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Google Classroom Professional Development Grant Proposal

Brad Boykin
William Foster
Amanda Mears
Meagan Oakley
Georgia Southern University


Google Classroom Professional Development Grant Proposal

The present proposal seeks to enhance instruction and collaboration at Lee County
Middle School East Campus by effectively integrating Google Classroom. The outlined goals
and objectives are designed to increase support with the implementation of Google Classroom
for teachers by identifying Google Apps School Guides who will facilitate collaborative handson training, therefore increasing teacher proficiency and use of this technology. Activities
included in the present proposal that enable mastery of the goals include identification of
teachers proficient in the use of Google Classroom to serve as guides, formal training for these
guides, cooperative planning among these guides to outline professional development for
teachers regarding the effective implementation of Google Classroom, and ongoing support for
teachers through Google group collaboration. By accomplishing the goals defined in this
proposal, we expect to see an increase in the use of Google Classroom at Lee County Middle
School East Campus to improve collaboration and instruction. Additionally, we expect an
increase in teacher confidence and ability to apply the features of Google Classroom discussed
during training. Evidence regarding the success of the activities will be gathered through teacher
observations, teacher responses on the technology needs survey, and teacher responses on the
Google Classroom training perceptions questionnaire.
Demonstrated Need
In the spring of 2015, the teachers at Lee County Middle School East Campus completed
a technology needs survey. This data was collected for school improvement planning and
analysis of the results revealed a professional development need. Teachers were asked to
identify web-based programs and mobile applications they utilized for instruction, their
proficiency level using Google Apps and Google Classroom, wishes for future technology and


professional development, and more. Of the 41 teachers that participated in the survey, only 12
teachers (29%) selected Google Classroom as a web-based program used for instruction.
Additionally, one survey question required teachers to rank their ability level utilizing Google
Classroom. Only 40 percent of teachers selected a level four and eight percent selected level
five, level five being the highest ranking permitted. These statistics, along with other data from
the survey that can be located in Appendix A, indicate a need for professional development and
support to utilize the features of Google Classroom to increase teacher confidence and the use of
this technology at Lee County Middle School East Campus. Furthermore, 20 out of 41 teachers
specifically requested training in Google Classroom. This data can be located in Appendix A.
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1: By March 30, 2016 Google Apps School Guides will be identified and formally
trained in the use of Google Classroom features and will collaborate to plan professional
development activities as well as support strategies to ensure effective implementation at Lee
County Middle School East Campus. The ongoing training and support offered by these guides
will increase teacher ability with this technology as recorded on the technology needs survey
from 48% (level 4 and 5) to 75% (level 4 and 5).

The technology director will work with administrators to identify Google Apps School
Guides (one teacher per grade level, one SPED teacher, and one administrator) by
considering responses regarding proficiency with Google Classroom on the technology
needs survey.

The technology director will attend the Admin Console Technical Retreat to receive
training on Google Apps for Education in preparation to serve as an effective leader
during the implementation of this technology.


The technology director and the Google Apps School Guides will attend the EdTech
Southern Summit featuring Google for Education to receive high-intensity training
focused on deploying, integrating, and using Google Apps for Education.

Google Apps School Guides will collaborate to provide professional development and
support for the remaining teachers at Lee County Middle School East Campus regarding
the implementation of Google Classroom.

Goal 2: By May 26, 2017, upon completion of hands-on collaborative professional

development provided by Google Apps School Guides, teacher use of Google Classroom to
enhance instruction and collaboration will increase from 29% to 59% as recorded on the
technology needs survey at Lee County Middle School East Campus.

Teachers will participate in monthly hands-on collaborative workshops facilitated by a

Google Apps School Guide to learn effective ways to implement the features of Google
Classroom to improve instruction and increase collaboration.

Teachers will have access to ongoing support by participating in a Google group

discussion forum facilitated by a Google Apps School Guide. Teachers in each grade
level will use these groups to collaborate as well as to share resources and ideas.

Plan of Operation
In an analysis by Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman, and Yoon (2001) several features and
structures of professional development that yield positive effects are reported. Findings from
this study indicate that duration, collective participation, and the core features (i.e., content,
active learning, and coherence) should be focused on in order to improve outcomes of
professional development (Garet, Porter, Desimone, Birman, & Yoon, 2001, p. 936). The


professional development activities outlined below were designed with these ideas in mind. This
plan includes opportunities for collaboration among teachers and grade level experts in order to
ensure successful and effective implementation of Google Classroom. The professional
development will focus on implementing Google Classroom to enhance instruction and improve
collaboration among members of the school community. Active participation will be encouraged
during training by providing opportunities to utilize the features of Google Classroom to design
instruction, assessments, and plan for opportunities to increase collaboration. In addition, a plan
for sustainability is included to ensure that teachers in each department continue to share new
learning and ideas after the professional development activities are completed.
To accomplish goal one, the technology director that serves grades 6-12 will meet with
school administrators at Lee County Middle School East Campus in November to review data
from the technology needs survey in order to identify teachers who will serve as Google Apps
School Guides. This activity was derived from Google for Educations article titled Guide to
Going Google ( Responses regarding confidence and proficiency using Google Apps
and Google Classroom will be considered when choosing candidates. One teacher from each
grade level, a candidate from the Special Education Department, and one administrator will be
selected to attend the EDTECH Southern Summit to participate in formal training.
In March, these candidates will attend the 4th annual EdTech Southern Summit featuring
Google for Education along with the technology director. This training will assist these guides in
deploying, integrating, and using Google Apps for Education (and other Google tools) to
promote student learning ( Additionally, the technology


director will attend the Admin Console Technical Retreat the day before the summit begins in
order to offer leadership during the implementation of Google Classroom.
Finally, the members of the Google Apps School Guides team will participate in a fullday collaborative planning at the end of March to brainstorm ideas for effectively implementing
Google Classroom at Lee County Middle School East Campus. Ideas and strategies from the
EdTech Southern Summit training will be considered to create a brief list of ways to integrate
Google Apps and Google Classroom in each grade level to enhance instruction and improve
collaboration. This list will be posted in Google Drive where it can be accessed by the faculty.
Additionally, simple documents outlining how to use the different Google Apps and features of
Google Classroom will be created and posted in Google Drive where they can be accessed by the
faculty as support documents for training and maintenance. During this planning time, guides
will also set up a Google group to facilitate discussion and sharing among the teachers within the
grade level they will be training. These groups will be utilized as an ongoing professional
development measure once initial training is complete. The final task for this collaborative
planning day includes collaboration between members of the Google Apps School Guides team
to design lesson outlines for redelivery of training. This will ensure that teachers at each grade
level receive similar training in the implementation of Google Apps and Google Classroom. All
of these activities will support mastery of goal one. The training and collaborative planning
experienced by the team of Google Apps School Guides will prepare them to lead useful and
relevant professional development activities and incorporate effective support strategies to
increase teacher ability in applying the features of Google Classroom at Lee County Middle
School East Campus.


To accomplish goal two, the Google Apps School Guides will deliver training on the
features of Google Classroom during regularly scheduled collaborative grade level planning and
professional development time. This training will occur once a month starting in August of 2016
and extending through May of 2017. Each month, the focus of the training will be on a different
feature of Google Classroom. By participating in this training, teacher confidence in the use of
Google Classroom applications will increase and implementation of this technology will be more
prevalent. Monthly training and ongoing support through Google Groups, led by a Google Apps
School Guide, will allow teachers to become productive and successful users of Google
Classroom in order to enhance their instruction and increase collaboration. Additionally,
focusing on one app at a time will keep the process from being so overwhelming for teachers.
One computer lab will need to be reserved for one full day each month in order to accommodate
teachers for training; however additional resources will not be required.
The focus for professional development each month will begin with introductions and
opportunities for teachers to become proficient using Google Apps. Teachers will work with
peers in their grade level teams, as well as a Google Apps School Guide, in their grade level to
create, collaborate on, and share Google docs, forms, slides, and sheets. Additionally, training on
the features of Google Classroom including creating classes, announcements, and assignments,
sharing attachments, and personalizing teacher pages will be topics covered during monthly
professional development sessions. During each of these sessions, teachers will utilize standards
they teach to create relevant lessons, documents, and opportunities for collaboration applying the
features of Google Classroom. The hands-on training provided by Google Apps School Guides,
in addition to ongoing support offered in Google group discussions and sharing among members
in grade level teams, will supply valuable resources to increase the use of Google Classroom at


Lee County Middle School East Campus. Upon completion of the professional development
training, teachers will be ready to fully implement Google Classroom at the beginning of the next
school year. They will be expected to use Google Classroom and its features as an enhancement
to their instruction and to increase collaboration.

Activity/Coordinating Goal


November 2, 2015
8:00 - 10:00 am

Identification of candidates for the

Google Apps School Guides program
(Goal 1)

Training Cost

March 18, 2016

8:30 am 3:30 pm

March 19, 2016

7:30 am - 5:30 pm
March 20, 2016
7:30 am - 4:00 pm

The Technology Director will attend

the Admin Console Technical Retreat
(Goal 1)

4th Annual EdTech Southern Summit

featuring Google for Education
(Goal 1)

Breakfast and lunch provided at
training / Dinner allowance: $30
170 miles, each way.
57.5 cents per mile.
1 car Total: $100
Training Cost
$269 per person x 6 people
Total: $1,614
Breakfast and lunch provided at
training / Dinner allowance: $30
6 people x 2 dinner meals x $30
Total: $360
$125 per night
2 nights x 3 rooms
Total: $750
170 miles, each way.
57.5 cents per mile.
2 car Total: $200


$60 per teacher per day
4 teachers x 2 days
Total: $480
March 28, 2016
7:30 8:30 am

March 28, 2016

8:30 11:30 am

March 28, 2016

11:30 am 12:30 pm

March 28, 2016

12:30 3:30 pm

Collaborative Planning Day (Goal 1)

Brainstorming Session
Compose a brief list of suggestions for
implementing Google Classroom
Collaborative Planning Day (Goal 1)
Support Documents Session
Compose simple documents outlining
how to use the different Google Apps
and Google Classroom features
Collaborative Planning Day (Goal 1)
Lunch Break
Collaborative Planning Day (Goal 1)
Google Group Setup and Training

4 teachers
1 admin
$100 per person x 5 people
Total: $500
$60 per teacher per day
4 teachers x 1 day
Total: $240

Setup Google Groups to facilitate

discussion and sharing amongst grade
level teams during training

Design lesson outlines for consistent

redelivery of training in each grade
Budget total to accomplish the activities outlined under goal 1: $4,598
August 2016
May 2017
Once a month during
regularly scheduled
collaborative grade
level planning and
development time
August 2016
May 2017

Activity/Coordinating Goal
Professional development training led
by Google Apps School Guides
(Goal 2)

$600 per Google Apps
School Guide
4 guides
Total: $2,400

Topics addressed during professional

development include, but are not
limited to, the use of Google Apps
This stipend amount will be paid using
and the features of Google Classroom
district funds that have been budgeted
to create, share, and collaborate on
for professional development. No
the following: lessons, documents,
grant funding will be necessary for
assessments, assignments,
this activity.
announcements, etc.
Ongoing support in the form of
discussion and resource sharing from
Google Apps School Guides through



the use of Google Groups (Goal 2)

Budget total to accomplish the activities outlined under goal 2: $0
Budget Total for Professional Development Grant Proposal: $4,598
Evaluation Plan

A technology needs assessment survey will be given prior to and after training in order to
gather data on the use of Google Classroom for instruction as well as the ability levels
that teachers select to describe their proficiency using Google Drive, Docs, Sheets,
Forms, and Classroom. A link to this survey can be found in Appendix B.

A brief questionnaire will be given following the 2016-2017 school year in order to gauge
the perceived effectiveness of the training provided by the Google Apps School Guides.
The trainees, as well as any administrators that observe training sessions, will be asked to
describe the depth of understanding demonstrated by the presenter, the clarity of the
information presented, changes in ability and confidence regarding the use of Google
Classroom features as a result of training, major benefits of the training, as well as
suggestions for improvements. This data will also be indicative of the success of the
training received by the Google Apps School Guides at the EdTech Southern Summit. A
link to this questionnaire can be found in Appendix C.

Classroom observations will also be used to determine the success of Google Classroom
professional development. Administrators will document the use of Google Classroom
observed during walkthroughs and formative assessment of lessons by including
feedback on the TLE platform. This will signify how the use of Google Classroom
contributes to the enhancement of instruction and/or collaboration. Evidence of learning
will also be apparent through observed use of documents and resources created by
teachers during the monthly professional development sessions.



Budget Item

Total Required












Correlating Activity
Admin Console Technical Retreat ($199 x 1 person)
EdTech Southern Summit ($269 x 6 people)
Admin Console Technical Retreat ($30 x 1 person x 1 meal)
EdTech Southern Summit ($30 x 6 people x 2 meals)
Admin Console Technical Retreat ($125)
EdTech Southern Summit ($125 x 2 nights x 3 rooms)
Admin Console Technical Retreat ($100 per car x 1 car)
EdTech Southern Summit ($100 per car x 2 cars)
*See mileage rate in Plan of Operation Section
EdTech Southern Summit ($60 x 4 teachers x 2 days)
Collaborative Planning Day ($60 x 4 teachers x 1 day)
Collaborative Planning Day ($100 per person x 5 people)
Grand Total: $4,598

The training costs outlined in this grant proposal are necessary to ensure effective
implementation of Google Classroom. The formal training that the technology director and the
Google Apps School Guides will participate in will provide hands-on experience regarding the
features of Google Classroom and will aid these participants in providing effective leadership
and support for the teachers at Lee County Middle School East Campus. Costs for meals,
lodging, and travel will be required for the technology director and the Google Apps School
Guides as they attend these training events. In addition, substitutes will be needed to cover the
classes of the four guides on the two days they will participate in training as well as the one
collaborative planning day. The collaborative planning day is necessary for the guides to reflect
on their training and prepare to lead professional development. This day will be utilized to
prepare support documents and tools, outline activities for training sessions, and setup
collaborative groups. Finally, stipends are necessary in order to compensate the guides for their
time and leadership as they plan collaboratively to deliver monthly professional development as
well as ongoing support.



EdTechTeam. (2015, October 12). 4th annual EdTechTeam southern summit featuring Google
for education. Message posted to:
Garet, M. S., Porter, A. C., Desimone, L., Birman, B. F., & Yoon, K. S. (2001). What makes
professional development effective? Results from a national sample of teachers.
American Educational Research Journal, 38, 915-945.
Google Apps for Education. (2015). Guide to Going Google. Retrieved from:



Appendix A
The following table contains data from the technology needs survey taken by the teachers
at Lee County Middle School East Campus in the spring of 2015. This data reveals a need for
professional development to increase the use of Google Classroom to improve instruction and
increase collaboration. A link to the technology needs survey can be found in Appendix B.

Survey Question
Which of the following web-based programs
and mobile applications do YOU use for
Which of the following web-based programs
and mobile applications do your STUDENTS
use to produce information?
How would you describe your level of ability
in using Google Drive to share information?

How would you describe your level of ability

in using Google Docs to create and share

How would you describe your level of ability

in using Google Sheets to create and share

How would you describe your level of ability

in using Google Forms to create and share

Google Classroom 12/41 - 29%
Google Classroom 23/41 - 56%
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5

0/41 - 0%
4/41 10%
16/41 39%
13/41 32%
8/41 20%
1/41 2%
3/41 7%
16/41 39%
14/41 34%
7/41 17%
1/41 2%
10/41 24%
21/41 51%
6/41 15%
3/41 7%
2/41 5%
9/41 22%
21/41 - 51%
5/41 12%
4/41 10%



22/41 54%
19/41 46%
Level 1
1/25 4%
Level 2
4/25 16%
If you answered yes to the previous question,
how would you describe your STUDENTS'
Level 3
11/25 44%
level of ability in using Google Classroom?
Level 4
8/25 32%
Level 5
1/25 4%
*The data above is skewed because 22 teachers answered YES to the question: Have you tried
Google Classroom with your students? However, 25 teachers completed the question: If you
answered yes to the previous question, how would you describe your STUDENTS' level of ability
in using Google Classroom?
Level 1
0/25 0%
If you have tried Google Classroom, how
would you describe YOUR level of ability in
Level 3
8/25 32%
using it?
Level 4
10/25 40%
Level 5
2/25 8%
*The data above is skewed because 22 teachers answered YES to the question: Have you tried
Google Classroom with your students? However, 25 teachers completed the question: If you
have tried Google Classroom, how would you describe YOUR level of ability in using it?
Level 1
2/41 5%
Level 2
8/41 20%
How would you describe your STUDENTS'
level of ability in using Google Drive to
Level 3
23/41 56%
share information?
Level 4
4/41 10%
Level 5
4/41 10%
Most teachers expressed a need for more devices.
Other technology wishes included more training
to feel confident using devices and applications
My technology wish for my classroom is
in the classroom, seamless integration of
technology into learning experiences, equal
access to technology for all students, and more.
Several teachers indicated that they would like to
see a transition to a paperless environment.
Other responses included structural approaches
such as a flipped classroom, self-paced and goal
oriented, engaging curriculum to include the
use of technology on a daily basis, and hands on
In 5 years, I would like for my classroom
computer based learning. Teachers also
structure to look like...
mentioned more technology to incorporate a
mix of direct instruction and student
exploration, individualized use of technology to
differentiate instruction, and use of well written
units incorporating student use of technology to
improve the classroom structure.
Which of the following programs would
26/41 or 63% of teachers stated a need for training
Have you tried Google Classroom with your


you like to have more training on in order to

meet exemplary levels of ability?


on programs such as Google Drive, Google

Forms, Google Docs, Google Spreadsheets,
Google Sites and various Google add
ons/extensions for Google Drive
20/41 or 49% of teachers specifically stated a need
for training on Google Classroom

Appendix B
The following link contains the Technology Needs Assessment survey to be used in the
identification of Google Apps School Guides. Comparison of pre and post survey results will
indicate whether or not training positively affected the ability level that teachers recorded
regarding proficiency using Google Apps and Google Classroom. In addition, comparison of pre
and post survey results will be used to determine whether or not the use of Google Classroom to
enhance instruction and collaboration increased following professional development at Lee
County Middle School East Campus.

Appendix C
The following link contains the Google Classroom Training Questionnaire which will be
utilized to gauge the effectiveness of professional development offered to teachers at Lee County
Middle School East Campus. Also, the results of this questionnaire, which will be administered
after training is complete, will indicate whether or not the formal training received by the Google
Apps School Guides was helpful in preparing them to lead professional development and offer
ongoing support.



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