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Vedic Oasis for Inspiration,

Culture & Education

Preachers Guide

Rekindling Wisdom, Reviving Love


1. Youth Preaching flourishes at Pune an article by Caitanyacharan das
2. BACE become VOICE
3. VOICE Motto and Objectives
4. Specialised training for different age groups
5. Children VOICE
6. Teenage Boys VOICE
7. Boys VOICE
8. Teenage Girls VOICE
9. Girls VOICE
10. Corporate VOICE
11. VOICE Publications
12. Preaching Strategies One time program
13. DYS Course - Six session program
14. On Scientific Preaching and DYS Course
15. Five short-term Courses on Essence of Bhagavad gita thru Weekly Study circle
16. How does a student evolve in our training program
17. Mantra Meditation Circle (MMC) a tool to keep our students intact
18. VOICE Youth Hostel or Youth Centres
19. Group Discussion Camps (GDC) for Spiritual picnic outing experience
20. Public Speaking and Discussion (PSD) for training to become a Preacher
21. Additional Training Programs
22. Week End Meeting topics for Juniors and Seniors
23. Principle Centered Leadership (PCL) training for Leaders and Managers
24. Vaishnava Training Workshop (VTW) during summer vacation
25. Gauranga Sabha (GS) training for would be Celibates
26. Nityananda Sabha (NS) training for would be Grihastas
27. Friends of Lord Krishna (FOLK) training for young couples
28. Vrinda Camps (VC) relationship building program for devotees beyond 3 years
29. The Spiritual Scientist (TSS) a free ezine
30. Fund raising for Preaching EASY (Enlighten Aimless Suffering Youth) scheme
31. Counseling system



Youth Preaching Flourishes In Pune

An article published by the Congregation Preaching Journal, written by Caitanya
Charan das, ISKCON, Pune is reproduced below :
Situated near the West coast of India, Pune, known by many as the Oxford of the East
has been celebrated since medieval times as a high seat of learning. Multitudes of
academic institutions dot this city of over four million even today. But over the centuries,
with the political and cultural subjugation of India by the British, the focus of learning
has shifted from the spiritual to the mundane.
Intelligent students with a traditional and religious upbringing come to Pune hoping for a
good education and a bright career. Some succeed, some dont; but almost all of them
lose whatever spiritual inclinations they may have had. The freedom resulting from living
away from their parents, the godlessness engendered by the mechanistic scientific
education and the free mixing opportunities offered by the campus environment combine
to propel the students into a life of sensuality and sin. When they graduate, they carry,
along with their degrees, a disdain for religion, an infatuation with materialism and a host
of vices meat eating, promiscuity, smoking, alcoholism, gambling and even drug
addiction. In short, they are "spiritually slaughtered".
During his preaching in India, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta swami Prabhupada,
Founder Acharya of ISKCON, often decried the mis-education that was stripping Indians
of their priceless heritage of Vedic culture and wisdom. He very much desired that
educated and intelligent Indians study, practice and preach Krishna consciousness.
During a brief visit to Pune, he remarked that this city would be a good venue for an
effective preaching center.
With this in mind, a transcendental rescue operation was launched to flood Pune with
Srila Prabhupada mercy. In 1996, His Holiness Radhanath Swami, co-GBC for Pune,
deputed his brahmacari disciple, Radheshyam Das, a post-graduate from the prestigious
Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Mumbai, to start college preaching in Pune.
Equipped with nothing except the instruction of his spiritual master and the blessings of
His Holiness Gopal Krishna Gosvami, GBC for Pune and His Holiness Loknath Swami,
Radheshyam Das arrived alone in this city with over fifty thousand students to try to
persuade some of them to accept a culture that they were determined to reject. Just seven
years later, several hundred engineering students have started practicing spiritual life
seriously. Over a hundred student-leaders, all chanting 16 rounds of the Hare Krishna


maha-mantra, are receiving systematic training in scrutinizing study and effective

preaching of Krishna consciousness philosophy through spiritual study groups. And most
importantly, thirty young graduates, six of them with masters' degrees and seventeen of
them engineers, have dedicated their lives to preach Krishna consciousness, determined
to spearhead a spiritual revival among the misled youth of Pune and India.
A comprehensive spiritual education forum, BACE (Bhaktivedanta Academy for Culture
and Education) offers systematic courses in the essential teachings of the Vedic scriptures
to hundreds of youths. BACE has separate wings catering to the needs of university
students, children and corporate executives. The central unit of BACE, which is within
the Pune ISKCON premises, has a computer room with publishing facilities and a library
with hundreds of books and thousands of audio and video tapes. The teenage wing of
BACE, the ISKCON Junior Youth Forum (IJYF), helps members to learn and present
Krishna consciousness through dramas and variety shows. The corporate wing, Friends of
Lord Krishna (FOLK), preaches to corporate executives through group discussions
centered on a spiritual theme. BACE runs three free cyber magazines The Spiritual
Scientist, Bhagyavan Jiva and Suhrt. BACE also has eight youth preaching centers near
the major colleges of Pune.
.BACE has five youth preaching centers near the major engineering colleges of Pune.
Each center is like a mini-ISKCON temple, complete with altar, morning program,
kitchen, prasadam distribution, book distribution, reading room, well-equipped library of
books and audio and video tapes and, most importantly, vigorous preaching. The
preachers from the temple come several times a week for conducting preaching programs
and the devotee students residing in the center call their friends for the program. The
extension center thus serves as both a safe shelter for the devotee students and a strategic
outpost for the youth preachers.
"We encourage and guide students to continue and excel in their college studies so that
they can attract other students to Krishna consciousness by their academic
performance..," says Radheshyam Das.
"Educated Indian youth generally see religion to be nothing more than dogmatic ritualism
and so it has no appeal for them. But when Krishna consciousness is presented as a
spiritual science with logical, coherent and cogent answers to the fundamental questions
of life, intelligent students are amazed; they see the very same spirituality which they had
turned their backs to, in an entirely new light and they take to it wholeheartedly," says
Radheshyam Das who has compiled a series of five books entitled Spirituality for



Modern Youth. These books, which present the basic Vedic concepts taught by Srila
Prabhupada in a systematic and scientific way, serve as the curriculum for the dozens of
weekly classes that are held in and near the various youth preaching centers. Radheshyam
Das has also written several pocket books, which serve as an introduction to Krishna
consciousness for newcomers as well as interesting subjects for introductory programs in
colleges. Special color slide shows have also been prepared to supplement the
presentations in colleges. A comprehensive youth preaching manual provides valuable
guidance to a prospective college preacher about how to most effectively preach to youth.
Externals are often misleading. The modest bungalow, that houses Sri Sri Radha
Kunjabihari, the presiding deities of Pune, reveals little of the spiritual energy that
permeates the atmosphere. Within that bungalow, every morning at 4:30 am, around sixty
devotees - forty-three brahmacharis and remaining trainees - dance and sing jubilantly in
front of the deities as they begin a new day of Krishna conscious adventures in their
service to Srila Prabhupada. The brahmacharis follow a strict sadhana (spiritual practice)
program in the early morning hours. During the day, special classes are held to train them
in understanding and preaching Krishna consciousness. And in the evenings they go to
over fifty congregation and college programs to distribute the wealth of spiritual wisdom
that Srila Prabhupada has gifted to the world.
The brahmacaris follow high standards of simplicity and renunciation. All of them live in
three small, simple rooms and have only a locker and its contents as their possessions.
Yet their serious spiritual practices keep them absorbed and joyful.
Recently a Bhakti Shastri course was arranged in Pune to help a group of 33 brahmacaris
to study deeply the books of Srila Prabhupada. It was the first time in the history of the
Vrindavana Institute of Higher Education (VIHE) that the complete course was
conducted outside Vrindavan.
As the college preaching expanded steadily, the youth preachers diversified into children
preaching. BACE now has a separate wing for children - the Bhakta Prahlad School
(BPS). BPS holds weekly classes at ten different venues for a total of over two hundred
and fifty children. "We want to make learning Krishna consciousness a joyful experience
for the children. So we fill the childrens books with games, puzzles, skits, verses, songs
and stories along with the philosophy," says Radhika Devi Dasi, who co-authors the
twelve childrens books that comprise the curriculum for the childrens classes.
Brahmacaris as well as congregation devotees, who are well-versed in philosophy, serve
as the teachers for the school. All the children from the different centers come together
several times a year for Balotsavas (childrens festivals), a variety-filled program that


helps the children imbibe deep Krishna conscious memories. BPS also teaches ethical
and spiritual values to over five hundred children in many of the reputed schools of Pune.
"Philosophy becomes easier to practice in a loving and caring atmosphere. The counselor,
who acts as a philosopher, friend and guide, helps upcoming devotees to feel a part of a
spiritual family," says Gaursundar Das, one of the senior youth counselors. The eighteen
brahmacari counselors, who are seasoned devotees with specialized training in
counseling, conduct inspirational meetings once a fortnight, wherein they train the
counselees in the four ss of spiritual life - siddhanta (philosophical understanding),
sadhana (regular spiritual practices), sadacara (proper Vaishnava etiquettes and behavior)
and seva (service attitude). Apart from the meetings, students, brahmacaris and
congregation devotees all get personal guidance about how to best advance in spiritual
life in a swift yet sustainable way.
The successful youth preaching has led to the growth of a vibrant spiritual community of
around three hundred initiated devotees and many more committed devotees. The weekly
Sunday feast attracts over seven hundred people. On festival days, over twelve hundred
people crowd the temple. On Janmashtami over twenty five thousand people visit the
Saturday evening plunges most youth into sensual revelry, but the young devotees at
Pune have a better taste; they dive into the ecstasies of Krishna consciousness at the
weekend youth meeting. After an enlightening discussion on the importance of Krishna
consciousness in the modern world followed by a lively question-answer session, as 400
beaming faces jubilantly sing and dance in a rousing kirtan, Srila Prabupadas poignant
statement about the future of the world comes to mind, "When the scientist, the medical
man and the philosopher get an opportunity to study scientifically what is God, then there
will be paradise on the earth."



BACE becomes VOICE

B.A.C.E. (Bhaktivedanta Academy for Culture and Education)

has been a name we

have been using for all our preaching activities -- mostly youth, but also children,
girls, corporate etc. We have been having different names for each of these wings
under BACE such as ISKCON Youth Forum - boys/girls wing, Bhakta Prahlad
School for children wing etc.

In order to have a simplified name that can be commonly used by all these wings,
we have finalized the name VOICE with the blessings of His Holiness
Gopalakrishna goswami and His Holiness Radhanath swami maharajas.
V.O.I.C.E = Vedic Oasis for Inspiration Culture and Education
VOICE represents 'Spiritual Sound of Vedas' 'Shabda brahma' or 'Voicing
Modern world is facing great degradation of character, culture and values. For a
sincere human being to live a life of pure principles is a great challenge. The
'Vedic Oasis' conveys the idea that it is 'life-giving' centre in a 'stress-ridden fastpaced rat race society' that is like a desert. Also 'Oasis' helps to avoid the
'Academy' that comes in BACE; thus the people don't see it just as a education
centre alone but a centre for inspiration, culture and education. Thus VOICE will
provide a facility like an Oasis in the middle of desert to keep oneself charged in
remembrance of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna always. The inspiration is
spiritual inspiration to perform devotional service with full enthusiasm.
We will be calling our different wings as
CHILDREN VOICE (for children, Age group 5 yrs to 12 years),
earlier called as Bhakta Prahlad school
TEENAGE BOYS VOICE (for teenage boys, Age group 13 to 19),
earlier called as ISKCON Junior Youth Forum
TEENAGE GIRLS VOICE (for teenage girls, Age group 13 to 19),
BOYS VOICE (for the college students, Age group 19 and above ),
earlier called as ISKCON Youth Forum (IYF) or BACE
GIRLS VOICE (for the college girls, Age group 19 and above),
earlier called as IYF Girls wing
CORPORATE VOICE (for the company-going men and women),



Vedic Oasis for Inspiration, Culture & Education (VOICE)

VOICE, the Vedic Oasis for the stressed mind of modern age
Vedic Oasis for Inspiration, Culture & Education (VOICE) touches the hearts and lives of
children, teenagers, adolescent youth, corporates, families. Its motto is rekindling
wisdom and reviving love.
VOICE represents 'Spiritual Sound of Vedas' 'Shabda brahma' or 'Voicing concern'.
Modern world is facing great degradation of character, culture and values. For a sincere
human being to live a life of pure principles is a great challenge. The 'Vedic Oasis'
conveys the idea that it is 'life-giving' centre in a 'stress-ridden fast-paced rat race society'
that is like a desert. Thus VOICE will provide a facility like an Oasis in the middle of
desert to keep oneself surcharged in remembrance of the Supreme Lord, Sri Krishna
always. The inspiration is spiritual inspiration to practice devotion to God with full
We have different wings of VOICE catering to the needs of different sections of society :
Children VOICE (for children between 5 yrs to 12 years),
Teenage Boys VOICE (for teenage boys, Age group 13 to 19),
Teenage Girls VOICE (for teenage girls, Age group 13 to 19),
Boys VOICE (for the college students, Age group 19 and above ),
Girls VOICE (for the college girls, Age group 19 and above),
Corporate VOICE (for the company-going men and women),
Senior Citizens VOICE (for members above 50 years of age)

Our Motto
The motto of VOICE is Rekindling Wisdom, Reviving Love.
Intellectual education influences the head and value-based education influences the heart.
In fact, education that does not train the heart can be dangerous. If we want to build
character in our offices, homes and society, we must have the wisdom to live a principlecentered life based on honesty, compassion, courage, responsibility etc. Steven Muller,
President, Johns Hopkins University said : Universities are turning out highly skilled
barbarians because we dont provide a framework of values to young people, who more
and more are searching for it. Winston Churchill said, The first duty of a university is
to teach wisdom, not trade; character, not technicalities. Educated persons are those



who can choose wisely and courageously under any circumstances between good and
bad, between virtuousness and vulgarities regardless of the academic degrees they have.
The goal of VOICE is to rekindle the innate wisdom about meaning and purpose of life.
Peter R.Schemm in his book entitled, Love: Impact on Physical and Mental Health
explains that people who live in relationships in which they do not feel loved, protected,
happy or secure are ten times more susceptible to chronic disease and five time more
susceptible to mental illness. Also studies prove that love heals diseases. Community,
security, protection, sharing, care and concern for one another all these are possible
only when people learn to lead a selfless God-centered life. Such a life awakens the
dormant love in our hearts that manifests as respect for elders, compassion for the
youngers, friendliness towards equals, surrender to the laws of God that matures as love
for God and towards all.

1. Creating a class of people of high character and competence.
2. Saving teenagers from self-destructive habits.
3. Creating communities for counseling
4. Training in Character and Competence
5. Use Arts, Culture, Music and Media to propagate the message of Wisdom literatures.
6. Creating a class of wise people who respect, trust and love each other.
7. Use talents for propagating love of God and love for all, based on word of God.
8. Distributing spiritual literature at subsidized prices.
9. Training in Science of God, etiquettes and behaviour, prayer and practices.

Specialised training for



Children, Teenagers, Youths and Corporates

Children VOICE

: Radheshyam das, Radhika devi dasi, Hemangigopi devi dasi

: Rasasundari devi dasi, Krishnakishore das,

Assistant Co-ordinators : Ramananda das, Yashodarani devi dasi, Parthahari das

Children are trained in story telling, creative exercises, singing, dancing, dramas,
painting, sloka recitation, fancy dress competition, etc. There are books exclusively
published for these children like Getting to know Krishna Wonderful Krishna etc
that are taught by expertly trained teachers to imbibe good samskars -- character and
values in children. There are quarterly Balotsav programs where these children get
opportunity to display their talents through drama, art, singing, dancing, performances,
display booths that is open for thousands of visitors. During summer vacations, special
children camps are organized for fun and learning experience of the children. There are
over ten children VOICEs all over Pune that operate once a week for a couple of hours,
generally in the week end. Generally about 25 children attend each of these programs.
The course registration generally starts from June. Besides the weekend couple of hours
programs at different homes, Children VOICE also organizes Value Education program
at schools to help children imbibe values and character in their school days. The
following is the syllabus of Value Education as given by Maharashtra Board.
VALUE EDUCATION for School Children
Eighth std : Values and Self Development

Importance cultivation of values
Goal of human life
Being Prayerful
No one is useless
Power of faith
Forms of devotion
Indias contribution to the world
Nature Then and now
Preparation for Meditation

Sense of Duty
Love for Truth
Love for Truth
National Unity
Love for nature


tasmat sastra ..
ahara nidra bhaya.
man mana bhava
klaibyam ma sma
deva dvija guru.
sauryam tejo dhrtir.
vyavasa yatmika.
ahimsa satyam.
shamo dama tapah..
shamo dama tapah..
asraddha dana
man mana bhava
bharata bhumite..
etam drstim
yatro paramate ..



Ninth std :

Personality and Behavior development




Science of soul
Positive thinking
Science of God
Love in action
Avoid Fault-finding
Freedom from Anger
Universal Brotherhood
True Friendship
Happiness vs Suffering
Beware of Self-destructive habits
Doing our best and leaving the rest
Save Nature


Scientific attitude
Scientific attitude
Kindness towards all
Dignity of labor
Religious tolerance
Love for Truth
Love for Nature

dehino smin
tesham evanu
adveshta sarva
ayushah ksana .
bhoktaram yajna
pasyata etan
ahimsa ..apashunam
ahimsa satyam .
sarva yonishu ..
titikshava .
mam upetya .
yah sastram ..
dhyayato vishayan
tasmat sarveshu
maya adhyakshena

Tenth std : Character and Competence skills


Can a scientist believe in God?
Getting the eyes to see God
Are accepting Vedas not blind faith?
Self Management & good health
Science of Reincarnation
All are equal
As you sow, so you reap
Role of women in Vedic society
All religions same message
Mind your Mind
Self Control
Studying effectively

Scientific attitude
Scientific attitude
Dignity of labor
Dignity of labor
Gender equality
National Unity

mattah parataram ..
jnanam teham sa .
karma brahmod .
yuktahara ..
vidya vinaya .
catur varnyam .
karmano hy api.
ahimsa satyam ..
amanitvam .
adharmabhi bhavat
aham sarvasya .
bandhuratmat .
raga dvesha ..
shamo damas .
abhayam sattva .

Each of the above values are taught in two lectures of forty minutes duration each. Although small tests are
held after every five topics, the final examination is conducted at the end of the course.

Teenage Boys VOICE

: Govinda prabhu (Chowpatty), Radheshyam das, Caitanyacharan das
Co-ordinators : Tulsi das, Varadaraj das, Srivatschandra das
Modern teenagers are attacked by the money thirsty media programs that impel them to
buy costly mobiles, bikes, sports shoes, pants and wears etc. The movies present



perverted themes and cause teenagers to indulge in drugs and drinks, smoking and sexpartners considering themselves free birds. But all this craze ends in self-destructive
addictions, depression, failure in academics or social responsibilities, psycho-logical
traumatic experiences often ending in suicide. Our programs are oriented to train them in
patience, maturity, self control, clean habits, tolerance, respect for elders, meditation to
calm the raging mind etc. The teenagers perform skits, sing, play instruments, join the
spiritual dance, meditate and go for spiritual picnics. They also learn public speaking,
studying effectively, developing concentration and avoid bad habits.

Teenage Boys VOICE syllabus

Many of the following topics will be available from our series of books entitled,
Spirituality for modern youth and The Spiritual Scientist issues.
1. Character vs. Competence (Arjunas 3 qualities Character, Competence, Devotion)
2. Transform your worst enemy into your best friend
3. Can a scientist believe in God?
4. Should we grope in the dark or pray for light? (Ses 2, DYS)
5. Glory of Vedic India
6. Meditation for the modern age
7. Is accepting Vedas not blind faith?
8. How is human being superior to animals?
9. Law of Karma the law of infallible justice
10. No God No peace, Know God Know Peace (Material problems, spiri solns)
11. Four Regulative Principles for freedom
12. Science of Soul
13. From Fear to Love
14. Heroism Real and Virtual
15. Reincarnation Fact or Fiction?
16. Break free of bonds (three modes food, time, action etc)
17. Austerity of Body, Mind and Words
18. Technology curse or boon?
19. Who is Guru? Who is not?
20. Evolving towards Perfection
21. Did we come from branches to benches?
22. Do demigods really exist?
23. Am I God? Does one become God by meditation? (along with Poem)
24. Caste system not for chaos, but for harmony
25. Spirit of Bhagavad gita
26. Association good and bad



27. Lifestyle all you need to know from mobiles to ipods to bikes to fashion
28. Who should be the object of my worship?
29. Deity vs. Idol worship
30. Qualifications of a Disciple
31. Jnani, Yogi and Bhakta
32. The Four Ashramas for real progress
33. Is everything already destined? (slideshow)
34. Quest for Happiness and managing our material desires
35. Krishnas rasa dance Can we imitate?
36. Well wishing friend who escorts you (supersoul)

Slokas for Memorisation

Selected verses from Brahma Samhita

Morning program songs
Bhagavad gita 108 selected verses
Bhavad gita chapters 7, 9, 12, 15 memorisation
Srimad Bhagavatam selected verses

Self Excellence skills

1. Power of Habits
2. Secret of Concentration
3. Art of Self Management
4. Developing study skills
5. Managing the raging mind
6. Overcoming Inferiority Complex
7. Seven types of Intelligences
8. Giving powerful presentations
9. Team Playing and Co-operation
10. Time Management
11. Danger of free mixing, romance, blue film watching, internet and media
12. Positive Mental Attitude
13. Bhagavad gita and Art of Work
14. How to manage Anger?
15. Ambition vs. Overambition

Value Education Syllabus (Values for Teenagers booklet)

1. Politeness
2. Simplicity



3. Honesty
4. Love in action
5. True Friendship
6. Truthfulness
7. Humility
8. Developing Friendships
9. Developing a Prayerful attitude
10. Confidence
11. Regard for teachers
12. How to visit guests and receive guests
13. Unflincing Faith in Gods protection
14. Doing ones best and leaving rest
15. Overcoming Envy
16. Learning to Forgive and forget
17. Integrity and Truthfulness the foundation of spiritual life
18. Be Grateful or else become a great fool
19. Fanaticism vs. Broadmindedness
20. Overcoming False ego
21. Giving up Prajalpa, mundane talk
22. Increasing our Tolerance
23. Life is a mirror
24. All that glitters is not gold
25. Man and nature then and now
26. On Resisting Temptations

Vaishnava etiquettes
1. Etiquette within the temple
2. Habits and Behaviour
3. Sadhana
4. Four Regulative principles Truthfulness, Austerity, Cleanliness, Mercy
5. Sense gratification and Bhakti yoga
6. Dress and Appearance
7. Holy Days
8. Missionary activities
9. Dealing with Parents, Friends and relatives
10. Ethics and Morality
11. Position of women in Vedic culture
12. Dealing with Guests
13. Bhakti Yoga at Home or practical application of Bhagavad gita
14. Upadeshamrita verse 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6



Director : Radheshyam das, M.Tech. IIT, Powai
VOICE Governing Body (VGB):
Acharya Ratna das,B.E.Comp, 9434047299 ,
Bal Govind das, B.E. Mech., 9325502474
Shyamrupa das, B.E. Mech. 9422079881
Ram Priya das, MBBS, (MD), 9373322501

VOICE Executive Committee (VEC):

Gopal Champu das,B.E.,
Rajshekar, M.Tech, IITKGP,
Veerayyah,B.Tech, NITK,
Chandramouli, B.Tech, IITKGP

Ankur Gupta,B.Tech. IITKGP,

Gyanprakash,B.Tech, IITKGP,
Sripad, B.Tech, NIT Warrangal and
Dhiraj, M.Tech, IITKGP

Project Managers (PM)

Overall Co-ordinators (OC)

Publications and Sales Manager :

Krishnakishore das, M.E. Comp., Asst Prof, VIT college. 09822451260

Boys VOICE has been preaching to youth community since 1996 and over 10,000
students have participated in different courses. Boys VOICE also has over a dozen youth
hostels across the country close to the colleges like IITKGP, ITBHU, NITWarrangal,
NITSuratkal, NITJamshedpur, COEP, COEET, BVPCOE, Pune, SIT, Pune etc for
offering the following training program to empower the modern youth.
Personality Development and Character Build Up
Training the students in the application of philosophy, values and principles in their
personal life.



Rising early, sleeping early, morning mantra meditation, GD and interactions

Training in etiquettes, manners and proper behavior to be followed while living in
Training in dealing with equals, juniors, seniors, elders in the family, parents, teachers.
Training in integrity, truthfulness, simplicity, trustworthiness, non-envy, maturity,
humility etc
Training in self-excellence skills like giving presentations, conflict resolution,
empathic listening etc
Yoga, Meditation and Nutritious Diet
Vibrant health, peaceful mind, and satisfying loving relationships are essential for a
life of quality.
People poison their digestive tract with meat, alcohol,drugs, sleeping pills and junkfood.
The purpose of food is to increase the duration of life, purify the mind and aid bodily
At VOICE, the students get Prasadam, sanctified lactovegetarian sanctified diet. It is
wholesome, nutritious, satisfying and nourishing to body and soul.
Mantra Meditation
Modern man filled with fear, tension, anger, defensive attitude etc leading to stress.
The adrenaline hormone secretion leads to disorders like indigestion, back pain, blood
pressure rise etc.
Mantra Meditation is a powerful tool to alleviate stress and attain peace of mind.
It provides one inner strength, patience, tolerance, vigor, confidence, power to make
decisions etc.
VOICE Students regularly perform mantra meditation and lead cheerful stress-free
Topping in Academics
Spirituality and Academics are given equal importance for VOICE students.
During JAN/FEB/MAR and APR/MAY/JUN, the students study 10-13-16 hours per
They fill Study cards and report to their Counselors for perusal and subsequent
The alumni student or professor devotees help the younger students by coaching.
For a devotee student, his college studies are not material. It is Krishnas service.
Public Speaking and Discussion (PSD)
Students are trained how to deliver lecture presentations.



They are taught to face challenges from the audience without losing temper.
They are assessed on the basis of ten criteria and room for improvements are offered to
A seasoned preacher gives clarifies all the lingering misconceptions.
Team Playing and Synergising
Group Discussion Camps (GDC) teaches the students to work cooperatively in a team.
They learn to value others opinions, to pool up the talents of many, to be confident etc.
They prepare one of their team members to give a presentation, make a display, put up
a skit etc.
Devotional Qualifications
They are trained in cooking, cleaning, washing, worshiping, performing arati,
singing, playing instruments like mridanga, kartals, harmonium,
purchasing things from market, handling accounts, managing different departments
like kitchen, etc.
This foundational training is greatly helpful now and in the future.
Personal Care and Counseling
Every VOICE student has a Counselor who acts in his life as a Philosopher, Friend
and Guide.
He answers the students questions and shares his experiences.
He helps him tackle physical, mental, and spiritual problems and trains him to face
future challenges.
The counselees fill up a sadhana card that acts as a report card filled up by the
The Counselor-counselee meetings are held fortnightly or monthly to bring about a
family atmosphere..
Other committees that extend their help marriage bureau, placement committee, etc.
Preaching Activities
One-time slide show seminars like Stress Management Time Management for
Bring out THE LEADER in you Course trains the youth in Character and
Competence skills. The first pocket book on Stress Management is already out. The
subsequent titles are likely to be released in a few months. A bulky book with all 20
titles will be published at the end, which can be prescribed as a credit course by any
college for grooming their students in values and ethics.



Six-session slide show course called Discover Your Self for learning basics of
Weekly Study Circles Three courses each lasting for 4 months are offered for the Boys
VOICE, Girls VOICE and Corporate VOICE members -- Spiritual scientist, Positive
Thinker, Self Manager
Advanced courses : Those who complete the above can join Proactive leader and
Personality Development courses. Beyond this one is eligible to join the Bhakti Sastri
Weekend meeting on Saturday evening is open for all boys between 17 to 30 years of
age. It is a gathering addressed by special speakers on themes relating to modern world
and solution from Vedas.
Cultural Activities: Dramas, Nam rock, Debates, Music, Dance and Spiritual Camps and
Prerana Youth Festival : The Boys VOICE organizes a monthly special youth festival
for girls called PRERANA where over a thousand boys participate in program
consisting of a seminar, kirtans, dancing and Prasadam. Special eminent speakers are
invited for this program.

(Teenage) Girls VOICE


: Radhika devi dasi, Vishaka devi dasi , Kishori devi dasi (Mumbai),
Radheshyam das, Jaigopal das
Co-ordinators : Anangamohini devi dasi, Vidya patham,
Brajavallabhi devi dasi and Yugalapriya devi dasi.

The teenage boys and girls are trained separately by male and female teachers
respectively. As the psychology of boys and girls are different their training programs
are also made suitable to their needs. Woman has a vital role to play in any family, in the
life of her husband, children, and in laws and others. It is said that the hand that moves
the cradle can make or mar the world. Great leaders have had great mothers. Keeping
this in view, the girls are trained in various activities to become a ideal wife, a loving



mother and a chaste and exemplary house maker to benefit home, nation and all
Objectives of Teenage Girls VOICE
Training girls to
Learn Values like politeness, truthfulness, being prayerful, love in action, positive
attitude etc
Learn Self-Excellence skills like Power of Habits etc
Understand the importance of Dos and Donts
Learn the basic philosophy of KC and develop a taste for chanting, hearing and seva
Learn the danger of free mixing, glamour, romance, blue film watching, internet and
media etc.
Developing Good habits, behaviour, friendships with fellow devotees etc.
Sloka recitation from BG chapters 7, 9 and 12
Assisting in Children VOICE teaching
Objectives of Girls VOICE
Training girls to
Learn the basic philosophy of KC and develop a taste for chanting, hearing and seva
Values like Overcoming Greed, Anger, Depression, Fear, Inferiority complex
Perform devotional activities like offering puja, maintaining deity, making garland,
pure habits etc
Cultural activities like singing, playing instruments, cooking, put rangoli etc.
Live a life of chastity, character, modesty, simplicity and similar values
Learn to be a ideal wife, mother, daughter-in-law, -in-law etc
Dealing with guests, elders, family members and others
Learn to celebrate festivals at home
Teaching Children VOICE students
The Girls VOICE organizes a quarterly special youth festival for girls called
CHETANA where hundreds of girls participate in program consisting of a seminar,
kirtans, dancing and Prasadam. Special eminent speakers are invited for this program.
Their special activities are :

Seminars like Role of woman in Vedic society by senior ladies

Group presentations on topic of Six anarthas,
Doing Arati to the Lord,
Candle making and Pots decoration,
Garland making
Singing Bhajans and Kirtans,



Cooking recipes,
Slide show presentations
Outdoor spiritual picnics and camps

One of the satellite centers of Pune Girls VOICE is at NIT Warrangal run by a devotee
professors wife.

Corporate VOICE
Corporate Preaching Board members
Executive Chairman
Executive Vice-Chairman (CFP)
Executive Vice-Chairman (CYP)
Executive Secretary (CFP)
Executive Secretary (CYP)
Lead Trainer

Radheshyam das
Vamshi Vadan das
Anantashesh das
(mobile: 9850881105)
Gopal Champu das (mobile: 9325070111)
Anant Balaram das
Revati Pati das
Bala Govinda das

In todays fast paced and competitive corporate world, the executives, managers and team
leaders usually have more mental work than physical which gives rise to many stress
born diseases like hypertension, etc and thus cause a great loss to their health in personal
life and leads to loss of efficiency, cleavage in relationships, etc in professional life.

Corporate VOICE offers seminars and courses to help them learn :

To bring balance between personal and professional life.

How to achieve peace of mind to focus on their duties properly.
Unique techniques to eliminate stress and negativity.
Simple tips to resolve inner conflicts and improve physical and mental health.
Changing attitude and outlook to life for converting distress to eustress.
Meditation techniques to go beyond depression and avoid hypertension
Developing calm, clear and creative thinking.
Secret of Happiness and improving performance.

We have three types of programs to cater to the needs of corporate people :

1. Corporate Family Programs (CFP)
2. Corporate Youth Programs (CYP)

- Age group : after marriage

- Age group 22 to 30 years



3. Company Seminars and Workshops (CSW) - organized by the company

1. CFP (Corporate Family Program) These weekly programs are conducted in the
following areas: Range hills ( Atharva ), Prabhat Road, Wanowrie, Wanowrie
(Sacred Heart Town ), Camp, Kalyani Nagar, Koregaon Park, Wakad, Lullanagar,
Salisbury Park, Kothrud, Aundh, Magarpatta city, Viman Nagar, Pashan
2. CYP (Corporate Youth Program) These programs are intended for unmarried
corporate youths. Over 20 such programs are held in the weekends, mostly at the
3. YOGA (Youth Of Gods Abode) are Corporate VOICE youth hostels near Software
Parks where working youths live together and practice Krishna consciousness. More
information about YOGA is presented after this article. Contact Gopal Champu prabhu
(9325 070111), Overall YOGA Mentor for more details.

4. Company Seminars and Workshops Seminars such as Stress Management

Time Management Self Management involving presentations and activities lasting
for about three hours are held in various companies in and around Pune. We have
already conducted programs in Finolex (170 delegates), Tech Mahindra (Formerly
know as MBT for 140 delegates), Concentric (top 12 managers attended), Hotel Sagar
Plaza (40 delegates), Cognizant (50 delegates), Zensar (20 delegates), Dastur School
(220 teachers) and Electrical Electronics Association (200 delegates).
Bring out the LEADER in you Seminars on
Leadership For Corporates Overview
VOICE offers seminars (3 hrs each) on topics given below. The pocket books on all
these topics is in pipe line and likely to be completed before the end of this year :

Stress Management (already released)

Time Management
Art of Self Management
Power of Habits
Secret of Concentration
Mind your Mind
Positive mental attitude
Team playing and winning trust of others
Overcoming Inferiority complex
Constructive criticism How to give it or take it?
Fate and Free will
Karma the Law of Infallible justice
Key to Real Happiness
Conflict Resolution
Eight Qualities of an Effective Leader
Managing our Anger
Self Development (flowing of consciousness)
Personality development and Character buildup



19. Proactive Leadership

20. Art of Living and Leaving
For more details, contact Executive Vice Chairman, Mr.Anant (mobile: 9881401814).

Y.O.G.A. (Youth Of Gods Abode)

Director : Radheshyam das, M.Tech. IIT, Powai
YOGA Governing Body (YGB):
Gopal Champu das, B.E. Comp, 9325070111
Acharya Ratna das,B.E.Comp, 9434047299 ,
Bal Govind das, B.E. Mech., 9325502474
Shyamrupa das, B.E. Mech. 9422079881
Overall YOGA Mentor : Gopal Champu das, B.E. Comp, 9325070111

Project Managers (PM)

Viman Nagar


Shyama rupa das, Premanivas das

Sundershyam das, Sundervar das
Keshavananda das, Varadaraja das
Acharyaratna das, Satyapriya das
Balagovinda das
Shyamarupa das

Overall Co-ordinators (OC) and Assistants of YOGA centers :

Viman Nagar


- Vikas Singhal, Mrityunjay mahapatra

- Anil Timbe, Ramesh
- Srikant, Mayur
- Chandraprakash, Rohit
- Kuldeep, Sachin khade
- Anand Babu

Differences between Student BOYS VOICE centers and Y.O.G.A. centers :

Occupied by college student devotees
Amenities supported by temple
Focus is on college studies and College preaching

Occupied by working devotees mostly software
Amenities managed by inmates
Focus on Career building and Corporate preaching



Inmates are raw from preaching field to be trained

Managed by BOYS VOICE
Arranges preaching in Colleges and hostels

Inmates mostly passout from VOICEs, so seasoned

Managed by YOGA, Corporate VOICE
Arranges preaching in Companies and local centers

VOICE Publications
One may raise a question that when there are so many books published by His Divine
Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, what is the need of publishing so many
new books for youth, children and corporates; why not teach Srila Prabhupadas books
directly. We have given a few reasons below :
1. Easy readability of pocket books:
Srila Prabhupada has written over 70 authoritative books in such a simple and lucid
language that any common man can understand the philosophy of Krishna consciousness.
His books are the law-books for the next 10,000 years. VOICE publications are intended
to bring one to the point of reading Srila Prabhupadas books. Many people buy big
books like Bhagavad gita, but worship it as a very holy scripture by offering flowers
everyday. But because it is a bulky book, they never read it.
Therefore at VOICE, we are publishing pocket books, which are based on the essence of
Srila Prabhupada's books. Since these books are very small, people can read them quickly
as soon as they purchase them. Follow up of those who have taken these books is also
easier. After distributing these books intensively in a locality where a future program is to
be conducted, a one-time program can be conducted on the same topic. Since most of the
students have already read or seen or at least heard about the book, we get a good turnout
for the one-time program. And when they appreciate the philosophy and get a taste for
Krishna consciousness, we encourage them to purchase and read Srila Prabhupada's
Pocket book distribution is the strategy adopted by the Christians to preach the message
of the Bible. Due to their vigorous book publication and distribution, Christianity is
rapidly spreading everywhere like a wildfire. At VOICE, we adopt the same policy to
expand preaching Krishna consciousness.
2. Preaching aid for systematic presentation of important themes:
Srila Prabhupada's books are comprehensive and contain profound philosophy presented
in such a lucid way that anyone who reads them can easily understand it. Still it is
observed that many times devotees within ISKCON, even full-fledged, full-time senior
preachers, have difficulty in giving a presentation on a specific topic, especially in a way
suitable for the youth. For example, if a theme such as 'The three modes of material



nature' is to be explained, profuse information is available in the fourteenth, seventeenth

and eighteenth chapters of Bhagavad-gita and examples can be found scattered
throughout Shrimad Bhagavatam and other books of Srila Prabhupada. But to present it
all as a cohesive lecture is often a daunting task.
Understanding this difficulty, His Grace Radheshyam Das, Director, VOICE, Pune,
prepared notes on twenty-five important themes from Bhagavad-gita based on the books
of Srila Prabhupada, articles from 'Back To Godhead' magazines and lectures by senior
ISKCON devotees especially His Grace Devamrita Das.
3. Blend of philosophy and science:
Srila Prabhupada presented devotional philosophy in a pure, undiluted form in his books.
But he also desired that the philosophy of Krishna consciousness be presented in
scientific terms for those who are so inclined. The books published from VOICE, Pune
are a humble attempt to fulfill this desire of Srila Prabhupada. These books present
Krishna conscious philosophy in a systematic way using scientific facts, figures and
findings to present it in a more convincing and appealing way for young students with
scientific and analytical minds. These books are especially meant for youths of
Engineering, Medical and Chartered Accountants. Of course there could be others who
are philosophically inclined who can also appreciate these books.
Youth VOICE Publications - Spirituality for the Modern Youth
This Five volume series explains systematically and scientifically how spiritual life is for
the truly intelligent - those who want the best in life. An eye opener for those who think
that spirituality is the resort of sentimentalists, escapists and oldies.
Discover Your Self: Make the one discovery that can fill your life with happiness
forever: Who am I?
57 pictures, soft bound, 192 pages.
(For preachers who want to use Discover Your Self as a course book for youth, we also
have l84 attractive color slides - both hard & soft copies
l Audio tapes for all sessions)
Your Best Friend: Can you understand and develop a relation with the one Supreme
Truth that stands eternally beyond all barriers of caste, creed, color, nationality and
religion? Your Best Friend is the key to a scientific understanding of God. 62 pictures,
soft bound, 336 pages
Your Secret Journey: Modern scientists, humbled in their attempts to create a humanoid
robot, are wondering how a human being is different from a robot. Is there a spiritual
paradigm to explain the mystery of life? Scientific proof of past life memories shows that

we survive after death. In fact, we go through a journey from one body to another until
we attain perfection. Your Secret Journey explains the secret of action that can free us
from all problems. 86 pictures, soft bound, 322 pages
Victory Over Death: Everyone has to face death one day. Although you cannot avoid
death, you can conquer it. Victory Over Death explains how to cultivate life so that you
can die triumphantly.
97 pictures, Soft bound, 394 pages
Yoga of Love: The highest form of yoga is simultaneously simple, sublime and safe.
Moreover it is full of love and joy. Empower yourself with the Yoga of Love (Coming
soon)Pocket Books.

Pocket Books:
Stress Management: Stress is neither a germ nor a bacteria to be treated by antibiotics. It
is your outlook to life, a problem of the mind that needs a holistic solution at the level of
body, mind, intellect and soul. Read this book for practical tips to tackle the stress
Art of Harnessing Mind Power: What is the mind? How does it operate? Can I use it to
my advantage to do positive things in life? Find out in the Art of Mind Control. 19
pictures, 48 pages
Audio tape and color slides (hard and soft copies) also available

Practical Tips to Mind Control: What should you do when the whole world appears to
have come to an end - everyone appears an enemy, providence appears cruel, future
appears bleak and life appears not worth living? Open the doors to a new life full of joy
by applying the Practical Tips to Mind Control.
10 pictures, 88 pages
Can I Live Forever?: A concise pocket book that gives scientific understanding of life
and death. It also explains an easy and effective way to end all suffering and attain eternal
happy life. Read and empower yourself to control your present and determine your
future. 12 pictures, 54 pages
Misdirected Love: One out of every three love marriages in the West ends in divorce
within three years of marriage. Why? Love - What exactly it is? Love is an emotion that
promises to bring the highest happiness but often brings the greatest pain. Read
Misdirected Love and find new direction to your love and life.
9 pictures, 48 pages



Audiotape and color slides (hard and soft copies) also available.

Other Books
Horizon: A compilation of selected Spiritual Scientist articles. Contains scientific
findings about spirituality & health, systematic answers to the fundamental questions of
life and spiritual solutions to contemporary problems. 100 pages, soft bound
Essence of Bhagavad-gita Course Series : This is a five volume edition, that
encompasses Five Courses with the following titles. Each of them could be taught in a
few months only :

Spiritual Scientist (Discover your self)

Positive Thinker (Spirit of Bhagavad gita)
Self Manager (Basics of Bhagavad gita)
Proactive Leader (Secret of BG)
Personality development (Essence of BG)

Bhagavad-gita 7-Day Course: Brief point-wise notes for conducting 7 day course on the
Bhagavad-gita. Spiral bound, 100 pages
Youth Preaching Manual: A practical and detailed guidebook on how to present the
wisdom of the Bhagavad-gita to the youth. 13 color photos, spiral bound, 127 pages
Value Education: Vital values for teenagers and children explained lucidly through
Vedic stories, modern anecdotes and everyday examples.
Smiling Faces Crying Hearts: Concise Spiritual Scientist articles exposing superficial
modern civilization & glorifying timeless Vedic wisdom.
Children VOICE Books
These books were conceived to help children understand and appreciate the timeless
wisdom and culture of Vedas. You will find stories, songs, scripts for dramas and
puppet shows, art and craft activities that thrill the children. The books offer thoughtprovoking quizzes that relate to their practical day-to-day life.
My first Krishna Book: The child's first introduction to Krishna. Read-aloud rhymes
and attractive pictures to color. 24 pictures, 22 pages
Getting to know Krishna: Children are naturally curious. Their little minds want to
explore the world around them. Who is God? Why do we go to the temple? Nurture your

child's interest and help him take his first steps in discovering Krishna Consciousness.
124 pictures, 47 pages
More about Krishna: Lead the child into the amazing world of Krishna 's pastimes.
Enjoyable activities and thought provoking discussions enliven the children and help
them to inculcate good values. 187 pictures, 85 pages
Devotees of Krishna: Packed with stories, dramas and poems, this book will appeal to
older children. Many basic concepts are made clear through games, discussions and
activities. 86 pictures, 76 pages
Wonderful Krishna: Exciting adventures of Krishna, the protector of His devotees.
Group projects and comprehension exercises suitable for the growing child. Many fun
filled activities add to their enjoyment.
82 pictures, 76 pages.
Krishna's Childhood Pastimes: Sweet and simple description of Krishna's childhood
pastimes. Plus exciting activity sheets important Bhagavad-gita verses, prayers,
Vaishnava songs and Vaishnava etiquette.113 pictures, 190 pages
Slideshows and Audio CDs
We also have slideshows and audio CD on many topics like Eight practical tips to
Positive Thinking, Glory of Vedic India, Stress Management, Art of Self
Management, Work and be holy, not a workaholic, Bhagavad gita and Art of Work
etc. Any of these topics could be used for one-time programs. We also have audio CDs
of youth meetings on various topics and Camps.




For any information regarding our publication and ordering, please contact :
Sales Manager: Krishnakishore das, A-102, Bharati Vihar, Katraj,
Pune 411 046, Phone: +91-020-24306330,

Preaching Strategies
Q : How do we start youth preaching in any college?
We can take help of some value education club or any other cultural club in the college
to launch the ONE-TIME PROGRAM in their seminar hall.

The One Time Programs

What is it?
a slideshow seminar presentation done either in the college auditorium/seminar hall
can also be some hall near the college area where students stay in high density.
strength of students attending could range from 25 to 1000.

Vision of the program

to create awareness amongst students about VOICE
a seed-sowing program to offer spiritual side of life to students
to locate gem-like students who can be later polished into devotees
to recruit students for the follow up SIX SESSION DYS PROGRAM

Seminar Topics for presentation

You could give presentation on any ONE of the topics :
1. Art of Harnessing Mind power
2. Stress Management
3. Art of Self Management
4. Power of Habits
5. Eight Practical Tips for Positive Thinking

(town, city colleges)

(city colleges)
(town, city colleges)
(town, city colleges)
(city colleges)

For most of the above topics we have the following (to help the Preacher) :
Color slide show presentation
Audio lecture CD
Notes or pocket book (for sale)
Brief point-wise notes for preachers reference
Contact HG Varadaraja prabhu (09226827350) or write to him at
You can also contact our sales manager, Krishnakishore prabhu (020-2430 6330 or
09822451260) or write to him at the mail address :

Paid Seminars
Some colleges have Value Education center (like NITW, NITSurat, NITSuratkal, IITC).
They are ready to pay us travel fare and some charge for the seminar presentation. All
we need to do is to co-ordinate with the authorities through a grihasta devotee or a pantshirt student devotee with such clubs.



1. can be conducted in the college auditorium (capacity 500-1000 students)
2. holding class to class (or department-wise). Will attract smaller audience, better
attention of students.
3. if college auditorium is unavailable, fix up a community hall or some student's flat or
terrace opposite to the college where we can invite all the students living in the
neighbouring hostels/flats.
Option 1 : Best if most of the students stay in the college hostel; hardly any or no localites.
Option 2 : Best if most of the students stay in the college hostel; hardly any or no localites.
Option 3 : Best if most of the students are staying in flats near the college and very few in hostel.

Our target audience is students living in hostels/flats who want to attend our weekly
program regularly. The localites are in one sense useless from the point of view of our
preaching because they :
are bound by the rules of parents and watched by parents always
have too many household duties and cannot give enough time for KC
stay at home and cannot take to spiritual practices seriously
cannot live with other devotee friends either in the hostel or flat
cannot attend our morning programs at flat or nearby temple very easily
Rarely do we find serious localite boys becoming devotees. They may be yoga brashtas
from previous life!

The following is our confidential observation in our preaching. You have the right to differ.
1. Engineers have time, thoughtful, organized thinkers, not in so much touch with opp sex, intellectual
2. Doctors have no time, thoughtful, too much in touch with opp sex, their course is tough, intellectual
3. CAs - have no time, brilliant, not so much touch with opp sex, organized, hardworking, intellectual
4. College of Fine Arts artists, journalists similar to Arts college students, but can be v.helpful to us
5. Ayurvedic college have inferiority complex, future not as bright as MBBS, not very intellectual
6. MBA have no time, short courseso they fly off, cant become serious in KC
7. MCA alright audience, if intelligent can get into software companies easily
8. Arts college students - have ample of time, too much opp sex contact, fun loving, often frivolous
9. Science college students - reasonably intellectual, not confident of future career
10. Polytechnics they are kids, fun and fight loving, not serious about spiritual life

We generally prefer the first two or three categories of audience in our preaching as our
goal is to recruit the top leaders of our society to join our movement. Software engineers
from IIT, IIM, NIT are most welcome.


1) Can be conducted during college hours - this will ensure maximum audience, but may
be slightly difficult to get permission from college authorities. Also, both hostelites and
localites can attend.
2) Immediately after college-hours.
3) For programs arranged outside college, in case students have tuition after college
hours, then we can arrange just after dinnertime. E.g. 9.00PM onwards. The late night
hours are found to be the most convenient time for the students as they generally don't go
to bed before midnight.
4) can also be arranged in the College mess after dinner at 8:30 pm or 9:00 pm
It is best to consult the student leaders about what time would be best to hold our
program to get the maximum response from students. Our friendship with the student
leader can also help us in moulding him into a devotee in future.

When to hold ?
Varies from college to college, course to course; you have to enquire and find out.
At Pune, most colleges are functional during JAN-FEB-MAR and JUL-AUG-SEP.
The best time is to hold our seminar one week after all the students have returned from
home and registered for the next semester or year which is generally after 10th JAN or
10th JULY. This may vary from college to college.
This period is a time when students dont have much to study and they are looking for
some variety program.

How does the Program go ?

5:30 pm 5:45 pm
5:45 pm- 7:00 pm
7:00 pm 7:15 pm
7:15 pm 7:25 pm
7:25 pm 7:30 pm

Introduction to speaker and VOICE

Short Quiz to be written on the back of Feedback slip
Introduce them to DYS Course and Register their name

Follow up
The truth-seeking souls who are genuinely interested in knowing more about spirituality
are generally in the following category. You could note down their names and room
numbers for later follow up :

Those who surround the speaker after the seminar

Those who buy books at the book table
Those who hang around with prasadam after the program
Those who ask Questions or like arguing on the topic after the program
Those who get maximum marks in the Quiz



Those who answer the Questions during the seminar

Those who help us in organizing the seminar in the college
Those who register for the DYS Six session course

Most of the cream devotees that we get after 2 years of preaching in a college will be
mostly from the above. So if you note down their names now, you will save two years of
preaching and hard work! Without this follow up, the one-time is as good as useless.
This is the main purpose for which we conduct the one-time program. So keep volunteers
who will be specially appointed for this.

Tables to be arranged
1. PRASADAM TABLE for distributing prasadam; prasadam should be like sevai sweet
not dry to allow time to talk to attendees; also we can give them second and third help
and make friends with them.
2. DYS REGISTRATION TABLE to with forms to register them for joining 6-session
course; keep charge for the course as some Rs.25/- or Rs.50/- a reasonable amount.
3. SP AND VOICE BOOKS TABLE displaying Bhagavad gita and other VOICE
books for sale
4. EXHIBITION SHOW of colorful posters or pictures on soul, God, science etc to hold
the audience after the seminar to show them and talk to them
5. Q & A CHAIR CIRCLE we could arrange two or three such circles with each having
5 to 6 chairs

How to approach the College? (if majority of students are in hostel)

1) It is always better to approach not as an organization (VOICE/ISKCON) but as a
group of students (from the same college). These students (wonderful if they are
devotees) can take help from the local college cultural committee (useful, as the
authorities know the cultural committee), who are usually interested in holding such kind
of seminars (student development / cultural programs). These students should request the
authorities to hold the one-time program conducted by VOICE. Alternatively, if there are
no devotee students, we can directly try approaching the cultural committee secretary.
2) Approaching the highest authority (such as principal/director of institute) for
permission directly is not advisable (and risky) as if he/she refuses then we have no
further entrance into the college. Better to approach the lowest authority first and then his
senior, if he so requests or even denies (e.g. the teacher - HOD - vice principal principal).
3) We also have to take permission for a subsequent 6-session program to be held in the
college. We can explain that simply one lecture is not enough to explain this topic
properly and many sincere and inquisitive boys demand a proper course.

How to organize outside the College?

(if majority of students are in flats)
Step 1 : Go flat to flat and distribute Discover your self Your best friend etc or any of
the pocket books and note down names of those who buy
Step 2 : When buyers list goes beyond hundred, locate one boy who will give his terrace
for a program
Step 3 : Make an invitation for a one-time program with his address and distribute it to
all buyers.
Step 4 : If you feel the same boy may not agree to give his place for 6 session course,
then during the seminar, ask whether anyone would like to volunteer organizing 6-session
program in their terrace or room. Those who volunteer for this ask them to stand up and
tell their address to all. Whichever boys address is most convenient for all, fix up his
address as venue for 6 session course. Then tell all those who volunteered to give their
place to stand up and let the whole audience give them applause!
Step 5 : The follow up of boys after the program remains the same. Here in the outside
college program we can also have the following freedom :
Altar with Radha Krishna and Srila Prabhupada
Singing with mridangam and kartals
Chanting demonstration of one-fourth of a round of Hare Krishna mantra
Selling malas at book table

This should start about 4 days in advance. We have to ensure that practically every
student knows about the program, either through charts or announcements.
1) Make attractive charts giving details of 1-time program and put up on college notice
boards, mess, college gate, hotels and all other prominent places (at least 25 charts).
2) Announce in all classes at least 2-3 times, especially on the day of the program.
3) Volunteers should "get" students for the program. Class teachers can be requested to
personally guide the students to the hall/auditorium to ensure mass attendance.
Attendance of students for the program can be made mandatory through authorities.
4) In case program is conducted in a hall, we should print thousands of leaflets and
distribute to students while they are going in/out of college.
5) We can distribute pocket books in the students' hostels/flats and note down name and
address of anybody who buys the books. These can become future regular candidates of
the 6-session / weekly program.
6) Also go around the hostels and flats enrolling candidates for the 6-session course.

Requirements for the Program



1) Volunteers - at least 6 to 8
2) Color slides and color slide projector
3) Pamphlets / Charts/ Banners
4) 1000/2000 copies pocket books
5) Address slips
6) Introduction of Speaker or Presenter
7) A DYS Course Advertisement Trailer Slide show to introduce the course
8) Quiz slide that can be projected on the screen
9) some special prasadam like peda to give Principal or Professors after program

A quiz can be conducted at the end of the lecture, if time permits. This quiz involves
very little written work for students, may be a few words, to test their understanding. The
answers for the quiz are written by the students on the backside of address slip, so that
immediately after correction, shortlisting the toppers becomes easy. The quiz can be
shown in a slide. Through this, we can identify good boys from the mass. Those who get
5 out of 5, 4.5 out of 5 and 4 out of 5 can be short listed for prizes and their names can
be typed and displayed on their college notice boards with VOICE logo in the top
congratulating them. The prizes could be distributed by the hands of a college professor
within the next two or three days. The prizes could be as simple as a COMING BACK
book for the first prize, ON THE WAY TO KRISHNA for the second, and a pocket
book for the third.

1) Introducing the preacher (can be done either in the beginning or end)
2) Details about the 6-session course (date-time-venue)
3) Prizes for toppers in Quiz
4) Thanksgiving to the college, others who helped organise the program
5) Prasadam
6) Short information about VOICE activities (this can be even in the beginning)
7) Local VOICE students address and class for further contact with VOICE

The Six Session DYS (Spiritual Scientist / Discover Your Self) Course
The candidates from the ONE TIME programs or from Book Distribution database can
be registered for the Six sessions certificate course on DISCOVER YOUR SELF. This
course puts a foundation on basic understanding of topics like :
1. Can a Scientist believe in God?

(proves Gods existence systematically)

2. Getting the eyes to see God (shows the deficiency of our senses to know Truth)
3. Vedic wisdom privilege of humankind
(establishes Vedas as the only way to Wisdom)
4. Science of Soul (teaches knowledge of SOUL scientifically)
5. Substance and Shadow (Real happiness is only in the spiritual world)
6. If God is one, why there are so many different religions?
(commanality in all religions, superiority of Sanatana Dharma and Bhakti yoga,
Prabhupadas contribution to the modern world)
Special Features of the DYS Course

Color slide show presentation with animation with over 300 slides
Video clippings for each session to keep the show enlivening and enlightening
Fun and learning go hand in hand
Group Work and GD to offer participation and involvement to students
Audio Lectures by Director are available (Preacher can avail this facility)
Elementary for any newcomer to understand the profound KC concepts
The course can be directly introduced to any newcomer

At the end of DYS Course, we introduce the students to the following courses based on
the series of books, entitled ESSENCE OF BHAGAVAD GITA.

On Scientific Preaching..and DYS Course

Here are some of my humble feelings that I would like to express based on my little
preaching experience to college youth :
There are many students who already are in touch with God within their heart and are
searching for Him outside. They are looking for someone who can introduce them to God
and help them be put back in His service. They may have a little bit of dirt that they carry
due to scientific academic education. The first two sessions of DYS cleanses off that dirt and
introduces them to Vedas as the ultimate knowledge. The DYS book, my audio lectures and
my slideshow are all extremely simple and are understandable to even a fifteen year old boy
or girl. I deliberately kept it simple because most of the audience is simple; they are looking
for truths presented in an easy and understandable manner. We dont have to complicate the
simple Vedic wisdom with some jargon to impress the boys or frighten the boys to make
them accept the Vedas. If our preachers are honestly following the principles of Krishna
consciousness and they present the logical truths as presented in DYS book, they will emerge
successfully with many sincere students taking to Krishna consciousness.
The goal of the course is not to defeat the students and drive them away, but to wipe out the
misconceptions by replacing them with right Krishna conscious understanding. This will
need a healing approach rather than a bombing approach. Thus you will see that in all my



DYS lectures I give more weight to devotional approach rather than just elaborating on the
problems of science. Even DYS Session 2, shows the optic illusion through fun to bring out
the fact that our senses are defective. Thus the audience doesnt feel overly criticized, but
learn the human defects with laughter. Besides that the devotional approach helps audience to
absorb their consciousness in devotional service and develop attraction for the superior taste
of Krishna consciousness.
Sometimes liberal minded preachers go for too many quotes and facts from sources outside
Srila Prabhupadas books. One of our goals in preparing this book, slideshows and lectures
was to use Srila Prabhupadas examples in parampara as far as possible and not to introduce
non-sastric examples. Prabhupadas logic and reason is spotless and I have simply repeated
them by putting them in a particular order. I am very confident that Prabhupadas examples
work powerfully in the heart of a conditioned soul and cure the malady of materialism. We
may take occasional outside examples, but not too many.
Sometimes visual intelligent preachers are fond of adding too many slides with too many
moving pictures or cliparts to make the presentation attractive. But that distracts the
audience from the real goal of the course. The audiences mind is more with the fun and
curiosity than in the philosophy of Krishna consciousness. Even the current slide show that I
prepared is too lengthy and I am thinking of cutting it short in future. We should not increase
the size of slideshow bigger than this.
Sometimes humorous minded preachers get into a spirit of making audience laugh. Thus
they come up with varieties of incidents, examples and stories that are not from Srila
Prabhupadas books but heard from here and there. Although this may be apparently
appealing to the public, this does not cure the disease in the heart of hearers and arouse
Krishna consciousness. Just as Humor and fun come and go, the audience also come and go;
nobody stays through. Thus the goal of DYS course is not to just make people laugh and feel
light hearted but to give them solid principles of Krishna consciousness and awaken them to
the reality.
Sometimes scientific minded preachers get into a ksatriya spirit and try to smash
scientists to dust. Thus they spend most of the time in smashing science rather than giving
the positive Krishna conscious aspects. Such criticism may win us some applause, but may
leave us behind with no serious candidates to follow. Thus criticizing scientists is not the
goal of DYS course, but to bathe the atheists with krishna rasayan, cleanse them of all
atheism, make them innocent hearted children and carry them with us to Sri Krishna.

How to go ahead now.

Even if 25% of the DYS attendees become interested in spiritual life, you are a grand
success. In the fast paced modern times, nobody wants an eternal weekly program.
keeping this in mind, we have come up with the following five courses (the first course is

almost same as DYS, only the Quizzes are exhaustive). You can launch course after
course and you will see audience responding very nicely. Everyone likes a time-bound
course after which they get a certificate.

Essence of Bhagavad gita

Five short-term Certificate courses
through Weekly Study Circle
Course books:
1. Essence of Bhagavad-gita five courses series, for Siddhanta or philosophy
2. Vaishnava Etiquette Manual published by ISKCON, Shri Shri Radha Gopinath
mandir, Near Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 7, K.M.Munshi marg, Chowpatty, Mumbai400 007 Phone: (022) 2369 7228,
3. Devotional Practice and Vaishnava Culture, Introductory Course Student
Handbook, Contact: Sita Rama prabhu, Bhaktivedanta Manor, Hilfield Lane,
Aldenham, Watford WD25 8EZ, U.K.
For the students who have completed DYS course given before, they can directly go
to EBG, Course 2 namely Positive Thinker (Spirit of Bhagavad gita) course. The
Discover Your Self book was originally designed for college youth with a skeptical
mind and the following Spiritual scientist course book can be used for Girls VOICE,
Family programs etc as the same content is presented in a more simplified manner
here. If the students who have obtained DYS Certificate are eager to obtain the
Spiritual Scientist certificate, then they have to complete the Quiz and Examination
requirements of Spiritual scientist course.
The series on Spirituality for the Modern Youth consisting of the four books
Discover Your Self Your Best Friend Your Secret Journey Victory over Death
can be used by teachers for the following purposes :
For additional information to teach the following courses
For additional topics to be taken during camps and outings
For giving morning programs for the serious students
The following five courses on Essence of Bhagavad gita make the teaching very
easy for the teacher and the syllabus easy for the student to grasp.

I. Spiritual scientist (Discover Your Self)

Duration: 3 weeks, weekly twice
The course helps one to scientifically discover ones real identity and ones
relationship with the Supreme. A material scientist knows only the atom; a spiritual
scientist knows the soul, which is spiritual. This knowledge helps him find goal,
mission and vision of life.




Introduction to Bhagavad gita

Material problems, Spiritual solutions
Getting the eyes of Knowledge
Vedas the privelege of Humanity
Science of Soul
Different platforms of Worship

Sadhana and Sadachar topics

--------- NIL ------------

II. Positive Thinker (Spirit of Bhagavad gita)

Duration: 4 months, weekly once
This course helps one with the Positive spirit needed to tap the powerful message of
Gita. It helps one to identify a divine guide in your life and to obtain the necessary
qualifications to become a cheerful positive thinker in life by knowing the sublime
Sadhana and Sadachar topics
1. Identifying my divine guide
Devotional Service
2. Spirit of Bhagavad gita
2. Etiquette within the Temple
3. Qualifications of an ideal Disciple
3. Habits and Behavior
4. Reincarnation fact or fiction?
4. Four Regulative Principles
5. Evolving towards Perfection
5. The Four Donts to Freedom

III. Self Manager (Basics of Bhagavad gita)

Duration: 6 months, weekly once
This course teaches not the art of managing men, machine, material, market and
money, but managing ones own life by a holistic approach that combines knowledge
of Gods position and practical application of mantra meditation.
Sadhana and Sadachar topics


Peace Formula
Who should be the object of my worship?
God and gods
Is God Personal or impersonal ?
The Art of Self Management

IV. Proactive Leader (Secret

1.Hearing and Chanting

2.Deity Worship
3.Tulasi Worship
4.Learning Meaning of Morning
program Songs
5.Holy Days
6.Serving and Honoring Prasadam
7.Dress and Appearance
8.Missionary Activities
9.Dealing with Parents, Relatives
of Bhagavad
and Friends gita)

Duration: 6 months, weekly once

This course prepares one to become a Proactive Leader. All of us at some moments
or the other, become victims to anger, lust and pride and feel sorry for our unexemplary behaviour. The Proactive Leader is a thoughtful person who gives a

positive spiritual response, by knowing what is illusion opposed to reality and the
resultant effects of all types of action.


The three ropes that bind us

Surpassing Maya
Our lost home Kingdom of God
Karma the law of infallible

Sadhana and Sadachar topics :

1. ISKCONs Cultural Identity and its
connection to the Vedas
2. Varnasrama Dharma
3. Ethics and Morality
4. Sadhana
5. Position of women in Vedic culture
6. Relating to Devotees with due

V. Personality Development (Essence of Bhagavad gita)

Duration: 6 months, weekly once
Personality development is not a superficial change. We are generally covered over
superficially by our acquired qualities like Experiences, Abilities, Memories, Learning,
Habits and Beliefs etc. But the innate qualities of the soul like Peace, Love, Truth,
Happiness, Humility, Tolerance are hidden. When we awaken the innate qualities of
the soul, they come out in the 4 Rs of our life-- in the various Roles that we have to
play, the different Routines that we go through, the Responsibilities we have to
shoulder, and the various Relationships that we care for. The innate qualities are
brought out when ones personality is truly developed.
Sadhana and Sadachar topics :


Essence of Bhagavad gita

Creation and Universal Time
Different types of Yoga system
Practical Application of Bhagavad gita
Passing the Final Exam

1. Relating to Seniors, Juniors and

2. Three levels of Devotees
3. Dealings with Guests
4. Offenses to the Vaishnava
5. Twenty-six Qualities of a Devotee

Earlier the Essence of Bhagavad gita was published as a bulky jumbo-size volume and
it was two one-year courses. This becomes too much for the modern day people leading
fast paced life. Keeping this in mind we had made it into the above five courses. Each
course lasts for only a few months. There are also separate QUIZ BOOKS available for
each of the above courses. We can inspire the students to buy both the Course book and
Quiz book at the start of the course. Once they complete the book, send them for the
final exam and give off certificates in a function and encourage them to join the next



Method of Evaluation and Reward

For any of the abovementioned Five Courses
1) The marking will be done as follows :
50% weightage for the marks obtained from
EBG Course Quiz, BG As It Is Quiz, Storyline Quiz, etc.
EBG and BG Quiz will have to done by each student individually,
while the Storyline Quiz has to be done in groups.
Full marks for Storyline Quiz will be given for those attended it.
We are not keeping individual marking for it as Storyline quiz is subjective.
30% weightage for the Final Exam
20% for Practical lifestyle and behavior, Attendance, Punctuality and
Participation in the weekly classes
2) Certificates could be issued based on the following criteria:
Passing marks : 60%,
: 80% and above
: 90% and above,
High Honors
: 95% and above
Candidates who get 60% and above will receive a Certificate of Recognition.

Special Features of the ESSENCE OF BHAGAVAD GITA Five courses books

simple books presenting the teachings of Srila Prabhupada with simple examples,
stories and illustrations gradually developing the philosophy of KC
Can be used for teenagers, boys, girls and families
A systematic Syllabus based on the MTE (Manor Training and Education) manual,
London and the VOICE syllabus used for teaching our students in the last ten years
which have thoroughly researched from Srila Prabhupadas books on the most
essential items to be learnt by a beginner.
Helpful in coaching candidates, evaluating them before recommendation for Diksha
or Initiation
There are quizzes at the end of each lesson in this book to solidify the understanding
of the concepts. There are also quizzes based on Bhagavad-gita As It Is by Srila
Prabhupada. This is to ensure that the student gets the advantage of Prabhupada vani.
NOTE FOR PREACHERS : The following are available for your help..

- Audio Lectures of the EBG 1 book by Director, VOICE to guide in teaching EBG1
- ANSWERS to ALL the EBG Quizzes to help you in correcting the answers.
- Color Slide shows for some chapters.
All these resources can be of immense help to Preacher organize the EBG Course very
easily and get the students started in spiritual life. After the EBG courses, the students
can start studying Bhagavad gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Caitanya Caritamrta.

Eligibility to start and join these courses

For joining one course, the candidate should have completed attending the previous
course. This should be certified by his Preacher.
Some of the most important requirements for joining this course are regularity for the
weekly meeting, punctuality, submission of assignments, receiving the knowledge
seriously, developing a personal rapport with the teacher and applying the knowledge in
every day life.
Attending to tests and assignments without fail.
The Preacher should be authorized by the Director as a Member of the Preachers
Forum or at least the Trainee Preachers Forum.
For a Preacher to start a Weekly Study Circle there should be at least 5 students
The candidates have to buy the COURSE WORK BOOK for writing answers. Or they
can be allowed to write answers on a separate white page.

Qualifications of Preacher to be a part of Preachers Forum

Anyone authorized by the board of counselors headed by Director, VOICE can teach
these courses. The following qualifications are expected of the Preacher/Teacher :

Chanting 16 rounds of Hare Krishna mantra everyday for over 2 years

Following the four regulative principles no fish, meat or eggs, No gambling or
idle sports, No forms of intoxication, No illicit sex.
Should have qualified by scoring above 60% in the Public speaking Presentation
Should be authorized by OC (Overall Coordinator) of the VOICE and/or at least 3
Counselors from the Counselors board
Should be authorized by the core committee of TEENAGE VOICE or BOYS
VOICE or GIRLS VOICE or the CORPORATE VOICE along with the
authorization of the Director of VOICE.
Should have himself fulfilled all the Quizzes and Course requirements of the
Should exhibit exemplary vaishnava qualities like humility, tolerance, simplicity,



friendly etc
Should have the talent of talking and making friends with the audience after
Should have learnt the art of teaching skills such as brainstorming, interactive
discussions etc
Should have fulfilled the academic study slot requirements if he is a student
Should have taken up active menial service apart from preaching
Should be able to get along well with other devotees and should have earned
respect, trust and love of the devotees through exemplary behavior
Should not see teaching/preaching as a profession or self improvement
opportunity but should see it as an opportunity for serving Guru and Krishna for
purification and developing love of God.

These are general qualifications required for one connected to VOICE, Pune. As far as
devotees from other centers are concerned, we would recommend that they should have a
spiritual guardian or spiritual master above them, who can guide them, bless them and
empower them and instruct them about when one can start giving classes. The seniors
who are guiding us know our strengths and weaknesses and they will give suitable
instructions that will benefit us and others.

What will be the course fee ?

The Course Joining Registration fee for each of the courses is Rs.50/-. This amount at
the time of joining the Course should be submitted along with the Form for the Course to
any of the following Co-ordinators :
Vamsi Vadan das, Corporate VOICE
Acharya Ratna das, Boys VOICE, Current VGB Member Co-ordinator
Tulasi das or Varadaraja das, Teenage Boys VOICE
Ananga mohini dd, (Teenage and) Girls VOICE
Those who want to attend the Course, but not write all the Quizzes may be allowed to do
so. They will not receive any certificate of recognition.
Those who complete all the Quizzes in the syllabus and are passed by their Preacher to sit
for the final exam will submit an application. If they qualify, they will be awarded
certificate in a special festival.

When will be the exams ?

As different preachers may start and finish the syllabus at different times, the exams can
also be held 3 or 4 times in a year, as soon as we have 15 to 20 candidates ready for the
exam. Being ready for the exam will mean that the candidates should have fulfilled the
following requirements :

fulfilled 75% attendance in all the classes during the course.

Completion of syllabus requirements
to complete the Quiz and Internal Exams.

Having done all these, now even if a Preacher has only 5 candidates (minimum) ready,
the final exam can be arranged by the VOICE upon the request of Preacher.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q : How to teach these course books?
A : Modern people dont like to hear for a long time. They get tired within 45 minutes
lecture. In order to keep their interest level high, you could adopt some of the following
ideas :
Keep your teaching style at least 25% interactive by asking questions to audience
If you have 2 hours, then teach a part of a lesson for 1 hr, spend another 30 min for
Vaishnava etiquette and the rest of the time for kirtans, Q&A and discussion.
Quite often students are lazy to write Quizes at home. In this case you could teach a
new lesson for 1 hour, ask them write Quiz for 30 min and help them correct their own
workbooks in the next 30 minutes. This type of variety is very enlivening.
Also the Storyline Quizzes like Chitraketu Bharat maharaj can be done by dividing
the students into groups of 3 each and dividing the number of Quiz questions among
them. Say if you have 15 students and 30 questions, make them into 5 groups of 3
students each and give each group 6 Storyline Quiz questions. Let them all solve it in
about 15 to 20 min and then discuss the answers for another 40 minutes. The balance
time could be used for covering the syllabus either the lessons or etiquettes. Thus
keep variety to keep the audience interested.
Q : Are there slide shows for the EBG books?
A : We have slide shows for some of the lessons. Not all. We will eventually prepare.
But I would insist the Preacher that you teach the lessons in a interactive style by making
audience sit in a circle. After a session is over, you may show slide show for revising
what you taught. If you use slide show to teach a session, that takes audiences attention
away from the teacher. Slide show is good enough only for the DYS course, when they
are very new. Once they become a bit mature, we could avoid slide show and help them
develop rapport with the teacher.
Q : The WORK BOOK QUIZZES may be considered a laborious task by



participants. What to do?

A : Somehow or the other, it is the duty of the Preacher to inspire the students to get the
Quizzes written from them. Some of the BOYS VOICEs like NIT Suratkal take their
boys for a one day picnic and get some of the Storyline EBG quizzes done! It is the duty
of the Preacher to come up with inspiring ideas (like small prizes for those who
successfully complete it) and not blame the course for its voluminous questions. Without
solving the Quizzes the knowledge they gained will not be digested.
Please remember that the course puts a solid foundation of Krishna Consciousness
philosophy along with Srila Prabhupada Vani Quizzes based on Bhagavad gita As It Is.
The students will be grateful in the later years for these valuable assignments given in
their formative years. The easiest way to correct the Quizzes is to devote a portion of
class timings and make the students correct their own notebooks based on the answer
announcements made by the Preacher. This gives an opportunity for any clarification by
the students also avoids any ego problems of others knowing ones own performance.
This makes Preachers job very easy. For each student the Preacher will have a Course
Progress Report Card that will contain details of how many Quizzes have been finished
by a particular student.
Q : How to keep the strength of the participants steady over the passing weeks?
Some of them dont come regularly. What to do with them?
A : The Preacher can try best to keep the course as inspiring as possible. That is
achieved when the Preacher is not giving a monotonous lecture but making audience
participate through interactive discussions. Also usage of Video, Pictures, Group work
for a few minutes etc can inspire the students as shown below.
I think the most vital part of your Weekly Study Circle is the time after you complete
the class how you spend time with them during prasadam and develop a personal
relationship with the participants. If they feel a connection with you, they will continue
to come. If they dont feel a connection, even if they are intellectually convinced, they
may not turn up.
Apart from teaching the course lessons, a portion of the meeting can also be devoted to :
Check how many rounds they are Chanting Hare Krishna everyday and inspiring them
to increase
Make a SP book library and make one of them incharge; see that they take books and
read. Inspire them during the program to take these books.
Give them some seva that will make them oblige to serve Krishna in some way they
could take attendance, they could serve prasadam etc
Make Audio CDs, Video CDs of songs, simple lectures and distribute it like water; they

will see, hear and grow fastly in KC when they are not with you. We are with them for
just one evening and they are with maya for the rest of the week. Let us find out ways
to increase their time with Krishna.
Send sms or mails of nice KC titbits once a week to keep the connection.
Ask them to preach and bring their friends to the meeting
Inspire them to distribute SP books or VOICE books (not gift it to friends but sell it).
Then you could announce it in the next meeting.
Depending upon which category they belong to teenage, boys, girls, corporate,
congregation accordingly we have to offer them services. Youths can be easily
brought together to live in a flat together and start morning programs; gradually altar,
mridangam-kartal, prasadam etc will follow.

How does a student evolve in our training program.

The following steps, that we have been adopting in the last few years in our youth
preaching in BOYS VOICE have been observed to produce a class of powerful preachers
and followers from various outstation colleges. It shows how a student evolves in his
Krishna consciousness gradually in our preaching. We also recommend all the BOYS
VOICEs, teenage and girls groups to consider using this approach to train the participants
if it is possible :
First Year, First semester
VOICE Book distribution in the hostel, One Time, DYS conducted
First Year, Second semester : JAN - Sankalp camp and Introduction to Brahmacaris
FEB - Sphurti camp
MAY- Utkarsh camp at Mayapur dham
Between JAN to APR, they attend POSITIVE THINKER course
Second Year, Third semester : SELF MANAGER course
OCT/NOV - Dhrishti camp
DEC - Nishtha camp spiritual picnic at Pune & Mumbai (fortnight)
Second Year, Fourth semester :
Outstanding Students become Facilitators to be sent for
Mantra Meditation Circle (MMC) and lead a group, twice a week
Fortnight VTW 1 (Vaisnav Training Workshop) and Comp course in Summer vacation



Third Year, Fifth semester

: continue PROACTIVE LEADER course

Outstanding Facilitators become Facilitation Preachers
and give DYS course for the First year students
One Week VTW2 during Durga Puja holidays

Third Year, Sixth semester


Train juniors in MMC, Preaching, Follow up
Go outstation to other preaching ventures

Fourth Year, Seventh semester PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT course

Facilitation Preachers give DYS course to First year boys
Withdraw from responsibilities and focus on Campus interviews
Intensify ones own sadhana to inspire the juniors
Caring for the already existing devotee students
Fourth Year, Eighth semester Studying SP books
Second Chance, Teachings of Lord Kapila,
Teachings of Queen Kunti, Krishna, NOD Part 1.

Mantra Meditation Circle (MMC)

If your weekly Study Circle program is on, say for example, Saturday evening, then you
could arrange two MMC programs on Tuesday and Thursday mornings or evenings. It is
just a 30 min program one round chanting Hare Krishna and few minutes reading or
hearing to keep touch with the students and to encourage them to grow.
How to go about creating a Meditation Circle ?
1. Go for pocket book distribution and identify interested people.
2. Try to find out the most serious inquirer; check whether his roommates are
favourable. Through your sincerity make them favourable.
3. Make friendship with him as well as his room mates.
4. Introduce weekly twice or thrice chanting as per their convenience. Speak about
importance of managing the raging Mind and peace of mind achieved through
chanting Hare Krishna.
5. Chanting can be in the morning or evening as per the convenience of students. You
can begin this Meditation Circle even with a group of 2 or 3. This is E1RC
Everyday One Round Chanting. The group will become gradually solidified.

6. After one or two weeks, introduce them to a color slide show Art of Mind Control.
Show only 1/4th or the slide show which can last for a maximum of 30 minutes.
Entertain many questions and answer them.
7. Show the balance slide show as per their interest and take extra care not to fry them
out by over follow up. Take care that chanting session goes on regularly.
8. We are in the process of preparing a HALF PAGE material for each MMC meet.
This will be a inspiration booster that will enthuse them to want to come everytime.
Who can begin Meditation Circle ?
All facilitators who may be chanting more than 8 rounds and fixed up in enthusiastic
practice of KC and even those next to them can go for Meditation Circles in their
respective programs.
Dont Do

Be sensitive to the tight schedules of students like exam times, assignment times, etc.,
Dont get into arguments unnecessarily on any topic, especially on controversial
topics. Dont hurt their sentiments or faith towards some material hero or career. If
you dont take care, youll lose him and many others along with that.
Dont over follow up people who appear very sincere. He may become guarded or
his friends may suspect you and seize him away from you.
Once you take up a Meditation Circle, dont give it up quoting various reasons; if you
dont go regularly, theyll give up the habit of chanting. On the other hand, once you
go regularly for even a month, they pick up chanting seriously and may not give it up
even in your absence.
Be alert to know his parents, companions or LGs. For example, if you go to a room
where 4 boys live and only one is interested, then while including him in MC, at least
make good friendship with his room mates that they are favorable to you. They may
like you, but not very interested in what youre doing. This will protect our boy from
their troubles.
Do not forget to take ecstatic prasadam, every time you meet them. Your long
discourses and logical explanations are not appreciated without prasadam.
Dont claim that you got internal inspiration to perform kirtans with kartals; youll
invite many enemies from the neighbourhood and your MC program will be finished.

VOICE Youth Centers managed by ISKCON, Pune



We also establish youth hostels near the college where we preach where those who
become serious in devotional service can pool up together and create an atmosphere
similar to a mini ISKCON temple. Such a center evolves from Youth program to Youth
center to Boys VOICE Centre. The term VOICE is welcomed in both schools and
colleges by the authorities as they appreciate the Cultural and Educational activities.
A VOICE is established by ISKCON, Pune gradually as the preaching blossoms amongst
a group of youth. It is not just a flat where a bunch of youths stay together, take
prasadam and go for study or work. A VOICE is an active youth preaching unit meant to
bring suffering youths to the lotus feet of Krishna. Thus the VOICE evolves in the
following stages from a Youth Program to a Youth Center into a VOICE :
Youth Program
A preacher distributes spiritual books among hostel students and identifies the interested ones.
He identifies a host who can hold a weekly program in his room.
The preacher sets up a Bhagavad-gita study circle or Spiritual scientists club that meets

Youth Center
The preacher over a period of 6 months to one year, gathers serious youths who regularly
chant some rounds and pools them up together in bungalow or flat in a area densely populated
by youth, where they can practice and propagate Krishna consciousness together in each
others association. Thus Youth Program evolves into Youth Center.
The inmates follow the morning program and chant a few rounds. Some may start chanting 16
rounds and follow all four regulative principles.
The preacher may give a evening program, stay overnight and also give the next day morning
mangal arati program and lecture on Vaishnava etiquettes.

Boys VOICE or Girls VOICE

As inmates take Krishna consciousness more and more seriously, the Youth Center evolves into
a VOICE. At this stage, the following standards are expected:
There should be at least six 16 rounder inmates; one amongst them is appointed as the OC
(Overall Coordinator) to take care of all the inmates in following their studies as well as
spiritual life standards.
There should be at least 12 devotee students living in the flat (non-working college going
students). Although some of the inmates may be chanting less than 16 rounds, all inmates
strictly follow the four regulative principles - No meat eating, No gambling, no intoxication,
no illicit sex, no eggs, no coffee or tea, no onion or garlic in food.

There should be a big altar as per ISKCON standards. The Deity pictures are worshiped in the
VOICE instead of Deities, for keeping the preaching as the main activity. The inmates are
taught how to worship the Lord, play instruments and sing the morning songs.
There should be Siksastakam recitation, Mangal arati, Nrsimha arati, Chanting Hare Krishna,
Shrimad Bhagavatam Class in the morning ending with breakfast prasadam.
The students follow the system of Morning for Krishna, Evening for studies. They fill up
sadhana cards that show the individuals spiritual standards and regularity in the study of
college books.
A devotee cook is appointed by the Preacher to cook bhoga, offer to Deity pictures and
distribute prasadam to inmates as well as weekly program attendees. The inmates assist in all
activities to be carried out in running the VOICE like purchase, cooking assistance, cleaning,
assisting preaching activities etc.
ISKCON Pune establishes and gives a new spiritual name to a VOICE, like Girigovardhandham
Gopeshwardham etc only when there is a minimum of six devotee students who chant sixteen
rounds of Hare Krishna daily and follow all the four regulative principles - At this point, the
VOICE headquarters at. Pune gifts them a altar for worship and the other facilities like prasadam,
accommodation, counseling etc. The students living in the VOICE are strictly supposed to adhere
to the discipline given by Srila Prabhupada in terms of morning sadhana, reading, chanting, living
a pure life. Unmarried women are prohibited entry into the Boys VOICE. Married women are
prohibited to visit Boys VOICE without their husbands. The students who are late for the
morning programs have to fulfill transcendental punishment requirements by writing maha
mantra a fifty four times. There are several rules and policies for joining the spiritual mess in the
VOICE that restrict the entry of less serious candidates. If you are interested to know more about
establishing such centers, you may write to me at
We would like to inform you that we are responsible only for the VOICEs that are connected to
ISKCON, Pune temple. Anyone who wants to join any of the VOICEs connected to Pune has to
bring a letter from his spiritual mentor or the local President of ISKCON and submit the same to
Director, VOICE, Pune.
Sometimes certain ISKCON Presidents fear the concept of VOICE Center because some
independent temple brahmacaris in the name of starting a VOICE Center can do atrocities, break
the regulative principles, become independent of the temple authorities and become
unaccountable etc. At Pune every brahmacari sent to the Boys VOICE centers is accountable to
the authorities and does not stay in the VOICE for over one third of a month. If there is no
discipline in a preacher, sending them out of the temple to start VOICE centers can do more harm
than good. There has to be a healthy relationship between Temple President and the VOICE
Project Managers. Besides this, they should also be serious devotees.



[GDC] SANKALP and SPHURTI Group Discussion Camps

The SANKALP camp is arranged generally after the DYS course to give a boost to
the candidates to join the Positive Thinker course. The SPHURTI is arranged a
month or two later.
These camps generally start on FRIDAY evening and end on SUNDAY night. A
outdoor venue close to nature, river, mountains, greenery is preferable. Also dhams
like Mayapur, Vrindavan, Udupi have a specially surcharged atmosphere to hold such
camps like these. (Avoid swimming during camp as there is life risk involved for the
In such occasions the arrangement for transport, accommodation, food, halls etc have
to be made along with safety of the participants. Through such camps, the
participants become jubilant and develop relationships with Preachers and other
friends. The following is a tentative schedule of the event :



Sankalp Camp
JAN, FRI evening to 19th JAN, SUN evening


6:00 PM
6:30 PM 7:00 PM
7:00 PM 8:15 PM
8:15 PM 8:45 PM
8:45 PM 9:15 PM
9:15 PM 4:30 AM

Registration with Juice

Discussion on the Drama
Dancing kirtans
..Dinner Prasadam.
Sound Rest Early to bed and early to rise


5:30 AM 6:00 AM
Religious Rituals
6:00 AM 6:30 AM
6:30 AM 7:00 AM
7:00 AM 7:30 AM


The meaning behind

2 rounds chanting Hare Krishna Japa

BG Sloka Recitation and Discussion BG 2.22, 2.12, 3.13
Mangal Arati and Dancing kirtans

7:30 AM 8:00 AM ..Breakfast Prasadam..

8:00 AM 9:00 AM Time for Rest and rejuvenation

9:00 AM 11:00 AM CAN FAITH BE REASONABLE? FAQs about Life, God and
11:00 AM 1:00 PM .Preparation time for GD, Display and Drama..
1. Story: Kailash - concept : soul changing bodies and forgetfulness of KC thru
worldly attachments
2. Story: Boatman & Scientist concept : Material knowledge cannot liberate the soul,
only BG.
3. Story: Mrigari and Narada muni concept : Power of holy name and Vaishnavas
4. Story: Liquid Beauty concept : The illusion of material pleasures
1:00 PM 1:30 PM
1:30 PM 2:30 PM

Lunch Prasadam.
.Time for Rest and rejuvenation.

2:30 PM 5:00 PM
5:00 PM 5:15 PM
5:15 PM 6:15 PM
6:15 PM 7:45 PM
7:45 PM 8:15 PM
8:15 PM 8:45 PM
8:45 PM 4:30 PM

Group Presentations by Participants : G1 and G2

.Juice break..
Bhajana sandhya Divine mellows
Slide show presentation on : POWER OF HABITS
Dancing Kirtans
.Dinner Prasadam.
Sound Rest Early to bed and early to rise


5:30 AM 6:00 AM
6:00 AM 6:30 AM
6:30 AM 7:00 AM
9.13, 9.26
7:00 AM 7:30 AM


2 rounds chanting Hare Krishna Japa
Sloka Recitation from Bhagavad gita and Discussion BG 4.9,
Mangal Arati and Dancing kirtans

7:30 AM 8:00 AM ..Breakfast Prasadam..

8:00 AM 9:00 AM Time for Rest and rejuvenation
11:00 AM 1:00 PM BHAKTA PRAHLAD Storyline Group Quiz
1:00 PM 1:30 PM
1:30 PM 2:30 PM

Lunch Prasadam.
.Time for Rest and rejuvenation.

2:30 PM 4:30 PM
4:30 PM 6:00 PM
6:00 PM 6:15 PM

Group Presentations by Participants : G3 and G4

BHAKTA PRAHLAD Answers Discussion
.Juice break..



6:15 PM 7:15 PM
7:15 PM 7:30 PM
7:30 PM 8:00 PM
8:00 PM 8:30 PM
8:30 PM 9:00 PM

Bhajana sandhya Divine mellows

Prize distribution for the Best Performers
Dancing Kirtans
Oral Feedback and Realisations by Participants
.Dinner Prasadam.

Additional or Alternative topics and activities for SANKALP Camp :


Reincarnation Fact or Fiction?

Your Ever Well Wisher VCD of Srila Prabhupada and Realisations discussion
How I benefited in my life by VOICE training? Realisation by seniors
GD on : What gives me faith in KC? What arises doubts on KC ?
Association Good and Bad
Boating Harinam Sankirtan Experience with Harinam sankirtan



Sphurti Camp
FEB, FRI evening to 19th FEB, SUN evening


6:00 PM
6:30 PM 7:00 PM
7:00 PM 8:15 PM

Registration with Juice

Discussion on the Drama

8:15 PM 8:45 PM Dancing kirtans

8:45 PM 9:15 PM ..Dinner Prasadam.
9:15 PM 4:30 AM Sound Rest Early to bed and early to rise
makes you healthy, wealthy and wise!!!


5:30 AM 6:00 AM
6:00 AM 6:30 AM
6:30 AM 7:00 AM
2.64, 10.41
7:00 AM 7:30 AM


2 rounds chanting Hare Krishna Japa
Sloka Recitation from Bhagavad gita and Discussion BG 2.61,
Mangal Arati and Dancing kirtans

7:30 AM 8:00 AM ..Breakfast Prasadam..

8:00 AM 9:00 AM Time for Rest and rejuvenation

9:00 AM 11:00 AM WHY DO WE WORSHIP ONLY KRISHNA? slide show

11:00 AM 1:00 PM .Preparation time for GD, Display and Drama..
1:00 PM 1:30 PM
1:30 PM 2:30 PM

Lunch Prasadam.
.Time for Rest and rejuvenation.

2:30 PM 5:00 PM
5:00 PM 5:15 PM
5:15 PM 6:15 PM
6:15 PM 7:45 PM
7:45 PM 8:15 PM
8:15 PM 8:45 PM
8:45 PM 4:30 PM

Group Presentations by Participants : G1 and G2

.Juice break..
Bhajana sandhya Divine mellows
Dancing Kirtans
.Dinner Prasadam.
Sound Rest Early to bed and early to rise


5:30 AM 6:00 AM
6:00 AM 6:30 AM
6:30 AM 7:00 AM
7:00 AM 7:30 AM


2 rounds chanting Hare Krishna Japa
Sloka Recitation from BG and Discussion BG 2.46, 9.22, 18.64
Mangal Arati and Dancing kirtans

7:30 AM 8:00 AM ..Breakfast Prasadam..

8:00 AM 9:00 AM Time for Rest and rejuvenation
9:00 AM 11:00 AM WORSHIP : DIVINE & MUNDANE Closed book Quiz & GD
11:00 AM 1:00 PM Group Presentations by Participants : G3 and G4
1:00 PM 1:30 PM
1:30 PM 2:30 PM

Lunch Prasadam.
.Time for Rest and rejuvenation.

2:30 PM 5:00 PM
5:00 PM 5:15 PM
5:15 PM 5:45 PM
5:45 PM 7:15 PM
7:15 PM 7:30 PM
7:30 PM 8:00 PM
8:00 PM 8:30 PM
8:30 PM 9:00 PM

Q & A with senior devotees

.Juice break..
Bhajana sandhya Divine mellows
Prize distribution for the Best Performers
Dancing Kirtans
Oral Feedback and Realisations by Participants
.Dinner Prasadam.



Additional or Alternative topics and activities for SPHURTI Camp :

1. Right and Wrong Type of Education
2. Three minutes Extempore & Discussion on topics : Prasadam, Association of devotees,
Lord Krishna, Srila Prabhupadas sacrifice, Bhagavad gita, Importance of Human life etc.
3. Topics for debates and discussions
KC now or later?
Woman in vedic society protected or exploited?
Improvement of technology is it a key to human happiness?
Social service vs KC?
4. Learning to Love
5. Choosing Human & Animal lives
6. Where will the Hard struggle for happiness end ?
7. The King of Knowledge
8. Story line and Quiz : Chap 14 EBG, Lord Krishna delivers Lord Siva
9. Story line and Quiz : Chap 13 EBG, Markandeya reveals Krishnas True identity
The UTKARSH camp is a unique camp arranged outdoor mostly at special venue like
Mayapur Dham once in a year during the summer vacation period. A sample schedule of
Utkarsh Camp held in the summer vacation of 2007 is given below :

Utkarsh Camp, Mayapur Dham

20th , 21st , 22nd and 23rd JUNE 2007
Four groups of students - Gauranga, Nityananda, Radha and Krishna groups
IITKGP (5) + Mayapur VOICE (10) + NITJ (4) + MATHURA (6) = 25 students GAURANGA
ITBHU (7) + MOZE (11) + NITK (8) = 26 students NITYANANDA
NITW (8) + NITK (7) + IITKGP (5) + SA (6) = 26 students KRISHNA
NITW (8) + GGD (4) + IITKGP (5) + ITBHU (8) = 25 students BALARAM


6:30 AM 8:00 AM
8:00 AM 8:20 AM
8:20 AM 9:00 AM
9:00 AM 9:30 AM

Why do we put faith in Spiritual World? -


Guru Puja
Breakfast prasadam
Allotment of major and minor groups for GD & DEBATE

Each group should divide themselves into two. One part of group should prepare one of their members for
Debate, prepare a Drama, and draw a display. The second part of the group should prepare the same for the
opposite side topic. Now each part of group will be given a time period of 5 min Debate + 5 to 8 min
Drama + 5 min Display = 20 min max. Thus the total group gets a maximum of 40 minutes; the Discussion

by the Judges, Comments by audience, Question and Answer etc will be another 50 min. Thus per group
we allot a period of 1.5 hours that includes presentation and evaluation.

{I} VW

Vedic womans position was best vs.

Modern womans position is best


Caste system is scientific vs.

Caste system is a narrow-minded concoction of elite men
who wanted to supress poor

{III} HH Spiritual advancement Real key to human happiness vs.

Economic development key to human happiness

Preaching and propagation of KC is superior vs.

Social service is superior

While Juniors prepare for GD tasks, dramas and displays, Senior devotees will assist in Cooking prasadam
for all.
5:00 PM 7:00 PM

7:00 pm 7:45 pm
7:45 pm 8:15 pm

Orientation Lecture on Mayapur Dham visit : RSD

(S) Approaching the holy dham by AAP & SRP
Dinner prasadam
Shayan kiratans

20th JUNE 2006

3:30 AM

Leaving for Mayapur Dham

11:30 am 1:30 pm
Chanting Japa
2:00 pm
Lunch Prasadam
3:00 pm 3:45 pm
4:00 pm 6:00 pm Philosophy of Deity + Intro to Mayapur Deities by RSD
7:30 PM 8:30 PM Srila Prabhupada Ambassador of the spiritual world by CCP
9:00 PM 3:30 AM
Sound Rest Early to bed and early to rise
makes you healthy, wealthy and wise!!!

21st JUNE 2006

4:30 AM 5:15 AM
5:15 AM 7:00 AM
7:15 AM 7:45 AM
8:00 AM 9:00 AM
9:00 AM 10:00 AM
10:00 AM 10:45 AM

Morning program at Sri Sri Radha Madhav mandir

Japa at SP Samadhi mandir
Srngara darshan of Nrsimhadeva,
Panca tattva and Sri Sri Radha Madhav
Japa Workshop I by RSD (under SP samadhi mandir)
(S) The Elixir of the Holy Name by CCP
Breakfast Prasadam
Rest and Relax



11:00 AM 1:00 PM The All Attractive Supreme - 6 Senior teams (each team can have four to
six senior devotees; will help in preparing but will put only one of their team member to give a 5
to 8 min presentation) will present one-one opulence each with colorful pictures illustrating the
opulence of Sri Krishna and explain why Sri Krishna is the real Hero. And then, the following
speakers will speak about Fallible heroes vs. Real hero, janma karma ca divyam.
1:00 PM 2:00 PM
2:00 AM 2:45 PM
2:45 PM 4:15 PM
Group Presentation by Participants :
G1 VW G & N (above Panca tattva Hall) RSD, SSP, AAP
G2 - CS - K & B (Sankirtan hall) CCP, SRP, ARP
4:30 PM 5:30 PM
.Ganges Sight ..
5:30 PM 7:30 PM Bhajana sandhya & Carefree Life and Endless Love by RSD
Venue : Gada building garden
(S) Dedicate for a great cause dhanani jeevitam caiva
G & N CCP, SRP, ARP K & B SSP, AAP Venue : Gada
building top, Gauranga bldg top,

7:30 PM 8:00 PM
8:00 pm 8:30 pm
9:00 PM 3:30 PM

Shayan kirtans at Gada building garden

Dinner prasadam
Sound Rest Early to bed and early to rise
makes you healthy, wealthy and wise!!!

22nd JUNE 2006

4:30 AM 5:15 AM
Morning program at Sri Sri Radha Madhav mandir
5:15 AM 7:15 AM
Japa in SP Samadhi mandir
7:15 AM 8:00 AM Shringar Darshan at temple
8:00 AM 9:30 AM
Japa Workshop II (under SP samadhi mandir)
(S) Power of the Holy Name by AAP
9:30 AM 10:30 AM
Breakfast Prasadam
10:30 AM 11:15 AM Rest and Relax to be fresh for Krishnas service
11:15 AM 12:45 PM
GD and DEBATE presentation and Discussions
G3 HH G & N (above Panca tattva Hall) RSD, SSP, AAP
G4 - SS - K & B (Sankirtan hall) CCP, SRP, ARP
12:45 PM 1:30 PM FREE TIME.
1:30 PM 2:30 PM
2:30 AM 3:00 PM
3:00 PM 5:00 PM
Visit to Mayapur Gurukul Lecture by maharaj and Interview with
5:15 PM 7:15 PM
BACE Modern Age Gurukul (Lawn near Gada)
7:15 PM 8:00 PM
Dancing Kirtans
8:00 PM 8:30 PM
9:00 PM 3:30 PM
Sound Rest Early to bed and early to rise

23rd JUNE 2006

4:30 AM 5:15 AM
5:15 AM 7:15 AM
7:15 AM 7:45 AM
8:00 AM 9:00 AM
9:00 AM 10:00 AM
10:00 AM 10:45 AM

Morning program at Sri Sri Radha Madhav mandir

Japa at SP samadhi
Srngara darshan of Nrsimhadeva,
Panca tattva and Sri Sri Radha Madhav
.special visiting senior speaker
Breakfast Prasadam
Rest and Relax

11:00 AM 12:30 PM Group Presenta by Participants :

G1 CS G & N (Sankirtan hall) CCP, SSP, AAP
G2 - VW - K & B (above Panca tattva Hall) RSP, SRP, ARP
12:30 AM 1:30 PM
3 min Extempore by any of the students (3 groups, 50 each)
1:00 PM 2:00 PM
2:00 PM 2:45 PM
3:00 PM 4:30 PM
Group Presentations by Participants :
G3 Madhava seva. G & N (Sankirtan hall) RSD, SSP, AAP
G4 - Who is Supreme? - K & B (above Panca tattva Hall) CCP, SRP, ARP
Venue : Above Pancha tattva hall
5:00 PM 7:00 PM
Surpassing Maya by RSD in Panca tattva hall
alongwith Five paisa circus drama by seniors
7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Q & A in 3 Groups, 50 each
8:00 PM 8:30 PM
..Shayan Kirtans.
8:30 PM 9:00 PM
9:00 PM 3:30 PM
Sound Rest Early to bed and early to rise
makes you healthy, wealthy and wise!!!

24th JUNE 2006

4:15 AM 7:15 AM
7:30 AM 9:30 AM

Morning program at Sri Sri Radha Madhav mandir

Golden Avatar for the Iron Age by RSD
alongwith Jagai Madhai deliverance Drama by seniors
9:30 AM 10:00 AM
Breakfast Prasadam
10:00 AM ..Leaving for Calcutta and back to KGP.

Topics to be discussed Outside the Utkarsh Camp :

1. GD Seminar on : Importance of Faith and Danger of Doubts
Importance of Doubting and Danger of Blind Faith
2. SB Two Acid Tests to check your KC advancement
3. SB - By serving the Lord, we stand to gain, not He
4. Learn Team Playing from Geese Slide show to show how Devotees have extra edge in co-operative
mentality with anyone.



[PSD] Public Speaking and Discussion topics

Mature students who know the basics of KC philosophy well are proposed by their OCs
to VOICE Governing Body (VGB) for joining the DYS Preachers Forum. Here they are
trained in public speaking through presentations and Questions and Answers. These
meetings are held in the weekend to train the student to boldly present his viewpoints as
he has heard them from the sastras, free from stage fright, lack of fluency or lack of
communication. In these meetings, one student comes prepared and gives a 15 minutes
presentation on a topic of his choice from the DYS Course. Next 10 to 15 min is a Q and
A session. A senior preacher assesses the speech based on several criteria as given below
and gives a grading. He qualitatively gives clues to improve the presentation for
everyones benefit and answers the unresolved, complex, contradictory questions and
settles any misconceptions and unsolved problems. Those student presenters who secure
more than 70% in this test may be considered for becoming a Facilitator Preacher to
conduct DYS and EBG courses. Besides this score, weightage should also be given to
their performance in other areas like Vaishnava behaviour, Punctuality, Responsibility etc
and approval of VGB, Counselor and Director.
Assessment Criteria for judging a Student speaker
Every student speaker is judged on the following ten points for his lecture presentation:
1. Introduction
One must address the audience, thank them for attending the program, give a brief idea of
what one is going to speak about, and begin with a thought provoking / humorous /
interest generating / attention catching -- incident / information / sloka / quote / statistics.
2. Flow
Student speaker must have good English, clear pronunciation and diction, framing of the
sentences should be without grammatical mistakes, sentences should flow with
confidence without hesitation. This also includes modulation of raising the pitch at
certain times of the lecture, slowing down the speech or giving a pause to convey a deep
point, giving time to audience to laugh during humor etc. Less marks should be given for
half sentences, stammering etc.
3. Coverage
The most important themes under a topic must be covered
E.g. For a topic "Miseries of the material world" - one must speak about the 4 - fold
miseries of birth, old age, disease and death and also speak about 3 miseries adhiyatmika, adhibhautika and adhidaivika miseries.

Must cover all the topics in the lecture presentation.

E.g. For a topic " Three modes of material nature " one should not just talk about
the mode of goodness for most of the lecture. Equal time must be given to all the modes
of nature and conclusion must explain how the come out of the three modes by
surrendering to Krishna.
4. Non Deviation From Parampara
Examples and stories told to convey philosophical points should be repeated from
parampara. Student speaker must use construction of words as Srila Prabhupada has used
in his writing. For example "Supreme Personality of Godhead", "devotional service" etc.

Doubtful and controversial points must be left out of the presentation.

Unnecessary and provocative examples and statements should be avoided unless it is
absolutely necessary to talk about it as a part of the topic or due to a question raised
by the audience. E.g. "man never went to the moon", or "fall of the jiva from the
spiritual world controversy !"
Self made stories or examples,
Non conventional vulgar presentation (for e.g. to present the information like cutting
of testicles of goat in Yayati's story),
Hurting the personal sentiments of one or more people (criticizing women to be less
intelligent and justifying, `Prabhupada said it'),
Creating a tense situation by criticizing other religions or paramparas openly,
Attacking personalities instead of defeating their bogus philosophies
- all these will lead to reduction of marks for this criteria.
5. Humility Thread
Natural humility of the speaker should be an underlying thread throughout the lecture.
The lecture should be presented in a persuasive manner to enable the people to take to
Krishna consciousness more seriouly. The mood should be that one is a servant of the
previous acharyas and one is simply a postal peon giving the remnants of the wisdom
given by previous acharyas. The speaker should not give the presentation with a view of
impressing the audience by dramatic speaking, using jargon, quoting stray unknown
cooked examples or stories. The speaker should not lose temper by fanatical and
passionate presentation in the name of bold preaching (especially during Q & A). The
speaker should inspire the audience by a genuine presentation springing from the heart, in
simple words for everyone to understand. There must be firmness in presentation - should
not be too watered down with false humility!
6. Facing Audience
Sometimes it is seen that the speaker



keeps his eyes closed

keeps his sight focussed on the ceiling as if there were no one present before him
keeps looking at his notes every minute for reference
looks at one student in the audience and preaches him only
looks down and occasionally raises the head for a few seconds
keeps a too serious face or a face which looks that he is about to cry

Any of these approaches in presentation easily puts off the audience and they go to sleep,
look at their watch or start moving out. The speaker should make audience feel that the
lecture is meant for them and the topic is a very important one for their lives. To make
this happen, the speaker should :
Be enthusiastic about the topic
Address the audience by having eye contact
look around the audience to make everyone feel the speaker is addressing them
show expressions and use modulations to powerfully convey the message.
The expressions or gestures should be natural and not artificial. There should also be
some interaction with the audience - speaker may ask them some question and wait for
the answer or answer himself.
7. Maintaining Interest of Audience
The lecture should not be too dry with hard philosophical points difficult to digest.
Especially in this age, when people are dull to spiritual life, speaking a complicated word
jugglery will only put them to sleep. The purpose of the presentation is to help the
audience understand and apply it in their day to day life. This is possible only if the
speaker has understood the subject properly and puts it in his own simple words to
explain a point ; otherwise cramming philosophical notes and repeating like a parrot with
no understanding will neither help the audience understand nor help the preacher to
purify himself. Srila Prabhupada defines what is realisation in the first canto of SB (SB
1.4.1.) : Personal realization does not mean that one should, out of vanity, attempt to
show one's own learning by trying to surpass the previous crya. He must have full
confidence in the previous crya, and at the same time he must realize the subject matter
so nicely that he can present the matter for the particular circumstances in a suitable
manner. The original purpose of the text must be maintained. No obscure meaning should
be screwed out of it, yet it should be presented in an interesting manner for the
understanding of the audience. This is called realization.
Lecture should be rich with examples, stories and analogies taken from Srila
Prabhupada's books, appropriately quoted according to the level of the audience. Quoting
incidences from Srila Prabhupada's pastimes, quoting slokas and telling their word for
word or line by line meanings and numbered analogies/examples (e.g., 3 modes, or 4

miseries, or 6 ways to develop loving exchanges between devotees etc.) also help to
maintain the interest of the audience. The examples should be lively, easy-to-picturise in
mind and easy-to-relate for the audience.
8. Precision
Speaker must properly stick to the philosophical point he wants to convey strongly and
not beat around the bush. Lack of precision can happen when the speaker :
Goes on a tangential off-track direction talking on some other topic
For example, one may be asked to speak on `brahmana vs. Kripana' and the speaker
may start talking about `Varnasrama dharma' in great length ; actually he was
supposed to speak about the importance of human life and define brahmana/kripana
based on that.
Catches hold of a irrelevant but sensitive topic and creates agitation in audience
For example, one may be asked to speak on `Four defects' and one may catch up a
unnecessary controversial example like `Moon landing' ; the audience forget the topic
and start hotly arguing whether man went to moon or not. The essence is lost and the
speaker has dragged the audience to a useless argumentative zone.
Gives lot of information, but forgets the important points which should not be missed
For example, one may be asked to speak on `Miseries of material world' ; the speaker
may speak about the suffering of Ethiopians, Bomb blasts, Local and global fights and
the current news. If he forgets to talk on Birth, Old age, Disease and Death as well as on
Three fold miseries, then he gets only half the marks for coverage. One should always
keep sastra in mind even while giving examples from day-to-day life.
There should be one main theme and one/two sub-themes and continuity should be
maintained while moving from one theme to another.
9. Conclusion
Generally, the audience remember the last point or the example made before the
presentation ends. So the conclusion should be a punching point which can be
remembered and carried by the audience home. It can also be a brief summary of the
presentation made to remind people of what should they carry with them. In any case, the
speaker has to give some beneficial message to people to not only hear, but to apply in
their day-to-day life. The conclusion could include a call for action - inspiring the
audience to increase their chanting, associating, reading sastras etc.
10. Questions And Answers
The answers should be brief and to the point, to avoid boredom. Too long exhaustive
answers bore the audience (especially youth). The misconceptions of audience should be



dispelled through powerful examples of Srila Prabhupada. The speaker should give
sufficient audience to the questions before replying, to increase the confidence of the
questioner. The answers should be mature and not in anyway ridicule the questioner
directly / indirectly.
Final Discussion
This part of the program has to be extremely powerful and thus either Director himself or
else a very senior devotee preacher who is seasoned in the preaching field for more than
five years should take the lead. The qualifications expected of him are :
should very precisely understand the questions of students
should be quick to think and relate several examples and incidents on a topic
should be very thorough with Krishna conscious philosophy
should be able to tackle the scientific questions asked by students
should be sober, mature and genuine in presentation
should be a good speaker fulfilling the aforementioned 10 criteria
should be a role model devotee and ideal for other youths to follow
Besides the above qualifications, he should have strict sadhana track record, unlimited
enthusiasm for youth preaching, detachment from things not favorable to Krishna
consciousness, attachment to things favorable to Krishna consciousness - as he will be
watched by the students more than anybody else. Every VOICE needs a Director or a
Senior Devotee Preacher of that kind who can lead in this regard ; otherwise it is very
difficult to attract a large gathering of youth for such meetings.
The discussion involves : (a) comments about the speech (b) Answer to unanswered
questions (c) any further questions to be answered based on the discussion.
Although the Director makes two columns in his own note book, one giving positive
points and the other giving negative points of the student speaker's presentation, still all
positive points and only a very few negative points are mentioned in discussion. This is to
not hurt or discourage the student speaker. These points can be shown later privately to
him for improvement.
The answers to the unanswered questions should be so thoroughly dealt with that it
should drive out all misconceptions. Students should feel satisfied and enlightened like a
sun shining in its full glory in the sky dispelling all clouds. This thorough analysis of
misconceptions and clarification will lead to a strong understanding of Krishna conscious
philosophy. This makes the students overjoyed, as they have now got answers to the
questions often posed by their karmi friends while ridiculing them. This also drives out
their fear and helps them to take bold forward steps in their Krishna conscious progress.

The public speaking program can test the PREACHING APTITUDE of a student speaker
but those students who are sent for preaching must also exhibit other devotional qualities
of humility, service attitude, strong sadhana and submissiveness. He should not have any
serious doubts about the basic philosophy.

Apart from the above syllabus, the following topics could also be covered :

Joining Counseling system and Diksha procedure

How to read and make notes from SP books
Proper attitude towards other ashrams
College studies and Spiritual life (for students)
Family and Professional responsibilities and Spiritual life (for working and married)
5. Preaching is the Essence seminar
6. Love, Care and Concern for other devotees (esp sick)
7. Values for a Principled Life
Gratitude, Punctuality, Dedication, Responsibility
Aggressiveness, Passiveness and Assertiveness
Honesty, Simplicity, Politeness, Non envy
Humility and Service Attitude, Steadiness

Additional Training Programs

The above five courses offer the candidate a solid foundation of basic KC philosophy and
vaishnava behaviour. Now beyond this they should be encouraged to read Srila
Prabhupadas books regularly, fill up sadhana card, join Counselor system for further
growth. We also have additional training programs for them :
PREACHERS FORUM : Besides this the candidate also learns to take lead in guiding
juniors to begin with in a small way as a MMC (Mantra Meditation Circle) leader, then
eventually as a Facilitator, then a Facilitator Preacher (FP). Such responsible roles
requires training in preaching through Public speaking and Weekend Meetings to train
students in seeing issues of modern world with sastric eye and be able to understand the
sastric principles in action and be able to interpret them wisely and expose the fallacies of
a godless civilization. Those who emerge as DYS Facilitator preachers, will later
become a part of the Preachers Forum (PF) and will be given more intensive training in



scientific preaching, facilitation skills, presentation skills, building a trustworthy

personality etc through lessons from great scriptures like Srimad Bhagavad gita and
Srimad Bhagavatam, as well as from the modern-day principled-centered books.
LEADERS & MANAGERS FORUM : Then taking very responsible roles like
Department Head (DH) or Internal Manager (IM) or Overall Co-ordinator (OC) or
Project Managers (PM) anyone accepting a managerial service, requires training in
Management and Leadership to make Plan of Action, to Organise, to Co-ordinate and to
Monitor and manage. Such training will prepare first class leaders who are the future
leaders of our society. This need is addressed by the Principle Centered Leadership
(PCL) seminars. These are conducted every Sunday morning for a couple of hours.
Gradually the candidates become powerful team players and learn the art of delegation
and empowerment. They also learn how to become an ideal servant leader following in
the footsteps of great rajarishis like King Pruthu, King Yudhisthira, King Ambarish etc.
the candidates may join the brahmacari ashram as celibates or get married and settled as
householders. Training also needs to be given to them in advance how should they
approach their respective ashram with maturity so that they can live a ideal life of KC in
that new situation. This need is addressed by the GAURANGA SABHA (for would-be
celibates) and NITYANANDA SABHA (would be married). Eventually these youths
turn into brahmacaris and FOLK (Family of Lord Krishna) members.
There are three Weekend meetings held as below :
For Preachers and Facilitation Preachers - Srila Prabhupada speaks out and GD
For DYS Preachers - training in giving DYS presentation
For other boys Slideshow Presentations on various topics as given below
These meetings are held every weekend on SATURDAYS, between 7 pm to 9 pm
followed by dancing kirtans and prasadam. Hundreds of youths attend these meetings
and a group of students fixed in advance help in cooking, cleaning, washing, serving
prasadam and making all other arrangements for the program. Every week there will a
new senior speaker addressing on one of the topics or outside the topics given below.
The purpose of the meeting is to help youth understand the relevance of the philosophy
that they learn in the courses to their everyday life and especially in the modern scenario.
This will broaden their scope of understanding and help them explain KC philosophy to
their friends. These meetings also give them an opportunity to bring their new friends to
the temple for the first time and introduce to a vibrant youth group by joining a lecture,
dancing kirtans and delicious dinner prasadam.

PRERANA - JUNIORS Those who are chanting less than 16 rounds

1. Technology Curse or Boon?
2. Is Youth not meant for Enjoyment?
3. Can a sadhu supposed to stay in recluse indulge in opulent modern day cities and
4. Does Spirituality not kill our Ambitions in life?
5. Do the hands that serve not better than hands that pray?
6. Indians Discover your Glory!
7. When Nature boomerangs.
8. Is chanting not some self-hypnosis or brainwashing exercise?
9. Were Women not downplayed in Vedic society?
10. Is Bhakti yoga not meant for sentimentalists and Jnana for the learned?
11. Does Vedic life not stunt independence of a child, wife, man thru religion?
12. What all benefits can ISKCON offer to the world?
13. Darwins Evolution theory the theory at the verge of Extinction
14. Proactive Leadership
15. Is Celibacy not self deception?
16. Is spiritual life not self torture that takes away our freedom?
17. The IQ, EQ and SQ The Extra edge of a Spiritualist
18. Why do bad things happen to Good people?
19. Will Power to Excel
20. Should I depend on God or take the reins on my hand and act?
21. Is God not responsible for everything including the bad things that I do?
22. Is caste system not a concoction of the narrow minded?
23. Is Spiritual life not pessimism, escapism or meant for weaklings?
24. Learning to Love
25. Modern Educational system the 21st century Putana
26. Love Marriage vs Arranged marriage
27. Blossoming Consciousness
28. Real Progress vs Illusory progress
29. Saints and swindlers
30. Gain Freedom through Self control
31. Mind : Enemy or Friend?
32. Yoga of Love
33. Faithful heart joyful heart
34. Tap the power of prayer
35. Power of Positive Thinking
36. Overcoming Fear
37. Overcoming Anger
38. Conflict Resolution



39. Self Confidence

40. Ambition and Overambition
ASHRAY - SENIORS For those who are chanting 16 rounds for over six months
The seniors spend some meetings in gaining training in Preaching as mentioned
above. There are other meetings where they are taught how to develop finer qualities.
After 2 to 3 years of practicing KC, devotees learn the basics of KC philosophy and
its application reasonably well. Now it is time for them to learn subtler aspects of
philosophy, to go from What to do? to How to do better? and to go from
rendering service to rendering service in appropriate consciousness. Also it is
time for them to develop a deep faith in the philosophy of KC and to frankly clarify
all the lingering doubts in the heart so that they can march ahead in the royal path of
KC smoothly. As they emerge as leaders, preachers and managers they need fine
tuning of their behavior, consciousness and way of thinking. Keeping this in view,
the following topics are suggested for the senior speakers to present in one or two or
more sittings. A portion of the senior group is taken out as a separate team for DYS
Preachers Forum for specific training in preaching. Those who complete DYS
Preachers Forum training for one year, they are promoted to Preachers Forum and
all others join the Ashray seminars :
1. Krishnas Rasa dance can we imitate?
2. Did man ever went to moon?
3. If God is everywhere, then why go to the temple?
4. Is service to parents and duty to nation not superior to selfish puja to God?
5. Do all paths not lead to the same goal?
6. Can God be immoral or partial?
7. Abortion, Euthanesia and the Ethics
8. Why not just be a harmless good person? Is it necessary to go to God?
9. If silence is golden, why make a display of devotion?
10. How to earn the strength to face ours & others failures in spiritual & material life?
11. Overcoming the pleasure motive
12. Art of performing Detached work
13. Do your Best and Leave the rest
14. Loyalty to our parampara & broadmindedness in dealing with other sampradayas
15. Conflict Resolution in Srimad Bhagavatam
16. Authority vs Subordinate
17. Six items that boost our Bhakti
18. Six items that decrease our Bhakti
19. Learning to reveal the heart in Confidence
20. Overcoming Inferiority and Superiority complex
21. Overcoming Envy

22. Learning to Forgive and forget

23. Avoiding Fault finding
24. Learning to trust others and to become trustworthy
25. Integrity and Truthfulness the foundation of spiritual life
26. Be Grateful or else become a great fool
27. Increasing our Tolerance
28. Overcoming False ego
29. Time Management balancing material and spiritual responsibilities
30. Developing the Prayerful Attitude
31. Giving up Prajalpa, mundane talk
32. The Right Attitude of a Preacher
33. Developing Communication skills
34. Dealing with Anger
35. Vapu and Vani seva
36. Fanaticism vs. Broadmindedness
37. Vaishnava aparadh the mad elephant offense
38. The ten offenses against the Holy Name
39. The Amnaya sutra
40. On Resisting Temptations
41. On developing loving friendships with devotees
42. Whimsical behaviour
43. On Dedication to the order of Guru
44. On learning to deal with other Gurus and their disciples
45. Giving up the material outlook in spiritual circles
46. Twenty six qualities of a devotee
47. Teachings from Lord Caitanyas pastimes
48. Teachings from life of six goswamis
49. Following in the footsteps of great acaryas
50. Gaudiya vaishnava sampradaya, how the acaryas defended the philosophy from
opposing forces.

[LMF] Leaders and Managers Forum

(Principle Centered Leadership Training)

As students proceed beyond a couple of years, they are offered opportunities for
preaching, managing, counseling, advising, caring and dealing with different situations
and making decisions etc. Keeping this in view, the following training programs are
added along with the spiritual training to make them expert managers besides becoming
fixed up in spiritual knowledge and practical services. Eventually depending on the
individuals dedication and competence, one may emerge as a great leader in future and
perform great services in the mission of Srila Prabhupada.



1. Team Playing

Management with hands, head and heart

Need of a caring Leader who gives Care and concern instead of Manipulation and
Closer relationships, greater success
Celebrating Diversity and Interdependence for team spirit
Co-operation and Teamwork (from Leadership seminar)
How to motivate and inspire people

2. Art of Self Management

Mind and Intellect the instruments of heart and head

The need for regulating the energy of the Mind
Body, Mind, Intelligence mechanism and functioning
Self Management Learning to Manage ourselves before managing others
Use and misuse of Mind : The importance of Self Control
Learning new self-managing skills like intuition, flexibility, focus, tolerance
Physical aspect stress management, health, safety, nutrition etc
Mental aspect - Mind power, Creativity, Innovation, intellectual development program
Social aspect - Psychological
Ten Practical tips to Mind Control
3. Character Buildup - Role of Character and Competence in Leadership


Character and Competence the two railroads to success

What makes a Leader different from Managers?
Three pillars of Trustworthy Character Integrity, Maturity, non-envy
Three types of power
The Emotional Bank Account for effective Leadership

4. The Attitudes and Characteristics of a Leader

Eight Attitudes for Effective Leadership
Power to listen
- Patience
- Humility
- Love
- Maturity
- Knowledge
Decision Making - Clarity of Mind
Ability to Respond- Courage
Team Spirit
- Co-operation

Ten characteristics of Effective Leadership : Deep lover of people, helps people feel
happy and secure, Creates lasting value, is a Philosopher, leads from inside out,
Principle centered, is a powerful visionary, keeps everyone engaged according to their
propensities, expert in delegation and empowerment, leaves behind a culture of
enduring excellence.
5. Personality Development
Anger and other emotions that dictate our behavior
Three modes of behavior goodness, passion and ignorance
Calm, clear and creative thinking to find effective solutions thru mode of goodness
Circle of Influence and Circle of Concern
Proactive and Reactive behavior
Capturing the Constructiveness of Anger
Learning to give criticism and accepting criticism constructively
6. Positive Mental Attitude

SWOT analysis for Personal planning

The modern-day idea of Positive thinking and the Real Positive thinking
Spiritual insight the soul, the Mind, the Intellect, the false ego
Types of thoughts, the Power and effect of Thoughts
How does one go from Positive to Negative thinking?
The Sub consciousness and the Five factors that develop our Personality
Inside out not change at behavioral, emotional, intellectual level but at the level of
Methods to nourish the mind with healthy positive inputs
7. Time Management, Part 1

Working smarter and not harder

The role of Importance and urgency in use of time the Time Management Matrix
Crisis management
Time wasters and how to escape from them
Four basic ideas to get help better control over time
Time, God and goal of time management

8. Time Management, Part 2

Time management guidelines
Delegation while working in a group Gofer delegation and stewardship delegation
How to relax while you work



How to work more in less hours

Know your type
A practical time schedule for students
Meditation time - Sharpening the saw
Time and its best use - Spiritual viewpoint

9. Communications Course

Principles and Vaues for Effective Communication

Who are our audiences? GOHIRAMA (from Leadership seminar)
Communication Sutras
Basic Communication Skills (from Leadership seminar)
Tips for Enhancing our Preaching and Reputation (from Leadership seminar)
Step by step Application for Strategic Planning
Empathic or Reflective Listening
Guidelines for Approaching Members : a) with Faith in God, b) of Other Faiths
Internal Devotee Community Audience ways to value Devotees and
Tips to Build Trust
Preparing to Speak in Public
My Strengths and Challenges before groups
Guides on Lecturing
Basics of a News Release

10. Handling Difficult Situations through Powerful Communication

(I) Listening to others
Introducing a New idea or a Change -The Yes, But approach, The
Confrontational approach,
The Active Listening approach
Handling an Objection or Reservation, Handling a Complaint Dealing with Hostility
Coaching and Counselling
Selling, Getting a busy persons attention
(II) Getting others to listen to you

Dissuading someone -- The Aggressive approach, The Judgemental approach

The Appeasing approach, The Sarcastic approach, The Assertive approach
Making a Complaint, Criticising someone
Getting Co-operation from an Unwilling Person
Getting someone to take No for an Answer
Getting Attention at a Meeting

Expressing Disagreement with your Boss expertly

Constructive Disagreement
Constructive Negotiation
(III) Common obstacles to working to a joint solution
Handling conflict -- Handling Territorial conflict, Handling Goal Conflict
Handling variegated ideas
11. Introductory Mediation

What is ADR? (Alternative Dispute Resolution)

What are the benefits of mediation?
Qualities of a good mediator
Skills that a good mediator should possess Listening, Questioning, Note taking skills
Stages and steps of the Mediation Process

12. The Leadership and Management Course

The 16 Principles and Values behind Effective Leadership and Management

Presentation skills
Vision casting, Mission statement,
Steps to writing a effective Job Description
Building and Breaking Trust
Strategic Planning
Group Facilitation and Meeting Skills
Empowerment and Delegation
Responsible Engagement of Resources

13. Customer Care (devotee care)

Exceeding expectations
Doos and Donts in dealing with customers
Internal and External customers
Teaching the Attitude in dealing with different customers

14. Fundamental Principles of Preaching

Principles and Values behind Effective Preaching
Being empowered by Krishna, Long-term Vision, Customer Care, Devotee Welfare,
Accurate Representation, Ideal Character, Honesty, Sound Spiritual Practice, Regular



Harmony with Other Services, Systematic Training and Education, Consideration of

Dos and Donts of Preaching
[VTW] Vaishnava Training Workshop
Sometimes students dont get enough time to devote in learning various aspects of
vaishnava lifestyle like cooking, cleaning, singing, playing instruments, personal
behaviour, public speaking, worshiping deities etc due to their tight schedule of college
studies. Such workshops as VTW are arranged in order to help students do their college
study or course on one hand while in parallel they can also learn these aspects of devotee
life in a period of one or two weeks.
VTW comprises of lectures and discussions in morning and evening. The middle portion
of the day is partly used for their studies and partly for learning various aspects
mentioned above. Sometimes we are able to arrange STW, Software Training Workshop
parallel to VTW. Thus students and their parents are happy that the summer vacation is
fruitfully spent in gaining both material and spiritual advantage. This workshop as
opposed to our earlier camps is not very tightly scheduled as it lasts for a longer period.
The main goal of this workshop is to give the student an opportunity to live in a KC
environment and learn through observation and experience of vaishnava culture than by
cultivating knowledge alone. These kind of workshops are arranged when there are bulk
holidays available in occasions such as yearly Gathering in college or festival holidays or
vacations. The syllabus for this program is mostly from the Course syllabus given above.

[GS] Gauranga Sabha

(Training in understanding the life of a Celibate)
Co-ordinator : Sripad, M.Tech, NIT, Warrangal
1. The need of renouncing worldly pleasures
KC and Sense gratification go ill together
Present day degradation
Mechanism of sex impulse
Lust the all devouring enemy of the world
Misleading descriptions of womans beauty and sex life
Cutting the hard knot (pumsah striyah.)
2. The Idle Mind Devils workshop
Attraction for opposite sex -- Mayas trap to keep us in material world
Internal and external distractions (shama, dama)

From contemplation to fall down (Ajamila)

The pretender renunciates (two sannyasins, sadhu & pros, radha kund cheaters)
Method of conquering the desires (jnani, yogi, bhakta)
Engagement in Krishnas service
Purity the real force of a brahmacari
3. Roles and Responsibilities of a brahmacari and grihasta
Qualities of a brahmacari for joining ashram
Brahmacaris duties towards guru and Srila Prabhupada
Brahmacaris attitude towards Krishna
Knowing the difference between real knowledge and nescience (Rishyashringa)
How does one choose ones ashram?
Role of a brahmacari and a grihasta in varnashrama
4. Transforming our Attachment from World of Sorrow to World of Bliss
Responsibility towards parents not to be whimsically given up
Renunciation is not as important as developing attachment to Krishna
Getting a clear vision for dedicating ones whole existence
Being affectionate but not attached (SP and Giriraj swamis parents)
The phantasmagoria concept of Protection
Keeping touch with relatives to put them in touch with Krishna
True renunciation not dry, but full of bliss
5. Self control - the key to real pleasure
Practicing brahminical qualities (from Ajamilas section)
Detachment, Austerity and Renunciation
Discipline in all habits (eating, sleeping, recreation, morning program, etc)
Conquering the six urges (vaco vegam, manasa vegam)
Healthy fear for maya (Jamadagni story)
6. Dangers of Sexual indulgence
Danger in dealing with women
Overcoming sexual desire
Value of Semen
Fall down, masturbation, night fall, Homosexuality
Passion blinds the intellect
Disastrous effects of sexual indulgence
7. Glories of Brahmacarya
Meaning of brahmacarya
Physical and mental brahmacarya
Suppression and sublimation



From sex energy to spiritual energy

Practical examples of glorious brahmacaris
8. Higher taste replaces the taste for dead material things
Vishaya more dangerous than visha or poison
The urges that arouse animalistic behavior
Artificial restraint cannot last long
The higher taste of KC
Anartha nivrtti and Artha pravrtti
Tools to maintain the higher taste
9. Diet and Brahmacarya
Sattvic, rajasic and tamasic foods
Forbidden foods for brahmacaris
Mitahara or moderation in diet
Fasting a purificatory exercise
10. When does one accept the saffron order?
Meaning of saffron dress
Qualities expected from a saffron dress brahmacari
Difference between a saffron brahmacari and a sannyasi
The responsibilities and activities of a saffron dress brahmacari
11. Developing friendships
Introvert and extrovert natures
Method of developing friendship
Advantages of having a equal friend in KC
Revealing mind in confidence and hearing confidentially
Things to be avoided in friendship
12. Right attitudes that strengthen ones determination in
brahmacari ashram
Friendly behaviour with everyone (getting along well with all brahmacaris)
Serious scriptural study with application and realisation
Humble service attitude, submissiveness and pridelessness
Nonenviousness and respectful behaviour towards everyone
Constant engagement in Krishnas service
Spiritual vision to see the vaishnavas
Honest avoidance of association with opposite sex
Complete dependance on guru and Krishna
13. Wrong attitudes that weaken our determination in

brahmacari ashram
Inferiority complex and superiority complex
Independent or whimsical behaviour
Belligerent attitude
Proud and boastful behaviour that alienates others
Loneliness and depression
Secret connections with material world
Dependance on powers other than Krishna
14. On Changing ashram - from saffron to white
Difference between fall down and change of ashram
When should one consider the change ?
How to present ones feeling of the need to change
What is to be done after the change ?
15. Inspiration in brahmacari life
Inspiration necessary for survival and advancement
Methods to get inspiration
Power of the association of sannyasis our ideals
Taking and giving inspiration
16. Giving up the designation of brahmacari
Pride of renunciation is a pitfall
Brahmacari is a servant of everyone
Lord CM on designations and varnashrama
Difference between the renunciation of jnanis and bhaktas (milk drinking brahmac)
17. Attitude and behaviour of a brahmacari towards different types of people
Dealings with grihasta men
Dealings with devotee and nondevotee women
Dealings with children
Dealings with family, friends and general nondevotees and Press
Behaviour in the public like Rathyatras, visiting offices, meeting LM etc.
18. Travelling outdoors
Staying in grihastas homes or in dharma shalas
Staying in other ISKCON temples
Discipline during long journeys
Care during yatras to holy places
19. Obstacles to tackle and possible solutions for a brahmacari
Sickness and chronic illness
Boredom and monotony in spiritual life



Philosophical doubts
Relationship problems with devotees
Effects of old bad association of karmis or mayavadis or previous bad samskaras
20. Spiritual progress in the brahmacari ashram
Increasing commitment to Srila Prabhhupada over the years
Self assessment and good advice from well wishers
Red signals that indicate a need to change
Symptoms of progress in KC
Developing talents for Krishnas service
Preparing for sannyas
Keeping the goal in the eye of the mind

A sample schedule :
JUNIOR GAURANGA SABHA CAMP, 27th, 28th, 29th JUNE 2007

Co-ordinators : Balagovinda prabhu and Sundernath prabhu

6:00 pm to 9:00 pm - Preyas or Shreyas Make a wise choice by HG Vrindavan
Song bhuliya tomare samsare aciya at the end and conclude with hare krishna.

28th JUNE 2007, THURSDAY

4:45 am to 5:00 am - On Chanting Hare Krishna
5:00 am 7:00 am - Japa
7:00 am 7:30 am - Mangal arati, Nrsimha arati
7:30 am 8:00 am - time.
8:00 am - 9:30 am - The six urges to be conquered by a goswami by Kamal locan p
9:30 am 10:30 am - Brunch Prasadam
10:30 am 11:15 am Fall down and Rise of a progressive Yogi - Vishwamitra
11:15 am 1:00 pm Three Enemies to Progress Pride, Lust, Anger by CCP,
1:00 pm 2:00 pm - Q & A by CCP, KLP, RSD
2:00 pm 2:30 pm - Bhajans and Kirtans

2:30 pm 3:00 pm
..Free Time to develop
3:00 pm 4:30 pm - What inspired me to join & what inspires me to stay in brahmac
Realisations by Rupa Vrinda Counselors
4:30 pm 5:30 pm - Dinner Prasadam
5:30 pm 6:00 pm Light kirtans
6:00 pm 8:00 pm Preaching Adventures of a African Hare Krishna devotee
By HG Srivas prabhu, Regional Secretary, West Africa
8:00 pm 8:30 pm Dancing kirtans
8:30 pm 8:45 pm Shayan kirtans

29th JUNE 2007, FRIDAY

4:45 am to 5:00 am 5:00 am 7:00 am 7:00 am 7:30 am 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:00 am - 9:30 am 9:30 am 10:30 am
10:30 am 1:30

on Chanting Hare Krishna

Mangal arati, Nrsimha arati time.
Cutting the Knot by SGCP
- Brunch Prasadam
Extempore with Discussion and/or Situation tackling by


1:30 pm 2:30 pm
. Free Time to develop
2:30 pm 4:30 pm - What inspired me to join & what inspires me to stay in brahmac
Realisations by selected Sanatan Vrinda Counselors
4:30 pm 5:30 pm - Dinner Prasadam
5:30 pm 6:00 pm Light kirtans
6:00 pm 8:00 pm Self Evaluation - Courage and Fears in joining the ashram
and Q&A
8:00 pm 8:30 pm Dancing kirtans
8:30 pm 8:45 pm Shayan kirtans



[NS] Nityananda Sabha

(Training in understanding Grihasta Life before marriage)
Co-ordinator : Jaigopal das, B.Arch and Jnanesh, M.E., COEP
`Nityananda Sabha is a group of young unmarried boys of ISKCON, Pune who are
would-be grihasta boys. They come together once a month for a evening program. Once
or twice a year there are camps held for a few days to help them know one another more
intimately and to develop friendships.
Practical Application Topics :

Lives of
Great Grihasta devotees :

1. Who should choose the grihasta ashrama ?

2. Grihamedhi vs. Grihasta ashram
1. Bhaktivinod Thakur
2. Srila Prabhupada
3. Living a Krishna-centered life
4. Responsibilities of a grihasta.
in grihasta ashram
3. Srinivas acharya
5. Idle Mind Devils workshop
4. Kardama muni and Devahuti
6. The process of matching boy and girl
7. Self control key to real pleasure
5. Kashyapa and Diti
6. Yayati and Devayani
8. Determination to follow the vows strictly
7. Pururava and Urvashi
9. Choosing a suitable career
8. Priyavrata preached by Brahma
10. Extravagance and unplanned spending
9. Arjuna and Draupadi
11. Unrealistic expectations and hopeless hopes
10. Sudama vipra and his wife
12. Simple living, High thinking in grihasta life
13. How to be a exemplary grihasta ?
14. Mayas traps in early married life
15. Money the myth and the reality
16. Success the myth and the reality
17. Happiness the myth and the reality
18. Maintaining KC in the world of rat race
19. To earn a lot, save and stabilise or to steadily go on serving?
20. To work hard and give charity or to wind up and serve?
21. Types of Illusory Security and the Real security
22. Attitude towards other ashramas
23. Dealing with Nondevotees / devotees
24. Good sadhana after marriage
25. Learning to live with differences
Personal application (PeA) topics in spiritual life :


Right and Wrong attitudes in Preaching

A self analysis test and skit for internal purity
Avoiding material outlook in dealings with vaishnavas
Fall down and bloops and how to prevent them
Coming out of Day dreaming
Giving up brooding over problems
Whimsical behaviour
Giving up Lethargy and Complacency
Greed and Peace incompatibles
Dedication to the mission of guru

[FOLK] Family Of Lord Krishna

Co-ordinator : Mukundananda das, M.E., Professor at IsquareIT
: Anantashesh das, BE
: Narendra, BE, Patni Comp Services,
Srikant, B.E., MBA, Forbes Marshall
Family Of Lord Krishna (FOLK) is a group of young couple grihastas at ISKCON, Pune,
(who have graduated from BOYS VOICE or GIRLS VOICE) who come together once a
month on a Sunday evening for discussion on one of the following topics. In the earlier
days it was given mostly by Radheshyam das, Director, VOICE. These days, devotees
from Mumbai such as Sridama prabhu and Kishori mataji, Dwarakadish prabhu and
Vishaka mataji and many other similar senior devotees visit almost monthly or once in
two months to offer this meeting. :
Practical application topics in Grihasta Ashram :
1. Learning the psychology of man and woman for a peaceful KC life
2. How can a grihasta attain perfection?
3. Responsibilities of Husband and Wife
4. Begetting and raising a child
5. Proper attitude towards other ashrams
6. Roles that grihastas can play in immediate and long-term in our society
7. Dealings with Karmis and the other Grihastas
8. Life - Orbiting around the divine couple and Orbiting around the dream world
9. Learning to celebrate diversity to live in cooperation with disciples of all gurus
10. Sadhana standards that is ideal for advancement
11. Discipline and Freedom
12. Principles of pure living (Spiritual Responsibilities in Grihasta ashram)
13. Role of Attachment and Affection in Grihasta ashram



14. Detecting the red signal of entrance into Prayas zone

15. Ambition and Overambition
16. Grihastashram Duties and Self-created duties
17. Learning to live with differences the short-lived goats fight
18. Conflict Resolution within family matters
19. Balancing spiritual zeal and family responsibilities
20. Dealings with women -- unmarried, married, elderly
21. Balancing economic or social responsibilities with spiritual vows
22. Great Grihasta women in our ISKCON society
Hladini, Jagattarini, Kunti, Gaurlila, Malati, Jadurani, Yamuna
23. Great Grihasta men in our ISKCON society
- Srutakirti p, Shyamasundar p, Gurudas p, George Harrison, Ambarish p, Mafatlal
24. Srila Prabhupadas responsible behaviour in grihastashram
25. Bhaktivinod Thakurs personal life, teachings, commitment and dedication
26. Teachings from Lord Caitanyas purva ashram -- grihasta ashram
Personal application (PeA) topics in a Grihasta devotees spiritual life :
1. Involvement in fringe fields
2. Fanaticism vs Broadmindedness
3. Separatist mentality vs. co-operative mentality
4. Giving up political tendency
5. Vapu and Vani seva
6. Prajalpa or Mundane talk
7. Competition healthy and unhealthy
8. Giving and accepting constructive criticism
9. Resisting temptations
10. Equipoised in happiness and distress
11. Does familiarity breed contempt?
12. Managing loneliness
13. Self esteem and Inferiority complex
14. Facing failures in spiritual life

[VC] Vrinda Camps

As the size of the community increases, there is always a danger of lack of attention, lack
of intimacy, lack of touch with one another, busy life in taking care of the new ones while
the older ones tend to become neglected etc.

To have intimate association of equal devotees

To not become islands as one grows in seniority

To experience the juice of KC philosophy in the company of likeminded devotees

To open the heart to a friend(s) and learn from them how to tackle certain
situations in life
To give and take inspiration from equals
To not just go on working harder and harder in the name of preaching, but
relishing qualities of devotees
To have a KC change in routine to boost up our KC more
To feel humble by seeing others glory and not become a proud frog in the well.

Keeping in view these concerns, the Vrinda Camps were started for those who are
chanting 16 rounds for a period of over 2 years. Currently we have Lalita Vrinda
(seniormost), Vishaka Vrinda (year 2001 to 2003), Chitra Vrinda (year 2004 to 2006) and
Tungavidya Vrinda (year 2006 and beyond). There are approx 80 to 100 students in
each of the vrinda groups and they meet for a 2-day Quarterly Camp program. For the
next three years, Srimad Bhagavatam First Canto will be covered in these camps.

Ishtagosthi of VISHAKA vrinda members

11th February 2006, Saturday
6:30 PM 9:00 PM -

Glorify a devotee and Find out a Fault in yourself

This is a group exercise. We have made 8 groups based on those whom you consider as best of
your friends. The task will be led by one senior brahmacari for each group. Every member of the
group will speak on : Tell one good quality you liked in one of your group members with a
pastime or incident. (3 min) Tell one bad quality in yourself that youre working to improve. (3
min) Tell how? After all members of the group have finished, the group will choose two best
experiences and one group leader will present it for the whole class. At the end a senior Preacher
will speak for an hour on the topic and the qualities that we need to imbibe in our life as devotees.

9:00 PM 9:30 PM 9:30 PM 10:00 PM -

Hare Krishna Kirtans

Dinner Prasadam and rest
12th February 2006, Sunday

4:30 AM Leaving by Tempo to Dugad Farm, program venue

5:30 AM 5:45 AM
Siksastakam and ten offenses
5:45 AM 6:30 AM
On improving Chanting Hare Krishna :
Vandanam Learning to offer Prayers

6:30 AM 8:15 AM
8:15 AM 8:45 AM

Chanting Japa
Mangal Arati, Nrsimha arati

8:45 AM 9:15 AM
9:15 AM 10:00 AM

.Breakfast Prasadam..
..Free time..



10:00 AM 1:00 AM

SB Study Circle BRING SB 8th CANTO, PART 1

Learning to recite and learn SB Gajendra Moksha

1:00 PM 1:30 PM
1:30 PM 2:00 PM

..Lunch Feast Prasadam

..Time for Resting & relationship building.

2:00 PM 2:15 PM
2:15 PM 3:45 PM

Melodious mellows from Braj

Sit together & Know one another

VOICE-which year they served-main service-memorable friend/event-current

service-future aspiration in KC-What I am happy about VOICE? What is that one
more thing according to you that could be included to make our VOICEs more

Every participant will be introduced to others by themselves or by seniors or their friends

based on their services in relation to VOICE (we invite one of their friends to come
up with just one special remarkable statement/event from their friends life as a
devotee that portrays a vaishnava quality that can inspire one and all rather than
regular introduction about them)
3:45 PM 4:30 PM

Juice break and Free time....

4:30 PM 7:00 PM

Q & A with Senior devotees

Jaigopal das, Krishnakishore das, Mukundanand
p, Advaita acharya das, Sundershyam das,
Caitanyacharan das, Murari das & others

7:00 PM 8:00 PM
8:00 PM 8:30 PM
8:30 PM 9:00 PM

Bhajana sandhya
Dancing Kirtans
Dinner Prasadam

Ishtagosthi of Chitra Vrinda members

26th January, 2006, Thursday
5:30 AM 7:30 AM
7:30 AM 8:00 AM

Chanting Japa
Mangal Arati, Nrsimha arati

8:00 AM 8:30 AM
8:30 AM 9:15 AM
9:15 AM 9:45 AM

Breakfast Prasadam

Drama : Love beyond all designations

Krishna-Sudama drama

9:45 AM 10:15 AM

10:15 AM 11:15 AM
11:15 AM 11:30 AM
11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Interactive discussion on the Drama

Developing Friendships with devotees
On Emotional Bank Deposit

Lets get to know one another

Everyone will be introduced to everyone
else either by them or by their friends.

1:30 PM 2:00 PM

Lunch Feast Prasadam

2:00 PM 3:30 PM

..Time for Resting & relationship

Learning through Skits and titbits


3:30 PM 5:30 PM

(8 min talk, 10 min max. skit, 2 min conclude, 10 min discussion)

Inattentive sadhana, Exemplary behaviour, Taking initiative

5:30 PM 6:00 PM
6:00 PM 7:00 PM
7:00 PM 7:30 PM
7:30 PM 8:00 PM
8:00 PM 8:30 PM


Bhajana sandhya of bhajans

Dancing Kirtans
Oral Feedback of all participants
Dinner Prasadam




A Magazine for those who think
Caitanya charan das, editor of this magazine was a state topper in GRE exams and a
student of B.E.Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He is a prolific writer and has to
his credit over hundred newspaper articles including speaking tree soul curry etc and
over twenty articles published and unpublished in Back To Godhead a international bimonthly magazine of ISKCON society. Besides his writing, Caitanya charan das is a
also a Mentor offering seminars to students of leading universities like IIT, NITs and
other colleges all over India.
The Spiritual Scientist is a free ezine published by VOICE. To subscribe to The
Spiritual Scientist please register at or write to

Special features:
1. Attractive format with color pictures
2. Brief power-packed articles with striking statistics, memorable quotes,
thought-provoking analogies and entertaining stories.
3. International readership with a registered circulation of 4557 (as on 21
July 2007) and an unregistered circulation of several thousands more.
4. Over 108 articles on a wide variety of topics (See a brief overview of
some of the articles given below)
5. Ideal for giving an intellectually appealing presentation of KC to
newcomers - students, colleagues, relatives, well wishers etc
6. Useful for mantra meditation circles.
7. Free ezine oriented for easy circulation on the net.
The Spiritual Scientist (TSS) articles have been published in 1. Selected articles in The Times of India in "The Speaking Tree" column once a month
2. Every article since the start of 2006 in The Maharashtra Herald in its
"Soul Curry" column (Our articles now appear every Tuesday in this paper)
3. Selected articles in Back to Godhead, the international magazine of
4. Selected articles in The Economic Times, The Hindustan Times, The Deccan
Chronicle and several other newspapers.

To subscribe for TSS, write to

As TSS is meant for introducing newcomers to KC and some devotees prefer to
introduce company colleagues to the KC philosophy before introducing them to
ISKCON, we also send the ezine without the explicit ISKCON name. To
subscribe for this version of TSS, send a mail to
To view previous articles, visit or

Overview of Spiritual Scientist Articles (65)

* indicates that article was published in Back to Godhead International
+ + indicates that the article was published in The Times of India
+ indicates that the article was published in other newspapers

Refuting atheism (8)

Vol 1:
Scientific research is showing that atheism is not a philosophy, but a foolosophy; the sophistry of fools

When monkeys started typing

Just as a monkey can never type Hamlet, chance can never cause chemicals to evolve into life

Made just for you

The so-called anomalous behavior of water proves that atheism is the actual anomalous behavior

Made for each other

Modern society is slowly and painfully rediscovering that the living being and God are made for each other

How Everything Began

Logic, common sense and scientific research prove that the universe began with a big brain, not a big bang

Vol 3:
Does God Exist?
The realization in nature of an unrealizable human fantasy a symbiotic factory - proves the
superintelligence of God

Is Skepticism Heroic?
A skeptic is like a sick and suffering person proud of his pretense of good health

Vol 4:
+ Faithful heart, joyful heart
Blind faith in atheism is stripping our heart off its rightful joyfulness.

Explaining Vedic concepts (23)

Vol 1:
Think before you eat



A little thought about your diet can make a huge difference to you and to the world

* Karmas flawless justice

Knowledge of karma empowers us to face present suffering and avoid future suffering

* Does religion cause war?

Materialism, garbed as religion, is the cause of war. Real religion brings peace within and without.

* The Song of God

The Bhagavad-gita provides answers to lifes fundamental questions and solutions to the worlds greatest

Is Work Worship?
Only when we make worship our work will our work become worship.

Vol 2:
* Artificial Rains Imaginary Gains, Real Pains
Scientific attempts to extort resources from nature will increase, not decrease, our sufferings

Indias Secret Treasure

The spiritual wisdom of Gita, though valued by the intelligent worldwide, is a disastrously undervalued
resource in India.

Indians! Discover Your Glory

Biased historians have blinded modern Indians to their cultural and spiritual legacy

* God Proposes, Man Accepts

The Bhagavad-gita provides us an intellectual springboard and a spiritual trajectory for the leap of faith
recommended in the Bible

Vol 3:
Bhagavad-gita and You
The divine wisdom can empower you to conquer your lower self and experience your higher self

Is Homosexuality Natural?
To identify ourselves with the body we have is bad enough. But to identify ourselves with a body we dont
have is worse.

Is Manava Seva not Madhava Seva?

Social service hacks at the shoots of evil, whereas devotional service cuts away its roots.

When nature boomerangs

All natural disasters are actually man-made; nature is just the instrument giving us our karmic due.

* When science points to spirituality

Modern science is confirming that human life is not meant for the pursuit of material pleasure

Why Gita encourages violence

Establishing divine harmony sometimes necessitates violence, just as restoring health requires amputation.

Vol 4:
++ Are we the makers of our destiny?
Destiny determines the consequences of our actions, not our actions themselves

++ Green Earth Needs Spiritual Humans

Science has found a quick solution to the ecological crisis annihilate humanity!

++ Empower yourself with humility and tolerance

Spiritual virtues are the often-unused shock-absorbers in the turbulent journey of life

+ Night dream & Day dream

Is our sixty year day dream more real than the six hour night dream?

+ Cure your spiritual amnesia

Krishna consciousness revives our memory of our eternal status as spiritual millionaires

+ Seek Spiritual Unity amidst Religious Diversity

When exoteric rituals threaten to divide, esoteric principles have the potential to unite.

* Caste System Spiritual Equality amidst Material Diversity

The much-misrepresented system is the best social arrangement for material harmony and
spiritual growth.

+ God answers knee-mail

To understand Gods answers to our prayers, we need to kneel down, not just physically, but also

++ Is God male or female?

God is both and we are neither.

+ Music Therapy
Spiritual music offers a pleasant and powerful to cure the amnesia of our soul

Exposing scientific materialism (12)

Vol 1:
Biological mythology and social disaster
By accepting the biological mythology of Darwinian evolution, have we invited social disaster?

Guided missiles and misguided men

This tragic state of the world today is due to our neglect of spiritual technology, which is our inner guide.

The Tea Quake

The innocuous tea cup causes a devastating quake in the national revenues that takes a toll of 1000 crores
every 8 days.

* The Tragedy of Self-Destruction

Empowerment by divine sound can save millions from destroying themselves by bad habits.

Vol 2
* Are you special?
Are we missing out on the unique potential that makes us special among all the life forms living on our

Smiling Faces, Crying Hearts

Most people fool themselves by mistaking the painkiller to be the medicine. What about you?

What is missing in modern education?

When we teach our children that they have come from monkeys, then why will they not behave like

Vol 3:
A Blind Civilization
Modern society blinds us to the twin truths of death and eternal life.



* Where technology falls short

Technology is a painkiller, that covers, but doesnt cure, our sufferings

Television The one-eyed modern guru

Almost everyone has been hoodwinked by this greatest man-made technological disaster

Vol 4:
+ The Unnecessities of Life
The pursuit of luxuries makes lifes prime necessity an unaffordable luxury

* Silly Point
The silliest point is that we forget the person who never forgets us.

+ Ravana- The Serial Culture-Killer

Would the team that produced the serial Ravana rejoice if their viewers started abducting other
mens wives?

Messages for Festival / Special Occasions (8)

Vol 1
Happy New Year
Awakening our dormant love for God alone can make our life happy and new.

+ Janmashtami
To experience the full joy of Janmashtami, let us invite the Lord to appear in our dungeon-like hearts

Vol 2
+ A Festival of Freedom
The appearance of the Lord in our heart frees us from slavery to the sickening cravings of our mind and

Vol 3
++ Illuminate your heart this Diwali
The festival of lights is meant to illuminate our hearts with divine wisdom and love

Vol 4
+ Give your life a new direction
New year is a time to embark on something really new in life

++ Attract the all-attractive

Divine consciousness can invoke the Lords appearance in our love-hungry hearts

+ The Dark Lord Leads us to Ultimate Light

Krishnas dark complexion takes us beyond the glare of the brahmajyoti

+ Dussehra - Did you burn the Ravana within?

Dussehra reminds us that the Lord is waiting to destroy all evil within and without

+Science Two Short to Rope the Universe

The ancient Damodara pastime illustrates a timeless truth that can enrich modern science

Establishing the Necessity of Spirituality (14)

Vol 1:

The Spiritual Dimension of Life

Those who neglect their spiritual side deprive themselves of purpose, happiness, love and life itself

Vol 3:
+ Be a Positive Thinker
Krishna consciousness offers us a readymade reservoir of positive thoughts.

Filling the Empty Heart

We are busy filling our stomachs, brains and bank accounts, but what about our heart?

* From Morality to Spirituality

Genuine spirituality empowers us to counter immorality within and without

Healthy body, sick mind

If we invite germs into our minds, how can we expect mental health?

Vol 4
+ Invest in your eternal bank account
Chanting the holy names of God is the wisest possible investment of time.

+ Make your family divine

When we love God, then our love for our family members can become divine.

+ Why underutilize your potential?

Materialistic pursuits constitute a colossal and tragic abuse of the potential of human life.

+ Why should a prince beg?

Neglect of our internal spiritual treasures makes us beggars for paltry external pleasures

+ Where is Real Happiness?

What is the use of being millionaires materially if we are bankrupt spiritually?

++ The Secret of Fearlessness

Spiritual enlightenment can make us fearless even amidst fearful reversals

++ Suicide Why? What to do?

Overindulgence in materialism invites the frustration that breeds suicidal though

+ D-anger
The d of devotion can save us from the d-anger of anger

+ So whats your SQ?

If we dont raise our SQ, we may as well write off our chances for a bright future

++ Experience the sound beyond silence

Divine sound brings at your tongue-tip the virtues of both mundane sound and mundane silence

+ Fatal Fat
Spiritualizing our search for happiness can solve the problems of both obesity and starvation

+ Faith-lift
When wrinkled with anxiety, lets choose a faith-lift instead of facelift



Fund raising for Preaching

Co-ordinator : Anil Timbe, B.E.IT, Geometric software
Other committee members:
Narendra, B.E., Patni Computer Services,
Jnanesh, M.E., Professor, Sinhagad College

[EASY] Enlighten Aimless Suffering Youths

- Your opportunity to help us to serve better
Vedic Oasis for Inspiration, Culture and Education (VOICE)
4 Tarapore Road, Next to Dastur Boys School, Pune Camp, Pune-1,
e-mail :, Phone : (020) 636 1855
Dear friend,
Hare Krishna. Please accept the divine blessings of Lord Sri Krishna.
I am happy to know that by Krishnas mercy youre now blessed with a nice job after
achieving good education in a reputed institute. By keeping good company during
college days at VOICE, you are now placed in a reputable position in life. I am sure that
you would have immensely benefited from the VOICE training in building up your
personality and character. You will surely be a hero amongst your colleagues in speaking
words of wisdom from scriptures unknown to many.
Our VOICE youth centers are selfless spiritual hospitals opened near the colleges to cure
the sinful mentalities and habits of youths to rejuvenate them and to bring them to the
healthy state of body, mind and soul. The VOICE offers free prasadam during weekly
programs, free books library, free cassettes library, free spiritual education, free training
for Personality development, Character build up, Team playing, Dramas, Group
discussions, Public speaking, Cooking, Cleaning, Worshiping the Lord, free training in
devotional instruments and many more.
As you know, the VOICE has about 20 centers in India currently and all these services
are offered FREELY for the non-earning students to elevate them to the platform of pure
living. They will benefit themselves, their friends and colleagues, their family and the
whole world tomorrow.

The following are the Expenditures connected to any VOICE youth center :

Basic Living costs like Electricity bill, Water bill, Rent, and maintenance charges
Study facility for students tables, chairs, fans, lighting, water filters etc
Kitchen facilities including gas stove, vessels, Cook, grocery, mixie, fridge etc
Library facility that includes books and casets shelves, books, CDs, tapes etc
Furnitures that include Lords altar, puja paraphernalia, fans, Geyser, Racks, shoe
stand etc
Accommodation facilities that includes Lockers, cots, blankets & pillows, chatais etc
Media facilities like Computer, Printer, Slide projector, Juke box, Sound system
Stationary items- Papers, Whiteboard, Markers, Noticeboards, Color Slides, Flex etc
Publicity and Advertising costs like billboards, pamphlets, passes etc
Gift items like lockets, books, paraphernalia, laminations, bead bags etc
Books Sponsorship or Subsidy to make them cheap for students to buy
Vehicles like cycles or bikes for reaching out to the public to invite them for
Telephone and mobile facility for contacting students to bring them for program
Construction costs that include painting, floor mat, renovation etc
Prasadam distribution cost for one-time program, Mantra Meditation circle, weekly
program etc

VOICE also includes a Girls wing and a Children wing to inculcate moral and spiritual
values in girls and children. We have over forty qualified faculty members involved in
such training. Recently we have started a Corporate wing to cater to the needs of
Myself and my other Brahmacari (celibate) VOICE faculty colleagues come from well to
do families; we all have engineering degrees, but we have given up our parents, society,
jobs, bank balance, worldly reputation all for only one purpose to whole heartedly
engage in preaching the message of Bhagavad gita as per the order of Lord Caitanya and
Srila Prabhupada to youth and children who are the leaders of tomarrow. And we are
eager to dedicate our body, mind, time, energy and all the God-given resources at our
disposal to solely propagate the mission of the Lord.
And how can you have the privilege of being a part of this holy mission of
VOICE ? We dont expect everyone to shave up and join our mission, but we
expect people like you who have a knowledge of the selfless welfare activity
that VOICE is engaged in, to donate a percentage of your monthly earning
for the running of the existing VOICEs and to expand this type of preaching



all over India. We are planning in the coming years to start preaching in all
NITs, IITs and IIMs and all prominent engineering colleges all over India
with the help of the financial support that will come from well wishers like
you. I am sending you a brief outline of VOICE training program to give you
an idea about the services we offer to youth and children.

If you are eager to share the glory of participating in the Lords work like Hanuman, I
request you to join the EASY (Enlighten Aimless Suffering Youth) membership scheme
and donate at least 10% of your salary according to your will. VOICE is able to
continue its preaching activities only because of the financial support offered by EASY
members. His Grace Krishna kishore prabhu is the Chairman of our Finance committee
and you can contact him at and join hands with well-wishers
and welfare workers of youth and children by contributing to the EASY scheme.
Their Lordships Sri Sri Radha and Krishna will surely bless you and your family for
supporting this selfless endeavor in reforming the lives of youths and children for a
brighter India. Hare Krishna.
Yours in service of Lord Sri Krishna,

Radheshyam das, Director VOICE.

Enclosure : (1) VOICE training program

COUNSELING SYSTEM For Care, Attention and Personal Guidance

The youth preaching (19 to 23) along with Teenage youths (age between 13 to 19) and
Study Circle or Bhakti Vriksha programs (age between up to 30) has been growing
steadily over the last several years at Pune. It was becoming more and more difficult to
give personal attention to devotees. Thus in 1996 a counsellor system was started to train
and educate devotees to bring them closer in warm relationships. Srila Prabhupada
explained how in the Vedic times, a guru could take care of hundreds of disciples. One
guru would teach ten and the ten would teach ten and in this way everyone got personal
The Concept
Technological advancements are making life faster and more stressful. To maintain
harmony, people need heart-to-heart conferences with others. Persons need relationships
centered on pleasing Krishna. Otherwise we will try to assume the self-centered vortex
position and create a circle of materialistic relationships. As Alcoholics anonymous and
Narcotics Anonymous provide support and encouragement to addicts trying to give up
their addictions, ISKCON centres offer support for the soul endeavouring to relinquish
material attachments. The important point in counselling upcoming devotee students is
that they feel support in attempting to solve problems.
Purpose of the System
1. To educate and train boys between 14 years up to the age of marriage or joining
ashram in the Krishna conscious principles of brahmacari life and further training in
the grihasta ashram.
2. To provide an opportunity to learn the practical aspects of the application of KC in
ones life and learn where one fits in the society, gain confidence to go ahead.
3. To verify the progress of the growing youths in terms of sadhana, services, sleep,
reading, chanting, relationships with others etc besides training to solve their
problems that come in the way of advancement like career, settlement etc.
4. To allocate services, organizing major events, communication of important decisions
or policies and keep touch even if one is placed out of station.



5. To provide a formal framework within which personal care and attention can be
extended to all devotees so as to make them feel loved, wanted and a part of a
wonderful spiritual family.
6. To foster warm personal relationships and a spirit of love and trust amongst devotees
based on KC principles.
Who is eligible to join the Counseling system ?
Any unmarried student who is a part of BOYS VOICE, YOGA center, TEENAGE
BOYS VOICE or Study Circle program can join the Counselling system provided :
He has been under the supervision of one of the Counsellors for a period of 6 months
or more.
He should be chanting 8 rounds of Hare Krishna everyday and is planning to become
more and more dedicated in the time to come. It is NOT compulsory for even a 16
rounder devotee to choose to become a counselee. He can join the system whenever
he feels comfortable to join. It is to be noted that such students names will be taken
into account in occasions like sending going for yatras, special programs etc only
after one becomes a part of this system.
He should be convinced of the KC philosophy
One can be aspiring from any of the gurus of ISKCON in good standing.
He is eager to receive more guidance with respect to vaishnava etiquettes and
lifestyle, become more committed to mission by accepting services for Krishna.
He is eager to become a part of the family of vaishnavas by learning to mould his
lifestyle according to ISKCONs teachings for ultimate purification.
His ultimate goal is to become a pure unalloyed devotee of Sri Sri Radha and
Krishna. He is anxious for the association of those who can lead him to that goal.
Students who are detected to have joined the system with ulterior motives like job,
marriage, debt etc without properly practicing KC lifestyle will be suspended in due time
from the system. It should be remembered that this is a spiritual Counsellor system
meant for helping sincere souls to advance in the path of KC.
Students joining the Counselor system but do not keep up to the spiritual standards but
pay occasional visits to devotees cannot claim to be part of this system.
How does the Counseling system work ?
The counsellors meet with their respective counselees once every fortnight or at least
every month.

Besides the meetings, the counsellors maintain personal touch with their counselees
to ensure their all round welfare.
The board of counsellors headed by Director, VOICE meets once a month and
discusses philosophy as well as practical issues of importance. This is an important
policy making body for the preaching.
From time to time, according to the need, the Board of Counsellors recommends the
name of new candidates for the post of Counsellor or Assistant Counsellor.
The Counsellors and the VOICE Leaders (Acting Manager, Preacher, Branch
Manager, Overall Coordinator) all jointly make the final decisions about the future
plans and policies of BOYS VOICE, TEENAGE BOYS VOICE, Bvriksha.

How can I get a Counselor ?

You can get more details about this from the Counselor Co-ordinator.

Any student, fulfilling the eligibility criteria to join Counsellor system, can according
to his choice, familiarity, liking and acquaintance choose one of the following
Counsellors. It is to be remembered that it is a two-way process : the counselee
chooses the Counsellor and the Counsellor has the freedom to accept a counselee or

The Counsellor can take as many counselees as he can, depending on whether he

feels he will be able to take up the task of guiding and caring for all his counselees.

The students are requested to write five choices and the final list is put up after the
Counselors gather in a meeting to finalise the names of students they have chosen.

The Counsellors list is given for making the choice. Students can choose the above
Counsellors up to 23 years of age. After 23 years if a candidate is in Nityananda
sabha, they have to choose Congregation counsellors. More guidance regarding this
can be obtained from HG Krishnakishore prabhu.

Change of Counselor
There is a facility available for a counselee to change his/her Counsellor, if desired. This
may be due to various reasons inability to open up to his Counsellor, more familiar with
another Counsellor due to language, difficulty in meeting timings, more easy access to
another Counsellor who comes to VOICE etc. Whatever is the reason, the concerned
counselee can approach Counselors Co-ordinators and submit a request for change of
Counsellor and the request will be considered.



Brahmacari and Student Counsellors

Rupa Vrinda Counselors

1. Srigurucharan das
2. Murari das
3. Ramananda das
4. Ramnitai das

Sundershyam das (Counselor co-ordinator)

6. Vamsivadan das
7. Acharyaratna das
8. Shyamarupa das
9. Balagovinda das
10. Chaitanyacharan das
11. Sankirtan ananda das
12. Sundervar das

Senior Inspirational devotees

1. Rupa Goswami p
2. Radha Madhav p
3. Gaurlila p
4. Pundarika Vidyanidhi p

Sanatan Vrinda Counselors


Amal Puran Das

Jagannath Kirtan Das
Jugal Kishor Das
Kanai Thakur Das
Keshav Anand Das
(Counselor co-ordinator)

6. Krishna Bhajan Das

7. Lalit Madhav Das
8. Mandali Bhadra Das
9. Naam Prabhu Das
10. Prem nivas Das
11. Prem Harinam Das
12. Radha Pramod Das
13. Revati Pati Das
14. Sada Yogi Das
15. Satya Priya Das
16. Sundar Chaitanya Das
17. Sundar Nath Das
18. Varadraj Das
19. Avadhut chandra Das
Senior Inspirational devotees
1. Sri Radha Kunjabihari das
2. Vrajamandal das
3. Simheshwar das
4. Pitambar Caitanya Das

Hindi / Marathi Counselors

1. Sri Sacinandan Das
2. Laxmi Narayan Das
3. Mahavirya Das
4. Sarvalakshan Das
5. Ananda Caitanya Das
6. Braja vilas Das
7. Anant Caitanya Das
8. Kailashchandra Das
9. Madan manohar Das
Senior devotees for inspiration

How is a Counselor nominated ?

Counsellor must be a devotee who has been in active KC preaching to youth within
ISKCON for at least two years and has gained hands on experience.
He should have good foundation in the concepts of KC philosophy. In other words,
he should have conducted one-time programs, six session programs, guided a group
of youths personally by friendly talks after the program, has been a Acting Manager
in a VOICE for a year and can conduct EBG level programs.
He should have been chanting 16 rounds and practicing regulative principles for a
period of 3 years or more. They should at least be first initiated.
Should have the maturity to give a balanced counsel based on KC principles
according to time, place and circumstance.
Should not be prone to taking extreme and controversial positions on issues.
Should be willing to extend him to help others. In other words, should have a spirit
of sacrifice.
Should be compassionate and have genuine concern for the welfare of devotees.



Should be a good listener.

Should be a mature, sober and stable individual.
Should demonstrate good standard of sadhana, etiquette or behaviour, service and
commitment to the mission of Srila Prabhupada.
Should be properly situated in his own ashram.

Responsibility of Counselors

A Counselor is a friend and guide in KC. He is a servant of the counselees on behalf

of the spiritual master. The Counselor is like a spiritual elder brother and must take
personal care of all devotees in the group.

Counselors should inspire and encourage their counselees in KC and monitor their
progress both by conducting fortnightly meetings and by personal meetings. In this
respect, the Counsellor should take only as many candidates as he is confident of
guiding and managing. He should not overload himself with too many counselees
and pay no attention to their lives.

They are expected to provide KC training to their counselees. The Counsellors glory
will be seen by the good behaviour of the counselee. The behaviour of a trained KC
youth is pleasing to the eyes of everyone. Untrained counselees come in kurta-pant,
talk prajalpa, dance in athletic way to break others bones, think of only themselves
first in eating or sleeping etc. It is the duty of the Counsellor to train the counselee
and transform him from a crude state to a flower like devotee.

While friendship between counselees within each counselee group is useful and
welcome, they should seek spiritual relationship outside their own counselee groups
also. It is the duty of the Counsellor to encourage his counselees to associate with
and integrate into the BOYS VOICE student congregation at large.

They have to look into the overall welfare of the counselees. At the same time, the
counsellors must not go too much in their counselees personal lives such that they
may be perceived to be threatening or controlling or manipulating or forcing.

They recommend the names of qualified candidates for first and second initiation.

They are expected to provide useful inputs to the Board of Counsellors and to actively
participate in its meetings.

They should exhibit exemplary behaviour in terms of sadhana, service and behaviour.

They should maintain harmonious loving relation with other counsellors and devotees
in the community.

If a counselee expresses a desire for changing his counsellor, it is the counsellors

responsibility to encourage and facilitate the change, removing any perceived fears or
worries or awkwardness in the mind of the counselee.

Responsibilities of Counselee

Everyone needs care, attention, love, guidance, correction, support, training,

monitoring etc in spiritual life to remain safe as well as to make advancement in KC.
All these are done by the Counsellor selflessly to help the counselee elevate himself
gradually. In fact, even after one gets a job out of Pune, wherever one is one can
keep in touch with the Counsellor through e-mail and phone and get guidance. This
being the case, the counselee should gratefully accept the Counsellor as a siksha guru
and take his instructions and advice seriously. While clarifications for making the
instructions clear and precise are welcome, the counselee should not be neglectful
either about the meeting or the instructions given. If one is always eager to pose
problems to Counselor, but is neglectful in following the instructions with respect to
sadhana, studies, personal life, services etc or ignoring the regular meetings, then one
cannot make tangible progress in KC. Even if one could not make it for the meeting,
one should inform the Counsellor and meet personally to know what happened in the

The Counsellors generally conduct the meetings once/twice a month and when they
are out of station, the Counselees should attend the meeting of second choice
Counsellor (SCC). If he is also out of station, then the third choice Counsellor and so
on. The Counselees should not miss the meetings.

Regular attendance to meetings (min 75% required) and to be on time.

If absent, should give prior intimation and a letter with proper reason to the

Should realise that they need to actively participate, thereby contributing to the
success of the system.

Those who do not attend these meetings regularly, without giving proper reasons,
choose to withdraw themselves from the system. They make themselves ineligible to
go for yatras or be offered more responsible services.

While recognizing that Counsellors will do their best to help the counselees not only
in spiritual matters but also in domestic or occupational issues, the counselee should
know that this relationship should not be misused for material gain.

Difference between Counselors and Authorities



Srila Prabhupada made the GBC in order to run ISKCON society. The GBC appoints the
Temple President. In our Pune situation as of now, the Temple President happens to be
the Director of VOICE. Thus any discrepency in the functioning of VOICE should be
brought to the notice of the Director. Generally speaking, the counselees should follow
the instructions of the authorities like the OC (Overall Co-ordinator) of a youth VOICE.
Any local problems could be solved by the Acting Manager
Whose instructions a Counselee should follow ?
The authorities like OC (Overall Coordinator) of a VOICE give instructions for the
students within a VOICE or the Temple Manager gives instructions for others at the
temple. One should take these instructions seriously and execute them. In the event of
any difficulty, one can consult ones Counsellor who will give guidance and help with
respect to any adjustment in services that is required. The Counsellor is a mature devotee
who is in good terms with the Temple Manager and seniors, on one hand and on the other
hand knows the needs and abilities of the Counselee on the other. Thus the counselee
should not go hither and thither, blaming the authorities or other devotees, not knowing
how to sort out his services. In case of serious problems or emergency the counselee can
directly approach the Director of VOICE or the Temple President. If it is not solvable by
him, he can approach the GBC.
Thus the Counselee is supposed to follow the instructions of the authorities. Whenever
he has difficulty that he cannot freely express to authorities, he approaches the
Counsellor. The Counsellor meets the authorities, explains the problem of his counselee
in a proper language, gets the service adjusted in a way that will suit his counselee and
then sends the counselee back to the authority. The authority understanding the needs of
the subordinate (counselee), feels sympathetic and does not mind the adjustment made
through the Counselor.
For example, authority A, offers service to a subordinate B who finds no time for reading
and finishing his rounds of hare Krishna. Now B may either directly express to A or can
go to his Counsellor C. In the latter case, C will have a discussion with A about Bs
problems. Now having understood the problem of B, A cuts down some portion of
service and does not express any grudges, but continues to behave in the same manner as
Possible Counselling scenarios :
The possible counselling scenarios include :

The student does not wish to discuss his difficulties, in which case the Counselor has
to instill more trust, faith and confidence in the heart of Counsellee.

The student may not have any problems at all.

The student has obligations outside VOICE, to parents, friends, relatives etc.
The student has problem of career, marriage, long term settlement.
The student has philosophical doubts.
The student has physical difficulties like health, sleep, prasadam, clothing, lodging,
sickness etc.
The student has inter-relationational issues, getting along with other devotees.
The student may have different service preferences.

At Pune, every student or brahmacari who is a part of Counselling system, fills up a

sadhana card that carries information about waking up time in the morning, going to bed
time at night, any sleep during the day, hours taken for chanting, time of finishing last
round, reading of SP books, hearing tapes, any special experience during the day etc.
This sadhana card gives a picture of counsellees lifestyle, whether he is regulated or not.
Based on this, Counselor gives suitable advice to the counselee and makes adjustment in
his services after discussing with the authorities.

Topics for Counseling

Sadachar or Proper behaviour

How to be a ideal student/brahmacari

How to balance economic and social responsibilities with spiritual vows
How to tackle the culture shock of changing from BTG to married life
Learning the psychology of man and woman to execute peaceful KC life
Proper attitude towards other ashrams
How to behave as an ideal son/student/brahmacari/ husband/parent
To what extent can we bend ourselves to the karmi relatives or friends
Doos and Donts in the life of a progressive devotee to keep himself and others cool
How men should deal with women and viceversa
How to maintain devotional standards at kitchen, altar, sadhana etc.
How to preach with a humble attitude as a service to the acharyas

Knowledge about our Society


Saffron order brahmacari

Harinam diksha
Brahman diksha
The Four orders in ISKCON and their roles and goals in modern times
Srila Prabhupada and the GBC
The Guru system in ISKCON




ISKCON : First 30 years

The respectable position of Woman in Vedic society
ISKCON : New cult or Eternal culture?
Fall downs or Bloops
Child abuse and Prevention
Srila Prabhupadas contribution to the modern society
Prominent world figures who supported ISKCON and Prabhupada
ISKCONs position in worlds outlook
Victory and dangers facing future of ISKCON and what can I do about it
Indias Vedic heritage

General Knowledge

Nature our friend

Yoga and health
Good habits for good health
Ayurveda basics for good health
Importance of cultivating values
Save Krishnas energy
Following laws of state
Sanskrit basics
Good health and overall fitness
Geography of India and globe
Bogus History and Real Vedic history
Scientific world view and Vedic view

Preparing oneself for better future


Balancing self-study and preaching

Preaching to (new, old & elite)
Faith and doubt
Facing failures in spiritual life
Love, Care and concern
Accepting change
Positive attitude
Regulation in habits
Tolerance / self control
On Boredom of Monotony
Purity is the Force
Eagerness to hear at the feet of guru
Overcoming False Ego
Doing ones best & leaving rest to God
Perseverence and extending oneself

Proper and Improper Attitudes or Behaviour in the life of a growing devotee


Self Esteem and Inferiority complex


Moroseness & happiness

Peacefulness / dissatisfaction
Dealing with minds problems
Detachment from pulling of senses
Contemplating on four fold sufferings
Keeping busy in Krishna service
Giving up bodily consciousness
Looking for higher thingsnectar shopping
Personal and impersonal behavior
Involvement in fringe fields
Fanaticism vs. broad mindedness
Separatist mentality
Sahajiya mentality
Deriding authority mentality
Giving up Lethargy
Loyalty and disloyalty to our guru parampara
Giving up political tendency
Whimsical behavior
Using modern items as yukta vairagya
Over endeavour
Avoiding bad association
Vapu and Vani seva
Fall down Why and How does it happen?
Following in Acharyas footsteps
Prajalpa or Mundane talk
Following regulative principles
Compassion towards all living entities
Wishing well to even an enemy
Non enmity even with demons
Exemplary behaviour
Bragging and group forming
Can destiny be overcome by free will ?
Competition -- Healthy and unhealthy
Following Instruction of authorities
Worshipping the spiritual master
Giving constructive criticism
Accepting criticism
Learning to appreciate healthy differences/others opinions
Appreciating / glorifying
Respectful and arrogant attitudes
Introvertish vs. Extrovertish nature
Tendency for Escapism
Resisting temptations
Snap decisions



102. Aversion to fault finding

103. Freedom from passion for honor
104. Equipoised in happiness and distress

Dealings in different situations


Dealing with Deities

Dealing with inmates and equals
Dealing with devotees changing saffron and leaving the ashram
Dealing with guests old and new
Dealing with parents and relatives
Dealings with seniors
Dealings with equals and juniors
Dealing with Sannyasis
Dealing with guru
Dealing with gurus godbrothers
Dealing with sick devotees
Dealings with Opposite sex
Dealings with foreign devotees
Dealings with Karmis
Dealings with life members, Rich or elite people
Dealing with devotees of the other
ISKCON centers
Travelling preaching risks and rasas
Dealing with other sampradaya followers or devotees
Dealing with elder mothers and unmarried girls
Dealing with elderly people
Dealing with children
Dealing with animals, other creatures
Dealing with plants, trees, things

Values for a Principled Life


Sentimentalism vs. Speculation
Familiarity breeds contempt?
Service attitude


Prayerful attitude
Non envy
Attentiveness or observant
Capturing constructiveness of Anger

Useful Skills for a growing devotee


Reading (Self study, making notes)

Developing skills for better service
Dress before address
Improving memory and concentration
Unique potential
Presentation skills
Communication skills
Crisis management
On driving vechiles
What is Leadership ?
Holding the Customers
Delegating and training
Time management
Conflict resolution
169. Listening and Questioning skills
170. Mediation
!! Hare Krishna !!



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