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At the opticians

Do you offer free eye tests?

I'd like to have an eye test, please
I need a new
pair of glasses
pair of reading glasses
glasses' case
Could I order some more contact lenses?
The frame on these glasses is broken
Can you repair it?
Do you sell sunglasses?
How much are these designer frames?
My eyesight's getting worse
Do you wear contact lenses?
Are you short-sighted or long-sighted?
Could you read out the letters on the chart, starting at the top?
Could you close your left eye, and read this with your right?
Do you do hearing tests?
Cataract patients still facing postcode lottery
Published: 21/09/2016
NHS patients in England face waiting up to 15 months in a postcode lottery, a new Royal National Institute of Blind
People (RNIB) report has found.Data found significant differences in waiting times for NHS cataract treatment
from first outpatient appointment to cataract surgery itself across Englands CCGs in 2015/16.Patients served by
Enfield CCG waited 467 days on average for cataract treatment, while Luton CCG patients waited just 15.
Fazilet Hadi, RNIB group director of engagement, said: 'Health secretary Jeremy Hunt said access to cataract
treatment should be based on clinical need first and foremost. RNIB agrees but our latest research proves that this is
not what is happening. The postcode lottery of services means patients with cataracts are regularly being denied
access to timely treatment on the basis of where they live.
Cataract operations are the most common surgical procedure carried out on the NHS, with 394,661 operations
performed in 2015/16. The RNIB said patients who have early access to cataract surgery may experience fewer hiprelated fractures from falling

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