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CAP : Filling the documents for the temporary adoption

Infinite <3 Three siblings

A Pink <3 Shy siblings
Boom : These little friends seem to have calmed down ever since we entered the d
Woohyun : It's their house here
CAP : The new family members are still unfamiliar with the house
Boom : This one just stays still. Are you okay?
Sungjong : It's okay
Boom : Are you okay?
Sunggyu : Ah, seeing them like this, I think they are ____ and cute
CAP : Sunggyu is also fond of them?
Boom : You are saying this for the second time, but you can't get closer to them
CAP : You can't approach them
Maintains a distance
Boom : You just say "seeing them like that.."
Sunggyu : They greet me very well
Boom : You can do it little by little. Today we have a lot of stuff to do. Since
I came here, we should find them names. We can't keep on calling them "
Woohyun : The puppies won't be able to recognize their names
CAP : They have to find names...
Boom : Let's pick awesome names. Each member will pick a name, call a dog
CAP : Each member will write down his choice
If the puppy comes when it's being called, the name will be approved
Boom : And if the puppy goes to someone, then we will pick the name chosen by th
e person he went to.
Let's start with Sungyeol. Reveal your choice !
Sungyeol : Jolie
CAP : Sungyeol Jolie
Boom : Ah Angelina Jolie, it does have a good body
Sunggyu : It's sleepy, it's sleepy (T/N : It's a pun on "being sleepy" and "Joli
e" because they sound alike in Korean)
CAP : I am sleepy~
Boom : L ! I am looking forward to his choice
Sungyeol : This one is not a joke
CAP : L Thunder
Boom : Thunder ! Why?
Myungsoo : Because he's really bright. That's why.
Sungjong : I picked Seobie
CAP : Sungjong Seobie
Boom : Seobie? Why?
Sungjong : Because his eyebrows are really long
Boom : Bec
Sungjong : Yes, Seobie.
Hoya : I chose Ddoongie
CAP : Hoya Ddongie
Boom :
CAP : Baekgu's own choice
What am I doing?
Boom : Now let's go ! Go pick your name !
He's going, he's going !
CAP : Thunder? Jolie?
Jolie chosen
Boom : The next puppy who is going to chose its name is Hwanggu
CAP : It's now Hwanggu's turn
Boom : Hwanggu is even wearing white shoes
CAP : White shoes?

Woohyun : White shoes

Boom : L is writing with his eyes as well
CAP : L who is immersed again
Woohyun :
Boom : Sungjong is also drawing something
CAP : What kind of names will come out this time?
Sungyeol : Doongie
CAP : Seongyeol Doongie
Sungyeol : Baram Doongie (T/N : It can also mean Player in Korean)
Woohyun & Boom : Haesseob
CAP : L Haesseob
Boom : Since he also wrote it with his eyes, everything sounds stronger
CAP : As expected from the intense L
Boom : Haesseob ! Who did this ? (T/N : Haesseob sounds like "did" in Korean)
Sungjong : Kaejyu?
Boom : What?
Sungjong : Kaejyu?
Boom : What is Kaejyu?
You must have been playing with the keyboard by yourself
CAP : 4-dimensional maknae
Sungjong : The response doesn't seem so good
Boom : Hoya ! Reveal your choice
Hoya : Ppung ppungie !
CAP : Hoya Ppung ppungie
Boom : Oh I like it
Hoya : I think it farted not too long ago
Boom : I knew it, did you feel it?
Hoya : Yes, I smelled it earlier
CAP : The smell...
Hoya : Since this fragrance is lovely... I decided to call him Ppung Ppungie
CAP : Since this fragrance is lovely...
Boom : Let's go Hwanggu-yah~
Sungjong : Kaejyu-yah~ Kaejyu-yah Kaejyu
Sungyeol : Doongie-yah~
Woohyun : Come here~
CAP : Conflict
Where should I go?
Hoya : That's it !
CAP : Ppung Ppungie chosen
Sungjong : Ah that's too bad
Boom : He was about to go to "Jang-geun" but finally went to Ppung Ppungie
CAP : Sad
Boom : I saw Hoya making fun of Kaejyu a little bit
CAP : After seeing Sungjong's "Kaejyu"
He laughed at the name you chose a little bit
Boom : So we're officially going with "Ppung Ppungie"
Ohhh look at him
CAP : Perfect
Boom : He has marks above his eyebrows
CAP : Blazing eyebrows
Woohyun : He is really charming
Boom : Let's find this little friend a name
Woohyun : I am confident this time
Hoya : I think he already chose my name
CAP : Hoya who is showing his confidence
Someone :
Hoya :
Boom : It looks like they are really comfortable now
CAP : Almost adapted
Boom : Look at this, look at this

Let's reveal the names starting with Sungyeol,

Sungyeol : Sseuma, charisma
CAP : Sungyeol Sseuma
Sunggyu : Oh it sounds fine
Boom : Yes, Sseuma is okay
Sungyeol : It's nice right?
Myungsoo : I chose Chil-heuk
CAP : L Chil-heuk
Myungsoo : No, it's not like this, it's
Boom : Let's darken L-goon's face
CAP : Strong
Boom :
Myungsoo :
Boom : Okay,
Woohyun : Tani
Boom Tahnee? Oh, that's nice
CAP : Woohyun Tani
Dog :
Boom : Sungjong is really 4-dimensional
CAP : 4-dimensional namer Sungjong
Woohyun : This one is a terminator
Boom : Yokik? What is this?
CAP : Sungjong Yokik
CAP : As expected from the 4-dimensional terminator
Woohyun : He [Sungjong] is a terminator
Sungyeol : Yo... kik !
Boom : When you say it out loud, it sounds okay. There's quite an impact when yo
u hear it at first
CAP : Satisfied
Dongwoo : When you're a man, you chose the fist right? (T/N : he is talking abou
t when you play rock / paper / scissors, fist = rock)
CAP : Fist?
Dongwoo : You all agree with me right?
CAP : Dongwoo Barock
As expected it is 4-dimensional?
Hoya : I watched our new friend closely and he looks like he's the one who has t
he most ardor. That's why I chose Tongki !
CAP : Hoya Tongki
Boom : Tongki and Yokik
Sungjong : It's fine ! If you say it out, it's fine
CAP : If you try saying it out loud, it's fine
Boom : Now, let's go pick you a name
CAP : Half-awake
Boom : Honggu, let's go !
CAP : Half-awake, half asleep
Boom : Now, let's start
Sungjong : Yokik come here ! Yokik !
Dongwoo : Barock !
Hoya : Tongki-yah~
CAP : What is the last puppy's choice?
Hoya : Tongki x4
CAP : Tongki chosen
Boom : To be honest, I wanted Sungjong's name to be picked and I did my best to
help him
CAP : Boom who wanted an original name?
An Inpiniteu member : Yokik is fine
Woohyun : Should we go with Yokik?
Boom : What do you think of it? You probably don't want to make a concession?
CAP : Abandoning Tongki?

Hoya : Should I make a concession?

Boom : Do as you wish
Myungsoo : Yokik sounds good
Dog : Uh?
Woohyun : Yokik was weird at first but...
Boom : He is the owner
CAP : Hoya's opinion is important
Boom : Since he is the master we have to listen to him. Should we change the pup
py's name?
Hoya : It sounds good to me, I like Yokik
CAP : Conceding in maknae Sungjong's favor
Boom : Because you still have Ppung Ppungie?
Hoya : Yes
Boom : Then, should we go with Yokik? Please raise your hands [if you agree with
CAP : Unanimity
Sungyeol : Yokik !
Boom : We changed your name to Yokik, sorry
CAP : Sulky silence
What is A Pink's puppy's name?
Naeun's board : Gaeul (T/N : It means automn / fall in Korean)
Naeun : Since we met during fall...
Bomi's : Jihae-ya
Eunji bb's : Hirit
AM : Dari
Boom's : Ganji
Eunji bb : Kwik !
AM : It boy
AM : Tiger A Pink
AM : Geumchi
AM : Jagalchi
CAP : A series of shocking names
Namjoo : Yo, 1999 (T/N : Boom's catchphrase), Boom !
Boom : It's a lovable name. We'll go with Dari !
CAP : Dari
Boom : Kwik !
CAP : Kwik
Determination of the names, complete
AM : Kwik-ah~
CAP : Kwik who likes to play together with the members
AM : You have to listen to what I say
AM : Are you acting cute in front of me?
AM : Hand ! Give me your hand !
Omo !!
AM : Aigoo, again, again !
CAP : And he keeps moving incessantly
AM : Where's the leash?
CAP : Meanwhile, the shy Dari
AM : Doesn't his expression looks
CAP : He also somehow looks sad...
AM : Kwik-ah~
CAP : Kwik who just entered the room
AM : Kwik, why are you so fast?
Ah seriously
Eunji bb : Let's take both of them out for a walk first
CAP : Kwik and Dari who have completly different characters / personalities
In order to understand the two puppies
A Pink visits the veterinary
Vet : So you are raising abandoned dogs?

AM : Yes
CAP : Veterinarian Kim Yunho
Vet : The difference between the personalities of both dogs is quite important
Kwik seems to be the kind to follow and like people
CAP : Kwik who loves people
Vet : On the other hand Dari seems to be more difficult to deal with and also re
ally scared
CAP : The very shy and scared Dari
AM : When we put him on the floor, he always lies in the corner
Vet : What you have to do since he keeps isolating himself isn't thinking of a m
edical way to help him
CAP : Medical treatments are unnecessary
Vet : But rather than that, you should just treat him nicely
CAP : Loving and treating him well is important
Vet : You have to show him affection and be gentle to him
Kwik is about three years old
CAP : Kwik's age estimation : 2~3 years old
Vet : I think a diet would be good
CAP : A diet is needed
Vet : Concerning his ____ and ____ they're both fine but his knees are in a bad
CAP : Kwik whose knee joints are in a poor condition
Vet : You have to pay attention to him when he's running or when you want to hug
Eunji bb : He's afraid right?
CAP : This time it's Dari's examination
Vet : Dari is still a baby so when you came here by car earlier ____ (urgh I hat
e how I can't hear the end properly -_-)
Looking at him like this, Dari is probably around 6 months
CAP : Dari's age estimation : 6 months
Vet : He will grow bigger in the future
AM : Grow up well
Vet :
Eunji bb : Earlier, he was drooling a lot
CAP : Dari who doesn't come out from dark and isolated places
Eunji : Even when we try to make him come out, he doesn't want to
Vet : These two dogs are really different from each other. Kwik loves to tag alo
ng people, he doesn't seem to be the type to slip. He has a little separation an
xiety disorder
Eunji bb : Yes
CAP : Separation anxiety disorder
When a dog who usually likes being with his owner shows his anxiety by behaving
abnormally (for example barking or biting his surroundings) because they are apa
Vet : Concerning Dari, at the moment he is really frightened
AM : Will he get better?
Vet : Of course, but you will have to make a lot of efforts
CAP : Animals change according to the efforts made by their guardians
Vet : Therefore for Kwik you must ______ by acting like a bystander for example,
so he can grow up well
CAP : The vet's point of view
Need to purposely ignore Kwik or remain as a spectator next to him from time to
Vet : As for Dari, he will need infinite love so you can raise him well
CAP : The vet's point of view
Dari of course needs a boundless amount of affection
CAP : A real inspection
AM : I am scared
Someone: What to do?
CAP : The inspections that are strange to the puppies

CAP : Looking for presents while waiting for the exams' results
AM : Should we buy them shoes?
AM : Should we buy two of this?
AM : It's an eye cleaner
CAP : Dari and Kwik who received new clothes as presents
AM : Ah it's so cute
AM : Is it?
CAP : Even having a delicious lunch
Vet : Your puppies' results just came out. I will start with Kwik.
A Pink : Yes
Vet : First of all he is well nourished, his cholesterol is fine as well as his
heart rate.
CAP : An overall good condition / health
Vet : However he slightly has low blood pressure but it isn't to a degree you sh
ould really worry about therefore I think he should eat quickly. It was a nice t
hing to see you gave him food earlier
CAP : Slight hypoglecemia
Vet : Aside from this, everything is fine, there are no problematic issues
A Pinkeu : Woah
CAP : A fortunate result
Eunji bb and AM : Let's give him a round of applause
Vet : Moreover, I checked if he had any heart worm or parasite inside but once a
gain, there isn't any problem
CAP : Heart worm
Parasites living into dogs' hearts.
When there's an infection, the dog first gets the symptoms of a cold but with ti
me, as his lungs slowly get filled with water, he can have difficulty breathing
and it can become an obstacle to the good circulation of his blood which would c
ause him to die.
Vet : He doesn't have any hear worm, it's clean
Eunji bb : He looks like us (idek if the beginning is supposed to be real words
I just hear uihaeuheaea :|)
CAP : This time it's Dari's results
Vet : Now for Dari, he is okay as expected. He is normally nourished he is actua
lly in a better state than Kwik. He is still young so he is much healthier than
CAP : Dari who is healthier than Kwik
Vet : No matter how I look at it, since he's still a baby, he is healthier than
Kwik. Since Dari is the opposite of Kwik
A Pinkeu : Yes
Vet : You always have to show him affection
CAP : To Dari, the most important thing right now is
The expression of love
Vet : You always have to talk to him and tell him "It's okay" or "I love you".
Before going out, make sure to hug him and when you go to sleep, it would be nic
e to bring him with you.
A Pinkeu : Yes
However I don't know why but you look very comfortable with him right now. I fee
l like he will be able to adapt himself very quickly.
If someone is mean to him hug him
Until he becomes stable, treat him well and it should be fine
A Pinkeu : Yes
Naeun : It's such a relief
Eunji bb : Yes we really worried about them a lot
CAP : My deeply wounded heart
That was not revealed through the results of the examination
The pain of being thrown away has now calmed down
I now have found a new family
Eunji bb : Hello~
CAP : When I feel lonely I can call them

A family who truly cherishes me

The first night
AM : Kwik has to co
CAP : Kwik who keeps showing his aegyo all day long
AM : O
AM : Eunji unnie isn't feeling well but Kwik ran to Eunji unnie to comfort her
CAP : Even comforting Eunji who isn't feeling well
AM : Yes, right now
AM with the camera : This is how the maknae lives
AM : It's the dog's house here, it's their house
CAP : Spending the first night in Mommy Bomi's (or should we sub it as Bomi umma
? idk Bomi umma sounds better to me) nest
AM :
AM :
CAP : The night advances like that
Next week
Sungjong : Who pooped?
CAP : The troublesome
Three siblings
The appearance of
INFINITE's savior
A Pink's tactics
To cure Kwik
The expert's
discipline methods will be revealed

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