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shot type
1 close up
2 tracking shot
3 long shot
4 close up
5 close up
6 close up
7 close up
8 close up
9 pan
10 close up
11 close up
12 close up
13 mid shot
14 pan
15 pov (mollys perspective)
16 over the shoulder
17 over the shoulder
18 two shot
19 extreme close up
20 low angle shot
21 pov (mollys perspective)
22 pov (oakleys perspective)
23 over the shoulder
24 zoom
25 high angle shot
26 low angle shot
27 pov (molly)
28 tracking shot of gun

of oakleys feet as she walks down the stairs
of oakleys feet as she walks down the coridoor
of mollys head
molly tapping pen
clock on wall
hand on railing
oakleys walking
sorting out tie
walking down corridor
knocking on door
back of mollys head
oakleys hand opening door - slow motion
oakley walking through/opening door
oakley walking to sit down
oakley sitting down
oakley looking at molly
molly looking at oakley
molly & oakley
oakleys mouth
looking up at molly
handing oakley the assignment
looking through assignment
looking at oakley
mollys face (looking angry/confused) & standing up
looking down on oakley
molly (hands on table)
looking down on oakley
taking out of drawer & putting to oakleys head

pen tap - non-diegetic
tick tock
heart beat/breathing
"come in"
"sorry for keeping you waiting"
"you're late."
*stuttering* "im sorry"
"did you do what I asked?"
"yes it's all sorted"
"well done, I have another assignment for you"
"read through this and get it done, you have until 6pm on Thursday"
"im sorry, I cant keep doing these little jobs for you"
"you don't have a choice remember, you owe me."
"I don't care; I'm not doing your dirty work anymore"

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