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Boys Basketball

Your son has expressed an interest in participating in boys basketball after school on Tuesdays
from 2:00-3:15. Please know there may be occasional cancellations due to unexpected
meetings, weather conditions, etc. I will do my best to notify students of cancellations as early
as possible.
Appropriate conduct will be expected at all times. Inappropriate conduct will result in the
student not being invited back. Athletes will be able to stay after school and participate in
practices if the following things are completed:
1. Have a CSS average and no Fs or Us on their report card.
2. Have this permission slip signed and returned to me.
3. Have arranged transportation from practice to home.
We are excited that your son would like to participate in this fun after school activity. Please
sign the lower portion of this slip and return it to Coach Fazekas.

Coach Fazekas
(619) 445-3245 x 708

-please cut here

I, ____________________, give permission for _____________________________, to

(parent name)
(student name)
participate in boys basketball on Tuesdays. I will provide transportation no later than 3:30.

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