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The difference btw the two methods.

Integrate the two together. Identify why to use the methods in the research.

what designs are popular in your field, you do well, your philosophy
worldview, epistemology, ontology, axiology, methodology
theoretical lens methodological approach 1 epistemology( how
we go about learning sth, , part of us is in the research, personal or
impersonal)2 nature of reality( ontology, singular vs multiple) 3 the role of
values( axiology, implicate vs explicit)
pragmatism, transformative worldview, critical
realism, dialectic pluralism.
, the reason using it.
Rationale type of design (name, title, figure,
question, write-up)

Understand strategies for identifying journals to publish
Understand importance of structure when writing mixed methods paper
Write early and write often; include structures in the writing paper to increase
Journal of mixed methods research;
Step 1: identify 3 target journals : stretch journal(hard to get acceptance);
good fit journal(good chance); safety journal.(lower rank, impact of the
Step 2: tailor to journal : frame for the readership, write to specification to
submission specification, English check
Step 3: submit short cover letter and all documents.
If rejected, go to next journal and make important change.
Respond to reviews (draft the response, not change immediately, but develop
revision strategy, and discuss)
Empirical Research:
( Design\Demographics\Contexture)

Sequential or convergent design

Describing your samplingqual sample often sub-sample of larger quan
Instruments-section by section
Data collection-as it happened
Data analysis
Results: contiguous, component , integration, occur in the discussion
Weaving- theme- by- them presentation of both findings.
Discussion, based on the research and ideally emphasize how the study lead
to more than doing them separately.

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