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twilight breaking dawn sequel

first i did not write all of this i give credit to Ingeborg who i think you guys
should email and tell that this is a great story.
IM only adding on the story but tell me what you think
The sun was shining when we leaved Forks. It’s actually too bad that we couldn’t
live her any
longe, because I – I have to admit – love Forks. I will always love Forks, and h
e’d promised
me that wesomeday will go back. I can’t wait.
The skin sparkeled like it was covered with diamonds. I liftet my arm so that I
could take a
closer look. It was beautiful. No, I was beautiful. I was the most beautiful wom
an in the .. er,
car. Lucky me, Rosalie was not in this car. I snorted.
And then Forks was behind us.
Chapter 1 - Bella
I can’t believe I’m doing this again. Ten year after my first day at Forks High
School – I’m
here. I’m really here. And it feels great.
“Hello, I’m Edward Cullen, and this is my family. We are going to start classes
The woman looked up and her heart stopped. Jasper chuckled under his breath. The
heart started again, and it hammered fast. Of course, I knew that Edward was – e
xtremely –
attractive, but still, I was annoyed.
“Yes, the Cullen family. I believe I spoke to your father, Carlisle Cullen, am I
“Yes,” Edward answered.
I looked around in the room. The sofa I sat on was green – ugh – and worn. On th
e wall there
was a poster with the University of Alaska Southeast logo. It was freezing cold
here – well,
not forus, but still.
“Rosalie Hale, Emmet Cullen and Jasper Hale – here is your schedule. And there i
s your
classrooms,” she said and pointed. “Any questions?” Rosalie shook her head.
“Isabella Marie Swan and Edward Cullen here is your schedule.” I smiled to her,
and she
smiled back.
“Edward, you have music in your seventh period, and you,” she turned to me, “hav
e art,
okay?” She didn’t wait for our responses. “Alice, here is your schedule.”
We thanked her and left the room. “Good luck,” she said before the door closed.
“So, I guess I see you in..” she looked down at her schedule. “In English, secon
d period.”
“See ‘ya,” she said and hugged me. I kissed her cheeck.
Edward took my hand, and we walked to P.E. He chuckled
“What?” I whispered.
“Can’t wait to see you in the gym,” he asnwered, still chuckled.
“Aw, come on. I’m a vampire now. I’m suppose to be elegant, you know.”
“Yeah, right,” he snorted.
“Shhhh,” I answered and kissed him. “See you, Edward.” I winked.
The gym was .. awful. I tripped over like then times, and Edward just laughed. E
very time he
laughed the girls looked at him. They looked if they were to melt anytime. Annoy
I glared at them and Edward wasstil l laughing.
“Shut it,” I said.
Chapter 2 – Edward
As we walked down the corridor to the cafeteria, I heard their thoughts.
Wow, that boy is really handsome. Maybe that girl is not his boyfriend? Maybe it
is her
sister? They are similar to each other. But ... she is beautiful.
I really wanted to say ‘I now’ to that.
That’s the new girl. She’s hot. And there is the new boy. Ugh! Dereck said he dr
ove an Aston
Martin Vanquish to school today. Wow, he must be rich.
W-o-w. Look at her!
The same as always. It’s quite annoying and I somethimes wish there was an off-b
utton. The
girls stared at me, and the boys stared at Bella. My Bella.I wished they don’t s
tared, because
Bella wasmine. Ten years since I met her. The best ten years of my life. She is
the person I
live for.
We sat down around a table in the cafeteria. Alice Rosalie, Jasper and Emmet was
here, and the girls – or should I say thev a m p iregirls – were babbling about
Clothes, I guess. Emmet and Jasper was speaking about sports. Emmet interrupted
“Well, Bella?” he said, grinning. I know I’m not supposed to say anything about
“Emmet, I heard you.” He frowned. Rosalie smiled and kissed his cheeck.
“How are you feeling?” Jasper asked Bella. She looked confused.
“I mean, being back on school.” He smiled.
“I don’t know,” she said. “I’m quite excited.”
“Really?” Emmet snorted. This woman is damn crazy.
“Emmet,” I moaned. ”Just shut it.”
“Right,” he said and frowned again. Bella just smiled – she looked like an angel
She kissed me on my cheeck, and smiled again. Aw, come on! Jeez, Edward! I glare
d at
Emmet. “I told you toshut it.” He grinned at me, and I rolled my eyes.
“Which sport can I do this year?” Emmet asked, and Jasper elbowed him. “I mean,w
e,” he
corrected himself. Rosalie laughed under her breath.
“What about tracking, honey?” Rosalie answered.
“Ugh! Don’t call me honey, please.” Alice laughed out loud.
I tried to shut out the thoughts, but it wasn’t easy.
Her laugh is like ringing bells. Strange.
“Hey, baby,” someone said behind us. She is hot, I heard. I turned and saw a boy
looking at
Rosalie.He looked interested,she looked annoyed. And bored.
“Hey,” she answered. Oh, God. It’s the same every year. It sucks.
“I’m Dave,” he said, and reached out a hand. Rosalie didn’t take it. He dropped
his arm.
“Hey,” she said again. Bella, Alice, Jasper and I pressed our lips together to n
ot laugh.
Emmet looked irritated.
“Want to hang out tonight?” Dave asked. I am what you want, baby. Just say yes.
“No,” Rosalie answered.Hah! She thought.
“Okay, maybe some other time,” he muttered and walked away. It’s something stran
ge with
her. Well, she is hot, though.
“Emmet, relax,” Alice laughed.
“Yeah, right,” he almost growled.
Chapter 3 – Bella
“Seriously, Alice?” I asked her. Surprisingly, I wanted to hit something.
“Yeah,” she answered, grinning. She had a pair of high heeled shoes in her right
“Ugh! Edward!” I shouted.
“What?” he asked me.
“Please, please tell your sister that I don’t wearkil lheels!”
“Killheels? I think they are pretty nice.” He answered, grinning.
“Ugh!” I moaned.
“Thanks, brother,” Alice chuckled happily. “Come on, Bells! Get those on!”
I grabbed them and throwed them out the window, and then I found my sneakers. Al
ice was in
shock. “Bella,” she moaned. “They were expencive!”
“I don’t care,” I snapped.
“Bella,” Rosalie said.
“What?” I demanded. Edward sent her a look that make her close her moth. She sho
ok her
head. I raised an eyebrow, but she just smiled.
I found my schoolbag, and my jacket.
“I’m ready,” I said.
“You two,” Rosalie said and pointed at me and Edward.
“Drive my Porsche,” Alice finished.
“Why?” Edward complained. “I have my own car.”
“It matches your outfit, Edward,” Emmet shouted from the kitchen. Jasper chuckle
“Ugh!” he moaned.
“Oh!” Alice said. “Carlisle and Esme will be back tonight. We’ll celebrate!”
Edward rolled his eyes at her. Carlisle and Esme had been gone for three months.
They have
been married for over 85 years, and they were now on their honeymoon on Isle Esm
e – again.
“Oh, no.” Rosalie growled. “The mongrel is here.”
“Hey, guys!” Jake shouted.
“Hey, guys!” Nessie shouted. I ran to Renesmee and hugged her. Edward followed,
kissed her on her cheecks.
“Aw, come on,” she said. “Please, mom and dad; don’t do that! I’m almost 15!”
“No, you are six years old, Nessie,” Emmet said, grinning.
“Aw, come on!” she said again. “Someone who wants to play baseball tonight?”
“Now, you’re speaking, girl!” Jasper and Emmet shouted. Nessie and Jacob grinned
“Let’s go, let’s go! We’ll be late for school!” Alice said.
We drove to school in the yellow Porsche, and when we arrived everybody was star
ing at the
car. The boys on the school pointed and gasped. They had starts in their eyes.
“Is that a ...?” a boy asked Edward.
Edward nodded and grinned.
“Wow,” he said. “A Porsche.”
“Do you want to try it?” Edward asked? The boy looked shocked. “What?”
“I said; do you want to try it?” The boy just nodded, and Edward handed him the
keys. The
boys sat carefully down into the carseat, and sighed happily as he started the e
ngine. Edward
chuckled, and wrapped his arm around my waist. He kissed me on the top of my hea
“This car is ...awesome!” The boy said. “Oh, I’m Jeb, by the way.”
“I’m Edward Cullen, and this is my wi-“ I interrupted him. “I’m hisgirlfri end I
Swan, but you can call me Bella.”
“Whoa, you are pretty, Bella,” he said.
“Thank you, Jeb,” I anwered and smiled.
Chapter 4 – Edward
“Do you think Ness- er, I meanRenesmee and Jake will be fine today?” She asked m
“Don’t worry, love,” I answered and kissed her. She sighed. The other girls was
envy at her
– at Bella. Well, I know we look beautiful to human, but still. I was weird, was
n’t I?
I kissed her. The taste, the smell. It was wonderful. She pulled away.
“We’ll be late for class,” she murmured. She kissed me one more time.
“We could drop class, you know,” I replied into her hair.
“I know we could,” she said, giggling. “Come on,” she said and began to walk.
Whoa, that boy is freakin’ hot! She can’t be his girlfriend.He’s too hot for her
I wanted to argue. Bella turned and smiled. She introduced us to our new teacher
, Mr. Banner.
“Well, Isabella,” Mr. Manner said. “Tell us something about yourself.”
“Um, Okay. I’m Isabella Swan – but I prefer Bella – and I’ve just moved here tog
ether with
my parents who adopted me. And this is Edward Cullen – my boyfriend.”
Damn it, I heard someone thought. I couldn’t hear if it was a boy or a girl. Mr.
Banner just
nodded. “Edward, tell us something about yourself.”
“I’m Edward Cullen, and like Bella said; I’m her boyfriend.” I grinned. “I like
cars,” I
added. Bella chuckled under her breath, to low for human ears.
“Well, Isabella and Edward; you can take your seats. I wish you good luck this y
ear in
biology. Okay, kids, page 344.”
I opened my book and turned on the right page. Come on, Sue.Don’t be a chicken.
“Hey, I’m Sue,” someone said. I looked up from my book and saw into a very beaut
iful –
not as beautiful as Bella, of course – human face.
“Hey,” I answered, a little bit annoyed, but I tried to be polite. I smiled at h
“So, are you enjoying your first day at school?”
“Actually, my first day was yesterday, but yeah, it’s great.” Wow, he’s nice too
. Hot and
nice, that’s the kind of boy I deserve. Too bad he has a girlfriend. She is pret
ty, though.
“Just wanted to ask if you want to hang out tonight or something?” She said and
I tried to be polite. “I’m sorry, I have to babysit for my little sister tonight
He seems really nice.
“Okay,” she said and turned. Bella scowled at her. I chuckled and kissed her on
her nose.
She relaxed a bit. Ugh! He should kiss me on my nose.
The bell rang, and as we walked down the corridor I smelled them. I didn’t recog
nize the
scent; It was something I’d never smelled before. The smell was burning in the n
ose, and then
I saw them. They reminded me a bit of Jacob Black; very tan and muscular. Bella
saw them
too, and she frowned. She put a hand on my cheeck and liftet her shield off.
Who are they? “I don’t know,” I said, too low for human ears to hear.
They smell bad, she thought. I wanted to chuckle, but I just nodded. “Let’s spea
k to the
others,” I said. She nodded.
When we met up with the others and told them about the people and the smell jas
per and emmet both gasped werewolves but how i asked i thought you said werewol
ves live in europe they do edward answered but some times the travel until they
find a place thats safe then they settle down with the rest of there pack I thin
k we should have jacob go to school with us just for a while just to keep an eye
on them absolutly not bella said i will not put jake in any harm no one said ab
out harming him bells we just need him to watch them.ok edward but im couting on
you to watch out for jake .
when we got home I asked jacob to come and talk with me jake i need a favor what
is it bells we need you to go to school with us for a while why because there
are werewolves at the school what how do you know because we smelled them and th
e smell like you but worse ok bells ill do this for you thank you jacob one ques
tion though how are we gonna tell Renesmee i dont know jake but i guess we shoul
d tell her now ok bella right behind you when we came in everyone was in the liv
ing room i sat down next to edward and jake sat nex to renesmee. ness i need to
tell you something ok jacob what is it im going to be going oh jacob pleaze do
nt tell me your going back to forks i need you what no ness i would never leave
you what i was gonna say is that im go be going to school with your parents why
jacob i looked at edward and he looked at me and said tell her .there are werewo
lves at the school and your parents want me to spy on them and make shure they a
ren t up to anything jacob mom and dad and to the rest of you i want you to know
that if jacob goes to school then i go no we all said but why because ness you
cant protect yourself like we can and you cant stop your craving for blood yes
i can and im going why dont you guys just let her go emmet said theres no way sh
e could get in trouble or be in any danger not with jacob and the rest of us aro
und i agree with emmet jasper said what do you think edward i guess if she goes
we can keep an eye on her and we wont miss her as much and Rosalie isnt gonna le
t her out of her sight right rose you got that right so bella what do you think
ok ok but jacob you have to be in every class with her how am i going to do that
bells no problem edward said i can handle that ok hey jasper can you get some p
aper work for jacob and renesmee yeah how soon by tomorrow ok they start tomorr
ow ok.
Jacob and i were the first ones up the next morning we went hunting and than got
ready for school ness come on were all gonna be late im coming when she came do
wn every one was looking she looked so pretty and so ready for her first day whe
n she got down stairs so she asked how do i look you look gorgeous so dad are yo
u driving us no jacob is in what why dont you go see oh mom dad got us a Lamborg
hini thank you dad no problem i new jacob would want this consider this an early
gift if you know what i mean yeah thanks what are you two talking about nottin
ok ok alice said were gonna be late lets go when we got to schoo every one was l
ooking at us and staring at jacob and renesmee we read there thoughts girls wer
e talking about jacob and how hot he was and guys were saying how hot and what t
hey would do to renesmee which made edward, emmet,jasper and jacob all mad calm
down i said were supposed to be regular kids i know they said but cant we just n
o i said now jacob go with ness to class and we will see you guys at lunch ok co
me on ness ok but befor she could say anything else jacob kissed her and than lo
oked at all the guys staring at her with a smirk on his face emmet said nice one
so did jasper so when we entered the class every one looked at jacob and me i f
elt scared but jake held my hand the teacher said our names and asked us about o
urselves i said hi my name is renesmee cullen and i date him and all the girls
frowned and so did the guys next the teacher asked me my name i said jacob black
she said tell us something about yourself i said im dateing renesmee cullen an
d im native american she said ok the day went by fast after that next thing i kn
ow it s lunch we walk in and we see the family sitting down we pull up a chair b
ell asked ness hows it going while the rest of us talk about football thats when
the smell hit me i stood up and edward asked me whats wrong i said i smell them
and there s more than 5 coming this way everyone got quiet and than they walked
in they sat right next to us i sat down and started to to to edward and the res
t of them with that thing they can do i said your right they are werewolves and
they smell than i looked at ness and saw she was looking in there direction so i
turned and looked and one of them was looking at her and growling thats when i
got mad i turned around and showed him my eyes and they turned black he looked a
t me and then laughed and said this is gonna be fun it took everthing i had not
to let emmet loose on them but ness said she was ok after that we went to class
ness was sitting in her seat when she was called to the office.....

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