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How do you feel when you see someone getting married? Do you feel
happy for them or do you think that it will not last long? For some
people, get married is the goal of their lives and if they do not
manage to do it, they feel lost and hopeless.
A while ago, people used to get married young, but why? If you pay
attention when old people speak, they always say "They were
different times". People did not use to study for a long, men were
lucky if their fathers had let them finish the primary school without
putting them working in the field. Also, another reason was to have
sex, because in that time the influence of the church over families
was really strong. On the other hand, the goal for women was to finish
school, learn housework, get married, have children and look after
them and her husband as well.
Nowadays, in Spain people seem not to take marriage seriously. Since
divorce was introduced/allowed, they do not try to solve their
problems, simply they take this option readily. Furthermore, some
couples get married to cover issues or without knowing each other
enough. Perhaps, if the divorce had been legal, more couples would
have taken this route. In those days, women were more helpless, so
they were full of an heinous grasp and they did not dare to run away
from their husbands, because they were not economically selfsufficient and also for fear to a vengeful husband or social rejection.
In my view, freedom to do whatever you want is one of the best
things in life, the common problem is that we loose respect and
dirtied the concept of marriage, which should be to share your life
with someone special, a faithful companion.

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