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News Script

Hello. Welcome to vibe news at 6. Im Daniel Crocker and these are todays
headlines, coming up.

We ask, Can Liverpool FC lift their Premier League curse?

Clare Balding has announced she has no interest in presenting Bake Off
once it moves to Channel 4, after Mel and Sue made a joint statement
earlier this month that were leaving.
The Alton Towers ride operator found responsible for last years infamous
Smiler crash has been fined 5m.
Stars have come out in their droves to pay tribute to the late Terry Wogan,
in a memorial service that marks 50 years since his television debut.
US presidential hopefuls Hilary Clinton and Donal Trump have clashed in
their first television duel.

The two candidates clashed over jobs, terrorism and race in a bitter television
The attacks turned personal as Republican Donald Trump accused his rival Hillary
Clinton of not having the right temperament to be president.
Meanwhile, Mrs Clinton baited Mr Trump by pointing out that he refuses to
release his tax returns.
The New York showdown could be the most watched debate in TV history, with
up to 100 million viewers.

Lets hand over now, to Henry whos live in New York now.
*location bit*
Thanks, Daniel.
Hours before the programme, polls suggested the candidates were locked in a
dead heat, adding to the tension between the rivals on stage throughout the
Mr Trump was later thrown on the defensive by moderator Lester Holt for not
disclosing his tax returns.
He claimed he was under a "routine audit" and would release the document once
the audit was finished.
But the hotel developer promised he would release them if his opponent released
33,000 emails that were deleted during an investigation into her private email
set-up while secretary of state.
Back to the studio.
*back to studio*
Thanks Henry.

Thats all weve got for you now, well have another report for you at 10. Thank
you, and goodnight.

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