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Key subject Teaching English for teenager

Full name Nguyen Huu Huy

Course date 19-24- 2021

Teaching English to Teenagers

Welcome to the key subject Teaching English to Teenagers with AIT

I. Key points for teaching English to Teenager

 Cultural differences and understanding

 Physical development of the student
 Academic development of the student
 Appropriate use of idioms and slang
 Motivation and encouragement for the student
 Team work and preparation in the classroom
 Understanding Professor Rassias methodology for students
 Activity based methodology activities for all skills
 Teaching Pronunciation skill
 Teaching Listening skill
 Teaching Speaking skill
 Teaching Reading skill
 Teaching Writing skill
 Teaching Grammar skill
 Lesson planning
 Philosophy of Teaching
 Music and song used appropriately in the classroom
 Drama used appropriately in the classroom
 Video used appropriately in the classroom
 Approaches and Methods in the classroom
 Behavior management in the classroom
 Understanding students learning needs and goals
II. Lesson plan

III. Relevant activities


I. Key points for teaching English to Teenager

1. Cultural differences and understanding:

Teaching and Learning Languages in Vietnam : As Vietnam is a developing country of
almost 100 million people of 54 ethnic minority group ,so Vietnam has colorful variety culture
and long emotional history , every year Vietnam grows 5-6 percent of economy which is
opening and integrating to most of the countries in the world , otherwise Vietnam has very
young population , it has about over 60 percent of people at working ages , so foreign languages
have been learnt and taught for long time now, of course English is also the common too and it
has become compulsory subject at school .
It is very important for teacher to understand that in the same class, there are cultural
differences and a diverse group of students who have different backgrounds. This allows
teacher to form a safe environment for all students. This also helps implement culturally respond
teaching and pedagogical practice in the classroom to ensure the success of teaching for every
Here are some of cultural difference that teacher might notice in student behavior:
 Body language and gesture: there are some body language and gesture that could be
misinterpreted or found offensive so teacher needs to research before coming to class
 Eye contact: most of students refuse to use eye contact with teacher. In western cultures,
this is a sign of being not attentive. But in many other cultures, making direct eye contact
is a sign of disrespect
 Dress code: the way teacher dress is a big concern in many countries and it also reflect
 Asking question: in some cultures, asking question while learning means that teacher is
doing something wrong
 Making mistake and correction: many students will find it very embarrassed or ashamed
to make mistakes or to be corrected in front of other people
 Active listening skill: in some countries, students are taught to use model or observation in
learning. Therefore, they don’t use active listening skill to understand concept

Teenagers are a varied and fascinating group of individuals. They are changing physically,
sometimes at astonishing speed, and are often preoccupied with their appearance. They are
coping with new and strange emotions and at the same time they are learning to think in a more
abstract way, which allows them to discuss issues and ideas ( they love debates). Through these
changes, teenagers are trying to establish their identity and learn who they are.
Nowadays Teenagers update new high technology, which they can generally use with
ease and efficiency. They live in a world where sounds, images, words, and ideas come at them
in a constant stream from many different sources. They usually think nothing of surfing the
Internet, texting, listening to music, and watching TV at the same time.
Teaching English to teenager’s classroom ,the materials should help students explore
and establish their own moral and ethical values. What is right and wrong can be a challenging
area for teenagers, and it is important that they have the chance to hear the opinions of others,
voice their own, and judge for themselves.

What the teachers should :

 Avoid asking teenagers to do something that may embarrass them in front of their
peers, unless you know that they have a particular talent for performance.
 Avoid activities that students might see as childish or patronizing, such as miming or
answering questions the answers to which are obvious.
 Take the opportunity to put students into pairs or groups. Pair and group work allow
them to work in English with reduced risk of embarrassment and also allows shyer
students to make their voices heard.
 Learn as much as possible about your students as individuals and as learners. A
successful class is often one that allows students to achieve the goal in whichever
way suits them best.

2. Physical development of the student

For Teenagers , they are normally around 11 from years old to 16 years old , the students
are not children but not yet adults , so the physical development of this ages are different
from others .
The students are considered to be in the in between stage. Girls seem to be more mature
and boys are beginning to grow facial hair. And Students also begin to have an increase in
their appetite due to their rapid growths

For most of the  girls, physical develops sometimes start happening as young as eight years.
Physical changes in puberty include:
 breast development
 changes in body shape and height
 growth of pubic, and body hair
 The periods time may start
For most of the boys, physical changes usually start around 11-12 years – but any time between
9 and 14 years is normal. Physical changes include:
 growth of the penis and testes (testicles)
 changes in body shape and height
 Muscular: During the early adolescent stage, boys begin to see an increase in their muscle
development often leading to popularity and leadership in sports.

 erections with ejaculation

 growth of pubic, body and facial hair
 Voice changes.
What teacher can do?
• Do not compare students and their abilities with others .
• Observe and record the behaviors if any student is not developing typically then share it
with their parents or report to school to find down the solution.

3. Academic development of the student

Academic development is the joint responsibility of the student and the academic or
educational or professional development
During this time of the students, as they are teenagers, they are slowly aware of family ,
works and the community too , this effect their life ! They need to overcome to develop to their
fullest potential, they have not responsibilities and experiences like adults but they have
knowledge. There are some ways to help students develop academically are by offering special
services and activities, study sessions, language learning, and other diverse learning
opportunities (mathematics, physic, literature, science, history…).
Factors Affecting Academic Development:
They are sometimes too emotional, or can't focus. Sometimes they can't concentrate on a
task or is overly emotional, he or she can't process information and learn. These are potential
factors that may affect a student's academic development:

 Problems at home (parents get divorce? violent…)

 Economic hardships
 Low parental support ( poor family …)
 Not knowing the language
Being a teacher, we all should understand, be their friends sometimes to sympathize and
share . There are some solutions, such as language learning programs and programs that
help with counseling and economic situations, can help boost a students' academic
success, asking help from community, sponsors …. Academic development helps students
build competencies that also help students personally, socially, and in a career or set up
career exchanging ideas, giving advice … between the students and Teachers or the
Department for Education Innovation … With the lecturers’ help, they can identify
students who are performing poorly to invite them to talk through and address their
challenges. Through academic development, students grow relationships in life.

3. Appropriate use of idioms and slang

English Idioms are linguistic expressions or lexical items representing objects, things, concepts or
phenomena of material life particular to a given culture in using language. They are necessary to
any language in order to keep the local or native and cultural color or styles of that language and
English too. And Slang is the use of highly informal words and expressions that are not
considered as the standard use of language. It is also often used as a way to say words that are
not appropriate
Idioms can be considered as a part of everyday language that we use but it’s really hard to
understand or translate if we are not native speakers or we have not learnt yet. Teenagers are
curious and interested in new ways of language, so they may want to use the Idiom and slangs of
English too but it depends on the situation and context that the Teachers let them use or teach
them too.

Students will approach the language in a new way which is different from vocabulary, grammar
and formal English that they study at school. Student can improve their English skills in daily
situations. Students will not only study the language but also know more about the cultures.

Teaching Idiom and Slang to Teen are speech equips and effective vocabulary that they speak as
native speaker, also fun for Teachers and the student but very important for them and they will
learn through the course or before the exams but they find more difficult, challenged and

Teachers should explain or introduce a simple context that students can fully understand the

Another way that teachers provide a picture of the context that help students imagine or
illustrates the meaning of the idiom or slang .

Here are some different ways of using the idioms:

-Using an Idiom of Similar Meaning and Form
-Using an Idiom of Similar Meaning but Dissimilar Form
- Translation by Paraphrase
- Translation by Omission
Some Idiom and slang:
-On nine cloud= super happy
- Can it =Shut up
- Under the weather= someone is ill or gloomy.
-Stick your nose into something= to interfere
-Heart in mouth =too scary

5. Motivation and encouragement for the student:

To have successful teaching lesson, objectives or goals of teaching Teenagers, the teacher plays a
very important role by providing an open and friendly environment for learning.

To have Students’ enthusiasm in the classroom, including perceptions about the lesson's
usefulness, confidence and self-esteem and how patient they are. Different students have
different levels of motivation and ways of encouragements for them:

 Teachers should give more activities or interesting projects to students

 Set up more field trips for out door to change the atmosphere of learning and
 Teenagers are very competitive , so we should give the them discussion or debates
where they give their own ideas
 Whenever they are right or do the right things , we praise them or rewarding them
 Giving them excited or interesting lessons , topics and new subjects, teachers the
classroom energy and encourage to make them student involved .
 Provide students a variety of books to encourage independent reading. Developing
an interest in reading can foster a thirst for knowledge.
 Make assignments that are neither too hard nor too easy. This will avoid
discouraging students through long hours of work -- or boredom if assignments can
be completed too quickly.
 Give respect or listen to them as they want to be treated as adults ( but lack of
 Encourage or give them interest of why they have to learn English? For better
future? as English is an international language , the tools to communicate wherever
they travel or work … …
 Teachers should be friendly to them but Teachers should be firm ,strong and setting
the line between Teachers and Students to make sure that they cannot cross the
Line .Always be fair and consistent , even invite them to create the rules for class .

6. Team work and preparation in the classroom

At School for all teachers and students, Team Work and Preparation are great ways to teach and
learn English.
 Team Work :
-Teamwork is a joint action by a group of students, in which each student treat equally his or her
individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group .This does not mean
that the individual is no longer important; however, it means that effective and efficient
teamwork goes beyond individual accomplishments. The most effective teamwork is produced
when all the individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work towards a common
-Teaching Teenagers, Classroom Teamwork Activities, can be very fun, bring students together.
Classroom teamwork activities get students working together to make decisions based on
creative thinking, communication, collaboration and rewarding opportunities and experiences
-Teamwork also can help sensitive students overcome their fears and learn how to deal with
critique, improve self –confident or communication and social skills
-The more they take part in a team and make a contribution, the more confident they become.
Making an effort to do your best in collaboration with others is important for your own
development. This will help them for their future career.
-Teamwork is a great chance to contribute to the project that students are involved in, and, most
importantly, it can show their unique strengths and abilities which make them more creative .
-Participating in team activities can help students develop essential communication and
collaboration skills while preparing them for success inside and outside of the classroom, such as
active listening and effective speaking which are communication and social skills
-When working as a team, students learn how to listen to their leaders and coaches in order to
perform their individual roles. Students learn how to listen to one another in order to function as
a cohesive unit.
-Teamwork teaches students how to respectfully and confidently express their ideas and
opinions effectively in a group setting..
- Teachers can apply many teaching styles and activate many learning styles for students to
evaluate them and see their improvement during team works time
How to Teach Teamwork Skills to Students:
 Successful teamwork begins with great communication skills.
 If you want to teach these skills to your students, led by example.
 Listen carefully to what she says and make sure you communicate with her in a
clear, respectful manner.
 Family activities such as board games and cooking are great for teaching important
social skills such as collaboration, compromise, and respect.
 By giving each student a responsibility to take part in during the baking process—
whether the process involves cookies or pizza or oven-fired pottery—you can help
each student build his or her confidence and social skills over time
 Teach the lesson inside a fun play game, more game or activities
 School is the perfect place to develop your student’s teamwork skills.
 She should have plenty of opportunities to develop her listening and speaking skills
during partner activities and group projects.
 Team sports, school plays, and debate teams are also great experiences for learning
how to be a part of a team.
 Don’t underestimate the impact that a qualified, professional instructor or coach
can have on your student's enjoyment of team activities.
 Engage the students in a team sport with a good coach.Team sports offer an
incredible array of social skills lessons, including learning to compete against their
own personal best versus against their teammates or competitors. Examples include
diving or gymnastics instead of soccer or softball
 Introduce other fun team-based activities.
 Preparation :
Before teaching, with good preparation, teachers feel confident because we know exactly
what to do in the class and how to get it. Preparation in the class is not just about
preparing content of the lesson, how to teach students but also the way teachers set up
classroom ,teachers should prepare the lesson for class as it is the first and most
important steps. It is not as simple as writing out a fun and engaging lesson, but rather a
calculated procedure to reach a specific goal of lesson.
Teachers should look at the material that covers for the class period. It is useful to look at
how many pages or what material you want to get through in the given amount of time
and highlight the main aims such as targets of activities, vocabulary or grammar…

Teachers should take some steps for Classroom Preparation:

-Create an agenda for the day and build a lesson plan to support the agenda as there are
different agendas for teenagers to other learners, and some teenage students talk
nonstop and are usually not that enthusiastic about the activities planned for a lesson
-Review your lesson plan and be ready to present the material.
-Have your lesson plan ready but have a backup plan in mind in case your first plan falls

7.Understanding Professor Rassias methodology for students

Mr. John Arthur Rassias was born on August 20, 1925, an American professor who developed a
method for the teaching of foreign languages, the Rassias Method, also known as the Dartmouth
Intensive language model.

For his teaching philosophy is unique ways to make the student quickly comfortable and natural
in a new language create more energy and passion , enhancing students’ creativity and wake
their brain up , even encourage dialogue from the first day of class

Mr John Rassias made language learning lively, emotional, manic…and fun. He was a master
teacher It reflects the way a child first learns its mother language. This makes students feel free
of fear or making mistake.

The teacher has to create an environment in which students will speak and think in English ( no
mother tongue or their language ) this make their brain more creative , and they are active
participants in the class, not only observer or listeners ( two ways learning and teaching ) .
Learning will become more exciting, fun, and creative and interesting.

8. Activity based methodology activities for all skills

Activity based methodology activities is a method or technique adopted by a teacher to
emphasize his or her techniques of teaching through action in which the students are interested
comprehensively in and realize effective learning practices. It is the procedure in which the child
is effectively included in taking interest rationally and physically.

Activity based method is student center learning that is taught through many activities in class.
The activity-based learning encourages students to actively participate in their own learning
experiences through practical activities, more fun such as problem-solving, team or pair work,
role play and independent investigation.

The Principle of activity based learning:

Role of teacher Role of students

A planner, an organizer, Active participation
observatory , evaluator
Facilitator More interaction in collaboration
with others
Decision maker Discussion (discourse) and research
Knowledge imparter Confident and well repaired
Disciplinarian Involved in program flow


 Helping students understand learning material or lesson and memorize

information  well

 Encouraging students to be independent and inquisitive: By asking them to work on their

own, pair or in small groups which make students to be independently inquisitive, think
critically, and learn from their own experience and others .
 Supporting social development: During the time of activity-based learning , they are more
responsible for their own learning experience, group-based activity work also helps students
develop teamwork and social skills.

 Emphasizing the relevance of educational material – Students don’t always understand

the relevance of learning material when simply putting pen to paper, so activity-based learning
helps them understand the ‘real-life’ relevance of learning material by encouraging them to
explore , solve realistic problems and scenarios in life .
 Encouraging kids to express themselves in different ways – it is creative in the way they
express their knowledge. This learning method provides students with the opportunity to
express what they have learnt through the act of doing as well as through the act of verbal

9. Teaching Pronunciation skill

Teaching pronunciation skill is the best way to encourage students as they are young learners
who are quicker in learning language skills , especially to speak , read and listen English as
much as they can

If they are lack of pronunciation skills or do not know how to pronoun correctly , they cannot use
or dare to use English properly

There are some key points:

-Sing a song correctly or introduce stress and intonation

- Word stress: help student improve their pronunciation by focusing on short sentences using
standard word stress patterns. At this point students also can begin becoming familiar with IPA.
-Silent letter :this is way different from Vietnamese that every single syllable will be pronounced

-Minimal pairs: understanding small differences in pronunciation between similar words is the
great way to help students notice these differences

- Choral drilling

- Speech Pathology

-IPA : symbol card game-this card game helps students learn phonetic symbols. Cards are
included on the site that you can print out and use in the class.
- Voice and voiceless sounds

-Tongue Twister

-Listen and record your own voice

10. Teaching Listening skill

In learning English ,Listening skills is the ability to identify or understand what others are saying
or speaking that listeners should know and understand speakers’ pronunciation, grammar,
vocabulary and even intention too

Listening is one of the most difficult way for the students that the teachers should give them in
situation or context then ask what they make them find difficulties or problems then teaching
them as there are mainly two categories of listening :Listening for a purpose or
entertainment .And some difficulties :

- Stress

-Voice of speakers

- Vocabulary : the students do not have enough !

-Structures , contraction or Speed ….

Teachers should assist students :

+ Pre teaching vocabulary

+Choose the topic or predictive skills

+Scanning or specific information or skimming ( general idea ) : this is for higher level students

+Deduction from context

+Create interest - incorporate activities to have students motivated and engaged in listening
skill. This will relax student and create more confidence for student.

+Listen and draw story: teacher can read a story, students listen and then they have to draw in a

+Chinese whisper: teacher divides students and line up into 2 teams, teacher then give one
person on each team a message in whispering way . That person has to whisper the message to
the ear of second person in the line. The second player repeat it to the third player and so on.
When the last person is reached they announce the message they heard to the entire group.This
help students concentrate on listening skills
Teaching listening methods :

-Respond by movement : + Total Physic Respond (TPR )

+Listen to and follow instructions

-Respond by drawing : Listen to and follow instructions

-Respond by speaking :Listen to the questions and respond appropriately

-Respond by writing: Write answers to questions

Some activities of listening : Teenagers love activities

 Listening for general ideas :Micrologue ,Match headline to story , Quiz …

 Listening for specific information :Note taking checklist ,Fill in the blanks ,table completion
 Listening to make predictions :Write a story to match the headline ,Dialogue or predict the
end of story ..
 Listening to give feedbacks : Role play as state preferences ,introductions ,at the shop ..
 Listening for details : Dictation Micrologue ,Record on map ,listen and follow directions ..

11. Teaching Speaking skill

Teaching the speaking skill is an important part of teachers’ role that give students skills to use
English to practice speaking ,express their ideas ( some people even don’t know how to write but
they can speak ) but this take time to learn due to some problems or difficulties that the
students are facing :

-Lack of vocabulary


-Endings S

-Verbs’ Stress

- Not confident

Types of the Speaking skills :

• Discussions
• Student biography exchanges
• Role-plays
• Interview
• Debates
• Marcrologues and Micrologues
• Activities
• Variety Show

Approaches for Teachers :

• Communication : Role play and communication activities to practice

listening and help students use the language in context …
• Task based : Real life tasks such book the bus ,flights…
• Audio Visual lingual : Practice particular sentence structures showing
natural English conversation such Skype or video calls …
• Information technology : PowerPoint to present
• The Natural Approach: Let the students speak freely , don’t over correct
, just one point one lesson.

Some other suggestions for teaching speaking skills:

 Provide maximum opportunity to students to speak language

 Try to involve each student in every speaking activity; for this aim, practice different way
of student participation.
 Reduce teacher speaking time in class while increasing student speaking time. Teacher
steps back and observes students.
 Indicate positive signs when commenting on student’s respond.
 Picture describing: teacher divides students into teams. Teacher gives each team a picture
and let them discuss. After that, each team choose one person will describe the picture to
the whole class.
 Story completion: teacher starts to tell a story but after 3 or 4 sentences he or she stops.
Then, each students start to narrate from the point where the previous one stops. Each
student is supposed to add from 4 or 10 sentences. Students can add new characters,
events, description…

12. Teaching Reading skill

Reading skill is another great way to use English for teenagers ,teachers should encourage them
to read more to enrich their knowledge and English reading too , they must be able to do or
practice the following:

 Study more vocabulary: understand letter sound and use them to read and spell the
words. And students should know 98% of vocabulary in reading and guess 2%
 Reading skills: develop reading skill such as phonemic awareness, spelling practice,
vocabulary learning, and grammar study
 Practice reading enough to become fluent readers.
 Learn to self-monitor when reading for comprehension and errors.
 Reading is a purposeful enterprise
 Reading should be appropriate to student’s level
 Integration of skills: reading should integrate other skills like speaking or listening …
 Reading strategies: teacher should train the learners to acquire reading strategies such as:
previewing, setting a purpose, predicting, asking question, connect to background
 Reading a lot: teacher encourages student to read as much as possible as hobby

Practicing reading skill in 6 steps:

• Predicting the content of a text before reading

• Scanning the text for specific details
• Identifying a text type and the purpose of reading
• Establishing the context for a reading text
• Guessing the meaning of words from the context.
• Skimming a text for the main ideas.
Teachers also can follow : PPP
 Present : Pre teach the vocabulary then read the story in the DRAMA voices
 practice :Students read the story and reorder the story
 produce : Students read the story in small group and role play

Materials :

• Real trending materials: social networks...

• Appropriate formal patterns: school announcement, advertisement, e-
magazines, etc.
• Literary works for teens English academic levels Some may be orally
proficient but not academically proficient in English

13. Teaching Writing skill

Teach Students writing skills , the teachers should understand the difficulties or problems of
writing that students have :

• Lack of vocabulary ,ideas, structures …

• Lazy writing as it takes time , now high technology of internet ,phone …

Tips for Teaching the Writing skills :

 Building in earlier skill: teacher should build on and maintain skill like grammar, spelling,
part of speech, voice, tense and writing style then giving tasks of writing activities such as
email ,list ,memos, actual forms ,applications ,daily diary …or write for different purposes
or use realia
 Be sure to use the resources that incorporate the interests and needs of students
 Encourage creativity: Teacher encourages students to take new approaches to
assignments and method of reading.
 Students should only write what they can already say
 Emphasize critical thinking: teacher encourages students to really think about the things
that they are reading and writing. This will prepare students everything from analyze new
stories to participating fully in the political process.
 Prepare for the real, academic writing: this means employing argumentative skill, express
themselves clearly, using logic, and follow proper format. Give them opportunity to
practice these skills while pursuing topics that interest them.
 Encourage reading: get the teens reading well written, classic literature. Give them books
in widely varying style so that they can see the differences in voice, description and word
 Teach carefully word choice: guide students until they can learn to balance description,
dialogue, detail and information.
 Develop handwriting skills: An important skill for teens to develop is adult-level
handwriting. Encourage legibility, even lettering and clean lines.
 Set the reasonable time limits for students to work in and give them help if they are
unsure .Do not mark all errors in student writing .Only correct one point being taught in
the lesson
 Create profile for students in which you keep regular updated copies of student work.

Some great Writing Key skills or topics for Teenagers :

1. Description : People , places ,objects …
2.Opinion : Write their own and others likes or dislikes and favorite things
3.Directive writing : Directions using maps…
4.Dialogue: at places where the speech happens like restaurants , hotels,schools..
5.Information : Sports, Family profiles , culture..
6.Review : Writing their opinions of music ,movies..
7.Creative writing :Stories and characters…

14. Teaching Grammar skill

Grammar skill is great one to teach Teenager students to learn to use English properly ,
especially for speaking and Writing skills because grammar using is the keys to structure
sentences and communicate effectively

What to teach:
• parts of speech
• conjunctions
• tenses
• prepositions and phrasal verbs
• idioms and slangs
• clauses and types of clauses
• types of sentence
• punctuation

Materials :

• Dialogues
• Rules
• formulae
• Pictures
• Realia

Tips for teaching Grammar Skills :

 Teachers use incorporate points with a communicative task to practice , focus on one
grammar point one lesson
 Set the reasonable time limits and demonstrate a concept well before asking students to
complete a task
 Do not teach grammar explicitly to Beginner levels , use team quizzes for review to make
 Use Macrologues for brainstorm particular words types and Micrologues for practicing
 Teachers should present grammar in context: to help student understand grammar point
better, instead of just saying grammar point. This will make teaching grammar more
interesting and engage students
 Teachers show grammar in use: teacher can let students practice grammar by providing
them a real-life situation when they need to use this or that structure.
 Add creativity: A sprinkle of creativity will not only encourage the students, but also
prepare them for all future situations when they have to innovate and improvise. Teacher
can create some funny activities or games with grammar to show students that grammar
doesn’t have to be boring.

15. Lesson planning

Lesson plan is really important for teachers to prepare all as road map or plan of which the
teachers will teach with the set curriculum as a guide to get :

+ The Goals or objectives of lesson

+The professional

+Flexible : in case some things change

+Students /teacher challenges

Steps for creating an effective lesson plans for teaching teenager:

• Set up standard for lesson plan: to maintain uniformity for the students who are learning
as consistently as possible across classroom and subject.

• Plan objectives: the goals of the lesson plans must clearly be defined so that the students
understand what is expected of them.

• Add helpful resources materials for the lesson covered: this can boost the class
engagement and promote better learning.

• Mention lesson plan details: it should specify detail about the content, lesson objectives,
materials, procedures for delivering instruction, student groupings, all in one place

• Plan a quick self –evaluation: take time at the end of the lesson to provide you with a
quick evaluation. Think about what could have been better.

• Create a lesson plan notes: add any additional thoughts and notes on the next steps.
Lesson closure notes offer an opportunity to reinforce student learning.

16. Philosophy of Teaching

Being a teacher ,a noble job , my philosophy is to bring my open mind, a positive attitude, and
high expectation to the classroom for students every day. With good example ,dedication,
preservation, and hard work, empathetic to stand by and to solve their academic problems
,especially Teenagers students , they will raise to the occasion that is my mission for my
students and the community, focusing on the student’s learning experience, to bring
consistency, diligence, and warmth to my job but be firm ,giving rules …in the hope that I can
ultimately inspire and encourage the student to achieve their goals of learning and my
teaching’s objective .

Some main keys to focus : As teaching is an art and different individuals have various artistic
styles of teaching and learning, each teacher has his or her own creative and artistic way of
teaching :

 Language Acquisition
 Purpose of learning ESL
 Teaching styles or a description of how you teach
 Justification for why you teach that way
 Soft skills integration

17. Music and song used appropriately in the classroom

Teenagers love music and songs so much that they listen every day as their interest and hobby
too,so using Music and Song is great fun way to teach English language in the classroom, it is
sometimes also a part of your lesson plan , that enables or inspire students to relax and enjoy
their learning lesson ,especially the listening and speaking skills .

There are many different media for using music and song but we have to check it all to suit the
students in term of contents and types then the resources too

To get the right music and songs in class, teacher should think about some of these following

 Carefully check or examine what music and song, lyrics are age appropriate that you
want your class to learn
 Think about the language of the class
 Only use English language songs
 Use the rap chants
 Sing along with your class
 Play games that incorporate music and song
 Allow students to choose songs they would like to learn from prepared song list
 Teacher check if there are any specific cultural issues regarding the make- up of the class
 Prepare the follow up activity for the song you are singing
 Have students write the lyrics to music
Here are some steps to make a song focus of the class:

 Let students listen to the entire song

 Ask some questions about the title
 Listen to the song again this time with lyrics
 Focus on particular verb tense or aspect of grammar
 Focus on vocabulary, idioms and expressions
 Round things off with some creativity.
 Sing the song with your students as a class

18. Drama used appropriately in the classroom

Drama , a valuable teaching tool, is to get engagement of students in teaching English in the
classroom that drama is about dialogue or role play , language, and interacting with others in
specific “scenes” with appropriate language.

When teachers use drama in teaching English , it makes students more active to get students up
and moving around and interacting with each other, especially to improve speaking and listening
skills and it is more meaningful to connect all students and teenagers love them so much too .

Some tips for Incorporating Drama in the classroom :

 Act out the Dialogue:

Teachers have students act out the dialogue from their textbooks by pairing them up, like
role play have them choose roles, then work together to act out the dialogue, figuring out
for themselves the “blocking,” or stage movements. This is effective for a beginning
activity of incorporating drama in the classroom.
 Perform Reader’s Theater:
Teachers hand out copies of a short or one-act play, have students choose roles, and then
read the play from their seats without acting it out. However, teachers should encourage
them to read dramatically, modeling as necessary.
 Act out the Story or Role play :
If teachers teach reading skills like reading a short story ,have students act out the story
or part of the story, working in groups and assigning roles and determining the blocking.
This is particularly effective with “short-shorts”: brief, one-scene stories with limited
 Write the Dialogue for a Scene:
Teachers let students watch a brief clip of a movie without the sound on. Have students
write the dialogue for it and act it out.

19. Video used appropriately in the classroom

Video using brings a whole new dynamic way in teaching English that students can view language
in natural to setting and within limitless contexts to engage or inspire students in learning English
to achieve great goals that our modern life supports to teaching tools .

Benefit of using video in the classroom:

 Video engages students of all ages and abilities which are designed to catch and keep
students’ attention.
 Video motivates students with authentic content
 Video provides context to help understanding: video provides strong visual cues. These
help students understand what’s happening even when language is hard to follow.
 Video expose students to a variety of language ad cultures: video offers unlimited
opportunities to expose the students to different accents or dialects of English.
 Video introduces culture and new idea: video brings outside world to students,
introducing new culture, new places and ideas.
Some tips to use Videos in the classroom:

 Using video brings a whole new dynamic for the students in the class where they can view
the language in natural settings .This is very important way to immerse students in the
English class When teachers use the videos , it should be set the duration from 30 seconds
to 3 minutes for pre- task , 5-10 minutes for children and 5-15 minutes for adults for main
 Teacher has to be sure that video which is using, matches the lesson topic or checks video
clip for any use of bad language or inappropriate scenes.
 For teenager, video should be about documentary style films, humorous video, or content
that relates to their interests or work

20. Approaches and Methods in the classroom

English Teaching methodology covers three things : The approaches ,the methods and the

 Approach :the best theory way to teach the particular lesson

There are 10 approaches that teachers should use:
 Communication : Listening and speaking skills are used to practice conversations such as
Introduction and meeting , Describing ,Asking …
 Natural approach : create freedom or relaxation for students to speak without fears of
corrections or mistakes
 Task-based : Booking food/bus
 Lexical approach : For teaching vocabulary of family ,occupations …
 Student-centered : using topic and vocabulary but for lower level music can be suitable
 Whole language : for higher levels ,especially IETLS teaching ,to use all skills ,vocabulary
,spelling and grammar
 Grammar translation : for higher level ,focus on grammar
 Total physical response : lower level as children as singing ,listening to music
 Audio –visual lingual : For beginner or upper level like film, clips and songs …
 Electric approach

 Methods : the list of teaching techniques which are used in the lesson
 Visual :Poster , Flashcards ,realia ,graphic ..
 Kinaesthetic : Games , roleplay to make students more active
 Auditory : Using video and audio od DVD ,CD…
 Tactile : Using card and board games ,projects ,role play …example in teaching
reading and listening lesson
 Techniques :Teachers use different tasks and activities to enable or encourage students to
practice the language skills identified in the lesson such as : Flashcards ,Role play,
discussion ,pair works and worksheets
Some tips for teachers :
Be Supportive and Encourage Curiosity:
 Support or give ideas, advices to students or sharing with parents and family members in
a student’s education so that they have support at home in planning for their own future
 Encourage parental involvement in student learning and find ways for them to be included
in the student’s support system
 Be a positive influence to students, they will respond in a positive way!
 Praise good behavior and academic improvement
 Be an advocate for students in any appropriate way that they may need
 Reach out to students in need. If you suspect they are having problems at home, allow
them to open up about it ,be by their side which can increase student engagement and
long term learning. It can also result in the student investing more time and resources into
creative product at the expense of the academic content.
 Collaborative learning: the value of learning in groups is well supported by research and is
required many disciplines. It has strong benefits for at risk students.
 Give sufficient or enough opportunity for and require respectful communication between
 Teach students about cultural diversity and tolerance
 Encourage and promote extra-curricular activities like clubs and teams
Create a Pleasant Classroom Environment
 Engage students to help design the classroom environment is a way that makes them
comfortable, relax and feel free to learn
 Let students have a chance to decorate the classroom walls
 Allow students to have a hand in creating the class rules, so everyone is comfortable with
 Be patient with students so that they feel valued and respected and feel safe enough to
share ideas
 Demand that students be respectful of one another and if someone isn’t, handle it
 Accommodate students who need supplemental help or have assistive needs
Be Interested in Your Students,be their friends or Create a Trusting Relationship with Your
 Ask students about their time outside of class or home
 Learn every student’s name and use it often!
 Provide opportunities for students to talk about themselves
 Create plans with each student for their learning goals for the year and refer to them
regularly when students meet a goal
 Be involved in your community and show support for student-led organizations
 Interact more in class, lecture less
 Smile, be friendly (yet professional, be firm)!

 Be enthusiastic about teaching your subject matter

 Allow students to get to know things about you
Make Students Engaged in Your Class
 Vary instructional methods so to reach all students
 Do not make lectures the main focus of all class periods
 Work in fun activities to keep students from getting bored
 Use technology when possible and appropriate
 Be aware of what is happening in your classroom. Monitor, monitor, monitor!
 Plan effectively and make sure transitions in your instruction are smooth
 Relate new information to popular culture when possible
 Expect students to live up to their potential
 Make sure students understand before moving on to new concepts
Be Effective at Classroom Management
 Apply reasonable and consistent disciplinary policies that are agreed on by parents and
students and enforce them fairly
 Communicate clear expectations for behavior
 Be flexible with instructional strategies to personalize instruction when needed
 Establish a reward system for good behavior and academic achievement
 Encourage respectful communication, even when viewpoints differ
 Assess students regularly to ensure that they are in line with expectations
21. Behavior management in the classroom
Behavior is really important issue in classroom management for teachers , especially teenagers
who are emotional and characters changing as they are growing up in both physical and
mental !

Here are some tips for teachers :

 Create a class identity or Name :

At the beginning of the school year teachers should decide on a class name or ask students to
name themselves class which can be based on your theme for the year then they vote until
teachers decide on a class name. Remember to keep it fun, your kids will come up with great

For example :

• Super hero
• Avengers
• Ninja Warriors

 Build relationships:

Teachers should build great relationships with students shows that you love and care about
them. At the start of the year, surveys and get-to-know-each other activities are a great way to
begin to build a relationship with students. When the school year continues, community circles
can help maintain your community and create a space for open dialogue ,share and familiarity.
Once students realize you are invested in them as individuals you can build respect, which will
make a difference when holding students accountable for their behavior.

Some examples:

 Positive phone calls home ( have contact book phone numbers)

• Getting to know older and/or younger siblings who go to your school
• Home visits
• Personalized notes
• Supporting students at extracurricular activities
• Eating lunch with students

 Collaborative class rules:

Making rules between Teachers and students is a great classroom environment which is
cultivated and address how students are expected to interact with each other, with the teacher,
and how students are expected to interact with the physical space. When students are given the
opportunity to contribute to the rules that will govern their class, they develop a sense of
ownership for their classroom.Even teachers can ask them to create their own rules

 Routines:

Teachers should set clear routines for everything you would like students to do in your
classroom. Although it can be tedious, be explicit about everything. Do not assume that students
know the expectations for your classroom and be sure to show them how you would like things
to be done. Give students multiple opportunities to practice the classroom routines; provide
ongoing support for routines and behaviors; reinforce expected behaviors and explain the
consequences if the expectations are not met.

Here are some examples :

 Transitions between activities

 Asking for help
 What to do after work completion
 Lining up
 Sharpening pencils
 Turning in homework or completed work
 Using the restroom

 Rewards or celebrate success :

Whenever they do good job or finish their duty , rewards can be individual, group or class-based.
In the same way students contributed to the class rules, allow them to contribute to the
rewards. This will create buy-in and motivate students to work toward rewards they really want.
This can be simple things as points , praise and thanks to them

Praise focuses on the specific behavior the student is doing correctly. Praise students to other
students, teachers, and administrators. Highlight positive behaviors enthusiastically— students
love to be acknowledged for a job well done.

 Quiet, quick corrections:

When students are making mistakes, weakness should not say out , they are often seeking
attention, so it is important for teachers to remove the stage when addressing them. Use a silent
signal, or proximity, to address a behavior. If that still does not work, quietly and quickly bend
down and whisper to the student what you would like them to do and the consequence they will
receive if the expectation is not met, then move away. If the student still does not comply,
administer an appropriate consequence. Avoid using shame and intimidation to correct a
student. Quiet corrections allow you to remain in control of the situation and keeps the public
stage out of the student interaction.

 Be calm, firm, and consistent:

Teachers should not be emotional, rather it should be a response to the clearly outlined rules
and routines of your classroom . Avoid threats like, “If you don’t…then I will…”, but instead
deliver consequences firmly, as they have been outlined to your class. Consistently give
consequences to all students 100% of the time they are not meeting expectations. Students will
quickly notice if you do not always give a consequence or if you give consequences to some
students more than others but be firm and consistent .

 Set high expectations

Teachers should have a clear vision of how you want your classroom to look behaviorally and
how you want your students to perform academically, and then backwards plan from your
vision. Be prepared to scaffold students behaviorally and academically, if needed. Students will
work to meet your expectations, so keep them high. Creating an academically engaging, rigorous
class is a great way to manage behaviors. If you make your class engaging students will be
invested in the learning experience and less likely to be off task or misbehave.

 Be an example or Mirror

Teachers are always the examples for students ,so to model the behaviors you would like your
students to display. Be open to the fact that you make mistakes and be humble enough to admit
your mistakes to your students. Remember that respect is reciprocal so be sure to show respect
to students if you expect to be respected in return.

22. Understanding students learning needs and goals

As I have mentioned in the first part : Cultural different and understanding .

Understanding students learning needs and goals is really important for teachers in teaching and
especially Teenagers , get the goals of teaching and learning .

Teachers need to know about their students :

 preferred learning style

 cultural background
 important relationships
 interests
 personalities.

Then teachers will set the strategies or design incorporated learning program, methods…..
based on the different needs of students and promote academic growth:

 Teacher needs to put the focus on the students and learning rather than the teacher and
teaching method.
 Having a clear objective helps teacher choose appropriate methods and approaches of
 Knowing students learning need and goal also help to defining students’ strength and
weakness. Students can actively and excitingly participate in class activity because they
know what exactly they are learning.
 Setting clarified criteria will help to focus on learning needs and goals.

Myself learning and teaching styles

Australian international Tesol Exam and manual book




Topic: Can ( Ability) : Can you …? She/he can play

Level: pre- intermediate ( upper beginner )
Length: 45 mins
Age: 12-14
Language Skills: Speaking ,Writing ,Listening
TESOL Methodology: TPR, PPP, Student-centred.

Lesson By the end of the lesson the students will be able to use s new words , grammar
Objectives: point “ Can ” to ask someone’s ability and answer and using this grammar
points in real life
Resources: Board, markers, flashcards, handouts.

Stage Activity Description Resource Timin Teacher


Warm up Simon said Teacher explains : Do what Simon 5 mins Thien

-asks students to stand in a circle
-teacher says and students do follow
Simon said
- when Simon said
jump in, all students jump forward
When Simon said
jump out, all students jump
-students do like what Simon said
few times then teacher changes the
- when Simon said
Turn around , all students tourn
- when Simon said
Touch your toes …others
-Sometimes Teacher does some
activities but No Saying Simon Said ,
if some students do ,ask them stay
inside the circle.
Keep playing and having fun
-T congratulates the last ones got no
mistakes is winner and thanks to
other for joining
Pre-task T asks Ss to look at the picture ( A boy Picture  1 min Thien
is swimming in the Pool ) , T asks
class : Look at the picture , Can you
do it ? Can you swim ?

Teaching Flashcard *Meaning: For each new word, T Flashcards 7 mins Thien
1 Presentation shows the students the picture
representing the meaning of the
word for at least 05 seconds.
Vocab) Jump , Play , fly ,sing ,cook ,swim
1. T pronounces the word loudly and
clearly, makes sure the students see
the picture and hear the
pronunciation of the word. (at least 5
2. T gets students listen and repeat
the word.  T  should do it for the
whole class then gradually focus on a
small group then each individual.
*Form: T puts the flashcard on the
board, writes the word below the
picture (if any) and does the review

Task 1 1, 2, 3 1. Teacher writes the name of the Flashcards 5 mins Thien

(Practice Vocabulary activity on the board and says the
Vocab) name aloud. Class is divided into 02
groups, standing in 02 lines facing
each other. Then T introduces the
2. A Student from each team steps to
the middle of the 02 lines and stands
back to back. Each S will be given a
flashcard, holding on their chest to
make sure the other to see clearly
3. T will count from 1 to 2 and at the
same time the student moves 2 steps
forwards. When T count to 3, they
both turn around and try to read
aloud what’s in each other’s
flashcard. The person who gets it
faster wins, get one point .
Teacher finds the group who get
more point is the winner

Teaching Teacher shows picture again then Pictures 9 mins Thien

2 asks one student : Can you swim ? he
may answer yes or no
Present T writes down on Board the sentence
Gramma :
Can you SWIM ? Yes , I can
No , can’t
Then Teach goes around to ask some
individual that question or can call
some students stand up
T writes some more examples :
Can you play piano ….?

Task 2 Interview 6 mins Thien

Interview T asks students to prepare paper
and pens
T gives example : Tuan , can you play
piano ?
Students have to move around class
and ask their friend (at least 5
people) some questions using
grammar “Can you …?”
Students write down answers
When students finish, teacher will
ask some couple of student up in
front of class to interview each other

Teaching Then T keeps one couple and ask one   6 mins Thien
3 student to come :
Student 1 Tim : Can you speak
Student 2 Tom : yes I can
Teacher asks student 3 Linda : Can
he ( Tim) speak Chinese ?
Teacher answers : Yes , he can then
asks Linda to repeat
Then Teacher writes down on Board :
Can he /she speak Chinese ?
Yes , he can
No , He can’t : Teacher
demonstrates ( two hands cross the
Then Teacher goes around and
stands next to one student , pointing
to one other : Can she ( Sue ) fly ? ….
Teacher asks students to practice this
Grammar point by asking them work
in pairs by giving picture of actions of
some one on Board
Teacher goes around to cross check if
they make mistakes of speaking or

Task 3 Act It Out Teacher prepares small Flashcards - Flashcards  5 mins Thien
And Find Can Can't.
Your Partner Can you …? Can she/he

Gives one card to each student and

tell them not to show it to the other
Then, students must find a partner
with the same card. To do this,
students can move around the
classroom while acting out the action
verb which is on their card.
For example, a student with the
‘jump’ card would jump around the
class. Then if a student finds another
student doing the same action, they
can ask ‘Can you jump?’ and if they
also have the ‘jump’ card they can
answer ‘Yes, I can.’
Once students have found their
partner, they can go to the teacher
and show their cards.

Homewor Worksheets T gives Students worksheets to practice at Can for 1 min Thien
k and exercise ability and exercise

***NOTE:* Make sure the instructions are totally clear.

* Remember open body language.
* Maintain a clear and loud voice.
* Play the demo as long as needed to make sure all students not only understand the rules clearly
but also feel included.
* Remember the ICQ, CCQ.

Topic:Simple past tense

Level: pre- intermediate Age 12-14
Length: 60 mins
Age: 12-14
Language Skills: Grammar ,Listening ,Writing and speaking
TESOL Methodology: TPR, PPP, Student-centred.
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson the students will be able to use
grammar point to provide an enjoyable way to learn and
practice new verbs using the past tense
Resources: Board, markers, flashcards, handouts, Paper for making verb
cards ,story

Stage Activity Description Resource Timing Teacher

Warm up Charades Teacher writes down the name of game Board 5 mins Thien
(or Guess on board and
the words ) T Divides class in two teams Marker
-Call one student of each team to come,
standing look at the class and T writes a
word on Board
Their team has to use body language,
explain to describe the word, CAN NOT
SAY the word. After 30 seconds if the
team can’t guess what the word is, the
other team has the chance to guess the
word and take the point( use a Bell for
the student who think got the answer
after their team explains )
-The team who guesses more correct
words will be the winner ,T thanks to
other for joining
Example : topic of Animals words…
Pre-task T asks Ss to look at the picture : A boy Picture  1 min Thien
went to bed with his mum at 10 pm
T says out and writes down on board ,
underline the word WENT ….He went to
bed at 10 pm last night

Teaching Teacher goes around and asks some 10 Thien

1 students what did they do last night ,last mins
What week ?
did you Then Teacher draws a timeline on Board
do …? marking three times : past ,present,
I went … future

We ate


Teacher writes down the question and

anwers after asking students :
What did you do last week …?
I went to the Zoo last week
I visited my cousin last week
Teacher explains how different Went
and Visited ?
Regular verbs : adding ED , ending letter
T , D ,Ch , Sh how to pronounce
Irregular verbs :Took , flew , Went …
learn by heart
Teacher lists signal words describing
time of action in the past such as:
yesterday, last, ago, etc. and then
explains how to use them in a
sentence and make an example

Task 1 Matching Teacher writes down the name of Game Cards 11 Thien
(Practice pairs on board mins
Vocab) Teacher prepared the cads of verbs in
present tense and past tense , mixed
them up
1. T divides the students into 2 groups
2.T asks students from two group
coming up to take one card each
3.the students go around and match up
the correct form of verb and make a
sentence and write down on the team
side ,if they can not make the
sentence ,give turn to others
Which team has more correct word
forms and sentences will be the winner
Exemple : Fly – flew …Take –Took

Teaching Roleplay T asks one student come up in the of 11 Thien

2 and pair class and asks : mins
What did T :What did you do last night ?
she/he S: I watched TV last nights
do ..?..
Then T asks one other student : What did
he do last night ?
That student answers : He watched TV
last night …
Teacher goes around and asks with
other irregular verbs then writes down
on Board
Teacher asks students to ask their
partner about their family member what
did your mother do last night ,last
week?....write down in their notebook

Task 2 Find Find someone who … 12 Thien

someone mins
Practice who … Teacher divides class into 3 groups , it
of using depends on how many students in your
more class .
past Teacher ask students to interview each
tense other to find out what did they do
point certain things on last summer holiday
.Example :What did you do last summer
Ha ?
Last summer, I went to Halong Bay
with my family …then one student of
each group come up to do presentation
what they know about their partner did
last summer , which group has longer
story and activities will be the winner

Follow T asks students to write down what did   6 mins Thien

up you do ..last weekend, this morning , last
What did year , last Christmas time..?
you Then T asks some students coming up to
do ..? present her or his time…

Back up Teacher explain one more time about   3 mins Thien

the grammar point of Past tense for
students to understand when they use
them at time in the past and no longer
happen at present
Teacher mentions about regular verbs
and irregular in past tense ,asks
students to look for other verbs, all
learnt by heart !

Homewor Worksheets T gives Students worksheets to practice past tense 1 min Thien
k and exercise by writing their last summer holiday with family or
a trip and exercise too

III. relevant activities:

1. Simon said

2. Matching pairs

3. 1,2,3 Vocabulary

4. Charades

5. Find someone who ..

6. Role play or ,pair work ,team work

All 5 Relevant Activities are used in two Lesson Plan

Role play or ,pair work ,team work Activity has been explained in key point 8.

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