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) Start a second sheet and name it:

2.) Insert your data set:

3.) Back on first sheet use data validation from the data tab.. Select list under validation criteria.

4.) Choose the project name as the source from the other sheet or where ever it is located.

Choosing A:A will select the whole column. With ignore blanks, the blank spots shouldnt show
up in your drop down unil it has data (although I notice some with mine). This will allow you to
grow your table.
5.) Bring in your data title names or better yet, reference them if you think they may change.

6.) Use index and match to find your data. (better than vlookup in my opinion as things dont have
to be in order)

All this equation is doing is checking where things are.

Index finds things in an array of x wide and y big.
Match finds where this data lands on the x or y.
With this information this can spit back a value where the two intersect.
For example:



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