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that results when a person ingests a substance, or engages in an activitythat
can be pleasurable but the continued use/act of which becomes compulsive
and interferes with ordinary life responsibilities, such as work, relationships,
or health. Users may not be aware that their behavior is out of control and
causing problems for themselves and others. Heroin is an opioid drug that
is synthesized from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted
from the seed pod of the Asian opium poppy plant. Heroin usually appears
as a white or brown powder or as a black sticky substance, known as black
tarheroin. In todays situation is the Philippines lots of people died because
of the use of drugs.
Heroin causes heroin addiction, here how it works.
If you use heroin for 20 days by day 21 your body will physically crave the
drug curiously because there are chemical hooks in the drug that what
addiction means but there a catch almost we think, we know about addiction
is wrong . If you example break your hip you will be taken to a hospital and
you will be given loads of diamorphine for weeks or even months.
Diamorphine is heroine. There are people may you being giving load of
deluxe diamorphine in hospitals right now , so atleast some of them should
become addicts but this has been closely studied it doesnt happen. Theory

of Addiction comes from into serious experiment but in 20th century the
scientist figure it out. The experiment is simple you take a rat and put into a
cage with two water bottles ,the first bottle contains only water and the
second bottle contains water lace wtih heroine or cocaine, almost everytime
you ran this experiment the rat will become obsessed with the drug water
and keep coming back from more and more until it kills itself
In 1970s Bruce alexander, a professor of psychologist notice something all
about this experiment , the rat is put in the cage all alone it has nothing to
do but take the drugs, so he try something differently he build a rat park
which is basically a heaven for rats , it has tunnels , scumbed ball and plenty
of friends to play with, there are a lots af drug water and normal water but
here is the fascinating thins in rat park rats hardly use the drug water none
of them ever use it composively and none of them ever overdose.
Another experiment is in the Vietnam war, 20 % of the troops uses heroine,
people back home were already panicked because they thought that there
will be hundres and thousand of addicts in the streets of the united states
when the war is over but another strikes the troops didnt go to rehab but
95% of them just stop after they got home. If you bIf you are send in a
mission alone and orders you to kill doing heroine is a great way to spend
time but if you go back to you family and friends it is the equivalent taking
out in the first cage and put into a human rat park. Its not the chemical its
your cage,we need to think addiction differently human beings have a need
to bond and connect when we are happy and healthy we will bond the people

around us but if we cant because we traumatized isolated or beaten down by

life we will bond with some sense that will give us somesense of relief it
might be endless checking on smart phone, it might be pornography video
game, gambling or it might be cocaine but we will bond with something
because that is our human nature.

The part out of unhealthy bond is to form healthy bond to be connected to

people who is present with. Addiction is only a symptom of crisis of
disconnection tha is happening all around us. To choose flaw space over
friends, to choose stuff over connection the war on drugs weve been fighting
for almost a century has now made everything worst . Instead of helping
people heal and getting their life together we have caused them out of the
society and it make them hard to find job and become stable, we take
supports and benefits away from them if we catch them with drugs we throw
them into prisons house , we put people who are not well in a situation that
makes feel worse and hate them for no recovery. We talked only about
individual recovery from addiction but we need now is social recovery
because something has gone wrong as a group. We must look like those rat
park than those isolated cages and we have to changed the unnatural way
we live and to discover each other. The opposite of addiction is not surprisy
the opposite of addiction is connection

English for Academic and Professional Purpose

Submitted by :
Cristilyn D. Canlas
Chandy Mae Almaida

Submitted to :
Mrs. Liezzel C.

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