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Bekir Sami Dilman Teekkrler. Aadaki deyim-fiiller iin de byle tablolar var mdr?

BUnlar YDS'de ok
kan deyim-fiiller. nemli deyim-fiiller
1. account for oluturmak, aklamak
2. count on gvenmek, bel balamak
3. make up olusturmak
4. rely on -e gvenmek, bel balamak
5. be made up of -den olusmak
6. depend on dayanmak
7. break out sava vs. patlak vermek
8. keep up with -e ayak uydurmak
9. bring about -e sebep olmak,yaratmak
10. keep pace with e ayak uydurmak
11.bring on sebep olmak, aratmak
12. bring up yetitirmek
13. come up with bir soruna zm bulmak
14. call for gerektirmek
15. find out anlamak, kefetmek, zmek
16. call off ertelemek
17. figure out anlamak, bulmak, zmek
18. make out anlamak, bulmak,zmek
19. put off ertelemek
20. carry out yapmak, gereklestirmek
21. get over iyilemek, stesinden gelmek
22. die out soyu tkenmek
23. wipe out soyunu tkenmek
24. deal with ele almak, zmek
25. cope with baa kmak
26. break into hrszlk iin bir yere girmek
27. give off gaz vs. salmak, yaymak
28. draw up paln vs. hazrlamak
29. show off hava atmak
30. lead to -e yol amak
31. embark on/upon -e balatmak
32. give rise to -e sebep olmak
33. take part in -e katlmak
34. look through gzden geirmek
35. run out of tkenmek, tketmek
36. think up dnp bulmak
37. use up kullanp bitirmek
38. turn out (tobe) /that (olduu) ortaya kmak
39. stem from -den gelmek, kaynaklanmak
40. make up uydurmak

put pressure on BASKI UYGULAMAK,

take advantage of / make use of ..DEN FAYDALANMAK,


on the tip of ..NIN UCUNDA OLMAK, out of date DEMODE / ARTIK KULLANILMIYOR, pay a
compliment to LTFAT ETMEK,

on occasions ARA SIRA, on purpose KASTEN, on sale SATILIK, on strike GREVDE, on the point of

on a diet DYETTE, on aveage ORTALAMA, on board UAKTA / GVERTEDE, on fire ALEVLER

NDE, on loan DN OLARAK,i

all in all HEREYE RAMEN, at a glance BR BAKITA,

at a loss AKINLIK NDE, at a stretch H DURMADAN
at all costs NE OLURSA OLSUN, at ease RAHAT,
at first sight LK BAKITA, at hand EL ALTINDA,
at heart TEN, KALPTEN, at large GENEL OLARAK,
at last SONUNDA, at liberty ZGR-SERBEST,
at most EN OK, at once DERHAL,
at random RASTGELE, at times BAZEN,
at will STED ZAMAN, beneath notice NEMSZ,
beyond belief NANILMAZ, by accident KAZAYLA,
by all means TABK, by chance ANS ESER,
by heart EZBERE, by means of YOLUYLA,
by mistake YANLILIKLA, by no means ASLA,
for a spell KISA BR SRE, for certain KESN OLARAK,
for short KISACA, for the sake of ..NIN HATIRINA,
for the time being MDLK, for sure KESN OLARAK

have confidence in GVENMEK, in a bad temper SNRL,

in a hurry ACELEYLE, in a mess DAINIKLIK NDE,
in a moment BR ANDA, in accordance with UYUMLU,
in action ALIIR HALDE, in advance NCEDEN,
in an instant HEMEN, in brief KISACA,

in captivity TUTSAK, in cash NAKT OLARAK,

in charge of SORUMLU, in common YAYGIN,
in comparison with/to LE KIYASLA,
in conclusion SONU OLARAK, in confidence GVENEREK,
in danger TEHLKEDE, in debt BORLU, in demand REVATA,
in error YANLILIKLA, in exchange of KARILIKLI

in fashion MODA, in favour of LEHNE,

in haste ACELEYLE,
in moderation LL,
in need of HTYACI VAR,
in orbit YRNGEDE,
in order DZENL, in pain ACI NDE,
in particular ZELLKLE,
in person BZZAT, in pieces PARAMPARA,
in place of NIN YERNE,
in progress LERLEME HALNDE,
in proportion to LE ORANTILI OLARAK,
in public ALENEN,
in pursuit of PENDE, in reality GEREKTE,
in response to CEVAP OLARAK,
in return for KARILIINDA,
in short KISACA, in sight GRNRDE,
in silence SESSZCE,
in succession ART ARDA

in tears GZ YALARI NDE,

in the course of SRESNCE,
in the flesh BZZAT, in the form of ..EKLNDE

in the habit of ALIKANLIINDA,

in the hope of UMUDUYLA,
in the long run UZUN VADEDE,
in the name of ADINA/NAMINA,
in the wake of ARKASINDAN, in time ZAMANLA,
in touch with ..LE TEMAS HALNDE,
in trouble BAI BELADA,
in use KULLANIMDA, in vain BOU BOUNA,
make contact with LE TEMAS KURMAK,
make sense of ANLAMAK

take pride in GURUR DUYMAK

under age YAI KK
under control KONTROL ALTINDA
under discussion TARTIILMAKTA
under pressure BASKI ALTINDA
with / by the help of YARDIMIYLA
with / in reference to LE LKL OLARAK
with a view to AMACIYLA
with the exception of HAR
without doubt KUKUSUZ
in place of YERNE
give rise to SEBEP OLMAK
for once BR SEFERLK
to date U ANA KADAR
on the brink of ZERE OLMAK
at a glance BR BAKITA
at ease RAHAT
at hand EL ALTINDA
at once DERHAL

Though ve While baglaclari ile OZNELERIN ORTAK olmasi sartiyla kisaltma yapabiliyoruz, yani S + V + O
siralamasina gerek yoktur.

While having many problems, we feel happy.
= While we have many problems, we feel happy.
= Pek cok sorunumuz olmasinA RAGMEN, biz mutluyuz.
Though ile yapilan kisaltma da ayni kurala tabidir.
Though having many problems, we feel happy.
Though we have many problems, we feel happy.
= Pek cok sorunumuz olmasinA RAGMEN, biz mutluyuz.

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