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Reducing Carbon Dioxide

Name : Fadel Muhammad A

Since elementary school until now we often heard sentence we inhale oxygen and exhale
carbon dioxide. We breathe everytime and we always release carbon dioxide from our body to
the air. The presence of carbon dioxide in the air is normal but if the levels exceed than normal
then it will be bad for every living creature.
Carbon dioxide is the fourth largest compilers of the air in our atmosphere after nitrogen,
argon and oxygen. Human is contributor of carbon dioxide in every carbon-contained
combustion like breathing, burning oil or burning trash. Carbon dioxide does have advantages
for plants to photosynthesize, but if it excess it will be bad for the plant even worse also for all
beings because of greenhouse effect in the atmosphere so that the incoming solar heat can not be
reflected back out and make the earths temperature slowly being higher.
We cant deny that carbon-contained combustion is part of our activity like using lpg and
riding our bike or car. But we cant leave it because there is still not another alternative energy
that we can use.
So to reduce the carbon dioxide we can plant a tree, reduce using bike or car by walking
or riding bicycle if the route is short and dont burn trash. If we try to reduce carbon dioxide
there will be balance in the air so there wont be greenhouse effect and make normal temperature
for the earth.





combustion will contribute carbon dioxide

1. What is the fourth largest compiler in the

to the air

Answer : The fourth largest compiler in the
atmosphere is Carbon dioxide
2. How the earths temperature being high?

6. What is the advantage of plant by getting

Answer : Carbon dioxide make greenhouse

carbon dioxide?

effect and the income solar heat will be

Answer : With Carbon dioxide they can

trapped in


7. What is the example of


3. What we can do to reduce carbon

contained combustion?


Answer : The example of carbon-contained

Answer : To reduce the carbon dioxide we

combustion is breathing, it will make

can plant a tree, reduce using bike or car by


walking or riding bicycle if the route is short

C6H12O6 + O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP

and dont burn trash.

8. How can the solar heath cant be turned
4. What compound we inhale when we

back out?


Answer : Carbon dioxide will trap solar

Answer : When we breath we inhale oxygen


5. What is our activity that we contribute

9. What kind of the text above?

carbon dioxide to the air?

Answer : The text above is Exposition text

10. What is the structure of last paragraph?
Answer : The last paragraph is conclusion

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