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Independent, energetic, and adventurous, those born under

the Primal Zodiac sign of the Dove love life and long for new
experiences. Members of this sign are always looking forward; they
rarely dwell on the past. Doves are often restless, which can lead
them to take risks in life. They are also lucky, though, so most of the
time everything works out just fine.

UNICORN- Those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Unicorn
are outgoing, energetic, smart, and unique. Thats the good news.
The bad news is that they can also be self-centered, attentionstarved, restless, and excessively eccentric.
MOLE- Dependable, ambitious, and independent, those born under
the sign of the Mole are also some of the most likely to care about
how others perceive them. Of course, they will deny this, but one
look at their purposefully constructed appearance will tell you
otherwise. Often fitting in by not fitting in, members of this sign
are often mired in unnecessary self-doubt.
OSTRICH - A mix of headstrong self-assurance and passionate
determination, those born under the sign of the Ostrich have the
ability to influence the society and culture around them just by
doing what they do best. Ostriches are smart, confident, and driven.
They have huge imaginations and love to learn new things. They are
puzzle-solvers by nature, and though they are not typically all that
focused in their everyday lives, members of this sign can become
fixated on getting the results that they want.
RAVEN- Strong, curious, and energetic, those born under the sign of
the Raven often succeed where others fail. Their deepest desire is to
overcome the odds, to triumph, and to prove themselves to the
world. They are willing to give up a considerable amount of personal
needs, but in return they can use what others consider
disadvantages to their advantage. That is their greatest power.
IGUANA - those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of Iguana are
equally hard to read. Chances are they dont hate you at all; they
are simply expressing their feelings without concern for the effect it

has on others. Thats actually the easy thing about Iguanas - they
will let you know exactly whats on their mind at any given moment.
This trait also causes the most problems for them, as they can easily
offend others without trying and may not even realize the negative
effect they can have on those around them if they dont learn to
keep themselves in check.
SQUIRREL - Combining the ambition and cunning of the Rat with the
stubborn persistence of the Bull, those born under the Primal Zodiac
sign of the Squirrel are capable of creating great success in their
lifetimes. Both highly capable and strong-willed, members of this
sign are willing to take the risks necessary to lead them to their
MOUSE - Perceptive, deep, and independent, those born under the
Primal Zodiac sign of the Mouse are sensitive individuals who see
life as a complex drama. Like their animal namesake, members of
this sign are survivalists who are good at finding creative but
intellectual solutions to lifes challenges. Like a mouse in a maze,
they use both instinct and logical analysis to move ahead despite
the obstacles in their path.
SPIDER - Determined, dependable, and self-reliant, those born under
the sign of the Spider are sympathetic and honest friends with a
strong desire to find their place in the world. They have great
ambitions and though they enjoy a social life will spend a great deal
of their time trying to turn their dreams into reality. They have the
patience, intelligence, and drive to succeed at whatever task they
choose, though it will likely take longer than expected to reach the
desired results.
TOUCAN - Those born under the sign of Toucan are friendly and
energetic. They love being around people and live for social
gatherings. This is a very creative sign that loves to experience art
as much as they like creating it. Members of this sign are somewhat
contradictory, however. For one thing, they open themselves to their

friends as good listeners, yet they are troubled by the problems of

ORCA- As it is with their animal namesake, those born under the
Primal Zodiac sign of the Orca have no natural predators.
Astrologically speaking, they represent the very top of the food
chain in terms of leadership, respect, and pride. While they are truly
warm-hearted, energetic, and capable of all kinds of success, they
also tend to have highly inflated egos.
JAGUAR- Powerful, regal, and solitary, those born under the Primal
Zodiac sign of Jaguar have a powerful attractive quality that others
cant help but notice. Often eccentric and always proud, members of
this sign are capable of great achievements as long as they can
remain in control of themselves.
Powerful, majestic, and devoted, those born under the Primal
Zodiac sign of the Eagle are born to dedicate themselves to a cause
with an intensity rarely seen by any of their peers. Their intensity
springs from their personal passion and idealism, and those who are
honest with their deepest desires will find themselves inexplicably
drawn toward them.

LEOPARD - Leopards are hard to ignore. Like their animal

namesake, members of this sign find it nearly impossible to go
unnoticed. Not that they would want to. These are among one of the
most grand and eccentric signs out there. They have absolutely no
trouble getting attention, though this is rarely their end goal. Rather,
their natural assertiveness and personality make others stop and
take notice whether they want to or not.
GOOSE - In the animal kingdom, there are primarily two categories
of geese: wild and domesticated. Wild geese go where they want
when they want, while domesticated geese lay far more eggs and
guard them more ferociously. In the Primal Zodiac, those born under
the sign of the Goose have both sides blended into one.

GIRAFFE - Those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Giraffe are
unique, vibrant, and surprisingly delicate inside. A combination of
the Tropical Sun sign of Virgo and the Chinese Zodiacs sign of the
Horse, members of this sign present two sets of personality traits
that can be either complementary or contradictory. Virgo keeps the
impatient Horse focused while the Horse brings out Virgos deepseeded passion.
DOLPHINE - A combination of inner intelligence and an energetic
sense of playfulness, Dolphins are lovable, active, and adaptable. At
their best, members of this sign are curious tinkerers by day and
everyones favorite drinking buddy by night. At their worst, Dolphins
allow themselves to become nervous, confused, and overwhelmed
in their work and become obnoxious pranksters to their friends.
FERRET - Those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Ferret are
playful, fun-loving, and rambunctious. Members of this sign wear
their hearts on their sleeves. You will always know what a Ferret is
thinking or feeling. Thankfully they are usually in a good mood and
tend to perceive life as a challenging game that they are eager to
CHEETAH - Creative, intelligent, and curious, those born under the
Primal Zodiac sign of the Cheetah are a rare breed who have the
capacity for high levels of both artistic and mathematical skill. Thus,
they are often interested at an early age in esoteric or unexplained
mysteries of the world. Their questioning of everything sparks an
early learning curve, and most adults will perceive them as gifted.
As kids, they often find themselves preferring the company of adults
to other children.
CRICKET - Like their animal namesake, people born under the Primal
Zodiac sign of the Cricket seem like they never sleep. Though this is
obviously not true, this sign has a mind that doesnt shut off easily.
Any Cricket will tell you that most of their best ideas come to them
right before they drift off to sleep. These ideas are often so exciting
that the Cricket has to get up and write it down or work on a solution

immediately. They are prone to staying up late, though they are

often working on a project rather than simply goofing around.
SQUIDS - Squids are powerful personalities that can only be
checked and balanced by themselves. They are highly capable,
intelligent individuals who seem to know everything. Generally good
natured, they also have a hidden inner dark side which resides deep
within themselves. No one is allowed into this secret place, often not
even themselves. Squids will even try to bury painful truths within
themselves in order to avoid dealing with difficult emotions and
CAMEL - Those born under the sign of the Camel are friendly,
amiable, and up for an adventure. Like their animal namesake,
Camels will not only trek through harsh conditions for you, they will
carry you on their back while they do it. Few signs are as determined
as this one once they know what they want. The nice thing is that
what they usually want most is to take things as they come and
have a good time while they do it. Members of this sign never try to
impress others, but they often do so anyway through their natural
charisma and easy-going personality. They are highly self-reliant and
very lucky, which is why they dont always look before they leap.
LOBSTER - The life of a person born under the sign of Lobster can be
complex and emotional - but only on the inside. Like their animal
namesake, members of this sign rarely show the chaos that goes on
in their minds to anyone other than their closest, most trusted
friends. Thats not to say that a Lobsters life is chaotic. In fact, most
people born under this sign are highly organized and are the first to
volunteer their help for a friend or family members project. They
want others to see them as bright and capable, which they in fact
are, but they also have a great deal of self-doubt that shows up
through a polite quietness.
VOLTURE - Charming, friendly, and intelligent, those born under the
Primal Zodiac sign of the Vulture are idealists at their core. They
have read all of the most romantic books and seen all of the most

adventurous movies and want nothing more than for life to be as

exciting and wonderful as it can possibly be. They appreciate luxury
and elegance and are among the top tastemakers you can find. For
Vultures, life is always about the big picture and the big dream. They
dont necessarily enjoy scraping by, but they will do it if it leads to
the potential for big opportunities.
YAK - Stubborn determination is the hallmark of the Yak. Those born
under this sign simply do not accept no for an answer. Hard work
and dedication to a cause will earn you the highest respect in a Yaks
eyes. Members of this sign tend to see things as black or white,
meaning that there is rarely a middle ground to any situation.
Peoples actions are either right or wrong, things are either good or
bad, people are either hard workers or lazy slobs. The word
compromise does not exist in the vocabulary of a Yak. They know
how they feel and have no reason to question it.
COYOTE - Those born under the sign of the Coyote are innovative
thinkers, brilliant strategists, and are stubbornly dogmatic in their
beliefs. Members of this sign like to quietly observe new people and
surroundings but are surprisingly opinionated and outspoken once
they are comfortable. This is a highly capable sign that has the
ability to accomplish just about anything. Their only real obstacle in
life is themselves.
DEER - Those born under the sign of the Deer are kind, loyal, and
intensely curious. The Deer is the biggest gossip of the Primal
Zodiac - they love to talk about everyone and everything that is
going on around them. They have no ill will in spreading rumors,
they simply love to share the latest news with everyone possible.
This sometimes gets them into trouble with more private types, but
if this happens Deers will stop at nothing to make things right. They
highly value friendship and loyalty and will do what it takes to right
any wrongs that they can.
OWL - Those born under the sign of the Deer are kind, loyal, and
intensely curious. The Deer is the biggest gossip of the Primal

Zodiac - they love to talk about everyone and everything that is

going on around them. They have no ill will in spreading rumors,
they simply love to share the latest news with everyone possible.
This sometimes gets them into trouble with more private types, but
if this happens Deers will stop at nothing to make things right. They
highly value friendship and loyalty and will do what it takes to right
any wrongs that they can.
BUTTERFLY - Those born under the sign of the Butterfly are sweet,
sensitive, caring, and generous. They have a deep affection for
friends and family that almost matches their deep affection for nice
things! Butterflies enjoy having nice homes, clothes, cars, and other
luxuries. They have great taste in art and fashion and dont like to
leave home without looking good. This is an exceptionally easygoing sign whose struggles in life are almost entirely internal. Just as
they care about their physical appearance, Butterflies are careful
about what impression they give off socially.
Centipedes are sweet, caring, and always know the right
thing to say. They are always pointing others toward the positives in
life, though they themselves are prone to anxiety and depression.
While they dont care if they look tough or not, Centipedes hate to
look weak, afflicted, or in any other way not living the perfect life.
They try very hard to be there for others, but hate to ask for help
when they need it.

HANDFISH - Of all of the Primal Zodiac signs, Handfish are most

likely to be considered strange. Like their animal namesake,
members of this sign like to do things their own way, which often
baffles others. Any of the Primal Zodiac signs that fall under the sun
sign of Aquarius are a bit eccentric, but this sign in particular is the
least understood. This is mostly because Handfish are the least
likely to explain themselves. Though they are actually very friendly,
they tend to be quiet and reserved, and feel perfectly comfortable
living in their own wild fantasies. Though they seem shy, members
of the Handfish sign actually prefer being in a group situation; they

are simply content to let others have the spotlight while they
observe, ready to contribute to the group when asked.
PARROT - Those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Parrot like
to be straight to the point. Some may say they are blunt to a fault.
Like their animal namesake, members of this sign often speak
without realizing what they are saying. This can lead to some funny
moments as well as some offensive ones. Parrots dont intend to be
rude, they are just very observant, honest, and straightforward, so
they end up saying whatever is on their mind without considering
the repercussions. Some learn to embrace this nature and
incorporate their cutting observances into their sense of humor
(such as famous Parrot and comedian Joan Rivers), while others
eventually learn to keep their strong opinions to themselves (as best
they can).
HAMMERHEAD - It is said that if a shark stops moving they will
drown. This is brilliant metaphor for the Hammerhead Shark Primal
Zodiac sign. Hammerheads are headstrong, independent, and
adventurous. They have seemingly endless amounts of energy and
when they see something they want, they go after it full-force.
Members of this sign cant stand restrictions. Their independence is
the most important thing. They have a hard time settling down in
careers and relationships unless they have the freedom to do what
they want when they want to do it.
ALLIGATOR - Those born under the sign of the Alligator are
significantly different from their fellow Capricorns in their approach
to achieving success (a Capricorn hallmark). Rather than climb,
climb, climb to the top at a slow and steady pace, Alligators believe
in working smarter, not harder.
SNAIL - Usually being called a Snail means that you are slow
moving, but if your Primal Zodiac sign happens to be the Snail it
means much more than that. Members of this sign are deep thinkers
and are extremely devoted to those they love. They are very difficult
people to predict. They tend to be moody and spend a lot of time

alone pondering the mysteries of life. The intuitive senses of this

sign are strong, and some Snails may find they even have a sixth
sense or psychic ability.
LADYBUG - Elegant, easy-going, and well-mannered, those born
under the sign of the Ladybug have excellent taste and a fondness
for luxury. They arent generally big spenders, but are willing to
spend what it takes to make their homes and surroundings stylish
and comfortable. Members of this sign want things to be exactly the
way they want them, and are very diplomatic about getting exactly
FOX - Those born under the sign of the Fox are elegant, charming,
and impossible to ignore. Whether you love them or hate them,
Foxes have a naturally ability to influence others without trying.
Members of this sign are born leaders but are also extremely
independent. They are wise and cunning, and dont take risks until
they have thoroughly evaluated the situation. Others know to follow
a Foxs lead even though Foxes rarely try to recruit followers.
ANGELFISH - Powerful, clever, and determined, those born under the
sign of the Anglerfish are mysterious individuals who use their
immense intellect to outwit others in the game of life. And to them,
life is a game; a challenge to be won. Just like a professional poker
player, they keep a straight face and keep others guessing about
their next move. It can be very hard to know what an Anglerfish is
thinking or feeling since they rarely ever talk about their inner fears
or hesitations.
PRAYING MANTIS - The Praying Mantis is the master manipulator of
the Primal Zodiac. Those born under this sign have a gift for
convincing others to do whatever they want them to. Like their
animal namesake, members of this sign prefer to blend into the
background and wait for their prey to come to them. Thats not to
say that Praying Mantises are evil or even ill-intentioned. They
simply have the power to get others to do things that benefit them.
Used for good, this is a rare and powerful skill set that can

accomplish much more when shared with others than it could when
Praying Mantises go it alone.
HUMMINGBIRD - In nature, hummingbirds move so fast that they
seem to defy the laws of physics. This is an apt metaphor for the
Primal Zodiac sign of Hummingbird - a sign whose members are
constantly moving and darting from place to place. Those born
under this sign are full of energy. They want to do everything and do
it on a grand scale. When they come up with a goal, they
immediately follow it, unconcerned with whether or not it is
reasonable or even possible. To a Hummingbird, anything is
possible, at least as long as they are the ones doing it.
The name sounds scary, but like their animal namesake,
people born under the sign of Vampire Bat are mostly harmless. I
said mostly. They will tirelessly fight on behalf of their friends and
family, and if you are considered an enemy, expect a Vampire Bat to
keep attacking until one of you is finished. Members of this sign are
highly emotional and take any perceived slight very personally. They
are extraordinarily intense and very confident.

KOMODO DRAGON - Hard working, passionate, and idealistic, those

born under the sign of Komodo Dragon have much in common with
their animal namesake. The proverbial big fish in a small pond,
members of this sign have little true competition in life. They take
what they want when they want it and practically dare anyone else
to try to stop them. Strong, proud, and resourceful, Komodo Dragons
are aware that playing to their strengths gets them ahead, but it can
also have some less than ideal side effects.
ANT - Like their animal namesake, those born under the sign of the
Ant are tireless workers. They can handle the kind of workload that
would crush other people, but this can take its toll on other areas of
their lives. Ants dont have a lot of hobbies. They prefer mastering
one or two skills and stick to those unless they think they can get
further ahead a different way. Ants are extremely ambitious and

though they may seem almost boring on the outside they are
internally driven toward greatness.
PIT BULL - As it is with the animal, those born under the sign of the
Pit Bull can be mercurial, defensive, and hard to read from a
distance, but those close to them know that few people are as loyal,
kind-hearted, and family-oriented as the Pit Bull. This can be a
challenging sign to get to know well, as they rarely let those they
dont know well get too close. They arent outwardly aggressive, but
more defensive by nature. A Pit Bull will fight to the death to defend
its friends and family with relentless vigor. They believe strongly in
justice and fairness and do not hesitate to step in when a situation is
out of balance.
TARSIER - Tarsiers are highly sensitive, both emotionally and
intuitively. They take the pains of the world around them personally.
In fact, they are so deeply affected by the problems of others that
they can become easily overwhelmed, which can lead to depression,
anxiety, and even addiction. Members of this sign have a very
strong sense of justice, and a dedication to trust and loyalty that is
unmatched among their peers.
SALAMANDER - Sensitive, caring, and idealistic, those born under
the sign of the Salamander are intelligent but fragile individuals who
have a unique set of challenges set up for them. Humanitarian and
idealistic, members of this sign will face many arduous emotional
events, many of which may end in disappointment. Yet, there is a
very intentional reason for these lessons.
HEDGEHOG - Those born under the sign of the Hedgehog are
friendly, reserved, stylish, and sensitive. Like their animal namesake
they can be shy and defensive, especially in unfamiliar situations,
but once they open up to you they are great friends to have around.
SILKWORM - A combination of the two most passive signs in their
respective zodiacs, the Primal Zodiac sign of Silkworm belongs to
those born under the tropical sun sign of Pisces during the Chinese
Year of the Rabbit. This should not be interpreted, though, as saying

that the Silkworm is weak. Members of this sign are among the most
creative and intuitive people in the world. The difference between a
weak or a strong Silkworm will be the amount of self-confidence they
build. Silkworms are very emotional and easily influenced, so having
strong role-models around, particularly in their younger and more
formative years, will make a tremendous difference.
PANDA - In the animal kingdom, the famous giant panda is one of
the most contradictory animals by nature. They are popular but
loners, bears who dont hibernate, carnivores that eat 99% bamboo,
are territorial but dont live in one place, are strong and potentially
dangerous but shy away from confrontation. Humans born under the
sign of the Panda share many similarities. Members of this sign tend
to be popular but loners, want to go with flow but have to feel in
charge of their own destiny, long to relax but are always working on
projects, are ambitious yet uncertain, want to do things that help
others yet are often self-focused, and have creative minds that are
often focused on success and achievement.
GORILLA - Gorilla is a very active sign. They enjoy physical activity
and express themselves best through physical outlets. This is so
true for members of this sign, that if they dont get enough physical
activity they can become depressed and angry. If this happens,
everyone around will know it. Gorillas dont bother hiding their
emotions, which actually suits them well, since they often just need
to get whatever is bothering them out. They need to be careful not
to stay in a funk for too long, though, as these moods (amplified by
their natural energy) can easily drive away those around them.
DUCK - Those born under the Primal Zodiac sign of the Duck are
kind, caring, and generous, but also hide a deeper emotional side
that they dont bring out often. Members of this sign are more
concerned with making others feel comfortable than being
comfortable themselves. They are concerned about their
appearance and how others view them, but they try not to show it.
Ducks are great with children and animals and tend to believe that
whatever they give to the world they will get back.

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