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Florida Agricultural & Mechanical University




Current Students, Alumni, and Employees




Presidential Candidate Search

Board of Trustees

I pray this memo finds each of you in the best of health and mindset. I alone have come up with
a solution that may help you alleviate the stress and shorten the process in the search and
hiring of the next President of this great institution.
This is a list of possible candidates for you to add to the selection process that have the one
strong characteristic to take FAMU in the direction that each of you seem to want it to go and
deem fit for the masses. I will just list the names and give the benefit that each shares.
1. G.W. Bush 8 years of ruining a nation. A cinch to ruin a University
2. Clarence Thomas- will allow a white man to talk to a sister any kind of way in public like
(you know) some people we know did. Character Stephen from Django possible twin
3. Donald Trump-Depending on outcome of 11-08-2016
4. Michael McDowell- NASCAR driver most prone to wreck
5. Pastor Mark Burns- Donald Trump supporter/ Property of TrumpHe can be bought
and will be a great puppet for you.
Each of these candidates have proven without a shadow of a doubt that they can run something
in the ground and dont have the best interest of the majority involved. They cater to their own
special interest and one of them may be able to be bought/bribed to say whatever you like. This
list will help you make a (in my opinion) wise choice that complements your past actions with
this great institution of higher learning..

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