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Todorov's Narrative Theory

Tzetan Todorovs narrative theory signifies that all narratives follow a

straightforward structure in order to be conventional, that being:
Equilibrium means a calm and balanced atmosphere.
Distribution effects the calm atmosphere.
Recognition of distribution is knowing that the distribution need
Attempt to repair the damage is repairing the distribution.
New equilibrium is resolution.

A narrative has a beginning, middle and end, however a narrative within a

song can sometimes not correlate as the narrative in a song commonly
isnt complete and create it to be fragmentary.

An example of Todorovs theory is (non-chronological): The Scientist

Equilibrium - is them driving along a road

Distribution - is where the car crashes with the main character and
a female in the car and the female dies.
Recognition of disruption - is when the main character knows he
needs to run away.
Attempt to repair damage The main character runs away from
the car crash and leave the females body in the woods so he
doesnt face the consequences.
New equilibrium The main character is laying on a mattress and
have a calm atmosphere.

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