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Manuel Maez

Notebook 4
2i. Visit a public space that is connected to your issue. Take your notebook with you.
Meander through the space for at least an hour (or situate yourself somewhere you
can watch from for the whole hour). Observe the people you see and in your notes,
describe (using sensory details) what youre seeing and what is going on. Make your
description as creative (while maintaining accuracy) and as lively as possible,
encompassing the entire essence of the space within one good, descriptive

I took a visit to the veteran hospital in Salt Lake City this past week.
Warmth was felt thru the air yet the chives and chills of the patients showed on
every face that passed me as I sit and watch as every visitor enters through the
lobby doors. The chills are not from the ice or cold, but the fear of being forgotten or
forgetting those brothers they have lost in combat and the feeling that send cold
chills through their veins no matter the warmth that feels the air around them. The
fear like an ice cold needle being shoved through the heart and soul without the loss
of life.

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