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October 2, 2016
ELL: English-language learners are students who are unable
to communicate fluently or learn effectively in English, who often
come from non-English-speaking homes and backgrounds, and who typically require
specialized or modified instruction in both the English language and in their
academic courses.
ELS: English as a Second Language, also called English as a Foreign Language
(EFL), is an English language study program for nonnative speakers. Most ESL
programs have small classes so that students receive individual attention from their

The Research
ELLs receiving all of their instruction in English were almost three times as likely to
be in special education as those receiving some native language support
The dropout rates for English language learners are 15-20% higher than the overall
rate for non-English language learners
Unless children with disabilities develop native language competence, they will most
likely have problems learning a second language and will experience difficulty with
cognitive development as well.
Research shows that adolescents and adults out-perform young children in second
language learning.

Process for Addressing Concerns

Identify Concern
Modifications, Interventions, Consult with ELL/ESL Staff
Contact parents regarding concern
Complete Checklist and meet with Care Team
If no progress is made, return to Care Team
Other interventions, such as homework center, tutors, etc.

Informal, ongoing assessment. Examples: This can be as simple as asking students
to show "thumbs up or thumbs down" to show their understanding or asking
students to share one thing they learned on an exit slip at the end of class.
Appropriate accommodations for state assessments. Examples: Bilingual
dictionaries and translations of the assessment and and give them additional time
to consult it.
Prepare students for computer-based assessments. Examples: Give ELLs ample time
to practice and Develop ELLs' keyboarding skills.
Use English language proficiency scores to plan instruction. Examples:
Administrators can demonstrate their commitment to this success by setting aside a
regular time and place for collaborative planning to support ELLs.

Special education teachers who are working with ELL students would
benefit from attending professional development sessions and getting
resources that will assist them in understanding how to work effectively
with ELL students.

Model for students what they are expected to do or produce, especially for new
skills or activities, by explaining and demonstrating the learning actions, sharing
your thinking processes aloud, and showing good teacher and student work
samples. Modeling promotes learning and motivation, as well as increasing student
self-confidence -- they will have a stronger belief that they can accomplish the
learning task if they follow steps that were demonstrated. Don't just tell students
what to do and expect them to do it.

Use visuals, sketches, gestures, intonation, and other non-verbal cues
to make both language and content more accessible to students.
Teaching with visual representations of concepts can be hugely helpful
to ELLs. Don't stand in front of the class and lecture, or rely on a textbook
as your only visual aid.
Encourage students to continue building their literacy skills in their home language,
also known as L1. Research has found that learning to read in the home language
promotes reading achievement in the second language as transfer occurs. These
transfers may include phonological awareness, comprehension skills, and
background knowledge. Don't ban students from using their native language in the

Understood is a comprehensive resource for parents of kids with learning & attention
issues that provides clear answers, simple tools, & ongoing support.
Bookshare, the world's largest accessible digital library for people with print and
learning disabilities, provides free membership to qualified U.S. schools and students,
thanks to an award from the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education.
Get access to more than 43,000 digital books, textbooks and teacher-recommended
readings to help your child succeed and enjoy reading independently.
Crosscultural Developmental Education Services
CCDES is a company that works with school districts, teachers, and parents around the
United States and Canada, offering technical assistance, professional development, and
numerous tools and resources. CCDES, founded by Dr. Catherin Collier in 1987,
specializes in ESL, LEP and Special Education issues as well as an emphasis on Parent
Education and Empowerment.
LD OnLine: Acquiring English as a Second Language

This article examines "what's normal" when learning a second language and how
you can tell when a student has a language-learning disability and when he or she is
merely in the normal process of acquiring a second language.
LD OnLine: Effective Instructional Strategies for English Language Learners
with Special Needs
Students struggle in school for a variety of reasons. Unless these students receive
appropriate intervention, they will continue to struggle, and the gap between their
achievement and that of their peers will widen over time.

#ELLChat : Twitter for ELL Teachers

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