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The word "Literature” is a modified form of a Latin word, (literra, litteratura or litteratus) that
means "writing formed with letters."

Literature generally can be any written work, but it is especially an artistic or intellectual work of

It refers to the series of events that compromise the whole story. It has five parts, such as
exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
Exposition- the background information on the characters and the setting explained at the
beginning of the story.

Rising Action- starts right after the period of exposition and ends at the climax.

Climax- when the conflict of the plot is resolved, it is the most exciting part of the story.
Falling Action- begins with a climax, it wins down the tension and sometimes introduces a new
conflict, the falling action ends with a resolution.

Resolution- part of the story’s plot where the main problem is resolved and worked out.
Conflict or tension is usually the heart of the story and is related to the main character. In a short
story, there is usually one main struggle.
The time and place in which it happens, authors often use descriptions of landscape, scenery,
buildings, seasons, or weather, to provide a strong sense of setting.
In fiction, a character is person or another being in a narrative.
It is a literary technique that adds meaning to a short story by using an event or object as a
symbol to represent something else.
The idea, belief, moral, lesson, or insight, it is the central argument that the author is trying to
make the reader understand. The theme is the ‘why’ of the story.

There are four simple factors that have been outlined that simply characterize a social problem
or issue:
1. The public must recognize the situation as a problem.
2. The situation is against the general values accepted by society.
3. A large segment of the population recognizes the problem as a valid concern.
4. The problem can be rectified or alleviated through the joint action of citizens and/or
community resources.
It is important that we are aware of and know what is happening in our country or in our
community so that we can be prepared for whatever happens. Being informed about the various
social issues happening around us can help us to:
✓ Understand
✓ Help
✓ Solve societal problem
Readings have opened our minds to the pressing issues of the world. Through reading news
articles, literary texts, and even visual images, we learn about and relate to the social issues
around us.
Always keep in mind that awareness of issues around us helps us realize that we are social beings
who need to be involved in preventing and solving social issues.
Some of the prevalent social issues nowadays are unemployment, poverty, and climate change,
and the most common social issue today is COVID 19.
A social problem is any condition or behavior that has negative consequences for large numbers
of people and that is generally recognized as a condition or behavior that needs to be
World's biggest problems:
Climate Change
Wars and military conflicts
Water contamination
Human rights violation
Global health issues
Children's poor access to healthcare, education and safety
Access to food and hunger

Poetry is a type of literature that is engaged with words, rhythm, rhyme, and meter.
Narrative that narrates, describes, or tell stories. We have two types of narrative as well which
are epic that is focused in heroism that involves fictional and supernatural events and ballad that
talks about the single event like love, life, and death.
Lyric, these poems express strong thoughts and feeling that’re meant to be sung. So, before your
favorite song was released and before the beat and its tone was applied, it was a poem first.

• Sonnet – fourteen lines that rhymes

• Ode – praising an individual, even, or an inanimate object like rocks, chairs, books etc.
• Elegy- mourning for the dead
• Folk Song – talks about life and culture of people from the past like Bahay Kubo at
Magtanim ay Di Biro.
• Psalm – talks about praising God.
Dramatic which includes characters and conflict that are design to be spoken of acted.

• Comedy – funny and usually end happily

• Tragedy – shows the struggles of protagonist
• Melodrama – deals with intense and sad emotion, the protagonist usually wins on this
type of dramatic
• Farce – exaggerated comedy which are the characters and situations are too ridiculous to
be real.

So, class, moving on with our topic which I already introduced earlier, do you have any insight
about poetry and features of poetry?

That’s excellent!

So having said that, poetry is a type of literature that is engaged with words, rhythm, rhyme, and

So, did we understand what poetry is?

Perfect! Now, let’s move on to the next part of our lesson which is the types of poetry.

There are three-types of poetry.

Narrative that narrates, describes, or tell stories. We have two types of narrative as well which
are epic that is focused in heroism that involves fictional and supernatural events and ballad that
talks about single event like love, life, and death.

Lyric, these poems express strong thoughts and feeling that’re meant to be sung. So, before your
favorite song was released and before the beat and its tone was applied, it was a poem first.

We also do have different types of lyric which are;

Sonnet – fourteen lines that rhymes

Ode – praising an individual, even, or an inanimate object like rocks, chairs, books etc.
Elegy- mourning for the dead

Folk Song – talks about life and culture of people from the past like Bahay Kubo at Magtanim ay
Di Biro.

Psalm – talks about praising God.

The last type of poetry is dramatic which includes characters and conflict that are design to be
spoken of acted.

The four types of dramatic are:

Comedy – funny and usually end happily
Tragedy – shows the struggles of protagonist
Melodrama – deals with intense and sad emotion, the protagonist usually wins on this type of
Farce – exaggerated comedy which are the characters and situations are too ridiculous to be
Features of poetry.
The first feature of poetry is rhyme, it has two or more words with similar-sounding final
syllables placed so as to echo one another.
As I do and I will
As I trust how it feels
Until death do us part
Let us again start

Rhythm is the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in a line of a verse


Meter is the basic rhythmic structure of a verse or lines in verse.

X – represents short
/- represents long
Iamb – a metrical foot consisting of one short (unstressed) and one lone (stressed) syllable. (x/)
Example: destroy, extreme, belong, equate
Trochee – is the metrical foot consisting of one long (stressed) and one short (unstressed)
syllable. (/x)
Example: Tuesday, Angel, Answer, Pirate
Spondee – is the metrical foot consisting of two long (stressed) syllables (//)
Example: Bookmark, Earthquake, Sunset, Handshake
Dactyl – is the metrical foot consisting of one long (stressed) syllable follow by two short
(unstressed) syllable (/xx)
Example: Alphabet, Poetry, Trivial, Mockingbird
Anapest – is the metrical foot consisting of one short (unstressed) syllable follow by two long
(stressed) syllable. (x//)
Example: understand, similar, interrupt
Alliteration is the repetition of the same letter sound across the start of several words in line of
Fly Fly, Butterfly Butterfly
Tyger Tyger, burning bright

Stanza – is a grouped set of lines within the poem usually sets off using indention of blank line
Tercet- 3 lines schemes of ABA, BCB, then CDC
Quatrain – 4 lines schemes of AAAA, AABB, ABBA, or ABAB

Simile – the subject of the poem is described by comparing it to another object or subject using
as or like.
Blue Bracelet by Denise Rogers
Your bracelet is shiny,
like water on ice.
It clicks, and it tinkles.
It's shiny-blue nice.

Personification – is the literary device where animals, plants, or even inanimate objects, are
given human qualities
Hey, Diddle, Diddle,
Hey, Diddle, Diddle,
The cat and the fiddle,
The cow jumped o ver the moon.
The little dog laughed
To see such sport,
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
Assonance – is a literary device in which the repetition of similar vowel sounds takes place in two
or more words in proximity to each other within the line of poetry.
Slow the low gradual moan came in the snowing. – John Masefield
The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plane.
Consonance – a literary device identified by the repetition of identical or similar consonants in
neighboring words whose vowel sounds are different
The lumpy and bumpy road
Gives grumpy and humpy toad
The string was strong
He sings the song

Onomatopoeia – allows the reader to visualize the scene by creating a multi-sensory experience,
all with words.
Example: Boom! Ka Bam! Moo! Woosh! Splash! Woof! Arf!


Compare refers to the process of identifying the similarities or differences between two things.
On the other hand, when we say contrast, it only refers to a process of identifying the difference
only between two things.
Comparing and contrasting is important in different ways such as judging beauty pageants, pay
raises, hiring and firing in a workplace, or looking for a company to work for. Comparing and
contrasting is something that we need to learn not only for analyzing texts or literature, but it
needs to be executed in real-life scenarios such as given examples.
Analyze the question, it is crucial that you know the task and the question that is asking you to
Identify already the similarities and differences, directly constructing a paragraph or a statement
in comparing and contrasting may lead to confusion, wherein the writer can run in a loop on the
things that they have specified.
Choice of words is one of the most important things in doing compare and contrasting. This will
not only improve the quality of the paper but will also give you the opportunity to highlight the
information you gathered in reference material.

Compare Contrast
Also, as well as, both, Although, besides, but,
comparatively, in the compared with,
same way, in addition, conversely, differ,
just as, like, most even though,
important, similarly, furthermore, however,
the same as, too in contrast to, instead,
less than, more than,
notwithstanding, on
the other hand,
otherwise, rather
than, regardless,
though, unless, unlike,
ADVERBS while yet

Adverb is a part of speech wherein it is a word that is used to change, modify, or qualify types of
words including an adjective, a verb, or another adverb
Adverbs are being used to add the ability of a reader to picture/view the situation that the writer
is telling. It can be seen as an emoji that helps the readers to get the message with all the
rendered emotion or clarity in the message.

Adverb of manner is the kind of adverb that tells us how something is done or happened. It is
usually placed after the main verb or object.
Example: “She shouted angrily.”

Adverb of time, this tells us when an action is done or happened. Usually, it is being placed at the
end of the sentence.
For example:
“Soldiers arrived late.”

Adverb of frequency. It is the adverb that tells us how often something is being done/happens.
For example:
“You need to wash hair daily.”

Adverb of place, this tells us where something is done or happened.

For example;
“Jay threw the ball outside.”

Adverb of degree. It is used to tell us the Level of Extent that something is done or happened. It
usually answers the question, to what extent.
For example.
“Ms. Minchin strongly slapped Sarah for being pregnant.”

➢ Accidentally ➢ Blindly
➢ Gladly ➢ Sadly
➢ Regularly ➢ Boldly
➢ Angrily ➢ Honestly
➢ Gracefully ➢ Safely
➢ Reluctantly ➢ Selfishly
➢ Anxiously ➢ Brightly
➢ Greedily ➢ Hurriedly
➢ Repeatedly ➢ Sensibly
➢ Roughly ➢ Busily
➢ Beautifully ➢ Seriously
➢ Hastily ➢ Calmly
➢ Rudely ➢ Sharply
➢ Fast ➢ Carefully
➢ Hard ➢ well

➢ Tomorrow ➢ Later
➢ Tonight ➢ Lately
➢ Yesterday ➢ Formerly
➢ Now ➢ Previously
➢ Then ➢ Recently
➢ Today ➢ Just
➢ Already ➢ Next
➢ Before ➢ Soon
➢ Early ➢ Still
➢ Earlier ➢ Yet
➢ Eventually ➢ Since
➢ Finally ➢ Late
➢ First ➢ Last

➢ Below ➢ Indoors
➢ Down ➢ Inside
➢ Downstairs ➢ Near
➢ Elsewhere ➢ Nearby
➢ East ➢ Off
➢ Far ➢ On
➢ Here ➢ Out
➢ In ➢ Outside
➢ Somewhere ➢ Under
➢ There ➢ Up
➢ Towards ➢ Upstairs
➢ where

➢ hardly
➢ scarcely
➢ a little
➢ slightly
➢ Pretty
➢ Rather
➢ So
➢ Quite
➢ Very
➢ Really
➢ Extremely
➢ Completely
➢ Too
➢ Way too
➢ Crazy
➢ Insanely

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