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Regarding the Introduction.

doc (file to be amended) file:

Due to the client being from the UAE, please change some words that seem to
condemn Saudi Arabia directly.
So, underlined in two categories are any footnotes or writing:
1- Underlined with red: please change it totally
2- Underlined with black: revise that and check if its fine, and the writer from
his experience have freedom to change it or not, because there are some
things that are not understandable.

1. Improve the introduction to a higher standard and please correct the
2. Check the underlined texts in foot notes and writings

Chapter 2:
Check texts underlined in foot notes and writings

Chapter 3:
1. Add 1000 words, addressing opinion of professionals and researchers
2. Check the underlined texts

1. Add 1000 words by critical evaluation of the similarities

1. Check the underlined texts

And finally put all work in one word file.

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