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Q&A guideline
Last update: December 22, 2015


Key points
Try to have more structured ways of answers for tips
and symptoms

Word selection

Try to use simple words for anybody to understand

your answers.

Length of the Q&A

150 words - 250 words

Keyword highlight

To highlight some terms or keywords that may need

further explanation

(Then, 1 line space)
Paragraph 1

(Then, 1 line space)

Diagnose of problem

Paragraph 2

Treatment dan tips

Paragraph 3

Other symptoms

Paragraph 4

(Article link)
if there is relevant Q&A or articles

(Then, 1 line space)

Thank you
Paragraph 5

- Use bullet points effectively rather than no space straightfoward answer.
This looks more professional and easy for anybody to grasp
- Use greeting for beginning and end of answer

- Simplify jargons
- Conversational flow

- Highlight several keywords or medical terms with hyperlinks to related

articles about definition or how to cure
- Also generate more traffic to related articles

Good morning/afternoon/evening Mr./ Mrs (mention the name)
Welcome to Meetdoctor Consultation Services,

Diabetic is the diseases where body cannot produce Insulin ( Hormone that
can control level of blood sugar) or the insulin produced cannot worked well.
Therefore the sugar level in blood increasing when you check at lab.

Until now, there is no medicine can cure diabetic completely. With decreasing
the overweight body, good diet, and exercise regularly can make the sugar
level in blood decrease to normal. But it doesn't mean that you already cure
from diabetic. Once the weight become overweight, bad diet and didn't do
exercise, then the blood sugar will increase again. So, Diabetic cannot be
cure but can be controllable inside the normal range.

Surely, someone who has diabetic will influence other internal organ because
of the influenced of the sugar inside blood.
For further complete information about diabetic can be read at:

Thank you in using Meetdoctor consultation services. We hope that our

answer can be useful for you.

Added on


1. xxxx
2. xxxx
Dear (name/user),
Thank you, hope this helps.
(name of dr.)




Gejala mual disertai pusing bisa disebabkan oleh beberapa


Selamat pagi/siang/sore Bapak./ Ibu (sebutkan nama)
Selamat datang di layanan konsultasi Meetdoctor,

Diabetes adalah suatu penyakit dimana tubuh tidak dapat

menghasilkan insulin (hormon pengatur gula darah) atau insulin yang
dihasilkan tidak mencukupi atau insulin tidak bekerja dengan baik.
Oleh karena itu akan menyebabkan gula darah meningkat saat



Hingga saat ini belum ditemukan obat yang dapat menyembuhkan

Diabetes. Tapi dengan menurunkan berat badan yang berlebih, diet
yang baik, dan berolahraga secara teratur, dapat membuat gula
darah kembali normal. Tapi ini tidak berarti telah sembuh dari
Diabetes. Karena bila pasien kembali gemuk, diet buruk dan tidak
berolahraga, maka gula darah akan meningkat kembali. Jadi
Diabetes tidak dapat sembuh, tapi gula darah dapat dikontrol dalam
batas normal.


Tentunya seseorang yang memiliki sakit diabetes ini akan

berpengaruh terhadap organ-organ di sekitarnya, karena pengaruh
dari kadar gulanya tersebut.


Untuk informasi lebih lengkap mengenai diabetes dapat dilihat di :


Terima kasih telah menggunakan layanan konsultasi Meetdoctor.

Semoga jawaban yang diberikan dapat bermanfaat bagi Anda.


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