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Name _________________________


Period _______

A Midsummer Nights Dream Webercise

Dramatis Personae
1. Identify who is the king of Fairies.
2. Identify who does Hermia love.
3. Identify who does Helena love.
4. Name the Queen of Fairies.
5. Name the father of Hermia.

Match the Word with the Meaning

Directions: Match the word with the right definition. Write the correct
letter that goes with the word.
1. __Apace

A. if it should prove that

2. __Step-dame

B. to another tune; in a different way

3. __In another key

C. step-mother

4. __Given her rhymes

D. addressed her in verse

5. __Be it so

E. if it should prove that.

Midsummer Nights Dream Theme Questions

Directions: In your own words write what each theme meant in A
Midsummers Night Dream.
The Supernatural



Shakespeare Aptitude Test

Directions: Click on the link The Playhouse Shakespeare I provided for the
activity. Then once you go to the interactive click on Shakespeare Aptitude
Test. As you go through the interactive write down the words you got wrong
and the definition of it. Keep playing it until your score resets to 0 or 1.

The Playhouse Shakespeare (click on this)


Interactive Time Line: The Age of Shakespeare

Directions: Click on the link Interactive Time Line I provided for

the activity. Then once you go to the interactive you will have a
screen that says Welcome to the Globe Theatre! just click Enter
Here on the bottom. Then click on Interactive Time Line: The Age
of Shakespeare and watch the interactive. I will quiz you on this
during class so take notes!
Interactive Time Line (click on this)

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