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Salute for the awesome work you guys are doing on this thread over last ten years.
Already learned a lot about SOP's.
However, I have very specific questions regarding mentioning specialization in SOP for
1) Almost all my projects and work experience point to and can justify MS CS with focus
on Theoretical Computer Science(TCS). I have experience with Algorithm analysis &
design and computational complexity. I will mention in SOP that I aim to get more
knowledge in this field(with aim as research oriented job in industry) and will be honored
if given a chance to do research with Professor.
But I have read somewhere on edulix that professors are not very interested in admitting
students for MS CS with focus on TCS as it takes year of research to find something new.
Do you have any idea if that is the case ? Will it hurt my chances of admission?
2) I am aiming generally for non thesis MS and MCS wherever possible.
Should I mention the Professors name and research work in that case ? How I should go
about it in SOP ?
3) Or Should I mention TCS as one of the areas I am interested in and mention some
other subjects like AI/ML also as interests? In this case what should I mention in last
paragraph for SOP? Should I mention professors/research from both areas ?

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