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What is Imperialism?
European powers had been interested in conquering and owning countries in
the 1500s, and colonization of foreign lands. But in latter half of 19th century it
changed, the Industrial Revolution along with nationalism spurred European
countries to conquer the world. 19th century imperialism changed from early
colonialism in that European nations wanted other countries resources. By
1900, Europe and United States controlled more than 90% of Africa, more than
50% of Asia and nearly all of Polynesia.
Imperialism: a policy or practice by which a country increases its power by
gaining control over other areas of the world.
Nationalism: an extreme form of this, especially marked by a feeling of
superiority over other countries.
Europeans had considered themselves superior to the darker peoples of the
world- intellectually, culturally and spiritually. European civilization was
regarded as the ideal. Many Europeans justified imperialism by saying they
had a duty to civilize all the primitive peoples. Europeans wanted to
colonize people and grab their lands by saying they were helping to civilize
them. By bringing Christianity, teaching them and removing poverty.
Superior: Further above or better than
Ideal: A person or thing as perfect
Civilize: bring (a place or people) to a stage of social, cultural, and moral
development considered to be more advanced:
Justified: To prove to be right
Primitive:in the first or early stage of formation or growth; rudimentary.

Colonize: come to settle among and establish political control over (the
indigenous people of an area)
Poverty: the state of being extremely poor
The Industrial Revolution transformed Europe from a subsistence economy to
a market economy. Technological innovation created factories which produced
goods. Many capitalists or businessmen feared that the production of goods
Subsistence economy: A subsistence economy is a non-monetary economy
which relies on natural resources to provide for basic needs, through hunting,
gathering, and subsistence agriculture. "Subsistence" means supporting oneself
at a minimum level; in a subsistence economy, economic surplus is minimal
and only used to trade for basic goods, and there is no industrialization.
Market economy: an economy in which prices and wages are determined
mainly by supply and demand, rather than being regulated by a government
Capitalists: a wealthy person who uses money to invest in trade and industry
for profit in accordance with the principles of capitalism:
Poverty: the state of being extremely poor
In addition to colonizing the globe Europeans sent Christian missionaries to
save the souls of heathen indigenous people. By the 19th century the job of
civilian charity groups wanted to convert people. They used Christianity to
justify imperialism, by saying theyre not exploiting indigenous people they are
saving them.
Heathen: a person who does not belong to a widely held religion (especially
one who is not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim) as regarded by those who do.
Exploit: use (a situation or person) in an unfair or selfish way.

Nationalism is the idea that people of a nation are unique and better than
others. The French Revolution had given common people hope of having
power to change society and government. Imperialism used both nationalism
and militarism to increase national power through conquering people and
competing among European countries. European countries viewed conquering
as The Great Game in which whoever conquered the most nations won.

European Motives
Write what you think these people are saying, feeling thinking.

1. This picture depicts forced labor of African people, do you think Imperialism was fair to
indigenous people?

Write down what you think they are thinking, feeling,


1. Christian missionaries set up schools to educate heathens, do you think their motives
are innocent or selfish?

Circle words you dont know, write

down any questions and mark
something interesting.

1 How do you think colonizers
thought of indigenous people?

2. What two ideas are related? Trade

and what else?

3. Do you think European colonizers

thought they were better? Select what
word choices support your argument.

1. Could European countries be rich without indigenous peoples labor?

2. Do you think European colonizers helped people?

Circle words you dont know, write down any questions and mark something interesting.

1 This advertisement reveals what?
2 Is it racist how indigenous people are depicted? Why or why not?

3 Have you drank Liptons tea before?

1. What is the white
mans burden? Is it a
good thing or a bad

2 How are the words

describing indigenous
people? Is it a flattering

3 Who is the man in the ad?

Is he seen as a hero or a
villain? In your opinion do
you think he is good or bad?

1 How are Chinese people depicted? Is it flattering or unflattering?

2 What does the tiger, bear, eagle and rooster represent?

3 Do you think its Christian to conquer people and convert them? Why or why not?

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