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Any person can make any decision afterseeking advice from (1) everyone who will be
meaningfully affected, and (2) people with expertise in the matter. Advice received
must be taken into consideration. The point is not to create a watered-down
compromise that accommodates everybodys wishes; it is about accessing collective
wisdom in pursuit of a sound decision: with all the advice and perspectives the
ecision maker has re

AES combines hierarchy with advice

processes. Employees must asked
those impacted by the decision and
those considered experts. Ultimate
decision making lies with the person
who notices the issue, the person most
affected by it, or otherwise someone
that the managers believes is the best
person to make the decision.

W.L. Gore s uses circles made of

representative colleagues who go
through the advice process on
behalf of the whole organization.
Team leaders are voted democratically
and represent the team in other
decision-making circles.

To speeden up the advice process,

Buurtzorg uses social media in a
powerful and way to support the
advice process. Typically, 24 hours
later, a majority of nurses will have
read the post. Within hours, these
posts evoke dozens, sometimes
hundreds, of comments.

How might you design your team/organization so that mutual trust and co-dependence are fostered and
silos are avoided? How can you imbed advice processes in your team/organization?


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