wish den of lions . . . . And when Daniel
to do the desires of your father ." knew that the writing was signed,
1 John 3:10 "The children of he went into his house (now his
God and the children of the Devil windows were open in his cham-
are evident by this fact : Everyone ber toward Jerusalem) ; and he
who does not practice righteous- kneeled upon his knees three
ness does not originate with God, times a day, and prayed, and
neither does he who does not gave thanks before his God, as
love his brother ." he did aforetime . . . . And the king
Matt . 13 :38, 39 "The field is the commanded, and they brought
world ; as for the right kind of those men that had accused
seed, these are the sons of the Daniel, and they cast them into
kingdom ; but the weeds are the the den of lions, them, their
sons of the wicked one, and the children, and their wives ; and
enemy that sowed them is the the lions had the mastery of
Devil ." them, and brake all their bones in
All Non-Christian Religions pieces ."
Are False Jer . 17 :5 "Thus saith Jehovah :
Acts 3:23 "Indeed, any soul Cursed is the man that trusteth
that does not listen to that in man, and maketh flesh his
Prophet will be completely de- arm ."
stroyed from among the people ." Acts 12 :21-23 "On a set day
1 John 4 :3 "Every inspired ex- Herod . . . began giving them a
pression that does not confess public address . In turn, the as-
Jesus does not originate with sembled people began shouting :
God." 'A god's voice, and not a man's!'
John 3 :36 "He that exercises Instantly the angel of Jehovah
faith in the Son has everlasting struck him, because he did not
life ; he that disobeys the Son give the glory to God ; and he be-
will not see life, but the wrath came eaten up with worms and
of God remains upon him ."
Phil . 2 :10, 11 "In the name of expired."
Jesus every knee should bend of Great Temples of Religion of No
those in heaven and those on Value in God's Sight
earth and those under the ground, Acts 7 :48, 49 "The Most High
and every tongue should openly
confess that Jesus Christ is Lord does not dwell in houses made
to the glory of God the Father ." with hands ; just as the prophet
Acts 4 :12 "There is no salvation says : 'The heaven is my throne,
in anyone else, for there is not and the earth is my footstool.

307 Repentance
What kind of house will you build hovah, the temple of Jehovah, the
for me? Jehovah says. Or what is temple of Jehovah, are these ."
the place for my resting?' " See "Jehovah's Witnesses",
Jer . 7 :4 "Trust ye not in lying "Devil and Demons," "Idolatry,"
words, saying, The temple of Je- "Spiritism ."

Recognition and admission of a wrong condition or course of action,
and a sincere sorrow with determination, motivated by a whole-
hearted desire to conform to right principles, to turn forever from
such wrong course and take a course in harmony with God's will .
Repentance that brings a right standing with God necessitates an
accurate knowledge of God's provisions and requirements and con-
forming oneself thereto by definite works of faith in harmony there-
with . Sometimes repentance is used to mean a change from a favor-
able to an unfavorable action toward another .
An Elementary Christian ing to an accurate knowledge of
Teaching truth, and they may come back
to their proper senses out from
Heb . 6 :1 "Now that we have the snare of the Devil, seeing
left the elementary doctrine about that they have been caught alive
the Christ, let us press on to ma- by him for the will of that one ."
turity, not laying a foundation
again, namely, repentance from Required of All Persons Who
dead works, and faith toward Will Be Saved
God." Ps . 34 :18 "Jehovah is nigh un-
All Must Recognize Their In- to them that are of a broken
herited Sinful State and Need heart, and saveth such as are
of a Redeemer of a contrite spirit ."
Rom. 5 :12 "Through one man Isa . 57 :15 "For thus saith the
sin entered into the world and high and lofty one that in-
death through sin, and thus death habiteth eternity, whose name is
spread to all men because they Holy : I dwell in the high and
holy place, with him also that is
had all sinned ." of a contrite and humble spirit,
Ps. 51 :5 "Behold, I was brought to revive the spirit of the humble,
forth in iniquity ; and in sin did and to revive the heart of the
my mother conceive me ." contrite ."
Rom. 11 :32 "God has shut them Isa . 66 :2 "To this man will I
all up together because of disobe- look, even to him that is poor
dience, that he might show all and of a contrite spirit, and that
of them mercy." trembleth at my word ."
Repentance of Real Merit Re- A Prerequisite to Dedication,
quires Instruction ; Leads to Baptism, and Service of God
Knowledge, Service of God, Acts 2 :38 "Peter said to them :
Freedom 'Repent, and let each one of you
2 Tim . 2 :25, 26 "Instructing be baptized in the name of jesus
with mildness those not favor- Christ for forgiveness of your
ably disposed, as perhaps God sins, and you will receive the free
may give them repentance lead- gift of the holy spirit .'"
Repentance 308
Acts 3 :19 "Repent, therefore, True Repentance Manifests It-
and turn around so as to get your self by Good Fruits ; Deathbed
sins blotted out, that seasons of Repentance Unable to Do This
refreshing may come from the Luke 3 :8 "Produce fruits that
person of Jehovah and that he befit repentance."
may send forth the Christ ap- 2 Cor. 7 :11 "For, look! this
pointed for you, Jesus ." very thing, your being saddened
God Blots Out, Forgets Sins of in a godly way, what a great
Repentant Ones Who Accept earnestness it produced in you,
Christ yes, clearing of yourselves, yes,
Isa . 1 :18 "Come now, and let indignation, yes, fear, yes, long-
us reason together, saith Jeho- ing, yes, zeal, yes, righting of
vah : though your sins be as the wrong!"
scarlet, they shall be as white as Ezek. 33 :14, 15 "When I say
snow ; though they be red like unto the wicked, Thou shalt sure-
crimson, they shall be as wool ." ly die ; if he turn from his sin,
and do that which is lawful and
Heb . 8 :12 "I shall be merciful right ; if the wicked restore the
to their unrighteous deeds and I pledge, give again that which he
will by no means call their sins had taken by robbery, walk in the
to mind any more ." statutes of life, committing no
Rev . 7 :14 "These are the ones iniquity ; he shall surely live, he
that come out of the great trib- shall not die ."
ulation, and they have washed Matt. 21 :28-31 "'A man had
their robes and made them white two children . Going up to the
in the blood of the Lamb ." first he said : "Child, go work
True Repentance Brings God's today in the vineyard." In answer
Favor this one said : "I will, sir," but
did not go out . Approaching the
2 Cor. 7 :10 "For sadness in a second, he said the same. In reply
godly way makes for repentance this one said : "I will not ." After-
to salvation which is not to be wards he felt regret and went
regretted ." out . Which of the two did the
Luke 15 :7 "I tell you that thus will of his father?' They said :
there will be more joy in heaven 'The latter .' "
over one sinner that repents than Selfish Regret Is Not True Re-
over ninety-nine righteous ones pentance, Brings No Favor
who have no need of repentance ." from God
Replaces Sorrow, Mourning, Dis- 2 Cor . 7 :10 "The sadness of
tress with Joy and Happiness the world produces death ."
Matt. 5 :3 "Happy are those who Matt . 27 :3-5 "Then Judas, who
are conscious of their spiritual betrayed him, seeing he had been
need, since the kingdom of the condemned, felt remorse and
heavens belongs to them ." turned the thirty silver pieces
back to the chief priests and
Isa . 61 :1-3 "The spirit of the older men of influence, saying :
Lord Jehovah is upon me ; be- 'I sinned when I betrayed right-
cause Jehovah hath anointed me eous blood .' . . . So he . . . went off
to preach good tidings unto the and hanged himself ."
meek ; . . . to appoint unto them Heb. 12 :17 "You know that af-
that mourn in Zion, to give unto terward also when he [Esau]
them a garland for ashes, the wanted to inherit the blessing he
was rejected, for, although he
oil of joy for mourning, the gar- earnestly sought a change of
ment of praise for the spirit of mind with tears, he found no
heaviness ." place for it."
309 Repentance
Persons Trying to Gain Life by Having Repented, One Must Not
Fulfilling the Ten Command- Look Back on Former Life
ments Overlook the Need Luke 9 :62 "Jesus said to him :
of Repentance 'No man that has put his hand
Rom . 3 :23 "All have sinned to a plow and looks at the things
and fall short of the glory of behind is well fitted for the
God ." kingdom of God .'"
Matt . 19 :17, 20, 21 "He said to Luke 17 :32 "Remember the
him : . . .'If, though, you want to wife of Lot ."
enter into life, observe the Heb . 10 :39 "Now we are not
commandments continually .' The the kind that shrink back to
young man said to him : 'I have destruction ."
kept all these ; what yet am I Eph. 4 :22 "You should put
lacking?' Jesus said to him : 'If away the old personality which
you want to be complete, go sell conforms to your former course
your belongings and give to the of conduct ."
poor and you will have treasure
in heaven, and come be my fol- Having Repented, One Must Not
lower .' " Brood over Former Sins
Phil . 3 :13, 14 "Forgetting the
Without Repentance One Cannot things behind and stretching for-
Appreciate Need of Christ's ward to the things ahead, I am
Ransom Sacrifice pursuing down toward the goal
Rom . 10 :3 "Because of not for the prize of the calling above ."
knowing the righteousness of God Zech . 7 :1-10 "They . . . sent . . .
but seeking to establish their own, men . . . . saying, Should I weep
they [the Jews] did not sub- in the fifth month, separating
ject themselves to the righteous- myself, as I have done these so
ness of God ." many years? . . . Thus hath Jeho-
John 9 :41 "Jesus said to them : vah of hosts spoken, saying, Exe-
'If you were blind, you would cute true judgment, and show
have no sin . But now you say, kindness and compassion every
"We see ." Your sin remains .'" man to his brother."
Isa. 64 :6 "All our righteous- Neh . 8 :9-12 "This day is holy
nesses are as a polluted gar- unto Jehovah your God ; mourn
ment." not, nor weep . For all the people
Jews Needed Repentance from wept when they heard the words
Not Only Inherited Sins, but of the law . . . . neither be ye
Also Sins Against the grieved ; for the joy of Jehovah is
Law Covenant your strength . . . . And all the peo-
ple went their way to eat, and to
Matt . 3 :1, 2, 11 "In those days drink, and to send portions, and
John the Baptist came preaching to make great mirth, because they
in the wilderness of Judea, say- had understood the words that
ing : 'Repent, for the kingdom of were declared unto them."
the heavens has drawn near .' 'I,
on the one hand, baptize you No Repentance from "Sin
with water because of your re- Against the Holy Spirit"
pentance.'" Possible
Luke 3 :3 "He came into all Mark 3 :28, 29 "All things will
the country around the Jordan, be forgiven the sons of men, no
preaching baptism of those re- matter what sins and blasphemies
penting for forgiveness of sins ." they blasphemously commit . How-
Gal. 3 :13 "Christ by purchase ever, whoever blasphemes against
released us from the curse of the the holy spirit has no forgiveness
Law by becoming a curse instead forever, but is guilty of ever-
of us ." lasting sin ."
Repentance 310
Heb . 6 :4-6 "For it is impossible give men their trespasses, neither
as regards those who have once will your Father forgive your
for all been enlightened and who trespasses ."
have tasted the heavenly free Luke 17 :3, 4 "If your brother
gift and who have become par- commits a sin give him a reproof,
takers of holy spirit and who and if he repents forgive him .
have tasted the right word of Even if he sins seven times a day
God and powers of the coming against you and he comes back to
system of things, but who have you seven times, saying, 'I re-
fallen away, to revive them again pent,' you must forgive him ."
to repentance, because they im-
pale the Son of God afresh for Matt . 18 :21, 22 "Then Peter
came up and said to him : 'Mas-
themselves and expose him to
public shame ." ter, how many times is my
brother to sin against me and
Willfully Wicked Are Too am I to forgive him? Up to
Hardened to Repent seven times?' Jesus said to him :
1 Tim . 4 :1, 2 "In later periods 'I say to you, not, Up to seven
of time some will fall away from times, but, Up to seventy-seven
the faith, paying attention to mis- times,' "
leading inspired utterances and See also: Matt. 18 :23-35 ; Luke
teachings of demons, by the hy- 6 :37 .
pocrisy of men who speak lies, God Does Not Repent of Any of
marked in their conscience as His Stated Purposes, or Turn
with a branding iron ." from His Righteous Principles
Heb . 10 :29 "Of how much more Mal . 3 :6 "I, Jehovah, change
severe a punishment, do you not ."
think, will the man be counted
worthy who has trampled upon 1 Sam. 15 :29 "The Strength of
the Son of God and who has Israel will not lie nor repent ; for
esteemed as of ordinary value he is not a man, that he should
the blood of the covenant by repent ."
which he was sanctified, and who Isa . 46 :11 "I have spoken, I
has outraged the spirit of un- will also bring it to pass ; I have
deserved kindness with con- purposed, I will also do it ."
tempt?" Heb . 6 :17, 18 "God, when he
Ex . 7 :3, 14 ; 10 :1 "I will harden purposed to demonstrate more
Pharaoh's heart, and multiply abundantly to the heirs of the
my signs and my wonders in the promise the unchangeableness of
land of Egypt. And Jehovah said his counsel, stepped in with an
unto Moses, Pharaoh's heart is oath, in order that, through two
stubborn, he refuseth to let the unchangeable things in which it
people go ." "Go in unto Phar- is impossible for God to lie, we
aoh : for I have hardened his who have fled to the refuge may
heart, and the heart of his serv- have strong encouragement to lay
ants, that I may show these my hold on the hope set before us ."
signs in the midst of them ." If One Turns Against God, God
We Must Forgive Our Brothers Will "Repent", Turn Against
Who Express Repentance Him
for Offenses 1 Sam . 15 :10, 11, 26 "Then
Matt. 6 :12-15 "'Forgive us our came the word of Jehovah unto
debts, as we also have forgiven Samuel, saying, It repenteth me
our debtors.' . . . For if you for- that I have set up Saul to be
give men their trespasses, your king ; for he is turned back from
heavenly Father will also forgive following me, and hath not per-
you : whereas if you do not for- formed my commandments . . . .
311 Resurrection
thou hast rejected the word of God May in Mercy Turn from
Jehovah, and Jehovah hath re- Bringing Just Punishment if a
jected thee from being king ." Person Changes from a
God Changed Course from Being Wicked Course
Man's Creator and Benefactor to Jonah 3 :10 "And God saw their
Being His Destroyer at works, that they turned from
the Flood their evil way ; and God repented
Gen . 6 :5-7 "And Jehovah saw of the evil which he said he would
that the wickedness of man was do unto them ; and he did it
great in the earth, and that every not ."
imagination of the thoughts of Jer . 18 :8 "If that nation, con-
his heart was only evil continual- cerning which I have spoken,
ly . And it repented Jehovah that turn from their evil, I will repent
he had made man on the earth, of the evil that I thought to do
and it grieved him at his heart . unto them ."
Ex . 32 :14 "And Jehovah re-
And Jehovah said, I will destroy pented of the evil which he said
man whom I have created from he would do unto his people ."
the face of the ground ." See "Confession", "Baptism ."

Resurrection is a restoration to life of the nonexistent dead . The
Greek word, anastasis, means "a raising up". It is an act of God de-
pendent entirely upon God's marvelous power through Christ and
upon His memory of the dead . It is the reactivating of the life
pattern of the creature, a transcription of which is on record with
God, and is referred to as being in His memory . Resurrection does
not involve the restoring of the original identical body of the creature .
The life pattern is the personal life-long record of the creature
built up by his thoughts and by the experiences in the life he has
lived resulting from certain habits, leanings, mental abilities, mem-
ories and history. It is also a register of the individual's intellectual
growth and his characteristics, all of which make up one's person-
ality . Hence, according to God's will for the creature, in a resur-
rection one is restored or re-created in either a human or a spirit
body and yet retains his personal identity by the setting in motion
again of the distinctive life pattern of that individual .
Hope of Resurrection Clearly a foundation again, namely, . ,
Taught in Scriptures the resurrection of the dead ."
Heb. 11 :17-19 "By faith Abra-
Isa. 25 :8 "He hath swallowed ham, when he was tested, as
up death for ever ; and the Lord good as offered up Isaac, and the
Jehovah will wipe away tears man that had gladly received the
from off all faces ; and the re- promises attempted to offer ur
proach of his people will lie take his only-begotten son, although
away from off all the earth : for it had been said to him : 'What
Jehovah hath spoken it ." will be called "your seed" will
Heb . 6 :1, 2 "We have left the be through Isaac .' But he reck-
elementary doctrine . . . not laying oned that God was able to raise
Resurrection 312
him up even from the dead ; and him and led him to the Areopa-
from there he did receive him gus, saying : 'Can we get to know
also in an illustrative way ." what this new teaching is which
Acts 24 :14, 15 "In this manner is spoken by you? For you are
I am rendering sacred service to introducing some things that are
the God of my forefathers, as I strange to our ears .' Paul .
believe all the things set forth said : ' . . .Because he has set a day
in the Law and written in the in which he purposes to judge
Prophets and I have hope toward the inhabited earth in righteous-
God, which hope these men ness by a man whom he has ap-
themselves also entertain, that pointed, and he has furnished
there is going to be a resurrec- a guarantee to all men in that
tion of both the righteous and he has resurrected him from the
the unrighteous ." dead .' Well, when they heard
Also : Matt . 28 :5-9, 16 ; Luke of a resurrection of the dead,
20 :37, 38 ; Acts 13 :29-37 . some began to mock, while others
said : 'We will hear you about
False Doctrine of Human Im- this even another time .' "
mortality Denies Resurrection,
so Pagans Opposed Resurrection God's Power of Resurrection
Manifested in Resurrection
Deut . 31 :16 "And Jehovah said Through Christ
unto Moses, Behold, thou shalt
sleep with thy fathers ." Rom . 1 :4 "But who with power
2 Sam . 7 :12 "When thy days was declared God's Son accord-
are fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep ing to the spirit of holiness by
with thy fathers, I will set up means of resurrection from the
thy seed after thee, that shall dead-yes, Jesus Christ our
proceed out of thy bowels, and Lord ."
I will establish his kingdom ." 1 Thess. 1 :9, 10 "You turned
Acts 2 :14, 29, 34 "But Peter to God . . . to wait for his Son
stood up with the eleven and from the heavens, whom he
raised his voice and made this raised up from the dead, namely,
utterance to them : 'Men of Judea Jesus who delivers us from the
and all you inhabitants of Jeru- wrath which is coming ."
salem, let this be known to you John 11 :25, 26 "Jesus said to
and give ear to my sayings . her : 'I am the resurrection and
Brothers, it is allowable to speak the life . He that exercises faith
with freeness of speech to you in me, even though he dies, will
concerning the family head Da- come to life, and everyone that
vid, that he both deceased and is living and exercises faith in
was buried and his tomb is me will never die at all .'"
among us to this day . Actually John 5 :26 "For just as the
David did not ascend to the Father has in himself the gift
heavens, but he himself says, "Je- of life, so he has granted to the
hovah said to my Lord, 'Sit at Son to have also in himself the
my right hand .'"'" gift of life ."
Acts 17:18-34 "But certain ones Christ the First to Be Raised,
of both the Epicurean and the Therefore Opened Way
Stoic philosophers took to con- for Others
versing with him controversially,
and some would say : 'What is it 1 Pet . 3 :21 "That which cor-
this chatterer would like to tell?' responds to this is also now sav-
Others : 'He seems to be a pub- ing you, namely, baptism .
lisher of foreign deities .' This through the resurrection of Jesus
was because he was declaring the Christ."
good news of Jesus and the res- Col . 1 :18 "And he is the head
urrection . So they laid hold of of the body, the congregation .
313 Resurrection
He is the beginning, the firstborn Mal . 3 :16 "Then they that
from the dead, that he might be- feared Jehovah spake one with
come the one who is first in all another ; and Jehovah hearkened,
things ." and heard, and a book of remem-
1 Cor . 15 :20-22 "However, now brance was written before him,
Christ has been raised up from for them that feared Jehovah,
the dead, the firstfruits of those and that thought upon his name ."
who have fallen asleep in death . Jesus' Life Pattern (Memory,
For since death is through a man, Mental Abilities, Leaning and
resurrection of the dead is also Habits) Restored in Resurrection ;
through a man . For just as in Recognized by His Personality,
Adam all are dying, so also in Not by His Various Materialized
the Christ all will be made alive ." Bodies
Rev . 1 :17, 18 "I am the First Luke 24 :13-35 "Now as they
and the Last, and the living one ; were conversing and discussing
and I became dead, but, look! Jesus himself approached and be-
I am living for ever and ever, gan traveling with them ; but
and I have the keys of death and their eyes were kept from recog-
of Hades ." nizing him . . . . And commencing
More than 500 Witnesses of the at Moses and all the Prophets he
Resurrected Jesus Christ interpreted to them things per-
taining to himself in all the
1 Cor . 15 :6, 7 "After that he Scriptures . . . . And as he was re-
appeared to upward of five hun- clining with them at the meal he
dred brothers at one time, the took the loaf, blessed it, broke it
most of whom remain to the and began to hand it to them.
present, but some have fallen At that their eyes were fully
asleep in death. After' that he opened and they recognized him ;
appeared to James, then to all and he disappeared from them .
the apostles." And they said to each other :
Acts 2 :31, 32 "He saw before- 'Were not our hearts burning as
hand and spoke concerning the he was speaking to us on the
resurrection of the Christ, that road, as he was fully opening up
neither was he forsaken in Hades the Scriptures to us?' . Now
nor did his flesh see corruption . they themselves described the
This Jesus God resurrected, of events on the road and how he
which fact we are all witnesses ." became known to them by the
Life Pattern Is Identity of Crea- breaking of the loaf ."
ture That God Holds in John 21 :4-7 "However, just as
Memory it was getting to be day, Jesus
stood on the beach, but the dis-
Job 14 :13-15 (mar.) "Oh that ciples did not, of course, discern
thou wouldest hide me in Sheol, it was Jesus . . . . He said to them :
that thou wouldest keep me se- 'Cast the net on the right side
cret, until thy wrath be past, of the boat and you will find
that thou wouldest appoint me a something .' Then they cast it,
set time, and remember me! If but they were no longer able to
a man die, shall he live again? draw it in because of the multi-
All the days of my warfare will tude of the fishes . Therefore that
I wait, till my release should disciple whom Jesus used to love
come . Thou shalt call, and I will said to Peter : 'It is the Master!' "
answer thee . Thou wouldest have John 20 :14, 16 "After saying
a desire to the work of thy these things, she turned back and
hands ." viewed Jesus standing, but she
Prov . 23 :7 "For as he thinketh did not discern it was Jesus . Je-
within himself, so is he ." sus said to her : 'Mary!' Upon
Resurrection 314
turning around, she said to him, came frightened they were imag-
in Hebrew : `Rabboni!' (which ining they beheld a spirit . So he
means `Teacher!') ." said to them : `Why are you
Jesus' Resurrection Not of Same troubled, and why is it doubts
Body ; He Merely Materialized come up in your hearts? See my
Flesh and Blood to Be Seen hands and my feet, that it is I
and Believed myself ; feel me and see, be-
cause a spirit does not have flesh
1 Cor . 15 :35-42, 45, 50 "Never- and bones just as you behold
theless, someone will say : `How that I have .' And as he said this
are the dead to be raised up? he showed them his hands and
Yes, with what kind of body are his feet ."
they coming?' You unreasonable [Compare this appearance to
person! What you sow is not the experience of the disciples
made alive unless first it dies ; while Jesus was still alive in flesh
and as for what you sow, you (Matt. 14 :26, 27) .]
sow, not the body that will de-
velop, but a bare grain, it may Only Those in God's Memory
be, of wheat or any one of the Have Hope
rest ; but God gives it a body John 5 :28, 29 "Do not marvel
just as it has pleased him, and at this, because the hour is com-
to each of the seeds its own body . ing in which all those in the
Not all flesh is the same flesh, memorial tombs will hear his
but there is one of mankind, and voice and come out ."
there is another flesh of cattle, Acts 2 :27-32 "David . . . saw be-
and another flesh of birds, and
another of fish . And there are forehand and spoke concerning
the resurrection of the Christ,
heavenly bodies, and earthly that neither was he forsaken in
bodies ; but the glory of the heav- Hades nor did his flesh see cor-
enly bodies is one kind, and that
of the earthly bodies is a different ruption . This Jesus God resur-
kind. . . . So also is the resurrec- rected, of which fact we are all
tion of the dead. . . . It is even witnesses ."
so written : `The first man Adam Rev . 20 :13 "And the sea gave
became a living soul.' The last up those dead in it, and death
Adam became a life-giving spirit . and Hades gave up those dead in
However, this I say, brothers, that them, and they were judged in-
flesh and blood cannot inherit dividually according to their
God's kingdom, neither does cor- deeds ."
ruption inherit incorruption ." Wicked Will Never Be Remem-
1 Pet . 3 :18 "Why, even Christ bered for Resurrection
died once for all time concerning Prov . 21 :16 "The man that
sins, a righteous person for un- wandereth out of the way of un-
righteous ones, that he might lead derstanding shall rest in the
you to God, he being put to death assembly of the dead ."
in the flesh, but being made alive
in the spirit ." Prov . 10 :7 "The memory of the
Acts 10 :40, 41 "God raised this righteous is blessed ; but the name
One up on the third day and of the wicked shall rot ."
granted him to become visible, Obad . 16 "For as ye have drunk
not to all the people, but to wit- upon my holy mountain, so shall
nesses appointed beforehand by all the nations drink continually ;
God, to us, who ate and drank yea, they shall drink, and swallow
with him after his rising from down, and shall be as though
the dead." they had not been ."
Luke 24 :37-40 "But they were Jer . 51 :57 "And they shall sleep
terrified, and because they be- a perpetual sleep, and not wake ."
3 15 Resurrection
Isa. 26 :14 "They are dead, they fading inheritance . It is reserved
shall not live ; they are deceased, in the heavens for you."
they shall not rise : therefore hast 2 Cor . 4 :14 "Knowing that he
thou visited and destroyed them, who raised Jesus up will raise
and made all remembrance of us up also together with Jesus
them to perish ." and will present us together with
Ps . 109 :15, 16 "Let them be you ."
before Jehovah continually, that Rom . 6 :5 "For if we have be-
he may cut off the memory of come united with him in the like-
them from the earth ." ness of his death, we shall cer-
Matt. 25 :41, 46 "Then he will tainly also be united with him in
say, in turn, to those on his the likeness of his resurrection ."
left : 'Be on your way from me, Phil . 3 :10, 11 "So as to know
you who have been cursed, into him and the power of his resur-
the everlasting fire prepared for rection and a sharing in his suf-
the Devil and his angels .' And ferings, submitting myself to his
these will depart into everlasting kind of death, to see if I may
cutting-off, but the righteous ones by any means attain to the ear-
into everlasting life." lier resurrection from the dead ."
1 Cor. 15 :42, 44, 45, 53 "So also
Resurrection Not a Transmigra- is the resurrection of the dead .
tion of Human Soul into Newly It is sown in corruption, it is
Born Child raised up in incorruption . It is
John 3 :4 "How can a man be sown a physical body, it is raised
born when he is old? He cannot up a spiritual body . . . . It is even
enter into the womb of his so written : `The first man Adam
mother a second time and be became a living soul .' The last
born, can he?" Adam became a life-giving spirit .
Matt . 17 :10-13 "However, the For this which is corruptible
disciples put the question to him : must put on incorruption, and
`Why, then, do the scribes say this which is mortal must put on
that Elijah must come first?' In immortality ."
reply he [Jesus] said : `Elijah, Luke 12 :32 "Have no fear, little
indeed, is coming and will re- flock, because your Father has
store all things . However, I say approved of giving you the king-
to you that Elijah has already dom."
come and they did not recognize Rev. 20 :4-6 "And I saw thrones .
him but did with him the things and there were those who sat
they wanted. In this way also the down on them, and power of
Son of man is destined to suffer judging was given them . Yes, I
at their hands.' Then the disci- saw the souls of those executed
ples perceived that he spoke to with the ax for the witness they
them about John the Baptist ." bore to Jesus . . . And they came
Luke 1 :13, 15 . 17 "You are to to life and ruled as kings with
call his name John . . . ;for he the Christ for a thousand years .
will be great before Jehovah . . . . . This is the first resurrection.
Also he will go before him with Happy and holy is anyone having
Elijah's spirit and power ." part in the first resurrection ; over
these the second death has no
144,000 Sharing in Christ's Death authority, but they will be priests
Raised to Heaven to Share in of God and of the Christ, and will
First Resurrection rule as kings with him for the
1 Pet . 1 :3, 4 "God . . . gave us thousand years ."
a new birth to a living hope Rev . 14:1 "And I saw, and look!
through the resurrection of Jesus the Lamb standing upon the
Christ from the dead, to an in- mount Zion, and with him a
corruptible and undefiled and un- hundred and forty-four thousand
Resurrection 316
having his name and the name of will be raised up incorruptible,
his Father written on their fore- and we shall be changed."
heads." 1 Thess . 4 :15-17 "For this is
Earlier Ones of 144,000 Sleep in what we tell you by Jehovah's
Death Until Day of Christ's word, that we the living who sur-
Manifestation A . D . 1918 vive to the presence of the Lord
shall in no way precede those
1 Cor . 15 :22-24, 52 "In the who have fallen asleep in death,
Christ all will be made alive. . and those who are dead in
But each one in his own rank : union with Christ will rise first .
Christ the firstfruits, afterward Afterward we the living who are
those who belong to the Christ surviving will together with them
during his presence . Next, the ac- be caught away in clouds to
complished end. . . . For the trum- meet the Lord in the air ; and
pet will sound, and the dead will thus we shall always be with the
be raised up incorruptible, and Lord ."
we shall be changed ." 144,000 Also Described as Having
1 Thess. 4 :14, 16 "For if our a Spiritual Awakening
faith is that Jesus died and rose
again, so, too, those who have Col . 2 :12 "For you were buried
fallen asleep in death through with him in his baptism, and by
Jesus God will bring with him . relationship with him you were
Because the Lord himself will also raised up together through
descend from heaven with a com- your faith in the operation of
manding call, with an archangel's God, who raised him up from the
voice and with God's trumpet, dead."
and those who are dead in union Col. 3 :1 "If, however, you were
with Christ will rise first." raised up with Christ, go on
John 11 :23, 24 "Jesus said to seeking the things above, where
her : 'Your brother will rise .' Mar- the Christ is seated at the right
tha said to him : 'I know he will hand of God."
rise in the resurrection on the Rom . 6 :11-13 "Likewise also
last day .'" you : reckon yourselves to be dead
indeed with reference to sin but
2 Tim. 4 :7, 8 "I have fought living with reference to God by
the right fight, I have run the Christ Jesus. Therefore do not let
course to the finish, I have ob- sin continue to rule as king in
served the faith . From this time your mortal bodies that you
on there is reserved for me the
crown of righteousness, which the should obey their desires . Neither
go on presenting your members
Lord, the righteous judge, will to sin as weapons of unrighteous-
give me as a reward in that ness, but present yourselves to
day, yet not only to me, but also God as those alive from the
to all those who have loved his dead."
manifestation ." Eph. 2 :3-6 "Yes, among them
Also : John 6 :33, 38-40, 53-58 . we all at one time conducted
Those of This Class Dying Since ourselves in harmony with the
1918 Changed Immediately at desires of our flesh, doing the
Their Death things the flesh and the thoughts
willed, and we were naturally
1 Cor . 15 :51, 52 "Look! I tell children of wrath even as the
you a sacred secret : We shall not rest . But God, who is rich in
all fall asleep in death, but we mercy, for his great love with
shall all be changed, in a mo- which he loved us, made us alive
ment, in the twinkling of an eye, together with the Christ, even
during the last trumpet . For the when we were dead in trespasses
trumpet will sound, and the dead -by undeserved kindness you
317 Resurrection
have been saved-and he raised right : 'Come, you who have my
us up together and seated us Father's blessing, inherit the
together in the heavenly places kingdom prepared for you from
in union with Christ Jesus ." the world's foundation .'"
Those Faithful Men of Old Who Ps. 37 :9-11 "For evil-doers shall
Proved Integrity Before Jesus be cut off ; but those that wait
Will Be Raised to Life on Earth for Jehovah, they shall inherit
Heb . 11 :30-35 "Rahab . . . Gid- the land . For yet a little while,
eon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, and the wicked shall not be : yea,
David as well as Samuel and the thou shalt diligently consider his
other prophets, . . . stopped the place, and he shall not be . But
mouths of lions, stayed the force
of fire, escaped the edge of the the meek shall inherit the land,
sword . . . . Women received their and shall delight themselves in
dead by resurrection ; but other the abundance of peace."
men were tortured because they These Two Classes Likely to Be
would not accept release by some Raised Early After Armageddon
ransom, in order that they might Job 14 :13 "That thou wouldest
attain a better resurrection ." keep me secret, until thy wrath
Isa . 26:19 "Thy dead shall live ; be past, that thou wouldest ap-
my dead bodies shall arise . Awake point me a set time, and re-
and sing, ye that dwell in the member me!"
dust ; for thy dew is as the dew Dan . 12 :13 "For thou shalt rest,
of herbs, and the earth shall and shalt stand in thy lot, at the
cast forth the dead ." end of the days ."
Hos . 13 :14 "I will ransom them Rev . 20 :11, 12 "And I saw a
from the power of Sheol ; I will great_ white throne and the one
redeem them from death : 0 seated on it. From before him the
death, where are thy plagues? 0 earth and the heaven fled away,
Sheol, where is thy destruction?" and no place was found for them .
Acts 17 :31 "Because he has set And I saw the dead, the great
a day in which he purposes to and the small, standing before
judge the inhabited earth in the throne ."
righteousness by a man whom he All Three Groups, Accounted
has appointed, and he has fur- Righteous, Have Resurrection
nished a guarantee to all men in
that he has resurrected him from of Life
the dead." John 5 :25-29 "Most truly I say
Faithful Other Sheep Dying Now to you, the hour is coming, and it
Have Hope of Resurrection is now, when the dead will hear
on Earth the voice of the Son of God and
those who have given heed will
John 10 :16 "And I have other live. . . . and come out, those who
sheep, which are not of this fold ; did good things to a resurrection
those also I must bring,, . . and of life ."
they will become one flock, one
shepherd ." All Others in God's Memory,
Matt . 25 :33, 34 "And he will Reckoned Unrighteous, Raised
put the sheep on his right hand, for Judgment on Earth
but the goats on his left . Then Luke 23 :40, 41, 43 "In reply the
the king will say to those on his other rebuked him and said : 'Do
Resurrection 318
you not fear God at all, now were judged individually accord-
that you are in the same judg- ing to their deeds ."
ment? And we, indeed, justly All on Earth, Though Awakened
so, for we are receiving in full Earlier, Do Not Have Guarantee
what we deserve for things we of Life Until End of 1,000-Year
did ; but this man did nothing Reign
out of the way .' And he [Jesus] Rev. 20 :5, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15 "The
said to him : `Truly I tell you rest of the dead did not come
today, You will be with me in to life until the thousand years
were ended . . . . Now as soon as
Paradise.'" the thousand years have been
John 5 :25-30 "For just as the ended, Satan will be let loose out
Father has in himself the gift of his prison, and he will go out
of life, so he has granted to the to mislead those nations in the
Son to have also in himself the four quarters of the earth, Gog
gift of life . And he has given and Magog, to gather them to-
him authority to do judging, be- gether for the war. The number
cause Son of man he is . . . . those of these is as the sand of the
in the memorial tombs will hear sea . And the Devil who was
his voice and come out . . . . those misleading them was hurled into
who practiced vile things to a the lake of fire and sulphur. . . .
resurrection of judgment . . . . just And death and Hades were hurled
as I hear, I judge, and the judg- into the lake of fire. This means
ment that I render is righteous ." the second death, the lake of
See "Judgment Days" . fire . Furthermore, whoever was
Awakening Must Wait Until not found written in the book
of life was hurled into the lake
Paradise Earth Established of fire ."
After Armageddon
Luke 20:35, 36 "But those who
Luke 23 :42, 43 "And he went have been counted worthy of
on to say : `Jesus, remember me gaining that system of things and
when you get into your kingdom .' the resurrection from the dead
And he said to him : `Truly I tell neither marry nor are given in
you today, You will be with me marriage . In fact, neither can
in Paradise.'" they die any more, for they are
Rev . 20 :11-13 "And I saw a like the angels, and they are
great white throne and the one God's children by being children
seated on it . From before him the of the resurrection ."
earth and the heaven fled away, 1 Cor. 15 :57 "But thanks to
and no place was found for them . God, for he gives us the victory
And I saw the dead, the great through our Lord Jesus Christ!"
and the small, standing before Rev . 21 :1-4 "And I saw a new
the throne, and scrolls were heaven and a new earth, for the
opened . But another scroll was former heaven and the former
opened; it is the scroll of life . earth had passed away . . . . And
And the dead were judged out he will wipe out every tear from
of those things written in the their eyes, and death will be
scrolls according to their deeds . no more, neither will mourning
And the sea gave up those dead nor outcry nor pain be any more .
in it, and death and Hades gave The former things have passed
up those dead in them, and they away ."

Return of Christ
Jesus of Nazareth became the Christ of God, the Messiah, the
Seed of God's "woman" (organization), upon his baptism in the
Jordan river A .D . 29 and thus his first official presence upon this
earth as Jehovah's faithful witness continued for three and one half
years . Before leaving the earth Christ promised to return again
according to God's purpose to establish his kingdom, to rule amidst
his enemies, to judge the nations and to bring salvation and deliver-
ance to faithful mankind . This second presence (par'a) of Christ
the Messiah was to be invisible and the unmistakable sign he gave
shows conclusively that this return of Christ began in the year 1914 .
Since that time Christ has turned his attention toward earth's af-
fairs and is dividing the peoples and educating the true Christians
in preparation for their survival during the great storm of Arma-
geddon, when all unfaithful mankind will be destroyed from the
face of the earth.
Sign of Christ's First Presence ; Acts 10 :38-41 "Jesus who was
Pictured by Jonah's Preaching, from Nazareth, how God anointed
His Being Swallowed Up 3 Days, him with holy spirit and power,
and Restoration and he went through the land
Luke 11:29, 30 "This generation doing good and healing all those
is a wicked generation ; it looks oppressed by the Devil, because
for a sign . But no sign will be God was with him. And we are
given it except the sign of Jonah . witnesses of all the things he
For just as Jonah became a sign did both in the country of the
to the Ninevites, in the same way Jews and in Jerusalem ; but they
will the Son of man be also to also did away with him by hang-
this generation." ing him on a stake . God raised
Jonah 3 :2; 1 :17 ; 2 :10 "Arise, go this One up on the third day
unto Nineveh, that great city, and granted him to become visi-
and preach unto it the preaching ble, not to all the people, but to
that I bid thee ." "And Jehovah witnesses appointed beforehand
prepared a great fish to swallow by God, to us, who ate and drank
up Jonah ; and Jonah was in the with him after his rising from
belly of the fish three days and the dead ."
three nights ." "And Jehovah Sign of Christ's Second Presence
spake unto the fish, and it vom- the Coming in Clouds When
ited out Jonah upon the dry Given Kingdom Rule
land ."
Dan . 7 :13, 14 "I saw in the
Fulfilled in Jesus' Preaching, His night-visions, and, behold, there
Being 3 Days in the Grave, and came with the clouds of heaven
His Resurrection one like unto a son of man, and
Matt . 12:40 "For just as Jonah he came even to the ancient of
was in the belly of the huge fish days, and they brought him near
three days and three nights, so before him . And there was given
the Son of man will be in the him dominion, and glory, and a
heart of the earth three days and kingdom, that all the peoples,
three nights." nations, and languages should
Return of Christ 320
serve him : his dominion is an All His Appearances After His
everlasting dominion, which shall Resurrection Seen Only by His
not pass away, and his kingdom Disciples, Not by the Public
that which shall not be de- 1 Cor. 15 :4-8 "And that he was
stroyed ." buried, yes, that he has been
At Jesus' Trial, A .D . 33, High raised up the third day accord-
Priest Asks for This Sign of ing to the Scriptures, and that
Christ, but Jesus Testifies It he appeared to Cephas, then to
Will Come in the Future the twelve . After that he ap-
peared to upward of five hundred
Matt . 26 :63, 64 "So the high brothers at one time, the most
priest said to him : 'By the living
God I put you under oath to of whom remain to the present,
tell us whether you are the Christ but some have fallen asleep in
the Son of God!' Jesus said to death. After that he appeared to
James, then to all the apostles ;
him : 'That was for you to say . but last of all he appeared also
Yet I say to you men, From to me as if to one born pre-
henceforth you will see the Son maturely."
of man sitting at the right hand
of power and coming on the Angels Testified at Jesus' Ascen-
clouds of heaven.' " sion as a Spirit that Christ
Would Return in Like Manner,
Appearances of Jesus After His Quiet, Unobserved by the
Resurrection Made in Different Public
Materialized Bodies Acts 1 :9, 11 "And after he had
John 20 :14-16 "After saying said these things, while they
these things, she turned back and [only the disciples] were looking
on, he was lifted up and a cloud
viewed Jesus standing, but she caught him up from their vision .
did not discern it was Jesus . Jesus 'Men of Galilee, why do you
said to her : 'Woman, why are stand looking into the sky? This
you weeping? Whom are you Jesus who was received up from
looking for?' She, imagining it you into heaven will come thus in
was the gardener, said to him : the same manner as you have
'Sir, if you have carried him off, beheld him going into heaven .'"
tell me where you have laid him, Disciples Asked for Evidence of
and I will take him away.' Jesus Christ's Second Presence
said to her : 'Mary!' Upon turn- Matt. 24:3 "While he was sit-
ing around, she said to him, in ting upon the mount of Olives,
Hebrew : 'Rabboni!' (which means the disciples approached him pri-
'Teacher!') ." vately, saying : 'Tell us, When will
these things be, and what will
Luke 24:15, 16, 30, 31 "Now as be the sign of your presence and
they were conversing and discuss- of the consummation of the sys-
ing Jesus himself approached tem of things?"'
and began traveling with them ; Also : Mark 13 :4 ; Luke 21 :7 .
but their eyes were kept from See "Sign of Last Days" .
recognizing him . And as he was
reclining with them at the meal Composite Sign Proves Fulfill-
ment of Second Presence in 1914
he took the loaf, blessed it, broke
it and began to hand it to them . Matt . 24 :7, 8, 30 "For nation
At that their eyes were fully will rise against nation and king-
dom against kingdom, and there
opened and they recognized him ; will be food shortages and earth-
and he disappeared from them ." quakes in one place after another .
See : Mark 16 :12 . All these things are a beginning
321 Return of Christ
of pangs of distress . And then No Private Appearances of Christ
the sign of the Son of man will to Occur, as Claimed by Some
appear in heaven, and then all False Preachers
the tribes of the earth will go to Matt . 24:23-26 "Then if anyone
wailing and they will see the says to you, 'Look! here is the
Son of man coming on the clouds Christ,' or, 'There!' do not be-
of heaven with power and great lieve it . For false Christs and
glory." false prophets will arise and will
Christ's Return Invisible, as He give great signs and wonders so
Testified that Man Would Not as to mislead, if possible, even
See Him Again in Human Form the chosen ones . Look! I have
John 14 :19 "A little longer and forewarned you . Therefore, if
the world will behold me no people say to you, 'Look! he is in
more .' the wilderness,' do not go out ;
'Look! he is in the inner cham-
Matt . 23:39 "For I say to you, bers,' do not believe it ."
You will by no means see me
from henceforth until you say, Evidence of Invisible Second
'Blessed is he that comes in Je- Presence to Be Publicly Dis-
hovah's name!'" cernible in Every Part of the
Earth by All Nationalities
Second Presence of Christ Proved
Invisible by His "Sheep" Not Matt . 24 :27 "For just as the
Being Able to See Him with lightning comes out of eastern
Their Natural Eyes parts and shines over to western
parts, so the presence of the Son
Matt . 25 :37-40 "Then the right- of man will be ."
eous ones will answer him with Matt . 24 :31 "And he will send
the words : 'Lord, when did we forth his angels with a great
see you hungry and feed you, trumpet-sound and they will
or thirsty, and give you some- gather his chosen ones together
thing to drink? When did we see from the four winds, from one
you a stranger and receive you extremity of the heavens to their
hospitably, or naked, and clothe other extremity."
you? When did we see you sick Early Christians Expected
or in prison and go to you?' Christ's Return to Be In-
And in reply the king will say to visible . Paul Argued There
Was Insufficient Evidence
them : 'Truly I say to you, To in Their Day
the extent that you did it to one
of the least of these my brothers 2 Thess. 2 :1-3 "However, broth-
ers, respecting the presence of
you did it to me.'" our Lord Jesus Christ and our
Christ Also Invisible to His Ene- being gathered together to hin.,
mies, the "Goats" we request of you not to be quick-
ly shaken from your reason nor
Matt . 25 :44, 45 "Then they [the to be excited either through an
goats] also will answer with the inspired expression or through a
words : 'Lord, when did we see verbal message or through a let-
you hungry or thirsty or a stran- ter as though from us, to the
ger or naked or sick or in prison effect that the day of Jehovah is
and did not minister to you?' here . Let no one seduce you in
Then he will answer them with any manner, because it will not
the words : 'Truly I say to you, come unless the falling away
To the extent that you did not comes first and the man of law-
do it to one of these least ones, lessness gets revealed, the son of
you did not do it to ine.'' , destruction."
Return of Christ 322
Second Presence Purpose of Ef- also may be . And where I am
fecting Salvation Contrasted to going you know the way ."
First Presence Purpose to Supply At Christ's Second Presence Res-
the Ransom Price urrection of the 144,000 Begins
Heb . 9 :27, 28 "And as it is re- 2 Tim . 4 :7, 8 "I have fought
served for men to die once for the right fight, I have run the
all time, but after this a judg- course to the finish, I have ob-
ment, so also the Christ was served the faith . From this time
offered once for all time to bear on there is reserved for me the
the sins of many, and the second crown of righteousness, which the
time that he appears it will be Lord, the righteous judge, will
apart from sin and to those give me as a reward in that
earnestly looking for him for their day, yet not only to me, but also
salvation ." to all those who have loved his
At Christ's Second Presence His manifestation ."
Kingdom Rule Begins 1 Thess. 4:15-17 "For this is
what we tell you by Jehovah's
Rev . 11 :15 "And loud voices word, that we the living who sur-
occurred in heaven saying : 'The vive to the presence of the Lord
kingdom of the world has be- shall in no way precede those
come the kingdom of our Lord
and of his Christ, and he will who have fallen asleep in death,
rule as king for ever and ever."' because the Lord himself will
descend from heaven with a com-
Rev . 12 :1, 2, 5, 10 "And a great manding call, with an archangel's
sign was seen in heaven, a woman voice and with God's trumpet,
arrayed with the sun, and the and those who are dead in union
moon was beneath her feet, and with Christ will rise first . After-
on her head was a crown of ward we the living who are sur-
twelve stars, and she was preg- viving will together with them
nant. And she cries out in her be caught away in clouds to meet
pains and in her agony to give the Lord in the air ; and thus
birth. And she gave birth to a we shall always be with the
son, a male, who is destined to Lord."
shepherd all the nations with an
iron rod . And her child was At Christ's Second Presence He
caught away to God and to his Will Rule Nations as with a Rod
throne. And I heard a loud voice of Iron, to Their Grief
in heaven say : 'Now have come Rev . 1 :7 "Look! he is coming
to pass the salvation and the with the clouds, and every eye
power and the kingdom of our will see him, and those who
God and the authority of his pierced him ; and all the tribes of
Christ .'" the earth will beat themselves in
Also : Dan. 2 :44 : Ps . 145 :13 . grief because of him . Yes, Amen ."
lie Comes Again to Receive His Ps . 2 :8 . 9 "Ask of me, and I
Fellow Kingdom Heirs into will give thee [Christ Jesus] the
Heaven nations for thine inheritance, and
the uttermost parts of the earth
John 14 :2-4 "In the house of for thy possession . Thou shalt
my Father there are many break them with a rod of iron ;
abodes . Otherwise, I would have thou shalt dash them in pieces
told you, because I am going my like a potter's vessel."
way to prepare a place for you . Time of Fear and Day of Fear-
Also, if I go my way and pre- ful Sights, but the Righteous to
pare a place for you, I am coming Be Delivered
again and will receive you home Luke 21 :25-28 "Also there will
to myself, that where I am you be signs in sun and moon and
323 Return of Christ
stars, and on the earth anguish Righteous Flee to God's Moun-
of nations, not knowing the way tainlike Organization
out because of the roaring of the Matt. 24:16 "Then let those in
sea and its agitation, while men
become faint out of fear and Judea begin fleeing to the moun-
tains ."
expectation of the things coming
upon the inhabited earth ; for the Angels Assist in This Sifting
powers of the heavens will be Work
shaken . And then they will see Matt . 13 :49 "That is how it
the Son of man coming in a will be in the consummation of
cloud with power and great glory . the system of things : the angels
But as these things start to occur, will go out and separate the
raise yourselves erect and lift wicked from among the right-
your heads up, because your de- eous ."
liverance is getting near ." Also : Matt . 24 :31 ; 25 :31 .
Christ's Second Presence Begins
Transition Period of Warning Righteous Ones Taken Along to
Notice to the People Safety at Christ's Second
Matt. 24 :14 "And this good
news of the kingdom will be Matt . 24 :40-42 "Then two men
preached in all the inhabited will be in the field : one will be
earth for the purpose of a wit- taken along and the other be
ness to all the nations, and then abandoned ; two women will be
the accomplished end will come ." grinding at the hand-mill : one
will be taken along and the other
Likened to Noah's Day Before be abandoned . Keep on the watch,
the Deluge therefore, because you do not
Malt. 24 :37-39 "For just as the know on what day your Master
days of Noah were, so the pres- is coming ."
ence of the Son of man will Also : Luke 17 :32-36 .
be . For as people were in those
days before the flood, eating and Destiny-fixing Time for
drinking, marrying and giving in Salvation
marriage, until the day that Noah Matt . 24 :11-13 "And many false
entered into the ark ; and they
took no note until the flood came prophets will arise and mislead
and swept them all away, so the many ; and because of the in-
presence of the Son of man will creasing of lawlessness the love
be ." of the greater number will cool
At Christ's Second Presence He off. But he that has endured to
Separates Good and Bad People the finish is the one that will
as Sheep and Goats, as Time be saved ."
of Judgment Sets In Christ's Second Presence Is a
Matt. 25 :31-33 "When the Son Time to Keep Awake
of man arrives in his glory and
all the angels with him, then he Luke 21,3-4.36 "But pay atten-
will sit down on his glorious tion to yourselves that your
throne . And all the nations will hearts never become weighted
be gathered before him, and he down with overeating and heavy
will separate people one from drinking and anxieties of life.
another, just as a shepherd sep- and suddenly that day be instant-
arates the sheep from the goats . ly upon you as a snare . For it
And he will put the sheep on his will come in upon all those dwell-
right hand, but the goats on his ing upon the face of all the earth .
left." Keep awake, then, all the time

Sabbath 324
making supplication that you may and to hold your position before
succeed in escaping all these the Son of man ."
things that are destined to occur, See "Resurrection".

Literally : "Sabbath," from Sha-bath', "to rest ; desist ." "Sabbath
day," therefore, means "rest day" or a day of desisting from certain
works . A sabbath day is always sanctified, brings blessings to the
Day : A definite period of time (not necessarily 24 hours) .
The Different Sabbaths cumcision, but a new creation is
1 . God's 7,000-year rest day of something ."
Eph. 1 :19, 20 "It is according to
creative week . the operation of the mightiness
2 . The weekly sabbath (God's of his strength, with which he
law to the Israelites) .
3 . Other sabbath days of God's has operated in the case of the
law to the Israelites . Christ when he raised him up
4 . Sabbath years (seventh and from the dead and seated him at
his right hand in the heavenly
fiftieth) of God's law to the places ."
Israelites .
5 . The 1,000-year "Kingdom Length of God's six creative days
Sabbath" under Christ as King. and the rest day not 24 hours
1 . Jehovah's 7,000-Year Sabbath each, but many years
Gen . 2 :4 "These are the genera-
Gen. 2 :2, 3 "On the seventh day tions
God finished his work which he earth when of the heavens and of the
had made ; and he rested on the the day [Hebthey were created, in
seventh day from all his work God made earth ., yom] that Jehovah
which he had made . And God and heaven ."
blessed the seventh day, and hal- God's creative rest day 7,000
lowed it ; because that in it he years long
rested from all his work which God rested shortly after creat-
God had created and made ."
Ex . 31 :17 "In six days Jehovah ing Adam and Eve and giving
made heaven and earth, and on them his law and the procreation
mandate .
the seventh day he rested, and
was refreshed ." Gen Jehovah
"And . 2 :7, 16,God 17,formed
22 ; 1 :28-31
God desisted only toward earth- . . . and man became a living soul.
ly creative works .of the tree of the knowledge
John 5 :17 "But he answered of good and evil, thou shalt not
them : 'My Father has kept work- eat of it : . . . and the rib . . . made
ing until now, and I keep work- he a woman, and brought her
ing.' " unto the man ." "And God said
2 Cor . 5 :17 "Consequently, if unto them, Be fruitful, and mul-
anyone is in union with Christ, tiply, and replenish the earth,
he is a new creation ; the old and subdue it ; and have dominion
things passed away, look! new over the fish . . . birds . . . and over
things have come into existence ." every living thing . . . I have given
Gal . 6 :15 "For neither is cir- you every herb . . . and . . . fruit . . .
cumcision anything nor is uncir- for food : . . . And there was eve-
3 25 Sabbath
ning and there was morning, the Sabbath set aside for vindication
sixth day ." of Jehovah as Creator, Purposer .
Seventh day not shown as Maintainer, of what is good
ending back there, as are the Gen . 2 :3, "And God blessed the
other six .-See Genesis 2 :1-4 . seventh day, and hallowed it ."
God's rest day still continues : Isa . 46 :10 "Declaring the end
Heb . 3 :9-4 :11 "So I swore in from the beginning, and from an-
my wrath : 'They [Israelites in cient times things that are not
the wilderness] shall not enter yet done ; saying, My counsel shall
into my rest .'" "He again marks stand, and I will do all my
off a certain day by saying after pleasure."
so long a time in David's psalm Isa . 48 :3 "I have declared the
'Today' ; . . . So there remains a former things from of old ; yea,
sabbath resting for the people of they went forth out of my mouth,
God." and I showed them : suddenly I
Also : Isa . 28 :12 . did them, and they came to pass ."
Isa . 55 :11 "So shall my word
(1) Man's existence covers near- be that goeth forth out of my
ly 6,000 years (4025 B .C . to over mouth : it shall not return unto
1,950 years A .D .) as shown by me void, but it shall accomplish
Bible chronology .-Luke 3 :23-38 . that which I please, and it shall
(2) Armageddon and change in prosper in the thing whereto I
system of things near-in this sent it."
generation-as shown by physi- Acts 15 :17, 18 "Jehovah, who is
cal facts in fulfillment of Mat- doing these things which he has
thew, chapter 24, and other proph- known from of old ."
ecies . Works of self-interest to be
Matt . 24:34 "Truly I say to avoided during God's rest day
you that this generation will by
no means pass away until all Heb . 4 :10 "For the man that
these things occur ." has entered into God's rest has
(3) 1,000-year rule of Christ also himself rested from his own
immediately follows Armageddon . works just as God did from his
own ."
Rev . 20 :1-6 "An angel . . . seized Rom . 9 :31, 32 "But Israel, al-
the dragon, the original serpent, though pursuing a law of right-
who is the Devil and Satan, and eousness, did not attain to the
bound him for a thousand years . law . For what reason? Because
. . . that he might not mislead the he pursued it, not by faith, but
nations any more until the thou- as by works."
sand years were ended ." Rom . 10 :3 "For, because of not
(4) God's rest day ends at knowing the righteousness of God
the end of the 1,000-year rule of but seeking to establish their
Christ as King, making the great own, they did not subject them-
selves to the righteousness of
Rest Day 7,000 years. God ."
1 Cor . 15 :24, 28 "Next, the ac- Job 32 :2 "Then was kindled the
complished end, when he hands wrath of Elihu . . . against Job was
over the kingdom to his God and his wrath kindled, because he
Father . . . . But when all things justified himself rather than
will have been subjected to him, God ."
then the Son himself will also Jer. 10 :23 "O Jehovah, I know
that the way of man is not in
subject himself to the one who himself ; it is not in man that
subjected all things to him, that walketh to direct his steps ."
God may be all things to every- Col . 1:21 "Indeed, you who
one ." were once alienated and enemies
Sabbath 326
because your minds were on the the same example of disobe-
works that were wicked, he now dience ."
has again reconciled." Isa . 56 :2 "Blessed is the man
1 Cor. 5 :8 "Consequently, let that doeth this, and the son of
us keep the feast, not with old man that holdeth it fast ; that
yeast, neither with yeast of in- keepeth the sabbath from pro-
juriousness and wickedness, but faning it, and keepeth his hand
with unfermented cakes of purity from doing any evil ."
and truth ." Satan, Adam and Eve violated
Matt . 7 :22, 23 "Many will say to God's rest by disobedience, by
me in that day : 'Master, Master, trying to become judges, supe-
did we not prophesy in your name, rior authorities, trying to build
and expel demons in your name, world of their own making
and perform many powerful
works in your name?' And yet Gen . 2 :17 ; 3 :4-6, 22 "Of the
then I will confess to them : I tree of the knowledge of good and
never knew you at all ." evil, thou shalt not eat of it ."
Isa . 58 :13 "If thou turn away "The serpent said . . . . Ye shall
thy foot from the sabbath, from not surely die : for God doth
doing thy pleasure on my holy know that in the day ye eat
day. , ' thereof, then your eyes shall be
Eccl . 4 :4, 6 "Then I saw all opened, and ye shall be as God,
labor and every skilful work, that knowing good and evil . And when
for this a man is envied of his the woman saw that the tree
neighbor . This also is vanity and was good for food, and that it
a striving after wind . Better is was a delight to the eyes, and
a handful, with quietness, than that the tree was to be desired
two handfuls with labor and to make one wise, she took of
striving after wind." the fruit . . . . And Jehovah God
1 Tim . 6 :9 "However, those said, Behold, the man is become
who are determined to be rich as one of us, to know good and
fall into temptation and a snare evil."
and many senseless and hurtful Rom . 13 :1 "Let every soul be
desires which plunge men into in subjection to the superior au-
destruction and ruin." thorities ."
Rom . 5 :12, 19 "Through one
Christian's unselfish work, to be man sin entered into the world
done during God's rest day ; and death through sin, . .
faith and obedience through the disobedience of the
John 6 :29 "In answer Jesus one man many were constituted
said to them : 'This is the work of sinners."
God, that you exercise faith in 2 Cor . 11 :14 "Satan himself
him whom that One sent forth .'" keeps transforming himself into
Rom. 11 :6 "Now if it is by an angel of light ."
undeserved kindness it is no The nations have violated God's
longer due to works ; otherwise, rest day by their own worthless
the undeserved kindness no long- works
er proves to be undeserved kind-
ness Matt . 6:31, 32 "So never be
Heb . 4 :3, 6, 11 "For we who anxious and say : 'What are we
have exercised faith do enter into to eat?' or, 'What are we to
the rest . . . . those to whom the drink?' or, 'What are we to put
good news was first declared did on?' For all these are the things
not enter in because of disobe- the nations are eagerly pursuing ."
dience . Let us therefore do our Isa . 24 :5, 6 "The earth also is
utmost to enter into that rest, polluted under the inhabitants
for fear anyone should fall in thereof ; because they have trans-
3 27 Sabbath
gressed the laws, violated the set time, and remember me! If
statutes, broken the everlasting a man die, shall he live again?
covenant. Therefore hath the . . . Thou wouldest call, and I
curse devoured the earth, and would answer thee : thou wouldest
they that dwell therein are found have a desire to the work of
guilty thy hands ."
Isa. 30 :1, 2 "Woe to the rebel- Ps . 119 :73 ; 139 :13, 15, 16 "Thy
lious children, saith Jehovah, that hands have made me and fash-
take counsel, but not of me ; and ioned me." "For thou didst form
that make a league, but not of my inward parts : . . . My frame
my spirit, that they may add was not hidden from thee . . . . and
sin to sin ; that set cut to go in thy book they were all written ."
down into Egypt, and have not Matt. 12 :11 "Who will be the
asked at my mouth ; to strength- man among you that has one
en themselves in the strength of sheep and, if this falls into a pit
Pharaoh, and to take refuge in on the sabbath, will not get hold
the shadow of Egypt!" of it and lift it out?"
Isa . 8 :9-13 "0 ye peoples, . . .
gird yourselves, and be broken 2 . Weekly Sabbath
in pieces. Take counsel together, Genesis, chapters 1, 2, 8, 9,
and it shall be brought to nought ; although mentioning seven-day
. . . Say ye not, A conspiracy . . . . divisions, do not command or in-
neither fear ye their fear . . . . Je- dicate these to end with a sab-
hovah of hosts, him shall ye bath day .
sanctify." First instituted with Israelites
Jer . 51 :58 "The peoples shall
labor for vanity, and the na- Ex . 16 :23, 26-30 "Jehovah hath
tions for the fire ; and they shall spoken, Tomorrow is a solemn
be weary." rest, a holy sabbath unto Je-
Ps . 127 :1 "Except Jehovah build hovah : . Six days ye shall
the house, they labor in vain that gather it [manna] ; but on the
build it : except Jehovah keep the seventh day is the sabbath, in
city, the watchman waketh but it there shall be none. And it
in vain ." came to pass on the seventh day,
Dan . 4:30 "The king spake and that there went out some of the
said . Is not this great Babylon, people to gather, and they found
which I have built for the royal none. And Jehovah said unto
dwelling-place, by the might of Moses, How long refuse ye to keep
my power and for the glory of my commandments and my laws?
my majesty?" See, for that Jehovah hath given
Gen. 11 :4 "And they said, you the sabbath, therefore he
Come, let us build us a city, and giveth you on the sixth day the
a tower, whose top may reach bread of two days ; abide ye every
unto heaven, and let us make man in his place, let no man go
us a name." out of his place on the seventh
day . So the people rested on
Earthly resurrection not a viola- the seventh day ."
tion of rest day . Life pattern re- Ex . 20 :8-11 "Remember the
produced; no new humans sabbath day, to keep it holy ."
created Deut. 5 :2, 3, 12, 15 "Jehovah
John 5 :28, 23 "The hour is our God made a covenant with
coming in which all those in the us in Horeb . Jehovah made not
memorial tombs will hear his this covenant with our fathers,
voice and come out ." but with us, even us, who are all
Job 14 :13-15 "Oh that thou of us here alive this day. . . . Thou
wouldest hide me in Sheol, . . . wast a servant in the land of
that thou wouldest appoint me a Egypt, and Jehovah thy God
Sabbath 328
brought thee out thence by a gether to hear the word of Je-
mighty hand and by an out- hovah ."
stretched arm : therefore Jehovah Acts 16 :13 "And on the sabbath
thy God commanded thee to keep day we went forth outside the
the sabbath day ." gate beside a river where we
As a sign given only to the Jews were thinking there was a place
of prayer, and we sat down and
Amos 3 :1, 2 "0 children of began speaking to the women
israel . . . . You only have I known that had assembled ."
of all the families of the earth ." Acts 17 :2 "So according to
Ex. 31 :16, 17 "Wherefore the Paul's custom he went inside to
children of Israel shall keep the them and for three sabbaths he
sabbath, to observe the sabbath reasoned with them from the
throughout their generations, for Scriptures ."
s perpetual covenant . It is a Acts 18 :4 "However, he would
sign between me and the children give a talk in the synagogue
of Israel for ever ." every sabbath and would win
Neh. 9 :13, 14 "Thou camest over Jews and Greeks."
down also upon mount Sinai, and
spakest with them from heaven, Weekly Sabbath Not Enjoined
and gayest them right ordinances upon Christians
and true laws, good statutes . . . Acts 15 :28, 29 "For the holy
and commandest them command- spirit and we ourselves have fa-
ments, and statutes, and a law, by vored adding no further burden
Moses thy servant ." to you, except these necessary
Ps . 147 :19, 20 "He showeth his things, to keep yourselves free
word unto Jacob, his statutes from things sacrificed to idols
and his ordinances unto Israel . and from blood and from things
He hath not dealt so with any killed without draining their
nation ; and as for his ordinances, blood and from fornication . If
they have not known them ." you carefully keep yourselves
Good works of preaching and from these things, you will pros-
helping others could be done on per ."
Jewish sabbath Gal. 4 :9-11 "How is it that you
are turning back again to the
Luke 14 :3, 4 "So in response weak and inadequate elementary
Jesus spoke to those versed in things and want to be slaves
the Law and to the Pharisees, to them over again? You are
saying : `Is it lawful on the sab- scrupulously observing days and
bath to cure or not?' But they months and seasons and years ."
kept silent . With that he took Col . 2 :16 "Therefore let no man
hold of the man, healed him and judge you in eating and drinking
sent him away ." or in respect of a feast day or
Mark 1 :21 "No sooner was it of an observance of the new
the sabbath than he entered into moon or of a sabbath."
the synagogue and began to Rom . 14 :5, 10 "One man judges
teach." one day as above another ; an-
Mark 3 :4 "Next he said to other man judges one day as all
them : 'Is it lawful on the sabbath others ; let each man be fully
to do a good deed or to do an in- convinced in his own mind . . . .
jury, to save or to kill a soul?' " why do you judge your brother?"
Acts 13:42, 44 "Now when they
were going out, the people began 3, 4. Other Sabbath Days and
entreating for these matters to Years All Equally Binding upon
be spoken to them on the follow- the Israelites
ing sabbath . The next sabbath Lev. 16 :29, 31 "In the seventh
nearly all the city gathered to- month, on the tenth day of the
3 29 Sabbath
month, . . . It is a sabbath of 16 :16, 17] . . .'You must not com-
solemn rest unto you . . . . it is a mit adultery .' [Ex . 20 :14]
statute for ever ." 'Whoever divorces his wife, let
Lev. 23 :2, 3, 6-8, 15, 21, 24, 39 him give her a certificate of di-
"The set feasts of Jehovah, . . . vorce .' [Deut . 24 :1] . . . 'You must
on the seventh day is a sabbath not swear without performing .'
. on the fifteenth day of the [Num . 30 :2] . . .'Eye for eye and
[first] month is the feast of un- tooth for tooth .' [Ex . 21 :24] . . .
leavened bread . . . ye shall do no 'You must love your neighbor and
se : vile work . . in the seventh hate your enemy.'" [Ex . 23 :4]
day . ye shall do no servile Matt . 5 :18, 19 "Whoever, there-
work . And ye shall count unto fore, breaks one of these least
you from the morrow after the commandments and teaches man-
sabbath . . . . seven sabbaths . . . on kind to that effect, he will be
the selfsame day ; . . . ye shall do called 'least' in relation to the
no servile work : . . . In the sev- kingdom of the heavens ."
enth month, on the first day of Jas . 2 :10 "For whoever observes
the month, shall be a solemn rest all the Law but makes a false
unto you, . . .on the fifteenth day step in one point, he has become
of the seventh month . . . . ye shall an offender against them all ."
keep the feast of Jehovah seven
days : on the first day shall be 5 . Seventh-Day Sabbath a Shad-
a solemn rest, and on the eighth ow of .1000-Year Rule of Christ
day shall be a solemn rest ." as Glorious King to Benefit
of Mankind
Lev . 25 :1-13 "When ye come
into the land which I give you . . . . Mark 2 :27, 28 "So he went on
in the seventh year shall be a to say to them : 'The sabbath
sabbath of solemn rest for the came into existence for the sake
land . . . . And ye shall hallow the of man, and not man for the
fiftieth year." sake of the sabbath ; hence the
Son of man is Lord even of the
Jesus Did Not Destroy Law by sabbath .' 'I
Breaking It, but Fulfilled and
Completed It, for Moving It Out Luke 13 :16 "Was it not due,
of the Way then, for this woman who is a
daughter of Abraham, and whom
Gal . 4:4, 5 "God sent forth his Satan held bound, look! eighteen
Son, who was produced out of years, to be loosed from this
a woman and who came to be bond on the sabbath day?"
under law, that he might release
by purchase those under law ." Matt . 12 :11, 12 "Who will be
the man among you that has one
Matt. 5 :17 "Do not think I sheep and, if this falls into a
came to destroy the Law or the pit on the sabbath, will not get
Prophets. I came, not to destroy, hold of it and lift it out? All
but to fulfill." considered, of how much more
Eph. 2 :15 "By means of his worth is a man than a sheep!"
flesh he abolished the hatred, As Greater Noah (Meaning
the Law of commandments con- "Rest") His Kingdom Sab-
sisting in decrees." bath Will Bring Rest and
Christ Considered the Entire Peace to the Earth
Law One, Not Divided into
"Moral" and "Ceremonial" Gen. 5:28 . 29 "And Lamech
lived a hundred eighty and two
Parts years, and begat a son : and he
Matt. 5 :21, 23, 27, 31, 33, 38, 43 called his name Noah, saying,
"'You must not murder .' [Ex . This same shall comfort us in
20 :13] . . . If, then, you are bring- our work and in the toil of our
ing your gift to the altar [Deut . hands, which cometh because of
Salvation 3 30
the ground which Jehovah hath step the commandment of God
cursed ." because of your tradition?' "
Zech . 9 :10 "And I will cut off Matt . 9 :16, 17 "Nobody sews a
the chariot from Ephraim, and patch of unshrunk cloth upon an
the horse from Jerusalem ; and old garment ; for its full strength
the battle bow shall be cut off ; would pull from the garment and
and he shall speak peace unto the tear would become worse.
the nations : and his dominion Neither do people put new wine
shall be from sea to sea, and into old wineskins ; but if they do,
from the River to the ends of then the wineskins burst and the
the earth ." wine spills out and the wineskins
Gatherings on First Day of the are ruined . But people put new
Week Not an Observance of a wine into new wineskins, and
Sabbath Day (Resurrection of both things are preserved."
Christ Did Not Change the Sab- Compare : Heb . 8 :13 "In his
bath to First of Week) saying 'a new covenant' he has
Acts 20 :7 "On the first day of made the former one obsolete.
the week, when we were gathered Now that which is made obsolete
together to have a meal, Paul and growing old is near to van-
began discoursing to them ." ishing away ."
Compare : Acts 2 :46 "And day Deut. 4 :2 "Ye shall not add
after day they were in constant unto the word which I command
attendance at the temple with you, neither shall ye diminish
one accord, and they took their from it."
meals in private homes ."
1 Cor. 16 :2 "Every first day No Sabbath Law Today Because
of the week let each of you at None Have Power to Enforce
his own house set something aside Death Penalty for Sabbath Vio-
in store as he may be prospering, lations. Such Sanction Insepa-
so that when I arrive collections rable from Mosaic Law
will not take place then ." Num . 15 :32, 35 "They found a
Christ would not add to or man gathering sticks upon the
change the Law : sabbath day, And Jehovah said
Matt . 15 :3 "in reply he said unto Moses, The man shall surely
to them : `Why is it you also over- be put to death ."

Salvation is the deliverance from the destructive power of sin, a
redemption from the ultimate end of sin which is everlasting death,
annihilation . It means a restoration to divine favor and perfection
after having sinned or missed God's mark of perfection set for
faithful mankind. Salvation as referred to in the Bible may either be
(1) the preserving of one alive from trouble or an impending im-
mediate disaster or (2) the opportunity to receive everlasting life in
a state of peace, happiness and prosperity . Salvation is not an act
of divine justice but rather an act of divine mercy . It is a justification
or a being declared righteous granted by God the Superior to a handi-
capped inferior . As an act of mercy it is the withholding (1) of the
consequences of disaster or (2) of the punishment of everlasting death

331 Salvation
(annihilation) when either is justly due for failure to keep the divine
law . Salvation that counts is not a self-salvation, a salvation by
works. a salvation by law or a universal salvation, as these are all
unclean religious fallacies .
Jehovah God a Savior from pentance to Israel and forgiveness
Disaster and Trouble of sins ."
Ex. 15 :2 "Jehovah is my Luke 1 :68. 69 "Blessed be Je-
strength and song, and he is be- hovah the God of Israel, because
come my salvation : this is my he has turned his attention and
God, and I will praise him ." performed deliverance toward his
2 Sam . 22 :3 "God, my rock, in people . And he has raised up a
him will I take refuge ; my shield, mighty savior for us in the house
and the horn of my salvation, of David his servant ."
my high tower, and my refuge ; See also : Luke 2 :11 ; Eph . 5 :23 ;
my saviour, thou savest me from 2 Tim. 1 :10 ; 2 Pet . 1 :11 ; Heb.
violence ." 2 :10 .
Jehovah God a Savior to Ever- Jesus Christ Becomes the Savior
lasting Life of the New World of
1 Tim . 4 :8, 10 "But godly de- Righteousness
votion is beneficial for all things, John 4 :42 "We do not believe
as it holds promise of the life any longer on account of your
now and that which is to come . talk ; for we have heard for our-
For to this end we are working selves and we know that this
hard and exerting ourselves, be- man is for a certainty the savior
cause we have rested our hope on of the world."
a living God, who is a Savior of 1 John 4 :14 "We ourselves have
all kinds of men, especially of beheld and are bearing witness
faithful ones." that the Father has sent forth
Also : Jude 25 . his Son as Savior of the world ."
A Merciful God, Jehovah Alone All Salvation Depends upon
Justifies, Declares Righteous to Jesus Christ
Acts 4 :10, 12 "That in the name
Deut. 4 :31 "For Jehovah thy of Jesus Christ . . . there is no sal-
God is a merciful God ." vation in anyone else, for there
Rom . 8 :33 "God is the One who is not another name under heav-
declares them righteous ." en that has been given among
1 Pet . 1 :3, 5 "Blessed be the men by which we must get
God and Father of our Lord Jesus saved ."
Christ, for according to his great
mercy he gave us a new birth to God's "Means of Saving", the
a living hope . . . who are being Ransom Sacrifice of the Man
safeguarded by God's power Jesus, Must Be Accepted
through faith for a salvation Luke 2 :27-30 "And as the
ready to be revealed in the last parents brought the young child
period of time." Jesus . . . he I Simeon] himself re-
God Provides the Chief Agent ceived it into his arms and blessed
of Life, the Savior Jesus Christ God and said : 'Now, Sovereign
Lord, you are letting your slave
Acts 5 :30, 31 "The God of our go free in peace according to your
forefathers raised up jesus, whom declaration ; because my eyes have
your hands had killed, hanging
him upon a stake . God exalted seen your means of saving .'"
this one as Chief Agent and Sa- Luke 3 :6 "All humanity will
vior to his right hand, to give re- see the saving means of God ."
Salvation 332
Acts 28 :28 "Therefore let it be course to the finish, I have ob-
known to you that this the means served the faith . From this time
by which God saves has been sent on there is reserved for me the
out to the nations ; they will cer- crown of righteousness, which the
tainly listen to it ." Lord, the righteous judge, will
Mark 10 :45 "For even the Son give me as a reward in that day,
of man came, not to be ministered yet not only to me, but also to
to, but to minister and to give all those who have loved his
his soul a ransom in exchange for manifestation ."
many ." Follow in the "Way of Salvation"
Salvation a Goal to Be Attained Acts 16 :17 "These men are
-Not `Once Saved Always slaves of the Most High God, who
Saved' are publishing to you the way of
Phil . 3 :12-14 "Not that I have salvation ."
already received it or am al- Full faith in Jesus as Ransomer
ready made perfect, but I am necessary
pursuing to see if I may also lay
hold on that for which I have 1 Pet. 1 :8, 9 "Though you never
also been laid hold on by Christ saw him, you love him F Christ
Jesus . Brothers, I do not yet con- Jesus] . Though you are not look-
sider myself as having laid hold ing upon him at present, yet you
on it ; but there is one thing exercise faith in him and are
about it : Forgetting the things greatly rejoicing with an un-
behind and stretching forward to speakable and glorified joy, as
the things ahead, I am pursuing you receive the accomplished end
down toward the goal for the of your faith, the salvation of
prize of the calling above and your souls."
which God extends in Christ Je- Growth to salvation necessary
sus ." 1 Pet . 2 :2 "And, as newborn
If `Once Saved Always Saved', infants, form a longing for the
Why Did God Reject Israel unadulterated milk belonging to
Whom He Saved from the word, that through it you
Egypt? may grow to salvation ."
Jude 5 "I desire to remind you, Soundness of mind and godly
despite your knowing all things devotion necessary
once for all time, that Jehovah, Titus 2 :11-14 "For the unde-
although he saved a people out served kindness of God which
of the land of Egypt, afterwards brings salvation to all kinds of
destroyed those not showing men has been manifested, in-
faith." structing us to repudiate ungod-
Heb . 3 :17 "Moreover, with liness and worldly desires and to
whom did God become disgusted live with soundness of mind and
for forty years? Was it not with righteousness and godly devotion
those who sinned, whose car- amid this present system of
casses fell in the wilderness?" things . while we wait for the
Salvation to Life Involves Time happy hope and glorious mani-
and is Not Completed When One festation of the great God and
Becomes a Christian of our Savior Christ Jesus, who
gave himself for us that by a ran-
1 Cor . 1 :18 "For the speech som he might release us from
about the torture stake is foolish- every kind of lawlessness ."
ness to those who are perishing,
but to us who are being saved Endure tribulation
it is God's power ." 2 Cor. 1 :6 "Whether we are in
2 Tim . 4 :7, 8 "I have fought tribulation, it is for your comfort
the right fight, I have run the and salvation ."
33 3 Salvation
Embrace the good news as power as a helmet the hope of salva-
for salvation tion ."
Rom . 1 :16 "For I am not Eph . 6 :17 "Also accept the hel-
ashamed of the good news ; it is, met of salvation, and the sword
in fact God's power for salvation of the spirit, that is, God's word ."
to everyone having faith, to the Work Out Salvation with Fear
Jew first as well as to the Greek ." and Trembling
Share in making a public dec- Phil. 2 :12 "My beloved ones . . .
laration of the good news now much more readily during
Rom . 10 :10 "For with the heart my absence, keep working out
one exercises faith for righteous- your own salvation with fear and
ness, but with the mouth one trembling ."
makes public declaration for sal- Study of Scriptures Necessary
vation," for Salvation
Pray for salvation 2 Tim . 3 :15 "From infancy you
Phil . 1 :19 "For I know this will have known the holy writings
result in my salvation through which are able to make you wise
your supplication ." for salvation through the faith in
Rom . 10 :1 "Brothers, the good- connection with Christ Jesus ."
will of my heart and my suppli- Self-Salvation or Self-Righteous-
cation to God for them are, in- ness Impossible, a Fallacy
deed, for their salvation ." Rom . 3 :10 "There is not a
Obedience to Christ necessary righteous man, not even one ."
Heb . 5 :9 "He became respon- Luke 16 :15 [Jesus speaking to
sible for everlasting salvation to the Pharisees] "He said to them :
all those obeying him." `You are those who declare your-
selves righteous before men, but
Repentance necessary for mis- God knows your hearts ; because
takes made what is lofty among men is a
2 Cor. 7 :9, 10 "Now I rejoice, disgusting thing in God's sight .' "
not because you were just sad- God Reproves Job for Self-
dened, but because you were sad- Righteousness
dened into repenting, for you Job 32 :1 ; 40 :6, 8 "So these
were saddened in a godly way, three men ceased to answer Job,
that you might suffer no damage because he was righteous in his
in anything due to us . For sad- own eyes ." "Then Jehovah an-
ness in a godly way makes for swered Job out of the whirlwind,
repentance to salvation which is and said. . . . Wilt thou condemn
not to be regretted ." me, that thou mayest be justi-
Keep Awake as Salvation Nears fied?"
Rom. 13 :11 "Do this, too, be- Salvation or Righteousness by
cause you know the season, that Works of Character Develop-
it is already the hour for you ment Impossible. This Is
to awake from sleep, for now our Hypocrisy
salvation is nearer than at the Matt . 23 :27, 28 "Woe to you,
time when we became believers ." scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!
Keep Shielding the Mind with because you resemble white-
Hope of Salvation washed graves, which outwardly
indeed appear beautiful but in-
1 Thess. 5 :8 "But as for us who side are full of dead men's bones
belong to the day, let us keep and of every kind of uncleanness .
our senses and have on the In that way you also, outwardly
breastplate of faith and love and indeed, appear righteous to men,
Salvation 334
but inside you are full of hy- only-begotten Son, in order that
pocrisy and lawlessness ." everyone exercising faith in him
Salvation or Being Declared might not be destroyed but have
Righteous by the Law of everlasting life ."
Moses Impossible The nonbelievers, the "goats",
Rom . 3 :19, 20 "Now we know destined for everlasting death,
that all the things the Law says annihilation
it addresses to those under the Matt . 25 :45, 46 "Then he
Law, so that every mouth may [Christ Jesus] will answer them
be stopped and all the world may [the goats] with the words :
become liable to God for punish- 'Truly I say to you, To the ex-
ment . Therefore by works of law tent that you did not do it to one
no flesh will be declared righteous of these least ones, you did not
before him, for by law is the do it to me .' And these will de-
accurate knowledge of sin ." part into everlasting cutting-off,
Universal Salvation Unscrip- but the righteous ones into ever-
tural, a Fallacy lasting life ."
No salvation for the wicked Chasm of unalterable judgment
separates the righteous from the
Ps . 119 :155 "Salvation is far irreformable wicked
from the wicked ; for they seek
not thy statutes ." Luke 16 :26, 31 "And besides all
these things, a great chasm has
Oblivion for the wicked been fixed between us and you
Prov. 10 :7 "The memory of the people, so that those wanting to
righteous is blessed ; but the name go over from here to you people
of t'
.-ie wicked shall rot." cannot, neither may people cross
Prov. 21 :16 "The man that over from there to us . . . . If they
wandereth out of the way of un- do not listen to Moses and the
derstanding shall rest in the as- Prophets, neither will they be
sembly of the dead ." persuaded if someone rises from
the dead."
Salvation's being a matter of
mercy, God extends it only to Salvation for "men of alt kinds",
those he desires not every last one who has lived
Ex . 33 :17, 19 "And Jehovah said Rom . 5 :15, 18 "But it is not
unto Moses . . . . I will make all my with the gift as it was with the
goodness pass before thee, and trespass. For if by one man's
will proclaim the name of Jeho- trespass many died, the unde-
vah before thee ; and I will be served kindness of God and his
gracious to whom I will be gra- free gift with the undeserved
cious, and will show mercy on kindness by the one man Jesus
whom I will show mercy ." Christ abounded much more to
many . So, then, as through one
Jesus' ransom only for the trespass the result to men of all
"many", not for everyone kinds was condemnation, like-
who has lived wise also through one act of jus-
Matt. 20 :28 "Just as the Son tification the result to men of
of man came, not to be ministered all kinds is a declaring of them
to, but to minister and to, give righteous for life ."
his soul a ransom in exchange False teaching of universal sal-
for many." vation voids doctrine of
Only those exercising faith in Christ's ransom
Jesus will be saved Heb . 10 :29 "Of how much more
John 3:16 "For God loved the severe a punishment, do you
world so much that he gave his think, will the man be counted
335 Salvation
worthy who has trampled upon No universal salvation, because
the Son of God and who has God's power to be displayed in
esteemed as of ordinary value the destruction of the wicked
blood of the covenant by which Rom . 9 :17, 22-24 "For the
he was sanctified, and who has Scripture says to Pharaoh : 'For
outraged the spirit of undeserved this very purpose I have let you
kindness with contempt?" remain, that in connection with
Makes void the purpose of you I may demonstrate my power
preaching the good news and that my name may be pub-
Rom . 10 :13-15 "For 'anyone lished throughout all the earth .'
that calls upon the name of Je- If, now, God, although having
hovah will be saved' . However, the will to demonstrate his wrath
how will they call upon him in and to make his power known,
whom they have not put faith? tolerated with much longsuffer-
How, in turn, will they put faith ing vessels of wrath made fit for
in him of whom they have not destruction, in order that he
heard? How, in turn, will they might make known the riches of
hear without someone to preach? his glory upon vessels of mercy,
How, in turn, will they preach which he prepared beforehand for
unless they have been sent glory . . . what of it?"
forth?" No universal salvation, because
Makes void God's appointment Sodom and Gomorrah eternally
of preachers, ministers destroyed
1 Cor . 9:16 "Really, woe is me Jude 7 "So, too, Sodom and
if I did not declare the good Gomorrah and the cities about
news!" them, after they in the same
manner as the foregoing ones had
Ezek . 3 :18, 19 "When I say un- committed fornication excessively
to the wicked, Thou shalt surely and gone out after flesh for un-
die ; and thou givest him not natural use, are placed before us
warning, nor speakest to warn as a warning example by under-
the wicked from his wicked way, going the judicial punishment of
to save his life ; the same wicked everlasting fire ."
man shall die in his iniquity ; See also: 2 Pet . 2 :6 .
but his blood will I require at No universal salvation, because
thy hand . Yet if thou warn the unrighteous doomed to be cut
wicked, and he turn not from off in death
his wickedness, nor from his
wicked way, he shall die in his 2 Pet . 2 :9 "Jehovah knows how
to deliver people of godly devo-
iniquity ; but thou hast delivered tion out of trial, but to reserve
thy soul ." unrighteous people for the day of
Makes void the need to walk judgment to be cut off ."
circumspectly in the way of No universal salvation, because
salvation wicked angels are doomed to
1 Cor . 9 :26, 27 "Therefore, the
way I am running is not uncer- Jude 6 "And the angels that
;taihnelywImdrcting did not keep their original posi-
my blows is so as not to be tion but forsook their own proper
striking the air ; but I browbeat dwelling-place he has reserved
my body and lead it as a slave, with eternal bonds under dense
that, after I have preached to darkness for the judgment of the
others, I myself should not be- great day."
come disapproved somehow ." See also : 2 Pet. 2 :4 .
Salvation 336
No universal salvation, because come upon you . Seek ye Jehovah,
Satan himself is to be destroyed all ye meek of the earth, that
Heb . 2 :14 "Therefore, since the have kept his ordinances ; seek
'young children' are sharers of righteousness, seek meekness : it
blood and flesh, he also similarly may be ye will be hid in the day
partook of the same things, that of Jehovah's anger ."
through his death he might de- Matt. 24 :8, 13 "All these things
stroy the one having the means are a beginning of pangs of dis-
to cause death, that is, the Devil ." tress . But he that has endured
See also : Ezek . 28 :14-19 . to the finish is the one that will
be saved ."
Salvation is contrasted with de-
struction, thus demonstrating Salvation from Armageddon
universal salvation not true Disaster Based on a Baptism
into Christ Jesus, the
Phil, 1 :28 "And in no respect Greater Noah-Good
being frightened by your op-
ponents . This very thing is a Conscience Necessary
proof of destruction for them, 1 Pet . 3 :20, 21 "Which had
but of salvation for you ; and this once been disobedient when the
indication is from God." patience of God was waiting in
God selects those who receive Noah's days, while the ark was
being constructed, in which a few
salvation. Others have no hope people, that is, eight souls, were
of life carried safely through the water .
2 Thess . 2 :13 "We are obligated That which corresponds to this is
to thank God always for you, also now saving you, namely, bap-
brothers loved by Jehovah, be- tism, (not the putting away of
cause God selected you from the the filth of the flesh, but the
beginning for salvation by sanc- request made to God for a good
tifying you with spirit and by conscience,) through the resur-
your faith in the truth." rection of Jesus Christ ."
1 Thess . 4 :13 "That you may To Jehovah the Savior-God Be-
not sorrow just as the rest also longs All Credit for Salvation
do who have no hope." from Disaster and Salvation
Paul Refers to a Salvation from to Life
a Sea Disaster 1 Tim . 1 :1 "Paul, an apostle of
Acts 27 :34, 44 "'Therefore I Christ Jesus under command of
encourage you to take some food, God our Savior and of Christ
for this is in the interest of Jesus, our hope ."
your salvation ; for not a hair of Rev. 7 :10 "And they keep on
the head of one of you will crying with a loud voice, saying :
perish .' . And thus it came 'Salvation owe to our God,
about that all were brought safe- who is seated on the throne, and
ly to land." to the Lamb.' "
Prepare Now for Salvation from Rev . 12 :10 "Now have come to
the Greatest I mpending Disaster pass the salvation and the power
of Armageddon and the kingdom of our God
Zeph. 2 :2, 3 "Before the decree and the authority of his Christ ."
bring forth, before the day pass Rev . 19 :1 "Praise Jah, you peo-
as the chaff, before the fierce ple! The salvation and the glory
anger of Jehovah come upon you, and the power belong to our
before the day of Jehovah's anger God ."

Sign of Last Days

The "last days" are the last days of Satan's rule over the earth
and mankind . The sign is composed of happenings foretold as visible
evidence that the consummation of Satan's system of things has
begun, that the uninterruptedness of Satan's rule of earth has ended .
It is visible evidence that Christ Jesus has been enthroned in heaven
as King and that he has begun the destruction of Satan's rule by
ousting Satan and his demons from heaven and that he has turned
his invisible presence toward the earth to gather out all persons of
good will toward God . It constitutes evidence that the transition
period between the rule of Satan and that of Christ has begun, and
it precedes the complete destruction of Satan and his entire organi-
zation visible and invisible in the accomplished end at Armageddon .
Occurrence of one or even several happenings together is not suffi-
cient to constitute evidence ; all must occur concurrently upon one
generation in the foretold series or sequences to make up the one
composite sign . At least 39 happenings comprise the sign .
Visible Sign of Last Days and 2 . World Wars
Jesus' Invisible Presence Fore- Matt. 24 :6, 7 "You are going to
told as Warning to Those hear of wars and reports of wars ;
of Faith see that you are not terrified .
Matt . 24 :3, 4 "While he was For these things must take place,
sitting upon the mount of Olives, but the accomplished end is not
the disciples approached him pri- yet . For nation will rise against
vately, saying : 'Tell us, when will nation and kingdom against king-
these things be, and what will dom ."
be the sign of your presence and Rev . 6 :4, 8 "And another came
of the consummation of the sys- forth, a fiery-colored horse, and to
tem of things?' And in answer the one seated upon it there was
Jesus said to them : `Look out granted to take peace away from
that nobody misleads you .' " the earth so that they should
1 Thess . 5 :4, 5 "But you, broth- slaughter one another, and a
ers, you are not in darkness, so great sword was given him . . . .
that that day should overtake And authority was given . . . to
you as it would thieves, for you kill with a long sword ."
are all sons of light and sons Also : Dan . 11 :40 ; Mark 13 :7, 8 ;
of day . We belong neither to Luke 21 :9, 10 .
night nor to darkness ." 3 . Widespread Famines
Also : Mark 13 :3, 4, 5 ; Luke
21 :7, 8 Matt 24 :7 "And there will be
food shortages ."
1 . Many False Christian Rev . 6 :a, o, 8 `And I saw, and,
Religions look! a black horse, and the one
Matt . 24 :5, 11 "For many will seated upon it had a pair ef
come on the basis of my name, scales in his hand . And I heard
saying : 'I am the Christ,' and will a voice as if in the midst of the
mislead many . And many false four living creatures say : 'A quart
prophets will arise and mislead of wheat for a day's wage, and
many." three quarts of barley for a day's
Also : Mark 13 :6 ; Luke 21 :8 . wage ; and do not harm the olive
Sign of Last Days 338
oil and the wine .' . . . And author- 7 . Christians Hated World-wide
ity was given . . . to kill with . . . over Kingdom Issue and for Up-
food shortage ." holding Christ's Exalted Office
Also : Mark 13 :8 ; Luke 21 :11 . Matt . 24:9 "You will be hated
4. Unusual Number of by all the nations on account
Earthquakes of my name ."
Luke 21 :17-19 "And you will
Matt . 24 :7, 8 "And there will be be objects of hatred by all per-
. earthquakes in one place after sons because of my name . And
another. All these things are a yet not a hair of your heads
beginning of pangs of distress ." will by any means perish . By
Also : Mark 13 :8 ; Luke 21 :11 . endurance on your part you will
acquire your souls."
5 . Persecution of Christians Also : Mark 13 :13 .
Luke 21 :12-15 "But before all 8 . Organized Opposition to King-
of these things people will lay dom Work by World Leaders
their hands upon you and perse-
cute you, delivering you up to Rev . 13 :5-7 "And a mouth
the synagogues and prisons, you speaking great things and blas-
being haled before kings and gov- phemies was given it, and author-
ernors for the sake of my name . ity to act forty-two months was
It will turn out to you for the given it . And it opened its mouth
purpose of a witness . Therefore in blasphemies against God, to
settle it in your hearts not to re- blaspheme his name and his res-
hearse beforehand how to make idence, even those residing in
your defense, for I will give you heaven . And there was granted
forceful speech and wisdom which it to wage war with the holy
all your opposers together will ones and conquer them ."
not be able to resist or dispute ." Also : Dan. 11 :45 .
Rev . 2 :10 "Do not be afraid of 9 . Increased Lawlessness
the things you are destined to Matt. 24 :12 "And because of
suffer . Look! the Devil will keep the increasing of lawlessness ."
on throwing some of you into Also : 2 Tim . 3 :2.
prison that you may be fully put 10 . Many Forsaking Christianity
to the test, and that you may
have tribulation ten days . Prove Matt . 24 :12, 13 "The love of the
greater number will cool off. But
yourself faithful even with the he that has endured to the finish
danger of death, and I will give is the one that will be saved ."
you the crown of life ." 11 . World-wide Preaching of the
Also : Matt . 24 :9 ; Mark 13 :9, 11 . Established Kingdom as Good
6 . Christians Betrayed by Rela- News
tives and Friends Matt . 24 :14 "And this good
Matt. 24 :10 "Then, also, many news of the kingdom will be
will be stumbled and will betray preached in all the inhabited
one another and will hate one earth for the purpose of a wit-
ness to all the nations, and then
another ." the accomplished end will come ."
Luke 21 :16 "Moreover, you will Also : Mark 13 :10 .
be delivered up even by parents 12 . Formation of the League of
and brothers and relatives and Nations and the United Nations
friends, and they will put some to Stand in Place of Established
of you to death ." Kingdom of God
Also : Matt . 10 :35, 36 ; Mark Matt . 24 :15, 16 "Therefore,
13 :12 . when you catch sight of the dis-
339 Sign of Last Days
gusting thing that causes deso- seven, and it goes off into de-
lation, as spoken of through Dan- struction ."
iel the prophet, standing in a
holy place, (let the reader use Anglo-American empire as 7th
discernment,) then let those in world power gives 8th power
Judea begin fleeing to the moun- life
tains ." Rev . 13:1, 11, 12, 15 "And I
Dan . 11 :31 "And forces shall saw a wild beast ascending out
stand on his part, and they shall of the sea, with ten horns and
profane the sanctuary, even the seven heads, and upon its horns
fortress, and shall take away ten diadems, but upon its heads
the continual burnt-offering, and blasphemous navies . And I saw
they shall set up the abomina- another wild beast ascending out
tion that maketh desolate ." of the earth, and it had two horns
League of Nations began 1920, like a lamb, but it began speak-
went into inactivity 1939 ; revived ing as a dragon . And it exercises
as United Nations 1945 all the authority of the first wild
beast in its sight . And it makes
Isa . 8 :9 "Make an uproar . 0 ye the earth and those who dwell
peoples, and be broken in pieces ; in it worship the first wild beast,
and give ear, all ye of far coun- whose death-stroke got healed .
tries : gird yourselves, and be And there was granted it to give
broken in pieces ; gird yourselves, breath to the image of the wild
and be broken in pieces." beast, so that the image of the
Rev. 17 :8 "The wild beast that wild beast should both speak and
you saw was, but is not, and yet cause to be killed all those who
is destined to ascend out of the would not in any way worship
abyss, and it is to go off into the image of the wild beast ."
destruction . And when they see
how the wild beast was, but is 13 . Earth-wide Tribulation on
not, and yet will be present, those Satan's Organization
who dwell on the earth will won- Matt. 24 :21, 22 "For then there
der admiringly, but their names will be great tribulation such as
have not been written upon the has not occurred since the world's
scroll of life from the world's beginning until now, no, nor will
foundation ." occur again . In fact, unless those
Constitutes an 8th world power days were cut short, no flesh
would be saved ; but on account
Rev. 17 :3 "And he carried me of the chosen ones those days will
away under the spirit's power be cut short ."
into a wilderness . And I caught Dan . 12 :1 "And at that time
sight of a woman sitting upon a shall Michael stand up, the great
scarlet-colored wild beast that prince who standeth for toe chil-
was full of blasphemous names dren of thy people ; and there
and that had seven heads and shall be a time of trouble, such
ten horns ." as never was since there was a
Rev . 17 :9-11 "flee is where nation even to that same tune :
the intelligence that has wis- and at that time thy people shall
:doTmhecsvnia be delivered, every one that shall
mean seven mountains, where the be found written in the book ."
woman sits on top . And there are Also : Mark 13 :19, 20 .
seven icings : five have fallen, one See "World Distress" .
is . the other has not yet arrived,
but when he does arrive he must 14 . Lying Signs and Great Won-
remain a short while . Arid the ders Performed in God's Name
wild beast that was but is not, Matt . 24 :23-26 "Then if anyone
it is also itself an eighth king, says to you, `Look! here is the
but owes its existence to the Christ,' or, `There!' do not believe
Sign of Last Days 340
it. For false Christs and false Rev . 6 :12 "And I saw when he
prophets will arise and will give opened the sixth seal, . . . the en-
great signs and wonders so as tire moon became as blood ."
to mislead, if possible, even the 18 . Wisdom of World's Starlike
chosen ones . Look! I have fore-
warned you . Therefore, if people Wise Ones Perishes
say to you, 'Look! he is in the Matt . 24 :29 "And the stars will
wilderness,' do not go out ; 'Look! fall from heaven."
he is in the inner chambers,' do Rev . 6 :13 "And the stars of
not believe it ." heaven fell to the earth, as when
Rev . 13 :4 . 11, 13, 14 "And they a fig tree shaken by a high wind
worshiped the dragon because he casts its early figs ."
gave the authority to the wild Also: Isa . 29 :14 ; Ezek . 32 :7, 8.
beast, and they worshiped the
wild beast with the words : 'Who 19 . Nations Confused and Per-
is like the wild beast, and who plexed as to Course
can do battle with it?' And I saw Luke 21 :25 "And on the earth
another wild beast ascending out anguish of nations, not knowing
of the earth . . . . And it performs the way out because of the
great signs, so that it should even roaring of the sea and it agita-
make fire come down out of heav- tion."
en to the earth in the sight of
mankind . And it misleads those 20 . Men Becoming Faint Out of
who dwell on the earth, because World-wide Fear
of the signs that were granted it Luke 21 :26 "While men become
to perform ." faint out of fear and expectation
Also: Mark 13 :22, 23 ; Luke of the things coming upon the in-
17 :22, 23 . habited earth ; for the powers of
15 . Presence of Christ and Im- the heavens will be shaken ."
pending Doom of Satan Discern- 21 . Restoration of True
ible Universally Worshipers
Matt. 24 :27, 28 "For just as the Matt . 24 :31 "And he will send
lightning comes out of eastern
parts and shines over to western forth his angels with a great
parts, so the presence of the Son trumpet-sound and they will
of man will be . Wherever the gather his chosen ones together
carcass is . there the eagles will from the four winds, from one
flock together ." extremity of the heavens to their
Also: Luke 17 :24 . other extremity ."
16 . "Sun" of Man's Prosperity Also : Mark 13 :27 .
Darkened by Economic Distress 22 . Rapid Culmination of All
Matt. 24 :29 "Immediately after Events on the One Evil
the tribulation of those days the Generation
sun will be darkened ."
Rev . 6 :12 "And I saw when Matt . 24:32-34 "Now learn from
he opened the sixth seal, and a the fig tree as an illustration
great earthquake occurred, and this point : Just as soon as its
the sun became black as sack- young branch grows tender and
cloth of hair ." it puts forth leaves, you know
17 . "Moon" of Enlightened Man- that summer is near . Likewise
Rule Becomes Dictatorial, Op- also you, when you see all these
pressive Rule of Men things, know that he is near
Matt. 24:29 "And the moon will at the doors . Truly I say to you
not give its light ." that this generation will by no
341 Sign of Last Days
means pass away until all these Also : Mark 13 :32-37 ; Luke
things occur ." 21 :34, 35.
Also : Mark 13 :28-30 ; Luke 26 . One Organization Selected
21 :29-32 . by God as His Faithful
23 . People Overly Concerned Representative
with Everyday Affairs of Life Matt . 24 :45-47 "Who really is
Matt, 24 :37-39 "For just as the the faithful and discreet slave
days of Noah were, so the pres- whom his master appointed over
ence of the Son of man will his domestics to give them their
be . For as people were in those food at the proper time? Happy
days before the flood, eating and is that slave if his master on
drinking, marrying and giving arriving finds him doing so .
in marriage, until the day that Truly I say to you, He will ap-
Noah entered into the ark ; and point him overall his belongings ."
they took no note until the flood Also : Matt. 25 :6-10, 19-23 .
came and swept them all away, 27 . Unfaithful Ones Exposed,
so the presence of the Son of Separated and Punished as
man will be ." a Class
Also : Luke 17 :26 ; 21 :34 . Matt. 24 :48-51 "But if that evil
24 . God's Choosing of Christians slave should say in his heart,
Not Dependent on Family `My master is delaying,' and
or Friendship Ties should start to beat his fellow
Matt . 24 :40, 41 "Then two men slaves and should eat and drink
will be in the field : one will be with the confirmed drunkards,
taken along and the other be the master of that slave will
abandoned ; two women will be come on a day that he does not
grinding at the hand-mill : one expect and in an hour that he
does not know, and will pun-sh
will be taken along and the other him with the greatest severity
be abandoned ." and will assign him his part
Also : Luke 17 :34, 35 ; 1 Thess . with the hypocrites . There is
4 :17 . where his weeping and the
25. Indifferent, Sleepy Condition gnashing of his teeth will be ."
of World but Wakeful, Studious Also : Matt. 25 :11-13, 24-30 ;
Attitude of Christians Luke 12 :45-48 .
Matt. 24 :42-44 "Keep on the 28 . Separating the People of the
watch, therefore, because you do Nations into "Sheep"
not know on what day your and "Goats"
Master is coming. But know one Matt . 25 :31-46 "When the Son
thing, that if the householder of man arrives in his glory ana
had known in what watch the all the angels with him, they
thief was coming, he would have he will sit down on his glorious
kept awake and not allowed his throne . And all the nations will
house to be broken into . On this be gathered before him, and he
account you, too, prove your- will separate people one froze
selves ready, because at an hour another, just as a shep, .
that you do not think to be it, rd sep-a.ratesh pfromtegasU
the Son of man is coming ." And he will put the sheep on
1 Thess . 5 :2, 6 "For you your- his right hand, but the goats on
selves know quite well that Je- his left . Then the king will say
hovah's day is coming exactly to those on his right : `Come,
as a thief in the night . So, then, you who have my Father's bless-
let us not sleep on as the rest do, ing, inherit the kingdom prepared
but let us stay awake and keep for you from the world's founda-
our senses." tion .' . . . Then he will say, in
Sign of Last Days 342
turn, to those on his left : 'Be on saying, We will go with you, for
your way from me, you who have we have heard that God is with
been cursed, into the everlasting you."
fire prepared for the Devil and 30 . Sore Pestilences and Diseases
his angels .' And these will depart
into everlasting cutting-off, but Luke 21 :11 "And in one place
the righteous ones into everlast- after another pestilences."
ing life ." Rev . 6 :8 "And I saw, and, look!
Also : Ezek. 9 :1-4 . a pale horse, and the one seated
29 . World-wide Expansion of upon it had the name Death . And
Clean Worship Hades was closely following him .
And authority was given . . . to
Rev. 7 :9-17 "After these things kill . . . with deadly plague."
I saw, and, look! a great crowd,
which no man was able to num- 31 . Moral Degeneracy in Public
ber, out of all nations and tribes and Private Life
and peoples and tongues, stand- 2 Tim . 3 :1-4 "But know this,
ing before the throne and before that in the last days critical
the Lamb, dressed in white robes, times hard to deal with will be
and there were palm branches in here . For men will be lovers of
their hands . And they keep on themselves, lovers of money, self-
crying with a loud voice, saying : assuming, haughty, blasphemers,
'Salvation we owe to our God, . not open to any agreement,
who is seated on the throne, and slanderers, without self-control,
to the Lamb .'" fierce, without love of goodness,
Isa . 54 :2, 3 "Enlarge the place betrayers, headstrong, puffed up
of thy tent, and let them stretch with self-esteem .'
forth the curtains of thy habi-
tations ; spare not : lengthen thy 32. Widespread Juvenile
cords, and strengthen thy stakes . Delinquency
For thou shalt spread abroad 2 Tim . 3 :2, 3 "For men will
on the right hand and on the be . . . disobedient to parents,
left ; and thy seed shall possess without gratitude, with no loving-
the nations, and make the deso- kindness, having no natural af-
late cities to be inhabited ." fection."
Isa . 60 :22 "The little one shall Also : Rom. 1 :30, 31 .
become a thousand, and the
small one a strong nation : I, 33. Instability and Insecurity
Jehovah, will hasten it in its World-wide Despite Claims
time." of Leaders
Zech . 2 :4 ; 8 :20-23 "Jerusalem Jer. 6 :14 "They have healed
shall be inhabited as villages also the hurt of my people slight-
without walls, by reason of the ly, saying, Peace, peace ; when
multitude of men and cattle there is no peace ."
therein ." "It shall yet come to Ezek . 13 :10, 11 "Because, even
pass, that there shall come peo- because they have seduced my
ples, and the inhabitants of many people, saying, Peace ; and there
cities . . . . Yea, many peoples and is no peace ; and when one build-
strong nations shall come to seek eth up a wall, behold, they daub
Jehovah of hosts in Jerusalem, it with untempered mortar ; say
and to entreat the favor of Jeho- unto them that daub it with
vah . Thus saith Jehovah of hosts : untempered mortar, that it shall
in those days it shall come to
pass, that ten men shall take fall : there shall be an overflow-
hold, cut of Il the languages of ing shower ; and ye, 0 great
the nations, they shall take hold hailstones, shall fall ; and a
of the skirt of him that is a Jew, stormy wind shall rend it."
343 Sign of Last Days
34. Men Seek Relief in Makeshift 37. Work of Jehovah's Witnesses
Organizations, Clubs, Institutions Stopped in 1918
Rev . 6 :15-17 "And the kings of Rev . 11 :3, 7 "'And I will cause
the earth and the top-ranking my two witnesses to prophesy a
ones and the military command- thousand two hundred and sixty
ers and the rich and the strong days dressed in sackcloth .' And
ones and every slave and free when they have finished their
person hid themselves in the dens witnessing, the wild beast that
and in the rock-masses of the ascends out of the abyss will
mountains . And they keep say- make war with them and conquer
ing to the mountains and to the them and kill them."
rock-masses : `Fall over us and Public reproach during inactivity
hide us from the face of the one Rev . 11 :8-10 "And their corpses
seated on the throne and from
the wrath of the Lamb, because will be on the broad way of the
the great day of their wrath has great city which is in a spiritual
come, and who is able to stand?' " sense called Sodom and Egypt .
where their Lord was also im-
35. Organized Clergy of Chris- paled. And some persons of the
tendom and Evil Slave Mani- peoples and tribes and tongues
fested in Open Disobedience and nations will look at their
2 Thess . 2 :3, 4 "Let no one se- corpses for three and a half days,
duce you in any manner, because and they do not let their corpses
it will not come unless the fall- be laid in a tomb . And those
ing away comes first and the dwelling on the earth rejoice
man of lawlessness gets revealed, over them and enjoy themselves,
the son of destruction . He is set and they will send gifts to one
in opposition and lifts himself up another, because these two
over everyone who is called `god' prophets tormented those dwell-
or an object of reverence, so that ing on the earth."
he sits down in the temple of Witness work revived 1919 as
The God, publicly showing him- enemy confused
self to be a god." Rev . 11 :11, 12 "And after the
2 Tim . 3 :1, 2, 4, 5 "But know three and a half days spirit of
this, that in the last days critical life from God entered into them,
times hard to deal with will be and they stood upon their feet,
here . For men will be . . .lovers and great fear fell upon those be-
of pleasures rather than lovers holding them. And they heard a
of God, having a form of godly loud voice out of heaven say to
devotion but proving false to its them : `Come on up here.' And
power ; and from these turn they went up into heaven in the
away." cloud, and their enemies beheld
36 . Improper Restrictions Placed them ."
on Marriage and Eating of Food 38 . Many Will Ridicule Sign
1 Tim . 4:1-3 "in later periods Though Evidence Conclusive
of tune some will fall away from 2 Pet . 3:3, 4 "For you know
the faith, paying attention to mis- this first, that in the last days
leading inspired utterances and there will come ridiculers with
teachings of demons, by the hy- their ridicule, proceeding accord-
pocrisy of men who speak lies, ing to their own desires mid say-
forbidding to marry, com- ing : 'Where is this promised pres-
manding to abstain from foods ence of his? Why, from the day
which God created to be par- our forefathers fell asleep in
taken of with thanksgiving by death, all things are continuing
those who have faith and accu- exactly as from creation's be-
rately know the truth ." ginning .'"

Sin 344
39 . World Powers Say "Peace security!' then sudden destruc-
and Safety" as Final Event tion is to be instantly upon them
just as the pang of distress upon
1 Thess . 5 :3 "Whenever it is a pregnant woman, and they will
that they are saying `Peace and by no means escape ."

Jehovah God sets his own high standard of righteousness, the glory
of God, as a mark of perfection that all his creatures are expected
and required to maintain . Missing or failing to meet this mark is
called sin . "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God ."
(Rom . 3 :23) So the Scriptures further say of sin, "Everyone who
practices sin is also practicing lawlessness, and so sin is lawlessness ."
"All unrighteousness is sin ; and yet there is a sin that does not incur
death ." (1 John 3 :4 ; 5 :17) Hence there are two kinds of sins, Scrip-
turally speaking : 1 . Inherited, which "does not incur death", i .e.,
from which there is hope of being released ; 2. Willful, which brings
a. sentence of everlasting destruction . The Greek word for sin orig-
inally meant to miss, as to miss one's road, and later came to mean
to fail of doing, as to miss one's point, to go wrong . The Hebrew
word for sin also originally meant to miss, hence to fail ; for example,
Judges 20 :16 ; Proverbs 8 :36 ; 19 :2, footnote .
Adam Met Standard of Perfec- but of the tree of the knowledge
tion When Created of good and evil, thou shalt not
eat of it : for in the day that
Gen . 1 :27, 31 "And God created thou eatest thereof thou shalt
man in his own image, in the surely die ."
image of God created he him ;
male and female created he Adam and Eve's Sin a Literal
them. And God saw everything Eating of Tree and Not an Act
that he had made, and, behold, of Illicit Intercourse
it was very good . And there was Gen. 1 :28 "And God blessed
evening and there was morning,
the sixth day ." them : and God said unto them,
Be fruitful, and multiply, and re-
Deut . 32 :4 "The Rock, his work plenish the earth, and subdue it ;
is perfect ; for all his ways are and have dominion over the fish
justice ." of the sea, and over the birds
1 Cor . 11 :7 "For a man . . . is of the heavens, and over every
God's image and glory ; but the living thing that moveth upon
woman is man's glory ." the earth ."
God Set Mark of Perfection in Gen. 3 :6 "And when the wom-
Eden, 4025 B .C . an saw that the tree was good
Gen . 2 :8, 16, 17 "And Jehovah for food, and that it was a de-
God planted a garden eastward light to the eyes, and that the
in Eden ; and there he put the tree was to be desired to make
man whom he had formed . And one wise, she took of the fruit
Jehovah God commanded the thereof, and did eat ; and she
man, saying, Of every tree of the gave also unto her husband with
garden thou mayest freely eat : her, and he did eat."
345 Sin
Disobedience Meant Refusing to in my flesh, there resides nothing
Hold to God's High Standard good ; for ability to wish is pres-
of Glory ent with me, but ability to work
out what is right is not present .
Deut. 32 :5 (footnote) "They I find, then, this law in my case :
have corrupted themselves, they
are not his children, it is their that when I wish to do what is
blemish ; they are a perverse and right, what is bad is present
crooked generation ." with me . I really delight in the
1 John 3 :8 "He who practices law of God according to the man
sin originates with the Devil, be- I am within, but I behold in my
cause the Devil has been sinning members another law warring
from when he began ." against the law of my mind and
Rom. 1 :18-23 "For God's wrath leading me captive to sin's law
that is in my members." "The
is being revealed from heaven law of sin and of death."
against all ungodliness and un-
righteousness of men who are Death Held Sway from Adam
suppressing the truth in an un- to Moses Without Accurate
righteous way, because what may Knowledge of Sin
be known about God is manifest
among them, for God made it Gen . 4:5-7 "But unto Cain and
manifest to them . For his invisi- to his offering he had not re-
ble qualities are clearly seen from spect . And Cain was very wroth,
the world's creation onward, be- and his countenance fell . And
cause they are understood by the Jehovah said unto Cain, Why art
things made, even his eternal thou wroth? and why is thy
power and Godship, so that they countenance fallen? If thou doest
are inexcusable ; because, al- well, shall it not be lifted up?
though they knew God, they did and if thou doest not well, sin
not glorify him as God nor did croucheth at the door ; and unto
they thank him, but they became thee shall be its desire ; but do
empty-headed in their reason- thou rule over it ."
ings and their unintelligent heart Rom . 5 :13, 14 "For until the
became darkened ." Law sin was in the world, but
sin is not charged against any-
Missing Mark Brought Death one when there is no law . Never-
upon All Mankind theless, death ruled as king from
Rom . 5 :12 "That is why, just Adam."
as through one man sin entered Rom . 2 :12-15 ; 3 :9-12 "For in-
into the world and death through stance, all those who sinned
sin, and thus death spread to all without law will also perish with-
men because they had all out law ; but all those who
sinned." sinned under law will be judged
Rom . 6:23 "For the wages sin by law . For the hearers of law
pays is death, but the gift God are not the ones righteous be-
gives is everlasting life by Christ fore God, but the doers of law
Jesus our Lord." will be declared righteous ." "For
Ps . 51 :5 "Behold, I was brought above we have made the charge
forth in iniquity ; and in sin did that Jews as well as Greeks are
my mother conceive me ." all under sin ; just as it is writ-
Rom . 7 :15, 17, 18, 21-23 ; 8 :2 ten : `There is not a righteous
"For what I am working out I man, not even one ; there is not
do not know . For what I wish, a one that understands, there
this I do not practice ; but what is not a one that seeks for
I hate is what I do . But now the
one working it out is no longer God . All men have deflected, all
I, but sin that resides in me . of them together have become
For I know that in me, that is, worthless ; there is not a one that
Sin 346
does good, there is not so much the commandment, worked out in
as one .'" me covetousness of every kind,
for apart from law sin was dead .
Law of Moses (1513 B . C .) Again In fact, I was once alive apart
Set Mark, Revealed God's Stand- from law ; but when the com-
ard of Perfect Obedience mandment arrived, sin came to
1 Tien . 1 :8-10 "Now we know life again, but I died . And the
that the Law is right provided commandment which was to life,
one handles it lawfully in the this I found to be to death . For
knowledge of this fact, that law sin, receiving an inducement
is promulgated, not for a right- through the commandment, se-
eous man, but for persons law- duced me and killed me through
less and unruly, ungodly and it. Wherefore, on its part, the law
sinners, lacking loving-kindness, is holy, and the commandment is
and profane, murderers of fa- holy and righteous and good . Did,
thers and murderers of mothers, then, what is good become death
manslayers, fornicators, men who to me? Never may that happen!
lie with males, kidnapers of men, But sin did, that it might be
liars, false swearers, and what- shown as sin working out death
ever other thing is in opposition for me through that which is
to the healthful teaching ." good ; that sin might become far
Rom . 3:19, 20 "Now we know more sinful through the com-
that all the things the Law says mandment."
it addresses to those under the Only Jesus as a Perfect Man
law, so that every mouth may be Could Meet God's High Standard
stopped and all the world may
become liable to God for punish- Lev . 18 :5 "Ye shall therefore
ment . Therefore by works of law keep my statutes, and mine or-
no flesh will be declared righteous dinances ; which if a man do, he
before him, for by law is the ac- shall live in them : I am Jeho-
curate knowledge of sin ." vah ."
2 Cor . 3 :7 "The code which Gal . 4 :4, 5 "But when the full
administers death and which was limit of the time arrived, God
engraved in letters in stones sent forth his Son, who was pro-
came about in a glory, so that the duced out of a woman and who
sons of Israel could not gaze in- came to be under law, that he
tently at the face of Moses be- might release by purchase those
cause of the glory of his face ." under law, that we in turn might
receive the adoption as sons ."
Law of Moses Demonstrated
Fleshly Jews land so All Men) 1 Pet . 1 :18, 19 ; 2 :22-24 "For
Were Missing Mark you know . . . it was with precious
blood, like that of an unblem-
Gal_ 3 :19 'Why, then, the law? ished and spotless lamb, even
It was added to make transgres- Christ's ." "He committed no sin,
sions manifest, until the seed nor was deceit found in his
should arrive to whom the prom- mouth. When he was being re-
ise had been made . ' viled, he did riot go to reviling
Rein . 7 :7-13 "What, then, shall in return . When he was suffering,
we say? Is the Law sin? Never he did not go to threatening,
may that become so! Really I but kept on committing himself
would not have come to know to the one who judges righteous-
sin if it had not been for the ly . He himself by imputation bore
Law, and, for example, I would our sins in his own body upon
not have known covetousness if the stake, in order that we might
the Law had not said, `You be done with sins and live to
must not covet .' But sin, re- righteousness . And 'by his stripes
ceiving an inducement through you were healed' ."
34 7 Sin
Heb . 7 :26, 27 "For such a high Jesus' Forgiveness of Sins Ac-
priest as this was suitable for us, companied Healing; Modern
one of loving-kindness, guileless, Impostors Cannot Duplicate
undefiled, separated from the Mark 2 :3-12 "And when Jesus
sinners, . He does not need saw their faith he said to the
daily, as those high priests do, paralytic : 'Child, your sins are
to offer up sacrifices, first for his forgiven.' Now there were some
own sins ." of the scribes there, sitting and
John 8 :46 "Who of you con- reasoning in their hearts : 'What
victs me of sin?" is it this man is saying in this
Christ Jesus' Sacrifice of Perfect manner? He is blaspheming. Who
Human Life Frees Mankind of can forgive sins except one, God?'
Law of Sin and Death But Jesus, having discerned im-
mediately by his spirit that they
Heb . 9 :24-26 "For Christ en- were reasoning that way in them-
tered . . . into heaven itself, now selves, said to them : 'Why are
to appear before the person of you reasoning these things in
God for us. . . . But now he has your hearts? Which is easier, to
manifested himself once for all say to the paralytic, "Your sins
time at the consummation of the are forgiven," or to say, "Get
systems of things to put sin away up and pick up your cot and
through the sacrifice of himself ." walk"? But in order for you men
Rom . 8 :1, 2 "Therefore those to know that the Son of man has
in union with Christ Jesus have authority to forgive sins upon the
no condemnation . For the law of earth,'-he said to the paralytic :
that spirit which gives life in 'I say to you, Get up, pick up
union with Christ Jesus has set your cot, and go to your home .'
you free from the law of sin and At that he did get up and im-
of death ." mediately picked up his cot and
walked out in front of them a ll .
Rom . 5 :18, 19 "So, then, as s o that they were all simply
through one trespass the result carried away and they glorified
to men of all kinds was condem- God, saying : 'We never saw the
nation, likewise also through one like of it .' "
act of justification the result to Acts 4 :12 "Furthermore, there
men of all kinds is a declaring is no salvation in anyone else,
of them righteous for life . For for there is not another name
just as through the disobedience under heaven that has been giv-
of the one man many were con- en among men by which we must
get saved ."
stituted sinners, likewise also
through the obedience of the one Only Inherited Sins Excused by
person many will be constituted Jesus' Sacrifice
righteous ." 1 John 2 :1, 2 "My little chil-
John 1 :29 "The next day he dren, I am writing you these
things that you may not commit
[John the Baptist] beheld Jesus sin . And yet, if anyone does
coming toward him, and he said : commit a sin, we have a helper
'See, the Lamb of God that takes with the Father, Jesus Christ, a
away the sin of the world!'" righteous one. And he is a pro-
2 Cor. 5 :21 "The one who did pitiatory sacrifice for our sins,
not know sin he made to be sin yet riot for ours only but also
for the whole world's."
["a sin offering," footnote] for 1 John 5 :16-19 "If anyone
us, that we might become God's catches sight of his brother sin-
righteousness by means of him ." ning a sin that does not incur
See "Ransom" . death, he will ask, and he will
Sin 348
give life to him, yes, to those not received the accurate knowledge
sinning so as to incur death . of the truth, there is no longer
There is a sin that does incur any sacrifice for sins left, but
death . It is concerning that sin there is a certain fearful ex-
that I do not tell him to make pectation of judgment and there
request . All unrighteousness is is a fiery jealousy that is going
sin ; and yet there is a sin that to consume those in opposition ."
does not incur death. We know Mark 3 :29 "However, whoever
that every person that has been blasphemes against the holy
born from God does not practice spirit has no forgiveness forever .
sin, but the One born from God but is guilty of everlasting sin ."
watches him, and the wicked one Also : Matt . 12 :32 ; John 8 :23,
does not fasten his hold on him . 24 ; 2 Pet . 2 :9, 10 .
We know we originate with God, No Collective Forgiveness Possi-
but the whole world is lying in ble for Satan's Wicked World
the power of the wicked one ." -Only for Individuals
Willful Sins Bring Penalty of Gal . 1 :3, 4 "He gave himself
Everlasting Destruction for our sins that he might take
Jas . 1 :13-15 "When under trial, us out for himself from the
let no one say : 'I am being tried present wicked system of things
by God .' No ; for with evil things according to the will of our God
God cannot be tried nor does he and Father ."
himself try anyone. But each John 15 :19 "If you were part
one is tried by being drawn out of the world, the world would be
and enticed by his own desire . fond of what is its own . Now be-
Then the desire, when it has be- cause you are no part of the
come fertile, gives birth to sin ; world, but I have chosen you out
in turn, sin, when it has been ac- of the world, on this account the
complished, brings forth death ." world hates you ."
Ezek . 18 :4, 20 "Behold, all souls Rev . 18 :3-8 "For because of the
are mine ; as the soul of the fa- passion-arousing wine of her for-
ther, so also the soul of the son nication all the nations have fall-
is mine : the soul that sinneth, en victim, and the kings of the
it shall die . . . the son shall not earth committed fornication with
bear the iniquity of the father, her, and the merchants of the
. . . the righteousness of the right- earth became rich due to the
eous shall be upon him, and the power of her shameless luxury .
wickedness of the wicked shall be `Get out of her, my people,
upon him ." if you do not want to share with
Jude 8, 11-13 "In like manner, her in her sins, and if you do
notwithstanding, these men, too, not want to receive part of her
indulging in dreams, are dealing plagues . For her sins have massed
the flesh and disregarding lord- together clear up to heaven, and
ship and speaking abusively of God has called her acts of in-
glorious ones . Too bad for them, justice to mind.' . . .That is why
because they have gone in the in one day her plagues will come,
oath of Cain, and have rushed death and mourning and famine,
into the erroneous course of Ba- and she will be completely burned
laam for reward, and have per- with fire, because Jehovah God
ished in the rebellious talk of who judged her is strong ."
Korah! These are . . stars with Sinless -Mankind W:11 ?feet Mark
no set course, for which the of Perfection at Egad of
blackness of darkness stands re- 1,000-Year Reign
served forever ." Rev. 20 :5 "(The rest of th
Heb . 10 :26, 27 "For if we prac- dead did not come to life until
tice sin willfully after having the thousand years were ended .) "

34 9 Soul
Luke 20 :35, 36 "But those who say : 'Look! the tent of God is
have been counted worthy of with humankind, and he will re-
gaining that system of things side with them, and they will be
and the resurrection from the his peoples . And God himself will
dead neither marry nor are given
in marriage . In fact, neither can be with them . And he will wipe
they die any more, for they are out every tear from their eyes,
like the angels, and they are and death will be no more, nei-
God's children by being children ther will mourning nor outcry
of the resurrection ."
Rev . 21 :1-5 "With that I heard nor pain be any more . The former
a loud voice from the throne things have passed away .' "

A soul, heavenly or earthly, is a living, sentient (or sense-possessing,
conscious, intelligent) creature or person . A soul, heavenly or earthly .
consists of a body together with the life principle or life force ac-
tuating it . An earthly soul is a living, breathing, sentient creature,
animal or human . Earthly souls, human and animal, have an organism
of flesh kept living by means of blood circulating in their system .
(Heb ., neph'esh ; Gr ., psyche')
Jehovah Is the Greatest Soul, sons, and of the oxen, and of
a Heavenly Soul the asses, and of the flocks ."
Matt. 12 :18 "Look! my servant Rev . 8 :9 "And a third of the
whom I chose, my beloved, whom creatures that are in the sea
my soul approved!" which have souls [mar ., "lives"]
died ."
Heb . 10 :38 "'But my righteous
one will live by reason of faith,' Rev . 16 :3 "And the second one
and, 'if he shrinks back, my soul poured out his bowl into the sea .
has no pleasure in him.' " And it became blood as of a
dead man, and every living soul
Lev . 26 :11 "And I will set my died, yes, the things in the sea ."
tabernacle among you : and my
soul shall not abhor you ." A Human Is a Soul . He Does
Not Possess a Soul Separate
Isa . 1 :14 "Your new moons and Distinct from the Body
and your appointed feasts my
soul hateth." Gen . 2 :7 "And Jehovah God
See also : Judg . 10 :16 ; Isa . 42 :1 . formed man of the dust of the
ground, and breathed into his
Earthly, Lower-Animal Souls nostrils the breath of life ; and
Gen . 1:30 (mar .) "To every man became a living soul."
beast of the earth, and to every 1 Cor . 15 :45 "It is even so
bird of the heavens, and to every- written : 'The first man Adam
thing that creepeth upon the became a living soul .' The last
earth, wherein there is life (or, Adam became a life-giving spirit ."
a living soul), I have given
every green herb for food ." Immortality, Incorruptibility Be-
long Primarily and Originally
Num . 31 :28 "Levy a tribute un- to Jehovah
to Jehovah of the men of war
that went out to battle : one soul 1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the King
of five hundred, both of the per- of eternity, incorruptible, invisi-
Soul 350
ble, the only God, be honor and birth to a living hope through
glory for ever and ever . Amen." the resurrection of Jesus Christ
Ps . 90 :2 "Even from everlasting from the dead, to an incorrupti-
to everlasting, thou art God ." ble and undefiled and unfading
Jer . 10 :10 "But Jehovah is the inheritance . It is reserved in the
true God ; he is the living God, heavens for you . For you have
and an everlasting King." been given a new birth, not by
Immortality, Incorruptibility corruptible, but by incorruptible
Given as a Reward for reproductive seed, through the
Faithfulness to Christ word of the living and enduring
God ."
Rom . 6 :9 "For we know that Rom . 2 :7 "Everlasting life to
Christ, now that he has been those who are seeking glory and
raised up from the dead, dies no honor and incorruptibleness by
more .' endurance in work that is good ."
1 Tim. 6 :14-16 "Our Lord Jesus 2 Tim . 1 :10 "But now it
Christ . . . he the King of those has been made clearly evident
who rule as kings and Lord of through the manifestation of our
those who rule as lords, the one Savior, Christ Jesus, who has
alone having immortality, who abolished death but has shed
dwells in unapproachable light ." light upon life and incorruption
through the good news ."
Only 144,000 Others, Body Mem-
bers of Christ, Get Immortality, Rev. 14 :3, 4 ; 5:9, 10 "And they
are singing as if a new song be-
Incorruptibility fore the throne and before the
1 Cor. 9 :25 "Now they, of four living creatures and the per-
course, do it that they may get sons of advanced age ; and no
a corruptible crown, but we an one was able to master that song
incorruptible one ." but the hundred and forty-four
1 Cor . 15 :42, 52-54 "So also is thousand, who have been pur-
the resurrection of the dead . It chased from the earth . . . . These
is sown in corruption, it is raised were purchased from among
up in incorruption . . For the mankind as a firstfruits to God
trumpet will sound, and the dead and to the Lamb ." "And they
will be raised up incorruptible, sing a new song, saying : `You
and we shall be changed . For this are worthy to take the scroll and
which is corruptible must put on open its seals, because you were
incorruption, and this which is slaughtered and with your blood
mortal must put on immortality . you bought persons for God out
But when this which is corrupti- of every tribe and tongue and
ble puts on incorruption and this people and nation, and you made
which is mortal puts on immor- them to be a kingdom and priests
tality, then the saying will take to our God and they will rule
place that is written : `Death is as kings over the earth .' "
swallowed up forever .'" 1 John 3 :2 "Beloved ones, now
2 Pet . 1 :4 "Through these we are children of God, but as
things he has freely given us yet it has not been made mani-
the precious and very grand fest what we shall be . We do
promises, that through these you know that whenever he is made
may become sharers in divine manifest we shall be like him,
nature, escaping from the cor- because we shall see him just as
ruption that is in the world he is ."
through lust ." Rev. 20 :4 . 6 "And I saw
1 Pet . 1 :3, 4, 23 "Blessed be the thrones, and there were those
God and Father of our Lord who sat down on them, and
Jesus Christ, for according to his power of judging was given them .
great mercy he gave us a new Yes, I saw the souls of those
351 Soul
executed with the ax for the wit- thy wisdom by reason of thy
ness they bore to Jesus and for brightness : I have cast thee to
speaking about God, and those the ground ; I have laid thee be-
who had worshiped neither the fore kings, that they may behold
wild beast nor its image and who thee . . . . thou hast profaned thy
had not received the mark upon sanctuaries ; . . . thou art become
their forehead and upon their a terror, and thou shalt never-
hand . And they came to life more have any being ."
and ruled as kings with the Isa . 14 :9, 15, 19, 20 "Sheol from
Christ for a thousand years . Hap- beneath is moved for thee to
py and holy is anyone having meet thee at thy coming ; . . . Yet
part in the first resurrection ; thou shalt be brought down to
over these the second death has Sheol, to the uttermost parts of
no authority, but they will be the pit. But thou art cast forth
priests of God and of the Christ, away from thy sepulchre like an
and will rule as kings with him abominable branch, clothed with
for the thousand years ." the slain, that are thrust through
Immortality Inseparably Linked with the sword, that go down to
with the Kingdom of Heaven ; the stones of the pit ; as a dead
Flesh-and-Blood Creatures Can- body trodden under foot . Thou
not Enter It nor Get shalt not be joined with them
in burial, because thou hast de-
Matt . 11 :11 "Truly I say to stroyed thy land, thou hast slain
you people, Among those born of thy people ; the seed of evil-doers
women there has not been raised shall not be named for ever ."
up a greater than John the Bap- Heb . 2 :14 "Therefore since the
tist ; but a person that is a lesser `young children' are sharers of
one in the kingdom of the heav- blood and flesh, he also similarly
ens is greater than he is ." partook of the same things, that
John 3 :3-5 "Jesus said to him : through his death he might de-
`Most truly I say to you, Unless stroy the one having the means
anyone is born again, he cannot to cause death, that is, the
see the kingdom of God .' . . .`Most Devil ."
truly I say to you, Unless anyone Rev. 20 :2, 3, 10, 14 "And he
is born from water and spirit, seized the dragon, the original
he cannot enter into the kingdom serpent, who is the Devil and
of God .'" Satan, and bound him for a
1 Cor . 15 :44, 50 "It is sown a thousand years . And he hurled
physical body, it is raised up a him into the abyss and shut it
spiritual body . If there is a physi- and sealed it over him . . . . until
cal body, there is also a spiritual the thousand years were ended .
one . However, this I say, brothers, . . . And [at the end of the thou-
that flesh and blood cannot in- sand years] the Devil who was
herit God's kingdom, neither does misleading them was hurled into
corruption inherit incorruption ." the lake of fire and sulphur,
Angels Are Mortal, Corruptible, where both the wild beast and
Destructible the false prophet already were ;
and they will be tormented day
Ezek . 23 :16-19 "By the abun- and night for ever and ever . . . .
dance of thy traffic they filled the This means the second death,
midst of thee with violence, and the lake of fire ."
thou hast sinned : therefore have Luke 4:33, 34 "Now in the
I cast thee as profane out of the
mountain of God ; and I have synagogue there was a man with
destroyed thee, 0 covering cher- a spirit, an unclean demon, and
ub, from the midst of the stones he shouted with a loud voice :
of fire . . . . thou hast corrupted 'Ah! what have we to do with
Soul 352
you, Jesus you Nazarene? Did you Can be bought
come to destroy us?'" Lev. 22 :11 "If a priest buy any
Luke 8:30, 31 "Jesus asked him : soul . . . . he shall eat of it ."
'What is your name?' He said :
'Legion,' because many demons Can be bound with a bond
had entered into him . And they Num . 30 :2 "When a man . . .
kept entreating him not to or- sweareth an oath to bind his soul
der them to go away into the with a bond ."
abyss." Can be cut off from his people
The Creature Soul (Including Num . 9 :13 "The man that . . .
Human Soul) Is Mortal, De- forbeareth to keep the passover,
structible, Corruptible that soul shall be cut off from
Matt . 10 :28 "Do not become his people ."
fearful of those who kill the body Can be destroyed
but can not kill the soul ; but
rather be in fear of him that can Lev . 23 :30 "That soul will I de-
destroy both soul and body in stroy from among his people ."
Gehenna ." Can be dried away
Luke 6 :9 "Is it lawful on the Num . 11 :6 "Now our soul is
sabbath to do good or to do in- dried away ; there is nothing at
jury, to save or to destroy a all save this manna to look up-
soul?" on ."
Isa . 53 :12 "He poured out his Can be endangered by the sword
soul unto death."
Ps . 22 :20 "Deliver my soul from
Ezek . 18 :4, 20 "Behold, all the sword ."
souls are mine ; as the soul of
the father, so also the soul of the Can be exposed to danger
son is mine : the soul that sinneth, of death from sickness
it shall die ." Phil. 2 :27, 30 "He fell sick
Rom. 1 :23 "And turned the nearly to the point of death ; . . .
glory of the incorruptible God exposing his soul to danger ."
into something like the image of
corruptible man and of birds and Can go to the pit
four-footed creatures and creep- Job 33 :22 "Yea, his soul draw-
ing things ." eth near unto the pit, and his
See also : Matt . 2 :20 ; 25 :38 ; life to the destroyers ."
Mark 14 :34 ; Luke 17 :33 ; .'as . Can go to hell, sheol, the grave
5 :20 ; Rev . 8 :9 ; 12 :11 and NW Ps . 16 :10 "Thou wilt not leave
Appendix under Matthew 2 :20 . my soul to Sheol ."
Lower-Animal Souls Not Can have earthly things laid up
Created to Live Forever for its enjoyment
2 Pet . 2 :12 "But these men,
like unreasoning animals born Lake 14 :13 "I will say to my
nature liv to be caught and de- soul `Soul, you have many good
t' ings laid up for many years ;
stroyed ." take your ease, eat, drink, enjoy
Attributes, Qualities of a Human yourself .' "
Soul Can be in prison
Breathes Ps. 142 :7 "Bring my soul out
Josh . 11 :11 "They smote all the of prison ."
souls that were therein with the Can be lost or killed in the sea
edge of the sword, . . . there was Acts 27 :10 "Men, I perceive
none left that breathed ." that navigation is going to be

3 53 Soul
with damage and great loss not cause thy soul desireth to eat
only of the cargo and the boat flesh ; thou mayest eat flesh ."
but also of our souls." sins
Can be smitten by the sword and Num . 15 :28 "The priest shall
destroyed by it make atonement for the soul that'
Josh . 10 :28-39 ; 11 :11 "Joshua . . . erreth, when he sinneth unwit- .n"gly
utterly destroyed them and all
the souls that were therein ; . . .
he smote it with the edge of the Si; angles
sword, and all the souls that Job 7 :15 "My soul chooseth :
were therein ; . he utterly de- strangling, and death ."
stroyed it, and all the souls that Swears
were therein ." "They smote all
the souls that were therein with Lev. 5 :4 "If any one [Heb . .
the edge of the sword, utterly neph'esh, " soul"] swear rashly ."
destroying them ." Touches things
Can be torn Num . 19:22 "The soul that
Ps. 7 :2 "Lest they tear my toucheth it shall be unclean until
soul like a lion, rending it in even ."
pieces, while there is none to Human Souls Were Created to
deliver ." Live Forever if Obedient
Can be unclean Gen. 2 :9, 16, 17 ; 3:17-19 "And
Num . 19 :22 "The soul that out of the ground made Jehovah
touches it shall be unclean until God to grow every tree . . . good
even ." for food ; the tree of life also
in the midst of the garden, and
Can weary of life the tree of the knowledge of
Job 10 :1 "My soul is weary of good and evil . And Jehovah God
my life." commanded the man, saying, Of
Dies every tree of the garden thou
mayest freely eat : but of the
Ezek . 18 :4, 20 "The soul that tree of the knowledge of good
sinneth, it shall die ." and evil, thou shalt not eat of it :
Eats for in the day that thou eatest
thereof thou shalt surely die ."
Lev. 7 :18 "Any of the flesh of "Unto Adam he said, Because
the sacrifice . . . the soul that eat- thou hast . . . eaten of the tree,
eth of it shall bear his iniquity." of which I commanded thee, say-
Lev . 17 .12 "No soul of you ing, Thou shalt not eat of it :
shall eat blood ." . in the sweat of thy face shalt
Grieves thou eat bread, till thou return
unto the ground ; for out of it
1 Sam . 30 :6 "The soul of all wast thou taken : for dust thou
the people was grieved ." art, and unto dust shalt thou re-
Is vexed turn ."
Judg. 16 :16 "His soul was Rom . 5 :12-19 `Through one
vexed unto death ." man sin entered into the world
and death through sin . . . . by one
Loathes man's trespass many died . . . . the
Num . 21 :5 "Our soul loatheth judgment resulted in condemna-
this light bread ." tion from one trespass . . . . by the
trespass of the one man death
Longs to eat ruled as king through that one .
Deut . 12:20 "When . thou . . .through one trespass the re-
shalt say, I will eat flesh, be- sult to men of all kinds was con-
Soul 354
demnation, . . through the dis- life ; and man became a living
obedience of the one man many soul [Heb., neph'esh, "soul"] ."
were constituted sinners ." . 4 :3 "Yea, better than them
Earth the Proper and Only both did I esteem him that hath
Dwelling Place for not yet been, who hath not seen
Human Souls the evil work that is done under
the sun ."
Isa . 45:12, 18 "1 have made
the earth, and created man up- Eccl . 6 :3-5 "If a F man's] . . .
on it : I, even my hands, have soul be not filled with good . . . .
stretched out the heavens ; and an untimely birth is better than
all their host have I commanded . he : for it cometh in vanity, and
For thus saith Jehovah that departeth in darkness, and the
created the heavens, the God name thereof is covered with
that formed the earth and made darkness ; moreover it hath not
it . that established it and created seen the sun nor known it ['nei-
it not a waste, that formed it ther had any knowledge," mar .] ;
to be inhabited ." this hath rest rather than the
Ps . 115 :16 "The heavens are other ["it is better with this than
the heavens of Jehovah ; but the with the other ." mar .] ."
earth hath he given to the chil- God Does Not "Put a Soul" into
dren of men." Each Baby at Birth ; He Is Not
Ps . 37 :29 "The righteous shall Responsible for Birth of Great
inherit the land, and dwell there- Mass of Mankind
in for ever ."
Prov . 2:21, 22 "For the upright Gen . 6 :5-7 "And Jehovah saw
shall dwell in the land, and the that the wickedness of man was
perfect shall remain in it . But great in the earth, and that
the wicked shall be cut off from every imagination of the thoughts
the land, and the treacherous of his heart was only evil con-
shall be rooted out of it." tinually. And it repented Jeho-
Prov . 10 :30 "The righteous vah that he had made man on
shall never be removed ; but the the earth, and it grieved him at
wicked shall not dwell in the his heart . And Jehovah said, I
land." will destroy man whom I have
Human Souls Were Not Created created from the face of the
in Heaven and Brought Down ground ; . . . for it repenteth me
into Bodies on Earth that I have made them ."
(Gen . 2 :5, AV, misapplied, Deut . 32 :4, 5 (mar .) "The
which reads : "And every plant Rock, his work is perfect ; . . . a
of the field before it was in the God of faithfulness and without
earth, and every herb of the iniquity, just and right is he .
field before it grew : for the LORD They have corrupted themselves,
God had not caused it to rain they are not his children, it is
upon the earth, and there was their blemish ; they are a per-
not a man to till the ground.") verse and crooked generation ."
Gen . 2 :5-7 "And no plant of Ps . 51 :5 "Behold, I was brought
the field was yet in the earth, forth in iniquity ; and in sin did
and no herb of the field had yet my mother conceive me ."
sprung up ; for Jehovah God had Eph . 2 :1 "It is you God made
not caused it to rain upon the alive though you were dead in
earth : and there was not a man your trespasses and sins ."
to till the ground . . . . And Jeho- Luke 20:38 "He is a God, not
vah God formed man of the dust of the dead, but of the living ."
of the ground, and breathed into Matt. 23 :33 "Serpents, offspring
his nostrils the breath [Heb., of vipers, how are you to flee
nesha .mah', "a puff, wind"] of from the judgment of Gehenna?"
3 55 Soul
John 8 :44 "You are from your came, and shall take nothing
father the Devil ." for his labor, which he may carry
1 Cor. 7 :14 "The unbelieving away in his hand . . . . in all points
husband is sanctified in relation as he came, so shall he go ."
to his wife, and the unbelieving I Tim . 6 :7 "We have brought
wife is sanctified in relation to nothing into the world, and nei-
the brother ; otherwise, your chil- ther can we carry anything out ."
dren would really be unclean, but
now they are holy." Spirit Is the Life Principle or
Ezek. 9 :6 "Slay utterly the old Life Force That Actuates the
man, the young man and the Soul ; Applies to Man and Beast
virgin, and little children and Ps . 31 :5 "Into thy hand I com-
women ; but come not near any mend my spirit [Heb., ru'ahh] ."
man upon whom is the mark ." Luke 23:46 "And Jesus called
(Also the examples of Dathan with a loud voice and said : 'Fa-
and Abiram, the Flood, Sodom ther, into your hands I entrust
and Gomorrah, where children my spirit [Or., pneu'ma] ."'
were slain with their parents who Eccl . 3 :19-21 "That which be-
brought them forth .) falleth the sons of men befall-
Power of Human Souls to Re- eth beasts ; even one thing be-
produce Other Human Souls in faileth them : as the one dieth,
Their Own Likeness Put There so dieth the other ; yea, they have
at Creation; God Not Involved all one breath [mar ., "spirit"] ;
at Each Birth and man hath no pre-eminence
Gen . 5 :3 "Adam lived a hun- above the beasts : for all is vani-
dred and thirty years, and begat ty . All go unto one place ; all
a son in his own likeness, after are of the dust, and all turn to
his image ." dust again . Who knoweth the
spirit of man, whether it goeth
Ex . 1 :5 "All the souls that upward, and the spirit of the
came out of the loins of Jacob beast, whether it goeth down-
were seventy souls." ward to the earth?"
Gen . 12 :5 "Abram took Sarai Eccl. 8 :8 "There is no man
his wife, and Lot his brother's that hath power over the spirit
son, . . . and the souls [servants] [mar ., "wind"] to retain the
that they had gotten in Haran ." spirit [mar ., "wind"] ."
Expression "Dead Soul" Used to Eccl. 12 :7 "The dust returneth
Describe That Which Was Once to the earth as it was, and the
a Living Soul, or That Which spirit [Heb ., ru'ahh] returneth
Remains of a Soul unto God who gave it ."
Num . 6 :6 "He shall not come Gen . 6 :17 ; 7:15 "I do bring the
near to a dead body [Heb., flood of waters upon the earth,
neph'esh, "soul"] . - to destroy all flesh, wherein is
Num. 9 :6, 7, 10 "There were the breath [Heb ., ru'ahh, "spir-
certain men, who were unclean it"] of life, from under heaven :
by reason of the dead body of a everything that is in the earth
roan." shall die." "And they went in un-
Num . 19:13 "Whosoever touch- to Noah [cattle, birds, etc ., and
eth a dead person [also vss . 11, humans] into the ark, two and
16], the body of a man that two of all flesh wherein is the
hath died ." breath [Heb., ru'ahh, "spirit"] of
Soul Cannot Take Anything Ps. 104 :29 "Thou hidest thy
with It at Death face, they are troubled ; thou
Eccl. 5 :15, 16 "As he came takest away their breath [Heb .,
forth from his mother's womb, ru'ahh, "spirit"], they die, and
naked shall he go again as he return to their dust."
Soul 356
Soul Distinguished from Spirit John 10 :15 "I surrender my
I Thess. 5 :23 "With soundness soul in behalf of the sheep."
in every part may the spirit and Heb . 6 :19 "This hope we have
soul and body of you brothers as an anchor for the soul ."
be preserved ." 1 John 3 :16 "That one sur-
Heb . 4 :12 "The word of God is rendered his soul for us ."
alive and exerts power and is (See New World Translation
sharper than any two-edged of the Christian Greek Scrip-
sword and pierces even to the tures, Appendix under Matthew
dividing of the soul and spirit, 2 :20 .)
and of the joints and their mar-
row ." Soul Sometimes Used to Denote
Phil . 1 :27 "You are standing Every Fiber of One's Existence
firm in one spirit, with one soul Deut . 4 :29 "Ye shall seek Je-
fighting side by side ." hovah thy God, . . . with all thy
Principle of Life ; Circulating heart and with all thy soul ."
Blood Is the Food or Life I Sam. 1 :15 "I poured out my
Stream for the Body soul before Jehovah ."
Lev. 17 :11, 14 "The life [mar . . Ps . 84:2 "My soul longeth, yea .
"soul"] of the flesh is in the even fainteth for the courts of
blood ; and I have given it to you Jehovah ."
upon the altar to make atone- Soul, Life Pattern or Personality .
ment for your souls : for it is the Not Same Body, Resurrected
blood that maketh atonement by
reason of the life [mar., "soul"] . Acts 2 :27 "You will not forsake
For as to the life of all flesh, my soul in Hades, neither will
the blood thereof is all one with you grant your man of loving-
the life thereof : . . . the life of kindness to see corruption ."
all flesh is the blood thereof : Luke 21 :19 "By endurance on
whosoever eateth it shall be cut your part you will acquire your
off." souls."
Jer . 2 :34 "In thy skirts is found I Pet . 4 :19 "Let those who are
she blood of the souls of the suffering in harmony with the
innocent poor ." will of God keep on commending
Soul Sometimes Used with Ref- their souls to a faithful Creator
erence to Life as an Intelligent while they are doing good ."
Person, Whether Present Rev . 20 :4 "I saw the souls of
or Future those executed . . . And they came
to life and ruled as kings with
Gen . 35 :18 "It came to pass, the Christ for a thousand years ."
as her soul was departing (for
she died), that she called his 1 Cor . 15 :35-38 "Someone will
name Ben-oni." say : `How are the dead to be
1 Ki . 17 :21 "He stretched him- raised up? Yes, with what kind of
self upon the child three times, body are they coming?' You un-
and cried unto Jehovah, and reasonable person! What you
said, 0 Jehovah my God, I pray sow is not made alive unless
thee, let this child's soul come first it dies ; and as for what you
into him again ." sow, you sow, not the body that
Matt . 6 :25 "Stop being anxious will develop, but a bare grain,
bout your souls . . . Does not the
soul mean more than food?" it may be, of wheat or any one
Mark 8 :36 "Really, of what of the rest ; but God gives it a
benefit is it for a man to gain body just as it has pleased him .
the whole world and to forfeit and to each of the seeds its own
his soul?" body ."
357 Spirit
Preaching of Jehovah's Estab- God, and of the one whom you
lished Kingdom Now the Only sent forth, Jesus Christ ."
Soul-saving Work Heb . 11 :7 "Noah . showed
Prov . 14 :25 "A true witness de- godly fear and constructed an
livereth souls ." ark for the saving of his house-
'Matt . 24:14 "This good news hold . -
of the kingdom will be preached 1 Tim . 4 :16 "Pay constant at-
in all the inhabited earth for tention to yourself and to your
the purpose of a witness to all teaching . Stay by these things.
the nations, and then the ac- for by doing this you will save
complished end will come ." both yourself and those who
Matt. 6 :33 "Keep on, then . listen to you ."
seeking first the kingdom and Matt . 7 :21 "Not everyone say-
his righteousness, and all these ing to me, `Master, Master,' will
other things will be added to enter into the kingdom of the
you ." heavens, but the one doing the
John 17 :3 "This means ever- will of my Father who is in the
lasting life, their taking in heavens will."
knowledge of you, the only true See "Transmigration" .

Spirit, as translated from ru'ahh in the Hebrew and pneu'ma in the
Greek : The simplest or elementary meanings of both original words
are to describe something windlike, that is, something that is not
visible but which nevertheless produces visible or perceptible results.
Both are drawn from root verbs meaning "to breathe" or "to blow" .
"Spirit" as used in the Bible has at least seven different senses or
applications of meaning to describe something windlike, viz ., as
applying to (1) Jehovah God, (2) Christ Jesus, (3) angels, (4) life
force, (5) mental disposition, (6) inspired expression and (7) active
force of God. This variety of applications is possible in that all are
windlike, all are invisible to the human eye and yet all produce
effects that are visible, as the elementary meaning of the original
words indicates,
1 . Jehovah God, the Unseen, In- 2 . Christ Jesus as Spirit, the Ex-
visible Spirit, Source of Visible press Image of God, Divine,
Created Things Immortal, Unseen
John 4 :24 "God is a Spirit, and 1 Cor . 15 :45 "It is even so
those worshiping him must wor- written : `The first man Adam be-
ship with spirit and truth." came a living soul .' The last
2 Cor . 3 :17, 18 "Now Jehovah is Adam became a life-giving spirit ."
the spirit ; and where the spirit 1 Tim. 3:16 "Indeed, the sa-
of Jehovah is, there is freedom . cred secret of this godly devotion
And all of us, while we with un- is admittedly great : 'He was
veiled faces reflect like mirrors made manifest in flesh, was de-
the glory of Jehovah, are trans-
formed into the same image from clared righteous in spirit, ap-
glory to glory, exactly as done by peared to angels, was preached
Jehovah the spirit ." about among nations, was be-
Spirit 358
lieved upon in the world, was troubled . . . ?See my hands and
received up in glory.' " my feet, that it is I myself ; feel
1 Pet . 3 :18 "Christ died once me and see, because a spirit does
for all time concerning sins, a not have flesh and bones just as
righteous person for unrighteous you behold that I have .'"
ones, that he might lead you to See also : Gen . 18 :1-8 ; 19 :1-3 .
God, he being put to death in
the flesh, but being made alive Refers also to wicked, rebellious
in the spirit ." angels
3. Angels, Celestial Creatures, 1 Sam. 28 :7, 8 "Then said Saul
Higher and Mightier unto his servants, Seek me a
than Men woman that hath a familiar
1 Ki . 22:21, 22 "And there spirit, that I may go to her, and
came forth a spirit, and stood inquire of her . And his servants
before Jehovah . and said, I will said to him, Behold, there is a
entice him . And Jehovah said woman that bath a familiar
spirit at En-dor . And Saul . . .
unto him, Wherewith? And he came to the woman by night :
said, I will go forth, and will be and he said, Divine unto me, I
a lying spirit in the mouth of all pray thee, by the familiar spirit,
his prophets . And he said, Thou
shalt entice him, and shalt pre- and bring me up whomsoever I
vail also : go forth, and do so ." shall name unto thee ."
Isa . 31 :3 "Now the Egyptians Matt . 8 :16 "But after it be-
are men, and not God ; and their came evening, people brought
horses flesh, and not spirit : and him many demon-possessed per-
when Jehovah shall stretch out sons ; and he expelled the spirits
his hand, both he that helpeth with a word, and he cured all
shall stumble, and he that is who were ailing."
helped shall fall, and they all Eph . 6 :12 "We have a fight .
shall be consumed together ." not against blood and flesh, but
Heb . 1 :7, 14 "Also with ref- against the governments, against
erence to the angels he says : the authorities, against the
`And he makes his angels spirits, world-rulers of this darkness,
and his public servants a flame against the wicked spirit forces in
of fire .' Are they not all spirits the heavenly places ."
for public service, sent forth to 1 Pet . 3 :19, 20 "In this state
minister for those who are going also he went his way and
to inherit salvation?" preached to the spirits in pris-
See : Ps . 104 :4 . on, which had once been disobe-
dient when the patience of God
Though invisible, able to pro- was waiting in Noah's days ."
duce visible results
4. Life Force, in Earthly Crea-
Job 4 :15 "Then a spirit passed
before my face ; the hair of my tures, the "Principle of Life"
flesh stood up ." Sustained by Breathing
Zech . 6 :5 "And the angel an- Job 27 :3, 4 "(For my life is
swered and said unto me, These yet whole in me, and the spirit
are the four winds ["spirits," [ru'ahh, Heb .] of God is in my
footnote ; also AV] of heaven, nostrils) ; surely my lips shall
which go forth from standing not speak unrighteousness, nei-
before the Lord of all the earth ." ther shall my tongue utter de-
Luke 24 :37-39 "But they were ceit ."
terrified, and because they be- Gen . 7 :22 "All in whose nostrils
came frightened they were im- was the breath of the spirit of
agining they beheld a spirit . So life, of all that was on the dry
he said to them : `Why are you land, died."
359 Spirit
Zech. 12 :1 "Thus saith Jeho- Luke 23:46 "And Jesus called
vah, who stretcheth forth the with a loud voice and said : 'Fa-
heavens, and layeth the founda- ther, into your hands I entrust
tion of the earth, and formeth my spirit .' "
the spirit of man within him ." See also : Matt . 27 :50 ; Jas .
Num . 16 :22 "And they fell up- 2 :26 ; Rev . 11 :11 .
on their faces, and said, 0 God,
the God of the spirits of all flesh, 5. Mental Disposition, the Atti-
shall one man sin, and wilt thou tude of One's Mind, Frame of
be wroth with all the congrega- Mind, Temper ; Source Hidden
tion?" but Impelling Visible Effects
Num . 27 :16 "Let Jehovah, the Ps . 34 :18 "Jehovah is nigh un-
God of the spirits of all flesh, to them that are of a broken
appoint a man over the congre- heart, and saveth such as are
gation ." of a contrite spirit ."
Jas . 2 :26 "As the body without Eccl . 7 :8, 9 "Better is the end
breath [footnote, " spirit"] is of a thing than the beginning
dead, so also faith without works thereof ; and the patient in spirit
is dead." is better than the proud in spirit .
Be not hasty in thy spirit to
Life energy vital to a living be angry ; for anger resteth in
soul; life force invisible but ani- the bosom of fools ."
mation visible, produces Ex . 6 :9 "And Moses spake so
intelligence unto the children of Israel : but
Ps. 31 :5 "Into thy hand I com- they hearkened not unto Moses
mend my spirit : thou hast re- for anguish of spirit, and for
deemed me, 0 Jehovah, thou God cruel bondage ."
of truth ." Judg . 9 :23 "And God sent an
Ps. 76 :12 "He will cut off the evil spirit between Abimelech and
spirit of princes : he is terrible the men of Shechem ; and the
to the kings of the earth ." men of Shechem dealt treach-
Ps . 146 :4 "His breath [ru'ahh, erously with Abimelech ."
Heb.] goeth forth, he returneth Eccl . 10 :4 "If the spirit of the
to his earth ; in that very day ruler rise up against thee, leave
his thoughts perish ." not thy place ; for gentleness al-
Eccl . 3 :19-21 "For that which layeth great offences ."
befalleth the sons of men be- Prov. 14 :29 "He that is slow
falleth beasts ; even one thing to anger is of great understand-
befalleth them : as the one dieth, ing ; but he that is hasty of spirit
so dieth the other ; yea, they have exalteth folly ."
all one breath ["spirit," foot- Prov. 17 :27, 28 "He that spar-
note] ; and man hath no pre- eth his words hath knowledge ;
eminence above the beasts : for and he that is of a cool spirit
all is vanity. All go unto one is a man of understanding . Even
place ; all are of the dust, and a fool, when lie holdeth his
all turn to dust again . Who peace, is counted wise."
knoweth the spirit of man Prov. 25 :28 "He whose spirit
whether it goeth upward, and is without restraint is like a
the spirit of the beast, whether city that is broken down and
it goeth downward to the earth?" without walls."
Eccl. 12 :7 "And the dust re- Prov . 29 :11 "A fool uttereth all
turneth to the earth as it was, his anger ["spirit," footnote] ;
and the spirit returneth unto but a wise man keepeth it back
God who gave it ." and stilleth it ."
Spirit 360
Gen . 41 :8 "And it came to pass come in the flesh originates with
in the morning that his spirit God, but every inspired expres-
was troubled ; . . and Pharaoh sion ["every spirit," footnote]
told them his dream ; but there that does not confess Jesus does
was none that could interpret not originate with God ."
them unto Pharaoh ." Rev. 16 :14 "They are, in fact .
Matt. 26 :41 "Keep on the expressions inspired by ["in fact,
watch and praying, that you may spirits of," footnote] demons and
not enter into temptation . The perform signs, and they go forth
spirit, of course, is willing, but to the kings of the entire in-
the flesh is weak ." habited earth, to gather them
1 Cor. 2 :11 "For who among together to the war of the great
men knows the things of a man day of God the Almighty ."
except the spirit of man that is Rev. 22 :6, 17 "And he said to
in him? So, too, no one has come me : 'These words are trustworthy
to know the things of God, ex- and true ; yes, Jehovah the God
cept the spirit of God ." of the inspired expressions ["of
See also : 1 Sam . 16 :14-16, 23 ; the spirits," footnote] of the
Ps . 51 :17 ; Isa . 57 :15 ; 66 :2 ; Mal. prophets sent his angel forth to
2 :15 ; Rom . 12 :11 . show his slaves the things that
must shortly take place . And the
6 . Inspired Expression, a Per- spirit ["the inspired utterance,"
ceptible Message or an Utter- footnote] and the bride keep on
ance Originating with God or saying, 'Come!' And let anyone
with Satan, Invisible Sources hearing say, 'Come!' And let
1 Tim . 4 :1 "However, the in- anyone thirsting come ; let any-
spired utterance ["spirit," foot- one that wishes take life's water
note] says definitely that in later free ."
periods of time some will fall 1 Cor. 12 :8-10 "For example, to
away from the faith, paying at- one there is given through the
tention to misleading inspired ut- spirit speech of wisdom, . . . to
terances ["misleading spirits," another discernment of inspired
footnote] and teachings of de- utterances F of spirits," foot-
mons ." note] ."
2 Thess. 2 :1 . 2 "We request of 7 . Active Force
you not to be quickly shaken Jehovah's invisible energizing
from your reason nor to be ex- force (greater than atomic en-
cited either through an inspired ergy) that produces visible re-
expression ["through a spirit," sults in many manifestations ex-
footnote] or through a verbal perienced by men .
message or through a letter as
though from us, to the effect that Creation. Visible manifestation
the day of Jehovah is here ." of God's handiwork through in
1 John 4:1-3 "Beloved ones, do visible active force in their
not believe every inspired ex- formation
pression ["every spirit," footnote], Gen . 1 :2 "And the earth was
but test the inspired expressions waste and void ; and darkness
["test the spirits," footnote] to was upon the face of the deep :
see whether they originate with and the spirit of God moved up-
:mod, because many false proph- on the face of the waters ."
ets have gone forth into the Job 33 :4 "The spirit of God
world . You gain the knowledge hath made me, and the breath
of the inspired expression ["the of the Almighty giveth me life ."
spirit," footnote] from God by Ps . 104 :30 "Thou sendest forth
this : Every inspired expression thy spirit, they are created ; and
["every spirit," footnote] that thou renewest the face of the
confesses Jesus Christ as having ground."
361 Spirit
Isa. 40 :12, 13 "Who hath meas- Gal . 3 :5 "He, therefore, who
ured the waters in the hollow of supplies you the spirit and per-
his hand, and meted out heaven forms powerful works ["performs
with the span, and compre- miracles," footnote] among you .
hended the dust of the earth in does he do it owing to works of
a measure, and weighed the law or owing to obedient hearing
mountains in scales, and the by faith?"
hills in a balance? Who hath Gal . 4 :29 "But just as then
directed the spirit of Jehovah, or the one born in the manner of
being his counsellor hath taught flesh began persecuting the one
him?" born in the manner of the spirit .
s o also now ."
Miracles . Supernatural feats or
mighty deeds visibly manifested Demonstrations of God's power .
but performed or brought about Manifestations of visible feats
by invisible active force of superiority in overcoming
Matt . 1 :18, 20 "Now Jesus enemies and exploits of vin-
Christ was born this way . During dication through God's
the time his mother Mary was active force
promised in marriage to Joseph, Judg. 3 :10 "And the spirit of
she was found to be pregnant by Jehovah came upon him, and
holy spirit before they were he judged Israel ; and he went
united. But after he [Joseph] out to war, and Jehovah de-
had thought these things over, livered Cushan-rishathaim king
look! Jehovah's angel appeared of Mesopotamia into his hand :
to him in a dream, saying : 'Jo- and his hand prevailed against
seph, son of David, do not be Cushan-rishathaim ."
afraid to take Mary your wife Judg. 6 :34 "But the spirit of
home, for that which has been Jehovah came upon Gideon ; and
begotten in her is by holy spirit .' " he blew a trumpet ; and Abiezer
Matt . 12 :28 "But if it is by was gathered together after him .'
means of God's spirit that I ex- Judg . 14 :6, 19 "And the spirit
pel the demons, the kingdom of of Jehovah came mightily upon
God has really overtaken you ." him, and he rent him as he
Rom . 8 :11 "If, now, the spirit would have rent a kid ; and he
of him that raised up Jesus from had nothing in his hand : . . . And
the dead dwells in you, he that the spirit of Jehovah came might-
raised up Christ Jesus from the ily upon him, and he went down
dead will also make your mortal to Ashkelon, and smote thirty
bodies alive through his spirit men of them, and took their
that resides in you ." spoil, and gave the changes of
Rom. 15 :18, 19 "For I will not raiment unto them that declared
venture to tell one thing if it the riddle ."
is not of those things which Judg. 15 :14, 15 "When he came
Christ worked through me for unto Lehi, the Philistines shouted
the nations to be obedient, by as they met him : and the spirit
my word and deed, with the of Jehovah came mightily upon
power of signs and wonders, with him, and the ropes that were
the power of holy spirit ." upon his arms became as flax
1 Cor . 12 :7-10 "But the mani- that was burnt with fire, and
festation of the spirit is given his bands dropped from off his
to each one for a beneficial pur- hands . And he found a fresh
pose . For example, to one there jawbone of an ass, and put forth
is given through the spirit speech his hand, and took it, and smote
of wisdom, . . . to yet another a thousand men therewith."
operations of powerful works ["of Isa . 63 :11, 12 "Then he remem-
miracles," footnote] ." bered the days of old, Moses and
Spirit 362
his people, saying, Where is he might, the spirit of knowledge
that brought them up out of the and of the fear of Jehovah ."
sea with the shepherds of his Luke 1 :41, 42 "Well, as Eliza-
flock? Where is he that put his beth heard the greeting of Mary,
holy spirit in the midst of them? the infant in her womb leaped,
that caused his glorious arm to and Elizabeth was filled with
go at the right hand of Moses? holy spirit, and she called out
that divided the waters before loudly and said : `Blessed are you
them, to make himself an ever- among women, and blessed is the
lasting name?" fruit of your womb!'"
Judg. 11 :29, 33 "Then the spirit Neh . 9 :20 "Thou gayest also thy
of Jehovah came upon Jephthah, good spirit to instruct them, and
and he passed over Gilead and withheldest not thy manna from
Manasseh, and passed over their mouth, and gayest them
unto the children of Ammon .Ai;dAnd water for their thirst ."
he smote them . . . with a very Prophesying. Visible manifesta-
great slaughter ." tion where future events are
Inspiration (Lit ., "breathing up- foretold by men moved by God's
on"). Visible manifestations invisible active force
where servants of God have Num . 11 :25, 26 "And Jehovah
been moved by invisible active came down in the cloud, and
force to write, speak or perform spake unto him, and took of
on behalf of God (pertaining to the spirit that was upon him,
matters then current, not future) and put it upon the seventy el-
Ex . 31 :3 "And I have filled him ders : and it came to pass, that,
with the spirit of God, in wisdom, when the spirit rested upon them,
and in understanding, and in they prophesied, but they did so
knowledge, and in all manner of no more. But there remained two
workmanship . - men in the camp . . . . and the
I Chron. 28 :11, 12 "Then Da- spirit rested upon them ; and
they were of them that were
vid gave to Solomon his son the written, but had not gone out
pattern of the porch of the unto the Tent ; and they proph-
temple, and of the houses there- esied in the camp ."
of, and of the treasuries thereof, Neh. 9 :30 "Yet many years
and of the upper rooms thereof, didst thou bear with them, and
and of the inner chambers there- testifiedst against them by thy
of, and of the place of the mercy- spirit through the prophets : yet
seat ; and the pattern of all that would they not give ear : there-
he had by the spirit ." fore gayest thou them into the
2 Ki . 2 :14-16 "And he took the hand of the peoples of the lands."
mantle of Elijah that fell from Luke 1 :67 "And Zechariah its
him, and smote the waters, and father was filled with holy spirit,
said, Where is Jehovah, the God and he prophesied, saying ."
of Eli jah? and when he also had Ezek . 11 :5 "And the spirit of
smitten the waters, they were di- Jehovah fell upon me, and he
vided hither and thither ; and said unto me, Speak, Thus saith
Elisha went over. And when the Jehovah ."
sons of the prophets that were Acts 1 :16 "Men, brothers, it
at Jericho over against him saw was necessary for the scripture to
him, they said . The spirit of be fulfilled which the holy spirit
Elijah doth rest on Elisha ." spoke beforehand by David's
Isa. 11 :2 "And the spirit of mouth about Judas ."
Jehovah shall rest upon him, the Acts 2 :16, 17 "This is what
spirit of wisdom and understand- was said through the prophet
ing, the spirit of counsel and Joel, `And in the last days,' God
363 Spirit
says, 'I shall pour some of my Acts 19 :6 "And when Paul laid
spirit out upon every kind of his hands upon them, the holy
flesh, and your sons and your spirit came upon them, and they
daughters will prophesy .'" began speaking with tongues ."
Acts 21 :10, 11 "But while we 1 Cor. 12 :8-10 "For example, to
were remaining quite a number one there is given through the
of days, a certain prophet named spirit speech of wisdom, . to
Agabus came down from Judea another different tongues ."
and he came to us and took up
the girdle of Paul, bound his own interpretation . Visible manifes-
feet and hands and said : 'Thus tation where men borne along
says the holy spirit, "The man to by God's invisible active force
whom this girdle belongs the to make clear the meaning of
Jews will bind in this manner in dreams and prophecies
Jerusalem and deliver into the Gen . 41 :25, 38, 39 "And Joseph
hands of people of the na- said unto Pharaoh, The dream
tions."' " of Pharaoh is one : what God is
1 Cor. 12 :8-10 "For example, about to do he hath declared
to one there is given through the unto Pharaoh . And Pharaoh said
spirit speech of wisdom, . . . to unto his servants, Can we find
another prophesying ." such a one as this, a man in
2 Pet . 1 :20, 21 "For you know whom the spirit of God is? And
this first, that no prophecy of Pharaoh said unto Joseph, For-
Scripture springs from any pri- asmuch as God hath showed
vate release ["comes out of pri- thee all this, there is none so dis-
vate disclosure," footnote] . For creet and wise as thou ."
prophecy was at no time brought Dan . 4 :18 "This dream I, king
by man's will, but men spoke Nebuchadnezzar, have seen ; and
from God as they were borne thou, 0 Belteshazzar [Daniel] .
along by holy spirit ." declare the interpretation, foras-
Zech . 7 :12 "Yea, they made much as all the wise men of
their hearts as an adamant stone, my kingdom are not able to make
lest they should hear the law, known unto me the interpreta-
and the words which Jehovah tion ; but thou art able ; for the
of hosts had sent by his spirit spirit of the holy gods is in
by the former prophets : therefore thee ."
there came great wrath from Je- Dan . 5 :12 "An excellent spirit,
hovah of hosts ." and knowledge, and understand-
Also : Num . 24 :2, 3 ; 1 Sam . ing, interpreting of dreams, and
10 :10 ; Rev. 19 :10 . showing of dark sentences, and
dissolving of doubts, were found
Tongues . Visible manifestation in the same Daniel, whom the
where men are moved by God's king named Belteshazzar ."
invisible active force to speak, 1 Cor . 2 :10 "For it is to us
in a foreign language to edify God has revealed them through
Acts 2 :4 "And they all became his spirit, for the spirit searches
filled with holy spirit and started into all things, even the deep
to speak with different tongues, things of God ."
just as the spirit was granting Eph. . 1 :17 "That the God
them to make utterance ." our ford Jesus Christ, the Father
Acts 10 :44, 46 "While Peter was of glory, may give you the spirit
yet speaking about these matters of wisdom and of revelation in
the holy spirit fell upon all
those hearing the word . For they the accurate knowledge of him ."
heard them speaking with tongues . 3 :5 "In other generations
and glorifying God ." this secret was not made known
Spirit 364
to the sons of men as it has now we also speak, not with words
been revealed to his holy apostles taught by human wisdom, but
and prophets by spirit ." with those taught by the spirit,
1 Pet . 1 :10-12 "The prophets . . . as we combine spiritual matters
kept on investigating what par- with spiritual words ."
ticular season or what kind of Eph . 6 :17 "Also accept the hel-
season the spirit in them was in- met of salvation, and the sword
dicating concerning Christ when of the spirit, that is, God's word ."
it was bearing witness before- Acts 1 :16 "Men, brothers, it
hand about the sufferings for was necessary for the scripture
Christ and about the glories to to be fulfilled which the holy
follow these. It was revealed to spirit spoke beforehand by Da-
them that, not to themselves, but vid's mouth about Judas ."
to you, they were ministering the Heb . 10 :15-17 "Moreover, the
things which have now been an- holy spirit also bears witness to
nounced to you through those us, for after it has said . . . . it says
who have declared the good news afterwards."
to you with holy spirit sent forth Helper ["paraclete," Gr . ; "help-
from heaven ." er"] . The invisible active force
Testimony, the Word of God . The visibly manifesting itself as help-
Sacred Scriptures, perceptible er, guide, advocate and com-
manifestations of the sacred forter of the congregation as an
pronouncements of God organizational whole, in
through his invisible addition to aid by
active force angels
Prov. 1 :23 "Turn you at my Mark 13 :11 "But when they are
reproof : behold, I will pour out leading you along to deliver you
my spirit upon you ; I will make up, do not be anxious beforehand
known my words unto you ." about what to speak, but what-
ever is given you in that hour,
Isa . 59 :21 "And as for me, this speak this, for you are not the
is my covenant with them, saith ones speaking, but the holy spirit
Jehovah : my spirit that is upon i s ."
thee, and my words which I John 14 :16, 17, 26 "And I will
have put in thy mouth, shall not request the Father and he will
depart out of thy mouth ." give you another helper to be
John 6 :63 "It is the spirit that with you forever, the spirit of the
is life-giving ; the flesh is of no truth, which the world cannot
use at all . The sayings that I receive, because it neither be-
have spoken to you are spirit and holds it nor knows it . You know
are life ." it, because it remains with you
Rom . 8 :16, 26 "The spirit it- and is in you ."
self bears witness with our spirit John 15 :26, 27 "When the help-
that we are God's children . In er arrives that I will send you
like manner the spirit also joins from the Father, the spirit of the
in with help for our weakness ; truth which proceeds from the
for the problem of what we Father, that one will bear wit-
should pray for as we need to we ness about me, and you, in turn,
do not know, but the spirit it- are to bear witness, because you
self pleads for us with groanings have been with me from when I
unuttered ." began ."
1 Cor. 2 :10, 13 "For it is to John 16 :7-15 "For if I do not
us God has revealed them go away, the helper will by no
through his spirit, for the spirit means come to you ; but if I do
searches into all things, even the go my way, I will send him to
deep things of God. These things you. And when that one arrives

365 Spirit
he will give the world convincing footnote] blows where it wants
evidence concerning sin and con- to, and you hear the sound of it,
cerning righteousness and con- but you do not know where it
cerning judgment : . . . he will comes from and where it is going .
guide you into all the truth, for So is everyone that has been
he will not speak of his own im- born from the spirit .' "
pulse, but what things he hears See also "Born Again" .
he will speak, and he will de- Baptism . The invisible active
clare to you the things coming .
That one will glorify me, because force giving manifestation that
he will receive from what is mine one has been baptized into the
and will declare it to you ." body of Christ, thus sharing
Acts 20 :28 "Pay attention to all members regard-
of differing offices
yourselves and to all the flock,
among which the holy spirit has Matt. 3 :11 "I, on the one hand .
appointed you overseers, to shep- baptize you with water because
herd the congregation of God ." of your repentance ; but the one
coming after me is stronger than
Begetting . Manifestation of evi- I am, whose sandals I am not
dence to a member of the body fit to take off . That one will
of Christ that he has been born baptize you people with holy
again of water and spirit as a spirit and with fire ."
new creature . Active force im- Also : Mark 1 :8 ; Luke 3 :16 .
plants the incorruptible seed John 1 :33, 34 .
which gives hope of life in
spirit, bringing a condi- Acts 1 :5, 8 "John, indeed, bap-
tional right thereto tized with water, but you will be
baptized in holy spirit not many
Matt. 3 :16, 17 "After being days after this . But you will re-
baptized Jesus immediately came ceive power when the holy spirit
up from the water ; and, look! arrives upon you, and you will be
the heavens were opened up, and witnesses of me both in Jerusa-
he saw descending like a dove lem and in all Judea and Sa-
God's spirit coming upon him . maria and to the most distant
Look! also, there was a voice part of the earth ."
`This the heavens
is my that
Son, the said :
beloved, Eph . 4 :4, 5 "One body there is .
whom I have approved .'" and one spirit, even as you were
called in the one hope to which
John 3 :3-8 "In answer Jesus you were called ; one Lord, one
said to him : `Most truly I say faith, one baptism ."
to you, Unless anyone is born 1 Cor. 12 :12, 13 "For just as
again, he cannot see the king- the body is one thing but has
dom of God .' Nicodemus said to many members, and all the mem-
him : `How can a man be born bers of that body, although being
when he is old? He cannot enter many, are one body, so also is
into the womb of his mother a the Christ, For truly by one
second time and be born, can spirit we were all baptized into
he?' Jesus answered : `Most truly one body, whether Jews or
I say to you, Unless anyone is Greeks, whether slaves or free,
born from water and spirit, he and we were all made to drink
cannot enter into the kingdom one spirit."
of God. What has been born
from the flesh is flesh, and what Anointing . Manifestation to a
has been born from the spirit is member of Christ's body that he
spirit . Do not marvel because I has been commissioned to office
told you, You people must be born as a preacher
again . The wind [pneu'ma, Gr., Isa . 61 :1 "The spirit of the
elsewhere translated "spirit" . Lord Jehovah is upon me ; be-

Spiritism 366
cause Jehovah hath anointed me 2 Cor . 1 :22 "He has also put
to preach good tidings unto the his seal upon us and has given
meek ." us the token of what is to come,
Also : Luke 4 :18. that is, the spirit in our hearts ."
Matt . 3 :16 "After being bap- Eph . 1 :11-14 "In union with
tized Jesus immediately came up
from the water ; and, look! the whom we were also assigned as
heavens were opened up, and he heirs, in that we were foreor-
saw descending like a dove God's dained according to the purpose
spirit coming upon him ." of him who operates all things
1 John 2 :20 "And you have an according to the way his will
anointing from the holy one ; all counsels, that we should serve
of you have knowledge ." for the praise of his glory, we
Acts 2 :17 "'And in the last who have been first to hope in
days,' God says, 'I shall pour the Christ. But you also hoped
some of my spirit out upon every
kind of flesh, and your sons and in him after you heard the word
your daughters will prophesy .'" of truth, the good news about
Acts 10 :38 "Namely, Jesus who your salvation. By means of him
was from Nazareth, how God also, after you believed, you were
anointed him with holy spirit sealed with the promised holy
and power, and he went through spirit, which is a token in ad-
the land doing good and healing vance of our inheritance, for the
all those oppressed by the Devil, purpose of releasing by a ran-
because God was with him ."
som God's own possession, to his
See also "Minister of God ." glorious praise ."
Scaled . A token payment or Eph . 4 :30 "Also do not be griev-
authoritative guarantee from ing God's holy spirit, with which
God that a member of Christ's you have been sealed for a day
body has been called to a heav-
enly heritage, with gifts as a of releasing by ransom ."
foretaste thereof Active Force, or holy spirit,
1 Cor . 12 :1 "Now concerning not a third part of a "triune god"
the spiritual gifts, brothers, I do or "trinity" .
not want you to be ignorant ." See "Trinity".

Communication with demons, wicked spirit creatures (fallen angels),
either directly or through human or other medium . These demons
often impersonate dead humans. A false practice .

Practiced by ancient Babylonians, Egyptians and Assyrians .-Isa .
47 :12, 13 ; Ex . 22 :18 .
God's Word Forbids that have familiar spirits and
Isa. 8 :19, 20 "When they shall unto the wizards that chirp and
say unto you, Seek unto them that mutter : should not a people
367 Spiritism
seek unto their God? . . . To the idolaters and all tive liars, their
law and to the testimony! If they portion will be in the lake that
speak not according to this word, burns with fire and sulphur. This
surely there is no morning for means the second death."
them ." Also : Rev . 22 :15 .
Deut . 18 :111-12 "There shall not Fortunetelling Condemned
be found with thee any one . . .
that useth divination, one that Matt. 6 :34 "So, never be anx-
practiseth augury, or an enchant- ious about the next day, for the
er, or a sorcerer, or a charmer, next day will have its own anx-
or a consulter with a familiar ieties ."
spirit, or a wizard, or a necro- Jas . 4 :14 "Whereas you do not
mancer ." know what your life will be to-
Lev. 19 :31 "Turn ye not unto morrow."
them that have familiar spirits, Prov . 27 :1 "Boast not thyself
nor unto the ,'ards seek of tomorrow : for thou knowest
not out, to be defiled by them : not what a day may bring forth ."
I a am Jehovah your God." Acts 16 :16-18 "A certain serv-
ant girl with a spirit, a demon
Lev. 20 :6, 27 "The soul that of divination . . . . used to furnish
turneth unto t ern that have fa- her masters with much gain by
miliar spirits, and unto the wiz-
ards, to play the harlot after practicing the art of prediction .
them, I will even set my face . . . Paul . . . said to the spirit : 'I
against that soul, and will cut order you in the name of Jesus
him off from among his people. Christ to cone out of her.' And
it came out that very hour ."
A roan also or a woman that
hath a familiar spirit . shall Demonism Condemned
surely be put to death ." Acts 19 :13-20 "Certain ones . . .
Also : Mal . 3 :5 ; Dan . 1 :20 ; who practiced the casting out of
Acts 8 :9, 11 ; 13 :8-10 ; Mic . 5 :12 ; demons also undertook to name
2 Ki . 21 :6 ; Rev . 9 :21 . the name of the Lord Jesus over
Christendom Condemned for those having the wicked spirits .
Such Practices . . . But in answer the wicked
spirit said to them : 'I know Jesus
Rev . 18 :23 "No light of a lamp and I am acquainted with Paul ;
will ever shine in you again, . . . but who are you?' With that the
for by your spiritistic practice man in whom the wicked spirit
all the nations were misled." was leaped upon them, got the
1 Tim . 4 :1 "Some will fall mastery of the two of them . . .
away from the faith, paying This became known to all. . . . and
attention to misleading inspired a fear fell upon them all, and
utterances and teachings of de- the name of the Lord Jesus went
mons ." on being magnified . . Indeed,
Practice Brings Destruction quite a number of those who
practiced magical arts brought
Gal . 5 :19-21 "Now the works their books together and burned
of the flesh are manifest, and them up before everybody ."
they are fornication, uncleanness, Also : 1 Sam. 28 :7-19 ; Isa. 2 :6 .
loose conduct, idolatry, practice
of spiritism, . . . As to these Astrology Condemned
things I am forewarning you . . . . Jer . 10 :2 "Thus saith Jehovah,
that those who practice such Learn not the way of the nations,
things will not inherit God's and be not dismayed at the signs
kingdom ." of heaven ; for the nations are
Rev . 21 :8 "But as for the . . . dismayed at there ."
murderers and fornicators and Job 31 :26-28 "if I have beheld
those practicing spiritism and the sun when it shined, or the
Spiritism 368
moon walking in brightness, and ets have gone forth into the
my heart hath been secretly en- world . . . . Every inspired expres-
ticed, and my mouth hath kissed sion that confesses Jesus Christ
my hand : this also were an iniq- as having come in the flesh orig-
uity to be punished by the inates with God ."
fudges ; for I should have denied Rev . 16 :13, 14 "I saw three
the God that is above ." unclean inspired expressions .
1 Tim . 6 :20 "0 Timothy, guard come out of the mouth of the
what is laid up in trust with you, dragon . . . the wild beast and . . .
turning away from the empty the false prophet . They are, in
speeches that violate what is holy fact, expressions inspired by de-
and from the contradictions of mons and perform signs ."
the falsely called 'knowledge' ." God's Word Now Contains God's
Astrologers, Tools of Demons Complete Revelations
Matt . 2 :1-17 "After Jesus had 2 Tim . 3 :16, 17 "All Scripture
been born in Bethlehem of Judea is inspired of God . . . . that the
in the days of Herod the king, man of God may be fully compe-
look! astrologers from eastern tent, completely equipped for
parts came to Jerusalem, saying : every good work."
'Where is the one born king of Rev . 22 :18, 19 "If anyone
the Jews? For we saw his star . . . makes an addition to these
and we have come to do him things, God will add to him the
obeisance .' . . . Then Herod secret- plagues that are written in this
ly summoned the astrologers and scroll ; and if anyone takes any-
carefully ascertained from them thing away from the words of
the time of the star's appearing. the scroll of this prophecy, God
. Then Herod . . . had all the will take his portion away from
boys in Bethlehem . . . killed, from the trees of life and out of the
two years of age and under." holy city, things which are writ-
Special Revelations Have Ceased ten about in this scroll ."
1 Cor. 13 :8-13 "Gifts of proph- Dreams and Visions Not Now
esying, . tongues . . . . knowl- Given
edge . . . . will be done away with . Deut. 13 :1-5 "If there arise in
For we have partial knowledge the midst of thee a prophet, or
and we prophesy partially ; but a dreamer of dreams, and he
when that which is complete ar- give thee a sign or a wonder, and
rives, that which is partial will the sign or the wonder come to
be done away with . . . . Now . . . pass, whereof he spake unto thee,
remain faith, hope, love, these saying, Let us go after other
three, but the greatest of these gods, which thou hast not known .
is love ." and let us serve them ; thou shalt
See also : Eph . 4 :11-14 . not hearken unto the words of
Gal. 1 :8 "Even if we or an that prophet, or unto that
angel out of heaven were to de- dreamer of dreams ."
clare to you as good news some- Jer . 29 :8, 9 "Let not your
thing beyond what we declared prophets that are in the midst of
to you as good news, let him be you, and your diviners, deceive
accursed ." you ; neither hearken ye to your
dreams which ye cause to be
Testing Inspired Expressions dreamed . For they prophesy
1 John 4 :1, 2 "Do not believe falsely unto you in my name : I
every inspired expression, but have not sent them, saith Je-
test the inspired expressions to hovah ."
see whether they originate with Jer. 23 :25-32 "I have heard
God, because many false proph- what the prophets have said, that
369 Superior Authorities
prophesy lies in my name, say- lying dreams . . . . yet I sent them
ing, I have dreamed, I have not . . . . neither do they profit this
dreamed . . . . The prophet that people at all, saith Jehovah ."
hath a dream, let him tell a Ezek. 12 :24, 25 "There shall be
dream ; and he that hath my no more any false vision nor
word, let him speak my word flattering divination within the
faithfully . What is the straw to house of Israel . For I am Jeho-
the wheat? saith Jehovah . Is not vah ; I will speak, and the word
my word like fire? Faith Jeho- that I shall speak shall be p _
vah ; and like a hammer that formed."
breaketh the rock in pieces? . . . Also : Jer . 14 :13-16 ; Ezek . 13 :2,
I am against them that prophesy 3, 6, 7 ; Mic . 3 :5-11 ; Zech . 13 :3, 4,

Superior Authorities
In the field of government there are two parties, (1) the superior,
the one who makes the law or rules of action, and (2) the inferior,
the one who is bound by the rules of the superior to obey them . For
divine government God is the chief superior and man the inferior .
Rom . 13 :1-4 "Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authori-
ties [Jehovah God' and Christ Jesus'], for there is no authority except
by God [only Christ Jesus and his theocratic organization recognized
by God'] ; the existing authorities [not political governments'] stand
placed in their relative positions by God [not `divine right of kings`] .
Therefore he who ranges himself up against the authority [Christ
Jesus'] has taken a stand against the arrangement of God ; those
who have taken a stand against it will receive judgment to themselves
[annihilation from Christ Jesus'] ."
Jehovah God Is Supreme Above molded it, `Why did you make
All Superiors' me this way?' What? Does not
Ps . 62 :11, Mo "There is one the potter have authority over
thing God has said ; ay, twice the clay to make from the same
have I heard him say it : that lump one vessel for an honorable
power belongs to God." use, another for a dishonorable
Job 37 :23, Mo "The Almighty use?"
is beyond our minds . Supreme in Heb . 12 :9 "Furthermore, we
power and rich in justice, he used to have fathers who were of
violates no right ." our flesh to discipline us and we
used to give them respect. Shall
Isa . 40 :13, 15 "Who hath di- we not much more subject our-
rected the spirit of Jehovah, or selves to the Father of our
being his counsellor hath taught spiritual life and live?"
him? Behold, the nations are as Isa . 33 :22 "For Jehovah is our
a drop of a bucket, and are ac- judge, Jehovah is our lawgiver,
counted as the small dust of the Jehovah is our king ; he will save
balance : behold, he taketh up us ."
the isles as a very little thing ."
Rom . 9 :20, 21 "0 man, who, Christ Jesus Is a Superior Sec-
then, really are you to be an- ond Only to Jehovah'
swering back to God? Shall the John 17 :1, 2 "Jesus spoke these
thing molded say to him that things, and, raising his eyes to
Superior Authorities 370
heaven, he said : `Father, the body, each one of them, just as
hour has come ; glorify your son, he pleased. Now you are Christ's
that your son may glorify you, body, and members individually .
according as you have given hire And God has set the respective
authority over all flesh, that, as ones in the congregation, first,
regards the whole number which apostles ."
you have given him, he may give 2 Cor. 10:8 "For even if we
them everlasting life.'" should boast a bit too much
1 Pet . 3 :22 "He is at God's about the authority which the
right hand, for he went his way Lord gave us to build you up
to heaven, and angels and and not to tear you down, I
authorities and powers were would not be put to shame ."
made subject to him ." 2 Cor . 13 :10 "That is why I
Phil. 2 :5, 9-11 "Keep this men- write these things while absent,
tal attitude in you which was that, when I am present, I may
also in Christ Jesus . For this not act with severity according
very reason also God exalted him to the authority which the Lord
to a superior position and kindly gave me, to build up and not
gave him the name that is above to tear down ."
every other name, so that in the 1 Cor. 9 :12, 13 "If other men
name of Jesus every knee should
bend of those in heaven and share in this authority over you,
those on earth and those under do we not much more so? Never-
the ground, and every tongue theless, we have not made use of
this authority, but we are bear-
should openly confess that Jesus ing all things, in order that we
Christ is Lord to the glory of might not offer any hindrance to
God the Father." the good news about the Christ .
Jehovah Empowers Only Those What, then, is my reward? That
Who Rightly Use Authority3 while declaring the good news
Eph . 1 :19-23 "And what the I may furnish the good news
surpassing greatness of his power without cost, to the end that
is toward us believers . It is ac- I may not abuse my authority in
cording to the operation of the the good news ."
mightiness of his strength, with
which he has operated in the 2 Thess . 3 :9 "Not that we do
case of the Christ when he raised not have authority, but in order
him up from the dead and seated that we might offer ourselves as
him at his right hand in the an example to you to imitate us."
heavenly places, far above every Heb. 13 :7, 17, 24 "Remember
government and authority and those who are governing you, who
power and lordship and every have spoken the word of God
name named, not only in this to you, and as you contemplate
system of things, but also in that how their conduct turns out imi-
to come . He also subjected all
things under his feet, and made tate their faith . Be obedient to
him head over all things to the those who are governing you and
congregation, which is his body, be submissive, for they are keep-
the ful nes of him who fills u. . ing watch over your souls as
all things in alL" those who will render an ac-
1 Cor . 12 :12, 18, 27, 28 "For count, that they may do this
just as the body is one thin with joy and not with sighing,
but has many members, and all
the members of that body, al- for this would be damaging to
though being many, are one body, you . Give my greetings to all
so also is the Christ. But now those who are governing you and
God has set the members in the to all the holy ones ."
371 Superior Authorities
Worldly Rule (Pictured by John 12 :31 "Now there is a
"Beasts") Authorized by Sa- judging of this world ; now the
tan, the Dragon, Not ruler of this world will be cast
by God' cut."
Gen . 10 :8-10, AT "Cush was Rev . 12 :9 "So down the great
the father of Nimrod, who was dragon was hurled, the original
the first person on the earth to serpent, the one called Devil and
be a despot . . . . The nucleus of Satan, who is misleading the en-
his kingdom was Babylon ." tire inhabited earth ."
Dan . 7 :1-24 "Daniel spake and 2 Cor. 4:4 "Among whom the
said, I saw in my vision by night, god of this system of things has
and, behold, the four winds of blinded the minds of the unbe-
heaven brake forth upon the lievers ."
great sea . And four great beasts 1 John 5 :19 "We know we
came up from the sea, diverse originate with God, but the whole
one from another . . . . These great world is lying in the power of
beasts, which are four, are four the wicked one."
kings, that shall arise out of the
earth . . . . The fourth beast shall Ancient Rulers Who Pictured
be a fourth kingdom upon earth, Christ as Ruler Do Not Stand as
which shall be diverse from all Precedent for All Others
the kingdoms, and shall devour Jer . 27 :5, 6, 8 "1 have made the
the whole earth, and shall tread earth, the men and the beasts
it down, and break it in pieces ." that are upon the face of the
Rev . 17 :3, 9, 10, 12 "1 caught earth, by my great power and
sight of a woman sitting upon a by my outstretched arm ; and I
scarlet-colored wild beast that give it unto whom it seemeth
was full of blasphemous names right unto me . And now have I
and that had seven heads and given all these lands into the
ten horns . Here is where the in- hand of Nebuchadnezzar the king
telligence that has wisdom conies of Babylon, my servant ; and the
in : The seven heads mean seven beasts of the field also have I
mountains where the woman sits given him to serve him . And it
on top . And there are seven shall come to pass, that the na-
kings : five have fallen, one is,
the other has not yet arrived, tion and the kingdom which will
but when he does arrive he must not serve the same Nebuchadnez-
remain a short while . And the zar king of Babylon, and that
ten horns that you saw mean ten will not put their neck under
kings, who have not yet received the yoke of th king of Babylon,
a kingdom, but they do receive that nation will I punish, saith
authority as kings one hour with Jehovah, with the sword, and
the wild beast ." with the famine, and with the
Rev . 13 :2, 11, 12 "And the pestilence, until I have consumed
dragon gave the beast its power them by his hand ."
and its throne and great authori-
ty. And they worshiped the drag- 2 Chron . 36 :22, 23 "Thus saith
on because he gave the authori- Cyrus king of Persia, All the
ty to the wild beast, and they kingdoms of the earth hath Je-
worshiped the wild beast with hovah, the God of heaven, given
the words : `Who is like the wild me ; and he hath charged me to
beast, and who can do battle with
it?' And I saw another wild build him a house in Jerusalem,
beast ascending out of the earth, which is in Judah . Whosoever
and it had two horns . . . And it there is among you of all hi;
exercises all the authority of the people, Jehovah his God be with
first wild beast in its sight." him, and let him go up."
Superior Authorities 372
All Must Submit to Superior will kill you, and you will be
Authority, Christ Jesus° hated by all the nations on ac-
count of my name."
Rom . 15 :12 `And again Isaiah
says : `There will be the root of Matt . 25 :34 . 40 "Then the king
Jesse, and there will be one aris- will say to those on his right :
ing to rule nations ; on him na- `Come, you who have my Father's
tions will rest their hope.'" blessing, inherit the kingdom
prepared for you from the world's
Rev . 1 :5 "Jesus Christ, . . . `The
Ruler of the kings of the earth .' " foundation . . . . Truly I say to you,
To the extent that you did it to
I Pet. 2:13, 14, 17 "For the one of the least of these my
Lord's sake subject yourselves to brothers, you did it to me .' "
every human creation : whether
to a king as being superior or Those Who Hold to Other Su-
to governors as being sent by him periors as Supreme Must Perish
to inflict punishment on evildoers at Christ's Hand'
but to praise doers of good . Honor Rom . 13 :4 "But if you are
men of all kinds, have love for doing evil, be in fear : for it is
the whole association of brothers, not without purpose that it bears
be in fear of God, have honor the sword ; for it is God's minis-
for the king ." ter, an avenger to express wrath
Matt. 28 :18 "And Jesus ap- upon the one practicing evil ."
proached and spoke to them, say- Luke 12 :4, 5 "Moreover I say
ing : `All authority has been giv- to you, my friends, Do not fear
en me in heaven and on the those who kill the body and after
earth .' this are not able to do anything
Those Who Show Works of Faith more . But I will indicate to you
in Christ's Position Receive whom to fear : Fear him who
Favor after killing has authority to
Rom . 13 :3, 4 "For those ruling throw into Gehenna ."
are an object of fear, not to the Rev . 19 :15 "And out of his
good deed, but to the evil . Do you,
then, want to have no fear of mouth there protrudes a sharp
the authority? Keep doing good, long sword, that he may smite
and you will have praise from the nations with it, and he will
it ; for it is God's minister to you shepherd them with a rod of
for your good . But if you are iron. He treads, too, the press
doing evil, be in fear : for it is of the wine of the anger of the
not without purpose that it bears wrath of God the Almighty ."
*he sword ; for it is God's minis- Matt. 25 :45, 46 "Then he will
ter, an avenger to express wrath answer them with the words :
upon the one practicing evil ." `Truly I say to you, To the ex-
Matt . 10 :22 "And you will be tent that you did not do it to one
hated by all people on account of of these least ones, you did not
my name ; but he that has en- do it to me .' And these will de-
dured to the end is the one that part into everlasting cutting-off,
will be saved ." but the righteous ones into ever-
Matt. 24 :9 "Then people will lasting life ."
deliver you up to tribulation and See "Caesar's Things to Caesar ."
Ten "Lost Tribes"
The false teaching that the ten tribes who revolted with Jeroboam
became lost after their captivity to Assyria . Some claim they mi-
grated to America and constituted the American Indian tribes :
"everlasting hills" (Genesis 49) claimed to be mountains of western
America. Others say the ten tribes became the Anglo-Americans
Representatives of All Twelve among the nations, whither ther
Tribes Lived in Judah's are gone, and will gather them
Kingdom on every side, and bring them
2 Chron . 11 :13-17 "And the into their own land : and I will
priests and the Levites that were make them one nation in the
in all Israel resorted to him out land, upon the mountains of
of all their border . For the Le- Israel ; and one king shall be
vites left their suburbs and their king to them all ; and they shall
possession, and came to Judah be no more two nations, neither
and Jerusalem : for Jeroboam and shall they be divided into two
his sons cast them off, that kingdoms any more at all ; nei-
they should not execute the ther shall they defile themselves
priest's office unto Jehovah. . . . any more with their idols . . . . nor
And after them, out of all the with any of their transgressions ;
tribes of Israel, such as set their but I will save them out of all
hearts to seek Jehovah, the God their dwelling-places, wherein
of Israel, came to Jerusalem to they have sinned, and will cleanse
sacrifice unto Jehovah, the God them : so shall they be my peo-
of their fathers. So they strength- ple, and I will be their God ."
ened the kingdom of Judah ." Jer . 31 :21, 22 "Set thee up
2 Chron . 15 :9 "And he gath- waymarks, make thee guide-
ered all Judah and Benjamin, posts ; set thy heart toward the
and them that sojourned with highway, even the way by which
them out of Ephraim and Ma- thou wentest : turn again, 0 vir-
nasseh, and out of Simeon : for gin of Israel, turn again to these
they fell to him out of Israel in thy cities . How long wilt thou go
abundance, when they saw that hither and thither, 0 thou back-
Jehovah his God was with him ." sliding daughter?"
Bible Record Testifies that Israel
A Remnant Composed of All Returned, Speaking of All Israel .
Twelve Tribes Returned to Heads of the Fathers'
Palestine Houses, etc.
Ezek . 37 :19-28 "Thus saith the Ezra 2 :70 "So the priests, and
Lord Jehovah : Behold, I will the Levites, and some of the
take the stick of Joseph, which people, and the singers, and the
is in the hand of Ephraim, and porters, and the Nethinim, dwelt
the tribes of Israel his compan- in their cities, and all Israel in
ions ; and I will put them with their cities."
it, even with the stick of Judah, Ezra 4 :3 `But Zerubbabel . and
and make them one stick, and Jeshua, and the rest of the heads
they shall be one in my hand . . . . of fathers' houses of Israel, said
And say unto them, Thus saith unto them, Ye have nothing to
the Lord Jehovah : Behold, I will do with us in building a house
take the children of Israel from unto our God ."
Ten "Lost Tribes" 11
See also: Ezra 2 :2, 59 ; 3 :1 ; Rom . 9 :31-33 ; 10 :1 ; 11 :1 ; Heb.
4 :3 ; 7 :7, 10, 28 ; 8 :25, 29 ; 9 :1 ; 8 :10 .
10 :1, 2, 5, 10 ; Neh . 2 :10 ; 7 :7,
61, 73 ; 9 :1, 2 ; 11 :3, 20 ; 12 :47 ; Israelites Cast OFfi as God's Na-
13 :3 ; Luke 1 :80 ; 7 :9 ; John 1 :31 ; tion, A .D. 33 : All Peoples Could
3 :10 . Then Be of God's "Holy Nation"
Some of All Twelve Tribes Were Gal . 3 :28 "There is neither Jew
in Palestine in the Days of Jesus nor Greek, there is neither slave
ani Apostles nor freeman, there is neither
male nor female ; for you are all
Acts 26 :7 "Our twelve tribes one in union with Christ Jesus ."
are hoping to attain to the ful- Gal . 6 :15, 16 "For neither is
fillment of this promise by in- circumcision anything nor is un-
tensely rendering him sacred circumcision, but a new creation
service night and day ." is something . And all those who
Isa . 8:14 "And he shall be for will walk orderly by this rule of
a sanctuary ; but for a stone of conduct, upon them be peace and
stumbling and for a rock of of- mercy, even upon the Israel of
fence to both the houses of Israel, God
for a gin and for a snare to the
inhabitants of Jerusalem." 2 Cor. 5 :16, 17 "Consequently,
Luke 2 :36 "Now there was from now on s e know no man
Anna a prophetess, Phanuel's according to the flesh . Even if
daughter, of Asher's tribe." we have known Christ according
Acts 2 :36 "Therefore let all the to the flesh, certainly we now
house of Israel know for a cer- know him so no more . Conse-
tainty that God made him both quently, if anyone is in union
Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom with Christ, he is a new creation ;
you impaled ." the old things passed away, look!
Jas . 1 :1 "James, a slave of God new things have come into exist-
and of the Lord Jesus Christ, ence ."
to the twelve tribes that are 1 Pet. 2 :9, 10 "You are 'a
scattered about ." chosen race, a royal priesthood,
Acts 13 :16, 17, 23, 24 "Paul a holy nation, a people for spe-
rose, and motioning with his cial possession, that you should
hand, he said : 'You Israelites declare abroad the excellencies'
and you others that fear God, of the one that called you out of
hear . The God of this people darkness into his wonderful light .
Israel chose our forefathers, . . . For you were once not a people,
God has brought to Israel a sa- but are now God's people ; you
vior, Jesus, after John, in advance were those who had not been
of the entry of that One, had shown mercy, but are now those
preached publicly to all the peo- who have been shown mercy ."
ple of Israel the baptism of those [For the above reasons, the
repenting .'' 144,000 mentioned in Revela-
Luke 1 :16 "And many of the tion 7, from the twelve tribes,
sons (if Israel will he [John the could not be literal Jews . The
Bapist] turn back to Jehovah 12,000 from each tribe shows im-
their God ." partiality and complete, balanced
Matt . 10 :6, 23 "Go continually organization .]
o the lost sheep of the house
of Israel ." Regathering in Last Days Is Not
Matt . 15 :24 "In answer he said : Nationally, Politically (as In-
'I was not sent forth to any but dians, Anglo-Americans), but a
to the lost sheep of the house Christian Gathering from All
of Israel .'" Nations for True Worship
See also : Matt . 2 :20, 21 ; 8 :10 ; Acts 15 :14 "Symeon has re-
Acts 2 :22 ; 3 :12 ; 4 :27 ; 10 :36, 37 ; lated thoroughly how God for
375 Ten "Lost Tribes"
the first time turned his atten- nations shall go and say . Come
tion to the nations to take out ye, and let us go up to the
of them a people for his name ." mountain of Jehovah . . . . and he
Rev. 7 :4-15 "And I heard the will judge between many peoples,
number of those who were sealed, and will decide concerning strong
a hundred and forty-four thou- nations afar off : and they shall
sand, sealed out of every tribe beat their swords into plowshares,
of the sons of Israel : . . . After and their spears into pruning-
these things I saw, and, look! a hooks ; nation shall not lift up
great crowd, which no man was sword against nation, neither
able to number, out of all na- shall they learn war any more ."
tions and tribes and peoples and
tongues, . And they keep on "Everlasting Hills" Those of
crying with a loud voice, saying : Palestine Where Joseph (Ephra-
`Salvation we owe to our God, im and Manasseh) Received
who is seated on the throne, and His Inheritance
to the Lamb .' . . . and they are
rendering him sacred service day Gen . 49 :25 "The blessings of
and night in his temple ." thy father have prevailed above
the blessings of my progenitors
Rev . 14 :1-4 "And I saw, and unto the utmost bound of the
look! the Lamb standing upon everlasting hills : they shall be
the mount Zion, and with him a on the head of Joseph ."
hundred and forty-four thousand .
. . . And they are singing as if Josh . 17 :7-11 "And the border
a new song . . . . These were pur- of Manasseh was from Asher to
chased from among mankind ." Michmethath, which is before
Shechem ; and the border went
Rev . 5 :9, 10 "And they sing along to the right hand, unto the
a new song, saying : "You are inhabitants of En-tappuah . The
worthy to take the scroll and land of Tappuah belonged to Ma-
open its seals, because you were nasseh ; but Tappuah on the bor-
slaughtered and with your blood der of Manasseh belonged to the
you bought persons for God out children of Ephraim . And the
of every tribe and tongue and border went down unto the brook
people and nation, and you made of Kanah, southward of the
them to be a kingdom and priests brook : these cities belonged to
to our God, and they will rule as Ephraim among the cities of Ma-
kings over the earth .'" nasseh : and the border of Ma-
Isa. 35 :10 "And the ransomed nasseh was on the north side of
of Jehovah shall return, and the brook, and the goings out
come with singing unto Zion ; thereof were at the sea ; south-
and everlasting joy shall be up- ward it was Ephraim's, and
on their heads : they shall ob- northward it was Manasseh's .
tain gladness and joy, and sor- and the sea was his border ; ani:
row and sighing shall flee away ." they reached to Asher on the
Vial . 3:4 "Then shall the of- north, and to Issachar on the
fering of Judah and Jerusalem east . And Manasseh had in Issa-
be pleasant unto Jehovah, as in char and in Asher Beth-shean
the days of old, and as in ancient and its towns, and Ibleam and
years." its towns, and the inhabitants of
Dor and its towns, and the in-
Mic . 4 :1-3 "But in the latter habitants of En-dor and its
days it shall come to pass, that towns, and the inhabitants of
the mountain of Jehovah's house
shall be established on the top Taanach and its towns, and the
of the mountains, and it shall be inhabitants of Megiddo and its
exalted above the hills ; and peo- towns, even the three heights ."
ples shall flow unto it . And many See "Jehovah's Witnesses" .

A giving of one tenth of one's possessions or gains . Since the number
ten is used in the Scriptures as representing all, it is a token of the
complete dedication of God's people, with all their possessions, to the
service of Jehovah .
Abraham's Tithing to Melchize- be with me, and will keep me in
dek Showed Levitical Priesthood this way that I go, and will give
Inferior to Christ's me bread to eat, and raiment to
Gen . 14 :18-20 "And Melchize- put on, so that I come again
dek king of Salem brought forth to my father's house in peace,
bread and wine : and he was and Jehovah will be my God,
priest of God Most High . And then this stone, which I have set
he blessed him, and said, Blessed up for a pillar, shall be God's
be Abram of God Most High, house : and of all that thou shalt
possessor of heaven and earth : give me I will surely give the
and blessed be God Most High, tenth unto thee ."
who hath delivered thine enemies Tithes Paid by Israelites Under
into thy hand . And he gave him the Law
a tenth of all ."
Heb. 7 :4-10 "Behold, then how The main lithe-to the Levites
great this man [Melchize,dek] Num. 18 :21 "And unto the
was to whom Abraham, the fam- children of Levi, behold, I have
ily head, gave a tenth out of the given all the tithe in Israel for
chief spoils . True, the men who an inheritance, in return for
receive their priesthood from the their service which they serve .
sons of Levi have a command- even the service of the tent of
ment to collect tithes from the meeting ."
people according to the Law, that The second tithe-to be used
is . from their brothers, even if to travel to Jerusalem or other
these have issued from the loins divinely designated place for as-
of Abraham ; but the man who sembly there . What was left was
did not trace his genealogy from to be eaten there
them took tithes from Abraham
and blessed him who had the su Deut . 14 :22-26 "Thou shalt
promises . Now without any dis- tithe all the It
thy seed, that which cometh
pute, the less is blessed by the forth from the field year by year .
greater . And
men whoinarethe one that
dying that Jeho
And thou shalt eat before Jeho-
eive tithes, but in the oth s vah thy God, in the place which
case it is a man h of whom it is he shall choose, to cause his
witnessed that name to dwell there, the tithe of
Abraham And,
use the expression, t thy grain, of thy new wine, and
even Levi who rreceives as of thine oil, and the firstlings of
tithes has paid tithes, for he was thy herd and of thy flock ; that
still in the loins of his forefa-." vah thou mayest learn to fear Jeho-
ther when Melchizedek met him thy God always . And if the
way be too long for thee, so that
Jacob Vowed One Tenth (Not thou art not able to carry it, be-
by Law), Picturing Complete cause the place is too far from
Devotion of Christians Today thee, which Jehovah thy God
Gen . 28 :20-22 "And Jacob shall choose, to set his name
vowed a vow, saying, If God will there, when Jehovah thy God
377 Tithing
shall bless thee ; then shalt thou because you give the tenth of
turn it into money, and bind up the mint and the dill and the
the money in thy hand . . . and cummin, but you have disre-
thou shalt bestow the money for garded the weightier matters of
whatsoever thy soul desireth, for the Law, namely, judgment and
oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, mercy and faithfulness . These
or for strong drink, or for what- things it was binding to do, yet
soever thy soul asketh of thee ; not to disregard the other things .
and thou shalt eat there before Blind guides, who strain out the
Jehovah thy God, and thou shalt gnat but gulp down the camel!"
rejoice, thou and thy household ." Luke 18 :11-14 "The Pharisee
The poor tithe-on the third and stood and began to pray these
sixth years of every seven-year things to himself : '0 God, I
period, instead of the thank you I am not as the rest
second tithe of men, extortioners, unrighteous,
adulterers, or even as this tax
Deut. 14 :28, 29 "At the end of collector . I fast twice a week,
every three years thou shalt I give the tenth of all things I
bring forth all the tithe of thine acquire.' But the tax collector
increase in the same year, and standing at a distance was not
shalt lay it up within thy gates : willing even to raise his eyes
and the Levite, because he hath heavenward, but kept beating his
no portion nor inheritance with chest, saying : '0 God, be gracious
thee, and the sojourner, and the to me a sinner .' I tell you, This
fatherless, and the widow, that man went down to his home
are within thy gates, shall come, proved more righteous than that
and shall eat and be satisfied ; man ; because everyone that
that Jehovah thy God may bless exalts himself will be humiliated,
thee in all the work of thy hand but he that humbles himself will
which thou doest ." be exalted ."
Tithe of Levites to the priests Jesus Upheld Tithing While
-a tithe of the tithe Jewish Law Was in Force
Num . 18 :26, 28, 29 "Moreover Luke 11 :42 "But woe to you
thou shalt speak unto the Le- Pharisees, because you give the
vites, and say unto them, When tenth of the mint and the rue
ye take of the children of Israel and of every other vegetable, but
the tithe which I have given you you pass by the justice and the
from them for your inheritance, love of God! These things you
then ye shall offer up a heave- were under obligation to do, but
offering of it for Jehovah, a tithe those other things not to omit ."
of the tithe. Thus ye also shall
offer a heave-offering unto Jeho- Tithing Ended When Law Abol-
vah . . . of all the best thereof, ished by God Through Christ
even the hallowed part thereof Col. 2 :13, 14 "Furthermore,
out of it." though you were dead in your
To the king-taxes; this might trespasses and in the uncir-
vary according to taxes levied cumcised state of your flesh,
God made you alive together
1 Sam . 8 :15 "And he will take with him . He kindly forgave us
the tenth of your seed, and of all our trespasses and blotted
your vineyards, and give to his out the handwritten document
officers, and to his servants ." against us which consisted of de-
Tithing Not the Weightier Part crees and which was in opposi-
of the Law tion to us, and He has taken it
Matt . 23 :23, 24 "Woe to you, out of the way by nailing it to
scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! the torture stake ."
Tithing 378
Gal . 3 :13 "Christ by purchase were debtors to them ; for if the
released us from the curse of the nations have shared in their
Law by becoming a curse instead spiritual things, they also owe it
of us, because it is written : 'Ac- to minister publicly to these with
cursed is every man hanged up- things for the physical body."
on a stake.'" Acts 4:34, 35 "In fact, there
Eph . 2 :15 "By means of his was not one in need among
flesh he abolished the hatred, the them ; for all those who were
Law of commandments consist- possessors of fields or houses
ing in decrees." would sell them and bring the
Heb . 7 :18 "Certainly, then, values of the things sold and
there occurs a setting aside of they would deposit them at the
the preceding commandment on feet of the apostles . In turn,
account of its weakness and in- distribution would be made to
effectiveness ." each one just as he would have
Heb. 7 :11, 12 "If, then, per- the need ."
fection were really through the Gal . 2 :10 "Only we should keep
Levitical priesthood, (for with it the poor in mind . This very
as a feature the people were thing I have also earnestly en-
given the Law,) what further deavored to do ."
need would there be for another No Mention to Christians of
priest to arise after the likeness Giving a Tenth
of Melchizedek and not said to
be after the likeness of Aaron?" 1 Cor. 16 :2, 3 "Every first day
of the week let each of you at
Christian Offerings Are Free his own house set something
Will, "Gifts of Mercy," Not aside in store as he may be pros-
by Law nor Mandatory pering, so that when I arrive
2 Cor . 9:5-7 "Therefore I collections will not take place
thought it necessary to encourage then . But when I get there, what-
the brothers to come to you in ever men you approve of by let-
ters, these I shall send to carry
advance and to get ready in ad-
vance your bountiful gift pre- your kind gift to Jerusalem ."
viously promised, that thus this Christian's "Tithe" Is Giving of
might be ready as a bountiful All to the Kingdom Service
gift and not as something ex-
torted . But as to this, he that Heb . 10 :7 "Then I said, `Look!
sows sparingly will also reap I a n come (in the roll of the
sparingly, and he that sows book it is written about me) to
bountifully will also reap bounti- do your will, 0 God.'"
fully. Let each one do just as he Luke 18 :27-30 "Peter said :
has resolved in his heart, not `Look! we have left our own
grudgingly or under compulsion, things and followed you .' He said
for God loves a cheerful giver ." to them : `Truly I say to you,
Acts 24 :17 "So after quite a There is no one who has left
number of years I arrived to house or wife or brothers or
wring gifts of mercy to my nation, parents or children for the sake
and offerings ." of the kingdom of God that is
Rom . 15 :25-27 "But now I am not certain to get many times
about to journey to Jerusalem more in this period of time and
to minister to the holy ones . For in the coming system of things
those in Macedonia and Achaia everlasting life .' "
have been pleased to share up Luke 12 :33 "Sell the things be-
their things by a contribution to longing to you and give them
the poor of the holy ones in Jeru- as gifts of mercy . Make purses
salem. True, they have been for yourselves that do not wear
pleased to do so, and yet they out, a never-failing treasure in
379 Tithing
the heavens, where a thief does the matter of giving and receiv-
not get near nor moth con- ing, except you alone, because,
sumes." even in Thessalonica, you sent
Prov . 23 :26 "My son, give me something to me both once and a
thy heart ." second time for my need . Not
Heb . 13 :15, 16 "Through him that I am earnestly seeking the
let us always offer to God a gift, but that I am earnestly
sacrifice of praise, that is, the seeking the fruitage that bring',
fruit of lips which make public more credit to your account ."
declaration to his name. More-
over, do not forget the doing of Christians Today Entrust "Faith-
good and the sharing of things ful and Discreet Slave" Society
with others, for with such sacri- with Material Means to Carry
fices God is well pleased ." on Kingdom Work
Rom . 12 :8 "He that distributes, Acts 11:29, 30 "So those of the
let him do it with liberality ." disciples determined, each of
Rom . 13 :8 "Do not be owing them according as anyone could
anybody a single thing, except to afford it, to send a relief minis-
love one another ; for he that tration to the brothers dwelling
loves his fellow man has fulfilled in Judea ; and this they did, dis-
the law." patching it to the older men by
Acts 4 :32 "Moreover, the multi- the hand of Barnabas and Saul ."
tude of those who had believed 2 Cor . 9 :1-5 "Now concerning
had one heart and soul, and not the ministry that is destined for
even one would say that any of the holy ones it is superfluous
the things he possessed was his for me to write you, for I know
own, but they had all things in your readiness of mind of which
common ." I am boasting to the Macedo-
Christian Gifts of Mercy Not nians about you, that Achaia has
Necessarily Regularly Given to stood ready now for a year, and
the Congregation, or Its Ap- your zeal has stirred up the ma-
pointed Servants, but to Re- jority of them . But I am sending
lieve Needy Brothers and the brothers, that our boasting
Expand Preaching Work about you might not prove empty
in this respect, but that you may
Jas . 2 :15, 16 "If a brother or really be ready, just as I used
a sister is in a naked state and to say you would be. Otherwise,
lacking the food sufficient for in some way, if Macedonians
the day, yet a certain one of you should come with me and find
says to them . 'Go in peace, keep you not ready, we-not to say you
warm and well fed,' but you do -should be put to shame in
not give them the necessities for this assurance of ours . Therefore
their body, of what benefit is I thought it necessary to encour-
it?" age the brothers to come to you
Rom . 15 :26 "For those in Mac- in advance and to get ready in
edonia and Achaia have been advance your bountiful gift pre-
pleased to share up their things viously promised, that thus this
by a contribution to the poor of might be ready as a bountiful
the holy ones in Jerusalem ." gift and not as something ex-
Phil . 4 :14-17 "Nevertheless, you torted_"
acted well in becoming sharers 2 Cor . 9 :11-13 "In everything
with me in my tribulation . In you are being enriched for every
fact, you Philippians, also know kind of generosity, which pro-
that at the start of declaring duces through us an expression
the good news, when I departed of thanks to God ; because the
from Macedonia, not a congre- ministry of this public service
gation took a share with me in is not only to supply abundantly
Tongues, Speaking In 380
the wants of the holy ones but is too far from thee, which Je-
also to be rich with many ex- hovah thy God shall choose, to
pressions of thanks to God . set his name there, when Je-
Through the proof that this hovah thy God shall bless thee ;
ministry gives, they glorify God then shalt thou turn it into mon-
because you are submissive to the ey, and bind up the money in
good news about the Christ, as thy hand, and shalt go unto the
you publicly declare you are, and place which Jehovah thy God
because you are generous in your shall choose : and thou shalt be-
contribution to them and to all ." stow the money for whatsoever
I Cor . 16 :1-4 "Now concerning thy soul desireth, for oxen, or for
the collection which is for the sheep, or for wine, or for strong
holy ones, just as I gave orders drink, or for whatsoever thy soul
to the congregations of Galatia, asketh of thee ; and thou shalt
do that way also yourselves . eat there before Jehovah thy
Every first day of the week let God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou
each of you at his own house and thy household . And the Le-
set something aside in store as vite that is within thy gates .
he may be prospering, so that thou shalt not forsake him ; for
when I arrive collections will he hath no portion nor inherit-
not take place then . But when I ance with thee ."
get there, whatever men you ap- Christendom, as Pictured by
prove of by letters, these I shall Ancient Israel, Has Not Been
send to carry your kind gift to Fully Devoted to God and
Jerusalem . However, if it is fit- Clean Worship
ting for me to go there also, they
will go there with me ." Mal . 3 :8, 9 "Will a man rob
God? yet ye rob me . But ye say,
Christians Today Set Aside Mon- Wherein have we robbed thee?
ey to Attend Assemblies ; Enjoy In tithes and offerings. Ye are
Spiritual Food Provided cursed with the curse ; for ye
Deut. 14 :22-27 "Thou shalt rob me, even this whole nation ."
surely tithe all the increase of God's Boundless Blessings Now
thy seed, that which cometh Poured Out on His Faithful
forth from the field year by People Today ; Increase Tes-
year . And thou shalt eat before tifies Prosperity
Jehovah thy God, in the place
which he shall choose, to cause Mal . 3:10 "Bring ye the whole
his name to dwell there, the tithe into the store-house, that
tithe of thy grain, of thy new there may be food in my house,
wine, and of thine oil, and the and prove me now herewith, saith
firstlings of thy herd and of thy Jehovah of hosts, if I will not
flock ; that thou mayest learn to open you the windows of heaven,
fear Jehovah thy God always . and pour you out a blessing, that
And if the way be too long for there shall not be room enough
thee, so that thou art not able to receive it ."
to carry it, because the place See "Charitable Works", "Law ."

Tongues, Speaking In
The special ability given through the holy spirit to some of the
disciples in the early congregation that enabled them to preach or
otherwise glorify God in a tongue or tongues other than their own

381 Tongues, Speaking lit

native tongue . Where the language was not understood by the con-
gregation, the gift of interpretation might be given . Limited to the
early congregation, it was a sign to foreign unbelievers ; and, like all
other special gifts of the holy spirit, was administered by Jesus Christ
through the twelve apostles . At the apostles' death it was impossible
to pass this special gift on to others, and therefore eventually it
Manifestation of Active Force as spirit was granting them to make
a Special Gift, the Eighth in utterance . As it was, there were
Rating dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, rev-
1 Cor . 12 :4-11, 28 "Now there erent men, from every nation of
are varieties of gifts, but there those under heaven . . . . each one
is the same spirit ; . . . But the heard them speaking in his own
:manifestation of the spirit is language. `This Jesus God res-
given to each one for a beneficial urrected, of which fact we are
purpose . For example, to one all witnesses, Therefore because
there is given through the spirit he was exalted to the right hand
speech of wisdom, . . . to another of God and received the prom-
different tongues, and to another ised holy spirit from the Father,
interpretation of tongues . But all he has poured out this which you
these operations the one and the see and hear.' "
same spirit performs, making a Gifts Administered by Apostles
distribution to each one respec- or in Their Presence
tively just as it wills. And God Acts 19 :1-7 "In the course of
has set the respective ones in
the congregation, first, apostles ; events, while Apollos was in Cor-
second, prophets ; third, teachers ; inth, Paul . . . found some dis-
ciples, and he said to them : `Did
then powerful works ; then gifts you receive holy spirit when you
of healings ; helpful services, became believers?' They said to
abilities to direct, different
tongues ." him : `Why, we have never heard
whether there is a holy spirit .'
Acts 10 :45 . 46 "The free gift . . . And when Paul laid his hands
of the holy spirit was being upon them, the holy spirit came
poured out also upon people of upon them, and they began
the nations . For they heard them speaking with tongues and proph-
speaking with tongues and glori- esying . All together, there were
fying God." about twelve men ."
Ability Through Spirit Came Acts 8 :14-18 "When the apos-
from Christ Jesus tles in Jerusalem heard that Sa-
Acts 2 :1-6, 32, 33 "Now while maria had accepted the word of
God, they dispatched Peter and
the day of the feast of Pentecost John to them, and these went
was in progress they were all to- down and prayed for them to get
gether at the same place, and holy spirit . For it had not yet
suddenly there occurred from fallen upon any one of them,
heaven a noise just like that of but they had only been baptized
a rushing stiff breeze, and it
filled the whole house in which in the name of the Lord Jesus .
Then they went to laying their
they were sitting . And tongues
as if of fire became visible and hands upon them, and they be-
were distributed to them, and one gan to receive holy spirit . Now
sat upon each one of them, and when Simon saw that through
they all became filled with holy the laying on of the hands of
spirit and started to speak with the apostles the spirit was given .
different tongues, just as the he offered them money ."
Tongues, Speaking In 382
Enabled Witnessing of Good force of the speech-sound, I shall
News to Those of Another be a foreigner to the one speak-
Language ing and the one speaking will
Acts 2 :7, 8, 11 "Indeed, they be a foreigner to me . . . . There-
were astonished and began to fore let the one who sneaks in
wonder and say : `See here . all a tongue pray that he may trans-
these who are speaking are Gal- late . For if I am praying in a
ileans, are they not? And yet how tongue, it is my gift of the spirit
is it we are listening each one that is praying, but my under-
of us to his own language in standing is unfruitful . What is
which we were born? . . . we hear to be done, then? I will pray
them speaking in our tongues with the gift of the spirit, but
about the magnificent things of I will also pray with my under-
God .' standing . I will sing praise with
the gift of the spirit, but I will
Not All in Early Congregation also sing praise with my under-
Had Gift standing. Otherwise, if you offer
I Cor. 12 :27, 28, 30, 31 "Now praise with a gift of the spirit,
you are Christ's body, and mem- how will the man occupying the
bers individually . And God has seat of the ordinary person say
set the respective ones in the Amen to your giving of thanks,
congregation, . . . Not all speak in since he does not know what
tongues, do they? Not all are you are saying? True, you give
translators, are they? But keep thanks in a right way, but the
striving after the greater gifts ." other man is not being built up .
I thank God, I speak in more
Understanding of Witness the tongues than all of you do. Nev-
Important Thing ertheless, in a congregation I
I Cor. 14 :5-9 "Now I would would rather speak five words
like for all of you to speak in with my understanding, that I
tongues, but I prefer that you might also instruct others ver-
prophesy . Indeed, he that proph- bally, than ten thousand words in
esies is greater than he that a tongue."
speaks in tongues, unless, in fact,
he translates, that the congrega- Intended to Operate as a Sign
tion may receive upbuilding. But to Unbelievers
at this time, brothers, if I should 1 Cor . 14 :21-25 "In the Law
come speaking to you in tongues, it is written : ' "With the tongues
what good would I do you unless of foreigners and with the lips
I spoke to you either with a rev-
elation or with knowledge or with of strangers I will speak to this
a prophecy or with a teaching? people, and yet not even then
. . .In the same way also, unless will they give heed to me," says
you through the tongue utter Jehovah .' Consequently, tongues
speech easily understood, how are for a sign, not to the be-
will it be known what is being lievers, but to the unbelievers,
spoken? You will, in fact, be
speaking into the air." whereas prophesying is, not for
the unbelievers, but for the be-
If Tongue Was Unknown to lievers . Therefore, if the whole
Congregation, Translation congregation comes together to
Was to Be Given Also one place and they all speak in
I Cor. 14 :10-19 "It may be that tongues, but ordinary people or
there are so many kinds of unbelievers come in, will they
speech-sounds in the world, and not say that you are mad? But if
yet no kind is without meaning. you are all prophesying and any
If, then, I do not understand the unbeliever or ordinary person
383 Transmigration
comes in, he is put right by them Was to Continue Only as Long
all, he is closely examined by all, as Congregation in Early
the secrets of his heart become Development
manifest, so that he will pros- 1 Cor. 13 :8, I1, 12 "Whether
trate himself and worship God, there are tongues, they will cease :
declaring, 'God is really among , . When I was a babe, I used
you . , " to speak as a babe, to think as
Was Given to Edify, Not to Exalt a babe, to reason as a babe ; but
the Creature by a Display now that I have become a man,
of Gift I have done away with the trails
I Cor . 14 :26-28 "What is to be of a babe. For at present we see
done, then, brothers? When you in hazy outline by means of a
come together, one has a psalm, metal mirror, but then it will
another has a teaching, another be face to face . At present I
has a revelation, another has a know partially, but then I shall
tongue, another has an inter- know accurately even as I am
pretation. Let all things take accurately known ."
place for upbuilding . And if Passed Away as Gift After
someone speaks in a tongue, let Death of Apostles
it be limited to two or three at 1 Cor . 13:8-10 "Love never
the most, and in turns, and let fails . But whether there are gifts
someone translate . But if there of prophesying, they will be done
be no translator, let him keep away with ; whether there are
silent in the congregation and tongues, they will cease ; . For
speak to himself and to God ." we have partial knowledge and
1 Cor. 13 :1 "If I speak in the we prophesy partially ; but when
tongues of men and of angels that which is complete arrives,
but do not have love, I have that which is partial will be done
become a sounding piece of brass away with ."
or a clashing cymbal ." See "Spirit", "Gifts from God ."

The doctrine that the soul is separate and distinct from the body
and passes at death into another body or (metempsychosis) the re-
birth of the soul at death in another body either of human or animal
form . A false doctrine .
Based on Satan's lie that the soul is immortal, stated to Eve in
Eden, c .4025 B .C . (Gen . 3 :4, 5) A pagan doctrine of the ancient
Babylonians and Greeks. Believed by Hindus.
Souls Do Not Mix ; They Repro- therewith ; neither shall any
duce After Their Own Kind woman stand before a beast, to
Gen . 1 :24 "God said, Let the lie down thereto : it is confu-
earth bring forth living creatures sion ."
after their kind, cattle, and Souls of All Beasts on Earth Not
creeping things, and beasts of Equivalent to One Human Soul
the earth after their kind : and Matt . 12 :12 "All considered, of
it was so ."
Lev . 18 :23 "Thou shalt not lie how much more worth is a man
with any beast to defile thyself than a sheep!"
Transmigration 384
Matt . 10:31 "You are worth out unto a stranger : her hus-
more than many sparrows ." band's brother shall go in unto
Luke 12 :23, 24 "The soul is her, and take her to him to wife .
worth more than food . . . Of how and perform the duty of a hus-
much more worth are you than band's brother unto her . And it
birds?" shall be, that the first-born that
1 Cor . 9 :9, 10 "In the law of she beareth shall succeed in the
Moses it is written : `You must name of his brother that is dead .
not muzzle an ox when it is that his name be not blotted out
treading out the grain .' Is it of Israel ."
oxen God is caring for? Or is [Thus showing God recognizes
it altogether for our sakes he the right of parents to have their
says it? Really for our sakes it own children and have them
was written ." carry on their own name.]
Isa. 40 :16 "Lebanon is not suf- Metempsychosis Would Make
ficient to burn, nor the beasts Husbands Unnecessary ; All
thereof sufficient for a burnt- Could Then Be Virgin
offering ."
Heb. 9 :13, 14 "For if the blood Births
of goats and of bulls and the Gen . 5 :3 "And Adam lived a
ashes of a heifer sprinkled on hundred and thirty years, and
those who have been polluted begat a son in his own likeness,
sanctifies to the extent of clean- after his image ."
ness of the flesh, how much more Gen . 2 :18 "And Jehovah God
will the blood of the Christ, who said, It is not good that the man
through an everlasting spirit should be alone ; I will make
offered himself without blemish him a help meet for [mar ., "an-
to God, cleanse our consciences swering to"] him."
from dead works?" 1 Cor . 11 :3-11 "The head of a
God's Permitting Animal Souls woman is the man ; . . . the wom-
to Be Slain by Man for Food, an is man's glory . For man is not
Clothing Denies that These May out of woman, but woman out of
Be Transmigrated Human Souls man ; and what is more, man was
not created for the sake of the
Gen. 9 :3 "Every moving thing woman, but woman for the sake
that liveth shall be food for you ." of the man . . . . Besides, in con-
2 Pet . 2 :12 "These men, like nection with the Lord neither is
unreasoning animals born nat- woman without man nor man
urally to be caught and de- without woman ."
stroyed ."
Acts 28 :4, 5 "The venomous Transmigration Would Make It
creature . . . he shook the venom- Impossible for All Souls to Be
ous creature off into the fire ." Sinners Through One Man :
Would Not Make a Son Sub-
No Metempsychosis ; Not Trans- ject to Inheritance of Good
migrated by Being Born After or Evil Tendencies from
Death to Other Parents His Father or Stiffer Be-
John 3 :4 "Nicodemus said to cause of His Father's
him : `How can a man be born Sins
when he is old? He cannot enter Rom. 5 :12-19 "Just as through
into the womb of his mother a one man sin entered into the
second time and be born, can world and death through sin,
he?'" and thus death spread to all
Deut . 25 :5, 6 "If brethren dwell men because they had all sinned
together, and one of them die, -. . by one man's trespass
and have no son, the wife of the many died, . . . by the trespass of
dead shall not be married with- the one man death ruled as king
385 Transmigration
through that one, . . through one her a public spectacle, intended
trespass the result to men of all to divorce her secretly. But after
kinds was condemnation ." he had thought these things over,
Ex. 20 :5 "I Jehovah thy God look! Jehovah's angel appeared
am a jealous God, visiting the to him in a dream, saying : 'Jo-
iniquity of the fathers upon the seph, son of David, do not be
children, upon the third and up- afraid to take Mary your wife
on the fourth generation of them
that hate me." home, for that which has been
Ex . 34 :6, 7 "Jehovah . . . . that begotten in her is by holy spirit.'
will by no means clear the guilty, 'Look! the virgin will become
visiting the iniquity of the fa- pregnant and will give birth to
thers upon the children, and up- a son, and they will call his
on the children's children, upon name "Immanuel" .' "
the third and upon the fourth Jesus Poured Out His Soul to
Death ; It Did Not Transmigrate
Animal Souls Existed in Im-
mense Numbers Thousands of Isa . 53:12 "He poured out his
Years Before Humans. Then No soul unto death, and was num-
Human Souls Existed bered with the transgressors ."
to Transmigrate Acts 2 :25-27 "David says re-
Gen . 1 :20, 23, 26, 31 "And God specting him, ' . you will not
said, Let the waters swarm with forsake my soul in Hades, neither
swarms of living creatures [Heb ., will you grant your man of
"souls"], . . . a fifth day. . . . Let us loving-kindness to see corrup-
make man in our image, . . . the tion .'"
sixth day ."
Jesus' Birth No Metempsychosis Heavenly Resurrection Not
-His Life Pattern Not Super- Transmigration, but Re-
imposed upon Sperm of a Hus- creation of Life Pattern
band of Mary, nor a Resurrec- or Personality (Including
tion, but a Continuation of Memory) in a New Or-
Existence ganism ; Similarly the
Earthly Resurrection
John 8 :58 "Jesus said to them :
'Most truly I say to you, Before 1 Cor. 15 :38, 45 "God gives it
Abraham came into existence, I a body just as it has pleased
have been.'" him, and to each of the seeds
John 1 :1, 14 "Originally the its own body The first man
Word was, and the Word was Adam became a living soul .' The
with God, and the Word was last Adam became a life-giving
a god . So the Word became flesh spirit."
and resided among us, and we
had a view of his glory, a glory 2 Cor. 5 :17 "If anyone is in
such as belongs to an only- union with Christ, he is a new
begotten son from a father ." creation ; the old things passed
Matt . 1 :18-20, 23 "Now Jesus away."
Christ was born this way . Dur- Gal. 6 :15 "Neither is circumci-
ing the time his mother Mary sion anything nor is uncircum-
was promised in marriage to Jo- cision, but a new creation is
seph, she was found to be preg- something ."
nant by holy spirit before they
were united . However, Joseph her See "Resurrection", "Death,"
husband, because he was right- "Born Again," "Kingdom,"
eous and did not want to make "Soul.'
"The Trinity is the term employed to signify the central doctrine
of the Christian religion-the truth that in the unity of the Godhead
there are Three Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
these Three Persons being truly distinct one from another ."- Catho-
lic Encyclopedia, Vol . XV, p. 47 .
"In this one God there are three distinct Persons, the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Ghost, who are perfectly equal to each other .
We believe that Jesus Christ . . . He is God of the substance of the
Father."-The Faith of Our Fathers, by Cardinal Gibbons, p . 1 .
A false, unbiblical doctrine .
Ancient Babylonish paganism c .2200 B. C . Brought into the de-
flected "Christian church" about the second century, being especially
established in the Nicene Creed, A . D . 325 . (See McClintock and
Strong's Cyclopcedia, under "Trinity" ; The Two Babylons, pp. 16, 17 .)
Texts Misapplied Heb. 1 :8 "With reference to
`Heb. 1 :8 ; 2John 14 :9, 10 ; Rom . the Son : `God is your throne
9 :5 ; Titus 2 :13 ; 1 John 5 :7 ; forever .' "
'John 1 :1 ; Rev . 3 :14 ; 'John Jehovah and Jesus Different
20 :28 ; 5John 8 :58 ; Rev . 1 :8, 11 ; Persons'
21 :6 ; 22 :13 ; 'Col . 2 :9 ; John John 8 :17, 18 "'The witness of
0 :30 ; 8Acts 20 :28 ; 'John 10 :18 ; two men is true .' I am one that
1 1 Tim.12 3 :16 ; 10John 2 :19 ; 11Matt. bears witness about myself and
1 :23 ; John 15 :26 ; 16 :13-15, AV, the Father who sent me bears
Dy. witness about me ."
Jehovah One God, Greatest 1 John 5 :7, AV "For there are
Person' three that bear record in heaven,
Deut. 6:4 "Jehovah our God is the Father, the Word, and the
one Jehovah ." Holy Ghost : and these three are
John 14 :28 "The Father is one ."-This text spurious.
greater than I am ." See Appendix on 1 John 5 :7,
NW .
John 10 :29 (footnote) "My Fa- Rom. 9 :5 "God who is over
ther . is greater than all all be blest forever. Amen."
others ." See Appendix, Romans 9 :5,
Ps . 83 :18 "Jehovah . . . [is] the NW .
Most High over all the earth," Titus 2 :13 "The . . . glorious
1 Cor. 15 :28 "That God may manifestation of the great God
be all things to everyone ." and of our Savior Christ Jesus ."
Phil . 2 :11 "Every tongue should See Appendix, Titus 2 :13, NW .
openly confess that Jesus Christ
is Lord to the glory of God the The Son Created by God'
Father." John 1 :1 "Originally the Word
Isa . 42:8 "I am Jehovah, that was, and the Word was with God,
is my name ; and my glory will and the Word was a god ."
I not give to another." See Appendix, John 1 :1, NW
387 Trinity
Rev. 3 :14 "These are the things Heb. 5 :6 ; 7 :17 "You are a priest
the Amen says, the faithful and forever after the likeness of Mel-
true witness, the beginning of chizedek."
the creation by God ." In Heaven Subject to God
John 1 :18 "No man has seen
God at any time ; the only- John 8 :42 "From God I came
begotten god who is in the bosom forth and am here. Neither have
position with the Father is the I come of my own initiative at
one that has explained him ." all, but that One sent me forth ."
Col. 1 :15, 16 "He is the image John 12 :49 "The Father him-
of the invisible God, the firstborn self that sent me has given me a
of all creation, because by him all commandment as to what to tell
other things were created ." and what to speak."
Prov. 8 :22-24 "Jehovah pos- John 17 :4, 8, 23, 25 "I have
sessed me in the beginning of glorified you . . . having finished
his way, before his works of old . the work you have given me to
I was set up from everlasting, do . . . . you sent me forth."
from the beginning, before the 1 Cor . 15 :28 "But when all
earth was. When there were no things will have been subjected
depths, I was brought forth ." to him, then the Son himself
-See marginal reading. will also subject himself to the
one who subjected all things to
Jesus Inferior to Jehovah him, that God may be all things
Matt . 12:18 (Isa . 42 :1) "Look! to everyone."
my servant whom I chose ." Ps. 110:1 "Jehovah saith unto
Also : Isa . 53 :11 . my Lord, Sit thou at my right
Acts 3 :13, 26 "God . . . has glo- hand ."
rified his Servant, Jesus . . . . Jehovah Is Christ's God'
God, after producing his Serv- John 20 :17 "I am ascending to
ant, sent him forth ." my Father and your Father and
Also : Acts 4 :27 ; Phil . 2 :7 ; Heb . to my God and your God ."
2 :9 . 1 Pet . 1 :3 "Blessed be the God
John 8 :28 "I do nothing of and Father of our Lord Jesus
my own initiative, but just as the Christ."
Father taught me I speak these Also : Eph . 1, 3, 17 .
things ." Heb. 1 :8, 9 "But with reference
to the Son : ' . . . That is why God,
John 5:19 "The Son cannot do your God, anointed you with the
a single thing of his own initia- oil of great joy .' "
tive, but only what he beholds Rev. 1 :6 "And he made us to
the Father doing ." be a kingdom, priests to his God
Mark 13 :32 "Concerning that and Father ."
day or the hour nobody knows, Rev. 3 :12 "The one that con-
neither . . . the Son, but the Fa- quers I will make a pillar in the
ther." temple of my God . . . I will write
Matt. 20 :23 "This sitting down upon him the name of my God
at my right hand and at my left and the name of the city of my
is not mine to give, but it belongs God ."
to those for whom it has been Luke 22 :41, 42 "[Jesus] began
prepared by my Father ." to pray, saying : 'Father, if you
wish, turn this cup aside from
Rev. 1 :1 "The revelation by me . Nevertheless, let, not my will,
Jesus Christ, which God gave but yours take place.'"
him." Mark 15 :34 "Jesus called out
Heb . 2 :17 "He . . . [became] a . . . with a loud voice, . . . 'My God, my
faithful high priest in things per- God, for what purpose have you
taining to God ." forsaken me?'"
Trinity 388
See also : Matt. 26 :39 ; John Unity of Father, Son and
17 :1 . Congregation'
Heb . 5 :7, 8 "In the days of his John 17 :20-22 "I make request
flesh Christ offered up supplica- . concerning those putting faith
tions and also petitions to the in me . . . in order that they may
one who was able to save him all be one, just as you, Father,
out of death, with strong outcries are in union with me and I am
and tears, and he was favorably in union with you, that they also
heard for his godly fear . Al- may be in union with us . . . . in
though he was a Son, he learned order that they may be one just
obedience from the things he as we are one."
suffered." John 10 :30 (footnote) " I and
Jehovah, "I Am," "Alpha and the Father are at unity ."
Omega' Impossible for God to Die but
Rev. 1 :8 "'1 am the Alpha and Jesus in Grave for Three Days
the Omega,' says Jehovah God, 1 Tim . 1 :17 "Now to the King
`the One who is and who was of eternity, incorruptible, invisi-
and who is coming, the Al- ble, the only God, be honor and
mighty .'" glory for ever and ever . Amen ."
Rev . 4 :8 "Holy, holy, holy is Ps . 90 :2 "From everlasting to
Jehovah God, the Almighty, who everlasting, thou art God."
was and who is and who is Jer. 10:10 "But Jehovah is the
coming ." true God ; he is the living God,
and an everlasting King ."
Isa . 44 :6; 48 :12 "Thus saith Acts 10:39, 40 "But they also
Jehovah . . . . I am the first, and did away with him by hanging
I am the last ; and besides me him on a stake . God raised this
there is no God ." One up on the third day and
Also : Rev . 21 :6 ; 22 :13. granted him to become visible ."
Compare AV and NW at Rev. Christ's Blood Shed as Ransom,
1 :11 . Note omission in NW . Not God's Blood'
Ex . 3 :14 "And God said unto 1 Cor. 15 :50 "Flesh and blood
Moses, I AM THAT I AM : and cannot inherit God's kingdom ."
he said, Thus shalt thou say unto Acts 20:28 "Shepherd the con-
the children of Israel, I AM hath gregation of God, which he pur-
sent me unto you ." Contrast : chased with the blood of his
John 8 :58 "Jesus said to them : own [Son] ."
'Most truly I say to you, Before See New World Appendix, Acts
Abraham came into existence, I 20 :28 .
have been.'" [See footnote.] Heb . 9 :14 "How much more
God Is Head over Christ' will the blood of the Christ, who
1 Cor . 11 :3 "But I want you . offered himself without blem-
to know that the head of every ish to God, cleanse our con-
man is the Christ ; in turn, the sciences?"
head of a woman is the man ; 1 Pet. 1 :18, 19 "You were re-
in turn, the head of the Christ leased . . . with precious blood . . .
is God." even Christ's ."
Col. 2 :9 "Because it is in him God Resurrected Christ to a
that all the fullness of the di- Higher Position than
vine quality dwells for the body ." Before'
John 3 :34 "For the one whom Acts 2 :32, 33 "This Jesus God
God sent forth speaks the say- resurrected, of which fact we are
ings of God, for he does not give all witnesses . Therefore because
the spirit sparingly." he was exalted to the right hand
389 Trinity
of God and received the prom- Christ's Titles Show Inferior to
ised holy spirit from the Father, God"
he has poured out this which As to titles "Emmanuel" and
you see and hear." "Jehovah our righteousness" :
Acts 13 :30, 37 "But God raised Jer . 33 :16 "Jerusalem shall
him up from the dead ; he whom dwell safely ; and this is the name
God raised up did not see cor- whereby she shall be called : Je-
ruption ." hovah our righteousness ."
Rom . 10 :9 "For if you publicly Isa . 63:9 "The angel of his
declare that `word in your mouth', presence saved them ."
that Jesus is Lord, and exercise
faith in your heart that God Joshua's name same as Jesus
raised him up from the dead, Heb . 4 :8 "For if Joshua ["Je-
you will be saved ." sus," footnote] had led them in-
2 Cor. 4 :14 "Knowing that he to a place of rest, God would not
who raised Jesus up will raise us afterward have spoken of an-
up also together with Jesus ." other day ."
Gal. 1 :1 "Paul, an apostle . . . See also Matthew 1 :23 and Jer-
through Jesus Christ and God emiah 23 :6, as to titles "Emman-
the Father, who raised him up uel" and "Jehovah our righteous-
from the dead ." ness" .
John 10:18 "No man has taken Holy Spirit Not a Person ; Sub-
it away from me, but I surrender ject to God 12
it of my own initiative . I have
authority to let go of it, and I John 15 :26 (footnote) "When
have authority to receive it again . the helper arrives that I will
The commandment on this I re- send you from the Father, the
ceived from my Father ." spirit of the truth which pro-
Also : Acts 17 :31 ; Rom. 8 :11 ; ceeds from the Father, that one
1 Cor . 6 :14 ; 15 :15 ; Eph . 1 :20 ; will bear witness about me ."
1 Pet . 1 :21 . Matt . 3 :16 "Jesus immediately
God Began Raising of Temple came up from the water ; . . . and
Body (Congregation) on Third he [John] saw descending like a
Day 1 . dove God's spirit coming upon
him ."
John 2 :19, 21, 22 "'Break down Acts 2 :2-4, 17, 32, 33 "They all
this temple, and in three days I became filled with holy spirit . . .
will raise it up .' But he was `And in the last days,' God says .
talking about the temple of his 'I shall pour some of my spirit
body . When, though, he was out upon every kind of flesh .' . . .
raised up from the dead, his dis- `Therefore because he [Christ
ciples called to mind that he was exalted to the right hand
used to say this ." of God and received the prom-
(For expression, "I will," see ised holy spirit from the Father,
Ezekiel 43 :3 : "According to the he has poured out this which you
vision that I saw when I came to see and hear.'"
destroy the city" ; also Isaiah Also : John 16 :7, 8, 13 (foot-
6 :10 : "Make the heart of this notes)
people fat .") Holy Spirit Not Shown at God's
John 20 :1, 17 "On the first Throne as a Person
day of the week Mary Magdalene
came to the memorial tomb early Rev. 7 :10 "Salvation we owe to
in the day, . . . Jesus said to her : our God, who is seated on the
'Stop clinging to me . . . . But be throne and to the Lamb ."
on your way to my brothers and Acts 7 :55, 56 "But he [Ste-
say to them, "I am ascending to phen], being full of holy spirit,
my Father." ' " gazed into heaven and caught
World Distress 390
sight of God's glory and of Je- Matt . 13:11 "In reply he [Je-
sus standing at God's right hand, sus] said : 'To you it is granted
and he said : `Look! I behold the to understand the sacred secrets
heavens opened up and the Son of the kingdom of the heavens .'"
of man standing at God's right Jehovah God Not Contradictory
hand ."'
Rev. 4 :5 "And there are seven 1 Cor . 14 :33 "For God is a God,
lamps of fire burning before the not of disorder, but of peace ."
throne, and these mean the sev- Heb . 6 :18 "It is impossible for
en spirits of God ." God to lie ."
Rev. 5 :6 "And I saw standing Jas . 3 :17 "But the wisdom
in the midst of the throne and from above is . . . reasonable."
of the four living creatures and
in the midst of the persons of God the Superior Blesses Christ
advanced age a lamb as though the Inferior
it had been slaughtered, having Heb . 7 :7 "Now without any
seven horns and seven eyes, dispute, the less is blessed by the
which eyes mean the seven spirits greater ."
of God that have been sent forth
into the whole earth ." Ps . 21 :3-6 "For thou meetest
Identity of Jehovah and of him with the blessings of good-
Christ No "Unexplainable ness : thou settest a crown of
Mystery" fine gold on his head . He asked
John 17 :3 "This means ever- life of thee, thou gayest it him,
lasting life, their taking in knowl- even length of days for ever and
edge of you, the only true God, ever. His glory is great in thy
and of the one whom you sent salvation : honor and majesty
forth, Jesus Christ." dost thou lay upon him . For thou
Luke 10 :22 "Who the Son is makest him most blessed for
no one knows but the Father, and ever : thou makest him glad with
who the Father is, no one knows joy in thy presence ."
but the Son, and he to whom
the Son is willing to reveal him ." See also "Jehovah", "Jesus
Also : Matt . 11 :27 . Christ," "Spirit ."

World Distress
(1) The tribulation brought upon Satan's world (heavens and
earth) by Christ the King taking action to unseat Satan from his
position as ruler of the earth . Note two things about this : (a) Actual
combat against Satan and his demon horde in heaven . This began
with Christ's enthronement, A. D. 1914, and was cut short A .D . 1918,
to be resumed at Armageddon against Satan and his invisible and
visible hosts . (b) In between, while this tribulation is cut short, there
is a work of proclaiming the Kingdom and its day of vengeance, and
of exposing Satan's filthy organization, interfering with his hold upon
mankind and wasting the pastures of false religion, and bringing
confusion among the ranks of Satan's earthly organization .
(2) The anguish and sorrows brought upon the peoples of earth
by reason of Satan's desperate all-out attempt to crush all truth
and righteousness out of the earth and to turn all men against God

391 World Distress

before Armageddon, with a view to a depopulated earth . By playing
upon man's sinfulness and selfishness, and by his oppressive demonic
and visible organization, Satan has whipped up violence and great
(la) Christ the King's Action in selves erect and lift your heads
Literal Warfare Against Satan's up, because your deliverance is
World A. D. 1914-1918 getting near ."
Rev . 12 :5-9 "And she gave This action temporarily halted
birth to a son, a male, who is when Satan's organization was
destined to shepherd all the na- completely cleaned out of
tions with an iron rod . . . . And heaven
war broke out in heaven : Mi- Matt. 24 :7, 8, 21, 22, 14 "For
chael and his angels battled with nation will rise against nation
the dragon, and the dragon and and kingdom against kingdom,
its angels battled but it did not and there will be food shortages
prevail, neither was a place found and earthquakes in one place
for them any longer in heaven . after another. All these things
So down the great dragon was are a beginning of pangs of dis-
hurled, the original serpent, the
one called Devil and Satan, who tress . For then there will be
great tribulation such as has not
is misleading the entire inhabited occurred since the world's be-
earth ; he was hurled down to the ginning until now, no, nor will
earth, and his angels were hurled occur again. In fact, unless those
down with him."
Ps. 110 :2 "Jehovah will send would be saved ;short,
days were cut no flesh
but on account
forth the rod of thy strength out of the chosen ones those days
of Zion : rule thou in the midst will be cut short. And this good
of thine enemies." news of the kingdom will be
Luke 10 :18 "At that he said preached in all the inhabited
to them : 'I began to behold Sa- earth for the purpose of a wit-
tan already fallen like lightning ness to all the nations, and then
from heaven .'" the accomplished end will come."
Rev. 18 :2 "He cried out with
a strong voice, saying : `She has Heb. 12 :26, 27 "At that time
fallen! Babylon the great has his voice shook the earth, but
fallen, and she has become a now he has promised, saying :
dwelling-place of demons and a `Yet once more I will set not only
lurking-place of every unclean the earth but also the heaven in
exhalation and a lurking-place of commotion.' Now the expression
every unclean and hated bird!'" `Yet once more' signifies the re-
A time of rejoicing for all moval of the things being shak-
en as things that have been
righteous creatures made, in order that the things
Rev. 12 :10-12 "And I heard a not being shaken may remain ."
loud voice in heaven say : `Now Mark 13 :20 "Unless Jehovah
have come to pass the salvation had cut short the days, no flesh
and the power and the kingdom would be saved. But on account
of our God and the authority of of the chosen ones that he has
his Christ, because the accuser of chosen he has cut short the
our brothers has been hurled days."
down, who accuses them day and Allowing this interim is a great
night before our God! . . . On this mercy of God
account be glad, you heavens and
you who reside in them!'" 2 Pet. 3 :9, 15 "Jehovah is not
Luke 21 :28 "But as these slow respecting his promise, as
things start to occur, raise your- some people consider slowness,
World Distress 392
but he is patient with you be- shall stand when he appeareth?
cause he does not desire any to for he is like a refiner's fire, and
be destroyed but desires all to like fullers' soap : and he will sit
attain to repentance . Further- as a refiner and purifier of silver,
more, consider the patience of and he will purify the sons of
our Lord as salvation ." Levi, and refine them as gold and
Rev. 14:6, 7 "I saw another silver ; and they shall offer unto
angel flying in midheaven and Jehovah offerings in righteous-
he had everlasting good news to ness ."
declare as glad tidings to those Isa . 12 :1 "And in that day thou
who dwell on the earth, and to shalt say, I will give thanks un-
every nation and tribe and to thee, 0 Jehovah ; for though
tongue and people, saying in a thou wast angry with me, thine
loud voice : 'Fear God and give anger is turned away, and thou
him glory, because the hour of comfortest me."
the judgment by him has ar- Isa . 6 :5-8 "Then said I, Woe is
rived.'" me! for I am undone ; because
Isa . 1 :9 "Except Jehovah of I am a man of unclean lips, and
hosts had left unto us a very I dwell in the midst of a people
small remnant, we should have of unclean lips : for mine eyes
been as Sodom, we should have have seen the King, Jehovah of
been like unto Gomorrah ." hosts . Then flew one of the sera-
phim unto me, having a live
Provides opportunity for rem- coal in his hand, which he had
nant to be gathered and taken with the tongs from off the
prove integrity altar : and he touched my mouth
Luke 13 :29 "Furthermore, peo- with it, and said, Lo, this hath
ple will come from eastern parts touched thy lips ; and thine iniq-
and western, and from north and uity is taken away, and thy sin
south, and will recline at the forgiven . And I heard the voice
table in the kingdom of God ." of the Lord, saying, Whom shall
Matt. 24:45-47 "Who really is I send, and who will go for us?
the faithful and discreet slave Then I said, Here am I ; send
whom his master appointed over me ."
his domestics to give them their Isa. 52 :11 "Depart ye, depart
food at the proper time? Happy ye, go ye out from thence, touch
is that slave if his master on ar- no unclean thing ; go ye out of
riving finds him doing so . Truly the midst of her ; cleanse your-
I say to you, He will appoint him selves, ye that bear the vessels
over all his belongings ." of Jehovah ."
Luke 18 :7, 8 "Certainly, then, Matt. 24 :16-18 "Then let those
shall not God cause justice to be in Judea begin fleeing to the
done to his chosen ones who cry mountains . Let the man on the
aloud to him day and night, even housetop not come down to take
though he is longsuffering toward the goods out of his house ; and
them? I tell you, He will cause let the man in the field not re-
justice to be done to them speed- turn to the house to pick up his
ily . Nevertheless, when the Son outer garment."
of man arrives, will he really find Isa. 45 :1 and Rev . 3:7 "Thus
this faith on the earth?" saith Jehovah to his anointed,
Mal. 3 :1-3 "The Lord, whom ye to Cyrus, whose right hand I have
seek, will suddenly come to his holden, to subdue nations before
temple ; and the messenger of him, and I will loose the loins of
the covenant, whom ye desire, kings ; to open the doors before
behold, he cometh, saith Jeho- him, and the gates shall not be
vah of hosts. But who can abide shut." "And to the angel of
the day of his coining? and who the congregation in Philadelphia
3 93 World Distress
write : These are the things he and the works in it will be dis-
says who is holy, who is true, covered ."
who has the key of David, who 1 Thess . 5 :3 "Whenever it is
opens so that no one will shut, that they are saying, 'Peace and
and shuts so that no one opens ." security!' then sudden destruc-
Allows other sheep to hear and tion is to be instantly upon them
be saved just as the pang of distress upon
a pregnant woman, and they will
John 10 :16 "And I have other by no means escape ."
sheep, which are not of this fold ; Matt . 24 :20, 21 "Keep praying
those also I must bring, and they that your flight may not occur
will listen to my voice, and they in wintertime nor on the sabbath
will become one flock, one shep- day ; for then there will be great
herd." tribulation such as has not oc-
Matt. 25:31-33 "When the Son curred since the world's begin-
of man arrives in his glory and ning until now, no, nor will oc-
all the angels with him, then cur again ."
he will sit down on his glorious
throne . And all the nations will (1b) Distress Brought on Satan's
be gathered before him, and he Organization Between 1918 and
will separate people one from Armageddon
another, just as a shepherd sep- Luke 21 :25 "Also there will
arates the sheep from the goats . be signs in sun and moon and
And he will put the sheep on stars, and on the earth anguish
his right hand, but the goats on of nations, not knowing the way
his left ." out because of the roaring of the
Rev. 22 :17 "And the spirit and sea and its agitation ."
the bride keep on saying, 'Come!' Rev. 1 :7 "Look! he is coming
And let anyone hearing say, with the clouds, and every eye
'Come!' And let anyone thirsting will see him, and those who
come ; let anyone that wishes pierced him ; and all the tribes
take life's water free ." of the earth will beat themselves
War to be resumed and com- in grief because of him . Yes,
pleted by Christ at Armageddon Amen."
Isa . 28 :21 "For Jehovah will Rev. 6 :15-17 "And the kings
rise up as in mount Perazim, of the earth and the top-ranking
he will be wroth as in the valley ones and the military command-
of Gibeon ; that he may do his ers and the rich and the strong
work, his strange work, and bring ones and every slave and free
to pass his act, his strange act." person hid themselves in the
Rev. 6 :2 "And I saw, and, dens and in the rock-masses of
look! a white horse, and the one the mountains . And they keep
seated upon it had a bow, and saying to the mountains and to
a crown was given him, and he the rock-masses : 'Fall over us
went forth conquering and to and hide us from the face of
complete his conquest ." the one seated on the throne and
2 Pet . 3:7, 10 "But by the same from the wrath of the Lamb, be-
word the heavens and the earth cause the great day of their
that are now are stored up for wrath has come, and who is able
fire and are being reserved to to stand?'' ,
the day of judgment and of de- Rev . 16 :21 "And a great hail
struction of the ungodly men . Yet with every stone about the weight
Jehovah's day will come as a of a talent descended out of
thief, in which the heavens will heaven upon the men, and yet
pass away with a hissing noise, the men blasphemed God due to
but the elements being intensely the plague of hail, because the
hot will be dissolved, and earth plague of it was unusually great ."
World Distress 394
Rev. 9:5, 6 "And it was granted which no man was able to num-
the locusts, not to kill them, but ber, out of all nations and tribes
that these should be tormented and peoples and tongues, stand-
five months, and the torment ing before the throne and before
upon them was as torment by a the Lamb, dressed in white robes,
scorpion when it strikes a man . and there were palm branches in
And in those days the men will their hands. And they keep on
seek death but will by no means crying with a loud voice, saying :
find it, and they will desire to `Salvation we owe to our God,
die but death keeps fleeing from who is seated on the throne, and
them.' to the Lamb
. `These are the
God's servants have part in this ones that come out of the great
proclamation work ; no physical tribulation, and they have washed
violence used their robes and made them white
2 Cor. 10 :3-5 "For though we in the blood of the Lamb . . . . be-
walk in the flesh, we do not cause the Lamb who is in the
wage warfare according to what midst of the throne will shepherd
them, and will guide them to
we are in the flesh. For the fountains of waters of life .'"
weapons of our warfare are not Mic. 4 :1-3 "But in the latter
fleshly, but powerful by God for
overturning strongly entrenched days it shall come to pass, that
things. For we are overturning the mountain of Jehovah's house
reasonings and every lofty thing shall be established on the top
raised up against the knowledge of the mountains, and it shall
of God, and we are bringing be exalted above the hills ; and
every thought into captivity to peoples shall flow unto it . And
make it obedient to the Christ ." many nations shall go and say,
Eph . 6 :12 "Because we have a Come ye, and let us go up to the
fight, not against blood and flesh, mountain of Jehovah, and to the
but against the governments, house of the God of Jacob ; and
against the authorities, against he will teach us of his ways, and
the world-rulers of this darkness, we will walk in his paths . For
against the wicked spirit forces out of Zion shall go forth the
in the heavenly places ." law, and the word of Jehovah
from Jerusalem ; and he will
False religionists and oppres- judge between many peoples, and
sors of the people discomfited, will decide concerning strong na-
bring opposition and persecution tions afar off : and they shall beat
to God's servants their swords into plowshares, and
Jer . 25:36 "A voice of the cry their spears into pruning-hooks ;
of the shepherds, and the wailing nation shall not lift up sword
of the principal of the flock! for against nation, neither shall they
Jehovah layeth waste their pas- learn war any more ."
ture ." Zech. 8 :22, 23 "Yea, many peo-
Luke 13 :28 "There is where ples and strong nations shall
your weeping and the gnashing come to seek Jehovah of hosts in
of your teeth will be, when you Jerusalem, and to entreat the
see Abraham and Isaac and Ja- favor of Jehovah . Thus saith
cob and all the prophets in the Jehovah of hosts : In those days
kingdom of God, but yourselves it shall come to pass, that ten
thrown outside ." men shall take hold, out of all
Many will come forth to stand the languages of the nations,
with God's servants, to their they shall take hold of the skirt
salvation of him that is a Jew, saying, We
Rev. 7 :9-17 "After these things will go with you, for we have
I saw, and, look! a great crowd, heard that God is with you ."
395 World Distress
Jonah 3 :5, 10 "And the people reside in them! Woe for the earth
of Nineveh believed God ; and and for the sea, because the Dev-
they proclaimed a fast, and put il has come down to you, having
on sackcloth, from the greatest great anger, knowing he has a
of them even to the least of them . short period of time ."
And God saw their works, that Rev. 6 :4-8 "And another came
they turned from their evil way ; forth, a fiery-colored horse, and
and God repented of the evil to the one seated upon it there
which he said he would do un- was granted to take peace away
to them ; and he did it not ." from the earth so that they
(2) Woes upon People, Wicked- should slaughter one another,
ness, All Caused by Satan and a great sword was given him .
And when he opened the third
Isa . 14:16, 17, 20 "They that seal, I heard the third living
see thee shall gaze at thee, they creature say, 'Come!' And I saw,
shall consider thee, saying, Is and, look! a black horse, and the
this the man that made the one seated upon it had a pair
earth to tremble, that did shake of scales in his hand . And I
kingdoms ; that made the world heard a voice as if in the midst
as a wilderness, and overthrew of the four living creatures say :
the cities thereof ; that let not 'A quart of wheat for a day's
.thou his prisoners to their home? wage, and three quarts of bar-
hast destroyed thy land, ley for a day's wage ; and do not
thou hast slain thy people ; the harm the olive oil and the wine .'
seed of evil-doers shall not be And when he opened the fourth
named for ever." seal, I heard the voice of the
Heb . 2 :14, 15 "Therefore, since fourth living creature say, 'Come!'
the 'young children' are sharers And I saw, and, look! a pale
of blood and flesh, he also simi- horse, and the one seated upon
larly partook of the same things, it had the name Death . And
that through his death he might Hades was closely following him .
destroy the one having the means And authority was given them
to cause death, that is, the Dev- over the fourth part of the earth,
il, and might emancipate all to kill with a long sword and
those who for fear of death were with food shortage and with
subject to slavery all through deadly plague and by the wild
their lives." beasts of the earth ."
John 8 :44 "You are from your Persecution to break Jehovah's
father the Devil and you wish witnesses Satan's main effort
to do the desires of your father . Rev. 12 :13, 17 "Now when the
That one was a manslayer when dragon saw it was hurled down
he began, and he did not stand to the earth, it persecuted the
fast in the truth, because truth woman that gave birth to the
is not in him. When he speaks male child . And the dragon grew
the lie, he speaks according to wrathful at the woman, and went
his own disposition, because he off to wage war with the remain-
is a liar and the father of the ing ones of her seed, who observe
lie ." the commandments of God and
Acts 10 :38 "He went through have the work of bearing witness
the land doing good and healing to Jesus ."
all those oppressed by the Devil, This permitted by Jehovah to
because God was with him ." test his servants and show Sa-
Increased now because Satan tan's world worthy of
knows Armageddon near destruction
Rev . 12 :12 "On this account be Rev. 2:10 "Do not be afraid
glad, you heavens and you who of the things you are destined to
World Distress 396
suffer . Look! the Devil will keep thou, and all thy hordes, and the
on throwing some of you into peoples that are with thee : I will
prison that you may be fully put give thee unto the ravenous birds
to the test, and that you may of every sort, and to the beasts
have tribulation ten days. Prove of the field to be devoured ."
yourself faithful even with the Satan tries to thwart God's pur-
danger of death, and I will give pose of gathering remnant of
you the crown of life." Christ's body, and of having
Prov. 27 :11 "My son, be wise, earthly other sheep survive
and make my heart glad, that Armageddon
I may answer him that reproach-
eth me ." 2 Thess . 2 :1 "Brothers, respect-
Mark 13 :9 "As for you, look ing the presence of our Lord Je-
out for yourselves ; people will sus Christ and our being gath-
deliver you up to local courts ered together to him ."
and you will be beaten in syna- 1 Pet . 5 :8 "Keep your senses,
gogues and be put on the stand be watchful . Your adversary, the
before governors and kings for Devil, walks about like a roaring
my sake for the purpose of a lion, seeking to devour someone ."
witness to them ." Rev . 16 :14-16 "They are, in
Ezek . 38:10-39 :4 "Thus saith fact, expressions inspired by de-
the Lord Jehovah : It shall come mons and perform signs, and
to pass in that day, that things they go forth to the kings of the
shall come into thy mind, and entire inhabited earth, to gather
thou shalt devise an evil device : them together to the war of the
and thou shalt say, I will go up great day of God the Almighty .
to the land of unwalled villages ; `Look! I am coming as a thief .
I will go to them that are at Happy is the one that stays
rest, that dwell securely, all of awake and keeps his outer gar-
them dwelling without walls, and ments, that he may not walk
having neither bars nor gates ; naked and people look upon his
to take the spoil and to take the parts of shame.' And they gath-
prey ; to turn thy hand against ered them together to the place
the waste places that are now that is called in Hebrew Har-
inhabited, and against the people Magedon ."
that are gathered out of the na- Zech. 3 :1, 2 ; 4 :9 "And he
tions, that have gotten cattle and showed me Joshua the high
goods, that dwell in the middle priest standing before the angel
of the earth . . . . and thou shalt of Jehovah, and Satan standing
come up against my people Is- at his right hand to be his ad-
rael, as a cloud to cover the versary. And Jehovah said unto
land : it shall come to pass in Satan, Jehovah rebuke thee, . . . is
the latter days, that I will bring not this a brand plucked out of
thee against my land, that the the fire?" "The hands of Zerub-
nations may know me, when I babel have laid the foundation of
shall be sanctified in thee, 0 Gog, this house ; his hands shall also
before their eyes ." "And I will finish it ; and thou shalt know
turn thee about, and will lead that Jehovah of hosts hath sent
thee on, and will cause thee to me unto you ."
come up from the uttermost parts Distress will increase until Ar-
of the north ; and I will bring
thee upon the mountains of Is- mageddon; no world conversion
rael ; and I will smite thy bow possible
out of thy left hand, and will 2 Tim . 3 :1-5, 13 "But know
cause thine arrows to fall out of this, that in the last days criti-
thy right hand. Thou shalt fall cal times hard to deal with will
upon the mountains of Israel, be here. For men will be lovers of
397 World Distress
themselves, lovers of money, self- and will hate one another. . .
assuming, haughty, blasphem- Truly I say to you that this
ers, disobedient to parents, with- generation will by no means pass
out gratitude, with no loving- away until all these things occur .
kindness, having no natural af- Heaven and earth will pass away,
fection, not open to any agree- but my words will by no means
ment, slanderers, without self- pass away .'"
control, fierce, without love of Luke 21 :25, 31 "Also there will
goodness, betrayers, headstrong, be signs in sun and moon and
puffed up with self-esteem, lovers stars, and on the earth anguish
of pleasures rather than lovers of of nations, not knowing the way
God, having a form of godly de- out because of the roaring of the
votion but proving false to its sea and its agitation . . . . In this
power ; and from these turn way you also, when you see these
away . . . wicked men and im- things occurring, know that the
postors will advance from bad to kingdom of God is near ."
worse, misleading and being mis- Distress to end for all time at
led ." Armageddon
Matt. 24 :37 "For just as the Nah . 1 :9 "What do ye devise
days of Noah were, so the pres- against Jehovah? he will make a
ence of the Son of man will be." full end ; affliction shall not rise
Gen. 6:13 "And God said unto up the second time."
Noah, The end of all flesh is Rev. 11 :18 "But the nations
come before me ; for the earth became wrathful, and your own
is filled with violence through wrath came, and the appointed
them ; and, behold, I will de- time . . . to bring to ruin those
stroy them with the earth ." ruining the earth ."
Such distresses are a sign of the Ps . 72:4 "He will judge the
last days poor of the people, he will save
Matt. 24 :3-10, 33-35 "While he the children of the needy, and
was sitting upon the mount of will break in pieces the oppres-
Olives, the disciples approached sor ."
him privately, saying : 'Tell us, Isa . 14:4 "How hath the op-
When will these things be, and pressor ceased! the golden city
what will be the sign of your ceased!"
presence and of the consumma- Isa . 66 :23, 24 "And it shall
tion of the system of things?'
. come to pass, that from one new
Jesus said . . . 'For nation will rise moon to another, and from one
against nation and kingdom sabbath to another, shall all flesh
against kingdom, and there will come to worship before me, saith
be food shortages and earth- Jehovah. And they shall go
quakes in one place after an- forth, and look upon the dead
other. All these things are a be- bodies of the men that have
ginning of pangs of distress. transgressed against me : for
Then people will deliver you up their worm shall not die, neither
to tribulation and will kill you, shall their fire be quenched ; and
and you will be hated by all the they shall be an abhorring unto
nations on account of my name. all flesh ."
Then, also, many will be stum- See also "Devil and Demons'
bled and will betray one another "Sign of Last Days ."
Worship of Mary
The unscriptural practice based upon the false teachings (1) that
Christ Jesus' earthly mother, Mary, was born of `immaculate concep-
tion', that is to say, that, by the special grace of God, she was freed
at the moment of conception from inheriting the "original sin" of
Adam ; (2) that she is the "mother of God" ; (3) that she is "ever
virgin", never having borne any other children ; (4) that she is the
"woman" mentioned at Genesis 3 :15 and will bruise the serpent's
head ; (5) that she is the "spiritual mother" of the "church" ; (6) that
prayers addressed to her as an intercessor or mediatrix are heard
and answered by God ; (7) that she was "taken up body and soul
into heaven" in an "assumption" ; (8) and that honor and venera-
tion are due her. A practice opposed to the Scriptures and that turns
attention and worship away from Jehovah God and Christ Jesus .
The worship of Mary as an application of the false doctrine of the
Communion of Saints is not contained even in the earlier forms
of the Apostles' Creed of apostate Christianity and was totally
unknown to true Christians. Although Tertullian (A.D. 155-222)
was claimed to be among the first to imply the view that "martyrs"
could obtain graces and blessings for others (Cath . Encycl ., Vol . XV,
p. 459), "devotion to The Blessed Virgin" was not extensively taught
until probably well after the sixth century and did not reach full
development until the later Middle Ages . The pronouncement of
the assumption of Mary as an infallible dogma of the Roman Catholic
Church was not made until 1950 . Such worship, especially of "mother
and child", finds its real origin in pagan Babylon with Semiramis
("queen of heaven") and Nimrod her son.
(1) Jesus' Mother . Mary, Not For we have charged both Jews
"Immaculate" or Freed from In- and Greeks, that they are all un-
herited Sin . Only Jesus der sin . As it is written : There
Himself Was is not any man just ."
Ps. 50:7, Dy [51 :5, AS] "For Ps . 13 :1, Dy [14 :1, AS] "They
behold I was conceived in iniq- are corrupt, and are become
uities : and in sins did my abominable in their ways : there
mother conceive me ." is none that doth good, no, not
Rom. 5 :12, Dy "Wherefore as one ."
by one man sin entered into this Heb. 7 :26, Dy "For it was fit-
world and by sin death ; and so ting that we should have such a
death passed upon all men, in high priest, holy, innocent, un-
whom all have sinned." defiled, separated from sinners,
Rom . 3 :9, 10, Dy "What then? and made higher than the heav-
Do we excel them? No, not so . ens."
399 Worship of Mary
"Special grace" of God to for- Lord, and shall pray for her : and
give sins completely would not so she shall be cleansed from
be extended until after Jesus' the issue of her blood . This is
blood was shed as ransom the law for her that beareth a
man child or a maid child . And
1 Cor . 15 :22, Dy "And as in if her hand find not sufficiency,
Adam all die, so also in Christ and she is not able to offer a
all shall be made alive ."
Eph. 1 :7, Dy "In whom we lamb, she shall take two turtles,
have redemption through his or two young pigeons, one for a
blood, the remission of sins, ac- holocaust, and another for sin :
and the priest shall pray for her .
cording to the riches of his and so she shall be cleansed ."
Heb. 9 :22, 24, 26, 28, Dy "And (2) Mary Could Not Be "Mother
almost all things, according to of God", Since God Is Without
the law, are cleansed with blood : Beginning
and without shedding of blood Ps . 89 :2, Dy [90 :2, AS] "Before
there is no remission. For Jesus the mountains were made, or the
is not entered into the Holies earth and the world was formed ;
made with hands, the patterns from eternity and to eternity
of the true : but into Heaven it- thou art God ."
self, that he may appear now in Jer . 10 :10 . Dy "But the Lord
the presence of God for us. . . . is the true God : he is the living
now once, at the end of ages, he God and the everlasting king ."
hath appeared for the destruc- 1 Tim . 1 :17, Dy "Now to the
tion of sin by the sacrifice of king of ages, immortal, invisible,
himself. So also Christ was of- the only God, be honour and
fered once to exhaust the sins glory for ever and ever ."
of many."
See "Ransom" . Mary was born 75 generations
after Adam, who was created
Mary fulfilled law of purifica- by God
tion after Jesus' birth and also
offered her sin offering, show- Luke 3 :23-38, Dy "And Jesus
ing herself not without sin himself was beginning about the
age of thirty years : being (as it
Luke 2 :22-24, Dy "And after was supposed) the son of Joseph,
the days of her purification, ac- who was of Heli, who was of
cording to the law of Moses, Mathat. . . . who was of Henos,
were accomplished, they carried who was of Seth, who was of
him to Jerusalem, to present him Adam, who was of God ."
to the Lord : as it is written in Gen . 2 :7, Dy "And the Lord
the law of the Lord : every male God formed man of the slime of
opening the womb shall be called the earth, and breathed into his
holy to the Lord : and to offer a face the breath of life ; and man
sacrifice, according as it is writ- became a living soul."
ten in the law of the Lord, a
pair of turtledoves or two young Jesus had an existence long be-
pigeons ." fore Mary . She admits Abraham
was her forefather, and Jesus
Lev . 12 :6-8, Dy "And when testifies that he existed before
the days of her purification are Abraham
expired, for a son, or for a
daughter, she shall bring to the Luke 1 :55 "Just as he once
door of the tabernacle of the said to our forefathers, to Abra-
testimony, a lamb of a year old ham and to his seed, forever ."
for a holocaust, and a young John 8 :58 "Jesus said to them :
pigeon or a turtle for sin : and `Most truly I say to you, Before
shall deliver them to the priest. Abraham came into existence, I
Who shall offer them before the have been .'"
Worship of Mary 400
Jesus was not God, but was Simon and Jude? And his sisters,
God's Son and became subject are they not all with us?"
to the Father Clear distinction shown be-
Luke 1 :30-32, 35, Dy "And tween Jesus' natural and
the angel said to her : Fear spiritual brothers
not, Mary, for thou hast found Matt . 12 :46-50, Dy "As he was
grace with God . Behold thou yet speaking to the multitudes,
shalt conceive in thy womb and behold his mother and his breth-
shalt bring forth a son : and thou ren stood without, seeking to
shalt call his name Jesus . He speak to him . And one said to
shall be great and shall be called him : Behold thy mother and-thy
the Son of the Most High . . . . brethren stand without, seeking
And the angel answering, said to thee . But he answering him that
her : The Holy Ghost shall come told him, said : Who is my
upon thee and the power of the mother and who are my breth-
Most High shall overshadow thee. ren? And stretching forth his
And therefore also the Holy hand towards his disciples, he
which shall be born of thee shall
be called the Son of God ." said : Behold my mother and
my brethren . For whosoever shall
Luke 9 .35, Dy "And a voice
came out of the cloud, saying : do the will of my Father that is
in heaven, he is my brother, and
This is my beloved son . Hear sister, and mother ."
him ."
1 Cor . 15 :28, Dy "And when John 2 :12, Dy "After this, he
all things shall be subdued unto went down to Capharnaum, he
him, then the Son also himself and his mother and his brethren
shall be subject unto him that and his disciples ."
put all things under him, that John 7 :3, 5, 10, Dy "And his
God may be all in all ." brethren said to him : Pass from
See "Incarnation" . "Trinity ." hence and go into Judea, that
thy disciples also may see thy
"Mother of God" teaching same works which thou dost . For nei-
as pagan "queen of heaven" ther did his brethren believe in
Jer. 7 :18, Dy "The children him . But after his brethren were
gather wood, and the fathers gone up, then he also went up
kindle the fire, and the women to the feast, not openly, but, as
knead the dough, to make cakes it were, in secret ."
to the queen of heaven, and to Gal . 1 :19, Dy "But other of
offer libations to strange gods, the apostles I saw none, saving
and to provoke me to anger ." James the brother of the Lord ."
[See Cath. Encycl ., Vol . XV, (4) Woman of Genesis 3 :15 Is Not
p . 460, for evidence that a sect Mary, but God's Invisible
of apostate Christians (4th cen- Organization
tury) was condemned for offer-
ing cakes to Mary.] Gen. 3 :15, Dy "I will put en-
mities between thee and the
(3) Mary Not Properly Called woman, and thy seed and her
Ever Virgin", Since She Bore seed : she shall crush thy head,
Other Children and thou shalt lie in wait for
Matt. 1 :25, Dy "And he knew her heel ."
her not till she brought forth [Footnote, vs . 15, Douay : "She
her firstborn son : and he called shall crush. So divers of the fa-
his name Jesus ." thers read this place, conform-
Matt. 13:55, 56, Dy "Is not this ably to the Latin [though not
the carpenter's son? Is not his to the original Hebrew] : others
mother called Mary, and his read it ipsum, that is, the seed .
brethren James and Joseph and . . . It is by her seed, Jesus Christ,
401 Worship of Mary
that the woman crushes the ser- Ghost descended in a bodily
pent's head ."] shape, as a dove, upon him . And
Gen. 3 :15, CB "I will put enmi- a voice came from heaven : Thou
ty between you and the woman, art my beloved Son . In thee I am
between your seed and her seed ; well pleased ."
he shall crush your head, and See "Born Again"
you shall lie in wait for his heel ." Jesus' spiritual mother (the
Isa . 54 :5, 13 "For thy Maker is woman) is God's invisible
thy husband ; Jehovah of hosts organization and mother of
is his name : and the Holy One his spiritual brothers
of Israel is thy Redeemer ; the Rom . 8 :29, Dy "For whom he
God of the whole earth shall he foreknew, he also predestinated
be called . And all thy children
shall be taught of Jehovah ; and to be made conformable to the
great shall be the peace of thy image of his Son : that he might
children ." be the firstborn amongst many
brethren ."
Jesus as born of Mary was flesh Gal. 4 :22-26, Dy "Abraham had
and unable to kill Satan two sons : the one by a bondwom-
Gal. 4 :4, Dy "But when the an and the other by a free wom-
fulness of the time was come, an. But he who was of the bond-
God sent his Son, made of a woman was born according to
woman, made under the law ." the flesh : but he of the free
John 1 :14, Dy "And the Word woman was by promise . Which
was made flesh and dwelt among things are said by an allegory .
us (and we saw his glory, the For these are the two testaments .
glory as it were of the only be- Agar . . . hath affinity to that
gotten of the Father) .' Jerusalem which now is : and is
1 John 4 :2, 3, Dy "By this is in bondage with her children.
the spirit of God known . Every But that Jerusalem which is
spirit which confesseth that Je- above is free : which is our
sus Christ is come in the flesh mother ."
is of God : and every spirit that Apoc. 12 :1, 5, 17, Dy "And a
dissolveth Jesus is not of God. great sign appeared in heaven :
And this is Antichrist." A woman clothed with the sun,
Heb . 2:14, Dy "Therefore be- and the moon under her feet,
cause the children are partakers and on her head a crown of
of flesh and blood, he also him- twelve stars. And she brought
self in like manner hath been forth a man child, who was to
partaker of the same : that, rule all nations with an iron rod.
And her son was taken up to God
through death, he might destroy and to his throne . And the drag-
him who had the empire of on was angry against the wom-
death, that is to say, the devil." an : and went to make war with
Jesus became God's spirit Son the rest of her seed, who keep
through rebirth the commandments of God and
John 3 :5, 6, Dy "Jesus an- have the testimony of Jesus
swered : Amen, amen, I say to Christ."
thee, unless a man be born again Jesus is the spirit seed of the
of water and the Holy Ghost, he heavenly woman to crush the
cannot enter into the kingdom of invisible Serpent's head
God. That which is born of the Gal. 3:16, Dy "To Abraham
flesh is flesh : and that which is were the promises made and to
born of the Spirit is spirit ." his seed. He saith not : And to his
Luke 3 :21, 22, Dy "Jesus also seeds, as of many . But as of
being baptized and praying, heav- one : And to thy seed, which
en was opened : and the Holy is Christ ."
Worship of Mary 402
Gen. 22 :15-17, Dy "And the the brethren, said (now the num-
angel of the Lord called to Abra- ber of persons together was about
ham . . . saying : By my own self an hundred and twenty) ."
have I sworn, saith the Lord : . . . 1 Tim. 2:11-13, Dy "Let the
Thy seed shall possess the gates woman learn in silence with all
of their enemies ." subjection . But I suffer not a
1 John 3 :8, Dy "For this pur- woman to teach, nor to use
pose the Son of God appeared, authority over the man : but to
that he might destroy the works be in silence . For Adam was first
of the devil ." formed : then Eve ."
Rom . 16 :20, Dy "And the God Gal. 4 :26, Dy "But that Jeru-
of peace crush Satan under your salem which is above is free :
feet speedily." which is our mother."
Apoc. 12 :7-9, Dy "And there (6) Improper to Address Prayers
was a great battle in heaven : to Mary as Mediatrix
Michael and his angels fought John 14:6, 13, Dy "Jesus saith
with the dragon, and the dragon to him : I am the way, and the
fought, and his angels . And they truth, and the life . No man
prevailed not : neither was their cometh to the Father, but by me.
place found any more in heaven . . and whatsoever you shall ask
And that great dragon was cast the Father in my name, that
out, that old serpent, who is will I do ."
called the devil and Satan ." 1 Tim. 2 :1, 5, Dy "I desire
Apoc. 20 :1-3, 7-9, Dy "And I therefore, first of all, that suppli-
saw an angel coming down from cations, prayers, intercessions
heaven, having the key of the and thanksgivings be made for
bottomless pit and a great chain all men : for there is one God :
in his hand. And he laid hold on and one mediator of God and
the dragon, the old serpent, men, the man Christ Jesus ."
which is the devil and Satan, and
bound him for a thousand years . See "Prayer" .
And he cast him into the bot- (7) "Assumption" of Mary, or
tomless pit and shut him up and Taking Her Body and Soul into
set a seal upon him, that he Heaven, Unscriptural and Un-
should no more seduce the na- reasonable. Flesh-and-Blood
tions till the thousand years be Bodies Could Not Exist Be-
finished. And after that, he must yond Earth's Atmosphere
be loosed a little time . And when John 3 :3, 7, 8, Dy "Jesus an-
the thousand years shall be fin- swered and said to him : Amen,
ished, Satan shall be loosed out amen, I say to thee, unless a
of his prison and shall go forth man be born again, he cannot
and seduce the nations . . . And see the kingdom of God . Wonder
there came down fire from God not that I said to thee : You must
out of heaven and devoured them : be born again . The spirit breath-
and the devil, who seduced them, eth where he will and thou hear-
was cast into the pool of fire est his voice : but thou knowest
and brimstone." not whence he cometh and
(5) Mary Not Given Special whither he goeth . So is every
Position in Early Congrega- one that is born of the Spirit ."
tion as "Spiritual Mother" 1 Cor . 15:42, 44, 45, 48-50, Dy
Acts 1:14, 15, Dy "All these "So also is the resurrection of the
were persevering with one mind dead. It is sown in corruption :
in prayer with the women and it shall rise in incorruption . It
Mary the mother of Jesus, and is sown a natural body : it shall
with his brethren . In those days, rise a spiritual body . If there be
Peter, rising up in the midst of a natural body, there is also a
403 Worship of Mary
spiritual body, as it is written : the earth . Blessed shall be the
The first man Adam was made fruit of thy womb, and the fruit
into a living soul : the last Adam of thy ground, and the fruit of
into a quickening spirit . Such as thy cattle, the droves of thy
is the earthly, such also are the herds, and the folds of thy
earthly : and such as is the heav- sheep."
enly, such also are they that are Gen . 30 :9, 10, 13, Dy "Lia, per-
heavenly. Therefore, as we have ceiving that she had left off
borne the image of the earthly, bearing, gave Zelpha her hand-
let us bear also the image of the maid to her husband . And when
heavenly . Now this I say, breth- she had conceived and brought
ren, that flesh and blood cannot forth a son, . . . Lia said : This is
possess the kingdom of God : nei- for my happiness : for women will
ther shall corruption possess in- call me blessed . Therefore she
corruption ." called him Aser."
(8) Scriptural References to Her Mal . 3 :12, Dy "And all nations
as "Blessed", "Happy" or "High- shall call you blessed : for you
ly Favored" Do Not Mean Wor- shall be a delightful land, saith
ship Was Her Due the Lord of hosts."
Luke 1 :28, 30, Dy "And the Jesus showed veneration of
angel being come in, said unto Mary was wrong
her : Hail, full of grace ["highly Luke 11 :27, 28, Dy "And it
favored one," NW], the Lord is came to pass, as he spoke these
with thee : blessed art thou things, a certain woman from
among women . . Fear not, the crowd, lifting up her voice,
Mary, for thou hast found grace said to him : Blessed is the womb
with God." that bore thee and the paps that
Luke 1 :41-48, Dy "Elizabeth gave thee suck . But he said : Yea
was filled with the Holy Ghost . rather, blessed are they who hear
And she cried out with a loud the word of God and keep it ."
voice and said : Blessed art thou John 2 :3, 4 "When the wine
among women and blessed is the ran short the mother of Jesus
fruit of thy womb . . . . And Mary said to him : 'They have no wine .'
said : My soul doth magnify the But Jesus said to her : 'What
Lord. . .for behold from hence- have I to do with you, woman?'
forth all generations shall call See also Moffatt .
me blessed ["happy," NW] ."
Same expressions used toward John 2 :3, 4, AT "The wine
others gave out, and Jesus' mother said
to him, 'They have no more
Judg . 5 :24, Dy "Blessed among wine!' Jesus said to her, 'Do not
women be Jahel the wife of try to direct me .' "
Haber the Cinite : and blessed be John 19 :26, CB "When Jesus,
she in her tent ." therefore, saw his mother and
Deut . 28 :1, 4, Dy "The Lord the disciple standing by, whom
thy God will make thee higher he loved, he said to his mother,
than all the nations that are on 'Woman, behold thy son .'"

404 FOREWORD (Cont'd)

satisfactorily and "make sure of all things" for your hearer's
benefit . You will have to know your book, its themes, and its
subjects for study to put it to good use.
Bible Studies : Always carry "Make Sure of All Things"
with you to your home Bible studies . These small group
gatherings in private homes allow for full expression on the
part of everyone present. Maybe you will need additional
scriptures to help settle an idea in the mind of your student,
or maybe his question is not fully answered in the paragraph
of the publication you are studying . Or he may get off on a
side issue that will need to be cleared up before you go on .
This book may aid you to get the answer quickly, especially
if you use the division of the book "Subjects for Study" .
The Family Study : Jehovah admonishes you to train
your children in the right way. The family study leader,
whether it be the father or the mother, can teach the children
from this book as well as from any other publication of the
Society. With the minds of the children so full of "whys",
doubtless this book will help the children to put their full
confidence in the highest authority, Jehovah's Word . Parents
may have daily studies with their children in one of the So-
ciety's publications, and this can also be done with this publi-
cation by taking page after page and reading and discussing
the scriptures . Certainly if you train up a child in the way he
should go he will never depart from it. Train your children
to use their own Bible as you conduct your Bible study with
"Make Sure of All Things" . Familiarity with the scriptures
and their location in the Bible is very important to impress
upon the minds of the children early in life, so they will know
the importance of the Scriptures . Remember, your children
are going to be ministers of God . Train them from their
Casual Witnessing : Why not carry this handy book with
you to work, when you go visiting, and on Bible studies?
Have it with you in your everyday activities . When you start
a conversation on almost any subject, you can quickly bring
it around to something on the Bible . You can quickly start
an acquaintance with someone while traveling by talking
about present conditions, and then it will not be long before
you are in a discussion . "Make Sure of All Things" is small
and compact and always ready to help your memory .
Talks : You never know when you will be called on to
give a discourse . Scriptural material for the proof of your
arguments can easily be gathered with this aid . The speaker

FOREWORD (Cont'd) 405

can either use the arrangement as set forth in the book or
rearrange the material to suit his argument and presenta-
tion . The "Subjects for Study" division, which appears as an
appendix to the book, will certainly help speakers in gath-
ering their material on almost any subject, even those not
mentioned in the seventy themes . For example, "children,"
"Christian," "man," "thousand years" are not among the
themes, but are subjects of great importance .
Informal Group Gatherings : Jehovah's witnesses assem-
ble together in informal groups from time to time, and
"Make Sure of All Things" will prove to be a basis for new-
world conversation . Often questions arise and you just talk
about them, but let "Make Sure of All Things" get into the
discussion with you . Or maybe as a helpful and instructive
entertainment a general knowledge quiz can be carried on
by having one of the brothers use the book while the others
see how many scriptures they can give to questions based
on the themes or the various subheadings . A very interesting
evening can be spent this way and everyone will be taking
in knowledge.
Service Meetings : "Make Sure of All Things" will be a
handy aid in preparing demonstrations, particularly in show-
ing how interesting back-calls can be conducted . It can be
shown how the book will help the publisher in his presenta-
tion and make it versatile . Demonstrations will help illus-
trate how it can be used on any of the above-mentioned sub-
jects .
All Christians need knowledge now . They must seek it .
They need all the information they can get of Jehovah's
Word, so they may carry on true worship in holy array with
all their fellow Christians . Jehovah's witnesses will never
stop taking in knowledge, for they know that Jesus said :
"This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of
you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent forth,
Jesus Christ ." (John 17 :3) Having made sure of all things
we will want to draw out this knowledge from within our-
selves to teach it to others also . There is much work yet to
be done in proclaiming this good news of Jehovah's kingdom
in all the world for a witness, because "many nations shall
go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of
Jehovah, and to the house of the God of Jacob ; and he will
teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths . For out
of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of Jehovah
from Jerusalem" .-Micah 4 :2 .

Subjects for Study

This section is designed to help you to quickly find answers
to many Bible questions and to "make sure of all things" .
Become familiar with its use . The numbers listed refer to
pages where Bible texts are quoted that deal with the topic .
These subjects are added to the seventy principal themes
that precede this section as an aid in your private Bible study,
reference work and preparation of discourses . They will be
of special help in connection with group Bible studies in the
home .
A procreation mandate to survivors of, 110
Satan, demons abyssed at, 108
Abomination, idolatry is, 172 side,, 24
mass is, 263
survivors, 26
Abyss(ed), demons will be . 108
1,000-year day of test follows, 224
Devil cast into, 104
Assembl(ies, y), district, national, 206
symbolizes deathlike condition, 1)33
money set aside to attend, 380
Active force, moves to obedience, 241 of New World society, 280
needed to change thinking, 273 See Meetings
produces visible manifestations, 360 Association with outsiders dangerous, 279
Ancestor Worship, 9, 10 Astrolog(ers, y), 167, 367, 368
Angels, assist in sifting work, 323
Atonement . 69, 259
created before earth, 79 See Ransom
higher than men, 358 Authenticity of the Bible, 44
not immortal, 247
rebellious, 152
Satan restrained by, 105
vary in rank, 79 Babylon, 14, 300
See Devil and Demons, Heavens Back-Calls, 1 .'39
Animal(s) . are souls, 349 Baptism, 27-36
made subject to man, 11 does not wash away sins, 30
man forbidden unclean relations with, 13 in name of Father, Son, holy spirit, 31
man's superiority to, 10 - into Christ, 33
no afterlife for, 13 into Christ's body, 34, 262
not to live forever, S6, 352 into Christ's death, 34
not transmigrated souls, 384 Jesus' 29
vicious, were to be killed, 11 John the Baptist's, 28, 29
Worship, 10-13 means complete immersion, 27
Anointed, 74, 95, 200 necessary step of obedience, 30
Antichrist, 14-16 of infants unscriptural, 32
Apostles, have no successors, 17 repentance must precede, 30, 307
not in heaven till Christ's coming, 20 symbolizes dedication, 30, 265
organization restored as in days of, 199 with fire, destruction, 34, 35
possessed miraculous gifts, 144 with holy spirit, 33, 34, 365
transmitted gifts of spirit, 23, 138 Beasts, worldly rule pictured by, 371
Apostolic Succession, 16-24 Beggar and rich man : see Lazarus
Armageddon, 24-27 Bible, 86-46
antichrists destroyed at, 16 authenticity of, 44
Christ resumes war activities at, 393 constitution of Jehovah's witnesses, 199
comes suddenly, 26 contains God's complete revelations, 368
fought over Kingdom issue . 235 greatest truth of, is Kingdom, 227
judgment enforced at, 222 in harmony with true science, 43
Kingdom to come in fury at, 235 inspired by God, 39
near, 395 interpretation from God, 40
is true guide, 287 Judge, 221
not of human origin, 37 King of congregation, 233
preservation, 40 King of world, 234
studies, 139, 269, 270 Kingdom rule begins, 322
transmission of, 40 Levitical priests interior to, 376
true religion recognizes, 301 "name" is office, authority, 31
versus tradition, 41 not to be worshiped as on cruciflx, 84
Birth, God not responsible for every, 166 only mediator between God and men, OS
of Christ, fall, 2 B .C ., 167 perfect exemplar, 30"
Birthday not to be commemorated, 166 purposes of first, second presence, 322
"Bishop," a designation misapplied, 172 resurrection of, 312
Black race not from curse, 291 second presence proved invisible, 321
Blood, "flesh and," 260 sign of first presence, 319
is life stream, 356 sign of second presence, 319
of Christ Jesus, 47 288, 388 the channel of God's love, 251
of Jesus denied in mass, 258 validated new covenant with blood, 72
Transfusion, 47, 48 Sec Jesus Christ, Ransom
validated new covenant, 72 Christian(s), ambassadors, 133
wine not changed to, 262 betrayed, hated, 338
Body of Christ, a new creation, 82 children of, favored, 256
anointing as preachers, 365 congregation, 72, 74, 75
baptism into, 34, 365 conscience must be trained, 132
baptized with spirit, 33 do not let money-making hinder, 132
die sacrificial death, 88 idolatry forbidden to, 175
is the church, 261 live by principles in Law, 241
sealed, 366 marriage of, 254
triumphs over death, 88 must be a minister, 264
See Congregation mot have some dealings with world, 131
Book(s), "of nature ." 36, 79 must love, be kind to all in world, 130
proper in publishing, 270 must maintain integrity, 130
Born, Again, 48-50 must not take course of world, 129
by water and spirit, 48, 365 must speak truth uncensored, 134
mother in heaven, 49 must stick to work of preaching, 134
to heavenly hope, 50 neutral, 133
not to observe holidays, 165
C persecution of, 338
recognize governments, 66
Caesar cannot require man's worship, 53
recognize rights of others, 65
Caesar's Things to Caesar, 50-53 religion means action, 303
Cain married his sister, 291 respect consciences of others, 133
Caste System, 54-57 save money to attend assemblies, 380
Charitable Works, 57-60 tithe of, 378
Children, condemned with parents, 223 weekly sabbath not enjoined upon, 328
delinquency of 257, 342 work of, during God's rest day, 326
God not responsible for birth of, 166 See Jehovah's Witnesses
ministers, 266 Christmas, 166
not properly turned over to state, 66 Church : see Congregation
obedient to Christian parents, 256 Cleanness of organization, 7 ;, 20
of Adam affected by corruptness, 11S Clergy, in open 343
of Mary, 400 'man of lawlessness," 14
parents' duty to train, 256 not authorized as elevated class, 56
receive favor with parents, 223 religious leaders not "brothers", 185
to attend meetings, 257 responsible for communism, 64
when parents not responsible for, 223 'seed of serpent," 386
Christ, as a Signal, 85 seek power and honor 15
as Rock, 16 Comforter, 364
came to reveal true religion, 298 Commandments : ere Ten Commandment :
death of, observed by Memorial, 166, 169 Commission to preach, 185
first to be raised, 312 Communism, 61-67
foundation of new world, 228 as "red religion", 15, 306
granted immortal fife, 246 cannot bring peace, 63
has divine nature, 247 clergy responsible for, 64
head of congregation, 18 will suffer destruction, 64
holds keys of death and hell, 22, 90 Community responsibility, 75, 223
is a spirit, 207, 357 Conducting studies, 141
is a superior second to Jehovah, 369 Confession, 67-70
is God's chief minister, 263 public 09


to fellow Christians proper, 68 "gates of," 90
to God through Christ, 68 hell associated with, 158
Congregation, Christ king of, 233 is an enemy, 87
cliques and classes forbidden in . 56 is end of wrong thinking, 275
early, not communistic, 65 "key of," 22
family relationship in, 276 nian', works not tested after, 289
foundation of, 17 Memorial observes Christ's, 166, 169
governing body of, .58 missing mark brought, 345
has overseers, 204 no dread of, for animals, 116
helper as comforter of, 364 no fear of, for "other sheep", 90
is presentday "nation", 195 no resurrection front second, 89
love is identification mark of, 253 of Jesus was God's will, 262
may confess wrong course, 69 144,000 share in Christ's, 315
meetings of, essential, 279 result of sill, 86
meets for study, 205 sacrificial, 88
miraculous gifts to marine the, 137 Satan caused, 87, 99
nation of israel the first, 70 severs marriage contract, 255
of God, 70-78 soul not conscious after, 287
of today is mature, 140 used to denote change of condition 90
prayers of, acceptable, 283 Dedication, 91-97
relief to needy among, 203 baptism a symbol of, 30
Scriptural names applied to, 72, 194 cost calculated, 92
structure of Christian, 75 essential for life, 249
structure of Jewish, 71 must precede ordination, 265
the minister's, 270 repentance a prerequisite to, 307
unity of Father, Son and, 388 Delinquency, juvenile, 257, 342
See Body of Christ Demons, 106-108
Conscience, determines activities, 277 astrologers tools of, 368
laws kept by Christians for sake of, 53 faith protects from, 122
must be trained, 132 impersonate dead humans, 106
of others respected. 133 organization of, under Devil, 101, 102
violation of, means God's disfavor, 133 sentenced to death, 106
Consecration, 94, 95 worship paid to, 107, 303
Contributions, receipt of, proper, 271 Devil, and Demons, 97-108
Covenant : see Law, hew covenant appears as benefactor, 99
Covering cherub, 97, 152 cast into abyss at Armageddon, 104
Creation, 78-83 faith overcomes, 121
Adam perfect in, 344 is a person, 99
beyond understanding completely, 82 names of, 98
days of, not 24 hours, 224 sentenced to death, 99
gives evidence of God, 62 Disfellowshiping, 204
God desisted from earthly, 324 Disobedience, Adam's, 326
God's works of, perfect, 81 is false religion, 304
nian the highest, earthly, 116 is refusing God's high standard . 345
only-begotten Son the first, 79 Divine right of kings, 172
Cross, 83-86 Divorce(d), Christian grounds for, 2)5
Jesus' death not on a, 84 decree against Jews, 215
use in worship is idolatry, 84 demons, by God, 106
See Stake Devil, by God, 99
Curse not cause of black race, 291 Documents used to compile Genesis, 40
Dominion over animals, 10, 111.
D Dreams, 39, 363, 368
Day(s), definition of, 824 See Visions
of creation not 24 hours, 324
sabbath, 324, 327 E
7,000-year rest, 324 Earth, and Its Destiny, 108-112
-,000-year test., 224 created, 81
"Deacon," aa designation misapplied, 172 Devil's, 101
Death, 86-90 inherited by meek, 62
baptism into Christ means sharing, 252 man to remain on, 82
child delinquency results in, 257 never depopulated, 110
done away with, 89 never destroyed, 108
equalizes mat and beast, 13 only dwelling place for humans, 334
false religion brought, 297 Easter, 168
forsaking Jehovah brought, 117 Eating meat sacrificed to idols, 175
freedom from, 125 "Elder," designation misapplied, 172


Employer not to be cheated, 278 God, a jealous, 184
End of world, 25 does not repent of purposes, 310
survivors of, 110 his power of resurrection, 312
Entertainment, choice of, 277 is head over Christ, 388
Everlasting life, 90, 105, 136, 226, Jehovah is one, 386
243, 248, 295, 331 man restored to favor of, 295
Evil, bent of mind, 272 no image of, possible, 174
"slave," 15, 343 no nation superior before, 292
Evolution, 112-119 not responsible for each birth, 166, 354
Expansion, 342 Satan is a, 102
the Creator, Jehovah, 79, 290
F Gossip, 276
Faith, 119-122 Governing body, 58, 65, 200
a gift from God, 120 authority and duties of, 200
based on knowledge, 91
Government(s), Christians recognize . 66
gives protection against demons, 122
Israeli, 213, 216
overcomes world, 121
pictured by beast, false prophet, 109
saves, 242
political, of the Devil, 62
tested, 121, 289
theocratic, 229
true, founded on Christ, 120
Grave, as burying place, 157
without proof for evolution, 119
Jonah a sign of Jesus in, 319
works of, follow baptism, 32
See Hell
"Faithful and discreet slave," 200, 379 Gravedom : see dell
See Remnant
False prophet(s), 14, 109
Famil(Ies, y), condemnation, 223
Hades, 18, 22, 156
connections do not bring salvation, 56
"gates of," 90
dissensions overcome, 277
God made man as, 54 See Hell
Harlot : see Babylon
God's choosing not dependent on, 341
relationship fit congregation, 276 Healing, 144-150
seventy original, from Noah, 291 easy as forgiving sins, 68
gift not used on self, 148
Fear, a sign of last days, 340
gift passed away after apostles, 149
freedom from, 125
powers given as a sign, 147
overcome by love, 253
receiving money not permitted for, 149
Flag salute . 176
Heaven(s), 150-154
Forgiveness of sins, by disciples, 146
God's dwelling place, 151
by Jesus, 145, 347
God the One to confess to for, 68 God's invisible organization, 151
no man can grant, 68 keys of, 18
not for world, 348 new, 110, 152
Fortunetelling, 367 Satan's invisible, 101, 152
Freedom, 122-126 sky, 153
Jehovah enjoys absolute, 122 starry, physical, 80, 153
man's, relative, 123 Hell, 154-164
good, bad go there, 158
Friendship with the World, 126-134
hope for those in, 159
G means grave, gravedom, 156
Gehenna, 161, 162 powerless against God's chosen, 159
Gentiles, 19, 20, 30, 218 to be finally destroyed, 160
Gift(s), cultivated, 136, 140 wicked are abased to, 1 .59
from God, 135-144 Higher Powers : see Superior Authorities
love greater than miraculous, 253 Holidays, 165-171
miraculous, 137, 138 Holy, days of Christendom abominable, 171
of faith, 120 nation, 96
of healing, 144, 145, 148, 149 Holy spirit : see Active force
of holy spirit, 23, 381 Honorary Titles, 171 . 172
of mercy, 379 House-to-house work, 139, 268
of perfect language to man, 117 Husband, Christian ditties of, 255
of service with marriage, 142
of singleness, 142 I
of tongues, 381 Idolatry, 172-178
selfish, bring no favor, 58 a snare of Satan, 173
voluntary, 58 brings punishment, 174
Giv(e, Ing), freely without show, 58 forbidden, 173, 175
of spiritual things more important, 59 stubbornness and rebellion are, 174
voluntary, 58 worship of state powers is, 176
Image(s), Christ in God's express, 357 Jehovah's Witness(es), 193-207
have no power to help, 173, 178 Abel, the first on earth, 193
man in God's, 122 are ambassadors, 197
not needed in prayer, 178 Christ is Leader of, 195
of animals forbidden, 12 each is a minister, 197
Immersion : see Baptism Jehovah is Founder, giver of name, 195
Immortal(ity), a reward, 136, 350 Jesus is chief, 193
angels do not have, 247 persecuted by Satan, 395
Christ is, 209, 357 Jesus Christ, 207-210
doctrine of human, untruthful, 312 and Jehovah different persons, 386
given for faithfulness, 246, 247 baptized at age of thirty, 167
inseparably linked with Kingdom, 351 birth of, no metempsychosis, 385
limited to heavenly persons, 247 born c. October 1, 2 B .C., 167, 208
new creation to be, 82 Chief Agent of life, 331
primarily Jehovah's, 243, 349 chief witness of Jehovah, 193
Incarnation, 179-181 commissioned followers to preach, 185
Jesus was not an, 180 flesh of, 259-261
prophets at transfiguration not an, 181 gives life to obedient mankind, 243
See Materialized had natural brothers, 400
Incorruptibility, 243 heir of Kingdom, 228
a reward for faithfulness, 350 inferior to Jehovah God, 387, 389, 390
angels do not have, 247 is seed of woman, 401
brought to light, 246 kept Law perfectly, 239
is primarily Jehovah's, 349 Law nailed to stake of, 238
Inspiration, 39, 40, 362 mass denies, 258
Inspired expressions, 360-368 materialized, 314, 320
Integrity, 98, 100, 105, 130 meaning of name, 207
Interfaith, 181-187 mediates new covenant, 241
doctrinal differences not petty, 185 no incarnation, 180
forbidden, 183 put to death on upright stake, 84
Jehovah in opposition to, 182 religious leaders not brothers of, 185
resisted by early Christians, 186 resurrection of, 313, 314, 319
Interpretation, 363 showed God's will for him was death, 262
Inventions of man not creations, 82 was flesh, 14, 180, 181
Israel, 211 See Christ
first congregation of God, 70 Jews, rejection of Jesus by, 215
judgment of fleshly, 220 Return to Palestine, 210-219
judgment of spiritual, 221 true, of promise, 217
"of God," 218 John, baptism by, 28, 29
payment of tithes by, 376 baptizing . A.D . 29, 167
regathering of true, not political, 374 born, 2 B .C., 167
separated by Law covenant . 238 Jubilee, 123
Issue, Armageddon to be fought over, 235 Judgment, Days, 219-226
Christians hated over, 338 Edenic, 219
to be settled forever, 100 for peoples of the nations, 222
of fleshly Israel, 220
of God's house, 221
of Noah's day, 219
Jehovah, 188-193 of Satan's world, 103
alone before creation . 78 of sheep and goats, 323
blesses people of all nations, 293 of Sodom and Gomorrah, 220
his power extends everywhere, 191 of 1,000-year day of test, 224
his power to hear, answer prayer, 282 witnesses raised up during, 193
his spirit, active force, 350-366
his vindication most important, 192 K
is a person, 188, 386
is a Savior, 331 . 336 Keys, of death and hell, 22, 90
of heaven, 18
is a soul, 349
is a spirit . 357 King(s), 24, 210, 228, 229, 233, 234, 237
is immortal, incorruptible, 243, 349 Kingdom, 226-237
is one God, 386 ambassador of, 197
is supreme above all superiors, 369 Christ waited to receive the, 234
is the "Alpha and Omega", 388 Christendom is not God's, 236
is the source. giver of life, 243 Christians hated over issue of, 338
is the source of love, 250 comes against Satan's organization, 235
not omnipresent, 191 flesh and blood cannot enter, 351
7,000-year sabbath of, 324 God judges who is worthy to enter, 20
immortality linked with, 351 Love, 250-253
is "new heavens", 152 for God unifies, 197
knowledge of entering, 19
lawbreakers excluded from, 239 M
message and ministry of, 153, 197, 233
no second death for members of, 90 Male members teach In congregation, 141
Man('s), angels higher than, 358
not 'in one's heart", 231
bent of mind toward evil, 272, 273
preaching is only soul-saving work, 357
created perfect, 116
realm of, 231
created to live forever, 86
rule begins at second presence . 322
spirit-begotten members 49 created with God's attributes, 82
subjects of, 110, 231 degraded, not evolving, 117
work opposed by world leaders, 338 has life principle or force, 355
has relative freedom, 123
Knowledge, basis for faith, 91
highest earthly creation 116
necessary for new-world living, 275
is a soul, 349
needed to develop faith, 121
-kind sprang from Adam, Noah, 290, 291
of opportunity to enter Kingdom, 19
life given to obedient, 243
repentance leads to, 307
made for earth, 82
mind of, must be trained, 275
L missing marls brought death on, 345
"Last days," 257, 273, 299 needs a ransom, 294
Law(s), 237-242 not infallible, 21
Christians keep, 53 "of lawlessness," 14
covenant, 71 races of, created, 290
covenant replaced by new covenant, 241 meets mark at end of 1,000 years, 348
fulfilled by love, 250 "Many roads, one destiny," 186
fulfilled, moved out of way, 329 Mark, death brought by missing, 345
given only to Israel, 238 Law proved men were missing, 346
Jews freed from, 84 of perfection met, 348
life not possible by, 249 of perfection set in Eden, 344
-makers are Jehovah and Christ, 199 Marriage, 253-257
"of freedom," 124 gift of service with, 142
"of mind," 274 improper restrictions on, 343
"of Moses" set mark, 346 requirements of law met, 51
"of sin," 274, 347 Mary, not "ever virgin", 400
of tithes for Israel, 376, 377 not "mother of God", 399, 400
pictured realities, 239 not woman of Gen . 3 : 15, 400
safeguarded against idolatry, 174 Worship of, 398-403
salvation not possible by, 334 Mass, 257-263
sins against covenant, 28, 309 Materialized, 106, 313, 314, 320
to serve only until Messiah, 238 Mediator, Christ, 68, 241
Lazarus and rich man, 160 Christ needs no priestly, 259
League of Nations, 338, 339 Moses, 238
Lent, 170 Meetings, attendance at, essential, 279
Life, 242-249 children to attend, 257
a gift from God, 136 service, 205, 206
a reward for proved integrity, 105 Melchizedek, 376
Adam, Eve had conditional, 244 Memorial, 169
administered by Christ and 144,000, 232 See Lord's supper
all men born without right to, 244 Men pray with head uncovered, 283
as an intelligent person, is soul, 356 Messiah : see Christ
at end of 1,000 years, 90, 226, 248, 318 Metempsychosis, 384, 385
brought to light by Christ, 246 Millennium : see Thousand year(s)
Chief Agent of, is Jesus, 331 Mind, attitude of, is spirit, 359
forever forfeited by Adam, Eve, 244 bent toward evil, 272, 273
future, more important, 246 Eve's, corrupted, 272
limited span of, for lower animals, 116 fed wrong things by Satan, 273
pattern, 83, 313, 327, 356, 385 law of, 274
principle or force, 355, 356, 358, 359 must be trained, filled, 275, 279
ransom brings, to man . 295 soundness of, needed for salvation . 332
resurrection of, 317 true religion transforms . 302
rights lost, exact price needed, 294
Minister(s), child, 266
Limbo, 160
congregation of, 270
Literature, proper in publishing, 270 in Israel exempted, 133
Lord's return : see Return of Christ Jesus Christ is God's chief, 263
Lord's supper, 259 mature, may be overseers, 204


no retirement for, 267 no :ear of death for, 90
not commercial, 271 subjects of Kingdom, 2L1
of God, 263-271 Overseer, 204
ordination of, 264, 26'0 See "Bishop"
record of work kept, 200
Satan's, false, 154 P
secondary occupations proper for, 271 Paradise, 318
women may be, 265 Parents, duty to train children, 250,
Miracles, by invisible active force, 361 merit extends to children, 223
Miraculous gifts, 137, 138 respect for, proper, 9
love greater than, 253 Peddler, minister not, 271
no longer present, 138 Perfection, Adam had rights by, 244
Kingdom uplifts man to, 232
N man meets, at end of 1,000 years, 348
Nation(s), confused, perplexed, 340 mark of, set in Eden, 344
have violated God's rest day, 326 Permission of Devil's existence, 100
new, 217, 218 Persecution, defeated, 199
not any, a "super race", 292 fire of, means sharing with Christ, 2 . .
of israel cast off, 374 of Jehovah's witness e, 395
of Jehovah blessed, 293 of true religion by false, 305
peoples of all, blessed, 293 sign of last days, 338
practicing genocide condemned, 293 Personality, new, 274
ruled with rod of iron, 322 recognized in resurrection, 313
Nature, balance in, 115 resurrected, 356, 385
"hook of," 79 Peter, did not rule congregation, 2 1
divine, 247 no record, was in Rome, 22
human, 248 not infallible, 21
Neutrality of Christians, 1 :1 : not the "rock", 16
New covenant, 72, 73, 95, 216, 241, 23, use of keys by, 18, 20
New creation, 82 was married, 23
New earth, 110 Polygamy, 254
New system(s) of things, 33, 73, 137, 187 Prayer(s), 280-286
New World, 120, 199, 210, 225, 227, a protection against Satin, 104
272, 273 "amen" proper, 281
foundation laid at Christ's ascent, 225 during spiritual sickness, 146
freedoms, 125 for dead accomplish nothing, 287
Living, 272-280 for rulers, 131, 285
society, 110, 272, 280 for salvation, 333
great test of, 282
0 of congregation acceptable, 283
Obedience, active force move, to. 241 of wicked unanswered, 286
as a son . Adam's worship, 290 posture not prescribed, 282
is Christian's work, 326 repetitions, forbidden, 282
necessary for salvation, 333 right matters, occasions for, 284
the governing principle, 190 to God only through Christ, 281
One Hundred and Forty-four Thousand, 24 . to "saint," not authorized, 178, 281
34, 49, 70, 82, 90, 95, 136, 150, 196, unanswered if asked amiss, 285
226, 228, 232, 247, 248, 315, 316, Preach (ing), brings salvation, 198
322, 350, 374 Jesus commissioned followers to, 183
Ordination, 264, 265 method of, 268
Organization(s), capital, 229 of Christ's stake. 85
men seek relief in makeshift, 343 of Jonah, a sign, 319
of God, 94 . 99, 106, 122, 149, 131 . of Kingdom as present. 233
190, 82:3, '141 . 400, 401 of Kingdom is soul-saving work, S -)7
of Jehovah's witnesses, 199 of Kingdom message unifies, 197
of Satan, 14, 101, 102, 104, 109, 124, of Kingdom world-wide a sign, 338
152, 230, 235, 339, 391, 393 proper on sabbath, 328
of seed, 228 public, 206, 269
"princes" in, 75 witnesses must, 197
special appointments made through, 26S Presence of Christ, first
Other sheep, 110, 393 King of congregation since, 21 :1
are Jehovah's witnesses, 196 sign of, 319
baptism necessary, 30 to supply ransom, 322
benefits of new covenant for, 7 4 See Christ, Jesus Christ
have hope of earthly resurrection, 317 Presence of Christ, second
may hold service positions, 204 apostles not in heaven before, 20


for purpose of salvation, 322 Resurrection, 311 .318
invisible, 321 after paradise established, 111, 318
nations ruled with iron rod at, 322 all prior to Christ awaiting, 88
resurrection of 144,000 begins, 322 death triumphed over by, 88
sign of, 319, 320, 337 first, 315
See Christ, Jesus Christ for judgment on earth, 317
Priest(hood), atonement by high, 259 from the "gates of death", 90
Christ's, 376 hope of, 311, 314
consecration applies only to, 95 is not a transmigration, 315, 385
in Israel not class distinction, 55 key of Hades used at time of, 22
Levitical, 376 life pattern re-created in, 83, 313 . 327
Princes, 75 no second death for 144,000 after, 90
Propaganda of world deceptive, 128 none from second death, 89
Prophesying, 362 not a violation of God's rest, 327
Prophet(s), 14, 109 of faithful men of old, 317
Public speaking, preaching, 140, 206, 269 of Jesus a sign, 215
Purgatory, 286-290 of Jesus as immortal, 209
of Jesus not in same body, 314
Q of life, 317
of 144,000, 248 . 315, 316, 322
Queen of heaven, 168, 400
possible through ransom, 88
provides entry into Kingdom, 236
R provides opportunity for life, 248
Race(s), black, not from curse, 291 wicked not remembered for, 314
distinctions no barrier, 197 Return, or Christ, 319-324
due to hereditary factors, 291 visits, 139, 269
Israel's favor not superiority of, 55 Revelations, God's Word contains, 368
of Mankind, 290-293 special, have ceased, 368
Ransom, 293-296 Rich man and beggar : see Lazarus
exact price needed for, 294 Righteousness, by works impossible, 333
faith in, leads to salvation, 120, 332 self-, impossible, 333
Jesus provides, 245 Rack, 16
makes resurrection possible, 88 Rosary, forbidden in prayer, 282
not appreciated without repentance, 309
provided only if Jesus all flesh, 181
releases from trouble, 294
supplied at first presence, 322 Sabbath, 324-330
those having faith in, alive, 88 abolished with rest of Law, 238
Redemption, 88, 123 Christ's resurrection no change of, 330
Registrations complied with, 52 Jehovah's 7,000-year, 324
not to be kept for all time, 240
Reincarnation : see Transmigration
seventh-day, a shadow, 329
Relative worship forbidden, 177, 178
Religion(s), 296-307 weekly, 327, 328
Adam's, without formalism, 296 Sacrifice(s), of Jesus flees, 347
Christendom began with falling away, 298 of Jesus never needs renewal, 258
Christians set free from false, 124 typical, 258
Eve's mind bent away from true, 272 unbloody, do not remit sins . 259
Saints, 96, 281
false, induced by lying claim, 297
Saluting flags Is idolatry, 176
false, permeated by demons, 107
Salvation, 330-336
false, to be destroyed, 300
how false originated, 98, 296, 297 depends upon Jesus, 331
many false, sign of last days, 337 effected at second presence, 322
ministers of false, 154 not "once saved always saved", 332
"natural," not sufficient, 301 repentance required for, 307
self-, impossible, 333
true, is revealed, 301
through baptism into Greater Noah, 336
Remnant, 153, 200, 215, 217, 392
through faith in ransom, 120
Repentance, 307-311
deathbed, cannot manifest itself, 308 through preaching work, 198
for sins against Law covenant, 28, 309 universal, a fallacy, 334
leads to knowledge, 307 way of, 332
must precede dedication, baptism, 30, 91 Sanctification, 91, 95, 96
none from sin against holy spirit, 309 by means of truth and holy spirit, 96
replaces sorrow with joy, 308 must be maintained, 96
required of all saved, 307 Satan, brings woes upon people, 395
requires instruction, 307 cast out of heaven, 103
Respect for rulers, 50, 172 destroyed, 104, 230, 336
Responsibility, community, 223 inspires expressions, 360
Introduced sin, death, 87 "dead," 355
is a god, 102 human, is mortal, destructible, 352
is responsible for wrong thinking, 273 human, to live forever if obedient, 353
no forgiveness for world of, 348 no transmigration of, 315
protection against, 104 not conscious after death, 287
proved a liar, 103 reproduce after own kind, 383
released at end of 1,000 years, 226 reproduce in own likeness, 355
tries to thwart God's purpose, 396 See Transmigration
world of, condemned, 221 Speaking : see Public speaking
See Devil SpIrit, 357-366
School, ministry, 206 active force of God is, 360
Sects, 300 angels are, 358
Seed, 208, 228 distinguished from soul, 356
of Abraham, 218 fruitage of, 251
of serpent, 306 gifts of, 142
of woman is Christ, 401 holy, not a person, 389
Serpent : see Devil, Satan inspired expressions are, 360
Servant(s), assistant, 141 Jehovah is, 357
cleansed as by fire, 289 Jesus is, 357
have been inspired, 362 life principle is, 355, 358
of God hated by world, 127 mental disposition is, 359
of God use no violence, 394 poured out on Jewish remnant, 217
special, 204, 270 true religion produces fruits of, 302
See "Bishop", "Deacon" Spiritism, 366-369
Service, appointments, 202, 204, 268 Stake, a symbol of shame, reproach, 85
meeting, 205, 206 boasting in, means bearing reproach, 86
positions of other sheep, 204 enemies of, are those denying ransom, 85
repentance a prerequisite to, 307 Jesus' death on a, 84
Seventieth week, time of, 20 Law nailed to, 238
Sheol, 156 preaching of, means preaching ransom, 85
"gates of," 90 See Cross
See Hell Stones, in spiritual temple, 17
Sign(s), healing and tongues as . 147, 382 Street work, 139, 269
lying, performed in God's name, 339 Stud(ies, y), children to attend, 257
not given to faithless Jews, 215 home Bible, 139, 269, 270
of Christ's first presence, 319 personal, necessary, 279, 333
of Christ's second presence, 319, 320 Superior Authorities, 369-372
of Last Days, 257, 337-344 Adam, Eve tried to become, 326
of sabbath to Jews, 238, 328 Jehovah, Christ are, 199
Sin(s), 344-349 Superior(s), Christ jesus is a, 369
against holy spirit, 309 Jehovah above all, 369
against Law covenant, 28, 309 no nation is, 292
are accounted inactive in death, 288 Suprem(acy, e), 92, 98, 100, 104, 189,
230, 369
confession of, proper, 68
System(s) of things, Jewish, 70, 71
forgiveness of, easy as healing, 68
freedom from, 126 new, 33, 73, 137, 187
introduced, 87, 97 Satan's, 102, 109, 273
man freed from law of, 347
no man can forgive, 68 T
not washed away by baptism, 30 Tartar(os, us), 155, 164
of Adam, 344 Taxes should be paid, 51
of repentant ones forgotten, 308 Teaching, 141
oily inherited, excused, 347 Temple(s), 214, 217, 306
results in death, 86 Tempt(ation), brought by Satan, 101
slavery of, 123 Jehovah does not, 192
that incurs second death, 89 Ten Commandments, not for all time, 240
those in, considered dead by God, 88
proper to quote as proof, 242
unbloody sacrifice does not remit, 2,59 trying to gain life by, 309
willful, bring destruction, 348 Ten "Lost Tribes", 373-375
Social, legal distinctions, accepted, 52 Theocratic, government, 102, 229
reforms not Christian's activity, 57 organization, 199
status no barrier, 197 Thousand year(s), 22, 24, 35, 89, 90,
Son of man, 124 104, 110, 112, 150, 232, 248, 318,
Soul(s), 349-357 324, 329, 348
animals are, 349 day of test, 224
attributes, qualities of, 352 Satan bound for, 164

Time of 69'/1 and 70 weeks, 19, 20 God desisted from earthly creative, 324
Tithing, 376-380 nations violated rest day by own, 326
Titles, Honorary, 171, 172 of "character development" . 333
Tongues, 363 of faith, 32
Speaking in, 380-383 of God perfect, 81
Tradition(s), 287, 303 of Kingdom opposed, 338
made lawbreakers of Pharisees, 239 of preaching, 267
Transmigration, 383-385 of proclamation without violence, 394
resurrection not, 315 of Satan erased, 104
Transubstantiation, 257 soul-saving, 357
Trinity, 386-390 World, controlled by Satan, 126
course of action of, 127
U Distress, 390-397
divine condemnation on, 221
United Nations, 338, 339
Unity of Father, Son, congregation, 388 end of, 25, 219
Universal salvation, 334-336 false religion is part of this, 305
Friendship with the, 126-134
Jehovah's witnesses not a part of, 196
V leaders oppose Kingdom work, 338
Vaccination, 48 no forgiveness for Satan's, 348
Vindicat(e, ion), 104, 192, 230, 325, 361 of Satan judged, 103
Visions, 39, 368 overcome by faith . 121
powers, seventh and eighth, 339
W prayers for, unanswered, 285
War(s), Christ's, against Satan, 391, 393 rule pictured by beasts, 371
fomented by Satan, 107 things loved by, 126
freedom from, 125 thinking, out of harmony with God, 127
of supernatural forces, 25 wars, sign of last days, 337
world, a sign, 337 Worship(ers), active service, 197
Wickedness, not created by Jehovah, 192 freedom of, 125
Wife, Christian duties of, 255 new nation advancing true, 218
Witness : see Jehovah's Witnesses of Adam was without formalism, 296
Women, lead prayer with head covered, 283 of Easter egg, rabbit, 168
may be ministers, 265 of Jewish nation prophetic, 298
Word of God, the Bible, 36 of Mary, 398-403
contains complete revelations, 368 of state brings destruction, 63
searches man's thoughts, 274 of state is idolatry, 176
Work(ing, s), avoided in rest day, 325 restoration of true, a sign, 340
cleansing fire tests, 289 self-, 174
during test day determine judgment, 225 use of cross in, is idolatry, 84
for governments not prohibited, 52 world-wide expansion of clean, 342


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