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Zamboanga Chong Hua High

Name: Al-Jazi Raye Q. Mating


Year And Section: 7-Quezon

Title: All Over The World
Author: Vicente Rivera Jr.

Characters and their corresponding descriptions

Maria- straight, small and finely moulded nose and lips that is full and
Felix-An author
Mang Lucio-A janitor of the apartment and Uncle of Maria

Cherish what you have now because the future is uncertain.

In times of war even friendship can be destroyedand In the evening
when the noise of living had died down and you lay safe in bed ,you could
dream of better times look back and ahead, and find that life could be
gentle even with the hardness

1. Partitioned- The act or process of dividing something into parts.
2. Apprehension- fear or anxiety about something.
3. Whistling- to make a high sound by forcing air through a small
hole or passage
, especially through the lips, or through
a special device held to the lips.
4. Ghostly- of, characteristic of, or resembling a ghost; phantasmal.
5. Crumbling- to break into small fragments or crumbs.
6. Tenseness- in a state of mental or nervous strain; high-strung.
7. Restraint- holding back, controlling, or checking.
8. Permeated- to pass into or through every part.
9. Grinding- to wear, smooth, or sharpen by abrasion or friction.
10. Onslaught- an onset, assault, or attack, especially a
vigorous one.


The story revolves around a twenty-one year old man named Felix who has
been living in an old, nearly crumbling apartment house who met an eleven
year-old girl named Maria, which became his friend on a latter part of the
story. He lives with his three cousins at a room at the ground floor of the
apartment. The timeline of the story started at August, a warm month, runs
through rainy season months, November and December and ended during a
war that broke out on the same year, 1941.
He first met Maria on one night after watching a movie. On his way home, as
he turned into the courtyard from the street where the movie house is, he
notices that the light over their study table is still on. He thought that maybe
he has forgotten to turn off the light and on was his cousins. As he went
around the low screen that partitioned off their study,he saw a girl with
long, straight hair falling to her shoulders and is wearing a faded blue dress.
The girl was reading one of his books, Greek Myths. He has never seen the
girl before. The girl turned to him with eyes wide and darkened a little by
apprehension. The girl has straight, small and finely molded nose and lips
that are full and red. A little while, the girl stood up slowly and closed the
book she was reading. Before the girl leaves, Felix handed her the book so
she can continue reading it. The girl hesitantly and shyly took the book from
Felix. Felix learned that the girls name was Maria and she has been living
with her uncle, Mang Lucio, the janitor of the apartment.
A week later, one early evening he met Maria again. Maria was walking
ahead of him. He greeted Maria and she smiled back. Maria told her that she
has finished the book and will return it to him. They walked down Magallanes
Street in Intramuros heading to their apartment house. Felix told Maria his
name as she put the book on his hand. He then walks to his room whistling.
For the third time, he saw Maria at Bonifacio Dirve. There, he saw Maria
sitting on a bench which is looking at her with a half-smile. They had
conversation. He learned that Maria goes to different places as often as she
can and that both parents of Maria were already dead and she has an elder
married sister in the Province. He also learned that Maria is in sixth grade in
school. They became friends from then on.
Some days have passed and it was rainy season already. In December, they
had their first air-raid practice. Felix came home one night through darkened
streets, peopled by shadows. There was a ragged look to everything, as if no
one and nothing cared any more for appearances. As soon as he reached his
room, the siren shrilled. After changing clothes, he went out of the corridor
and sat on a chair. It was dark, darker than the moment after moon-set. All
around him were movements and voices, anonymous and hushed, even
when they laughed. Maria was standing beside his chair and has told him
that she doesnt like the darkness at that night, darkness that is all over the
world. They both did not speak until the lights were on and Maria was gone.
Not long after, a war broke out.At first, everything was unreal to Felix, it felt
like he was in a motion picture screen , but the sounds of bomb exploding
were real enough, thudding dully against the unready ear. People in the
Intramuros have already left their homes, and so were Felix and his cousins.

They transferred to Singalong. One noon time, Felix went to his office. There
were few vehicles about. Air-raid alerts were frequent. The brightness of the
day seemed glaring. The faces of people were all pale and drawn. Then he
went to their old apartment but he has not seen anyone except for a
volunteer. The volunteer as him if he was looking for someone and if he has
left something behind, He answered yes but he thinks he has lost it already.
Then the volunteer told him to leave as the place has been ordered to be
evacuated and nobody lives there anymore.

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