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Rocky mountain House, Prentice creek.

Central AB Pony
Club 5 day rally camp

Dominique Borduas
GR. 11

Notre Dame High School

I am an equestrian, I do what's called

eventing so that Dressage, stadium, and cross
country. Right now I am currently training my
horse jumping and he is doing 2 6 some 2 9
with him he has only been jumping for 7-8
months and he is just 6 years old. He is doing
basic dressage but steadily improving, I have
not shown him yet but will hope to do so next
Some of my strengths are that I am patient and calm, I have not really had a favorite
subject in school, but if I have to choose it might be english because I love reading, and
science. My weakness are that I don't like working with people, and don't work well in
loud places.
My hobbies are reading and riding, horses are my whole life. I have been to quite a few
places before like Mexico, Disneyland and Disneyworld, I have also been on two
cruises, I have been to Palm Island in Barbados and two house boating trips. Most of
my time now includes going to jump clinics to improve my riding. I have a twin sister
named Chantel, and a dad. One of my greatest accomplishment is that I have kept
riding, last year I had a horse and we did NOT get along I would fall off of her
repeatedly. She would stop at fences and I would fall over her head, sometimes she

would buck me off! One time I got a concussion and was almost drug behind her after
my foot almost got caught in the stirrup. After two years of riding her I was terrified to
ride and almost quit, I was lucky I was not more severely hurt. Last November I got
Tuxedo,my current horse (the one in the photos) and I have since overcome most of my
fear and have been enjoying riding. Right now I don't really have any future plans, I
hope to compete next year with my horse and hopefully attend college after high school,
I am thinking that I will get a Business diploma and then move on to a bachelor's

Benalto AG Society, Benalto Horse Show

Benalto AG Society, schooling on

Pony Club nights every wednesday

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