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Why do people smoke?

Smoking has been proven dangerous to peoples health, so there are many
reasons to quit smoking. The regular smoker becomes addicted psychologically
and physically to the nicotine in cigarettes. Peer pressure plays an important
part. Many children start smoking because their friends have tried it or smoke
themselves, Those children may have started as they have grown up in an
environment where their parents, grandparents and older siblings smoke, and so
they smoke in order to look and act like them.

Cartoon Violence Should Be Censored because of Its Critical Effects on

When I was a young girl, watching cartoons was my favorite moment but I came
to realize that cartoon violence is one of the most deadly nightmares on young
children, In fact it highly interferes with the children reasoning hence, rendering
them vulnerable to aggressiveness in terms of bahaviors, at these tender ages
they may not be able to understand fully some of the traumatizing scenes
especially on television sets, The disturbing scenes keep hunting the young souls
thus subjecting them to unique way of life.


Depression is a physical and physiological disease. Sometimes it because of

something very upsetting happening in your life such as a death or some sort of
lost or a traumatic event in your life but sometimes it just an chemical imbalance
in your brain. You may not realise how depressed you are for a while, especially
if it has come on gradually. You try to struggle on and may even start to blame
yourself for being lazy or lacking willpower. It sometimes takes a friend or a
partner to persuade you that there really is a problem which can be helped.

The Meaning Of Green

When you hear Green you automatically assume that it means some other
worldly fantastic state of being that we should all strive for, However contrary to
popular belief green is just a word for making waste prettier. The next time you
think of drinking from a reusable bottle, paper bag instead of plastic, buying stock
in that windmill company, or driving your pretty pink prius around town think of
what green really means.


The Question of Morality

One of the lifes unanswered questions is the question of morality. Everyone has
his own views on what is moral and what is not. This is why it is hard to decide
whether people in general are born to act morally or they come to this world with
aware of immorality of others, During the first years parents are incharge of
upbringing, thus they determine the main rules of moral behavior for their
children. As time goes by a person takes over the power to control his acts and
start making his own decisions.

Missing My Dog Molly

When I was a little I loved animals, Although most children have pets. I could not
convince my parents into allowing me to have one until my pre teens, I could not
have been happier the they my family went to the pound and I picked out my dog
molly, Molly loved to run and she was loyal to me and I will never forget the day I
lost her. Molly got sick because of unknown reason we took her to the vet but it
was too late, Molly died, and it was of the most heartbreaking moments I have
encountered. Well, Im just thinking that molly is in a better place now where she
can play whenever she wants.

Immigrants in America

Immigrants in America are often placed at a crossword where they must decide if
they should abandon their native tongue or keep it in an attempt to retain their
original culture. Amitava Kumar, author of the chapter Languages in his book
Passport Photos expresses his indignation towards Americas treatment of
immigrants who speak a language other than Standard English. However,
Richard Rodriguez, author of Hungry for Memorywrites in his chapter Aria:
Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood about the necessity of abandoning English in
order to access power in this country. While both authors maintain that American
institutions alienate immigrants, Kumar suggests that such institutions use
language to pressure immigrants into assimilating into American culture, while
Rodriguez embraces this linguistic assimilation as a way to gain certain


Tweenie Rodriguez

II - Zephaniah

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