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7 Simple Steps to Prosperity

By Rich Lowe


First understand that all thoughts both negative and positive are just a habit of
our own thinking. So for you the question becomes what are you thinking and
what questions or statements do you tell yourself. Most of us think and act on
our emotions or how we feel.
Lets Reflect A Bit:
How do you talk to yourself? What questions do you ask yourself? Key is to be
in total awareness of what you are doing. Most people arent they just go and
keep on hitting walls oblivion never knowing why they are where they are. Do
you do this, is this vaguely familiar? Well there is hope, all we need to do is
get in the mode of awareness. You might be saying, yes but how? Follow me.
We Must Break The Negative Pattern:
Remember, all patterns are just habits we formed in our minds good or bad.
Sometimes we even add pictures to our thought patterns good or bad. So to fix
This mess we must interrupt our negative thoughts and pictures associated with
Them and add positive thoughts and pictures to replace with. All you need to do
Is go to a quiet place for a few moments. In your mind look at what is wrong or
negative in thought and pictures and make those smaller to you in your mind.
Then, take the positive thought in your mind with pictures too and blow it up so
big that it totally eclipses the negative thought. Just keep repeating this over and
over in your mind. You can do it for any replacement of any thought you want to
remove. After a while it will be difficult for you to be negative. So just focus on the
positives of what you want over and over in your mind to get what you really want.
The Positive Pattern:
Now you just keep controlling your thoughts and actions and beliefs to memory and
Soon you will be in an automatic behavior of positive thoughts and actions to create
a strong belief within you that your memory now holds for you. Every time something
negative happens you will now have the tools to correct that thought and create new
positive empowering thoughts for you. Is this cool or what?
Change Is Good:
How you feel at any given moment is just a reaction to a situation at the current moment.
So, doesnt it make sense to be in control of your own thoughts and actions. If you are not
in control something else will take control from you. Awareness is critical here, so just
know you have the power at all times to change anything from bad to good. What you
must do is practice what I teach you to become a master of you own universe. That just

makes total sense right? Lets now begin to practice endlessly what we now know.
How To Set Goals:
Perhaps you have heard at some time in your life that anything worthwhile
having must be attained by setting and achieving goals. Well I am here to
tell you that it is true. Whatever you want in life whether dreams or things
you must set and hit goals to acquire them. Setting goals gives major
benefit to those who want more out of life. Life will give you whatever
you expect from it. However, a big key here is to work hard and smart for it.
By effectively setting goals you are bound to reach new heights in life. You
will end up achieving more than you originally set out to. You will gain a
higher perspective on life and a confidence to build upon. This will give you
greater confidence in your endeavors. You will become more satisfied with
your work. This will also give you a chance to make clearer decisions fast.
It will improve your performance to shed any negativity in mind you have.
So here are the steps to goal setting:

State in mind first that of which you want and be on purpose with it.

Declare the price you are willing to pay for it and never quit or give up.

Write it out exactly on paper, be clear here. Set definite date to hit it.

Create a plan of how you will do it and commit to it, become unstoppable.

Take massive actions toward your plan, which in turn lead to goals.

Next step is to read this your whole plan of steps out loud once in the
Morning, afternoon, and evening. Get on it now to win in your life.

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How To Turn Past Mistakes To Todays Current Achievements:
We must realize that anything that was a failure in the past no matter how far back
or recent is a chance to use it today as a stepping stone to our future. What do I mean?
It really comes down to our ability to deal with on a constructive basis in an effective
manner the things that go wrong on our journey to success. The best way to deal with
failure is to acknowledge it as a prerequisite for succeeding in all endeavors. This is
also a good way to overcome the fear of failure that holds most people back from the
success they are after. Start treating failure as a good thing to learn from. Nobody in
life is failure proof. If you look at any successful person that ever lived, they all failed
their way to their found success. The fear of failure is one of the greatest obstacles for
most people. It literally paralyzes us to become stuck, where instead of moving forward
through our challenges we stop and stare then stay in the emotional grip of our fears.
So, to beat the fear we must face the fear. We must declare that we are bigger than our
fears. We must say that we know without any doubt, the more mistakes I make the more
fears I conquer. Announce out loud that all my fears I manufactured and I now destroy
with confidence knowing fear is = (False Evidence Appearing Real). It is only in my
mind. Understand that all mistakes have a significant benefit when we use our mind to
correct the wrong. When we act quickly in this remedy, we get our answers and when
we have the answers we move toward our success.
In life when you make a mistake just accept it and move on, the world still spins with
or without you. I just prefer it spin with you because you have a gift to give the world
just let it flow. The laws of the universe open up to those who give of themselves to
others in humility and in the name of humanity. You were meant to do and be of great
things in service to others, instill it in your heart. You would not be reading this if it
were not true.
To turn past mistakes into todays current achievements all we need to do is simply
see the problem or challenge for what it is, a lesson to be learned. Then we must
isolate and define the mistake in a clear manner so we understand what went wrong
and why. Now we must write it out on paper (the Problem) and brainstorm a solution.
Also, sometimes it is wise to ask for help in these situations. This is not a sign of
weakness, it is the opposite. It is a super strength that leaders use, they summon the
help of others more superior than they. So if you need to, do the same. When you do
brainstorming do it like this. Ask yourself questions of how can I_______? Or ask
What would be a way to _______? The answers will come, be committed to the task.
When we turn our focus from the challenges to the solutions, we get the answers we
seek. Hence we become more positive, creative and constructive individuals in life.

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Knowing Yourself:
This is a vital step in your attainment of success. Unfortunately most people never
really get to know themselves to well. They might say they know themselves, yet
when it comes down to it most people have no idea of who they are. They just take
life and themselves for granted. Did you ever have a moment in your life where
you had a make a decision about something, then in your haste made the wrong
decision? Even worse you said to yourself, I should have listened to my gut feeling
or inner self and didnt? Well you are not alone, most people have done that and the
reason they did it was because they were not in touch with themselves. It is very
important to stay connected to yourself. Listen, have you ever connected with
others and had meaningful relationships based on that connection. Well in that way
we must know ourselves and connect to ourselves so we can guide us in the right
direction we want to go in. Makes sense yes?
We all live in such busy worlds that sometimes we get off course and then with all
the static of cell phones, internet stuff, and any other distraction you can think of. We
just go on auto pilot not really being aware, we become more like human doings than
human beings. We actually forget who we are in the process of all this stuff and get
caught up in all the drama. By the days end we are ready for a straight jacket and
wondering whats happening here? When you hear some one say I am having an
identity crisis. This is a reason why it happens. We lose touch with our self without
even realizing it. Then we do it the next day and so on before you know it we become
a basket case. To overcome this issue we must become more aware of who we are.
Heres how, to know your true self means to really understand you and all of your
Goodness and frailties and insecurities. An easy way to do this is just recognize
when stuff happens instead of reacting to it deal with it straight up. Get your senses up
and your awareness to a higher level. This does not mean to cave into a pity party and
start feeling like a failure. Your not a failure, just a human being working on yourself.
Actually, the fact that you do recognize your faults in you helps you to overcome them
much quicker. Then from that moment you get the chance to grow and nurture yourself
to new levels of experience. How about that? Pretty cool.
Now you will see that once you begin this process it becomes clear as to why we need to
release or let go of our ego. It is generally our ego or pride that gets in our way of being
aware. However, when we activate our inner core of our own awareness we become more
effective in our thoughts and behavior. Plus we get the added advantage of losing our
fears and other non serving emotions. This enables us to be better people who listen and
care for others more greatly.
My advice to you is practice the skill of being more aware in your life to get more out of
The life you live and be a much happier person because of it.

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Time Management:
Managing time is one of the most important, yet one of the most difficult things to do;
whether running a business or managing your personal schedule you cannot duplicate
time. Know that the clock is always ticking against you, you must set deadlines for each
task. While most tend to struggle to meet deadlines, you by approaching your imposed
time restrictions in a measured way wont. Now, you will be far more effective in
meeting deadlines as they arise, which gives a better impression of you and your
Running a business, online or offline requires a certain amount of front and back-end
time. No-one can simply work twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week on profitable,
fee-earning work. Aside from the need to sleep, eat and rest, there's also the need to email
clients, keep track of your finances, sort out your next marketing campaign all of which
takes time. Thus the first rule in successful time management is knowing exactly how
much time you have available on your hands at full capacity, before beginning to think
about how specifically that time is to be distributed.
Learning from this is the important rule that you should never take on too much work, or
give unrealistic deadlines simply to please clients. Know your limitations by time and
know how much you can physically handle. After all, there are only so many hours in the
day, and some deadlines will be most surely impossible to satisfy.
Another key to time management is discipline. Keep a record of what you need to do,
when you need to do it and for how long you need to do it. Then stick to it. There's no
need to set yourself targets for completing work, if you dont intend on sticking to them.
Also stay focused on working for a set period of time on each project and make sure,
whatever happens you complete everything to your deadlines. By becoming more
disciplined and motivated, you'll quickly notice you become more productive, which can
have a positive effect on your quality of life and your income.
Keeping time is a vital aspect of professionalism, and one that must be top of your
priorities when running a business. While it can be easy to get distracted or carried away
with other tasks, keeping to your pre-scheduled timing is the only way to manage your
life effectively. In the end this will keep you happy and your clients happy.
By the way, isnt that what you really want? A balanced life!

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Ending Procrastination Once and for All:

So, you have discovered that you have a problem. Finally, procrastination has taken over your
life, and you want it back. As difficult as it may seem, it is totally possible to win your life
back. Heres how.

First, you need to identify the cause of your procrastination. Is there a reason why you are
not turning in your assignments on time? Or perhaps there is a reason why you are always
late, or your projects are always not as good as they could have been? More often than
not, people procrastinate not because they are lazy, but because of some other reasons.
For example, a student could be afraid to work hard because they failed a subject that
they feel theyre not good at. This could lead to a fear of inadequacy, that they are simply
not good enough. Now they can reason that if they don't put in the effort, they will make
excuses so not to find out that they are failures. Similarly you could be dreading a work
situation due to emotions of fear. Perhaps your previous project was well done, but your
colleague stole the credit for it. This could lead to feelings of resentment and being
betrayed so now, you have an unwillingness to put in your best effort from that fear.
Once you have identified the reasons behind your bad habit, you have to confront these
fears before you can overcome them. Speaking to a life coach can help you to uncover
the underlying reasons for your procrastination, and help you to improve your self
confidence. This can also provide you with the best suited method or possible pitfalls you
may face to help you overcome procrastination and get on with your life.
Secondly, you need to take action. It is not enough to recognize you have a problem, and
identify what it is. Now that you know, you have to take steps. If you find yourself often
forgetting appointments and deadlines, get a notebook or a journal and jot down all the
important dates and tasks as they take place everyday. Make this a permanent habit, and
ensure that you check it everyday to ensure that you are well on schedule to completing
your work on time.
Be responsible, use your daily journal or planner. It is there to help you remember. It is a
way not a cure all. In other words, using your planner is one tool to use to help you
schedule your time. You will learn other tools to use as well. Always remember, not
doing this is going to hurt you. So focus on the completion of your task. The onus is on
you. Avoid being manipulated, by using journals or planners will cause you to be very
proactive in your life and to follow a schedule that serves all involved.
There are many reasons why people start to procrastinate, and once it is identified, you
should work with your life coach to draw up a reasonable plan to overcome your
problem. If your issue is with poor time management, learn to plan your day realistically
to complete tasks.

Be realistic with your plans and expectations and your solutions shall persevere! Just like
a muscle takes time to build up, so it is with developing new serving habits. Be
disciplined to follow through because your life is worthy of it.
Understanding Your Purpose In Life:
Did you ever have a day in your life where you say, what am I doing here anyway?
I for one I can relate, there have been many a day early on in my life where I asked
that very same question. Thank goodness the answers came, I was aware and paid
attention. I knew I had a why or a reason for being here. So I just searched for it.
It took me a while to find it but when I noticed it, I went to it with joy and excited.
What we need is a grand vision for our life to give it meaning and purpose. Life can
have a way of just going right by us if were not paying attention to whats going on
around us. If we are not careful, society not ourselves can influence who we are or
what our purpose is. Know that you have power in your purpose, never give your
power or purpose to anybody else. It is yours and yours only. You are unique in
how you were created. So be that unique person and go out to the world and let
them know your meaning and purpose in life.
Finding your purpose in life is just a matter of a few things. First off, know who
you are by understanding what you want in life. Then pursue that of which you
are after with excitement and the expectation of getting it no matter what. Next,
know you have value to give. Be responsible for setting an example of becoming
all you can be. Describe who you are by using adjectives. For example you can say
I am an incredible person of passion. I have a very high energy in my ambitions.
My life is meant to serve with appreciation for the people I meet. There is certain
power that comes with such affirmations.
By knowing what is truly important to you means you can pursue your dreams by
applying in a forthright manner the very principles and values you grew up or learned
as you grew up. A little bit of introspection goes a long way here. The more you look
inside yourself the more you change for the better. Only focus on what you control, like
yourself for instance. You only can control you and nothing else.
Another key in finding your purpose in life is to find what you are passionate about.
Once you unlock the doors to what your passion is you will excel in all you do. Also,
go with what makes you excited as a person. Leave no stone unturned here. Become
the master of your purpose in life and follow your vision to success.
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