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Since time immemorial, many part of the worlds sanctity has been

destroyed by the human acts. Although, in the present time, due to

various reasons such as logging and mining, scarcity of fresh water and
deforestation occurs as a global issue. The additional arrays of
associated problems will be described in the following paragraphs and
will also point out the specific steps that can contribute to the national
authorities and individuals in controlling those environmental damages
through my own ideas.
Firstly, population growth and growing demands of them have been
leading to the disruptive factor of the earth. Secondly, due to the
increasing demand for economic growth, digging of the natural
resources occurs in many places. Furthermore, dramatically growing
the demand for improving standards of living, such as individuals
usage of water -a private swimming pool, amusement water parksalso have an impact on ruining the world.
National authorities, on the other hand, can control such human acts
by implementing specific regulations, laws and public education
systems. More specifically, the government agents may organize some
public education campaigns on how to prevent and stable the
environmental purity in every state, province or committee maybe on
the international stage. In addition, stringent legislation such as
limiting peoples daily household water usage or collecting extra
payment on it also can be a contribution.
Thus even though, the damages of the environment is growing global
problem, it is an evitable. There could be various methods available by
which both the nations governors and individuals can fix and prevent.

Thank you for your attention!

EILTS class

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