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Theyd always been close, he thought to himself, gazing at her long

locks shimmering under the candlelight, true not as close as the
others but good friends nevertheless. The problem was that he had
never been able to be ever truly alone with her, there were always so
many others with them: tutors, sword-masters, fathers, healers The
list was endless. Yet, every time he was with her lately, it felt like they
were alone, just the two of them in their own small pocket of the
Like now for example, just looking at her made him feel detached
from the rest of the world, absorbing the long, straight and narrow
fingers as she waved them in midair, adding effect to whatever
bewitching stories were spilling out of those rosebud lips. He watched
as that same tempting grin rose up into a full-blown smile and then
transformed into the golden laugh that burst out and seemed to
swallow him whole. What wouldnt he do for that bubbling expression
of joy!
He reminisced on all those hours spent trying to make her laugh and
smirk and cry, just to revel in the expressivity of that sweet face he
loved. She had the habit of grimacing and punching him when she
realized she had been tricked, but even that show of anger was
endearing. Her face reddened and her voice lowered menacingly, and
when she was truly furious her eyes sparked dangerously in her
efforts to control her temper.
He had the knack of knowing how to defuse that electricity that ran
through her in those moments, when a well-worded joke or witty bite
of sarcasm would transform her angry adrenaline into unrestrained
laughter. He grinned at the memory of their latest argument.
She had rebelled against the thought of their riding out and leaving
her behind, prepared as she was for fighting. He knew she grew bored
when abandoned too long at the castle, weary of the petty
disagreements that seemed to abound in the confined walls of the
court. How often she had groused about how meaningless the
conflicts were, how tedious to defuse! But on this occasion he had no
say in the matter, else he would have saddled her horse himself.
Royal decree denied his offering her a position in his company, not
when a state of war had not yet been declared, but, caddish as it was,
he almost wished they had been riding into battle, just so he could
have her at his side.
Fortunately the political situation had been rapidly sorted, making
both his secret desire and her rebellious itch redundant, after all the
feasting they now enjoyed certainly broke the monotony of a season
shut up in the stone walls. Revelers crowded the hall, their finery
bright as they circled endlessly to the cheerful reels. The hum of the

crowd seemed to echo his thrumming heartbeat as he pushed

through the colorful scene.
Step by step he approached her and her retinue of worshippers, she
looked at him with a question in her gaze as he held out his hand.
Aravis, would you join me for this dance? Her smooth skin glistened
as her hand fit neatly into his palm, Certainly dear Corin, twould be
an honour
A/N: So I have to admit, Im a lover of Cor/Aravis myself, but I
just couldnt get this thought out of my head. I mean poor
Corin, I know he doesnt mind in the books, but Cor does
seem to get everything and I could imagine it would be hard
for the twin to see him get the gorgeous girl they grew up
with too. Anyhoo, hope you enjoy it!

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