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The red room

“Hey guy’s you wanna come over mine tonight” Sophia whispered to her friends, Ke
lly, Sharon, Marcia and lisa. They were in the middle of their last exam in year
eleven. “yeah we’re all coming you better have some bubbly cause we’re getting
jubbly” rapped Kelly the beat of our crew. “BRRRIIIINNNNGGGG” screamed the bell.
We all stood up and threw our hats in the air.
On the way home we had to stop at Waitrose to get some goodies. Kelly wanted bub
bly, Sharon wanted chocolate, Marcia wanted ice-cream and lisa wanted a film, I
just wanted to get home.
“mum I’m home” I shouted to mum. no answer. She’s probably round janet’s our ne
xt door neighbour and marcia’s when we were young. Daft women. We plonked the sh
opping down on the table and me,lisa and Marcia went to put the telly on, whilst
Kelly and Sharon got the goodies ready.
I turned the telly on and watched the new’s while shoving keely our two year ol
d dog of the seatie.
“Sharon reports, another person has been reported missing by police today after
he had not returned home. Sharie tokaneg a 15 year old japenese girl has been
reported missing after going on an adventure, By where she had recently moved.”
“she liked playing by the railway track the side of the abandoned hotel. How cou
ld this have happened?” If you see this girl please call…”
“ahh poor girl I bet her parents are devastated” said lisa with her hands crosse
d over her heart.
“on second thoughts lets go on holiday, we could have an adventure you know like
, like… INDIAN JONES” I exclaimed. I scrambled up onto the computer chair as the
screen lit up like a chiild’s happy face.
“… hotels…this is a good one, the red hotel.”
“looks well glam and snobby, yeah I like it.” Suggested Kelly who had came back
in with the drinks and food.
“this is our big break”
“this was not forecast” I said. outside it was thundering and lightening and the
windows were crying rain. Forks shot down in front of the car and sheets spread
across the sky’s. Sharon looked gaunt against the flash next to me.
“this is so not funny” growled Marcia. The sat-nav started bleeping.
“we’re here” shouted lisa gleefully. Everyone looked out of the window. We had s
topped outside a tall hotel. It was not glamorous or snobby but petrifying and a
“you are joking, does that sat-nav work properly?” seethed Kelly.
“don’t dis my sat-nav it aint his problem” yelled lisa. We all got out and ran t
o the great, rusty hinged doors. I put my hand out to knock but as soon as I did
it creeked slowly open to show a pale looking boy almost a corpse to greet us.
He looked about eleven with thin gangly features and a small mouse like face.
“hello I’m charles, who are you?” the boy asked.
“could I please see the head of the house please? By the way I’m Sophia and this
is, Kelly, Sharon, Marcia and lisa we sent you an e-mail”
“my parenst said you might come, they’ve just gone out for a bit wont be long,
please come in.” we walked in to be welcomed by a bright lit up hall with a stai
rcase and lots of doors leading of to unknown rooms.
“ follow me I’ll show you to your room” charles exclaimed pleasantly. We followe
d him through a middle passageway. Charles dropped us of one by one and told us
all to get unpacked but be as quick as you can cause dinner is nearly ready.
I stepped into my room to the smell of rotting and sat down on the bed. You coul
d not see much and I couldn’t turn the light on. The bed doesn’t feel right its
hairy and out of place even though I cant see it. I feel my way around the room
to the window. I lift it up and feel outside. EARTH. They have built rooms under
ground, maybe this is popular place then if we got the ones downstairs. I left m
y bag on the bed and went to see the others.
Just as I walked out I saw Charles dragging a bag into a room, probably nothing
I thought so I walked on to Kelly’s room. I tried to open the door, it was lock
ed. Maybe she was getting dressed. I went to try Sharon’s room, it opened immedi
“hey Sophia you settling in alright” Sharon said. I felt over to the bed where s
he was sat.
“why is it so dark down here, is it like this in your room soph?”
“Yeah I’ve just tried Kelly’s door but it’s locked I reckon she might have been
getting changed.”
“But soph, these doors don’t lock. There ain’t no key, lock nothing.”
I tried to figure it out in my head the door is locked but there are no locks….
“Maybe it’s locked from the outside and she’s wondering around the hotel. Let’s
go find her”
We walked out the room looking at the door frame as we went out looking for some
thing to explain it. We tried Kelly’s door again. Still locked. Walking up the s
tairs our eye’s blazed in the light. As they recovered Charles was stood with an
apron on and chef’s hat.
“dinner is served” he explained. Me and Sharon looked at each other bewildered a
nd followed Charles. We walked into a well lit room and sat at a biggish table
to wait for the others. Marcia and Lisa walked in and slumped down in there seat
“oh, where’s Kelly we thought you might have seen her?”
“no, we’ve been moaning to each other about not having a mirror or any LIGHT”
Charles turned and walked towards us.
“may I help you fine young ladies” he’s said politely. We all stared sarcastical
ly at him.
“well for one we have no light in our bedrooms and two we have lost our friend!”
“ ah may you be referring to Kelly yes she said she was tired and did not want t
o be disturbed, I do hope she gets better before you leave, ehem ( cough cough).
” Our first meal was what looked to be beans on toast but tasted like slug slush
, and ..
“NO DESSERT” yelled Lisa.
“I can just about cope with slug slush but no pudding, that is disgraceful!” I c
an be DEFINATLY sure you get some tomorrow.. DEFINATLY”
We went back to our dark corpses resting place called rooms and tried to sleep.
I woke up in a cold sweat with banging in my ears. When I had woken up properly
I found it was not in my ears but outside. I peered out of the door to see Charl
es dragging another bag into his room. Something is defiantly suspicious but I b
etter get some sleep now. I woke again not knowing whether it was night or morni
ng. But as my door opened I found Marcia stood in the way of the extremely dim l
ight in her clothes.
“Come on Sophia it’s already 12:00 and it’s sunny if you don’t get up your gonna
miss it!”
12:00 O’CLOCK. How had I slept past breakfast? I dragged myself out of bed and r
apped some clothes on me. Struggling slightly to walk I slithered up to Sharon’s
room and pulled the handle. It was locked.
“oh come on shar you told me yesterday it wasn’t locked why is it locked now?”.
No answer. I crawled slowly up the stone steps noticing a door open ajar. Peerin
g in I saw, saw’s, hammers, drills loads of woodwork tools on a metal table with
what looked to be red paint on the floor, ceiling and walls and some on the tab
le. Maybe he had just painted and it was dripping but it stank like rotting anim
als. I carried on up the steps to the dinning hall hoping to catch some breakfas
t. I could smell bacon drifting through the building. Scurrying in to the room I
found Marcia and Lisa sat at a slightly smaller table than yesterday with there
faces full of delight.
“soph you have to try this bacon there is nothing better anywhere I have ever be
This was the best news I had heard since I got here. I sweeped across the floor
onto the nearest seat and tucked into a hot plate of bacon. It was the best bac
on you had ever had much better than value. When we had finished we all went to
get our stuff to go to the fair. But when I came out lisa was stood at my door
in a huff.
“what’s wrong?” I asked
“it’s Marcia she just gone and ditched us cause she feel’s ill. Well that’s what
charles said anyway.”
I walked over to her door and opened it she was led in bed. she looked pale as
the clouds.
“ what’s up Marcia? You look pale, me and lisa are gonna go to the fair we’ll s
ee you later.”I shut the door
me and lisa dragged ourselves up the stairs and out of the giant oak doors and s
lamed them behind us.
“sophia… can we be best friends since the other lot don’t care about our holiday
adventures I mean ther’re always in there rooms never coming out not even for d
then it clicked why they weren’t coming out they, they…
“they must be dead!”
“I mean no one can survive 3 days without water but how did it happen?”
I sat on the step thinking to myself and then found myself in a flood of tears.
“right that is it I am going to talk to Charles I am not having him make my bezz
ie cry!”
lisa disappeared behind the grand oak doors as I sat there thinking…
I ran inside frantically looking around for lisa. Looking at the doors to the ch
ambers ran through the doors like the wind and found lisa at the end of the corr
idor and I burst into tears. Her face pale and limbs separated charles had got t
o her before me. She had been like a lamb to the slaughter and completely separa
ted. I had to turn away, this was the wrong thing to do, because as I did it Cha
rles’s dark eyes sank into mine and with a prick of my skin I had sank into a de
ep sleep.
As I awoke I saw red, red, red the ceiling the floor the walls this was Charles
“hello sophia did you have a nice sleep then, I’ll make you a deal if you’re a g
ood girl you can stay here with charlesy yeah?”
“stay in the hotel with charles and all your other friends in their rooms?”
“they’re still alive?”
“oh no they’ll be staying with the other people”
oh no it was all coming true my head was like a clog clicking it’s way around my
head. I thought about everything, this was no normal place. There was something
missing but I hadn’t quite figured it out yet. But looking around the room ever
ything clicked into place,The furniture that wasn’t real it was made out of peop
“oh my god I’ve been living on people!”
“oh you are clever aren’t you sophia, yes quite literally you have been living o
n people eating them sleeping on them walking on them, come on I’m only eleven I
couldn’t pay for everything! And then the maids found out I didn’t have anythin
g to pay them and they tried to quit but I’m only eleven I cant run an abandoned
hotel by myself so they helped me quite literally gave their lives for this hot
el. ”
another tick THE FOOD it cant be he wouldn’t I had been eating people lisa being
butchered I would have ate her before he got me. I felt wrong and very ill, I w
as a cannibal of the worst kind. It was supposed to be a fun time with friends a
whole hotel to ourselves and the managers away. But everything was turned on it
’s head it was a bad time stuck in a hotel with no saviour.
There was a gurgle in my belly but I swallowed and managed to keep the nausea at
bay, for now…
“why are you doing this?”
“ I’ve been taught to do this! It’s what all my demons say I have to do other wi
se they will get me!”
“they control me I cant stop them. I’m so sorry”
right then he turned around and locked the door with me inside.
A gasping noise started escaping from the walls, it must be a gas chamber. I loo
ked frantically for a way to get out. The walls were covered in red and it made
me dizzy but eventually I managed to see clearly and spotted A drain. I quickly
pulled it open and scampered down and hit a slimy surface. I was in a sewage, ra
ts crawling across the floor and slime infested rubbish scattered everywhere, a
nd then the most horrendous kelly, sharon, marcia and lisa’s heads lined up in a
row. I tried to stop and cry but the gas was starting to escape down the drain.
I ran it seemed like it was for miles and miles until I finally got to an open
drain. I scrambled up and lay panting in the street outside the house. I couldn’
t stop he might find me I thought to myself. So I jumped up and dragged myself p
anting to the car. I turned round to find charles running after me…
“you cant go no one can leave they’ll come for me!”
I pushed on the pedal and revved up.
As I turned around I seen ash and dust flying through charles he was a ghost. I
stamped on the pedal and sped off. I didn’t stop until I was outside my house. L
eaving the car door open I ran to the house as my mum was opening the door to hu
g me…
And then I fainted.
That’s basically the last I remembered of it until the next day when I woke in h
ospital to police. I told them the whole story they didn’t believe me at first b
ut then when I pushed myslef to take them down they didn’t find charles but they
did find all the bodies in the rooms and the sewage. When I seen this again I w
as not afraid anymore I just kept remembering his wide smile and crazed laughter
and couldn’t believe I didn’t notice!
Later on that day whilst watching old cartoons the news flashed up…
“Sharon reports,
today police have found thousands of corpses at the abandoned hotel a.k.a the re
d hotel. In the collection they found Sharie Tokaneg, Kelly Simsot, sharon timbe
r, marcia gluert, lisa yert and thousands more. They have not yet found the pers
on responsible but it is thought to be a young boy saying his parents are out of
town. We were saved from anymore deaths by sophia tomliys she Is a hero to all
the people of england…”
I then started crying but realised I didn’t need anyone cause this was my life a
nd could help myself and I still had my family.but one thing I do know, I am nev
er staying at a red hotel again unless someone comes out alive

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