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How to Approach

G.S. Geography


What is it?
Geography is one of the major disciplines that help fulfill peoples quest for knowledge about their
surroundings.Many a times, it is geographical phenomena, which influences the social, cultural, political, economic
and technological landscape. Whether it is the social practice of migration & transhumance; cultural aspects related
to art and crafts or food and clothing; political dimensions like geopolitics and geostrategy; economic dimensions
related to the primary, secondary or tertiary sectors or technological aspects related to innovationsin the field of
mining, climate control, and transportation etc. These are all primarily related to Geographical dimensions. We can
unarguably say that Geography gives usfundamental knowledge of spatial dimensions related to whatever is
happening around us.
Why in Examination?
Thus it is hardly any surprise that UPSC has included Geography in the General Studies section of both Prelims and
Mains. A good understanding of Geography not only helps civil servants better understand the underlying reasons of
the manyhappenings in the world,but also evolve better plans and ensure efficient execution geared towards a more
inclusive and sustainable development.
The Examination Perspective
Discussing the Geography section from an examination perspective and looking at the syllabus of Prelims and Mains
in detail, as well as past few years papers (preferably since 2007), one gets a fair bit of idea on what and how to
prepare for the exam. The new NCERTs of Class IX to XII along with G.C. Leong and a good school atlasforms the
fundamental reference sources.
Given below is the list of books and other reference sources:
Class IX NCERT: Contemporary India Part-I
Class X NCERT: Contemporary India Part-II
Class XI NCERT:Fundamentals of Physical Geography
Class XI NCERT:Indian Physical Environment
Class XII NCERT:Fundamentals of Human Geography
Class XII NCERT:India, People and Economy
Certificate Physical and Human Geography by Goh Cheng Leong, Oxford University Press
School Atlas by any good publisher like Oxford University press, Orient Longman, DK etc.
Keeping track of related articles in The Hindu, Yojana etc.
If one can get hold of the old Land and People series (published in the nineties), class VI, VII,VIII, and IX
NCERT books, then these could be referred for the World geography section (anyways we will be taking care of
these sections in the classroom and the content provided).
There are some secondary reference sources along with content on some current issues, which could also be
covered for a comprehensive preparation. We shall discuss this later.
Keeping the Focus Right
One important thing that needs to be constantly kept in mind is that one must go through the syllabus along with
the questions asked in Prelims as well as Mains, before and after completing each section. This will help in ensuring
that based on your understanding; you pick up the most relevant aspects from the examination perspective. This will
also help in building confidence that you would be able to answer the questions UPSC has asked from those sections.
If you could answer the present set of questions, there is no reason why you will not be able to answer the
questions that would be asked in the future. Just one more important thing - you also need to practice answer
writing and hone your presentation skills. This is where we will help you to overcome the initial inertia, and put you
in a disciplined routine of regularly answering in the classroom program.


Another note of caution is that the data available in these books is generally old. So one should not pick the data
from NCERTs and should rather refer the latest India Year Book (published by the Government of India, Publication
Division) and Economic Survey of the given year, Census 2011 and updated government sources (websites).
Regarding the trends in recent years, the questions have not been too factual, rather mostly conceptual and
application oriented ones. So our focus should be more towards developing conceptual clarity and the application
of these concepts.
A Plan of Action (for the Classroom Students)
Now arises the question on how to complete these readings. One way to cover these would be to design your
personal study program. Try to create a schedule: an orderly, systematic approach is not only beneficial but also
critical in an examination like the UPSC CSE. Preferably dedicate a consistent block of time everyday of the week.
You can also set a few learning outcomesfor a chapter after browsing through it quickly. Then go for a thorough
reading. Once you complete it, see whether the learning outcomes you predicted made sense and helped you
answer the questions given at the end of the chapter.
Classroom students are suggested to read the following NCERT Books before attending the particular class so that
the class discussion will prove to be more fruitful.
Class 1
Tentative list of topics to be covered: The Universe, solar system, origin and evolution of the earth, earth
movements and related aspects, geological time scale, interior of the earth, formation of earths crust, oceans and
Basic References ( BR): 1. Chap. 1 - The Earth and the Universe, Chap. 2 - The earths crust, G.C. Leong;
NCERT Class 11 fundamentals of Geog. - Chap. 2. The Origin and Evolution of the Earth, 3. Interior of the Earth.
Class 2
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Continental drift, seafloor spreading , endogenetic and exogenetic forces and
basics of plate tectonics, some ideas about supercontinents etc., seismicity, volcanicity, Tsunami etc. and associated
BR: Chap. 4 - Distribution of Oceans and Continents -NCERT Class 11 fundamentals of Geog.;
G.C. Leong - Chap. 3 - Vulcanism and Earthquakes.
Class 3
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Continued from previous class, mountain building, island formations,hotspots
etc. , rock types and formations, geomorphic processes, ground water.
BR: Chap. 5. Minerals and Rocks, 6. Geomorphic Processes - NCERT Class 11 fundamentals of Geog.; G.C. Leong Chap. 4 - Weathering, Mass Movement and Groundwater
Class 4
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Continued from previous class, different types of landforms and landscape
BR: Chap. 7. Landforms and their Evolution, NCERT Class 11 fundamentals of Geog.;
G.C. Leong Chap. 5,6,7,8,9,10. ( Note: these chapters will take time so plan accordingly)


Class 5
Tentative list of topics to be covered: India: Physical formation, physiography, drainage, structure and relief and
basics of soils etc.
BR: Chap. 2. Structure and Physiography, 3. Drainage System NCERT class 11- India Physical.
Class 6
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Composition and Structure of atmosphere, weather and its associated aspects.
BR: G.C. Leong chap 13 - weather, ;
NCERT : 8. Composition and Structure of Atmosphere - class 11 Fundamentals of Physical geog.
Class 7
Tentative list of topics to be covered: insolation, earths heat balance, different atmospheric circulations - global
winds, cyclones,
BR: NCERT- class 11 Fundamentals of Physical geog. 9. Solar Radiation, Heat Balance and Temperature, 10.
Atmospheric Circulation and Weather Systems
Class 8
Tentative list of topics to be covered: continued from previous class, Precipitation types, and climate and different
world climates.
BR: NCERT- class 11 Fundamentals of Physical geog. - 11. Water in the Atmosphere, 12. World Climate and Climate
G.C. Leong - 14. Climate , and climate related parts of the following chapters - 15. The Hot, Wet Equatorial Climate,
16. The Tropical Monsoon and Tropical Marine Climates, 17. The Savanna or Sudan Climate, 18. The Hot Desert and
Mid - Latitude Desert Climates, 19. The Warm Temperate Western Margin (Mediterranean) Climate, 20. The
Temperate Continental (Steppe) Climate, 21. The Warm Temperate Eastern Margin (China Type) Climate, 22. The
Cool Temperate Western Margin (British Type) Climate, 23, The Cool Temperate Continental (Siberian) Climate, 24.
The Cool Temperate Eastern Margin (Lauren-tian) Climate, 25. The Arctic or Polar Climate .
Class 9
Tentative list of topics to be covered: continued from previous class, miscellaneous other topics like el nino, la nina,
enso, urban climate, applied climatology, heat island etc.
BR: refer the internet and our content
Class 10
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Indian aspects of climate
BR: NCERT class 11 - India Physical environment - chap. 4. Climate
Class 11
Tentative list of topics to be covered: basics about oceans and ocean resources
BR: NCERT- class 11 Fundamentals of Physical geog. - UNIT V: WATER (OCEANS) -chap. 13. Water (Oceans), 14.
Movements of Ocean Water.
G.C. Leong : 12. The Oceans
Class 12
Tentative list of topics to be covered: continued from previous class, coral reefs, islands and Indian ocean related
aspects ( India specific)


Class 13
Tentative list of topics to be covered: organisms, Ecology , ecosystem, food chain
BR: NCERT - Biology Class 12 - Chap 13. Organism and population, chap. 14 Ecosystem
Class 14
Tentative list of topics to be covered: biodiversity, environmental issues and climate change.
BR: NCERT - Biology Class 12 - Chap 15. biodiversity and conservation, chap.16 Environmental issues
Class 15
Tentative list of topics to be covered: International conventions and related national and international
BR: See some basics on Internet about the above mentioned issues.
World Geography: 6 Classes
1. Here we will cover the different aspects either continentwise or we will take up specific dimension and see the
global spatial pattern.
2. Cover the following G.C. Leong section as per the class topics covered, preferably before these world Geography
classes start, as the chapters have mixed the continents taking up a specific climatic region in all continent.
G.C. Leong - Non-climate related parts of the following chapters - 15. The Hot, Wet Equatorial Climate, 16. The Tropical
Monsoon and Tropical Marine Climates, 17. The Savanna or Sudan Climate, 18. The Hot Desert and Mid - Latitude Desert
Climates, 19. The Warm Temperate Western Margin (Mediterranean) Climate, 20. The Temperate Continental (Steppe)
Climate, 21. The Warm Temperate Eastern Margin (China Type) Climate, 22. The Cool Temperate Western Margin (British
Type) Climate, 23, The Cool Temperate Continental (Siberian) Climate, 24. The Cool Temperate Eastern Margin (Laurentian) Climate, 25. The Arctic or Polar Climate .

3. Here one can read the Old Land and People series Geography class 6 -8 NCERT books , if available
Class 16
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Continentwise ( Physcial factors and resources, vegetation etc.) coverage :
Asia , Austalia and pacific
BR: Old Land and People series NCERTs of class 6 and 8; Related sections from G.C. Leong book.
class 17
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Continentwise ( Physcial factors and resources, vegetation etc.) coverage :
Africa, Europe
BR: Old Land and People series NCERTs class 6 and 7; Related sections from G.C. Leong book.
class 18
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Continentwise ( Physcial factors and resources, vegetation etc.) coverage :
North and South America and the Poles
BR:Old Land and People series NCERTs class 6 and 7 ; Related sections from G.C. Leong book.


Class 19
Tentative list of topics to be covered: population, Settlement and development.
BR:NCERT Class 12 - Fundamentals of Human Geography: Chap. 2. The World Population Distribution, Density and
Growth, 3. Population Composition, 4. Human Development
10. Human Settlements ; Related sections from G.C. Leong book.
Class 20
Tentative list of topics to be covered: factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary industries in various
parts of the world
BR: NCERT Class 12 - Fundamentals of Human Geography: Chap. 5. Primary Activities
6. Secondary Activities; Related sections from G.C. Leong book.
Class 21
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Services sector, International trade.
8. Transport and Communication
9. International Trade
BR: NCERT Class 12 - Fundamentals of Human Geography: Chap. 7. Tertiary and Quaternary Activities, 8. Transport
and Communication, 9. International Trade; Related sections from G.C. Leong.
Indian Geography : 4 Classes - Students who face some difficulty in starting with class 11 and 12 India section can also
refer to class 9 and 10 Geography NCERT books.
Class 22
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Resources & Primary Sector
BR: NCERT Class 11 - Indian Physical Environment : Chap.5. Natural Vegetation, 6. Soils,
NCERT Class 12 - India, People and Economy: Chap. 5. Land Resources and Agriculture, 6. Water Resources, 7.
Mineral and Energy Resources
Class 23
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Secondary and tertiary Sectors, International trade
BR: NCERT Class 12 - India, People and Economy: Chap. 8. Manufacturing Industries, 10. Transport and
Communication, 11. International Trade
Class 24
Tentative list of topics to be covered: population, urban and rural issues, settlement, migration
BR: NCERT Class 12 - India, People and Economy: Chap. 1. Population : Distribution, Density, Growth and
Composition, Chap. 2. Migration : Types, Causes and Consequences, 4. Human Settlements
Class 25
Tentative list of topics to be covered: Human development, planning and development, Natural hazards, disasters
and their management
BR: NCERT Class 12 - India, People and Economy: Chap. 3. Human Development, 9. Planning and Sustainable
Development in Indian Context, 12. Geographical Perspective on Selected Issues and Problems,
NCERT Class 11 - Indian Physical Environment : chap.7. Natural Hazards and Disasters


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