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Date: 2010-12-11 00:49:19

Title: Things upon my heart.... (12/7/10 GRT)

There are so many things upon my heart without His understanding and
my own experience i would not believe nor do i expect anyone carnal to
understand only by His Spirit will you see these things and only by
His grace will i continue.... my heart is continually broken before
Him my thoughts and actions often grieve Him...The closer i get to Him
the more i see, the blacker this world is to me.... Lessening the
desire for these fleeting destructive temptations.. they are passing
with the use... Do we not understand that we are but a moment, a
vapor, a small short string stressing and about to break? Give up on
materialistic pursuit on that which is not... Focus your time and
energy..(worship)in seeking and serving Him... the Creator... He is
eternal and whatever He wishes to be...

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