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You feel the evening programs on a local television stations are uninteresting.

Write a letter to the manager of the television station. In your letter:

Explain why you don t like the current programs
Describe what kind of programs you would like to see instead
Explain why these programs are better
Write at least 150 words.
Model Answer 1:
Dear Manager,
ABC TV channel.
I am writing this letter in regards to the evening programs which are currently
being broadcasted in your television channel. I am sorry to inform you that as p
er the current schedule of the evening slot, most of the programs are quite bori
ng and unexciting. It would be great if you can reschedule some of these program
s and introduce more exciting and absorbing programs in the evening time.
Most of these programs of the evening slot are in the category of Opera soaps an
d the target audiences are mostly adult women. If this slot had more family ente
rtainment programs like comedy, magic show, reality show, children-oriented prog
rams, documentaries on wildlife or some science frictions related programs, it w
ould have been more captivating for audiences of all ages. I believe that by int
roducing these varieties of programs in the evening slot, your channel will defi
nitely attract more viewers and well as advertisers. As only a specific age grou
p enjoys your evening programs, you must be missing some advertising opportuniti
Evening time in each family is considered to be reunion time. Kids join their pa
rents after completing a long day in school and in the same way parents also ret
urn home after a tiring day in office. So every member of the family prefers bei
ng in the living room in the evening as their meeting place and television as th
eir medium of relaxation. Now if your channel can telecast my proposed list of p
rograms, it will cover the interest of everyone in the family.
I hope my request is valid and logical enough to draw your attention. Please rethink about your current evening schedule of programs which are being telecasted
Thanking You
Yours Faithfully
Nilay Das.
[Written by - Nilay Das]

Some people think paying taxes is a big enough contribution to their society, w
hile others think people have more responsibilities as members of society than o
nly paying taxes.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own kno
wledge or experience.
You should write at least 250 words.
Sample Answer 1:
It is thought by some that making a big contribution to the society can sufficie
ntly be done just by paying taxes, while others argue that other than paying tax
es, there are many more responsibilities which should be fulfilled by people as
members of a society. This essay will elaborate both of the views in detail.
To begin with, paying taxes will certainly be a useful and effective contributio
n to the society as it will give financial resources to the authority for the de
velopment of a country. Since the public budget from the taxes is used in all cr
ucial aspects of a nation, paying taxes is undoubtedly a great contribution for
a citizen. Firstly, it is used to develop infrastructures, like constructing str
eets, hospitals, parks, schools, public service buildings such as government off
ices, and so on. Secondly, it is used to provide public facilities, like public
telephones, transportations, libraries, amusement parks etc. Furthermore, it is
used to pay salaries of civil servants who works for the government and the soci
ety. Moreover, it can be used to give public subsidies on education, medical tre
atment, and fuel prices. Obviously, it is right that from taxes, a government ge
ts financial resources which significantly helps to develop the country. Yet, to
create an exemplary contribution in a society, people are required to take othe
r responsibilities and abide by the rules and laws.
Meanwhile, other forms of contributions from citizens are really needed to make
some positive changes in a society, particularly in developing countries. Indone
sia, for example, as one of the biggest countries consisting of 34 provinces and
having more than 200 million people, really needs involvements of citizens in s
upporting government initiated programmes, especially by mutual cooperation as a
form of contribution. By doing so, people can directly and immediately work tog
ether to protect their environment like planting trees and cleaning up their sur
roundings, as well as protecting the public facilities which are already availab
le. Being a law-abiding citizen means much than paying tax and that s why all citi
zens should follow the rules and laws a society has.
To infer, I am convinced that while paying taxes is a useful way to contribute t
o the society, participating in country s development is also a necessary contribu
tion that citizens should spontaneously get involved in.

Section 1: (Questions 1-10)

1. 4.25 // 4 1/4 // four and (a) quarter
2. 46 // forty-six
3. A // State Bank
4. D // Library
5. C // Garage
6. (a) (box) (of) chocolates

7. (a) (soft) toy // (a) teddy (bear) // (a) bear

8. (at the) market(s)
9. (at the) market(s)
10. ($)35/thirty-five (dollars)
Section 2: (Questions 11-20)
11. glass
12. eighteen/18 hours/hrs
13. (a) (strange) taste
14. (the) small size // small // (the) size
15. metal
16. A
17. outside/outdoor activities // outdoors
18. underwater // under/beneath water
19. (a) weak light
20. flashing light
Section 3: (Questions 21-30)
21. B // hospital
22. C // the middle section
23. C // found it difficult to do
24. C // remove completely
25. B // rewrite
26. C // remove completely
27. Sight and Sound
28. Support Tutor NOT Tutor
29. proof reading // proof read
Section 4: (Questions 31-40)
31. 7.30pm (to/and) 5.30am NOT 7.30 to 5.30
32. housewives // housewifes
33. Sunday(s)
34. (about) $25,000/twenty-five thousand dollars [NOT 25,000]
35. C // 67 decibels
36. C // for ceilings
37. W // for walls
38. C // for ceilings
39. D
40. C

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