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Jovana: The summer holiday is over. Its 1st September, the first day of the new school
year at St. Georges Primary School in London.
Jovana-Ana: Hello, Mr. Pyke!
Neno: Good morning Sophie.
Stefan: Whos that?
Dalibor: I think shes a new teacher.
Neno: Boys and girls, this is our new teacher. Her name is Miss Potter. Shes from the
USA and shes going to be with us for one year. I want you to make her feel welcome.
Jovana: The children ask Miss Potter some questions.
Berin: Do you play any sports?
Almir: Where are you from in the USA?
Ammar: Do you like London?
Teodora: Whos your favorite pop star?
Angela: What languages do you speak?
Sara: Im from San Francisco, on the west coast of the USA. Yes, I like London very
much. I havent got a favourite pop star. I sometimes play tennis. And I speak English and
Jovana: Everybody likes Miss Potter. Shes very popular.
Jovana-Ana: Shes kind.
Teodora: Shes helpful.
Ammar: Shes easy to talk to.
Almir: Shes got a great sense of humour.
Kiki: But one day in November, after school. Eduardo notices that Miss Potter looks
Almir: Is everything okay Miss Potter?
Sara: Yes, thank you, Eduardo. Im homesick. I miss my family and friends in San
Almir: I understand. Im from Brazil. I sometimes miss my family and friends too.
Teodora: Eduardo shows Miss Potter a photo of his grandparents. Then, Miss Potter
shows Eduardo a photo of her family.

Sara: These are my parents. Thats my older brother and my younger sister. And thats
me in the middle.
Berin: The next day, in the computer room, Eduardo talks to his friends Sophie, Tom,
Alice and Lili.
Almir: Miss Potter is feeling homesick. What can we do?
Ammar: How about a party?
Jovana-Ana: Or a cake?
Kiki: No, not a cake. Next Thursday is 25th November. Its Thanksgiving Day in the
USA. We can make her a pumpkin pie.
Angela: Thats a great idea, Sophie. Lets look for a recipe on the Internet.
Jovana: After school, the children go to Sophies house to make the pumpkin pie. They
have all the ingredients they need: sugar, spices, eggs, flour, butter, milk and an enormous
Dalibor: Thats a big pumpkin.
Stefan: Its from my grandfathers garden.
Dalibor: Dont make a mess in the kitchen.
Nenad: Tom reads the recipe. Sophie and Alice make the pastry. Eduardo and Lily peel
the pumpkin.
Berin: Everybody helps to make the pumpkin mixture.
Angela: While the pie is in the oven, the children clean the kitchen.
Kiki: When Sophies mother comes in, everything is clean and the pie is ready.
Jovana-Ana: The pie looks delicious. Well done!
Ammar: The next day, during the break, Lily asks Miss Potter to come to the classroom.
Sara: Is there a problem?
Teodora: No, Miss Potter. Theres something we want you to see. Its something nice.
Stefan: In the classroom, all the children are waiting to surprise Miss Potter.

Jovana: There are decorations on the wall. Theres a pumpkin pie for everyone. Miss
Potter is surprised and very happy.
Jovana-Ana: We want to thank you for everything you do for us.
Dalibor: Here are some photos of San Francisco to make you feel at home.
Sara: This is incredible.
Kiki: Miss Potter enjoys looking at all the photos of San Francisco.
Sara: This is the Golden Gate Bridge. Its so beautiful. I think its my favourite place in
the world.
Thank you everybody. Thanksgiving is my favourite day of the year at home and Im
very happy to celebrate it in London with you all.
And now Im going to have a slice of this very delicious pumpkin pie.

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