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Manuel Maez

Notebook entry 5

2f. Write a letter to one of your sources or to a politician whose ideas you
disagree with. Explain, respectfully, why you disagree with their ideas.
Explain your own ideas. Discuss where you think compromises
could/should be made between you and the audience for your letter.

I have decided to write a letter to the American People, explaining why my issue has
been pushed aside long enough and needs to be taken seriously.

Dear American people,

America, has a plague of many issues that are tearing this country apart slowly
piece by piece at this very moment. Most of Americas and its leadership have their
sights on the circus that is our presidential race during this term. So until the
presidential race hits the finish line and the smoke has cleared. Many American
families will be continued to be let down every day in the wake of this temporary
blindness we have disabled ourselves with. The rate of veterans taking their own
lives as an effect of PTSD, and other mental issues and or disabilities that haunt
their minds on day to day bases with daily struggles for their lives. In the wake of
their military service and or continuing military service. These brave men and
women and their families are begging for change from a country that is happy to
have them fight for them in battle, but this country is not willing to fight for these
veterans on health care issues here on the home front where these veterans are
crying for help.

I know major health care changes cant be made over night for these service
men and women, but how along does this change really need to take? We have
been fighting in these wars for almost 13 years and most likely more wars in the
Middle East to come. Im asking and begging, please devote a voice of change
across our great land and give these veterans the love and support they deserve.
Im Manuel Maez former Marine and four time Combat veteran would like to
thank you for listening. Also take the time to really think about this issue and take
time to thank a veteran for his or her service. God Bless America.

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