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Zahra and her Baby

Zahra, you enjoy doing so many different and interesting things here at An-Nur, and recently with your mummy due
to have a baby I have seen you re-visiting your love/aroha of the dollys. Today you lay out a blanket and put your
favourite dolly onto it, with your gentle and caring disposition it was hard not to believe the baby was real. You lay
down beside her and begun talking to her like she was your baby sister, tuakana/teina. As you were interacting with
her Saloomi crawled by to see who was there, as he leaned over to take a closer look you scooped up the baby and
hugged her tight, saying my baby Bayan. You tried to cover her with the blanket so he couldnt see who or what you
were talking to. Then Aemon heard you and became curious so as Saloomi moved away he moved in and again you said
my baby Bayan. As you lay close to the baby I realised you were showing signs of being sleepy so I said Zahra
your baby is very tired would you like to take her to bed with you? You sat up and gave me a very sleepy look and
nodded your head then wrapped your baby in the blanket. I picked you both up and took you to your cot, you lay
down with the dolly in the crook of your arm and gave her a wee kiss then patted her tummy just like I was patting
yours. It didnt take long for you to fall asleep with your dolly tucked in beside you, you slept peacefully for an

Recognising Today I realised just how excited you have become waiting for the arrival of your new sister Bayan.
I can see you are going to be a great help to mummy when Bayan is born, with your gentleness and love/aroha I can
see you taking good care of her, she is going to be the most loved baby sister in Christchurch.

Learning Outcomes:

Belonging goal 2: Children and their families experience an environment where they

know they have a place. Children develop a feeling of belonging, and having a right to belong, in the early childhood

What next: We will wait with excitement for the birth of little Bayan, and see if Zahra will continue to play
with the dollys knowing she has a real baby at home.
T. Lynda 4th August 2016

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