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we can't let that happen

I was in charge of everything and anything that goes wrong will harm my reputation and I
cannot let that happen.

The vote will take place on Wednesday at 12 noon.

I would conclude by thanking the .. also the House for its patience during this latenight debate.
He also suggests that .should be prohibited .as an alternative.although we
agree with the objective of this ..It seems to us that this issue might be better
addressed in the
We support your view that it is not appropriate fall within .
Some of the issues raised by the second initiative are now under negotiation .
I wish to begin by thanking the ..for his very comprehensive and helpful report on
the two ..Initiatives on ..
First, I shall address the
The problems that this initiative raises, as the rapporteur has said, are mainly
concerned with the idea. which consist essentially ..has been convicted
. cannot prove that he obtained the property through legitimate means
In my view, it should be possible to break the link between the..
In addition, it is not the relationship between.
So, like the rapporteur, I agree with the general approach adopted by .. in
particular the.
I have some doubts about the.. has just mentioned, which demands
I sincerely do not see the need to include such a provision in this. as this
could be interpreted as
Some of the issues raised by . with regard also to the We are therefore
pleased We agree that it is important to be clear about the. The initial
text as you have mentioned confused This needs to be ratified
The newly allocated port is already allotted to Schlumberger in May. And it is occupied by
Another Team. I request you to Recheck the Seat Management tool and provide a seat which
is untaken.

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